The Syrneth Codex
The Syrneth Codex
The Syrneth Codex
Warren Cassaday, Archæologist from Avalon, has been traveling around Théah for the last fifteen years, in
search of Syrneth Ruins. This Codex is the first collection of the items and places he has found.
Syrneth Artifacts, Explorer’s Society, Invisible College
Explorers Society, 7th Sea and all related marks are © and ™ 2016 John Wick Presents. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be duplicated without express permission from the Author.
The artifacts boggle the mind and question one’s faith. If Theus truly is our creator, then why has a civilization that has n ever
known his love created such marvels that defy all logic and science?
— Agosto Baltasar Carlos Domingo y Esteban, Castillian Alquimista
Each entry marks the year in Warren Cassaday’s career Also included are a host of characters such as:
that the artifact was found or encountered, the common Warren Cassaday – If you want to set games where he is
stories about it, Cassaday’s own words on the find, and still alive
the system notes regarding the object. Also included are Aisling Cassaday – Warren’s only daughter.
suggestions on how to incorporate the artifact as part of Anaykah – Warren’s wife. Ill and weak. Her current state
your own adventures. of being depends on whether or not you’ve played the
adventure, The Widow’s Secret.
Lara Cassaday – Illegitimate daughter.
Year X Ambrose Cassaday – Father. Spent time in the Crescent
Empire. Lived longer than he should have.
Hazard: [H]
(Example: As a child, the king was nearly buried alive by
an avalanche. Later in his life, he escaped execution from
swung axes by rolling away from his captors. As a young
prince, he was always reminded to stay on the right path.
These become clues to avoid the traps.)
In the hands of the faithful, the eye is said to grant its There are currently three schools of thought on what
bearer the ability to perceive the innermost thoughts of these Tears actually are. In the Invisible College, stories
those in their vicinity. No lie or act of deception can of these three variants have been collected and shared
mislead the bearer of the tear. Cassaday’s own with the Explorer’s Society, in hopes of finding
adventure with the tear was the documented case of the additional facts to support these tales.
“Blue Bloody Death.” Thankfully, no one has opted to
try testing it again in that matter. And hopefully, no one The first claim the Tears are stars that have fallen from
ever will. the heavens. These crystalline forms are the shattered
fragments of a star that once entered the skies of
Théah and broke into a hundred tiny pieces. Each shard
is said to contain unimaginable power, and to
mistakenly attempt to tap this within human flesh and
bone is to invite such energies to flow out and liquefy
the offending prison.
But given these medical practices have long been lost, Complicating the matters are what seem to be predators
these necklaces have also lost their purpose. of the marshes coming to complicate things. Whenever
Discovering that the trapped souls could still be used to appropriate, alligators, snapping turtles, and even swarm
clouds of mosquitoes harass the Heroes. These things
make deals with the dievai was a completely
can be forced back easily (with a single Raise) but it
unexpected usage.
should be clear they seem to be coming out of the muck
As a Dievai power bank more frequently than they should.
If you opt to have the necklace act as the legends say,
Once successful, the Heroes uncover a spiral staircase
then consider the necklace to have three dievai bound
made of glass. A glass lens acts as a barrier to keep
to the souls in its stones.
anyone from just entering. The barrier is as tough as steel
and seems void of any handholds, handles, or switches.
Bolotnik is a dievai that appears as an old man with
reeds peering out of his clothes. He has a thing for The riddle behind the lens is a test the Heroes might not
butter and loves being given some. He grants the have expected to deal with.
necklace bearer the Deal of Water.
II. The Lens
Zvezda is a dievai whose beauty makes her shine like a Craftsmen or skilled investigators can spend H Raises to
literal star. She grants the bearer the Deal of Fire. note that the polished glass lens is not as clear and
unblemished as most thought. With the correct use of
Strzybog is a stout old man whose hair and clothes light and shadow, or by viewing through the lens onto
constantly flutter against an invisible and unfelt wind. the glass beneath it during the noonday sun, one would
He grants the Deal of Storms. spot the nearly invisible writing created by the slightly
refracted portions of the lens. The message would read,
“Good things come” in Sarmatia. This, of course,
references the saying, “Good things come to those who
wait” and serves as a reminder to not rely on the dievai
too often.
As a Soul Bank
If your campaign approaches the concept of human
souls as real, the necklace can activate unexpectedly
when a fellow Hero dies within its vicinity. The necklace
grows a green glow and captures the dying Hero’s soul.
This causes their body to enter a state of hibernative
statis, proof from harm and decomposition.
