Maching Guarding
Maching Guarding
Maching Guarding
1. Statutory Requirements.
2. Indian Standards.
5. Types of Guards :
Besides its basic need, machine guarding is a statutory requirement since a century. With
the growth of industrialization need of machine guarding was noticed and incorporated by
the enactment of the first Factories Act in England in 1844 and in India in 1881. The Act
was amended in 1891, 1911,1922, 1923, 1926, 1931, 1934, 1948, 1976 and 1986 to
gradually include more & more aspects of safety & other provisions. The present Act known
as the ‘Factories Act 1948’ contains Chapter-IV on safety which includes many provisions
of machine guarding. The Gujarat Factories Rules 1963 provides further details to
supplement these provisions. The whole subject of the Factories Act and Rules is
separately dealt with in Chapter-25, but some relevant portion is given below :
Power means electrical energy or any other form of energy which is mechanically
transmitted and is not generated by human or animal agency. Prime mover means any
engine, motor or other appliance which generates or otherwise provides power.
Transmission machinery means any shaft, wheel, drum, pulley, system of pulleys, coupling,
clutch, driving belt or other appliance or device by which the motion of a prime mover is
transmitted to or received by any machinery or appliance. Machinery includes prime
movers, transmission machinery and all other appliances whereby power is generated,
transformed, transmitted or applied. Belt includes any driving strap or rope. Maintained
means maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order and in good repair.
Fencing of Machinery:
Section -21 requires that every moving part of a prime mover, flywheel, headrace and
tailrace of water wheel and turbine, lathe, electric generator, motor, rotary converter,
transmission machinery and every dangerous part of any other machinery shall be securely
constructed, positioned or fenced by safeguards of substantial construction and constantly
maintained and kept in position while the parts of machinery they are fencing are in motion
or in use.
On power presses except hydraulic presses, milling machines, guillotine machines, circular
saws and platen printing machine no young person shall work unless he has been fully
instructed regarding their dangers and precautions to be observed and has received
sufficient training to work on that machine and is under adequate supervision by a person
who has a thorough knowledge and experience of that machine (Sec. 23 & Rule 57)
Suitable striking gear or other efficient device to move driving belts to and from fast and
loose pulleys and to prevent the belt from creeping back on to the fast fully shall be used
and maintained. Driving belts not in use should not rest or rid upon shafting in motion (for
which belt hangers are necessary). Other devices for cutting off power are necessary in
every work room. Such devices shall be so locked to prevent accidental starting of the
45 cm or more clear space is necessary from the end of maximum traverse of any self-
acting machine or material carried thereon.
Every set screw, bolt, key, gearing shall be completely encased or guarded to prevent
No woman or child shall work in a room where cotton opener is at work. If the feed-end is
fully partitioned from the delivery end, their employment on feed-end side is permissible.
Revolving machinery :
Effective measures are necessary to ensure not to exceed the safe working peripheral
speed of every grinding wheel, revolving vessel, cage, basket, flywheel, pulley, disc or
similar appliance driven by power. A notice indicating such speed, shaft or spindle speed
and the diameter of the pulley in case of grinding wheel shall be affixed near each such
Pressure Plant:
Safe working pressure of any part of the plant or machinery operating at a pressure above
atmospheric pressure shall not be exceeded. Rule 61 and 61A prescribe much details.
Form No. 11 and 11A are the testing reports necessary. Such pressure vessel should be of
good construction, sound material, strength, thickness, free from patent defect, safe
condition and fitted with safety devices such as suitable safety valve, pressure gauge, stop
valve drain cock, reducing valve, automatic pressure control device, thermometer,
pyrometer, rupture disc etc.
Rule 54 prescribes machine guarding details in respect of cotton textile or artificial fiber
machinery, cotton ginning machinery, wood-working machinery and rubber mills. Rule 102
also prescribes details of 20 types of dangerous operations (schedules) for the safety
purposes. Part 5 (2) of this Chapter describes guarding of some such machines.
Explaining the historical part, King and Magid state that this work was first used in 1949
when the society, the Ergonomics Research Society was founded in Britain including
anatomists, physiologists, psychologists, industrial medical officers, industrial hygienist,
design engineers, work study engineers, architects, illuminating engineers and others. In
USA the terms ‘Human Engineering’ and ‘Human Factors Engineering’ are used to cover
the same field. Biomechanics and Engineering Psychology are other expressions used.
