2014 Winter Model Answer Paper

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(ISO/IEC-270001 – 2005 certified)


Subject code: 17310 Model Answer Page No:1/16

Important Instructions to examiners:

1) The answer should be examined by keywords and not as word-to-word as given in the
model answer scheme.
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may
try to assess the understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language error such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more
importance.(Not applicable for subject English and communication skill).
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in
the figure. The figure drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner
may give credit for any equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In the some cases, the assumed
constants values may vary and there may be some difference in the candidates answer
and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgment on part of examiner of
relevant answer based on candidates understanding.

Q1) a) Attempt any SIX of the following 12

i) State the principles of survey.
Ans. :- Following are the principles:-
i) To work from the whole to the part. 01
ii) To fix the position of new station by to independent process (i.e. the process
may be both linear, both angular, one linear and one angular. 01
ii) State the two uses of survey based on geodetic surveying
Ans.:- Two uses of survey based on geodetic surveying:- 01
i) To determine the precise position s on the surface of the earth. mark
ii) Preparation of maps of large area like map of a country, state, etc. each
iii) Establishment of GTS bench Marks across the country. (any
iv) Preparation of military maps for defense purposes. two)
iii) Give any four codes of signals use to direct assistant in ranging.
Sr. Signal Meaning
1 Rapid sweeps with right Hand Move considerably to the right
2 Rapid sweeps with Left Hand Move considerably to the Left
3 Slow Sweep with right Hand Move slowly to the right
4 Slow sweeps with Left Hand Move slowly to the Left
5 Right arm extended Continue to move to the right mark
6 Left arm extended Continue to move to the Left each
7 Right arm Up and moved to the right Plumb the road to the right ( Any
8 Left arm Up and moved to the Left Plumb the road to the Left Four
9 Both hands above Head and then Brought Correct )
10 Both Arms extended forward horizontally Fix
and the hands depressed briskly

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iv) Define: WCB and Quadrantal Bearing system.
Ans.: 1)WCB:-In this system the bearing of a line is always measured clockwise for 1
the north point of the reference meridian towards the line round the circle the angle
thus measured is called as WCB system
2) Quadrantal Bearing system:- In this system the bearing of a line is measured 1
clockwise from the north point or south point whichever is nearest .
v) How would you detect presence of local attraction at a place ?
Ans.:- The presence of local attraction may be detected by finding difference of FB & BB
of the line. If the fore bearing and back bearing difference is 1800 then there is no 2
local attraction at both stations. If the fore bearing and back bearing difference is not
equal to 1800 then there is local attraction at both or any one station.
vi) State the situation where plane table is suitable.
Ans.:- 1
1) It is most suitable for preparing small scale maps mark
2) It is suitable in magnetic are where compass survey is not reliable each
3) It is most suitable for filling in details between stations fixed by triangulation (any2
4) It is suitable where accuracy is not required. )
vii) Define :
1) Bench mark 2) Datum surface
3) Line of collimation 4) Change Point
Ans.:-1) Bench mark: - It is a fixed reference point of known elevation..
2)Datum surface :-It is any arbitrarily assumed level surface from which vertical
distance are measured ½
3) Line of collimation:- It is the line joining the intersection of cross –hair on each
diaphragm to the optical center of the object class and its continuation up to the object.
4) Change Point:-It is the point on which the fore and back sights are taken.
It is the point denoting the shifting of the level.
viii) Define fly leveling and profile leveling
Ans.:- 1
Fly Leveling adopted to transfer bench marks from one place to other .In this leveling
only FS & BS are taken.
Profile leveling:- The operation in which the object is to determine the elevation of 1
points at known distanced apart along a given line to obtained the accurate outline of
the surface of the ground
b) Attempt any two of the following : 8
i) Different between plane surveying and geodetic surveying.
Plane Surveying Geodetic surveying
i) The curvature of earth is not taken i)The curvature of earth is taken into
into account. account 01
ii)The line connecting two point on ii) The line connecting two point on the mark
the surface is straight surface of earth is curved. each
iii)The earth surface assumed as a iii) The earth is assumed to be perfect (any
plane sphere. 4)
iv) The object of plane survey is to iv) The object of Geodetic survey is to
survey of area of much greater extent determine the precise position on the
when great accuracy is not required. surface of earth.
v)Covered Areas < 250km v) Covered Areas >250km2
vi) vi)

