Know Your Competitors
Know Your Competitors
Know Your Competitors
In order to stand out in your market, you need to know who your
competition is and what they are doing vs. what you are doing. And it is
most important to begin by examining the marketplace.
First, take a hard look at the things your competitor DOES do and ask
This will help you identify the areas you need to compete in and give
you a platform for differentiating yourself.
You can also be unique in how you market yourself. You have to be if
your product or service is exactly the same as your main competitors.
Think about ways to market differently and be innovative in how you
communicate with your customers so you can stand out that way as
Make more effort to tell people who you are, what you sell, and why
they should buy from you. It doesn't have to be expensive – cost-
effective promotional ideas include everything from leaflet drops to
campaigns on social media.
To find these target markets, you need to analyze your customer data
to determine the typical demographic information of your audience,
their geographical location, their spending habits, and other relevant
Starbucks has partnered with Earthwatch since 2001. One of the goals
of this partnership was to introduce Starbucks employees to the
scientific research behind coffee beans – benefitting Earthwatch’s goals.
Additionally, Starbucks was able to increase employee engagement
through this partnership.
This partnership helped Starbucks develop its ethical approach to
coffee while assisting Earthwatch in spreading sustainable and scientific
o determine the ideal price point, you need a clear picture of what your
competition's goods or services are priced at. Research which
competitors offer the best value. Then you need to determine if what
you are offering brings more value to the table and thus should be
priced higher.
The best pricing strategy isn't always about lowering your prices. Since
the market is segmented by lower, middle, and upper-tiered customers,
you need to figure out which group your audience is and price from