مدونة التصميم الهندسي للطرق
مدونة التصميم الهندسي للطرق
مدونة التصميم الهندسي للطرق
[2] AASHO, "A Policy on Geometric Design of Rural Highways", American Association of State
Highway Officials, USA, 1961.
[3] State Corporation of Roads & Bridges, "Guide of Rural Roads in Iraq", 2001.
[4] State Corporation of Roads & Bridges, "Roads Map of Iraq", 2007.
[5] Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick & Partners, "Baghdad Comprehensive Transportation Study",
Amanat Al- Assima, Baghdad, 1986).
Among the main factors affecting highway geometric design, are the physical properties
and proportions of different vehicles. From each general class groupings, a selected design
vehicle is accommodated with representative weight, dimensions, turning radius, and operating
The dimensions of (20) design vehicles given by AASHTO Policy [1, p.2-3] are shown in table
Figure (2-1/1) shows silhouettes of most basic commercial vehicle types in regular operation as
designated by axle arrangement code. The first digit indicates the number of axles of the truck or
truck- tractor. The letter "S" indicates a semitrailer, and the digit immediately following an "S"
indicates the number of axles on the semitrailer. Any digit, other than the first in a combination,
when not preceded by an "S" indicates a trailer and the number of its axles. For instance, a 2-S2
combination is a two – axle truck – tractor with a tandem – axle semitrailer. A 3-S1-2
combination is a three- axle, truck – tractor with tandem rear axles, a semitrailer with a single
axle, and a trailer with two axles. [2, p.7]
2017 AD/1438 AH
IQ.B.C. 103/8
Figure 2-1/1: Common commercial vehicles types as designed by code based on axle
arrangement [2, p.8]
For geometric design of highways, each design vehicle has larger physical dimensions and a
larger minimum turning radius than most vehicles in its class.
As a general guide, the following may be considered when selecting a design vehicle:
When the main traffic generator is parking lots, a passenger car may be selected.
For the design of intersections that mainly serve bus traffic, a city transit bus may be
For intersection design of residential streets, a single- unit truck may be selected.
For high volume highways, and for intersections of expressway ramps with arterial
crossroads, the WB-20 semitrailer truck should be considered as the minimum size
design vehicle.
The selection of a (design vehicle), whose characteristics will encompass nearly all vehicles
expected to use the highway, is used to determine criteria for geometric design, intersection
design and sight distance requirements. [3, p.63]
Figures (2-1/2) through (2-1/11) present the minimum turning paths for 10 selected design
vehicles [1, p.2-5].
Symbol P SU-9 SU-12 BUS-12 BUS-14 CITY-BUS S-BUS11 S-BUS12 A-BUS WB-12
Design 11.92
7:26 12.73 15.60 12.70 13.40 12.80 11.75 12.00 12.16
Radius (m)
Turning 6.40 11.58 14.46 11.53 12.25 11.52 10.64 10.79 10.82 10.97
(CTR) (m)
Inside 4.39 8.64 11.09 7.41 7.54 7.45 7.25 7.71 6.49 5.88
Radius (m)
"Double Turnpike
Triple Car Motor
Design Bottom" Rocky Double Car and
Interstate Semi- Semi- Motor and Home
Vehicle Combina Mtn Semi- Camper
trailer trailer/ Home Boat and Boat
Type - tion Double trailer / Trailer
trailers Trailer Trailer
Symbol WB-19 W8-20 WB-20D WB-28D WB-30T WB-33D MH P/T P/B MH/B
13.65 13.66 13.67 24.98 13.67 18.25 12.11 10.03 7.26 15.19
Radius (m)
Turning 12.50 12.50 12.47 23..77 12.47 17.04 10.97 9.14 6.40 14.02
(CTR) (m)
Inside 2.25 0.59 5.83 16.94 2.96 4.19 7.92 5.58 2.44 10.67
Radius (m)
Figure 2-1/3: Minimum Turning Path for single-Units Truck [SU-12] Design Vehicles
[1, p.2-12]
2/6 2017 AD/1438 AH IQ.B.C. 103/8
Figure 2-1/4: Minimum Turning Path for Intercity Bus [Bus-14] Design Vehicles [1, p.2-14]
Figure 2-1/5: Minimum Turning Path for Articulated Bus [A-Bus] Design Vehicles
[1, p.2-18]
IQ.B.C. 103/8 2017 AD/1438 AH 2/7
Figure 2-1/6: Minimum Turning Path for Interstate Semitrailer [WB 20] [1, p.2-24]
Figure 2-1/7: Minimum Turning Path for Double –Trailer Combination [WB20D]
[1, p.2-25]
Figure 2-1/9: Minimum Turning Path for Triple – Semi Trailer Combination [WB-30T]
[1, p.2-27]
IQ.B.C. 103/8 2017 AD/1438 AH 2/9
Figure 2-1/10: Minimum Turning Path for Turnpike-Double Combination [WB-33D]
Design Vehicles [1, p.2-28]
Figure 2-1/11: Minimum Turning Path for Motor Home and Boat Trailer [MH/B] Design
Vehicle [1, p.2-32]
2/10 2017 AD/1438 AH IQ.B.C. 103/8
2-1/4 Maximum Axle Loads and Gross Weights of Trucks
The axle weights of vehicles expected on the highway are considered for structural
pavement design and maximum grades selection. The legal axle loads permitted on highways in
Iraq are given for four axle types are shown table (2-1/4).
Table 2-1/4: Legal Axle Loads Permitted on Highways in Iraq
The Legal gross weights of single- unit trucks and semitrailer/ trailer combinations
permitted in regular operation in Iraq are shown in figure (2-1/12) for 10 types of heavy vehicles.
The heaviest vehicle (Type 3-S1-2) has a maximum gross weight of 66 tons.
In the AASHTO Guide for vehicle weights and dimensions [2- p.10], the total maximum gross
weight imposed on the highway by the wheels of a vehicle has been given shown table (2-1/5):
Table 2-1/5: Total Maximum Gross Weight Imposed on the Highway
W= Max. gross weight on the axle group (Tons)
L= Distance (meters) between the extremes, of the axles group.
N= Number of axles in the group.
The Maximum Permissible Vehicle Gross Weight imposed on the highway by a vehicle or
combination of vehicles with two or more consecutive axles should be determined by the
application of the maximum permissible axle group weights, formula (W). (Exception: Two
consecutive sets of tandem axles may carry a gross load of (15.420 kg) each providing the
overall distance between the first and last axles of such consecutive sets of tandem axles is
(10.97m) or more.
For the structural design of flexible pavements the typical load equivalency factors are shown in
table (2-1/6) for different axles.
The PCU equivalents used by SCRB since 1982 are shown n table (2-1/8) [7, p.1-24]:
Table 2-1/8: Passenger Car Unit Equivalents (PCU) Used By SCRB
Type of Terrain
Vehicle Type
Level Rolling Mountainous
Passenger Cars 1.00 1.00 1.00
Buses up to 24 passengers 1.25 1.75 3.00
Buses above 24 passengers 2.00 3.00 6.00
Trucks & Trailer combination 3.00 5.00 10.00
The PCU values on upgrades are shown in tables (3-5/6) and (3-5/7), for Trucks / Buses and
Recreational vehicles respectively.
= Final velocity (m/sec.)
= Initial velocity (m/sec.)
= time (sec.)
= distance (meters)
Acceleration and deceleration rates are often critical parameters in determining the
dimensions of highway design features, as intersections, ramps, climbing, or auxiliary lanes, and
For design applications, lower performance vehicle, such as a low – powered car, or a loaded
truck, is usually used [1, p.2-33].
For a speed change of 0 to 48 km/hr., typical maximum accelerations are:
0.5 m/sec.2 for tractor- semitrailer truck
3.1 m /sec.2 for large car.