Its aims are (1) To facilitate what ever a person wishes to do and to ensure that he does it
efficiently. Efficiency includes effective work without detrimental health effects and
minimization of risk to the operators and others. (2) To minimize the possibility of human
error or mistake. To ensure industrial activities with minimal use of energy and materials
and without waste resulting from mistakes (3) To develop knowledge and techniques by the
combined use of many expertise and systems approach. (4) To solve human problems of
work performance by considering human factors in design of machines and work and safe
job methods which are explained below.
Technology has changed the people’s ways of working but the people have not changed
much. Many times the people do not adapt physically and mentally, a tendency of modern
work methods. This generates negative reactions which also indicate human factors to be
considered while designing work and machines. Some such factors are : (1) Increased
stress (2) Uninterested work (3) errors and accidents (4) Work related diseases (5)
Awkward body position causing difficulty (6) Repetitive tasks producing boredom and
tiredness (7) Confusing signals causing human errors in hurry (8) Bent or awkward posture
while handling heavy materials and causing back paint (9) Perceptual limitation (10) Short
term memory (11) Incompatibility in man-machine relationship (12) Risk or chance taking
(13) Position or location not suitable to a worker such as unsuitable work height, seat,
layout of control and displays (14) Organization of heavy work and (15) Environment
Designing of safe machine guarding is not sufficient. For all-round efforts of eliminating
accidents, safe job methods are equally important. They include (1) Various safety
appraisal, analysis and control techniques (2) Plant safety inspection techniques and (3)
Accident investigation and analysis methods. As such 45 methods and their related aspects
are already described in Chapter – 6, they are not repeated here.
Constant improvement in job methods is important. It requires four steps : (1) Break down
the job (2) Question every detail of the job (3) Develop a new job method and (4) Apply the
method. The procedure includes (a) Eliminating certain job details by using alternative
methods (b) Combining some details to reduce hazards and unnecessary transportation,
handling, delay etc. (c) Rearranging certain details into better sequence to reduce hazards,
handling, delay etc. and (d) Simplifying certain details so as to make the work safer and
Machines being costly, it is desirable to run them efficiently and economically. The man-
machine chart (Gantt Chart) is a useful device in this direction to identify and eliminate
losses of capacity. Durations of elements of operation of man and machine are recorded in
their sequence, placed side by side and compared. The time of operations, transports and
waits occurring in the operator’s cycle and the time of start up, shut down, machining time
and idle time in the machine cycle are ruled off by proportionate symbol columns. The
length of symbol columns. The length of symbol columns representing a wait period of man
and machine are coloured in red to distinguish it from their productive periods. Per piece
machine operating time, machine idle time, manhours and man delay hours are concluded.
Application of the chart for group work is estimated by first assuming the theoretical crew
necessary to run the machine at the required output and then trying to organize the same
number of practical people to do the job. A general rule ‘To decide first what has to be done
and then how to fit people to do the work and not vice versa’ is followed. The standard
times found by work measurement are divided by a correction factor 1.25 to consider
leveling and compensating rest allowance. The charts are prepared for the purpose of
analyzing the present method of performance of the operation and improving on it. The
steps of job improvement method just described in para (A) are utilized for such
The basic steps to prevent accident are : (1) Eliminate the hazard from the machine,
method, material, structure etc. (2) Control the hazard by enclosing or guarding it at its
source (3) Train personnel to know that hazard and to follow the safe job method to avoid it
and (4) Use personal protective equipment necessary.
Thus machine guarding is one of the basic step to eliminate hazard. Actually the machine
should be so designed that all safety points are incorporated by built-in-safety principle and
need of extra guards is minimum. A machine safety checklist given by the NSC, USA is
more effective. It suggests : (1) Design the machine so that it is impossible for an operator
to get at the point of operation or any other hazard point while the machine is working (2)
Design the machine so that corners and edges are rounded. (3) Locate machine controls
so that the operator will not be in the vicinity of the point of operation while actuating the
controls (4) Place the control so that the operator will not have to reach too far or move his
body off balance in order to operate the machine (5) Build power transmission and drive
mechanisms as integral parts of the machine (6) Build overload devices into the machine
(7) Design the machine for single point lubrication (8) Design mechanical, instead of
manual, holding devices (9) Design a mechanical devices for feeding and ejecting parts so
as to eliminate the use of hands for such operations (10) Minimize motor drift-time (11)
Provide failsafe interlocks so that the machine cannot be started when it is being loaded or
unloaded or being worked on. (12) Provide a grounding system for all electrical equipments
(13) Provide standard access platform and ladders for inspection and maintenance of
equipment (14) Design component parts of equipment for easy and safe removal and
replacement to facilitate maintenance and (15) Reduce sources of excessive noise,
vibration, heat etc.
