The Syrneth Codex

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The first five years of Sir Warren Cassaday, Archæologist

Warren Cassaday, Archæologist from Avalon, has been traveling around Théah for the last fifteen years, in
search of Syrneth Ruins. This Codex is the first collection of the items and places he has found.


Syrneth Artifacts, Explorer’s Society, Invisible College

Explorers Society, 7th Sea and all related marks are © and ™ 2016 John Wick Presents. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be duplicated without express permission from the Author.
The artifacts boggle the mind and question one’s faith. If Theus truly is our creator, then why has a civilization that has n ever
known his love created such marvels that defy all logic and science?
— Agosto Baltasar Carlos Domingo y Esteban, Castillian Alquimista

Castille that he would find himself in the position to truly

scour the world for the lost Treasures.
Who is The price of this Patronage? That he claim to be Castillian
Warren Cassaday? from that day on. His Patron desired Cassaday’s exploits and
victories to be seen as Castillian triumph. Warren easily
Warren Cassaday was once the premier explorer and agreed, having no lost love for his own Nation. The Patron
archæologist of Théah. Said to be born in San Gabriel, continues to fund his exploits, keeping them just enough to
Castille, Cassaday’s first discovery was a series of caves push through with the adventure but low enough for Warren
close to the harbor of Los Grandes Bay which turned out to need to ask other Nations or organizations for help.
to show signs of intelligence in their design. As the
Who or why the Patron desires Warren to be seen as
stories go, it was at a tender age of 17 that Cassaday Castillain remains a mystery, it seems. One the Patron has no
invested all his wealth on expeditionary equipment and intentions of explaining anytime soon.
explored the caves. The gamble paid off. Cassaday found
a network of subterranean tunnels and chambers that
had never before been explored. Crawling on his hands
and knees, he navigated the passageways and reached a Cassaday had enough gold to launch a new expedition.
And for the next fifteen years, he would find himself
sheer drop that threatened to end his expedition.
Steeling himself, he pushed himself down the tunnel making deals with various Nations and organizations to
one inch at a time and at the bottom, he found a vast feed that newfound appetite for discovery. He would
cavern filled with gold coins, ornaments, and the investigate rumors of Syrneth ruins and would risk both
life and limb to reach the artifacts they may hide within.
skeletons of less skilled explorers who died after they fell
down the tunnel. On a single pedestal further within, he
found what would become the very first Syrneth artifact He would not be reach his twentieth year of exploring
he would hold in his very hands. Théah. While traveling through the great desert in search
for the mythical colossal worms of the Crescent Empire,
The emotions that flowed through him that day forever a great sand storm arose and separated him from the
changed him. His journey down the vertical shaft felt rest. By the time the storm cleared, there was no sign of
symbolic and appropriate. Records show he even him nor his camel.
referred to that moment as a “Second birth.”
Thought there remains no absolute proof of his passing,
most of his Patrons and friends have considered him
dead. It seemed appropriate that one of the greatest
CASTILLIAN? OR AVALONIAN? adventurers and archæologist’s of Théah would find true
The truth of the matter is this. Warren Cassaday is Avalonian. immortality in the legends he would leave behind.
Born in the Highland Marches, the young man who was
destined to become the world’s greatest archæologist had
one major problem stopping him – the lack of funding.

He petitioned to many lords and ladies for financial support,

but sadly found practically everyone preferred to keep their
investments in businesses that were guaranteed to give back
financial returns. It was not until he found a Patron from
Ultimately, bear in mind that you are free to do as you
Using this Supplement will with this sourcebook. In your version of Théah,
This supplement is intended to be a trove of ideas. Warren Cassaday might not even exist, or might actually
Detailed inside are possible Syrneth Ruins you can be some charlatan pretending to be a great
introduce to your group as well as Artifacts you can archæologists. And that’s completely fine too. Use this
utilize as a McGuffin in your games. as you see fit.

Each entry marks the year in Warren Cassaday’s career Also included are a host of characters such as:
that the artifact was found or encountered, the common Warren Cassaday – If you want to set games where he is
stories about it, Cassaday’s own words on the find, and still alive
the system notes regarding the object. Also included are Aisling Cassaday – Warren’s only daughter.
suggestions on how to incorporate the artifact as part of Anaykah – Warren’s wife. Ill and weak. Her current state
your own adventures. of being depends on whether or not you’ve played the
adventure, The Widow’s Secret.
Lara Cassaday – Illegitimate daughter.
Year X Ambrose Cassaday – Father. Spent time in the Crescent
Empire. Lived longer than he should have.

Name of Artifact Inspiration

Location: Where
This Adventure draws inspiration from the following
Cassaday sources:
encountered the
artifact ❖ Les Aventures extraordinaires d’Adèle Blanc-
Sec (Jacques Tardi)
❖ Warren Ellis and John Cassaday’s Planetary
❖ J.J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman, and Roberto Orci’s
Quick description on the common knowledge about it. Fringe TV series
❖ Russell T Davies and Steven Moffat era of
Cassaday’s entry regarding the artifact. Doctor Who
❖ George Lucas and Steven Spielberg’s Indiana
System notes on the artifact. Jones movies
❖ John Rogers’ The Librarians
Optional Adventures/Ideas on using the
Artifact in your games
Scenario summary
Course of Action: Ideas on what the players might do in
the scenario The [H]
As popularized in other Community Created Adventures, the
use of the [H] reference is meant to give the Game Master a
means to dynamically modify the size of Villains and Brute
Squads for various group sizes. Wherever you see [H], replace
it with the number of Hero characters in the Scene. In some
places [H] will have a multiplier or divider (2[H] or ½[H]) or a
base value (4+[H]).

If your players have a more combat savvy group, such as one

with at least one Duelist, consider doubling the Strength of
one or more Brute Squads, Monsters, or Villains.
Year 0 This is my first discovery. My first find.

The Crystal Orb was balanced on a pedestal of marble in the

center of a chamber filled with the skeletons of those who came
The Crystal Orb before me. The orb reacted to my touch; its spinning halted and its
Location: surface glazed over like glass when one breathes upon it during the
winter. While holding the Orb, soft hints of frost began to form in
Los Grandes Bay,
my surroundings. The absorption of heat, however, halted when
Castille the Orb was held by any other means save for the naked hand.

Crossing the tunnels to reach this chamber turned out to be a

The Crystal Orb measures a half a foot in diameter and is simple trick. There were characters on the tiles of the tunnels. I
made of a translucent material not unlike glass. The orb’s simply spelt out the full formal name of the Isoganoth King to
surface is not a smooth surface, however. It is not even a reach the end. The King’s name remains listed in the House of
singular layer. Instead it is a delicate chaos of currents Learning although interestingly, it claims that the King was once
and rivers of what resembles solidified mist that something they called a Marij Min Nar, which roughly translated to
constantly slowly spins in a spherical shape. “smokeless flame.” I wonder if the name comes for the fact that
ice, like fire, does burn, despite not having smoke nor flame.
Stories claim that the Crystal Orb once lay in one of a
series of caves in Los Grandes Bay, in Castille. The Orb
was found in the center of a massive room that could The Crystal Orb as an artifact
only be accessed after traversing multiple winding If you decide to allow your players to have the Crystal
tunnels that were laid with terrible traps. The entire floor Orb, it functions as a Signature Item with one or any of
was a tiled location with each tile having a character from the following effects:
a long dead language. The chambers were said to have
once been the burial tomb of the ancient Syrneth King a) gain 4 Bonus Dice to use the Orb to create
Isoganoth whose rule was during the era of Unending creations made of ice. These creations last only
Snow. There are no actual viable documents that for the Scene and can be shattered
support such an era existed, nor records of such a King prematurely if the attack has Raises equal to
having lived save for a few select tomes that now reside those rolled by the wielder.
in the House of Learning in Anatol Ayh.
b) The Orb grants its wielder the Monstrous
Quality: Elemental. It grants this without
requiring the wielder to gain Corruption.

