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NOTIFICATION No. 02/2023, DATED 02.01.2023 FOR DIRECT RECRUITMENT TO THE POSTS OF FIELD ASSISTANT IN THE TELANGANA JUDICIAL MINISTERIAL AND SUBORDINATE SERVICE. 1. Applications are invited through ONLINE for direct recruitment to the posts of Field Assistant in the Judicial Districts of State of Telangana in the Telangana Judicial Ministerial Service as per the Telangana Judicial Ministerial and Subordinate Service Rules, 2018, carrying scale of pay of Rs.24280-72850. The online application portal will be available in the High Court’s website viz., “" and also in the websites of all the District Courts in the State of Telangana from 11.01.2023 to 31.01.2023. The Last date for submission of application through online is 31.01.2023 up to 11.59 p.m. No other mode of application will be entertained. 3. The detailed examination schedule will be hosted in the High Court's website viz., https://tshc, The applicants are required to visit the official website of the High Court for the State of Telangana to keep themselves updated on all the steps/results until the completion of the recruitment Schedule DETAILS DATES Date of Publication of the Notification 02.01.2023 Starting Date for submission of online | — 11.01.2023 Application Closing Date for Submission of online 31.01.2023 Application Download of Hall Tickets for Computer 15.02.2023 based Examination Date of Computer based Examination March-2023 (Date and Time of Examination will be intimated later) Page 1 of 9 prooh' r 4. VACANCY POSITION The detailed District/Unit wise vacancy position is annexed to this Notification, Note: a) Selection of candidates against BC-E vacancy will, however, be subject to outcome of Civil Appeal Nos.2628 ~ 2637/2010 pending consideration before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. b) The High Court for the State of Telangana reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of vacancies or cancel the notification, at any stage without assigning any reason whatsoever. No right will accrue to the candidate by virtue of the notification. 5. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: a) Must have passed Bachelor's Degree of any University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act or Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any equivalent examination. b) The candidates who have higher than the prescribed academic and technical qualifications, if any, shall submit the concerned certificates at the time of verification of original certificates. 6. LINGUISTIC QUALIFICATION: a) Candidates shall not be eligible for appointment if they do not possess adequate knowledge of the language or languages of the district in which they are to be appointed. The list containing the languages of the districts are specified in the User Guide available in the website of the High Court. b) Where two or more languages are specified for a district and sufficient number of candidates who have adequate knowledge of all the languages are not available, candidates who have adequate knowledge of any one of the said languages according to the needs of the district will be selected and such candidates shall be eligible for appointment in that district. 7. AGE LIMIT: a) As on 01-07-2022, the candidate must have completed the age of 18 years and must not have completed the age of 34 years. Page 2 of 9 Dray b) The relaxation of maximum age limit in respect of SCs/STs/BCs/EWS is 5 years. Differently-abled persons shall be given age relaxation of 10 years. c) The relaxation of maximum age limit in respect of Ex-servicemen will be as per Rule 12(1)(c) (i) of Telangana State and Subordinate Service Rules, d) The upper age limit will be relaxed to the candidates who are presently working on contract or outsourcing basis in the High Court for the State of Telangana or in the District Courts in the State of Telangana, provided that they were within the prescribed age limit at the time of their initial appointment, either on contract, or on outsourcing basis, subject to fulfilment of prescribed qualifications and Judicial Orders, if any, from time to time, in this regard. To apply under this category, the aforesaid candidates must have put in at least two years of service by the date of publication of this notificatic 8. RESERVATION: a) The recruitment shall be subject to the Rule of Reservation in favour of candidates belonging to S.C., S.T., B.C., Economically Weaker Section (EWS), Differently-abled persons, Ex-servicemen and Women categories as per Rules in force. Note: Modified nomenclature of BC (Backward Classes) is Socially and Educationally Backward Classes. b) For the aforesaid purpose, the community shall be recognized as BC/SC/ST in the State of Telangana as per G.0.Ms.No.196, dt: 28-5-2016 and G.0.Ms.No. 3, dt: 9-9-2020 as amended from time to time. Otherwise, the applicant will be considered under Open Category. ©) For the purpose of filling up the vacancies reserved for the Economically Weaker Section (EWS), G.0.Ms.No. 243, dt: 24-8-2021 and G.O.Ms.No. 244, dt: 24-8-2021 will be applicable. d) The posts in the District Judiciary are organized as District Cadre posts. 