Iso 7965 2 1993
Iso 7965 2 1993
Iso 7965 2 1993
First edition
Reference number
ISO 7965-2:1993(E)
ISO 7965=2:1993(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Annexes A, B and C of this patt of ISO 7965 are for information only.
0 ISO 1993
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International Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-l Zl 1 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
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l ii
Part 2:
Sacks made from thermoplastic flexible filtm
1 Scope 3 Principle
This part of ISO 7965 specifies a method of vertical The filled sack is raised above a rigid surface and re-
impact testing on a filled sack made from thermo- leased to Strike this surface after a free fall, the at-
plastic flexible film by dropping. lt may be performed mospheric conditions, the height of the drop and the
either as a Single test to investigate the effects of Position of the package being set in advance.
vertical impact or as a part of a sequence of tests
designed to measure the ability of a sack to withstand
a distribution System that includes a vertical impact 4 Apparatus
hazard. ISO 7965-2:1993
The apparatus necessary to carry out the dro.p test
This part of ISO 7965 specifies the testing7af8233037f6/iso-7965-2-1993
procedure shall include the following (examples are shown in
and how the results of tests should be presented. lt annex A):
is based on ISO 2248’1, but is specifically related to
Sacks made from thermoplastic flexible film. 4.1 Lifting arrangement, which will not darnage
the sack during either lifting or release.
2 Normative references
4.2 Means of holding the sack Prior to release in
The following Standards contain provisions which,
its predetermined Position.
through reference in this text, constitute provisions
of this part of ISO 7965. At the time of publication, the The differente in behaviour of a sack suspended from
editions indicated were valid. All Standards are subject the top or supported underneath in a butt drop tan
to revision, and Parties to agreements based on this be significant, and the method of holding the sack
part of ISO 7965 are encouraged to investigate the before dropping shall be included in the test report.
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the
Standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO
4.3 Release mechanism, to release the sack in
maintain registers of currently valid International
such a way that its fall is not obstructed by any part
of the apparatus before striking the impact surface
ISO 2233:1986, Packaging - Complete, filled trans- (4.4).
port packages - Conditioning for testing.
4.4 Impact surface, horizontal and flat, massive
ISO 7023:1983, Packaging - Sacks - Method of enough to be immovable and rigid enough to be
sampling empty Sacks for testing. nondeformable under test conditions.
1) ISO 2248:1985, Packaging - Complete, filled transport packages - Vertical impact test by dropping.
ISO 7965-2: 19&3( E) Q ISO
In normal circumstances the impact surface provided + 2 % of the predetermined drop height, defined as
should be: the distance between the lowest Point of the sack at
the time of release and the nearest Point of the im-
- of one piece, with a mass at least 50 times that patt surface.
of the heaviest sack to be tested;
The sack shall be released from its predetermined
- flat, such that no two Points on its sutface differ Position within the following tolerantes:
in level by more than 2 mm;
a) for drops on any side, the impacting surface of the
- rigid, such that it will not be deformed by more sack shall be parallel, to within 2”, to the impact
than 0,l mm when an area of 100 mm* is loaded surface;
statically with 10 kg anywhere on the surface;
b) the velocity of the sack at impact shall be within
- sufficiently large to ensure that the sack falls en- & 1 % of that which would be achieved by a free
tirely upon the surface. fall .
A plastic film may be used on the impact surface un- 7.2.2 Dropping procedure
der the sack in Order not to darnage the sack while
moving it. NOTE 1 The designation of the various surfaces of a filled
sack is given in annex B.
5 Sampling Flat dropping
Sampling shall be carried out in accordance with
ISO 7023. Drop successive Sacks alternately on the face side (1)
iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW and on the back side (3), so that the first sack is
dropped on the face side until it breaks and the sec-
6 Conditioning ( ond on the back side until it breaks, and so on.
The filled and closed Sacks shall be conditioned in Side dropping
ISO 7965-2:1993
accordance with ISO 2233, using one of the desig-
nated conditioning atmospheres. Drop successive Sacks alternately on the right side (2)
and on the left side (4), so that the first sack is
7 Procedure dropped on the right side (2) until it breaks and the
second on the left side (4) until it breaks, and so on.
The tests shall be carried out in the same atmospheric
conditions as used for conditioning (see clause 6) or, Butt dropping
if not, the test shall commence within 3 min of re-
moving the filled sack from the conditioning atmos- Drop the sack only on the buttom (5), until it breaks.
7.3 Test methods
7.1 Filling
7.3.1 Progressive drop height method
Fill the sack with the intended commodity or, if this
is not possible, with similar material, taking into ac- 7.3.1 .l General
count type and size of granules etc., to give the same
degree of filling. The mass of filling material shall be This method may be used for flat, side and butt drop
within + 0,2 % of that of the nominal mass of the in- testing of Sacks made from thermoplastic flexible film.
tended contents of the Sack.