The Crystal Orb as an Adventure

The journey to locate the tomb holding the orb is a series of
steep tunnels and underground ravines. Navigating through
these in the dark was just the start of this perilous

I. The Right Cave

There are a series of caves in Los Grandes Bay, in Castille.
Many of them are filled with deadly traps of all sorts,
This was the first challenge in locating the Orb’s resting

Traversing the Dark: Wits + Athletics will be required to

navigate the dangerous natural chambers. The [H]
Complications of loose rocks, darkness, and the
possibilities of injury must be overcome. To find the
correct cave, however, the group must spend a total of The Crystal Orb as a Weapon
[H]. A Villain now uses the Orb to strike terror at their foes. Each
II. Into the Dark use of the Orb costs the Villain a Danger Point. These uses
Deep within the depths, deadly traps await their can range from practical to useful, allowing the Villain to
unsuspecting victims. lull opponents to sleep from intense cold, to freezing them
in place to capture them. Or launching deadly icicles to
Traps : Many of the tunnels have hidden pit traps, sliding impale them.
areas, or walls that conceal deadly traps that reset after
an initial attempt to strike their target. Weaponzied Orb: The Orb can grant its wielder the
Monstrous Quality, “Elemental”. This grants the wielder
All traps are designed to keep out intruders. The original five dice whenever they declare an action that utilizes
builders of the chambers were said to be from the era of Cold as part of its concept. The artifact can be in the
Unending Snow and knowledge of the King Isoganoth’s hands of a minor villain, who claims to have found it
tale allows the Heroes to avoid the traps automatically from an expedition.
as they match the trails the king faced in his rise to
power, assuming they remembered the correct stories.

Hazard: [H]
(Example: As a child, the king was nearly buried alive by
an avalanche. Later in his life, he escaped execution from
swung axes by rolling away from his captors. As a young
prince, he was always reminded to stay on the right path.
These become clues to avoid the traps.)

Heroes therefore can simply evade the traps using their

Wits, Finesse, or Athletics. Or they can trust their
Scholarship to guide them through.

III. The Cold Death

The Heroes find the Crystal Orb in the center of a
chamber filled with skeletons. The doors of the chamber
slam shut and trap them. The temperature begins to
Shutting down the Orb: Wits + Scholarship or Resolve +
Weaponry might be the best options, with Scholarship
reflecting figuring out how to shut it down, and
Weaponry figuring out how to shatter the Orb.
Hazard: 6
The Hazard level of the Orb increases each Round (using
Intensify). Every two rounds, the Hazard triggers
Year 1 Her face melted away, leaving an azure goop that once were her
eyes, her nose, her lips. The pirate claimed the Tear as her own,
and despite my warnings that it would not be wise for her to do
anything so rash. As she held the glass Tear in her hand, she
Lágrimas de la stared into it as if she could see and hear something none of us
Mariah could do so.
Location: The pirate began screaming at us to shut up. To stop talking. To
stop telling her such painful things. She raised the Tear up past
Cordillera Valeria,
her head and with a scream plunged it into the space between her
Castille eyes and her nose. The glass plunged deep, vanishing in the torrent
of blood that followed. She howled. She screamed. She fell.
The artifact appears as a nondescript piece of glass in the We tried to block out the noise. Her blood curdling screams were
shape of a teardrop. The glass is clear and well-polished, the stuff of nightmares. We had to find a way to stop it. To save
showing no details, indentation, nor scratches. The tear is her from what seemed to be a painful demise.
warm to touch and it is said that if one holds it against Her blood turned blue. Like blue paint, it began to pour out from
one’s forehead, one can hear voices speaking an old her eyes, her nose her mouth. I begged my Sarmatian companion
form of a Castillian dialect within the glass. to do something. To speak to the spirits he knows and make this
stop. He insisted this was greater than even his Sorcery. The Pirate
It is not the appearance of the artifact, however, that
fell down, dead. And the Tear emerged, slipping out from under
fascinates the Invisible College and its archæologists.
her skin as if it had done nothing cruel..
Rather, it is the claim that the Tear has miraculous
I feel like it had judged her. And killed her when it found her
powers if it is used by the faithful. And terrible powers
when used by the cruel.

In the hands of the faithful, the eye is said to grant its There are currently three schools of thought on what
bearer the ability to perceive the innermost thoughts of these Tears actually are. In the Invisible College, stories
those in their vicinity. No lie or act of deception can of these three variants have been collected and shared
mislead the bearer of the tear. Cassaday’s own with the Explorer’s Society, in hopes of finding
adventure with the tear was the documented case of the additional facts to support these tales.
“Blue Bloody Death.” Thankfully, no one has opted to
try testing it again in that matter. And hopefully, no one The first claim the Tears are stars that have fallen from
ever will. the heavens. These crystalline forms are the shattered
fragments of a star that once entered the skies of
Théah and broke into a hundred tiny pieces. Each shard
is said to contain unimaginable power, and to
mistakenly attempt to tap this within human flesh and
bone is to invite such energies to flow out and liquefy
the offending prison.

The second ties in more with the Explorer’s Society.

