W.D Frazee On Spirit - of - Prophecy
W.D Frazee On Spirit - of - Prophecy
W.D Frazee On Spirit - of - Prophecy
More and more God is impressing me with this simple but wonderful fact: I need Him, and
He needs me. I need Him for my friend, but He needs me for His friend. I knew for a long
time that I couldn’t get along without Him, and it is a wonderful thing to find out that He
can’t get along without me. He wants me for fellowship.
I like to sit down at a good table spread with the delicious foods that God has made. I enjoy
eating. Don’t you? And in it God is talking to me about how He likes to make me happy.
He made these taste buds, and He made something that pleases those taste buds. And so with
all the senses that He has given. All of these are agencies through which He is telling us of
His love.
In the Bible we get a clearer revelation of Himself and His love than we can get in nature.
Nature needs an interpreter. There are many things in nature that speak of hate and cruelty,
but in the Bible we find that the Creator is a God of love. He explains the cause of the sorrow
and the misery, the pain and the woe that are in the world around us.
The Bible tells us of a time when Eden bloomed on earth, and everything was peace and love.
The Bible tells us what it was that entered and spoiled that plan. It was sin, the transgression
of God’s law. And the Bible tells us that God sent His only Son into this world to show us
how to live in a world of sin without sinning; to show us how to live in a world of sorrow
without losing heart; to show us how to be obedient to God’s holy law.
And when He had lived that life, then He died for us upon the cross that our sins might be
forgiven, that our debt might be paid, and that we might be changed and become like Him.
He is in heaven tonight praying for us. He ever liveth, the Bible says, to make intercession
for us. He is coming soon. And friends, I am so glad He is coming for me.
When He made this world He was thinking of me. When He came down and lived here in
this world and died upon the cross He was thinking of me. In the sanctuary above tonight He
is thinking of me. And when He comes with ten thousand angels, He is coming for me, and I
am going with Him to be with Him always.
Oh I am so glad for such a friend! Is He your friend? Yes. Yes. And remember, He not
only is your friend, He wants you to be His friend. He needs you. He wants you with all His
As I said a moment ago, friendship involves communication, and Jesus has been speaking all
down through the ages through His appointed channels of communication. In the last book of
the sixty-six books that make up this volume, in Revelation 19:10, I read what to me is a very
interesting expression. It is the last line of this verse. Gabriel is speaking. He is talking to
John there on the Island of Patmos. He says:
Now I would like to read that again and I would like to have you read it or recite it with me:
What is the testimony of Jesus? It is the spirit of prophecy. Then what is the spirit of
prophecy? Thank you. Indeed, it is the testimony of Jesus.
Then if somewhere in this world I can find the spirit of prophecy I have found the testimony
of whom? Of Jesus. Well, what is a testimony? A testimony is something that somebody
speaks, somebody testifies. We think of a witness testifying in a court trial. He is there and
he is asked certain questions and he gives certain answers. That is his testimony, his witness.
Does Jesus have any testimony to give? Oh yes. Would you like to hear Jesus’ testify?
Well, the testimony of Jesus is what? The spirit of prophecy.
Now I mention that if we can find that somewhere in this world, we will find the place where
Jesus is speaking, where He is testifying. We will find a message from heaven.
Turn now back just a few pages to Revelation 12:17. Will you read this verse with me?
“And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make
war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the
commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus
Christ” Revelation 12:17.
Well here is this testimony of Jesus Christ. Who has it? The remnant of the seed of the
woman. And who is this woman? Oh, the woman is the church. This entire twelfth chapter
of Revelation tells the wonderful story of the great battle between Jesus and His church on
one side, and the dragon, the devil fighting on the other.
This war began in heaven as the seventh verse says. But the dragon was defeated there so he
transferred down to this world, and here he has been making his headquarters all these ages.
But friends, he is going to be defeated. Jesus is going to win on earth as He won in heaven.
And you and I are privileged to win with Him. I want to share in that final triumph, don’t
Now, lets look at this seventeenth verse. This seventeenth verse is the last verse of the
chapter and it talks about the last of the church. And what attitude does it say the dragon has
towards it? The dragon was what? Wroth. What does that mean? That is right, mad, angry.
He is upset. He hates them.
“The dragon was wroth with woman [the church] and went to
make war with the remnant [the last] of her seed [her children]
which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony
of Jesus Christ” Revelation 12:17.
Now what did we read over there in Revelation 19:10 that the testimony of Jesus is? The
spirit of prophecy. And here this testimony of Jesus, which is the spirit of prophecy, is said
to be held by the church which keeps the commandments of God here in the remnant of time.
