Alzur Tome of Magic-1-55
Alzur Tome of Magic-1-55
Alzur Tome of Magic-1-55
Table of Contents
Magic.........................................5 Professions................................35 Exceptional Monsters..............54
The Chaos..........................................5 Berserker..........................................35 Alzur's Beast....................................54
Mage Spells.......................................8 Hunter.............................................. 37 Observers.........................................56
Incantations......................................21 Herbalist...........................................39 Greater Demon.................................60
Witcher Signs...................................26 Farseer..............................................41 Molder of Death...............................64
Rituals.............................................. 30 Psionic..............................................43 Death Whisperer..............................68
Hexes................................................33 Demonologist...................................45 Death Knight....................................72
Necrotic Damage......................49 Skeletons...........................................76
This is based on property owned by R. Talsorian and CD Projekt Red based on the novels by Andrzej Sapkoski, no
claim to the rights is made to any of this material. The rights to the art included in this document are presumed to be
reserved by their respective owners, included at the foot of each image where known. This document is for
non-commercial use only.
The text from "The Chaos" and "Berserker" attributed to Alzur is not of mine authorship. It's from The Witcher
Fandom and Fanon and I take no claim to its authorship.
The Spells, Incantations and Rituals are highly based on D&D 5e and on the official books of The Witcher TRPG.
The Witcher Signs are based on content of The Witcher Fanon.
The Exceptional Monsters described here are based on non canon content and some of it is based on D&D 5e.
The Professions are highly based on the official professions and highly inspired by the homebrews of
/u/fredrikhuhtanen and /u/CyphDND.
Not all of the material has been play-tested yet, so any suggestions to improve and feedback on errors is more than
I made this trying to make it as close as possible to a real supplement, but it is not. This is a fan made profit-free
homebrew supplement by u/guslapasta.
I hope I can add something to your games out there.
I thank R. Talsorian for their amazing work and I hope you see this as a fan work.
Keep your swords sharp!
Illustration by Bogna
Version 1.1
drawing power from any referred to as psionics. provides energy readily and swiftly
element, utilizing just the Some individuals are born with innate sometimes too swiftly. The Power
psyche and vital energy of magical potentials. They are called channeled from fire is easiest to "contract"
the user. A person who uses Sources and have the Power of their own. upon, and an inexperienced adept may not
psionics but is not a proper Some mages use them as mobile canisters be able to stop drawing energy before it is
mage is called psionic.
of energy, but it is considered too late. Sources in particular must exercise
immoral nowadays. Which does not extreme caution, as coming into contact
A Source is a person born with a mean it does not happen. with the Power drawn from fire may
natural affinity for magical There are four Primary Elements (and suddenly activate their peculiar abilities,
abilities which are rather
difficult to control once they
unknown number of Para-Elements). usually in a destructive manner. Fire magic
have bloomed, which can Manifesting themselves in the world they comes from the Elemental Plane of Fire,
sometimes lead to mental are the basic sources of Power. While inhabited by the fire genies, the ifrit.
illness, like catatonia, if not most of the spells work best if use one Water—Due to its moderate dynamics,
helped. specific element, casting them utilising water is the optimal medium for
Schools of sorcery, like Aretuza
and the facility in Ban Ard, were another is still possible though hard. inexperienced sorcerers to learn to channel
created to help these children Earth—Though this element is almost the Power. As with the other elements, any
cultivate and control their universally accessible, earth is not an concentration or manifestation of water
powers, lest the abilities drive efficient transmitter of energy. Drawing can be used as a source of magical energy.
them mad. At one point, if one from it requires a large expenditure of However, it is best to start by drawing from
learned of a Source, mages from
these schools would hunt them labor, mainly on account of the static water veins, preferably from their
down and tear them away from nature of the Power held within. Most intersections—the most widespread Places
their families by force or deceit. sorcerers find the effort required to be of Power. Easily detectable by even the
However, this practice disproportionate to the gains realized. It least experienced adepts, and isolated from
eventually died out by the 1260s
cannot be denied, however, that those who most external influences, intersections are
and was replaced with a softer
approach: any mage that learned have mastered this art have exceptional a relatively safe source of the Power. In
of a Source was required to means at their command, for the Power time, a sorcerer will be able to learn how to
inform the Chapter of hidden within earth is tremendous. Earth draw energy from the many variable and
Wizards, so they could keep an magic comes from the Elemental Plane of mercurial manifestations of the element of
eye on the Source and, at the
right time, try to fascinate them
Earth, inhabited by the earth genies, the water—for a calm lake requires a different
with magic to bring them into d'ao. approach than a rapidly flowing stream.
the fold. Stressful situations Air—This most fickle and dynamic The sea, on account of its dynamism, is a
usually work as trigger to a element also holds impressive potential. particularly troublesome source. Despite
Source's ability. However, this Unlike the element of earth, it is much its vast stores of energy, drawing upon it is
is double-sided: while
Sources can wield an easier to draw upon and requires less best left to more experienced sorcerers.
extreme amount of power, it's effort. This does not mean, however, that Water magic comes from the Elemental
completely uncontrollable and it is simpler, for air's capricious nature Plane of Water, inhabited by the water
will only happen when they demands great skill and knowledge. A genies, the maride.
least expect it as they act more sorcerer who lacks the appropriate Apart from the four fundamental elements
like a transmitter of magical
energy, rather than wielders of it. proficiency will simply be unable to from which mages can draw power there
This can lead to dire situations attune himself sufficiently to the element is also the fifth source, variously referred
where even a castle or half a and will not draw a satisfactory amount of to as the quintessence (fifth element),
town can be destroyed if not the Power. A certain intuition is needed, spirit, idea or just the magic. To utilize its
brought under control. and that comes only with years of power one must either combine the
experience and constant practice. Air primary elements or draw from the
magic comes from the Elemental Plane of mysterious plane called Ether or Astral
Air, inhabited by the air genies, the djinn. Plane. The Ether is inhabited by a variety
worth noting that while they can be The most distinguished practitioners of Mages, or simply the
obtained just by mixing primary elements, magical art first founded the Council of Council, was the lower
creatures such as unicorns perceive Wizards to institute codified rules on the chamber within the
drawing from them as cheap trickery, use of magic, but the creation of a new Brotherhood of Sorcerers,
which could suggest that they either draw hierarchy of order sparked a brief civil but still held considerable
from the Astral Plane or are Sources with war, costing the life of Raffard the White, power among them and
consisted of five members.
innate power. Watchers are sometimes who opposed its formation.
During the Thanedd coup,
called "genies of the fifth element", but The Council was eventually split into two its members were split on
the knowledge we have about such a groups of 5 mages: the Chapter of the Gift all sides: Yennefer and
creature is almost nothing. and the Art and the Council of Wizards, Carduin remained neutral,
Forbidden Magic, Forbidden Arts or with the Chapter having the highest Fercart sided with
Black Magic are joint term for practices hierarchy and the Council the lower, but Nilfgaard, and Radcliffe and
banned by Brotherhood of Sorcerers. the latter still wielded important authority Philippa helped the North.
