Rage of Elements
Rage of Elements
Rage of Elements
Brave the Elements!
Blaze like the sun! Crash like the waves! Rumble like a rockslide! Rage of
Elements introduces the kineticist class, gifted with an amazing command over
the elements. New spells and items within also provide elemental magic options
for all character classes. Explore the majestic Elemental Planes, including
two new ones: the wondrous, decaying Plane of Metal and the vast, orderly
forests of the Plane of Wood! On top of all this comes a horde of new monsters
from all six Elemental Planes, ready to battle adventurers or be summoned by
them. Step through a portal to adventure and harness the primordial power
of nature with Rage of Elements!
Rage of Elements
Logan Bonner, Sen H.H.S., and Jessica Redekop
Jason Bulmahn, James Case, Jessica Catalan,
Table of Contents
Andrew D. Geels, Patrick Hurley, Jason Keeley,
Luis Loza, Mark Moreland, Jonathan Morgantini,
AJ Neuro, Solomon St. John, Michael Sayre,
Mark Seifter, Shahreena Shahrani, Shay Snow, Introduction: Elementary Truths 4
Levi Steadman, Mari Tokuda, Ruvaid Virk,
Andrew White, and Linda Zayas-Palmer
DESIGN LEAD Kineticist Class.........................................12 Talos Geniekin.........................................50
Logan Bonner
Elemental Impulses............................... 24 Elemental Barbarian Instinct.............. 54
Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, James Case, and Elemental Allies...................................... 38 Elemental Spell Changes...................... 55
Michael Sayre Elemental Backgrounds........................ 44 Elementalist Archetypes...................... 56
ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT Ardande Geniekin................................... 46
Dustin Knight, Jenny Jarzabski, K. Tessa Newton,
and Chris S. Sims
Solomon St. John Shifting with the Breeze....................... 63 Air Items....................................................74
EDITORS Elemental Lords......................................68 Air Creatures............................................ 78
Patrick Hurley, Avi Kool, Ianara Natividad, Air Spells................................................... 70
Solomon St. John, and Simone D. Sallé
Wayne Reynolds
The Embrace of Abundance................ 87 Earth Items..............................................98
Yanis Cardin, Zach Causey, Oleksii Chernik,
Elemental Lords......................................92 Earth Creatures..................................... 102
Biagio d’Alessandro, Matsya Das, Earth Spells.............................................. 94
Wilmar Ballespí Escarp, Ivan Koritarev,
Ksenia Kozhevnikova, Lucas Melo,
Alexander Nanitchkov, Arthur Oliveira, FIRE110
Mirco Paganessi, Wayne Reynolds, Riccardo Rullo, Passionate Intensity..............................111 Fire Items................................................ 122
Daniele Sorrentino, and Jessé Suursoo
Elemental Lords..................................... 116 Fire Creatures........................................ 126
Sonja Morris Fire Spells................................................ 118
James Jacobs and Luis Loza
Glenn Elliott
Erik Mona
Paizo Inc.
7120 185th Ave NE, Ste 120
Redmond, WA 98052-0577
Rage of Elements
Greatness in Decline..........135 Metal Items.......................... 146
This book refers to several other Pathfinder
Elemental Lords.................. 140 Metal Creatures.................. 150
products; however, these additional supplements
Metal Spells.......................... 142
are not required to make use of this book.
Readers interested in references to Pathfinder
WATER164 hardcovers can find the complete rules of these
Drops Joining in the Sea... 165 Water Items........................176 books available for free at paizo.com/prd.
Elemental Lords.................170 Water Creatures................ 180
Water Spells........................172 LOCG Lost Omens Character Guide
LOGM Lost Omens Gods & Magic
WOOD188 LOWG Lost Omens World Guide
SOM Secrets of Magic
Arts of the Ingrained......... 189 Wood Items......................... 200
TV Treasure Vault
Elemental Lords.................. 194 Wood Creatures................. 204
Wood Spells......................... 196 Updated Rules
The rules in this book are fully updated to work
CHURN OF ELEMENTS 218 with Player Core, GM Core, and Monster Core. If
Churn of Elements............219 Hybrid Element Items.....224 you’re using the Core Rulebook, Bestiary, and
Hybrid Element Spells.....222 Genie....................................226 other older books, please note the following
changes. You can find a preview document with
APPENDIX228 the full details at paizo.com/corepreview.
Alignment has been removed. Followers of
Spell List.............................228 Creatures by Level...........234
some deities can commit to being holy or unholy.
Ability Glossary................232 Attribute modifiers function like ability
modifiers. Ability scores have been removed.
Glossary & Index 235 Components for spells and item activations
are replaced with the relevant traits.
Elemental scamps have replaced mephits.
Genies have been reimagined to better match
folklore. In this book are janns of all elements,
jaathooms of air, jabalis of earth, ifrits of fire, and
faydhaans of water. The ifrit geniekin are now
known as naari. New genies of metal (zuhras)
and wood (kizidhars) also make their debut.
Languages of elemental planes have changed
to Susurran (air), Petran (earth), Pyric (fire), and
Thalassic (water).
Off-guard was formerly known as flat-footed.
Munsahirs have replaced azers (page 131).
Planes include some new names (page 8).
Reactive Strike functions like Attack of
Opportunity, but with a more descriptive name.
Spell rank replaced “spell level” for a clearer
distinction from the level of characters and items.
Spell schools are no longer a part of the
game, though illusions still follow special rules.
Vitality and void replace positive and
negative traits and damage.
Wish is now a ritual, not a 10th-level spell.
Close your eyes and imagine a magician drawing upon possess a unique ability to look into any plane they fancy
ancient forces and casting a spell, bringing magic into the and find a facet of themselves reflected back, a sort of
world. What spell do they cast? When you think of magic, universal empathy.
what do you see? Conjured torrents, exploding fireballs, If you journey across the Elemental Planes, I believe you
pillars of stone—these spells, by my estimation, are too will discover much about yourself, as well.
precisely the sort that never stray far from our minds. The
elements are quite inseparable from magic and, indeed, Fundamentals
from all life. Our reality could never exist without them; A truth you would do well to remember is this: an element’s
there would be no water in the creeks, no forests of trees, nature is foundational. An element can be imagined (if you
no sun shining in the sky if the elements had not been would indulge me in imagining again) as a child’s building
shaped into being at the dawn of creation. block toy. It is a primordial force, a discrete piece of the
For me, exploring the Elemental Planes shares much in multiverse, applied in combination with other pieces to
common with exploring different parts of my personality. form everything we know in the Universe.
I am a jann, a genie of the Universe who embodies all the It must be clarified early, however, lest you are led to
elements simultaneously. They infuse my form, shaping wrong conclusions, that a material object constructed
my mind and body, and I can find aspects of myself within using a solitary element is not by nature simple or poor.
all of them. When I visit the Plane of Fire, I rediscover One element is fully capable of building upon itself alone
my passion and warmth. When I sail across the Plane to create any number of intriguing elemental structures,
of Water, I chart the vastness of my own heart. So too it the likes of which are found across the Inner Sphere. The
must be for mortals, I think, who I’ve always imagined upper limit on constructions composed from a singular
element is not in complexity or power or worthiness, gods, whose names even she did not remember, once reigned
but rather in the quantity of potential combinations. It over the vast emptiness that was everywhere before creation.
is in this way, in the arena of variety, the Universe rules According to the old tales, it was in this emptiness that the
supreme over all others, for it is home to infinite diversity gods harnessed unfathomed potential, separating it into the INTRODUCTION
and endless combinations. elements. No sooner did they sort them than they began ELEMENTAL
blending those elements together, making their dreams into CHARACTERS
ELEMENTAL AFFINITIES reality—not unlike using paints on a canvas. This was the
Think of each element as a friend, each with their own first act of creation to ever take place.
unique strengths and peculiarities. Examples of each As Grandmother went on to describe the elements, EARTH
element’s character abound, easily observed across the I was shocked to learn that when the world began, they
Elemental Planes and in the power wielded by elementalist were six in number. Although two of these were gone
spellcasters. A brief primer on the six elements follows, but before the Universe was formed, in the beginning the old METAL
there is much more that can be learned, and many secrets gods created six elements, each housed in its own plane WATER
waiting to be discovered. of existence: the Planes of Air, Earth, Fire, Metal, Water,
Air: Adrift among the Elemental Cycle, air possesses a and Wood. As my grandmother noted, not without a hint WOOD
breezy aura of defiance. It’s frenetic and excitable, suited of sadness, this fundamental truth of our understanding CHURN OF
to creating sudden bursts of energy that leave nothing of the elements, of our very being, excludes the power of ELEMENTS
behind, though air magic can also be unpredictable. Like metal and wood.
the elemental lord Hshurha, air is also invisible, and often As the elements and their planes took shape, the
used when an elementalist hopes their efforts can pass forgotten gods realized that they needed caretakers, GLOSSARY
unnoticed. embodiments of the elements’ raw potential. And so the & INDEX
Earth: Earth is methodical, reliable, and steadfast, but elemental lords were made, two born of each element. The
some criticize its slow pace and focus on contemplation elemental lords existed for eons in equilibrium, perfectly
over action. It is life-giving and nurturing, making it an balanced against one another, each agenda matched, and
excellent choice for protection magic or spells to support each passion countered by an equal opposite.
and empower what strengths a target already has. Grandmother spoke of this time almost wistfully,
Fire: Passionate but not always rageful, fire burns with as if this idyllic balance was a paradise long lost. When
intensity but quickly devours its fuel, left smoldering mortality was born, eons of balance were undone in the
thereafter as it struggles not to go out. In addition to its first moments of frenzied creation.
destructive potential, fire is warm and joyful, and like the When the First World and the Universe blossomed and
elemental lord Atreia, fire can be illuminating, revealing mortal life flourished, imbalance seeped out and cascaded
hidden intentions and banishing away frightful shadows. across reality. These mortals anthropomorphized the
Metal: Metal is a melancholic element. It carries a sense elements and projected imagined ideas of morality onto
of finality with it, like a play whose sad ending is clear them, interpreting some aspects of an element to be good,
from the opening scene. Metal never destroys with speed or and others evil. Over the eons, the elemental lords changed
passion; instead, it brings gradual but ensured destruction, as well in accordance with mortality’s vision. They were
like a rusty hinge that eventually becomes stuck. shaped by those who viewed them and became what they
Water: As you’ve no doubt felt while sitting by a quiet were imagined to be.
pond, water can be soothing and peaceful, and is suited Ymeri, fiery lord of heat and smoke, became malevolent
to magics that slowly bring stillness and calm. Of course, and jealous as the mortals found her smoke and heat
water can also channel the great ferocity of the tsunami disagreeable. Meanwhile, Atreia, the lord of purification
and reshape terrain with rivers and waterfalls. It’s a fluid and radiance, was generous and kind to the Universe. The
element, highly mutable and able to shift and change to lords also began to bicker between themselves, blaming
take on the form of any vessel. each other for the evils their gifts enabled. Lysianassa
Wood: Purifying and always growing, wood is an became cross with Atreia and Ymeri, blaming the Lords
element of spring storms and rising tempers. In the of Fire for allowing mortals to commit arson, while
Elemental Cycle, wood feeds into fire, providing the fuel Ranginori held Ferrumnestra and Laudinmio responsible
that stokes great infernos. Elemental wood is a bountiful for metal shaped into blades by mortal hands.
source of energy, perpetually replenishing its reserves, and
can burrow through any barrier with ease. THE CONSPIRATORS’ REIGN
Animosity festered and the benevolent lords grew
History of the increasingly divided. Grandmother’s voice would grow
Elemental Planes hushed as she recounted Kelizandri’s Conspiracy. The
When I was a little girl, my grandmother often told stories malevolent lords of air, earth, fire, and water joined forces
about the multiverse and my place within it, and in these and imprisoned their counterparts, sealing them away and
tales, the Elemental Planes always came first. Long‑forgotten ruling their respective planes uncontested. This shifted the
INTRODUCTORY NOTE All Winds. He was attempting to interfere with a group
The book you hold presents my understanding of the called the Pathfinder Society (important on the planet
elements and Elemental Planes, as much as it can Golarion) as they attempted to free her long-imprisoned
be conveyed in writing. As I am well versed in the rival, Ranginori. Ironic, perhaps, that her manifestations
elements as a whole, but not each on its own merits, I of misdirected rage forced the Concordance to collaborate
have acquired texts from experts on the six individual with the Pathfinder Society instead. Had their joint efforts
elements, which you will find bound in this collection. failed, Ashasar would be remembered in history as the one
I will return to describe the Churn of Elements at the who led to the Concordance’s downfall.
end, the little-explored combinations of elemental Instead, after untold eons, in the year 4718 of the
magic and zones where the planes intersect. Universe’s Absalom Reckoning calendar, the Lord of Air
was freed.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR In the five years since, through great effort, the other
Aziza Amani al-Fasih was imprisoned lords have been liberated as well. This shift
born in the Universe in the balance of the Inner Sphere led to the unexpected
to a family of avid jann return of the Planes of Metal and Wood, shaken loose
travelers. She delights in like tangled ribbons by the recent planar upheavals.
tours of the Inner Sphere and We knew the Inner Sphere as ancient and steady, but it
especially in sharing her favorite appears, in truth, that it was merely stagnant. With a new
spots with the many new friends balance returned, much has changed on the Elemental
she meets along her journeys. Her best Planes. Ayrzul, Hshurha, Kelizandri, and Ymeri had
travel tip is to never be cheap with accustomed themselves to uncontested rulership of their
your luggage! A solid, waterproof respective planes, but with the return of their benevolent
trunk with flame-resistant runes counterparts, and with two more planes to contend with,
is essential for enjoying any tour their territories are unsteady and likely to change rapidly
through the elemental planes. now that what was lost has been restored.
Planar Basics
balance. As the malevolent lords of the conspiracy grew A plane is its own reality, self-sufficient and self-contained,
in power and influence, the lords of metal and wood were with its own fundamental laws to govern it. Traits one
weakened, and their planes shrunk and receded until they could take for granted on Golarion, such as the presence
slipped away between the cracks of the Inner Sphere, of gravity or the linear progression of time, are features of
seeming to disappear entirely. the Universe not necessarily shared by the other planes.
Mortal life continued to prosper. The power of the Scholars of the Universe call everything beyond its bounds
surviving elemental lords multiplied, while the imprisoned The Great Beyond.
good lords and the lost Elemental Planes were all but The Great Beyond can be subdivided into two nested
forgotten, secrets alluded to only in the most obscure halves, the Inner Sphere and the Outer Sphere; as their
ancient texts. It was these old texts that found their way names might suggest, the Inner Sphere lays nested within the
into my grandmother’s tales. I am sad that she did not live outer. The planes within it are those of material substance
to see the change that was about to happen next. and fundamental forces. The Outer Sphere is filled with
angels and demons and all manner of other creatures of
THE LORDS RETURN concept, thought, and soul, but it’s the Inner Sphere we are
Across the many planes of existence, the secret of the primarily concerned with at present. The Inner Sphere is
imprisoned elemental lords was safeguarded against those rather like an onion, comprised of many layers all within
who hoped to wipe it from history. In truth, there were each other. The innermost world, found at the center of it
secretive cabals dedicated to preserving this knowledge, all like a pit in the middle of a fruit, is the Universe, where
so that it might one day be used to restore the balance. Golarion resides. Surrounding this pit are the planes of
The Concordance of Elements was one such group, an relevance to our current topic: the Elemental Planes.
ancient extraplanar organization dedicated to studying First is the Plane of Air, which lays next to the
the multiverse and correcting planar imbalances (detailed Universe, followed in sequence by the Planes of Wood,
in my supplemental materials; see A New Explorer’s Water, Metal, Earth, and finally the Plane of Fire as the
Primer, page 7). outermost layer of the sphere. I’ve included a diagram for
In the interest of avoiding undue conflict, the your reference which I hope you will find helpful. You
Concordance by matter of policy avoided interference in will note the planes of wood and metal are not full shells
the business of the elemental lords. That is, until a scant or layers like the others. They burst back into being but
few years ago. Ashasar, liaison of Balance, unwittingly now appear to be growing slowly, not yet at their true
sparked the ire of Hshurha, the tempestuous Duchess of blossom, which may come eons from now.
The Elemental Planes are wondrous destinations worthy
of study and exploration. I have provided a summary of THE CONCORDANCE
the six Elemental Planes, and what you might expect to Long ago, representatives of air, earth, fire, and INTRODUCTION
find when you journey to them, below. water saw that the elements were lesser without ELEMENTAL
The Plane of Air might look empty, but the clouds one another, and sought an accord. They dubbed CHARACTERS
and clear skies that fill it are all made of air. Asteroids of themselves the Concordance of Elements and
rock and ice, formed where Air’s borders thin, frequently declared it their quest to preserve the balance among
become the sites of planar settlements. The Plane of Air the four. A council of scholars, each tied to one EARTH
is inhabited by air elementals, mighty cloud dragons, air element, would provide leadership. Yet they needed
scamps, and the empire of jaathoom genies, in addition to a tiebreaker, so a fifth position joined the Seats of
the two elemental lords of Air, Hshurha and Ranginori. Air, Earth, Fire, and Water: the Seat of Balance, to METAL
Further reading on page 62. represent unity. The Cycle of Five ponder and reflect WATER
The Plane of Earth is a great, rocky shell, riddled with from their fortress of Pentaskelion. The Concordance
caverns and cave systems. Untold riches hide within the divides history into periods presided over by a WOOD
plane, alongside ancient vaults, crystalline geodes, and newly chosen Cycle. As the Cycle of Five prepares CHURN OF
vast underground oceans. Elementals, jabali genies, crystal to become Seven, and Pentaskelion is renovated into ELEMENTS
dragons, earth scamps, and ancient xiomorns call the Septaskelion, the Concordance is abuzz with the
Plane of Earth their home, and you can also find here vibrant energy of change.
the domains of the elemental lords of earth, Ayrzul and GLOSSARY
Sairazul. Further reading on page 86. AETHER AND VOID, BRIEFLY & INDEX
The Plane of Fire is a beautiful place filled with warmth You may have heard many a scholarly debate around
and radiance, but for an unprepared visitor, its fiery seas the “elements” of aether and void. Contentious topics,
and skies of smoke and cinder can make it one of the they’re regarded as elements in certain quarters.
most hostile planes in the multiverse. The ifrit genies and Aether is the spiritual made to resemble the
the munsahirs had the two most powerful empires on the physical through elemental energies. Occult scholars
Plane of Fire, but fire scamps, elementals, and magma dub it an element. In the form of “quintessence,” its
dragons also live here. Since Atreia’s return, the Lambent name even means “fifth element”! But this force is
King has been locked in war against Ymeri, the other no more an element than salt or bone. Elemental
Lord of Fire, for control of the plane. Further reading energy allows aether to act in the ways it does, but
on page 110. the presence of an elemental influence does not an
The Plane of Metal is unpredictable and constantly element make. Aether is the spiritual, or ethereal,
shifting, filled with magnetic fields, mercury rivers, clouds essence found on the Ethereal Plane, transfigured
of iron and rust, and towering, spiky needles that shoot via elemental energies into a form that allows it to
up into the sky and catch the lightning. The realms of act upon physical objects, impart physical forces,
Ferrumnestra and Laudinmio are found on this plane, or even mimic matter itself to form the body of a
alongside the lairs of planar dragons and cities where metaphysical being. It’s the reason force can act at a
zuhra genies, metal elementals, and metal scamps live. distance through so-called “telekinesis,” as well as the
Further reading on page 134. answer to what makes “force” magic different than
The Plane of Water is an endless expanse of ocean, magic that bludgeons, affects gravity, or otherwise
illuminated by its borders with the Plane of Air and acts upon fundamental forces.
plunged into bottomless darkness where it draws too Void is considered an element only in certain circles,
close to the Plane of Earth. Brine dragons control massive, including the empire of Minkai. It is a force—or maybe
corroded territories, including the domain of the Brackish the reverse of a force—coming from its namesake plane,
Emperor himself, the Lord of Water Kelizandri. Water The Void. Often considered a force of destruction, its
scamps, water elementals, and faydhaan genies also live on role in elemental philosophy is as a force that creates
the Plane of Water, alongside the returned Lord of Water, emptiness. To Minkaian elemental philosophy, space
Lysianassa. Further reading on page 164. and emptiness are essential to make room for creation
The Plane of Wood is an eternal forest, filled with trees by other elements and creativity. Without destruction,
whose branches give way to the trunks of ever smaller we could not understand creation itself! Scholars
trees. The plane is vibrant with plant life, and beautiful obsessed with parallelism wish to prove the existence
petal storms pass through the air. The plane is inhabited of a similar element linked to Creation’s Forge, the
by wood elementals, forest dragons, wood scamps, and the generative plane. There’s no clear evidence to support
Glowing Infinity of the kizidhar genies, in addition to the or deny this theory either way. Still, given how long
elemental lords of Wood, Shumunue and Verilorn. Further we managed to lose multiple elemental planes, we
reading on page 188. shall have to keep our minds open.
Plane of Fire
Plane of Metal
The Outer Rifts
Plane of Wood
The Universe
The Maelstrom
Plane of Air Astral Plane Abaddon
Plane of Water Nirvana
Plane of Earth Inner Sphere
The Void Axis
The Universe
First World
Ethereal Plane
TRAVELING BETWEEN THE ELEMENTS (A note: Please understand this elemental cycle is not
From the Universe, a hopeful traveler can reach the the same as the term “Cycle of Five” long used by the
Elemental Planes by locating a portal or by way of magic. Concordance of Elements. So many of my discussions with
Portals can often be found in places where the element is their representatives went askew due to misunderstandings
particularly concentrated, such as volcanoes with portals over these two phrases!)
to the Plane of Fire, but these sites are often terribly The cycle has two major modes of action: feeding and
dangerous. Magic, for those capable, can be both safe and countering. Feeding is the natural flow and change of
reliable, though one must always be cautious of where energy, how one element becomes another. Think of it as
upon the elemental plane their magic transports them. the elements acting as one another’s sustenance, ensuring all
As the Elemental Planes form layers stacked upon each elements will always exist. You can see from the outer circle
other within the Inner Sphere, each plane has regions in the diagram (page 9) that wood feeds fire, fire feeds earth,
where it borders the plane next to it. In these border earth feeds metal, metal feeds water, and water feeds wood.
regions, the character of one plane is influenced by the Countering—more accurately counterbalancing—is
element of another, and travel between the two becomes how elements keep each other in check to prevent one from
possible simply by walking, swimming, or flying. completely devouring or depleting another. It’s as though
the cycle experiences hunger. If you need sustenance, you
The Elemental Cycle feel hungry. Once you have eaten enough, the hunger stops.
Elemental energy does not stagnate within the confines The countering cycle appears in the middle of the diagram.
of each lonely plane. Rather, the energy flows in and Wood counters earth, earth counters water, water counters
out in a predictable sequence. The volume of this flow is fire, fire counters metal, and metal counters wood.
constant and self-regulating, and any disruption has great Barring interference from the elemental lords
implications. Bolstered regions see a spike in vitality and or powers even greater, the planes keep the energy
activity, while others weaken. In the extreme, a disruption circulating uniformly. If an imbalance does occur, these
in the flow can cut off entire planes, as appears to have two mechanisms go into overdrive or stagnate until the
been the case with the Planes of Metal and Wood. balance is restored. There are rare instances where reverse
feeding and reverse countering happen, though the energy INTERNAL ELEMENTS
involved makes the phenomenon brief and limited in scale. In comparison to treating elements as external sources
of power, other philosophies see elements as an internal
THE ROLE OF AIR aspect of the body or a combination of internal INTRODUCTION
Air, though not mentioned in the feeding and and external. Minkai elementalism, for instance, ELEMENTAL
countering mechanism, is still integral. When draws attention not only to what makes up CHARACTERS
energy from elements of the cycle mix and take the physical world, but also classifies the
on a non-solid form, that becomes air. observing mind and emptying force
Which is to say, air is always feeding of the void as elements. Elemental EARTH
and being fed—plus countering and philosophy of Vudra, meanwhile,
being countered—by the five other Counter focuses on the elements as parts of
elements. Some go so far as to say the mortal body. If one can attune METAL
that the Plane of Air is, in a way, the their aether, air, earth, fire, and water WATER
immaterial counterpart to the Universe. levels to a perfect balance, they achieve
To an extent, the existence of the perfection, and thus immortality and WOOD
Plane of Air ensures that even if the flow Feed enlightenment. CHURN OF
is completely severed, all Elemental Planes ELEMENTS
can continue to exist and function—if a FOCUS ON CYCLES APPENDIX
little diminished. This was likely how the For the aforementioned philosophies, the
closure of the Planes of Metal and Wood did elements are distinct, either as equals or GLOSSARY
not result in catastrophe, but rather settled in a particular order of importance. The & INDEX
into a new equilibrium. elemental philosophies of the Successor
States of Tian Xia are a great contrast to this
SPARSE SOURCES way of thinking, as not only do they keep
Most of Golarion’s knowledge of the elemental the elements of the wood and metal despite
cycle comes from the holy scriptures of the Tian their lack of potency in recent years, but they
deity Qi Zhong. The God of Medicine’s sacred also place emphasis on the cycle of the elements
manuals contextualize the cycle in nature, being a blueprint for how the world naturally
medicine, and even philosophies. Outside these functions. Early Shory elementalism is similar, in
documents, sources are sparse—a handful of that they heavily studied how the two elements of
ancient records engraved on wood and metal air—that which is free—and earth—that which
that contain detailed descriptions of the cycle. is anchored—can transform or gain properties
Sadly, these are incomplete, as much of the of one another through various processes such
original texts have decomposed or rusted away. as condensation, erosion, magnetism, or
It’s little surprise, then, that few outside Tian sedimentation. In both of these cases, these
Xia have an understanding of these elements. understandings of the elements have led
to great breakthroughs, such as the cycle’s
Elemental application to medicine and herbology in
Philosophies Tian Xia, and the Shory Empire’s Aeromantic
Depending on where cultures place their emphasis, Infadibulum.
their elemental theories may differ in everything
from the number of elements they have to the MORE OBSCURE PHILOSOPHIES
interaction and relation of the elements to These are only a few of the elemental
each other. philosophies, of course. There are many
more that I am only now reading up
FOUR ELEMENTS OF THE on, such as the elven tripartite of
INNER SEA earth, water, and wood in relation
In the Inner Sea region, they saw four to the livability of a habitat; or dwarven
elements as components of magic: the elementalism of sky, stone, and metal, which
accessible forces of air, earth, fire, and water. is said to have tied into their efforts to reach
The few hints of elemental wood and metal get the surface. Goblin elementalism recently caught
little notice, and most of the aspects of wood are my eye as well, as their elements can seemingly be
instead attributed to the nature of the Universe or the any eight to ten nouns, with a hierarchy based on the
First World. Metal, on the other hand, is preserved as subjective necessity of said noun for an individual. More
a concept in alchemy, divided into the sub-elements of often than not, sleep, food, drinks, and fire end up being
sulfur, mercury, and salt. the most significant.
The elements manifest in the Universe without lives of their own, yet they sustain life and help it come to be in minor
ways throughout all the world. Fascinating are the many wild ways creatures become closer to natives of the elemental INTRODUCTION
planes. Eyes might blaze. Metal veins can spread over the skin like a map. And then, of course, there are the kineticists... ELEMENTAL
Kineticist Class
Oh, how I wish I could be a kineticist! To have the most
Elemental matter blasts from a magical direct channel to an element, and to feel its presence Elemental
gate within every kineticist. Shaping in its purest form. The kinetic gate, as pioneering
these elements into magical impulses, Elemental
kineticists call it, links a person to an elemental plane, Backgrounds
a kineticist can fight nonstop with making them a perfect conduit to call forth the majesty
wild elemental magic. Kineticists can Ardande
of that element in its purest form. How this happens, Geniekin
specialize in one element or grow into
many, increasing their command over the fury we don’t know. Is it even the same from one kineticist Talos Geniekin
of the elemental planes as they do. to another? Elemental
What we do know is that visualizing this gate helps a Instinct
kineticist to limit and expand the flow of elemental energy Elemental Spell
and matter—and to close and open it, at the extremes.
YOON Elemental
Yoon has known adventure since she Understanding and self-image seem to be crucial in Archetypes
was only a kid. Though she’s now kinetic shaping. Signatures aren’t rote as those seen in AIR
grown up, she still brings an energetic formal spellcasting, but strongly individualized. Elements
(if hasty) attitude, a battered stuffie in a kinetic aura might look like simple fragments, form EARTH
named Gom-Gom, and fire! fire! fire!
shapes like animals, blur in intricate patterns, or even FIRE
After achieving her life goal—reaching
her father’s homeland of Hwanggot—Yoon coalesce into shifting words. Having observed meetings
has set her sights on the next horizon. of kineticists, they seem fascinated to see how others’
elements manifest. Those who form close bonds have WATER
even witnessed their elemental manifestations growing WOOD
CHARACTER OPTIONS more similar to one another.
In addition to the kineticist class, you’ll find these new Kineticists of metal and wood began showing up CHURN OF
recently in high numbers. The planes’ magic surges! ELEMENTS
character options in Chapter 1.
• Elemental allies (page 38) include elemental How exciting to welcome these newcomers. I must note APPENDIX
eidolons, animal companions, and familiars. that a small few kineticists have been tapping gates to
• Elemental backgrounds (page 44) tie a character’s these planes for a long time, especially those from Tian
backstory to the elements. Xia who had the tools to understand the powers of
• Ardande (page 46) geniekin are linked to the Plane metal and wood. Kineticists often find their powers at
of Wood. They have an innate connection to wood a young age, but now, even older people feel elements
and plants but aren’t plant creatures themselves. springing to life. For this, we can thank the opening
• Talos (page 50) geniekin are linked to the Plane of of the two lost planes and the great changes in the
Metal. They typically have metal growing naturally elemental order.
as part of their bodies. Kinetic impulses, as they’ve been dubbed, can
• An elemental instinct (page 54) gives a barbarian a be fleeting, yet kineticists who set their mind to a
literal rage of elements. task can create great works of art, architecture, and
• Elemental spell changes (page 55) update several craftsmanship with their elements. A hut built slowly,
spells from Secrets of Magic to use the two new stone by stone. Cascading waterfalls of colorful fire.
elements and provide updates for the elemental A miniature city of fine metal frames and wooden
spell list the elementalist uses. inlay. It’s easy to assume kinetic magic is a flash and
• Elemental archetypes include the kineticist then nothing, but discipline and heart show that to be
multiclass archetype (page 57), which allows reductive. I count among my treasures a number of fine
characters of other classes to tap into some kinetic souvenirs given by my kineticist acquaintances, crafted
magic. An updated and expanded elementalist class from and by their heart.
archetype (page 58) allows an elementalist to use What’s to come from our kineticist friends? I’m eager
either the four elements of Inner Sea elementalism to see. May they all flourish, and may they find one
or the five elements of the elemental cycle. This another. Those of us who study the elements can help
archetype originally appeared in Secrets of Magic. them, but we must understand... they have much more
Page 56 covers the rules of how archetypes work. to teach us than what we can teach them.
The power of the elements flows from within you. Roaring fire, pure water, fleeting air, steadfast
earth, twisting wood, slicing metal. A kinetic gate inextricably tied to your body channels INTRODUCTION
power directly from the elemental planes, causing elements to leap to your hand, whirl around ELEMENTAL
your body, and blast foes at your whim. As your connection to the planes grows, you attain true CHARACTERS
mastery over your chosen elements. Kineticist Class
KEY ATTRIBUTE HIT POINTS At 1st level, you gain the listed Elemental
CONSTITUTION 8 plus your Constitution modifier proficiency ranks in the following Ardande
At 1st level, your class gives you an You increase your maximum number statistics. You’re untrained in anything Geniekin
attribute boost to Constitution. of HP by this number at 1st level and not listed unless you gain a better Talos Geniekin
every level thereafter. proficiency rank in some other way. Elemental
PERCEPTION Elemental Spell
DURING COMBAT ENCOUNTERS... Trained in Perception Elemental
Elemental magic surges from you throughout the fight. Without any restrictions Archetypes
on how often you can use your abilities, you become a reliable slinger of SAVING THROWS AIR
magic. You can develop powers you can use in a variety of situations... or you Expert in Fortitude
can choose just a few favorite attacks you use repeatedly. Expert in Reflex EARTH
Trained in Will FIRE
The elements you channel might guide or even influence how you carry SKILLS
yourself in social situations. You might leap to anger like a raging fire, stand Trained in Nature WATER
your ground as solid as a mountain, keep your motives elusive as the wind, Trained in a number of additional skills WOOD
go with the flow like water, make cutting remarks sharp as metal, or exhibit equal to 3 plus your Intelligence
the slow patience of the forest. modifier CHURN OF
Your innate connection to the elements hones your awareness of the natural Trained in simple weapons
world. In an environment full of an element you can channel, you’re Trained in unarmed attacks
unparalleled, with the ability to repeatedly manipulate the element around you.
IN DOWNTIME... Trained in light armor
You could commune with the elements or practice your control over your Trained in unarmored defense
kineticist powers. Through retraining, you can realign the flow of your kinetic
gate to perfect different manifestations of your element. CLASS DC
Trained in kineticist class DC
• Have a conflicted relationship with the kinetic gate that fuels your
kineticist magic, possibly because it manifested at a traumatic point in
your past.
• Struggle with controlling and understanding your elemental powers.
• Form a kinship with elemental creatures or feel at home in areas strong
with your element.
• Find your ability to keep calling on more and more elemental power truly
• Defer to you in all matters related to your element, from the smallest tasks
to the politics of the elemental planes.
• Worry you’ll consume yourself with elemental magic or lose control of its
primal forces.
our Level
Y Class Features As a kineticist, you’ve awakened or opened a kinetic
1 Ancestry and background, attribute boosts, gate, a supernatural conduit within your body that can
initial proficiencies, kinetic gate, kinetic aura, channel elemental forces straight from the elemental
impulses (Elemental Blast, Base Kinesis), planes. You can choose either a single gate (one element)
kineticist feat or dual gate (two elements) at 1st level.
2 Kineticist feat, skill feat When selecting an element for your kinetic gate, you
3 Extract Element, general feat, skill increase, can pick from six elements—air, earth, fire, metal, water,
Will expertise and wood. Elements you can channel are referred to as
4 Kineticist feat, skill feat your kinetic elements. Your kinetic elements function
5 Ancestry feat, attribute boosts, gate’s threshold, even in environments where they normally wouldn’t.
skill increase For example, you could use fire actions underwater even
6 Kineticist feat, skill feat though that’s normally not possible, and you could create
7 General feat, kinetic durability, kinetic air in a vacuum.
expertise, skill increase Your kinetic gate gives you impulse feats, magical
8 Kineticist feat, skill feat actions that let you shape and control your elements in
9 Ancestry feat, gate’s threshold, perception awesome ways. You can select more impulse feats using
expertise, skill increase your kineticist class feats, as described under Impulses
10 Attribute boosts, kineticist feat, skill feat on page 15. At higher levels, the gate’s threshold class
11 General feat, kinetic quickness, reflow feature gives you more impulse feats and lets you choose
elements, skill increase, weapon expertise whether to improve with one element or access new
12 Kineticist feat, skill feat kinetic elements.
13 Ancestry feat, gate’s threshold, light armor
expertise, skill increase, weapon specialization Single Gate
14 Kineticist feat, skill feat Your kinetic gate links to a single elemental plane, starting
15 Attribute boosts, general feat, greater kinetic you with a single element but giving you greater power with
durability, kinetic mastery, skill increase it. Choose one element to be your kinetic element, and select
16 Kineticist feat, skill feat two 1st-level impulse feats that have that element’s trait.
17 Ancestry feat, double reflow, gate’s threshold, In addition, you gain an impulse junction, a benefit that
skill increase occurs when you use an impulse of the chosen element
18 Kineticist feat, skill feat that takes 2 actions or more. This happens before the
19 Final gate, general feat, kinetic legend, light other effects of the impulse, unless noted otherwise. You
armor mastery, skill increase can gain only one impulse junction per round; they are
20 Attribute boosts, kineticist feat, skill feat described in full below.
Air Before or after the other effects of the impulse, you can
Class Features either Stride up to half your Speed or Step. If you have a
You gain these abilities as a kineticist. Abilities gained at fly Speed, you can Fly up to half your fly Speed instead.
higher levels list the level at which you gain them next to Earth Fragments of stone float around you, granting you
the features’ names. a +1 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of your
next turn.
ANCESTRY AND BACKGROUND Fire Increase the damage die size of fire damage dealt by
In addition to what you get from your class at 1st level, you the impulse by one step.
have the benefits of your selected ancestry and background. Metal Choose acid, electricity, or piercing. Until the start
of your next turn, each time a creature touches you or
ATTRIBUTE BOOSTS damages you with an unarmed melee attack or non-
In addition to what you get from your class at 1st level, reach melee weapon, it takes damage of the chosen type
you have four free boosts to different attribute modifiers. equal to half your level (minimum 1 damage).
At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, you get four Water After the impulse’s other effects, you can move one
free boosts to different attribute modifiers. If an attribute creature targeted by the impulse or in its area 5 feet in
modifier is already +4 or higher, it takes two boosts to any direction, or 10 feet if it’s in a body of water. This
increase it; you get a partial boost, and you must boost can’t move the creature into the air. You can choose only
that attribute again at a later level to increase it by 1. a creature that’s willing to be moved, that failed its save
against the impulse, or that you succeeded at an impulse
INITIAL PROFICIENCIES attack roll against.
At 1st level, you gain a number of proficiencies that represent Wood You gain temporary Hit Points equal to your level
your basic training. These are noted at the start of this class. that last until the start of your next turn.
Dual Gate
Your kinetic gate is a harmonious conduit between two
planes, allowing you to combine their elements to give KEY TERMS
you a versatile set of abilities. Select two elements to be The following new key traits appear in many kineticist INTRODUCTION
your kinetic elements. Then, select two 1st-level impulse class features and feats. ELEMENTAL
feats, one with the trait of the first element and one with Composite: A composite impulse combines CHARACTERS
the trait of the other. multiple elements. You can gain an impulse with the Kineticist Class
composite trait only if your kinetic elements include Elemental
KINETIC AURA all the elements listed in the impulse’s traits. Impulses
Through your kinetic gate, elements flow from an Impulse: The primary magical actions kineticists Elemental
elemental plane to orbit your person. The form and use are called impulses. You can use an impulse only
appearance of this kinetic aura are unique to you. if your kinetic aura is active and channeling that Backgrounds
Examples include a chaotic wind orbiting the body, element, and only if you have a hand free to shape the Ardande
fragments of floating gravel, colorful wicks of flame, elemental flow. The impulse trait means the action has Geniekin
stars of raw metal always changing shape, floating the concentrate trait unless another ability changes Talos Geniekin
snowflakes, or splinters dancing in the air. If you can this. If an impulse allows you to choose an element, Elemental
channel more than one element, pieces of all your you can choose any element you’re channeling, and Instinct
kinetic elements appear in the aura. the impulse gains that element’s trait. Elemental Spell
You have the Channel Elements action, which lets Infusion: Actions with the infusion trait tweak Elemental
you activate your kinetic aura. your kineticist impulses. You must use an infusion Archetypes
action directly before the impulse action you want to AIR
CHANNEL ELEMENTS [one-action] alter. If you use any action (including free actions and
reactions) other than an impulse action directly after, EARTH
Requirements Your kinetic gate isn’t active. you waste the benefits of the infusion action. Any FIRE
You tap into your kinetic gate to make elements flow additional effects added by an infusion action are part
around you. Your kinetic aura activates, and as a part of this of the impulse’s effect, not of the infusion action itself.
action, you can use a 1-action Elemental Blast or a 1-action Overflow: Powerful impulses temporarily overdraw WATER
stance impulse. Your kinetic aura is a 10-foot emanation the energy of your kinetic gate. When you use an WOOD
where pieces of your kinetic element (or all your kinetic impulse that has the overflow trait, your kinetic
elements, if you can channel more than one) flow around aura deactivates until you revitalize it (typically with CHURN OF
you. The kinetic aura can’t damage anything or affect the Channel Elements). Extinguishing your element this ELEMENTS
environment around you unless another ability allows it to. severely is taxing, and consequently, you can use only APPENDIX
Channel Elements has the traits of all your kinetic elements. one overflow impulse per round, even if you reactivate
Your kinetic aura automatically deactivates if you’re your kinetic gate.
knocked out, you use an impulse with the overflow trait, or Stance: A stance is a general combat strategy that
you Dismiss the aura. Though you can’t use new impulses you enter by using an action with the stance trait
while your kinetic aura is deactivated, ones you already and that you remain in for some time. A stance lasts
used remain, and you can still Sustain any that can be until you get knocked out, until its requirements (if
sustained. Stance impulses are linked to your kinetic aura any) are violated, until the encounter ends, or until
and end when the aura deactivates. you enter a new stance, whichever comes first. After
you use an action with the stance trait, you can’t
IMPULSES use another one for 1 round. You can enter or be in a
An impulse is a special type of magical action available to stance only in encounter mode.
kineticists, allowing them to wield or shape their element
into diverse and powerful forms. To wield an element, you
must have your kinetic aura active and have a free hand, as Abilities that restrict you from casting spells (such
described in the impulse trait (see the Key Terms sidebar on as being polymorphed into a battle form) or protect
this page). You automatically gain the Elemental Blast and against spells (such as a spell that protects against other
Base Kinesis impulses, and your kinetic gate selection gives spells or a creature’s bonus to saves against spells) also
you additional impulse feats. You can select more impulse apply to impulses.
feats with kineticist class feats, and at higher levels, you’ll
automatically get more with the gate’s threshold class Impulse Levels
feature. You can select an impulse feat only if it matches Any impulse you use is the same level you are. For
one of your kinetic elements. instance, if you’re 5th level, your Elemental Blast would
Impulses are magical, and though they aren’t spells, be 5th level (and its counteract rank would be 3rd rank),
some things that affect spells also affect impulses. even though you gained the action at 1st level.
Similar to spells, many impulses get more powerful as an impulse attack roll to see how effective they are. Your
you increase in level. In these cases, the impulse ends with impulse attack roll uses the same proficiency and attribute
one or more “Level” entries. This either lists the levels modifier as your kineticist class DC. Like a spell attack
at which the impulse gets an upgrade or has an entry modifier, your impulse attack modifier uses the following
with a plus sign that describes a benefit that increases on formula: d20 roll + attribute modifier + proficiency bonus
a regular basis. For instance, a 1st-level impulse with a + other bonuses + penalties. This means your impulse
“Level (+4)” entry would get stronger at 5th, 9th, 13th, attack roll is typically 10 lower than your class DC. The
and 17th levels. drained condition can reduce your impulse attack rolls and
class DCs. You can acquire a gate attenuator (page 224) to
Impulse Attacks and DCs gain a bonus to your impulse attack modifier.
An impulse that requires a saving throw uses your kineticist
class DC. Some of your impulses require you to attempt Elemental Blast
The Elemental Blast impulse is a simple expression
of your power, allowing you to attack with the pure
matter of your kinetic element. Though each element
has its own strengths and weaknesses, the
basic principles to using them are the
same. You can customize the appearance
of your Elemental Blast and can even
choose a different form each time you use
the impulse.
Base Kinesis
The Base Kinesis impulse lets you perform simple
alterations to an element.
decides what Bulk the element is. You can’t affect an element
that’s magical, secured in place (like a stone mortared in a
wall), or attended by a creature unwilling to let you. SPECIAL RULES
Choose one of the following options, though the GM might Some rules don’t come up that often but can be vital INTRODUCTION
allow you to make similar small alterations. Base Kinesis can’t to understand when they do. ELEMENTAL
deal damage or cause conditions unless otherwise noted. Made of an Element: Some kineticist abilities CHARACTERS
• Generate You bring an ordinary, non-magical piece of the work on creatures made of an element. A creature Kineticist Class
chosen element from its elemental plane. The element made of rock, sand, or dirt is made of earth, but Elemental
can be used for any of its normal uses. For example, air a creature wearing metal armor wouldn’t be Impulses
can be breathed by an air-breathing creature, and fire considered a metal creature. If it’s unclear whether Elemental
casts light and can ignite flammable substances. a creature is made of an element, the GM decides. Allies
• Move Move an existing piece of the element up to 20 Overlapping Kinetic Auras: A creature that’s in Elemental
feet in any direction. If you bring it into your space, multiple kinetic auras at the same time is subject Ardande
you can catch it in an open hand. You can Sustain the to the special effects of all of them. As normal for Geniekin
impulse to keep moving the element. duplicate effects, a creature can’t be affected by Talos Geniekin
• Suppress You destroy an existing piece of element, multiple copies of the same effect. For instance, Elemental
such as snuffing out a flame or evaporating water from if an enemy were in two fire kineticists’ auras, Instinct
a cup. This affects only natural forms of the element, and both kineticists had the fire kinetic aura gate Elemental Spell
not durable, crafted goods like a stone statue, metal junction (page 18), the creature would gain only the Elemental
lock, or wooden door. higher weakness from the two auras. Archetypes
Level (+4) The range increases by 15 feet, and the maximum Precious Materials: Elements you create (using AIR
Bulk increases by 1 (allowing Bulk 1 at 5th level). Base Kinesis to generate an element, for example)
must typically be ordinary materials of negligible EARTH
ANCESTRY FEATS 5TH multiple elements. You can always choose not to use a
In addition to the ancestry feat you started with, you gain gate junction when it would normally occur. If you have
an ancestry feat at 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter. multiple junctions that would apply at the same time—
such as kinetic aura junctions for different elements—you
GATE’S THRESHOLD 5TH can apply any number of them. (Though note that you can
You reach a new milestone in your odyssey to become in use only one impulse junction per round.)
tune with your kinetic gate and must decide how to expand
the gate’s power. At 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter, GATE JUNCTIONS
you choose to either expand the portal or fork the path. Air Gate Junctions
• Expand the Portal: Your gate attunes more precisely Critical Blast Push the target up to 10 feet.
to one of your elements. Gain an impulse feat of Elemental Resistance air, electricity
your level or lower for one of your kinetic elements; Aura Junction You and any ally that starts its turn in the
if you have more than one element, you can choose aura gets a +10-foot status bonus to land Speed until the
a composite impulse (page 36). You also gain a gate end of that turn, and to fly Speed if applicable.
junction for one of your kinetic elements. If you Skill Junction Stealth, Experienced Smuggler
have no valid options for the feat—typically because Earth Gate Junctions
you have one kinetic element and devoted your class Critical Blast If the target is on the ground, it’s knocked
feats to gaining that element’s impulses—you can prone; if it isn’t on the ground, it descends up to 20 feet
instead select any kineticist class feat of your level or (you choose the distance).
lower for which you meet the prerequisites. Elemental Resistance earth, poison
• Fork the Path: Your gate reaches to another elemental Aura Junction Squares in the aura are difficult terrain for
plane. Add a new element of your choice to your your enemies, but only if moving into the square would
kinetic elements. Gain an impulse feat of your level or make the enemy farther away from you.
lower with the trait of that element. You can’t select a Skill Junction Athletics, Hefty Hauler
composite impulse feat with this feat selection. Fire Gate Junctions
Critical Blast The target takes 1d6 persistent fire damage.
Gate Junctions You gain an item bonus to this persistent damage equal
When you gain a gate junction, you develop a specialized to your item bonus to impulse attack rolls, such as from a
kinetic technique. Choose one benefit from the gate gate attenuator (page 224).
junction table for one of your kinetic elements. Elemental Resistance cold, fire
• A critical blast junction happens when you get a critical Aura Junction Enemies in your kinetic aura gain weakness
success with an Elemental Blast of the kinetic element. to fire from your fire impulses. The weakness is equal to
• An elemental resistance grants you resistance to half your level (minimum weakness 1).
damage while your kinetic aura is active. This Skill Junction Intimidation, Intimidating Glare
resistance is equal to your level, and it applies to Metal Gate Junctions
damage of any listed type or that comes from a Critical Blast The target takes 1d6 persistent bleed
creature or effect that has any of the listed traits. At damage; if the creature has the metal trait or is made of
17th level, you gain immunity to effects with any of metal, it instead takes 1d6 persistent damage with no
the listed traits. This doesn’t make you immune to type from rust. You gain an item bonus to this persistent
creatures with such a trait. You can voluntarily forgo damage equal to your item bonus to impulse attack rolls,
this resistance, immunity, or both if you want an such as from a gate attenuator (page 224).
effect to work on you. Elemental Resistance electricity, metal
• You can choose an impulse junction instead of one Aura Junction Your enemies in the aura take a –1 status
of the listed junctions. Impulse junctions are listed penalty to attacks with metal objects, and they take a –1
under Single Gate on page 14. status penalty to AC if they’re wearing metal armor, have
• An aura junction adds an effect to your kinetic aura the metal trait, or are made of metal.
when you Channel Elements. Skill Junction Crafting, Quick Repair
• A skill junction makes you trained in the listed Water Gate Junctions
skill and grants you the listed skill feat. If you Critical Blast The blast deals 2 splash damage per damage
were already trained in the listed skill, you instead die of the blast, with the same damage type.
become trained in a skill of your choice. While your Elemental Resistance fire, water
kinetic aura is active, you gain a +1 status bonus Aura Junction The aura becomes saturated with humidity,
to the listed skill; the bonus increases to +2 at 10th and water moves as you please. Non-magical fires in the
level and +3 at 17th level. aura are extinguished, and creatures in the aura gain fire
You can select each gate junction only once, unless noted resistance equal to half your level.
otherwise, but you can have the same type of junction for Skill Junction Athletics, Underwater Marauder
Wood Gate Junctions
Critical Blast If the target of the critical hit is adjacent to
a surface, roots entangle it. The target is immobilized and KINETICIST FEATS
must spend an Interact action to attempt a DC 10 Athletics Use this table to look up feats available to all INTRODUCTION
check to pull itself free. The target doesn’t become stuck kineticists by name. ELEMENTAL
if it is incorporeal, is liquid, or could otherwise escape Feat Page CHARACTERS
without effort. Aura Shaping 23 Kineticist Class
Elemental Resistance poison, wood Chain Infusion 23 Elemental
Aura Junction Life-giving blossoms spring up around you. Command Elemental 21 Impulses
Any ally that begins its turn in the aura gains 1 temporary Hit Counter Element 22 Elemental
Point that lasts until the start of its next turn. This increases Effortless Impulse 23 Allies
to 2 temporary Hit Points if you’re 10th level or higher and to Elemental Familiar 20 Elemental
3 temporary Hit Points if you’re 15th level or higher. Elemental Overlap 22 Ardande
Skill Junction Survival, Terrain Expertise (forest) Elemental Apotheosis 23 Geniekin
Elemental Transformation 23 Talos Geniekin
KINETIC DURABILITY 7TH Extended Kinesis 20 Elemental
The sustenance of your inner gate counters harm that Fearsome Familiar 22
Elemental Spell
would come to your body. Your proficiency rank for Imperious Aura 23 Changes
Fortitude saves increases to master. When you roll a success Kinetic Activation 21 Elemental
on a Fortitude save, you get a critical success instead. Kinetic Pinnacle 23 Archetypes
Nourishing Gate 23 AIR
Your kinetic gate grows stronger, making your elements Purify Element 22
harder to resist. The power flowing from you is even Rapid Reattunement 23 FIRE
harder to resist. Your proficiency rank for your kineticist Safe Elements 22
class DC increases to expert. Two-Element Infusion 22
Versatile Blasts 21 WATER
You remain alert to threats around you. Your proficiency Weapon Infusion 21
rank for Perception increases to expert. Impulse Feat Sections Page CHURN OF
Air 24–25 ELEMENTS
The power flowing from you grows even difficult to resist. Your proficiency
ELEMENT EXPLORER rank for your kineticist class DC increases to master.
You grow your elemental magic over
time until eventually you can attune to
all six elements.
Your kinetic gate becomes even more adaptable. When you use reflow
ATTRIBUTE MODIFIERS elements, you can replace two impulse feats instead of one.
Constitution, Dexterity, Charisma
Acrobatics, Deception, Stealth Your kinetic gate reaches a perfect form, its power constantly fighting to
KINETIC GATE be released. If your kinetic aura is inactive, you automatically use the first
Dual gate action of your turn to Channel Elements as a free action. You can deliberately
suppress the effect. If you’re unable to act, final gate still functions, but you
FEATS don’t get to use the Elemental Blast or stance impulse you normally do from
1st Flying Flame, Four Winds, Whisper using Channel Elements.
on the Wind; 6th Two-Element Infusion
5th Ravel of Thorns; 9th Call the Your elements become almost impossible to resist. Your proficiency rank for
Hurricane; 13th Rock Rampart; 17th your kineticist class DC increases to legendary.
Alloy Flesh and Steel
Your skill with light armor improves, increasing your ability to dodge blows.
Your proficiency ranks for light armor and unarmored defense increase to master.
Kineticist Feats
At every level that you gain a kineticist feat, you can select one of the
following feats. You must satisfy any prerequisites before selecting the
Elemental Impulses: When you gain a kineticist feat, you can either
select one from the feats available to all kineticists (pages 20–23) or
select an impulse feat for one of your kinetic elements: air (page 24),
earth (page 26), fire (page 28), metal (page 30), water (page 32), or wood
(page 34). You can also choose a composite impulse (page 36) if you
can channel all the kinetic elements it requires.
A small creature made of elemental matter springs forth
from your kinetic gate. This elemental familiar appears to be made of one of your
kinetic elements, though it might have unusual or distinguishing aspects. Like other
familiars, your elemental familiar can assist you in various tasks and on adventures.
You gain an elemental familiar (page 42) with the trait of one of your kinetic
elements. If you have more than one kinetic element, you can change the element
you’ve selected for your familiar to a different one of your kinetic elements each
time you make your daily preparations. The familiar uses your Constitution
modifier to determine its Perception, Acrobatics, and Stealth modifiers.
element in the same square as its source or in an adjacent empowered magic items. You can Activate magic items that
square, or cause the element to expand to fill its square require you to be able to Cast a Spell, provided you activate
(making a flame bigger or turning a twig into a small tree, them to Cast a Spell with the same trait as one of your kinetic
for example). After you proliferate an element, it reacts elements; for example, if you can channel fire, you could INTRODUCTION
to the environment naturally—water you proliferated Activate a scroll of fireball. For any effects of these items ELEMENTAL
into thin air would splash back down, for example. This that use a spell attack roll or spell DC, you can substitute CHARACTERS
affects only natural forms of the element, not durable, your impulse attack roll or class DC. Kineticist Class
crafted goods. You can also prepare a staff that has at least one spell Elemental
• Regulate (air, fire, metal, or water only) You change the with an appropriate trait, using half your level rounded up to Impulses
temperature of an existing element, making it colder or determine the number of charges you add. This doesn’t allow Elemental
warmer. This can snuff out a flame or turn water to ice you to cast spells without the trait of one of your kinetic Allies
or steam. After this change, the element cools or warms elements, and you don’t get the extra benefits prepared and Elemental
naturally unless you Sustain the impulse. An item that spontaneous spellcasters do. Ardande
gets cold or hot enough (as determined by the GM) Geniekin
can be used as an improvised weapon that deals 1 cold VOICE OF ELEMENTS FEAT 2 Talos Geniekin
damage or 1 fire damage in addition to the damage the KINETICIST Elemental
GM determines for the improvised weapon. You can speak with the secret tones of elements you Instinct
• Sculpt (earth, metal, or wood only) Reshape an existing channel, finding words in the crackle of flame, the grinding Elemental Spell
element into a small object of a design you choose. It of stone. Your kinetic aura grants you these three benefits Elemental
looks crude and artificial on close examination. The while active. Archetypes
sculpted element can be shaped into a functional short • You can speak all the languages of your kinetic elements AIR
tool (or a long tool if your Base Kinesis can affect 1 Bulk (Sussuran for air, Petran for earth, Pyric for fire, Talican
or greater). It’s too fragile and artificial to be used as a for metal, Thalassic for water, Muan for wood). EARTH
weapon or have any monetary value. • You can communicate with mindless elementals on a FIRE
basic level if they have a trait that matches one of your
VERSATILE BLASTS FEAT 1 kinetic elements or are made of one of those elements.
KINETICIST This allows you to use Diplomacy to Make an Impression WATER
Accessing a wider realm of elemental manifestations, you on them and to make very simple Requests. WOOD
can make blasts with rare forms of your elements. Add the • You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Charisma-based
following damage types to those you can choose for Elemental skill checks you attempt against elementals of one of CHURN OF
Blasts of that element: air cold, earth poison, fire cold, metal your kinetic elements. ELEMENTS
electricity, water acid, wood poison. APPENDIX
With a signature flair, you shape blasts of elemental power IMPULSE KINETICIST PRIMAL
into the form of a weapon, such as a sword made of whirling You grasp the animating force within an elemental creature
wind or a bow that shoots flames. If your next action is an and bend it to your will. Choose a trait matching one of your
Elemental Blast, choose a weapon shape for it to take. You kinetic elements and target an elemental creature within
can choose to change the blast’s damage type to bludgeoning, 30 feet that has the chosen trait. The elemental becomes
piercing, or slashing—whichever suits the weapon shape—and controlled by you if its level is equal to or lower than your
you can choose other alterations depending on whether you level — 3, or slowed 1 for as long as you Sustain the effect if its
make a melee or ranged blast. level is equal to your level — 2 or higher. It can attempt a Will
Melee Add one of the following traits of your choice: agile, saving throw against your class DC to resist being controlled
backswing, forceful, reach, sweep. by you or to end the slowed effect. If the target is already
Ranged Choose one of three options: range increment 100 under someone else’s command, it can’t be slowed by this
feet and the volley 30 feet trait, range increment 50 feet ability, and the controlling creature also rolls a saving throw,
and the propulsive trait, or range increment 20 feet and with the elemental using the better result.
the thrown trait. Critical Success The target is unaffected and is temporarily
immune for 24 hours.
2ND LEVEL Success The target is unaffected.
Failure The elemental creature is controlled or slowed as long
KINETIC ACTIVATION FEAT 2 as you Sustain the impulse, up to 1 minute. This effect ends
KINETICIST if you or an ally attacks the elemental.
Rather than incantations and gestures, you can use your Critical Failure As failure, but you can Sustain the impulse up
kinetic gate to directly unlock the potential of elementally to 1 hour.
the elemental trait and a level no greater than your level – 4.
This creature appears in the same space as your familiar,
KINETIC SPECIALISTS which disappears for the duration of this impulse. You can
Kineticists who specialize in a single element are Sustain this impulse up to 1 minute. When the impulse ends,
often referred to by a special title. the familiar appears in the space the summoned elemental
• Air: Aerokineticist occupied. A familiar can endure this process only so often—if
• Earth: Geokineticist you use this impulse on your familiar more than once per day,
• Fire: Pyrokineticist it dies as soon as it returns the second time.