95% of the posts are reserved for local candidates of the concerned District and 5% is open to all in accordance with The Telangana Public Employment (Organisation of Local Cadres And Regulation Of Direct Recruitment) Order, 2018, Vide G.O.Ms.No 124, dt; 30-08-2018. METHOD OF RECRUITMENT: a) The computer-based examination will be of the standard consistent with the minimum educational qualification prescribed i.e., Graduation. The question Page 3 of 9 D $a 7B Paper of the computer-based examination shall be objective type with multiple choice questions. b) The computer-based examination will consist of 100 questions (60 questions ~ General Knowledge and 40 questions ~ General English) and each question will carry one (01) mark. The duration of the computer-based examination will be 120 minutes. ©) For the computer-based examination in respect of General Knowledge subject, the question paper will be made available in two languages i.e., English and Telugu. d) The minimum qualifying marks to be secured in the computer-based examination shall be 40% for OC and EWS candidates, 35% to the BC candidates and 30% for SC, ST & PH candidates ©) Weightage marks will be given to the candidates presently working on contract or outsourcing basis in the High Court for the State of Telangana or in the District Courts in the State of Telangana, based on the length of the service they have rendered. Provided, i. they have put in at least two years of service by the date of publication of this notification; and ii, they have secured minimum qualifying marks in the computer-based examination, as prescribed above. f) After framing or drawing the provisional selection list, the Recruiting authority will call the provisionally selected candidate to appear in person and produce the original certificates for verification and the willingness writing to join service. 8) No person shall be eligible for appointment to the service by Direct Recruitment unless he/she satisfies the following conditions viz., i, That he/she is of sound health and active habits. ji, That his/her character and antecedents are such as to qualify him/her for such service; and ili, He/she is a citizen of India. 10. EXAMINATION FEI a) The applicants who belong to OC and BC categories have to pay an amount of Rs.600/- (Rupees six hundred only), excluding applicable service charges, towards online application processing fee / examination fee, whereas the SC, ST and EWS category candidates have to pay an amount of Rs.400/- (Rupees four hundred only), excluding applicable service charges. 4 Page 4 of 9 pro ) b) Only the applicants belonging to a community recognized as SC/ST in the State of Telangana alone are entitled for the concessional payment of examination fee of Rs.400/- (Rupees four hundred only) ¢}_ The Application/Examination Fee is to be remitted/paid through online only. d) The Application/Examination Fee once paid will not be refunded even if the application is rejected for any reason. 11. MERIT LIST: a) Merit list will be based on the marks obtained by the candidate in the computer-based examination. b) Where two or more candidates get equal number of marks in the Written Examination, the elder in age will be considered for provisional selection. In case of a tie in age also, the candidate with highest marks in the prescribed educational qualification would be considered. 12. DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED AT THE TIME OF CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION: a) Original certificates of academic qualifications, such as, marks lists, pass certificates, certificate evidencing date of birth, community certificate issued by the competent authority in case of SCs., STs., and BCs. and latest Economically Weaker Section (EWS) Certificate issued by the competent authority in respect of EWS candidate. b) The certificate in respect of BCs, shall show specifically the classification of the group. c) Two sets of Photostat copies of certificates duly attested by the Gazetted Officer are to be submitted at the time of verification of the certificates. d) The Other Backward Class (OBC) Certificates will not be considered. e) Discharge Certificate for Ex-servicemen candidates. f) Certificate in respect of Local candidates in terms of The Telangana Public Employment (Organisation of Local Cadres And Regulation Of Direct Recruitment) Order, 2018, Vide G.O.Ms.No 124, General Administration (SPF-MC) Department, dt; 30-08-2018. as