They involve, among others, goetia, in the Brotherhood. The Council was
necromancy and mutations on intelligent established to aid the Brotherhood in
races. The latter being banned after the administering and regulating practitioners
partial failure of the project that created of magic. In particular, the Council
the witchers. focused on magical experiments, research, The Chapter
Goetia, or demonology, is the forbidden and expanding magical knowledge. Chapter of the Gift and the Art,
practice of summoning creatures from The Brotherhood regulated and oversaw commonly referred to as
alternate dimensions or worlds across the use of magic, making sure that Chapter of Wizards, Chapter of
time and space, usually with the intention practices such as demonology, Sorcerers, or simply the
Chapter, is the higher chamber
of bargaining with them for information necromancy, and Artefact compression in the Brotherhood of Sorcerers.
or services. Its power comes from the (labeled "black magic") were kept to a It usually consists of five
demons inhabiting the demon or bare minimum, and the practitioners of members. After the Thanedd
para-elemental planes. such magics were given fair and just coup (during which most the
Chapter members were
Necromancy is a subclass of magic which sentences; these sentences usually being
pro-Nilfgaardian), the
is aimed at casting spells on the dead, shackled in dimeritium for several organization practically ceased
whether to reanimate a corpse temporarily centuries. Individuals who ignored the ban to exist.
for information or to re-live a dead man's used to be excluded from the Brotherhood
last moments, and so forth. Due to its and were considered as renegades, e.g.
invasive nature on the dead, as well as the Myself or Idarran of Ulivo. However,
horrible potential side effects, the practice though all mages are equal before the law,
is banned by the Brotherhood of some of them are actually "more equal
Sorcerers. Which does not mean they do than others"; an open secret was
not practice it when it is convenient. commonly breaking the bans in Rissberg
The Lodge
until it came to light after the deaths of
The Lodge of Sorceresses arose
Grandmaster Ortolan and his favorite,
The Brotherhood of Sorcerers from the ruins of the
Sorel Degerlund. Brotherhood of Sorcerers after
The Brotherhood of Sorcerers was the
After the coup that essentially dissolved the incident on Thanedd Island
oldest organization of mages in the essentially killed the older order
the Brotherhood, former Council member
Northern Kingdoms. Formed in the among mages. It was a secret
Philippa Eilhart established the Lodge of
aftermath of the non-aggression pact organization composed entirely
Sorceresses. Unlike the Brotherhood, the of female mages and even
established by the Novigradian Union in
Lodge was female-only and included referred to as a sisterhood due to
the 8th century, it united and had control
sorceresses from both the Northern no men being invited, as the
over most of the magic users, magic sorceresses saw men as too
Kingdoms and the Nilfgaardian Empire.
academies like Aretuza or Ban Ard, and incompetent to handle
institutions, such as Rissberg. It was led governing areas of magic.
by the Chapter, which consisted of two
four elements, but some, usually the most
powerful, choose a wide range of elements.
You can do as you like, but aware of your
Not only necromancers can use necromancy,
but its side effects can be rather displeasing.
Of course, necromancy is a powerful source
of power and can make you feel
invincible sometimes, but, again, be aware
of your choices. Some mages, as myself,
know their way around a bit of necromancy
just in case. —Alzur
Summon Wraith
STA Cost: 17
HP Cost: 3d10
Effect: You raise a Wraith from a
corpse or a pile of bones. You can
control telepathically this wraith for
the duration of the spell. If the spell
ends and the wraith is still alive, it
becomes hostile to you. The wraith
cannot be healed, except for the
Undead Healing spell. You can ban
the wraith at a 5 STA and 1d10 HP
if they are still under your control. Raising an Animal or a Monster
Range: 20m A necromancer can use the Raise Corpse spell to raise an animal or a monster
Duration: 2d10 Rounds
corpse. To make a zombie or skeleton of said creature, you can modify
Defense: None
their stats by the following way. Their INT, EMP and CRA is now 1; Their
BODY is reduced by 50% (rounded down, min of 1) affecting their derived
Zutmos Zutmos’ Curse statistics, if their body becomes less than 10 they lose their Crushing Force
Zutmos punishment was way STA Cost: 15 ability; they still have their natural weapons gaining 25% chance of causing
HP Cost: 2d10 Disease; they still have their abilities unless it is something impossible
worse than most thought. His Effect: Zutmos was a bandit who
punishment was not (for example, the Command Dead ability of Grave Hags depends on their
was cursed to never see or hear
thoughts, which they do not have when their corpse is raised); a skeleton
blindness or deafness. He another person again after killing a
priestess in a big temple in Kovir. loses the creature's natural armor and its resistances, a fresh corpse does not;
had just committed an the creature gains Superior Night Vision; the creature is now immune to
You choose a creature you can see
horrible deed and anyone within range. You can block their bleeding, poison, being blinded, intoxication, nausea, suffocation and spells
who wanted to live with him hearing and sight for the duration of that affect the mind; the creature is now vulnerable to fire damage and damage
had to make great effort. He the spell. from being on fire.
was abandoned by all. That Range: 20m Remember: Elementa and Specters cannot be raised; Higher Vampires can
was his punishment. Duration: 1d6 Hours only be raised if killed by another Higher Vampire; Necrophages take double
—Alzur Defense: Resist Magic damage from rotting.
Master Spells
Mixed Element Psychic Blast Earth
STA Cost: 30 STA Cost Past 25
Anti-Magic Field Effect: You create a psionic blast Cerdded Trwy Garreg
STA Cost: 28 originating from your mind to STA Cost: 22 Some spells have STA Costs
Effect: An orb of 10m radius damage the mind of others. You Effect: Cerdded Trwy Garreg higher than 25 points, which is
centered on you is formed. Any can distribute 10d6 psychic makes up to five creatures
magic except this spell is touching you capable of walking
the natural higher you can get
damage, that armor does not
blocked. Magic users lose all soak, between every creature up through stones for the duration of as a mage. These are very
their Vigor, summoned creatures to 10m of you (Min of 1d6 each). the spell. If they let go of you, they powerful spells and the mages
lose their magic and magical A creature that reaches 0 HP with lose the capability to walk through
items lose their magical who cast them not only need
this spell has its head blown up. stone and melt into it, turning into
proprieties. Spells cast outside of Range: 10m stone. If only a part of the creature to be very strong, but need to
the orb, but targeted inside it Duration: Immediate is melted, they are dismembered. be aided by powerful items,
have no effect. Defense: Resist Magic Range: Self + Up to 5 Creatures
Range: Self such as focus or a mutagen to
Touching You
Duration: 1d6 Rounds Duration: 2d10 Minutes upgrade their vigor threshold.
Defense: Reposition Psychic Blow Defense: None
STA Cost: 22
Effect: Psychic Blow allows you
Massive Healing to blast anyone within 2m of you Earth Shattering Stomp
STA Cost: 27 back 12m. This attack does not STA Cost: 25
Effect: Massive Healing boosts do damage, but if your opponent Effect: Earth Shattering Stomp
the natural healing of a target to hits something they suffer allows you to stomp the ground
heal them at a rate of 10 points ramming damage. Anyone hit by with great force and cause a 6m
of damage per round. This lasts this spell must make a Stun Save. long, 2m wide line of jagged
for the duration of the spell. Range: 2m Radius stones to erupt from the ground.
Alternatively, this spell can be Duration: Immediate Everyone in the way of that line
used repeatedly to heal a critical Defense: None must make a reposition attempt or
wound for half as many rolls attempt to block with a shield. If a
necessary. target fails, they take 6d6 damage
Range: 2m Psychic Static to the torso, are staggered, and are
Duration: 1d6 Rounds STA Cost: 25 knocked back to the end of the
Defense: None Effect: You touch a sentient line. If they block, they are still
creature and they are overloaded knocked back to the end of the
by memories. If the target fails line. Afterwards, the stones recede
Mind Detection the Resist Magic roll, they take into the ground.