The claim is that the Tears are remnants of what were
once called Thought Crystals or Tala Isipan by an
ancient people called the Magwayin. These people are
said to have mastered crystalline technology to the
point of creating vast vessels that are powered by the
sun. Their stories speak of impressive castles that
traversed the seas. Some whisper that the Magwayin
were also known by another name, a name which
served as a title or honorific for their incredible
achievements – Syrne.
The last believes the Tears of the Mariah are in fact a from the use of the crystal for one whole month for
strange relic of faith. It is believed that the Prophet was each Tala Point or the destruction of the crystal.
not alone in bringing the words of knowledge an
As a relic of the Prophet’s Mother
understanding to the world. So too did his mother,
The Vaticine Church has long held that the mother of
whom some of the faithful refer to as the Mariah, or the
the First Prophet is human, and thus, is merely a flawed
idealized virtuous woman. The Tear, they claim, is a yet
vessel that contained a perfect soul. This artifact,
to be understood crystalline element that the Prophets
however, can become the central element of a story
seeks the faithful to understand, identify, and embrace
that explores the Prophet’s Mother as someone more
as part of the world’s scientific gifts. Its deadly nature,
than just human. Perhaps there was an organization
they claim, is but the natural effect of misusing the
that claimed to know the truth but the group had been
crystal. “Such death is no different from when an
hunted down to near extinction by the Inquisition to
uneducated man of the faith mistakenly swallows a
silence their beliefs forever?
spoonful of arsenic.”
If your group opts to head in this direction, then the
Lágrimas de las Mariah as an artifact relic can be a non-magical item of extremely important
If you decide to allow your players to have the Tears religious significance, or a powerful relic of divine origin.
function as an artifact, it depends on which of the three If you opt to have the divine power angle in the game,
mentioned above will be its true nature. then the tears are intended to be slipped into the eyes
As Crystals of a Fallen Star of the intended vessel – the idealized virtuous woman
These would therefore be extremely rare but potent who matches the perfection of Mariah. When the
energy sources. Imagine them to be highly radioactive, wrong person attempts it, their tears become a thick
which when used with the right machinery can bluish sap that covers their face and suffocates them
theoretically allow such devices to function indefinitely. with their own pride. If it is done by the correct woman,
When placed against human skin, these crystals however, the results can be anything epically
generate intense heat that deal 2 Wounds each second. appropriate for your campaign.
The “telepathic” abilities are just hearsay stories.
Lágrimas de las Mariah as an Adventure
As the Tala Isipan of the Magwayin The Heroes have been forced by the Villain to find the
The Magwayin may still have some followers or cult correct Crystal Tears in a chamber filled with various
groups that believe in their eventual return. Groups that trinkets and gemstones. Above, their helpless companion is
choose to approach this idea can even use the being held hostage until they return with the artifact.
adventure, The Widow’s Secret, to have the group Identifying the Tears: The relic itself might call out to the
encounter a still living relic of the Magwayin. Heroes, sensing the Villainous intent of the enemy
above. Any Hero can spend a single Raise to get a “gut
These crystals are indeed material components that feel” for the right crystal. The bigger question is
inherently have a powerful psionic resonance, allowing whether or not to surrender it.
one to focus and even enhance latent telepathic
Lágrimas de las Mariah as a Conspiracy
System wise, you can represent this as allowing any The Villain claims to have the Tears and holds the Vaticine
bearer to have the equivalent of Sorte: Read. The Church hostage as they claim to have the person whom is
bearer can look at another person and based on their intended to replace the current head of the Church. The
surface thoughts, identify the other person’s Arcana. Vaticine Church reaches out to the Heroes to ask for their
Each time this is done, however, quietly mark a Tala help to retrieve the crystals. Worse, however, the Inquisition
does not want any proof that supports any school of
Point for that character. Keep track of these Points. If
thought outside that of what the current Church teaches to
they ever exceed the character’s Wits, the Telepathic
reach anyone’s eyes. And that includes the Heroes.
powers begin to have an addictive quality, causing the
Hero to suffer a constant Pressure to use the Crystal. Escaping the Inquisition: The Inquisition can become a
Breaking from this addiction can require separation recurring thorn on the Heroes’ side.
its wearer to make deals with the dievai through proxy.
Year 2-4 The necklace, it is said, has a brooch for each human
heart that had been sacrificed to the relic. These
brooches supposedly allow the wearer to make major
dealings with the spirits known as the dievai without
tainting their own souls with the bargain.

If the stories are to be believed, five dievai have made

dealings with the previous bearer of the relic, and
anyone who wears the device will have the freedom to
use the promised powers that were established by those
deals. The dievai, however, are “trapped” in this dealing,
having now made bonds with the mummified hearts of
what stand now as effectively immortal Losejas, albeit
one with no freedom or sense of consciousness.

The necklace was last known to be in the hands of a

woman who had used the dievai power to avenge her
fallen family by transforming an entire ATC galleon and
all its crew and cargo into sea foam. But in the years that
passed, she was nearly driven mad by the taunting
voices of the various dievai that followed her around. In
hopes of escaping them, she threw the necklace into the
Dievai Marches and hoped they would be lost in the
muck forever more.

It took me two years to gather the funding necessary to hire

enough men to help scour the marshes for the necklace. When one
of the diggers found a spiral staircase made of glass buried
beneath the mud and grime. The outermost layer, though, was
covered by a glass lens, keeping the much from flooding into the
stairwell. I quickly walked closer and inspected the glass and found
it to be as tough as steel. I could not find any openings or grooves
Vermarine Sins to slide it open, nor any handles to lift it from the ground. I spent
Location: two weeks trying to find a way to open the door to no avail. We
had gone from careful studying to heavy hammers being slammed
Dievai Marshes, against the glass in our attempts to open the door. None of them
Sarmatian worked.
Flash forward to the third week. Perhaps It was just a stroke of luck
The necklace is composed of five brooches, each varying or the stars were in the right place, but when we revisited the portal
slightly in size. At the center of three of the brooches is a to investigate it (as we sorely considered using cannon powder to
vibrant emerald inlaid in gold, bronze, and pearl. Only try blasting it open) we found it slid open as if it always was.
three of the brooches have an emerald center. The five
brooches are connected by an intricate golden mesh I had four men accompany me into the pit and down below we
chain, which somehow clasps into each other found the necklace resting in a chamber of dried mud. There were
automatically to maintain a standard length around any three stumps surrounding the necklace, made of packed dried
person’s neck. mud.

The stories of the necklace first reached the Explorer’s

Society’s archæologists when news reached them
supposedly of a Syrneth artifact that supposedly allowed
One of the men, Mendoza, a Castillian worked, exclaimed how
they looked like something to sit on. Nothing else inside suggested If the Valytuvas ever learn of the necklaces’ existence,
any history or whom had dug out the chamber or made the glass they are sure to focus on it as a threat and devote
stairs. considerable resources to destroy it and anyone who
has knowledge of its existence. Allowing an object that
I lifted the necklace from the ground and felt a warmth in its allows even non-losejas to have ties with the dievas is
structure. There was the temptation to try wearing it but I held far too dangerous to allow to be out there in the world.
back. I was commissioned by a man dressed in silver armor. He
said he was given this quest by a woman named Anna and I was
doing a great service in retrieving this necklace. As payment, I was
given a pinned brooch which the knight claimed would be Vermarine Sins as an adventure
recognized all over the Commonwealth. That I would always be The Dievai Marshes are not without their dangers. But
seen as a friend of the nation. And so far, It has worked. The ports the legends all point to the necklace being somewhere
of Sarmatia have never charged me for docking. The nobility here. The search for the relic almost seems like it is being
welcome my presence to their events without question. Who the hindered by other spirits that stalk the wetlands of the
knight was or where the pendant now has gone is a mystery I do Sarmatian Commonwealth.
not feel compelled to solve.
I. The Long Search
Looking for a long-lost artifact in marshes should take
Vermarine Sins as an artifact considerable time and effort. To best represent this, the
The Vermarine Sins is a frighteningly powerful Syrneth search should cost around 2H to 3H to find, barring
relic and its association with the Dievai turns out to be magical means. Note, however, that the Dievai and the
just circumstantial. The Syrneth device is the pendant Fae folk will refuse to assist in such a search. Both (yes,
system which was originally designed to house the even the Fae) are actually vulnerable to being
souls of those whose bodies had fallen in battle. With imprisoned in the necklace and wish to have nothing to
their identities safely stored, the ancient Syrne would do with its recovery.
then work their technological magics on repairing the
A single roll can represent a week of searching.
shattered body.