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ii) Draw conventional symbols for the following :
a)Pucca building b)Lake c) Embankment d) Church.

a)Pucca building :- b)Lake:- 01

c)Embankment :- d) Church.:-

iii) The down hill end of the 30m taps is held 80cm too low ,what is horizontal length?
Correction for slope = h2/2l 02
Here, h=0.8m , L= 30m
The required correction =0.82/2 X30= 0.0167 m
Hence the horizontal length =30-0.0167 02
= 29.9833m
By trigonometric relation


Sin Ɵ = Opposite side / Hypotenuses
Sin Ɵ = 0.80/30 =1.5280 01
The horizontal distance = L Cos Ɵ = 30 cos 1.528
= 29.98 m
Q.2 Attempt any four of the following 16
a) Explain Indirect ranging with neat sketch.
Step wise procedure indirect ranging i.e. reciprocal ranging-
Let A and B be the two station with rising ground or a hill intervening
between them even
i)Select any two intermediate station say M1 and N1 , between A and B with 03
ranging rods such that from M1 points N1 and B are visible and from N1 , points
M1 and A are visible ( as shown in fig.)
ii) Chainman at M1 direct the chainman at N1 to in line with M1 B point ie position
at N2 then chainman at N2 directs the chainman at M1 two in line with N2 to A ie
position at M2 iii)In the next step Chainman at M2 direct the chainman at N2 to
move in line with M2 B ie position at N3.
iv) Thus by successively directing each other into line there position will be changed
until finally they are both on the line A B exactly.

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b) Explain the method of chaining on sloping ground.

Ans.: 1) Method Of stepping(direct Method)
Suppose the horizontal distance between points A and B as shown in fig. is to be
measured. The line AB is first ranged properly. Then the follower holds the zero end of the
tape at A. The Leader selects a suitable length AP1 so that P1 is at chest height and AP1 is
just horizontal. The horizontally is maintained by eye estimation, by tri-square or by 2
wooden set square. The point P2 is marked on the ground by plumb bob so that P1 is just
over P2. The horizontal length AP1 is noted. Then the follower moves to the position P2
and hold the zero end of the tape at that point. Again the leader selects a suitable length
P2P3 in such way that P2P3 is horizontal and P3P4 is Vertical. Then the horizontal lengths
P2P3 and P4P5 are Measured.
So the total Horizontal Length AB= AP1 + P2P3 + P4P5 1

c) Length of a survey line measured with a 30 meter chain was found to be

1000meter .At the end of survey ,the chain was compared with a standard
chain ,it was found to be 0.15 meter too long .Find correct length of the line .
Data Given:L = 30m,M.L.of line =1000 m, Error = e= 0.15m too long,True length of line =?
Incorrect length of chain = L’ = (30 + 30.15)/2 01
= 30.075 m
True length Of line
= (Incorrect length of chain/Correct length of chain) X Measured length of line
T.L.= (L’/L) X M.L. 02
= (30.075/30) X 1000
T.L. = 1002.5 m OR 01
Note: If Considered Chain was incorrect at the start, then L’= 30.15m & T.L. =1005m

d) What are offsets? How are they taken and recorded? Explain with sketch.
Offsets are lateral measurement to the base line. 01
They are Located by judgment if short And by instruments (optical square or 01
cross staff) if long and measured by metallic tape and shown with their
chainages on base line

