V Machine
V Machine
V Machine
1. Foreword
SM Pro Audio
A very big thank you goes out to everyone involved in the V‐Machine project:
Bill Barsby, Joe Berg, Samuel Bolton, Tim Buckley, Vin Curigliano, John Fuller,
Denis Greco, Jefferson Harcourt, Peter Howard, Patrick Jose, Brett Kingman, Mar-
cin Koczy, Dr Von K, Mandie Lammens, Leo Lau, David Lim, Rohan Mansell, Ste-
phen Marshall, Kade Miller, Owen Neeson, Sam O'Connor, Danny Olesh, Peter
Schlossnagel, Cory Seligman, Mathew Skinner, Mike Smith, Chris Steller, Stuart
Summerville, Danusia Szafranski, Tamer Terzi, Sandra Terzi, Felix Thiang, Vincent
Thiang, Tony Tran, Rowan Vince, Nicola Wong, Yingying Zhang, Stephanie Zhang.
1. Foreword .................................................................................................... 2
1.1. Thank you ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2. Important Notes: ............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.3. V‐Machine Team .............................................................................................................................................. 2
12.3.3. Installing plug‐ins on the V‐Machine without the VFX Application ............................... 35
12.4. VFX Application layout and design ...................................................................................................... 35
12.5. V‐Machine Pane ........................................................................................................................................... 35
12.5.1. Standard keypad browsing ........................................................................................................... 36
12.5.2. Power down icon .............................................................................................................................. 36
12.5.3. Menu icon ............................................................................................................................................ 36
12.5.4. Save icon .............................................................................................................................................. 37
12.5.5. Learn icon ............................................................................................................................................ 37
12.5.6. Panic icon.............................................................................................................................................. 37
12.5.7. Sync icon .............................................................................................................................................. 38
12.5.8. Help icon .............................................................................................................................................. 38
12.6. Plug‐in Pane .................................................................................................................................................. 38
12.6.1. Channel Plug‐in Slot ........................................................................................................................ 39
12.6.2. Popup Plug‐in Selector ................................................................................................................... 39
12.6.3. Plug‐in MIDI Channel Selector ..................................................................................................... 39
12.6.4. Plug‐in Slot Edit Menu .................................................................................................................... 39
12.6.5. Mixer Channel, FX Send, and Main Output Selector tabs .................................................. 40
12.7. Mixer Pane ..................................................................................................................................................... 40
12.7.1. Channel Gain ...................................................................................................................................... 40
12.7.2. Channel Pan ........................................................................................................................................ 41
12.7.3. Channel Mute ..................................................................................................................................... 41
12.7.4. Channel Solo ....................................................................................................................................... 41
12.7.5. FX Sends 1 & 2 ....................................................................................................................... 41
12.7.6. L&R audio input selector ............................................................................................................... 42
12.7.7. FX 1 & 2 return channels .............................................................................................................. 42
12.7.8. Main stereo output channel ......................................................................................................... 42
12.8. Parameter Pane ............................................................................................................................................ 43
12.9. VFX Application file management ........................................................................................................ 43
12.9.1. Loading, saving, and renaming Bank files ............................................................................... 43
12.9.2. Loading, saving and renaming Presets ..................................................................................... 44
12.10. Synchronization of the V‐Machine ................................................................................................... 44
12.10.1. Sync via USB cable ......................................................................................................................... 44
12.10.2. Load/Save to Stick synchronization method ....................................................................... 44
12.11. Uninstalling the VFX Application ........................................................................................................ 45
Figure 1: Standard LCD display view ....................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 2: Operational overview ............................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 3: VFX Application .......................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 4: Bank and Preset structural hierarchy ................................................................................................... 17
Figure 5: Mixer architecture – Audio and MIDI routing ..................................................................................... 20
Figure 6: Front panel .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Figure 7: Button interface ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 8: LCD Display ................................................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 9: Rear panel connections ............................................................................................................................ 23
Figure 10: Standard LCD display view ................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 11: Bank navigation ...................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 12: Preset navigation .................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 13: Parameter navigation ............................................................................................................................ 27
Figure 14: Value adjustment .................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 15: Global Menu keypad combo ................................................................................................................ 27
Figure 16: Save command keypad combo ........................................................................................................... 28
Figure 17: Learn command keypad combo ......................................................................................................... 28
Figure 18: Panic command keypad combo .......................................................................................................... 29
Figure 19: Persistent State Parameter .................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 20: VFX Application user process ................................................................................................................ 32
Figure 21: V-Machine Pane ....................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 22: Plugin Pane ............................................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 23: Mixer Pane ................................................................................................................................................. 40
3. System Requirements
sed when connected to a computer and configured for use by the VFX Appli-
cation software.