But given these medical practices have long been lost, Complicating the matters are what seem to be predators
these necklaces have also lost their purpose. of the marshes coming to complicate things. Whenever
Discovering that the trapped souls could still be used to appropriate, alligators, snapping turtles, and even swarm
clouds of mosquitoes harass the Heroes. These things
make deals with the dievai was a completely
can be forced back easily (with a single Raise) but it
unexpected usage.
should be clear they seem to be coming out of the muck
As a Dievai power bank more frequently than they should.
If you opt to have the necklace act as the legends say,
Once successful, the Heroes uncover a spiral staircase
then consider the necklace to have three dievai bound
made of glass. A glass lens acts as a barrier to keep
to the souls in its stones.
anyone from just entering. The barrier is as tough as steel
and seems void of any handholds, handles, or switches.
Bolotnik is a dievai that appears as an old man with
reeds peering out of his clothes. He has a thing for The riddle behind the lens is a test the Heroes might not
butter and loves being given some. He grants the have expected to deal with.
necklace bearer the Deal of Water.
II. The Lens
Zvezda is a dievai whose beauty makes her shine like a Craftsmen or skilled investigators can spend H Raises to
literal star. She grants the bearer the Deal of Fire. note that the polished glass lens is not as clear and
unblemished as most thought. With the correct use of
Strzybog is a stout old man whose hair and clothes light and shadow, or by viewing through the lens onto
constantly flutter against an invisible and unfelt wind. the glass beneath it during the noonday sun, one would
He grants the Deal of Storms. spot the nearly invisible writing created by the slightly
refracted portions of the lens. The message would read,
“Good things come” in Sarmatia. This, of course,
references the saying, “Good things come to those who
wait” and serves as a reminder to not rely on the dievai
too often.

If the Heroes wait a total of three weeks, the lens slides

open and allows the Heroes passage. The lens is not
indestructible and a total of 3H can be spent to shatter it
by impatient Heroes.

III. The Three Sitters

Inside, the staircase leads to a chamber of packed dried
mud. There are three stumps on the ground, with the
necklace lying on the floor at the center of them.
Anyone who attempts to touch the necklace as this
point fees a warmth.

The stumps, if studied, resemble people in sitting

position. Without study, they simply look like chairs. At
this point, there are no traps. The necklace is free for the
taking. If any new dievai or fae are captured, however,
the captive appears as a new stump appears.

As a Soul Bank
If your campaign approaches the concept of human
souls as real, the necklace can activate unexpectedly
when a fellow Hero dies within its vicinity. The necklace
grows a green glow and captures the dying Hero’s soul.
This causes their body to enter a state of hibernative
statis, proof from harm and decomposition.

Once the body has been repaired of its injuries enough

to stave death, the necklace reactivates and releases the
soul, allowing the person to be revived. Afterwards, it
shatters, having spent its final batteries to save a life.
transmuted their very flesh and bone into metal.
Year 3 Cassaday shares TWO separate accounts that relate to
these Copper statues.

I figured the statue would be worth something, despite not really

having any patron footing the bill this time. The first sighting was
at Vodacce, as the statue emerged from the treasure that had
been collected from a sunken ship. Inside the net, multiple broken
plates, porcelain cups, and other baubles. The statue was among
the items in the raised net that they planned to spread on the deck
to try and identify any items of value. The captain of the ship
boasted that the find would be worth a good fortune.

I asked permission to inspect the haul but before I could step

closer, the net that held the items suddenly tore open, plunging all
of its contents back into the deep waters. The crew frantically tried
to snag what they could but I found myself focused on the net
itself. I was certain I had seen for a moment the hand of the statue
snag upon the net. And pull.
The Copper Man
Location: I remember having nightmares of this moment afflicting me even
Close to the during the months I focused on finding other artifacts. Something
about the statue made me wonder why it would only choose to
islands of move that moment, after all those years.
Vodacce If you opt to approach the Copper Man as indeed a living
being, then consider either of these two possibilities:
The Copper Man is a seven-foot-tall figure that seemed One, the Copper man contains the last one who tried to
to have been hammered into shape with various find and sell the statue for profit. Or two, the Copper
fragments of what look like rust-colored iron of an man is a second-skin coffin of a terrible immortal being.
unfamiliar origin. Investigation of the material shows
there are some notable similarities to dracheneisen, the
rare metal used by monster hunters of Eisen. The figure The Copper Man as a trapped man
is that of a naked man standing with his arms held Once upon a time, a tomb-raider named Markus Igeman
loosely on his sides. Careful study reveals round clots of accomplished the unexpected. He uncovered the
the metal in certain parts of the sculpture. These location of a sunken vessel close to the islands of
markings dot the figure all over and were cited to Dovunque. After gathering some men and finding a
resemble caught droplets or bubbling that was solidified suitable ship, Markus sailed to the location and
by the metal cooling in time. The statue is indestructible, attempted to retrieve the bounty beneath the seas.
with no missing parts of any sort. Markus descended into the depths to prepare the next
and much to the horror of the crew, he never resurfaced.
It is said that the statue is one of many and some believe The crew deemed the place cursed and sailed away,
there is a statue for each Nation on Théah. They do not, claiming never to have met or heard of the man.
however, appear similar to any other statue artifacts that
have been retrieved in other ruins all over the world. The Last Victim
The Copper Man was crafted as a horrible trap against
Some have speculated that the statues are not statues. tomb raiders. The Syrne anticipated that the later
Instead, they state that they might actually instead be civilizations would dare tamper with their final resting
the final resting place of long dead monarchs who lie places. To protect their tombs, these “Copper Men” were
eternally inside these humanoid-shaped coffins. Others created. A tomb raider found a Sryneth tomb, but
terrifyingly speculate that these statues are the actual unfortunately activated the Copper Man trap. The
figures but some strange poison or sorcery has second-skin rose up and clamped down upon him,
locking him in the prison and as a cruel ironic
punishment, keeping him alive for the last few years. The Leading her back to the garden, we found the Copper Man
man inside the copper is now insane and savage, standing where I had seen it. However, unlike my prior
desperate to die and overwhelmed with rage. At the first observances of the said thing, this one was open. Like a cocoon
opportunity to kill, the Copper Man attempts to do so. that had been ruptured open by the nascent butterfly, the Copper
Man’s face, chest, stomach, and limbs have been opened – not
that different in appearance to that of a shelled lobster. Upon
Markus Igeman
closer inspection, the interlocking pieces could still be swiveled
Eisen – Maddened Tomb-Raider
back into their original closed position, but not lock shut. I
Strength 6 Influence 1 Rank 7
remembered seeing the eyes of the statue staring back at me. But
Advantages Cast Iron Stomach, Quick Reflexes
now looking at its shell, all I saw were the empty holes where the
Copper Skin: The Copper Skin grants Markus the effects
of the Monstrous Quality: Chitinous (Spend a Danger eyes once peered through.
Point) to negate all Wounds dealt to this by a single
attack). It was as if someone had left.