4.3 m/ sec.2 for sport car.
The deceleration rate for passenger cars under normal braking is about 2.0m/sec2 in the range of
0 to 48 km/hr., and about 1.5 m/sec.2 in the range of 48 to 112 km/hr.
Figures (2-1/14) and 15 show acceleration and deceleration traveled distances for passenger cars.
Figure (2-1/16) shows typical maximum acceleration rates for 16 km/hr. speed increases at
various running speeds, along level roads, for different vehicles.
Figure 2-1/16: Typical Maximum Acceleration Rates of Passenger Cars and Tractor-
Semitrailers for 16 km/hr. Speed Increases at Various Running Speeds [4, p.121]
2/18 2017 AD/1438 AH IQ.B.C. 103/8
Driver performance is essential to proper highway design and operation. Highway
engineers need to keep in mind that facilities must be designed to accommodate drivers with a
wide range of skills and ages.
The driving task depends on drivers receiving and using information for correct decisions. The
components of driving task fall into three categories: control, guidance, and navigation as
presented in table (2-2/1).
Most information is received visually by drivers from their view of the roadway alignment,
markings, and signs.
Many driving errors are caused by deficiencies in driver capabilities, like: insufficient training or
experience, poor vision, inappropriate risk taking, wrong judgment, adverse psycho
physiological states, fatigue from extended period of driving, violations, and old age. [1, p.2-42]
Importance Likely
Subtask Example of Sources
Related to of Consequence of
Category of Information
Information Failure
Road geometry
Guidance Selecting and
Obstacles Emergency situation
(situational maintaining a safe Intermediate
Traffic conditions or crash
performance) speed and path
Weather conditions
Navigation Route following Delay,
Directional signs
(macro Direction finding Lowest confusion, or
performance) Trip planning inefficiencies
Touring service
fp is in (p/min/m)
Sp is in (m/min)
dp is in (p/m2)
Walking speeds decrease sharply with drop in pedestrian space below 2.3 m2.
In areas with large numbers of elderly pedestrians, a walking speed of 0.9 m/ sec. may be used.
Pedestrian Delay (sec.)= (2-3/2)
[1] AASHTO, "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets”, American Association
of State Highway and Transportation Officials, USA, 2011.
[2] AASHTO, "Guide for Vehicle Weights and Dimensions", American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Officials, USA, 2001.
[3] State Corporation of Roads & Bridges (SCRB), "Legal Axle and Gross Weights Permitted for
Vehicles in Regular Operation in Iraq", 2009.
[4] Wright P.H. and Dixon, K.K., "Highway Engineering", John Wiley & Sons, USA, 2004.
[5] "Highway Capacity Manual, HCM 2010", Transportation Research Board, National Research
Council, USA, Washington D.C., 2010.
[6] Garber, N.J. and Hoel, L.A, "Traffic & Highway Engineering", Cengage Learning, USA,
[8] Hoel, L.A., Garber, N.J. and Sadek, A. W., "Transportation Infrastructure Engineering/ A
Multi – Modal Integration", Nelson/ Thomson Ltd., USA, 2008.
The objective in design of a highway facility is to satisfy the public's demand for service,
in a safe and economical manner. The speed of vehicles on a road of highway depends on:
physical characteristics of the highway, roadside interference, weather, presence of other
vehicles speed limitations, and capability of the driver and his vehicle. [3,p.2-53]
The selected speed limits are not the highest speeds that might be used by drivers.
Instead, the 85th percentile speed of traffic, for a sizable sample of vehicles, with in the (Pace) of
15-km/hr. speed range used by most drivers, is usually selected. [3, p.2-57]
Table 3-5/4: Signalized Intersection Level of Service and Control Delay [4, p.149]
Level of Service Control Delay Per Vehical
A ≤ 10
B > 10-20
C > 20-35
D > 35-55
E > 55-80
F > 80
Table 3-5/5: Level of Service for Basic Freeway Segments and Varying Free-Flow Speed
[4, p.653]
Maximum Maximum
Minimum Speed Maximum v/c
Level of Service Density Service Flow
(km/hr.) Ratio
(pc/km/ln) Rate (pc/hr./ln)
Free-Flow Speed = 120 km/hr.
A 7 120.0 0.35 840
B 11 120.0 0.55 1320
C 16 114.6 0.77 1840
D 22 99.6 0.92 2200
E 28 85.7 1.00 2400
F varies varies varies varies
Free-Flow Speed = 110 km/hr.
A 7 110.0 0.33 770
B 11 110.0 0.51 1210
C 16 108.5 0.74 1740
D 22 97.2 0.91 2135
E 28 83.9 1.00 2350
F varies varies varies varies
Free-Flow Speed = 100 km/hr.
A 7 100.0 0.30 700
B 11 100.0 0.48 1100
C 16 100.0 0.70 1600
D 22 93.8 0.90 2065
E 28 82.1 1.00 2300
F varies varies varies varies
Free-Flow Speed = 90 km/hr.
A 7 90.0 0.28 630
B 11 90.0 0.44 990
C 16 90.0 0.64 1440
D 22 89.1 0.87 1955
E 28 80.4 1.00 2250
F varies varies varies varies
fHV = (3 − 5/2)
1 + PT (ET − 1) + PR (ER − 1 )
fHV = Adjustment factor for combined effect of trucks, recreational vehicles, and
buses on the traffic stream
ET , ER = Passenger-car equivalents for trucks/buses and recreational vehicles, per tables
(3-5/6) and (3-5/7) respectively.
PT , PR = Proportion of trucks/buses and recreational vehicles, respectively, in the traffic
stream [4, p.141]
[2] Garber, N.J. and Hoel, L.A, "Traffic & Highway Engineering", Cengage Learning, USA,
[3] AASHTO, "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets", American Association
of State Highway and Transportation Officials, USA, 2011.
[4] Wright, P.H. and Dixon, K. K., "Highway Engineering", John Wiley & Sons, USA, 2004.
[5] AASHTO, "AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures", USA, 1993.
The design of highways, need to provide for drivers a sufficient distance of clear vision
ahead, so they can avoid hitting unexpected obstacles, and can pass slower vehicles without
Sight Distance: is the length of highway visible ahead to the driver of a vehicle. The three
general types of sight distances (stopping, decision, and passing) need to be considered. [3,
Note: Brake reaction distance predicated on a time of 2.5 sec.; deceleration rate of 3.4 m/sec 2
Among the five general categories for avoidance maneuvers (A ,B, C, D ,E); the
maneuvers A and B include stops on rural and urban highway respectively.
The decision sight distance is the combination of pre- maneuver distance and braking distance,
similar to stopping sight distance, but with longer reaction time as shown in table (4-2/1).
[1] AASHTO, "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets", American Association
of State Highway and Transportation Officials, USA, 2011.
[2] "Highway Capacity Manual, HCM 2010", Transportation Research Board, National Research
Council, USA, Washington D.C., 2010.
[3] Wright, P.H. and Dixon, K. K., "Highway Engineering", John Wiley & Sons, USA, 2004.
[4] AASHTO, "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets", American Association
of State Highway and Transportation Officials, USA, 2004.
Highways have usually tangent distances, that are connected by very gradual circular
curves, that may be complemented by transitional spiral curves, to accommodate a given design
speed with comfort and safety.
Speed (km/hr.)