Basic need of machine guarding is to protect against contact with the dangerous and
moving parts of a machine, work in process and failure due to mechanical, electrical,
chemical, or human causes. The guards remove workers’ fear and thereby increase the
production. They allow the operation at higher speeds and compensate the expenditure on
Group – I, Rotary Motions : (1) Rotating parts alone viz. shafts, coupling, spindles etc. (2)
In-running nips subdivided as (a) Between parts rotating in opposite direction-gears, rolls
etc. (b) Between rotating and tangentially moving parts-conveyors, belt drives etc. (c)
Between rotating and fixed parts-grinding wheel, paper machine felt or roll etc.
Group – II, Reciprocating Sliding Motions : (1) Reciprocating sliding motions and fixed parts
(a) Approach type-danger of crushing, viz. slides (rams) on power presses and forging
hammers, pistons, cross rod of a steam engine and riveting machines. (b) Passing types-
danger of shearing, viz. planning machine, shaper, spot welder clamping fixtures, guillotine
and the shear, powers press etc. (2) Single sliding motion-abrasive or sharp nature of
objects such as saws or crocodile clips on belts.
Group – III, Rotating/ Sliding Motion : A cam gear having sliding and turning movement etc.
fall within this group.
Group – IV, Oscillating Motions : Trapping points between two moving parts or between a
moving part and a fixed object viz. a pendulum, crankshaft etc.
(1) Revolving open arm pulleys and other discontinuous rotating parts – Fan blades,
spur gear wheels etc.
(2) Revolving worms or spirals in castings – Meat mincers, rubber extruders, spiral
(3) Projections on revolving parts – Key heads, set screws, cottor pins, compling belts
(4) Revolving shafts, spindles, mandrels and bars – Drills, reamers, boring bar, stock
bar, milling etc.
(6) Revolving or oscillating mixer arms in castings – Dough mixture, rubber solution
(7) Revolving drums and cylinders-uncased – Rumbler, shaking barrels, rag digesters
(8) Revolving cutting tools – Circular saws, milling cutters, shears, routers, chain
(10) In running nips of belt and pulley type-Pulley-blet, chain and sprocket gear, conveyor
belt etc.
(11) Revolving beaters, spiked cylinders and drums – Scutchers, cotton opener, laundry
(12) In running nips between pairs of revolving parts – Gear wheels, friction wheels,
calendar bowls, mangle rolls etc.
(14) Moving balance weights and dead weights – Hydraulic accumulators, balance
weight on slotting machine etc.
(15) Reciprocating knives and saws – Guillotines for metal, rubber and paper cutting,
trimmers, perforators etc.
(16) Nips between reciprocating and fixed parts other than tools and dies – Sliding table
and fixture, shaping machine and fixture.
(17) Closing nips between platen motions – Letter press platen printing machine, power
(18) Reciprocating tools and dies – Power presses, drop stamps, relief stamps, bending
press, revolution press.
(19) Nips between revolving control handles and fixed part – Travers gear handles of
lathes, milling m/c etc.
(20) Nips between revolving wheels or cylinders in pans or on tables – Sand mixtures,
edge runners, crushing mill, mortar mill etc.
(21) Nips between fixed parts and unidirectional moving parts – Buckets or hoppers or
conveyors against tipping – bars etc.
(22) Nips between connecting rods or links and rotating wheels, cranks or disc – Flat bed
printing machine, jacquard loom, automatic looms.
(23) Pawl and notched wheel devices for intermittent feed motions – Planer tool feed
motion, power press dial feed table etc.
(24) Cutting edges of endless band cutting machines – Band saws, band knives.
(25) Projecting belt fasteners and fast running belts – Bolt and nut fasteners, wire pin
fastners, centrifuge belt etc.