Virtue: The War (Victorious) Activate the first time you

Wound a Hero to make them take a Dramatic The Copper Man as an immortal being
Wound in addition to the Wounds you normally deal. During an era before Théah was even referred to as such,
Hubris: The Beggar (Envious) Receive a Danger Point an ancient people have learned to combine mystic
when your Hero covets something and does alchemy with incredible technological development. The
something unwise to get it. Copper Man was one such creation. The suit was
intended as a means to suspend one’s life from coming
Tactics: Stay unmoving as long as needed until you can into the throes of death. While the outside appearance
get closer to a target. You’ve learned to lie in wait under was a plain imagery of a man (or woman). The actual
the waters, unleashing your anger upon predatory fish interior is a macabre sight. Hundreds of fine needle-like
and scavengers. Once combat begins, be relentless and extensions could be seen in the inside. They clearly were
strike at any target as much as possible. intended to embed upon the wearer’s flesh for some
mysterious purpose.
My second encounter with a Copper Man was much later in that
same year. It was many months after that first haul at sea, and I The players may encounter another such Copper Man,
had just investigated the possible whereabouts of an interesting
perhaps one still housing its original resident. Inside, if
the immortal were to even get out, it would be
necklace when I paid a visit to Patrizia Sandredengo, Vodacce art
unintelligible and angry, seeing a world that stands
collector and museum curator. Sandredengo wanted me to inspect
unfamiliar and… backward. It would violently attack the
an old tome which she had retrieved from a burned down ruin that
Heroes, seeing them as usurpers of a time his people
they had discovered in La Bucca.
ruled the world. He would be beyond calming down and
will use the full extent of his abilities to commit violence
As she lead me through the wide-open hallways of her immense
upon the Heroes.
manor, we passed through a garden where each bush and tree
had been meticulously trimmed to bear the appearance of
woodland creatures. Patrizia laughed, noticing my hesitation and Oodh
mistaking to be admiration of the excellent topiary. In truth, what Sorcerer-King of a lost people
stopped me was the sight of the Copper Man standing amidst her Strength 10 Influence 1 Rank 11
garden. Even more curious, when I mentioned the statue’s Advantages Beyond Sight, Desperate Effort, God-
remarkable appearance in passing, she glanced back at me Touched (number 4), The Storm Serves Me, Signature
confused, as if she had no idea what I was talking about. Item: Shattered Blade

Virtue: The Great Cycle (Alive) Activate to reroll any

number of dice when you take a Risk.
Hubris: The Morning Star (Pretentious) Receive a
Danger Point when you refuse to take part in an action
because you feel doing so would be beneath you.
Tactics: Oodh attacks viciously, ignoring other can spend a Raise to declare which animal
opponents until the one he has begun to hurt is finally sculpture is to be displayed.
Helpless on the ground. He screams out a lot of strange
things during the assault such as the words: Mug Wa When the wrong animal is revealed, the
Yeen, Shan Ree, Speck Tor. character triggering that animal must take a
Consequence of [2H] Wounds.
The Copper Man is damaged and no longer functions as o Fox has a mist released that burns
it used to. It remains an artifact, however, of a time one’s lungs.
before Théan history. o Elk has an intricate puzzle dance on the
wall which causes painful seizures.
o Horse causes spears to strike from
The Copper Man as a new discovery above and the ground.
As the Heroes attempt to navigate the confounding o Spider causes a droplet to fall from the
tunnels of the Syrneth Ruin, they come across a massive ceiling and if the character catches it, it
doorway that towers almost fifteen feet high. The burns into their skin like acid.
double doors are ten feet wide and have neither a door o Snake has mystical lights glow and
knob nor a handle. Instead, a panel with movable iron suddenly shoot electricity at the
rods can be seen on the ground, a few feet from the character.
doorway. Some of the rods have been broken. • Trial and error can reveal Bear is the correct rod
to have raised. The Bear causes a massive bear
Above the doorway, an engraved marking is barely statue to rise from the ground, and it “lifts” the
visible, most of its material eroded by time. doorway.

As the Heroes step into the chamber, they discover a

Dramatic Sequence:
horrifying sight. There are more than a single Copper
The Chamber of Copper Man inside. Instead a whole group of around twenty of
The Heroes attempt to penetrate the door.
them are standing, unmoving, in the room.
Solving the Riddle of the Rods: Wits + Scholarship is the
If you opt to have them as a threat, you can use Copper
easiest Approach, but creative players might opt to use
Man as an Immortal Being above as the direction. More
Wits + Notice to identify the wear and tear of the rods
interestingly, you can describe them as inert empty
that have been used.
Copper Men, then later in the session or story, when
they are brought to the city/patron, some NPC can find
1 Raise: Each Raise gains one of these facts. The players
themselves trapped inside by accident leading to a fight
can solve this Riddle once they have spent a total of [H]
to free him.
Raises or if they eventually declare to have the Bear rod
at the solely raised rod.

• Each of the rods is topped with an animal

sculpture. The following are: Fox, Elk, Bear,
Horse, Spider, and Snake. The rest are too
damaged to be identified.
• The Copper Man figure has an almost
impossible to see symbol etched up of a Mother
in a Circle.
• Sliding a rod down causes grinding noises to
emerge from the walls. Sliding a rod up does
the same. Each rod moved causes a second rod
to move. It seems the trick is to have only one
rod raised while the rest are down.

This won’t have to be done by players step by

step. Instead, knowing this is the goal, players
Year 4 The Solitary Sail.

Everyone shares stories of the false door on the tiny island. And of
the immense coral reef that the island seems attached to and the
mast-like portion that holds the white-bleached sail. I’ve heard of
these same stories, but I knew a bit more than most on where to
look. A shanty sung in Aragosta mentions a pirate who sailed the
stars and navigated the 7 th Sea. The lyrics included the lines, “And
there where she lay, she was red and not white. A slip in a search
and one enter’s just right.” Most took it to be tawdry words that
implied sexual congress. I realized it meant something else.

Studying the coral, I noticed most were pale and dull in color, with
the occasional black ones dotting the reef. There was a growth of
red coral, however, in one particular spot in the deep.