• Metal: Metallokineticist
• Water: Hydrokineticist TWO-ELEMENT INFUSION [free-action] FEAT 6
• Wood: Phytokineticist INFUSION KINETICIST
Prerequisites two or more kinetic elements
Slamming one element into another, you combine their
strengths. If the next action you use is an Elemental Blast,
SAFE ELEMENTS FEAT 4 choose two of your kinetic elements instead of one. The blast
KINETICIST gains the traits of both elements and uses the highest range
Elements are wild and dangerous, but you’ve found ways to and damage die among the two elements. Half the blast’s
reduce their risk. When you Channel Elements or use a stance damage is the damage type of one element, and the other half
impulse that affects your kinetic aura, you can designate is the damage type of the other element. If the total damage
a number of creatures up to your Constitution modifier is an odd number, you choose which element deals the higher
(minimum 1 creature). Choose whether they are immune to damage. Determine the damage amounts before altering the
the benefits of your kinetic aura or immune to its damage amount due to halving, doubling, resistances, weaknesses,
and drawbacks. You don’t have to be able to see a creature to and other calculations. If either element can deal more than
designate it, nor does it need to be in your kinetic aura, but one type of damage, you can still choose which damage type
you can’t designate a creature that’s unnoticed by you. to use. You gain any added effects of both elements, such as
In addition, you gain the Pacifying Infusion action. their critical blast junction effects.
Pacifying Infusion [one-action] (infusion) If your next action is an
impulse, it gains the nonlethal trait. If it has an area, 8TH LEVEL
you can exclude creatures you’ve designated with Safe
Elements from its effects. ELEMENTAL OVERLAP FEAT 8
6TH LEVEL Prerequisites exactly one kinetic element
Though you’ve dedicated yourself to one element, you learn
COUNTER ELEMENT [reaction] FEAT 6 to mix that element with another. Gain a composite impulse
IMPULSE KINETICIST feat that includes your kinetic element. You can use that
Prerequisites exactly one kinetic element impulse even though you can’t channel all its elements. The
Trigger You’re targeted by or in the area of an effect that has feat’s level must be lower than the level at which you selected
the trait matching your kinetic element and originates from Elemental Overlap.
an enemy or hazard. Special You can select this feat more than once, choosing a
Your absolute dedication to a single element lets you attempt different impulse feat each time.
to gain control over it, even when the element is in service
to another entity. You attempt to counteract the effect, using PURIFY ELEMENT [two-actions] FEAT 8
your kineticist class DC – 10 as your counteract check modifier IMPULSE KINETICIST PRIMAL
and half this impulse’s level rounded up as the counteract You turn an element into its purest form. Choose one of your
rank. If you counteract the effect, you protect only yourself kinetic elements and target up to 1 cubic foot of that element
unless you got a critical success on your counteract check. within 30 feet. (One cubic foot of liquid is roughly 8 gallons.)
Level (12th) If you successfully counteract the effect, you can You remove toxins and pollutants from the element as well
have it target or affect a different creature within 30 feet of as anything intruding into the element, such as plant roots in
you. If you got a critical success on the counteract check, soil. This can’t change the grade of a material, alter the form
you can choose the effect’s targets or entire area. of a manufactured object, or change the structural integrity of
the element. If the purification would remove an alchemical or
FEARSOME FAMILIAR [three-actions] FEAT 6 magical pollutant (such as a poison or curse), Purify Element
IMPULSE KINETICIST PRIMAL attempts to counteract that impurity, using your class DC — 10
Prerequisites a familiar for the counteract check. If it fails to counteract a particular
Your elemental familiar trades places with an elemental from impurity, any further attempt you make to counteract that
its elemental plane. Summon a common creature that has impurity with Purify Element fails as well.
10TH LEVEL and effects that would make you paralyzed. You don’t
need to breathe, eat, or sleep, though you must still take
AURA SHAPING FEAT 10 a full night’s rest every 24 hours to be able to make your
KINETICIST daily preparations. During this time, you remain awake and INTRODUCTION
You control the size of your kinetic aura. You can make your alert, but you must spend the time meditating or attuning ELEMENTAL
kinetic aura’s emanation any size from a 5-foot emanation to to your kinetic gate rather than engaging in other complex CHARACTERS
a 20-foot emanation (you must choose a multiple of 5). You activities. Each kineticist attunes in their own individual Kineticist Class
choose the size when you Channel Elements and can change it way. Elemental
when you use a stance impulse that affects your kinetic aura. Impulses
Increase the maximum size you can choose by 5 feet at 15th RAPID REATTUNEMENT FEAT 14 Elemental
and 20th levels. Allies
Prerequisites reflow elements Backgrounds
CHAIN INFUSION [one-action] FEAT 10 You spend 10 minutes realigning your elemental Ardande
INFUSION KINETICIST connections in an elemental trance. Replace one of your Geniekin
The elemental matter in your blast keeps reconstituting itself impulse feats using the same process as reflow elements. If Talos Geniekin
to travel onward, no matter how many bodies it collides with. you have double reflow, you can replace two impulse feats Elemental
If your next action is an Elemental Blast and it hits, attempt instead of one.
Elemental Spell
a new ranged Elemental Blast from the target against a Changes
different creature that’s within the blast’s range, measuring 16TH LEVEL Elemental
from the creature you hit. You can keep chaining the blast Archetypes
in this way each time you hit. Your multiple attack penalty IMPERIOUS AURA [free-action] FEAT 16 AIR
applies normally to any blasts in the chain after the first. You IMPULSE KINETICIST PRIMAL
can make up to five blasts total, but you can’t target the same EARTH
Prerequisites one or more stance impulses that affect your
creature more than once. Roll damage only once and apply it kinetic aura FIRE
to each creature you hit. (If you start with a melee blast, you Trigger Your turn begins.
still add your Strength to only that blast, not the successive Your glowing and majestic kinetic aura marks you as a true
ranged blasts.) child of the elements. Use a stance impulse that affects your WATER
kinetic aura. WOOD
Prerequisites exactly one kinetic element
Requirements Your kinetic gate is deactivated. KINETICIST
You open your kinetic gate, but rather than activating Prerequisites Nourishing Gate, exactly one kinetic element
your kinetic aura, you instead become overwhelmed with You take on an elemental countenance, appearing like a type
transformative elemental energy. You’re affected by an of elemental of your element. You gain any Speeds listed in
elemental form spell with the same trait as your kinetic the elemental form spell for your element and gain darkvision
element. You can heighten it to any spell rank up to half if you don’t already have it. You also gain the elemental trait
your level rounded up. and the trait of your chosen element.
Air Impulses that need air to breathe. Attacks with ranged weapons take a
–1 circumstance penalty to their attack rolls if their paths pass
1ST LEVEL through your kinetic aura. Air in your kinetic aura is difficult
terrain for flying creatures other than yourself.
A blade of shearing wind races away from you in a 60-foot AIR ELECTRICITY IMPULSE KINETICIST MOVE OVERFLOW POLYMORPH PRIMAL
line. Each creature in the area takes 2d4 slashing damage For an instant, you transform yourself into a being of pure
with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. In the final lightning and fly forward, shocking anyone in your way.
square of the line, the boomerang whirls in place until the You propel yourself forward in a 30-foot line. You can move
end of your next turn. Any creature that ends its turn in that through creatures during this movement, and this movement
square has to save against the boomerang. doesn’t trigger reactions that are triggered by movement.
On your next turn, you can use a single action, which has the Each creature you move through takes 2d12 electricity
concentrate trait, to return the boomerang to you. It returns in damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. You
a line from its square to your current location, with the same return to your normal form in the final square of the line. If
effect as the initial line, then the impulse ends. You must have you’re in the air, you fall unless you have a fly Speed.
line of effect to the boomerang and be within 60 feet of it. Level (+3) The length of the line increases by 5 feet, and the
Level (+2) The damage increases by 1d4. damage increases by 1d12.
8TH LEVEL Critical Failure As failure, but the creature is fascinated for 1
minute or until it disbelieves.
CYCLONIC ASCENT [two-actions] FEAT 8
Whorls of wind surround your lower body, forming a cyclone ELEMENTAL
that lifts you into the air. You gain a fly Speed equal to your land BODY OF AIR [reaction] OR [two-actions] FEAT 14 CHARACTERS
Speed or 30 feet, whichever is greater, for 10 minutes. Unlike AIR IMPULSE KINETICIST OVERFLOW POLYMORPH PRIMAL Kineticist Class
with a normal fly Speed, you can move upward without treating Trigger An enemy you can observe targets you with an attack Elemental
it as difficult terrain. In addition, you can remain in the air at or other damaging effect. Impulses
the end of your turn if you used an air impulse during that turn, Your gathered air consumes your body, leaving only a cloud of Elemental
even if you didn’t use a Fly action that turn. living vapor. This has the same effects on you as vapor form. Allies
Level (14th) You can target up to five additional creatures, each The effect lasts until the end of your next turn, but you can Elemental
of which gains a fly Speed equal to its land Speed or 30 feet, Sustain the form up to 5 minutes. If you activate your kinetic Ardande
whichever is greater. They don’t gain the other benefits. aura, Body of Air ends. Geniekin
You can use Body of Air as a reaction only when the trigger Talos Geniekin
STORM SPIRAL [three-actions] FEAT 8 is met, but you can use it as a 2-action activity without the Elemental
trigger being met. Instinct
Dark thunderclouds swirl in a miniature storm, crisscrossed Level (+1) The resistance increases by 1. Elemental Spell
with lightning bolts; a tremendous thunderclap fills the air. The Elemental
storm appears in a 20-foot burst within 60 feet. Each creature in 18TH LEVEL Archetypes
the area takes 3d12 electricity damage and 1d10 sonic damage, AIR
with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. A creature that CROWNED IN TEMPEST’S FURY [one-action] FEAT 18
fails its save is deafened until the end of its next turn (or for 1 EARTH
minute on a critical failure). A creature wearing metal armor or You become one with a devastating thunderstorm from the FIRE
made of metal takes a –1 circumstance penalty to its save. Plane of Air, placing a crown of lightning upon your brow.
Level (+3) The electricity damage increases by 1d12. Sparks flash in your eyes, and lightning strikes constantly in
the air around you as howling winds lift you from the ground. WATER
12TH LEVEL • Any creature that enters your kinetic aura or ends its turn WOOD
there takes 2d12 electricity damage.
GHOSTS IN THE STORM [one-action] FEAT 12 • If you don’t have a fly Speed, you gain a 20-foot fly Speed. CHURN OF
If you have the Cyclonic Ascent impulse, you instead gain ELEMENTS
Clouds, like eager pets, are drawn to you and to those in that fly Speed and the extra benefits. APPENDIX
your good graces. Fast-moving gray clouds surround you, as • You gain a +10-foot status bonus to all your Speeds.
well as your allies while they’re in your kinetic aura. Anyone • Your air Elemental Blasts deal an additional 1d12 electricity
surrounded by these clouds gains a +2 status bonus to Reflex damage.
saves and Acrobatics checks. When an affected creature uses a
move action, clouds dance around it. Until the start of its next INFINITE EXPANSE OF BLUEST HEAVEN [three-actions] FEAT 18
turn, it’s concealed, and its Strikes gain the shock rune. AIR ILLUSION IMPULSE KINETICIST MENTAL OVERFLOW PRIMAL VISUAL
An illusion of a limitless expanse with an impossibly blue sky
WILES ON THE WIND [two-actions] FEAT 12 makes all within feel the sensation of falling... forever. The
AIR AUDITORY ILLUSION IMPULSE KINETICIST PRIMAL vision appears in a 20-foot burst within 100 feet. The illusion
Speaking lies, you set them loose upon a drifting wind. You lasts until the end of your next turn, but you can Sustain it up
create an auditory illusion that comes from a square within to 1 minute. Using this impulse again ends any previous one.
500 feet and can be as loud as four normal humans talking. The Each creature in the area or that later enters it must attempt
sound can be intricate, including speech or music, though the a Will save against your class DC. Creatures with the air trait
GM might require you to attempt a check or know a language are immune. Any effect of the illusion ends for a creature as
for it to be convincing. The illusion lasts until the end of your soon as it leaves the illusion’s area or the impulse ends, and the
next turn, and you can Sustain the impulse. creature then becomes temporarily immune for 1 hour.
You can have any creature within 40 feet of the illusion, or Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
that comes within 40 feet of it during the duration, attempt a Success The creature is off-guard.
Will save against your class DC. This is a mental effect. Failure The creature is off-guard. It is fleeing from the illusory
Success The creature is unaffected, disbelieves the illusion, and sky but is also disoriented; any time it uses an action to
is temporarily immune for 1 hour. attempt to flee, it must succeed at a DC 11 flat check or flee
Failure The creature is fascinated with the source of the sound to a space that’s still within the illusion. The GM determines
until the end of its next turn. When the fascination ends, the where the creatures ends up, but the creature can’t stay
creature is temporarily immune for 1 hour. stationary if it’s able to move.
Earth Impulses Your flesh gives way as you’re struck, becoming coarse sand
that can magically turn your enemy to stone. You gain resistance
1ST LEVEL equal to your level to physical damage from the triggering
attack. The attacking creature must attempt a Fortitude save
ARMOR IN EARTH [one-action] FEAT 1 against your class DC. Regardless of the result, that creature
EARTH IMPULSE KINETICIST PRIMAL can’t trigger Calcifying Sand again for 1 hour.
Stone encases you like armor. The stone armor is medium Success The creature is unaffected.
armor but uses your highest armor proficiency. The stone Failure The creature is slowed 1 until the end of its next turn.
armor’s statistics are: AC Bonus +4; Dex Cap +1; Check Penalty Critical Failure The creature is petrified until the end of its
–2; Speed Penalty –10 feet; Strength 16; Bulk 1; Group plate. You next turn.
gain its armor specialization effect. Any bonuses, runes, and
magical abilities of your actual armor are suppressed, but any IGNEOGENESIS [two-actions] FEAT 4
runes that could apply to the stone armor are replicated onto it. EARTH IMPULSE KINETICIST MANIPULATE PRIMAL
The stone armor lasts for 10 minutes, and you can Dismiss this You can create a permanent stone object, either sculpting
impulse. If you use this impulse again, any existing one ends. stone pulled directly from your kinetic gate or manipulating
Level (3rd) The armor becomes heavy armor. Its AC Bonus earth and stone around you. It must fit within one 5-foot cube
becomes +5, and it gains the bulwark armor trait. that’s adjacent to you and on solid ground, and you can make
the object large enough to occupy the square. If you create
GEOLOGIC ATTUNEMENT [one-action] FEAT 1 the object underneath you or another willing creature, you
EARTH IMPULSE KINETICIST PRIMAL STANCE cause the target to rise on top of the object; you can’t create
You tune to the earth and stone around you, extending your it under an unwilling creature. This impulse has an unlimited
senses through it in rippling waves. You gain tremorsense duration, but if you use Igneogenesis again, the object returns
(imprecise) in your kinetic aura. Once per round, you can Point to its original location or form. You can spend 1 hour to use
Out a creature you can sense with tremorsense as a free action. Igneogenesis as an exploration activity; in this case, the object
Level (13th) The tremorsense becomes precise. is permanent and non-magical.
The object can’t include any intricate parts or moving pieces.
STEPPING STONES [two-actions] FEAT 1 You can attempt a Crafting skill check as part of using this
EARTH IMPULSE KINETICIST MANIPULATE PRIMAL impulse to add details to your creation, such as a symbol, short
Disks of rock fly to points that you designate to make a new message, or pattern (with the DC determined by the GM).
path. You can set them horizontally to make a path across the Level (+3) You can add an additional 5-foot cube to the object.
ground or atop a liquid, or anchor them into a vertical surface Each cube must be contiguous.
to make steps. The path can be up to 20 feet (4 squares) long,
and steps can extend up to 10 feet up the side of the surface. All 6TH LEVEL
squares must be contiguous and within 60 feet of you. Moving
across the path lets a creature ignore difficult terrain and SAND SNATCHER [two-actions] FEAT 6
hazardous terrain from the ground beneath it. The disks last EARTH IMPULSE KINETICIST PRIMAL
until the end of your next turn, but you can Sustain the impulse. A figure of sand with grasping arms arises in an unoccupied
Level (+2) Increase the length of the path by 10 feet or the square within 30 feet. You can choose to make it Small or
height of the steps by 5 feet, and increase the maximum Medium size, and it can flank. When the sand snatcher appears,
distance away from you a square can be by 10 feet. you can have it attempt to Grapple one creature adjacent to it
that’s no more than one size larger than it. This Grapple uses
TREMOR [two-actions] FEAT 1 your impulse attack roll instead of an Athletics check and shares
EARTH IMPULSE KINETICIST OVERFLOW PRIMAL your multiple attack penalty. The sand snatcher lasts until the
You unleash a small, localized tremor in a 10-foot burst within end of your next turn, and you can Sustain the impulse up to
30 feet. Each creature in the area takes 1d8 bludgeoning 1 minute. Each time you Sustain the impulse, you can have the
damage with a basic Fortitude save against your class DC. A sand snatcher either Grapple again or Burrow, Climb, or Stride
creature that critically fails is knocked prone. Earth and stone up to 20 feet. Attempts to Escape its grasp use your class DC.
in the area is difficult terrain until the start of your next turn. Level (10th) You can also choose Large size.
Level (+2) The damage increases by 1d10. Level (14th) You can also choose Large or Huge size.
4d8 bludgeoning damage and might be pushed downward, ROCK RAMPART [three-actions] FEAT 12
depending on its Reflex save against your class DC. EARTH IMPULSE KINETICIST MANIPULATE OVERFLOW PRIMAL
Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Drawing on your connection to the Plane of Earth, you form a
Success The creature takes half damage. wall of rock and earth. This has the effect of wall of stone, but INTRODUCTION
Failure The creature takes full damage and is pushed downward the wall’s maximum length is 40 feet. The wall lasts until the ELEMENTAL
40 feet without taking falling damage. If it reaches the end of your next turn, but you can Sustain it up to 1 minute. CHARACTERS
bottom of the cylinder or the ground, the push ends. If the Level (+4) The maximum length of the wall increases by 10 feet, Kineticist Class
creature is pushed to the ground, it can’t Fly, levitate, or and the Hit Points of each section increase by 5. Elemental
otherwise leave the ground for 1 round. Impulses
Critical Failure As failure, but double damage and the distance 14TH LEVEL Elemental
the creature is pushed is 80 feet. Allies
Level (+2) The damage increases by 1d8. ASSUME EARTH’S MANTLE [one-action] FEAT 14 Elemental
8TH LEVEL Enormous pieces of rock cluster around your body. You can Geniekin
Dismiss this impulse. Talos Geniekin
SPIKE SKIN [two-actions] FEAT 8 • You become Large if you were smaller. This increases your Elemental
reach by 5 feet (or by 10 feet if you started out Tiny). Instinct
You touch a willing creature, causing its skin to harden and form • You gain a climb Speed equal to your land Speed, but you Elemental Spell
spiky protrusions. The target gains resistance 4 to all physical can use it only to climb surfaces of earthen matter. Elemental
damage (except adamantine). Whenever a creature damages • The armor grants you a +1 circumstance bonus to your Archetypes
the target with an unarmed attack or non-reach melee weapon, Fortitude saves and a +2 circumstance bonus to your AIR
the attacking creature takes 2 piercing damage. Fortitude or Reflex DCs against attempts to Shove you,
This impulse lasts for 10 minutes, but each time the target Trip you, or knock you prone. EARTH
takes physical damage, the duration decreases by 1 minute. The • If your Strength is below +4, this armor raises your FIRE
target is temporarily immune to this impulse for 1 hour. If you Strength to +4. If your Strength is +4 or higher, this armor
use Spike Skin again, any previous one ends. grants you a +1 item bonus to your Strength.
Level (+2) The resistance and damage each increase by 2. • If you have the Armor in Earth impulse, you can add its WATER
effects to Assume Earth’s Mantle. WOOD
The earth parts before you, letting you swim through it. ELEMENTS
You gain a burrow Speed equal to your land Speed and can REBIRTH IN LIVING STONE [one-action] FEAT 18 APPENDIX
immediately Burrow once. You don’t gain the ability to breathe EARTH IMPULSE KINETICIST POLYMORPH PRIMAL STANCE
while in the earth, so you must hold your breath. The impulse Rock overflows from within you to consume your form before
ends at the end of your next turn, but you can Sustain it up to cracking open to reveal your body transformed into living stone.
1 minute. If you’re inside the earth when the impulse ends, you You gain 40 temporary Hit Points. You’re immune to critical hits
immediately return to the surface directly above you, fall prone and precision damage. You can’t be pushed, pulled, or tripped
when you reach the surface, and are slowed 1 until the end of while you’re standing on earth or stone. Your earth Elemental
your next turn. Blasts deal an additional 1d10 damage of their normal type.
Level (14th) You can burrow through rock and similar dense These benefits last until the end of your next turn, but you
earthen matter, leaving no tunnels or signs of your passing. can Sustain them up to 1 minute. After you gain temporary Hit
Points from this impulse, you can’t do so again for 10 minutes.
12TH LEVEL Level (20th) You gain 50 temporary Hit Points.
Striking the ground with the gravity of the deepest rocks, you A massive sphere of rock explodes, unleashing a cataclysm
cause an earthquake. This has the effects of earthquake but of falling debris and deadly shrapnel. Its destruction falls in a
comes from you, with an area of a 60-foot cone or an emanation 20-foot burst within 120 feet. Creatures in the area take 9d10
with the same size as your kinetic aura. You and your space are bludgeoning damage with a basic Fortitude save against your
unaffected by the quake. The fissures are only 10 feet deep, and class DC. Those who fail are knocked prone. For the next minute,
the DC of the flat check for a collapse is 4 higher. rocks continue to fall, making the area difficult terrain and dealing
Level (16th) Fissures are 20 feet deep, and the DC of the flat 3d10 bludgeoning damage to any creature that ends its turn in
check is 2 higher. the area. If you use this impulse again, any previous one ends.
Level (20th) The fissures and flat check are unchanged from Level (20th) The initial damage is 10d10, and the area damage
the spell. is 4d10.
Fire Level (+3) The initial damage increases by 1d6, and the
hazardous terrain damage increases by 2.
BURNING JET [two-actions] FEAT 1
A condensed burst of flame shoots behind you, propelling you FIRE IMPULSE KINETICIST OVERFLOW PRIMAL
forward with its sheer force. Stride up to 40 feet in a straight Flames flow out of you in a cascade, engulfing everyone in a
line. Movement from this impulse ignores difficult terrain and 30-foot cone. Each creature in the area takes 4d6 fire damage
doesn’t trigger reactions. with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. A creature that
Level (6th) The maximum distance of the Stride is 60 feet. You critically fails its save is knocked prone.
can choose to Leap up to 40 feet in any direction instead Level (+2) The damage increases by 1d6.
of Striding. If you’re in the air at the end of this Leap, you
fall normally. THERMAL NIMBUS [one-action] FEAT 4
Level (10th) As 6th level, but you hover briefly after leaping FIRE IMPULSE KINETICIST PRIMAL STANCE
into the air. If you Leap, you don’t fall until the end of your You direct waves of warmth into or out of your kinetic gate to
next turn. If you use Burning Jet again on a subsequent turn, drastically shift the temperature around you. Choose cold or
you remain airborne. fire. You and allies in your kinetic aura gain resistance equal
to your level to damage of that type. Any creature that starts
ETERNAL TORCH [one-action] FEAT 1 its turn in your kinetic aura or moves into your aura during its
FIRE IMPULSE KINETICIST LIGHT MANIPULATE PRIMAL turn takes damage equal to half your level of the chosen type.
You open a connection to your kinetic gate, large enough for a Elemental resistance from a gate junction is cumulative with
torch flame to flow. You create a magical, torch-like flame within resistance from Thermal Nimbus.
120 feet in any color you choose. It’s as bright and hot as a torch.
You can have it orbit a target willing creature or emit from a 6TH LEVEL
target object that’s unattended or attended by a willing creature.
If you create a flame on a weapon, you still need to use it as an CRAWLING FIRE [two-actions] FEAT 6
improvised weapon to attack with the flame, just as with a torch. FIRE IMPULSE KINETICIST MANIPULATE PRIMAL
The flame has an unlimited duration. You can have a You mimic the motions of a beast of your devising, and it
maximum number of Eternal Torches equal to your Constitution becomes real, with a flaming pelt and searing claws. It is
modifier, and you can Dismiss each torch individually. Small and appears in an unoccupied space within 30 feet.
Level (8th) All your torches—even ones you already created— You can sense from the crawling fire’s space as well as your
shed bright light in a 60-foot radius (and dim light for the own, using your senses. When you use a fire impulse, you can
next 60 feet). have it originate from the crawling fire instead of you (with the
exception of impulses that affect your kinetic aura).
FLYING FLAME [two-actions] FEAT 1 The creation lasts until the end of your next turn, but you
FIRE IMPULSE KINETICIST PRIMAL can Sustain it up to 1 minute. Each time you Sustain it, you
A Tiny shape of flame appears, taking a form of your choice— can have the crawling fire Stride up to 40 feet. The crawling
such as a bird, an arrow, or a simple sphere. It Flies from you fire can be attacked. It uses your statistics for defenses but
up to 30 feet in a path you choose. Each creature it passes is immune to fire. Any damage that would be dealt to the
through takes 1d6 fire damage with a basic Reflex save against crawling fire is dealt to you instead, though you take damage
your class DC. A creature attempts only one save, even if the only once from any ability that includes both you and the
flame passes through it multiple times. creation in the area of effect. If you use Crawling Fire again,
Level (+2) The damage increases by 1d6. any previous one ends.
Level (8th) The fire can be Small or Medium.
SCORCHING COLUMN [three-actions] FEAT 1 Level (10th) The fire can be Small, Medium, or Large.
FIRE IMPULSE KINETICIST OVERFLOW PRIMAL Level (14th) The fire can be Small, Medium, Large, or Huge.
With an upward gesture, you shape a vertical column of
extreme heat. The cylinder is 10 feet in diameter and 30 feet VOLCANIC ESCAPE [reaction] FEAT 6
high, and the bottom must be within 60 feet of you. Each FIRE IMPULSE KINETICIST OVERFLOW PRIMAL
creature in the area takes 1d6 fire damage with a basic Reflex Trigger An enemy in your kinetic aura damages you.
save against your class DC. Lava reflexively explodes underneath you and the creature that
The flame remains briefly, making all squares in the column hurt you. The triggering enemy takes 1d6 fire damage with a
hazardous terrain until the end of your next turn, and you basic Reflex save against your class DC. You Leap up to half your
can Sustain the impulse up to 1 minute. A creature takes 1 fire Speed in any direction; this movement doesn’t trigger reactions.
damage each time it moves into one of these squares. Level (+4) The damage increases by 1d6.
8TH LEVEL Level (16th) This duration is 1 minute, you can’t Sustain the
impulse, and you can Dismiss the impulse.
As a candle can light another, you awaken the latent potential to ELEMENTAL
channel fire in other creatures. You shed faint, glowing embers, WALK THROUGH THE CONFLAGRATION [two-actions] FEAT 14 CHARACTERS
as do your allies while they’re in your kinetic aura. Anyone FIRE IMPULSE KINETICIST OVERFLOW PRIMAL TELEPORTATION Kineticist Class
shedding these embers gains a +1 status bonus to Reflex saves You fall through your own kinetic gate, leaving behind an Elemental
and Acrobatics checks and can Step as a free action once per effigy of flame and reappearing majestically near another fire. Impulses
round. When an affected creature takes a move action, its You instantly transport yourself, and any items you’re wearing Elemental
Strikes deal an extra 2 fire damage until the end of its turn. and holding, from your current space to a clear space within Allies
Level (12th) The status bonus to Reflex saves and Acrobatics 120 feet you can observe that’s adjacent to an open flame or Elemental
checks is +2, and the Strikes gain the flaming rune instead of a creature taking persistent fire damage. If this would bring Ardande
the extra 2 fire damage. another creature with you—even if you’re carrying it in an Geniekin
extradimensional container—the action fails. Talos Geniekin
SOLAR DETONATION [three-actions] FEAT 8 A whorl of fire surrounds you in a 5-foot emanation either Elemental
before you depart or after you arrive. Each creature in the area Instinct
Blinding flames explode in a swirling sphere! The detonation takes 4d6 fire damage with a basic Reflex save against your Elemental Spell
fills a 20-foot burst within 60 feet of you. Each creature in the class DC. Elemental
area takes 6d6 fire damage, plus 2d6 vitality damage if it has Level (+3) The fire damage increases by 1d6. Archetypes
void healing, and can become dazzled or blinded depending on AIR
the result of its Reflex save. The light from Solar Detonation is 18TH LEVEL
sunlight for creatures with a particular vulnerability to sunlight. EARTH
Each creature that attempts a save becomes temporarily ALL SHALL END IN FLAMES [three-actions] FEAT 18 FIRE
immune to being dazzled or blinded by Solar Detonation for 10 DEATH FIRE IMPULSE KINETICIST OVERFLOW PRIMAL
minutes, but not the impulse’s other effects. White-hot fire consumes everything in a cataclysmic sphere of
Critical Success The creature is unaffected. death. The fire fills your choice of a 30-foot burst within 500 WATER
Success The creature takes half damage and is dazzled until the feet or a 30-foot emanation. This deals 13d6 fire damage with a WOOD
start of your next turn. basic Reflex save against your class DC. Any creature dropped
Failure The creature takes full damage and is blinded until the to 0 HP by this fire dies, reduced to a pile of ash. CHURN OF
start of your next turn. If you die to this impulse, you return to life at the start of ELEMENTS
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and is your next turn in the same space. When you return, you have APPENDIX
blinded for 1 minute. Hit Points equal to double your level.
Level (+2) Increase the fire damage by 1d6 and the vitality Level (20th) The damage is 15d6.
damage by 1d6.
IGNITE THE SUN [two-actions] FEAT 18
The fires of creation become yours to control. You create a
ARCHITECT OF FLAME [three-actions] FEAT 12 miniature sun in a 5-foot burst within 500 feet. A creature
FIRE IMPULSE KINETICIST MANIPULATE OVERFLOW PRIMAL takes 7d6 fire damage any time it’s in the miniature sun, with
Flames rise and shape to your will, forming a wall or dome of a basic Reflex save against your class DC. A creature can take
your design. You create a wall of fire. In addition to the normal this damage no more than once per round. The sun sheds bright
choices, you can make the wall up to 10 feet long and 60 feet light in a 500-foot emanation (and dim light for another 500
high. The wall lasts until the end of your next turn, but you can feet); this is sunlight for creatures with a particular vulnerability
Sustain it up to 1 minute. to sunlight.
Level (+3) The damage increases by 1d6. The sun lasts until the end of your next turn, but you
can Sustain it up to 1 minute. The first time you Sustain the
FURNACE FORM [two-actions] FEAT 12 impulse each round, you can choose to increase the size of
FIRE IMPULSE KINETICIST MANIPULATE POLYMORPH PRIMAL the sun’s burst by 5 feet, then make it Fly up to 30 feet.
Opening your kinetic gate, you allow flames to consume The sun can move through creatures, damaging them as
your form and leave you a living flame. You gain the benefits described above.
of the fiery body spell (except the ability to cast ignition) The sun continually channels fire into you and your allies.
until the end of your next turn. You can Sustain the impulse You and each of your allies within the sun’s light deal an
up to 1 minute, and when you do, you can Fly up to half your additional 1d6 fire damage with all Strikes, spells that deal fire
fly Speed. Your fire Elemental Blasts deal an additional die damage, and impulses that deal fire damage (except for Ignite
of damage. the Sun itself). These aren’t cumulative with multiple suns.
Metal Impulses slashing damage in a 15-foot cone, and a creature that critically
fails takes 1d6 persistent bleed damage. Spines deal 1d6
1ST LEVEL piercing damage in a 30-foot line, and a creature that critically
fails is clumsy 1 until the start of your next turn.
FLASHFORGE [two-actions] FEAT 1 Level (+2) The damage increases by 1d6.
An artificial metal object forms in the hands of you or a willing 4TH LEVEL
ally within 30 feet. You can choose a level 0, common, handheld
weapon or piece of adventuring gear of 1 Bulk or less. The item MAGNETIC FIELD [one-action] FEAT 4
is entirely made from metal, making some items impossible or IMPULSE KINETICIST METAL PRIMAL STANCE
impractical to use (if it’s unclear, the GM decides). You can make A magnetic field surrounds you. Choose a polarity when you
items with simple moving parts or magnetism, like a compass, take this action. You can switch the polarity as a free action at
poor lock, or merchant’s scale. The item lasts for 10 minutes, the start of each of your turns while you remain in this stance.
but each time it’s used, the user must succeed at a DC 5 flat Attract A creature that is wearing metal armor, has the metal
check or the item is destroyed after the action is completed. trait, or is made of metal treats squares in your kinetic aura
as difficult terrain when moving away from you. You pull
MAGNETIC PINIONS [three-actions] FEAT 1 unattended metal objects of light Bulk or less in your kinetic
IMPULSE KINETICIST METAL OVERFLOW PRIMAL aura to you. They gather in your space and move with you.
Small pieces of metal fly from you, propelled with magnetism at Repel A creature that is wearing metal armor, has the metal
great velocity. Make ranged impulse attack rolls against up to trait, or is made of metal treats squares in your kinetic aura
three creatures within 60 feet of you; you gain a +1 circumstance as difficult terrain when moving closer to you. You push
bonus to your attack roll against any target wearing metal unattended metal objects of light Bulk or less in your kinetic
armor or made of metal. All three attacks count toward your aura away. They stop moving once they’re outside your aura.
multiple attack penalty, but it doesn’t increase until after all the
attacks. The metal pieces deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage and 1d4 PLATE IN TREASURE [one-action] FEAT 4
piercing damage on a hit (or double damage on a critical hit). IMPULSE KINETICIST METAL PRIMAL
Level (+2) Each type of damage increases by 1d4. Precious metal flows from your fingers to plate an object. This
has the effects of a clad in metal spell (page 142) with a rank
METAL CARAPACE [one-action] FEAT 1 equal to half your level rounded up. While you’re wearing or
IMPULSE KINETICIST METAL PRIMAL holding an item of light Bulk or greater that’s Plated in Treasure,
Sheets of bent and rusted metal cover you in an armored shell. any metal created by one of your impulses is plated with the
The carapace is medium armor but uses your highest armor metal. If you use Plate in Treasure again, any previous one ends.
proficiency. The carapace’s statistics are: AC Bonus +3; Dex Cap
+2; Check Penalty –2; Speed Penalty –5 feet; Strength 14; Bulk 6TH LEVEL
2; Group plate; Armor Traits noisy. Any bonuses, runes, and
magical abilities of your actual armor are suppressed, but any CONSUME POWER [reaction] FEAT 6
that could apply to the metal carapace are replicated onto it. IMPULSE KINETICIST METAL PRIMAL
When you use this impulse, you can also create a rusty steel Trigger You would take acid, electricity, fire, or sonic damage.
shield in a free hand, which uses the statistics of a regular steel You absorb energy and hold it in your kinetic gate. You gain
shield. You can Shield Block with this shield even if you don’t resistance equal to your level to the triggering damage—choose
have that feat. The hand wielding this shield counts as a free one eligible type of resistance. If this reaction prevents any
hand for using impulses. The shield crumbles to flakes of rust if damage, you gain a status bonus equal to half your level to the
it becomes broken or leaves your grasp. damage roll of the next metal impulse you use before the end
The impulse lasts for 10 minutes, and you can Dismiss this of your next turn.
impulse. If you use this impulse again, any existing one ends.
The metal is rusted and fragile. If you take damage from a SCRAP BARRICADE [three-actions] FEAT 6
critical hit, the metal shatters and the impulse ends. IMPULSE KINETICIST MANIPULATE METAL OVERFLOW PRIMAL
Level (+3) The shield’s Hardness increases by 1, its HP by 4, and Ragged pieces of metal weld together into a ramshackle
its BT by 2. structure. The barricade is up to 30 feet long, 15 feet high, and
1/2 inch thick. It must form in a straight line in an unbroken
SHARD STRIKE [two-actions] FEAT 1 open space that doesn’t pass through any creatures or objects,
IMPULSE KINETICIST METAL PRIMAL or the impulse fails. Each 10-foot-by-10-foot section of the wall
Jagged metal shards form in the air and lash out from you. You has AC 10, Hardness 10, and 20 Hit Points, and it’s immune to
choose shards or spines, which changes the area, damage type, critical hits and precision damage. If any section is destroyed,
and critical failure effect. Each creature in the area attempts the entire wall collapses, and each creature adjacent to the wall
a basic Reflex save against your class DC. Shards deal 1d6 takes 2d8 slashing damage with a basic Reflex save against
your class DC. The wall lasts until the end of your next turn, but
you can Sustain it up to 1 minute. 14TH LEVEL
Level (+2) The maximum length of the wall increases by 10
feet, the HP of each section increases by 10, and the damage ALLOY FLESH AND STEEL [two-actions] FEAT 14 INTRODUCTION
Elemental energy replaces every cell of your body with raw CHARACTERS
8TH LEVEL metal. You gain the benefits of the ferrous form spell (except Kineticist Class
you can’t cast needle darts; see page 142) until the end of your Elemental
CONDUCTIVE SPHERE [two-actions] FEAT 8 next turn. You can Sustain the impulse up to 1 minute, and Impulses
ELECTRICITY IMPULSE KINETICIST MANIPULATE METAL PRIMAL when you do, you can Raise a metal Shield if you’re wielding Elemental
A floating metal ball forms in a space within 30 feet, flashing one. Your metal Elemental Blasts deal an additional die of Allies
with electricity. It can’t be targeted or damaged. Any of your damage. If you suspend any conditions with Alloy Flesh and Elemental
allies adjacent to it gain resistance to electricity equal to your Steel, when it ends, you’re temporarily immune to Alloy Flesh Ardande
level and add the shock rune to all their Strikes with metal and Steel for 1 hour. Geniekin
objects. The sphere lasts until the end of your next turn, but Level (16th) The resistance is 15. Talos Geniekin
you can Sustain it up to 1 minute. Elemental
When you conjure the sphere and the first time you Sustain 18TH LEVEL Instinct
the impulse on subsequent rounds, you can either have it Fly Elemental Spell
up to 20 feet or deal 1d12 electricity damage to an adjacent BEASTS OF SLUMBERING STEEL [three-actions] FEAT 18 Elemental
creature with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. IMPULSE KINETICIST METAL PRIMAL Archetypes
You conjure metal elemental mounts made of interlocking metal AIR
RETCH RUST [two-actions] FEAT 8 pieces. Target up to 5 Medium or smaller willing creatures
within 30 feet. Large mounts appear underneath them, and the EARTH
You exhale tendrils formed from flakes of rusted metal. targets can immediately Mount the creatures. Each mount can FIRE
All creatures in a 30-foot cone take 4d10 slashing damage take four different forms. One form has only a land Speed of
with a basic Fortitude save against your class DC. A metal 80 feet, and the other forms each have a land Speed of 30 feet
creature that fails its save also takes 2d4 persistent slashing with a climb, fly, or swim Speed of 60 feet. Each rider chooses WATER
damage. the initial form and can change the form as a single action, WOOD
Heightened (+2) The cloud’s slashing damage increases by which has the concentration trait.
1d10 and the persistent damage increases by 1d4. The mounts have AC 40, Fortitude +30, Reflex +30, Will CHURN OF
+25, and 180 Hit Points. They’re mindless and immune to ELEMENTS
12TH LEVEL bleed, healing, paralyzed, poison, and sleep. They can’t attack. APPENDIX
They remain for 1 minute or until you use this impulse again.
RAIN OF RAZORS [three-actions] FEAT 12 You can use this impulse as a 1-minute exploration activity
IMPULSE KINETICIST METAL OVERFLOW PRIMAL to make the duration 1 hour, but this halves the mounts’
Razor-sharp slivers of metal fall from the sky. Each creature defenses and HP.
in a 20-foot burst within 60 feet takes 9d6 slashing damage
with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. The razors HELL OF 1,000,000 NEEDLES [three-actions] FEAT 18
embed in all surfaces in the area, making them hazardous IMPULSE KINETICIST METAL OVERFLOW PRIMAL
terrain for 1 minute. A creature that moves through this The landscape fills with monumental filaments of metal. The
hazardous terrain takes 3 slashing damage for every square needles lance into a cube 30 feet on a side within 500 feet.
of the area it moves into. Each creature in the area takes 13d6 piercing damage, with
Level (+2) The initial damage increases by 1d6 and the a basic Reflex save against your class DC. Each creature that
hazardous terrain damage increases by 1. fails its save is impaled, becoming immobilized until it Escapes
(the DC is your class DC); a creature that critically failed is also
SHATTERSHIELDS [one-action] FEAT 12 off-guard as long as it’s impaled.
IMPULSE KINETICIST METAL PRIMAL STANCE The hell remains until the end of your next turn, but you
Four plates of pitted metal float around you to intercept can Sustain it up to 1 minute. Using this impulse again ends
attacks. You and allies in your kinetic aura gain a +1 any previous one. The first time you Sustain it each round,
circumstance bonus to AC. When any creature with this lightning crisscrosses the needles. Each creature in the area
bonus would take damage from a physical attack, one of takes 3d12 electricity damage with a basic Reflex save against
the plates reduces the damage by its Hardness of 5. If the your class DC. Squares in the area are hazardous terrain. A
damage exceeds the Hardness, that plate is destroyed. You creature takes 6 piercing damage for every square of the area
can replenish all destroyed plates as a single action that has it moves through.
the concentrate trait. Level (20th) The initial damage is 17d6, and the hazardous
Level (+2) The Hardness increases by 1. terrain damage is 7.
Water Impulses effects of a feet to fins spell, can breathe water, and gets a +1
status bonus to AC and saves against any creature with the
1ST LEVEL amphibious, aquatic, or water trait. In addition, its attacks
ignore the effects water normally has on bludgeoning and
DEFLECTING WAVE [reaction] FEAT 1 slashing attacks. If you use Return to the Sea again, any
Trigger You would take acid, bludgeoning, fire, or slashing Level (6th) You can target up to 5 willing creatures.
damage from an enemy’s attack, spell, or other hostile effect.
Requirements You’re aware of the hostile effect, and you WINTER SLEET [one-action] FEAT 4
A cascade of water blunts or disperses the incoming attack. Bone-chilling, swirling sleet surrounds you, cruel as
You gain resistance to damage from the triggering effect deepest winter. Surfaces in your kinetic aura are coated in
equal to your level if it’s bludgeoning or slashing, or double slippery ice. A creature that moves on this uneven ground
your level if it’s acid or fire damage. If the effect deals more immediately falls unless it Balances (DC 15). A creature is
than one applicable type of damage, apply the highest off-guard on the ice, as normal for uneven ground. You’re
resistance, but apply it only once. immune to these effects.
If a creature on the ice is critically hit by one of your
OCEAN’S BALM [one-action] FEAT 1 water impulses or critically fails at a save against one, that
HEALING IMPULSE KINETICIST MANIPULATE PRIMAL VITALITY WATER creature is slowed 1 until the end of its next turn.
A blessing of the living sea salves wounds and douses
flames. Touch a willing living creature. It regains 1d8 6TH LEVEL
Hit Points and gains resistance 2 to fire for 1 minute. If
it has persistent fire damage, it can attempt a flat check DRIVING RAIN [three-actions] FEAT 6
to remove it with especially appropriate help. The target IMPULSE KINETICIST OVERFLOW PRIMAL WATER
is temporarily immune to healing from Ocean’s Balm for Heavy drops of rain batter down, hitting like sling stones and
10 minutes. impeding vision. Each creature in a 15-foot burst within 120
Level (+2) The healing increases by 1d8, and the resistance feet takes 3d8 bludgeoning damage with a basic Reflex save
increases by 1. against your class DC. Until the start of your next turn, all
creatures are concealed while in the area, and all creatures
TIDAL HANDS [two-actions] FEAT 1 outside the area are concealed to creatures within it.
IMPULSE KINETICIST OVERFLOW PRIMAL WATER Level (+2) The damage increases by 1d8.
With an emphatic gesture, you create waves that rush out
from you in the shape of your hands. You either form two TORRENT IN THE BLOOD [two-actions] FEAT 6
15‑foot cones that don’t overlap or you combine the hands HEALING IMPULSE KINETICIST MANIPULATE OVERFLOW PRIMAL VITALITY
into one 30-foot cone. Each creature in a wave takes 1d8 WATER
bludgeoning damage with a basic Reflex save against your A healing wave splashes across creatures in a 30-foot cone,
class DC. If a creature critically fails, you also push that its cleansing water driving afflictions from the body. Each
creature 5 feet. creature in the area regains 3d8 Hit Points and can attempt
Level (+2) The damage increases by 1d8. a new save against one poison or disease affliction affecting
it; on a failed save, the condition doesn’t worsen.
WINTER’S CLUTCH [two-actions] FEAT 1 Each creature that benefited from this impulse becomes
COLD IMPULSE KINETICIST PRIMAL WATER temporarily immune to Torrent in the Blood for 10 minutes.
Gleaming flakes of chilling snow fall in a 10-foot burst within Level (+2) The healing increases by 1d8.
60 feet. Each creature in the area takes 2d4 cold damage
with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. The ground in 8TH LEVEL
the area is covered in a snow drift, which is difficult terrain.
Each square of the drift lasts until it melts, either naturally CALL THE HURRICANE [two-actions] FEAT 8
or until fire damage is dealt in that square. IMPULSE KINETICIST OVERFLOW PRIMAL WATER
Level (+2) The damage increases by 1d4. Massive waves spiral around you, with you as the eye of
the hurricane. The waves appear in a 20-foot emanation,
4TH LEVEL or a 30-foot emanation if you’re in a body of water. Each
creature in the area takes 6d8 bludgeoning damage with a
RETURN TO THE SEA [two-actions] FEAT 4 basic Reflex save against your class DC. A creature that fails
IMPULSE KINETICIST MORPH PRIMAL WATER its save is battered by the waves and pushed 10 feet (or 20
You adapt a creature to living and moving in water. Target a feet on a critical failure).
willing creature within 30 feet. For 10 minutes, it gains the Level (+2) The damage increases by 1d8.
IMPENETRABLE FOG [three-actions] FEAT 8 has the effect of a wall of ice spell with a spell rank equal
IMPULSE KINETICIST MANIPULATE OVERFLOW PRIMAL WATER to half your level rounded up. It can only be a wall (not a
Fog condenses in a chaotic, swirling pattern, thick enough hemisphere), and you choose whether the ice is transparent
that it seems to push back against you. You call forth a fog or opaque. The wall lasts until the end of your next turn, but INTRODUCTION
bank in a 10-foot burst within 120 feet. All creatures in the you can Sustain it up to 1 minute. ELEMENTAL
fog are concealed, and all creatures outside the fog become CHARACTERS
concealed to creatures within it. The fog is so magically 18TH LEVEL Kineticist Class
dense it impedes movement, making the area difficult Elemental
terrain. The fog lasts until the end of your next turn, and you RIDE THE TSUNAMI [three-actions] FEAT 18 Impulses
can Sustain the impulse up to 1 minute. IMPULSE KINETICIST OVERFLOW PRIMAL WATER Elemental
Level (+3) You can make the radius of the burst larger. Booming, crashing walls of water, enough to fill a harbor, Allies
Increase its maximum size by 5 feet. smash out ahead of you, overwhelming all in their path. Elemental
The waves move forward in your choice of a 60-foot cone Ardande
12TH LEVEL or 120‑foot line. If you’re in water, you can increase these Geniekin
waves to a 90-foot cone or 180-foot line. Each creature Talos Geniekin
GLACIAL PRISON [two-actions] FEAT 12 in the area takes 10d10 bludgeoning damage with a basic Elemental
Reflex save against your class DC. A creature that fails its Instinct
Intense cold swirls around your foe, covering it in frost that save is pushed 20 feet (or 40 feet on a critical failure). Any Elemental Spell
slows it down and turns its body to ice. Target a creature unattended object of 1 Bulk or less in the area is pushed to the Elemental
you can observe within 120 feet. It must attempt a Fortitude far edge of the area. The sheer mass of water extinguishes Archetypes
save against your class DC. The creature is then temporarily all non‑magical flames in the area. AIR
immune for 24 hours. As the wave crashes down, you can catch it to your
Critical Success The target is unaffected. destination. After the impulse deals damage, you can EARTH
Success The target is slowed 1 until the end of its next turn. Swim in a straight line to any point in its area before the FIRE
Failure The target is frozen solid. It can’t act, its AC is 9, water disappears.
it has Hardness 5, and it’s immune to other cold effects,
critical hits, and precision damage. This lasts until the end USURP THE LUNAR REINS [three-actions] FEAT 18 WATER
of your next turn, but if the target is affected by a hostile IMPULSE KINETICIST OVERFLOW PRIMAL WATER WOOD
action, this effect ends immediately after that action. The moon has always been connected to the tides, and now
Critical Failure As failure, but after becoming unfrozen, the you can grasp that connection. You can create massive CHURN OF
creature is slowed 1 until the end of its next turn. amounts of water and control these tides, subverting even ELEMENTS
the moon’s sovereignty over the oceans and seas. Choose APPENDIX
SEA GLASS GUARDIANS [one-action] FEAT 12 an area 50 feet long by 50 feet wide within 500 feet, and
IMPULSE KINETICIST PRIMAL STANCE WATER choose two different effects from the options provided
Eerily beautiful elemental water beings race around you, below. The effects take place in the listed order.
eager to protect and heal you and your allies. Their forms • Flood You create a pool of pure, clean water in the
vary and might include eels formed of undulating water area, which coalesces from ambient moisture. This
or ice crystals whirling in the shape of a jellyfish. The water must be created on a surface—not in air—and
guardians flow around combatants and don’t occupy a flows normally.
space. They attempt to intercept all dangers, granting you • Control You tug on the moon to raise or lower the level
and your allies within your kinetic aura a +1 status bonus of bodies of water in the area by 10 feet. If you control
to AC and saving throws. a portion of a larger body of water, the water then
If any creature affected is critically hit or critically fails at equalizes normally.
a saving throw against an attack, effect from an enemy, or • Modulate With a wave of your hand, you create or
hazard and remains above 0 HP, the guardians reach out to smooth ripples, making all bodies of water in the
heal that creature. The creature regains 4d8+8 Hit Points, area either calm or turbulent. Making it calm turns
and the impulse ends. If the creature is in water, the healing difficult terrain or greater difficult terrain to calm
dice are d10s instead of d8s. water, and making it turbulent turns calm water into
Level (+3) The healing increases by 1d8+4. difficult terrain.
• Slow By exercising your rightful control over all water,
14TH LEVEL each creature with the water trait in the area must
succeed at a Fortitude save against your class DC or be
BARRIER OF BOREAL FROST [three-actions] FEAT 14 slowed 1 (or slowed 2 on a critical failure).
COLD IMPULSE KINETICIST MANIPULATE OVERFLOW PRIMAL WATER Flood and control are permanent and non-magical.
You form an intricate structure of ice, such as a wall of bricks Modulate and slow last until the end of your next turn, but
made of packed snow or a screen of enormous icicles. This you can Sustain the impulse to continue them.
Wood Impulses a –10-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds until it leaves
the area. The thorns are hazardous terrain. A creature takes 2
1ST LEVEL piercing damage each time it moves into one of these squares.
If any square the thorns grow on is water or soil, double the
FRESH PRODUCE [one-action] FEAT 1 hazardous terrain damage for all thorns. If you move, the
HEALING IMPULSE KINETICIST PLANT PRIMAL VITALITY WOOD thorns disappear; new thorns grow at the end of your turn.
You grow a nourishing nut, vegetable, seed, or fruit. Choose a Level (+4) The damage increases by 1.
creature in your kinetic aura. The produce grows in their open
hand, or at their feet if they have no open hands. The produce TUMBLING LUMBER [two-actions] FEAT 4
has light Bulk. A creature can eat it with an Interact action to IMPULSE KINETICIST PRIMAL WOOD
regain 1d4 + 1 HP; this is a healing vitality effect. The creature A slew of logs eject from the Plane of Wood and slam into
feels full for 10 minutes, during which it has resistance 2 to void your enemies. They roll in a 10-foot-wide, 30-foot-long line.
damage and can’t eat another piece of produce. Produce not Non-magical difficult terrain on any ground the logs roll over is
consumed by the start of your next turn withers away. smashed flat; greater difficult terrain remains. Each creature in
Level (+2) The healing increases by 1d4+5, and the resistance the area takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage and might be moved
increases by 2. by the logs, depending on its Reflex save against your class DC.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
HAIL OF SPLINTERS [two-actions] FEAT 1 Success The creature takes half damage.
IMPULSE KINETICIST OVERFLOW PRIMAL WOOD Failure The creature takes full damage and is pushed out of the
A fusillade of jagged splinters flies from you. Creatures in a line in the most direct path available.
30-foot cone take 1d4 piercing damage and 1d4 persistent Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and is
bleed damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. knocked prone.
Level (+2) Each type of damage increases by 1d4. Level (+3) The damage increases by 1d8.
8TH LEVEL Level (+4) The damage increases by 1d10.
Composite Impulses is in the rain at the start of its turn, it takes 3d6 damage with a
basic Fortitude save against your class DC, plus 1d6 persistent
4TH LEVEL damage if it fails. Damage from this impulse ignores Hardness.
Level (+2) The initial damage increases by 1d6.
You plant the seed of a giant bladderwort in an unoccupied ATTACK COMPOSITE EARTH IMPULSE KINETICIST METAL PRIMAL
square of ground or water within 30 feet. It lasts for 10 minutes. A whirling grindstone made of flint appears in an unoccupied
Using this impulse again ends any previous one. If a creature square within 30 feet. The grindstone shreds flesh and shoots
enters its square, the seed erupts into a voluminous, translucent sparks. Attempt an impulse attack roll against the AC of a
plant that seals tight around the triggering creature and fills creature adjacent to the grindstone. On a hit, the creature takes
with water. Unless the creature succeeds at a Reflex save 2d6 slashing damage and 1d6 fire damage (or double damage on
against your class DC, it’s immobilized within the bladderwort a critical hit). The grindstone lasts until the end of your next turn,
and must hold its breath or begin drowning. The Escape DC is and you can Sustain the impulse up to 1 minute. On subsequent
also your class DC. The plant has AC 10 and 50 Hit Points. turns, the first time you Sustain the impulse that turn, you can
If a creature dies inside it, the plant shrinks down, converting roll the grindstone up to 20 feet and can repeat the attack.
itself and the remains into a watery fruit. A creature can eat this A creature within reach of the grindstone can Interact with it
consumable to regain 1d8+4 HP, after which that creature is to sharpen a metal weapon. This grants a +2 circumstance bonus
temporarily immune for 10 minutes. This fruit rots after 1 hour. to the next damage roll made with that weapon within 1 minute.
Level (+4) The bladderwort’s HP increase by 25 and the fruit’s Level (+5) The grindstone’s damage increases by 1d6 slashing
healing increases by 1d8+4. and 1d6 fire, and the bonus to weapons increases by 1.
AC of a target within 120 feet. The target takes 3d12 piercing in a cylinder that’s 40 feet tall, has a 30-foot diameter, and is
damage on a hit (or double damage on a critical hit). within 120 feet. All creatures in the area take 2d6 bludgeoning
The ballista can be shot again, but it must first be reloaded damage with a basic Fortitude save against your class DC. Lift
with two Interact actions. The ballista lasts until the end of any creature that fails its save to any height you choose within INTRODUCTION
your next turn, and you can Sustain the impulse. Each time you the area, move it up to 5 feet in any direction, then drop it. It ELEMENTAL
Sustain it, you can roll the ballista up to 20 feet, shoot it if it’s takes falling damage normally unless it has a fly Speed. CHARACTERS
loaded, or contribute 1 action toward reloading it. Level (+3) The rain damage increases by 1d6, and the cylinder’s Kineticist Class
Level (+3) The damage increases by 1d12. height increases by 5 feet. Elemental
JAGGED BERMS [three-actions] FEAT 6 ROILING MUDSLIDE [two-actions] FEAT 6 Elemental
You conjure up to six cube-shaped mounds of packed earth. You form water and earth into a mudslide that smashes your Elemental
Each appears in an unoccupied square within 120 feet, fills its opponents and coats them in mud. Each creature in the area Ardande
square, and provides cover. A mound has AC 10, Hardness 10, takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage with a basic Fortitude save Geniekin
and 20 HP, and is immune to critical hits and precision damage. against your class DC. A creature that fails is also pushed 5 feet Talos Geniekin
If destroyed, a mound becomes difficult terrain. The mounds (or 10 feet on a critical failure) and coated in mud until the end Elemental
last for an unlimited duration, but if you use the impulse again, of its next turn. While coated in mud, the creature falls prone at Instinct
any previous one ends. the end of its movement any time it ends a move action other Elemental Spell
Sharpened wooden stakes protrude from each mound into than a Crawl or Step. The creature can attempt an Acrobatics Elemental
adjacent squares. They can project from any of its sides; you check or Reflex save against your class DC, avoiding the fall if Archetypes
choose which sides for each mound. For each square of wooden it succeeds. AIR
stakes a creature enters, that creature takes 2d6 piercing Level (+4) The damage increases by 1d8.
damage. Destroying a mound also destroys its stakes. EARTH
Level (+2) The HP of each section of the wall increases by 10, STEAM KNIGHT [one-action] FEAT 6 FIRE
and the piercing damage increases by 1d6. COMPOSITE FIRE IMPULSE KINETICIST PRIMAL STANCE WATER
You shape your kinetic aura into swirling armor of steam
LIGHTNING ROD [three-actions] FEAT 6 that scalds your enemies and propels you on super-heated jet WATER
AIR COMPOSITE IMPULSE KINETICIST METAL PRIMAL streams. A creature can take damage from Steam Knight only WOOD
You smash a metal rod into your foe and call lightning to it. once per round. Your steam armor has the following effects.
Attempt a 1-action melee Elemental Blast using the metal • You gain a +10-foot status bonus to your Speed. CHURN OF
element. On a hit, the target is skewered with a metal rod, • When you Leap, you can jump up to your Speed. You don’t ELEMENTS
which gives it a –1 circumstance penalty to AC and saves immediately fall at the end of a jump, provided you Leap APPENDIX
against electricity; the penalty is –2 if the creature also has the again with your next action. If you Leap over a creature
metal trait, is made of metal, or is wearing metal armor. A hit and come within 10 feet, that creature takes 2d6 fire
creature immediately takes 1d12 electricity damage with a basic damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC.
Reflex save against your class DC. The creature can Interact to • At the start of each of your turns, you can emit steam as
attempt a DC 10 Athletics check to pull the lightning rod free. a free action. It deals 2d6 fire damage to each creature in
Level (+6) The electricity damage increases by 1d12. your kinetic aura with a basic Reflex save against your
class DC. A creature that fails is also pushed 5 feet.
MOLTEN WIRE [two-actions] FEAT 6 Level (+5) The fire damage from a jump or blast of steam
Spinning molten iron through a vortex of fire, you trap your
foe in searing wires. Make an impulse attack roll against a TREE OF DUALITY [three-actions] FEAT 6
creature within 15 feet. On a success, the target takes 2d6 AIR COMPOSITE IMPULSE KINETICIST PRIMAL WOOD
slashing damage and is wrapped in molten wire for 1 minute. An ephemeral tree bursts forth, floating on air in an unoccupied
It is clumsy 1 and takes 2d4 fire damage at the start of each of square of your choice within 60 feet. Blooming flowers and
its turns, with a basic Reflex save. The wire’s Escape DC is your fungal growths shed pollen and spores, which a swirling gust of
class DC. The wire has AC 10 and 75 HP. The impulse ends if the air spreads in a 10-foot emanation around it. The tree lasts until
creature Escapes or the wire is destroyed. the end of your next turn, and you can Sustain it up to 1 minute.