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e) What consideration would you have while selecting survey stations and survey lines
in a chain survey?
Ans:- Following points to be considered while selecting survey stations and survey lines
1) Main survey station should be mutually visible.
2) All triangles should be well conditioned. 1
3) The survey line should lie over the leveled ground. mark
4) The no of survey line should be as few as practicable. each
5) Each triangle should be provided at least one check line. (Any
6) The principle of survey i.e. To work from whole to the part should be strictly four)
7) Base line should run through the center of the area so as to form the frame work of
triangles on it to cover maximum area.

f) Describe with neat sketch, the optical square and explain its principle.
Principal of optical square :- the angle between the first incident ray and the last
reflected ray is twice the angle between the two mirrors
If there are two plane mirrors whose reflecting surfaces make a given angle 02
with each other and if a ray of light in plane perpendiculars to the plains of both
mirrors is reflected successively from both, it undergoes a deviation of twice the angle
between the reflecting surfaces.
In the case of optical square the angle between the mirrors is 45 0 while that
between the first incident ray and last reflected ray is 900.


Q.3 Attempt any four of the following 16

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a) Prepare a page of field showing the chain line with following details
i) Length of base line 100m.
ii) A electric pole 25 m perpendicular from chainage 20m at left.
iii) The corners of building are 40m and 55 m from chainage 60 m and 80 m to
the right of chain.




b) Convert following bearing from R.B to W.C.B.

i) N 400 30’ W, ii) S 490 30’E , iii) S 430 30’ W , iv) N 450 00’ E
i) W.C.B. = 3600 - 400 30’ = 3190 30’ R.B. = 300 30’ 01
ii ) W.C.B. = 1800 - 490 30’= 1300 30’ 01
iii )W.C.B. = 1800 + 43030’ = 223030’ 01
iii)W.C.B. = R.B. = 450 00’ 01
c) Draw a neat sketch of Prismatic compass and label its component.

*( Fig. 2 mark labeling 2mark)

d) Calculate back bearing for following bearing :
i) AB – N 480 E , ii) EF - 2700 30’, iii) CD –S 580 30’ W , iv) GH - 1800
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Back Bearing = Fore Bearing ± 1800
i) Back Bearing = S 480 W 01
ii ) Back Bearing = 2700 30’ _ 1800= 900 30’ 01
iii ) Back Bearing = N 58030 ‘E 01
iv ) Back Bearing = 00 01
e) What is meant by closing error? Explain graphical method of adjustment of closing
Closing error: The distance by which the traverse fails to close is called closing error. 01


Step 1 ) Draw a horizontal line AA1 Equal to the length of perimeter of the traverse
to a suitable scale
1) Mark the distances AB,BC,CD,…Etc on the line as per their lengths
2) Draw a perpendicular or (parallel to the direction of closing errors) to the line
AA1 Equal to the closing errors.
3) Join ‘Aa’ as shown in figure.
4) Draw perpendiculars B, C, D, E,To join the line ‘Aa’ at b,c,d,e 02
5) Transfer the ordinates to the respective stations on the traverse parallel to the
closing errors
6) Join the the new points which gives the closed traversed. A, B, C,D and A.
f) Give the differences between closed and open traverse survey
Closed traverse Survey Open traverse Survey
In closed traversed survey the bearing of In open traversed survey bearing of
first line and included angles are measured. survey lines are measured 1
Closed traverse survey is suitable for survey Open traverse survey is suitable for the
of ponds, Buildings etc. survey of roads, rivers, coast lines etc. 1

Check a)Sum of all included angle Check :- a) Length of Check line on Map
(2N - 4) x 90 = Length of Check line on Ground
b) Sum of all External angle b)Bearing of Check line on Map = 1
( 2N + 4) x 90 Bearing of Check line on Ground