With a gulp of air, I swam below the waters and made my way to
The Chronos Pass the red splotch of sharpness. There, I hoped I was right and
Location: reached my hand between the deadly growth. To my surprise, the
red coral was soft to touch - like fruit - and retracted from contact
Aragosta, The
with my skin. In their wake, a doorway became visible.
Solitary Sail
I had hoped to explore further but a massive moray eel emerged
from the hole. And the only keepsake I had of the encounter was
Northwest from Aragosta, past the Thrandin’s Spires, this metal chained thing that I was hooked on the dagger sharp
there lies a tiny island that is barely thirty feet across. teeth of the eel’s extended maw. I yanked it free as I swam back to
Alongside the island, a broken mast rises from the water the surface, returned to the row boats, and called for the crew to
and a solitary sail hangs from it, blank of any banner and leave. I –
long bleached from the sun. Few have ever seen this
place, given its absence from maps and charts, but those Come to think of it, I never thought to come back. I wonder why?
who chance upon this tiny needle in the watery haystack
usually stare at the oddity and sail away with a new
strange story to share over pints. The Chrono Pass
The small device is a strange device. Cassaday is not
Those who were curious enough to sail towards it, unfamiliar with clocks and while the device seems to
however, learn quickly the waters surrounding it are share a lot of similarities to one, the “clock face” of the
shallow and the risk of running aground is too great. This device does not move. A sister clock, identical from the
pressures more to leave, thankful to have avoided outside in every way, but locked closed without any
making things worse. visible means of opening it, is upon the same chain. Also
absent is any dial or knob that could be turned to wind
However, on rare occasions, this realization just spurs the the watches. At first, the device seemed to be some
curious explorer on. And with the use of rowboats, the broken miniature clock, or perhaps some attempt to
would-be seeker would reach the island, and find upon build a chronometer for sea travel, until Cassaday nearly
its surface a wooden door that faces the sky. Attempting lost his life when a ship he was on capsized due a deadly
to open the door would lead to laughter as only sand storm. When he awoke in the shores of Numa, he had
would be found underneath it. Any attempt to swim into the device in his hand and its tiny arrow hands had
the shallow waters reveals the dangerous presence of moved from the midnight position to the 11th hour. It
sea urchins and stinging corals abound. Looking would take a few more misadventures and near deaths
underwater, however, reveals the mast rises from the before Cassaday understood the emerging pattern: Each
massive coral reef. Perhaps a ship once sunk after near-death experience he had, the clock moved back a
colliding against it and had become overgrown with full hour.
Many years from now at the near end of Cassaday’s Moray Eel
exploring career, the clock face would be down to one The thing stands in your way to get in!
o’clock. Cassady suspects the device had tracked the
instances when he could have died. Or more curiously,
perhaps somehow it had “saved his life on multiple Opposition: This counts as an [2H] Strength Monster
occasions.” He now distinctly remembers yanking it Squad with the following Qualities: Aquatic, Slippery,
from the eel and seeing it at the midnight hour when he and Venomous.
first studied it. Perhaps it also means to warn him that he
is running out of time. Aquatic: Inflicts double damage while in water.
Slippery: Spend a Danger Point to escape from being
bound or pinned down.
The Solitary Sail as an adventure
Venomous: Spend a Danger Point at the beginning of
The Heroes can, on the behest of Cassaday or any other
the Round. When the Monster deals damage, remove
similar group, attempt to explore the Solitary Sail once
1 Raise from the target.
more. The journey would have the following Hazards
and challenges that must be overcome.
Objectives: Kill it!
1. Locating the Solitary Sail
As detailed in the story above, finding the island Tactics: The Eel focuses on the closest target but is not
is the first challenge. The Solitary Sail can be above grappling that target with its maw, then using the
found by any player character on a ship with the rest of its body to coil others nearby.
Ship Backgound: Swallowed by the Triangle, or
by any Hero who spends [H] Raises to uncover 1 Consequence: Each Sequence, a Raise must be spent
the location of this strange place. Perhaps they to avoid Drowning. Also, a second Raise must be spent
heard about it as a child, or they encounter to avoid taking extra 2 Wounds from brushing or hitting
someone who drunkenly shares their the corals.
encounters with the tiny island. For Game
Masters seeking to introduce this area to their 3. The Underwater Tunnel
group, Cassaday himself can task the Heroes to Swimming into the cleared tunnel reveals a
help out. strange chamber where the water fails to
completely fill. The room is around ten feet high
2. The Massive Moray Eel can be entered from above by swimming, but
The guarding monster is at least forty feet long, the water line holds near the corner of the
with a mouth spanning nearly four feet wide. It room, allowing the swimmer to then walk out of
has in its throat a secondary set of teeth known the water and into an air pocket. The tunnel
as its pharyngeal jaws. The scale-less thing has a leads to a secondary chamber. In this pocket,
powerful bite, able to rip apart rowboats and there are tiny hooks on the walls, as well as a
snap oars. The beast guards the entrance, few empty metal crates. One crate still
striking at anyone who attempts to enter. contains strange Syrneth gloves that stretch
Communication and threats do not faze it. and accommodate almost any sized hands.
They can resist heat and water like modern day
The monster is a natural threat and not some
supernatural entity. It had found the tunnel
A door leads to the Secondary Chamber. The
many years back and has embraced it as one of
door has a rotary handle to open, requiring
its hunting zones.
places to rotate the wheel clockwise to open
and counter clockwise to lock shut.

4. The Secondary Chamber

Reaching the secondary chamber, the Hero
finds himself in a twenty foot by thirty roughly
oblong-chamber. The chamber is filled with
long metal half-tubs each around a foot deep.
Inside the tub, various corals have overgrown
and taken over the containers. Prying any out The Chrono Pass as a Problem
reveals nothing of value underneath them, as if That Villain they just can’t defeat? He actually has one.
the corals were the focus of the room. There None of them realized time winding back to favor the
are metal spikes on the walls implying Villain those last few attempts.
something may have once been hanging on
them but these are now empty from time. But when the Sarmatian Losejas asks for the secret
knowledge to his survival, the dievai spits out name of
Finally, in one tub, there are no corals. Instead, the device. When the Fate Witch attempts to discern
there are metal parts scattered about. Further what happened, a freak wind always blows her Sorte
study might reveal a similarity to clock pieces deck away before she could make a clear reading.
and parts, albeit a quite tiny one. This may have
been where the pendant had been created, but Destroying the Chrono Pass is the only way to defeat the
there no longer seem to be any sign of plans or Villain. Doing so can require either a unique sacrifice
blueprints on how to build it however. (such as sacrificing a loved one – and gaining Corruption)
and using the same weapon to shatter the watch. Or by
The Chrono Pass as a Discovery promising to offer it X years of your potential life. There’s
The Heroes can encounter a secondary Chorno Pass in no way of knowing if it did work, or if your potential
their adventures. Perhaps while in a ruin, they spot the lifespan was indeed shortened, but it makes for an
device and opt to pick it up. Be sure to keep track of awesome scene.
which Hero chooses to pick it up. Whoever first held it is
its “owner” regardless of what the players decide later on
who keeps it.

From that point on, if any event brings the said character
to Helpless, the Chrono Pass activates
AUTOMATICALLY. It immediately ticks down one hour
from 12 and warps time in whatever most subtle way is
allowed to avoid that injury.

For Example:
Cassaday is the bearer and while walking down the
street, a runaway carriage crashes into him and kills
him. The Chrono Pass triggers. Suddenly, Cassaday is
stopping to pick up a handkerchief he had dropped.
The delay is just enough for the carriage to drive past
him and hit the empty wall at the end of the street.

Another Example:
An assassin takes aim at Cassaday, hoping to silence
him forever before he brings back his findings and
threatens the Vaticine Church. The Assassin takes aim
and…suddenly a bird lands on his pistol and the
Assassin is forced to shoo it away. As he takes aim
again, Cassaday is gone.

A block away, Cassaday simply walked down the

street, unawares of the Chrono Pass ticking down
another hour in his pocket.

The Chrono Pass Effect cannot be given to another

person. Nor can the Hero find a way to restore the lost
Year 5
This is the third region I’ve gone to explore here in
The Burning Garden Vestenmennavenjar. Barely into my twenties and I am struggling
Location: to move in this immense cold. How could people live here?

North of Breslau,
As we progressed towards the mountain peak, the first sign of our
Vestenmennavenjar success became apparent. We felt the warm clouds that broke the
punishing cold pass over us a few times. These pockets of comfort
would eventually become the trail we needed to find the Eternal

The falls were quite a sight, pouring out of the mountain into a
steaming pool below. The surge of steam was constantly swirling
as the heated water never relented. Tracing the edge of the pool as
we made our way further up the mountain, we soon found the
fabled garden.

It was paradise.