specified in the General Instructions hereunder. If certificates in proof of local candidature are not | in accordance with these instructions, the applicant will be treated as non-local. prah\nor? Page 5 of 9 8) In case of Differently-abled Persons, the certificate issued by the Medical Board specifying the nature of disability and percentage of disability. h) No-objection Certificate from Employer (if employed anywhere). ') After publication of the list of provisionally selected candidates, they will be called for original certificate verification on a date fixed for this purpose. They shall produce all the relevant original certificates on the prescribed date. If any candidate fails to produce any of the required certificates, his/her candidature will be rejected without any further correspondence. |ENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: a) The particulars furnished by the applicant in the application form submitted through online will be taken as final. Candidates should, therefore, be very careful in filling the application. b) Training and Security Deposit: Every person appointed to the post of Field Assistant shall, for the due and faithful performance of duties attached thereto, deposit an amount of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) towards security at the time of joining the post. c) No TA. and D.A. will be paid to the candidates who appear for the computer- based examination or for verification of original certificates. d) Mere applying and mere securing minimum qualifying marks in the computer-based examination will not give any vested right to any candidate to be selected. e) All rights are reserved with the appointing authority to reject the application at any stage, if the claim is found to be false and the appointment shall liable to be cancelled if any information therein is found to be false at any later stage and the applicants are liable for prosecution for furnishing such false information. f) If the candidate furnishes wrong information with regard to category and caste, they shall not have any right subsequently for selection in that particular category, caste etc., and in that aspect the selection authority is not responsible for the lapse on the part of the candidate. 8) Selection will be made as per the Telangana Judicial Ministerial and Subordinate Service Rules, 2018, h) Candidates resorting to bring any influence of any kind will be summarily disqualified, : Page 6 of 3 prayer? i) No person who has more than one wife living or who has spouse living, marries in any case, in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place during the life time of such spouse, shall be eligible for appointment by direct recruitment. i) No woman whose marriage is void by reason of the husband having a wife living at the time of such marriage or who has married a person who has a wife living at the time of such marriage, shall be eligible for appointment by direct recruitment. k) No person who has been dismissed from a State or Central Government service or from the service of Central or State Government undertaking or local or other authorities or who has been convicted by a Court of Law for an offence involving moral turpitude shall be eligible for appointment to the post. |) This appointment shall be covered by the Contributory Pension Scheme (crs). m) No information will be sent to the unsuccessful candidates after announcement list of provisionally selected candidates, n) The High Court for the State of Telangana, Hyderabad, reserves the right either to increase, decrease the number of vacancies or cancel the notification, at any stage, without assigning any reason thereof. ©) The High Court reserves the right to allot candidates to any examination centre other than the centres chosen by the applicant or to abolish/ create a new centre for administrative reasons. Request for the change of the centre will not be entertained. p) For determining local status of the applicant: For regular students who have pursued their education from 4" class to 7" class in one District, those will be considered as local candidates to that respective Judicial District. For any reason if the applicant has not pursued his/her studies from 4 class to 7* class in one District, study period of 1* class to 7” class will be considered and where they have pursued their studies for maximum period, those will be considered as local candidates to that Judicial District. For the applicants who have directly appeared for SSC / 10” Page 7 of 9 Dr shi pod examination as private candidates or studied in open school mode without pursuing regular continuous study, they have to submit the Residence Certificate from the concerned Tahsildar for seven (07) years preceding the year of passing 7" examination in the prescribed format in terms of G.O.Ms.No. 124, General Administration (SPF-MC) Department, dt.30.08.2018 in proof of the local candidature. (Copy of the said format is enclosed to the user guide hosted on High Court website.) @) All rights are reserved with the appointing authority to cancel the provisional selection of the candidates if the certificates of the provisionally selected candidates such as eligibility, educational qualification, social status, local status and disability etc., are found to be incorrect at any stage of the recruitment. 