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1-Phase IM-2

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Split-phase motor induction motor

Electrical Machine-II

Dr. Shailendra K. Sharma

Department of Electrical Engineering
Shri G. S. Institute of Technology &
Science, Indore
Email: ssharma@sgsits.ac.in,  If an auxiliary winding of much fewer turns of smaller wire is
Ph.:0731-2582-216 placed at 90o electrical to the main winding, it can start a single

phase induction motor. 10/11/2022 2

Split-phase motor induction motor

Torque-Speed Characteristics
 With lower inductance and higher resistance, the current will
experience less phase shift than the main winding. About 30o
of phase difference may be obtained.

 This coil produces a moderate starting torque, which is

disconnected by a centrifugal switch at 3/4 of synchronous
speed. This simple (no capacitor) arrangement serves well for
motors up to 1/3 horsepower (250 watts) driving easily started
 The starting current of the motors is generally 7 to 8% of full
load current.
 The starting and pull-out torque of this type of motors are 1.5-
2.5% of the full-load torque at 75% 10/11/2022
of synchronous speed 3 10/11/2022 4

Single Phase Induction Motor Centrifugal Switch

Permanent-split capacitor motor

A motor with two windings main
and auxiliary windings. Squirrel
cage rotor
This type of motor has one X’m
capacitor connected in series with
the auxiliary winding Vm
permanently. R’m
This type of motor has no starting
It produces uniform torque and is
less noisy during operation 10/11/2022 5 10/11/2022 6


Main and Auxiliary windings

 Higher efficiency
 Higher pull out torque
 Higher power factor
 No centrifugal switch
 Low starting torque
 For continuous running, electrolytic capacitor can not be used
and paper capacitor of equivalent rating has large size and
costs more
10/11/2022 7 10/11/2022 8

Fans and blowers of Heaters
Compressor In Refrigerator

10/11/2022 9 10/11/2022 10

(a) At start s=1
Ex. A single phase, 120V, 60 Hz, four pole capacitor run
j 24 *(0.75  j1)
motor has the following equivalent circuit parameters: Zf  Z b 
j 24  (0.75  j1)
 0.69  j 0.98  1.254.850 

X1m= 2ohm, R1m=1.5 ohm, R2= 1.5 ohm, X1a=2 ohm, Also E f  Eb and E fa  Eba
R1a= 2.5 ohm, X2=2 ohm, Xm=48 ohm, running capacitor V 12000
Im    24.5  54 A
C=30 µF, turn ratio a= Na/Nm Z1m  Z f  Z b 1.5  j 2  2(0.69  j 0.98)
(a) Determine the total starting current and the starting Ia 

 1.4287.40 A
torque of the motor at rated voltage Z1a  jX c  a 2 ( Z f  Z b ) 2.5  j 2  j 88.4  2(0.69  j 0.98)
The starting current is
Is  24.5  54  1.4287.40  23.4  51.820 A
The starting torque is
2 I m I a ( R f  Rb ) sin( a   m ) 2(24.5)(1.42)2* 0.69 sin(87.4  54)
Ts    0.318 N .m
syn 1800* 2 / 60

10/11/2022 11 10/11/2022 12


Capacitor--start induction motor

 In capacitor start motor, a properly selected capacitor is used to
start a single phase induction motor and connected in series
with the auxiliary winding through centrifugal switch

 It is switched out by a centrifugal switch once the motor is up

to speed.
 The auxiliary winding with many more turns of heavier wire is
Vm used than in a resistance split-phase motor to mitigate excessive
temperature rise.

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 The result is that more starting torque is available for heavy 1-phase Capacitor start Induction Motor
loads like air conditioning compressors, pumps, refrigerators,
conveyors and others. This motor configuration works so well
that it is available in multi-horsepower (multi-kilowatt) sizes.

 The starting torque is 3-4.5 times the full load torque

 The starting torque can be varied by changing the selected


10/11/2022 15 10/11/2022 16

Compressor for Air Conditioner
Water Pumps

10/11/2022 17 10/11/2022 18


Conveyor Capacitor Start Capacitor Run Induction Motor

 A motor starting capacitor may be a double-anode

non-polar electrolytic capacitor which could be two
+ to + (or - to -) series connected polarized
electrolytic capacitors. Such AC rated electrolytic
capacitors have such high losses that they can only
be used for intermittent duty (1 second on, 60
seconds off) like motor starting. A capacitor for
motor running must not be of electrolytic
construction, but a lower loss polymer type.