Everyone shares stories of the false door on the tiny island. And of
the immense coral reef that the island seems attached to and the
mast-like portion that holds the white-bleached sail. I’ve heard of
these same stories, but I knew a bit more than most on where to
look. A shanty sung in Aragosta mentions a pirate who sailed the
stars and navigated the 7 th Sea. The lyrics included the lines, “And
there where she lay, she was red and not white. A slip in a search
and one enter’s just right.” Most took it to be tawdry words that
implied sexual congress. I realized it meant something else.
Studying the coral, I noticed most were pale and dull in color, with
the occasional black ones dotting the reef. There was a growth of
red coral, however, in one particular spot in the deep.
With a gulp of air, I swam below the waters and made my way to
The Chronos Pass the red splotch of sharpness. There, I hoped I was right and
Location: reached my hand between the deadly growth. To my surprise, the
red coral was soft to touch - like fruit - and retracted from contact
Aragosta, The
with my skin. In their wake, a doorway became visible.
Solitary Sail
I had hoped to explore further but a massive moray eel emerged
from the hole. And the only keepsake I had of the encounter was
Northwest from Aragosta, past the Thrandin’s Spires, this metal chained thing that I was hooked on the dagger sharp
there lies a tiny island that is barely thirty feet across. teeth of the eel’s extended maw. I yanked it free as I swam back to
Alongside the island, a broken mast rises from the water the surface, returned to the row boats, and called for the crew to
and a solitary sail hangs from it, blank of any banner and leave. I –
long bleached from the sun. Few have ever seen this
place, given its absence from maps and charts, but those Come to think of it, I never thought to come back. I wonder why?
who chance upon this tiny needle in the watery haystack
usually stare at the oddity and sail away with a new
strange story to share over pints. The Chrono Pass
The small device is a strange device. Cassaday is not
Those who were curious enough to sail towards it, unfamiliar with clocks and while the device seems to
however, learn quickly the waters surrounding it are share a lot of similarities to one, the “clock face” of the
shallow and the risk of running aground is too great. This device does not move. A sister clock, identical from the
pressures more to leave, thankful to have avoided outside in every way, but locked closed without any
making things worse. visible means of opening it, is upon the same chain. Also
absent is any dial or knob that could be turned to wind
However, on rare occasions, this realization just spurs the the watches. At first, the device seemed to be some
curious explorer on. And with the use of rowboats, the broken miniature clock, or perhaps some attempt to
would-be seeker would reach the island, and find upon build a chronometer for sea travel, until Cassaday nearly
its surface a wooden door that faces the sky. Attempting lost his life when a ship he was on capsized due a deadly
to open the door would lead to laughter as only sand storm. When he awoke in the shores of Numa, he had
would be found underneath it. Any attempt to swim into the device in his hand and its tiny arrow hands had
the shallow waters reveals the dangerous presence of moved from the midnight position to the 11th hour. It
sea urchins and stinging corals abound. Looking would take a few more misadventures and near deaths
underwater, however, reveals the mast rises from the before Cassaday understood the emerging pattern: Each
massive coral reef. Perhaps a ship once sunk after near-death experience he had, the clock moved back a
colliding against it and had become overgrown with full hour.
Many years from now at the near end of Cassaday’s Moray Eel
exploring career, the clock face would be down to one The thing stands in your way to get in!
o’clock. Cassady suspects the device had tracked the
instances when he could have died. Or more curiously,
perhaps somehow it had “saved his life on multiple Opposition: This counts as an [2H] Strength Monster
occasions.” He now distinctly remembers yanking it Squad with the following Qualities: Aquatic, Slippery,
from the eel and seeing it at the midnight hour when he and Venomous.
first studied it. Perhaps it also means to warn him that he
is running out of time. Aquatic: Inflicts double damage while in water.
Slippery: Spend a Danger Point to escape from being
bound or pinned down.
The Solitary Sail as an adventure
Venomous: Spend a Danger Point at the beginning of
The Heroes can, on the behest of Cassaday or any other
the Round. When the Monster deals damage, remove
similar group, attempt to explore the Solitary Sail once
1 Raise from the target.
more. The journey would have the following Hazards
and challenges that must be overcome.
Objectives: Kill it!
1. Locating the Solitary Sail
As detailed in the story above, finding the island Tactics: The Eel focuses on the closest target but is not
is the first challenge. The Solitary Sail can be above grappling that target with its maw, then using the
found by any player character on a ship with the rest of its body to coil others nearby.
