Iso 7965 1 1984

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International Standard 7965/I


Packaging - Sacks - Drop test -

Part 1: Paper sacks
Emballages - Sacs - Essai de chute - Partie 1: Sacs en papier

First edition - 1984-12-15

ISO 7965-1:1984

UDC 621.798.15 : 676.821 : 620.165.72 Ref. No. IS0 7965/l-1984 (E)

Descriptors : packing, paper packaging, bags, tests, drop tests, test equipment.

- Price based on 8 pages
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. ,Each member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to

the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the IS0 Council. They are approved in accordance with IS0 procedures requiring at
least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting.
IS0 7965/ 1 was prepared by Technical Committee lSO/TC 122,

ISO 7965-1:1984

0 International Organization for Standardization, 1984

Printed in Switzerland

Packaging - Sacks - Drop test -

Part 1: Paper sacks

1 Scope and field of application 4.3 release mechanism, to release the sack in such a way
that its fall is not obstructed by any part of the apparatus before
This part of IS0 7965 specifies a method of vertical impact striking the impact surface (4.4).
testing on a filled paper sack by dropping. It may be performed
either as a single test to investigate the effects of vertical im-
4.4 impact surface, horizontal and flat, massive enough to
pact or as part of a sequence of tests designed to measure the
be immovable and rigid enough to be non-deformable under
ability of a sack to withstand a distribution system that includes
test conditions.
a vertical impact hazard.

NOTE - In normal circumstances the impact surface provided should

This part of IS0 7965 specifies the testing procedure and how
the results of tests should be presented. It is based on
IS0 2243, but is specifically related to paper sacks. - of one piece, with a mass at least 50 times that of the heaviest
sack to be tested;

2 References
iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW - fiat, such that
more than 2 mm;
no two points on its surface differ in level by

IS0 2248, Packaging - Complete, filled transport packages -
- rigid, such that it will not be deformed by more than 0,l mm
when an area of 100 mm2 is loaded statically with IO kg anywhere
Part 4: Vertical impact test by dropping.
on the surface;
ISO 7965-1:1984
IS0 659911, Packaging - Sacks - Conditioning for testing -
- sufficiently large to ensure that the sack falls entirely upon the
Part 7: Paper sacks. surface.
IS0 7023, Packaging - Sacks - Method of sampling empty A plastic film may be used on the impact surface under the sack
sacks for testing. in order not to damage the sack while moving it.

3 Principle 5 Sampling

The filled sack is raised above a rigid plane surface and released Sampling shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure
to strike this surface after a free fall, the atmospheric con- in IS0 7023.
ditions, the height of drop and the position of the package be-
ing set in advance.
6 Conditioning

4 Apparatus The empty sacks shall be conditioned in accordance with the

procedure in IS0 6599/l, using one of the designated con-
The apparatus necessary to carry out the drop test shall include ditioning atmospheres.
the following (examples are shown in annex A):

4.1 lifting arrangment, which will not damage the sack

7 Procedure
during either lifting or release.
The various tests as described shall be carried out in the same
atmospheric conditions as used for conditioning (see clause 6)
4.2 means of holding the sack prior to release in its or, if not, the tests shall commence within 3 min of removing
predetermined position. 1) the sack from the conditioning atmosphere.

1) The difference in behaviour of a sack suspended from the top or supported underneath in a butt drop can be significant, and the method of
holding the sack before dropping must be included in the test report.

IS0 7965/l-1984 (El

7.1 Filling 7.3 Test methods

Fill the sacks with the intended commodity but, if this is not
7.3.1 Progressive drop height method
possible, with similar material, taking into account type and
size of granules etc., to give the same degree of filling. The
mass of filling material shall be within I!I 0,2 % of that of the This method may be used for flat, side and butt drop testing of
nominal mass of the intended contents of the sack. paper sacks.

Positio n the sack on the trap door of the apparatus Flat and side drop test

The drop height, h, is given by the formula

7.2 Dropping
h = 0,85 + [(n- 1) x 0,151
Place the sack under test centrally on the platform which is
then raised to a height that is within + 2 % of the predeter-
mined drop height as defined by the distance between the
lowest point of the sack at the time of release and the nearest
point of the impact surface. 0,85 is the value, in metres, of the initial drop height (II,);

y2 is the number of drops;

The sack shall be released from its predetermined position
within the following tolerances : 0,15 is the value, in metres, of the increment (Ah).

- for drops on any side or edge: there shall be no vari- The drop test shall be initiated at 0,85 m height VI,). After each
ation of mpre than 2’ between the impacting surface of the drop without any visible failure on the sack, an increment of
sack, and the horizontal surface; 0,15 m in drop height is made.
for edge or corner drops: the angle between a pre-
A sack shall be considered broken when spillage of the con-
be 45 + 5’;
scribed surface of the sack and the horizontal surface shall
tents occurs.