Level (+4) The slashing damage increases by 1d6, the fire • Cleansing Pollen (healing, vitality) Each living ally that’s in
damage increases by 1d4, and the wire’s HP increases by 25. the area or enters it regains 3d4 HP and is then temporarily
immune to regaining HP from Tree of Duality for 10 minutes.
RISING HURRICANE [three-actions] FEAT 6 • Hallucinogenic Spores (mental) Enemies in the area are
AIR COMPOSITE IMPULSE KINETICIST OVERFLOW PRIMAL WATER dazzled. An enemy that leaves the area remains dazzled
A hurricane lifts your enemies into the air before bringing until the start of its next turn.
them crashing down in a bloody rain. Your hurricane appears Level (+2) The healing increases by 1d4.
Summoners bond with elemental eidolons spun from the formless energy of the Elemental Planes, witches and wizards
find elemental familiars to serve them, and druids and rangers travel alongside elemental companions.
Elemental Core
Your elemental eidolon is an amalgam of elemental
matter and mortal life force, which helps protect them
from certain effects that are more harmful to mortals
than elementals. They gain a +2 circumstance bonus to
saving throws against poison and sleep effects, as well
as effects causing the paralyzed condition. Additionally,
their elemental essence bleeds less easily than flesh,
so the DC of any flat check they make to remove
persistent bleed damage is 10 (or 5 after receiving
particularly effective aid). Choose for your eidolon to
be an air, earth, fire, metal, wood, or water elemental.
Your eidolon and all their unarmed attacks gain the
trait of the chosen element, and the eidolon gains
additional effects based on your choice.
Air: Your eidolon is formed from elemental air
and is light as a breeze. Your eidolon can Leap, High
Jump, and Long Jump twice as far, and doesn’t take
falling damage.
Earth: Your eidolon is formed from elemental earth,
and is incredibly hard to move by force. Your eidolon
gains a +2 circumstance bonus to their Fortitude or
Reflex DCs against attempts to Shove or Trip them.
This bonus also applies to saving throws against
spells or effects that attempt to knock them prone. In
addition, if any effect would force them to move 10 feet
or more, they’re moved only half the distance.
Fire: Your eidolon is formed from elemental fire INTRODUCTION
and burns with embers of flame. Your eidolon gains ELEMENTAL
resistance equal to half your level (minimum 1) to fire CHARACTERS
and an equal amount of weakness to cold and water. Kineticist Class
Their unarmed attacks deal 1 additional fire damage. Elemental
Metal: Your eidolon is formed from elemental Impulses
metal and can adapt their metallic form to battle. Elemental
One of your eidolon’s starting melee unarmed attacks Allies
gains the versatile bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing Elemental
trait, as your eidolon learns how to shift the metal Ardande
into various weaponlike forms. Geniekin
Water: Your eidolon is formed from elemental Talos Geniekin
water and swims with ease. Your eidolon Elemental
gains the amphibious trait, allowing them Instinct
to breathe in water and air and to avoid the Elemental Spell
normal –2 penalty for making bludgeoning Elemental
and slashing unarmed Strikes underwater. Your Archetypes
eidolon’s land Speed is reduced to 15 feet, and AIR
they gain a swim Speed of 25 feet. You can take
the Amphibious Form feat (Secrets of Magic 68) EARTH
to increase their land Speed back up to 25 feet, FIRE
as described in the feat.
Wood: Your eidolon is formed from elemental
wood, and its living wooden form twists and regrows WATER
as you focus your elemental energies. You can choose WOOD
to have your eidolon gain the plant trait. Whenever you ELEMENTAL MAELSTROM [three-actions]
Refocus, your eidolon regains a number of Hit Points EIDOLON
equal to double your level. Your eidolon temporarily shifts its form into a swirling ELEMENTS
vortex of elemental matter and rampages through their APPENDIX
Elemental Burst foes. Your eidolon Strides. During their movement, they can
Your eidolon can form projectile attacks from their own attempt a Strike against each enemy that is within their
body. Your eidolon gains the Elemental Burst activity. reach. If an enemy comes within your eidolon’s reach more
than once, your eidolon makes only a single Strike against a
ELEMENTAL BURST [two-actions] given enemy. These attacks all count towards your eidolon’s
CONCENTRATE EIDOLON multiple attack penalty, but the penalty doesn’t increase
Frequency once per 10 minutes until after all the attacks. If your eidolon has the appropriate
Your eidolon rips off a chunk of elemental matter from their Speed, they can Climb, Fly, or Swim instead of Stride.
own form and hurls it into a group of foes. Your eidolon loses
a number of Hit Points equal to your level. All creatures in a Elemental Companions
20-foot burst within 60 feet take 6d6 damage with a basic The Elemental Planes contain creatures of all sorts, from
Reflex save against your spell DC. The damage increases by powerful gods to tiny wisps, and everything in between.
1d6 for each level you have beyond 7th. The damage’s type The fact that the Elemental Planes contain elementals
is either fire damage if your eidolon is a fire elemental, or of animal intelligence that serve a similar role in their
the same physical damage type as your eidolon’s primary ecology is no surprise to scholars of the elements,
unarmed attack if your eidolon isn’t a fire elemental. travelers to the Elemental Planes, or any novice conjurer
Elemental Burst gains any traits that your eidolon’s unarmed who has ever summoned a cinder rat.
attacks gain from elemental core. The fauna of the Elemental Planes can form bonds
with druids and rangers in much the same way as
Elemental Maelstrom animals do in the Universe. Elemental companions
Your eidolon can form a swirling vortex of elemental have the elemental trait instead of the animal trait but
matter and move across the battlefield, damaging otherwise use the normal rules for animal companions.
everything in their path. Your eidolon gains the Elemental Elemental companions are immune to bleed, paralyzed,
Maelstrom activity. poison, and sleep. Elemental companions are typically
only selected by druids who have both the animal order CIRCLING FLYBY [two-actions]
and a corresponding elemental order (flame for fire Your air elemental flies in a circle, blowing gusts at your
elemental, storm for air elemental, and so on). foes before returning back to its starting position. The air
elemental Flies up to half its Speed, makes two gust Strikes,
AIR ELEMENTAL then Flies up to half its Speed again to return to its original
UNCOMMON AIR location. Both attacks count toward the air elemental’s
Your companion is an air elemental, such as a zephyr hawk. multiple attack penalty, but the penalty doesn’t increase
Access You are a member of the storm order. until after it makes both attacks.
Size Small
Melee [one-action] gust (finesse), Damage 1d6 bludgeoning EARTH ELEMENTAL
Str +1, Dex +2, Con +1, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha +1 UNCOMMON EARTH
Hit Points 4 Your companion is an earth elemental, such as a living
Skill Stealth boulder or sod hound.
Senses darkvision Access You are a member of the stone order SoM.
Speed fly 50 feet Size Small
Support Benefit Your air elemental swirls around you with Melee [one-action] fist, Damage 1d8 bludgeoning
concealing gusts, making it harder for your foes to hit you Str +2, Dex +0, Con +3, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha +0
and possibly giving you a moment to hide. Until the start of Hit Points 10
your next turn, if you hit with a Strike and deal damage to a Skill Survival
creature in your air elemental’s reach, you are concealed to Senses darkvision
that creature until the start of your next turn. Speed 20 feet, burrow 10 feet
Advanced Maneuver Circling Flyby Support Benefit Your earth elemental cracks the earth
beneath your foe’s feet, making it difficult for the foe to
move. Until the start of your next turn, if you hit with
a Strike and deal damage to a creature in your earth
elemental’s reach, the first square the creature moves into
after taking that damage is difficult terrain.
Advanced Maneuver Rolling Knockdown
Your companion is a fire elemental, such as a cinder rat or
lava otter.
Access You are a member of the flame order SoM.
Size Small
Melee [one-action] tendril (agile, finesse), Damage 1d6 fire
Str +2, Dex +2, Con +1, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha +0
Hit Points 4
Skill Intimidation
Senses darkvision
Speed 25 feet
Special Immunities fire, Weaknesses cold and
water (equal to the fire elemental’s level)
Support Benefit Your fire elemental burns your foes
and sets them on fire. Until the start of your next
turn, your Strikes that damage a creature in your fire
elemental’s reach also deal 1d6 persistent fire damage. If
your fire elemental is nimble or savage, the persistent fire
damage increases to 2d6.
Advanced Maneuver Flamethrower
FLAMETHROWER [two-actions] turn you hit with a Strike that deals damage to a creature
Frequency once per 10 minutes within your water elemental’s reach, that creature becomes
The fire elemental makes a tendril Strike against all creatures clumsy 1 until the end of your next turn.
in a 60-foot line, even those that aren’t in the tendril Strike’s Advanced Maneuver Drench INTRODUCTION
reach. All these Strikes count toward the fire elemental’s ELEMENTAL
multiple attack penalty, but it doesn’t increase until all the DRENCH [one-action] CHARACTERS
Strikes. Your water elemental drenches nearby fires to extinguish Kineticist Class
them. Your elemental puts out all fires in a 5-foot emanation. Elemental
METAL ELEMENTAL It extinguishes all non-magical fires automatically and Impulses
UNCOMMON METAL attempts to counteract magical fires (its counteract Elemental
Your companion is a metal elemental, such as a mercurial. modifier is equal to its attack modifier with its wave Strike, Allies
Metal elementals don’t have any special access because unmodified by any bonuses or effects that apply to attack Elemental
druids don’t have an order dedicated to the elemental magic rolls). Ardande
of metal. Geniekin
Size Small WOOD ELEMENTAL Talos Geniekin
Melee [one-action] spike, Damage 1d8 piercing UNCOMMON PLANT WOOD Elemental
Str +2, Dex +1, Con +2, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha +0 Your companion is a wood elemental, such as a moss sloth. Instinct
Hit Points 8 Access You are a member of the leaf order. Elemental Spell
Skill Intimidation Size Small Elemental
Senses darkvision Melee [one-action] branch, Damage 1d8 bludgeoning Archetypes
Speed 25 feet Str +2, Dex +1, Con +2, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha +0 AIR
Support Benefit Your metal elemental pierces an enemy with Hit Points 8
metal spikes that cause it to bleed. Until the start of your Skill Survival EARTH
next turn, your Strikes that damage a creature in your Senses darkvision FIRE
metal elemental’s reach also deal 1d6 persistent bleed Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feet
damage. If your metal elemental is nimble or savage, the
persistent bleed damage increases to 2d6. WATER
Advanced Maneuver Spiked Bunker WOOD
Your companion is a water elemental, such as a brine shark.
Access You are a member of the wave order SoM.
Size Small
Melee [one-action] wave, Damage 1d8 bludgeoning
Str +2, Dex +2, Con +1, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha +0
Hit Points 6
Skill Survival
Senses darkvision
Speed 15 feet, swim 35 feet
Special Resistances fire (equal to the water
elemental’s level)
Support Benefit Your water elemental waterlogs
a foe. The first time before the start of your next
Elemental: Your familiar has the elemental trait
instead of the animal trait. Choose air, earth, fire, metal,
water, or wood. Your familiar gains that trait. The
familiar is immune to bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep,
and the element matching its trait. Your familiar must
have the resistance familiar ability to select this, unless
it’s a specific familiar. You can’t select this ability if your
familiar has a trait other than animal (such as a leshy
familiar or an undead familiar).
Jet: Your familiar can use bursts of elemental
energy or magic to Leap up to 30 feet in any
direction, even if that would exceed its normal
maximum distance for leaping. The Leap must
begin and end on a solid surface capable of
supporting the familiar.
Levitator: Using magnetism, magic, or other
forces, your familiar can float up to 3 feet above
solid and liquid surfaces while moving at a Speed of
25 feet. This allows it to ignore difficult terrain and
damaging effects related to coming into direct contact
with the surface. It typically allows the familiar to also
avoid triggering the reactions of hazards that require
you to step on them or an attached pressure plate.
This air elemental is little more than a tiny cloud with
just enough internality to have emotions. Elemental
scholars believe mood clouds to be related to despairing
palls (page 82), though far less evolved.
Support Benefit Your wood elemental entangles your foes AIR ELEMENTAL
with detachable branches and roots. Until the start of Required Number of Abilities 3
your next turn, if you hit with a Strike that deals damage Granted Abilities elemental (air only), flier
to a creature in your wood elemental’s reach, the creature Emote [one-action] Frequency once per round; Effect The cloud of
takes a –5-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds for sentiment changes the expression on its miniature face.
1 minute (–10 on a critical success). The creature, or a It prepares to Aid you on a skill check for a skill matching
creature adjacent to it, can use an Interact action to its expression: Deception for an inscrutable expression,
unravel the branches and roots and remove the penalty. Diplomacy for a friendly expression, or Intimidation for
Advanced Maneuver Grabbing Branches an angry expression. It gains a reaction this round, which
it can use only to Aid you in this way. It automatically
GRABBING BRANCHES [two-actions] succeeds at its check to Aid you with the skill or
Your wood elemental surrounds a foe with branches, automatically critically succeeds if you’re a master of the
grabbing it in place. Your wood elemental makes a branch skill in question.
Strike; on a success, the target is also grabbed by the wood
elemental until the end of your next turn unless your wood CRYSMAL SHARDLING
elemental moves or the target Escapes. A crysmal shardling is a younger, smaller version of
crysmal. When acting as a familiar, a shardling’s hunger
Elemental Familiars for crystals is sated by magic, turning an urgent need
Spellcasters with an affinity for elemental energies call into a mere interest. More information on crysmals
forth elemental creatures to serve as familiars. appears on page 103.
Crystal Scent A crysmal can sense crystals or gems within ELEMENTAL SCAMP
60 feet as if using the scent ability. The elementals called scamps look humanoid in
appearance, except for the elemental matter in their
ELEMENTAL WISP bodies and their batlike wings. An elemental scamp INTRODUCTION
Wisps are tiny elementals that often act as familiars. familiar is a bit smaller than other scamps but makes ELEMENTAL
They each usually have different personalities: air up for it by being more mischievous. Driven by ego, CHARACTERS
wisps are playful and capricious, earth wisps are scamps often take on long names with many titles and Kineticist Class
timid but loyal, fire wisps are carefree and boisterous, insist on being addressed in full. Elemental
metal wisps are serious and morose, water wisps are Impulses
gentle and nurturing, and wood wisps are fierce and ELEMENTAL SCAMP Elemental
controlling. Allies
Required Number of Abilities 5 Elemental
ELEMENTAL WISP Granted Abilities elemental, flier, speech Ardande
ELEMENTAL Elemental Mobility As elemental wisp. Geniekin
Required Number of Abilities 3 Elemental Breath [two-actions] (arcane) Frequency once per hour; Talos Geniekin
Granted Abilities accompanist, elemental, speech Effect The scamp breathes elemental matter in a 10-foot Elemental
Elemental Mobility Your wisp gains a familiar ability cone. Each creature in the area takes 1d6 damage for Instinct
depending on its element. Air wisps gain flier, earth every 2 levels you have, with a basic Reflex save against Elemental Spell
wisps gain burrower, fire wisps gain jet, metal wisps gain your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher. The Elemental
levitator, water wisps gain amphibious, and wood wisps damage type depends on the type of scamp. Archetypes
gain climber. Scamp Elements An elemental scamp’s element or elements AIR
Innate Element An elemental wisp’s element is set. You are set. You choose a type of scamp and can’t change the
choose the element when you gain the specific familiar element each day. This determines the scamp’s elemental EARTH
and can’t change it each day. traits and the damage type of their Elemental Breath. FIRE
Resonance (aura) 30 feet. Your wisp vibrates at a Air (air) slashing damage; earth (earth) bludgeoning
frequency attuned to their element, resonating with damage; fire (fire) fire damage; metal (metal) slashing
and empowering all effects sharing that trait. Creatures damage; water (water) acid damage; wood (plant, wood) WATER
in the area gain a +1 status bonus to damage rolls for poison damage. WOOD
alchemical and magical effects with the same elemental
trait as your wisp. If your wisp is a wood wisp, the status CHURN OF
bonus also applies to damage rolls for effects with the ELEMENTS
plant trait. APPENDIX
Minor genies, gennayn are elementally adaptable and
personable. They look like miniature humanoids with
elemental energy surrounding them, and frequently
carry messages or announce the arrival of their allies.
More information on gennayns appears on page 226.
Required Number of Abilities 5
Granted Abilities elemental, speech
Elemental Mobility As elemental wisp.
Little Wish [reaction] (fortune) Frequency once per day; Trigger
A creature the gennayn can see that is within 60 feet
attempts a saving throw or skill check; Effect The gennayn
reshapes reality in a small way to twist fate, allowing the
creature to reroll the saving throw or skill check.
Elemental Diplomat A gennayn’s modifier for Diplomacy is
equal to your level plus your key spellcasting attribute
modifier, rather than just your level. The gennayn gets
a +1 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy checks against
elementals and grants you the same bonus if you’re in
the same space.
The elements can leave lasting impressions on the minds and lives of those who experience them at a formative point
in their life. From fear and awe at the destructive force of an uncontrolled fire raging across the city of their birth to
a decade of apprenticeship spent learning to listen to the rhythmic song of metal on metal, each element incites and
inspires adventurers in different ways.
Kineticist Class
Talos Geniekin
Elemental Spell
send agents more well equipped to deal with the situation. Air Lore, Plane of Earth Lore, Plane of Fire Lore, Plane of Metal APPENDIX
Still, this job has led you into more trouble than your Lore, Plane of Water Lore, or Plane of Wood Lore. You also gain
employers suspect, and you’ve learned how to get your a cantrip according to your chosen plane: air gale blast SoM;
information quickly and get out relatively unscathed. Earth: scatter scree SoM; Fire: ignition; Metal: needle darts (page
Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Constitution 144); Water spout SoM, or wood root reading (page 197). You can
or Charisma, and one is a free attribute boost. cast this spell as a primal innate spell at will.
You’re trained in the Diplomacy skill and one of the
following lore skills: Plane of Air Lore, Plane of Earth Lore, PLANAR MIGRANT BACKGROUND
Plane of Fire Lore, Plane of Metal Lore, Plane of Water Lore, or RARE
Plane of Wood Lore. You gain the Hobnobber skill feat. Your birthplace was on one of the elemental planes, but you
traveled to the Universe for some reason. Maybe you left on
Rare Backgrounds good terms, or maybe you were driven out and hope to one
day return. Maybe you were even exiled, and any mention of
ELEMENTALLY INFUSED BACKGROUND it brings pain and resentment. In any case, nowhere has quite
RARE felt like home since, and you’ve roamed the land, carrying your
You were exposed to a strong burst of elemental essence life’s possessions on your back wherever you go. You adventure
originating directly from an elemental plane, most likely possibly in search of a place to belong or a way to return to
caused by a planar breach. Your body absorbed the elemental your plane of origin and settle unfinished business.
essence with no ill effects, and now it coalesces within you. Choose two attribute boosts. One must be Dexterity or
With time, you’ve learned to project elemental power in a Constitution, and one is a free attribute boost.
manner safe to you but still deadly to others. You’re trained in the Athletics skill and one of the following
Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Constitution lore skills: Plane of Air Lore, Plane of Earth Lore, Plane of Fire
or Charisma, and one is a free attribute boost. Lore, Plane of Metal Lore, Plane of Water Lore, or Plane of
Choose one elemental plane: Air, Earth, Fire, Metal, Water, or Wood Lore. You gain the Hefty Hauler and Prescient Planner
Wood. You are trained in the corresponding Lore skill: Plane of skill feats.
The strength of a baobab trunk and flexibility of a yew branch, flowers and fruit sprinkled across a forest canopy like
jewels in a crown, soft moss blankets, and the daytime constellations created by pinpricks of light through leaves—this
is what ardandes are made of.
Poorly understood by both themselves and others,
ardandes born before the Plane of Wood’s return have
struggled to fully comprehend their own heritage. Due
to the Plane of Wood’s longstanding absence from the
Universe, Golarion has had too few ardandes for the
wood geniekin to form their own societies or cultural
norms. In most regions where ardandes are found, only a
single family might have a connection to elemental wood,
and the norms of the elemental scions of wood in those
areas are simply those of that single ardande family.
Many ardandes value community and family. Religious
ardandes gravitate to the faiths of wood and nature
Ardande deities, such as Gozreh, the Green Mother, Shyka, or
the elemental lords of wood, Shumunue and Verilorn.
Some venerate the kings of the leshies, known as the green men, or join druidic ARDANDE ADVENTURERS
orders or other spiritual practices focused on nature, like the Green Faith. Misunderstood and unexplained,
Evil ardandes sometimes look to gods who represent destruction, disease, and many ardande children turn to lives of
rot for guidance, like Urgathoa, Groetus, or the demon lord Treerazer. The adventure as they search for answers INTRODUCTION
ardandes who venerate these vile gods often interpret corruption and disease and information about themselves. ELEMENTAL
as necessary components of nature’s eternal cycle: death that carves the way Backgrounds as artists and artisans are CHARACTERS
for renewal, rather than death as a final ending. common, as woodcrafts and sculpture Kineticist Class
Popular Edicts flow with the cycles of nature, grow the world I want to live in often help them to feel connected with Elemental
Popular Anathema betray my family kizidhar ancestors, though many also Impulses
become scholars and elementalists in Elemental
Ardandes of Golarion their quests to uncover the secrets Allies
Ardandes born on Golarion prior to the Plane of Wood’s return fall into of the Inner Sphere and their place Elemental
two primary groups: those who trace their lineage to non-elementals who inside it. Ardande
nonetheless carry the spark of elemental wood within them, such as forest Geniekin
dragons or woodland fey; and ardandes from the bloodlines of ancient Talos Geniekin
kizidhars and other elementals who became stranded on Golarion before Elemental
mortal life even began. While there are a few other ardandes whose roots do Instinct
not match either of these origins stories, their backgrounds tend to be highly Elemental Spell
unusual and often involve powerful sources of extraplanar magic. Elemental
Over the millennia while the Plane of Wood was locked away from the Archetypes
Inner Sphere, most of Golarion’s oldest ardande families eventually became AIR
disconnected from their elemental heritage. Regardless of the source of their
elemental connection, these families found the innate spark of elemental wood EARTH
becoming increasingly rare in their children, until it seemed to die out entirely FIRE
and ardande children stopped being born altogether. Now that the
Plane of Wood has returned, many of these lost ardande families are
experiencing a resurgence of their old elemental heritage, though they WATER
have little more than legends and folk stories of an ancestor’s elemental WOOD
power to explain and offer guidance for their new generation of
ardande children. Many ardandes born into this new generation are CHURN OF
rapidly becoming the foremost explorers into the Plane of Wood, eager to ELEMENTS
use their innate gifts to trace their heritage through its extraplanar roots. APPENDIX
You descend from wood elementals or have some other heritage
influenced by the elemental Plane of Wood. You might have green, mossy
skin, vines that grow from your head instead of hair, or thin appendages that
resemble twigs. You gain the ardande trait, in addition to the traits from
your ancestry. You also gain low-light vision, or you gain darkvision if your
ancestry already has low-light vision.
You can choose from ardande feats, geniekin feats (Pathfinder Lost Omens
Ancestry Guide 99), and feats from your ancestry whenever you gain an
ancestry feat.
Your elemental heritage is reflected in the oils and fragrances of plants, in tree resin
that fossilizes into amber, or in the gentle smell of a flower. Sticky, golden sap runs
ARDANDE SETTLEMENTS through your veins instead of blood. Each time a creature deals slashing or piercing
In most parts of Golarion, ardande damage to you with a melee Strike, your sap coats its weapon or unarmed attack.
bloodlines are only just beginning to The creature takes a –1 circumstance penalty on attack rolls with that weapon or
return. Two families of ardandes in unarmed attack until the end of its turn.
Tian Xia (both descended from the
same forest dragon) managed to retain GROVE-HARBORED FEAT 1
their connection to elemental wood, ARDANDE
while across the world in distant You are accustomed to exploring thick woodlands and defending yourself against
Arcadia, ardande families have kept the attacks of magical plants. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saves against
their elemental heritage intact through plant, poison, and wood effects, and if you roll a success on a save against a poison
continued dealings with the fey. effect, you get a critical success instead.
Your connection to elemental wood asserts itself in the form of decay, like forgotten
logs left to rot and the char that remains after a forest fire, cycles of devastation
clearing away what was to make room for the next generation of life. You gain the
Decompose action.
Decompose [two-actions] (primal, void) Frequency once per day; Effect Void energy seeps
out of you, decaying everything within a 5-foot emanation and causing plants
and foliage to age and decompose. Natural difficult terrain is destroyed, and
creatures in the area with the plant or wood trait take 1d6 void damage with a
basic Fortitude save against your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher.
Your connection to elemental wood manifests as fresh blossoms, spring fruits, and the
seeds of new life, and you harness this power to spread vitality and abundance. You
can cast the tangle vine cantrip as an innate primal or arcane spell at will. A cantrip is
heightened to a spell rank equal to half your level rounded up.
Denizens of the Plane of Wood take immense pride in the magnificent works of
art they can craft from wood, and practicing your own woodcraft helps you feel
a connection with your planar heritage. You gain the trained proficiency rank
in Crafting. If you would automatically become trained in Crafting (from your
background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your
choice. You gain the Specialty Crafting skill feat for woodworking.
READ THE ROOTS [two-actions] FEAT 5
Requirements You are standing on the ground, and there are plants rooted in
the ground within 100 feet of you.
Moldersoul The root systems of trees are a far-reaching network of information, and you
know how to access them and extract their secrets. You Seek within 30 feet
using tremorsense, an imprecise sense, instead of one of your own senses. You can ARDANDE RELATIONS
also detect subjects touching or burrowing through the surface you are standing Forest dragons and dryads are
on in this way. common ancestors for ardandes
born before the return of the Plane INTRODUCTION
TREESPEECH FEAT 5 of Wood, or kizidhars who became ELEMENTAL
ARDANDE trapped in the Universe and were CHARACTERS
Prerequisites You speak Muan. forced to make new lives for Kineticist Class
Your connection to elemental wood allows you to communicate with trees in the themselves. Ardandes with wood Elemental
Universe in Muan, the language of wood elementals. You can ask questions of, scamp parents are often short and Impulses
receive answers from, and use the Diplomacy skill with woody plants like trees bushy, like living shrubs, and are often Elemental
and shrubs. mistaken for leshies and conrasus. Allies
9TH LEVEL Ardande
FLOWERING PATH [two-actions] FEAT 9 Talos Geniekin
Frequency once per day Instinct
Vitality and elemental wood flows out from your body and into the earth, infusing it Elemental Spell
with a stream of new life. When you walk, you leave blooming flowers and sprouting Elemental
vines in your wake. For the next minute, each time you Step or Stride, you create Archetypes
difficult terrain in each square you leave during your movement. AIR
You can wield the arcane magic of a kizidhar, casting entangling flora and one with
plants once per day each as 2nd-rank arcane innate spells.
WOOD WARD [reaction] FEAT 17
Trigger A creature targets you with an attack.
Frequency once per hour
With a sweep of your hand, vines and roots burst from the ground along the edge
of your space between you and the attacker, creating a natural lattice of wood
that grants standard cover. The circumstance bonus from the cover applies to
your AC when you’re determining the outcome of the triggering attack. If the
triggering attack still hits and deals physical damage to you, the ward reduces Springsoul
the damage by 30 and is immediately destroyed. If the attack misses, the ward
instead persists for 3 rounds before withering back into the earth. Creatures can
cross the ward, but it’s difficult terrain.
Taloses, geniekin gifted with magic from the Plane of Metal, resonate with the unlimited potential of raw ore, the
treasured shine of polished gold, or the forgiving ring of a hammer reforging a broken blade.
As the Plane of Metal renews its contact with other planes, cascading across the Universe. Other lineages have lingered
its influence over the bloodlines of those descended from in on Golarion since before the elemental plane’s retreat,
its elemental denizens results in an ever-increasing number mistaken for other planar scions such as oreads or aphorites.
of the planar scions known as taloses. This isn’t limited to Some talos lineages possess an inherent connection to
only newborns—it can spring forth in adults with latent a particular aspect of elemental metal, such as iron‑based
connections, fed by the explosion of elemental metal magic ferrous metals, lustrous precious metals, or the rare liquid
metals such as mercury or djezet. Often, but not always, these
taloses share their lineage with their parents. Taloses can
most often be found among alchemists, smiths, inventors,
and miners—anyone who works with metal for a living.
• Feel a strong connection to elemental metal and
believe aspects such as its luster or mutability
represent core elements of your personality.
• Enjoy being the center of attention through flashy
displays of your personal talents.
• Take great pride in your elemental lineage, especially
if you believe yourself related to a commanding
zuhra shuyookh.
• Look to you as an authority on metallurgy or
the elemental Plane of Metal.
• Presume you to be a miner, alchemist, or smith.
• Assume that you must be sharp-tempered,
unyielding, or that you are too ostentatious for
your own good.
Physical Description
Taloses come in all shapes and sizes. Skin color ranges from
the matte black of cast iron to lustrous platinum, copper to
brass; even the blue-green of abysium and other skymetal
colors make rare but not unheard-of appearances. Hair
covers the same range of color and an even wider variety
of metallic textures, from tight, sharp coils of steel wool to
strands of gold as thin as spun thread, or even delicate chains
of silver or iron. Hair length and style are equally varied.
Taloses bear a passing resemblance to other ancestries
and heritages with bodies partially made of metal, which
may lead to confusion early in life before their elemental
metal affinity becomes clear. As they are born, not
built, taloses bear none of the telltale seams or circuits
of androids and other constructs. Taloses also lack the
uncanny mathematical balance of aphorites; their bodies
may bear the rough texture of beaten silver, the iridescent
Talos swirls of Numerian steel, or the scuffs, rust, and tarnish
left by a long or hard life. As for their oread cousins, the
greatest physical indicator of a talos in comparison is a
distinct lack of nonmetallic, earthy features; most oreads will have at least a TALOS ADVENTURERS
bit of cragginess around the edges that a talos lacks. Taloses who become adventurers
often get their starts as artisans,
Society entertainers, merchants, miners, INTRODUCTION
A talos is most often born and raised amid the society of their mortal family. or tinkerers. Many are driven by a ELEMENTAL
The general lack of widespread knowledge about the Plane of Metal can desire for adventure, personal glory, CHARACTERS
result in the sense of isolation common to geniekin, which might be especially or financial independence, and will Kineticist Class
pronounced for a young talos. Talos children tend to be quick-witted and flit from one adventuring company to Elemental
mercurial, prone to flamboyant displays of their natural talents and hard‑won another until they find their perfect fit. Impulses
skills in an ongoing quest for attention. Those taloses who don’t go into Taloses who favor crafting naturally Elemental
fields utilizing alchemy, smithing, or other forms of metalwork often become gravitate toward being alchemists and Allies
performers or diplomats to put their natural charisma and (sometimes inventors, while those who crave the Elemental
literally) magnetic personalities to work. spotlight often become bards. Ardande
BELIEFS Talos Geniekin
Taloses are often regarded as independent and inconstant, with detractors Elemental
writing them off as “all flash, no substance.” They sometimes have difficulty Instinct
connecting with other people but are rarely actively malicious; even those Elemental Spell
who lack confidence tend to be good at faking it well enough to get by. Elemental
The most popular deities among religious-minded taloses are gods of metals Archetypes
and crafts: Torag in particular, but also the likes of Daikitsu and Grandmother AIR
Spider. Some taloses feel a kinship with the metal goddesses Brigh and Casandalee,
while others object to being conflated with constructs. Those hailing from the EARTH
Plane of Metal often revere Laudinmio and Ferrumnestra, the elemental lords of FIRE
metal; however, most from the Universe are hesitant to follow suit until learning
more about these long-absent entities.
Popular Edicts make your elemental ancestors proud, refine your passions and WATER
skills, craft beautiful and durable objects WOOD
Popular Anathema let the metal within you grow tarnished
Taloses of Golarion ELEMENTS
Metal is unique among the elements in that it is the only one that arguably APPENDIX
has more power and purpose when acted upon than when left to
its own natural devices. Thus, while most geniekin populations
coalesce around geographical anomalies, taloses tend to be found
in cities. The largest recognized population of taloses can be found
in Tian Xia, where metal is a commonly understood element and
advanced metallurgy has been practiced for many centuries.
When found in more rural areas, talos children are almost
always born to mining communities, or in areas near large,
exposed deposits of raw ore. One notable exception to
this is Numeria, where the high concentration of skymetal
results in an unusually large population of quicksoul and
gildedsoul warriors with adamantine-dark hair or
noqual-green eyes.
Goblin taloses are also likely to be among the
quicksoul lineages, thanks to their general passion
for alchemy and lack of safety regulations. In dwarven
communities, talos children are often encouraged to take up religious
service to Torag, as they are said to have been crafted in his image.
Though cautious with their mundane metallurgy, the Kallijae elves of
the Mwangi Expanse take particular interest in their rare talos offspring,
who are often umanyano half-elves. A common belief holds that these
taloses gain unique benefits from the Unburdening—that the ritual,
dutifully performed, can “forge” a talos body and soul, making their
mortal form as sturdy and protective as the metal they resemble.
Taloses living on the Plane of Metal Your physical features reflect the influence a zuhra or other metal elemental
most often build their communities has had over your bloodline. Your skin likely has a metallic sheen, ranging
on the outskirts of zuhra cities. These from the dull luster of raw ore to the gleaming polish of a new blade, with
neighborhoods tend to be tight-knit the wear of age or hardship taking the form of tarnish, rust, or scouring. Your
communities and are considerably hair might resemble spun gold, coiled steel, copper wiring, or braided chains.
warmer toward other planar denizens You gain the talos trait, in addition to the traits from your ancestry. You gain
than the aloof zuhras. Grand Conduu, resistance to electricity equal to half your level (minimum 1). You can cast the
a community bordering Argyris (page detect metal cantrip (page 142) as an arcane innate spell at will. A cantrip is
137), has welcomed an influx of heightened to a spell rank equal to half your level rounded up.
immigrants from the Universe after You can choose from talos feats, geniekin feats (Ancestry Guide 99), and
the Plane of Metal became more feats from your ancestry whenever you gain an ancestry feat.
accessible, causing some to jokingly
nickname it “Little Golarion.” Talos Ancestry Feats
At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain an additional ancestry
feat every 4 levels thereafter (at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels). As a talos,
you can choose from among the following feats in addition to those available
from your ancestry and geniekin feats.
Whether in their pure elemental forms or as part of an alloy such as steel,
the elemental metal in your soul resonates strongly with iron, bronze, and
other sturdy, practical metals suitable for weaponry. Your fist attacks gain the
modular B, P, or S trait (Pathfinder Treasure Vault 25) and lose the nonlethal
trait. Your fist’s damage die increases to 1d6.
Your elemental lineage manifests in the polished gleam of precious metals,
such as silver and gold, or even rare and valuable skymetals like adamantine
or orichalcum. This natural luster enhances your charm; you become trained
in your choice of Diplomacy or Society. If you would automatically become
trained in both these skills (from your background or class, for example), you
instead become trained in a skill of your choice. If you’re trained in Society,
you also gain the Courtly Graces skill feat.
The elemental metal in your bloodline literally courses through your veins in
the form of liquid metals like mercury, rubidium, gallium, and djezet, giving
your actions a languid fluidity. You gain the trained proficiency rank in Acrobatics.
If you would automatically become trained in Acrobatics (from your background or
class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. As these
metals are largely toxic to organic life, you also gain the Toxic Touch action.
Toxic Touch [one-action] (poison) Frequency once per day; Requirements Your most recent
action was to Tumble Through, and you successfully moved through an enemy’s
space; Effect Make a melee unarmed Strike against the enemy whose space you
moved through. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 persistent poison damage and is
sickened 1 (or takes 2d6 persistent poison and is sickened 2 on a critical hit).
Trigger A creature within 30 feet of you targets you, and you can see the attacker. FAMILY RELATIONS
Requirements You are in dim or bright light. Most taloses descend from zuhras, the
Your body’s natural luster has been polished to a gleaming shine. You use this genies native to the Plane of Metal, but
to reflect light back into your enemy’s eyes, disrupting its aim and focus; it must there are other possibilities as well. INTRODUCTION
succeed at a Reflex save against your class DC or be dazzled until the end of your Gildedsoul taloses may be distantly ELEMENTAL
next turn. descended from a sky dragon, lending CHARACTERS
scaled patterns to their skin and fangs Kineticist Class
5TH LEVEL to their mouths. On the other hand, a Elemental
quicksoul talos may not be descended Impulses
CONDUCTOR’S REDIRECTION [reaction] FEAT 5 from any elemental at all, and instead Elemental
result from their parent’s extended Allies
Trigger You are hit by an attack, spell, or other effect that deals electricity damage. exposure to metal-based alchemical Elemental
You conduct the damage through your body, taking damage as normal (if fumes during pregnancy. Ardande
applicable) and redirecting it at one target within 10 feet that you can see. The Geniekin
creature must make a Fortitude save using your class DC or spell DC, whichever Talos Geniekin
is higher. On a failure, they take the electrical damage; on a success, they take Elemental
half damage. Instinct
Elemental Spell
TALOS Archetypes
Choose cold iron or silver. Your melee unarmed attacks have the special properties AIR
of a weapon made of that metal. If you are at least 13th level, you can choose
adamantine instead of just cold iron or silver. EARTH
Special You can take this ancestry feat multiple times, choosing a different FIRE
metal each time.
Your connection with elemental iron grants you a natural field of weak ELEMENTS
magnetic attraction. You can cast magnetic attraction (Secrets of Magic 114) APPENDIX
and magnetic repulsion (Secrets of Magic 115) once per day each as 2nd-rank
primal innate spells.
Special If you chose the gildedsoul lineage, you can replace one of the
above spells with enthrall.
You can summon an elemental ally. Once per day, you can cast
summon elemental as a 5th-rank primal innate spell, but the elemental
summoned must be a metal elemental.
METALLIC SKIN [two-actions] FEAT 17
Frequency once per day
Duration 1 minute
You fortify your natural resistances with elemental metal, covering your skin with
thick metal. You gain a +2 status bonus to AC and resistance 10 to physical damage
(except adamantine), but you take a –10-foot penalty to Speed. If you take fire
damage while this ability is active, until the end of your next turn, you deal an
additional 2d6 fire damage with all your unarmed melee Strikes.
Elemental Barbarian ANATHEMA
Instinct Disrespecting an elemental creature is anathema to your
This instinct option for barbarians allows you to channel instinct; defending yourself against one is not. Purposefully
elemental forces, bonding with a single element and its despoiling the elemental plane associated with your
associated plane. Perhaps your ancestors were elemental element is anathema to your instinct, though this doesn’t
conjurers or blessed by an elemental lord. Select an element prevent you from responsibly altering that plane.
from the Elemental Instincts table to be your instinct’s
element. If your element offers multiple damage types, ELEMENTAL RAGE (INSTINCT ABILITY)
choose one of those type when you select your element. While raging, you’re cloaked in a vortex of elemental
matter; you become concealed against ranged attacks.
ELEMENTAL INSTINCTS You can’t use this concealment to Hide or Sneak. While
Element Trait Damage raging, you increase the additional damage from Rage
Air Air Electricity or slashing from 2 to 4 and change its damage type to the one you
Earth Earth Bludgeoning or piercing selected for your element.
Fire Fire Fire If you have any kineticist impulses with the same
Metal Metal Piercing or slashing element type as the one you chose for your instinct,
Water Water Bludgeoning or cold such as ones gained by taking the Kineticist Dedication
Wood Wood Bludgeoning or piercing multiclass feat, they gain the rage trait.
When you use elemental rage, you increase the damage
from Rage from 4 to 6. If you have greater weapon
specialization, instead increase the damage from Rage
when using elemental rage from 6 to 12.
You resist the damage dealt by attacks and abilities
of elemental creatures of your chosen element, as
well as creatures made of your element, regardless
of the damage type. You also resist damage dealt by
attacks, spells, and abilities with your elemental trait.
The return of elemental metal and wood brings with it new opportunities for elemental magic, as even experienced
spellcasters uncover newfound power along their well-worn magical paths. INTRODUCTION
Kineticist Class
Elemental Spell List save against your spell DC; a creature made of metal, Elemental
If you have the elementalist archetype, your spell list with the metal trait, or wearing metal armor takes a –1 Impulses
consists of all the universal elemental spells listed below, circumstance penalty on this save. A creature can take Elemental
plus any spell that has one or more traits in your elemental damage from the aura only once per round; Melee [one-action] Allies
philosophy, and no elemental traits that aren’t in your blade (reach 25 feet, versatile slashing), Damage 3d12+15 Elemental
philosophy. Spells from this book have a page reference, piercing; Ranged [one-action] metal shard (range increment 40 feet, Ardande
ones from Secrets of Magic have an SoM superscript, and versatile slashing), Damage 4d8+6 piercing. Geniekin
those from Player Core have no superscript. • Wood Elemental 30 feet, climb 35 feet; resistance 5 to Talos Geniekin
Cantrips: detect magic, elemental counter (page 222), physical; weakness to axes 10; Lush Growth (aura, wood) Elemental
light, message, prestidigitation, read aura, shield, sigil, 30 feet. Ground in the area is difficult terrain, and any time Instinct
telekinetic hand; 1st Rank: breadcrumbs SoM, mending, a creature in the area regains HP from a healing vitality Elemental Spell
mystic armor, pet cache, runic weapon, ventriloquism; effect, the aura grants a +5 status bonus to the healing; Elemental
2nd Rank: darkvision, dispel magic, elemental zone SoM, Woody Toughness You gain 40 temporary Hit Points when Archetypes
environmental endurance, peaceful rest, resist energy, you choose this form instead of 30; Melee [one-action] branch (reach AIR
revealing light, summon elemental; 3rd Rank: elemental 25 feet), Damage 3d10+18 bludgeoning; Ranged [one-action] seed
absorption SoM, elemental annihilation wave SoM, levitate, (range increment 40 feet), Damage 4d8+6 bludgeoning. EARTH
safe passage; 4th Rank: elemental gift SoM, elemental sense FIRE
(page 222), fly; 5th Rank: banishment, elemental breath ELEMENTAL ABSORPTION (PAGE 102)
(page 222), elemental form, summon giant, temporary Add metal (electricity or slashing damage) and wood
glyph SoM; 6th Rank: elemental confluence SoM
, teleport, (bludgeoning or vitality damage) to the choices. WATER
truesight; 7th Rank: energy aegis, interplanar teleport, WOOD
planar seal, unfettered pack; 8th Rank: summon elemental ELEMENTAL ANNIHILATION WAVE (PAGE 102)
herald (page 222); 9th Rank: Wrathful storm; 10th Rank: You can replace the air trait with the metal and wood CHURN OF
Cataclysm, element embodied SoM, gate, indestructibility, traits when you cast the spell. ELEMENTS
nullify SoM, remake APPENDIX
Secrets of Magic Spells You can swap in a metal elemental, a wood elemental, or
Because Secrets of Magic was released before the metal both in place of the standard elementals.
and wood traits appeared in the game, we have included • Metal (metal) The elemental flings shards of metal
new options for many elemental spells from that book. through the confluence, dealing 2d6 slashing damage to
Typically, if you have any of these spells, you can use the those partially or entirely inside the confluence with a
new elemental options, though this works differently for basic Reflex save. A creature that critically fails also takes
elementalists, and a GM might keep metal and wood 1d6 persistent bleed damage.
options uncommon for their campaign. • Wood (wood) Roots and stumps grow, making ground in
Add the metal trait to the following spells. 2nd Rank: the area difficult terrain.
instant armor, magnetic attraction, magnetic repulsion;
3rd Rank: magnetic acceleration; 4th Rank: draw the ELEMENTAL GIFT (PAGE 103)
lightning Add metal and wood to the choices.
Add the wood trait to the following spells. 1st Rank: • Metal The target’s Strikes using a metal weapon or an
protector tree; 3rd Rank: soothing blossoms; 4th Rank: unarmed attack deal an additional 1d4 electricity damage
murderous vine, petal storm; 6th Rank: nature’s reprisal on a hit and get a +1 status bonus to the attack roll if the
target is made of metal or wearing metal armor.
ELEMENT EMBODIED (PAGE 101) • Wood The target gains a number of temporary Hit Points
Add metal and wood elemental. The metal Strike is equal to the spell’s rank, then gains half that number of
Dexterity based, and the wood Strike is Strength based. temporary HP at the start of each of its turns.
• Metal Elemental 40 feet, fly 40 feet; resistance 10 to
electricity; Arcing Electricity (aura, electricity, metal) 30 ELEMENTAL ZONE (PAGE 104)
feet. A creature that enters the aura or starts its turn in Add metal (electricity or slashing damage) and wood
the aura takes 2d12 electricity damage with a basic Reflex (bludgeoning or vitality damage) to the choices.
Whirling air. Enduring earth. Searing fire. Piercing metal. select a multiclass archetype’s dedication feat if you are
Cleansing water. Ever-growing wood. These fundamental already a member of that class.
foundations of elemental magic are shaped and wielded
by beings who draw power from the very fundaments ADDITIONAL FEATS
of matter and the planes from which they come. Druids Some archetypes include a list of “Additional Feats” that
and kineticists are among the best known of the wielders appear in other sources. The list includes each feat’s level,
of elemental magic, at least those who best understand which might be different than normal when gained from
it. Wizards, witches, sorcerers, and other spellcasters the archetype. You can take the feat as an archetype feat
with ties to elemental entities or planes might also avail of that level, meaning it counts toward the number of
themselves of elemental magic. feats required by the archetype’s dedication feat. When
Adaptability is a core feature of several elements, selected this way, a feat that normally has a class’s trait
and spellcasters who practice the mixing and matching (such as the fighter trait) doesn’t have that class trait.
of such power are quite common. The Magaambya
is home to storied spellcasters who mesh the druidic FEATS THAT GRANT FEATS
arts with arcane talents and counts many other primal Sometimes an archetype feat lets you select another feat,
spellcasters among the ranks of its students and faculty. such as a class feat of a lower level. You must always
Across Golarion, from the Verduran Forest of Andor to meet any prerequisites of the feat you gain in this way.
the daikitsu druids of Minkai in Tian Xia, many wield These always count as only one feat for the purposes of
the magic of the elements. your dedication, no matter how many feats they actually
grant; for example, taking the barbarian archetype’s
Archetype Rules Basic Fury feat to gain the Raging Intimidation barbarian
You gain an archetype by selecting archetype feats instead class feat (which grants the Intimidating Glare and Scare
of your normal feats. First, find the archetype that best to Death skill feats), counts as only one feat, not four.
fits your character concept. Then select that archetype’s
dedication feat, using one of your class feat choices. Once ARCHETYPE SKILL FEATS
you’ve taken the dedication feat, you can select any feat Some archetype feats have the skill trait. You select these
from that archetype, as long as you meet its prerequisites. in place of a skill feat, otherwise following the same
Most archetype feats are taken in place of class feats, and rules above. While these archetype skill feats still count
so these are called archetype class feats. toward the two archetype feats required before taking
An archetype feat you select is still subject to any the dedication for a different archetype, they are not
restrictions on the class feat it replaces. For example, if archetype class feats, and so they might not count toward
you had a special ability at 6th level that granted you a certain abilities (for instance, to determine the number
bonus class feat, but that class feat had to be 4th level or of Hit Points you gain from the Fighter Resiliency feat).
lower and have the dwarf trait, you could use that class
feat to take an archetype class feat, but only one of 4th CLASS ARCHETYPES
level or lower with the dwarf trait. Archetypes with the class trait fundamentally alter your
class abilities, but they still fit within the theme of your
DEDICATION DETAILS class. You can gain a class archetype only if you meet the
Each archetype’s dedication feat represents your criteria listed in its prerequisites. Class archetypes always
character’s dedicated effort learning a new set of abilities, alter or replace some of a class’s static class features (such
making it impossible to split your focus and pursue as proficiencies) in addition to any new feats they might
another archetype at the same time. Once you take a allow your to take.
dedication feat, you can’t select a different dedication It might be possible to take a class archetype at 1st
feat until you complete your dedication by taking two level if it alters or replaces some of your class’s initial
other feats from your current archetype. You can’t retrain class features. The 1st-level ability is presented much
a dedication feat as long as you have any other feats from like a class feature and includes the class archetype’s
that archetype. prerequisites and rules on how it changes your class. If
you select this ability, you must take that archetype’s
Multiclass Dedications dedication feat as your 2nd-level class feat, and you
Archetypes with the multiclass trait allow you to diversify proceed normally afterward. You can never have more
your training into another class’s specialties. You can’t than one class archetype.
Kineticist prerequisites, your kineticist level is equal to half your level.
(Multiclass Archetype) Your options include impulse feats for your kinetic element, as
You have, intentionally or accidentally, awoken a normal for a kineticist.
gateway to elemental power inside yourself and can Special You can select this feat more than once. Each time you INTRODUCTION
now channel that power to devastating effect, adding an select it, you gain another kineticist feat. ELEMENTAL
elemental arsenal to your abilities. CHARACTERS
Kineticist is a great fit for characters with high Constitution Prerequisites Kineticist Dedication Impulses
who want to add some magical blasting to their repertoire The power of your elemental blast improves. The damage of Elemental
without managing the complexity of spell slots. Kineticist your elemental blast increases by one die. Allies
impulses can also provide damage types that are useful Special You can take Improved Elemental Blast a second Elemental
against certain creatures and special utility abilities such time at 14th level to increase your Elemental Blast to three Ardande
as better movement or battlefield control. damage die, and a third time at 18th level to increase your Geniekin
Champions looking to diversify their capabilities, Elemental Blast to four damage die. Talos Geniekin
barbarians with the Moment of Clarity feat, and Elemental
particularly stout druids might all find suitable options. ADD ELEMENT FEAT 10 Instinct
Elemental Spell
KINETICIST DEDICATION FEAT 2 Prerequisites Advanced Element Control Elemental
ARCHETYPE DEDICATION MULTICLASS Choose a second kinetic element to add to the one you already Archetypes
Prerequisites Constitution +2 have. You gain an impulse feat for that element. For the AIR
You become trained in kineticist class DC and impulse attack purpose of meeting its prerequisites, your kineticist level is
rolls. Choose one element to be your kinetic element (air, equal to half your level. If you gain more kineticist feats, you EARTH
earth, fire, metal, water, or wood). You gain a kinetic aura and can select hybrid impulses that have both your elements, as FIRE
the Channel Elements action (page 15), though you don’t get normal for a kineticist.
to use an Elemental Blast or stance impulse when you take
that action. You gain the Elemental Blast action (page 16). EXPERT KINETIC CONTROL FEAT 12 WATER
Your Elemental Blast does not automatically gain additional ARCHETYPE WOOD
damage dice every four levels, instead requiring you to take Prerequisites Kineticist Dedication
the Improved Elemental Blast feat. You become an expert in kineticist class DC and impulse CHURN OF
attack rolls. ELEMENTS
Prerequisites Kineticist Dedication
You gain the Base Kinesis impulse (page
16). For the purposes of determining
when the range and Bulk
improvements of the action
occur, your kineticist level is
equal to half your level (for
example, Base Kinesis for a 10th-
level character with this feat would
have a range of 45 feet and could affect
1 Bulk of their chosen element).
Elementalist (Class often a balance, but some elementalists feel a stronger
Archetype) connection to a singular element that they hone to great
You revere the elements as the building blocks of heights, utilizing the other elements to support and
creation and the source of all life. You believe that by augment their favored.
balancing, mixing, and rearranging these elements, Secrets of Magic Elementalist: This section updates
magic is made. This belief has led you to eschew and expands the elementalist class archetype originally
traditional magical theories and divisions, and you presented on page 206 of Secrets of Magic. If you’re
instead focus on harnessing, manipulating, and shaping using the version of the archetype from Secrets of Magic
the elements. There are many paths to elementalism, and and are happy with it, you don’t need to make any
many classes can become elementalists. As the most basic changes—that original version functions the same as
building blocks of matter, the elements can be shaped to using the new text and choosing Inner Sea elementalism
your specific training and understanding. The study of for your elemental philosophy!
elementalism expands every day.
You cast spells drawn from multiple traditions ELEMENTAL MAGIC (1ST)
and can use the elements to alter and empower your You’re a spellcaster who specializes in harnessing the
spells, making them manifest and mixing them in elements. Though you might feel a kinship for one element
unique ways. Most elementalists embrace either the over the others, you’re capable of shaping many of them.
philosophy of four elements common in the Inner Sea Due to your specialization in elemental magic, you have
or the five-element cycle prevalent in Tian Xia. This is a smaller, more focused spell list than other spellcasters,
though your magic is drawn from multiple traditions.
If you choose this class archetype, you must select the
Elementalist Dedication as your 2nd-level class feat.
Prerequisites: You must have a spellcasting class
feature that chooses spells from the arcane or primal
spell list.
Elementalist Adjustments: Replace your spell list with
the elemental spell list (page 55). Your actual magical
tradition is unchanged, but you choose your spells from
the elemental list instead. You must choose an elemental
philosophy (detailed below), which determines which
spells and other elemental magic you can use.
Druid Elementalist Adjustments: If you’re a druid of
the storm order and air is in your elemental philosophy,
you can choose to replace your starting order spell,
tempest surge, with updraft (page 60).
Elemental Sorcerer Adjustments: If you’re a
sorcerer with the elemental bloodline, you can
replace your initial bloodline spell with an
initial elemental focus spell, and your advanced
bloodline spell with an advanced elemental
focus spell. The initial and advanced elemental
focus spells you select must have the same trait
as your elemental bloodline. The list of elemental
focus spells is on page 60.
Wizard Elementalist Adjustments: If you’re a
wizard, you can either choose to be a universalist or to
follow an arcane school dedicated to one element from
your elemental philosophy. If you choose an elemental
school, your curriculum spells can be any spells that
you have access to and that have your chosen element’s
trait. Your school spells are the elemental focus spells of
your chosen element (page 60), with the 1st-rank
spell as your initial school spell and the 3rd-
rank spell as the advanced school spell.
Additional Feats: 4th Familiar (Player
Core), 6th Enhanced Familiar (Player Core)
Elemental Philosophy ELEMENTAL FAMILIAR FEAT 4
Choose an elemental philosophy, which determines ARCHETYPE
which elements you can use. The options available in this Prerequisites Elementalist Dedication, Familiar
book are as follows. Your familiar becomes an elemental spirit capable of taking INTRODUCTION
• Elemental Cycle: Earth, fire, metal, water, wood on aspects of the elements. Other than taking the form of ELEMENTAL
• Inner Sea Elementalism: Air, earth, fire, water an elemental instead of an animal, this familiar continues to CHARACTERS
Every elementalist has the spells from the universal use all the same rules as other familiars. If you want to give Kineticist Class
elemental spells list (page 55). Your choice of elemental your familiar the elemental familiar abilities found on page Elemental
philosophy affects your other spells. Your personal list 42, you must select that familiar ability. Impulses
also contains any spell that shares one or more traits Your familiar gains one additional familiar ability each Elemental
with those in your elemental philosophy, and doesn’t day, which must be one of the following elemental familiar Allies
have any traits that aren’t in your elemental philosophy. abilities. While your familiar has an elemental familiar ability, Elemental
For example, an elemental cycle elementalist could your familiar is composed of the associated elemental matter Ardande
choose a spell with both the earth and fire traits, but and gains the matching elemental trait. You can’t select more Geniekin
not one with the air and fire traits, while an inner sea than one elemental familiar ability at a time. Talos Geniekin
elementalist could choose either of those, but not a spell • Air If your familiar stays completely still for 1 round, Elemental
with metal and fire traits. it becomes invisible until it next takes an action. Instinct
The universal spells for the elemental spell list appear Any motion, even being moved or carried by another Elemental Spell
on pages 228–231. Any spell appearing in a spells creature, ends this effect. Elemental
section of Rage of Elements is on the elemental spell • Earth Your familiar gains resistance to physical damage Archetypes
list. Page 55 also include some spells from Secrets of (except adamantine) equal to half your level. AIR
Magic that now have the metal or wood trait, but were • Fire Your familiar sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius
originally released without it. Your GM might allow (and dim light for the next 20 feet) and emits warmth. EARTH
you to add more spells from other books that fit the Creatures who remain within a 15-foot emanation don’t FIRE
metal or wood element but first appeared without the take damage from severe environmental cold.
trait, adding the relevant trait to the spell. • Metal Your familiar gains resistance to physical damage
You can’t take elementalist feats or use elementalist from metal weapons equal to half your level. WATER
abilities for an element you’re unable to attune to. For • Water Your familiar can move through a gap at least WOOD
example, an Inner Sea elementalist couldn’t select the 2 inches wide without Squeezing and can Squeeze
Reverberating Spell feat, use Redirect Elements against through a gap at least 1 inch wide. CHURN OF
a metal or wood spell, or choose a metal or wood ability • Wood If your familiar remains in bright light for 1 round, ELEMENTS
for their Elemental Familiar. it gains fast healing equal to half your level. Once it is APPENDIX
out of bright light, this effect ends.
Prerequisites elemental magic ARCHETYPE FIRE SPELLSHAPE
Each day when you make your daily preparations, you can Prerequisites Elementalist Dedication, fire is in your
attune yourself to one element of your choice from your elemental philosophy
elemental philosophy. You gain resistance equal to half your You enhance your spell with elemental fire, causing it to set
level (minimum 1 resistance) against damage dealt by effects the target on fire. If the next action you use is to Cast a non-
with your attuned elemental trait. This attunement lasts cantrip Spell that deals damage at a single target, the spell
until you next make your daily preparations. deals additional persistent fire damage equal to the spell
rank, in addition to its other effects. This has no effect if the
DOUSING SPELL [one-action] FEAT 4 spell already deals persistent fire damage. The spell gains
Prerequisites Elementalist Dedication, water is in your
elemental philosophy CURRENT SPELL [one-action] FEAT 6
You enhance your spell with elemental water, soaking ARCHETYPE CONCENTRATE SPELLSHAPE
the target. If the next action you use is to Cast a Spell Prerequisites Elementalist Dedication, air or water is in your
targeting a single creature, you soak the target of the spell elemental philosophy
with water. If the target has persistent acid or fire damage, As you use your magic to manipulate air or water, you divert
the DC to end those conditions is reduced to 10, and the some of its currents to form a barrier around you. If your next
creature can attempt a flat check to end those types of action is to Cast a Spell with the air or water trait, until the
persistent damage immediately. The spell gains the water start of your next turn, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC
trait (causing it to deal extra damage to creatures with or a +2 circumstance bonus against ranged attacks. This effect
weakness to water). has the air or water trait, or both, depending on the traits of
the spell you cast. You also gain a +1 circumstance bonus to all on the ground, and the entire area of difficult terrain must be
saves against effects with the air trait, water trait, or both until contiguous. The spell gains the earth trait.
the start of your next turn, depending on the spell’s traits.
