Kishimoto2021 2022
Kishimoto2021 2022
Kishimoto2021 2022
To cite this article: Toru Kishimoto, Satoko Teramoto, Akiko Fujita & Osamu Yamada (2021):
Evaluation of Components Contributing to the International Bitterness Unit of Wort and Beer,
Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, DOI: 10.1080/03610470.2021.1878684
This study evaluated the components that contribute to the International Bitterness Unit (IBU) of International bitterness unit;
wort and beer. A range of samples were analyzed in this study, including beer with 47.5 IBU con- isomerization temperature;
taining 39.9 ppm iso-a-acid, and one with 49.9 IBU containing only 2.2 ppm iso-alpha acid. The IBU oxidative polar compounds;
aged hop
value of wort and beer is mainly contributed by iso-a-acid, non-isomerized a-acid, oxidative polar
compounds, and malt-derived polar components. The isomerization of a-acid to iso-a-acid is initi-
ated between 60 C and 70 C and the isomerization ratios accelerate rapidly at higher tempera-
ture. In the wort boiled below 60 C, over 50% of the IBU value was contributed by non-
isomerized a-acid. Most of the non-isomerized a-acid disappeared during fermentation, whereas
the concentration of iso-a-acid was stable. The disappearance of a-acid resulted in a large
decrease in the IBU value during fermentation, and the isomerization ratio influenced the degree
of the decrease. Over 80% of the IBU value was contributed by the oxidative polar compounds in
the beer hopped with the pellet stored at 40 C for 90 days. Bitterness intensity was less in the
beers with deteriorated hops than in those with non-deteriorated hops, despite both having the
same IBU values.
Individual differences in taste appear to be caused by alcohol content and apparent extracts were analyzed using
physiological differences in the gustatory system, cognitive Alcolyzer Beer ME equipped with DMA4500M density
processing of taste signals in the brain, genetics, or environ- meter (Anton PaarVR GmbH, Graz, Austria).
Figure 1. HPLC chromatograms of the beer extracts with (A) normally stored hop pellet at 4 C, (B) hop pellets stored at 40 C for 10 days, (C) 21 days, (D) 90 days,
and (E) unhopped beer.
Figure 2. HPLC chromatograms of the wort extracts (F) boiled at 100 C for 60 min, (G) kept at 80 C, (H) 50 C, (I) 20 C for 60 min after the addition of normally
stored hop pellet, and (J) unhopped wort.
an internal cavity filled with 3.3 M KCl aqueous solution satu- were dipped into sample solutions or standard substance
rated with AgCl. The polymer membrane of the bitter taste solutions for 30 s to detect the change in membrane
sensor was composed of tetradodecylammonium bromide, 2- potential. The bitter taste intensity of the sample solution
nitrophenyl octyl ether, and poly vinyl chloride. The reference was defined as the difference between the change in mem-
probe consisted of a liquid junction made with ceramics, an brane potential in the sample solution and that in the ref-
Ag/AgCl electrode, and an internal cavity filled with 3.3 M KCl erence solution, generated by taste substances adsorbed
aq. solution, saturated with AgCl. on the polymer membrane of the sensor probe. The value
The sensor measurement was automatically carried out of each sample was obtained from the average of three
at 25 C. The taste sensor probe and the reference probe measurements.
extract (%)
Alcohol (%)
of AA to IBU value
Contribution (%)
Figure 3. Correlations between the total peak areas of HPLC chromatograms
and IBU values of wort and beer extracts.
Results and discussion
Components contributing to the IBU value
Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the HPLC chromatograms of
the components in 2,2,4-trimethylpentane layers that con-
tribute to the IBU value of beer. No chromatographic peaks
were detected outside the chromatographic time. Figure 3
shows the correlation between the total peak areas of the
HPLC chromatograms and the IBU values of wort and beer.
The total peak areas were proportional to the IBU value of
IBU decrease during
fermentation (%)
wort and beer as shown in Figure 3, indicating that the IBU
values were attributed to the components included in the
Wort was kept at each temperature for 60 min, after the adjustment of pH to 5.1 and apparent extract to 11.6.