STA Cost: 22 8d6 psychic damage that armor
Effect: You can expand your Range: 6m
does not soak and are stunned.
mind through the chaos and feel Duration: Immediate
Range: A Sentient Creature You
the minds of others. You can see Defense: Reposition or Block
sentiments as colors and can hear Duration: Immediate
people talking to themselves Defense: Resist Magic Flegleornos’ Rock
inside their minds. With this you STA Cost: 22
can find a person in a crowd or Effect: Flegleornos was an ancient
in a city. The base DC is 15 for Stop Time dwarven mage. She was raised on
10 people and the normal range. STA Cost: 30
the mountains of Mahakam where
Effect: You stop time for every
If you want to expand the range
creature but yourself. You can
she created this spell. Flegleornos’ Flegleornos
you add +2 to the DC for every Rock throws a giant rock flying at
act as 2d6/2 turns before the time
extra 20m (rounded up). For
goes back to normal.
an opponent. The target must make Flegleornos was the only
every 10 extra people within a reposition roll or take 10d6
range you add +2 to the DC Range: Self dwarf mage I have ever met. I
damage to the torso.
(rounded up). You cannot Duration: Immediate Range: 10m taught her everything I know
actively search a specific Defense: None Duration: Immediate about earth magic and she
information on a target’s mind. Defense: Reposition taught me how powerful an
While using this spell, you The Doppler Effect
cannot do any other actions. STA Cost: 22 earth mage can be.
Range: 20m Effect: The Doppler Effect —Alzur
Duration: Until Dispelled allows you to disguise your
Defense: None appearance as well as your
equipment. This illusion is only
visual, so if anyone tries to touch
a sword you made, for example,
their hand would fell nothing.
Range: Self
Duration: 2d10 Hours
Defense: None
Priest Invocations
Incantations are not how mages manifest
their powers. They are way less powerful
than spells in most cases, though they do
things that mages are unable to. The origin
of their power is uncertain, though priests
claim it comes from the power of deities
and druids usually claim a deep
connection with natural elements.
Illustration by Vlad Petruchik
The Rat School developed some Master signs
based on necromancy. Those are also
described here.
This signs are very useful to witcher and can
be good tools for a mage. I guess I will
always see them as a reminder of what
witcher could be as magic users.
Basic Signs
Aethric (Mixed) Hatri (Mixed) Heliotrope (Earth)
Initial Signs STA Cost: Variable STA Cost: Variable STA Cost: Variable
Effect: Aethric blows a pure Effect: Hatri reflects hate, Effect: Heliotrope creates an
One could use this signs as chaos stream from your hand. This bloodlust or hunger in the form of instant shield when you cross
one of the five first signs a stream interacts with magic fear, terrorizing the target. For your arms. For every STA point
witcher begins the game allowing you to see magic, every 2 points of STA spent past spent, the shield has 5 SP.
illusions, curses and ghosts as the first, they spend one more Heliotrope is only cast as a
with or this could be colorful patterns. Only a caster round terrified. While terrified, defensive action. Heliotrope can
additional signs to be learned that knows this sign can interpret the opponent cannot get any also be cast to protect from
by the Learning Magic rules what he sees. The range is a cone closer than you on purpose and ramming or falling damage.
from the core rulebook. with length of 1m for every STA must run away. Range: Self
point spent. Range: 8m Duration: Immediate
Range: Variable Duration: Variable Defense: None
Duration: Immediate Defense: Resist Magic
Defense: None Vorg (Earth)
Shadi (Mixed) STA Cost: Variable
Chlorinic (Mixed) STA Cost: Variable Effect: Vorg creates an instant
STA Cost: Variable Effect: Shadi makes you barrier in front of you. The
Effect: Chlorinic makes you temporarily incorporeal. You are barrier is 2mx2m and half a
capable of blowing a poisonous not only incorporeal, but you meter thick. For every STA
gas from your mouth. Anyone hit can also walk through surfaces. point spent, the barrier has 5
by this gas has 10% of being For every 2 STA point spent past HP. You can freely walk away
blinded and poisoned. For every the first, the effect lasts 1 round from this barrier.
STA point spent after the first, the longer. Range: 2m
chance of being poisoned raises Range: Self Duration: 5 Rounds
by 10%. If this gas mixes with Duration: Variable Defense: None
water, it turns into acid and causes Defense: None
1d6/2 ablation damage to
Range: 3m Cone
Duration: Immediate
Defense: Reposition
Necromancy Forms
Necromancy Sign Forms
Blindness (Necromancy) Dark Lightning (Necromancy)
The necromancy form of the
STA Cost: Variable STA Cost: Variable
signs should probably be HP Cost: 1d6 per STA point HP Cost: 1d6 per STA point
considered as journeyman Effect: Shadi now creates a magical darkness in Effect: Volun now shoots a sustained bolt of black
spells for the purpose of a 10m radius centered on you. Anyone inside lightning at a target which does 1d6 necrotic
this, except you, is blinded until stepping out of damage per STA point spent, and leaving the
learning, but you could the darkness. Anyone outside cannot see what is opponent staggered. The lightning can travel in a
consider an optional rule that inside. For every 2 STA point spent past the first, line through targets. For every target it passes
the witcher can only learn the the effect lasts 1 round longer. through, the damage to the next target decreases by
necromancy form if he Range: Self 1d6. If the next target would not take damage, the
knows the alternative form. Duration: Variable lightning does not hit.
Defense: None Range: 3m (Initial Target)
Duration: Immediate
Defense: Dodge (Only the First)
Blood Torrent (Necromancy)
STA Cost: Variable
HP Cost: 1d6 per STA point Dark Shield (Necromancy)
Effect: Moahk now throws out a constant stream STA Cost: Variable
worm blood from your hand which does 1d6 HP Cost: 1d6 per STA point
necrotic damage per STA point spent, and Effect: Quen now creates a dark shield around you.
knocks the target prone. Blood Torrent must be The shield has 10 HP for every Stamina point
maintained every round with a number of STA spent. Each round after the first, you must spend a
points equal to 1/2 the number of STA points number of STA points and HP equal to the initial
spent to cast the sign. You can switch targets on cost to maintain the shield. Active Shield only
your turn and the stream can be aimed at body covers you, but you can fit one other person into it
locations. Anyone hit by this sign is also if you are pressed together. While in the dark
vulnerable to electric damage for 5 rounds. shield nothing, including incorporeal being, can
Range: 3m pass in or out without destroying the shield first
Duration: Active (1/2 Initial STA) and you must move slowly to keep the shield up,
Defense: Dodge meaning you cannot run. When the shield is
expended or dropped, anything adjacent to you is
pushed back 2m and takes 1d6 necrotic damage.
Dark Fire (Necromancy) This includes objects, furniture, and allies.
STA Cost: Variable Range: Self
HP Cost: 1d6 per STA point Duration: Active (Initial STA)
Effect: Igni now throws out a constant stream of Defense: None
fire-like shadows from your hand which does
2d6 necrotic damage per STA point spent, and Death’s Coldness (Necromancy)
has a 75% chance of lighting the opponent on STA Cost: Variable
fire. Dark Fire must be maintained every round HP Cost: 1d6 per STA point
Necromancy with a number of STA points equal to 1/2 the
number of STA points spent to cast the sign.