Q.4 Attempt any FOUR of the following : 16

a) The following bearings observed in a traverse survey conducted with a Prismatic
compass at a place where local attraction was suspected. At what station do you
suspect local attraction? Find the correct bearings of the line.
Line FB BB
AB 440 30’ 2260 30’
BC 124 15’ 3030 15’
CD 1810 00’ 10 00’
DA 289 30’ 1080 45’
The difference of fore bearing and back bearing of only line CD is Exactly 1800 Hence
station C & D are free from local attraction.
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At station A & B local attraction is suspected *
Line F.B B.B. Differ Correction Corrected Remark
ence F.B B.B.
AB 440 30’ 2260 30’ 182 + 00 45’At A 45015’ 2250 15’ station C
0 0 0 0
BC 124 15’ 303 15’ 179 - 1 15’ At B 123 15’ 3030 15’ & D are
CD 1810 00’ 10 00’ 1800 ----- 1810 00’ 10 00’ free from
0 0 o 0 0
DA 289 30’ 108 45’ 180 --------- 289 30’ 109 30’ local
45 attraction
0 0 0
At the line CD, FB. of DC –BB. of CD = 181 00’ – 1 00’= 180
Therefore C and D are free from local attraction
Corrected FB of DA = 2890 30’
Corrected Back bearing Of DA = Corrected FB of DA - 1800
2890 30’ - 1800 = 1090 30’
Correction at A =Corrected Back bearing of DA – Observed Back bearing of DA
= 109030’- 1080 45’= 00 45’
Corrected FB of AB = Obs. FB of AB + correction at A
= 440 30’ + 0045’ = 45015’
Corrected BB of AB = 450 15’ + 1800= 2250 15’
Correction at B = 225015’- 2260 30’ = -1015’
Corrected FB of BC = 1240 30’ - 1015’ = 1230 15’
Corrected BB of BC = 1230 15’ + 1800= 3030 15’ = Observed BB of BC
O.K. Check is Verified
*( Identification of stations 1 mark, sample calculation 1mark,Corrected FB And BB
2 mark)
b) What are the sources of errors in plane tabling?
Ans:- The following are the sources of errors in plane tabling *
1) The board not being horizontal
2) The table not being accurately centered
3) The table not being Correctly oriented
4) The objects not being sited accurately
5) The alidade not being correctly centered on the station point on the paper
6) The rays not being accurately drawn through the station point
7) Inaccuracy in plotting
8) The expansion and contraction of the paper
*(Any Four 1 mark each)
c) State advantages and disadvantages of plane table survey
Ans.:- Advantages :-
1. It is the most rapid method of surveying.
2. There is no need for a field book as plotting is done along with the field work. So,
the problem of mistake in booking field notes does not arise. *
3. Plotted work can be compared with actual object regardless of whether or not they
are properly represented.
4. There is no possibility of overlooking any important object.
5. There is no possibility of overlooking any measurement as plotting is done in the
6. Irregular objects may be represented accurately.
7. It is suitable in magnetic areas.
8. The map can be prepared easily, and does not require any great skill.
9. Errors in measurement and plotting can be detected by check lines.
10. Inaccessible points can be easily located by intersection.
*(Any Two 1 mark each)
Disadvantages :-
1. The plane table is not suitable for accurate work as the fitting arrangement is not *
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2. Plane table surveying is not suitable in wet climate, in the rainy season, on foggy
mornings and in windy weather.