10/11/2022 19 10/11/2022 20

Capacitor Start Capacitor Run Induction Motor

Ia Ia

0 0
Φ=90 V

IN Cs connected Cs disconnected
winding Run


10/11/2022 21 10/11/2022 22

Shaded Pole Induction Motor

Main windings
 Higher efficiency
and Shaded
 Adjustable pull out torque Pole winding at
the stator, while
 Higher power factor
shaded pole is
 Smooth running short circuited.
motors are used
 Cost is higher (Two different capacitors are required) for inexpensive

10/11/2022 23 10/11/2022 24


Shaded Pole Induction Motor

The close-up of the notch in the laminations and the extra

Photo of a ceiling fan motor, also shaded pole, but with six windings instead of
heavy winding of two turns creating the phase difference only one as seen above. The rotor laminations are skewed to provide smoother
between the two sections of the laminations, giving the torque.
magnetic field a directional motion.

10/11/2022 25 10/11/2022 26

Small Fan


N=0 N=Ns

 This type of motor is cheap, having low starting torque, low

power factor and low efficiency.
 It is used for small fans, advertising displays, toy motors, film
projectors, record players, hair dryers, photo-copying machines
and so on. 10/11/2022 27 10/11/2022 28

Toy Motor Film Projector

10/11/2022 29 10/11/2022 30


Record Player Hair Dryer

10/11/2022 31 10/11/2022 32

Series Motor-Universal Motors

Photo of a universal motor. It has brushes like a DC motor,

but will operate on AC or DC.
10/11/2022 33 10/11/2022 34

Series Motor-Universal Motors Universal Motors

 It is series-wound DC motors, but are designed for both AC and
DC operation
 Field flux and armature current both change their magnitude and
sign simultaneously, their product is always positive
 The torque produced by series motor is in the same direction for
each half cycle of AC and is pulsating
◦ typically operate at high speed (usually > 10,000 rpm)
◦ offer high power-to-weight ratio
◦ ideal for portable equipment such as hand drills and vacuum
 A series motor can be run from either DC or AC (single phase)
supply, provided both stator and rotor cores are laminated to
limit iron loss 10/11/2022 35 10/11/2022 36


With DC Excitation
Tinst  kd I a
If magnetic linearity is assumed
E=kd m
If magnetic linearity is assumed Tavg  kI 2a

T=k1 I 2 a Ea  kI a m
E=k1 I a m The electromagnetic power developed is
The torque speed relation indicates high torque at low speed Pmeach  Ea I a
and low torque at high speed The devloped torque can also be obtained as
T= a a

10/11/2022 37 10/11/2022 38

With AC Excitation
Tinst  iI
 I m sin tm sin t
 I mm sin 2  t
(1  cos 2 t)
 I m m
1 1 
Tavg   I mm  I m m cos 2 t 
2 2 
 I     
Tavg   m   m  
 2   2  
sin ce   i
Tavg  rms I rms
The Field Polarity Alternating With Armature Current Variation
Tavg  I 2 rms 10/11/2022 39 10/11/2022 40

jI a xa  jEt  jI a ( xa  jEt / I a )
Circuit Model of AC Series Motor for AC Operation
Et is caused by cross-flux whose origin is an aramture current.
Xf The two must be in phase.
 xat
Ra Ia
Va The net inductive emf in the armature circuit is,
V Xa jIa ( xat  xa )  jI a X a where X a  xa  xat
The torque developed is pulsating in nature with an average value
Eb and predominant second component. The average torque is given by
E a Ia
Tav =
 The net emf induced in the armature is the sum of the
being a series motor, E a is proportinal to square of armature current,
transformer emf and that due to leakage inductance and given which becomes directly proportinal at high armature current, because
by 10/11/2022 41 of saturation. 10/11/2022 42


Phasor Diagram DC Versus AC Excitation

If it is assumed that the armature current for dc excitation
and the rms value of the armature current for ac excitation
are the same, the ratio of the back emf's is
E a(dc) kd ( dc ) m ( dc ) m ( dc )
 
Ea ( ac ) kd 9 dc ) m ( ac ) m ( ac )

Note that if magnetic saturation occurs with ac excitaiton,

d ( ac ) will be slightly less than d ( dc ) . Now

10/11/2022 43 10/11/2022 44

E a(dc) V  I a ( R f  Ra ) Performance Characteristic of Series Motor For AC Operation

Ea ( ac ) V cos   I a ( R f  Ra )
1-(I a / V )( R f  Ra )
cos   ( I a / V )( R f  Ra )
sin ce ( I a / V )( R f  Ra ) = 1,
E a(dc) 1

Ea ( ac ) cos 

10/11/2022 45 10/11/2022 46

1. S K Bhattacharya “Electrical machines” New Delhi : Tata McGraw-Hill Pub.
Co. Ltd., ©2009.
2. Mohamed Abdus Salam “Fundamentals of electrical machines” Oxford Alpha
Science 2005
3. M.G. Say, "Alternating Current Machines" Fifth Edition. London: Pitman
4. R. Krishnan, “Electric Motor drives : Modeling, analysis and control,”
Pearson education India, 2003.
5. G. K. Dubey, “Power Semiconductor Controlled Drives” Prentice Hall, New
Jersey, 1989.
6. P. C. Sen, “Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics,” 2nd
edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1997

10/11/2022 47

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