Effect: Vyntir now throws out a constant stream of
cold air and ice from your hand which does 1d6
and Witchers You can switch targets on your turn and the
necrotic damage per STA point spent, and freezes
stream can be aimed at body locations.
The rules of necrotic the opponent. Death’s Coldness must be
Range: 3m maintained every round with a number of STA
damage apply to witcher as Duration: Active (1/2 Initial STA) points equal to 1/2 the number of STA points spent
for any other spell caster Defense: Dodge or Block to cast the sign. You can switch targets on your
(and being actually). turn and the stream can be aimed at body locations.
Range: 3m
Duration: Active (1/2 Initial STA)
Defense: Dodge or Block
magic, but on some of the forbidden arts.
Necromancy rituals can be used by almost all
magic users and some are described in this
book. Goetia rituals are more complex and
specialized rituals and the chaos is extracted from
different sources. Goetia is practiced only
by demonologists and are described on another
section of the book.
Novice Rituals
Fake Death (Necromancy) Stop Decay (Necromancy)
STA Cost: 3 STA Cost: 3
HP Cost: 1d6 HP Cost: 1d10
Effect: You put someone in a lethargic state that Effect: You put some of your life force into a
Necromancy Rituals is indistinguishable from death. While in this decaying target. For the duration of effects of the
As necromancy spells and state, any poison or disease is stopped, but not ritual, the target stops decomposing.
signs, necromancy rituals cured. The ritual must be cast again to put the Preparation Time: 5 Rounds
person out of this state. If the person is not woken Difficulty Check: 12
have a HP Cost and the after the end of the duration, they die. Duration: 2d10 Days
necrotic damage paid follow Preparation Time: 5 Rounds Components: Cemetery Dust (x5), Fifth Essence
the rules described on pg.49. Difficulty Check: 12 (x1), Thread (x2), Chalk (x1), Dwarven Immortelle
Duration: 2d10 Days (x1), Verbena (x2), Infused Dust (x3)
Components: Chalk (x2), Ashes (x2), Sewant
Mushrooms (x2), Allspice Root (x2), Sulfur (x1),
Beast Bones (x4), Venom Extract (x2)
Predict Weather
STA Cost: 3
Effect: Predict Weather allows you to know how
the weather is going to be at your location,
allowing you to be aware of any harsh climate
condition, for the next 24 hours.
Preparation Time: 5 Rounds
Difficulty Check: 12
Duration: Immediate
Components: A Bowl of Earth, Fifth Essence
(x2), Green Mold (x2), Pearl (x2), Quicksilver
Solution (x1), Celandine (x1)
Journeyman Rituals
Dead Man’s Tales (Necromancy) Magical Warning
STA Cost: 12 STA Cost: 10
HP Cost: 2d10 Effect: Magical Warning allows you connect your mind to a
Effect: You force back the soul of a dead person to their rotting body. door or a window so you know when someone goes through
You can interrogate the person, but they are in excruciating pain along it. You can choose creatures that will not set off this magical
the whole process. alarm.
Preparation Time: 10 Rounds Preparation Time: 10 Rounds
Difficulty Check: 18 Difficulty Check: 18
Duration: Until You Free the Soul Duration: 2d10 Hours
Components: The Body of the Interrogated Person, Fifth Essence (x5), Components: Thread (x2), Fifth Essence (x1), Quicksilver
Infused Dust (x5), Cemetery Dust (x4), Silver (x3), Crow’s Eye (x3) Solution (x1), Spirits (x1)
Master Rituals
Conjure Elemental Heal Soul
STA Cost: 16 STA Cost: 20
Effect: Conjure Elemental fills a stone corpse with elemental power. The Effect: Heal Soul is the only way to heal necrotic damage
process creates an Earth, Ice or Fire Elemental, depending on the item from your soul. At the end of the ritual, the person heals
you choose. The Elemental is bound to your will. It will do anything that 20 points of necrotic damage from their soul. If this
you ask it to, but it cannot think and can’t perform finesse tasks that makes them regress any threshold, they cure that wound
require fingers or grabbing small things. An elemental will execute the and lose its penalty.
last order it was given. If it fails, it will try again endlessly until it Preparation Time: 20 Rounds
succeeds or you order it to stop. If the order is ongoing (“fetch some Difficulty Check: 20
water”), the elemental will continue to perform that order until it dies or Duration: Permanent
you order it to stop. Components: Perfect Gemstone (x1), Fifth Essence (x5),
Preparation Time: 10 Rounds Infused Shard (x5), Glass (x2), Ducal Water (x3), 1 Heart
Difficulty Check: 20 of any Kind, 5 Eyes of any Kind
Duration: Permanent
Components: Chalk (x2), A Perfect Gemstone (x1), Hardened Timber
(x10), Stone (x10), Infused Dust (x5), Fifth Essence (x2), Elemental
Stone (x1), Meteorite for Earth Elementals (x5), Essence of Fire for Fire
Elementals (x5), Essence of Water for Ice Elementals (x5)
Foraging for
Black Pearls
Black Pearls can be found
on ocean floor. It has a
Rarity rating of Rare and a
Forage DC of 30. If you
successfully forage for
Black Pearl, you find
1 Unit.
"Now finish your soup, Defining Skill
Illustration by Anna Podedworna
Foraging for
Berserker Skill
More Beast than Man (WILL)
A Berserker is turned into a bear when he consumes a mardroeme mushroom. Their bear form has double their normal HP, 10 SP of
Mardroeme mushrooms (or
natural armor and +5 to their BODY stat. They also have the natural armor and attack with melee skill. Turning into a bear also turns
Psilocybe mushrooms) can all equipment with you. While as a bear, you have resistance to bludgeoning and steel damage, but are vulnerable to silver damage
be found in fields, forests or and cursed oil. The bear's skin acts as a natural Cold Weather Clothing. The bear form can last for as many hours as their More
caves. It has a Rarity rating Beast than Man level. Every round as a bear, at the beginning of that round, the berserker must make a More Beast than Man roll
of Rare and a Forage DC of against the control DC = 28-((WILL+INT)/2), and on a failure, they lose control for that round. You can turn back to your normal
form anytime as long as you have control. Outside of battle, with cold blood, the berserker do not need to make control checks. If
20. If you successfully
you are unconscious, you turn back to you normal form. When you return to your natural form, the HP you had is halved again. As
forage for Mardroeme an optional rule, you could use the BODY bonus to change the HP and, when you turn back to your natural form, you take half the
mushrooms, you find total damage you took on the alternative form. Any critical wounds you have are not passed to the bear form. If they were done while
1d6/2 Units. on the bear form, you suffer them until you go back to your natural form. When you take the bear form again, they are not passed.
More Man than Beast (WILL) Hibernation (BODY) Rearing Strike (REF)
As a full round action on their bear
form, the Berserker can rear up onto
its hind legs and bring down both
While on your normal form, claws on a target with a Rearing
When you fail a control check, Strike roll. If this attack hits, the
you can make a More Man you can make a Hibernation target takes 6d6 damage to their
than Beast check against the check against the control DC. torso, is knocked prone, and pinned
Illustration by Kate Redesiuk If you succeed, you can sleep by the bear. If the target tries to block
control DC to not lose control
on that round. You can do this through the day and regain this attack, they can negate the
double the amount of HP as damage but they are still knocked
as many times as half your prone and pinned unless they can
More Man than Beast level you normally would and heal beat your Physique check with their
per session. 2 days for the purpose of own Physique roll. If they do
critical. manage to succeed, the target is able
to throw off the bear and is
unaffected by any part of the
Rearing Strike ability.