Ship Backgound: Swallowed by the Triangle, or
by any Hero who spends [H] Raises to uncover 1 Consequence: Each Sequence, a Raise must be spent
the location of this strange place. Perhaps they to avoid Drowning. Also, a second Raise must be spent
heard about it as a child, or they encounter to avoid taking extra 2 Wounds from brushing or hitting
someone who drunkenly shares their the corals.
encounters with the tiny island. For Game
Masters seeking to introduce this area to their 3. The Underwater Tunnel
group, Cassaday himself can task the Heroes to Swimming into the cleared tunnel reveals a
help out. strange chamber where the water fails to
completely fill. The room is around ten feet high
2. The Massive Moray Eel can be entered from above by swimming, but
The guarding monster is at least forty feet long, the water line holds near the corner of the
with a mouth spanning nearly four feet wide. It room, allowing the swimmer to then walk out of
has in its throat a secondary set of teeth known the water and into an air pocket. The tunnel
as its pharyngeal jaws. The scale-less thing has a leads to a secondary chamber. In this pocket,
powerful bite, able to rip apart rowboats and there are tiny hooks on the walls, as well as a
snap oars. The beast guards the entrance, few empty metal crates. One crate still
striking at anyone who attempts to enter. contains strange Syrneth gloves that stretch
Communication and threats do not faze it. and accommodate almost any sized hands.
They can resist heat and water like modern day
The monster is a natural threat and not some
supernatural entity. It had found the tunnel
A door leads to the Secondary Chamber. The
many years back and has embraced it as one of
door has a rotary handle to open, requiring
its hunting zones.
places to rotate the wheel clockwise to open
and counter clockwise to lock shut.
From that point on, if any event brings the said character
to Helpless, the Chrono Pass activates
AUTOMATICALLY. It immediately ticks down one hour
from 12 and warps time in whatever most subtle way is
allowed to avoid that injury.
For Example:
Cassaday is the bearer and while walking down the
street, a runaway carriage crashes into him and kills
him. The Chrono Pass triggers. Suddenly, Cassaday is
stopping to pick up a handkerchief he had dropped.
The delay is just enough for the carriage to drive past
him and hit the empty wall at the end of the street.
Another Example:
An assassin takes aim at Cassaday, hoping to silence
him forever before he brings back his findings and
threatens the Vaticine Church. The Assassin takes aim
and…suddenly a bird lands on his pistol and the
Assassin is forced to shoo it away. As he takes aim
again, Cassaday is gone.
North of Breslau,
As we progressed towards the mountain peak, the first sign of our
Vestenmennavenjar success became apparent. We felt the warm clouds that broke the
punishing cold pass over us a few times. These pockets of comfort
would eventually become the trail we needed to find the Eternal
The falls were quite a sight, pouring out of the mountain into a
steaming pool below. The surge of steam was constantly swirling
as the heated water never relented. Tracing the edge of the pool as
we made our way further up the mountain, we soon found the
fabled garden.
It was paradise.
Play up the Kavita. And see how far the Heroes can go. A
defeated Hero cannot try again, however Zoq is more
than willing to be challenged by a new Hero.
Once all Heroes have been bested, Zoq admits this was
the most fun he has had in ages and he still chooses to
give them the Astrolabe. He warns them, however, that
it will be more dangerous in the hands of man than lost
among the dead. He warns them the Silver Sea is not
I want to thank John Wick, Mark Diaz Truman, Children have gone missing in a small town in the Highland
Miranda Horner, Hannah Shaffer, Brett Zeiler, James Marches, is there any hope for the year to end with peace and
Mendez Hodes, Lenny Balsera, Eloy Lasanta, and goodwill for all?
Shoshana Kessock for allowing me opportunities to
write for 7th Sea. And I do hope more opportunities
continue to come. A 7th Sea Hack for playing young heroes, with over 30 new
Advantages, 3 New Arcana, and 6 New Stories!
I also would like to thank Jim Pinto, Aina Ledesma,
James Lo, Brian Baquiran, Che de Leon, Flip Velez,
Check out the many single sheet supplements covering
Urim Hernandez, and Josh Castañeda, for always everything from Dievai ideas, to Story Starters, Family Foibles
being empowering and supportive of my constant to Unexpected Events and more!
attempts to write more adventures and run more
games. Thank you for being such enabling friends. You can find all these at
Tobie Abad For more works by Tobie Abad, feel free to check out
TAG Sessions at
Warren Cassaday, Archæologist from Avalon,
has been traveling around Théah for the
last fifteen years, in search of Syrneth
Ruins. This Codex is the first collection of
the items and places he has found.