- the velocity at impact shall be within + 1 % of that

ISO 7965-1:1984
The number of drops and the final drop height at break are
which would be achieved by a free fall.
7.2.1 Dropping procedure The test result can b reported as the average breaking height
(h) and the correspo ding num ber of drops (n
NOTE - The designati on of the various ces of the filled sack is set
down in annex B. Butt drop test

7.2.1 .I Flat dropping

The drop height, h, is given by the formula

Drop successive sacks alternately on the face side (I) and on

h = 0,30 + [(n - I) x 0,051
the back side (3), so that the first sack is dropped on the face
side until it breaks and the second on the back side until it
breaks, and so on. where

0,30 is the value, in metres, of the initial drop height VI,); Side dropping
n is the number of drops;
Drop successive sacks alternately on the side (2) and the side
0,05 is the value, in metres, of the increment (Ah).
(4), so that the first sack is dropped on the side (2) until it
breaks and the second on the side (4) until it breaks, and so on.
The test result shall be reported in accordance with 7.3.1 .I. Butt dropping NOTE - For sacks of composite materials or with reinforcement of any
type, a suitable initial drop height (II,) may be selected with increments
Drop the sack only on the bottom (5) until it breaks. (Ah) of about l/6 of the initial height, rounded to the nearest 0,15 m. Edge and corner dropping 7.3.2 Constant drop height method

If this test is necessary, drop the sack on any corner or any This method may be used for testing o f ordinary paper sacks as
edge until it breaks. an a lternative to the progressive drop height method.

IS0 7965/l-1984 (E) Flat, side or butt drop test II may also be calculated using a graphical method, by plotting
the mean drop number, n, against the corresponding drop
This test may be used for either flat, side or butt dropping and height, h, on log-log graph paper as shown in figure 1.
shall be performed from a constant height so selected that the
number of drops before rupture is about 10.

A sack shall be considered broken when spillage of the content

30 -

The report shall give the drop height, number of d rops to -

k 20
breakage and the type of drops i.e., flat, side or butt drops). -

NOTE - The constant drop height method has a special application &

when testing paper sacks intended for the transport of dangerous .

goods (maximum net mass 50 kg). According to Recommendations by


the United Nations’) and the IMDG Code’), three sacks shall be sam- -

pled and tested. In the UN Recommendations, paper sacks intended to .

convey goods presenting medium danger (Packaging Group II) shall be Q,

dropped from a height of I,2 m while those presenting minor danger E .

(Packaging Group Ill) shall be dropped from a height of 0,8 m. It is
5 -

required that each of the filled sacks shall be dropped once on the face
side and once on the bottom from the prescribed height. With both
levels of testing, there shall be neither serious rupture of any of the
sacks nor loss of contents.

7.3.3 Limit height method

This method shall be used to test sacks with higher strength

than ordinary paper sacks.
OJ 0,2 0,3 0,5 1 2 3 4
Drop height, h, m Flat, side or butt drop test
( Figure 1 - Graphical method for calculation
The test may be performed as a flat, side or butt drop test.
of limit height, II
In this test, the lowest height at which the sack will break on
ISO 7965-1:1984
the first drop is calcula ted from the results obtained. The test report shall give the drop heights used, number of
drops to breakage at each height and the type of drops (i.e.,
The sack s hall be dropped from three constan t heights, which
- flat, side or butt).
give mean drop n umbers (n) of approximately 3, 8 and 13.

The limit height, H, is calculated from the formula:

8 Test report

The test report shall include full details of size, construction and
type of all sacks tested, together with information on the type
and weight of contents and type of closure.

n is the mean drop number; All results shall be given include of position and
H is the limit height, in metres; type of failures

h is the drop height, in metres; form that may be used for this
A suitable format for a report
a is the constant to one sack grade. purpose is given i n annex C.

1) Transport of dangerous goods - Recommendations prepared by the United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous
Goods, United Nations Economic and Social Council.

2) International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, IMO (previously IMCO).

IS0 7965/l-1984 (El

Annex A

Examples of apparatus for drop testing


ISO 7965-1:1984

Figure 2 - Example of apparatus suitable for flat and side dropping

IS0 7965/l-1984 (El


ISO 7965-1:1984

Figure 3 - Example of apparatus suitable for butt dropping

IS0 7965/l-1984 (E)

Annex B

Identification of surfaces of filled sacks for testing

. Figure 4 - Surface identification


The sack shall be placed on the back side (3) (i.e., the side containing the longitudinal seam) downwards, and the top (6) (i.e. the fill-
ing end) of the sack positioned away from the observer, as figure 4. The different surfaces are identified as:

Surface 1: Face side

Surface 2: Right side
Surface 3: Back side (longitudinal seam)
ISO 7965-1:1984
Surface 4: Left side
Surface 5: Bottom 643cbcbf819a/iso-7965-1-1984
Surface 6: Top (filling end)

IS0 7965/l-1984 (E)

Annex C

Example of format for a drop test report

Test details

Manufacturer: Sack type : Test purpose :

Lot No. : Dimensions : Test method :

Date of manufacture : Specifications : Conditioning :

Order No. : Filling material :

Customer: Date of test: Filling mass :

Test results
Sack No.
Drop No.
cm (
1 2 5 6 8 9 10

ISO 7965-1:1984





Date :


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