ARCHETYPE Prerequisites Elementalist Dedication
Prerequisites Elementalist Dedication Trigger The spell attack roll for a foe’s spell with an
You reach new understandings of the elements, taking an elemental trait targeting you fails or critically fails, and
expansive view. Add to your elemental philosophy any of the the elemental trait is in your elemental philosophy.
following elements it doesn’t already include: air, earth, fire, You seize the elemental essence of an incoming spell and
metal, water, and wood. redirect the spell to a creature of your choice within the
spell’s area. The attacker rerolls the spell’s attack roll against
METABOLIZE ELEMENT [reaction] FEAT 8 the new target.
Prerequisites Elementalist Dedication WATER STEP FEAT 6
Trigger You take damage from a foe’s spell or magical ability ARCHETYPE
with a trait of one of the elements in your elemental Prerequisites Elementalist Dedication, water is in your
philosophy. elemental philosophy
Your rapidly metabolize the elemental particles in your You can Stride across liquid and surfaces normally wouldn’t
opponent’s spell to gain a boost of energy. You gain the support your weight. This benefit lasts only during your
quickened condition until the end of your next turn. You can movement. If you end your movement on a surface that can’t
use the extra action only to Step or Stride. support you, you fall in or it collapses as normal.
Defense basic Fortitude Defense Reflex; Duration sustained up to 1 minute
You rapidly draw the air from your surroundings, hoarding A thin layer of ash and flame covers the ground in the area.
it for yourself. Creatures in the area when the spell is cast The area becomes hazardous terrain. A creature that moves
take 5d6 bludgeoning damage with a basic Fortitude save. A on the ground through the area takes 1 fire damage for every INTRODUCTION
creature that fails its save can’t speak above a raspy whisper square of that area it moves into. A creature that ends its ELEMENTAL
for 1 round. A creature that critically fails can’t speak or use turn in the area must succeed at a Reflex save or take 1 CHARACTERS
abilities that require it to breathe for 1 round. This prevents persistent fire damage. Kineticist Class
it from using effects that require speech and from using a Each time you Sustain this spell, the radius of the burst Elemental
breath weapon or similar ability. increases by 5 feet. Impulses
Creatures made of air (such as air elementals) attempting Heightened (+2) Increase the damage and persistent damage Elemental
a save against this spell get a degree of success one worse by 1. Allies
than they rolled. Elemental
Heightened (+1) Increase the damage by 2d6. COMBUSTION [two-actions] FOCUS 3 Ardande
Earth Focus Spells Range 120 feet; Targets 1 creature Talos Geniekin
Defense Fortitude Elemental
CRUSHING GROUND [two-actions] FOCUS 1 You ignite a creature in lasting flames. The fire deals 4d8 Instinct
fire damage and 2d6 persistent fire damage to the creature, Elemental Spell
Range 60 feet; Targets 1 creature which must attempt a Fortitude save. Elemental
Defense Reflex; Duration 1 round Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Archetypes
You tear open the ground then slam it shut. The target Success The creature takes half damage and takes no AIR
creature takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage with a Reflex save. persistent damage.
Critical Success The target is unaffected. Failure The creature takes full damage, as well as full EARTH
Success The target takes half damage. persistent damage. FIRE
Failure The target takes full damage, is off-guard, and takes Critical Failure The creature takes double damage, as well as
a –10-foot circumstance penalty to Speed. double persistent damage.
Critical Failure The target takes double damage and is Heightened (+1) Increase the initial damage by 1d8 and the WATER
off-guard and immobilized. It can attempt to Escape persistent damage by 1d6. WOOD
against your spell DC. If it doesn’t Escape, the target
takes an additional 2d6 bludgeoning damage when the Water Focus Spells CHURN OF
spell ends. ELEMENTS
Heightened (+1) Increase the initial damage and additional RISING SURF [one-action] FOCUS 1 APPENDIX
Range 30 feet
STONE LANCE [two-actions] FOCUS 3 You create a wave of water that you ride, banking around
UNCOMMON ATTACK CONCENTRATE EARTH FOCUS MANIPULATE obstacles and surfing to higher ground. You move up to
Range 120 feet; Targets 1 creature 35 feet, raising yourself up to 5 feet above the ground.
Duration 1 minute (You can avoid many types of difficult terrain in this way.)
You conjure a jagged lance of stone and then launch it at You must end your movement on an unoccupied space
a foe. Make a spell attack roll against the target. On a hit, where you have solid footing. This movement isn’t a Stride,
you deal 6d6 piercing damage and the lance impales the but you measure the distance in a similar way, and it still
creature, giving it a –10-foot circumstance penalty to its triggers reactions caused by movement. You can’t transport
Speeds unless it Escapes. On a critical hit, if the creature anyone else with you.
is on the ground, the lance also embeds into the ground Heightened (+2) Increase the distance you move by 5 feet
and immobilizes the creature until it Escapes. A creature and the maximum height traveled above the ground by
that Escapes after being impaled takes 3 persistent bleed 5 feet.
damage. When the spell ends, the lance crumbles into dirt,
freeing the target if it hasn’t Escaped. PULVERIZING CASCADE [two-actions] FOCUS 3
Heightened (+1) Increase the damage by 2d6 and the UNCOMMON CONCENTRATE FOCUS MANIPULATE WATER
persistent bleed damage for Escapes by 1. Range 120 feet; Area 10-foot radius, 20-foot-tall cylinder
Defense basic Reflex
Fire Focus Spells You raise a pair of towering waves and slam them into each
other, crushing creatures caught between them. Creatures in
WILDFIRE [two-actions] FOCUS 1 the area take 5d6 bludgeoning damage with a basic Reflex
Range 30 feet; Area 10-foot burst Heightened (+1) Increase the damage by 2d6.
Shifting with the Breeze
Change has come for the element of air, but we always; it is the space between all spaces, the energy
are good at change. We’re invisible, malleable, moved through the cycle, and the barrier lying between
vivacious—a strong and sudden force of nature, the Universe and the Great Beyond.
found anywhere and everywhere all at once. Even our Air is flexible, mutable, and invisible—an ideal
absence can smother and kill. For time unmeasured, element for spells and magical tools. Pomp and show
we have been the first of four Elemental Planes, a have no purpose in my work, and elemental air is
barrier of boundless sky between the Universe and the perfectly suited for slipping by while drawing minimal
rest, unseen and ever-present. Now, time has turned attention. Do you breathe, mortal? Air can give life with
over a new epoch for the Inner Sphere, but our place but a breath, or strip that life away with the same ease.
as first among the elements persists, and we remain Do not fail to recognize that air can also be
between the Universe and the rest. So, hush now and ostentatious if it desires. If you wish for magic to impress
be still, and I will tell you of the endless sky I call my a crowd, air elementalism can harness nature’s deadliest
home, an eternal expanse where she who claims the storms, summoning bolts of lightning and great claps
title of mother over elementals still exacts her whims. of deafening thunder to strike wherever you direct.
For millennia, the so-called Duchess of All Winds Air carries both heat and chill, offering protection and
and the sultan of the Jaathoom Empire had free rein of sanctuary or cutting with unseen blades.
this plane, politicking and secreting away stolen power Heed the teachings of elemental air, for what you can
in the pursuit of their capricious goals. Ranginori— learn is as vast as the sky above you.
Sleights Unseen
carries on according to nature’s wishes—yet another
way air sustains mortal life.
Mortal minds are filled with cute understandings of air. Portals between our planes open often, and travel
I suppose you wish for me to separate the truth from between them is quite simple, provided you know
falsehood, but asking this of a creature of air would where to look. For those unbothered by the wind
misunderstand our nature. When you see a vessel and currents of a raging storm, comfortable with a sudden
think it empty, air is always within. change in air pressure, and undeterred by lightning’s
We flow so cleverly around all things that some strike, these portals are simple to find. At the center of
elemental traditions consider us only a space between. the strongest storms that rage across your world, you
In Tian Xia, mortal elementalists believe in a cycle of five will find portals to the Plane of Air. It’s quite common
elements eternally feeding into each other: fire, wood, for elementals, dragons, and giants to travel between
metal, water, and earth. Unlike those five, air has no our worlds during such storms.
solid form; this is the true distinction understood in our Permanent nexuses of elemental energy exist on
exclusion from the cycle. Other elemental philosophies your world as well. Your Eye of Abendego is the most
do call us an element in “equal” standing. This famous—a permanent storm, like our own Storm of
discrepancy is ideal, I say. Thrive in the inconsistency Fangs, raging forever with no end in sight. It’s beautiful.
and keep the mortals guessing—as unable to grasp us I wonder which of Golarion’s anemoi is responsible for
conceptually as they are physically. Air is everywhere, keeping it there?
ABOUT THE AUTHOR one you regret. Be wary also of jaathooms and anemoi—
For eons, the air elemental the latter have little interest in those who don’t interfere
Shanaria served Hshurha as the with their work, but you should remember that the most
Lord of Air’s right hand, trusted powerful and ancient among them are trusted to guide the
with her most secret business air currents of our home plane. As for jaathooms, they are
across the Inner Sphere. None easily dealt with. They believe themselves the masters of
know for certain what drove the air; if you must have dealings with them, leverage this self-
pair apart; Hshurha is too proud importance so your interactions may be brief.
to admit the loss of a trusted
confidant, and Shanaria is DEAD AIR
covert to a fault. Shanaria The pockets of dead air dotting the plane pose significant
now oversees but a single, danger to you, should you venture out to explore the
constant storm that never plane. Even mortals can feel the disturbance that makes
ends, and while she certainly the air wrong. The air here is thick—too heavy to fill
has machinations on the Plane of your lungs or lift your airships. The most dangerous
Air, the specifics remain a mystery. dead air is surely the Hungry Sea. It lays alongside a
major sky stream, and many ships trying to navigate the
stream become lost inside. If you wish for a challenge, I
Flying across Eternity am certain that many treasures wait to be found aboard
The Endless Sky begins where the skies of the Universe those wrecked and listless ships.
end, with an invisible but impassable border. Like all
elemental planes, my home is eternal, an infinite expanse GRAZULK’S RESPLENDENT FASTNESS
of open air in all directions, with a horizon that stretches Long ago, a mortal came from your Universe: Grazulk,
forever. Great orbs of heatless fire, visible from all points apprentice of Karzoug. A spellcaster of great power, he
of the plane, aid navigation alongside distant, built a fortress with his spells to store his wealth
twinkling lights that glow from your and magical tomes. The mortal conjurer is now
Universe like the reflections of stars. dead, but giants descended from one
Of course, I need no landmarks on of his companions still live in the
the Plane of Air. I merely feel the wind fortress. They practice an old magic
and know where I am. from your world, which makes them
We travel the plane by flying. Even if your problem. I encourage you to sort it out.
you lack the ability to fly on your home
plane, you’ll find you can join us in the HAUTANSIA
skies while you’re on the Plane of Air. bronze sphere Pathetic little elemental scamps pose little
Come, and I will instruct you: for many danger to me, but you, mortal, present a
mortals, the process is aided by imagining it not as flight, different case. Despite looking safe and uninhabited, a
but rather a perpetual state of falling. Once comfortable cluster of rocky islands connected in a superstructure
in your fall, let its direction leave your mind, and realize of ice actually forms a scamp nation, ostentatiously
that you can direct your fall as you desire. named the Sparkling Principality of Hautansia. The
Flying yourself across the entirety of the plane would scamps capture travelers to work their mines and dig
become slow and tedious, as the Plane of Air is vast. out all manner of glittering treasures. I will admit King
However, its largest settlements are close to sky stream Eshakhar II has some style. The pompous ice scamp
routes. The streams are invisible, always shifting and makes ice sculptures of those who draw his ire and puts
changing, but a sky sailor who understands air’s nature them on display. Delightful.
can navigate the streams and use them to quickly sail
across the plane. When your destination is remote and a NIGHT’S EMBRACE
sky stream isn’t an option, you can ride a flying mount Almost all of the Plane of Air is bright and clear with what
or rent a small airship and try your hand at sailing you would call daylight. Yet, within Night’s Embrace,
across the sky. If other options fail, one could always skies of twilight and utter darkness hide dangerous things.
rely on magic spells for travel. Immense and pale creatures adapted to the darkness,
undead beings, and creatures of shadow all roam inside
Storms in the Clouds the dark sky. Explorers from your Universe even call
Air hides many secrets, including dangers. Be wary of this expanse the Sea of Night’s Embrace in an insulting
my kindred, for phades serve many masters, from noble comparison to the depths of your oceans. You’ll find fewer
jaathooms to the Duchess of All Winds herself. Learn the elementals there. Though we can see fully in the darkness,
loyalties of all parties before striking deals, or you may make most of us find it discomforting and foreign.
Visiting the realm of the lord of air Ranginori is safer than
stepping into Hshurha’s Verglas Precessional, yet I caution SUSSURAN
against entering any deity’s realm. The Zephyrous Prince Elementals, genies, and other creatures native to INTRODUCTION
has replenished his home, re-sparking the great nexus of the Plane of Air speak the elemental language of ELEMENTAL
thunder and lighting at its center. The estates that once Sussuran, which sounds like whistles and blowing CHARACTERS
made up the realm had drifted apart over the ages, and breezes. Air elementals hold the permanency of
slowly, his forces have tethered them back to the base, the written word in contempt, preferring to share
lashing them in a spiral around the center. These estates are information through storytelling and spells like Shifting with
the Breeze
mostly in ruins, and not all have been cleared of dangers voice on the breeze (page 73). When cloud dragons
that had taken up residence. needed a way to write in their native tongue, they Lords
Other towers and mansions remain quite far away. Lost. adapted the Draconic alphabet. Humanoids find the Air Spells
Many forces have sought the treasures of the ancient realm whistling sounds of Sussuran easy to create, though Air Items
for a long time, and now they hurry to collect what they they often struggle with the linguistic nuances of Air Creatures
can before Ranginori’s supplicants can reclaim the errant tools like fans and bellows, used to create winds of EARTH
pieces of the Roaring Spark. I suspect you mortals may different intensities and meanings.
find this appealing. FIRE
All on the Plane of Air know of the spheres; they require You think I will reveal the secrets of my home to you,
no further specification. Orbs of pure bronze and steel, mortal? You would do better to cower quietly and leave WOOD
large as moons, covered in ancient writings. A mortal me to my solitude. Go to the airship captains of Port
from your world, Zennia Lyn, a Pathfinder, took a great Eclipse, and see what they’ll tell you of the Storm of ELEMENTS
interest in the spheres and spent much time tracking Fangs! The Fangstorm bites like a wild thing, they’ll say;
their movements across the Plane of Air and deciphering it chews through ships and lets nothing escape its grasp. APPENDIX
their ancient inscriptions. She claims a pattern in her Go to the courtiers of the Duchess’s courts, the halls I GLOSSARY
research led her to be in attendance when one of the used to call home, and you may overhear two elementals & INDEX
spheres cracked open like an egg! This occurrence whispering how the storm began when I left Hshurha’s
coincides with the return of the Planes of Metal and side, and how it has raged without stopping or slowing
Wood, almost exactly. for centuries since. I mind my business, and the rest of
Inside the orb were genies of wood, who remained the plane would do well to keep theirs. Choose another
in a sort of stasis for a short time after the sphere first question; we’ll speak no more of this.
opened. These kizidhars had grown and developed
separately from those on the Plane of Wood, from all VERGLAS PRECESSIONAL
information we have. They became less mutable, and Float through the endless empyrean for long enough
more specifically adapted to their spheres. They say little, and, eventually, you may find yourself facing solid walls
and upon meeting other kizidhars have had great trouble of air. The invisible palace called Verglas Precessional is
communicating with their distant relatives. the domain of a tyrant already named: Hshurha, she who
Inside the abandoned spheres, dwellings—or maybe calls herself mother of the elementals. I call her mother
containment vessels—dot the interior walls. Abandoned no longer, but many in her courts still do, and the palace
buildings suggest there might be treasures inside, but no is filled with those phades still loyal to her. The Lord of
one has fully explored them, due both to the traps therein Air delights in hosting guests, but few visitors, if any,
and the instinctual sense of repulsion experienced by share in such delight. The palace is a labyrinth, its walls
anyone who ventures too close. Zennia Lyn, emboldened and floors appearing and disappearing as amuses the
by her one correct guess, continues to make additional duchess. Beware, for beneath the palace lies a sinister
claims. She implies another sphere has opened, this one storm vortex, and the floors might open below your feet
containing zuhra genies from the Plane of Metal. Perhaps at any time to pull you into the depths.
these were life rafts from their planes that failed to open
and free their passengers? Ports of Respite
Zennia doesn’t present this as a possibility, instead The Plane of Air has few great cities. Jaathooms rule
seeming convinced that stranger and more dangerous the greatest empire on the plane, and none can rival its
things lie in wait within the spheres still closed. Anyone size and might, nor are any interested in trying. Most
attempting to see into a sphere using scrying magic scamps on the plane live in their own independent
receives only visions of bloody teeth. This might be only kingdoms or nations, built upon the islands and
a false vision as a security measure, but if so, no one has debris scattered across the plane. The most infamous
overcome the illusion so far. of the scamp kingdoms is the Sparkling Principality of
Port Eclipse
Hautansia, a series of islands knit together with magic genies’ magic lets them rearrange the city’s platforms
by its ruler, His Frozen Majesty King Eshakhar II, who at their whim. Their magic also simulates gravity and
took the throne after Eshakhar I tried to lay siege to the the cycle of day and night found in the Universe. Much
wrong airship. trade is conducted in the city; your kind would typically
Air elementals live in many places across the plane, visit the lower city. There are ample airship docks on
but those most loyal to Hshurha spend their days in every platform of Armun Kelisk, including this one,
Verglas Precessional. Near our border with the Plane of and you can charter a ship to take you anywhere on
Water, ice elementals live in small, insular communities the plane.
on frozen islands that slipped across the planar Ascending the city brings one to the Cyan Keep of the
boundary. These ice elementals have no allegiance to jaathooms military, the Silversky Markets you may visit
Hshurha, but they’re wary of strangers. Many come to trade, the Luminous Court filled with art of exquisite
to their islands hoping to harvest and sell their ice tastes, the Cirussean Ward with its great gardens, the
elsewhere on the plane, and the elementals readily Godsward with its temples and shrines, and the High
defend their homes with violence. As the Plane of Wood Palaces of the sultan, his family, and his court. The
returns and slowly takes over this planar boundary, the sultan’s magnificent Sussuran Palace floats alone among
ice elementals’ concern will no doubt grow as their the palaces. One can see this structure from all but the
territory shrinks. most pathetic areas of the city.
If you want a place to rest, you should go to none of
these places. PORT ECLIPSE
Those who maintain Port Eclipse believe it a hidden
ARMUN KELISK enclave, where pirates and sky captains can carry out
Jaathooms claim their empire’s capital city is the jewel their deals outside the view of the Jaathoom Empire.
of the Plane of Air, and few have the patience to argue They can’t hide from me, for the air tells me all, but
with them. Armun Kelisk is a metropolis spread across without my instruction, perhaps the port would’ve
seven floating islands of stone, ice, and silver, and the lingered outside your knowledge. You’ll find the harbor
hidden inside the hollow shell of one of the plane’s
many islands, appearing externally as any of the other
stones floating through the sky. AIR ADJUSTMENTS
The mayor of Port Eclipse is a sylph called Vendria. To quickly give a creature a magical connection INTRODUCTION
Any deal you strike with her will never be to your favor. to the element of air, you can use the following ELEMENTAL
Yet I do not entirely discourage this. The nature of her adjustments. CHARACTERS
work means she must keep confidentiality, and you can • Add the air trait.
disguise your comings and goings should you get in her • If it has any languages, add Sussuran.
good graces. Moreover, if things sour, at least one rival • If the creature is 8th level or higher, give it a fly Shifting with
the Breeze
would happily depose her with your help. But, you didn’t Speed of 25 feet. If its level is lower than that,
hear it from me. you can give it this fly Speed if it either doesn’t Lords
have ranged attacks or you remove its ranged Air Spells
Putting on Airs attacks; use discretion. Air Items
As with other places, there are many individuals you • If the creature can cast spells, you can replace Air Creatures
should fear on the Plane of Air. The utter lack of spells with air spells of the same rank, such EARTH
suspicion you’ve displayed toward me thus far makes as: Cantrip gale blast SoM, 1st gust of wind, 2nd
me wonder if you’re capable of taking appropriate cleanse air (page 70), 3rd wall of wind, 4th fly, 5th FIRE
caution at all. I can do little about that for you. pressure zone (page 71), 6th phantom orchestra METAL
As I have already explained, the Lords of Air hold (page 71), 7th fly, 8th whirlwind SoM, 9th wrathful
great power on the plane. The Duchess of All Winds, storm.
Hshurha, maintains her court in Verglas Precessional, WOOD
where she lords over all those elementals who still call
her mother. She’s capricious, and her favor, if gained, Yanoklis—who I will see dead at my hand in time—is ELEMENTS
is always quickly lost; you would do well not to seek the anemos of the Storm of Fangs.
it at all. Ranginori has been returned to us for several APPENDIX
years, and the work of rebuilding his realm, the Roaring PLANE OF AIR PLANE GLOSSARY
Spark, has been fruitful. The Duke of Thunder has AIR SUBJECTIVE GRAVITY & INDEX
forged many alliances across the planes and succeeded Category Inner Plane
in his quest to free the other Elemental Lords. Divinities elemental lords of air
Be cautious in dealings with the Jaathoom Empire, Native Inhabitants air elementals, cloud dragons, jaathooms,
for its reach is vast and mighty. The air genies can offer shades (air pneuma)
you sanctuary that phades would never consider, but The Plane of Air, innermost of the Elemental Planes, is a
always be mindful of the terms of your deals. Sultan vast realm of wind, storms, and skies. Illuminated by great
Zafer XXXVIII, Lord of the Heavens and All the Stars artificial globes of flame and distant starlight from the mortal
of the Mortal Void, rules the empire from his Sussuran Universe, the plane is populated by air elementals, dragons,
Palace in the jaathoom capital of Armun Kelisk. The air scamps, and a great empire of jaathooms. Though mostly
sultan has agents across the plane, jaathoom shuyookhs clouds and empty skies, the plane isn’t entirely bereft of solid
and other genies loyal to him, each of whom rules their ground. It includes rock and ice created by the residents or
own smaller territories. Sultan Zafer places appropriate dragged into their realm from the distant Plane of Earth or
value on knowledge and has been willing to broker neighboring Plane of Water. The returning pockets of the
allegiances in the past to expand his empire’s cultural Plane of Wood have let loose giant pieces of driftwood into the
reach. If ever you must strike a bargain with the empire, plane as well. Bizarre, drifting spheres of brass and iron are
perhaps this information will prove useful. aggressively fought over, most housing the cities of the vast
Anemoi elders are powerful and ancient divine Jaathoom Empire. However, these spheres are almost entirely
servants, trusted to guide the winds of the Plane of Air. abandoned, and the plane’s inhabitants have shunned them,
Unlike in the Universe, their duties here aren’t divided believing them cursed and that they’ve entrapped forgotten,
by cardinal directions. Instead, each is responsible for ancient enemies who once ravaged the plane.
a different type of air across the whole of the plane. The jaathooms rule from their shining capital city of
Teliashtes is the flowing wind, shifting the sky streams Armun Kelisk, built atop a series of seven floating islands.
across the plane. Do not think you can beseech an elder Their vast trade network crisscrosses the skies and ventures
anemoi to change the sky streams for you; I assure you, to other planes, kept aloft by natural and magical flight,
you can’t. Sirceon is the rising wind, creating the greatest including great airships that allow visitors to quickly and
of our storms and inviting in the lightning. Agrasthyr is safely traverse the skies. The jaathooms are welcoming and
the cleansing wind, closing portals and quelling storms gracious hosts to extraplanar travelers and adventurers,
that grow out of hand. Kasathys is the hidden wind, a perspective not shared by Hshurha the Duchess of All
rolling the mist and clouds across our infinite sky. And Winds, one of the elemental lords of air.
Duchess of All Winds
Areas of Concern air, last breaths, windstorms
Edicts revel in formlessness and freedom, humiliate terrestrial creatures, kill foes
via falling or hazards from high winds
Anathema deny a flying creature the ability to fly, walk on earth if you could easily
travel otherwise
Divine Attribute Strength or Dexterity
Cleric Spells 1st: gust of wind, 2nd: summon elemental (air only), 4th: vapor form
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification can choose unholy
Divine Skill Stealth
Domains air, cold LOGM, destruction, dust LOGM
Favored Weapon longbow
Above all else, Hshurha, Lord of Air, is an inscrutable goddess. As she glides
across the cosmos, the Duchess of All Winds leaves naught but whispers in
her wake. She has no perceivable form, no known motives, and no plans
her enemies have ever successfully predicted. The elemental lord takes
capricious delight in crafting schemes so intricate and labyrinthine that they
defy explanation. Hshurha’s reputation for cruelty is well deserved, as she
holds substantial creatures in contempt and alternately creates or destroys
according to unknowable and tempestuous whims.
Hshurha receives guests and supplicants at Verglas Precessional, her
translucent palace constructed from air veneered into thin sheets of ice.
Its frozen walls and floors aren’t just invisible—they’re also shuffled and
rearranged according to the duchess’s whims. Unwary guests, particularly
those with visible forms, are often abandoned by their elemental guides,
becoming lost in the twisting halls until an unmarked opening in the floor
sends them spiraling into the lightless vortex beneath the palace.
Most air elementals worship Hshurha as a mother goddess. Her favored
children, the phades, serve as her informants and executioners, gathering
intelligence across the Inner Sphere and carrying out her will from the
shadows. Though she maintains an outward alliance with the jaathooms
of the Plane of Air, many suspect the treacherous Lord of Air is
working with the Dominion of Flame to undermine their power.
She rarely allies with other deities, though some scholars claim
she works in secret with either Norgorber or Set.
In the Universe and beyond, cults worshipping the Duchess of All
Winds beseech her for dominion over the skies, secrets whispered only
for the wind, powerful elemental magic, and her blessing over clandestine
affairs and plans of betrayal. Temples to Hshurha are temporary and
transitory. Her followers construct great monuments to the goddess only to
destroy them in her honor, ensuring that even idols of the Lord of Air lack
permanent physical form.
When casting the avatar spell, a worshipper of Hshurha gains the following
additional abilities. The imperceptible form ability allows the caster to spend
a single action casting invisibility at will as a divine innate spell.
Hshurha no land speed, fly Speed 70 feet, imperceptible form; Melee
[one-action] twisting gale (agile, shove, thrown 20 feet, versatile S), Damage 4d6+6
bludgeoning plus Grab; Ranged [one-action] cruel outburst (air, range 120 feet),
Damage 4d6+3 bludgeoning plus 2d6 sonic splash damage
The Zephyrous Prince
Areas of Concern air, thunderstorms, welcome breezes
Edicts open closed areas to fresh air, travel throughout your surroundings daily, fly or INTRODUCTION
make creations that fly ELEMENTAL
Anathema wrongfully imprison a creature, restrain a creature longer or more tightly CHARACTERS
than is necessary, suffocate a creature
Divine Attribute Dexterity or Charisma
Shifting with
the Breeze
Cleric Spells 1st: liberating command LOGM, 4th: fly, 6th: chain lightning Lords
Divine Font heal Air Spells
Divine Sanctification can choose holy Air Items
Divine Skill Acrobatics Air Creatures
Domains air, freedom, lightning LOGM, travel EARTH
Favored Weapon whip
Ranginori holds sway over the aspects of air most mortals consider beneficial—a METAL
breath of fresh air, a cooling breeze, and a welcome storm. The Lord of Air
recently returned to the plane after the Pathfinder Society and the Concordance
of Elements liberated him from his imprisonment in the Untouchable Opal, WOOD
and he now seeks to rebuild his domain, regain his strength, and form new
alliances. Though he revels in his hard-won freedom, Ranginori knows he ELEMENTS
has powerful enemies, and his downfall could be a breath away.
From his realm of the Roaring Spark, Ranginori extends the hand APPENDIX
of friendship to potential allies and worshippers who can help bring GLOSSARY
balance to the elemental planes. Ranginori also fosters relationships & INDEX
with the Pathfinder Society, the Concordance of Elements, the
Firebrands, and other mortal organizations, for he respects the
strength and cunning of mortals. It’s to them that he owes
his freedom, after all. The Zephyrous Prince’s image has
become a call to arms, a symbol of rebellion, and a
promise of change, but even so, reuniting the good
elemental lords has proven difficult. Ranginori
hopes the winds of change might stoke Atreia’s
feeble, smoldering flames, but Lysianassa has
proven nigh-impossible to locate since her
release. Though he gathers new allies, he has
numerous enemies. Ranginori has no doubt
that Hshurha will soon attack the Roaring
Spark. Ymeri has a large following, and her
soldiers stood strongest against Ranginori’s
escape. Kelizandri, who masterminded his
imprisonment, could also pose a challenge, but
Ranginori believes he can take advantage of the
Brackish Emperor’s self-interest and sloth.
When casting the avatar spell, a worshipper of Ranginori
gains the following additional abilities.
Ranginori Speed 30 feet, fly Speed 70 feet, immune to forced
movement, immune to immobilized; Melee [one-action] crackling jaws
(reach 20 feet), Damage 4d6+6 piercing plus 2d6 electricity; Melee [one-action]
hundred raking claws (agile, reach 15 feet), Damage 4d6+6 slashing
plus 1d6 persistent bleed; Ranged [one-action] lightning bolt (electricity, range 120 feet),
Damage 6d6+3 electricity
As varied as the sky itself, air magic encompasses the cutting chill of a winter gale, the chaos of a cyclone, and the soft
touch of a breeze. Where some see inconsistency, air mages see versatility and flexibility. To understand a force that
gives such life and causes such destruction requires a broad perspective and an equally broad study of spells.
AIRLIFT [two-actions] SPELL 4 so casting it underwater wouldn’t create breathable air, nor
AIR CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE would it affect any toxins within air suspended in the water.
Traditions arcane, primal Heightened (3rd) The area increases to 60 feet.
Area 10-foot emanation Heightened (4th) The area increases to 120 feet.
Defense Reflex Heightened (6th) The area increases to 500 feet.
A massive rush of wind lifts, briefly carrying you and Heightened (9th) The area increases to 1 mile.
everything around you to a nearby destination. You, each
creature in the area, and each item of 10 Bulk or lighter are CLOUD DRAGON’S CLOAK [reaction] SPELL 3
lifted by this powerful gale. You and all affected creatures and AIR MANIPULATE
objects Fly up to 60 feet and land on a solid surface, arriving Traditions arcane, primal
in the same relative position to each other. If there wouldn’t Trigger You or an ally in range is targeted by a ranged attack.
be enough room at the destination for everything you’re Range 60 feet; Targets the creature targeted by the attack
bringing, the spell fails, though the GM might allow you to Duration 1 round
rearrange the group slightly to accommodate the spell. A cloud of mist enshrouds the target, appearing much like
Any unwilling participant can attempt a Reflex save to the deflecting clouds created by cloud dragons. The target
avoid being carried along. The airlift doesn’t carry items is treated as hidden for the purposes of resolving the
that are secured in place (such as a hinged door or a person triggering attack (so normally the attacker must succeed at
manacled to a wall). a DC 11 flat check to target it) and all ranged attacks against
Heightened (6th) The distance you Fly increases to 120 feet, it for the duration.
and the Bulk limit of an item you can airlift increases to 20.
DEEP BREATH [one-action] CANTRIP 1
AIR CONCENTRATE Traditions arcane, primal
Traditions arcane, primal Duration 10 minutes
Trigger You fall more than 10 feet. You take an incredibly deep breath and can hold it for the
Area 20-foot emanation spell’s duration. You don’t lose breath when hit, but you do
Defense basic Reflex lose all the air you inhaled if you speak (including to Cast a
You hit the ground with a shuddering boom, propelling the Spell). This spell doesn’t create air; if you don’t have air to
force of your fall out in a wave. You take no damage from breathe when you cast it, you get no benefit.
the fall as the displaced air allows you to land gently, but Heightened (2nd) The duration increases to 1 hour, and you
all other creatures in the spell’s area take 6d4 bludgeoning lose only 10 minutes of breath if you speak.
damage. Creatures that fail their save are also pushed back Heightened (4th) The duration increases to 8 hours, and you
5 feet. lose only 10 minutes of breath if you speak.
Heightened (+2) The emanation increases by 10 feet, and the
damage increases by 1d4. GENTLE BREEZE [two-actions] SPELL 2
CLEANSE AIR [two-actions] SPELL 2 Traditions divine, occult, primal
AIR CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE Range 60 feet; Area 40-foot burst
Traditions arcane, divine, primal Duration 10 minutes
Range 120 feet; Area 30-foot burst A light, soothing breeze flows through the area, making it
Duration 1 minute easier to rest and recover. Medicine checks attempted to
You purify the air in the area, making it clean and benefit living creatures in the area get a +2 status bonus.
breathable. This removes inhaled poisons, pollution, and Any living creature in the area also gets a +2 status bonus to
similar contaminants from the air but doesn’t prevent future saving throws against afflictions and, if it remains within the
contamination. This effect is immediate; for the remaining area for the full duration, regains 10 Hit Points. In addition,
duration, the spell prevents any further contamination from the cool breeze reduces the temperature effects of heat by
altering air in the area, including keeping toxic air bordering one step for any creature in the area.
the area from coming inside. This spell doesn’t create air, Heightened (+2) The healing increases by 10 Hit Points.
PHANTOM ORCHESTRA [two-actions] SPELL 6 current propels them an additional 15 feet in the same
AIR CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE SONIC direction as the last 5 feet of their Stride or Leap.
Traditions arcane, occult, primal
Range 120 feet SHOCK TO THE SYSTEM [two-actions] SPELL 7 INTRODUCTION
Defense basic Fortitude Traditions divine, occult, primal CHARACTERS
You orchestrate an invisible ensemble of lost sounds captured Range 30 feet; Targets 1 living creature or 1 corpse that died
inside errant breezes across the Plane of Air, and you can within the last round
direct this symphony to attack foes within range. The sounds Duration 1 minute Shifting with
the Breeze
materialize and manifest as directed, appearing as silhouetted A dense lightning cloud descends to fill the target’s space,
instruments and musicians that dance and bob in the wind. then fires a jolt of revitalizing lightning into the target. If Lords
When you Cast the Spell, a captured breath of ephemeral the target is a corpse that died within the last round, the Air Spells
music explodes in a great crescendo, appearing in a space creature comes back to life with 0 Hit Points, and any effects Air Items
you choose within range. On subsequent rounds, the first and conditions it had when it died, with the exception of Air Creatures
time you Sustain the Spell each round, you can move your dying, and its wounded condition increases by 1. The EARTH
conjured melody to a space within range (if needed) and creature’s initiative is right before yours.
create another explosion of music. Regardless of whether the creature came back to life or FIRE
Each explosion of sound from the phantom orchestra deals was already alive, it regains 8d8 Hit Points, and the bolt METAL
8d6 sonic damage to all creatures in a 10-foot burst (basic wakes it up if it was unconscious. For the duration of the
Fortitude save). The phantom orchestra doesn’t take up space, spell, the target is supercharged. It becomes quickened
grant flanking, or have any other attributes a creature would. and can use the extra action to Stand, Stride, Strike, or WOOD
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d6. Fly (if it has a fly Speed). In addition, it can cast 5th-rank
thunderstrike as an innate spell at will, using your spell DC. ELEMENTS
PRESSURE ZONE [three-actions] SPELL 5 The cloud that covered the creature remains until the end
of the target’s next turn. Any creature in the cloud is hidden, APPENDIX
Traditions arcane, primal and anything outside the cloud is hidden to any creature GLOSSARY
Range 500 feet; Area 20-foot burst inside the cloud. & INDEX
Defense Fortitude; Duration 1 minute Heightened (+1) The healing increases by 2d8, and the
Air pressure drops precipitously, causing pain and debilitation thunderstrike rank increases by 1.
in creatures’ inner ears and joints. Each living creature in
the area of the spell when you cast it or that enters the area SLASHING GUST [two-actions] CANTRIP 1
during the spell’s duration must attempt a Fortitude save. AIR ATTACK CANTRIP CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE
Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Traditions arcane, primal
Success The creature is deafened and clumsy 1 until the end of Requirements You have at least one free hand.
its next turn, after which it’s temporarily immune for 1 hour. Range 60 feet; Targets 1 or 2 creatures
Failure The creature is deafened and clumsy 2. At the end of Defense AC
each of its turns, it can attempt a new save if it’s no longer You slash your hand through the air, channeling miniature
in the pressure zone. On a success, it ends the effects and ripples of air from each finger to slice your enemy. If you
is temporarily immune for 1 hour. have two hands free, you can target two creatures with this
Critical Failure The creature is deafened and clumsy 2 for spell; otherwise, you target one.
the duration of the spell. Make a spell attack roll against each target’s AC. This deals
2d4 slashing damage. On a critical success, a target also takes
A creature deafened by this spell can attempt to end the 1d4 persistent bleed damage. If you’re attacking two creatures,
condition by popping its ears. It can use a single action to this counts as two attacks for your multiple attack penalty, but
attempt a new Fortitude save, losing the deafened condition the penalty doesn’t increase until after both attacks.
from this spell on a success. Some creatures with anatomies Critical Success The target takes double damage and 1d4
that lack inner ears or joints might be immune to these persistent bleed damage.
effects, as determined by the GM. Success The target takes full damage.
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d4, and the
PROPULSIVE BREEZE [reaction] SPELL 2 persistent damage on a critical hit increases by 1d4.
Traditions arcane, primal STIFLING STILLNESS [two-actions] SPELL 4
Trigger An ally in range Strides or Leaps. AIR CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE POISON
Range 60 feet; Targets the triggering creature Traditions arcane, primal
You create a current of wind at your ally’s back, propelling Range 120 feet; Area 20-foot burst
their movement. When your ally’s Stride or Leap ends, the Defense basic Fortitude; Duration 1 minute
Tempest Cloak
You make all air in the target area unnaturally still and VACUUM [two-actions] SPELL 7
unyielding, creating a shimmering haze. The stagnant, heavy AIR CONCENTRATE INCAPACITATION MANIPULATE
air becomes an area of difficult terrain. Creatures in the area Traditions arcane, primal
that breathe air and aren’t holding their breath must spend a Area 15-foot emanation
single action on their turn straining to breathe the stagnant Defense Fortitude; Duration sustained up to 1 minute
air; once they do, they still mostly breathe their own exhaled You inhale all air in the surrounding area, stealing the breath
air, taking 3d6 poison damage (basic Fortitude save) and of nearby creatures. During vacuum’s duration, you take a –1
becoming fatigued. circumstance penalty against inhaled threats, such as inhaled
Heightened (+2) The damage increases by 3d6. poisons. If you cast vacuum in an environment where you can’t
breathe, the spell fails and you immediately begin to suffocate.
TEMPEST CLOAK [two-actions] SPELL 3 Creatures in the area must attempt a Fortitude save. A
AIR CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE creature that’s holding its breath gets a result one degree of
Traditions arcane, primal success better than it rolled, and creatures that don’t need
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 willing creature to breathe air are immune to the spell. A creature that later
Duration 1 minute enters the area or ceases holding its breath must attempt a
You shroud one creature in a cloak of fierce, howling winds, save against the effect. On subsequent rounds, the first time
shielding it from attacks and making it difficult to approach. each round you Sustain the spell, you can force each creature
The twisting shield of wind creates difficult terrain in a in the area to save against the effect.
5-foot burst surrounding the target. The target also gains Success The creature begins holding its breath.
a +2 circumstance bonus to its AC against physical ranged Failure The creature wheezes and gasps as its breath is
attacks, such as attacks made with bows, javelins, or slings. stolen, becoming stunned 1. The creature then begins
In addition, the sound of the swirling storms makes it easier holding its breath but has only half its normal number of
for the target to ignore anything it doesn’t want to hear, rounds of remaining air.
granting the target a +2 circumstance bonus to all defenses Critical Failure The creature has all the air sucked out from
against auditory effects. its lungs and immediately starts to suffocate.
VOICE ON THE BREEZE [two-actions] SPELL 2 and Common if not. If you can’t hear, the spirits blow
AIR CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE small objects around to mimic written words or sign
Traditions arcane, occult, primal language. If following the advice poses great danger,
Range 10 miles; Area 10-foot burst the spirits typically note this risk but rarely go into INTRODUCTION
You whisper a secret message or sound into the wind, detail. The advice is instant, so the spell doesn’t have a ELEMENTAL
which carries it to a designated spot. The message travels duration. CHARACTERS
to a specific 10-foot burst within range that’s familiar to you,
provided there’s a path for the wind to follow between you ZEPHYR SLIP [reaction] SPELL 4
and the area. The gentle breeze goes all but unnoticed until Shifting with
the Breeze
it reaches its destination, where it delivers its whisper-quiet Traditions arcane, primal
message. The message is delivered regardless of who or Trigger A creature enters a space within 5 feet of you. Lords
what is present to hear it, even if no one receives it at all. An arresting breeze sweeps you up in an instant and Air Spells
Once the message is delivered, the spell ends. moves you to safety. You Fly 15 feet directly away from the Air Items
Your message can contain no more than 25 words, 1 triggering creature. Air Creatures
round’s worth of other sounds, or a simple rustling in the air Heightened (6th) You and one adjacent ally Fly up to 25 feet EARTH
at the target location. It moves at a speed of your choosing directly away from the triggering creature.
between 1 mile per hour and 1 mile per 10 minutes; when it Heightened (8th) You and up to 5 allies within 30 feet Fly FIRE
arrives, the wind swirls around the area and whispers the up to 25 feet directly away from the triggering creature. METAL
full message. A voice on the breeze can’t activate magical
effects triggered by voices. Air Rituals
Heightened (4th) The range increases to 1,000 miles, and WOOD
the message can contain up to 100 words. SKY SIGNS RITUAL 6 CHURN OF
WISDOM OF THE WINDS SPELL 5 Cast 1 day; Cost lenses and fine mineral dusts worth 300 gp
total; Secondary Casters 2 APPENDIX
Traditions arcane, divine, occult, primal Primary Check Nature (master); Secondary Checks Crafting, GLOSSARY
Cast 1 minute Diplomacy & INDEX
Duration varies Duration 8 hours
You ask a question of the spirits of air, imploring them to You emblazon a message across the sky itself. Casting the
send signals through the winds to help you find your way. ritual requires choosing a set of symbols for the message you
You might be guided by air elementals, anemoi, or even the want to send, which you can convey with an atmospheric
Lords of Air themselves. You receive guidance as either phenomenon of your choice. Common choices include
words of wisdom or a rustling wind that guides you to a carefully shaped clouds during the day and auroras at night.
helpful destination—whichever the spirits think will be most Some cultures—such as the many denizens of the Plane of
beneficial. The spirits don’t give guidance you can’t follow, Air and star-gazing iruxis—develop complex symbology to
such as winds that lead somewhere you can’t reach, nor do communicate clearly using sky signs.
they give advice that will help their causes at the expense The message appears in the sky above you and can be
of your own. If you’ve upset all the spirits of air, they don’t seen to the horizon. To be conveyed in this way, the message
mislead you but do refuse to guide you. must be very simple—typically something that can be
• Guiding Gale (detection) A noticeable wind flows expressed in 5 words or fewer. The symbols look the same
continuously toward a destination the spirits think to anyone who sees them. If you wish to conceal a message,
will be valuable for you to find. Though you can’t ask you need to choose symbols that will make sense to your
for a specific destination, the spirits understand your chosen audience but not to any other onlookers.
current circumstances and urgent priorities. They won’t Critical Success You display your chosen signs, and the
lead you to a location you’re already aware of or can message is clear to anyone who sees it.
currently see, unless this might lead you to a fruitful Success You display a somewhat muddled version of your
destination you’ve already dismissed as an option. The message. The signs aren’t entirely clear and require
spell has a duration of 8 hours or until you reach the interpretation from those who view them—and many
destination, whichever comes first. When you arrive, interpret them incorrectly.
the winds swirl in playful circles and then disperse to Failure You’re unable to show your message.
make it clear you’re in the right place. Critical Failure The spirits of air find your message
• Voice of the Sky (auditory, linguistic, prediction) A voice audacious and offensive. As punishment, they emblazon
on the wind, clearly audible to you, gives you advice on the opposite of your intended message across the sky,
a course of action that holds positive potential for you. and the message is clear to anyone who sees it.
This advice is rarely more than two or three sentences Heightened (10th) The scope of your message is truly
long, typically spoken in Sussuran if you understand it, staggering and can be seen across the entire planet.
The element of air instills items with a characteristic lightness and a sense of gentle chaos. Most of them create or
control air, alter the weather, or carry their user in flight. Items created on the Plane of Air often use precious materials
taken from other planes—especially items created at the order of janns. Though raw materials sourced from other
planes can do the job, salvaging materials from flying flotsam in the Plane of Air makes for a better story, and therefore
a more valued treasure.
of your choice. The fan casts a 3-action heal spell with an
area of a 30-foot cone instead of a 30-foot emanation; the
save DC for an undead creature is 28. This spell gains the BOTTLED BREATH
air trait. The rank of the spell depends on which bead you’re Bottles of breath are enchanted bottles of cloud INTRODUCTION
turning: the first two beads cast 4th-rank heal, the center and mist, first developed by the denizens of the ELEMENTAL
two cast 3rd-rank heal, and the last two cast 2nd-rank heal. Plane of Air. You can Activate an item with the CHARACTERS
Type fan of soothing winds; Level 11; Price 1,400 gp bottled breath trait as you inhale it or cause
Type greater fan of soothing winds; Level 15; Price 6,500 gp another creature to inhale it. You can make
The save DC is 34. The first two beads cast 6th-rank heal, the another creature inhale bottled breath only if that Shifting with
the Breeze
center two cast 5th-rank heal, and the last two cast 4th-rank creature is within reach and willing or so helpless
heal. that it can’t resist. You usually need only one hand Lords
to consume a bottled breath or make another Air Spells
FLOATING TENT ITEM 1+ creature inhale it. Air Items
Bulk 1 The bottled breath is held in a user’s lungs, and Air Creatures
This diamond-shaped tent is designed for sleeping in planar its effects last as long as the user holds its breath. EARTH
environments without gravity, such as the Plane of Air. This is typically a maximum number of rounds
Weights are attached at each of its six points, carefully equal to 5 + its Constitution modifier, but this time FIRE
balanced against each other to prevent the tent from leaning can be reduced due to the creature’s actions or it METAL
too far in any one direction. The tent has an anchor, which taking damage (as described in Player Core), or
can be used to moor the tent and prevent it from floating extended by abilities that increase the amount of
away from the object or location it is anchored to. time a creature can hold its breath. WOOD
Type floating pup tent; Level 1; Price 10 gp Some bottled breath consumables have a
A floating pup tent is large enough for one person and their special effect when you exhale them. Since you’re ELEMENTS
supplies. It contains one hammock suspended in the center exhaling the breath, doing this expends the item.
of the tent, large enough for a Medium or smaller creature to APPENDIX
comfortably sleep, in addition to a net beneath the hammock GLOSSARY
where gear can be stored. silk to the deep gray of storm clouds during winter. Wearing & INDEX
Type floating four-person tent; Level 2; Price 25 gp this scarf grants a +2 item bonus to Performance checks to
A standard floating tent is large enough for four creatures dance and to Acrobatics checks to Escape.
and their supplies, containing four hammocks in two rows Activate—Vanish [two-actions] (concentrate) Frequency once per day;
suspended in the center of the tent and large nets near the Effect The scarf casts 4th-rank invisibility on you.
top and bottom of the tent for gear. Activate—Jaathoom’s Rebuke [one-action] (concentrate) Frequency
once per hour; Effect You let the winds around you
FROST BREATH ITEM 7 catch the edges of the jaathoom’s scarf, and a jaathoom
AIR BOTTLED BREATH COLD CONSUMABLE MAGICAL shuyookh appears with a sudden updraft. The winds force
Price 70 gp your enemies back, granting you some breathing room in
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L battle. Each enemy in a 10-foot emanation must succeed
Activate [one-action] (manipulate) at a DC 18 Fortitude save or be pushed 10 feet. A creature
This bottle of frozen vapors is captured in the frozen peaks that critically fails is also knocked prone after being moved.
of the crown of the world. After inhaling frost breath, you Creatures with the air trait are immune to all these effects.
gain resistance 5 to cold. You can exhale the frost breath
as a single action to release a spray of frigid air in a 15- NIMBUS BREATH ITEM 8
foot cone. Each creature in the area takes 4d6 cold damage AIR BOTTLED BREATH CONSUMABLE ELECTRICITY
with a DC 20 basic Reflex save. For 10 minutes, surfaces in Price 80 gp
the area are covered in ice, becoming difficult terrain and Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
uneven ground (Acrobatics DC 20). Activate [one-action] (manipulate)
The dwarves of Cloudspire Citadel in Golarion’s Mwangi
JAATHOOM’S SCARF ITEM 10 Expanse create bottles of nimbus breath by capturing and
AIR INVESTED MAGICAL bottling the fluffiest nimbus clouds from the lairs of cloud
Price 900 gp dragons. After harvesting the cloud, the bottle must sit at
Usage worn belt; Bulk — the peak of the tallest mountain for 10 days and 10 nights,
This scarf is made of fine silk that’s the same shade of blue pelted by all forms of weather. Nimbus breaths can also be
as a clear, cloudless sky. The short ends are edged with a fine created by capturing clouds on other planes, such as those
gold fringe that seems to sway even in still weather as though found on the Plane of Air or in the highest peaks of Celestia.
touched by invisible winds. The long edges have exquisite After you inhale the nimbus breath, you gain resistance 5 to
embroidery in threads that vary from a blue identical to the electricity and are affected by fly as long as you hold your breath.
You can exhale the breath as a single action to create a gust of Type black spun cloud; Level 7; Price 70 gp
wind (DC 24) from your mouth. If you’re airborne when the cloud A dark storm cloud conceals creatures within it. Creatures
expires, you float gently to the ground at 60 feet per round and outside the cloud are concealed to creatures within it.
don’t take damage from this fall. Type blue spun cloud; Level 6; Price 50 gp
A blue cloud protects against lightning. Creatures gain
SPIRAL CHIMES ITEM 13 resistance 5 to electricity while in the cloud.
AIR MAGICAL Type green spun cloud; Level 9; Price 125 gp
Price 2,500 gp A green cloud smells terrible, making those inside ill. Any
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L creature that ends its turn in the cloud must succeed at a
Spiral chimes are a set of small metal bells decorated with DC 25 Fortitude save or be sickened 1 (or sickened 2 on
spiraling designs that hang on thin wires from a carved a critical failure). Regardless of the result of its save, the
statue of a storm cloud or air elemental. Each bell in the creature becomes temporarily immune for 24 hours. This is
spiral chimes rings at a different tone, and when caught in an olfactory poison effect.
the turbulent winds of a storm, the bells combine to create Type red spun cloud; Level 8; Price 100 gp
deep, full songs. A red cloud terrifies those it surrounds. Any creature in the
A set of spiral chimes is a planar key for interplanar cloud, or that later enters the cloud, must succeed at a DC
teleport and similar magic. When the chimes are used this 24 Will save or become frightened 2 (or frightened 3 on
way, you’re more likely to arrive where you intend to be, a critical failure). Regardless of the result of its save, the
appearing 1d6×25 miles from your intended destination creature becomes temporarily immune for 24 hours. This is
instead of 1d10×25 miles away. an emotion, fear, and mental effect.
Activate—Forecast Chime 10 minutes (manipulate, prediction); Type white spun cloud; Level 2; Price 7 gp
Effect You let the spiral chimes play in the wind, interpreting A white cloud swirls with winds that speed up travel. A creature
the music to predict the weather at your location for that starts its turn in the cloud gains a +10-foot item bonus to its
the next 24 hours. You receive advanced warning of the land Speed and fly Speed (if it has one) until the end of its turn.
temperature, humidity, storms, natural disasters (such as
tornadoes, floods, or volcanic eruptions), and other weather STORM BREATH ITEM 9
conditions that naturally arise. The information you gain AIR BOTTLED BREATH CONSUMABLE ELECTRICITY MAGICAL
through the spiral chimes doesn’t take magical occurrences Price 125 gp
that might change the weather into account. Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate—Revealing Chime [one-action] (manipulate, sonic) Frequency Storm breaths are bottles of temperamental lightning
once per day; Effect You ring the chimes, blanketing captured during storms on the Plane of Air, releasing small
everything in a 30-foot burst within 120 feet in visible, charges of static energy any time they’re touched. The first
reverberating sound. This can negate invisibility, making storm breaths were created by Ranginori’s faithful following
creatures concealed instead of invisible. The duration the Elemental Lord’s return from a long imprisonment, but the
and other effects depend on the result of each creature’s recipe has since been duplicated across the multiverse.
attempt at a DC 30 Reflex save. After inhaling storm breath, you gain resistance 5 to both
Critical Success The target is unaffected. electricity and sonic. You can exhale the storm breath as
Success The target’s invisibility is negated for 2 rounds. a bolt of lightning, dealing 4d12 electricity damage to all
Failure The target is deafened for 1 minute, and its creatures in a 30-foot line, with a DC 25 basic Reflex save.
invisibility is negated for 1 minute.
Critical Failure The target is deafened for 10 minutes, and WISP CHAIN ITEM 9+
its invisibility is negated for 10 minutes. AIR INVESTED MAGICAL
Usage worn armor; Bulk —
SPUN CLOUD ITEM 2+ This +1 resilient chain shirt is made of small, interlocking
AIR BOTTLED BREATH CONSUMABLE MAGICAL currents of wind carefully woven together. While the links of
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L air don’t jingle against each other like chain links might, the
Activate [one-action] (manipulate) tiny cyclones nevertheless create a blustering howl akin to
On the Elemental Plane of Air, small clouds of differing colors standing at the center of a storm. A creature that ends its
can sometimes float separately from other cloud formations. turn adjacent to you must attempt a DC 23 Fortitude save. On
Clever people can spin these clouds into small handfuls, a failure, it becomes deafened until it moves away from you.
creating a magical bundle of elemental power. Unlike most Activate—Slicing Links [two-actions] (concentrate) Effect You unbind
bottled breath, spun clouds don’t have any effect on you the currents that form your armor and release them as
while you hold them in your lungs, but you can exhale the cutting whorls of air that slice into creatures in a 60-foot
cloud as a single action. When exhaled, the cloud flows out cone. Creatures in the area take 6d6 slashing damage with
and expands into a 20-foot burst within 60 feet of you. The a DC 25 basic Fortitude save. A creature that fails its save
cloud dissipates after 1 minute. is also pushed 10 feet (or 20 feet on a critical failure). You
Shifting with
the Breeze
Air Spells
Air Items
Atmospheric Staff Air Creatures
Nimbus Breath EARTH
Aerial Cloak FIRE
Floating Tent
Extra Lung
Jaathoom’s Scarf
Spiral Chimes
Wisp Chain
lose the AC bonus of your armor until the end of your turn, Type major wisp chain; Level 15; Price 6,000 gp
when the air currents reform the wisp chain around you. The armor is a +2 greater resilient chain shirt, the DC for
Type wisp chain; Level 9; Price 685 gp deafening creatures is 32, and the DC of the activation is 34.
Type greater wisp chain; Level 12; Price 1,900 gp Type true wisp chain; Level 19; Price 35,000 gp
The armor is a +2 resilient chain shirt, the DC for deafening The armor is a +3 greater resilient chain shirt, the DC for
creatures is 27, and the DC of the activation is 29. deafening creatures is 39, and the DC of the activation is 41.
The truth of life in the Universe is that weather controls the world. The
life-giving water that flows across Golarion, the maintenance of healthy
THE SHAPE OF THE AIR forests, and the snows, thaws, and rains that help crops flourish all rely
Anemoi on the Plane of Air are on the weather—weather that’s shaped at the whims of the winds. Anemoi
typically genderless, while those are powerful beings from the Plane of Air tasked by ancient gods to guard
who spend time in the Universe the skies and shepherd the winds of every world across the planes. They
sometimes experiment with or develop guide the winds along their natural paths, and while neither malevolent
preferences for one of the genders of nor malicious, an anemos has little regard for how a storm might affect any
the mortals they watch or live close to. creature caught in its path.
Anemoi can take several forms and shift between them as easily as they
slip between the breezes. They wear humanoid guises to walk among
mortals without drawing undue attention, and they transform into great,
thunderous horses made of storm clouds and rain when they need to move
quickly across the skies. Their true form, however, is wind coalesced into a
humanoid shape, often with curling hair and feathery wings made of soft,
drifting clouds.
On Golarion, each of the four cardinal winds are created and directed by
a quartet of cardinal anemoi. The cold north winds are guided by Boreal,
bringer of winter. Austral shepherds hot winds from the south. Eural brings
stormy winds from the east. Finally, the gentle winds of spring come at
the call of Zephyr, from the west. These four cardinal anemoi, alongside
their councils of lesser anemoi, shape and control the winds across all of
Golarion. As far as anyone can tell, the cardinal anemoi don’t answer to
a greater authority. There are even more powerful maximal anemoi living
in the Plane of Air, but they seem content to leave the Universe out of
their plans.
Though the cardinal anemoi try to keep a degree of separation from
mortal affairs, lesser anemoi occasionally take a closer interest. Some
monitor a single settlement or county, protecting, nourishing, or even
vindictively destroying it. Each one has their own sets of interests. Many
are vain or petty. Even more change attitudes just as quickly as the winds
they guide. Pleasing an anemoi isn’t a matter of following a set formula, but
rather repeatedly changing course to give them what they desire for their
mercurial current interests or perceived needs.
Perception +33; darkvision
Languages Common, Empyrean, Sussuran; truespeech
Skills Acrobatics +38, Arcane +31, Nature +33, Occult +31, Performance +38,
Planar Lore +33, Religion +31, Stealth +36, Survival +33
Str +4, Dex +9, Con +7, Int +6, Wis +6, Cha +9
Truespeech An anemos can speak with and understand any creature that has a
Wind Orchestra (air, auditory) An anemos does not require instruments to
perform music, instead using their winds to create and carry the sounds of any
instruments they wish to duplicate. They can mimic any number of instruments
simultaneously, creating and directing their own personal orchestra.
AC 43; Fort +29, Ref +33, Will +30
HP 310, regeneration 15 (deactivated by earthbane); Immunities bleed, electricity,
paralyzed, poison, sleep; Resistances cold 20
Blessed by the Winds (air, aura) 80 feet. The winds grow turbulent for those who
would dare to fly in the same space as an anemos, but they take care to never
harm or inconvenience their shepherd. Air within the emanation is difficult
terrain for Flying creatures that do not have the air trait. While the aura is
active, the anemos cannot be affected by environmental air or weather affects
unless they choose to be.
Earthbane An anemos’s regeneration is suppressed for 1 round if the anemos is
affected by an earth effect, or for as long as they are in contact with the ground THE CARDINAL ANEMOI INTRODUCTION
and 1 round thereafter. If an anemos is submerged in at least 1 inch of mud, dirt, Anemoi who are particularly ancient ELEMENTAL
or stone, the anemos’s aura deactivates, and the anemos becomes stunned 2 and powerful often have their own CHARACTERS
and clumsy 2. unique capabilities. In addition to
Redirect Weather [reaction] (divine) Requirements The anemos’s aura is active; Trigger their standard abilities, Golarion’s
A creature within the anemos’s aura uses an air or electricity spell, or an air or cardinal anemoi possess the following Shifting with
the Breeze
electricity spell otherwise comes into effect within the anemos’s aura; Effect additional innate spells.