Figure 5-1/3: Side Friction Factors Assumed for Design [1, p.3-25]
Table 5-1/2: Length of Circular Arcs for Different Compound Curve Radii [1, p.3-58]
Minimum Length of
Radius (m) Circular Arc (m)
Acceptable Desirable
30 12 20
50 15 20
60 20 30
75 25 35
100 30 45
125 35 55
150 or more 45 60
[[1, p.3-72
[1, p. 3-71]
Table 5-3/3: Tangent Runout Length for Spiral Curve Transition Design [1, p.3-75]
Design Tangent Runout Length (m)
Speed Superelevation Rate
(km/hr.) 2 4 6 8 10
20 11 — — — —
30 17 8 — — —
40 22 11 7 — —
50 28 14 9 — —
60 33 17 11 8 —
70 39 19 13 10 —
80 44 22 15 11 —
90 50 25 17 13 10
100 56 28 19 14 11
110 61 31 20 15 12
120 67 33 22 17 13
130 72 36 24 18 14
Figure 5-4/3: Front Overhang for Widening of Traveled Way on Curves [1, p.3-88]
[1] AASHTO, "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets", American Association
of State Highway and Transportation Officials, USA, 2011.
[2] Wright, P.H. and Dixon, K. K., "Highway Engineering", John Wiley & Sons, USA, 2004.
[3] T.F. Hickerson, "Route Surveys and Design", McGraw- Hill Book Co., USA, 1959.
Figure 6-1/2: Speed-Distance Curve for Acceleration of a Typical Heavy Truck of 120
kg/kw on Upgrades and Downgrades. [1, p.3-116
6/2 2017 AD/1438 AH IQ.B.C. 103/8
Critical length of upgrade: is the maximum length of an upgrade, on which a loaded truck
can operate without an unreasonable reduction in speed (15 km/hr.). [1, p.3-119]
On upgrade length greater than critical, design adjustments such as: changes in location to reduce
grades, or addition of extra climbing lane should be considered. The critical length of upgrades,
that will cause the speed of a typical heavy truck entering the grade at 110 km/hr., to be reduced
by various values, is shown in figure (6-1/3), including the design curve for the 15 km/hr.
For entering speeds less than 110km/hr., the same speed reduction will occur over shorter
lengths of upgrade. The crash involvement rates for truck speed reductions, assuming a 30%
reduction for other vehicles on the same grade are shown in figure (6-1/4).
Figure 6-1/4: Crash Involvement Rate of Trucks for Which Running Speeds Are Reduced
Below Average Running Speed of All Traffic; [1, p.3-120]
(6 - 2/1)
(6 - 2/2)
Vf = speed at end of grade, km/hr.
L = length of arrester bed, Vi = entering speed at beginning of
grade, km/hr.
V = entering velocity, km/hr.
L = length of grade, m
R = rolling resistance, expressed as
R = rolling resistance, expressed as
equivalent percent gradient divided equivalent percent gradient divided
by 100 (see table( 6-3/1)). by 100 (see table( 6-3/1)).
G = percent grade divided by 100 G = percent grade divided by 100
(6 – 5/2)
Figure 6-5/1: Parameters Considered in Determining the Length of a Crest Vertical Curve
to Provide Sight Distance [1, p.3-152]
(6 (–65/4)
− 5/3)
(6 (–6 5/5)
− 5/4)
(6 – 5/6)
(6 – 5/7)
Figure 6-5/2: Design Controls for Crest Vertical Curves-Open Road Conditions [1, p.3-154]
Table 6-5/1: Design Controls for Crest Vertical Curves Based on Stopping Sight Distance
[1, p.3-155]
Stopping Rate of Vertical
Design Speed
Sight Distance Curvature, K = L/A
(m) Calculated Design
20 20 0.6 1
30 35 1.9 2
40 50 3.8 4
50 65 6.4 7
60 85 11.0 11
70 105 16.8 17
80 130 25.7 26
90 160 38.9 39
100 185 52.0 52
110 220 73.6 74
120 250 95.0 95
130 285 123.4 124
IQ.B.C. 103/8 2017 AD/1438 AH 6/15
Table 6-5/2: Design Controls for Crest Vertical Curves Based on Passing Sight Distance
[1, p.3-157]
Design Speed Passing Sight Rate of Vertical
(km/hr.) Distance (m) Curvature, Ka Design
30 120 17
40 140 23
50 160 30
60 180 38
70 210 51
80 245 69
90 280 91
100 320 119
110 355 146
120 395 181
130 440 224
Rate of vertical curvature, K, is the length of curve per percent algebraic difference in
intersecting grades (A), K = L/A.
(6 – 6/1) (6 – 6/2)
Table 6-6/1: Design Controls for Sag Vertical Curves [1, p.3-161]
Design Stopping Rate of Vertical
Speed Sight Distance Curvature, Ka
(km/hr.) (m) Calculated Design
20 20 2.1 3
30 35 5.1 6
40 50 8.5 9
50 65 12.2 13
60 85 17.3 18
70 105 22.6 23
80 130 29.4 30
90 160 37.6 38
100 185 44.6 45
110 220 54.4 55
120 250 62.8 63
130 285 72.7 73
Rate of vertical curvature, K, is the length of curve per percent algebraic difference in
intersecting grades (A), K = L/A.
(6 – 8/2)
(6 – 8/1)
(6 – 8/3) (6 – 8/4)
[2] Wright, P.H. and Dixon, K. K., "Highway Engineering", John Wiley & Sons, USA, 2004.
[3] T.F. Hickerson, "Route Surveys and Design", McGraw- Hill Book Co., USA, 1959.
Cross Section: is a vertical sectional section of the ground and roadway, at right angles to
the interline, including all elements of a highway or street, between right- of- way lines.
Roadway: is the portion of highway, including shoulders, for vehicular use.
Traveled way: is the portion of roadway, exclusive of shoulders, for the movement of vehicles.
Shoulder: is the portion of roadway, contiguous with the traveled way that accommodates
stopped vehicles, emergency use, and lateral support of pavement layers. [1, p. 4-8].
The normal usable shoulder width is 3.00 meters and preferably 3.60 meters. A minimum
shoulder width of 1.80-2.40 m may be considered for low- volume highways. Shoulders on
structures should normally have the same width as usable shoulders on the approach roadways.
Asphalt and concrete–surfaced shoulders should be sloped from 2 to 6 percent, aggregate
shoulders from 4 to 6 percent, and turf shoulders from 6 to 8 percent. [1, p.4-11]
It is desirable that texture of shoulders be different from those of traveled way.
7/2 2017 AD/1438 AH IQ.B.C. 103/8
Median is the portion of a highway separating opposing directions of the traveled way.
They provide a space for emergency stops, allow space for storage of left running diminish
headlight glare, provide widths for future lanes, and provide refuge area for pedestrian crossings.
Median widths are in the range from 1.20 to 24.00m, and should by highly visible both night and
day. Medians may be depressed, raised, or flush with the traveled way surface. A depressed
median is generally preferred on rural highways for more efficient drainage with side slope of
1V: (4 to 6) H
Raised medians are used on arterial streets to regulate left- turn movements. A median barrier
may be needed where flush medians are used in urban streets. When medians are 12m or wider,
drivers have a sense of separating from opposing traffic, with freedom of operation.
Wide median (18m or more) may not be desirable at urban intersections that are signalized. [1,
Sideslopes should be designed to provide roadway stability, with a reasonable opportunity for
recovery of an out- of- control vehicle. The top of the slope (hinge point) need to be rounded to
reduce the loss of steering control, because vehicles tend to become airborne in crossing this
Foreslopes steeper than 1V: 4 H are nor desirable. When slopes steeper than 1V: 3 H are used,
consideration should be given to the use of roadside barrier.
Backslopes should be 1V: 3H or flatter. Retaining walls should be considered where space
restrictions result in slopes steeper than 1V: 2H.
A smooth transition between foreslope and backslope should be provided (ditch bottom) at the
toe of the slope, in case the out- of- control vehicle with reach the ditch. [1,p.4-24]
For slope stability of soils that are mainly clay or susceptible to erosion, slopes of 1V: 3H or
flatter should be used. A commonly used slope for rock cuts is 2V:1H, and slopes as steep as 6V:
1H may be used in good- quality rock.
