Physics MCQ

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Physics MCQ

Prepared By Ashish Shrestha; Roll no. 1 (Newton)

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1.The moment of inertia of a body does not depend upon the

(a) mass of the body

(b) position of the axis of rotation

(c) distribution of the mass

(d) the angular acceleration of the body

2. Which is the wrong relation from the following?

(a) Force = Mass x Acceleration

(b) Torque = Moment of Inertia x Angular Acceleration

(c) Moment of Inertia = Torque x Angular Acceleration

(d) Angular Momentum = Moment of Inertia x Angular Velocity

3. When the external torque acting on a rotating body is zero, the quantity that will

remain constant is the

(a) linear momentum

(b) angular momentum

(c) force

(d) linear displacement

4. Moment of inertia of a body is considered only in the case of

(a) Rectilinear motion

(b) Rotational motion

(c) Curvilinear motion

(d) Translational motion

5. When a steady torque acts on a body, the body

(a) rotates at a constant speed

(b) continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion along a straight line

(c) gets a linear acceleration

(d) gets an angular acceleration

6. The moment of inertia of a copper disc, rotating about an axis passing through

its center and perpendicular to its plane

(a) increases if its temperature is increased

(b) changes if its axis of rotation is changed

(c) increases if its angular velocity is increased

(d) both (a) and (b) are correct

7. When a torque acting on a system is increased, then which one of the following

quantities will increases.

(a) linear momentum

(b) Angular momentum

(c) force

(d) Displacement
8. When the external torque acting on a system is zero, then there will be

conservation of

(a) total energy

(b) angular momentum

(c) linear momentum

(d) mass

9. If the external torque acting on a body is zero, then its

(a) angular momentum is zero

(b) angular momentum is conserved

(c) angular momentum is maximum

(d) angular acceleration is maximum

10. A torque of 100 N-m acting on a wheel at rest, rotates it through 200 radian in

10 secs. What is the moment of inertia of the wheel?

(a) 10 kg-m²

(b) 15 kg-m²

(c) 20 kg-m²

(d) 25 kg-m²

11. When the speed of a flywheel is increased from 240 r.p.m. to 360 r.p.m., the

energy spent is 484 J. What is the moment of inertia of the flywheel?

(a) 4.9 kg-m²

(b) 9.8 kg-m²

(c) 2 kg-m²

(d) 15 kg-m²
12. Two circular rings A and B of radii nR and R are made from the same wire. The

M.I. of A about an axis passing through the center and perpendicular to the plane

of A is 27 times that of the smaller loop B. What is the value of n?

(a) 2

(b) 3

(c) 4

(d) 5

13. A wheel of mass 4 kg and radius of gyration 0.4 m is making 300 r.p.m. Its

moment of inertia is

(a) 6.4 kg m²

(b) 0.64 kg m²

(c) 0.32 kg m²

(d) 64 kg m²

14. The mass of a flywheel is concentrated near its rim. This is done to

(a) decrease its moment of inertia

(b) increase its moment of inertia

(c) increase the strength of the flywheel

(d) increase its linear momentum

15. A flywheel rotating about a fixed axis has a kinetic energy of 225 J when its

angular speed is 30 rad/s. What is the moment of inertia of the flywheel about its

axis of rotation?

(a) 0.5 kg m²

(b) 0.6 kg m²

(c) 0.8 kg m²

(d) 0.3 kg m²
16. Which of the following types of circular bodies, Same mass and radius will

have the largest moment of inertia?

