Find Your Inner Peace
Find Your Inner Peace
Find Your Inner Peace
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What is Inner Peace and How Can I Achieve It?
Inner peace is a state of mind. It is a time when your body and mind are quiet
and relaxed. Inner peace allows you to have a quietness of mind. To achieve
inner peace you must learn to control feelings of trouble from stress and complete
exhaustion from what goes on around you every day in the world.
Inner peace allows your body and mind to help keep obstacles out of your way. It
allows you to feel serenity even at times when stressful situations arise. Your
brain power controls all of the power of your being and if you can control the way
you respond to certain situations, you can achieve inner peace.
When inner peace is achieved you will find you are more creative, intuitive and
have a quietness of mind that will allow you to achieve more in your life. You have
the ability within you right now to achieve inner peace. In this report we will
discuss several ways for you to arrive at your own inner peace.
Do you want to inner peace? Of course everyone has a need for it at some time in
their life. Do you feel that you have the ability to use your mind to control the way
you react to things? The answer is yes, everyone has the ability to use their mind
to improve their lives.
In order to start working towards finding your inner peace do the following exercise
and see if it helps you get closer.
Achieving Inner Peace
Do you find yourself suffering from stress or constant tiredness? Are you looking
for a way to reach an inner peace that will make your life easier and more
comfortable? Inner peace is a state of mind. In order to achieve inner peace, you
will need to learn how to control your mind. Inner peace can only be achieved
through a quietness of your mind. By learning how to control your mind and
tuning in to your inner quietness, you can achieve inner peace.
At first you may be surprised at how difficult it is to just sit quietly, not move and
complete tune out all thoughts. This is something that you will need to work on
every day for a least a couple of minutes a few times a day until you can achieve at
least 5 to 10 minutes of complete quietness of your mind.
In order to start, sit straight up in a comfortable chair and keep your body
completely still. This may take several tries in order to achieve this. Start off first
by just trying to keep your body completely still. Keep working at it until you can
keep your entire body still for five minutes. Once you can do this, then you can
move on to trying to keep your mind quiet.
Spend at least seven days once you have learned how to keep your body still sitting
in a chair at least twice a day. Once you have achieved seven days of doing this,
you can then move on to trying to keep your mind from thinking any thoughts
during this time.
This can be challenging as your mind is constantly thinking of thoughts and ideas or
about things you need to get done. Start off by sitting in the chair with your body
completely still and find one word that you find calming (a one syllable word works
best), and repeat it yourself over and over again. This will help to keep all other
thoughts out of your mind.
Practice doing this for the next seven days or until you can sit completely still and
keep all thoughts out of your mind without having to use your word. This will take
a lot of practice, but it will be well worth your time. The time that you spend
sitting still and keeping your mind completely clear is a good step towards
achieving inner peace. The more you practice that the longer you will be able to
do it in one sitting. Your goal would be to do this for at least 15 to 20 minutes at
one time.
This is one step toward achieving inner peace. Here are some other things you can
work on to gain inner peace and make life calmer and more peaceful.
Another thing that stops many people from achieving inner peace is living in the
past. Do you find yourself worrying about past mistakes or errors in judgment?
Are you having hard time letting them go or forgiving yourself? Try this exercise
and see if it helps relieve some of your worry and stress over past errors that
cannot be changed.
The best way to find inner peace is to let things go. Now I realize that it's easier
said than done. However you can work towards controlling your mind to let them
Start out by making a list of all the things that you allow yourself to worry about
frequently. Write down past mistakes or errors that you have made that still worry
you and make you get stressed out.
Next, write each one on a separate piece of paper. Make sure that you list every
thing from the past that you cannot change by worrying about in the present.
Keep writing until you have all of them listed.
The next step is to take each page and read it and then repeat out loud what it
says. Next, say I will no longer allow this to bother me. I do not need this in my
life anymore. Worrying about it will not change the fact that it happened. Feeling
guilty or stressed constantly about it will not make it go away or make me feel
better. I refuse to allow this to remain in my mind causing me anguish.
Now, take this piece of paper and put it in a metal wastebasket and burn it. Say
goodbye to the problem and then take the ashes and flush them down the toilet.
Repeat to yourself this problem no longer has any bearing on how I feel about
myself. I will no longer allow it in my mind.
Do this with every one of the pages that you have put together one at a time until
they are all gone. You can do it a few a days or do them all at once. Just be sure
to get rid of all the problems that worry you.
If you find yourself reverting back to worrying about any of these problems again,
write down whichever one it is and follow the above exercise again. Keep doing
this every time it comes up until it no longer is allowed in your mind. It may take
a few times for some of the bigger worries, but as long as you stick with it, you will
find that you will have fewer worries on your mind.