"Well... certainly wouldn't Defining Skill
Illustration by Grafit Studio
Gear (Pick 5)
50 crowns of animal parts
Hunter's Sight Armored Trousers
Chain Coif
Crossbow & bolts x20
A Hunter learns to be patient and to value each Long Bow & arrows x20
shot as if they have only one. A Hunter can
make an Aim action as a normal action (instead Starting Coin
of a full round action). To Aim this way, the 150 crowns x 2d6 Spear
Hunter must spend 10 - Hunter's Sight level of Steel Buckler
STA points. Hunters can stack up to their
1050 Throwing Knife x5
Hunter's Sight level of bonus with Aim instead
of the regular +3.
Eagle Eyes
Hunter Skill Tree
Distance DC Hunter's Sight
Just outside the
A Hunter learns to be patient and to value each shot as if they have only one. A Hunter can make
12 an Aim action as a normal action (instead of a full round action). To Aim this way, the Hunter must
Half again the spend 10 - Hunter's Sight level of STA points. Hunters can stack up to their Hunter's Sight level
range of bonus with Aim instead of the regular +3.
Double the range 18
Hidden Trap
Traps DC The Stalker The Woodsman The Killer
Snaring: The trap has a Feel Nature (INT) The Shadow Eagle Eyes (DEX)
DC the target must beat
to free themselves from 14 When in a purely natural When making a ranged
a Grapple. environment, a Hunter can roll attack that would take range
Feel Nature at a DC set by the penalties, a Hunter can lower
Disarming: The trap
GM. On a success, the Hunter the penalty by up to half their
swings at shoulder When trying to hide in a purely
reads the signs around them to Eagle Eyes value. They can
height striking the 18 natural environment, a Hunter
target’s arm knocking
learn everything that passed adds The Shadow level to any also make an Eagle Eyes roll
their weapon away.
through that area and what Stealth rolls to hide. (DC:16) to attack targets
they did in the area. Feel within 3 times the range of
Blinding: The trap Nature renders a very their weapon at a -10 which
throws sand or dirt localized picture and cannot can be modified by Eagle
in the target’s eyes, 16
track things. Eyes.
blinding them.
Tripping: The trap Trail Finder (INT) The Scavenger (INT) Dividing Ammo (DEX)
swings low and knocks
the target’s legs out 14
from under them, When making a ranged attack
When tracking a target or with a crossbow or a bow, a
knocking them prone. trying to find a trail, a Hunter Hunter can roll Dividing
Bleeding: The trap adds their Trail Finder value Ammo in place of their
throws or swings spikes to Wilderness Survival rolls to When looting an animal's normal weapon skill. If they
18 corpse, the Hunter can make a
into the target, causing find the trail or follow hit, their ammunition divide
them to begin bleeding. it. If the Hunter loses the trail DC:20 The Scavenger roll. If on air and damage two
Stunning: The trap while tracking with this ability, you succeed, you double the
loot of every item the animal randomly rolled parts of the
clubs the target in they can roll Trail Finder at a body. Even if the attack is
the head or stomach DC set by the GM to pick the drops.
16 aimed, the second projectile
with enough force to trail back up immediately. will hit a random
stun the target. location. This attack use only
one ammunition.
Hidden Trap (CRA) Wild Connection (WILL) Weak Spot (INT)
Dividing Ammo
A Dividing Ammo attack A Hunter can make a Hidden Wild Connection allows a
Trap roll to set a makeshift Hunter to make a roll against A Hunter can roll Weak Spot
can be dodged with one trap in a specific area. See the an animal's WILLx4 to make against the target DEXx3 to
action, and can be blocked Hidden Trap table for traps a deep bond with it. They search for a weak spot that
as one action by a shield. that can be built. The Hunter follow you as your companion would make more damage.
Parrying a Dividing Ammo can only build one type of trap until killed or released. You This takes 1 turn of studying,
has a -6 penalty rather than at a time. Every trap has a 2m can have as many companions but allows the Hunter to make
radius tripwire and requires an as half your Wild Connection a targeted attack at a -6 to do
a -3. Awareness roll at a DC equal level. You can only have up to double damage and cause
to your Hidden Trap roll to 2 Hard or 4 Medium beasts at bleeding.
spot. the same time as companions.
"Yes. A peaceful death, Defining Skill
Illustration by Lorenzo Mastroianni
Gear (Pick 5)
100 crowns of components
Herbal Knowledge (INT) Alchemy Set
Clotting Powder x5
A Herbalist has experience finding and using Holy Symbol
plants for alchemical substances. Any time a
Herbalist makes a Wilderness Survival roll to
forage a plant material, they substract half their Starting Coin Journal
Herbal Knowledge level from the DC. They Numbing Herbs x5
can also spend one hour analyzing an 150 crowns x 2d6
Sterilizing Fluid x5
alchemical product (potions, decoctions, etc.). If Average
they succeed a Herbal Knowledge roll against Surgeon's Kit
the Alchemy DC needed to brew the item, they
immediately gain the knowledge about the
formulae. They can write it down or memorize
Improvised Remedy
Herbalist Skill Tree
Remedy DC Herbal Knowledge (INT)
Vitriol + Rebis
18 A Herbalist has experience finding and using plants for alchemical substances. Any time a Herbalist
+15 Health for 1 hour.
makes a Wilderness Survival roll to forage a plant material, they substract half their Herbal
Quebrith + Sol Knowledge level from the DC. They can also spend one hour analyzing an alchemical product
Negates all pain for 14
1 hour (potions, decoctions, etc.). If they succeed a Herbal Knowledge roll against the Alchemy DC
needed to brew the item, they immediately gain the knowledge about the formulae. They can write
Aether + Caelum it down or memorize it.
Cures Intoxication
and Nausea
Fulgur + Vermillion
The Gatherer The Gardener The Pharmacist
Grants immunity to 18 Experienced Forager Private Garden (CRA) Mental Catalogue (INT)
Stun for 10 rounds
Despite being an specialist on A Herbalist with one unit of any A skilled Herbalist can keep a
Hydragenum + Rebis
herbs, the experience on flora or herb may plant it in a small Mental Catalogue of formulae
Cures the poison 15
condition foraging gives you a bonus on pot or soil plot. It takes 2d6 days in their head at all times. When a
foraging any kind of item. for it to mature, must be tended to
often and, once grown, can be Herbalist has memorized as
Aether+ Vitriol You gain an additional bonus
Grants immunity to harvested by rolling Private many formulae as they can,
hallucination for 1 hour
14 equal to half your Garden against the herb's they may roll Mental
Experienced Forager to your foraging DC. For every 2 points Catalogue at DC:15 to
Vermillion + Quebrith Wilderness Survival rolls scored over this DC, the herb memorize one more. There is
+15 Stamina for 1 18 made to forage items. This yields one additional unit. If no limit, but every 10 formulae
hour stacks up with the Herbal looked after properly, a herb can they have memorized adds 1 to
Fulgur + Sol Knowledge bonus. be harvested again 2d6 days later. the DC.