(a) Solid disc

(b) Cylindrical disc

(c) Ring

(d) Annular disc

17. Moment of inertia depends upon

(a) position of axis of rotation

(b) distribution of particles

(c) mass

(d) all of these

18. The physical quantity in translational motion, which is analogous to moment

of inertia in rotational motion is

(a) Velocity

(b) Force

(c) Energy

(d) Mass

19. Torque per unit moment of inertia is

(a) Radius of gyration

(b) Angular velocity

(c) Angular displacement

(d) Angular acceleration

20. The physical quantity in translational motion, which analogous to torque in

rotational motion is

(a) Mass

(b) Linear Momentum

(c) Force

(d) Work

21. The rotational analogue of force is

(a) Moment of Inertia

(b) Angular Momentum

(c) Torque

(d) Angular Acceleration

22. The SI unit of torque is

(a) N/m

(b) Nm²

(c) N-m

(d) N²m

23. The dimensional formula for the radius of gyration of a body is

(a) L⁰M⁰T⁰

(b) L¹M⁰T⁰

(c) L¹M¹T⁰

(d) L⁰M²T-¹

24. The dimensional formula for moment of inertia of a body is

(a) L⁰M¹T-²

(b) L²M¹T⁰

(c) L¹M¹T-¹

(d) L⁰M²T-¹
25. The SI unit of moment of inertia is

(a) gram-cm²

(b) kg-m²

(c) kg/m²

(d) kg-m

26. The algebraic sum of currents meeting at a junction is

(a) 0

(b) 1

(c) Undefined

(d) -1

27. The Kirchhoff's 1st law deals with

(a) conservation of energy

(b) conservation of charge

(c) conservation of momentum

(d) conservation of mass

28. The Kirchhoff's 2nd law deals with

(a) conservation of energy

(b) conservation of charge

(c) conservation of momentum

(d) conservation of mass

29. The sensitiveness of potentiometer can be increased by

(a) increasing potential gradient

(b) increasing kinetic energy

(c) decreasing potential gradient

(d) decreasing kinetic energy

30. Wheatstone's Bridge is also known as

(a) Resistance Bridge

(b) Transistor Bridge

(c) Switch Bridge

(d) Capacitance Bridge

31.Which of them is a sensitive device used to measure the unknown value of

resistance and resistivity of wire

(a) Meter Bridge

(b) Transistor Bridge

(c) Switch Bridge

(d) Resistance Bridge

32. An electrical resistor with a variable resistance value

(a) a whetstone bridge

(b) an ammeter

(c) a potentiometer

(d) a voltmeter

33. If the length of a potentiometer wire is doubled, the accuracy in determining

the null point

(a) is increased

(b) is decreased

(c) remains constant

(d) may increase or decrease

34. A potentiometer is used to measure the emf of a cell. At null point, no current

flows through

(a) the main circuit

(b) the cell circuits

(c) both the main and cell circuits

(d) the potentiometer wires

35. The application of potentiometer is

a) It measures current

(b) It measures internal resistance

(c) It measures external resistance

(d) It is used to compare two currents

36. Which of the following is wrong? Resistivity of a conductor is

(a) independent of temperature.

(b) inversely proportional to temperature.

(c) independent of dimensions of conductor.

(d) less than resistivity of a semiconductor.

37. A charge is moving across a junction, then

(a) momentum will be conserved.

(b) momentum will not be conserved.

(c) at some places momentum will be conserved and at some other places momentum will

not be conserved.

(d) none of these.

38. Kirchhoff’s Current Law is based on

(a) The charge can be accumulated at the node

(b) Charge cannot be accumulated at the node

(c) Energy is stored at the node

(d) Depending on the circuit charge can be accumulated at the circuit

39. When the cells are connected in parallel, then

(a) The current increases

(b) The current decreases

(c) The emf increases

(d) The emf decreases

40. Relation between currents according to KCL is

(a) i1=i2=i3=i4=i5

(b) i1+i4+i3=i5+i2

(c) i1-i5=i2-i3-i4

(d) i1+i5=i2+i3+i4

41. The basic laws for analyzing an electric circuit is

a) Einstein’s theory

b) Newtons laws

c) Kirchhoff’s laws

d) Faradays laws
42. A junction wheel two (or) more than two network elements meet is known as a

(a) Node

(b) Branch

(c) Loop

(d) Mesh

43. AC and DC both types of circuits can use Kirchhoff's law.

(a) True

(b) False

(c) None of the above

(d) Sometime only

44. It is necessary to find__________ of current to solve the circuit according to

Kirchhoff's laws.

(a) Value

(b) Direction

(c) Symbol

(d) Speed

45. Wheatstone bridge is used to measure resistance in the range of

a) 1Ω to a few megaohms

b) 10kΩ to a few megaohms

c) 100MΩ to a few giga-ohms

d) 100Ω to a few tera-ohms

46. Telephone companies make use of the Wheatstone bridge for

a) measuring the telephone resistance

b) computing the line strength

c) maintaining dial tone

d) locating the cable faults

47. One of the simplest applications of a Wheatstone bridge is

a) voltage measurement

b) current measurement

c) light measurement

d) power measurement

48. Which instrument is placed at the center of a Wheatstone bridge?

(a) ammeter

(b) galvanometer

(c) resistor

(d) rheostat

49. Apparatus of Meter Bridge Experiment includes

(a) The meter bridge, resistance box, resistance wire, battery, high resistance (HR), key

(b) The meter bridge, resistance box, resistance wire, battery

(c) The meter bridge, resistance wire, battery, high resistance (HR), key

(d) The meter bridge, resistance wire, battery, high resistance (HR)

50. What is the effect on null deflection of galvanometer, when the radius of the

wire is tripled?

(a) No change

(b) Becomes half

(c) Reduces by 1/3

(d) Thrice the original value

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