Relaxation for Achieving Inner Peace
When you feel yourself becoming stressed why not try some of the following
relaxation techniques to calm your mind and body.
1. Take a relaxing drive to the country. When you find a beautiful place pullover
turn on some soothing music in your car and sit back and listen to the music. You
can also take a folding chair with you so you can sit outside the car with the
windows rolled down to hear the music. Take a leisurely walk to the countryside
and think only good thoughts. Think of happy memories or times when you felt
inner peace.
3. Turn on some soothing music and lay flat on your back on your bed with your
arms lying flat out to your side. Bring your arms straight up towards the ceiling
and touch your fingertips together.
Now start moving your arms around as if they are floating. As you move your
arms around the floating, floating, picture yourself floating in the clouds and
dancing around. Repeat to yourself, I am relaxed and I am happy. Do this for 10
to 20 minutes every day.
5. You can lie on your back on your bed and try to clear your mind of any
thoughts. A good method to clear your thoughts is to count from 600 backwards
by fours. By doing this your mind can not think of other thoughts. Start at 600,
596, 592, 588, 584 etc.. Continue to do this until you get to zero.
Control Your Emotions to Achieve Inner Peace
It is normal for people to allow their emotions to take over their thoughts. Your
emotions help prepare your body for whatever action is needed at the moment.
There are many things that can control your emotions including family, work,
finances, traffic or any other things that come up in your life.
If one of your children or spouse says something like you do not care, or they say
something cruel to you, this will of course bring up negative emotions. Sometimes
these can be very difficult situations to deal with. The best way to handle them is
If your family feels so you do not care because you are so busy working that you do
not have the time for them, let them know that you do indeed care and then set up
some kind of schedule where you can spend quality time with them each week.
They will appreciate that you cared enough to include them in your schedule and
will look forward to it each week.
If they said something cruel to you, the normal reaction is to say something cruel
back. Why not stop yourself and instead say something like, oh yeah, well I think
you're a wonderful person. I think you are special and I hope you do not really
think that about me. This will catch them off guard and could turn a bad situation
If you find yourself stressed over financial difficulties, try this simple exercise. Say
you had trouble getting the money together for your electric bill this month. Now
when you write the bill out and put it in an envelope, instead of feeling stressed
why not try this.
Look at the envelope and say to yourself, I am so grateful that I was able to raise
the money to pay this bill. Because I was able to pay this bill I will be able to
enjoy all the benefits that having electricity brings to me. I'm so grateful for my
Do the same thing with your house payment. Look at the envelope and say to
yourself, I am so grateful that I have the money to make my house payment.
Because I have made this payment I get to enjoy all the benefits of having a roof
over my head. When it is storming and cold outside, I am protected. When it is
hot I can turn on a fan or my air-conditioning to cool of. I am so grateful to be
able to pay my house payment.
If you are stuck in traffic, why not turn on your favorite music and enjoy it. If
you're not moving at all, this is a good time to write your to do list for tomorrow.
Say to yourself, I am grateful to have this time to listen to my favorite music or
write my list for tomorrow.
If your boss is driving you crazy at work, instead of being stressed, repeat to
yourself over and over I am grateful to have this job. By having this job it affords
me the benefits of having a home and food on the table. I will not allow myself to
become stressed just because my boss is having a bad day. I am grateful to have
this job.
Each day when you wake up, remind yourself of everything you are grateful for.
For starters you could say, well I woke up, this means I'm still alive, I am grateful
to be alive. You could say, “I am grateful that I was able to sleep last night”. I
now have the energy to do what I need to do today.
When you sit down at the table for breakfast, you could say, I am grateful to have
this meal, many people will not have one today. When you kiss your children
goodbye to send them to school, you could say I am grateful for my wonderful
children. Just remember to always look at each thing you do each day with
As long as you are letting your emotions control you negatively, you will not
achieve inner peace. As you can see just by looking at things in a different way,
instead of being stressed, you will now feel grateful. Feeling grateful will bring you
one step closer to achieving inner peace.
Finding Inner Peace Within Your Mind
In order to find inner peace you must reach deep within your own mind. Your
mind controls your entire being. If your mind is full of negative thoughts and
feelings you will find it very difficult to reach inner peace.
Your mind includes a conscious and subconscious. If you can get in touch with
your subconscious mind and convince it to be positive you can achieve inner peace.
Of course this is easier said than done.
You will need to work at this every day. Every time you catch yourself thinking
negative thoughts, you must stop yourself and replace them with positive ones.
Work on this every day and in time you will find it easier to do.
Your subconscious mind controls your emotions. It is programmed from all the
years of your life on how to react to certain emotional stimuli. In order to become
more positive and relaxed you have to retrain your subconscious mind to new
reactions to your emotions. This will take a conscious effort.
