J B Akhil Dev-st20211917-NBP Elevator Pitch
J B Akhil Dev-st20211917-NBP Elevator Pitch
J B Akhil Dev-st20211917-NBP Elevator Pitch
Hydrone is a drone delivery service that Hydrone
HYDRONE Technologies is actively developing. Delivery drones are
used to autonomously fly specific products to clients within
TECHNOLOGY 30 minutes of purchasing.
Our mission is to make lightning-fast deliveries economical, sustainable, and safe.
Last-mile delivery utilising drones can be used for (but is not limited to):
1. Delivery via courier
2. Medicine distribution
3. Hyperlocal distribution
4. Food distribution
5. On-demand local delivery
The use of hydrogen as a fuel contributes to greater sustainability and zero carbon emissions.
Marketing and Sales Strategy
Social media and websites will be the key channels for advertising and marketing
since they provide greater client interaction and cost effectiveness (Paquette,
The marketing strategy's goal will be to increase public awareness of the
breakthrough and enhance attitudes.
Consumer trust should be built through various marketing tactics.
Business Model
Packages will be delivered by drone in 30 minutes or less. ET will construct
a network for "seamless peer-to-peer air distribution" (Eniverse, 2017).
Because drones cut delivery costs, services may be supplied at
reasonable and competitive pricing (Space, 2017).
Other service values will include innovation, high quality,
convenience, and speed of delivery, as they are the primary
motivators for businesses to embrace ADD (Brar et al., 2015).
Types of Drones
FOXTECH AYK-250 Pro JC Agras T30 30Kg T-MOTOR M690A
Precision Drone
-2.5L/- -2L/- UAV Drone
Total- 50 Drones
The startup will have a one-year budget of 55,00,000/- (55 Lakhs) to cover the initial entrance,
network building, and other operating expenditures.
The break-even point is projected in year three.
On September 30, 2021, the PLI scheme for drones and drone components was notified. The plan
provides a total incentive of Rs 120 crore over three fiscal years, which is approximately double
the aggregate revenue of all domestic drone manufacturers in FY 2020-21.
Bootstrap 10 Lakhs
Mortgage loan and 45 Lakhs (10.30%pa
PLI Scheme for 5 years)
4,200/- 1,12,000/- 1,00,00,000/- 1,96,420/-
Website Costs-
Advertising & Marketing
Domain Name, Website
Business Cards, Business Vehicle Expenses
Office Space Signage, Direct Campaigns,
Hosting Costs, Website
(Drone), Mode of Builder, Business Email
Expenses, Specific Printing and Mailing, Press,
Transportation Hosting Service, Web
Industry Expenses Google Ads, Facebook &
Instagram Ads
May 2023-September 2023 August 2023-September 2023 Since July 2023 Since September 2023 December 2023
The Ministry of Civil Aviation has stated guidelines for
flying a drone in the Unmanned Aircraft System Rules, 2021.
Drone Rules, 2021
The GoI has made it essential for all users and UAs to
register with the Digital Sky platform, receive a UIN and a
UAOP licence, and obtain training and authorization before
operating the vehicle.
Brar, S., Rabbat, R., Raithatha, V., Runcie, G., and Yu, A. (2015) Drones for deliveries.
Berkeley: University of California.
Eniverse. Space. Eniverse [online]. Web.
Paquette, H. (2013) Social media as a marketing tool: a literature review. Kingston:
University of Rhode Island.
Space. (2017) Welcome to future of logistics and delivery. Space [online]. Web.
Wang, D. (2016) The economics of drone delivery. IEEE Spectrum [online].
Welch, A. (2015) A cost-benefit analysis of Amazon Prime Air. Chattanooga: University
of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
I will be happy to answer your questions