• V‐Machine
• Power supply
• Quick start guide
• USB cable
• Getting started CD – VFX application, Operation manual (PDF), and a range
of free plugins to get started.
The V‐Machine is a music synthesiser and effects unit. It has been designed to
receive MIDI data from external MIDI controllers (e.g. a MIDI keyboard control-
ler) and audio from a line level input source. Processed audio signal can be sent
to headphones, an amplifier, a mixing desk, or similar.
The V‐Machine does not implement any particular audio synthesis algorithm.
Instead it acts as a host for a range of Windows VST and VSTi plug‐ins. Individual
plug‐ins hosted on the V-Machine implement their own particular synthesis al-
Special Notes:
1. Previous/Next interface keypads adjacent to each line of text allow the corresponding item
to be navigated or adjusted.
2. Dual press keypad functions (pressing two buttons at the same time) are designed to enter
the Global System Settings menu.
ows operating system. As such, some VST plug‐ins may not function correctly
or at all on the V‐Machine.
* Note: It is our intention over time to compile and maintain a certified V‐Machine
plug‐in compatibility list on the SM Pro Audio website. Please check our website
(www.smproaudio.com) for updates.
analogy is also true when creating preset sounds for use on the V‐Machine.
With patience and experience you will learn how to get the most out of the
Please read this manual to understand the some of the concepts you need to
be aware of when creating your presets. Consideration should be given to
things such as the impact of CPU intensive plug‐ins, whether you need to ad-
just buffer setting per sound for latency refinement, and keeping gain structu-
res under control so your preset does not over load the V‐Machine’s DAC
(digital audio converter).
The V‐Machine and the VFX application are the tools, what you do with them
is up to you!
Possible gain stages in signal path when creating Presets in the VFX Application:
• Plug‐in output gain settings (plug‐ins can clip within themselves, check the
plug‐in GUI)
• VFX application Individual channel Gain controls
• VFX application FX 1&2 Bus Gain controls
• VFX application Main channel Gain control
Adding plug‐ins in chains and layers can often build up excessive gain in the
overall preset thus overdriving the V‐Machine’s DAC.
Set your levels according to the maximum velocity you will be playing the pre-
set sound from your MIDI keyboard. This allows for dynamic playing without
formance under control. The more you load into a single preset the more likely
you are to reach the CPU performance ceiling.
• Be mindful that all Gain adjustment calculations consume CPU cycles. As such,
if you can set mixer faders to zero dB efficiencies can be made. It can be use-
ful to keep the master fader at zero dB and adjust the channel volumes ac-
cordingly to reduce gain calculations.
• Adjust each Presets Audio Buffer Parameter to achieve the best balance of
performance latency and CPU usage. The Audio Buffer Parameter setting can
be configured on a per Preset basis. See section 11.2 for more information.
• Setting Pan settings hard left, hard right, or absolute centre in the Mixer re-
duces the quantity of stereo field calculations demanded of the CPU.
• Select a mono input if appropriate. There is no need to process a stereo input
signal for a mono source such as an electric or bass guitar.
• If you only want to run a single plug‐in in a particular Preset, it is advisable to
load the plug‐in into Plug‐in Slot A in channel 1 of the Mixer. The V‐Machine
recognises this state and passes audio directly though the Mixer enabling
• Utilize FX sends rather than inserting a dedicated effect plug‐in on each chan-
nel. This way you can share the effect resource between multiple channels.
