Physics MCQ
Physics MCQ
Physics MCQ
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3. When the external torque acting on a rotating body is zero, the quantity that will
(c) force
(b) continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion along a straight line
6. The moment of inertia of a copper disc, rotating about an axis passing through
7. When a torque acting on a system is increased, then which one of the following
(c) force
(d) Displacement
8. When the external torque acting on a system is zero, then there will be
conservation of
(d) mass
10. A torque of 100 N-m acting on a wheel at rest, rotates it through 200 radian in
(a) 10 kg-m²
(b) 15 kg-m²
(c) 20 kg-m²
(d) 25 kg-m²
11. When the speed of a flywheel is increased from 240 r.p.m. to 360 r.p.m., the
(c) 2 kg-m²
(d) 15 kg-m²
12. Two circular rings A and B of radii nR and R are made from the same wire. The
M.I. of A about an axis passing through the center and perpendicular to the plane
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5
13. A wheel of mass 4 kg and radius of gyration 0.4 m is making 300 r.p.m. Its
moment of inertia is
(a) 6.4 kg m²
(b) 0.64 kg m²
(c) 0.32 kg m²
(d) 64 kg m²
14. The mass of a flywheel is concentrated near its rim. This is done to
15. A flywheel rotating about a fixed axis has a kinetic energy of 225 J when its
angular speed is 30 rad/s. What is the moment of inertia of the flywheel about its
axis of rotation?
(a) 0.5 kg m²
(b) 0.6 kg m²
(c) 0.8 kg m²
(d) 0.3 kg m²
16. Which of the following types of circular bodies, Same mass and radius will
(c) Ring
(c) mass
(a) Velocity
(b) Force
(c) Energy
(d) Mass
rotational motion is
(a) Mass
(c) Force
(d) Work
(c) Torque
(a) N/m
(b) Nm²
(c) N-m
(d) N²m
(a) L⁰M⁰T⁰
(b) L¹M⁰T⁰
(c) L¹M¹T⁰
(d) L⁰M²T-¹
(a) L⁰M¹T-²
(b) L²M¹T⁰
(c) L¹M¹T-¹
(d) L⁰M²T-¹
25. The SI unit of moment of inertia is
(a) gram-cm²
(b) kg-m²
(c) kg/m²
(d) kg-m
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) Undefined
(d) -1
(b) an ammeter
(c) a potentiometer
(d) a voltmeter
(a) is increased
(b) is decreased
flows through
a) It measures current
(c) at some places momentum will be conserved and at some other places momentum will
not be conserved.
(a) i1=i2=i3=i4=i5
(b) i1+i4+i3=i5+i2
(c) i1-i5=i2-i3-i4
(d) i1+i5=i2+i3+i4
a) Einstein’s theory
b) Newtons laws
c) Kirchhoff’s laws
d) Faradays laws
42. A junction wheel two (or) more than two network elements meet is known as a
(a) Node
(b) Branch
(c) Loop
(d) Mesh
(a) True
(b) False
Kirchhoff's laws.
(a) Value
(b) Direction
(c) Symbol
(d) Speed
a) 1Ω to a few megaohms
a) voltage measurement
b) current measurement
c) light measurement
d) power measurement
(a) ammeter
(b) galvanometer
(c) resistor
(d) rheostat
(a) The meter bridge, resistance box, resistance wire, battery, high resistance (HR), key
(c) The meter bridge, resistance wire, battery, high resistance (HR), key
(d) The meter bridge, resistance wire, battery, high resistance (HR)
50. What is the effect on null deflection of galvanometer, when the radius of the
wire is tripled?
(a) No change