3. The number of accessories required in such survey is large, and they are likely to be
4. The instrument is very heavy and difficult to carry.
5. The map cannot be replotted to a different scale as there is no field book.
*(Any Two 1 mark each)
d) State any four accessories of plane table with their uses.
Ans:- Following are the accessories of plane table survey
i) The plane table: It is used for fixing a drawing sheet over it. To locate the position *
of the objects on the sheet by drawing rays and plotting to suitable scale.
ii)The Alidade (plain Alidade, Telescopic Alidade):It is used to sight the objects .
To draw rays along the fiducial edge
iii) The spirit level: It is used for leveling the plane table
iv) The compass: (Trough Compass, Circular compass): It is used for marking the
North direction on the map. To orient the plane table
v) U-Fork or Plumbing fork with plumb bob: It is used for centering the table over
the station.
* (Any four 1/2mark for name of accessories and ½ for function.)
e) What is meant by orientation of plane table? Explain any one method.
Orientation: The orientation of plane table means keeping the plane table at all stations 01
parallel to the position at first station
Orientation by Magnetic needle : Procedure-
a) Suppose A and B are the two stations. The plane table is set up at station A and
leveled by sprit level. The centering is done by U fork and plumb bob so that pint a
is just over the station A. Then the trough compass or circular box compass is placed
on the right hand top corner of the sheet in such a way that the needle coincides with
0-0 mark. After this, a line representing the north line is drawn through the edge of
the compass box. The table is clamped. 03
b) With the alidade touching the point a, the ranging rod atB is bisected and a ray is
drawn. The distance AB is measured and plotted to any suitable scale.
c) The table is shifted and centered over B, so that point b is just over B. the table is
leveled. Now the trough compass is placed exactly along the north line drawn
previously. The table is then turn clockwise or anticlockwise until the needle
coincides exactly with 0-0 mark of the compass. While turning the table, care should
be taken not to disturb the centering. In case it is, it should be adjusted immediately.
d) When the centering and leveling are perfect and the needle is exactly at 0-0, the
orientation is said to be perfect
Orientation by back sighting: Procedure- Ref Fig. bellow
a) Suppose A and B are two stations. The plane table is set up over A. the table is
leveled by spirit level and centered by U-fork so that point ‘a’ is just over station A.
The north line is marked on the right hand top corner of the sheet by trough
b) With the alidade touching ‘a’, the ranging rod at B is bisected and a ray is drawn.
The distance AB is measured and plotted to any suitable scale. So the point ‘b’
represents station B. 02
c) The table is shifted and set up over B. It is leveled and centered so that ‘b’ just over
B. Now the alidade is placed along the line ‘ba’, and the ranging rod at A is bisected
by turning the table clockwise or anticlockwise. When the centering, leveling and
bisection of the ranging rod at A are perfect, then the orientation is said to be perfect.