• Setting an audio channels FX send parameter to set to zero will not use any
CPU resources. As such, if a plug‐in is using very small amounts of a particular
shared effect in the FX bus it may be advisable to switch it off entirely!
• Switch off plug‐ins that you can hardly hear. They are using up precious re-
• Shorten the length of release tails for VSTi’s if at all possible. Long release tails
can build up polyphony (the number of notes playing simultaneously) during
performances placing a burden on the CPU. Release tails can often be redu-
ced without being detrimental to performances.
• Reduce plug‐in polyphony if supported by the plug‐in. Many VSTi plug‐ins
offer the ability to reduce polyphony. Every extra note consumes CPU cycles.
• Every single feature you turn on and off impacts CPU performance. Think effi-
cient and program wisely!
7. Auditioning A Sound
For those who have read the manual to this point and cannot wait to get
started, please refer to the printed quick start guide included with your V‐Ma-
chine. The quick start guide outlines the basics to get you up and running with-
out delay.
8.2.1. Banks
Banks are collections of Presets. It is entirely up to you how you prefer to cate-
gorize your sounds. Some users may wish to organise similar types of sounds
together in a Bank while others may wish to create a bank of sounds that are
used in a particular performance.
Each Bank can store 127 Preset configurations.
Example 1 – You may prefer to keep your piano Preset sounds in a Bank named
“Pianos” and all your bass Preset sounds in a Bank named “Basses”.
Example 2 – You may prefer to organise Preset sounds into Banks according to
a particular performance. Your performance may be the keyboard part of a
song performed by your band requiring three different Preset sounds. If you
store the three Preset sounds together in a Bank named “Song 1”, you can ac-
cess them quickly as needed during your performance. Then simply move to
the next Bank (possible Song 2) for the next performance.
Banks can be loaded, saved, and renamed from within the VFX application.
8.2.2. Presets
Presets are your individual performance sounds. They are essentially saved mixer
configuration states. A saved mixer configuration includes all information rela-
ting to audio and MIDI routing, selected plug‐ins, and mixer settings such as
channel volumes, pan settings, and so forth.
Preset sounds can be loaded, saved, and renamed from within the VFX application.
Plug‐in Slots are available in three areas of the V‐Machine’s hardware mixer
• 3 x Plug‐in Slots for each Mixer channel (1 x VSTi, 2 x VST)
• 3 x Plug‐in Slots for each FX return channel (3 x VST)
• 3 x Plug‐in Slots for the Main output channel (3 x VST)
The architecture of the V‐Machine’s mix engine allows for a total of 21 Plug‐in
Slots per individual Preset (mixer configuration).
The V‐Machine’s internal mixer architecture is designed for maximum flexibility.
It is not meant to indicate the maximum CPU performance ceiling of the V‐Ma-
chine. In practice, the total amount plug‐ins that can be loaded into an indivi-
dual Preset mixer configuration with acceptable performance results depends
entirely on the CPU requirement of each chosen plugin.
For a diagram outlining the internal mixer architecture see Figure 5: Mixer architecture.
For a diagram outlining the internal mixer architecture see Figure 5: Mixer architecture.
The chassis structure of the V‐Machine has been designed in such a way as to:
• Provide a powerful yet compact unit suitable for live and studio applications
• Offer users a simple uncomplicated user interface
• Allow easy access for connection to peripheral devices
• Protect the V‐Machine’s critical electronics
• Provide adequate heat dissipation and air flow to the internal electronics
Many of the common connection options typical of audio processor units can
be found on the rear panel including: Audio inputs and outputs, USB host and
slave connectors, headphone connector, 5‐pin MIDI, and a power connector.
For more information please see section: 10 Turning on and navigating the V‐Machine.
You can also manually adjust the display's setting directly on the V‐Machine.
Quick Tip: If you have a MIDI device that offers both 5‐Pin MIDI and MIDI over USB it may be a
better choice to connect via USB as the USB host connectors on the V‐Machine deliver bus power!
Quick Tip: If connecting a mono input source for processing it is a good idea to activate only
the Left input channel in your Preset configuration. This ensures the processor is not actively
processing non‐existent and irrelevant data.