The winds and weather of the spell obey the anemos’s call. The anemos makes Austral, the south wind: 8th flame Lords
all the choices to determine the targets, destination, or other effects of the vortex SoM; 5th geyser SoM Air Spells
spell, as though they were the caster. Boreal, the north wind: 8th frigid Air Items
Speed 25 feet, fly 200 feet; swiftness flurry SoM; 5th howling blizzard Air Creatures
Melee [one-action] thunderbolt +35 (electricity, magical), Damage 3d8+12 electricity plus Eural, the east wind: 8th chain EARTH
3d6 sonic lightning; 5th pressure zone (page 71)
Ranged [one-action] air blast +35 (agile, air, magical, range 100 feet), Damage 3d10+12 Zephyr, the west wind: 8th field FIRE
bludgeoning of life; 4th petal storm SoM, speak with METAL
Ranged [one-action] thunderbolt +35 (electricity, magical, thrown 30 feet), Damage 3d8+10 plants
electricity plus 3d6 sonic
Divine Innate Spells DC 40; 9th cleanse air (page 70); 7th humanoid WOOD
form (at will); 4th airlift (page 70; at will), vapor form (at will),
voice on the breeze (at will, page 73); 1st air bubble (at will) ELEMENTS
Divine Rituals DC 40; control weather, sky signs
Collect Thunder [free-action] or [one-action] (electricity, manipulate) Requirements APPENDIX
The anemos has a hand free; Effect The anemos runs a hand GLOSSARY
through the winds that swirl around them, the sparks from & INDEX
their fingertips coalescing into a thunderbolt.
The anemos creates a thunderbolt in their
open hand. If the anemos spends an action
to Collect Thunder, a bolt instead strikes their
open hand, creating a booming peal that deafens
all creatures within 20 feet for 1 round unless
they succeed at a DC 40 Fortitude save; this
adds the auditory trait to Collect Thunder. Any
thunderbolts dissipate after 1 round.
Command the Breeze When an anemos casts
a ritual, they perform all aspects of the ritual themself,
commanding their winds to complete all the ritual’s
components. They must fulfill any requirements for
the ritual’s additional casters and must attempt
the checks normally performed by additional
casters. In addition, anemoi can cast rituals
faster than usual. If a ritual has a casting
time measured in days, they can cast it
in an equal number of hours.
Storm Strikes Twice [two-actions] (air, teleportation)
The anemos throws a thunderbolt, then
becomes a wind that carries them in an instant to the bolt’s
location to attack again. They make a ranged thunderbolt Strike
against a creature within their first range increment, teleport to
the creature’s location as a gust of wind, then grasp the thrown
thunderbolt and make a melee thunderbolt Strike against a
creature within reach. Their multiple attack penalty doesn’t increase
until they’ve made both attacks.
Swiftness The anemos’s movement doesn’t trigger reactions.
Blustering gales are among the least of air elementals: spirits of the small breezes
who sometimes arise in the wake of mightier creatures, like the downdraft of a
LACKEYS swallow’s wing or the sharp expulsion of a vigorous cough. Unwilling or unable
Blustering gales sometimes serve as to act effectively alone, they form into “gales,” collections of weak elementals
heralds or enforcers for other creatures that use their combined power to hurl insults and pummel those who defy them
(including cloud dragons, jaathooms, in a misguided attempt to rise above their humble origins.
and other powerful air elementals), Together, they force other creatures to do their bidding, then move on
bullying and intimidating others at the when they grow bored. While most gales claim their abandoned minions
behest of a more influential overlord. were useless, in truth, blustering gales lack the commanding presence and
While blustering gales often feel confidence to retain vassals for long.
secure and confident in these roles,
they rankle at subservience, and rarely BLUSTERING GALE CREATURE 11
feel content with such an arrangement GARGANTUAN AIR ELEMENTAL TROOP
for long. Perception +20; darkvision
Languages Sussuran
Skills Acrobatics +20, Athletics +22, Intimidation +22, Stealth +18
Str +7, Dex +5, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +5
AC 30; Fort +22, Ref +24, Will +18
HP 150 (16 squares); Thresholds 100 (12 squares), 50 (8 squares); Immunities bleed,
paralyzed, poison, sleep; Weaknesses area damage 10, splash damage 10
Bullying Bluster (auditory, aura, emotion, mental, linguistic) 30 feet. The blustering
gale constantly unleashes a tirade of insults and aggressive taunts. Each enemy
who enters or starts their turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 30 Will save
or become stupefied 1 for as long as they remain within the aura (stupefied 2 on
a critical failure). The troop’s members are collectively able to mimic a few curse
words or insults in every language, allowing their Bullying Bluster to affect any
creature who understands a language. A creature who succeeds at its save is
temporarily immune for 1 hour. The blustering gale can activate or deactivate the
aura with a free action, which has the concentrate trait.
Troop Defenses (page 233)
Speed 25 feet, fly 60 feet; troop movement
Form Up [one-action] (page 232)
Pummeling Winds [one-action] to [three-actions] Frequency once per round;
Effect The blustering gale bashes, batters, and pummels
each adjacent enemy (DC 27 basic Reflex save). The
damage depends on the number of actions.
[one-action] 1d8+2 bludgeoning damage
[two-actions] 2d8+12 bludgeoning damage
[three-actions] 3d8+15 bludgeoning damage
Troop Movement Whenever a troop Flies or
Strides, it first Forms Up as a free action to
condense into a 20-foot-by-20-foot area
(minus any missing squares), then moves up to
its Speed. This works just like a Gargantuan
creature moving; for instance, if any square
of the troop enters difficult terrain, the extra
movement cost applies to the whole troop.
Windstorm [two-actions] (air) The blustering gale exhales
as a unit, creating a powerful windstorm. This
windstorm is a 10-foot burst within 100 feet that deals
3d8+10 bludgeoning damage (DC 30 basic Reflex save).
Creatures that fail their saving throw are pushed 10 feet in any
direction (plus knocked prone on a critical failure). When the
troop is reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this area decreases to a
5-foot burst and the distance pushed decreases to 5 feet.
Buzzing, crackling plasma makes up a comozant wyrd, electrically charged
waves of greens, blues, and purples cascading in heatless flame. Given a mind
and a semblance of a face, comozant wyrds need a surface from which they COMOZANT COMMUNICATION INTRODUCTION
can crackle and writhe. Once secure, they seek out companionship from Creatures of emotion and instinct, ELEMENTAL
anyone nearby. In the Universe, they can be found in many places: lashing comozant wyrds use simple images CHARACTERS
themselves to sailing ships, dancing across the buildings, or anchoring to the and concepts to convey deep and
stones of a mountain range. In the vast spans of the Plane of Air, however, layered meanings. They’re quite
comozant wyrds often come to feel extremely lonely. A lucky few become pets insightful, able to leap to solid Shifting with
the Breeze
for jaathooms living in the plane’s cities, but many wait on isolated floating conclusions as rapidly as they leap
islands for an airship they can attach to or, more tragically, strive vainly to across solid surfaces. Most who Lords
reach a distant shore before sputtering out. “converse” with a comozant wyrd Air Spells
find the process enlightening, but Air Items
COMOZANT WYRD CREATURE 5 have little desire make it a regular Air Creatures
Perception +12; darkvision
Languages Sussuran FIRE
Skills Diplomacy +11, Nature +12 METAL
Str –5, Dex +4, Con +0, Int –1, Wis +3, Cha +4
Plasmatic Form Unlike other incorporeal creatures, a comozant wyrd can’t move
into or through solid objects. If a comozant wyrd isn’t adjacent to a solid object WOOD
or surface of its size or larger at the end of its turn, it loses 10 HP. This HP loss
cannot be mitigated or avoided in any way. ELEMENTS
AC 21; Fort +7, Ref +15, Will +12
HP 60; Immunities disease, electricity, paralyzed, poison, precision; Resistances all APPENDIX
damage 5 (except force or ghost touch; double resistance vs. non-magical) GLOSSARY
Illuminating Flames (aura, electricity, light, primal) 30 feet. The comozant wyrd & INDEX
sheds bright light in the emanation and dim light for another 30 feet. Heatless
flames similar to the wyrd’s own surround any creature in the emanation. A
visible creature can’t become concealed while in the emanation, and an invisible
creature becomes concealed rather than undetected. The wyrd can communicate
empathically with any non-mindless creature affected by illuminating
flames, even if they don’t share a language.
Speed 15 feet, fly 25 feet
Ranged [one-action] lightning lash +15 (electricity, range 30 feet), Damage
2d12 electricity
Leap the Gap [two-actions] Requirements The comozant wyrd is adjacent
to a solid object or surface of its size or larger; Effect The wyrd
Flies up to its Speed in a straight line, ending its movement
adjacent to a different solid object or surface of its size or
larger; this movement doesn’t trigger reactions. The
wyrd can move through other creatures during this
movement, and all creatures it moves through take
2d12 electricity damage with a DC 22 basic
Reflex save.
Wyrd Wisdom [one-action] Frequency once per
day; Requirements The comozant wyrd
is communicating empathically with
another creature through illuminating
flames; Effect The comozant wyrd’s odd
means of communication brings strange
insight. One creature the wyrd is
empathically conversing with gains
the benefits of an augury spell, though
only about this conversation topic, rather than
any topic of the creature’s choice.
Many elementals that roam the Plane of Air embody the mercurial formlessness
and chaos of tumultuous storms.
Air elementals are often flighty DESPAIRING PALL
contrarians, often more concerned Despairing palls are small, dark clouds that float aimlessly through the Plane
with bringing about change than of Air, casting literal and emotional shadows wherever they go. Pranksters and
with the specific changes they enact. mischievous elementalists often summon them to rain on a rival’s parade.
Art and writing created by such
elementals is exceptionally rare, as DESPAIRING PALL CREATURE 1
they usually destroy their projects SMALL AIR ELEMENTAL
once the challenge and excitement of Perception +5; darkvision
completing them fades. Languages Sussuran
Skills Acrobatics +8, Intimidation +6, Stealth +8
Str +0, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +2
AC 17; Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +7
HP 15; Immunities bleed, electricity, paralyzed, poison, sleep
Duskflow [reaction] (darkness) Trigger The despairing pall is damaged by a melee Strike;
Effect Darkness billows out from the despairing pall, covering its attacker in inky
shadow. The despairing pall immediately Steps up to 15 feet in any direction. If the
despairing pall took the triggering damage due to a reaction it provoked by moving,
it can then finish the movement. For one round, the triggering attacker is cloaked in
darkness and perceives light as one step lower (bright light becomes dim light, for
example), affecting its ability to sense creatures and objects accordingly.
Speed fly 50 feet
Melee [one-action] hot air +7 (air), Effect pushed 5 feet
Ranged [one-action] lightning bolt +7 (electricity, range increment 50 feet), Damage 1d6 electricity
Downcast [two-actions] (air, emotion, mental) The despairing pall Flies up to its Speed, then
rains gloom and despair in a 15-foot line straight down. Creatures in the area must
succeed at a DC 16 Will save or take a –1 status penalty to attack rolls until the end of
the despairing pall’s next turn.
Often considered cousins of phades, veiled currents are loose veils of wind
who catch prey within their folds.
the veiled current had Engulfed the creature (DC 26, 1d8+8 bludgeoning, Escape
DC 26, Rupture 17). As engulfing a creature is a hostile action, the veiled current is
hidden instead of undetected every round it has a creature engulfed.
PICTURE-IN-CLOUDS Formless and invisible elementals ELEMENTAL
The shifting shapes of clouds in the sky have captivated the imaginations of are the favored children of Hshurha, CHARACTERS
mortal children for centuries. Pictures-in-clouds represent this pure possibility the air elementals’ mother goddess.
of air, transforming into anything the Universe imagines them to be. They receive favorable treatment
in her realm, Verglas Precessional, Shifting with
the Breeze
PICTURE-IN-CLOUDS CREATURE 13 where they serve as trusted advisors,
HUGE AIR ELEMENTAL emissaries to other planes, and Lords
Perception +20; darkvision members of her personal retinue, in Air Spells
Languages Sussuran addition to performing clandestine Air Items
Skills Acrobatics +26, Stealth +24 tasks the goddess wishes to keep Air Creatures
Str +4, Dex +8, Con +5, Int +4, Wis +4, Cha +4 hidden. EARTH
AC 35; Fort +21, Ref +26, Will +19
HP 175; Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep FIRE
High Winds (air, aura) 60 feet. Air within the emanation is difficult terrain for Flying METAL
creatures that don’t have the air trait.
Disperse [reaction] Trigger The picture-in-clouds takes damage
from a hostile action; Effect The picture-in- WOOD
clouds disperses. Until the end of the current
turn, they can’t be attacked or targeted, ELEMENTS
they don’t take up space, and any auras or
emanations they have are suppressed. At the APPENDIX
end of the turn, the picture-in-clouds re-forms GLOSSARY
in any sufficient space within 150 feet of where & INDEX
they dispersed; any auras or emanations they
have are restored as long as the duration didn’t
run out while the elemental was dispersed.
Speed fly 100 feet; swiftness
Melee [one-action] gust +26 (finesse, reach 20 feet), Damage
3d10+10 bludgeoning plus Push 15 feet (page 233)
Ranged [one-action] lightning lash +26 (range increment 100 feet),
Damage 3d12 electricity
Cloudgaze [one-action] The picture-in-clouds shifts into their choice of an
eagle shape, elephant shape, or sword shape.
Elephant Blast [two-actions] Requirements The picture-in-clouds is in elephant
shape; Effect The picture-in-clouds breathes out a 30-foot cone of air
from their cloudy trunk. Creatures in the area must attempt a DC 30
Fortitude save to stand their ground. A creature pushed into a solid
object stops moving and takes 4d10 bludgeoning damage.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature is pushed 20 feet.
Failure The creature is pushed 40 feet.
Critical Failure The creature is pushed 40 feet and knocked prone.
Feather Storm [two-actions] (move) Requirements The picture-in-clouds is in
eagle shape; Effect The picture-in-clouds Flies 125 feet, flapping their
wings and creating a barrier along their path. This barrier has the
effects of wall of wind (DC 30) and lasts until the end of the picture-
in-clouds’s next turn.
Slicing Wind [one-action] Requirements The picture-in-clouds is in sword
shape; Effect The picture-in-clouds spins, forming a whirlwind
that deals 5d8 slashing damage in a 15-foot emanation (DC 30 basic Picture-in-Clouds
Reflex save).
Swiftness The picture-in-clouds’s movement doesn’t trigger reactions.
Exalted jaathoom shuyookhs are ostentatious purveyors of dreams and
nightmares. They can remain invisible like any jaathoom, but prefer to make
LADY DARIYA’S DAZZLING themselves visible to better communicate and express their individuality
EMPORIUM through bright fabrics, expensive jewels, and flashy displays of excess.
The reclusive jaathoom gem dealer
and silversmith Lady Dariya crafts JAATHOOM SHUYOOKH CREATURE 10
enchanted jewelry out of rare and RARE LARGE AIR ELEMENTAL GENIE
unusual planar materials. She operates Perception +22; darkvision
Lady Dariya’s Dazzling Emporium Languages Common, Sussuran (can’t speak any language); cloud of visions
in Shadow Absalom. She’s also on Skills Acrobatics +21, Arcana +20, Athletics +19, Crafting +17, Deception +22,
rocky footing with Armun Kelisk and Diplomacy +22, Society +20, Stealth +17
rumored to be in exile from the Plane Str +5, Dex +7, Con +3, Int +5, Wis +3, Cha +6
of Air now that Ranginori has returned. Items +1 striking jambiya (functions as a dagger)
Cloud of Visions (arcane, aura, mental) 120 feet. A jaathoom has telepathy 60 feet
but can only show images rather than speaking.
AC 39; Fort +17, Ref +21, Will +19
HP 150
Turbulent Skies (air, arcane, aura) 20 feet. Swirling winds make all squares in the
emanation difficult terrain for Striding and Flying creatures. Creatures with the
air trait are immune. The jaathoom can activate or deactivate this aura as a single
action, which has the concentrate trait.
Naturally Invisible The jaathoom is invisible at all times. They can become visible or
return to invisibility as a single action, which has the concentrate trait.
Speed 25 feet, fly 75 feet
Melee [one-action] jambiya +24 (agile, finesse, magical, reach 10 feet, versatile S), Damage
2d4+11 slashing plus 1d12 electricity
Melee [one-action] fist +23 (agile, finesse, nonlethal, reach 10 feet, unarmed), Damage 1d6+11
slashing plus 1d12 electricity
Ranged [one-action] crashing wind +23 (air, arcane, range increment 50 feet), Damage
3d8+8 bludgeoning
Ranged [one-action] jambiya +24 (agile, magical, thrown 20 feet, versatile S), Damage 2d4+11
piercing plus 1d12 electricity
Arcane Innate Spells DC 30; 7th interplanar teleport (at will; to Astral Plane, Elemental
Planes, or Universe only); 5th illusory creature, illusory object, nightmare (×2), pressure
zone (page 71), sleep (×2); 4th ill omen, vapor form; Cantrips (5th) detect magic
Change Shape [one-action] (arcane, concentrate, polymorph) The shuyookh transforms into
a Small or Medium air elemental or aerial animal, such as an owl (page 232). This
doesn’t affect the shuyookh’s statistics, but it could change the damage type of
their Strikes.
Hurricane Blast [one-action] (air, arcane) Frequency once per round; Effect The jaathoom
moves all creatures without the air trait in their turbulent skies aura 20 feet
directly away, clockwise, or counterclockwise. A creature avoids being
moved if it succeeds at a DC 29 Fortitude save.
Impressive Wish (downtime) Frequency three times per year; Effect The
shuyookh conducts a wish ritual for the benefit of a mortal, requiring
no cost or secondary casters. The shuyookh’s result is a success if they
succeed at a DC 5 flat check or a failure if not. The shuyookh’s visions
of the subject’s future inform how it interprets the wish.
Ominous Dreams [two-actions] (mental, prediction) The jaathoom sends a
prophetic dream into the mind of a sleeping creature within 60 feet. An
unwilling creature can avoid the vision if it succeeds at a DC 32 Will save. The
jaathoom chooses the dream’s subject but not its exact events. The target sees
a brief vision of its future related to that subject, with the effect of augury. If the
result is bad or mixed, the creature is frightened 2 and doesn’t start to recover
from being frightened until it wakes.
Some dangers lurking within the Endless Sky can doom prey before they
even realize it; such are the ambush tactics of the 20-foot-tall elementals
known as veldenars. Their inherent invisibility and pale, almost translucent PAIRED PREDATORS INTRODUCTION
forms make them among the most deadly creatures to call the Plane of Air Veldenars bond in partnership for ELEMENTAL
home. life, which can be well over a century. CHARACTERS
Veldenars resemble amphibians from the Universe, albeit with myriad Utilizing their ambush pack tactics, one
red eyes and an affinity for cold. Hunting along the edges of eternal storms, veldenar will often drive potential prey
the event horizons of dead zones, and the banks of sky streams, veldenars into their partner’s clutches. Visitors Shifting with
the Breeze
prey on the lesser denizens of their home plane. They can often be found to the Plane of Air should keep in
using their natural buoyancy to drift among the large chunks of magical mind that if they happen to spot one Lords
ice that crossed onto the Plane of Air from its former border with the Plane veldenar, another is likely close by. Air Spells
of Water. There, they extend their tongues to trap unwary flying insects or Air Items
adventurers who might happen to float by. Their multiple eyes keep watch Air Creatures
for their next meal even while devouring current prey. EARTH
The intense cold of a veldenar’s stomach rapidly incapacitates its victims,
allowing the predator to focus on returning to invisibility and finding a FIRE
secluded spot to digest. Victims who escape the veldenar’s stomach often METAL
feel chilled to the bone for days.
Veldenars aren’t discerning about who or what they inhale. As a
result, kinds of scrap can collect in their stomachs, especially inorganic WOOD
material. Those hunting veldenars often wait until the elemental needs
to regurgitate debris, as this is one of the few times a veldenar can be ELEMENTS
caught in a compromising position, unable to capture anything due to
their clogged esophagus. APPENDIX
Perception +24; all-around vision, darkvision
Languages Sussuran
Skills Athletics +20, Intimidation +20, Stealth +23
Str +7, Dex +5, Con +5, Int –2, Wis +2, Cha +0
AC 32; Fort +24, Ref +21, Will +18
HP 190; Immunities cold; Resistances electricity 10; Weaknesses fire 10
Natural Invisibility A veldenar is naturally invisible and only becomes visible
when using a hostile action. Creatures it has engulfed remain visible within it,
albeit slightly blurred by the veldenar’s translucent skin.
Viscous Breath (air, aura) 15 feet. The veldenar raises the
viscosity of the surrounding air just by breathing it.
Creatures who enter or start their turn within the
emanation treat the area as difficult terrain and
take a –2 status penalty to any non-magical physical
attacks they attempt. This aura is suppressed
whenever the veldenar has a creature engulfed.
Reactive Strike [reaction] (page 233)
Speed 25 feet, fly 25 feet
Melee [one-action] tongue +25 (reach
15 feet), Damage 2d10+10
bludgeoning plus 1d10 cold
Vacuum [two-actions] (air) Requirements The veldenar
doesn’t have a creature engulfed; Effect The
veldenar forcefully unlocks then expands its
jaws to inhale the air in a 15-foot cone before it, pulling Large or smaller
creatures into its cavernous maw. The veldenar Engulfs the creatures in
the area (DC 27, 1d10+10 cold, Escape DC 27, Rupture 25). See the Engulf
rules on page 232.
The Embrace of Abundance
I am old, child, but not even I was here when the Plane tremendous strength and fortitude, capable of bearing
of Earth was new. I have known Sairazul as long as I even the heaviest burdens. An understanding of earth
have known anything, and she told me long ago that would serve as a solid foundation in your journey to
the Plane of Earth’s primordial form was like a single, master all six elements; if you are a quick study, I could
unbroken ore—solid, with neither crack nor crevice. have you ready for the other five in a mere century.
Over time, the Inner Sphere took its shape around her, Earth’s place in the elemental cycle, fed by fire and
and the elements began to change and influence each feeding metal, is fundamental. Fire and lava settle into
other; we call this the elemental cycle. That brick of solid form, their chaos slowing down. As the earth
earthen stone cracked and carved into the pathways naturally erodes, the metal within becomes exposed
and chasms familiar to us now, much like time and to feed the Plane of Metal. The element of wood
erosion shape the mountains of the Universe. This cracks stone and tunnels into soil, an important step
phase of earth came and went before the first mortals in regulating earth’s nature. The return of the Plane of
entered the multiverse. Wood pleases me greatly; I hope to see its roots reach
When Sairazul told me this, I felt grateful to out to my home plane within my lifetime. When first I
know the Plane of Earth as it is. An earth that exists learned to use and shape the elements, I was taught to
unbroken and outside the cycle, uninfluenced by the empty my mind of distractions. Earth is nurturing and
other elements, has always seemed an earth divorced life-giving; it is the soil of the field and the shield of the
from its own context; I am not sure I would recognize mountains. Let the element envelop you, and you will
it. The Plane of Earth I know is a monument to the feel the strength and support of its unending embrace.
shaping and carving that make and have made it what Like all Elemental Planes, the Plane of Earth is ruled
it is. Elemental earth is rich in minerals, stones, and by two opposing Elemental Lords, each representing
other precious things, yes—but also in raw potential different aspects of the element. My old ally Sairazul,
for creation. As readily as earth makes bricks and the Crystalline Queen, mother to so many across the
mountains, so too does it build caverns, tunnels, and multiverse, is the lord of nurturing earth and beautiful
stalagmites, which it must carve and shear and shape things, of precious gems and shining shimmering
into themselves. Earth takes time to come into its own, crystal, and of fecund and fruitful creation. All that
child. It is built up, and it is carved down; that cycle is is good and beautiful across the Inner Sphere can
what makes it earth. be found within Sairazul’s bounty. Foul Ayrzul, on
I see this in myself, as one of earth’s children. the other hand, is the jealous lord of an irradiated,
As a grain of sand ground from its own being. My labyrinthine prison. When Sairazul was lost to us,
body, my mind, were reshaped by time, magic, and Ayrzul preyed on her children, manipulating them
Sairazul’s rewards for my long service. Forces of until they forgot her and worshipped him as their
control claim to exalt the steadiness of stone. It is patron. Not content to steal only from her, the deceiver
not stone that is unchanging, but their parade of claimed dominion of metal for eons while metal’s true
ridiculous self-delusions. lords slipped from memory, their plane all but erased
on Golarion, is filled with dross and ash instead of
stone and soil. I have told you how earth is a life-giving
element, full of the potential for creation. The land we PETRAN
call the Deadground is the opposite, a danger to all life. Mortals often liken Petran to the sound of INTRODUCTION
The stone here has been made wrong, lacking the spark grinding stone and crunching glass, reminiscent ELEMENTAL
of life present in all other stone, the essence of earth of the chitters and calls of insects like cicadas. The CHARACTERS
that defines it across the plane. If you seek to explore language is spoken differently across the Plane of
it, or to search for the cause of its condition, beware Earth, and outsiders often don’t realize that the
the undead darvakkas who stalk the area. Ravenous melodic twinkles of a jabali sing-speaking in the EARTH
urveths, as wrong and dead as the ground they haunt, Peerless Empire is the same tongue as the scraping The Embrace of
burrow through the fragile ash, ending any life that and crunching of an argumentative earth elemental Abundance
crosses their path. or the shrill, grating abrasions created in an earth Elemental
scamp’s throat. Mortals often speak the language
Earth Spells
THE SALINE SARCOPHAGUS by knocking their knuckles together, or by using
Earth Items
The Saline Sarcophagus is a chasm vast enough to fit your small bags of rocks and dirt.
entire world of Golarion inside its walls. The ground Creatures
of the sarcophagus is salt, as fine as sand and littered
with sinkholes, each connected to a miles-long shaft that ruled by crystal dragons. Unlike my kind, they will offer
twists and turns before ending in a portal. Some of these hospitality and sanctuary to any who enter their domain. METAL
portals lead to the Plane of Air, others to the skies of WATER
different worlds across the Universe. With the Plane of BUHAYRAT AL-NAAR
Metal returned, I have heard rumors that some of the WOOD
The citadel of Buhayrat al-Naar, on the border of the Planes
portals lead into the heart of the Scouring Tempest, a of Earth and Fire, claims outwardly to be a diplomatic CHURN OF
terrible storm that rampages across that plane. outpost between the Peerless Empire and the Dominion of ELEMENTS
Earth elementals called sand sentries guard these Flame. Beneath the surface, however, the outpost’s position
portals and help keep unprepared or lost travelers from on the Plane of Earth is far more complicated.
accidentally falling in. The sentries’ tradition dictates that It is an open secret in the Peerless Empire that Sultana GLOSSARY
they must work to contain creatures who use the portals Ashadieeyah bint Khalid has long considered the & INDEX
to enter the Plane of Earth. They warn those leaving the settlement an affront to her power. She vowed vengeance
plane via the portals that they may not return the way against the Dominion of Flame for killing her father half
they came, lest they become the next interlopers the sand a millennium ago, and she refuses to cede any border
sentries must apprehend. territories to them. The fortress’s ifrit leader, General
The sinkholes are not the only danger of the Baalzakeem, recently made a small concession to the
sarcophagus, either. The air inside the great chamber sultana, officially changing the outpost’s name from
is incredibly dry, and most humanoids find their skin Lavaloch to the Peerless Empire’s preferred name. Posted
beginning to crack and peel within mere hours. A far from his home plane, he seems to be looking for an
trip into the sarcophagus without adequate hydration alternative to working under the Dominion of Flame and
typically ends in death by desiccation. might become a subtle ally to Sultana Ashadieeyah in her
quest for revenge.
Foundations for
The Plane of Earth has been home to many civilizations, Some caverns on the Plane of Earth are so small you
some past, some present, and surely more in our future. can barely squeeze through them. Citrinide is not. Its
Xiomorns, who built incredible vaults spanning the roof, huge like the underbelly of a great continent, is
entirety of the plane, left eons ago to travel and build lined with huge citrine stalactites that bathe everything
other worlds. All remains of their works now are ruins in a pale yellow glow. Nearly 40 city-states populate
scattered between other realms, the smallest traces of the cavern, each with diverse populations and distinct
their empire’s grandeur during its prime. You will see rulers outside the domain of the Peerless Empire.
them much in your travels. Beautiful Topallah, one of Citrinide’s city-states, is one
During Sairazul’s imprisonment, we jabalis rose to of the Plane of Earth’s true wonders, ruled by the crystal
great power. Others of my kind now rule over the plane’s dragon Amchromis. The breathtaking, gem-encrusted
greatest empire from their Opaline Vault. Their so-called frescoes of its outer walls alone make Topallah worth
Peerless Empire spans the entirety of the Plane of Earth, a visit. Yet exercise caution, for a few rumors suggest
from one set of borders to the other. If you need a safe Amchromis has been deposed and imprisoned by rivals
place outside of the Peerless Empire, you can turn to of other city-states, and you do not want to treat with
the Emergent Facet or seek out one of the many realms them, child, I assure you.
Stonetide is a confederation of independent cities, all
built where the Plane of Water met the Plane of Earth EARTH ADJUSTMENTS
and turned the ground to sludge. Most of Stonetide’s To quickly give a creature a magical connection to INTRODUCTION
cities are part of the Peerless Empire, ruled by jabalis the element of earth, you can use the following ELEMENTAL
or elementals loyal to the sultana, but some are fully adjustments. CHARACTERS
independent. Millennia of ceaseless tides flowing into the • Add the earth trait.
region from the Plane of Water have swept the ground • Add tremorsense 60 feet (imprecise).
into the sea and eroded the earth’s foundations into mud. • If it has any languages, add Petran. EARTH
The greatest of Stonetide’s cities is the Ascending • Add a burrow Speed of 20 feet, or 40 feet if the The Embrace of
Metropolis, ruled by Baahir Nagi, a jabali sheikha. creature is 8th level or higher. Abundance
Rather than fight the tides, the Ascending Metropolis • If the creature can cast spells, you can replace Elemental
builds ever upward, beginning new constructions spells with earth spells of the same rank, such
Earth Spells
directly on top of the old while the lower levels sink as: Cantrip scatter scree SoM
, 1st pummeling
Earth Items
into the muck. rubble SoM, 2nd exploding earth (page 94), 3rd one
with stone, 4th mountain resilience, 5th wall of Creatures
Mountains among Dust stone, 6th petrify, 7th heaving earth (page 95),
For an epoch, Ayrzul, the Fossilized King, held undue 8th earthquake.
influence over the Plane of Earth, manipulating the land METAL
and changing the element for his own purpose. He stole WATER
from the lords of metal, and he stole from his the Peerless Empire. Secret tunnels magically
counterpart and opposite, Sairazul. Now hidden from imperial eyes connect the
that the Crystalline Queen has returned temple to the outside of the city, so CHURN OF
to the Plane of Earth, however, she has Nivi’s faithful can help those on the ELEMENTS
begun the task of healing the plane wrong side of the empire access the
and taking back what is hers. Many capital’s safely.
of her consorts and allies have GLOSSARY
returned to her court, myself among PLANE OF EARTH PLANE & INDEX
them. There will be a reckoning for EARTH
the damage Ayrzul has wrought. Category Inner Plane
The current ruler of the Peerless Divinities elemental lords of earth,
Empire, Sultana Ashadieeyah bint Nivi Rhombodazzle
Khalid, has served for only 500 years. Native Inhabitants crystal
She wages war against the Dominion of dragons, earth elementals, jabalis,
Flame even more aggressively than her shades (earth pneuma)
father and has done so ever since ifrits A great and rocky shell situated
took his life on the battlefield. Obsessed with between the Plane of Fire and Plane of
this front, the sultana has paid little mind to Nivi Rhombodazzle Water, the Eternal Delve hosts a unique and
the arrival of the Plane of Metal on the plane’s varied ecology of creatures at home in its rocky depths. Far
other border, save for ordering the savvy merchants at from an endless, solid expanse, the Plane of Earth is riddled
her beck and call to open new trade routes. The Peerless with great caverns and cave systems, excavated artificial
Empire is on the precipice, stretched thin by the costs of vaults, vast crystalline geodes, and underground oceans and
war, and I suspect she views this opportunity as a lifeline, springs of magma where it borders its neighboring planes.
yet she fails to commit to making it a strong relationship, Housing untold riches in gemstones and veins of precious
her eyes always gazing into the flames. metals, the Plane of Earth is an attractive setting for planar
Nivi Rhombodazzle, though she does not maintain travelers seeking wealth and willing to risk environmental
her own realm here, often visits our plane in search of hazards and the wrath of elementals, jabalis, and other
gemstones and games of chance. Once a mortal gnome, inhabitants who resent the plunder of their home.
Nivi won her godhood from the god Torag, wagering While elementals have little organized society, the jabali
a gemstone filled with xiomorn magic she found in genies’ Peerless Empire rules much of the plane from its capital,
Golarion’s Darklands against his godhood. A temple to the Opaline Vault—a rainbow-lit city within a 30-mile-wide
Nivi Rhombodazzle can be found in the basement of a geode cavern. They brook little dissent, and their rule can be
gambling hall in the Opaline Vault. Priestess Zanvadir, harsh. However, they are downright welcoming compared to
an oread gnome cleric with a fondness for card games, Ayrzul the Fossilized King, the hated elemental lord of earth
maintains the temple, which serves both as a place of who rules a great expanse of rock from his radiation-poisoned
worship for the goddess and a place of refuge within domain, the Blistering Labyrinth.
The Fossilized King
Areas of Concern bone, buried secrets, earth, radiation
Edicts obscure your true motives, slowly poison others, use the strength of stone to
protect yourself and your secrets
Anathema make a fire larger or hotter than necessary, remove a creature’s petrified
Divine Attribute Strength or Constitution
Cleric Spells 1st: shockwave LOGM, 2nd: summon elemental (earth only), 6th: petrify
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification must choose unholy
Divine Skill Deception
Domains destruction, earth, might, secrecy; Alternate Domains cities, dust, metal
(page 145), undeath
Favored Weapon morningstar
In the depths of the ossified and radioactive caverns of the Blistering Labyrinth,
Ayrzul plots. His dominion over the Plane of Earth after the imprisonment
of his enemies brought few changes, suggesting he might have been content
with proceedings on the Plane of Earth itself but had ambitions beyond it. The
disappearance of the Planes of Metal and Wood brought Ayrzul a measure
of security, yet he seeks total control, with no challengers to his power. To
Ayrzul, secrecy and patience is of the utmost importance. Now, he waits in
the shadows for the opportunity to strike at the target
he truly desires to defeat: Ymeri. Ayrzul knows he
must crush the Queen of the Inferno’s forces
and depose her for his goal to be attainable.
Over the eons, Ayrzul
won significant victories.
By imprisoning his rival
Sairazul, Ayrzul invaded the
Plane of Metal and seized the
portfolio of metal from Laudinmio.
Co-opting the sickening radiation of
certain metals, he built his labyrinthine
fortress. He also forced the armies of wood
lord Verilorn to retreat from an invasion
of the Blistering Labyrinth, bringing an
insidious and ravaging sickness back to
the Plane of Wood with them. All as
Ayrzul desired.
The Fossilized King is
primarily worshipped by xiomorns (page 108). For
eons, they built underground vaults in the Fossilized King’s name
in which he hid many secrets. However, their worship has been
declining since they began migrating to the Universe.
When casting the avatar spell, a worshipper of Ayrzul gains the following
additional abilities.
Ayrzul Speed 50 feet, burrow Speed 30 feet, immune to
petrified; Melee [one-action] fossilized jaw (reach 20 feet), Damage
6d8+6 piercing; Ranged [one-action] radioactive ray (range increment
120 feet), Damage 4d6+3 poison plus 2d6 persistent poison
The Crystalline Queen
Areas of Concern bounties of the earth, caves, fertility, gems
Edicts aid childbirths, care for Sairazul’s children, mine responsibly, shelter others INTRODUCTION
within stone and earth ELEMENTAL
Anathema collapse an earthen structure on a creature, damage subterranean CHARACTERS
natural wonders
Divine Attribute Constitution or Charisma
Cleric Spells 1st: shattering gem LOGM, 2nd: expeditious excavation LOGM, 4th: mountain Abundance
resilience Elemental
Divine Font heal
Earth Spells
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Earth Items
Divine Skill Nature
Domains earth, family, toil (page 97), wealth; Alternate Domains creation, protection Creatures
Favored Weapon pick
Mother to countless species of outsiders across the multiverse, Sairazul the METAL
Crystalline Queen is an elemental lord worshipped by crystal dragons, earth WATER
elementals, burrowing creatures, and by mortals who work with the earth
and seek her favor in their homes. Captured for eons in the magical Moaning WOOD
Diamond, she was freed only recently. CHURN OF
Stories of Sairazul’s life prior to her imprisonment catalog her many ELEMENTS
consorts and lovers. A few have survived the ages without her. The
jabali Farah abd Aziz and the ancient dragon Rezthyrian spent
millennia searching for her and working toward her freedom. Both GLOSSARY
have reunited with the goddess. The Crystalline Queen has also been & INDEX
spending time with Feronia, a fertility goddess on the Plane of Fire,
and Arshea, one of the empyreal lords, nurturing new connections
across the planes. Sairazul was allied with the elemental lord of
metal, Laudinmio before their imprisonments, and is attempting to
reawaken the relationship to protect both realms against their shared
foe Ayrzul. But so far, Laudinmio remains withdrawn.
Since her return to the Plane of Earth, Sairazul has established her
new domain, the Emergent Facet, close to the border between the planes
of earth and metal. The palace is a huge, organic emerald with gold veins
that blossomed from the earth to grow a network of walls and rooms.
The realm continues to expand into endless new chambers and tunnels.
The goddess’s children, consorts, and followers are all welcome and made
family in her domain, as are travelers who lose their way on the Plane of
Earth. The goddess has been building a permanent portal to the Plane of Metal,
connecting her realm to that of Laudinmio’s.
Sairazul’s greatest cathedrals are sculpted from marble and encrusted in
gemstones, founded to give new life to empty caverns and mines. Humbler
temples are found all over the planes where the goddess is worshipped—an
altar needs only a few raw crystals to be dedicated to the Queen.
When casting the avatar spell, a worshipper of Sairazul gains the
following additional abilities.
Sairazul Speed 50 feet, burrow Speed 30 feet, immune to petrified;
shield (15 Hardness, can’t be damaged); Melee [one-action] pick (fatal d10,
reach 15 feet), Damage 6d6+6 piercing; Ranged [one-action] returning
gemstones (agile, nonlethal, thrown 60 feet, versatile bludgeoning),
Damage 6d6+6 piercing
Elemental earth is characterized by strength and resilience; its steady power is as enduring and vast as a planet. Earth
magic infuses everything from soil and sand to rock and crystal, and it can be as delicate as it is powerful. Its adaptability
allows practitioners to protect their allies, crush their foes, manipulate battlefields, and unearth hidden secrets.
Heightened (7th) The shield has Hardness 10 and 24 You pull earthen material out of the environment, then shape
Hit Points, and the damage increases to 3d4 + your it into one or more earthenware objects that, in combination,
spellcasting attribute modifier. can be up to light Bulk. Alternatively, you can cast this spell
Heightened (9th) The shield has Hardness 12 and 32 on objects previously created with this spell, extending their INTRODUCTION
Hit Points, and the damage increases to 4d4 + your duration. No object can have intricate artistry or complex ELEMENTAL
spellcasting attribute modifier. moving parts, can fulfill a cost or the like, or is made of CHARACTERS
anything more than clay or earth. Each object is obviously
GRASPING EARTH [two-actions]SPELL 4 the product of temporary magic and thus can’t be sold or
CONCENTRATE EARTH MANIPULATE passed off as a valuable item. EARTH
Traditions arcane, primal Heightened (2nd) You can create objects of up to 1 Bulk. The Embrace of
Range 60 feet; Area 10-foot burst on the ground They last 8 hours. Abundance
Duration sustained up to 1 minute Heightened (3rd) You can create objects of up to 2 Bulk. Elemental
Defense Fortitude They last 24 hours.
Earth Spells
Handlike protrusions of rock and soil grab and bury
Earth Items
creatures. Each creature in the area when you cast the spell, INTERPOSING EARTH [reaction]SPELL 1 Earth
and each creature that ends its turn in the area during the EARTH MANIPULATE Creatures
spell’s duration, must attempt a Fortitude save. The first Traditions arcane, primal
time each round you Sustain this spell, each creature still Trigger You are the target of a Strike or would attempt a
grabbed by the earth takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage, and Reflex save against a damaging area effect. METAL
each creature restrained by the earth takes 2d6 bludgeoning Duration 3 rounds WATER
damage. A creature can attempt to Escape, rolling against You raise a flimsy barrier of earth to shield you from harm.
your spell DC. WOOD
This barrier is 1 inch thick, 5 feet long, 5 feet high, and must
Success The creature is unaffected. be placed on the border between two squares. This barrier CHURN OF
Failure The creature is grabbed by the earth. appears between you and the source of the triggering effect ELEMENTS
Critical Failure The creature is restrained by the earth. and grants you standard cover against the triggering effect.
Heightened (+2) The bludgeoning damage dealt when you If you would be damaged by the triggering effect despite
Sustain this spell increases by 1d6 for grabbed creatures this barrier, the barrier is destroyed, and the damage dealt GLOSSARY
and 2d6 for restrained creatures. to you is reduced by 2. The barrier remains in place for 3 & INDEX
rounds (or until destroyed). It has AC 5, 2 Hardness, and 5
HEAVING EARTH [two-actions]SPELL 7 Hit Points.
CONCENTRATE EARTH MANIPULATE Heightened (4th) The damage reduced increases to 8, the
Traditions arcane, primal barrier’s hardness increases to 8, and the barrier’s Hit
Range 120 feet; Targets 1 creature or object on the ground Points increases to 20.
Defense Reflex
You strike the ground, and unleash a wave that travels PAVE GROUND [two-actions]SPELL 2
through the struck surface to the target. The effect ends CONCENTRATE EARTH MANIPULATE
as soon as it can’t travel through a solid surface, such as Traditions arcane, primal
a stone floor. Each creature in a line between you and the Area 60-foot line along the ground
target is shaken by tremors and must attempt a Reflex Duration sustained up to 1 minute
saving throw against your spell DC. A creature that fails this You even out the ground and push aside low obstacles.
save is pushed 10 feet away from you. Non-magical difficult terrain or greater difficult terrain
The wave explodes once it reaches the target, showering composed of earth, rubble, sand, and the like in the area
the target with earth and stone and dealing 12d10 becomes normal terrain. You can attempt a counteract check
bludgeoning damage with a basic Reflex save. A target that against magical difficult terrain and greater difficult terrain
fails its save against this explosion is also pushed back 10 composed of earthen materials in the area, too, making it
feet and knocked prone. A creature subject to the explosion normal terrain for the duration if you succeed. The ground
doesn’t need to save against the tremors. doesn’t change quickly enough to cause anyone to lose
Heightened (9th) The wave explodes on one additional footing, and it doesn’t clear concealing features enough to
target of your choice in the line to the final target. make them non-concealing. At the GM’s discretion, if you
use this spell on “ground” that has no underlying surface
INSTANT POTTERY SPELL 1 to flatten and clear, such as ice on the surface of a lake, the
Traditions arcane, primal Heightened (4th) The area increases to a 120-foot line along
Cast 1 minute the ground.
Range 10 feet Heightened (6th) The area increases to a 500-foot line along
Duration 1 hour the ground.
Sliding Blocks
RUBBLE STEP [two-actions]SPELL 2 sand form grants resistance, reduce the duration of the spell
Traditions arcane, primal Heightened (5th) The resistance is 10.
Range touch; Targets 1 willing creature Heightened (7th) The resistance is 15.
Duration 1 minute
The target leaves behind a trail of shifting rubble that typically SLIDING BLOCKS [three-actions]SPELL 4
consists of stones, but you could choose another earthen CONCENTRATE EARTH MANIPULATE
material, such as loose sand or soil. For 2 rounds, when the target Traditions arcane, primal
willingly moves out of a space, and if the target is in contact with Range 120 feet
the ground, the ground in that space becomes difficult terrain. Duration sustained up to 10 minutes
The difficult terrain remains for the spell’s duration. You conjure up to six 5-foot stone cubes you can gently move
Heightened (4th) The target leaves difficult terrain behind for with a gesture. Each cube appears in any space within range,
1 minute instead of two rounds, and the spell’s duration is and they’re capable of levitating. If you conjure a cube in an
10 minutes. occupied space or in a space that can’t accommodate it, it fails
to appear. Each 5-foot cube can be Climbed with a successful
SAND FORM [two-actions]SPELL 3 DC 10 Athletics check and has AC 10, Hardness 10, and 40 Hit
CONCENTRATE EARTH MANIPULATE Points. If any of the cubes is ever farther away from you than
Traditions arcane, primal the range of this spell, it immediately crumbles into dust.
Range touch; Targets 1 willing creature Each time you Sustain this spell, you can move up to two
Duration 10 minutes of the conjured cubes up to 10 feet each in any direction,
You grant the target’s body and gear aspects of sand. The including vertically. You can choose different cubes to move
target gains resistance 5 to piercing and slashing damage, each time you Sustain.
has no scent, and can’t bleed. In sandy terrain, even when Heightened (+2) The cubes have 10 additional Hit Points, and
out in the open, the target has enough concealment to you can move the chosen cubes an additional 5 feet each
attempt to Hide. Each time the target takes damage to which time you Sustain this Spell.
TREMOR SIGNS [one-action]CANTRIP 1 Critical Failure As failure, but the target is initially slowed 2.
CANTRIP EARTH MANIPULATE Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d6.
Traditions arcane, divine, occult, primal
Range 120 feet; Targets 1 creature WEAKEN EARTH [two-actions]SPELL 1 INTRODUCTION
You send a series of tremors, no longer than a short sentence CONCENTRATE EARTH MANIPULATE ELEMENTAL
of speech, toward your target. If the target is within range and Traditions arcane, primal CHARACTERS
connected to the same body of earth as you, the vibrations Range touch; Targets 1 creature, unattended object, or
reach the target through the ground. You need neither line hazard or structure made of stone or earth
of sight nor line of effect, so a target on another floor of a Defense Fortitude; Duration 1 minute EARTH
building is a valid target. You weaken the bonds that hold earth and stone together. The Embrace of
The target can give a brief, vibrational response as a If your target has Hardness, you can affect one contiguous Abundance
reaction, or as a free action on their next turn, but they must object, up to a 5-foot cube, or one creature, decreasing Elemental
be within range to do so. If they respond, their response is the Hardness by 5, to a minimum of 0. If the target lacks
Earth Spells
delivered to you through tremors you feel, as with the original Hardness, it gains weakness 3 to physical damage. A target
Earth Items
message. The tremors impart a clear meaning only if you and with a Fortitude modifier can attempt a Fortitude saving
the target know that meaning, such as three tremors for a throw, negating the effect on a success. Creatures
specific warning, two for another. Neither of you can impart a Heightened (+2) Hardness decreases by 5, the size of a
nuanced or new meaning using this spell. contiguous object increases by one 5-foot cube, and the
A creature that has tremorsense can feel the vibrations weakness increases by 3. METAL
from this spell if the creature is within range of the vibrations WATER
at any point during their journey to any target. Toil Domain WOOD
Heightened (4th) The spell can target up to 5 creatures. Sairazul has the toil domain. This domain is chosen
by devotees who work constantly and refuse to let CHURN OF
TREMORSENSE [two-actions]SPELL 2 anything stand in their way. Sairazul’s followers ELEMENTS
CONCENTRATE EARTH MANIPULATE working underground can benefit from the magic of this
Traditions arcane, occult, primal domain, and the Crystalline Queen often grants it to
Duration 10 minutes devotees she wants to lead her other subjects to safety GLOSSARY
You become aware of vibrations in the ground around you. and prosperity through hard work. Many of the other & INDEX
You gain tremorsense as an imprecise sense with a range of deities with the toil domain grant it to their followers
30 feet. As normal for tremorsense, you can detect a creature for far less charitable purposes.
only if it’s on the same surface as you and only if the subject The toil domain has the following domain spells.
is moving along (or burrowing through) the surface. Domain Spell practice makes perfect
Heightened (3rd) The spell’s duration is 1 hour. Advanced Domain Spell tireless worker
Heightened (5th) The spell’s duration is 8 hours.
Traditions arcane, primal UNCOMMON FOCUS MANIPULATE
Range 60 feet; Area 15-foot cone Domain toil
Defense Reflex; Duration varies Trigger You or an ally within range fails a skill check for a skill
You launch a cone of glass shards, which embed in creatures to in which you or they are trained.
turn them partially to glass. The shards deal 8d6 piercing damage Range 30 feet; Targets the triggering creature
to creatures in the area, based on each creature’s saving throw. The target gains a +2 status bonus to the triggering check, or
Critical Success The target is unaffected. a +3 bonus if the target has master or better proficiency in the
Success The target takes half damage and gains weakness 3 to skill. This bonus can change the outcome of the target’s check.
sonic and bludgeoning damage for 1 round.
Failure The target takes full damage, is slowed 1, and gains TIRELESS WORKER [two-actions]FOCUS 4
weakness to sonic and bludgeoning damage. The weakness CONCENTRATE FOCUS HEALING MANIPULATE
is equal to 3 × the slowed value it has from this spell. The Domain toil
target must attempt a Fortitude save at the end of each of Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature
its turns; this ongoing save has the incapacitation trait. On a Duration sustained up to 1 minute
failed save, the creature’s slowed value increases by 1 (or by 2 You suppress your choice of one of the following conditions
on a critical failure), to a maximum of slowed 3. A successful that’s affecting the target: clumsy, encumbered, enfeebled,
save reduces the creature’s slowed value by 1 (or by 2 on a or fatigued. If you don’t remove the effect that caused the
critical success). If the creature ends its turn with a slowed condition, the condition returns after the spell’s duration
value of 0, the effect ends. expires.
The Plane of Earth formed the first items of elemental earth. Magic spontaneously took hold in primeval volcanoes,
in diamonds formed under unimaginable pressure, and in tremendous stones shattered under tectonic stress. Outside
the Plane of Earth, the durability and beauty of stones made them ideal materials for magic items. Hundreds of noted
items use stones, such as crystal balls and the famed aeon stones. Gemstones from the Plane of Earth often resonate
with natural magic, making them prized for decorating magic items.
temporary Hit Points, but instead collects blood from the Jabali’s dice are two six-sided dice carved from evenly weighted
victim. The blood stays within the mosquito indefinitely and stone to the specifications of a specific jabali shuyookh. The
stays fresh while it does. If the mosquito uses Blood Drain sides showing a 6 also have the name and title of the shuyookh
again, any blood from before that use is lost. inscribed in Petran. If you whisper the name and title during a INTRODUCTION
Type brontosaurus phalange (uncommon); Level 18; Price dice game using jabali’s dice, they bless you with a bit of luck, ELEMENTAL
21,000 gp granting a +2 item bonus to your Games Lore check. You can do CHARACTERS
This massive toe bone becomes a brontosaurus when activated. so frequently enough to apply this bonus while Earning Income
It can be called upon no more than four times per month. The using Games Lore, but only one user at a time can do so.
skeleton remains for 24 hours if used as a beast of burden or Activate—Jabali’s Gamble [two-actions] (concentrate, manipulate) EARTH
for transport. If it attempts an attack or otherwise engage in Frequency once per day; Effect You call out the shuyookh’s The Embrace of
combat, it reverts to its fragment form after 1d4 rounds. name and title, then roll the dice. The shuyookh appears Abundance
The skeleton is so massive and sturdy that it can serve as briefly to provide for your defense. Roll 2d6 to determine Elemental
the base of a structure (from an item or spell effect with the the effect. Represented by the GM, the shuyookh chooses
Earth Spells
structure trait), provided the structure is no larger than 20 any effect’s specifications, benefiting you according to the
Earth Items
feet in width or height. When the brontosaurus reverts to its shuyookh’s whims.
fragment form, the structure reverts with it. 2–5 The shuyookh casts mountain resilience on you. Creatures
Type deinonychus claw; Level 7; Price 360 gp 6–9 The shuyookh casts grasping earth (page 95), but
This curved claw becomes a deinonychus when activated. It you and your allies are immune to it.
can be called upon once per day and can remain in deinonychus 10–11 The shuyookh casts wall of stone. The edges can METAL
form for no more than 10 minutes. The skeleton can serve as a pass through creatures, which are shunted to the WATER
mount for a creature one size smaller than it or smaller. side of the wall opposite that edge.
Type eurypterid paddle; Level 12; Price 1,700 gp 12 The shuyookh casts a DC 31 petrify spell on a creature WOOD
The tip of an oar-like limb specialized for swimming becomes hostile and in proximity to you. If no appealing target CHURN OF
a spiny eurypterid (Bestiary 3 97) when activated. It can be exists, you receive a 10–11 result instead. ELEMENTS
called upon once a week for up to 24 hours. The eurypterid
can serve as a mount for a creature one size smaller than it LIMESTONE SHIELD ITEM 7
or smaller, and when it does, it confers the ability to breathe EARTH MAGICAL GLOSSARY
both air and water upon its rider. Price 350 gp & INDEX
Type petrified wood (uncommon); Level 14; Price 4,200 gp Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 4
This colorful sliver of petrified wood becomes an awakened This tower shield is a slab of limestone, shaved to a portable
tree when activated. It doesn’t have the normal weaknesses size and weight. The shield has Hardness 7 and 28 Hit Points.
of an awakened tree, but it’s rooted in place, immobilized. As Activate—Limestone Wall [two-actions] (concentrate, manipulate)
a single action, it can throw a petrified seed, such as a stone Frequency once per day; Effect You set the shield down as
pine cone or acorn, up to 60 feet. A copy of the tree appears it expands up to 60 feet wide and 10 feet tall. Each square
there, provided there’s an unoccupied space large enough for of the wall has AC 10, Hardness 7, and 28 Hit Points, and it’s
it. While two trees exist, if either tree throws another seed, immune to critical hits and precision damage. If a section
one of the existing trees disappears, replaced by the new tree. is destroyed, this effect ends, and your limestone shield is
The tree can be called upon once per day for up to 1 minute. broken. You can Dismiss this activation, which otherwise
This duration starts when you activate the item, and all trees lasts for 1 minute.
disappear when it ends. Activate—Block Elements [reaction] (concentrate) Frequency once per
Type triceratops frill; Level 15; Price 6,000 gp day; Trigger You’re targeted by an effect with the air, fire, or
This small piece of triceratops frill turns into a triceratops when water trait; Effect The shield expands to block the triggering
activated. It can be called upon once per day and can remain in effect, granting you standard cover from that effect.
triceratops form for no more than 10 minutes. The skeleton can
serve as a mount for a creature one size smaller than it or smaller. ROBE OF STONE ITEM 11
Type tyrannosaur tooth; Level 17; Price 14,000 gp UNCOMMON EARTH INVESTED MAGICAL
This dagger-shaped tooth turns into a tyrannosaurus when Price 1,400 gp
activated. It can be called upon once per day and can remain Usage worn garment; Bulk L
in tyrannosaurus form for no more than 10 minutes. The A robe of stone, decorated with patterns reminiscent of
skeleton can serve as a mount for a creature one size smaller gems and geodes, constantly sheds tiny amounts of dust.
than it or smaller. While wearing it, you gain imprecise tremorsense in a radius
of 10 feet, and you can speak and read Petran. Also, you
JABALI’S DICE ITEM 12 can eat earth (soil, sand), gems (crystals, glass), and metal
EARTH MAGICAL instead of food to meet your daily nutrition requirements.
Price 1,800 gp You find eating these materials as pleasant as food—the
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk — more valuable, the more delicious.
Activate—Become Stone [two-actions] (concentrate, manipulate, SINGING STONE ITEM 13
polymorph) Frequency once per day; Effect The cloak casts UNCOMMON EARTH MAGICAL
elemental form on you, transforming you into an earth Price 3,000 gp
elemental. In addition to the spell’s normal effects, you can Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Burrow through any earthen matter, including rock, moving A singing stone looks like a drinking cup made of polished
at the spell’s burrow Speed, leaving no tunnels or signs of rock, and it always faintly hums or keens. Anyone who
your passing. Also, the range of the tremorsense you gain carries the cup for some time senses that it changes its
from the robe increases to 30 feet. tune depending on the types of rock nearby and that it
grows quiet in areas with little stone. A singing stone is a
SAIRAZUL BLUE ITEM 10 planar key for interplanar teleport and similar magic. When
RARE CONSUMABLE EARTH MAGICAL POTION it’s used this way, you’re more likely to arrive where you
Price 180 gp intend to be, appearing 1d6×25 miles from your intended
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L destination instead of 1d10×25 miles away.
Activate [one-action] (manipulate) Activate—Stone’s Speech 1 minute (manipulate); Frequency
A Sairazul blue potion is a rich navy blue in color. Subjects once per day; Effect The singing stone casts speak with
of the Crystalline Queen produced the potion to protect stones, allowing you to speak and listen through the
themselves from the radiation Ayrzul left behind. For the bowl to communicate with stones. You can use the spell
next 8 hours, your skin becomes navy blue, and you gain normally, or, as you activate the singing stone, you can
resistance 5 to poison damage and void damage. target one stone you can clearly identify in appearance
If you drop to 0 Hit Points due to poison or void damage, and location. This target must be on the same plane as
the Sairazul blue within your body reacts, healing you for 8d8 you or on the Plane of Earth. You can’t change targets
Hit Points. The resistances the potion grants then end. during a single activation.
Activate—Stone’s Sight [one-action] (manipulate, revelation)
SANDCASTLE ITEM 11 Frequency once per day; Effect Placing the singing stone
UNCOMMON EARTH MAGICAL STRUCTURE against a rocky surface, you cause it to reverberate,
Price 1,250 gp revealing what’s behind or beneath the surface. You get
Bulk L (inactivated) a mental image of this area that’s 15 feet deep and 5 feet
A sandcastle comes in a cylindrical, waterproof satchel that in diameter. The image doesn’t convey color, but it’s clear
contains densely packed fine sand. The sand’s color depends on to you what objects or creatures within are moving and
where it was collected when the item was made. This sand can which are stationary. The image is instant, however, and
be shaped and magically activated to create a fortification made therefore doesn’t allow you to track movement over time.
of hard-packed sand. It can survive most ordinary weather, but
a sandcastle has little resilience against water. It collapses if STALAGMITE SEED ITEM 7
activated on water or if the structure is caught in a deluge or CONSUMABLE EARTH MAGICAL
heavy rainfall. Each 10-foot-by-10-foot section of the wall has Price 60 gp
AC 10, Hardness 10, and 40 Hit Points. It’s immune to critical Activate [one-action] (manipulate)
hits and precision damage, and it has weakness to water 15. If You can throw a stalagmite seed, use it as a sling stone, or pack
destroyed, a section of the sandcastle becomes a pile of sand, it into firearm ammunition. When you use the seed, you aim
or wet sand if it was destroyed by water. This sand is difficult it at a 5-foot square rather than a specific target. Stalagmites
terrain, which lasts for the remaining duration of the activation. of assorted sizes erupt in the square the seed lands in, dealing
It’s easy to make handholds and footholds in the sand walls, so 6d6 piercing damage to any creature within that space (DC
the DC to climb the walls is 15. 23 basic Reflex save). The stalagmites remain for 1 minute,
Activate—Shape the Castle 1 minute (concentrate, manipulate); creating difficult terrain in that space, before they crumble
Frequency once per day; Effect You empty the satchel and into dust.
shape the sand into a miniature castle. When finished, you
utter “build” in Petran, and the sandcastle swiftly builds into VITAL EARTH ITEM 9
a full-size structure. The castle is shaped as you choose, up to CONSUMABLE EARTH MAGICAL
120 feet in any dimension. Its walls must be 10 feet thick, and Price 30 gp
each story must be at least 10 feet tall from floor to ceiling. Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
The sandcastle has only rudimentary furnishings with no Activate [one-action] (manipulate)
moving parts—even a chair or door is too complicated, but Life-infused soil from the Plane of Earth, vital earth is glittering
block-like benches and platforms can be created. Typically, dust you inhale that causes you to not need air or water for 24
the castle has little more than staircases and windows. hours. Also, for this time, your wounds close easily, like molding
You can return the sandcastle to its portable form by clay, meaning someone attempting to Administer First Aid or
using one Interact action to fill the item’s satchel with sand Treat Wounds on you doesn’t need a healer’s toolkit and gains a
from the castle. +1 item bonus to the Medicine check.
