Spirit of Prophecy 3
Spirit of Prophecy 3
Spirit of Prophecy 3
Now as we look at this verse I want you to notice the channel of light. Watch as we look at
the chart and listen to what we just read.
So this revelation proceeds from the Godhead, from the Father and the Son.
Now how does it get down here to this world? The first verse says:
As we noted this morning in the first chapter of Luke, this angel’s name is Gabriel. He is the
right-hand covering cherub next to the throne of God.
“[Jesus] sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John”
Revelation 1:1.
And John was one of the prophets which you will find in the twenty-second chapter. The
angel says to John:
Very well, we have this chain or channel of light then with Christ, through the angel Gabriel,
and on down to the prophets.
Now what does John do with it? The second verse says:
He was told to do this.
“What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven
churches which are in Asia” Revelation 1:11.
So this is the purpose of this light that comes from heaven. God’s purpose in giving it
through the angel to the prophet is that it may be shed upon the church!
Question friends: If this is so, isn’t it a wonderful privilege to be a part of the church that is in
the light? This is one of the great reasons why it is important to know which is the true
church and to be a part of it. The true church has communications from the sky. It is in
touch with heaven. Jesus speaks from heaven to His commandment keeping church here on
Now in this book of Revelation that came through this channel of light to the church, Jesus
promised that this same angel would come again in the remnant of time, Revelation 12:17.
In the book of Revelation we have various symbols. The dragon stands for the devil.
Revelation 12:7-9 says so. The woman represents the church. God’s true church is
represented by this pure true woman of the twelfth chapter. Now in the seventeenth verse we
see the light of prophecy put upon the last church:
“And the dragon was wroth with the woman” Revelation 12:17,
“And went to make war with the remnant [the last] of her seed”
Revelation 12:17.
Now will you read the rest of the verse with me?
The remnant, the last of God’s church in this world will keep what? The commandments, all
ten of them. And they have something. What is it? The testimony of Jesus which is the
spirit of prophecy as we noted last night and this morning in Revelation 19:10.
My point is: The same Jesus who spoke to John on the Isle of Patmos and sent His angel
with this message for the prophet then to write out for the church, that same God has
promised to send His angel in these latter days.
A number of years ago when I was holding meetings in a distant state there was an infidel
that attended those meetings. After one evening he said to me, “Mr. Frazee, could I have an
interview with you?”
I said, “Surely.”
So we made an appointment and the next afternoon this infidel and I sat down together.
He spent about an hour telling me why he didn’t believe the Bible, and what his doubts were
and so forth. When he got all through I said to him, “Now friend, do you get any hope out of
all those doubts?”
So I told him that I knew that God was going to make this world all over and that He was
going to give me a home in it, and that I could live forever in a happy world without any pain
or trouble or sorrow.
Now I said, “I realize that in order for a man to know that, he ought to have some evidence.”
I said, “Would you be interested in knowing the evidence I have?” He said he would.
So I took him over to the second chapter of Daniel. We went down through the image - you
know, the head of gold and so on down to the toes and how Daniel interpreted that dream and
told Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon that there would be four kingdoms. And they came
to pass as history - Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome. Rome would be divided, and that those
divisions would continue until the end of the world and the coming of Jesus. Then Christ
would set up a new kingdom.
And he was quite interested in that, and I showed him some other prophecies. And then he
said, “Mr. Frazee, may I ask you another question?” And I said, “Yes.”
He said, “Tell me. You say that back there the angel came to these men that wrote the Bible,
these prophets, and gave them visions?”
He said, “Why is it that angel never comes today, just way back there?”
Do you think that was a good question? Was that a fair question? Sure it was. I said to him,
“Friend, have you ever asked any preacher that question before?”
“No,” he said, “I didn’t.”
Then I said, “Well, you have met the movement that has the answer to that question. It is not
because of anything in me, but I am connected with the movement that has the answer to that
Do we friends? Did I tell him the truth? Has that angel which came in Bible times come
down here in this remnant of time to God’s commandment keeping church? Oh yes. That is
the wonderful story. That is what we were talking about last night and again this morning.
That is what these experiences we have just been hearing are about. And friends, there are
dozens and scores and hundreds of wonderful evidences that God has indeed sent His angel
in these latter days, and that the same angel that appeared to the prophets of old, has come
I would like to have you turn to Daniel the tenth chapter. I want to show you something
interesting about these visions of the Bible prophets, and how they were manifested in the life
and work of Ellen G. White, the messenger to the remnant, the one that God used in these
latter days to receive His messages and write them out to the church.