14. INFORMATION TO THE APPLICANTS APPLYING FOR THE COMPUTER BASED EXAMINATION TO BE CONDUCTE! a) The online application form contains two parts i.e., Part — A (One Time Profile Registration Form) and Part ~ 8 (Application Form). b) After completing Part - A, candidate will get OTPR ID (One Time Profile Registration 1D) and Password. By using the same OTPR 1D, candidate can apply for multiple Judicial Districts. c) The candidate will receive unique/individual application number for each District he/she applies for. d) IMPORTANT NOTE: The candidates shall upload requisite certificates / documents to the web application portal. Candidates are instructed to scan their relevant certificates in PDF format and keep the scanned documents ready with them before starting the application process. e) For the detailed information, candidates are advised to go through the User Guide available in the High Court’s website viz., “" and also in the websites of all the District Courts in the State of Telangana. f) Help Desk (Help Desk will function on all working days): i. Help Desk Land Line Telephone No. 040-23688394, ii, Help Desk EMail ID:, Working hours of Help Desk Office: From 10.30 A.M to 5.00 PM Page 8 of 9 PD pra iv. Lunch Break: 1.30 P.M. to 2.30 PM. HYDERABAD DATE: 02.01.2023 ir? REGISTRAR (RECRUITMENT) Encl: Annexure with the detailed District/Unit wise vacancy position. Page 9 of 9 ANNEXURE FIELD ASSISTANT BHADRADRI KOTHAGUDEM Abstract of Vacancies Class/Category Number of posts oc 3 (1 Women) BC-A 1 (Women) sc 1 (Women) Total 5 (3 Women) COURT OF THE PRINICIPAL SPECIAL JUDGE FOR CBI CASES,HYDERABAD Abstract of Vacancies Class/Category oc Total Number of posts 1 (Women) 1 (Women) CITY CIVIL COURT,HYDERABAD Abstract of Vacancies3 Class/Category oc Ews Blindness or low vision (W) Ex-Servicemen BCB BC-C BCD sx ST Total Number of posts 3 (1 Women) 1 (Women) 1 (Women) 1 1 (Women) 1 1 (Women) 1 1 (Women) 11 (6 Women) DN, JOGULAMBA GADWAL Abstract of Vacancies Class/Category | Number of posts oc 2 (1 Women) sc 1(Women) Total 3 (2Women) JAGITYAL Abstract of Vacancies Class/Category Number of posts oc 3 (1 Women) BC-A 1 (Women) sc 1(Women) Total 5 (3Women) JAYASHANKAR BHUPALAPALLY Abstract of Vacancies Class/Category Number of posts oc 2 (1 Women) BCA 1 (Women) sc (Women) Total 4 (3Women) Deas KAMAREDDY Abstract of Vacancies Class/Category Number of Posts oc 1 (Women) sc 1 (Women) Total 2 (Women) KUMURAMBHEEM ASIFABAD Abstract of Vacancies Class/Category Number of posts oc 1 (Women) Total 1( Women) MANCHERIAL Abstract of Vacancies Class/Category Number of posts oc 2 (1 Women) BC-A 1 (Women) sc 1(Women) Total 4 (3Women) MEDCHAL-MALKAJGIRI Abstract of Vacancies Class/Category Number of posts Oc 3 (1Women ) Blindness or Low Vision |1 (Women) BC-A 1 (Women ) sc 2 (1Women ) Total 7 (4 Women) DMsfis M ETROPOLITAN SESSIONS COURT, HYDERABAD Abstract of Vacancies Class/Category Number of posts Blindness or low vision 1 (Women) (Ww) Total 1 (Women) MULUGU3 Abstract of Vacancies Class/Category Number of posts oc 1 (Women) Total 1 (Women) NAGARKURNOOL Abstract of Vacancies Class/Category Number of posts oc 2 (Women) sc 1 (Women) Total 3 (2 Women) NARAYANPET Abstract of Vacancies Class/Category Number of posts oc 2 (1 Women) sc 1 (Women) Total 3 (2 Women) Drow? 4 PEDDAPALLI Abstract of Vacancies Class/Category Number of posts oc 1(Women) sc 1(Women) Total 2 (Women) RAJANNA SIRICILLA Abstract of Vacancies3 Class/Category Number of posts oc 1 (Women) sc 1 (Women) Total 2 (Women) RANGAREDDY Abstract of Vacancies Class/Category Number of posts oc 3 (1Women) Ews 1 Blindness or Low Vision 1 (Women) BCA 1 (Women) BCB 1 (Women) sc 2 (1 Women) sT 1 (Women) Total 10 (6 Women) Dra? « SIDDIPET Abstract of Vacancies3 Class/Category Number of posts oc 2(1 Women) BCA 1(Women) sc 1(Women) Total 4 (3Women) SURYAPET Abstract of Vacancies Class/Category Number of posts oc 2 (1 Women) sc 1 (Women) Total 3 (2Women) VIKARABAD Abstract of Vacancies Class/Category Number of posts oc 1(Women) sc 1(Women) Total 2 (Women) WANAPARTHY Abstract of Vacancies Class/Category Number of posts, oc 1 (Women) Total 1( Women) Dring YADADRI BHONGIR Al Class/Category Number of Posts oc 1 (Women) se 1 (Women) Total 2 (Women) i Dro rb Date: 25(0|-Z0Z3 REGISTRAR (RECRUITMENT)

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