Bronx Irise 2022-2023 Planning
Bronx Irise 2022-2023 Planning
Bronx Irise 2022-2023 Planning
a. General
i. Academic support and intervention, addressing unfinished learning.
ii. 8am-1pm on Saturdays for students in grades 3-5 at the Bronx ASCS.
iii. Teachers (20) and site coordinators (5) will be trained by ELA and Math
leadership teams.
iv. Mr. DeFranco will be informed about the security needs.
Sample Schedule
d. We will need security at each middle school campus on the dates specified
e. Bronx can take the NJ model and adapt it for their school and needs.
f. Call for staff email on the next page.
Attention iLearn Schools Bronx Staff:
iLearn Schools’ iRISE is recruiting teachers for our Saturday Program. We need
YOU to help support small groups of elementary/middle school students (grades
3-5) in ELA and Mathematics to address unfinished learning.
At iLearn Schools we believe in your abilities to reach students across all our
schools! The iRISE Saturday Program is an opportunity for you to work with our
elementary/middle school students and gain experience in teaching at a different
grade level, on a different campus or a different subject matter to enrich your
We hope you will take advantage of the opportunity to work with our
elementary/middle schoolers and gain experience in an iLearn Schools
enrichment program while earning some additional income!
Thank you!