The garden persists due to remarkable plants called Fire

Lilies. Each Fire Lily emits a steady warm field that
allows the plants to bloom and thrive despite the
Deep in the heart of the cold icy mountains lies a garden inhospitable weather. Within the vicinity of each Fire Lily
where the very lilies burn with the warmth of the sun. are a host of various other plants. Many of them are
Cassaday’s investigations into the garden’s existence medicinal or rare. Perhaps even a few are of long extinct
began when he was a child. Skald’s poems spoke of a flora.
garden which never ceased to bloom and the gods
would rest in its warmth. While most poems would be The Heroes soon quickly discover the Fire Lilies are not
reverent, boastful, or even obscene, Cassaday noticed actual plants and removing them from the ground
the ones relating to the burning garden were always destroys their ability to provide warmth.
nostalgic and sad in nature. This contrast alerted Cassady
to the possibility that the poems were different from the Fire Lily Technology
usual ones, which were used to entertain others during Developed by the Syrne to tap onto the natural “telluric”
the long winters. energies in the ground itself, the Fire Lilies are crystalline
engines that have been wrapped with decorate cloth to
This lead to Cassaday searching for cartographers who appear as flowers. While plugged into the earth, the
had worked on the maps for the various mountain crystals draw out the telluric energies and convert them
ranges in Vesten. By interviewing them, Cassaday was
to a steady heat stream. Oddly, these Lilies will not
able to mark down which mountains had not yet been function in other locations as their crystal resonances
fully explored. And from those, narrow down the likely were keyed in to both the altitude and specific
areas worth investigating. Luckily, he would not have to geographic location by some means. If anyone tries to
simply rely on guesswork. He learned of a second myth touch the flowers, or if anyone is forced against them
regarding a waterfall that never froze despite the while they are active, that person must face a 5 Wound
immense cold and realized the Burning Garden would be Consequence for touching the heated side.
a perfect source for superheated water. Correlating the
information he had gathered from the maps with the
supposed stories regarding the Eternal Waterfall, he Finding the Mountain
narrowed down the possible locations to four regions. Developed by the Syrne to tap onto the natural “telluric”
energies in the ground itself, the Fire Lilies are crystalline
The Heroes can attempt to find the location as a Osk comes from a long family of Seidrs. If stories are to
Dramatic Sequence, with a total of 2H Raises needed to be believed, her grandparents claimed to have had
find the warm valley despite the ice floes. dreams of Brokkr and Sindri who guided them to the
mountain valley. The great valley was filled with bright
Possible threats include wolves, bears, and trolls – all of fiery lilies and miraculously, a waterfall continues to flow
which would be quite territorial and aggressive against despite it being the heart of winter.
any newcomers to their woods.
If befriended, Osk excitedly shares the stories of how the
The Mountain is hard to find as a small community that two dwarfs once lived in the region and crafted the lilies
discovered the flowers have embraced them as proof as a gift to an unnamed woman. Of course, the woman
that the Brokkr and Sindri have left them gifts. To these was supposedly a Seidr. The woman, supposedly,
communities, Brokkr and Sindri are mountain dwarves spurned their gifts and the lilies were left in the valley in
who forge gifts for their faithful. These fire lilies, they hopes of one day changing her mind.
claim, are theirs as gifts for their faith, Many of them
have grown suspicious of foreigners and some tend to Some Castillian Alquimista once remarked that if the
strike first before asking. Syrneth technology could be understood, similar devices
could be created to illuminate and possibly even serve as
Osk Reinsdatter power sources in other Nations.
Vesten – Misguided Seidr
Strength 4 Influence 3 Rank 7
Advantages Seidr, Staredown, Valiant Spirit
Virtue: The Witch (Intuitive) Activate to ask the GM one
yes or no question about an NPC..
Hubris: The Glyph (Superstitious) Receive a Danger
Point when you refuse to solve a problem using Sorcery,
an artifact, or some mystical effect that you don’t trust.

Typically, Osk is accompanied by warriors who count as

2H Bodyguard Brute Squads. They believe her words to
carry the weight of the gods and this empowers her
superstitious view upon the world to endanger others in
its wake.
Astrolabe of the
Silver Road Who would have thought I would find myself on this island? I still
recall the warnings from the Vaticine priests that the place still
reeks of the White Plague.
South West of But to my surprise, La Bucca was quite a pleasant place – so long
Jack Ketch Cliffs, as you minded your own business and never got in the way of
La Bucca others. The Baron, a portly and loud man whom everyone at the
island seemed to recognize, showed me around and kept me safe
from any ruffians who might find interest in us.
I had information from four various sources that a Khemet “solar
ship” once reached the ports of La Bucca during an unexpected
storm. The ship was reportedly airborne when it crashed against
the cliffs, and its ruins were never recovered. We reached the Jack
Ketch Cliffs and saw the skeleton of the ship. And its strange

The Astrolabe as an artifact

If you decide to allow your players to have the
Astrolabe, it functions as a unique item with one or
more of the following effects to be present in your

a) Sail into the Silver Road

The Astrolabe, if activated correctly with H
When the Silver Road was last used, a ship was able to Scholarship Raises, opens a portal for the
sail from the Widow’s Sea to Eastern Rahuri within the entire vessel to slip into the World Between
span of a single hour. The ship, whose name had been the Worlds. The vessel remains “wrapped” in a
lost in time (or intent) sailed out of the waters and protective silver aura, which makes everything
somehow slipped into a world which was “covered in
appear silvery as well. This power is similar to
mercury and silver.” In this other world, time seemed to
the Montaigne Porté power.
move so slow that rain hung like orbs in the air and birds
remained floating in the sky.
All passengers of the ship are safe so long as
Rumors speak of the Silver Road as having been used by they remain on the ship and do not mention
the Numa King of Adamaradon himself and that the their names. If anyone attempts to go
truths he glimpsed in the Silver Road were the things overboard, they are lost in the World Between
that lead him to madness. the Worlds and must be rescued somehow.
Ideas on how to rescue them can be found in
Another story speaks of scholar who claims to have had the 7th Sea: Nations of Théah, Volume 1 book.
see a device known as the Astrolabe of the Silver Road, a
Syrneth device which when properly installed onto a b) Sail by the Strength of Solar winds
ship, allowed it to sail into the Silver Road itself. The When activated, the ship’s sails actually
scholar claimed the owner of the ship seemed inhuman, become solar batteries. Even in the absence of
with an animal mask upon its face. His transcriptions of wind or strong current, a ship empowered by
the event claim the Captain of the vessel dedicated the Astrolabe can as fast as 7 knots.
prayers to something called the “Joke” or “Jog” and when
the device was activated, one of the first signs it was c) Protection of the Jok
functioning was the sight of the sun suddenly exploding
Upon activation, the ship empowered by the
into brilliant colors.
Astrolabe are suddenly bathed in silver light.
For a duration of time which only the Jok winds howl and the Heroes can slam against the sharp
themselves would know, no harm, be it rocks. Anyone falling to their death should be allowed to
magical or natural, can come upon the vessel. try to grab the rock wall (Consequence H Wounds).
Better a few scratches then a broken spine and shattered
The Astrolabe as an Adventure skull, eh? Habitat means the Fire Spiders never have to
The journey to La Bucca was not without its dangers. suffer the same Hazards of from the Cliffs.