They have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Wouldn’t it be a wonderful thing to find that church? Well friends, I am so glad we can find
it. It has these two identifying marks, it keeps the commandments of God, and has the
testimony of Jesus Christ. And the testimony of Jesus is what? The spirit of prophecy.
Now as I said, in all ages God has used this wonderful channel. You see when sin came in
back there in the garden of Eden, God could no longer communicate directly with man.
Christ became the mediator between the Father and this world. Through the ages Jesus has
selected certain men and women called prophets and He has revealed to them His special
Let’s turn to 2 Peter where we shall read about this. 2 Peter 1:21:
“For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but
holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy
Ghost” 2 Peter 1:21.
Now there are certain things a man can choose to be. A man can choose to be a carpenter or
a bricklayer. A man can choose to be a lawyer. A man can choose to be a farmer. We can
make a long list of things that men may choose to be. But my dear friends, no man can
choose to be a prophet. This is by God’s choice entirely. No matter how much a man might
want to be a prophet, how could he have a vision? God must give him that vision. So this
“The prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but
holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy
Ghost” 2 Peter 1:21.
That is why it is called the spirit of prophecy. It is the Holy Spirit resting upon a prophet
giving him visions, and moving him to speak and to write the message that has come from
Now notice how certain this makes those who accept it. The nineteenth verse, Peter says:
More sure than what? If you read the verses just before, you see that Peter is telling about
that wonderful time on the mountain when they saw Moses and Elijah there with Jesus. They
heard the voice of God saying, “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.”
Peter says, We know that Jesus is the Son of God. We saw Him there in glory on the
mountain. We heard the voice of God saying, “This is My beloved Son.” We know this is
God’s Son. And besides that, he says, there is something even more certain than what we
saw on the mount.
What is it Peter?
The sure word of prophecy. The prophetic gift is greater and more certain evidence than
anything we can see with our eyes or hear with our ears.
Were you ever fooled with something you thought you saw with your eyes? Were you ever
mistaken in something you thought you heard with your ears? It can happen. Probably all of
us have been mistaken, maybe more times than we remember. The eye can be fooled. The
ear can be mistaken. But my dear friends, prophecy, God’s testimony from heaven, is lifted
above that. And so Peter says, “We have something more certain than the evidence of our
eyes and ears. We have a more sure word of prophecy.”
May I tell you friends, ahead of us is a great crisis where the only people who go through will
be those who accept the testimony of the sure word of prophecy instead of what they think
they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears. Satan is coming with all kinds of miracles
to deceive if possible the very elect. But God’s children will not be deceived because they
depend upon the testimony of Jesus instead of the evidence of their own senses. It is a
wonderful thing to be that certain of the prophetic gift.
When the person is that sure, he is not bothered with doubts about it, friends. And oh I trust
that in this series of studies which we are going to have this weekend all of us shall have our
faith strengthened and that we shall come through with faith so strong that nothing can shake
it. This is my hope friends. Because, it is wonderful to be certain in an uncertain world.
Isn’t it? Yes. And you can be. You can know without any question that God has a church in
this world with this gift of prophecy; that Christ has spoken from heaven to His
commandment keeping people; and that the testimony of Jesus which is the spirit of prophecy
has been manifested in this latter days.
Now the whole Bible is the testimony of Jesus. Turn please to 1 Peter 1:10, 11. As you read
these verses you will notice that the eleventh verse says “the Spirit of Christ was in them”
and the “them” is the prophets as the tenth verse says. All down through the ages, the
prophets: Moses, Samuel, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, prophesied because this says the spirit of
Christ was in them.
It was the testimony of Jesus that made Noah certain as he preached about the coming flood.
It was the testimony of Jesus that gave Abraham a message for his generation, and Moses in
the exodus movement. It was the testimony of Jesus that was speaking through Daniel and
Hosea and all the other prophets. So in the Old Testament, as this verse says, it was the spirit
of Christ in the prophets that was speaking.
Now in the New Testament we see Jesus speaking, we hear His words in the four gospels:
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Then we see Jesus going back to heaven. Does He speak to
His church anymore? Oh yes, through Peter and through Paul, through John and through
James and other prophets, Jesus continues to speak to His church. He sends His angel out
there to rocky Patmos and there John is given wonderful visions of eternal things and he
writes those things out for the church.
So I repeat, the whole Bible is the testimony of Christ. But did you notice that in this last
book of the Bible, the book of Revelation, we read that the very remnant of the church down
here in the last days would have this same testimony of Jesus that was given back there in the
Bible times?