You have been programmed your entire life to see things a certain way by other
people's point of view. Whenever you find yourself thinking negative, try and
figure out what first made you feel this way. If you can find the source of the
problem many times you can replace the negative thoughts with positive thinking.
You may have had someone tell you the way you dress looks stupid.
This of course does not make it true, but if it was repeated enough, your
subconscious mind starts to believe it. You need to replace that thought with your
own thoughts. You may have to tell your subconscious mind dozens of times the
way I dress is so great, I just love my sense of style. If you keep repeating this
enough to your subconscious mind it will start to believe it and replace the negative
comments from the past.
Having doubts about your abilities can also cause negative thoughts and emotions.
You may have been told throughout your life by your parents, friends, or significant
other certain things about yourself that are negative. Whatever these doubts are
that you have, you need to replace them with positive emotions.
Just because somebody else told you something you did was wrong, does not make
it true. Never let anyone make you feel bad about yourself. As long as you do
things to the best of your ability you have every right to be proud and happy about
your achievements.
By learning how to replace negative feelings and emotions with positive feelings
and emotions, you will be on the road to inner peace. Use positive self talk every
day. By using positive self talk you can replace many negative thoughts that are
embedded in your subconscious mind. The more you repeat the same thoughts to
yourself about each negative thought in your subconscious mind, the more your
subconscious mind will believe them and replace the old thoughts.
If you have this kind of fear, is a good idea to start with baby steps. Say you want
to learn how to sew. You have looked at sewing machines and even read books
about sewing; however that's where it stops. Maybe you're so afraid that what
ever you make will not look good, so you just don't even try. Why not try taking a
class. Start with something small like a hot pad. No matter what you do decide to
do, just start.
If you never start you will never succeed and you will always wonder why you never
tried. The very worst thing that can happen is that you won't be good at it. I
mean you won't die or anything, so why not just try. Each time you decide to try
something new, ask yourself what's the worst thing that can happen if I fail. If it
won't kill you, then go ahead and try. Start off small and before you know it, you
will learn to get over your fear of failure.
You may have fear of many different things including fear that someone will break
into your house and hurt your family, fear of spiders, fear of failure, fear of success,
fear that your children, spouses, or parents don't love you, or many other things.
If you are constantly worrying and fearful of things, you will need to work on each
fear one at a time. Say you worry constantly about someone breaking into your
home. What can you do to ensure this will not happen? Take the steps necessary
to secure your home and then tell yourself that this fear is no longer necessary.
Once you have told yourself this enough times your subconscious mind will stop
letting it bother you constantly. Do this with every one of your fears until you
have chased them out of your mind.
If you are wasting time being fearful of things that most likely will never happen
you are only hurting yourself. Thinking about what might happen or could happen
constantly will only drag down. Try to replace irrational fears with positive happy
thoughts. You need to come to grips with your fear in order to stop them from
destroying your life.
By gaining control of your fears and taking chances in life, you will begin to find
inner strengths you didn't even know you had. For each fear that you have
allowed to control your life until now that is possible to get rid of, and you do, you
will start to feel stronger and more able to deal with life. This will help you on your
road to inner peace.
Most of your fears will never come true. So if you keep harboring them, you are
actually making them more likely to happen. Many bad things that happen to
people were actually brought upon them because they thought they would happen.
When this happens your subconscious mind will actually make it happen. Your
subconscious mind had heard it so many times it believes it to be true and
therefore makes it true. Work at pushing these thoughts away and you will
become a stronger, self confident person. And will be that much closer to achieving
inner peace.
Once you have discovered what is within you that makes you happy or sad, laugh
or cry, angry or calm, you can begin to control your emotions better. By asking
yourself what makes you feel each of these emotions, not only will you get to know
yourself better, but you will have more control of yourself.
In order to achieve inner peace you must reach deep within yourself and search
through your mind for what makes you react how you react. As you become more
in touch with your emotions you will find it easier to control them.
You may be amazed at how many times you have reacted to certain things just
because your subconscious had that reaction programmed within it. Once you
figure out what's in your subconscious that does not need to be there anymore and
clean it out, you will have much more control over how you do everything.
Inner peace is within you. Each time you allow yourself to react differently to
something that used to upset you and handle it calmly; you will be one step closer
to total inner peace. You can achieve true inner peace and happiness, by simply
listening to your mind, taking time to understand why it thinks the way it does, and
replacing old thoughts with new ones.
Listen to your heart. When ever you are unsure about anything, take a few
minutes to be still and quiet your mind and listen with your heart. Your heart will
not steer you wrong if you take time to listen. Of course by your heart I mean
listen to your intuition. Yes everybody has it. And your intuition will not let you
down. Practice being still and quiet every day for at least 15 minutes, so you can
hear what your intuition is telling you. Good luck on your quest for inner peace.