The twelve characteristics, specifications or basic requirements of a guard are : (1) With its
primary purpose of protection, it should also facilitate the work i.e. it should be convenient,
reliable and not hampering the work or production (2) It should fully satisfy the legal
provisions and IS prescribed i.e. it should be a complete guard and not incomplete or giving
any access to the part to be protected. It should be as close as possible (3) It should be
suitable and effective to the job and the machine. It should not weaken the machine. (4) It
should allow for oiling, inspection, adjustment and repair. If it requires opening for this
purpose, it should be easily and quickly replaceable (5) It should withstand wear, shock,
vibration and long use with minimum maintenance. If it requires frequent opening and
closing, this factor becomes more important. (6) It should be of proper material and
construction. Fire and corrosion resistant material is preferable. (7) It should be free from
self-hazard such as sharp or rough edges, nails, splinters etc. (8) If visual watch of
operation is necessary, it should be transparent and yet durable (9) If dusting is possible as
in case of machining of wood, rubber, brass, cast iron etc., apart from the guard, dust
suction device should also be fitted as a special guarding (10) It should be failsafe i.e. if it
fails or breaks it should stop the machine or at least it should give warning (alarm) to stop
the machine. (11) It should be interlocking type i.e. the machine will not start till it is not
closed and will stop soon if it is opened. (12) It should fulfill special requirement depending
upon its purpose viz. distance guard should provide sufficient protective distance, trip guard
must immediately trip the machine etc.
It may be difficult to fulfill all these requirements but it is desirable that safety engineers
must design guards by keeping above points in mind. If it is not possible to provide guard
without interfering with production, safety should be preceded over production. Similarly
when complete protection is not possible incomplete (maximum possible) protection should
be preferred to no protection.
Machine Safety
Built-in-safety is the similar word for designing and constructing new machinery in such a
way to make the dangerous parts safe by deep housing or position etc.
Safety by Position : This word is used by section 21 of the Factories Act. It means the
situation (out of reach) or position in such a way that normally it is not possible to touch the
dangerous parts. However intentional contact should be prevented. Moving feed opening
can be made safe by position if gravity or remote feeding device is applied. But, then, it is a
type of indirect guarding. A distance of 2.6 m or 8’ – 6” is considered safe by position.
Safety by Guarding : This is most important as other methods are not always possible.
Depending upon the dangerous part, its size, position, speed etc. a guard should be
selected. Generally the parts to be guarded fall within three categories : (1) The prime
mover (2) Transmission parts from the prime mover to the machine and the transmission
parts in the machine itself. It is desirable to minimize them and enclose completely (3)
Operating parts of a machine, of which the points of dangerous operation need effective
A Machine Guard means any enclosure, barrier or device constructed to prevent a person
or his clothing coming into contact with dangerous parts of the machine. The point of
operation is that part of working machine at which cutting, shaping, forming or any other
necessary operation is accomplished. A guard for it is known as the point of operation
Various types of guards are shown classified in the table. Their suitability should be
selected. Preference should be given to the simplest type of guard ensuring complete
safety. Some are described below and some in subsequent para (2) and (3).
Fixed Guards : They are simple, easy to provide and cover parts as well as throwing
particles if any. They are of various types, materials and design. A minimum thickness of
1.2 mm is recommended for sheet metal. Guard opening and its distance from the
dangerous part should be fully safe. Such spacing and distance are prescribed and formula
is also available, but it is rather a matter of fact of individual requirement. They should be
close fit, robust and should withstand speed, vibration, impact etc. They should be properly
fitted by clamps, bolts etc. They require special tool for their removal.
Fixed total enclosures are used to cover prime mover and transmission parts such as
headstock gearing, belts, pulleys etc.
Fixed limited access guard provides minimum opening in the guard to insert and remove
the job (material). It disallows finger to trap. If the material is jammed, it requires special
tool and opening and refitting of the guard. They are used on power presses.
Fixed adjustable access guard provides opening through or around guard to accommodate
materials of different sizes. Guards on band saws, jigsaws can be raised or lowered as per
the thickness to cut. Such guard on circular saw or drill tool adjusts automatically as the job
or tool moves. Its disadvantage is that it gives little protection when thin material is
Distance or Barrier Guards make it physically difficult for people to gain access. Nip guards
to in running rolls and fixed railing to planning or shaping machine are of this type.
Interlock Guards make certain that the machine cannot be operated until the guard screen
is in position and conversely the guard cannot be removed until the working parts have
stopped. Mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or pneumatic systems are used to actuate the
guard. Mechanical interlocking of a card machine and electrical (limit or micro switches)
interlocking of headstock covers of many textile machinery are such examples. Many times
the interlocking is by-passed or made ineffective which is not good. This is its
disadvantage. Correct position of micro switch is most important.