And shouldn’t it be that way friends? Oh yes. Wouldn’t it be a strange thing if Jesus should
love His people so much that He would speak to them for four thousand years through this
gift, and then, He would be silent and never say anything again? Wouldn’t that be strange?
Oh yes, I am sure He said enough friends. But tell me something, do you have anybody that
you love? A son or a daughter? A husband or a wife? A father or a mother? A brother or a
sister? Do you have anybody you love? Do you ever tell them you love them? Or did you
quit that forty years ago? Oh friends, it is a wonderful thing to keep telling what has been
told before. This is the essence of friendship and love. Is it not? Why yes. What a shame it
would be if the only thing we ever got in a letter from home was something we had never
heard anything about before.
So friends, Christ delights to keep in touch with His people, His church, with you and me -
not simply that He might tell us some new thing, but that He might tell us again and again
how much He loves us, and how much He wants to keep in touch with us, and guide us in the
peculiar problems of this last generation. What do you say? Do you see what I mean,
friends? Oh how good God is to keep the lines of communication open!
So this evening it is my privilege to tell you some of the wonderful things that God has done
in these latter days in the prophetic gift just as in the ancient Bible times. And let me make
very plain friends, that these messages that God has sent are in fulfillment of the Bible
prophecy itself. I read the prophecy: The remnant that keep the commandments of God will
have the testimony of Jesus. If that prophecy is true, and if we have come to that time, there
should be a church that has this gift. Thank God it has!
From the rise of this great second advent movement in 1844 on down to the present God has
ministered to His people through this gift. In various parts of the world at different times, He
has given visions and dreams as He did back in Bible times. The special manifestation of this
gift was received by a young woman named Ellen Harmon beginning in December of 1844.
Ellen was seventeen at the time this first revelation came to her. Many of God’s people had
been looking for Christ to come at that time. They had been disappointed. Jesus gave her a
vision, and as the result she was enabled to explain the disappointment and cause God’s
people to look once again toward heaven with hope and with courage.
In a second vision given not long after the one in Portland, Maine, Ellen was told that God
wanted to give her these messages from time to time, and that He wanted her to write them
out. Ellen shrank from this responsibility. She was young, as I have mentioned. She was
sick. She had an accident at an early age which left her more or less an invalid. She hadn’t
been able to go beyond the third grade in school and while she loved the Lord and wanted to
do anything to please Him, she didn’t see how she could do the work of a messenger for
But Christ encouraged her and told her that He would be with her. The angel told her, “Write
the vision.”
And she said, “You know, I cannot write because my hands tremble, and I cannot trace the
words upon the paper.”
But in obedience to that command from heaven, those fingers took up the pen and she began
the work of writing out the messages which for seventy years she received from heaven and
wrote out for the benefit of God’s people.
Now we have a wonderful library as the result of these visions that Ellen Harmon White,
received from heaven. Thousands upon thousands of pages written by inspiration of the Holy
How shall we know? This is what I want to study with you, friends. God does not want us to
be gullible. He says:
“Prove all things, hold fast that which is good” 1 Thessalonians
But I suggest to you friends, that if this is indeed the testimony of Jesus, the spirit of
prophecy, then we have a marvelous gift in our midst. If this is indeed a message from
heaven, then we have something in our time, in our language that helps to apply the truths of
the Bible to the particular and peculiar problems of this generation.
And friends, I am so glad that thousands upon thousands have tested for themselves, and
tasted for themselves, and they know that this is indeed a message from heaven, the
fulfillment of the Bible that in the last days God would give His people this prophetic gift.
Tonight, I want to introduce some of those evidences. One of the greatest evidences is the
books themselves. You know, someone when asked how He knew the Bible was inspired
said, “I know the Bible is inspired because it inspires me.” I think that is a good answer,
friends. I know that bread is food because it gives me the energy to do work. And so as I
find in the Bible inspiration, I find a similar inspiration in these wonderful books.
God has put within these books evidence of wisdom far beyond the human. Take for instance
this book Education. Imagine a woman who had never gone beyond the third grade in
education, imagine her attempting to write a book on education which would be used as a
textbook for training teachers. This book on education is a classic. The commissioner for
education under three presidents of the United States, the honorable P.T. Claxton of
Tennessee read this book through twice and said, “That is the greatest book on education ever
written.” And he told the truth.
More recently Dr. Florence Freidermeyer in charge of the teacher training program at
Columbia University (a member of the Roman Catholic Church, by the way) was introduced
to this book. She read it through and commented on how marvelous it was that this book
written at the turn of the century had so many concepts concerning education that are now
coming to be appreciated in the educational work.