The Embrace of
Drought Powder Earth Spells
Aeon Stones Earth Items
Jabali’s Dice
Limestone Shield
Fossil Fragment
Singing Stone
Sairazul Blue
Robe of Stone
Elementals of the Plane of Earth can be fiercely territorial. Some more
solitary elementals protect their lairs on their own, but occasionally others
FAMILIAL INSTINCTS band together to defend larger regions that serve as shared turf. Notable
Although elementals don’t reproduce among these alliances are avalanche legions, who patrol the perimeter of
like typical creatures, living landslides these shared territories, driving off intruders who dare to trespass upon
(Monster Core) sometimes develop their home ground.
bonds with smaller or weaker earth
elementals, such as earth wisps AVALANCHE LEGION CREATURE 11
(Bestiary 3 90), living boulders GARGANTUAN EARTH ELEMENTAL TROOP
(Bestiary 2 108), and sod hounds Perception +21; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 60 feet
(Monster Core). When several of these Languages Petran
smaller elementals are gathered in one Skills Athletics +23
place, living landslides who cared for Str +5, Dex +0, Con +4, Int –2, Wis +1, Cha +0
the creatures often continue to watch Earthbound When not touching solid ground, the avalanche legion is slowed 1.
over their wards. Avalanche legions AC 31; Fort +24, Ref +20, Will +21
sometimes form from these gatherings, HP 240 (16 squares); Thresholds 160 (12 squares), 80 (8 squares); Immunities
as multiple living landslides join forces bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep; Weaknesses area damage 15, splash damage 8
to protect the smaller elementals. Troop Defenses (page 233)
Speed 30 feet, burrow 25 feet; earth glide, troop movement
Form Up [one-action] (page 232)
Earth Glide The avalanche legion can Burrow through any earthen matter,
including rock. When it does so, the legion moves at its full burrow Speed,
leaving no tunnels or signs of its passing.
Pummeling Boulders [one-action] to [three-actions] Frequency once per round; Effect The avalanche
legion unleashes an onslaught of blows against each enemy within 5 feet (DC
28 basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions.
[one-action] 2d8 bludgeoning damage
[two-actions] 3d8+8 bludgeoning damage
[three-actions] 4d8+11 bludgeoning damage
Spinning Stones [two-actions] The avalanche legion spins in
place, kicking up a barrage of stones. Each creature
in a 10-foot burst within 30 feet of the troop takes
2d12+10 bludgeoning damage (DC 28 basic
Reflex save). When the troop is reduced to
8 or fewer squares, this area decreases to a
5-foot burst.
Trample into the Earth [three-actions] The avalanche
legion speeds forward, running over
creatures with their stone bodies and
knocking them down. As Trample
(page 233); Gargantuan or smaller,
2d8 bludgeoning damage, DC 28. A
creature that critically fails its save is
knocked prone.
Troop Movement Whenever
the avalanche legion Strides or
Burrows, it first Forms Up as a
free action to condense into a
20-foot-by-20-foot area (minus
any missing squares), then moves
up to its respective Speed. This works
just like a Gargantuan creature moving; for
instance, if any square of the legion enters
difficult terrain, the extra movement cost applies
to all the elementals.
Crysmals dwell within deep caverns of the Plane of Earth, laden with
crystals that glow under their own internal energy. A crysmal’s hunger for
gems will lead it to travel almost anywhere, even through planar tears. INTERNAL GEMS INTRODUCTION
Occasionally, they even establish colonies on planes other than their own, When a crysmal dies, its body breaks ELEMENTAL
should their newfound territory prove filled with crystals. into fragments of crystal. Some CHARACTERS
A crysmal’s scorpion-like body glitters with crystal. As light refracts of these pieces are valuable, but
between the facets, they concentrate and absorb it, energizing the crysmal potentially more lucrative are the
and, some say, fueling the creature’s magic. gems the crysmal has stored inside EARTH
Crysmals form small communities in locations where crystals are its body to produce offspring. It takes The Embrace of
plentiful, working alongside one another to track down anything from semiprecious and precious stones Abundance
a common quartz to precious rubies and sapphires. Scouting parties use worth 500 gp to produce an infant Elemental
their innate magic to communicate with each other via light and wordless crysmal, though most slain crysmals
Earth Spells
sound, as well as to seek out more crystals. However, when precious stone have only a fraction of this amount
Earth Items
resources grow scarce, crysmals become independent and territorial about stored. Once the stones become a
their supply, taking crystals from wherever they can, even seizing them new crysmal, they transform into the Creatures
from other creatures. crystal of the infant’s body, no longer
A crysmal’s drive to gather crystals is akin to the drive to reproduce. As the treasured material they once were.
a crysmal gathers stones, it stores them within its body. Once the crysmal METAL
has enough stored material, the parent fuses its stores into a tiny replica of WATER
itself and extrudes the infant crysmal, sometimes referred to as a shardling,
into the world. The process leaves the parent weakened for a short time, WOOD
until it can gather enough crystal to repair its body and begin the process CHURN OF
anew. Infant crysmals consume crystals in a similar way. They process ELEMENTS
the raw material over a few months to grow to adult size. Thereafter, a
crysmal “eats” stone only to heal injuries.
The vast ranks of earth elementals have been slow to respond to the return of
the elemental lords and the Planes of Metal and Wood. These events have not
EARTHY EMOTIONS broken the mountains, nor have they blown away the sands.
Earth elementals talk even less than
most elementals. They’re ponderous, GLUTTONOUS GEODE
weighing decisions so slowly they can Gluttonous geodes form when natural forces crack open a geode that’s steeped
crush the energy from a discussion. in elemental magic, causing a natural break that acts like a hinged jaw. Though
Their foremost concern is whether a seemingly unimportant and no larger than a common turtle, gluttonous geodes
situation can be endured. Though a rare are bellicose and dogged in their pursuit of an enemy.
or resplendent treasure might entice an
earth elemental, it’s difficult to spur any GLUTTONOUS GEODE CREATURE 1
sense of urgency in them without the TINY EARTH ELEMENTAL
presence of an immediate threat. Perception +6; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 30 feet
Skills Stealth +4, Survival +6
Str +3, Dex –1, Con +3, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –3
AC 15; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +6
HP 25; Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep
Speed 20 feet
Melee [one-action] crystal teeth +9, Damage 1d4+4 piercing plus Attach
Attach [two-actions] The geode Leaps up to 15 feet and makes a crystal teeth Strike. If it hits a
creature larger than itself, it can attach to that creature. Doing so is like Grabbing
the creature (Escape DC 17), but the geode moves with that creature rather than
holding it in place. The geode is off-guard while attached. If the geode is killed or
pushed away while attached to a creature, that creature takes 1 persistent bleed
damage. Escaping the attached geode or removing the geode in other ways doesn’t
cause bleed damage.
Gnaw [one-action] Requirements The geode is attached to a creature; Effect The geode
deals 1d4+2 bludgeoning damage to the creature it’s attached to (DC 17 basic
Fortitude save).
Each long, thin leg of a crystal strider is a single enormous crystal, typically
quartz or selenite. The strider uses this panoply of legs and a fluctuating physical
structure to rapidly move about crystalline caverns, unimpeded by terrain.
that continually refracts within them to cast chromatic ray (Secrets of Magic 95)
as an innate primal spell heightened to 5th rank, with a +21 spell attack roll. The
crystal strider can’t Release Light again for 1d4 rounds.
Trample [three-actions] Large or smaller, leg, DC 29 (page 233) WISDOM OF STONE INTRODUCTION
Elder outcrops learn a lesson for every ELEMENTAL
ELDER OUTCROP grain of rock eroded away, every CHARACTERS
An outcrop of dense stone that spends ages eroding can gain sapience and squall and freeze that has shaped their
slowly awaken with the wisdom of nature. Such elemental beings are slow to craggy bodies. As wizened advisors
action and difficult to anger, spurred only by immediate threats. and tutors, they have the respect and EARTH
affection of other elementals, as well The Embrace of
ELDER OUTCROP CREATURE 13 as from natural creatures. Druids of Abundance
HUGE EARTH ELEMENTAL the stone order revere the wisdom Elemental
Perception +26; darkvision, tremorsense 120 feet of elder outcrops, always happy to
Earth Spells
Languages Common, Fey, Petran receive their wide perspective, literal
Earth Items
Skills Athletics +29, Diplomacy +25, Nature +26, Survival +26 and philosophical.
Str +8, Dex –2, Con +8, Int +1, Wis +5, Cha +4 Creatures
AC 33; Fort +29, Ref +19, Will +26
HP 295; Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep
Dust Eternal (aura, earth) 30 feet. Dust swirls about the outcrop, rendering everything METAL
within its aura (including the outcrop) concealed. In addition, the dust at the outcrop’s WATER
base creates difficult terrain on the ground within the aura. The outcrop can activate
or deactivate this aura using a single action, which has the concentrate trait. WOOD
Unstoppable The elder outcrop’s slowed condition can’t exceed slowed 1, and it CHURN OF
ignores penalties to its Speeds and the immobilized condition. ELEMENTS
Speed 30 feet, burrow 30 feet; earth glide
Melee [one-action] column +27 (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d10+14 bludgeoning
plus Knockdown (page 233) GLOSSARY
Ranged [one-action] rock +27 (brutal, range increment 120 feet), & INDEX
Damage 3d6+14 bludgeoning plus call of earth
Call of Earth (primal) A flying creature hit by the elder outcrop’s
rock ranged strike is affected by a 7th-rank earthbind spell
(DC 33).
Earth Glide The elder outcrop can Burrow through any earthen
matter, including rock. When it does so, the elder outcrop
moves at its full burrow Speed, leaving no tunnels or signs
of its passing.
Natural Formation [one-action] (concentrate) Until the next
time it acts, the elder outcrop appears to be
a natural terrain feature. It has an automatic
result of 47 on Deception checks and DCs to pass
as a natural outcropping of rock. The outcrop’s
dust eternal aura is deactivated while Natural
Formation is being used.
Stone Grip [two-actions] (earth, incapacitation, primal)
Great fingers of stone arise to grasp up to two
Medium or smaller creatures on the ground in
the outcrop’s aura. Each target must succeed
at a DC 33 Reflex save or be grabbed by the
stone hand (or restrained on a critical failure;
Escape DC 33). A creature grabbed or restrained
by a stone hand at the end of its turn becomes
slowed 1 or increases its existing slowed condition
by 1. When a creature is unable to act due to the
slowed condition from this effect, the creature is
Elder Outcrop
permanently petrified.
Throw Rock [one-action] (page 233)
A jabali genie of great power and high social rank is called a shuyookh. Strong in
body and mind, jabali shuyookhs value physical skill, fine artistry, and displays
INDUSTRY TITANS of strength. Incredibly proud, they’re easily offended and quick to anger but lash
The mercantile empires of jabali out only after weighing the consequences. Shuyookhs view their desires as greater
shuyookhs extend across the Plane of than those around them, leading them to provide aid as quickly and efficiently as
Earth and onto other planes. Jabalis possible, fulfilling the terms of bargains expediently and to the letter.
especially like to trade in regions of Jabali shuyookhs are industrious and have many interests, including athletic
the Universe and across the Plane of competitions, engineering, jewelry-making, masonry, metalworking, and
Fire. Many customers value gemstones, sculpting. They enjoy games of chance and bargaining, whether in a gambling
metals, and other precious materials hall, arena, or marketplace. Some mix their interests by managing organizations
mined on the Plane of Earth. Thus, the or guilds involving such concerns. Many shuyookhs reap the wealth of the Plane
resources of the Plane of Earth feed of Earth for sale elsewhere and speculate on the value of such commodities.
industry across the planes.
Perception +21; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 60 feet
Languages Common, Petran; truespeech
Skills Athletics +25, Crafting +21, Deception +22, Nature +19, Society +21
Str +7, Dex +1, Con +5, Int +5, Wis +3, Cha +4
Items +1 striking falchion
AC 33; Fort +24, Ref +20, Will +22
HP 210
Speed 20 feet, burrow 45 feet, climb 20 feet; earth glide
Melee [one-action] falchion +28 (forceful, magical, reach 10 feet, sweep),
Damage 2d10+14 slashing
Melee [one-action] fist +27 (agile, magical, nonlethal, reach 10 feet), Damage
2d6+13 bludgeoning plus Push 15 feet (page 233) and stone clutch
Ranged [one-action] rock +27 (brutal, range increment 120 feet), Damage 2d8+13
Arcane Innate Spells DC 32; 8th earthquake; 7th interplanar teleport (to Astral
Plane, Elemental Planes, or the Universe only); 6th petrify, mountain resilience
(at will; self only); 5th illusory disguise, wall of stone; 4th shape stone (at will);
Cantrips (6th) detect magic; Constant (5th) truespeech
Change Shape [one-action] (arcane, concentrate, polymorph) The jabali
transforms into a Small or Medium earth elemental or land animal,
typically a camel or dog (page 232). This doesn’t affect the shuyookh’s
statistics, but it could change the damage type of their Strikes.
Earth Glide The jabali can Burrow through dirt and stone at their full
burrow Speed, leaving no tunnels or signs of their passing.
Earthen Control When the shuyookh casts wall of stone, the edges
can pass through creatures, which are shunted to the side of the wall
opposite that edge.
Economical Wish (downtime) Frequency three times per year; Effect
The shuyookh conducts a wish ritual for the benefit of a mortal,
requiring no cost or secondary casters. The shuyookh’s result
is a success if they succeed at a DC 5 flat check or a failure if
not. The shuyookh fulfills the wish in the most straightforward,
simple way possible.
Stone Clutch (arcane, earth) When the jabali Pushes a creature
into a stone barrier, the surface grips it with fingers of stone. The
target must succeed at a DC 30 Reflex save or become grabbed by
the surface (Escape DC 36).
Stone Crush [one-action] (arcane, earth) The jabali deals 2d6+13 bludgeoning
damage to all creatures within 100 feet that are grabbed by stone clutch,
with a DC 32 basic Fortitude save.
Civilizations die, buried by time, but their memory may yet linger in
shattered pottery, collapsed edifices, and destroyed artwork, compressed and
clarified under the weight of rock and soil. Some excavated sites might still ANCIENT FINDS INTRODUCTION
hold a sliver of consciousness in their base materials, which walks again as Lithic loci often contain important ELEMENTAL
an avatar of an extinct people when awakened. These lithic loci represent and valuable items. None of these CHARACTERS
the triumphs and folly of their society. Speaking to one is speaking to a elemental constructs are likely to agree
witness of an archaic time. The lithic locus’s persona expresses their culture to be looted, but some loci bestow their
in all dimensions, and thus the attitudes of lithic loci vary greatly. Their antiquities upon worthy successors, EARTH
appearances show the aesthetics and technology of their time, suspended in proud to see their culture’s creations The Embrace of
a cloud of excavated earth. put to effective use in the modern Abundance
As plentiful as archaeological sites are in the Universe, the Plane of Earth day. Lithic loci can also direct earnest Elemental
holds countless more of far older provenance. Some of its inhabitants have even seekers to other lost treasures, helping
Earth Spells
found lithic loci from peoples far older than themselves, seeing directly what to restore knowledge of an extinct
Earth Items
would remain should they dwindle out of living memory. This has led some society.
civilizations to even plan their decline by leaving a legacy in the living rock. Creatures
Perception +25; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 60 feet WATER
Languages Petran, plus one ancient language
Skills Athletics +26, Civilization Lore +29 (one ancient civilization), Society +25
Str +6, Dex +0, Con +6, Int +7, Wis +6, Cha +2 CHURN OF
Antiques A lithic locus contains at least one magic item. Any such antiques are durable, ELEMENTS
permanent items that were part of the locus’s site and
typify their culture. The locus receives the
benefits of such an item as if wearing or GLOSSARY
holding it and can activate it. A lithic locus & INDEX
typically has an item of their level.
AC 35; Fort +27, Ref +21, Will +27
HP 260; Immunities bleed, death effects,
disease, doomed, drained, fatigued,
healing, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison,
sickened, unconscious, vitality, void
Speed 30 feet
Melee [one-action] ancient stone +28 (earth, magical),
Damage 3d8+16 bludgeoning plus bury
Occult Innate Spells DC 34; 3rd one with stone;
Cantrips (7th) daze
Bury Any creature hit by the locus’s ancient stone
Strike is partially buried in a tide of earth and
rock, becoming immobilized (Escape DC 34).
Echo the Past [two-actions] The locus calls forth a remnant of the
past civilization to impart a lesson or control the present.
Using this ability again ends any previous manifestation.
The locus casts one of the following occult innate spells
(DC 34) for the listed purpose.
Dominate The dominated creature takes on the role of
a historical figure or someone in the social hierarchy
(such as high priest) from the locus’s civilization.
Illusory Scene The scene reenacts a historical event
from the locus’s civilization.
Invoke Spirits The spirits are drawn from the locus’s
memories of people from their civilization.
Wall of Stone The locus recreates the wall of a building
from their civilization, complete with decorations.
When Sairazul created xiomorns, they were immortal. She created 65,536, all
in her own image, and all imbued with a piece of her divine spark. During her
VAULT SEEDS imprisonment, Ayrzul used visions of a future extinction to manipulate them
Xiomorns create magical underground into sacrificing their power to him. This sacrifice split xiomorns into two classes:
caverns using vault seeds, ancient 32,768 vault builders who kept Sairazul’s essence and 32,768 vault keepers
magical tools bequeathed to their who would live forever no longer. For millennia, xiomorns built a vast, magical
species by Ayrzul as a reward for their civilization across the Plane of Earth, and when there was no space left to build,
sacrifice. The vault seeds were used to they left. On each new world, xiomorns build their vaults and conduct their
create the Vaults of Orv in Golarion’s experiments, endlessly searching for clues to help them avoid their extinction.
Darklands, and an accident involving
an out-of-control vault seed created the VAULT KEEPER
mysterious Emerald Spire. The vault keepers lost Sairazul’s spark and have life spans of two to three
millennia. They maintain and protect the xiomorns’ many experiments.
Vault builders still possess the full power Sairazul instilled in them, capable
of creating new life and shaping the world around them. A vault builder’s life
span is several millennia, but their memories are preserved within a crystalline CRYSTAL CRAFTERS INTRODUCTION
generation stone when they die to be placed inside a newly constructed vault Xiomorns have mastered the creation ELEMENTAL
builder body. of numerous magic items made of CHARACTERS
crystal beyond generation stones
VAULT BUILDER CREATURE 23 and vault seeds. These include pillars
RARE MEDIUM EARTH ELEMENTAL of black stone called whisperstones EARTH
Perception +37; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 120 feet that allow xiomorns to communicate The Embrace of
Languages Orvian, Petran; telepathy 300 feet telepathically across vaults, orvgates Abundance
Skills Acrobatics +39, Arcana +42, Architecture Lore +42, Athletics +39, Crafting +44, that use weblike funnels of green Elemental
Engineering Lore +42, Nature +37, Planar Lore +42, Stealth +41, Thievery +39; crystal to allow teleportation between
Earth Spells
+4 status to Recall Knowledge about earth Darklands vaults, and a vortex in Orv
Earth Items
Str +8, Dex +10, Con +7, Int +11, Wis +6, Cha +8 called the Crystal Womb that connects
Craft Crystal Wand (exploration) Frequency twice per day; Effect As vault keeper, to a crucial stronghold on the Plane of Creatures
but the spells can be 8th rank or lower, and the vault builder can expend both Earth.
daily uses to instead make a +3 greater striking major staff of earth TV.
Item Caster As vault keeper, but the spell can be 8th-rank or lower. METAL
AC 47; Fort +36, Ref +41, Will +35; +1 status to all saves vs. spells ( +4 status vs. earth) WATER
HP 465; Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, radiation, sleep; Resistances
physical 20 (except adamantine)
Reactive Strike [reaction] (page 233) CHURN OF
Speed 35 feet, burrow 25 feet, climb 35 feet; earth glide ELEMENTS
Melee [one-action] crystal staff +39 (magical, radiation, two-hand d8), Damage
4d4+12 bludgeoning plus 4d6 poison
Melee [one-action] crystal wand +37 (finesse, magical, radiation), Damage 4d4+12 GLOSSARY
piercing plus 4d6 poison & INDEX
Melee [one-action] claw +37 (agile, finesse, magical), Damage 5d10+12 slashing
plus constraining crystal
Ranged [one-action] crystal shard +37 (earth, finesse, magical,
range increment 100 feet), Damage 7d6+4 piercing
Arcane Prepared Spells DC 50, attack +42; 9th
disintegrate (×2), heaving earth (page 95); 8th
earthquake (×2), mountain’s resilience; 7th fly, haste
(×2); 6th pave ground (page 95), petrify, wall of force;
5th blazing fissure SoM, creation, see the unseen; 4th
clairvoyance, engrave memory (page 94), grasping
earth (page 95); 3rd one with stone (×2), mending; 2nd
knock, magnetic attraction SoM, magnetic repulsion SoM; 1st ant
haul, quick sort SoM (×2); Cantrips (10th) detect magic, read aura,
scatter scree SoM, sigil, telekinetic hand
Arcane Innate Spells DC 50, attack +42; 10th summon elemental (earth
only), wall of stone; 8th petrify, scrying, shatter (at will),
speak with stones (at will), teleport, translocate; 4th
earthbind (at will), shape stone (at will), translocate
(at will)
Constraining Crystal (earth, magical) As vault keeper,
plus a target that fails its save while clumsy 4 is
petrified with an unlimited duration.
Crystal Burst [two-actions] (arcane, earth) As vault keeper,
but 24d6 piercing and DC 46.
Earth Glide The vault builder can Burrow through
any earthen matter, including rock. When they
do so, the vault builder moves at their full burrow
Speed, leaving no tunnels or signs of their passing.
Passionate Intensity
How wonderful! You want to learn about fire? What The elementalists of Tian Xia see fire’s place in their
perfect serendipity: welcome to Hot Dotty’s Tours of eternal Elemental Cycle as one of warmth and cheer.
the Eternal Furnace, precisely in the place and time for In their cycle, fire takes from wood and uses its power
you and your curiosity. My name is Arundhati Zoii to create raw heat and energy, which in turn fuels the
(but you can call me Dotty), and I’ll be delighted to transformation of earth into metal. This perspective,
show you all the wonders of the Plane of Fire today! with fire as a caretaker and creator, is a personal favorite
Take a seat, and I’ll fix you a drink while we discuss of mine! In the Inner Sea, on the other hand, fire is one
our itinerary and go over some liability concerns. Oh, of two “active” elements (meaning fire enacts change,
it’s all quite standard, nothing for you to worry about. as opposed to being changed itself). These elementalists
Mortal elementalists so rarely consider fire for associate fire with passion and conversion, transforming
anything more than exacting destruction, you know? anything it touches—and destruction is certainly one
You have your explosions and your rays and your form of transformation! In the elemental practices of
blasts of fire. Oh, it’s all useful, of course (fire is nothing Casmaron, fire has two faces: that of life-giver and
if not useful!), but it betrays such a shallow grasp of life-taker. Casmaron elementalists believe a fire burns
the element’s potential. What of fire’s passion, or fire’s within all of us, stoking our spirits and strengthening
joy, or the protection and comfort of fire’s heat? What our wills, but also that this fire can burn out of control
of the renewal and the healing fire can offer, burning and wreak havoc if we aren’t careful.
away what’s needed no longer and feeding the new life Even here on the Plane of Fire, our view of fire is
that comes next? hardly universal. The Queen of the Inferno harnesses
I won’t grandstand about the supremacy of fire or the plane’s potential to devour, destroy, and exact
that nonsense, don’t worry. All the elements have their her wrath (told you we’d get to her!), while the ifrits
places (All six! Oh, that won’t be growing old anytime running the Dominion of Flame use fire to control and
soon). It’s not as if mortality can be blamed, either; reshape the plane in their image. The ancient munsahirs
Lord Atreia was trapped inside the Garnet Brand until, used fire’s power to create and transform, forging
what, this very decade! Ymeri, our sole ruler for eons, weapons and tools. And, in Sermons from the Heart
has... a set of priorities more in the destruction milieu, of Flame, the philosopher Chryexis Althal reminds us
shall we say. Well! We’ll be discussing her later, I’m sure. of an important lesson: fire’s intensity is good for more
In any case, you’d do well to fear fire a little less, than destruction. Fire creates with that same strength
I say. Our tours have complimentary elemental and spirit, and even when fire destroys, new life will
protection magic, so you’ll be perfectly safe so long as always grow from the ashes!
you stick with Dotty! It’s important for an elementalist to respect fire’s
A council of elder dragons calls the shots, led by a
rugged ancient one named Caliniaya. Oh, to be an ash
fly on the wall at a council meeting of magma dragons... PYRIC
I can’t imagine how they get anything done! Perhaps the Pyric is the language spoken by the elementals and INTRODUCTION
elementals who stand guard at the territory’s borders genies of the Plane of Fire. Vocalizations that mimic ELEMENTAL
and do all the mining are organized enough to keep roaring infernos, hissing smoke, and crackling CHARACTERS
everything running. flames can be challenging for mortals to speak
without assistive devices. Enchanted candles that
SAKALAYO PEAK can create the sounds of great infernos are available EARTH
Sakalayo is the tallest and most volatile volcano in the in most planar shops, though it’s often necessary
Afoapi Mountains, a towering range near the border for candle users to supplement the candle with
with the Plane of Earth. Eruptions are both violent and spitting and great, throaty roars. Intensity
common, and on the Plane of Fire, that makes it an Pyric writing typically uses candle and wax on Elemental
extremely prestigious location to live! The mountain’s flammable paper, creating the alphabet’s different Lords
slopes are encrusted with fabulous mansions and glorious characters from a mixture of melted wax drippings Fire Spells
palaces, all maintained and kept in good standing by and singed holes of various sizes. Fire Items
extravagant magical wards. Fire Creatures
Oh, you’ll like this: Sakalayo Peak is sacred among METAL
elementals, who believe the volcano’s first eruption was alliance with the fire scamps, and while no one truly
the catalyst that created the rest of the Inner Sphere. knows whether those munsahir leaders betrayed their
Because it’s such an important site, pilgrims come own people or the scamps reneged on this alliance, it’s WOOD
from across the Eternal Furnace to bathe in Sakalayo’s clear the deal led to an ancient and terrible betrayal. The
bubbling caldera! Surviving a dip in Sakalayo Lake is scamps conquered Emberkeep themselves, bringing the ELEMENTS
a surefire way for you to impress any elemental whose munsahirs under the control of their Ninefold Matriarch
favor you need to win. of Holy Sublimation, and then they used the munsahirs APPENDIX
to fend off the Dominion of Flame and strengthen their GLOSSARY
SCOBERN CAVES theocratic monarchy. & INDEX
The Scobern Caves are a vast network of underground I can’t say for sure what the munsahirs and scamps
caverns with a bubbling river of molten bronze winding agreed to in their deal. Some say the deal bound the
through them. The cave system spans thousands of munsahirs of Emberkeep to 66,666 years of service under
miles, connecting to the same volcanic mountain range the scamp monarchs! What I do know is that, whether
as Ymeri’s Auroric Palace near the Plane of Earth. I’ve by coincidence or providence, that term ended just as
even heard some travelers say the bronze river works as the Plane of Metal returned to the Inner Sphere. Now,
a portal between the two planes, but you’d need a boat munsahirs from across the Plane of Fire have returned
that can withstand the molten metal to find out! to the ruins of Emberkeep under the banner of their
immortal All-Father to rebuild their empire!
Shelter from the Inferno
The largest cities on the Plane of Fire have magically INFERNO’S BLISS
controlled temperatures so visitors from other planes It’s always a delight to watch tourists’ eyes light up as
(and us naaris!) don’t burn alive. Medina Mudii’a, the I explain Inferno’s Bliss. Yes, there’s a huge settlement
Ninefold Towers, and Zjarra all feature these types of inhabited by fire elementals, and yes, you can visit! It’s a
environmental protections. The infinite nature of the bit warm, and a bit dry, but otherwise comfortable as can
plane can make visiting multiple destinations in a single be. (You might want to moisturize.) The hospitality on
trip... inconvenient, but it’s well worth the added effort offer is quite extensive. Expect to thank the welcoming
to see as many of the diverse nations prospering on the committees for many, many gifts. You might even meet
Plane of Fire as you can! Firanius, Hand of the Queen,
Though it’s a lovely place to visit, I recommend
THE AZURE EMPIRE keeping your stay short. The denizens are Tongues of
Oh, I can’t possibly tell you about the Azure Empire Ymeri and won’t hear a bad word about their Queen.
without explaining the history of munsahirs on the To utter one costs your life! Stay to the approved paths,
Plane of Fire first! So, thousands of years ago, munsahirs and mind your manners for as long as you can, then bid
ruled much of the plane from their tremendous iron them a pleasant farewell. And if you’re from the Plane
fortresses. You can still find the ruins scattered across of Earth, or call anyone there a close friend, skip this
the plane today! One by one, munsahir strongholds tour stop entirely. The Tongues of Ymeri are more than
fell as the Dominion of Flame rose to power, until just worshippers—they collect intelligence to aid Ymeri’s
only Emberkeep remained. Munsahir leaders forged an many wars.
Ifrit Court
Strength Forged in
The two Elemental Lords of Fire are both highly FIRE ADJUSTMENTS
influential on the plane. Ymeri, the Queen of the To quickly give a creature a magical connection INTRODUCTION
Inferno, manipulates planar events to further her own to the element of fire, you can use the following ELEMENTAL
goals. Some even say she’s responsible for the hostility adjustments. CHARACTERS
between the Dominion of Flame and the jabalis of the • Add the fire trait.
Plane of Earth, orchestrating events to push them ever • If it has any languages, add Pyric.
closer to war. The Lambent King Atreia, the other Lord • Add immunity to fire. EARTH
of Fire, has only recently returned to the plane after • If the creature’s Strikes deal more than one die
millennia of imprisonment—and he has a lot of work of damage, change one die to fire damage. If not,
now that he’s back! Lord Atreia has dedicated himself add 1 fire damage to its Strikes. Intensity
to purifying the plane from all the evils that spread • If the creature can cast spells, you can replace Elemental
during his absence, including the suffocating influence spells with fire spells of the same rank: Cantrip Lords
of Her Great and Terrible Majesty. ignition, 1st breathe fire, 2nd blazing bolt, 3rd Fire Spells
The Plane of Fire is home to another divinity, too! fireball, 4th wall of fire, 5th fire’s pathway (page Fire Items
Feronia the Fertile Flame is a demigoddess of fertility 119), 6th fireball, 7th fiery body, 8th burning Fire Creatures
and sacred fires. She lives at the top of a huge obsidian blossoms SoM, 9th falling star. METAL
spire in her palace, the Cradle of Flames. Watch out if
you try to scale the spire and reach the goddess’s realm
because it’s defended by Feronia’s herald, the Guardian PLANE OF FIRE PLANE WOOD
Blaze, and a quartet of phoenixes. Feronia has quite FIRE
the large family, even for a deity, and lives with them Category Inner Plane ELEMENTS
in a commune from what I hear. I can’t say for Divinities elemental lords of fire, Feronia
sure since she quite reasonably keeps such things Native Inhabitants fire elementals, ifrits, APPENDIX
private. Have you heard of the empyreal lord magma dragons, munsahirs, shades (fire GLOSSARY
Ragathiel? The chivalry guy? Well, we know pneuma) & INDEX
for sure he’s her son. With Dispater, Like a great, gleaming ball of flame
believe it or not. If he can turn out okay, situated at the heart of the Astral
Feronia must be quite the mom! It seems Plane, the Plane of Fire is the outermost
most of her other partners have been, plane of the Inner Sphere. A perpetual
well, at least better than Dispater. ocean of fire, the plane features skies
Grand Sultana Ayasellah Mihelar of smoke, storms of raining cinders, and
Khalidalah II, Lady of Flame and lakes and rivers of magma that flow
Khan of Magma, is the Grand along its border with the Elemental
Sultana of Medina Mudii’a and Plane of Earth. Overall, the Plane
ruler of the Dominion of Flame. of Fire is incredibly hostile to those
She might not be a goddess, but here Feronia who come unprepared for its natural
on the Plane of Fire, the sultana is almost hazards, yet it has one of the most well-known and
as powerful as one! Her advisor, Grand Vizier Abdul- traversed cities in the multiverse: Medina Mudii’a, capital of
Qawi, is even more dangerous. On top of being a the Dominion of Flame. Floating above a sea of fire upon a
powerful wizard and a genie who learned the forbidden great hemisphere of magical brass, Medina Mudii’a serves
art of genie-binding, the vizier has a network of loyal as a monument to both the ifrits’ cosmopolitan grandeur
spies spanning the entire Eternal Furnace! Crossing and their tyranny, the latter embodied by the Dominion’s
the Dominion of Flame is a seriously dangerous piece grand sultana. Outside of the mercantile districts and the
of business, but you don’t always get to decide if the palaces and temples of the fire genies, the city houses a vast
Dominion decides to cross you first. disenfranchised underclass that includes fire elementals as
The leader of the munsahir empire, All-Father well as creatures from other planes.
Verdesz, is also the immortal Jade Hegemon from the The ifrit domain isn’t absolute, and elsewhere in the plane
legendary elemental empire once found in Golarion’s are nations of fire scamps and the remains of an ancient
Valashmai Jungle! Verdesz hasn’t been seen anywhere munsahir empire. While they don’t form any cohesive,
since the Age of Serpents. Just like the legends say, he’s organized nations, the plane’s fire elementals are ruled over
a munsahir wreathed in green flame instead of red, and by the plane’s most powerful entity, Ymeri the Queen of
his copper skin is covered by a corroded, turquoise the Inferno, the warlike elemental lord of fire whose reign
patina. Under the All-Father’s leadership, the munsahirs has gone unquestioned since the imprisonment of her rival
are rebuilding their empire, one brick at a time. Atreia eons ago.
The Lambent King
Areas of Concern fire, purification, radiance
Edicts burn away corruption, clear the way for new growth, purify tainted areas
Anathema abandon a creature in darkness; deny a suffering creature warmth, shade,
or water
Divine Attribute Wisdom or Charisma
Cleric Spells 1st: soothe, 3rd: ghostly weapon, 4th: fire shield
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification must choose holy
Divine Skill Performance
Domains fire, healing, protection, sun
Favored Weapon katar
One of the first creatures to exist across the cosmos, the fiery, three-headed ibis
known as the Lambent Prince once soared through the skies, the tips of his
wings leaving streaks of flames silhouetted against the clouds. The cries from
his sickle-shaped beaks carried on the winds, warning evil to flee and reminding
the just of his protection. Like the comforting crackle of a campfire, Atreia, the
benevolent Lord of Fire, brought solace and a radiant glow to his conflagrant
plane. Atreia answered the prayers of his faithful with a reassuring glimmer
and a sense of serenity, but he clashed frequently with Ymeri and the other
malicious elemental lords. Their battles blazed across
the land and sky, marring the Elemental Planes
with deep scars and scorch marks. But that was
long ago, before Ymeri and her compatriots
triumphed over the benevolent elemental lords
and imprisoned Atreia in the coldly beautiful
crimson gem called the Garnet Brand.
Now, eons later and for reasons unknown
to him, the Lord of Fire has his freedom once
again, but not his power. His long isolation has
left him weakened, and in his absence, the Plane
of Fire has become a harsh and dangerous place.
Few even remember Atreia today, and those who
do call him the “Lambent King” now. The new title
still feels uneasy, but he’s determined to prove himself
worthy of its weight. Atreia now knows he can’t rebuild
the plane and protect its denizens alone, and so he
listens to the prayers of his few believers, waiting for
a powerful avatar from among them to aid him. He
gathers new followers and helps all to find places of
comfort and safety. For himself, Atreia works to learn the
identity of his mysterious liberator and strives to regain his
strength so that he might confront Ymeri
once more.
When casting the avatar spell, a
worshipper of Atreia gains the
following additional abilities.
Atreia Speed 40 feet, fly Speed 70
feet; Melee [one-action] sickle beaks (agile, finesse, reach 15 feet), Damage 6d8+6
piercing; Ranged [one-action] fire feather (range 120 feet), Damage 6d4+3 fire
Queen of the Inferno
Areas of Concern fire, heat, smoke
Edicts be passionate and quick of wit, destroy your foes with fire, inspire your inferiors INTRODUCTION
with zeal and strategy ELEMENTAL
Anathema allow yourself to stagnate or lose motivation, extinguish destructive blazes CHARACTERS
Divine Attribute Strength or Charisma
When casting the avatar spell, a worshipper of Ymeri gains
the following additional abilities.
Ymeri Speed 50 feet, fly Speed 70 feet; Melee
[one-action] longsword (reach 15 feet, versatile P), Damage
5d8+6 slashing plus 1d8 fire; Ranged [one-action] eruption
(range 120 feet), Damage 5d6+3 fire plus 1d6
persistent fire
Fire spells are often associated with destruction and offense, but recent planar developments have encouraged
numerous casters to explore new ways of handling fire beyond the obvious, explosive choices.
Failure The creature is enfeebled 1 until the end of its next turn. original fire, if you prefer. You can’t carry extradimensional
Critical Failure The creature is enfeebled 2 until the end of spaces with you; if you attempt to do so, the spell fails.
its next turn. Heightened (6th) The fire you exit can be up to 50 miles away.
Heightened (+2) The range increases by 10 feet, the burst Heightened (8th) The fire you exit can be up to 500 miles INTRODUCTION
increases by 5 feet, and the persistent fire damage away. ELEMENTAL
increases by 3d6. Heightened (9th) The fire you exit can be anywhere on the CHARACTERS
same planet.
EAT FIRE [reaction] CANTRIP 1
Traditions arcane, occult, primal CONCENTRATE FIRE MANIPULATE
Trigger You would take fire damage. Traditions arcane, divine, primal
Duration until the end of your next turn Cast 1 minute Intensity
You consume and ingest fire, making it less harmful to you. Range touch; Targets 1 object up to 10 Bulk Elemental
You gain resistance 5 to fire damage until the end of the Duration 1 hour Lords
current turn. During the remaining duration of the spell, you You prevent the target item from conducting heat or catching Fire Spells
can use the Belch Smoke action. The spell ends if you fall fire for the spell’s duration. The item gains fire resistance 10. Fire Items
unconscious, inhale, or exhale (this includes speaking). In addition, effects with the fire trait that target the item must Fire Creatures
Belch Smoke [one-action] You exhale what remains of the smoke, ending first succeed at a counteract check against your spell DC. METAL
the spell and creating a smoke cloud in a 5-foot burst within Heightened (4th) The duration is 24 hours.
20 feet. All creatures within the smoke cloud are concealed, Heightened (6th) The duration is unlimited.
and all other creatures are concealed to them. The smoke WOOD
lasts for 1 minute or until dispersed by a strong wind. FLAME DANCER [two-actions] SPELL 5 CHURN OF
Heightened (+3) The resistance increases by 5. CONCENTRATE FIRE MANIPULATE ELEMENTS
Traditions arcane, occult, primal
FALSIFY HEAT [two-actions] SPELL 2 Range 60 feet; Targets 1 willing creature APPENDIX
Cinder Swarm
Failure As success, but the duration is 1 minute and the target ILLUMINATE [one-action] CANTRIP 1
can’t act hostile toward a creature until that creature acts CANTRIP FIRE MANIPULATE
hostile toward the target. Traditions arcane, divine, occult, primal
Critical Failure As failure, except the target must spend at Area 30-foot emanation (see text)
least 2 actions on its turn on a taunting display of arrogance You light all non-magical light sources in the area that use fire
or overconfidence. to provide their light—such as candles, lamps, and sconces.
You can choose to make the emanation smaller than its
HEATVISION [two-actions] SPELL 3 maximum, to any distance of your choice. If a light source is
UNCOMMON CONCENTRATE FIRE MANIPULATE attended by an unwilling creature, that creature can attempt a
Traditions arcane, divine, occult, primal Reflex save to snuff the light out before it becomes noticeable.
Range touch; Targets 1 willing creature Heightened (+1) The maximum area increases by 10 feet.
Duration 1 hour
The target visually senses the heat energy emitted by the PHOENIX WARD [two-actions] SPELL 4
creatures and objects around it, gaining infrared vision CONCENTRATE FIRE MANIPULATE
at a range of 60 feet as a precise sense. This vision can Traditions divine, primal
detect any warm-blooded creature or source of heat not Duration 1 minute
completely covered behind a solid object, such as a wall; You raise a fiery shield around yourself, gaining resistance 10
this bypasses any concealment granted by smoke or darkness. to fire. If you take fire damage that would reduce you to 0
It can similarly detect especially cold creatures and sources of Hit Points, the phoenix ward absorbs any damage beyond the
cold. Almost all creatures with the cold or fire trait can be amount that would bring you to 1 Hit Point. The ward then heals
detected with heatvision. Undead and constructs are typically you in a brilliant display of flames in the shape of a phoenix’s
the same temperature as their environment and can’t be wings and envelop you in light. You regain Hit Points equal to
detected with heatvision. The GM decides in other cases. 4d8 + the absorbed damage; this is a healing vitality effect. The
Heightened (6th) The duration lasts until you next make your phoenix ward then ends, and you can’t cast it again for 24 hours.
daily preparations, and the range increases to 120 feet. Heightened (+1) The healing increases by 1d8.
RAINBOW FUMAROLE [three-actions] SPELL 8 Failure The creature takes full damage and is dazzled for
Traditions arcane, primal Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and is
Range 500 feet; Area 20-foot radius, 60-foot-tall cylinder blinded for 1 round. INTRODUCTION
Defense basic Reflex Duration 1 minute Heightened (+1) The sonic damage increases by 1d10. ELEMENTAL
Multi-hued flames break through cracks in the ground, CHARACTERS
reaching high into the sky and giving off dangerous fumes. THERMAL REMEDY SPELL 2
When you cast the spell, roll 1d8 on the table below to CONCENTRATE FIRE MANIPULATE
determine the effects of the fumarole. Traditions arcane, divine, primal EARTH
Any creature caught inside the area of rainbow fumarole Cast 1 minute
when you cast it takes the indicated damage with a basic Range touch; Targets up to 1 gallon of non-magical liquid or up
Reflex save and, on a failure, takes any added effect to 5 pounds of food Intensity
listed. Creatures must also attempt a saving throw when Duration 1 hour Elemental
they move through the spell’s area or end their turn in You adjust the delicate levels of bitter ingredients in food and Lords
it. Squares within the area of the rainbow fumarole are drink to draw out their full restorative and fortifying properties. Fire Spells
difficult terrain. Choose one of the benefits listed below. Any creature that Fire Items
consumes the targeted drink or food gains that benefit. Up to Fire Creatures
1d8 Color Damage Added Effect 10 creatures can partake in the meal, and a creature gets no METAL
1 Red 50 fire plus 2d6 — extra benefit for consuming more than one portion.
persistent fire • Gain 5 temporary Hit Points.
2 Orange 50 fire Knocked prone • Gain resistance 2 to fire. WOOD
3 Yellow 30 fire plus 20 Pushed 10 feet • Gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saves against disease.
bludgeoning Heightened (4th) Your remedy provides two benefits of ELEMENTS
4 Green 20 fire plus 20 acid Sickened 2 your choice instead of one. The temporary Hit Points
5 Blue 30 fire Paralyzed for 1 round increase to 10, the resistance to fire increases to 3, the APPENDIX
6 Indigo 30 fire Confused for 1 minute bonus against disease increases to +2, and the duration GLOSSARY
7 Violet 30 fire Slowed 1 for 1 minute is 2 hours. & INDEX
8 All Choose the color for — Heightened (7th) The remedy provides all three benefits.
each affected creature The temporary Hit Points increase to 15, the resistance
and use that color’s to fire increases to 5, the bonus against disease increases
damage and added to +3, and the duration is 8 hours.
effect; if a creature
is affected again, you YMERI’S MARK [two-actions] SPELL 4
color. Traditions arcane, divine, primal
Range touch; Targets 1 creature
SIGNAL SKYROCKET [three-actions] SPELL 1 Defense Fortitude; Duration varies
CONCENTRATE FIRE MANIPULATE SONIC You place the fiery mark of the Queen of the Inferno on the
Traditions arcane, occult, primal target, burning into the creature’s very essence. The mark
Range 1,000 feet; Area 30-foot burst gives off a heat that only you can sense; as long as you’re on
With a pinch of metallic powder and gunpowder, you call the same plane as the target, you can sense the direction it’s
forth blistering red energy that shoots straight upward in. The target is fatigued and can’t reduce the value of this
into the air and explodes, unleashing a crackling boom. condition normally.
Over time, you might even customize your own pattern and You can detonate the mark at any point during its duration
color for the skyrocket as you refine the spell. by Dismissing the spell. The rune explodes in a 10-foot
You can’t change the direction or distance of the rocket—it emanation centered on the target that deals 5d6 fire damage
must go straight up, continuing up to the maximum range if with a basic Reflex save. You choose whether the mark’s
possible. If the rocket explodes at its maximum height, the target is included in the explosion.
bright light can be seen up to 10 miles away, and the sound When you cast the spell, the target attempts a Fortitude
of the explosion can be heard up to 1 mile away under clear save to determine how long the mark lasts. If the spell’s
weather conditions. duration elapses, the rune doesn’t detonate.
If the rocket explodes in an enclosed space smaller than Critical Success The target is unaffected.
the full size of the burst, each creature in the area takes 1d10 Success The duration is 1 minute.
sonic damage depending on the result of its Reflex save. Failure The duration is 1 week.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Critical Failure The duration is unlimited.
Success The creature takes half damage. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6.
With the ability to run red-hot forges nonstop and access to an abundance of molten metals and sulfurous gases,
artisans of the Plane of Fire have been producing useful and beautiful creations for millennia. Many of the plane’s
denizens are long-lived and devote decades to learning and perfecting their crafts. As such, handiwork from the Plane
of Fire is among some of the most intricate and detailed in any plane.
ASH GOWN ITEM 7+ Success The creature breathes in a small amount of the
FIRE INVESTED MAGICAL poisonous smoke and takes 2d6 persistent damage.
Usage worn clothing; Bulk L Failure The creature gulps down a lungful of the smoke,
Ash gowns are formal wear spun from smoke, ash, and char taking 4d6 persistent damage and becoming enfeebled 2
collected from the Plane of Fire. Typically, they’re voluminous until the persistent damage ends.
floor-length dresses or three-piece suits, but regardless of Critical Failure The creature inhales a large amount of the
their specific tailoring, ash gowns are always an ostentatious smoke, taking 6d6 persistent damage and becoming
display of wealth and loyalty to the powers of the Plane of Fire. enfeebled 3 until the persistent damage ends.
They’re exceptionally popular in the courts of the Elemental
Lords and among the high society of Medina Mudii’a. The BRAZIER OF HARMONY ITEM 5
gown grants you resistance 5 to fire and a +1 item bonus to CENSER FIRE MAGICAL
Intimidation checks. Price 150 gp
Activate—Blazing Promenade [two-actions] (manipulate) Frequency Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
once per day; Effect The ash gown ignites in a ferocious The brazier of harmony is a circular, orb-shaped censer etched
blaze, flames licking the floor and trailing behind you like with celebrating creatures shaking hands and dancing. The
a dancing cape. You Stride and make a Strike at the end of brazier contains a pleasant-smelling potpourri of dried flowers
your movement. During the Stride, your flames incinerate and incenses, designed to create a calm atmosphere that
minor obstacles in your path; you ignore non-magical encourages meditation, thoughtfulness, and camaraderie.
difficult terrain, and any you move through is destroyed. While holding the lit censer, you gain a +1 item bonus to
Creatures that are adjacent to you at any point during your Diplomacy checks, whether the censer is activated or not.
movement take 2d6 fire damage with a DC 23 basic Reflex Activate—Light Incense [two-actions] (aura, manipulate) Frequency
save. A creature doesn’t need to attempt this save more once per day; Cost incense worth at least 1 sp; Effect When
than once, even if you move past it multiple times. the incense is lit, pleasant, floral smoke surrounds the
Type ash gown; Level 7; Price 350 gp censer in a 20-foot emanation, creating a space of peace
Type greater ash gown; Level 11; Price 1,300 gp and harmony. Each creature that breathes the smoke is
The resistance to fire is 10, and the bonus to Intimidation affected by 3rd-rank calm and is then temporarily immune
checks is +2. You can activate a greater ash gown once per for 24 hours. The spell’s effects end when the incense
10 minutes instead of once per day. The activation’s damage burns out.
increases to 4d6, and its DC increases to 28.
Price 2,750 gp Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk —
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L Activate [one-action] (manipulate)
The exterior of this egg-shaped brass censer is polished to This blood-red candle is made from wax derived from oil shale
a mirror-like sheen. Several rings are attached to its sides at found in certain parts of the Plane of Fire. The wick burns
regular intervals. The top of the censer’s lid is decorated with with a flame that flickers and dances even if there’s no draft
a pair of intertwining snakes. to stir it. You activate the candle by lighting it, which causes
Activate—Light Incense [two-actions] (aura, manipulate) Frequency once creatures within 10 feet of the candle to find their emotions
per day; Cost incense worth at least 5 gp; Effect A piping, running high. Creatures in the area take a –1 status penalty
reddish smoke pours from the censer in a 20-foot emanation. to saving throws against emotion effects. Once lit, the candle
You choose whether the smoke causes the target’s blood to burns for 10 minutes. If extinguished, it can’t be relit.
turn extremely hot or transmutes to poison; the smoke deals
your choice of fire or poison damage. Each living creature EVERBURNING COAL ITEM 12
that’s in the area or enters it attempts a DC 34 Fortitude UNCOMMON FIRE MAGICAL
saving throw, then becomes temporarily immune for 1 hour. Price 1,750 gp
Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk —
This lump of coal is always warm to the touch and glows
faintly red from within, as if holding an ember of flame waiting
to be stoked. No amount of water or coldness can extinguish MAGICAL CENSERS
the coal’s warmth. When you hold an everburning coal in your Censers are decorative containers, often metal or INTRODUCTION
hand, you gain resistance 10 to cold and are protected from ceramic, in which incense is burned. Some censers ELEMENTAL
mild, severe, and extreme cold. are used solely in religious ceremonies, but many CHARACTERS
In addition, an everburning coal is a planar key for are made for domestic use. They range in shape
interplanar teleport and similar magic to travel to the Plane and size, from lidded pots to egg-shaped vessels
of Fire. When using it this way, you can attune it to the attached to chains that allow them to be swung EARTH
fires of your destination to make it more likely to arrive about. Most are designed with ornate openings to
where you intend to be, appearing 1d6 × 25 miles from your increase airflow.
intended destination instead of 1d10 × 25 miles away. Censer Trait: An item with the censer trait must Intensity
Activate—Coal Wall [three-actions] (concentrate, manipulate) Frequency be filled with incense to Activate it, which ignites the Elemental
once per day; Effect The everburning coal creates a towering incense and causes the censer to exude a cloud of Lords
wall of hot coals. This has the effect of wall of ice, except for smoke. The smoke creates an aura in an emanation Fire Spells
the following adjustments. from the censer’s square. The smoke lasts for 1 Fire Items
• The wall has the fire trait instead of cold and water. minute but is immediately dispersed by a strong Fire Creatures
• The wall deals fire damage instead of cold damage. wind (ending the activation) or if you Dismiss the METAL
• The weakness to fire is instead weakness to cold and activation to snuff out the incense. Unless specifically
to water. noted otherwise, the smoke from a censer isn’t thick
• Destroying a section of the wall with cold or water enough to make creatures concealed, and you can WOOD
(rather than with fire) causes a section to evaporate. choose to be immune to the smoke of any censer you
Activate. You must be holding a censer to Activate it, ELEMENTS
GLOBE OF SHROUDS ITEM 8 but if you Release the censer, the incense continues
to burn from the censer’s location. APPENDIX
Price 500 gp A magical censer requires incense, as noted GLOSSARY
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L in its activation, which can be purchased in most & INDEX
The body of this censer is made of transparent crystal banded settlements. You can use an alchemical or magical
with dark iron. This globe hangs from a sturdy chain attached incense item for this purpose, but the magic of the
to a simple steel rod with a smooth grip. censer overwhelms the incense and negates any
Activate—Light Incense [two-actions] (aura, manipulate) Frequency other magical or alchemical properties it has. You
once per day; Cost incense worth at least 5 gp; Effect As can typically use the censer without activating it to
you light the incense, barely visible smoke issues from the burn incense as though it were a mundane censer.
censer in a hazy 20-foot emanation. Creatures that are in
the haze or later enter it are wreathed in wisps of smoke;
these wisps last while the creature is in the smoke’s aura A creature with multiple afflictions, or that is both
and until the start of its next turn if it leaves the haze. An sickened and has an affliction, chooses one to attempt
ally in the aura is concealed and gains a +2 status bonus to to overcome each time it ends its turn in the aura. After
Stealth checks. Any enemy in the aura that is or becomes attempting a new saving throw against an affliction, a
invisible appears as a translucent shape to you and your creature is temporarily immune to lambent perfume for the
allies—it’s no longer hidden, but it remains concealed. purpose of overcoming that affliction for 24 hours.
Type obsidian edge; Level 6; Price 250 gp The intricate golden gauntlets are engraved with Pyric
Type greater obsidian edge; Level 9; Price 700 gp writing praising the glories of the Dominion of Flame and
A greater obsidian edge has a flaming rune instead of dealing embellished with shimmering black and red gemstones. A
1 extra fire damage. The activation’s damage is 3d6 fire and creature you grab or restrain while wearing the gauntlets
2d6 piercing with a DC of 25. must succeed at a DC 26 Fortitude save or take 2d6
Type major obsidian edge; Level 12; Price 1,800 gp persistent fire damage and be sickened 1 from the pain; it’s
A major obsidian edge is a +2 striking flaming gun sword; the temporarily immune to being sickened by scalding gauntlets
flaming rune replaces the 1 extra fire damage. The activation’s for 1 hour.
damage is 4d6 fire and 3d6 piercing with a DC of 29. Type scalding gauntlets; Level 11; Price 1,300 gp
Type true obsidian edge; Level 18; Price 22,000 gp Type greater scalding gauntlets; Level 13; Price 3,000 gp
A true obsidian edge is a +3 greater striking greater flaming The gauntlets are a +2 greater striking flaming spiked
gun sword; the flaming rune replaces the 1 extra fire damage. gauntlet, and the Fortitude save is DC 28.
The activation’s damage is 5d6 fire and 4d6 piercing with a Type major scalding gauntlets; Level 15; Price 6,250 gp
DC of 38. The gauntlets are a +2 greater striking flaming spiked
gauntlet, the Fortitude save is DC 32, and the damage is 3d6
FIRE MAGICAL Type true scalding gauntlets; Level 18; Price 20,000 gp
Price 4,200 gp The gauntlets are a +3 greater striking greater flaming spiked
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L gauntlet, the Fortitude save is DC 36, and the damage is 4d6
This exquisite, shimmering rhyton is made from volcanic persistent fire.
glass and encrusted with rubies, garnets, and other red
gemstones, with a blown glass sculpture of a snakelike SMOKE VEIL ITEM 3
fire elemental at its base. It was sculpted as part of a FIRE INVESTED MAGICAL
10-piece set of drinking horns, created to match a powerful Price 60 gp
ifrit shuyookh’s entertaining dinnerware, but it became Usage worn headwear; Bulk L
separated from the rest of the collection. Whether for good Smoke veils are wigs or headdresses made of flame and ash,
or ill, the beautiful glass rhyton still carries tidings from its giving the wearer a burning coil of fiery hair and concealing
previous shuyookh owner, and you become their esteemed their face behind a smoldering, omnipresent haze of smoke
guest from afar whenever you hold it. and sparking embers. You can use the veil to go unrecognized
The drinking horn functions as a bottomless stein (Gods & by hiding your face so that you can attempt Deception
Magic 121), refilling with a common ale each time it’s emptied. checks to Impersonate without needing a disguise kit. When
However, anyone holding the rhyton who whispers the name you do so, it takes you only 1 minute to create the disguise,
of its former shuyookh owner has the horn filled with their and you gain a +1 item bonus to the check. You still need a
favorite wine, spirit, juice, or other beverage from anywhere disguise kit and the full time if you’re using cosmetics and
across the many planes, as if their wish were granted by a other props to change other aspects of your disguise, or if
magnanimous genie. Impersonating a specific person.
Activate—Toast! [one-action] (manipulate) Effect You raise a toast Activate—Blazing Stare [one-action] (concentrate) Requirements You
to a creature or creatures you’re about to socialize with. dealt fire damage to a target you can see within 30 feet
You gain a +2 item bonus to Deception, Diplomacy, or with your most recent action this turn; Effect You set your
Intimidation checks against those creatures for 1 hour. fiery gaze on your target, eyes burning within a cloud of
Activate—Ifrit’s Command [two-actions] (concentrate) Frequency once ash and cinder. Roll an Intimidation check to Demoralize
per day; Effect An ifrit’s hospitality always comes with an the target. Demoralize loses the auditory trait and gains
implied threat. You cause the shuyookh to briefly appear the visual trait, and you don’t take a penalty when you
and take its vengeance on those who would hurt you, the attempt to Demoralize a creature that doesn’t understand
genie’s “guest.” The shuyookh issues a 6th-rank command your language.
that targets all creatures hostile to you in range instead
of the usual number of targets. The shuyookh issues the SPARKSHADE PARASOL ITEM 11
same command to all of them. Each target that fails its FIRE INVESTED MAGICAL
save also feels all nourishment leached from it, becoming Price 1,200 gp
fatigued as long as it’s affected by the command. Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1
This large magical parasol shields you from the heat in hot
SCALDING GAUNTLETS ITEM 11+ environments, no matter whether the heat comes from
FIRE INVESTED MAGICAL above, like the beating sun, or below, like roiling lava.