Trip Guards are actuated by anyone approaching beyond the safe position and operate a
stop or reverse control viz. trip rod, hand trip on a rubber mill, electronic eye, platen printing
guard, calendars or dough brakes.
Control Guard activates the machine when the guard is closed and opening the guard
stops it. Thus the guard acts as on-off switch. Such guard is useful for the machine which
can be brought to rest very rapidly.
Automatic Guards will ensure that the operator is prevented from coming into contact with
dangerous parts when the machine is set in motion accidentally. This guard is itself
actuated by the movement of the dangerous part. It can only be used where sufficient time
is available to remove the body part from the danger zone viz. sweep, knock or push away
guard on a power press or platen printing machine. Because of its stroke hazard it is hardly
used. Photo-electric guard (device) operates to stop the dangerous part when the light
curtain in interrupted.
Safety by Machine Controls : These should be differentiated from incidental safety devices
(explained in next part) which are external and work like guard for protection. But the
machine itself has many controls as its inherent or attached elements. All levers, buttons,
brakes, pedals, switches, handles, wheels, autocontrols etc. are machine controls to run
the machine safely and efficiently. Such controls should be clearly identified and suitably
placed for ease of operation. Their purpose and direction of movement shall be marked.
Each stop button should accompany start button and they should be sunk to prevent
accidental operation. Where there are more controls nearly placed or on one board clear
instruction of their use must be marked to prevent their false operation.
Above paras highlight the need of utmost precautions in safe operation and maintenance of
all safety guards, devices and controls. A man has made them and a man can make them
ineffective or misuse. Therefore all precautionary operating measures are necessary in
addition to the machine guarding. The machine operators should be made aware of
hazards in their works, location and operation of machine controls, regular checking of
guards, warning not to make the guards ineffective, repairs, adjustment etc. by specially
trained person, need of wearing tight fitting clothing and protective equipment necessary
and using right tools and equipments.
Some incidental safety devices (indirect guards) equally useful as machine guarding are as
below :
Two Hand Control : Two push buttons are required to be operated simultaneously thus
keeping the operator’s hands away from the dangerous parts. Such device does not protect
an another man, is prone to faults and cause difficulties on electrically, hydraulically or
pneumatically powered machines. Therefore such device alone is not advisable. It is used
on garment presses etc.
Optical Sensor: This uses photo-electric cell and a light as explained earlier.
Electromagnetic Sensor : This uses a sensor of electro magnetic field, a coupler and
interconnecting cable and a control unit. Interruption of the field by an operator’s hand
causes an electric signal which initiate the desired control action.
Mechanical Feed : A positioning device like a rotating table moves the parts or material into
the point of operation where the hazard exists thus avoiding human contact there.
Feed Tools : Tools with guards viz. tong, magnetic lifting rod etc. are used to place material
in a press with an intention to save the hand.
Pedal Guard : Such guard on foot-padel of a power press prevents accidental foot-stroke
on the pedal.
Ultrasonic device : Inaudible high-frequency sound senses the presence of any part in the
danger zone. As sound attenuates over distance its application is limited.
Feed Hooper : It extends the feed length to prevent access. It can be used on pug mills etc.
Some sample specific guarding is suggested below as examples. The changes necessary
as per own requirement must be incorporated.
Generally metal is preferred for machine guard construction. Bar, pipe, rod are used for
structural frame. Filler material may be solid, perforated or expanded sheet metal or wire
mesh, where transparency is necessary plastic or glass material can be used. Safety glass
and plastics are also used to protect against flying particles and chips.
Wood guards have limited application due to their poor strength and durability, flammability
and high maintenance cost.
Aluminium guards are preferred where rusting or damage to tools or machinery are
When a guard cannot be made to exclude lint, fume, dusting etc. extra ventilation should be
provided. Large guards should have self-closing doors for cleaning. Surrounding space
should be provided for repair and maintenance. Some people use red colour for guards to
show dangerous part while some prefer the same colour that of the machine to consider it
as an integral part of the machine.
Section 21 of the Factories Act states that the guards shall be constantly maintained and
kept in position. Such maintenance is obviously necessary because a machine running
without guards or with open or broken guards pose danger. Regular inspection of guards
can detect the guard removed, damaged or requiring repairs. A guard removed for repair
should be replaced at the earliest possible and meanwhile temporary guard should be
installed. Good maintenance increases the life of guards and vice versa. The supervisor
should pay constant attention for this.