Puts you into a death- 18
like coma for 1 hour The Collector (INT) The Caretaker (INT) Dilution (CRA)
Caelum + Hydragenum
Allows you to stay Any time a Herbalist sets out
awake all night with When caring for a plant on to make an alchemical item,
no penalties their garden, an Herbalist can they can make a Dilution roll
Vermillion + Sol make a The Caretaker roll at a DC equal to the formula’s
+3 to Reflex for 15 When you find a plant you against the herb's forage DC. Alchemy DC. If they
10 rounds are foraging, the Herbalist can If they succeed, they lower succeed, they create two units
make a DC:20 The Collector the DC by 1 for every point of the formula with the
roll. If you succeed, you gain rolled above the DC to ingredients of one. This
double the amount you rolled. harvest it when it is mature. applies to all items created
This roll can be made one with alchemy, including
time for every plant. potions, oils, decoctions, and
"Nigh is the time of the Defining Skill
Illustration by Aleksandra Wojtas
Magical Perks
Farseers are half insane sources who failed None
to control their innate powers and were
consumed by them. They are able to Skills
manipulate the chaos to some extent, but Alchemy
nothing too powerful. Most farseers
become what is called oracles, living Charisma
predicting common folk near future and Deceit
doing petty tricks. Performance
Human Perception
—Alzur Persuasion
Resist Magic
Wilderness Survival
Gear (Pick 5)
A journal with a lock
Future Glimpse (EMP) Beast Bones x5
Belt Pouch
A Farseer can use the chaos to see beyond any
Candles x10
other human sight. Using a focus (cards, a
mirror, throwing bones, anything), the Farseer Dagger
can extend his mind to a target. This target can Gwent Deck
be a person, an object, a place, or the Farseer
Hand Mirror
themselves. With a Future Glimpse roll, the Starting Coin
Farseer is able to answer one question about the 50 crowns x 2d6 Holy Symbol
future. The roll is made against an unspecified Hourglass
DC based on how cloudy and how far on the Large Tent
future the answers it. Check the Future Glimpse 350
table to see a suggestion. Every question needs a
different roll and cost one STA. Successive
questions count as one "spell" to the Vigor
threshold. For every level in Future Glimpse,
the Farseer has 1 Vigor threshold point.
Future Glimpse
Value Cost
Farseer Skill Tree
How Far? Future Glimpse (EMP)
Near Future 2 A Farseer can use the chaos to see beyond any other human sight. Using a focus (cards, a mirror,
Couple Weeks 4
throwing bones, anything), the Farseer can extend his mind to a target. This target can be a person,
an object, a place, or the Farseer themselves. With a Future Glimpse roll, the Farseer is able to
Couple Months 5
answer one question about the future. The roll is made against an unspecified DC based on how
Years 10
cloudy and how far on the future the answers it. Check the Future Glimpse table to see a suggestion.
Magnitude Every question needs a different roll and cost one STA. Successive questions count as one "spell" to
Mundane 2 the Vigor threshold. For every level in Future Glimpse, the Farseer has 1 Vigor threshold point.
Important to a person 4
Important to dozens 6
The Oracle The Trickster The Hypnotizer
Important to cities 8
Deep Look (EMP) Tricks (EMP) Hypnotize (WILL)
World Prophecy 10
A Farseer is able to look in the A Farseer can take an hour and A Farseer can learn the art of
How Cloudy? eyes of a person and seeing a make a Tricks roll in the nearest hypnosis. By rolling
Not at All 2 glimpse of their thoughts. As town center. The total of this roll Hypnotize against the target's
an action, a Farseer can roll is the amount of money raked in
A Little 5 by the Farseer while they perform Resist Magic roll, you can
Deep Look against a target's on the street. A fumble can lower make the target more
Very Much 10
EMPx3 to gain a +5 bonus to the roll, and a negative value sugestionable. If you beat the
What's a Cloudy Future? Charisma, Deceit, Human means that not only do you fail to target's roll, you can give one
Perception, Intimidation, make any coin but you are also order that has to be fulfilled. If
When an outcome of an event is Leadership, Persuasion or harassed by the locals for your the order is harmful to the
dependent on many others, you say Seduction rolls by knowing poor performance, resulting in a target or someone the target
it is cloudy, because many small details of how the target thinks. -2 to Charisma with anyone in the cares about, you add +10 to
This cost 1 STA point. town for the rest of the day. their roll.
changes can alter what will happen
and it is almost unpredictable. If Sixth Sense (EMP) Trained Fingers (WILL) Self Mirror
you want to talk about fate, cloudy
futures are those who depend on The Farseer can have quick
visions in battle that help him
many people fulfilling their fates. predict the movements of their You have learned to canalize You can now hypnotize a
enemies. As an action, the the chaos through you hands. target to see 1 illusory copy of
Predicting the Future Farseer can roll Sixth Sense You can use the Trained you. This copy is intangible,
The mere fact that someone sees against the target INTx3. If Fingers roll instead of skilled but indistinguishable from you
what will happen in the future they succeed, they gain +3 to manual work rolls such as and controlled by your mind.
can change it. What a farseer attack and defense rolls against Sleight of Hand or Pick Lock. Controlling the copy does not
sees is one possible future, that target until the end of the Every attempt with this skill require an action. This copy
battle. One use of this skill cost one STA. Successive rolls lasts for as many rounds as
where nothing is changed about count as one "spell" to the your Self Mirror level.
costs 1 STA. More than one
the decisions that lead to it. use in the same battle count as Vigor threshold.
Sometimes, people will change one "spell" to the Vigor
their decisions to avoid a threshold.
predicted consequence and that
can be possible, GM's discretion. Life Saving Vision (EMP) Levitare (WILL) Illusion
This changes can be seen as lies Once per session, a Farseer can
have a Life Saving Vision. Levitare allows you to lift and
from the farseer, so be careful manipulate an object up to 5m You can make an hypnotized
This returns the party to a point
when reading people future. in time compatible with the away (up to 5 ENC per 1 point target see a large illusion. This
table on the side and of Future Glimpse) as though illusion is intangible, but they
Life Saving Vision everything that happened from you were holding it. Every can hear, see and smell it. You
that point on was just a vision. round costs 1 STA. Every can control the copy with your
Time DC Only the Farseer knows what round until the object is mind and this does not require
Couple Minutes 15 happened and has all the dropped costs another STA an action. This copy lasts for
knowledge they had before, point and this adds up to one as many rounds as your
Couple Hours 20 Illusion level.
being able to change what "spell" to the Vigor threshold.
Half a Day 25 happened (or not).
A Day 30
"Yen, you know I hate Defining Skill
Illustration by Lorenzo Mastroianni
Magical Perks
Psionics are also untrained magic users. None
Fortunately for them, they are usually not
insane. We call psionics those raw magic Skills
users that use only mind abilities that Awareness
range from telekinesis to telempathy. Not
many of those are known and, to be honest, Charisma
it is not easy to find a psionic if they are Deceit
not very powerful, as they, sometimes, do Deduction
not know themselves to be magic users. Human Perception
—Alzur Intimidation
Resist Coercion
Resist Magic
Small Blades
Gear (Pick 5)
Cold Weather Clothing
Touch Mind (EMP) Cooking Tools
Flask of Spirits
A Psionic is able to feel a person's thought. As Flint & Steel
an action, a Psionic can roll Touch Mind Gwent Deck
against a target's EMPx3 to gain a +5 bonus to
Holy Symbol
Charisma, Deceit, Human Perception, Starting Coin
Intimidation, Leadership, Persuasion or 20 crowns x 2d6 Pipe w/ Tobacco
Seduction rolls by knowing details of how the Sack
target thinks. This cost 1 STA point. What the
120 Sleeve Sheath
Psionic feels cannot be put into words, so no one
else can gain this bonus. For every level in
Touch Mind, the Psionic has 1 Vigor threshold
Farseers and Psionics use magic
Psionic Skill Tree
differently than mages. They
draw a little bit of magic from Touch Mind (EMP)
many different elements to A Psionic is able to feel a person's thought. As an action, a Psionic can roll Touch Mind against a
achieve the effects they want. target's EMPx3 to gain a +5 bonus to Charisma, Deceit, Human Perception, Intimidation,
This means that overexertion or Leadership, Persuasion or Seduction rolls by knowing details of how the target thinks. This cost 1
fumbles always uses the mixed STA point. What the Psionic feels cannot be put into words, so no one else can gain this bonus. For
elemental fumble result for this every level in Touch Mind, the Psionic has 1 Vigor threshold point.