Usage worn gloves; Bulk L While holding the sparkshade parasol, you gain resistance
Prized by naari geniekin who prefer to fight with their fists, 10 to fire and are protected from mild, severe, and extreme
scalding gauntlets are a pair of +2 striking spiked gauntlets. environmental heat.
Everburning Coal AIR
Bloodburn Censer Passionate
Fire Spells
Fire Items
Fire Creatures
Ash Gown Obsidian Edge WOOD
Globe of Shrouds
Thawing Candle
Scalding Gauntlets
Sparkshade Parasol
Brass bastions are formidable sentinels crafted from elemental fire and
extraplanar brass. While they can be shaped into many forms, most depict
BRASS SCRAPS muscular warriors with curving horns and stern or taunting expressions.
On the Plane of Fire, destroyed Within each brass shell is a raging inferno—the source of its ceaseless heat.
brass bastions are sold as scrap to Though ifrits originally created brass bastions to act as servants and guards,
enterprising ifrits, who reforge the the knowledge of how to craft them has spread throughout the Plane of Fire.
remains into new brass bastions. Many They can even be found on the Plane of Earth thanks to interplanar trade.
ifrits pay more for the remains of a In Medina Mudii’a, brass bastions walk the streets, tend shops, and stand
brass bastion crafted by their rivals guard. Bespoke brass bastions are passed down as family heirlooms or gifted to
yet react violently when offered brass business partners and allies. Scions of the wealthiest ifrit lineages never travel
bastion remains they originally created. without a train of brass bastions clad in family livery. Destroying a rival ifrit’s
Thus, identifying a brass bastion’s brass bastion is a quick way to erode their political status, though anyone
original crafter is a valued skill. Few caught performing such sabotage faces swift retribution.
non-ifrits dare trade in brass bastion Most brass bastions prominently display the sigil of their owner or
scraps, save in extralegal markets. maker, though magical methods can also determine who crafted a specific
construct. Brass bastions forged by favored artisans are a status symbol in
many ifrit communities. Ifrits consider a brass bastion crafted by a non-ifrit
to be inherently inferior, barely worth the cost of its materials. Brass bastions
obey magical programming imprinted at the time of their creation or follow
commands from their owners. Most can’t speak, but a few have magical
voices and can parrot simple phrases, recite poetry, or tell bedtime
stories at the crafter’s fancy.
With bodies of fired clay, brochmaws look like walking cylindrical ovens
split across the middle by their titular maws, which rage with the fires of
culinary perfection. Behind their maw burns a powerful internal oven, where PLANAR DELICACIES INTRODUCTION
the elemental creatures roast their prey. Though brochmaws love to devour new ELEMENTAL
Brochmaws are driven solely by their voracious appetites, only leaving things, they still have favorite meals CHARACTERS
their lairs to acquire new meals. Early attempts to force brochmaws into they like to keep on hand. Brochmaws
service resulted in their would-be captors being reduced to nothing more than love amphibian meat, though the origin
ash on a plate, accompanied by a written review of how they tasted. Now, of this appeal is a mystery. They will EARTH
brochmaws are employed all across the Planes, lured by the sweet promise of eagerly consume geniekin of all kinds
new, fresh meat. because the magical blood produces a
Though brochmaws have no use for money, they do trade gifts for services. psychedelic effect. Brochmaws think Intensity
The only thing they have to offer is cooked meat from their own mouths, which celestials are as dangerous as they are Elemental
they deem extremely valuable. Surprisingly, all who have tried brochmaw delicious, requiring a precise cooking Lords
meat claim it to be a savory roasted delight. Given that brochmaws offer process to avoid killing the consumer. Fire Spells
nothing but cooked meat and desire nothing but raw meat, trading with them Most brochmaws are far too impatient Fire Items
is a simple if slightly dangerous affair, often coming down to the quantity and to prepare celestial meat properly, often Fire Creatures
rarity of the meat offered. to disastrous results. METAL
Brochmaws hate to see meat go to waste. If one discovers a carcass of
any sort, they call others of their kind to join them in a festive cookout,
with dancing and feasting inevitably accompanied by compliments or WOOD
complaints about the quality of the food.
Perception +24; darkvision GLOSSARY
Languages Common, Pyric & INDEX
Skills Athletics +28, Cooking Lore +24, Intimidation +21, Survival +24
Str +8, Dex +4, Con +8, Int +3, Wis +5, Cha +4
AC 32; Fort +28, Ref +20, Will +23
HP 259; Immunities bleed, fire, paralyzed, poison, sleep; Weaknesses
cold 15
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] skewer +27 (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d10+8 piercing plus Improved Grab
(page 232)
Ranged [one-action] hot oil +25 (range 30 feet), Damage 3d6+7 fire damage plus 1d8
persistent fire damage plus 3 fire splash damage and marinade
Marinade A creature taking persistent fire damage from the brochmaw’s hot oil
Strike is more readily cooked, taking a –2 circumstance penalty to Fortitude
saves against Roast for as long as it is taking persistent fire damage.
Roast [one-action] The brochmaw turns a skewer over their oven, cooking anything
impaled on it. Creatures grabbed by the brochmaw’s skewer
take 3d6 fire damage (DC 32 basic Fortitude save). Creatures
who have been Roasted take a –2 circumstance penalty to
Fortitude saves against Serve for 1 minute.
Serve [two-actions] Requirements The brochmaw has a creature grabbed;
Effect The brochmaw eats their hard-earned meal off one of
their skewers. The brochmaw bites down on one creature it
has grabbed, dealing 12d6 piercing damage (DC 32 basic Fortitude
save); the brochmaw regains Hit Points equal to half the damage
dealt. The creature is then freed from the skewer.
Skewer Master The skewers of a brochmaw are more
than long enough to hold multiple creatures. A
brochmaw can have up to three creatures grabbed on
its skewer, and it can still make Strikes with its skewer even if it has
creatures grabbed, though it can’t target creatures it has grabbed.
The ifrits of the Dominion of Flame conscript even more of the plane’s fire
elementals in preparation for new wars in the returned planes, even mobilizing
FAMILIAR POACHING ones that rarely travel near settlements.
Many greedy fire wizards wish to
domesticate lava otters to act as their LAVA OTTER
familiars, a sentiment loathed by most These fiery otters frolic and hunt in the lava streams of the Planes of Fire.
denizens of the Plane of Fire. While They’re known to be highly territorial, instigating fights with rival otter
the otters’ burning pelts serve as a families to compete for territory. Cautiously curious of strangers, entire packs
deterrence for would-be poachers, have been known to descend upon anyone who attacks or event accidentally
numerous naari (fire geniekin) still threatens a family member.
take it upon themselves to patrol lava
otter habitats to protect them from LAVA OTTER CREATURE 1
Perception +7; darkvision
Skills Acrobatics +7, Stealth +7 (+9 in lava)
Str +1, Dex +4, Con +1, Int –4, Wis +3, Cha +1
Below the Crust A lava otter can Sneak at its full Speed in lava.
AC 15; Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +5
HP 22; Immunities bleed, fire, paralyzed, poison, sleep; Weaknesses cold 3
Molten Form (fire) Any creature that hits the lava otter with an unarmed Strike or
otherwise touches it takes 1 fire damage. If a gallon or more of water touches the
lava otter, or if it’s affected by a water effect, its outer layer of lava hardens to a
rocky shell, deactivating its molten form and imposing weakness 5 to bludgeoning
damage. Molten form reactivates if the otter swims in lava for 1 minute.
Speed 25 feet, swim 40 feet (in lava only)
Melee [one-action] jaws +9 (finesse), Damage 1d4+1 piercing plus 1d4 fire
Melee [one-action] claw +9 (agile, finesse), Damage 1d4+1 slashing
Scattering Magma [one-action] (fire) Requirements The otter is in molten form, and its previous
action was a successful jaws Strike; Effect The otter grips with its jaws and rapidly
twists, flinging lava. The otter deals 1d4 fire damage to all creatures adjacent to it.
Tight-Knit Family A lava otter can share the same space as another lava otter, but
no more than two lava otters can occupy the same space.
These enormous three-legged elementals resemble crows with flaming feathers,
said to shine as bright as the sun. They nest in the smoldering Forest of Mulberry
Coals, living in flocks of eight to a dozen, with ten being the most common.
Speed 20 feet, fly 50 feet
Melee [one-action] beak +22 (finesse), Damage 2d10+8 piercing plus 2d6 fire
Melee [one-action] talon +22 (agile, finesse), Damage 1d10+8 slashing plus 2d6 fire plus Grab
Blinding Heat [two-actions] (fire, incapacitation, light, visual) The solar crow expands its Ancient tales from dragon-ruled Tian ELEMENTAL
wings and unleashes blazing hot, blinding light in a 120-foot emanation. Each Xia tell of a flock of solar crows who CHARACTERS
creature in the area takes 9d6 fire damage with a DC 29 Reflex save. The crow wreaked havoc upon the Plane of
can’t use Blinding Heat again for 1d4 rounds, and its glow aura is deactivated Wood, driving an herb that could
during this time. grant immortality to extinction before EARTH
Critical Success The creature is unaffected. coming to terrorize Tian Xia itself. All
Success The creature takes half damage and is dazzled for 1 round. but one of the crows were then shot
Failure The creature takes full damage and is blinded for 1 round. down by a legendary archer. Intensity
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and is blinded for 1 minute. Elemental
Burning Talons A creature grabbed by the solar crow takes 1d4 persistent fire Lords
damage. It can’t recover from this damage while grabbed by the crow. Fire Spells
Snatch A solar crow can Fly at half Speed while it has a creature grabbed or Fire Items
restrained in its talons, carrying that creature along with it. Fire Creatures
Living magmas can lie dormant for centuries below the earth before they
awaken from their slumber in a fiery a volcanic eruption. This is especially WOOD
dangerous when entire colonies of the molten elementals arise at the same time.
Perception +22; darkvision GLOSSARY
Languages Pyric & INDEX
Skills Athletics +27, Intimidation +23, Stealth +22 (+26 in lava)
Str +8, Dex +5, Con +5, Int +4, Wis +5, Cha +4
AC 35; Fort +26, Ref +20, Will +22
HP 250; Immunities bleed, fire, paralyzed, poison, sleep; Weaknesses cold 15
Molten Form (fire) As lava otter, but 10 fire damage when touched and weakness 15
to bludgeoning damage when deactivated.
Volcanic Heat (aura, fire) 40 feet. Any creature that enters or starts its turn in the
aura takes 15 fire damage (DC 33 basic Fortitude save). A creature that
fails its save is also enfeebled 1 until it’s no longer in the aura.
Trap Weapon [reaction] (fire) Frequency once per round; Trigger A creature
hits the living magma with a melee weapon; Effect The living
magma attempts an Athletics check against the triggering
creature’s Athletics DC. On a success, the living magma traps
the weapon in its body and pulls it from the attacker’s grasp.
A creature can Interact to retrieve the weapon, but the attempt
fails unless the creature succeeds at an Athletics check against
the living magma’s Fortitude DC (typically 36). If the living
magma uses Engulf, it also absorbs all trapped weapons,
rendering them unreachable until it dies.
Speed 40 feet, swim 60 feet (in lava only)
Melee [one-action] magma fist +27 (reach 20 feet), Damage 3d8+11 bludgeoning plus
3d6 fire plus 2d4 persistent fire
Engulf [two-actions] DC 33, 2d10 bludgeoning plus 4d6 fire, Escape DC 33,
Rupture 25 (page 232)
Launch Lava [two-actions] (fire) The living magma hurls an exploding glob of
lava up to 120 feet. Each creature in a 10-foot burst takes 7d6 fire solar crow
damage (DC 33 basic Reflex save).
Reignite [two-actions] (fire) Requirements The living magma is not in molten form;
Effect The living magma returns to molten form.
The leaders and luminaries of ifrits come from the wise but cruel shuyookhs.
These spiteful manipulators lord their might over other genies and twist mortal
HOT GOSSIP greed into grief. Ifrit shuyookhs guide the Dominion of Flame with their vicious
Scion of the noble but disgraced whims and unwavering belief in ifrit supremacy.
Mishalq family, the ifrit information
broker Qalkami Mishalq emerged from IFRIT SHUYOOKH CREATURE 14
exile and returned to the Dominion of RARE LARGE ELEMENTAL FIRE GENIE
Flame following the death of Sultan Perception +25; darkvision
Suleiman XXII. Qalkami used contacts Languages Common, Pyric; truespeech
in the Pathfinder Society to eliminate Skills Arcana +25, Athletics +28, Crafting +23, Deception +25, Diplomacy +24,
her rivals in the Cinderfury family and Intimidation +26, Society +23
step into a power vacuum of her own Str +8, Dex +4, Con +5, Int +3, Wis +3, Cha +5
creation, expanding her control and Items +1 resilient breastplate, +2 striking scimitar
influence among the great nobility of AC 36; Fort +26, Ref +23, Will +27
Medina Mudii’a. HP 300; Immunities fire; Weaknesses cold 15, water 15
Heat of Blazing Wings (arcane, aura, fire) 5 feet, 4d6 fire damage (DC 31 basic Reflex)
Exploit Regret [reaction] (arcane, auditory, fortune, linguistic) Trigger A creature fails an
attack against the shuyookh; Effect The shuyookh asks the triggering creature if it
wishes it had hit. If the creature indicates yes, the shuyookh takes damage as if the
attack had hit and the expression of regret makes the shuyookh quickened for 1d4
rounds; they can use their extra action to Fly, Stride, or Strike.
Speed 25 feet, fly 35 feet
Melee [one-action] scimitar +31 (fire, forceful, magical, reach 10 feet, sweep), Damage 2d6+16
slashing plus 4d6 fire
Melee [one-action] fist +29 (agile, magical, reach 10 feet), Damage 1d4+16 bludgeoning plus
4d6 fire
Arcane Innate Spells DC 35, attack +27; 7th interplanar teleport (at will; to Astral
Plane, Elemental Planes, or the Universe only), volcanic eruption; 5th fire’s pathway
(page 119), fireball (at will); 4th invisibility (×2); Cantrips (7th) detect magic, illuminate
(page 120), ignition; Constant (5th) truespeech
Burning Grasp (fire) When the ifrit Grabs or
restrains a creature, that creature takes 4d6
fire damage, and takes 4d6 fire damage at
the end of each of its turns until freed.
Change Shape [one-action] (arcane, concentrate,
polymorph) The shuyookh transforms
into a Small or Medium fire elemental
or reptile, such as a snake (page 232).
This doesn’t affect the shuyookh’s
statistics, but it could change the damage
type of their Strikes.
Combat Grab [one-action] Requirements The
ifrit shuyookh has a hand free;
Effect The shuyookh makes a melee
Strike. If the Strike hits, the target is
grabbed in the shuyookh’s free hand.
Pedantic Wish (downtime) Frequency
three times per year; Effect The
shuyookh conducts a wish ritual for
the benefit of a mortal, requiring no
cost or secondary casters. The
shuyookh’s result is a success if
they succeed at a DC 5 flat check or a failure if not. The shuyookh
subverts the wish-maker’s true intentions, twisting the phrasing to
maximize suffering.
Munsahirs (Pathfinder Bestiary 3 27) build militaristic, traditional societies.
Highly skilled troopers mostly come from the bronze class.
Pulsating organs and tumors squirm loosely within a sac of skin, all forming
the misshapen lump that is the body of a rakkatak. The predator’s eyes scan
ASHEN HUNTING GROUNDS the area, shimmering in the smoke like glowing dots. Wriggling insectoid
Avoiding the blazing chaos and ifrit legs—varying in number from one rakkatak to another—hang from its
rule that typify much of the Plane bulbous body. These limbs flail chaotically as a rakkatak fights, only calming
of Fire, rakkataks prefer ashen when it’s time to eat or rest.
wastelands as their hunting grounds. Most rakkataks fly alone, picking off meals in sudden swooping strikes,
They dig simple burrows just barely but they will occasionally form a flock. Despite having little faculty for
below the surface, called rakkatak communication with other creatures, rakkataks have a certain ravenous
hills. Within, they can doze and genius for hunting with kin. Typically, once one grabs prey, the others
digest in peace or lay and tend their swoop in to latch on as well, ingesting their meal with leech-like mouths.
horrifying eggs. Rakkataks possess insatiable appetites to help them withstand the long
periods of famine between their infrequent meals as they travel the expanses
of the Plane of Fire. As a result, they easily overconsume if brought somewhere
with more abundant fauna, like the Universe. A single rakkatak can hold
a surprising quantity of offal, even growing in size as its body expands. It
becomes more unwieldy the larger it gets, which planar biologists believe to
be a survival tactic to keep a rakkatak from indulging its hunger until it quite
literally bursts.
Perception +9; darkvision
Languages Pyric (can’t speak any language)
Skills Acrobatics +11
Str +4, Dex +2, Con +5, Int –3, Wis +2, Cha –2
AC 21; Fort +14, Ref +11, Will +9
HP 90; Immunities fire; Weaknesses cold 5
Exploding Guts When the rakkatak is critically hit or
critically fails a Fortitude save, one of its organs bursts. Roll
1d4 to determine what effect this has.
1 Trapped noxious gas rushes out. The rakkatak is pushed 10
feet away from the source of the triggering attack or effect.
2 Pus showers those nearby. Each creature in a 5-foot emanation
is sickened 1.
3 The damage is severe. The rakkatak takes 1d6 persistent bleed
4 Gelatinous rakkatak eggs explode forth and instantly hatch. Each
creature in a 5-foot emanation takes 1d6 persistent piercing damage
from the ravenous larvae.
Speed 5 feet, fly 45 feet
Melee [one-action] mouth +15, Damage 2d8+7 piercing plus Grab (page 232)
Melee [one-action] leg +15 (agile), Damage 1d10+7 slashing
Predator’s Stare [one-action] (concentrate, emotion, mental, visual) The rakkatak
turns its grotesque yet mesmerizing eyes upon one creature it can see
within 30 feet. That creature must succeed at a DC 22 Will save or become
fascinated with the rakkatak. While fascinated, the creature must spend at
least 1 action each round moving closer to the rakkatak as expediently as
possible, and can’t intentionally move away from it. The fascination ends
after 1 minute or when the rakkatak uses Predator’s Stare again, whichever
comes first.
Suck Innards [one-action] Requirements A grabbed, paralyzed, restrained, unconscious, or
willing creature is within the rakkatak’s reach; Effect The rakkatak deals 3d6
damage to the target (DC 22 basic Fortitude save). If the creature takes at least
12 damage, the rakkatak regains 10 HP.
Powerful deities and warlords strive for dominance over the Plane of Fire and
the rest of the Inner Sphere in order to prove fire’s supremacy. Armies of flaming
soldiers go to war against each other on battlefields of smoke and smoldering THE RADIANT HOST INTRODUCTION
char, all unable to bring their full power to bear. Ymeri, the vicious and Sootsoldiers who serve the other Lord ELEMENTAL
victorious Queen of the Inferno, commands legions of sootsoldiers: elementals of Fire, the Lambent King Atreia, are CHARACTERS
capable of battling the armies of her foes and, even when destroyed, rising from covered in glowing embers instead of
the ashes of the Eternal Furnace, scorched and triumphant. black char. In place of ashen smoke’s
normal effects, any creature in the area EARTH
SOOTSOLDIERS CREATURE 10 must attempt a DC 29 Reflex save. On
GARGANTUAN ELEMENTAL FIRE TROOP a failure, for 1 minute that creature is
Perception +20; darkvision, smoke vision dazzled and its invisibility is negated. Intensity
Languages Pyric Elemental
Skills Acrobatics +21, Athletics +21, Nature +18, Plane of Fire Lore +18, Warfare Lore +18 Lords
Str +7, Dex +5, Con +6, Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +0 Fire Spells
Smoke Vision Sootsoldiers ignore the concealed condition from smoke. Fire Items
AC 30; Fort +20, Ref +21, Will +18 Fire Creatures
HP 165 (16 squares); Thresholds 110 (12 squares), 55 (8 squares); Immunities bleed, METAL
fire, paralyzed, poison, sleep; Weaknesses area damage 12, cold 12, splash damage 7
Ashen Smoke When the sootsoldiers are reduced by an HP Threshold or are reduced
to 0 HP, the destroyed soldiers crumble to a cloud of ash-laden smoke in 20-foot WOOD
burst centered on the sootsoldiers. All creatures within the cloud are concealed,
and all creatures outside it are concealed to those inside. The smoke lasts for 1 ELEMENTS
minute or until dispersed by a strong wind.
Troop Defenses (page 233) APPENDIX
Speed 40 feet; troop movement GLOSSARY
Form Up [one-action] (page 232) & INDEX
Incinerating Grasp [one-action] to [three-actions] Frequency once per
round; Effect The sootsoldiers reach to constrain
each enemy within 5 feet in their fiery clutches
(DC 26 basic Reflex save). The damage
and additional effects depend on the
number of actions.
[one-action] 2d8 fire damage
[two-actions] 3d8+7 fire damage plus grabbed
[three-actions] 4d8+7 fire damage plus grabbed
Seething Flash [two-actions] (fire,
primal) The sootsoldiers
reignite and rush across
the battlefield, Forming Up
and Striding twice. At the
end of this movement, a wave of
flame and heat pours off the sootsoldiers,
dealing 4d8 fire damage to other creatures
in a 10-foot emanation, with a DC
29 basic Reflex save. A creature
that critically fails its save is also
knocked prone.
Troop Movement Whenever the
sootsoldiers Stride, they first Form Up as
a free action to condense into a 20-foot-by-20-
foot area (minus any missing squares), then
move up to their Speed. This works just like
a Gargantuan creature moving; for instance, if
any of the sootsoldiers’ squares enters difficult
terrain, the extra movement cost applies to the whole troop.
Greatness in Decline
Can you feel that? The tingle in the air? The subtle The way of the Blade, already familiar to mortal
scent of iron on the wind? The gentle pull of a thousand dabblers, is the study of metal as an agent of destruction
overlapping magnetic fields? No? What a shame. What and violence—the axe that fells a tree, the sword that
exhilaration you must feel, to finally see the glorious ends a life. It requires little further explanation.
Plane of Metal open once more to the multiverse, Similar is the way of the Spoke: the use of metal
and what a crushing disappointment to find yourself as a tool with a thousand forms, a force for change
physically incapable of fully basking in its glories. that might one day be the shovel flattening a mighty
Oh, but look! Do you have a “compass”? Look, see hill; the next, a carpenter’s chisel freeing a beautiful
how the little needle spins! How delightful. But, no, sculpture from a block of marble; and the one after
this is not the same at all. Please put it away now. that, the thousands of gears whirring within the body
What is metal to you, mortal? Is it the sharpness of some unfathomably complex automaton.
of a steel sword, the protection of an adamantine And finally, the way of the Conduit, the embrace
breastplate? I can see why you might think it such, of metal’s unparalleled potential to convey power in
but there is more to metal than what can be forged. all its myriad forms: the copper rod that harmlessly
Metal is a barrier, holding back that which, in spite redirects a mighty bolt of lightning, the gilded circlet
of all our efforts, cannot be postponed forever. Even that crowns a monarch, the jingling sack of coins that
as the shiniest bit of silver must one day corrode and can irrevocably alter the course of a mortal life.
crumble to dust, metal is the force that forestalls the Four distinct disciplines, but all of them vital to even
unavoidable until, one day, it too must fall. All creation beginning to understand metal, let alone wielding it to
must follow it into an eternal void of nothingness. its full potential. Which of them calls to you?
Paths to Mastery
use of metal is so endemic to developing cultures that
mortal species across countless worlds enumerate the
Why do you wish to master elemental metal? I will progression of their societies according to which they
provide the answer rather than wasting your time— have mastered. First come the crude tools of bronze;
time that is, ultimately, finite. then the discoveries of smelting, alloys, and steel; and
There are four disciplines an elementalist may seek finally, the harnessing of the great power in skymetals
to master: the way of the Wall, the Spoke, the Blade, harvested from the heavens themselves. All four ways
and the Conduit. The greatest masters excel in all four. of metal have shaped mortal society in their own
I cannot imagine a mortal student living long enough fashion, and thus has the power of elemental metal
to truly comprehend more than one or two. Maybe been a steadfast and guiding influence even during the
you shall be that student! long absence of the plane from which its energy flows.
First: the way of the Wall. At its heart, this is the It is no accident, I think, that so many mortal species
philosophy of metal as strength and restraint; the use various metals as currency, as if they can sense its
ponderous weight of the leaden ingot that keeps a power and value even without fully understanding. Of
scholar’s notes from scattering to the wind, or the course, if you intend to trade with the people of the
strength of the steel beams that prevent a bridge from Plane of Metal, you are advised to convert your gold
collapsing under its own bulk—but also the wisdom and silver to other goods first; no merchant will be
of knowing when to bend and break as even the impressed by them since only the rarest of metals have
strongest metals must. any monetary value here.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR escape its ultimate fate: to be consumed by and forever
The elementalist Talamandair, lost to everlasting, all-consuming void. You do not have
Master of the Conduit—formerly to worry about that, of course. As a mortal, you will have
Nocytyno, Slayer of Mountains, long since died and had every aspect of your existence
and formerly Serevithrias the utterly forgotten a thousand times over. Until then, there
Cube-carver—has been a historian is much to see!
in the service of the Euphonious
Coalition, an advisor to Flaws and Imperfections
generals, and trapped beneath There are a great many things on the Plane of Metal
a mountain of slag for 3,000 that can swiftly end a mortal life. I imagine this does
years. She now serves as not come as a surprise, as well-versed as your kind
an adjunct professor at the are in using metal to kill one another, but I suppose
Elementarium Conservatory I should see that you are reminded before you touch
of Argyris. something that might result in your death. Too many
visitors arrive with fanciful notions of gathering great
quantities of some precious ore or another to bring back
Shining Vistas, Violent to their plane of origin, never imagining that the plane’s
Change denizens, or the plane itself, might object. Since they
The geography of the Plane of Metal, if one may call it rarely return to share the lesson, I must do it for them.
that, can be disorienting to first-time visitors. Although Putting aside such prosaic dangers as electrocution
the plane has a surface as one would encounter in and crushing, allow me to describe a few of the unique
the Universe, it lacks a traditional horizon; rather, hazards of the Plane of Metal.
distant landscapes appear to curve upward, as though
the entire plane were spread across the interior of an THE CAULDRON OF AURAMACH
unfathomably immense metallic sphere. High above the I can often gauge a new arrival’s life expectancy by noting
surface, great hanging clouds of metallic particles fill the how they react upon learning that the Plane of Metal
skies. Higher still, filling the emptiness at the heart of contains an immense volcano filled with pure gold. This
the sphere, lies a great gray expanse from which a soft is true, for among the mountains nearby lies a great peak
white light emanates at all times, occasionally pulsing of pure tungsten, capped by a crater that continuously
like lightning behind a cloudbank. It is said that if one bubbles with thousands of tons of molten gold. The
were to fly straight through the heart of the sphere and heat of the volcano, believed to emanate from a pocket
attempt to land on the other side—a journey that would of elemental fire somewhere deep inside the mountain,
likely take years, if not decades or even centuries—one is so intense that even metal elementals avoid it for
would eventually find themself in precisely the same fear of being reduced to slag halfway up the summit.
location where they began, though I know not whether Nonetheless, some creatures do make their homes there,
it has ever been attempted. notably a priesthood of fire elementals; they’re said to
Here on the surface, one finds towering monoliths worship something huge and ancient that has slumbered
of every metal imaginable, including many still for eons beneath the molten surface, waiting for anyone
uncatalogued by mortals. Countless overlapping greedy enough to disturb its rest.
magnetic fields shape the landscape much as water
shapes earth and stone, gathering up mighty mountains DAKMYRA’S FOLLY
of scrap and twisting great bodies of liquid metal Not far from here, you might encounter a vast
into bizarre and gravity-defying forms. Powerful outcropping of the silver-colored metal referred to in the
electrical currents flow through twisting pathways of Universe as “siccatite.” A beautiful sight to behold, the
superconductive metals that sprawl for miles across outcropping is also a deadly trap for the unwary, as its
desolate steppes, and bolts of lightning hundreds of surface temperature continually fluctuates between two
miles in length arc between the distant peaks of the extremes approximately every 24 hours. At its lowest
tallest mountains. That tang of ozone in the air, so point, the metal is cold enough to instantly freeze molten
strong that no doubt even your mortal senses can lead; at its apex, it is so hot that it vaporizes organic
detect it, is a taste of power in its purest form, and material on contact. Only for a few short hours near the
the Plane of Metal is suffused with it, constantly and midpoint of the cycle is the area remotely hospitable to
forever. any form of life.
Well. Not forever. It is a shame that one day—impossibly Rumors persist of ancient secrets and unimaginable
distant, to be sure, but inevitable nonetheless—all of treasures hidden somewhere on the shimmering
this will cease to be. Everything you see before you will steppes, carefully placed in secret locations where only
crumble to rust, and none of this power and beauty can those who already know where to look can hope to
get in and out before being annihilated by one of the
two temperature extremes. I can neither confirm nor
deny the veracity of such tales, but I do not suggest you TALICAN
investigate them. Talican, the primary language spoken on the Plane INTRODUCTION
of Metal, is a tongue made up of a wide variety of ELEMENTAL
THE SCOURING TEMPEST sounds, including the soft thrum of steel drums, CHARACTERS
My pick for the most dangerous natural phenomena the metallic ring of steel scraping against steel,
on the plane is the Scouring Tempest: a raging storm and the sharp punctuation of clanging bells. Its
of electromagnetic energy that spans nearly a hundred vocalizations are difficult for most non-metal EARTH
miles. Billions of tiny particles of a thousand different speakers to reproduce, and many of them opt
metals scour clean the surface of the plane, destroying instead to carry a set of small metal tools they can
anything in its path but leaving the landscape shiny use to create the sounds manually. METAL
and spotless, without a trace of rust or corrosion. No Talican writing consists of small bubbles, ridges, Greatness
in Decline
one has mapped the tempest’s course or found why it and holes pressed into a metal sheet and can be
moves as it does, but it is magnetically reactive, being read both visually and tactilely. Talican documents Lords
repelled by strong fields. We build major settlements often contain traces of nuance communicated Metal Spells
and thoroughfares near lodestones and along field lines through subtle magnetization of the medium, which Metal Items
to avoid the tempest—at least, to let them be destroyed are normally imperceptible to non-metal creatures. Metal Creatures
by other inevitabilities.
Hovering within a bubble of calm at the heart of
the destructive maelstrom is a building-sized armillary Argyris boasts not only the most skilled artisans WOOD
sphere containing a single immense ring of every known of metalwork anywhere in the multiverse, but great
metal, all whirling and spinning rapidly about each other libraries dedicated to the study of elementalism ELEMENTS
in a deliberate pattern that, according to meticulous alongside science, history, philosophy, and magical
research by zuhra genies, repeats approximately once theory of every school. As if the exquisite beauty of the APPENDIX
every 768 years. What this means, who created it, or for buildings themselves were not enough, the city’s famed GLOSSARY
what purpose, none can say. sculpture gardens abound with breathtaking studies in & INDEX
metal statuary and construct crafting. At the center of
Wonders and Marvels the city, one finds the Alkalodeon, a great amphitheater
Surrounded as we are with such an abundance of capable of easily seating the thousands of spectators
inspiring materials, it should come as no surprise that so who regularly come to witness gladiatorial combat,
many of the plane’s denizens share a passion for the craft spectacles of magical wonder, and awe-inspiring musical
of building. So strong is this drive among my own people, performances, to name but a few.
the mercurials, that we have constructed tens of thousands
of cities over the ages, each more beautiful than the last. THE COPPERWOOD
Once perfection has been achieved, we move on and start No plants grow on the Plane of Metal. Instead, we
anew, leaving our previous masterworks to be reclaimed have the Copperwood: a forest of metallic tree-like
by the elements. There they remain, scattered across the growths that sprawls for hundreds of miles along the
planar surface: innumerable derelict metropolises in base of the great mountain range to the southwest.
assorted states of dilapidation, silent monuments to the Each tree consists of a pure copper trunk sprouting
ruin that awaits us all. thousands of photovoltaic metal leaves. Ambient
But the plane holds more wonders than these, and I light and electromagnetic radiation convert into a
can see you wish to learn of them as well. constant flow of current, which is then channeled into
a vast root structure that extends across the plane,
ARGYRIS, THE RINGING CITY sometimes visible on the surface as a complex pattern
As proudly as I speak of cities built by mercurial hands, of geometric shapes formed by interconnected paths of
I will admit that none can compare to majestic Argyris, superconductive metals.
ancestral home of the zuhras and largest settlement on
the plane. Dubbed “the Ringing City” for the clanging THE SOARING ISLES
hammers of countless smiths who practice their craft there, Not all of the plane’s inhabitants dwell on its surface.
Argyris was built above a massive deposit of adamantine The huge chunks of metal that float through the skies,
that rivals the size of one of Golarion’s continents. ranging from a few hundred yards to miles in diameter,
Generations of talos miners created an extensive network are not held aloft by magic; rather, the electricity that
of tunnels and subterranean chambers that descend for winds and coils through them repels the islands into
miles below the surface and are considered by most to be the air against the great magnetic vortices that swirl
a second city in all but name. endlessly across the plane’s surface.
Large islands host settlements located anywhere on stretch as far as the eye can see, an echo of the metal
its surface, including the underside, because magnetism landscape corroded and spent that leaves only faint
between a metal elemental’s feet and the island provide a remnants of its original form. Magnetic spheres float
suitable substitute for gravity. Visitors of flesh and other over the dunes, shaping the sands and pushing them
non-magnetic materials had best equip themselves with along. The spires of the desert still have metal structures
metallic footwear before attempting to circumnavigate underneath, suspected to contain towers of ancient
one of these islands on foot, or else prepare for a long cities, possibly with a portion of their antiquities intact.
fall. Typically, each settlement features an anchorage It seems unbelievable that anyone might still live within
through which goods and passengers can travel. these buried edifices, but there have been sightings of
Journeys between the islands take place aboard great supposed denizens watching travelers from afar. Only a
metal dirigibles favored by island-dwellers. few, all unconfirmed.
The inhabitants of such settlements vary widely: one Legends say the passing of Ferrumnestra created the
island might be the opulent retreat of a reclusive zuhra rust deserts, but then again, the legends also say that
noble, while the next might be the stronghold of an about everything ruined and decayed. The Lady of
avaricious band of sky pirates or the secluded laboratory Rust is not known to leave anything behind, not even
of a powerful mage. Contrary to expectation, mining her namesake.
encampments are rare; few are willing to risk extracting
too much metal from an island and inadvertently Masters and
altering its composition, which could induce it to fall Mold-Breakers
out of the sky with them on board. To the extent that the plane can be said to recognize
any ruler, few would dispute the preeminence of
DESERTS OF RUST Laudinmio, Sovereign of Alchemy, who holds court
I have heard tell of sandy deserts in the Universe in Castle Amalgam, their gleaming palace on the
encroaching to consume cities and vegetation. For shores of Lake Everchange. Mercurial lore holds that
our plane, drifts of rust resemble your deserts. They Laudinmio was the very first of the mercurials as well
as the originator of the science of alchemy as it is now
practiced across the planes. When the Fossilized King
and his vile minions from the Plane of Earth threatened METAL ADJUSTMENTS
our home, it was Laudinmio who stood against them, To quickly give a creature a magical connection to INTRODUCTION
at great cost; though the plane was saved, the terran the element of metal, you can use the following ELEMENTAL
invaders claimed, unjustly, dominion over metal. The adjustments. CHARACTERS
Sovereign never recovered from this dreadful loss • Add the metal trait.
and fell into a great slumber, awakening only in short • If it has any languages, add Talican.
bouts of activity and melancholy, where they remain • Decrease the creature’s HP based on its level. EARTH
to this day. A faithful contingent of mercurials and • Add resistance to electricity depending on its
zuhras now attends to Laudinmio, holding out hope level.
that the plane’s gradual recovery might someday rouse • If the creature has metal spikes or blades, you METAL
their spirits. can give its physical Strikes your choice of Greatness
in Decline
Our other elemental lord, Lady Ferrumnestra, has versatile P or versatile S.
never taken much of an interest in the politics or daily • If the creature can cast spells, you can replace Lords
affairs of the plane, choosing instead to occupy herself spells with metal spells of the same rank, such Metal Spells
by endlessly pruning it of that which has outlived its as: Cantrip needle darts, 1st conductive weapon Metal Items
purpose. I do not recommend seeking her out, lest you (page 142), 2nd magnetic repulsion SoM
, 3rd Metal Creatures
learn whether that includes you. noxious metals (page 145), 4th rust cloud (page
Alahadak the blacksmith is, quite simply, the most 145), 5th impaling spike, 6th field of razors (page
skilled smith ever to work adamantine. I say this not 143), 7th beheading buzz saw (page 142), 8th WOOD
because they are a fellow mercurial—a lode-fellow, in ferrous form (page 142), 9th magnetic dominion
fact—I say it because you will find no craft to rival (page 143). ELEMENTS
theirs anywhere in the multiverse. Rarely will one find a Resistance to
mercurial with the focus to pursue a single drive across Level HP Decrease Electricity APPENDIX
a lifetime of personae, but Alahadak has worked metal 3 or lower 6 3 GLOSSARY
in every one they recall. In this time, they have crafted 4–8 10 5 & INDEX
weapons to slay gods and built artifacts to shape history. 9–13 20 10
Visit their forge in Argyris if you wish to succumb to old 14+ 30 15
age long before you are granted an audience.
Manganija is... an unusually cast specimen
of her kind. While most metal scamps live PLANE OF METAL PLANE
with little purpose beyond destruction, METAL
Manganija seeks to create, and she Category Inner Plane
certainly does it well. Many of the most Divinities elemental lords of metal
iconic buildings in great Argyris, not Native Inhabitants metal elementals, shades
to mention those of at least a hundred (metal pneuma), taloses, zuhras
mercurial cities built over the past 10,000 Cut off since prehistory, the Plane of Metal recently
years, are of her design. returned to the planar cosmology. Resuming
Serak leads what was once the its ancient form, it wedges between the
Euphonious Coalition, an alliance of Plane of Earth and Plane of Water, vast
beings from across the plane who sought in scope but still expanding. Metal of
to spread culture, art, and science every kind, decaying cityscapes, and
throughout the planes in the name intense magnetic fields comprise the
of Sovereign Laudinmio. Though plane’s chaotic structure. Creatures
the Coalition was formally reflect the jumble of forces that make their
disbanded during the plane’s home; many have fluid forms of liquid metal or
sequestration, its ideals have been kept Serak inhabit rust clouds. The plane’s genies, zuhras, put on
alive by many champions in the eons since, myself bold performances keyed into the plane’s dissonance.
included. Serak is one of the modern era’s foremost The elemental lords of metal embody their home’s slow
practitioners of traditional zuhra music, and his disintegration. After an invasion by forces from the Plane of
flamboyant and clamorous performances regularly Earth, before their plane was sealed off, the lords were dispirited
draw thousands to the Alkalodeon whenever he passes and offered no clear vision for what the Plane of Metal could be
through Argyris. I personally prefer the music of his in the absence of the Inner Sphere’s other planes. Laudinmio, the
lesser-known contemporaries, but I concede that his Sovereign of Alchemy, remains in slumber, and Ferrumnestra,
popularity is not undeserved. the Lady of Rust, treads under the weight of deep despair.
The Lady of Rust
Areas of Concern metal, decline, inevitability, mourning
Edicts accept the inevitable, clear what remains of that which has fallen to ruin, usher
the past into obscurity
Anathema preserve knowledge that has outlived its time, restore an object or structure
that has been reclaimed by the elements
Divine Attribute Constitution or Wisdom
Cleric Spells 1st: detect metal (page 142), 3rd: noxious metals (page 145), 4th: rust
cloud (page 145)
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification none
Divine Skill Athletics
Domains decay LOGM, destruction, metal (page 145), void LOGM
; Alternate Domains
sorrow LOGM, vigil LOGM
Favored Weapon pick
Just as the birth of every mortal begins another inexorable march toward the
grave, the infinitesimally slow decline of the Plane of Metal began eons ago at
the moment of its creation. The plane has been deteriorating for as long as it has
existed, and Ferrumnestra, the Lady of Rust, has always been there to shepherd
it along toward its distant but inevitable end. Her charge is to eternally traverse
the plane, consuming the last vestiges of its planar material as it crumbles into
its most basic elements. Only nonexistence remains in her wake.
Ferrumnestra’s physical form is a colossal many-legged crustacean
covered in layer upon layer of shell-like plates made of tarnished
and rusted metal. An innumerable host of ore lice (page 185)
almost always accompanies her. Normally hailing from the
Plane of Water, these creatures follow behind the Lady of
Rust in a chittering swarm, eagerly devouring residue
she leaves behind and growing extremely large. Other
denizens of the plane give them a wide berth, for while
Ferrumnestra herself is neither cruel nor aggressive, she
feels no responsibility for the safety of those who run
afoul of her voracious entourage.
The Lady of Rust has no permanent dwelling,
preferring to wander the plane as her divine calling
directs her. Many of her worshippers follow her
example by mounting pilgrimages to the plane’s
farthest reaches, shepherding any ancient ruins
they discover along on the passage into oblivion.
When casting the avatar spell, a
worshipper of Ferrumnestra gains the
following additional abilities.
Ferrumnestra Speed 50 feet, burrow
Speed 30 feet, ignore difficult terrain
and greater difficult terrain;
Melee [one-action] mandibles (reach 15 feet),
Damage 6d10+6 piercing; Ranged [one-action]
deteriorating spit (range increment 60
feet), Damage 4d6+3 acid plus 2d6
persistent acid
The Sovereign of Alchemy
Areas of Concern metal, alchemy, discovery, experiments, regret
Edicts discover new alloys and concoctions, have multiple concurrent plans, innovate INTRODUCTION
use of metals ELEMENTAL
Anathema allow your creation to fall into malicious hands, destroy an alchemical formula CHARACTERS
Divine Attribute Intelligence or Charisma
When casting the avatar spell, a worshipper of Laudinmio gains the following
additional abilities. The avatar of Laudinmio manifests with a shard bomb in
each hand but must Interact to draw a new one. The avatar is immune to the
shard bomb’s splash damage.
Laudinmio Speed 60 feet, ignore difficult terrain and greater difficult
terrain; Ranged [one-action] shard bomb (range 120 feet, splash), Damage 4d6+3
slashing plus 3 slashing splash damage
The revival of the metallic arts has shown casters various new ways to use magic to handle metals or wield the powers
of metal to their heart’s desires.
Your fist Strikes have a 1d10 damage die, and your metal
spells deal one additional die of damage (of the same damage
die and damage type the spell uses). You can cast needle METAL OBJECTS
darts (page 144) as an innate spell; the casting is reduced AND CREATURES INTRODUCTION
from 2 actions to 1. Some spells in this section work only on metal ELEMENTAL
In this form, you don’t need to breathe. Your Bulk doubles objects or metal creatures, or have a special effect CHARACTERS
(to 6 if you’re Small or 12 if you’re Medium), and you become on them. Unless specified otherwise, these can be
too dense to Swim in water, automatically sinking to the used on objects or creatures primarily made of
bottom. You can Dismiss the spell. metal, not just ones made entirely of metal. For EARTH
Heightened (9th) The resistance increases to 15. instance, a longsword is a metal object, even if its
handle is made of wood. If it’s unclear whether a
FIELD OF RAZORS [three-actions] SPELL 6 weapon or the target of an attack is primarily made METAL
CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE METAL of metal, the GM decides. Greatness
in Decline
Traditions arcane, primal
Range 60 feet; Area 20-foot burst Lords
Defense basic Reflex; Duration 1 minute The roiling magnetic fields of the Plane of Metal radiate Metal Spells
You grind a chunk of your choice of metal to fine dust from you as you channel and reshape them at your merest Metal Items
between your hands and blow it into the air, where it thought. When you Cast this Spell, you can relocate each Metal Creatures
grows into a tangle of wires covered in razor-sharp prongs. affected target to any other unoccupied space within
The metal must be of a type you currently have in your the emanation. You can’t move yourself in this way. An
possession. The covered area is difficult terrain. A creature unwilling target can resist being moved with a successful WOOD
that moves through the area takes 5 slashing damage per Reflex save.
square traversed. The creatures move all at once—after you know the ELEMENTS
If a creature takes slashing, piercing, or persistent bleed results of all the saves, you determine which target occupies
damage while inside the thicket, you can spend a reaction each space in whatever order you choose. You can move APPENDIX
to grow the iron in the shed blood into additional wires, a creature into a space that was previously occupied by GLOSSARY
expanding the burst by 5 feet. You can grow the area four another creature so long as you also relocate the first & INDEX
times in this way, to a maximum of a 40-foot burst. creature elsewhere as part of the movement. If you move
The barbed wires are made of the metal you chose and a target into the air, it descends to the ground harmlessly
activate resistances, weaknesses, and the like normally. The after being moved unless it chooses not to.
metal reforms in your possession when the spell ends. You can choose to be affected by an 8th-rank magnetic
Heightened (+1) The damage per square increases by 2. repulsion spell (Secrets of Magic 115) that lasts for the
duration of magnetic dominion. Each time you Sustain the
FOLD METAL [two-actions] SPELL 1 spell, you can move one creature in the emanation, with the
CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE METAL same targeting restrictions and stipulations as above.
Traditions arcane
Range touch; Targets 1 unattended metallic object up to 5 Bulk MANTLE OF THE MELTING HEART [two-actions] SPELL 5
You bend the target object into a smooth metallic ball no Traditions arcane, primal
larger than an egg. The target reverts to its original shape Duration 1 minute
only when you Dismiss the spell, the duration expires, or if You bathe yourself in a mantle of liquid metal, gilding your
the ball touches water or fire, whichever comes first. skin and armor with an oily sheen. Upon Casting this Spell,
Creatures that see the reshaped object can attempt pick two of the options below. As a single action, which has
a Perception check against your spell DC to notice the the concentrate trait, you can change one of your chosen
ball might not actually be what it seems. If the object is abilities to a different option from the list.
magical, it retains its magical auras but can’t be worn, • Copper Core You draw electricity toward you, then
affixed, or Activated. disperse it. You gain resistance 10 to electricity. All
Heightened (3rd) The spell duration becomes 1 hour. electricity effects within 30 feet of you must succeed
at a counteract check against your spell DC or target
MAGNETIC DOMINION [three-actions] SPELL 9 you and only you.
CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE METAL • Golden Flesh Your body gains the chemical inertness
Traditions arcane, primal of gold, barely reacting to substances that would
Area 100-foot emanation; Targets any number of creatures otherwise greatly disturb your physiology. You
wearing metal armor, creatures made of metal, creatures become immune to poison and disease and gain a +2
that have the metal trait, and unattended metal objects circumstance bonus to your checks against any poison
Defense Reflex; Duration sustained up to 1 minute and disease effects currently affecting you.
Field of Razors
• Reactive Touch Your touch reacts easily with other Critical Failure The target becomes sickened 2 and takes
metals. Any metal that touches you or that you touch 12d6 poison damage.
takes 2d6 acid damage that bypasses Hardness. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d6 on a failure
• Weighted Grasp Your arms become long cables, your fists and 2d6 on a critical failure.
heavy as anchors. You gain a cabled fist unarmed attack
with the disarm, finesse, reach, and trip traits and that’s NEEDLE DARTS [two-actions] CANTRIP 1
in the flail group. Your cabled fist deals 1d4 bludgeoning ATTACK CANTRIP CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE METAL
damage plus an additional 1d6 poison damage and Grab. Traditions arcane, divine, occult, primal
Range 60 feet; Targets 1 creature
MERCURIAL STRIDE [two-actions] SPELL 4 Defense AC
CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE METAL POISON You shape three needles out of a piece of metal in your
Traditions arcane, occult possession and send them flying in a tight group toward one
Defense Fortitude target. Make a spell attack roll against your target’s AC. The
Your form ripples as you take on the fluidity and toxicity of needles deal 3d4 piercing damage and might cause bleeding.
quicksilver. You partially shift into a liquid metal form and Stride The needles impart any special properties of the metal that
up to twice your speed. During this movement, you can pass forms them; for instance, cold iron needles deal additional
through one creature’s space—without needing to attempt a damage to creatures with weakness to cold iron. All the
check to Tumble Through—by splitting into droplets of mercury needles are made of the same metal, and the metal returns to
and reforming on the other side, though you can’t end your turn you after the attack.
in such a space. Passing through a creature’s space in this way Critical Success The target takes double damage and 1
exposes it to mercury poisoning, with a Fortitude save. persistent bleed damage.
Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The target takes full damage.
Success The target becomes sickened 1. Heightened (+1) You send one additional needle, increasing
Failure The target becomes sickened 2 and takes 6d6 poison the regular damage by 1d4 and increasing the persistent
damage. bleed damage on a critical hit by 1.
NOXIOUS METALS [two-actions] SPELL 3 Heightened (+2) The Hardness increases by 4, and the Hit
Traditions arcane
Range 60 feet; Area 20-foot burst WALL OF METAL [three-actions] SPELL 6 INTRODUCTION
This spell forces toxic metal to coalesce on the skin or surface Traditions arcane, primal CHARACTERS
of all living creatures in the area, dealing 4d6 poison damage Range 120 feet
with a basic Fortitude save. Any creature that has the plant Duration 1 minute
trait, has the wood trait, or has an anathema toward metal, You call forth a sheet of metal, forming a wall of iron, EARTH
takes the following effects depending on the result of that low‑grade cold iron, or standard-grade silver up to 60 feet
Fortitude save. long, 30 feet high, and 1/4 inch thick. The wall doesn’t
Critical Success The creature suffers no additional effects. need to stand vertically but must form a straight line in METAL
Success The creature takes 1 persistent poison damage and an unbroken open space so it doesn’t pass through any Greatness
in Decline
is sickened 1 as long as it takes this persistent damage. creatures or objects, or the spell is lost. Each 10-foot-by-10-
Failure As success, except 1d4 persistent poison damage and foot section of the wall has AC 10 and is immune to critical Lords
sickened 2. hits and precision damage. The wall’s Hardness, HP, and BT Metal Spells
Critical Failure As success, except 1d8 persistent poison use the statistics of a structure of the material you chose Metal Items
damage and sickened 3. (see GM Core for material statistics). Creatures can move Metal Creatures
Heightened (+1) The initial poison damage increases by 2d6. through a section of the wall that’s broken.
Heightened (7th) The wall is high-grade silver or standard-grade
RUST CLOUD [three-actions] SPELL 4 dawnsilver. WOOD
CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE METAL Heightened (8th) The wall is standard-grade cold iron.
Traditions arcane, primal Heightened (9th) The wall is high-grade dawnsilver. ELEMENTS
Range 120 feet; Area 20-foot burst Heightened (10th) The wall is high-grade cold iron or
Defense basic Fortitude; Duration 1 minute standard-grade adamantine. APPENDIX
Red-blown flecks of rust jitter in the air, forming a cloud of GLOSSARY
agitated particles. All creatures within the cloud become Metal Domain & INDEX
concealed, and all creatures outside the cloud become You manipulate flexible, mutable metal. Few deities
concealed to creatures within it. The cloud deals 5d10 possess the metal domain, apart from the two elemental
slashing damage to any creature that starts its turn in the lords of metal. Ayrzul, the ambitious and ruthless
area, with a basic Fortitude save. elemental lord of earth, also has metal as an alternate
Metal that rusts off of a creature adds to the cloud. When domain, using the alternate domain rules detailed fully in
a metal creature takes damage from the cloud, the cloud’s Pathfinder Lost Omens Gods & Magic.
area increases by 5 feet (to a maximum of a 40-foot burst),
and the creature starts to rust, taking 1d4 persistent slashing SERRATE [one-action] FOCUS 1
damage. You can Dismiss the cloud. UNCOMMON FOCUS MANIPULATE METAL
Heightened (+2) The cloud’s slashing damage increases by Domain metal
1d10 and the persistent damage increases by 1d4. Range touch; Targets 1 metal weapon
With a pinch, the metal of a weapon twists, adding
SHIELDED ARM [two-actions] SPELL 1 numerous jagged blades along its surface. Strikes with the
CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE METAL target weapon deal an additional 1d4 slashing damage until
Traditions arcane, divine, primal the start of your next turn.
Range touch; Targets 1 willing creature Heightened (+2) The extra damage increases by 1d4.
Duration 1 minute or until expended
Reinforcing veins of ore run through the target’s arm, REPEL METAL [reaction] FOCUS 4
letting it ward off blows with its bare skin. It can use the UNCOMMON FOCUS MANIPULATE METAL
Raise a Shield action to instead raise its arm, gaining a +2 Domain metal
circumstance bonus to AC. It can Shield Block with its Raised Trigger A Strike with a metallic weapon or projectile would
arm as well; when it does, the target reduces the damage as hit you or an ally within range.
if it had a shield with Hardness 4 and 15 Hit Points. This Range 60 feet; Targets the creature targeted by the triggering
shield doesn’t have a Broken Threshold, and the spell ends if Strike
the shield’s Hit Points are expended. You call forth a repelling field. The target gains a +2
This spell doesn’t modify the target’s unarmed attacks and circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. If
can’t be used to make a shield bash Strike. Casting or coming the attack then misses, you direct the Strike back at the
under the effects of this spell also counts as using a metallic attacker, who compares the attack roll to their own AC. The
item with regards to anathema. target then becomes immune to this spell for 10 minutes.
Craftspeople on Golarion have rich histories of metalworking, most of which is influenced by the resources available
either locally or by trade in their region of the world. No such limitations exist on the Plane of Metal, however, where
precious metals are in abundance. Magical and natural magnetism, the inevitability of rust, and the mutable nature of
metals define the types of items that are either found in or draw upon the magic of the Plane of Metal.
Every part of this dark, shining guitar, from the strings to
the soundboard, is constructed of metal. When the strings
are strummed, the gilding on the guitar ripples like a liquid. MORPHIC ITEMS
A resonant guitar is a virtuoso handheld musical instrument Denizens of the Plane of Metal are creative and INTRODUCTION
that grants a +2 item bonus to Performance checks attempted whimsical, and the items they create often shift ELEMENTAL
while using it. from one form to another or exist in eternal flux. CHARACTERS
A resonant guitar is a planar key for interplanar teleport These morphic items are found nearly exclusively
and similar magic to travel to the Plane of Metal. When on the Plane of Metal. Those that make their
using it in this way, you can play a tune inspired by your way out are sold through zuhra merchants on EARTH
destination to make it more likely to arrive where you intend extraplanar adventures. Occasionally, a morphic
to be, appearing 1d6×25 miles from your intended destination item may be intelligent and entrusts themself to a
instead of 1d10×25 miles away. zuhra to help them find someone who can take the METAL
Activate—Strum of Thunder 1 minute (manipulate); Frequency intelligent item on an exciting journey. Greatness
in Decline
once per day; Effect You play a magnetic tune, enchanting
one metallic weapon within 60 feet of you. This item gains Lords
the thundering rune for 1 hour. poison with the injury trait, that poison is automatically Metal Spells
Activate—Chord of Protection [reaction] (manipulate) Trigger A applied to the weapon. If the poison hasn’t been expended Metal Items
creature within 30 feet of you targets you or an ally with by the time the cane turns back to normal, it remains Metal Creatures
a melee attack; Frequency once per day; Effect You strike stored in the cane. You can Dismiss this activation.
a piercing chord, putting up an invisible sound barrier Activate—Silver Snake Serum [one-action] (concentrate) Requirements
between the target and the attacker. The target gains The silver snake cane holds a dose of an alchemical item; WOOD
a +2 status bonus to AC against the triggering attack. If Frequency once per day; Effect The silver snake cane bites
the Strike still hits, the barrier breaks, dealing 3d10 sonic a willing target of your choice within your reach, dealing ELEMENTS
damage to the attacker. 1 piercing damage and injecting the alchemical item. The
item is expended, and if it was an elixir or ingested poison, APPENDIX
RUSTBRINGER ITEM 10+ the target is affected as though it consumed the item. GLOSSARY
MAGICAL METAL Activate—True Silver Snake [one-action] (concentrate) Prerequisites & INDEX
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1 You’re a zuhra; Effect The cane transforms into a giant viper
The handle, chain, and spiked ball of this +1 striking corrosive made of silver. All its Strikes are silver. It acts independently
flail are all made of iron so rusted that the weapon appears but obeys you. You can Dismiss this activation.
nonfunctional at first glance. On Strikes against a creature
that’s primarily made of metal, it gains the deadly d10 trait. SPELLSAP GRENADE ITEM 12+
Activate—Rusting Disarm [reaction] Trigger You critically succeed RARE ALCHEMICAL BOMB CONSUMABLE SPLASH
at a Disarm attempt with the flail against a metal weapon; Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Effect Flakes of acid-laden rust are deposited on the Activate [one-action] Strike
disarmed weapon. The weapon takes 2d6 damage, ignoring The mixture of reagents, liquid djezet, and solid metal shrapnel
the weapon’s Hardness. inside this grenade explodes on contact with air. A spellsap
Type rustbringer; Level 10; Price 900 gp grenade deals the listed slashing damage and splash damage.
Type greater rustbringer; Level 17; Price 13,500 gp On a hit against a prepared or spontaneous spellcaster, the
The flail is a +3 greater striking greater corrosive flail, and the target must succeed at a Will saving throw with the listed DC
disarmed weapon takes 4d6 acid damage. or lose one prepared spell or one spontaneous spell slot. The
spell is randomly selected from among the caster’s highest
SILVER SNAKE CANE ITEM 6 three spell ranks (and then from among the spells prepared in
UNCOMMON MAGICAL METAL that rank, for a prepared spellcaster).
Price 230 gp Type moderate; Level 12; Price 360 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L The item bonus is +2. The bomb deals 3d4 slashing damage
This shimmery metal cane is both an assistive device and a and 3 slashing splash damage, and the DC is 30.
popular companion for many zuhras. The cane’s possessor Type greater; Level 18; Price 4,500 gp
can spend 1 minute feeding the cane an elixir or a dose of The item bonus is +3. The bomb deals 4d4 slashing damage
ingested or injury poison to fill its venom sac. The cane can and 4 slashing splash damage, and the DC is 38.
store only one such alchemical item at a time, and it expels
the alchemical item when either 24 hours pass or it’s fed a SPINY LODESTONE ITEM 4+
new alchemical item. MAGICAL METAL SPELLHEART
Activate—Silver Snake Sword [one-action] (concentrate, polymorph) Usage affixed to a metal armor or weapon; Bulk—
Effect The silver snake cane becomes a +1 striking silver This perfectly octahedral magnetite crystal is covered in a
sword cane for 10 minutes. If the cane holds a dose of hair-like layer of iron sand that always finds its way back to
shape if wiped away. The spell attack modifier of any spell a weapon made primarily of metal; Effect You extend the
cast by Activating this item is +8, and the spell DC is 18. weapon and call out the zuhra’s name. They channel their
• Armor You gain a +1 item bonus to Athletics checks and magic through the gloves to assist you with their choice of
resistance 2 to nonlethal damage. offense or defense (as determined by the GM). The zuhra
• Weapon After you cast a spell by Activating the spiny makes any choices for the spell, and any save DC is 30.
lodestone, your Strikes with the weapon deal an additional • Offense The metal of the gloves wraps around your
1d4 piercing damage until the end of your next turn. weapon and channels the zuhra’s magic to cast a 6th-rank
Activate Cast a Spell; Effect You cast needle darts (page 144). weapon storm spell, replicating the metal weapon.