Table 1. Concentrations of iso-a-acid and a-acid in wort and beer produced at different boiling temperatures.
chromatogram in Figure 1 and 2.
The peaks of IAA (iso-co-humulone, iso-normal-humu-
lone, and iso-ad-humulone) and AA (co-humulone, normal
The contribution (%) of AA to IBU value was calculated from the peak area of HPLC chromatograms.
and ad-humulone) were identified by comparing those of
authentic compounds. As shown in Figure 1(C and D), the
wort and beers has been described above. Worts with differ-
ent isomerization ratios were prepared by changing the iso-
merization temperature. The hopped wort was kept at 20,
30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100 C for 60 min.
Table 1 shows the concentrations of IAA and AA in wort
and beer produced at different boiling temperatures. Figure
temperature ( C)
and the molecular weight of the AA does not change after during fermentation as in Table 1, although those of IAA
the isomerization. As shown in Figure 4 and Table 1, the were stable before and after fermentation. Thus, the decrease
isomerization ratio and IAA concentration of beer increased in the IBU value during fermentation was mainly caused by
from the boiling temperature of 60 C to 70 C and the the disappearance of AA, and the isomerization ratio influ-
increase in ratio is accelerated at higher temperatures. The enced the decrease in the IBU value during fermentation.
wort kept at 20 C already contained 6.9 ppm of IAA, which The reasons for the disappearance of hydrophobic compo-
was assumed to have been derived from the drying process nents are discussed in the literature.[29–32] As the pH
or pelletizing process of hop cones as no IAA was detected decreases during fermentation, hydrophobic components
from the undried fresh hop cone (data not shown). such as AA become insoluble in the beer. These hydropho-
As shown in Table 1, for the wort boiled at 20 C to bic components also adhere to yeast cell walls; moreover,
the degree of adsorption to the cell surface depends on the
60 C, over 50% of the IBU value was contributed by the
AA content. Larger decreases in IBU values were observed degree of hydrophobicity of the cell surface.[31]
during fermentation in the wort with the lower isomeriza- Figure 4 shows that isomerization started at a tempera-
tion ratio, as depicted in Figure 1(A, F), and Table 1. The ture between 60 C and 70 C. This indicates that isomeriza-
concentration of AA in each wort dramatically decreased tion progresses not only in the wort boiling process, but
also in the subsequent whirlpool process, wherein the wort
is exposed to higher temperatures. In order to control the
bitterness value of the final beer product, the time spent in
the whirlpool rest process should also be considered.
Table 2. Content of bitter components of beer hopped with forcibly deteriorated hop pellet.
Storage periods a-acid (%) IBU of iso-co- iso-normal- iso-ad- normal,
of hop pellet content in finished humulone humulone humulone co-humulone ad-humulone
at 40 C hopped pellet beer (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
0 day 14.0 47.5 12.9 21.6 5.3 1.3 1.2
3 days 13.4 48.2 11.4 19.1 4.6 0.8 0.8
5 days 12.8 48.8 11.8 19.3 4.6 1.0 0.9
7 days 12.1 47.1 12.4 20.4 4.9 0.9 0.8
10 days 10.9 49.9 11.4 18.6 4.6 0.9 0.9
14 days 9.8 48.9 11.0 17.9 4.4 0.8 0.7
21 days 4.4 54.7 6.6 10.5 2.6 0.4 0.4
30 days 1.2 51.1 3.4 5.1 1.3 0.1 0.1
90 days 0.0 49.9 1.0 1.0 0.2 0.0 0.0
The wort, including 2.1 g of each stored hop pellet, was boiled for 60 min and fermented for 7 days.
Table 3. Contributions (%) to IBU value of beer calculated from peak area of HPLC chromatograms.