Note: When the mono output option is activated in the Global Menu options all audio is
summed to both the LEFT and RIGHT outputs.
A standard 3.5mm TRS stereo output connector is provided on the rear panel
to facilitate the connection of one (1) pair of headphones.
The headphone output is designed only to drive headphones. Never connect
the headphone output to other peripherals such as a mixing desk as damage
may result to the peripheral or V-Machine.
Special Note: Always turn down the headphone amplifier volume prior to connecting and
listening to the V‐Machine via headphones. Start with the volume control at minimum, and
gradually increase the level to and acceptable level. Protect your precious ears at all times!
Following initialisation, the LCD Panel displays a four (4) row text display:
• The currently selected Bank
• The currently selected Preset within the selected Bank
• The currently selected plug‐in parameter within the selected Preset
• The currently selected parameter value
Proceed to navigate the V‐Machine with the keypad button user interface.
Special Note: The fitment of some USB storage devices may prevent the V‐Machine from
starting up. Delay connection of USB storage devices until the V‐Machine is fully operational.
Quick Tip: For speedy access to Presets during a perfor- Figure 11: Bank navigation
mance it may be useful to store Presets in Banks according to the order you plan on performing
them. For example: A Bank named “Song1” might include all the Presets you will use in song 1.
Special Note: When a Bank is selected, the first Preset residing in that Bank will be loaded
Special Note: When using a Preset for the first time Figure 12: Preset navigation
after booting the V‐Machine there may be a small delay as plug‐ins are initially loaded into
memory. Once loaded into memory, subsequent selected Presets that contain the same
plug‐in will be available immediately without delay.
Quick Tip: As some plug‐ins have literally hundreds of Figure 13: Parameter navigation
available parameters it may be useful to prioritize the order of the parameter list for speedy
access. Priority parameter assignment can be configured per individual Preset in the VFX Ap-
When in the Global System Settings use the Next/Previous keypad buttons ad-
jacent to the MENU label to scroll through the available options.
Adjustment of individual settings can be made using the keypad buttons ad-
jacent to each option displayed on the LCD Panel.
To exit the Global System Settings press the keypad button adjacent to the
CANCEL text displayed on the LCD Panel.
Quick Tip: The Master volume is one function you need quick access to. As the first active
Global setting, it provides immediate control over the V‐Machine’s total output volume.
Note: This differs from the Persistent Saved State as defined in section 5.5.2
The plug‐in parameter has now been assigned to receive MIDI control mes-
sages from your chosen controller.
Quick Tip: If you wish to permanently use the assigned MIDI control message you should
also SAVE the Preset after using the LEARN command.
V‐Machine specific plug‐in parameters are parameters that have been added
to each plug‐ins normal parameter list to assist using plug‐ins live on the V‐Ma-
• Buffer size settings affect CPU processing power
• Lower buffer sizes allow you to decrease latency and demand more CPU cycles
• Higher buffer settings increase CPU efficiencies whilst increasing latency
The most appropriate buffer setting for each of your Presets can depend on
the amount of plug‐ins used in the Preset and their individual requirements.
You will need to experiment to find the best setting for each Preset on the
Quick Tip: Only Presets that truly require low latency (clav, synth, and drums sounds, etc)
should be set to the lower buffer settings. You may find that Presets with slow attacks such as
Synth Pads and Reverb effects perform just as well with higher settings. Think efficient!
Special Note: The V‐Machine only responds to program change messages for selection of
Presets if the currently selected Preset has the Consume Program Change Parameter set to
OFF (as stated in section 11.4). If this parameter is set to ON Bank and Program change mes-
sages are routed to the Presets plug‐ins directly.
See the website FAQ or download a more recent Operation Manual for further information.
It is important to understand
that you can Save as many confi-
gurations of the mixer as Presets
as you want. Each Preset has it’s
own mixer state!