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f) Draw a neat sketch of dumpy level and name all parts.


*(Sketch 02 marks ,Any four parts labeling 02 marks)

Q.5 .Attempt any four of the following : 16
a) Define the following :
i)Height of instrument ii) Back sight
iii) Fore Sight iv)Axis of bubble tube
i) Height of instrument :The elevation (R.L.) of the plane of collimation with respect 01
to the datum when the instrument is correctly leveled is known as height of
ii) Back sight: The first staff reading taken on a point of known elevation (i.e. B.M. or 01
C.P.) after the level is set up and leveled is known as back sight.
iii) Fore sight: The last staff reading taken on a point denoting the shifting of the 01
instrument whose elevation is to be determined as on change point or end point.
iv) Axis of bubble tube: An imaginary line tangential to longitudinal curve of the 01
bubble tube at its middle point is known as axis of bubble tube.

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b) State the fundamental axes and mention their relationship for a dumpy level.
Ans:- Fundamental axis of dumpy level are as follows;
i) The vertical axis 02
ii) The axis of bubble tube
iii) The line of collimation
iv) The axis of the telescope
Relationship between fundamental axis of dumpy level 02*
i) The axis of level tube should be perpendicular to the vertical axis
ii) The line of collimation should be parallel to the axis of bubble tube
iii) Axis of telescope and line of collimation should coincide when
dumpy level is correctly leveled.
*(Any Two relations)
c) Differentiate between collimation plane method and rise and fall method
Sr.No Collimation plane method Rise and fall method
1 It is more rapid , less tedious It is slow and more tedious.
2 It is simple as it involve less It is laborious as it involves more
calculation calculation
3 In this method no check on calculation In this method complete check on all
of R.L. of intermediate sight and calculation work.
mistake made remain unchecked
4 In this method the error in calculating In this method the mistake made in
the R,L, of any point is not carried calculating the R.L. of any point will
forward as the R,L, are calculated from be carried forward
the respective plane of collimation
5 It is usually used in profile leveling It is used in precise leveling work,
calculation (Road,Railway,canal check leveling etc., calculations
project) (transfer of B.M. from one point to
*(Any four 1 mark each)
d) What are the advantages of auto level?
Advantages of auto level are as follows: *
i) It is convenient for large number of staff reading and long distances.
ii) It is used when high degree of precision is required.
iii) Use of auto level is feeling comfortable. No strain on eyes, nerves and hands of
the observer.
iv) It is used when high speed leveling work is required.
v) It provides automatic leveling and remains in leveled condition for long time
because of compensator provided in it .
vi) No less influencing of vibration clouds, rain, magnetic fields on leveling work
with carried auto level.
*(Any four 1 mark each)
e) Explain importance of bench mark in leveling and state types of bench mark.
To start with any type of leveling work it must have to start with respect some 02
reference point because all R.L.s of different point are relative RLs. Hence to start any type
of leveling work B.M. is important because without that leveling operation cannot be
continued i, e.to find H.I.and then R.L. of other points or to find rise and fall then find R.Ls.
Types of B.M.:
i) Great trigonometrically survey (G.T.S ) bench mark
ii) Permanent bench mark (P.B.M.) 02
iii) Arbitrary bench mark (A.B.M.)
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iv) Temporary bench mark (.T.B.M)
f) The following consecutive reading were taken with a dumpy level and 4 m leveling staff
on continuously sloping ground A to B at every 30 m interval.0.355 m on A ,
0.730,1.055,2.690,3.950,0.485,1.020,1.895,2.535. The R.L. of A was 560.250 m Prepare
page of level book and checks your calculation by usual method. Determine the gradient
of the line AB.
Staff Chainage Staff reading H.I. R.L. Remark *
B.S. I.S. F.S.
1 00 0.355 560.605 560.250 Point A
2 30 0.730 559.875
3 60 1.055 559.550
4 90 2.690 557.915
5 120 0.485 3.950 557.140 556.655 C.P1
6 150 1.020 556.120
7 180 1.895 555.245
8 210 2.535 554.605 Point B
Arithmetic check = ∑ B.S. - ∑ F.S. = Last R.L. – First R.L.
0.840 - 6.485 = 554.605 – 560.
- 5.645 = -5.645
O.K. check is verified
Sample calculations :
For staff station 01: H.I. = R.L. of station of station A + B.S.
= 560,250 + 0.355 = 560.605
For staff station 02: R.L. = H.I.- I.S.

560.605- 0.730 = 559.875

Gradient of line AB =
= = 2.688% downward from A to B


Staff Chainage Staff reading Rise Fall R.L. Remark

B S. I.S. F.S.
1 00 0.355 560.250 Point A
2 30 0.730 0.375 559.875
3 60 1.055 0.325 559.550
4 90 2.690 1.635 557.915
5 120 0.485 3.950 1.260 556.655 C.P1
6 150 1.020 0.535 556.120
7 180 1.895 0.875 555.245
8 210 2.535 0.640 554.605 Point B

Arithmetic check = ∑ B.S. - ∑ F.S. =∑Rise - ∑Fall = Last R.L. – First R.L
0.840 - 6.485 = 00-5.645 =554.605 – 560.
- 5.645 = -5.645
Gradient of line AB =
= = 2.688% downward from A to B
*(Preparation of page of level book /Table 1 mark, Determination of gradient
1 mark ,calculation of RL 2 marks)

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Q.6 attempt any two of the following :
a) 1) Describe with neat sketch.
i)Base line ii)check line
iii)Tie line iv)Tie station

AB :- Base line: “The line on which the formwork of the survey is built is known as the
base line,
DE :- Tie Line : The line joining the tie stations are known as tie line, 02
HI –Check Line : The line joining the apex point of triangle to some fixed point on its
Tie Stations : F,D,-Subsidiary stations taken on the main survey line are known as Tie
2)Plot the given cross staff survey of a field ABCDEFA and calculate its area in sq.m