There are two basic infrastructure approaches for bicycling as a mode of travel within
transportation system:
a) On –street improvements, which may include:
Share motor vehicle/ bicycle use of a standard lane, with no bikeway designation.
Shared motor vehicle/ bicycle use with designated bike route sign.
A portion of roadway is designated by marking for exclusive use of bicycles
(figure 7-9/1).
b) Separate shared- use path, which is facility physically separated from the roadway, and
intended for a variety of path users including cyclists (figure 7-9/2).
The classification groups for bicyclists may include: group A (advanced or experienced), group
B (basic or casual bicyclists), and group C (Children).
The minimum width of a bicycle lane at roads is 1.20 to 1.50 meters, and some departments may
specify 1.80 meters. For the separate shared- use path, the absolute minimum with for a two-
direction bike path is 2.40 to 3.00m, with a desirable width of 3.60 to 4.20 meters. The minimum
shoulder width of 0.60m must be graded to drain water away.
Most cyclists travel within a range of 11-24 km/hr., with an average of 16-18 km/hr. The
minimum design speed for bicycle path is 30 km/hr. for most eases. The superelevation rate for
most bike path designs will vary from a minimum of 2% to a maximum of 3%.
The minimum radii for paved shared –use paths are presented in table (7-9/1) for the different
design speeds and friction factors. Grades greater than 5% are undesirable for bicyclists and
when the 5% grade is exceeded, the length of the grade should not exceed the vales listed in table
Table 7-9/1: Minimum Radii for Paved Shared-Use Path (2% Superelevation and 20 o Lean
Angle) [3, p.205]
Design Speed, V Minimum Radius, R
Friction Factor, f
(km/hr.) (m)
20 0.31 10
30 0.28 24
40 0.25 47
50 0.21 86
Minimum vertical curve lengths may be determined using an eye height for bicyclist h1= 1.40m,
and object height, h2= zero
Sufficient right – of- way should be acquired in order to avoid the expense of purchasing
developed property, with varying widths depending on local conditions.
The right–of– way for a 2- lane highway in rural areas is recommended to have a minimum
width of 30m, with 37 m desirable. A minimum right- of- way width of 45m, and a desirable
width of 76m are recommended for divided highways. Widths of 60 to 90m have been used for
divided highways without frontage roads.
For Iraq Expressway No. One, a right- of- way width of 260 m has been provided, which
included service roads. A typical cross section dimensions within the right- of- way width is
presented in figure (7- 10/1), for a two- lane highway.
Roadside barriers may include flexible or semirigid system (Guardrails), and rigid systems
(concrete and stone masonry walls). Design features of some guardrail system are given in table
IQ.B.C. 103/8 2017 AD/1438 AH 7/11
The height and slope of embankments are the primary factors that determine whether guardrails
should be used along embankments. Barriers are not usually warranted on embankments with
sideslopes flatter than 1V: 3H. See figure (7-13/1) [3, p.225].
The barrier should be placed far enough from the pavement edge, beyond (Shy Line) offset
values given in table (7-13/2). Special care should be considered when designing and installing
barrier ends, and barrier transitions. Guarails ends may be flared away form pavement, or design
a loader terminal that collapse upon impact, to absorb the energy of the crash, figure (7-13/2). An
example of barrier transition design of connections between guardrails and bridge parapets is
shown in figure (7-13/3).
The design features of median barrier system are presented in table (7-13/3). Barrier system
performs test when a level surface is provided in front of the barrier (without curbs or stepped
medians. For narrow medians, concrete barriers, such as (New Jersey) is recommended figure
Bridge railings are designed to prevent vehicles from running out of the edge of bridges or
culverts, after connected to the structure, using large number of systems, including rail and posts
or reinforced concrete railing, with common heights of 0.81 to 1.00 meter.
Crash cushions are protective systems that prevent errant vehicles from impaction roadside
obstacles, by decelerating the vehicle to a safe stop when head- on, or redirecting vehicles away
from the obstacle [1, p.4-33]. Crash cushions are usually used in front of retaining walls, bridge
piers, and abutments.
Rows of barrels and arrays of containers filled with sand may be used for this purpose. The
design of crash cushions usually employs one of two concepts of mechanics including the kinetic
energy principle or the conservation of momentum principle, with or without rigid support to
resist the vehicle impact force. An example of the configuration of sand- filled plastic barrels is
shown in figure (7-13/5).
Table 7-13/1: Design Features of Guardrails That Have Performed Satisfactorily [3, p.224]
Figure 7-13/4: Concrete New Jersey median barrier (Courtesy Transportation Research
Board [3, p.230]
Table 7-13/3: Design Features of Median Barriers That Have Performed Satisfactorily
[3, p.229]
Figure 7-14/1: Typical Bus Stop Turnouts on Arterial Streets. [3, p.259]
7-15/7 TUNNELS
The desired typical two-lane tunnel section is illustrated in figure (7-15/6), with a total
width of 13.10 meters.
Design Speed
Design Speed
Figure 7-15/4: Two-Lane Over Passing Bridge Cross Section [2, R/7A]
Adjustment of utility facilities is needed to preserve and protect the integrity and visual
quality of the roadway, its maintenance efficiency, and the safety of traffic.
Utilities involve sanitary sewers, water supply lines, pipelines, power and communication lines,
drainage and irrigation lines. Utility lines should be located to minimize need for later
adjustments, to accommodate future highway improvements, and to permit servicing such lines
with minimum interference with traffic.
Longitudinal installation should be located on uniform alignment as near as practical to the right-
of- way line so as not to interfere with traffic operation and to preserve space for future highway
and street improvements or other utility installations [1, p.3-174].
Aboveground utilities should not be placed within the highway clear zones. No poles should be
located in the median of divided highways. In curbed section of urban areas, underground
utilities should be located in the border areas between curb and sidewalks, at least 0.5m behind
the face of curb.
On high–speed, heavily traveled roadways, the unobstructed clear roadside area, need to be
extended to a minimum of 9.0 meters from edge of the driving lane.
[1] AASHTO, "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets", American Association
of State Highway and Transportation Officials, USA, 2011.
[2] Dorsch Consult, "Iraq Expressway No. One Contract Drawings", Munich- Germany, 1976.
[3] Wright, P.H. and Dixon, K.K, "Highway Engineering", John Wiley & Sons, USA, 2004.
[4] SCRB, "Highway Design Manual", State Corporation of Roads and Bridges, Ministry of
Construction and Housing, Iraq, 1982.
Table 8-1/1: Minimum Design Speeds for Local Rural Roads [1, p.5-2]
Design Speed (km/hr.) for Specified
Design Volume (veh/day)
Type of 250 400 1500 2000
under 50 to
Terrain to to to and
50 250
400 1500 2000 over
Level 50 50 60 80 80 80
Rolling 30 50 50 60 60 60
Mountainous 30 30 30 50 50 50
Table 8-1/2: Maximum Grades for Local Rural Roads [1, p.5-3]
Maximum Grade (%) for Specified Design
Type of Speed (km/hr.)
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Level 9 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 5
Rolling 12 11 11 10 10 9 8 7 6
Mountainous 17 16 15 14 13 12 10 10 —
Table 8-3/1: Minimum Design Speeds for Rural Collectors [1, p.6-2]
Design speed (km/h) for Specified
Type of Design Volume (veh/day)
0 to 400 400 to 2000 over 2000
Level 60 80 100
Rolling 50 60 80
Mountainous 30 50 60
Note: Where practical, design speeds higher than those shown should be considered
Table 8-3/2: Maximum Grades for Rural Collectors [1, p.6-3]
Maximum Grade (%) for Specified
Type of Design Speed (km/hr.)