Steps to install:
• Insert the Getting Started CD into your computers CD drive
• Run the ‘VFXWebSetup.exe’ download wizard
• The wizard automatically downloads the most up to date version of the VFX
Application and prompts for user for confirmation during the installation pro-
cess on your computer
• After installation is complete the VFX Application is available for use from the
Start Menu‐>All Programs‐>VFX‐>VFX Application
Note: It is also possible to download the latest version of the VFX Application from the SM
Pro Audio website at any time.
12.2.2. Installation of the VFX Application for the Mac operating system
The ‘Getting Started CD’ includes a download wizard (Download VMACHINE
for Mac) for the Mac OS X operating system (compatible with Intel based Macs
only). The wizard directs your web browser to the SM Pro Audio website where
you can download the most up to date version of the VFX Application.
Steps to install:
• Insert the Getting Started CD into your computers CD drive
• Run the ‘Download VMACHINE for Mac’ download wizard
• The wizard directs your web browser to the SM Pro Audio website where you
can download the most up to date version of the VFX Application
• The Mac VFX Application is downloaded in .dmg disk image file format
• Double click the .dmg image file to mount the image and follow the installa-
tion instructions provided
Note: It is also possible to download the latest version of the VFX Application from the SM
Pro Audio website at any time.
Special Notes:
1. The VFX Application automatically accepts MIDI data from any MIDI device correctly installed
on the Machine. There is no need for a MIDI preference setting.
2. If the VFX Application does not recognize incoming MIDI, or your computer MIDI drivers are
not working it can be advisable to use a USB driver cleanout program and reconnect/reinstall
your MIDI devices.
3. There is currently no provision to send MIDI data out of the VFX Application other than to a
connected hardware V‐Machine over USB.
4. Mac users – please refer to the Mac manual addendum available from the SM Pro Audio
website for more information regarding preferences for the Mac VFX Application.
Special Note: Some plug‐ins have complex installation methods that may not yet be incor-
porated in the VFX plug‐in installation Wizard. Plug‐ins with specific authorisation require-
ments will be catered for on a case‐by‐case basis and added to the wizard over time.
Updates will be made available on the SM Pro Audio website.
Just as on the real V‐Machine hardware, the Global System Settings include:
• Master Volume – adjusts the total output level
• CPU Meter – shows current CPU usage
• Mono Output ON/OFF – enables the summing of the stereo signal to mono
Special Note: Some Global System Settings are not applicable for use in the V‐Machine
Pane. For example CPU meter is only relevant for measuring real CPU usage on the V‐Machine
hardware, not the computer where the VFX Application is running. The same can be said for
the LCD contrast adjustment settings.
To exit the Global System Settings press the keypad button adjacent to the CANCEL text
displayed on the LCD Panel.
This function operates the same way as on the real hardware V‐Machine:
1. Make sure you have the plug‐in parameter selected that you wish to assign
to an external controller knob/fader
2. Mouse click the LEARN icon to activate the LEARN command
3. Move the controller knob/fader on your connected MIDI controller
The plug‐in parameter has now been assigned to receive MIDI control mes-
sages from your chosen controller.
Special Note: A dialog box will advise you during synchronization if the current state of the
VFX Application exceeds the memory specifications of the hardware V‐Machine.
Quick Tip: It may be faster to synchronize the VFX Application state with your V‐Machine
using the ‘Save to Stick’ method. This is especially true when transferring sample libraries to
the V-Machine. See section 12.10.2
The V‐Machine’s architecture allows for three plug‐ins to be inserted into each
section of the mixer; Each of the four (4) mixer channels, two (2) FX returns,
and the Main output channel. VST instrument plug‐ins can only be loaded into
the first Plug‐in Slot (Plug‐in Slot A) of each Mixer channel.
Individual Plug‐in Slots provide a Plug‐in Name Display area, MIDI Channel se-
lector, and a Plug‐in Slot Edit Menu.
Quick Tip: Clicking your mouse in the Plug‐in Slot Name Display area will update the Para-
meter Pane with the plug‐ins VST GUI or parameter list (depending on your View option setting)
for the corresponding plug‐in. You can then tweak parameters with greater ease on the Para-
meter Pane.
Menu making sure the ranges do not intersect. This is a simple way to create a
split keyboard layout.