How is this explained my, friends? It is explained very easily when we understand that back
of Ellen White as she wrote this book and developed these concepts was Jesus by His Holy
Spirit imparting to her revelations from above and guiding her mind as she penned these
This book is available, not only to professors in Columbia University, it is available in every
school, in every church, in every home to every individual. You and I can read this book.
We can be guided in our own education. We can be guided as parents in the training of our
children. Isn’t this indeed a precious gift, friends, a wonderful privilege? How blessed we
are! Oh, I am thankful for this book!
Then here is a book dealing with the special problems of young people, Messages to Young
People. Five hundred pages, nearly, of precious instruction for the teenagers and those in
their twenties dealing with the things that young people are interested in: messages from
Jesus, the testimony of Jesus which is the spirit of prophecy.
Then we have a book here for parents. Here are these books, Adventist Home, and Child
Guidance, companion volumes, nearly a thousand pages written especially to help parents
know how to train their children in the things of God, and dealing with the peculiar problems
of this last generation. Oh, I am so thankful, friends, for what these books have meant to me,
what these testimonies have meant to me, as a young man growing up, as a parent, as a
minister, as a worker in God’s church. I am so thankful for these precious gifts!
The Lord has given us also much precious instruction on the question of health. I brought
along a couple of old volumes. Here is a little volume published in 1864, printed on the
steam press of the Seventh-day Adventist publishing association in Battle Creek, Michigan,
1864. That is a hundred and nine years ago, isn’t it? A hundred and nine years ago. Well, in
this we have a wonderful chapter on health. It is the first extensive article on this subject
written by Sister White. You see it was in June 1863 up in Michigan that Jesus gave Sister
White this wonderful revelation on the question of health. And as the result, she wrote for
many years on this subject. But this is her first writing on it.
Now you can read through this chapter on health here in this book Facts of Faith, and you
will be struck with how many things that were written back there over a hundred years ago
are becoming more and more appreciated today. Paul Harvey, the news commentator, has
called attention in his public broadcast to the prophetic statements of Ellen G. White on the
questions of diet and health, and how science has confirmed and is confirming many. He is
not a Seventh-day Adventist, but he knows a fact when he sees it.
Now, here is another little book that was published over a hundred years ago, How to Live.
Isn’t that a nice title, How to Live? Here Ellen White wrote on disease and its causes. She
gave instructions that God had given her in vision on diet; on dress; on the use of air and
sunshine in preventing sickness and curing disease; on the dangers in drug medication; on
the value of a vegetarian diet; on the importance of exercise; the use of water; and the
importance of trust in God, not only for spiritual benefit, but for physical health as well. All
these are included in these little volumes printed over a hundred years ago and written as the
result of the inspiration of this prophetic gift.
Do you know, friends, that the people who have read and followed this instruction live
several years longer than their neighbors who have not read and followed this instruction. A
study of hundreds of thousands of cases in California reported in the public health journal has
shown that Seventh-day Adventists live from six to eight years longer than the average of the
population around. Why? Because they read and follow these instructions. I will say this
dear friends, if all of God’s people read all these instructions and followed them fully the
difference would be still greater.
Well, I can only introduce these things to you tonight. We are going to have some more very
interesting and wonderful things to tell you tomorrow morning and tomorrow afternoon, and
tomorrow night.
But friends, I want to ask you something: Do you know what food is for? Yes, you and I
know. It is to eat, isn’t it? To enjoy and to get nourishment from. Jeremiah says:
“Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was
unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart” Jeremiah 15:16.
Oh my friends, this precious library is like a great table spread before us filled with all kinds
of delicious and nutritious foods. Are you getting fed? Have you become acquainted with
that masterpiece, Steps to Christ - the one that tells the way to eternal life? Do you have
Ministry of Healing in your home, and in your head, and in your heart - that book that shows
how to live? Do you have this conflict series, Patriarchs and Prophets, Prophets and Kings,
Desire of Ages, Acts of the Apostles, Great Controversy - this wonderful commentary on the
whole field of Scripture history from before the creation of the world on down through to the
closing events ahead of us and into the earth made new? These thousands of pages, how
valuable they are to us!
I ask again, friends, are you getting your share of this wonderful thing? Are you one of those
mentioned in that text in Revelation, the remnant who keep the commandments of God, and
have the testimony of Jesus Christ? Oh I trust that every one of you is, or will be. It is for
Remember, through it Jesus is speaking. He wants to communicate with you. He wants you
to know that the One who loved you enough to die for you, loves you enough to live for you
and to send you these precious messages.