“Come now, a man must Defining Skill
Illustration from Gwent: The Witcher Card Game
Magical Perks
Demonologist's power do not come from Variable
harvesting the chaos directly, as mages do.
They practice a ritual known as goetia, Skills
summoning demons and making pacts for Business
power and favors. Goetia can be a powerful
weapon for demonologists, but can be a Education
great danger if they try to summon a too Hex Weaving
powerful demon. Human Perception
—Alzur Resist Coercion
Resist Magic
Ritual Crafting
Small Blades
Spell Casting
Gear (Pick 5)
100 Crowns of Components
Goetia (WILL) Alchemy Set
Amulet, Simple
A Demonologist gain their powers through
Belt Pouch
deals with creatures from other planes,
demons. A Demonologist can spend one Dagger
hour to perform a ritual of Goetia and Hourglass
temporarily learn spells, rituals and hexes. Journal
Starting Coin
By making a Goetia roll, you gain points to Large Tent
spend on the table to learn magic, with 75 crowns x 2d6
Average Secret Pocket
different levels costing different amounts.
The Demonologist can spend another hour 525 Writing Kit
to perform the ritual again and change their
magic list. Every Goetia ritual performed,
the demon summoned has the chance to roll
Resist Magic against the Goetia roll. If they
succeed, they possess the Demonologist.
Demonologist Skill Tree
While possessed by a demon, a
demonologist could be
controlled by it, could be Goetia (WILL)
haunted by a hym or whatever A Demonologist gain their powers through deals with creatures from other planes, demons. A
the GM wants. The Resist Demonologist can spend one hour to perform a ritual of Goetia and temporarily learn spells, rituals
Magic of a demon is +10, but his and hexes. By making a Goetia roll, you gain points to spend on the table to learn magic, with
WILL depends on the form it different levels costing different amounts. The Demonologist can spend another hour to perform the
assumes (You can use the ritual again and change their magic list. Every Goetia ritual performed, the demon summoned has the
Vesemir's Journal homebrew for chance to roll Resist Magic against the Goetia roll. If they succeed, they possess the Demonologist.
a demon and for an exorcism
The Summoner The Occultist The Warlock
Small Invocation (WILL) Improved Ritual Demonic Vigor
By taking an hour, a
Goetia Cost Demonologist can make a
As a Demonologist utilizes
Experience with goetia rituals magic more and more, their
DC:20 Small Invocation roll have made the Demonologist body becomes more used to
Level Cost to summon a demon to take the
improve it, correcting small the flow. Every point a
Novice/Low 3 form of an Easy or Medium
beast. This beast can be a mistakes and learning shortcuts Demonologist has in Demonic
Journeyman/Medium 7 to the desired results. For every Vigor grants +2 points to
mouse to a spy, a horse to be Vigor threshold. When this
Master/High mount or anything else the GM level of Improved Ritual, you
12 have 1 more point to spend on ability reaches level 10, your
allows. The demon receives maximum Vigor threshold
the Goetia Cost table learning
one order and is released after becomes 25. This skill can be
their physical form dies or they trained, like other skills.
fulfil the order.
Overexertion Medium Invocation (WILL) Tough Mind (INT) Demonic Stamina (WILL)
Demonologists use magic
differently than mages. They
draw magic from many By taking an hour, a A Demonologist can roll
different elements through Demonologist can make a Years of goetia rituals have Demonic Stamina against a
demons. This means that DC:20 Medium Invocation made your mind stronger to the target’s current WILLx3. On
roll to summon a demon to demonic attacks. Every time success, the power of the last
overexertion or fumbles always take the form of an humanoid you practice a Goetia ritual,
uses the mixed elemental summoned demon grants 1d6
(use the stats of the bandit from you can also roll Tough Mind. temporary STA for every point
fumble result. the core rulebook). The demon If your Tough Mind roll is rolled over the DC. This lasts
receives one order and is higher than the initial Goetia for as many rounds as their
released after their physical roll, this is the DC the demon Demonic Staminax2 or until
form dies or they fulfil the has to beat to possess you. the STA is spent.
"Putrefaction's set in... but Defining Skill
Illustration by Anna Podedworna
Magical Perks
3 Necromancy Novice Spells
Necromancers are mages that specialize on 2 Novice Spells
the dark art of necromancy. They can learn 1 Novice Ritual
all sort of spells, but they chose to learn 1 Low Danger Hex
more about this kind of magic instead of
learning about politics and alchemy as
most mages do.
Hex Weaving
Human Perception
Resist Magic
Ritual Crafting
Spell Casting
Magical Training (INT) Gear (Pick 5)
100 Crowns of Components
To qualify as a Necromancer Mage, a Belt pouch
magically adept person must pass through
the halls of one of the world’s magical Garter sheath
academies and learn the fundamentals of Hand mirror
the magical arts. A Necromancer can roll Hourglass
Starting Coin
Magical Training whenever they Journal
encounter a magical phenomenon, an 200 crowns x 2d6
Average Sleeve sheath
unknown spell, or a question of magical
theory. The DC is set by the GM, and a 1400 Staff
success allows the Necromancer to recall Stiletto
everything there is to know about the Writing Kit
phenomenon. Magical Training can also
be rolled as a form of Awareness that
detects magic that is in use, or specters.
Learning Spells
Necromancer Skill Tree
Necromancers can learn all kind
of spells, rituals and signs, not
only those of necromancy, but if Magical Training (INT)
you want to play as a To qualify as a Necromancer Mage, a magically adept person must pass through the halls of one of
necromancer, you should the world’s magical academies and learn the fundamentals of the magical arts. A Necromancer can
probably focus on that. roll Magical Training whenever they encounter a magical phenomenon, an unknown spell, or a
question of magical theory. The DC is set by the GM, and a success allows the Necromancer to recall
everything there is to know about the phenomenon. Magical Training can also be rolled as a form of
Awareness that detects magic that is in use, or specters.
Necrotic Damage
Necrotic damage works differently to other types of damage, they leave scars on your soul. Every time you take
necrotic damage, you must write it down. You can heal the HP you lost only over time, but the damage on your soul is
done and this is something necromancers have to be aware of. There are 10 thresholds, each with 10 steps. Nine of
them are bad consequences and the last one is a good one. If you heal necrotic damage using the Heal Soul ritual and
this makes you go back a step, you lose the consequence. The damage column is referring to accumulated damage.
Going to a new
The Dark Mage
When you reach the last
Damage Effect damage listed (on bold),
you are considered to be
110 You feel an annoying tooth pain sometimes
on the next threshold.