To layer sounds within a Preset simply set each virtual instrument plug‐ins
High/Low MIDI note range to overlap at the point where the layer is desired.
Special Note: When selecting different tabs the Parameter Pane will update to display the
parameters of the plug‐in residing in Plug‐in Slot A of the corresponding tab.
Click and hold your mouse button down over the channel Gain control area
and move up or down to adjust the corresponding channel Gain value. Release
your mouse button when you have made the desired adjustment.
Peak indicators will illuminate next to the Channel Gain control area during
playback when a signal has overloaded (the signal has clipped).
Quick Tip: This is great way to share VST plug‐in effects between channels and thus minimize
the impact on the CPU. For example this would be beneficial if you needed a similar reverb ef-
fect across a multi channel Preset sound creation.
Quick Tip: Disable the audio inputs for all channels unless required.
Quick Tips:
1. Peak indicators will illuminate next to Main Gain control area during playback when a signal
has overloaded (the signal has clipped). Clipping is to be avoided at all times. If you synchronize
Presets that clip in the VFX Application, they will also overdrive the V-Machine’s DAC (digital
audio converter) resulting in distorted audio output.
2. It may be useful to also place a limiter plug‐in in the Main channel to protect against clipping!
Native VST GUI Mode – Displays the actual VST graphical user interface for the
selected plug‐in. All parameter adjustments are updated and displayed in the
V‐Machine Pane (Parameter name and Value area).
Parameter Grid Mode – Displays a grid table outlining all parameters for the se-
lected plug‐in. All parameter adjustments are updated and displayed in the
V‐Machine Pane (Parameter name and Value area).
To switch display modes select the drop down menu from the VFX Application
“View” menu and select your preferred option.
Quick Tips:
1. Click on any Plug‐in Slot Name area to update the Parameter Pane window.
2. Switch to Parameter grid view to access the plug‐in priority check list table. Priority plug‐in
parameters a moved to the top the plug‐in parameter list once synchronized to the V‐Machine
hardware. This is useful for keeping your favourite parameters readily accessible.
‘Load from Stick’ – Selecting the ‘Load from Stick’ function will open a file
browser where you can navigate to the mounted USB memory stick. Once se-
lected, the VFX Application will ask you if you really want to erase the current
V‐Machine configuration on your PC and replace it with the contents of the
memory stick. If you confirm the VFX Application will proceed to load the
full configuration from the stick.
‘Save to Stick’ – Selecting the ‘Save to Stick’ function will open a file browser
where you can navigate to the mounted USB memory stick. Once selected, the
VFX Application will ask you if you really want to erase the existing V‐Machine
configuration on the memory stick and replace it with what you have running
on the PC. If you confirm the VFX Application will proceed to save the full con-
figuration to the stick.
The V‐Machine hardware features a file management utility that can be accessed via the
Global System Settings Menu. It is possible to perform ‘Load from Stick’ and ‘Save to Stick’
function when a USB Memory stick is connected to V‐Machine.
The following use cases describe interactions between the V‐Machine and a user.
1. The Musician connects a USB MIDI Keyboard, a pair of Headphones and the
DC Adapter.
2. The Musician presses the power button.
3. The V‐Machine displays a progress bar during initialisation.
4. When initialisation is complete, the V‐Machine displays the name of default
selected Bank, Preset, Parameter and Parameter Value.
5. The Musician plays some notes on the USB MIDI Keyboard and hears the re-
sulting sound in Headphones.
6. The Musician explores the bundled Banks and Presets by pressing the cor-
responding next/previous buttons on the front panel. The displayed selected
Bank and selected Preset are updated accordingly and the resulting change in
sound can be heard in the Headphones.
7. The Musician settles on a Rhodes Piano Preset but decides that the sound is
too clean. Using the select Previous Parameter and select Next Parameter key-
pads the Musician finds the “Overdrive” parameter and presses Parameter Value
Up until he is satisfied with the sound. The V‐Machine updates the selected Pa-
rameter Value display accordingly.