Daniel 10:17. Here Daniel is talking with this same angel, Gabriel. If you want his name,
you will find it in Daniel the eighth chapter and the sixteenth verse and Daniel the ninth
chapter and the twenty-first verse. The angel’s name Gabriel is mentioned here as the angel
who talked with the prophet Daniel in vision. I want you to watch and notice Daniel’s
condition in vision. Daniel 10:17, he is talking to Gabriel:
“For how can the servant of this my lord talk with this my lord?
for as for me, straightway there remained no strength in me,
neither is there breath left in me” Daniel 10:17.
Do you think you could talk without breath? You couldn’t even live very long without
breath. Doctor, about how long can a man ordinarily live without breathing? Think of it!
Permanent brain damage after six minutes.
But here is a man not only alive but he is talking, and how much breath is there in him? No
How can it be done? That is what Daniel said, “How could it be done?” It is a miracle. My
dear friends, God can do anything He wants to with the human body. He is the Creator. He
can keep us alive with breath. He can keep us alive without breath. And in vision, God
sometimes takes away the breath of the prophet that it may be manifest that the voice that is
speaking is guided by the Spirit of God.
Now this is what happened with the condition of Ellen White over and over and over again.
Dozens and scores of times, Sister White was in vision when she was examined, sometimes
by medical doctors. Some of them were not even religious people, but from a scientific
standpoint, they examined her. I have signed affidavits for a number of those examinations.
My point is that for many years that marvelous manifestation, that miracle, was taking place
in this movement. Why? So that the early believers in this message, the men and women
who started this advent movement, might have unmistakable evidence that here was
something miraculous.
In one of Sister White’s early visions, she was in a room where there were a number of
people. It was in a sitting room in a home. A number of people were gathered there. And in
vision, (remember, without any breath in her body) she went over to a bureau and picked up a
large family Bible.
I have seen this Bible many times. I have held it in my hands. It weighs eighteen pounds. If
you go to the White Estate in Washington now, you can see this very Bible, an eighteen
pound family Bible.
She picked this up and held it out on her left hand, her arm extended like this. Then she went
from one to another in the room and turning the pages of the Bible to various texts pointed to
the text with her right hand and quoted the text without ever looking to where she was
pointing and continued from one to another in the room quoting various texts. This
continued between twenty minutes and half an hour and all the while without breath in her
body. I have seen strong men hold this Bible. The longest I ever saw a man hold it in that
position was two minutes. She held it for twenty minutes and without breath in her body.
This and many experiences similar helped to convince the pioneers of this message that
something more than ordinary was happening. Would you think so if you saw something like
that? Oh yes!
But friends when we present this evidence remember this is not the strongest evidence that
this is the work of the Holy Spirit. This simply proves that there is something extra ordinary,
something beyond the human, something miraculous. But the real test that this is the work of
the Spirit of God is this fact: It agrees with the law of God and the Bible. Because it is
written in Isaiah 8:20:
“To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to
this word, it is because there is no light in them” Isaiah 8:20.
So no matter how many miracles there were in the life and work of Ellen White if her visions
did not lead to the Bible and agree with the law of God, I would have to reject it all as the
work of a false prophet. And there have been false prophets, my dear friends, plenty of them.
I could name some of them this afternoon, but that is not my subject. I thank God that every
one of these counterfeits, every one of these false prophets, is evidence that somewhere
around in these later days God has a true church with a true prophet.
Tell me, did any of you ever find a counterfeit three dollar bill? Why not? There are no
genuines. Every counterfeit dollar bill, every counterfeit five dollar, ten dollar, twenty dollar
bill is evidence that somewhere there is a what? A genuine. And so every false prophet,
every man or woman that claims to have had a vision and speak for God, every one of those
counterfeits is evidence that somewhere God has a true, a genuine one, one that has indeed
had a vision from God and speaks by authority from the King of kings.
Now if you would turn please to Ephesians the fourth chapter, I want to show you a most
interesting verse which will help to present some of the rest of the details on this thought.
Ephesians the fourth chapter, speaking of the ascension of Christ:
You see, when Jesus went there to heaven, he went there for us, for His church, for His
people. That is why He went. He said, “It is expedient for you that I go away.” And so
when He left His disciples He said, “I am going to heaven, and I am going to receive of the
Father the promised Holy Spirit and send Him to you.”