120 The nightmares start to become worse (1% chance of being exhausted* the next day)
130 Your hair begins to turn white
140 You wake up to ugly scars on your back (-1 Seduction)
150 Food can be unbearable some days (1% of being nauseated for 1 hour after eating)
160 The voices can appear during the day now, but you still do not understand
170 What is the point of being nice? (-1 Charisma)
180 You start to be less sensitive to death and carnage
190 Your power grows and you like it
200 You feel your magic getting stronger (+1 Spell Casting, Ritual Crafting and Hex Weaving)
Sickness 260 Sometimes, you feel like you almost understand the voices
270 You feel physically weaker sometimes (-1 Physique)
For the effects marked
with a *, use the 280 You feel sick more often (10% more chance of getting sick*)
Complications, Afflictions 290 How much more powerful can I get?
& Remedies homebrew 300 You feel your memory incredibly good (+2 Education)
The Undertaker
Damage Effect
310 Some other tooth starts to ache
320 The nightmares worsen (10% chance of being exhausted* the next day)
330 Your hair is completely white
340 The scars are now on your arms (-1 Seduction, Charisma, Persuasion, Leadership)
350 You lose more and more taste (10% chance of being nauseated for 1 hour after eating)
360 You are losing weight (-1 Physique, Endurance)
370 You feel more and more distant of people (-1 EMP)
380 You feel sick more often (15% more chance of getting sick*)
390 You are almost addicted to your power and prefer to use necromancy
400 Sometimes, you do understand the voices. They help you (+2 Deduction)
The Nightmare
Damage Effect
1030 Your eyes are completely white (You are now hated & feared to all of those you were equal to)
1060 The nightmares worsen (33% chance of being exhausted* the next day)
1090 You feel your body is colder than normal
1120 You feel no taste at all (33% chance of being nauseated for 6 hours after eating)
1150 You feel you were stronger once (-2 Physique)
1180 You have no emotions for people (-1 EMP)
1210 Your short of breath is more frequent
1240 You feel slower (-1 DEX)
1270 You cannot smell things anymore
1300 You are in complete control of your mind now and you feel your body stronger***
***(+1 WILL, immune to hallucinations and illusions. You have no need to eat and sleep anymore)
The Corpse
Damage Effect
1330 Your eyes have no use, your vision now is magic
1360 Your body is as cold as a corpse’s
1390 Food is noxious (50% chance of being nauseated for 6 hours after eating)
1420 You feel you were stronger once (-2 Physique)
1450 Your short of breath is even more frequent and you feel you forget to breathe sometimes
1480 Your heart beats way slower
1510 Your feelings almost fade (-1 EMP)
1540 You are obsessed with power****
1570 You feel fire is more dangerous than before (You are now vulnerable to fire damage)
1600 Your body is almost dead and you are walking by pure necromancy magic+
****(You are considered addicted to powerful magical items and ways to make you more powerful, like genies and sources and
cannot be cured)
+(You are now immune to bleeding, poison, being blinded, intoxication, nausea and suffocation
and you have Superior Night Vision. +2 BODY)
Last Threshold
The Undead
When you reach 2000
accumulated necrotic Damage Effect
damage, you reach the
last threshold. The mental 1640 Your skin begins to crumble (you lose any natural armor you have)
traces you get while 1680 Those who follow death, follow you (you are followed and attacked by necrophages)
advancing through The 1720 You are terrifying, to children and cats specially
Undead threshold make 1760 You attract specters and rats
you delusional, addicted
1800 You are surrounded by death and flies++
to power, completely You want to understand more about life and death and makes experiments with corpses and killing
addicted to toying with 1840 creatures
life and death and 1880 You despise the living
paranoid about every one 1920 You are almost a living skeleton now
around you. The immense 1960 You are certain everyone around you want to kill you
power comes with an
2000 You are in complete control of your life force+++
uncontrollable madness
and you character could ++(you smell like a corpse and every physical blow you deal has 25% chance of Disease)
be taken over by the GM.
+++(You gain the Immortal ability as well as the regeneration and the Mad for Power
vulnerability. You are now seen as a Molder of Death - see sidebar)
Molder of Death
The Molder of Death is a
magic user and comes
from a Mage, Source or
Demonologist. A witcher
becomes a Death
Whisperer and a non magic
user becomes a Death
Skill Base
Athletics 26
Awareness 20
Brawling 24 Exceptional
Courage 20
Endurance 38
Intimidation 18 Feral
Physique 40
Resist Magic 25 Senses
Stealth 20 Night Vision
Wilderness Survival 19
REF 15
DEX 16
Armor 25 BODY 30
Regeneration — SPD 10
Resistances CRA 1
Fire, S/P/B damage WILL 10
Immunities STUN 10
Poison, Magical Charm, Fear, Stun RUN 30
Susceptibilities STA 150
Beast Oil ENC 500
REC 20
Dodge Base 25 HP 300 Height 16m
Weight 130000kg
Reposition Base 26
Environment Where Summoned
Block Base 24 Organization Solitary
Alzur's Beast
Lore & Behavior (Monster Lore DC:23)
This amazing beast was first seen by me. Is it a beast from another universe, whose first
Crystallized Essence (x5d10) contact with our world was my doing. I did not have the opportunity to study it that much, but
Fifth Essence (x5d10) I used some weaker versions of the Double-Cross to modify creatures of our plane of
Infused Dust (x5d10) existence and I have learned some more things about the ritual and this gave me a lot more
Optima Mater (x5d10) knowledge. And made me be expelled from the order. I will continue my studies and I would
Random Rune (x2d6) not advise letting this creature come to our plane. They are immensely powerful and control
it might be a problem.
Name Type DMG Rel. RNG Effect ROF
Crushing Force, Long Reach, Armor Piercing,
Bite 24 P 10d6 20 — 1
Crushing Force, Long Reach, Bleed (75%),
Claw Slash 24 S 8d6 20 — 3
Knock-Down (50%), Ablating
Crushing Force, Long Reach, Knock-Down (75%),
Tail Strike 24 B 5d6+3 15 — 1
Stun (-2), Ablating
Alzur's Beast has an amazing sight, being able to see The Beast can take its full round and spend 20 STA to
even in complete darkness. But that is not the end of it. make an attack with all of its weapons (with specified
The Beast takes no penalty for using only scent and ROF). After using this ability, The Beast is stunned until
hearing to orient themselves. it can make a Stun save.
If its target is more than 10m away, The Beast can take
its full round to charge up to 20m and make a single Alzur's Beast can use an action to attempt to swallow a
Horn Gore attack with a base of 21. If the target fails to target whole instead of dealing the damage of the Bite
reposition, they take 12d6 damage to the torso and are attack. A successfully swallowed opponent is automatically
knocked back 20m. If the target strikes anything while considered pinned and starts to suffocate the following
flying back, they take a number of d6s of damage to the round, they also suffer 2 ablative damage to all armor and
torso equal to the half the number of meters they flew. If weapons carried (more fragile items may be destroyed
The Beast misses its target, it continues to charge the also). Escape is possible on the first round with a Brawling
rest of the distance in a straight line. If it hits a wall or an check against The Beast’s initial Bite check +2 as a DC. If
equally solid object, The Beast becomes stunned until it The Beast ever takes more than 30 damage from one
can make a Stun Save and they deal half that damage to source, it immediately vomits up prey it has swallowed.
the construction.