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Fig No Chainage Base Offset Mean Area
from to distanc I II offset 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 0 15 15 0 20 10 150
2 15 60 45 20 40 30 1350
3 60 100 40 40 0 20 800
4 80 100 20 55 0 27.5 550
5 45 80 35 30 55 42.5 1487.5
6 0 45 45 30 0 15 675
Area of field ABCDEFA =5012.5 sqm
*(Table 1mark, Data Entry 1 marks, Calculation 01 mark)
b) The following bearings have been observed while carrying out a closed compass
traverse in clockwise direction.
Line Observed
AB 285030’ 105030’
BC 32 00’ 210000’
CD 149000’ 331030’
DA 198 30’ 18000’
Calculate the error due to local attraction and find corrected bearing and also compute the
included angles.
Step 1: Find the difference between F.B, And B.B. Of a line and determine the Station
free from Local Attraction.
Line Observed Differe Corre Corrected Corrected *
nce ction Included angle
0 0 0 0
AB 285 30’ 105 30’ 180 0’ - 285 30’ 105030’ 92030’
BC 32000’ 210000’ 17800’ - 32000’ 212000’ 73030’
0 0 0 0 0
CD 149 00’ 331 30’ 182 0’ At c 2 151 00’ 331 00’ 61000’

DA 198030’ 18000’ 180030’ At d 30’ 198000’ 180030’ 133000’

Step 2: Hence the Difference between F.B. Of line =1800,there forestations A and B
are free from Local Attraction and bearings observed at A and B are already correct
Start from: F.B. of BC = 32000’
To find BB of BC = +18000’ = 212000’
To find correction at c station = -210000’
Correction at stations C = +200’
To find correct FB of CD = +14900’
Correct FB of CD = 151000’
To find BB Of CD = +18000’
Correct BB of CD = 331000’
To find correction at station D = - 331030’
Correction at station D = - 0030’
To find correct FB of DA =+ 198030’
Correct FB of DA = 198000’
To find correct BB of DA = -180000’

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Correction BB of DA = 1800’
= observed BB of DA
Sample calculation Included angles o.k. check is verified
Included angles =B.B of preceding line FB of next line i.e.
< A =(BB OF DA-FB of AB)
= 180 - 285030’
= +267030’ >180
< A=92030’ (3600-267030)
Similarly < B=105030’-32000’=73030’
< C=2120001-151000’=61000’
< D=3310001-198000’=133000’
(2n-4) x 90=360000’

*(Identification of stations 2 mark. Calculation of correction 2 marks, calculation of

corrected bearing 02 mark, Calculation of included angle 02 mark)

c) The series of staff reading observed on a continuously sloping ground are

0.850,1.650,2.540,3.255,0.655,1.250,1.955,2.650,3.250,1.150,1.655,2.055 And
3.255.The first reading was taken on a B.M. Of R.L. 150.000 Calculation the R.l of
all points by collimation plane method. Apply usual checks. Show tabulation
Staff Staff Reading H.I R.L Remark *
station BS IS FS
1 0.850 150.850 150.000 First Reading
2 1.65.0 149.200
3 2.450 148.400
4 0.6555 3.255 148-250 147.595 CPI
5 1.250 147.000
6 1.955 146.295
7 2.650 145.600
8 1.150 3.250 146.150 145.000 CPZ
9 1.655 144.495
10 2.055 144.095
11 3.255 142.895 Last reading
Ans:-Arithmetic check
∑BS -∑FS = Last RL-first RL
2.655-9.76 = 142-895-150.000
-7.105 = -7.105
Ok check is verified
Sample calculation
H.I-RL of BM (or RL of CP)+BS
RL of any point =H.I-(IS or FS)
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H.I-first set ,150.000+0.850=150.850
C.P.(1) second set 147.595+0.655=148.250
C.P.(2) Third set 145.595+1.150=146.250
RL of point 4=150.850-3.255=147.595m
And so on….

*(Table 01 mark. Data entry 02 mark Sample calculation 01 mark, Calculation of RL02
marks, Check 02 marks, )

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