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Level 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 5
Rolling 10 10 9 8 8 7 7 6
Mountainou 12 11 10 10 10 9 9 8
Table 8-4/1: Maximum Grades for Urban Collectors [1, p.6-12]
Maximum Grade (%) for Specified
Type of Design Speed (km/hr.)
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Level 9 9 9 9 8 7 7 6
Rolling 12 12 11 10 9 8 8 7
Mountainous 14 13 12 12 11 10 10 9
Note: Short lengths of grade in urban areas, such as grades less than 150 m in length, one-
way downgrades, and grades on low-volume urban collectors may be up to 2%
steeper than the grades shown above.
Figure 8-5/4: Cross Sectional Arrangement on Divided Arterials With Frontages Roads.
[1, p.7-23]
8/8 2017 AD/1438 AH IQ.B.C. 103/8
The principal objective for an urban arterial is traffic mobility of all users, with some
degree of access to abutting property. The urban arterial system serves the major activity centers
of a metropolitan area, the highest traffic volume, and the longest trips.
Freeways are arterial highways with full control of access, intended to provide high levels
of safety and efficiency for large volumes of traffic at high speeds.
Urban freeways are classified as: depressed, elevated, ground- level, or combination-type.
Figure 8-7/2: Typical Cross Section for Depressed Freeways [1, p.8-13]
Figure 8-7/3: Cross Section with Retaining Walls on Depressed Freeways without Ramps
[1, p.8-14]
Figure 8-7/5: Typical and Restricted Cross Sections for Elevated Freeways on
Structures with Frontage Roads [1, p.8-19]
Figure 8-7/8: Restricted Cross Section for Ground-Level Freeways [1, p.8-23]
Figure 8-8/1: Parking Stall Layout Elements Expressed in Meters [2, p.250]
[2] Wright, P.H. and Dixon, K.K., "Highway Engineering", John Wiley & Sons, USA, 2004.
[3] Garber, N.J. and Hoel, L.A "Traffic & Highway Engineering", Cengage Learning, USA,
[4] AASHTO, "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets", American Association
of State Highway and Transportation Officials, USA, 2004.
An intersection is defined as the general area where two or more highways join or cross,
including the roadway and roadside facilities for traffic movements within the area.
Figure (9-1/1) below shows different types of T intersections ranging from the simplest
shown in figure (9-1/1a) to a channelized one with divisional islands and turning roadways
shown in figure (9-1/1d).
Multileg intersections have five or more approaches, as shown in figure (9-1/3).
Whenever possible, this type of intersection should be avoided. In order to remove some of the
conflicting movements from the major intersection and thereby increase safety and operation,
one or more of the legs are realigned.
A roundabout is an intersection with a central island around where traffic must travel
counterclockwise and in which entering traffic must yield to circulating traffic. Roundabouts can
be classified into three basic categories according to size and number of lanes
Single-lane roundabouts
Multilane roundabouts
Table (9-1/1) summarizes and compares some fundamental design and operational elements for
each of the three roundabout categories discussed herein. The following paragraphs provide a
brief discussion of each category
Single-Lane Multilane
Design Element Mini-Roundabout
Roundabout Roundabout
Recommended maximum
25 to 30 km/hr. 30 to 40 km/hr. 40 to 50 km/hr.
entry design speed
Maximum number of
1 1 2+
entering lanes per approach
Typical inscribed circle
13 to 27 m 27 to 46 m 40 to 76 m
Central island treatment Mountable Raised Raised
Typical daily volumes on 4-
0 to 15,000 0 to 20,000 2Q000+
leg round- about (veh/day)
Mini-roundabouts are small roundabouts used in low-speed urban environments, with
average operating speeds of 50 km/h or less. Figure (9-1/4) provides an example of a mini-
Figure 9-1/6: Roundabout with Entry Flaring in Two Quadrants [4, p582]
IQ.B.C. 103/8 2017 AD/1438 AH 9/5
An island is a defined area between traffic lanes used for control of vehicle movements.
Islands also provide an area for pedestrian refuge and traffic control devices. Within an
intersection, a median or an outer separation is also considered an island. Where traffic entering
an intersection is directed into definite paths by islands, this design feature is termed a
channelized intersection.
Channelizing islands generally are included in intersection design for one or more of the
following purposes:
Separation of conflicts
Control of angle of conflict
Reduction in excessive pavement areas
Regulation of traffic and indication of proper use of intersection
Arrangements to favor a predominant turning movement
Protection of pedestrians
Protection and storage of turning and crossing vehicles
Location of traffic control devices
Islands serve three primary functions: (1) channelization—to control and direct traffic
movement, usually turning; (2) division—to divide opposing or same direction traffic streams,
usually through movements; and (3) refuge—to provide refuge for pedestrians. Most islands
combine two or all of these functions.
Channelizing islands that control and direct traffic movements into the proper paths for
their intended use are an important part of intersection design. Channelizing islands may be of
many shapes and sizes, depending on the conditions and dimensions of the intersection. Some of
those conditions are illustrated in figure (9-2/1).
Figure 9-2/1: General Types and Shapes of Islands and Medians [1, p.9-96]
9/6 2017 AD/1438 AH IQ.B.C. 103/8
These are frequently used at intersections of undivided highways to alert drivers that they
are approaching an intersection and to control traffic at the intersection. They also can be used
effectively to control left turns at skewed intersections. Examples of divisional islands are shown
in figure (9-2/2). It is sometimes necessary to use reverse curves (two simple curves with
opposite curvatures, forming a compound curve) when divisional islands are introduced,
particularly when the location is at a tangent. At locations where speeds tend to be high,
particularly in rural areas, reversals in curvature should preferably be with radii of 1 165 m or
greater. Sharper curves may be used on intermediate-speed roads (up to 70 km/h) with radii of
620 m or greater.
Figure 9-3/5: Minimum Edge-of-Traveled Way Designs (WB-19 Design Vehicle Path)
[4, p. 605]
Table (9-3/1) indicates that it is not feasible to have simple curves for large trucks such as WB-
12, WB-15 and WB-19 when the angle of turn is 75 degrees or greater
The effect of curb radii on the right-turning paths of various design vehicles turning through
an angle of 90 degrees (on streets without parking lanes) is shown in figures (9-3/6) and (9-3/7).
Figure (9-3/6) shows the effects of a 4.5-m radius. With 3.6-m lanes, the design passenger
vehicle can turn with no encroachment on an adjacent lane at the end of the turn, but the SU and
BUS design vehicles will swing wide on both streets and will occupy two lanes at the end of the
Figure 9-3/6: Effect of Curb Radii on Right Turning Paths of Various Design Vehicles
[4, p. 616]
Figure 9-3/8: Effect of Curb Radii and Parking on Right Turning Paths [4, p.621]
Figure 9-5/1: Measurement of intersection sight distance (No traffic control) [4, p. 656]
Table 9-5/1: Intersection Sight Distance (No Traffic Control) [4,p. 659]
Design Speed (km/hr.) 30 40 50 60 70 80
Intersection Sight Distance (m) 25 35 45 55 65 75
Note: For approach downgrades greater than 3.0%, increase the ISD value by 10%.
Figure 9-5/2: Clear sight triangle (stop –controlled) intersections [4, p. 963]
Figure 9-5/3: Intersection sight distance guidelines (yield control) [4, p. 970]
The length of a median opening should properly accommodate the control radius of the design
vehicle. Tables (9-6/2) through (9-6/4) and figures (9-6/1) through (9-6/4) illustrate median-
opening criteria for various design vehicles. It should be noticed at a 4-leg intersection, the offset
between the nose and the through travel lane (extended) should be at least 0.6m . Also, the shape
of median end is desired to be semicircular for median width equal or less than 3m, for wider
median the bullet-nose can be used.