Now if you will just hold your finger in that text because I want to come back to it, I wish
you would turn back just a few pages to 1 Corinthians 12:28. I want to see where these gifts
of the Spirit were put. They are not poured out indiscriminately over the world. There is a
special place where these gifts of the Spirit are found.
God has set all these gifts where? In the church. As a jeweler takes a precious stone and sets
it in a ring, so Jesus has set these gifts in the church. If you are looking for them then where
will you go? You will go to the church.
Now I want to ask you something? Do you think God is putting true prophets in false
churches? Is that the way God would work? Why, no. A true prophet in a false church
would only lead people into the wrong place, wouldn’t it? He puts the true gift of prophecy
in the true church. So if you want to find the true prophet, you will find that true prophet in
the true church. And so it is written:
Now back to Ephesians. These gifts are put where? In the church. Now we are ready for the
twelfth verse that tells us what they are for. Will you look at the twelfth verse and tell me
what these gifts - apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers - are for? For what?
Do you want to be made perfect? Well here are the gifts to get you ready.
Edify means to build up, and this is what these gifts are for. Notice the thirteenth verse:
They bring unity. This work continues until the people in the church are brought to a perfect
Now friends, through the years of this movement this gift, the gift of prophecy, has built up
the church. This is why we have in the Seventh-day Adventist church the wonderful deposit
and phases of the work such as Christian education, the colporteur work, the publishing work,
sanitariums and hospitals with their medical ministry. And all the other phases of the work.
Many of these were started directly under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
How do we happen to have papers and books that are sent out literally by the millions of
pages every year? Because back there in New England in 1848, Jesus gave Sister White a
vision. And when there were less than a hundred Sabbath keeping Adventists in the world,
the prophet was told to tell Elder White, “Begin to print a little paper. Sent it out. It will be
small at first, but from this small beginning it was shown to me to be like streams of light that
went clear around the world.” So Elder White in a few months came out with a little paper
called Present Truth.
He carried those papers to the post office in a carpet bag. With tears and prayer they watered
the seed that was sown. And from that beginning, friends, the publishing work has grown
until every year tens of millions of dollars worth of literature is sown like seed all around this
Why today that little paper that was started back there soon came to be called The Advent
Review and Sabbath Herald. Every week you and I get that paper, and how we love to read
it. It has been going now over a hundred and twenty years. Think of how it started. Because
God sent His angel from heaven and said to the prophet, “Tell the church to begin to print the
message.” That is why we have it.
And in these books, the volumes of the Testimonies, we have hundreds of pages devoted to
telling how to carry on our publishing houses, how to circulate our literature, the work of
I would like to ask you this afternoon, how many people are there here this afternoon that
either are now or have in the past spent some time in the literature ministry as colporteurs?
May I see your hands? Just look at that. How did that happen, friends? Because God sent
His angel from heaven with visions saying that, that work ought to be and telling how to do
Again, here is our educational work. How does it happen that Seventh-day Adventists have
their own system of education - the elementary schools, high schools, college, graduate
schools, our own medical college? How did that happen? It didn’t just happen, friends. God
sent His angel Gabriel from heaven and over a hundred years ago gave instructions to this
people that we should have our own schools; told us what subjects should be taught; told us
to make the Bible the foundation of all education. And through the years, wonderful
providences have attended.
I was telling you last night something about our health work, how God sent His angel and
gave visions to Sister White on this subject. I thought you might be interested for a few
minutes in hearing the story of the establishment of our medical school. This is where the
educational work, and health and medical work blend in that institution out on the Pacific
coast. This is where Doctor McKiney took his training. This is where as a young man, I
trained as a medical evangelist. Fifty years ago this fall, I went to Loma Linda.
But how did Loma Linda happen to be there? Well let me tell you very briefly that story.
For years beginning with 1866 we had a sanitarium at Battle Creek. But worldly influences
came into that place, and by the turn of the century Battle Creek no longer furnished the
conditions necessary to train medical missionaries.
And while Sister White was still over in Australia in the 1890s she was shown in the visions
of the night sanitariums running in southern California, and when she came back from
Australia in the early 1900s she began to get different ones to look for property in and around
Los Angeles and San Diego where sanitariums might be started.
One of these was secured near San Diego, another near Los Angeles, and people thought,
“Well this is it. That is plenty to look after.”