Storage periods of hop pellet at 40 C Malt-derived compounds (%) Oxidative polar components (%) iso-a-acid (%) a-acid (%)
0 day 7.7 8.4 80.7 3.3
3 days 7.6 9.3 80.7 2.4
5 days 7.5 9.5 80.3 2.8
7 days 7.8 10.7 79.2 2.3
10 days 7.3 12.2 78.0 2.5
14 days 7.5 13.6 76.7 2.3
21 days 6.7 36.9 55.0 1.4
30 days 7.1 59.1 33.5 0.3
90 days 7.3 83.4 9.3 0.0
The contribution was calculated from the ratio of the area of each peak to the total peaks.
Figure 5. The bitterness intensity evaluated by taste sensing system and total iso-a-acid content. The IBU values of all beers were adjusted to the same 40 IBU
using unhopped beer and were subjected to taste sensing analysis. The bar graph shows the bitterness intensity by the taste sensing system, and the line graph
shows the iso-alpha-acid content (ppm) after adjusting the bitterness value to 40 IBU.
the ratio of the OPC (%) in the total peak area of the chro- for 21, 30, and 90 days, where the total IAA also decreased
matogram of beer, increased. However, the IBU values of markedly. It was found that the bitterness intensities of the
the beer did not vary, as it depended on the storage peri- beer composed of larger ratios of OPCs were lower. Our
ods of the hopped pellet, and the contents of IAA and observations are consistent with previous reports that beers
OPCs did not decrease during fermentation to contribute made with deteriorated hops have less bitterness than that
to the IBU values of beer. It should be noted that the beer expected from the IBU values.[9,22] This is because the bit-
derived from the hop, which was forcibly deteriorated at terness intensities derived from OPCs are lower as the
40 C for 90 days, contained only 2.2 ppm of IAA and threshold levels of OPCs are generally higher.[9,15–18]
an IBU value of 49.9. The beer with normally stored hop
had almost the same IBU value and contained 39.9 ppm
of IAA.
The IBU value had been believed to reflect the concentration
of iso-a-acid, however, in the current study, samples with
Evaluation of bitterness intensity of beers with forcibly
disparate iso-a-acid content were analyzed: one was a beer
deteriorated hop pellets using a taste sensing system
sample with 47.5 IBU containing 39.9 ppm iso-a-acid, and
The intensity of bitterness is expected to vary, even in beers the other was a beer sample with 49.9 IBU containing only
with the same IBU values: while some beers have IBU values 2.2 ppm iso-alpha acid. The IBU value of the wort and beer
mainly composed of IAA, the others have IBU values mainly is mainly contributed by iso-a-acid, non-isomerized a-acid,
composed of OPCs. The bitterness intensity of the beers OPCs, and malt-derived polar components. It was observed
hopped with oxidized hops was evaluated using an elec- that the isomerization of a-acid to iso-a-acid was initiated
tronic tongue, a taste sensing system, after the adjustment of between 60 C to 70 C and the isomerization ratios acceler-
their IBU value to 40 using unhopped beer. ated rapidly at higher temperatures. In the wort boiled at
The taste sensing system is an instrumental method for temperatures below 60 C, over 50% of the IBU value was
evaluating the taste attributes of food and beverages, such as contributed by non-isomerized a-acid, and most of the non-
beer.[27,28,33–37] The electronic tongue of the taste sensing isomerized a-acid disappeared during fermentation.
system consists of sensor electrodes with lipid/polymer However, the concentration of iso-a-acid was stable. Thus,
membranes prepared for each primary taste.[28] The taste the disappearance of the a-acid resulted in the larger
intensities are recorded as membrane potential changes decrease in IBU value during fermentation, and the isomer-
caused by the interaction between the lipid/polymer mem- ization ratio influenced the degree of the decrease.
branes and the taste substances. A difference of 0.5 in the The OPCs that increase with the deterioration of hop
response value between samples, from the taste sensing sys- contribute to the IBU value of beer. When non-deteriorated
tem, can be recognized by a panelist who is accustomed to hop with small amounts of OPCs were used in brewing, the
drinking beer. If there is a difference of 1.0 in the response IBU was mainly contributed by IAA and only 8.4% was con-
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