Figure 9-6/1: Minimum Design of Median Openings (P Design Vehicle, Control Radius of
12 m) [1, p. 9-145]
Table 9-6/3: Minimum Design of Median Openings (SU-9 [SU-30] Design Vehicle, Control
Radius of 15 m) [1, p. 9-146]
Figure 9-6/2: Minimum Design of Median Openings (SU-9 [SU-30] Design Vehicle, Control
Radius of 15 m) [1, p. 9-146]
Figure 9-6/3: Minimum Design of Median Openings (WB-12 [WB-40] Design Vehicle,
Control Radius of 23 m) [1, p. 9-147]
Desirably, the total length of the auxiliary lane should be the sum of the length for these three
components. Common practice, however, is to accept a moderate amount of deceleration within
the through lanes and to consider the taper length as a part of the deceleration within the through
lanes. Each component of the auxiliary length is discussed in the following clause.
Auxiliary lanes should be at least 3 m wide and desirably should equal the width of the through
Design Speed
The minimum taper length shall be 30 m for a single-turn lane and 45 m for a dual-turn lane in
urban areas and 60 m in rural areas.
Taper can be formed in one of the configurations shown in figure below. Straight-line tapers are
particularly applicable where a paved shoulder is striped to delineate the auxiliary lane. Short,
straight-line tapers should not be used on curbed urban streets because of the probability of
vehicles hitting the leading end of the taper with the resulting potential for a driver losing
A short curve is desirable at either end of long tapers as shown in figure (9-7/1B), but may be
omitted for ease of construction. Where curves are used at the ends, the tangent section should be
about one-third to one-half of the total length. Symmetrical reverse curve tapers are commonly
used on curbed urban streets. A more desirable reverse-curve taper is shown in figure (9-7/1D)
where the turnoff curve radius is about twice that of the second curve. When 30 m or more in
length is provided for the tapers in figure (9-7/1D), tapers 1 and 2 would be suitable for low-
speed operations. All the dimensions and configurations shown in figure (9-7/1) are applicable to
right-turn lanes as well as left-turn lanes.
Figure 9-8/2: Special Indirect U-Turn with Narrow Medians [4, p.716]
[1] AASHTO, "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets", American Association
of State Highway and Transportation officials, USA, 2011.
[2] Garber, N.J. and Hoel, L.A, "Traffic & Highway Engineering", Cengage Learning, USA,
[3] "Highway Capacity Manual, HCM 2010", Transportation Research Board, National Research
Council, USA, Washington D.C., 2010.
[4] AASHTO, "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets", American Association
of State Highway and Transportation Officials, USA, 2004.
Grade separation structures, permit the cross flow of traffic at different levels without
interruption, with increase in safety and saving of time.
The interchange is a grade separation in which vehicles may transfer to other directions of flow
by the use of connecting roadways or ramps, on different levels.
Grade separations and interchanges may be justified by the following warrants:
To carry large volume of traffic of express highways, with full control of access.
To eliminate bottlenecks, and reduce frequent crashes.
To reduce delay, and avoid unreasonable size of at- grade intersections, with less road-
user cost.
To fit topography requirements. [1, p.10-4]
Figure 10-1/7: Cloverleaf Ramp Arrangements, Exit and Entrance Turns [1, p.10-51]
10/8 2017 AD/1438 AH IQ.B.C. 103/8
Figure 10-1/8: Directional Interchange, Two Semidirect Connections [1, p.10-58]
IQ.B.C. 103/8 2017 AD/1438 AH 10/9
The selection of appropriate interchange configurations for the intersection of freeways or
expressways with other highway classes, are covered in two categories: “service interchanges”,
(that connect freeway to lesser facilities), and “system interchanges”, (that connect two or more
freeways). [1, p.10-63].
The interchange configurations of diamond, partial cloverleaf, full cloverleaf single- point urban
interchange, and directional interchange, may be selected for a freeway intersection, depending
on the class of intersecting, roadway (local, collector, arterial or freeway), and compatibility with
the environment (rural, suburban, urban), as presented in figure (10-2/1).
Speed Grade
km/hr. %
Figure 10-4/1: Flat Terrain, Distance Needed to Achieve Grade Separation [1, p.10-26]
10/12 2017 AD/1438 AH IQ.B.C. 103/8
Figure 10-5/1: Coordination of Lane Balance and Basic Number of Lanes through
Application of Auxiliary Lanes [1, p.10-78]
Highway 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Deceleration Length, L (m) for Design Speed of Exit Curve, V' (km/hr.)
Highway Stop
Speed Condition 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Speed, V For Average Running Speed on Exit Curve V'a (km/h)
Va (km/hr.)
(km/hr.) 0 20 28 35 42 51 63 70
50 47 75 70 60 45 — — — —
60 55 95 90 80 65 55 — — —
70 63 110 105 95 85 70 55 — —
80 70 130 125 115 100 90 80 55 —
90 77 145 105
140 135 120 110 100 75 60
100 85 170 165 155 145 135 120 100 85
110 91 180 180 170 160 150 140 120 105
120 93 200 195 185 175 170 155 110 120
[1] AASHTO, "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets", American Association
of State Highway and Transportation Officials, USA, 2011.
[2] Wright, P.H. and Dixon, K. K., "Highway Engineering", John Wiley & Sons, USA, 2004.
[3] AASHO, "A Policy on Geometric Design of Rural Highways", American Association of State
Highway Officials, USA, 1961.
The purpose of traffic control devices on streets and highways is to promote highway
safety and efficiency by providing for the orderly movement of all road users. These devices
include traffic control signals, traffic signs and pavement markings.
The following meanings shall be given to highway traffic signal indications for vehicles:
Traffic, except pedestrians, facing a steady CIRCULAR GREEN indication may
proceed straight through an intersection or turn right or left.
Note: Arrows can be used instead of circular indication for the same purpose but in the direction
of arrows shown in the signal.
Each signal face should have at least three indications but not more than five with the following
A single GREEN ARROW indication should be used alone to permit a continuous
Pedestrian signal faces, which have two indications.
One or more indications in a signal face may be repeated for safety or increased
effectiveness. A typical arrangement of signal sections in signal faces that do not control
turning movements is shown in figure (11-1/4).
Note: Existing 200 mm circular signal indications that satisfy the above requirements of 1 to 7
may be retained for the remainder of their useful service life.
Each signal lenses, except those used for pedestrian signal heads shall be circular or arrow with
following properties
1. each signal lens shall be independently illuminated
2. each circular or arrow signal lens shall emit a single color : red, yellow or green
3. letters or numbers shall not be displayed as a part of a vehicular signal lens.
4. the arrow, which shall show only one direction, shall be the only illuminated part of an
arrow signal lens.
Figure 11-1/5: Typical Position and Arrangements of Shared Signal Faces for
Permissive Only Mode Left Turns [1, p.467]
Figure 11-1/6: Typical Position and Arrangements of Separate Signal Faces with
Flashing Yellow Arrow for Permissive Only Mode Left Turns [1, p.468]
Figure 11-1/7: Typical Positions and Arrangements of Shared Signal Faces for Protected
Only Mode Left Turns [1, p.470]
Figure 11-1/8: Typical Position and Arrangements of Separate Signal Faces for Protected
Only Mode Left Turns [1, p.471]
Figure 11-1/9: Typical Positions and Arrangements of Shared Signal Faces for
Permissive Only Mode Right Turns [1, p.476]
Figure 11-1/10: Typical Position and Arrangements of Separate Signal Faces with
Flashing Yellow Arrow for Permissive Only Mode Right Turns [1, p.477]
b) Protected Only Mode—turns made only when a right-turn GREEN ARROW signal
indication is displayed.
