.Sustainable Tourism Course Outline

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COURSE TITLE: Sustainable Tourism

Course Code TPC4

Pre/Co-Requisites None
Faculty / Department Tourism Department
Instructor Name (*) Angelica M. Lozada Email (*) angelicalozada1010@gmail.com
Instructor Email, Responds thru email and messenger 8:00am - 6:00pm on weekdays
Messenger Policy
Schedule Friday Room
11:30-2:30 PM Assignment
Cellphone No. 09919492647 or 09959849676
Program Head Dr. Lurhen T. Cortes Email lurhen.cdscdb@gmail.com


Students will have a broad understanding of environmental issues and their impact
on the tourism industry, therefore subject areas such pollution, waste management,
and biodiversity will be a primary focus. Awareness and the understanding of the
implications of tourism impacts, especially on sociocultural and environmental
aspects, are critical to properly guiding sustainable tourism planning and
development. The natural and cultural environments of communities and global
destinations will be explored to enable students to critically interpret tourism inter-
dependency and the changes and development of domestic and international tourism
policy. The course critically examines tourism development. It focuses on the political
realities of planning and policy making.


Cruz, Riel G.; 2019; Sustainable Tourism (First Edition)

Cruz, Riel G.; 2016; Tourism Impacts and Sustainability

A list of refereed journals, articles and links is posted in NEO LMS

Technology Requirements
A set up for this course where refereed journals will be posted to be used in group
presentations, online discussions, and assignment submission purposes. A laptop, desktop,
or mobile device is required for NEO LMS access.


At the end of this course, students will be able to:

1. Explain the principles, requisites and goals of sustainable tourism.

2. Analyze the important milestones in the history of sustainable tourism concept.
3. Enumerate and discuss the various dimensions and determinants of tourism
4. Explain the Global Code of Ethics in Tourism.
5. Explain and enumerate design criteria and principles for sustainable tourism

Aligned Course
Assessment Description Weight Learning
Method Outcome
Performance Task Students should be attentive in the 35% 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(Participation in discussion.Participation in class will be monitored as
Class, Recitation, well as the recitation. Group presentations should
Group include a summary of the main points
Presentations) discussed.Students should be aware that regular
absences will affect their grades.

Written Works Students will prepare for a weekly quiz and 25% 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(Quizzes, activity before or after the discussion during
Activity, face to face or online discussion. Marking sheet
Assignments) and criteria for assessment is
posted in NEO LMS.
Exam The final exam will consist of a number of short 40% 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
response questions and will be two hours in
length. The content to be examined will be drawn
from the discussion and activities of weekly classes
and from the readings assigned in class.



In class and online participation are key components to your final grade. Please refer to the
assessment components above for details.


All presentations are to be uploaded to NEO LMS

Exam date, time and location will be posted to CDSCDB Official page and NEO LMS


Department policy directs that all written assignments (including, to a lesser extent, written exam
responses) will be assessed at least partly on writing skills. Writing skills include not only surface
correctness (grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc.) but also general clarity and

Schedule Topic & Reading Assignments/Due Dates
September 15, 2022 Course Introduction Group Sign-up
September 23, 2022 Sustainable Tourism Development NEO LMS Post: Due Sept 23
Definition of sustainability
Goals of Sustainable Tourism
Sustainable Tourism and Its Principle
Chapter 1-R.G.Cruz
September 30, 2022 History of Sustainable Tourism Concept NEO LMS Post: Due Sept 30
October 7, 2022 Three Dimensions of Sustainable NEO LMS Post: Due Oct. 7
Definition of Tourism Impacts
Chapter 2-R.G.Cruz
October 14, 2022 Dimension of Tourism Impacts NEO LMS Post: Due Oct 14
Determinants of Tourism Impacts
Chapter 2-R.G.Cruz
October 21, 2022 Tourism Impacts on the Environment NEO LMS Post: Due Oct 21
Negative impacts on the environment
Positive impacts on the environment
Chapter 3-R.G.Cruz
October 28, 2022 Direct and Indirect Induced Impacts NEO LMS Post: Due Oct 28
Determinants of the Economy Impact
Chapter 4-R.G.Cruz
November 11, 2022 Tourism impacts on culture and society
Intangible Cultural Heritage
Positive And Negative Impacts of Tourism on
Culture And Society
Determinants Of Socio-Cultural Impact
Chapter 5-R.G.Cruz
November 18, 2022 Tourism impact assessment NEO LMS Post: Due Nov 18
Basic Considerations in Tourism Impact
Tourism Impacts Assessment Tools
Chapter 6-R.G.Cruz
November 25, 2022 Responsible tourism NEO LMS Post: Due Nov 25
Global Code of ethics
Promoting responsible tourism at the National
Tourism awards and accreditation
Chapter 7-R.G.Cruz
December 2, 2022 Visitor management NEO LMS Post: Due Dec 2
Sustainable Transportation And Travel Patterns
Chapter 8-R.G.Cruz
December 9, 2022 Law Enforcement NEO LMS Post: Due Dec 9
Site Design And Sustainable Infrastructure
Marketing Communication
Chapter 8-R.G.Cruz
January 6, 2022 Tourism impact mitigation NEO LMS Post: Due Jan 6
Minimizing Carbon Footprint
Air Pollution Mitigation
Wastewater-Saving Technologies
Chapter 9-R.G.Cruz
January 13, 2022 Sustainable design NEO LMS Post: Due Jan 13
Sustainable Building Design
Safety Considerations
Chapter 10-R.G.Cruz
January 20, 2022 Facility Design NEO LMS Post: Due Jan 20
Tourism Facilities
Philippine Guidelines
Chapter 10-R.G.Cruz
January 27, 2022 Community participation for sustainable tourism NEO LMS Post: Due Jan 27
Stakeholder Theory
Steps In Participatory Planning Process
Chapter 11-R.G.Cruz


The use of laptop and mobile devices is acceptable when used in a manner appropriate to the course
and classroom activities. Students are to refrain from accessing websites that may be distracting for
fellow learners (e.g. personal emails, Facebook, YouTube).


Media recording for lesson capture

The instructor may use media recordings to capture the delivery of a lecture. These recordings are
intended to be used for lecture capture only and will not be used for any other purpose. Although the
recording device will be fixed on the Instructor, in the event that incidental student participation is
recorded, the instructor will ensure that any identifiable content (video or audio) is masked, or will
seek consent to include the identifiable student content to making the content available on College
approved platforms.
Media recording for assessment of student learning
The instructor may use media recordings as part of the assessment of students. This may include but
is not limited to classroom discussions, presentations, clinical practice, or skills testing that occur
during the course. These recordings will be used for student assessment purposes only and will not be
shared or used for any other purpose.
Media recording for self-assessment of teaching practices
The instructor may use media recordings as a tool for self-assessment of their teaching practices.
Although the recording device will be fixed on the instructor, it is possible that student participation
in the course may be inadvertently captured. These recordings will be used for instructor self-
assessment only and will not be used for any other purpose.


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