I. Navigating the Pirate Island

Players can attempt to gain entry into La Bucca in FIRE SPIDERS
various ways. The island is an open harbor, given its Strength: Treat as a Brute Squad of Strength 2 to 5,
neutral stance towards all other Théan Nations. There depending on the age of the group. Stick to 2, then
are, however, dangers on the island that cannot be slowly go up to 5 each round that passes.
Monstrous Qualities: Ambushing (a Danger Point has
Without a contact, this could be tricky. Though La Bucca them double Wounds they inflict if they deal their first
has welcomed anyone into its shores, many of its attack unseen in a Sequence), and Venomous (Spenda
residents are more than anxious to victimize and Danger Point at the beginning of a Round. If the Monster
“relieve” visitors of their goods. You could use this as an deals damage that round, remove 1 Raise from its target).
opportunity for them to face off against Brute Squads.
Or even fight supernatural threats such as ghouls or Once the Heroes have reached the ship, the Spiders pull
spooks. away as if they sense a greater power. Reaching the
ship is a total of 2H Raises.
With a contact, they’re surely to be introduced to the
Baron Maison, also known as the “most recognized face III. Inside the ruined ship
in La Bucca,” who is said to have connections in every The ship’s former Captain is Zoq Nmaan. Once the Lique
single Nation on Théan. The right kind of wine, perfume, Mekwas, or Emperor’s Double in his time, Zoq served
or gift is surely to have him feeling cooperatively great beings whose names he can no longer recall. His
generous. memory has been fading ever since he escaped the
great silver sea. He watches over the Astrolabe however,
Either way, the challenge should be [H] to get through and will not surrender it unless the visitors offer to give
this initial hurdle. him one last gift to allow him to rest: He misses this
experience he had during his younger years when he
II. Jack Ketch Cliffs visited the great kings of the Crescent. He misses their
The ships’ ruin can be seen embedded nearly four musical battles and would desire to partake in one final
hundred feet in the air against the Jack Ketch Cliffs. one.
Some believe a powerful storm hurled the ship against
the Cliffs, despite them being quite far from the sea The Heroes must engage in Kavita, the poetry battles
itself. Others claim the ship sailed through some magical from the Crescent Empire, to claim the prize.
means and collided with the cliffs. Regardless, the only
means to get to it barring some form of flight is to scale
the cliffs from above or below. Each have their own Zoq Nmaan
challenges. Khemet Spirit, Unable to move on
Strength 10 Influence 1 Rank 11
The Cliffs themselves present as a Hazard. Advantages: Griot (gains 1 Bonus Die when you weave a
Hazard Level: 10 compliment about your opponent), Hand of Peace
This Hazard is restricted geographically. A Hero can (Unless you start Violence, you apply Pressure on all to
simply choose not to scale them to be safe. stay calm), Blood of the Sovereigns (Once, during a Risk,
The Cliffs have the following Elements: Foreboding, you can spend a Danger Point to add Raises equal to
Treacherous and is a Habitat for an expected yet vicious your Panache).
threat: Fire Spiders! Virtue: The Glyph (Temperate) Activate to prevent
any magical effect from affecting you.
Use Foreboding to reflect the frightening prospect of
climbing the wall. Treacherous for instances when the
Hubris: The Devil (Trusting) Receive a Danger Point
when you accept someone’s lies or lopsided deal.

Play up the Kavita. And see how far the Heroes can go. A
defeated Hero cannot try again, however Zoq is more
than willing to be challenged by a new Hero.

Once all Heroes have been bested, Zoq admits this was
the most fun he has had in ages and he still chooses to
give them the Astrolabe. He warns them, however, that
it will be more dangerous in the hands of man than lost
among the dead. He warns them the Silver Sea is not

And to never utter their names while within.

The Continuing Ascent of Ava Tremaine

This is the fifth story chronicling the ambitious Ava
Tremaine. Though her humble beginnings started as a
theatre performer of Montaigne, she is poised to
become a Mastermind Villain with more Influence and
Strength than most expect.

Other portions of her story can be found in the following

• The Twisted Mirror
• The Widow’s Secret
• Seven, See
• Red, Red Winter

When is this set in time?

If you desire to use Ava Tremaine as a Villain in your
games, know that her first encounter with Cassaday was
not at this time. Back then, Cassaday had only been
gathering Syrneth artifacts for the last four or so years.
By the time he meets Ava as a performer in Montaigne,
he was well into his career as an archæologist. However,
when they do finally mean many years later, he tells Ava
of the stories of this necklace – perhaps in a lovestruck
moment of wishing she could wear something as
previous and as beautiful as herself. Ava does not forget
this story, and soon, she engages in a scheme to claim
this. It can be said, however, that Ava’s rise to power as a
Villain in many ways is thanks to the Vermarine Sins.
A note from the Author…

The Syrneth Codex is a 7th Sea 2nd edition

supplement which explores the idea of multiple
Syrneth Artifacts out in the world for your Heroes to The Dark Journal talks about Viscera Suckers.
interact with, find, or confront. The Dark Journal – Part 2 talks about Breeders.
The Dark Journal – Part 3 talks about Predators.
While the official books have not given a final say on
what Syrne really is, this supplement takes a lot of
A night with the Imperatrice becomes one night not even the
liberties in its interpretation for the sake of fun. I hope
dead will ever forget. Standalone adventure.
you have as much fun with this as I had writing it.

Special Thanks An artificial island rises from the Widow’s Sea

and reveals its hidden Syrneth ruins. Standalone adventure.
For this book, I would like to thank my creative
hivemind of friends. Dan Waszkiewicz, Ben
Woerner, Alan Bahr, Ryan Schoon, and John Seven tasks are asked of the Heroes to save the life of Losejas
Kennedy. You five are amazing in keeping the who lies in her deathbed. But what if this is just another lie,
created by the Dievai themselves to lure more to their doom?
creative ideas going.

I want to thank John Wick, Mark Diaz Truman, Children have gone missing in a small town in the Highland
Miranda Horner, Hannah Shaffer, Brett Zeiler, James Marches, is there any hope for the year to end with peace and
Mendez Hodes, Lenny Balsera, Eloy Lasanta, and goodwill for all?
Shoshana Kessock for allowing me opportunities to
write for 7th Sea. And I do hope more opportunities
continue to come. A 7th Sea Hack for playing young heroes, with over 30 new
Advantages, 3 New Arcana, and 6 New Stories!
I also would like to thank Jim Pinto, Aina Ledesma,
James Lo, Brian Baquiran, Che de Leon, Flip Velez,
Check out the many single sheet supplements covering
Urim Hernandez, and Josh Castañeda, for always everything from Dievai ideas, to Story Starters, Family Foibles
being empowering and supportive of my constant to Unexpected Events and more!
attempts to write more adventures and run more
games. Thank you for being such enabling friends. You can find all these at

Thank you to my TAG TEAM SUPPORTERS! Rocky,

Mina, Rob Abrazado, Ryan Schoon, Rob Deobald,
Rivehouse Games. My appreciation and love for your
constant support.

Finally, I want to thank Rocky Sunico, I love you. You

are my artifact and I am your treasure. We make each
other wealthier than anyone else in the entire world.

Tobie Abad For more works by Tobie Abad, feel free to check out
TAG Sessions at
Warren Cassaday, Archæologist from Avalon,
has been traveling around Théah for the
last fifteen years, in search of Syrneth
Ruins. This Codex is the first collection of
the items and places he has found.


The first five years of Sir Warren keywords:

Syrneth Artifacts, Explorer’s Society, Invisible College
Cassaday, Archæologist

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