8. The Musician decides they would like to be able to vary the “Overdrive” pa-
rameter during a performance by using one of the MIDI knobs on the USB MIDI
• Download the ‘VFX Memory Stick firmware update utility’ from the SM Pro
Audio website
• Run the ‘VFX Memory Stick firmware update utility’ on your computer
• The utility will request you insert a USB Memory Stick into an available USB
port on your computer
• The utility will erase all data stored on the USB Memory Stick and proceed to
copy the V‐Machine firmware to the USB Memory Stick
• The utility will advise when the process is complete
• Remove the USB Memory Stick from the computer and insert into an available
USB port on the V‐Machine
• Power up the V‐Machine
• The V‐Machine will recognise the new firmware and complete the firmware
upgrade process
• Download the ‘VFX firmware update utility’ from the SM Pro Audio website
• Power up the V‐Machine and connect to your computer via USB
• Run the VFX firmware update utility
• The utility will update the firmware on the V‐Machine and advise when complete
16. Limitations
• The V‐Machine is based on a custom operating system. VST plug‐ins are
intended to run on Microsoft’s Windows operating system. Some VST
plug‐ins may not function correctly or at all on the V‐Machine.
• Performance of the V‐Machine and the VFX Application may be limited by
the amount of RAM, non volatile memory, and CPU performance
• Display of VST custom GUIs may be limited in the VFX Application.
• Not all VST Plug‐ins can be loaded onto the V‐Machine by simply copying the
.DLL files to a USB stick. Some VST plug‐ins demand complex installation pro-
cedures. The V-Machine works best when VST plug‐ins are packaged as per the
VFX API. Support for plug‐ins utilizing custom installation procedures may be
limited or only supported in future updates of the VFX Application installation
• The USB‐MIDI protocol used for communication between the V‐Machine
and the VFX Application has inherent throughput limitations due to the
maximum packet size imposed by the standard. Copying large amounts of
data from the VFX Application to the V‐Machine may take some time. In
such cases using the USB Stick to transfer plugins may be faster.
18. Specifications
19. Warranty
The SM Pro Audio warranty covers all defects in material and workmanship for
a period of 12 months from the date of original purchase. This warranty does
not cover defects due to abuse, faulty connections or operation under other
than specified conditions. Warranty coverage is voided if the device is repaired
by unauthorized persons or tampered with in any way. SM Pro Audio reserves
the right to refuse all warranty claims if the product was not sold from an Aut-
horised Dealer to the respective end customer.
This warranty is limited to replacement or repair of the product. It does not
limit the customers’ rights according to the current product liability regulations
of the country where the product was purchased.
The warranty is only valid if the customer has registered the product via a valid
SM Pro Audio registration method as outlined below.
Postal registration – Print the PDF product warranty registration card included
on the “Getting Stated CD” and post to your closest SM Pro Audio distributor
as listed below.
The product warranty registration form will request such purchase details in-
cluding serial no., date of sale, Dealer name, as well as name and address of
the customer.
If a defect occurs during the warranty period, contact the point of purchase or
write an email to warranty@smproaudio.com.
The V‐Machine can only be returned once approval has been sought and the
following conditions are met:
1. The unit is returned in its original package.
2. A detailed description of the defect and a copy of the purchase receipt are
20. Trademarks
V‐Machine and Powered by VFX are trademarks of VFX Systems Pty Ltd,
ASIO and VST are trademarks of Steinberg Soft‐ und Hardware GmbH.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference,
and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interfe-
rence that may cause undesired operation.
Caution: Any changes or modifications in construction of this device with are not ex-
pressly approved by the party responsible for compliance, could void the user's authority
to operate equipment.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A di-
gital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reaso-
nable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a
commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential
area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct
the interference at his/her own expense. If necessary, consult an experienced radio/television
technician for additional suggestions.
Special Note: In the presence of electromagnetic interference, the V‐Machine may cease
to function. Cycle the power off and on to resume operation.
22. Correspondence
For technical support, warranty claims, and all other enquiries, please contact
your local SM Pro Audio distributor.
Contact details of all SM Pro Audio distributors list can be found online at