The drop height, h, in metres, is given by the formula
Close the sack in the intended way.
h = b + [(n - 1) x Ah]
7.2 Test dropping procedure
7.2.1 Lifting and release requirements h, is the value, in metres, of the initial drop
Place the sack under test centrally on the platform
(4.1). Raise the platform to a height that is within n is the total number of drops;
Ah is the value, in metres, of the increment in the sack provided that no further leakage occurs after
drop height after each drop. the sack has been raised clear of the ground.
A sack shall be considered broken when spillage of The test report shall give the drop height, number of
the contents occurs. drops to breakage and the type of drop (i.e. flat, side
or butt drop).
A slight discharge, e.g. from closures or stitch holes,
upon impact shall not be considered to be a failure of NOTE 2 The constant drop height method has particular
the sack provided that no further leakage occurs after application for testing Sacks made from thermoplastic flexi-
the sack has been raised clear of the ground. ble film intended for the transport of dangerous goods
(maximum net mass 50 kg), see recommendations by the
The type of drop (i.e. flat, side or butt drop), the United Nations*) and the IMDG Code?
number of drops (n) and the final drop height at break
(h) shall be recorded. 7.3.3 Limit height method
The test result tan be reported as the average break- This method may be used to test Sacks stronger than
ing height (h) and the corresponding number of drops ordinary Sacks made from thermoplastic flexible film.
The test may be performed as a flat, side or butt drop Flat and side drop tests test.
Flat and side drop tests shall be initiated at 0,85 m In this test, the lowest height at which the sack will
height (IQ. After each drop without any visiblefailure break on the first drop (the “limit height” H) is calcu-
in the Sack, an increment (Ah) of 0,15 m in drop height lated from the results obtained.
is made.
sack shall be dropped from three constant
heights, so selected to give mean numbers of drops
The test shall be evaluated and results shall be re-
ported in accordance with 7.3.1 .l . to breakage (n) of approximately 3, 8 and 30. Butt drop test L The limit height H, expressed in metres, is calculated
ISO 7965-2:1993
from the formula:
Butt drop tests shall be initiated at 0,30 m height
(b). After each drop without any visible failure in the
Sack, an increment (Ah) of 0,05 m in drop height is where
ii is the mean drop number;
The test shall be evaluated and results shall be re-
ported in accordance with 7.3.1 .l . h is the drop height, in metres;
7.3.2 Constant drop height method a is a constant particular to the sack grade.
This method may be used for testing of Sacks made H may also be calculated using a graphical method by
from thermoplastic flexible film as an alternative to plotting the mean drop number, E, against the corre-
the progressive drop height method. sponding drop height, h, on log-log graph Paper as
shown in figure 1.
This test may be used for either flat, side or butt
dropping and shall be performed from a constant The test report shall give the drop heights used, the
height so selected that the number of drops before number of drops to breakage at each height and the
rupture is about 10. type of drop (i.e. flat, side or butt).
A slight discharge, e.g. from closures or stitch holes, The test report shall include full details of size, con-
upon impact shall not be considered to be a failure of struction and type of all Sacks tested, together with
2) Transport of Dangerous Goods, Recommendations prepared by the United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport
of Dangerous Goods, United Nations Economic and Social Council, E.89.VIII.1, New York, 1989.
3) International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, IMO-200E, 1992.
ISO 7965-2: 1993(E) Q ISO
information on the type and mass of sack contents A suitable format for a test report form that may be
and type of closure. used for this purpose is given in annex C.
All test results shall be given (see 7.3) and shall in-
clude the method of holding the sack before dropping,
and details of location and type of failure.
Figures A.1 and A. 2 show examples of apparatus for drop testing of Sacks made of thermoplastic flexible film.
Figure A.1 - Example of apparatus suitable for flat and side dropping
ISO 7965=2:1993(E)
Figure A.2 - Example of apparatus suitable for butt dropping
Annex B
The sack shall be placed on the back side (3) (i.e., the Surface 4: Left side
side containing the longitudinal seam) downwards,
and the top (6) (i.e. the filling end) of the sack pos- Surface 5: Bottom
itioned away from the obsetver, as shown in
figure B.1. The different surfaces are identified as: Surface 6: Top (filling end)
Surface 1: Face side (optionally printed) NOTE 3 On Sacks with a longitudinal seam, the back side
(3) is the side containing the seam. On Sacks without any
printing or without a longitudinal seam, the side towards
Surface 2: Right side which the bottom overlap is turned should be considered
as the back side (3).
Surface 3: Back side (longitudinal seam)