Kinematics of Machinery

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Kinematics of Machinery

1. The unit of linear acceleration is

(a) kg-m (b) m/s (c) m/s2 (d) rad/s2

2. The angular velocity (in rad/s) of a body rotating at N r.p.m. is

(a) π N/60
(b) 2 π N/60
(c) π N/120
(d) π N/180

3. The linear velocity of a body rotating at ω rad/s along a circular path of radius r is
given by

(a) ω.r
(b) ω/r
(c) ω2.r
(d) ω2/r

4. When a particle moves along a straight path, then the particle has

(a) tangential acceleration only

(b) centripetal acceleration only
(c) both tangential and centripetal acceleration

5. When a particle moves with a uniform velocity along a circular path, then the particle
(a) tangential acceleration only
(b) centripetal acceleration only
(c) both tangential and centripetal acceleration

6. The unit of mass moment of inertia in S.I. units is

(a) m4
(b) kgf-m-s2
(c) kg-m2
(d) N-m

7. Joule is a unit of
(a) force
(b) work
(c) power
(d) none of these

8. The energy possessed by a body, for doing work by virtue of its position, is called
(a) potential energy
(b) kinetic energy
(c) electrical energy
(d) chemical energy
9. When a body of mass moment of inertia I (about a given axis) is rotated about that
axis with an angular velocity, then the kinetic energy of rotation is

(a) 0.5 I.ω

(b) I.ω
(c) 0.5 I.ω2
(d) I.ω2

10. The wheels of a moving car possess

(a) potential energy only
(b) kinetic energy of translation only
(c) kinetic energy of rotation only
(d) kinetic energy of translation and rotation both.

11. The bodies which rebound after impact are called

(a) inelastic bodies (b) elastic bodies

12. The coefficient of restitution for inelastic bodies is

(a) zero
(b) between zero and one
(c) one
(d) more than one

13. Which of the following statement is correct ?

(a) The kinetic energy of a body during impact remains constant.
(b) The kinetic energy of a body before impact is equal to the kinetic energy of a body
after impact.
(c) The kinetic energy of a body before impact is less than the kinetic energy of a
body after impact.
(d) The kinetic energy of a body before impact is more than the kinetic energy of a
body after impact.

14. A body of mass m moving with a constant velocity v strikes another body of same
mass m moving with same velocity but in opposite direction. The common velocity of
both the bodies after collision is

(a) v (b) 2 v (c) 4 v (d) 8 v

15. In a reciprocating steam engine, which of the following forms a kinematic link ?
(a) cylinder and piston
(b) piston rod and connecting rod
(c) crank shaft and flywheel
(d) flywheel and engine frame

16. The motion of a piston in the cylinder of a steam engine is an example of

(a) completely constrained motion
(b) incompletely constrained motion
(c) successfully constrained motion
(d) none of these

17. The motion transmitted between the teeth of gears in mesh is

(a) sliding
(b) rolling
(c) may be rolling or sliding depending upon the shape of teeth
(d) partly sliding and partly rolling

18. The cam and follower without a spring forms a

(a) lower pair (b) higher pair (c) self closed pair (d) force closed pair

19. A ball and a socket joint forms a

(a) turning pair (b) rolling pair (c) sliding pair (d) spherical pair

20. The lead screw of a lathe with nut forms a

(a) sliding pair (b) rolling pair (c) screw pair (d) turning pair

21. When the elements of the pair are kept in contact by the action of external forces, the
pair is said to be a
(a) lower pair (b) higher pair (c) self closed pair (d) force closed pair

22. Which of the following is a turning pair ?

(a) Piston and cylinder of a reciprocating steam engine
(b) Shaft with collars at both ends fitted in a circular hole
(c) Lead screw of a lathe with nut
(d) Ball and socket joint

23. A combination of kinematic pairs, joined in such a way that the relative motion
between the links is completely constrained, is called a
(a) structure (b) mechanism (c) kinematic chain (d) inversion

24. The relation between the number of pairs ( p ) forming a kinematic chain and the
number of links (l) is
(a) l = 2p – 2
(b) l = 2p – 3
(c) l = 2p – 4
(d) l = 2p – 5

25. In a kinematic chain, a quaternary joint is equivalent to

(a) one binary joint
(b) two binary joints
(c) three binary joints
(d) four binary joints
26. If n links are connected at the same joint, the joint is equivalent to
(a) (n – 1) binary joints
(b) (n – 2) binary joints
(c) (2n – 1) binary joints
(d) none of these

27. In a 4 – bar linkage, if the lengths of shortest, longest and the other two links are
denoted by s, l, p and q, then it would result in Grashof’s linkage provided that
(a) l + p < s + q
(b) l + s < p + q
(c) l + p = s + q
(d) none of these

28. A kinematic chain is known as a mechanism when

(a) none of the links is fixed
(b) one of the links is fixed
(c) two of the links are fixed
(d) all of the links are fixed

29. The Grubler’s criterion for determining the degrees of freedom (n) of a mechanism
having plane motion is
(a) n = (l – 1) – j
(b) n = 2 (l – 1) – 2j
(c) n = 3 (l – 1) – 2j
(d) n = 4 (l – 1) – 3j
where l = Number of links, and j = Number of binary joints.

30. The mechanism forms a structure, when the number of degrees of freedom (n) is
equal to
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) – 1

31. In a four bar chain or quadric cycle chain

(a) each of the four pairs is a turning pair
(b) one is a turning pair and three are sliding pairs
(c) three are turning pairs and one is sliding pair
(d) each of the four pairs is a sliding pair.

32. Which of the following is an inversion of single slider crank chain ?

(a) Beam engine
(b) Watt’s indicator mechanism
(c) Elliptical trammels
(d) Whitworth quick return motion mechanism

33. Which of the following is an inversion of double slider crank chain ?

(a) Coupling rod of a locomotive
(b) Pendulum pump
(c) Elliptical trammels
(d) Oscillating cylinder engine

34. The total number of instantaneous centres for a mechanism consisting of n links are
35. The instantaneous centres which vary with the configuration of the mechanism, are
(a) permanent instantaneous centres
(b) fixed instantaneous centres
(c) neither fixed nor permanent instantaneous centres
(d) none of these

36. When a slider moves on a fixed link having curved surface, their instantaneous centre
(a) on their point of contact
(b) at the centre of curvature
(c) at the centre of circle
(d) at the pin joint

37. The component of the acceleration, parallel to the velocity of the particle, at the given
instant is called
(a) radial component
(b) tangential component
(c) coriolis component
(d) none of these

38. A point B on a rigid link AB moves with respect to A with angular velocity rad/s.
The radial component of the acceleration of B with respect to A,

39. A point B on a rigid link AB moves with respect to A with angular velocity rad/s.
The angular acceleration of the link AB is

40. The coriolis component of acceleration is taken into account for

(a) slider crank mechanism
(b) four bar chain mechanism
(c) quick return motion mechanism
(d) none of these

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