Figure 11-1/12: Typical Position and Arrangements of Separate Signal Faces for Protected
Only Mode Right Turns [1, p.480]
the sequence of signal indication for any phase within the cycle should be in the
following order, when there is countdown for the green and red indications to inform the
vehicular for the number of seconds remaining to turn the signal ahead
1- Red
2- Green
3- Yellow
3- At least one and preferably both of the signal faces required by Item A in this
cluster shall be located between two lines intersecting with the center of the approach
at a point 3 m behind the stop line, one making an angle of approximately 20 degrees
to the right of the center of the approach extended, and the other making an angle of
approximately 20 degrees to the left of the center of the approach extended (see figure
4- If both of the signal faces required by Item a in this cluster are post-mounted, they
shall both be on the far side of the intersection, one on the right and one on the left of
the approach lane(s).
e) If the minimum sight distance in table (11-1/1) cannot be met, a sign shall be installed to
warn approaching traffic of the traffic control signal.
f) Required signal faces for through traffic on any one approach shall be located not less
than 2.4 m apart measured horizontally perpendicular to the approach between the centers
of the signal faces.
Figure 11-1/13: Maximum Mounting Height of Signal Faces Located Between 12meters
and 16meters From Stop Line [2, p.4 D-14]
IQ.B.C. 103/8
Figure 11-1/16: Typical Pole Mounting of Signal Heads (All dimensions are in millimeters)
[3, p.9-21]
0.91 𝑉
𝑉𝑒ℎ𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑎𝑙 = 𝑇 + (11 − 1/1)
6.56𝐴 + 0.644𝐺
A= Maximum deceleration rate (m/sec.2), typically 3.048.
T= Reaction time, typically one sec.
G= Gradient of approach.
V= Speed of vehicle (km/hr.).
The eight-hour vehicular volume warrant addresses the need for signalization for
conditions that exist over extended periods of the day (a minimum of eight hours).
Details of this warrant are shown in table (11-1/2). The warrant is met when:
Either Condition A or Condition B is met to the 100% level.
Either Condition A or Condition B is met to the 70% level, where the intersection
is located in an isolated community of population 10,000 or less, or where the
major-street approach speed is 70 km/hr. or higher.
Both Conditions A and B are met to the 80% level .
(b) For Communities With Population= 10,000 or Above 64 km/hr. on Major Street
A. If all three of the following conditions exist for the same 1 hour (any four consecutive
15-minute periods) of an average day:
1. The total stopped time delay experienced by the traffic on one minor-street
approach (one direction only) controlled by a STOP sign equals or exceeds: 4
vehicle-hours for a one-lane approach; or 5 vehicle-hours for a two-lane
approach ;and
IQ.B.C. 103/8 2017 AD/1438 AH 11/19
2. The volume on the same minor-street approach (one direction only) equals or
exceeds 100 vehicles per hour for one moving lane of traffic or 150 vehicles per
hour for two moving lanes; and
3. The total entering volume serviced during the hour equals or exceeds 650
vehicles per hour for intersections with three approaches or 800 vehicles per hour
for intersections with four or more approaches.
B. The plotted point representing the vehicles per hour on the major street (total of both
approaches) and the corresponding vehicles per hour on the higher-volume minor-
street approach (one direction only) for 1 hour (any four consecutive 15-minute
periods) of an average day falls above the applicable curve in figure (11-1/19) for the
existing combination of approach lanes.
Light Emitting Diode (LED) units may be used individually within the face of a sign and in the
border of a sign, except for Changeable Message Signs, to improve the conspicuity, increase the
legibility of sign legends and borders, or provide a changeable message. Individual LED pixels
may be used in the border of a sign.
Note: All overhead signs should be illuminated except in cases where all of the following
conditions are met:
When the roadway is not lighted, and
When the sign is visible from a distance of 370 meters or more, and
When the horizontal curvature of the road approaching the sign has no less than a 250
meter radius.
Figure 11-2/3: Examples of Locations for Some Typical Signs at Intersections [1, p.39]
(M2) (M3)
11/38 2017 AD/1438 AH IQ.B.C. 103/8
Signs M4 (or M5) require that the driver of a vehicle should proceed only to the right (or
to the left — the arrow direction being reversed) at the junction ahead. TURN RIGHT (or
LEFT) AHEAD ONLY signs M4 (or M5) should be located on the right side of a two-
way roadway and on the left side of a one-way roadway at a distance of approximately 50
meters from the junction to which it applies.
(M4) (M5)
(M7) (M8)
IQ.B.C. 103/8 2017 AD/1438 AH 11/39
Sign M9 requires that the driver of a vehicle should proceed only in a counterclockwise
direction at the roundabout ahead.
P1 P2
Overtaking prohibited Overtaking by goods
vehicles prohibited
P3 P4
Maximum speed limited to the Use of audible warning
Photography prohibited
figure indicated devices prohibited
P6 P7
Passing without stopping End all local prohibitions
prohibited (e.g. for customs) imposed on moving vehicles
End of prohibition of
End of speed limit
P12 P13
No entry for vehicles having No entry for vehicles or
a weight exceeding the figure combinations of vehicles exceeding
indicated in tons on one axle the figure indicated in meters in length
Driving vehicles less than
No left turn
exceeding the figure indicated
in meters a part prohibited
P16 P17
No right turn No U-turn
P19 P20
No entry for all motor No entry
vehicles except motor-cycles for motor-cycles
without sidecar
P21 P22
No entry No entry
for cycles for goods vehicles
P23 P24
No entry for any vehicles No entry
drawing a trailer other than for pedestrians
a semi-trailer or single axle trailer
P27 P28
No entry for No entry for
power-driven vehicles carrying more than a certain
agricultural vehicles quantity of explosives or readily
inflammable substances
P29 P30
No entry for vehicles carrying more No entry
than a certain quantity of for power-driven
substances liable to cause water pollution vehicles
P31 P32
No entry No entry for vehicles having
for power-driven vehicles an overall width exceeding.
or animal- drawn vehicles the figure indicated
in meters
W7 W8 W9
W10 W11
11/48 2017 AD/1438 AH IQ.B.C. 103/8
W12 W13
W14 W15
W17 W18
W19 W20
Sign W24 warns drivers of vehicles that the clearance available under an overhead
structure ahead is restricted to the amount indicated in meters on the sign. Maximum
headroom sign W24 should not be displayed for any structure with minimum clearance of
5.2 meters or greater.
W25 W26
W27 W28
W29 W30
W31 W32
W33 W34
W35 W36
IQ.B.C. 103/8 2017 AD/1438 AH 11/51
Signs W40 and W41 warn drivers of the actual position of physical objects which are placed so
close to the roadway as to represent a hazard or potential hazard if vehicles should collide with
See table (11-2/4) for guidance on spacing. Hazard plate signs W40 and W41 should always be
installed so that the “arrow” points towards the roadway and away from the hazard.
Table 11-2/4: Spacing on curves [3, p.4-16]
Curve Radius Sign Spacing “S”
(meters) (meters)
60 8-15
150 15-25
300 25
600 25
W40 W41
Signs W42 and W43 warn drivers of the actual position of physical objects or of the
actual alignment of the roadway when these conditions represent hazards or potential
hazards. Figure (11-2/6) illustrates a typical example of such an installation and table
(11-2/4) gives guidance on the spacing of the signs.
Signs W45 and W46 warn drivers of the actual position of a very sharp bend or change in
direction in the roadway. Multiple chevron right (or left) signs W45 and W46 may be
used at a sharp bend when the severity of the bend is not likely to be adequately
conveyed by advance warning sign W12 or W13. Typical example for application of
multiple chevron signs W45 and W46 is shown in figure (11-2/7).