But the prophet said, “No, we must have another one.”
And God showed her all this in vision before she saw it with her natural eye. She told a man
that she had instructed to look for property out about sixty miles east of Los Angeles, “There
is a place between Riverside and Redlands, and it is closer to Redlands. You can find it if
you want to.”
That was Loma Linda. As you know Doctor, it is about five miles from Redlands, and about
eight or nine miles to Riverside. Before she had ever looked upon it with her eyes, she
described what God had shown her in vision. Elder Burton discovered this property. It had
been built to attract people there as guests, but they had not been able to make a success of it
either as a hotel or as a sanitarium.
There it stood. It was offered for a hundred and twenty thousand dollars which in those days
was a lot of money. But even then it was less than what was in it. Surrounded by orange
groves with the beautiful San Bernardino mountains in the distance, it immediately got this
name, the hill beautiful.
But our people didn’t have the money to do anything like that. Paradise Valley near San
Diego, and Glendale were still in debt. And the thought of undertaking something like that
just seemed impossible.
But finally, as Sister White urged Elder Burton to go ahead, he secured a little money and
made the down payment on that property, which by then had been offered to him for forty
thousand dollars, just one third of the original offer. Sister White had told him that if he
would go ahead in faith and get that, that money would come from unexpected sources.
When the time drew near for the first payment of five thousand dollars the committee by this
time were meeting there on the grounds of Loma Linda and there was no money in hand to
pay that five thousand which was due that day. There were some sorrowful looking men
there. Some that were a bit, perhaps even doubtful and complaining. But Elder Burton said,
“Never mind the mail hasn’t come yet today.”
Presently the postman came in. Elder Burton opened a letter from New Jersey. And there
was a letter from a woman in New Jersey with a check in it for five thousand dollars. God
had burdened that woman to do that, and it came right on time fulfilling the statement of the
prophet that money would come from unexpected sources.
When Elder Burton went down to the bank to pay it, happy, of course, that the payment had
been met on time; as he turned away to leave the bank, something said to him, “Look here,
you almost missed it. What are you going to do next time?” For still there was over thirty
thousand dollars to pay and nobody knew where any of it was going to come from. “You
almost missed this time. What will you do next time?” And back to his heart came the
response of faith, “The money will come from unexpected sources.” That is where it came
Sister White finally arrived on the grounds. She saw with the natural eyes the same trees that
she had seen in vision. Many times I have walked under those trees - those pepper trees,
Doctor, and eucalyptus trees. As she looked out over the campus, she said, “Loma Linda is
to be more than a sanitarium. It is to an educational center. A school is to be established here
for the training of gospel medical missionary evangelists.”
And so it came to be, my friends. And to that Hill Beautiful have come students literally
from all over the world, and from that hill have gone forth students literally all over the
world. And now in every continent graduates of that school, men and women trained in the
healing art are carrying the blended ministry for the body and the soul.
Why do we as a people put that emphasis on health education? Why are we interested as a
church in dealing with disease and with the prevention of disease? The answer is very
simple, friends, because over a hundred years ago God sent His angel down here with that
revelation from heaven.
And listen, not all of us can go to Loma Linda, but all of us can have the light that guides in
the training of our medical missionaries in the book Ministry of Healing, in the book Medical
Ministry, in the book Counsels on Diet and Foods - Oh, this wonderful book. Dr. Clive
McKay professor of nutrition at Cornell University for many years, not an Adventist, read
this book through and read it again and again. He has used it in lectures in various churches
and pointed out what a tremendous thing it is that here is a book much of it written over a
hundred years ago by a woman untrained in the schools of the world and yet from a nutrition
standpoint, the latest discoveries of science only serve to confirm what was written here
decades and decades ago.
I say friends, we’re rich. What do you say? Oh, how rich we are! When Jesus ascended up
on high, he gave gifts unto men. And through these gifts, you and I are privileged to have
this light from heaven.
I will tell you this, friends: The whole purpose of it, as we have studied this morning, is to
make ready a people prepared for the Lord. Oh, how thankful I am this afternoon to be a part
of the church that has communication from the skies, to be with this people that are being led,
as Israel was led from Egypt to Canaan by the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by
And now Father, we thank Thee that Jesus has lead us and is leading us all the way. We
thank Thee for the abundance of light and help Thou has provided in this wonderful gift. We
just want to say thank you. And Lord, may everyone here today know the joy of walking in
the light Thou hast given us, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.