W45 W46
IQ.B.C. 103/8 2017 AD/1438 AH 11/53
Figure 11-2/7: Typical Application of Multiple Chevron Signs [3, p.4-19]
D1 D2 D3 D4
D5 D6 D7
D9 D10
D11 D12
D13 D14
D18 D19
I1 I2 I3 I4
First-aid station Breakdown Service Refreshments or Cafeteria Picnic site
I17 I18
End of a build-up area Beginning of a build-up area
Additional Panels
Prohibitions or restrictions
Begin Continue End
Information sign should have a blue background with a white inset and a black message or
symbol. The standard size should be 75 cm (width) by 100 cm (height). It should be placed 2 km
to 3 km in advance of the exit junction to the facility with another one about 500 m before the
exit junction to the facility. The second sign should be supplemented by a distance plate and an
arrow directed to the location of the facility.
The minimum time for message perception will vary according to the individual’s vision
characteristics, the familiarity of the information and the number of words placed on one sign.
The glance reading time (tg) can be taken as a minimum of 1sec. for signs with one or two words
and N/3 sec. for signs with N unfamiliar words. A suitable reaction time (t r) of between 1 and 1.5
sec is allowable in most cases and 1.2 m/sec.2 as a comfortable rate of deceleration taken from
the average running speed of a highway.
The distance A+S cotӨ is equivalent to the minimum safe stopping distance. Selecting suitable
values for the parameters enables the siting distance to be solved as shown in figure (11-2/8):
𝑉1 + 𝑉2
𝑊 = 𝑉1 (2𝑡𝑔 + 𝑡𝑟 ) + 𝑡𝑎 ( ) (11 − 2/1)
Where V1 and V2 are the initial and final velocities (m/sec.). Uniform deceleration is assumed.
Ls = AB + BC = V1 (2 t g) + S cot Ɵ (11 − 2/2)
The larger value of Ls or W–A is used for the determination of letter height. For a displacement
of Ө=10˚, the required letter size is:
2 𝑡𝑔 𝑉 + 5.7 𝑆
𝐻= 𝑐𝑚 (11 − 2/3)
11-2/5/4/4 ARROWS
Arrows are used for lane assignment and to indicate the direction toward designated
routes or destinations. Figure (11-2/9) shows the up-arrow and the down-arrow designs that have
been approved for use on guide signs.
On overhead signs where it is desirable to indicate a lane to be followed, a down arrow shall
point downward toward the center of that lane. Down arrows shall be used only on overhead
guide signs that restrict the use of specific lanes to traffic bound for the destination(s) and/or
route(s) indicated by these arrows. Down arrows shall not be used unless an arrow can be
pointed to each lane that can be used to reach the destination shown on the sign.
Where a roadway is leaving the through lanes, an up arrow shall point upward at an angle
representative of the alignment of the exit roadway, and should be placed at the side of the sign
which will reinforce the movement of exiting traffic.
The width across the arrow head should be at least equal to the height of the largest letter on the
sign. For short downward pointing arrows on overhead signs, they should be 1.75 times the letter
300 mm
300 mm
500 mm
250 mm min.
Figure 11-3/16: Example of Elongated Letters for Word Pavement Markings [2, p.3B-31]
Letters and numerals should be 1.8 m or more in height and shall be white in color. Word and
symbol markings should not exceed three lines of information. If a pavement marking word
message consists of more than one line of information, it should be read in the direction of travel.
The first word of the message should be nearest to the road user.
Figure 11-3/18: Examples of Lane Use Control Word and Symbol Markings [2, p.3B-34]
Figure 11-3/21: Examples of Markings for Obstructions in the Roadway [2, p.3B-21]
Figure 11-3/21: Examples of Markings for Obstructions in the Roadway [2, p.3B-21]
Object markers are used to mark obstructions within or adjacent to the roadway. When used,
these markers should consist of an arrangement of one or more of the following designs:
Type 1 markers consist of an all-yellow reflective diamond panel 450 mm in size. A
variant of this marker type incorporates nine yellow reflector units in the panel. Each
reflector unit should have a dimension of approximately 75 mm mounted symmetrically
IQ.B.C. 103/8 2017 AD/1438 AH 11/83
on a 450-mm diamond-shaped yellow panel. Type 1 markers may be larger if conditions
warrant (see figure 11-3/22, type 1).
Type 3 markers indicate the end of a roadway. When it is determined that markers should
be placed at the end of a roadway where there is no alternative vehicular path, a marker
consisting of nine red reflectors, each with a minimum dimension of approximately 75
mm, mounted symmetrically on a 450-mm red diamond panel; or a 450-mm diamond
reflectorized red panel should be used. More than one marker or a larger marker may be
used at the end of the roadway where conditions warrant. The minimum mounting height
of this marker should be 1.20 m.
Appropriate advance warning signs should be used (see figure 11-3/22, type 3).
Road delineators are light-retroreflective devices mounted in series at the side of the
roadway to indicate the roadway alignment. Delineators are effective aids for night driving and
considered as guidance devices rather than warning devices. Delineators may be used on long,
continuous sections of highway or through short stretches where there are changes in horizontal
alignment, particularly where the alignment might be confusing or at pavement-width transitions.
Delineators should consist of reflector units capable of clearly reflecting light under normal
atmospheric conditions from a distance of 300 meters when illuminated by the upper beam of
standard automobile lights. Reflective elements for delineators should have a minimum area of
approximately 100 cm². Double delineators consist of two reflector units, one mounted above the
other. Elongated reflective units of appropriate size may be used in place of the two reflectors.
The color of delineators should, in all cases, conform to the yellow or white color of edge lines.
Single delineators should be provided on the right side of expressway roadways and on at least
one side of interchange ramps. These delineators may be provided on other classes of roads.
Single delineators may be provided on the left side of roadways and should be provided on the
outside of bends on interchange ramps. Where median crossovers are provided for official or
emergency use on divided highways and these crossovers are to be marked, a double-yellow
delineator should be placed on the left side of the through roadway and on the far side of the
crossover for each roadway.
Red delineators may be used on the reverse side of any delineator whenever it would be viewed
by a drivers traveling in the wrong direction on that particular ramp or roadway. Delineators of
the appropriate color may be used to indicate the narrowing of a pavement. The delineators
should be used adjacent to the lane affected for the full length of the convergence and should be
so placed and spaced to show the width reduction. Delineation is not necessary for the traffic
moving in the direction of a wider pavement or on the side of the roadway where the alignment
is not affected by the convergence. On a highway with continuous delineation on either or both
side, delineators should be carried through the transition and a closer spacing may be warranted.
Delineation is optional on sections of roadway between interchanges where fixed-source lighting
is in operation. Delineators, if used, should be mounted on suitable supports so the top of the
reflecting head is approximately 1.20 m above the near roadway edge. Delineators should be
placed not less than 1.0 m or more than 2.0 m outside the outer edge of the shoulder, or if
appropriate, in the line of the guardrail. Delineators may be mounted on the guardrail at a height
less than 1.2 m.
Red-and-white barricades are to warn and alert drivers of the terminus of a road, street, or
highway in other than construction or maintenance areas. The stripes on the barricades should be
reflectorized white and reflectorized red. These devices may be used to mark any of the
following type locations:
1. Roadway ends in a dead end or cul-de-sac with no outlet.
2 A ramp or lane closed for operational purposes.
3. The permanent or semipermanent closure or termination of a roadway.
A typical barricade is illustrated in figure (11-3/28).
Traffic cones and tubular markers are sometimes used outside of construction and maintenance
areas for general traffic control purposes. Such uses include adding emphasis to channelizing
lines or islands. Two typical channelizing devices (a tube and a cone) are illustrated in figure
[2] MUTCD, "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways", Federal
Highway Administration. U.S Department of Transportation, USA, 2003.
[3] "Traffic Control Devices Manual", Road Department, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates,
Version 0.1, 2004.
[4] SCRB, "Highway Design Manual", State Corporation of Roads and Bridges, Ministry of
Construction and Housing, Iraq, 1982.
[5] "Traffic Signal Timing Manual", Publication No. FHWA-HOP-08-024, Federal Highway
Administration, U.S Department of Transportation, USA, June, 2008.