Type spiny lodestone; Level 4; Price 90 gp • Defense The metal flows off your arms, creating a wall of
Type greater spiny lodestone; Level 8; Price 425 gp metal (page 145). The wall’s surface has the same pattern
Resistance when affixed to armor is 5, additional damage as the gloves. You lose the gloves’ item bonus until the
when affixed to a weapon is 1d6, the spell attack modifier is barrier ends, at which point the metal returns to your
+14, and the spell DC is 24. hands and forearms. You can Dismiss the activation.
Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day; Effect You cast
magnetic acceleration SoM. Metal Relic Gifts
Type major spiny lodestone; Level 12; Price 1,750 gp A relic expresses new magical powers throughout its
Bonus to Athletics checks when affixed to armor is +2, owner’s adventures, gaining new gifts at crucial times.
resistance when affixed to armor is 10, additional damage Relic rules are described fully in GM Core. Here, you’ll
when affixed to a weapon is 1d8, the spell attack modifier is find gifts for a metal aspect. Metal relics are often metal
+19, and the spell DC is 29. weapons or armor. Due to the elemental cycle, this aspect
Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day; Effect You cast often comes paired with the earth or water aspect and
4th-rank magnetic acceleration. almost never with wood or fire.
Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day; Effect You cast
STAFF OF METAL ITEM 6+ Aspect metal
MAGICAL METAL STAFF Your relic is engraved with nodes and elements only visible
This cylindrical iron staff has colored segments on both ends, from up close, lacking only a source of current for its
one red and one blue. When you Strike with the staff, you machinations. You gain resistance to electricity equal to half
gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the attack roll if the target is the level of your relic (minimum 1).
wearing metal armor or is primarily made of metal. Activate—Complete the Circuit [reaction] (manipulate) Trigger You
Activate Cast a Spell; Effect You expend a number of charges are targeted by or are in the area of an electricity effect;
from the staff to cast a spell from its list. Effect Your relic uses the triggering effect to complete its
Type staff of metal; Level 6; Price 250 gp circuit. You choose which path the electricity takes down
• Cantrips detect metal (page 142) the circuit, gaining the corresponding benefit.
• 1st conductive weapon (page 142), shielded arm (page 145) • Capacitor You become electrically charged, gaining a +1
• 2nd magnetic attraction SoM, magnetic repulsion SoM status bonus to attack and damage rolls until the end of
Type greater staff of metal; Level 10; Price 900 gp your next turn.
• 3rd magnetic acceleration SoM, noxious metals (page 145) • Inductor Your resistance against electricity damage
• 4th mercurial stride (page 144), rust cloud (page 145) increases to the level of your relic until the end of your
Type major staff of metal; Level 14; Price 4,000 gp next turn.
• 5th magnetic repulsion, impaling spike • Resistor Your relic attempts to counteract the effect. On
• 6th field of razors (page 143), magnetic acceleration a failure, your relic overheats, dealing fire damage to you
equal to the counteract rank of the effect (or double the
ZUHRA’S GLOVES ITEM 13 counteract rank on a critical failure).
Usage worn gloves; Bulk — METAL
This elaborate metallic webbing feels soft when wrapped Aspect metal
around your hands and forearms. It constantly shifts its Activate [two-actions] (concentrate, manipulate) Effect Magnetic
strands and connections. The name of a zuhra shuyookh is repulsion sends a sharp chunk of metal scrap flying from
etched in Talican on the only part of the item that’s unchanging. your relic. Make a spell attack roll with your relic against a
You gain a +3 item bonus to your Reflex DC against attempts target within 30 feet. The chunk deals 1d6 piercing damage
to Disarm an item you’re holding in your hands. for every 2 levels the relic has (minimum 1d6). If the target
Activate—Zuhra’s Stratagem [two-actions] (concentrate, manipulate) is wearing metal armor or is made of metal, you gain a
Frequency once per day; Requirements You’re wielding +1 circumstance bonus to your spell attack roll, and the
Curious Teardrop
Zuhra’s Gloves
in Decline
Staff of Metal
Metal Spells
Metal Items
Metal Creatures
Resonant Guitar
Ferrofluid Urchin Spellsap Grenade Spiny Lodestone
target becomes clumsy 1 until the start of your next turn ALL WILL DECAY GRAND GIFT
as the scrap adheres to the target. If your relic is made of METAL
a precious metal, the shot is also made of or coated in that Aspect metal
metal, bypassing resistances and the like accordingly. The Your relic’s link to the Plane of Metal tunes it in to the
scrap left behind by the shot rusts or crumbles quickly and inevitability of rust and decay. You can cast 5th-rank rust
isn’t worth anything if sold. cloud (page 145) at will as an innate spell.
Activate [two-actions] (aura, concentrate) Frequency once per day;
PRECIOUS ANODIZATION MAJOR GIFT Effect Rusted flakes swirl in a cloud around you, creating a
METAL 15-foot emanation that lasts for 1 minute. You’re concealed
Aspect metal to anyone outside the cloud. An enemy that starts its turn
Activate [one-action] (concentrate) Frequency once per day; Effect For in the cloud takes 15 slashing damage with a basic Fortitude
one minute, your relic is affected by a clad in metal spell (page save. If the target has the metal trait or is primarily made of
142) of a rank equal to half the relic’s level, rounded up. You metal, the damage is 30 instead. Unattended non-magical
can choose uncommon metals in addition to common ones. metal items within the cloud automatically become broken.
On the Plane of Metal, a soft whisper and gentle jingle often accompany the
tempestuous winds, while what appear to be gold ribbons twist and writhe
CALLING THE ASPS through the air. In actuality, these are asps of grief—intelligent, snakelike
In the Plane of Metal, funeral rites creatures drawn to strong emotions. The iron irises of their eyes allow them
often include placing the deceased to see the ever-shifting magnetic fields of the Plane of Metal, which the asps
upon tall towers surrounded by can use to sail across the skies.
dishes of water. Chunks of sodium, a Asps of grief prey on sorrow and heartache, and times of loss, mourning,
silvery-white alkali metal, dance across and bereavement attract them. Wearing delicate iron bells to announce their
the surface of the water and catch arrivals at funerals, battlefields, and the traditional columbaria built for the
fire, sending plumes of hydrogen gas plane’s dead, asps of grief shake their heads, making their bells chime and
into the air. As the asps of grief skate alerting mourners to their presence. “Will you share your sorrow with me?”
upon the magnetic fields, they can they ask, their gentle voices low and sibilant.
sense this announcement of death and If the bereaved agrees, the asps’ tongues flick out, tasting the anguish of the
sorrow and follow the trail back to living, sipping on sadness and fear, and providing a temporary reprieve from
the mourners. suffering. Though the asps are associated with death, most denizens of the
Plane of Metal see them as good omens.
Intensely curious creatures, asps of grief crave information about magic
and the multiverse. They might attach themselves to adventuring parties or
ask wanderers they meet for any obscure arcane knowledge they may have
come across on their journeys. In exchange, the asps of grief offer to help
these travelers work through any anguish or trauma they may be carrying—
or at least ease their emotional pain for a time.
The Plane of Metal can seem unpredictable to the point of cruelty, and
capritellixes embody this perfectly. With a head formed of discs that each
depict a portion of their face, a capritellix reshapes their personality with a RECYCLED REMAINS INTRODUCTION
quick whir. When horribly damaged or weary, ELEMENTAL
Despite their different faces, each capritellix has a unified identity, with capritellixes travel to a communal CHARACTERS
one memory and one name. Each mood that cycles through the pieces of necropolis, much like a fabled elephant
their face is a massively amplified facet of their personality, rather than a graveyard. Thousands of metallic
completely different individual. The differences are subtle to most observers, hands reach up from the landscape, EARTH
but a capritellix can display numerous mood combinations—typically 64 for clawing at the sky, and severed discs
one with four faces per disc or 125 for one with five faces per disc. No matter that used to make up capritellixes pile
how much they change their face, however, capritellixes can’t suppress their up in endless heaps. Other elementals METAL
haughty ego or shake the ceaseless despair they feel. sometimes salvage these disparate Greatness
in Decline
The conflicting priorities of each mood within a capritellix make it difficult parts and assemble them into a new
for any of these creatures to make long-term plans or form solid relationships. capritellix—a unique individual with a Lords
What one face builds up, another undermines, cursed all the while with full brand-new identity. Metal Spells
knowledge of the former intentions they will never fulfill and the well-laid Metal Items
plans they will abandon. Metal Creatures
Perception +30; darkvision
Languages Talican, plus one language for each of their mouths; telepathy 100 feet ELEMENTS
(page 233)
Skills Acrobatics +31, Athletics +29, Deception +32, Diplomacy +32, Intimidation APPENDIX
+32, Performance +32, Plane of Metal Lore +30, Society +30 GLOSSARY
Str +6, Dex +8, Con +8, Int +7, Wis +5, Cha +9 & INDEX
AC 39, all-around vision (page 232); Fort +31, Ref +29, Will +30
HP 290; Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep; Resistances electricity 10,
physical 10 (except adamantine)
Whirling Hands [free-action] Trigger A creature starts its turn in the capritellix’s
melee reach; Effect The capritellix makes a metal hand Strike
against the creature.
Speed fly 60 feet
Melee [one-action] metal hand +33 (agile, finesse, magical, reach 15 feet),
Damage 3d8+14 bludgeoning plus 1d12 electricity, plentiful
metals, and Push 20 feet
Ranged [one-action] eye beam +33 (electricity, magical, range 120 feet),
Damage 4d12 electricity
Dual Beams [two-actions] The capritellix makes two eye beam Strikes against
different creatures. Their multiple attack penalty doesn’t increase
until after both Strikes.
Plentiful Metals Each of the capritellix’s levitating hands is made of a
different precious metal. Each time a capritellix makes a metal hand
Strike, they choose whether the hand they use is adamantine, cold
iron, dawnsilver, orichalcum, silver, or any other solid precious metal.
Shift Mood [one-action] The capritellix rotates the segments of their face,
changing their personality and demeanor. Until they Shift
their Mood again, the capritellix gains a +4 status bonus to a
certain skill and to their Will DC against that skill, as
well as a specific occult innate spell they can cast at
will (9th rank, DC 38).
Angry Intimidation, dominate
Gregarious Performance, uncontrollable dance
Serene Diplomacy, suggestion
Sly Deception, warp mind
Metal elementals can manifest in a wide variety of different forms, from shapeless
amalgams of different metals to humanoid and beast-like monstrosities.
Though metal elementals are made METAL WISP
almost entirely of metal, most are A metal wisp is a roiling sphere of rust particles and sharp metal fragments,
composed of layers of different metals all furiously orbiting a liquid metal core that resembles the skull of a mortal
in tiny fragments, as complex as a creature—usually a humanoid, but animal and even more fantastical skulls are
body of flesh or plant matter. Many not uncommon. They don’t form attachments as easily as wisps from other
of these metals are rusted or decayed elemental planes, which tend to view metal wisps as too morose, although they
from the natural, slow entropy of the retain a certain curiosity since their return from the planar severance.
Plane of Metal.
Perception +6; darkvision, rust vision
Languages Talican
Skills Athletics +6, Mining Lore +4, Plane of Metal Lore +4
Str +2, Dex +1, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +0
Rust Vision A metal wisp ignores the concealed condition from rust clouds.
AC 16; Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +6
HP 15; Immunities bleed, electricity, paralyzed, poison, sleep; Resistances electricity 2
Resonance (aura, metal) 30 feet. All wisps vibrate at a frequency attuned to their
element, resonating with and empowering all creatures and effects sharing that
trait. Creatures in the area gain a +1 status bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with metal weapons or effects with the metal trait; a creature with the elemental
and metal traits gains this bonus to all attack and damage rolls.
Accord Essence [reaction] Trigger An ally within 30 feet that benefited from the wisp’s
resonance in the last hour is targeted by an attack; Effect The wisp detonates
itself in a small elemental explosion. Allies within 30 feet that have benefited
from the wisp’s resonance in the last hour gain temporary Hit Points equal
to half the wisp’s current Hit Points. These temporary Hit Points last 1 hour.
A wisp that uses this reaction is permanently destroyed, and it can
be restored only by a wish ritual or similarly powerful effect. If an
ability would prevent the wisp’s destruction (for instance, if the wisp is
summoned and would merely be dismissed), Accord Essence has no effect.
Rust Cloud A metal wisp is constantly surrounded by a cloud of rust flakes
that cause it to be concealed from creatures more than 5 feet away from it.
Speed fly 25 feet
Melee [one-action] tendril +6 (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d4 piercing plus 1 persistent bleed
In Concert When a metal wisp rolls a critical failure on a check to Aid, it gets a
failure instead, and when it rolls a success, it gets a critical success instead.
Metal Wisp Beautiful but deadly, the ferrous butterfly is a turkey-sized insectile creature
bristling with dozens of gleaming, razor-edged blades. Considered harmless
by most denizens of the Plane of Metal, they nonetheless pose a significant
threat to organic creatures, whose iron-rich blood they find irresistible.
Melee [one-action] wing +9 (finesse), Damage 1d4+2 slashing plus 1 persistent bleed and a
thousand cuts
A Thousand Cuts A ferrous butterfly’s knifelike wings cause terrible lacerations that
continue to bleed. Any creature with persistent bleed damage from a ferrous MANY FACES, MANY NAMES INTRODUCTION
butterfly’s wing attack has weakness 2 to slashing damage until the bleeding is As immortal beings with comparatively ELEMENTAL
stopped. short attention spans, mercurials CHARACTERS
Swoop [two-actions] The ferrous butterfly Flies up to its Speed and makes a wing Strike at invariably become bored with their
any point during that movement. current identities sooner or later and
seek a change by adopting a new EARTH
METAL SCAMP face and persona. To avoid confusion
The capricious and destructive metal scamps are self-appointed forces of among friends and acquaintances, a
entropy, taking great pleasure in indiscriminately wrecking everything around mercurial’s name typically consists not METAL
them, sometimes even to their own detriment. Metal scamps have a severe only of their current moniker, but a list Greatness
in Decline
appearance, with pointed facial features and angular limbs, and their skin can of the last few names used, presented
be the color of any metal, often heavily oxidized as if by years of exposure in chronological order as far back as Lords
to the elements. the mercurial can remember. Metal Spells
Metal Items
Perception +3; darkvision
Languages Talican WOOD
Skills Athletics +7, Stealth +5
Str +2, Dex +0, Con +2, Int –2, Wis +0, Cha +0 ELEMENTS
AC 15; Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +5
HP 20, fast healing 2 (while touching metal); Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, APPENDIX
sleep; Resistances electricity 3 GLOSSARY
Speed 25 feet, fly 25 feet & INDEX
Melee [one-action] claw +9, Damage 1d6+2 slashing
Arcane Innate Spells DC 17, attack +9; 2nd magnetic attraction SoM
Breathe Shrapnel [two-actions] (arcane, metal) The metal scamp breathes a 15-foot cone of
jagged metal flakes that deals 2d4 slashing damage and 1d4 persistent bleed
damage to each creature within the area (DC 17 basic Reflex save). The metal
scamp can’t Breathe Shrapnel again for 1d4 rounds.
Some of the most populous denizens of the Plane of Metal, mercurials are
weird creatures of liquid metal known for changing their features, chemical
compositions, and temperaments with equal frequency. Excitable, curious,
and friendly, mercurials are quick to offer assistance to extraplanar beings,
but their volatile personalities can make them unreliable allies.
Perception +6; darkvision
Languages Common, Talican
Skills Acrobatics +8, Deception +10, Diplomacy +8, Plane of Metal Lore +8
Str +3, Dex +4, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +4
Items shuriken (5)
AC 17; Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +8
HP 30; Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep; Resistances electricity 5
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] fist +9 (agile, finesse), Damage 1d10+3 bludgeoning Mercurial
Ranged [one-action] shuriken +10 (agile, range increment 20 feet, thrown), Damage 1d6+3
Change Shape [one-action] (concentrate, polymorph, primal) The mercurial takes on the
appearance of any Small or Medium humanoid. This transformation allows for
significant detail and can reproduce the features of a specific individual, but the
mercurial retains a shiny, liquid-metal appearance that renders the transformation
unsuitable as a disguise unless they’re impersonating another mercurial. It
DJEZET EXTRACTION doesn’t change the mercurial’s Speed or the attack and damage bonuses of their
When a quickiron plasm dies, most of Strikes, but it does allow them to transform their limbs into metal tools or melee
the djezet making up its body becomes weapons, potentially changing the damage type dealt by their Strikes.
inert and useless. However, a skilled Metallurgic Adaptation [one-action] (polymorph, primal) The mercurial transmutes their liquid
alchemist can sometimes extract trace metal body into cold iron, copper, gold, iron, silver, or steel. Their unarmed melee
amounts of the valuable skymetal from Strikes are made of that material until they use Metallurgic Adaptation again.
its remains. This is a 10-minute process
that requires the Alchemical Crafting KINZARUK
feat, a proficiency rank of expert or In its natural state, the kinzaruk resembles a paper-thin, perfectly square sheet
better in Crafting, and a successful of lightweight silvery-white metal, approximately 15 feet across. It’s almost
DC 20 Crafting check. A successful never encountered this form, however, being far better known for its ability to
attempt produces a single djezet intricately fold its body thousands of times in an instant to reconfigure itself
dose (Lost Omens Grand Bazaar 98) into a varied assortment of deadly animal-like shapes.
that remains potent for 1 hour before
breaking down into a foul-smelling goo. KINZARUK CREATURE 3
The item has no value if sold due to its MEDIUM ELEMENTAL METAL
temporary nature. Perception +9; darkvision
Skills Acrobatics +11, Stealth +9, Survival +7
Str +3, Dex +4, Con +1, Int –4, Wis +0, Cha +0
AC 19; Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +7
HP 45; Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep; Resistances electricity 5
Speed fly 10 feet (can’t ascend more than 5 feet off the ground)
Melee [one-action] razor’s edge +11 (finesse), Damage 1d10+3 slashing
Fold Form [one-action] (concentrate, polymorph, primal) The kinzaruk swiftly unfolds and
refolds its body into a new shape chosen from the options of animal form.
This grants it the movement Speeds and Strikes of the chosen form, but none
of the other benefits. Its attack bonus is unchanged, and its damage bonus is
+3. The kinzaruk can return to its natural form by taking this action again, and
automatically returns if it falls unconscious.
Looking much like an ooze, a quickiron plasm is a mass of the rust-red liquid
skymetal known as djezet, prized in the Universe for its magic-enhancing
properties. Quickiron plasms feed on the residual energies left behind by large
expenditures of magical power, which they can detect from miles away.
The quickiron plasm consumes energy from the spell, regaining 5 Hit Points per
rank of the spell.
Speed 15 feet
Melee [one-action] pseudopod +12 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d6+6 bludgeoning plus Grab ANCIENT REMNANTS INTRODUCTION
(page 232) No rust scarab specimens free of ELEMENTAL
Constrict [one-action] 2d6 bludgeoning, DC 22 (page 232) deterioration have been documented, CHARACTERS
leading to debate among scholars as
RUST SCARAB to whether this state of corrosion is
These elementals resemble enormous beetles, with thick outer shells composed their natural condition, or whether the EARTH
of multiple layers of heavily pockmarked, rusted plates protecting a jagged creatures are spectacularly ancient
metallic skeleton. even by the standards of immortal
elemental beings. METAL
in Decline
Perception +9; darkvision, rust vision Lords
Languages Talican Metal Spells
Skills Athletics +13, Plane of Metal Lore +11 Metal Items
Str +6, Dex +2, Con +5, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +2 Metal Creatures
Heavy As long as it is immobile, the elemental can’t be forcibly moved or knocked
prone. If it takes a move action, it loses this immunity until the start of its next turn.
Rust Vision As metal wisp. WOOD
AC 21; Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +11
HP 65; Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep; Resistances electricity 5, ELEMENTS
physical 5 (except adamantine)
Crumbling Carapace When a rust scarab is reduced to fewer than half its maximum APPENDIX
Hit Points or is damaged by a critical hit, its outer shell breaks into a veil of rusty GLOSSARY
metal flakes. This causes it to lose its resistance to physical damage and its heavy & INDEX
ability, but it gains a rust cloud aura (as metal wisp) and a 35-foot land Speed.
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] claw +15, Damage 2d8+6 slashing plus tetanus
Tetanus (disease) Saving Throw DC 19 Fortitude; Onset 1 week; Stage
1 clumsy 1 (1 week); Stage 2 clumsy 2 and can’t speak
(1 day); Stage 3 paralyzed with spasms (1 day); Stage 4
Trample [three-actions] Medium or smaller, claw, DC 23 (page 233)
This rotating sphere of dark, shiny metal floats about 5
feet off the ground, constantly surrounded by a whirling
frenzy of smaller metallic objects caught up in its
powerful magnetic field.
start of each of its turns, and it treats each square in the aura as difficult terrain
when moving closer to the lodestone. Unattended metal objects in the aura of
2 Bulk or less are pushed just outside the aura.
LODESTONE LOOT Positive An affected creature is pulled 5 feet toward the lodestone at the start of
The cyclone of metallic objects each of its turns, and it treats each square in the aura as difficult terrain when
constantly orbiting a living lodestone moving farther from the lodestone. Unattended metal objects in the aura of 2
often contains items of value, Bulk or less are pulled adjacent to the lodestone.
ranging from simple coinage and Electromagnetic Disruption When living lodestone takes electricity damage, they
bits of precious metal to long-lost automatically reverses polarity.
weapons, jewelry, and sometimes Speed 20 feet; hover
even enchanted metal trinkets. The Melee [one-action] jolt +15, Damage 2d6+8 electricity
lodestone itself has no concept of the Ranged [one-action] hurled metal object +13 (magical, primal, range increment 60 feet),
value of such things, and is just as Damage 2d10+7 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing (depending on object)
likely to fling one of these valuable Hover A living lodestone floats above the ground high enough to ignore all difficult
items at a foe as it is any other object. terrain and greater difficult terrain on the ground.
Magnetic Disarm [one-action] (primal) The living lodestone attempts to Disarm a metal
weapon from a creature within its magnetic field. On a critical success, the
weapon is either pushed to just outside the aura if the polarity is negative or is
pulled to the lodestone and sticks to it if the polarity is positive. An item stuck to
the lodestone can be wrenched free with an Interact action.
Reverse Polarity [two-actions] The living lodestone switches the polarity of its magnetic field
from positive to negative, or vice versa. Each creature affected by the lodestone’s
aura falls prone unless it succeeds at a DC 21 Reflex save. The lodestone can’t
Reverse Polarity again for 1d4 rounds.
A skymetal striker resembles a serpent—or, more precisely, the two-headed serpent
known as an amphisbaena—made of a long string of dozens of spinning, sharp-
toothed circular saw blades. These blades array themselves along the creature’s
body like beads on an invisible cord of magnetic force. Although the blades
making up the creature are typically composed of many different metals and
alloys, it is best known, feared, and named for the blades of orichalcum and
inubrix that form the “heads” at either end of its serpentine body.
Success The target is quickened 1 until the end of its next turn.
Failure The target is slowed 1 until the end of its next turn.
Critical Failure The target is slowed 2 until the end of its next turn.
Two-Headed Assault [two-actions] The skymetal striker makes one inubrix fangs Strike and STRANGE METALS INTRODUCTION
one orichalcum fangs Strike, each against a different creature. Its multiple attack Inubrix and orichalcum are types of ELEMENTAL
penalty increases only after all the attacks are made. skymetal—a collective term used in CHARACTERS
the Universe to refer to exceedingly
NANOSHARD SWARM rare metals, most possessing magical
This bizarre entity is actually a massive collective consisting of tens of properties, found on distant planets EARTH
thousands of constituent parts, each a tiny metal sphere barely the size of a and fallen stars. Skymetal can be found
pebble. Controlled by a single elemental spirit, the swarm is capable of flowing in abundance on the Plane of Metal,
like liquid through the smallest openings before shaping itself into a powerful however, and many metal elementals METAL
combatant, a solid wall, or any other form circumstances might require. contain at least a bit of one type or Greatness
in Decline
another. Inubrix, colloquially called
NANOSHARD SWARM CREATURE 9 ghost iron, is prized for its ability to Lords
HUGE ELEMENTAL METAL phase through other metals, while Metal Spells
Perception +18; darkvision orichalcum’s mystical properties can Metal Items
Languages Talican warp the very flow of time around it. Metal Creatures
Skills Acrobatics +21, Athletics +19, Stealth +21
Str +6, Dex +6, Con +4, Int +3, Wis +3, Cha +3
AC 28; Fort +17, Ref +21, Will +16 WOOD
HP 120; Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, precision, sleep, swarm mind (page
233); Weaknesses area damage 10, splash damage 10; Resistances bludgeoning ELEMENTS
5, electricity 10, piercing 10, slashing 10
Electromagnetic Dispersal When a nanoshard swarm takes APPENDIX
electricity damage, they automatically shift into swarm GLOSSARY
form. & INDEX
Speed none (barrier), 15 feet (battle), or 25 feet (swarm)
Melee [one-action] tendril +19 (reach 60 feet, versatile B),
Damage 2d8+9 piercing
Barrier Form [three-actions] (concentrate, polymorph)
Requirements The nanoshard swarm is in
swarm form; Effect The nanoshard swarm
forms a continuous 6-inch-thick solid wall,
up to 60 feet long and 10 feet high, originating from any one square in its
current space. The wall can follow any path, with each 5 feet being placed
on the border between squares. It doesn’t need to stand vertically, so it
can form a bridge or set of stairs, for example. The wall must be formed
in an unbroken open space where its edges don’t pass through any
creatures or objects.
A single 5-foot-by-5-foot section of the wall can be destroyed by
dealing 18 points of damage to it, which also reduces the swarm’s total Hit
Points. A nanoshard swarm can’t be knocked prone or forcibly moved while
in barrier form, nor can it voluntarily move. A nanoshard swarm in barrier form
can originate tendril attacks from any square of its wall.
Battle Form [two-actions] (concentrate, polymorph) Requirements The nanoshard swarm is
in swarm form; Effect The nanoshard swarm coalesces into a Huge shape that
looks like a humanoid or beast and can hold items. In battle form, its Speed is 15
feet, it’s clumsy 1, and it has the following Strike.
Melee [one-action] limb +19 (reach 20 feet), Damage 4d8+9 bludgeoning
Swarm Form [free-action] (concentrate) The nanoshard swarm collapses into its natural
form: a Huge sea of tiny metal spheres. It drops anything it’s holding. While in Skymetal Striker
swarm form, the nanoshard swarm’s Speed is 25 feet, it can move through any
area large enough for a single sphere to fit through without having to Squeeze,
and it gains Engulf.
Engulf [two-actions] DC 27, 2d8+6 bludgeoning, Escape DC 27, Rupture 18 (page 232)
A monstrous spider-like creature composed of the radioactive skymetal
abysium, this deadly predator contaminates anything it touches.
Nanoshard swarms are notoriously ABYSIUM HORROR CREATURE 10
difficult to permanently dismantle. HUGE ELEMENTAL METAL
Should even a single constituent of a Perception +17; darkvision
swarm manage to escape destruction, Languages Talican
the minuscule elemental immediately Skills Athletics +23, Survival +19
seeks out the nearest source of raw Str +7, Dex +3, Con +5, Int +3, Wis +3, Cha +3
metal and begins extracting material AC 29; Fort +21, Ref +19, Will +17
in order to create as many exact HP 215; Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep; Resistances electricity 10
duplicates of itself as possible. Each Green Glow (aura, poison, radiation) 20 feet. An abysium horror constantly
subsequent duplicate then dutifully emanates a powerful energy toxic to life. This radiation sheds dim light in the
repeats the same behavior, doubling area. Any creature beginning its turn in the aura must attempt a DC 27 Fortitude
the number of constituents every few save, becoming sickened 1 on a failure or sickened 2 on a critical failure. Once out
minutes, until the entire swarm has of the aura, an affected creature’s sickened condition automatically decreases by
been fully reconstituted. 1 at the beginning of each of its turns.
Heavy As rust scarab.
Speed 30 feet, climb 20 feet
Melee [one-action] claw +23 (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d8+10 slashing plus 2d4 poison
Ranged [one-action] radioactive shrapnel +23 (brutal, propulsive, range increment 60 feet),
Damage 2d8+7 piercing plus 2d4 poison
Trample [three-actions] Large or smaller, claw, DC 27 (page 233)
Oregorgers are hulking, four-limbed brutes with bodies of raw primal metals
accreted in layers. Driven entirely by an insatiable drive to consume metal,
an oregorger stops at nothing to greedily devour as much metal as it can and
expel it as caustic rust.
Perception +18; darkvision, rust vision
Languages Talican
Skills Acrobatics +17, Athletics +25
Str +8, Dex +2, Con +7, Int –1, Wis +3, Cha +3
Rust Vision As metal wisp.
AC 30; Fort +24, Ref +17, Will +20
HP 245; Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep; Resistances
acid 10, electricity 10
Caustic Rust (acid, aura) 5 feet. The oregorger continually
leaks tiny fragments of partially digested rust into the air
around it. Any creature that ends its turn in the aura takes 2d6 acid
damage with a DC 27 basic Reflex save. A creature that critically
fails is also sickened 1.
Speed 30 feet, burrow 20 feet, fly 20 feet
Melee [one-action] adamantine bite +23 (reach 10 feet), Damage
2d12+12 piercing plus devour metal
Melee [one-action] claw +23 (agile), Damage 2d6+12 slashing
Devour Metal Any time the oregorger scores a critical hit
with an adamantine bite attack, it deals the same amount of
damage to any metal armor worn by the target, automatically
bypassing any Hardness lower than 10. If a creature uses
the Shield Block reaction with a metal shield against an
Nanoshard Swarm
oregorger’s adamantine bite, the shield is automatically
broken, but no other item takes damage from that attack. Unattended metal
items automatically take full damage from an oregorger’s adamantine bite attack,
ignoring their Hardness if it’s lower than 10.
Searing Spew [two-actions] (acid) The oregorger belches forth a cloud of caustic, rusted MUSIC OF MASS DESTRUCTION INTRODUCTION
debris from its maw, filling a cube adjacent to itself that’s 10 feet on each side. A melomach’s appetite for carnage is ELEMENTAL
Any creature in this area takes 6d6 acid damage and 6d6 slashing damage (DC matched only by its love of loud noises, CHARACTERS
30 basic Reflex). The ground under the cloud is difficult terrain for 1 hour, after particularly the boom of explosions
which the shrapnel crumbles to dust. The oregorger can’t use Searing Spew again and the shriek of tearing metal. In
for 1d4 rounds, but the ability recharges if the oregorger damages an item with addition to the sound of their own EARTH
devour metal. voices, melomachs are partial to the
rapid, discordant strumming and
MELOMACH powerful howls that typify the musical METAL
Melomachs are massive, vaguely humanoid elementals composed of metal stylings typical of the Plane of Metal. Greatness
in Decline
debris. They take great pride in decorating and augmenting their metallic bodies Boisterous performances often draw
with haphazardly placed spikes, blades, humanoid or bestial skulls, and other the attention of melomachs. Lords
similar adornments, the more ostentatious the better. When two melomachs Metal Spells
meet, the resulting contests of physical might and vocal prowess can last for Metal Items
days, often leaving the landscape ravaged for miles in every direction. Metal Creatures
Perception +19; darkvision
Languages Talican ELEMENTS
Skills Athletics +30, Crafting +21, Intimidation +28, Performance +26
Str +9, Dex +4, Con +9, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +7 APPENDIX
Heavy As rust scarab. GLOSSARY
AC 33; Fort +26, Ref +23, Will +23 & INDEX
HP 292; Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep, sonic;
Resistances electricity 15
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] fist +26 (agile, reach 15 feet, versatile P,
versatile S), Damage 3d12+18 bludgeoning
Ranged [one-action] lightning +21 (electricity, magical, range
120 feet), Damage 3d10+16 electricity
Lightning Punch [two-actions] The melomach makes a fist Strike,
then makes a lightning Strike against a different creature
within 120 feet of the fist Strike’s target. Both Strikes
count toward the melomach’s multiple attack penalty, but it
doesn’t increase until after both attacks are made.
Rhythmic Stomp [one-action] (emotion, mental, primal) Frequency once per
round; Effect The melomach’s footsteps raise a clanging sound
through their body to create a brief musical phrase. The
melomach Strides, then generates the effect of one of
the following bard composition cantrips (appearing in
Player Core) at 7th rank: allegro, dirge of doom (adds the
fear trait), or triple time.
Scream [two-actions] (primal, sonic) The melomach unleashes a guttural,
ear-piercing wail. All creatures in a 120-foot cone take 7d12
sonic damage with a DC 32 Fortitude save. The melomach
can’t Scream again for 1d4 rounds.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes half damage.
Failure The creature takes full damage, is stunned 1, and is deafened
for 1 minute.
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage, is stunned 3, Oregorger
and is deafened permanently.
Zuhras, the genies of the elemental Plane of Metal, are bold and imposing, fond
of being the center of attention and drawing a crowd with flashy performances,
DISTANT THUNDER displays of skill, and tales of their personal victories. Despite their large
Zuhras favor music over all other arts. personalities, their long-term relationships tend to be cool and somewhat
Given their long isolation, however, distant; zuhras often make alliances but rarely form friendships, and the trust
their preferences are quite unlike those required for deeper relationships is rarer still. The few mortals who’ve gotten to
of other genies or most musicians know a zuhra often describe them as bombastic but emotionally aloof.
of the Universe. They value volume, Since the reconnection with other planes, zuhras have sought out and formed
intensity, and discordant combinations bonds with other genies. They find their jabali cousins to be capable smithing
of sounds. Lead vocal parts incorporate partners, if a bit staid and dull. Zuhras rarely pay non-genie elementals any
droning and screams, often with more than a passing glance, finding even the intelligent ones uninteresting to
a chorus providing a melodic communicate with or hard to relate to.
Perception +15; darkvision
Languages Common, Talican; truespeech
Skills Acrobatics +19, Athletics +15, Crafting +17, Intimidation +17, Performance +19,
Society +16
Str +3, Dex +5, Con +6, Int +4, Wis +3, Cha +5
Items +1 striking spiked chain
AC 26; Fort +16, Ref +17, Will +17
HP 125; Resistances electricity 10
Conductive Redirection [reaction] (arcane, concentrate, electricity) Trigger The zuhra is hit by
an attack, spell, or effect that deals electricity damage; Effect The zuhra conducts
the electricity through their body, taking damage as normal, and redirecting a bolt
at one target within 30 feet that they can see. The zuhra makes a ranged attack roll
with a +20 modifier against the target’s AC. On a hit or critical hit, the target takes
electricity damage equal to the full damage of the triggering effect.
Speed 25 feet, fly 30 feet
Melee [one-action] spiked chain +19 (disarm, finesse, magical, reach 10 feet, trip), Damage
2d8+9 slashing
Melee [one-action] hand blade +19 (agile, finesse, magical, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d4+9
slashing plus 1d4 persistent bleed
Arcane Innate Spells DC 26; 7th interplanar teleport (at will; to
Astral Plane, Elemental Planes, or Universe only); 5th clad in
metal (page 142, can choose uncommon metals); 4th mercurial
stride (page 144), weapon storm; 2nd invisibility (×2),
magnetic attraction SoM (at will), magnetic repulsion SoM (at
will); Cantrips (4th) detect magic; Constant (5th) truespeech
Blinding Reflection [one-action] (arcane, light) Frequency once per
round; Requirements The zuhra is in dim or bright light; Effect
The zuhra briefly reshapes part of their metallic body into a concave
surface to reflect the surrounding light into the eyes of a creature
within 30 feet. The target must attempt a DC 26 Reflex
save. It’s then temporarily immune for 1 hour.
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target is dazzled until the start of the zuhra’s
next turn.
Failure The target is blinded until the start of the zuhra’s
next turn.
Change Shape [one-action] (arcane, concentrate, polymorph) The zuhra
transforms into a Small or Medium metal elemental or animal
(page 139). This doesn’t affect the zuhra’s statistics, but it could
change the damage type of their Strikes.
The most powerful zuhras draw followers and elemental metal with
overwhelming force of personality and literal magnetism. When called upon
to conduct wish rituals, they use their long isolation from the other planes as SKIMMING ALONG INTRODUCTION
an excuse to misinterpret requests outlandishly, claiming linguistic differences. Zuhras achieve flight by using ELEMENTAL
magnetism to lift their own bodies into CHARACTERS
ZUHRA SHUYOOKH CREATURE 13 the air. As this grows more difficult the
RARE HUGE ELEMENTAL GENIE higher they go, many zuhras’ preferred
Perception +23; darkvision method of movement isn’t walking or EARTH
Languages Common, Talican; truespeech flying, but gliding along the smooth
Skills Acrobatics +27, Athletics +24, Crafting +26, Deception +26, Intimidation +24, surfaces of their home plane much the
Performance +28, Society +22 way mortals cross ice on skates, with METAL
Str +5, Dex +6, Con +8, Int +5, Wis +4, Cha +7 only a thin layer of electromagnetism Greatness
in Decline
Items +2 striking spiked chain between them and the ground.
AC 34; Fort +29, Ref +23, Will +21 Lords
HP 212; Resistances electricity 10 Metal Spells
Conductive Redirection [reaction] (arcane, concentrate, electricity) As zuhra, but the attack Metal Items
modifier is +27. Metal Creatures
Magnetic Field (arcane, aura, metal) 10 feet. All squares in the aura are difficult terrain
for creatures wearing metal armor or made of metal. Strikes with metallic weapons
made by or against creatures in this aura take a –2 status penalty to the attack roll. WOOD
Zuhras ignore these effects.
Speed 30 feet, fly 35 feet ELEMENTS
Melee [one-action] spiked chain +27 (disarm, finesse, magical, reach 15 feet, trip), Damage
2d8+11 slashing plus 1d12 electricity APPENDIX
Melee [one-action] hand blade +25 (agile, finesse, magical, reach 15 feet), Damage 2d4+11 GLOSSARY
slashing plus 4d4 persistent bleed & INDEX
Arcane Innate Spells DC 32, attack +24; 7th clad in metal (page 142, can
choose uncommon and rare metals), enthrall, interplanar teleport (at
will; to Astral Plane, Elemental Planes, or Universe only), weapon
storm; 6th mercurial stride (page 144), wall of
metal (page 145); 5th invisibility (×2), magnetic
acceleration SoM (at will), magnetic attraction SoM
(at will); Cantrips (7th) detect magic; Constant
(5th) truespeech
Change Shape [one-action] (arcane, concentrate, polymorph) As zuhra.
Magnetic Reposition [one-action] (arcane) Frequency once per
round; Effect The shuyookh targets any number of
creatures affected by their magnetic field, and
moves each target 10 feet in a direction the zuhra
chooses. Each target can resist being moved if it
succeeds at a DC 32 Fortitude save.
Magnetic Storm [three-actions] (arcane) Requirements The
shuyookh’s magnetic field is active; Effect The shuyookh
electromagnetically flings razor-sharp metal scraps.
Each creature in a 30-foot emanation takes 8d6 slashing
damage and 3d12 electricity damage, with a DC 32 basic
Fortitude save. The shuyookh’s magnetic field is deactivated
for 1d4 rounds.
Mercurial Wish (downtime) Frequency three times per
year; Effect The shuyookh conducts a wish ritual for
the benefit of a mortal, requiring no cost or secondary
casters. The shuyookh’s result is a success if they
succeed at a DC 5 flat check or a failure if not. The
shuyookh attempts to fulfill the wish in a way that
creates an unstable or impermanent benefit.
Pelegoxes are beings of condensed magnetic energy that fashion bodies
for themselves using their surroundings. Though a pelegox’s true form is a
REFINED TASTES spherical core, it pulls metal fragments of various shapes and sizes to form a
Less interested in arbitrary polyhedral shell. Though pelegoxes might develop preferences for a particular
assignments of monetary value, form when at rest, they continue to look for new configurations to call their
pelegoxes prefer metals that display own, happiest when they can experiment with endless possibilities, even if it
new forms or colors. They are as means dismantling other metallic entities.
likely to trade a pure sphere of These piecemeal creatures move by a combination of magnetic levitation
dawnsilver for a jagged piece of and propulsion, and when that doesn’t work, by continuously piercing
corroded copper as they are to keep the ground and shifting their weight forward, looking almost like moving
a priceless djezet carving forever. caltrops. Over time, the magnetic signature of a pelegox becomes visible,
However, even pelegoxes assign great etched into its body in patterns of concentric lines. These unique designs
value to orichalcum, as the skymetal’s make it possible to distinguish between individual pelegoxes even when their
time-bending restorative properties surface has eroded.
grant the freedom to shape new Pelegoxes are quick to form relationships with others of their kind. They
configurations without being beholden delight in combining their individual bodies into ever larger, more elaborate
to an unsatisfactory result. structures and patterns. As such, it is rare to find a pelegox on their own—
they prefer to travel in a clustered form.
The geniekin called taloses descend primarily from zuhra genies, metal
elementals, and other denizens of the Plane of Metal. Many taloses mold
their natural talent for metalwork into careers as tinkerers, miners, or smiths, TRAVELING TINKERERS INTRODUCTION
although just as many leverage the luster of precious metals in a quest for While there are no known permanent ELEMENTAL
fame and fortune. talos settlements in the Universe, there CHARACTERS
Taloses are among the most metropolitan of geniekin, often born in or is a small nomadic community known
drawn to cities of various sizes, especially those with advanced metalworking as the Tinkerers’ Caravan. Originally
or technology trades. Metal often needs to be worked to find its form and founded in Vudra and inspired by EARTH
function, which may explain why many taloses seem to enjoy living among similar clans of janns and sulis, the
people, if not necessarily socializing with them. They often find themselves caravan now travels throughout most
stumbling into jobs somewhere along the production line of technology, of the eastern world, offering all METAL
whether it’s mining the raw ore from the earth, working it into wires and taloses who wish to travel with them a Greatness
in Decline
gears, or constructing the devices themselves. Some taloses resent and reject sense of community and belonging that
the expectations that they fill such roles, but many embrace their fascination they might not find anywhere else. Lords
with tech, often going on to become expert inventors. Taloses are therefore Metal Spells
far more likely than other geniekin to make use of clockwork technology in Metal Items
their communities. Metal Creatures
Despite having long inhabited Golarion, albeit in small numbers, taloses
have only rarely been recognized as geniekin. The largest number of them, and
also the largest number whose true nature is known, inhabit Tian Xia. The WOOD
traditions of metal as an element have lived much longer there. Taloses
often find themselves drawn to discussions and study of elemental ELEMENTS
metal the instant they hear of the concept. Historical records speak
of renowned courtiers and diplomats with skin of flawless silver or APPENDIX
bronze. In the Ivory Port of Goka, the smiths of the family-owned GLOSSARY
Dragon’s Iron Forge craft their blades and firearms with magnetic & INDEX
techniques handed down from their zuhra sheikha ancestor.
A talos gadgeteer is a clockwork tinkerer. When confronted, their
preferred tactic is to lure opponents into traps using their lesser explosive
mines before attempting to engage directly.
Drops Joining in the Sea
This one is grateful to represent the Consortium of the gives a truer experience of the nature of water and the
Transparent Bell, that the learning we’ve collected— ends to which it can be put.
each a paltry cupful from our individual experiences We find the following image often easily grasped by
and lives, now pooled together into a single reservoir those who come from above the waves. Picture a dark
of fathomless knowledge—can, in turn, be shared with squall over the Sixfold Palace. Moisture in the clouds too
another who wishes to know the depths of elemental light to even feel on your scales nevertheless coalesces
water. You may feel apprehension, especially if you into drops heavy enough to fall, each tapping the roof’s
are one who coughs at the first hint of fluid in their golden tiles before joining into a rivulet—each rivulet
lungs, who flounders when separated from firm land, melds with others as they course down the gutter to
or whose eyes blur at the touch of saline as you bob the northern eave before finally spewing forth from the
on the surface. Perhaps you’ve tried to make sense mouth of a bronze carp in a stream powerful enough
of the crushing darkness while looking down at the to erode the pavement. Neither the carp, nor the roof
shapes stirring in the depths that could be real or, just for that matter, “shoots” or “evokes” the stone-cutting
as easily, a trick of your imagination. stream—the water was always going to fall of its own
This is natural; the full extent of any discipline accord, and the roof merely gathers each imperceptible
or realm can seem unfathomable at first, and in the drop, nudges it along its journey downward, and directs
moment of first seeing that expanse, it is understandable it to pool and join and strike with the combined force
for fear or anxiety to take hold. For all the wonders of and intention of its siblings. This is what it means to
water, terror lurks in its depths, but steady your heart. “control” elemental water; as those who seek to direct
Ours is a uniquely mutable element: water can take its energies, we must spread ourselves as wide and flat
any shape to fill any vessel, split apart with neither as the palace’s roof to gather the requisite elemental
wound nor scar, and come together with neither seam forces, then create a channel within ourselves that
nor limit. With these qualities, one can face any terror allows them to travel along the paths and shapes we
with perfect serenity. desire, growing more powerful all the while.
This one once felt as you must now—of being There’s a certain tranquility in this act, knowing that
a single droplet, hopelessly tiny against the tide. we direct a force greater than ourselves, that makes it
However, in changing, in joining his strength and easy to become altogether absorbed (this one has more
knowledge with others, he learned that when droplets than once begun his morning drills only to find the bell
come together into a single current, we have nothing sounding for lunch what feels like a moment later), yet
to fear. Join us, take our hand, and let us dive into the this tranquility is ever fragile. The smallest disruption
currents together. of focus introduces turbulence; even a tiny eddy spirals
and life-giving to violent and life-taking in the instant
our backs turn; in this regard the Boundless Sea is as any
other, tranquil in one moment, its currents bringing us THALASSIC
together, fearsome the next as its hazards cleave us apart Unsurprisingly, Thalassic was meant to be spoken INTRODUCTION
(one to the Boneyard, the other left to mourn). This one underwater and, due to air’s lower density, sounds ELEMENTAL
speaks not in hypotheticals, having himself experienced a markedly different when spoken above the surface. CHARACTERS
dozen different sensations like watery death; on occasion, The language is extremely vowel-centric, with
in the pursuit of knowledge, members of the Consortium many sounds produced in the throat, and highly
have been lost to the plane’s dangers, and the moment of agglutinative, with glottal stops adding further EARTH
their passing psychically transmits to Ao’orn, is recorded meaning to long strings of syllables. Most consonants
for posterity, and gets shared with the Consortium, as are voiced, the better to carry through water.
with any novel finding. While we can’t fault the sea for its Sibilants are rare in Thalassic, as these sounds are METAL
tempestuousness—such is its nature—neither should we produced via streams of air and tend to simply expel WATER
allow it to claim us without contest. large air bubbles when uttered underwater. “Z” and “s”
Drops Joining
sounds, such as those in both lords of water’s names, in the Sea
BLEACHLAKES are therefore a mark of status and respect since even Elemental Lords
It is a curious thing, to be submerged and yet see a uttering “Kelizandri” or “Lysianassa” underwater Water Spells
shoreline encircling a pool of liquid, to see even merfolk requires the speaker to give up significant amounts Water Items
draw in a deep breath and close their eyes before preparing of their limited air supply. Water Creatures
to dive. However, bleachlakes provide examples of both, WOOD
their freezing and dense saline waters coursing over tidal
shelfs like an undersea waterfall to collect in depressions thankfully tend to propagate slowly and can be blown CHURN OF
on the ocean floor, so toxic and devoid of oxygen that all off-course like any other current; where they occasionally ELEMENTS
but the hardiest seafaring creatures perish in their depths. threaten settlements, a collection of elementalists can APPENDIX
While hardy mussels and clams usually ring perimeter of usually direct the ripple safely around.
a bleachlake, happily thriving where little else can, these
pools’ centers are littered with the carcasses of creatures Schools and Colonies
who didn’t notice they couldn’t breathe until they were Though the Plane of Water teems with life, just as in
too far in to make it back; the same salt that bleached the oceans of Golarion, this life is relatively sparse in
their remains of all color now preserves them perfectly. open pelagic zones; rather, civilization is concentrated
The greatest of these lakes is the Trench of Uapo’an, vast where resources and energy are abundant, whether due
enough to fill an entire underwater fissure and rimmed to photosynthesis-enabling light, nutrient-rich mineral
with the skeletal maw of some impossibly massive, long- vents, or the fallen carcasses of great leviathans. Where
forgotten brine dragon that extends from the crevasse. Its societies are more mobile, they are as likely to arise on
ribcage rests on the floor and is filled, between the bleached the backs of massive turtles, oarfish, or dinosaurs as they
bones, with an army’s worth of humanoid skeletons and are on the many hunks of rock, coral, or ice deposited
shining blades, clearly magical (both from their glow and from other planes and that drift through the endless
their resistance to corrosion) and the subject of much seas. Regardless, these concentrations provide points
greed. Though many expeditions have attempted to of serenity for faydhaans, undines, merfolk, and many
retrieve this lost armory, many more treasures have been others between braving the dangers of the open sea.
left behind than ever removed, the Trench’s collection of
skeletons increasing with each failed attempt. CITY-ON-LURE
While Vialesk has been more mobile since the restoration
RIPPLES of Lysianassa, the City-on-Lure, constructed on the back
Though the sea is generally of even and tolerable of the eponymous giant anglerfish that once patrolled the
temperature and pressure, growing more severe only plane, has found itself curiously stationary, as Lure herself
over ranges so wide that one would have ample time to has descended to the depths and taken up residence not far
acclimate, there exist bands of water anywhere, of widths from Phantom’s Ebb, an undersea graveyard so filled with
from a few feet to a mile. Such areas possess wildly more lesser and greater undead shadows that the very water is
extreme physical properties, visible to the untrained light-swallowing and opaque. Though City-on-Lure serves
eye only as ripples—ribbons of water that shimmer as a fine residence for its ceratiodi inhabitants—Lure’s flesh
slightly with distortion and refraction and are so hot or remains both delicious and structurally sound enough to
compressed as to possess the capacity to boil a ship down build domiciles and tunnels—the city is now less of a mobile
whole or sweep across a forest of kelp like an invisible trade port and more a border town. Each day, Lure’s esca
scythe. While ripples fail to dilute into the surrounding seems to shine a bit brighter; some say, and the Consortium
water, allowing them to traverse long distances, they theorizes as well, that Lure senses the imminent escape of
the Ebb’s rumored Lightless Lord and has brought her glow Wavemakers
(one of the few light sources on the plane powerful enough) The Plane of Water connects all of us, skin to skin, as we
to keep the ancient undead contained, at least for a time. float within its depths. With each motion, we disturb our
shared medium ever so imperceptibly—and though none
VIALESK pass completely without trace, some create wakes felt
The shining pearl of the Plane of Water is the reflected city further and deeper than others. For eons, the chief source
of Vialesk, with one set of towers extending deep into the of turbulence has, of course, been the Brackish Emperor
water and the other contained within a massive bubble of Kelizandri, though thankfully he has usually been content
air. Each half provides a perfect habitat for water- and air- to idle in his egotistically named realm of Kelizandrika
breathers respectively, meeting at the middle in a glorious between brief periods of violence, yet now Lysianassa, our
market that both sides employ to socialize, trade, and returned Empress of the Torrent, fits this description, her
coordinate policy. While Vialesk once orbited Axtar, Firros, joyfully free circuits of the Boundless Sea stirring up new
and Palixna—the three flaming suns that hang in the center currents and tides and reinvigorating our waters.
of the Plane of Water, unquenched even in the depths—since Our empress’s return has brought with it a scion of one
the rebalancing of the elemental planes and ensuant surges of her most loyal servants; before her defeat, the empress
in the energies of planar fire, Palixna and Firros have broken sent the massive nautilus Riam the Unyielding into hiding.
orbit, instead wandering the sea in jagged, though regular, Though he fell in battle, he managed to protect the artifact
loops. Vialesk now orbits Palixna alone, affording the city she had entrusted him, guarded within his shell for eons
a mobility that has only increased its reach as a trade hub. afterward, and now, another egg from his clutch has
Though this change has increased the stability and comfort awakened, named Riafera. Though not yet as massive as
of the City of Splendid Waves, so too has it aggravated social her older brother, Riafera is a keen diplomat and perhaps
divisions in the city, with the ever-more-enriched undine a more approachable intermediary to Lysianassa—albeit
ruling class living closer to the central market district and one primarily concerned with recovering Riam’s shell,
those without means being relegated to the extremes of the and the powerful magic that might yet dwell within it,
spires, where the air is stale and the water is cold. lost to the depths some years ago.
On the Plane of Water, faydhaans are known for their
powerful skill at arms and trade alike, but it is Enkala’s
talent at dance that draws guests from afar, for while we WATER ADJUSTMENTS
are all connected through our shared medium, Enkala’s To quickly give a creature a magical connection to INTRODUCTION
perception is, for some unknown reason, a thousand the element of water, you can use the following ELEMENTAL
times more expansive than any other, his senses capable adjustments. CHARACTERS
of detecting the smallest wake for leagues or, as some • Add the water trait and either the amphibious or
rumor, even anywhere on the plane. He interprets these aquatic trait.
perturbations of the water in a form of oracular dance— • If it has any languages, add Thalassic. EARTH
floating this way and that, spinning as foam on the tide, • Decrease the creature’s HP based on its level.
his motions can give clues to objects or creatures long • Add resistance to fire depending on its level.
distant or lost, a talent he uses only for those whom he • Add a swim Speed of 25 feet, or 40 feet if the METAL
trusts not to misuse the knowledge. creature is 8th level or higher. WATER
The patron of our Consortium of the Transparent • If the creature can cast spells, you can replace
Drops Joining
Bell, the creature once known as the Lion’s-Mouth, is spells with water spells of the same rank, such in the Sea
a massive, colonial organism whose tendrils reach from as: Cantrip spout SoM, 1st hydraulic push, 2nd Elemental Lords
the surface to the depths of the entire plane. Yet, their mist, 3rd aqueous orb, 4th hydraulic torrent, 5th Water Spells
size belies a surprising childlikeness since they achieved control water, 6th personal ocean (page 174), Water Items
sapience (and with it, immense psychic power) only 7th hungry depths (page 173), 8th whirlpool Water Creatures
recently; in our patron’s infancy, they wanted only to (page 175). WOOD
learn, to accumulate knowledge from the minds that Level HP Decrease Resistance to Fire
flocked to them to teach philosophies diverse and 3 or lower 6 3 CHURN OF
distant. Yet, as our patron learned, these scholars each 4–8 10 5 ELEMENTS
had hidden agendas, hoping to bend them to individual 9–13 20 10 APPENDIX
causes, that our patron might use their powers to 14+ 30 15
advance one over the rest. Realizing that cooperation,
rather than competition, was key to a
harmonious sharing of knowledge, borders the Plane of Earth. While the
our patron, now naming themself Plane of Water is perfectly amenable
Ao’orn, offered to share their to water-breathing creatures, air-
mind with each scholar, forming breathing travelers must provide
the Consortium of which this their own supply of air or magical
one is now a member. Each means to breathe while here. Bubbles
who chooses to join their of breathable atmosphere are relatively
efforts with the collective whole rare and securely guarded, anchored
is accompanied by a polyp of over places of trade and commerce
Ao’orn’s colonial body, allowing with outsiders, such as the great city
us to share our knowledge with of Vialesk, founded by immigrant
Ao’orn and each other at any undines. The plane’s oceans, dotted by
distance and, forming one of Lost Shell of Riam vast forests of kelp, magical currents, and
the greatest collections of learning on strange phenomena, play host to empires of merfolk,
the plane. Since joining the Consortium, this one has predatory and expansionist sea devils, and the holdings of the
known only the tranquility of enlightenment. plane’s great brine dragons.
While faydhaans once claimed nearly absolute dominion
PLANE OF WATER PLANE over the plane of their origin, their empire long ago fell into
SUBJECTIVE GRAVITY WATER deterioration and disunity. Their ravaged cities sank into
Category Inner Plane the depths, and their current holdings remain a shadow of
Divinities elemental lords of water their former grandeur. Kelizandri the Brackish Emperor, the
Native Inhabitants brine dragons, faydhaans, shades (water prideful elemental lord of water and cause of their ruin, rules
pneuma), water elementals the dark, saline depths, feasting on all rivals and hoarding
Far beyond the skies of the Plane of Air, the roots of the newly the vast, stolen wealth of the fallen faydhaan cities—but the
regrown Plane of Wood are nurtured by the vast, spherical, return of his counterpart Lysianassa, Empress of the Torrent,
liquid shell of the Plane of Water. Its nearly limitless stretches now threatens his hold on the plane. Unlike other subjective
of saline, fresh, and brackish seas teem with all manner of gravity planes, on the Plane of Water, a creature moves based
oceanic life, lit by submerged suns and bioluminescence before on its swim Speed and must use actions to Swim if it doesn’t
descending into the black, benthic depths where the plane have one.
The Brackish Emperor
Areas of Concern drowning, water, waves
Edicts instill hydrophobia in others, kill your foes by drowning them, sacrifice
treasures to the depths of the ocean
Anathema destroy a body of water, use magic to calm the waves
Divine Attribute Constitution or Charisma
Cleric Spells 1st: fear, 2nd: summon elemental (water only), 6th: hydraulic torrent
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification must choose unholy
Divine Skill Athletics
Domains destruction, nightmares, travel, water; Alternate Domains tyranny,
wyrmkin LOGM, zeal
Favored Weapon trident
The narcissism of Kelizandri, who rules over all bodies of water both
salt and fresh, has no bounds. His realm, Kelizandrika, serves as
both a boast of the Brackish Emperor’s importance and a cruel
reminder to its brine dragon ministers of the ominous
and suffocating presence of their tyrant. Even in
his most lethargic moments, idling in his Palace
of Salt and Bones, his cruel and fickle whims
fill his subjects with trepidation. When he
roams beyond the palace walls, even his
faithful flee in terror from his bloodthirst.
Subjects of Kelizandrika are assumed
to worship him, though numerous
dissidents remain—especially among
faydhaans. Rooting out these rebels is one
of the many atrocities Kelizandri demands
his brine dragon subordinates execute.
Kelizandri yet lazes in his opulent
palace upon a massive reef of faydhaan
ruins. It’s unknown if he’s unaware of
the return of Lysianassa, or if he simply
hasn’t found the motivation to act. The
brine dragons on his council believe the
moment the Brackish Emperor realizes
that his beloved still waters have begun
to flow again, the tenuous dam on his
fury will fall. Preparing to appease
him, numerous brine dragon realms
have already instigated skirmishes with
opposed forces across the Inner Sphere, as
well as factions they fear might ally with the
returned good elemental lords.
When casting the avatar spell, a worshipper of
Kelizandri gains the following additional abilities.
Kelizandri Speed 40 feet, fly Speed 30 feet, swim Speed
70 feet; Melee [one-action] brine claw (reach 20 feet), Damage 5d6+6
slashing plus 1d6 acid; Ranged [one-action] brackish breath (range 120 feet,
water), Damage 3d6+3 bludgeoning plus 3d6+3 acid
Empress of the Torrent
Areas of Concern currents, flow, oceans, tides, water
Edicts change to avoid stagnation, promote life and growth, respect and aid the flow INTRODUCTION
of natural cycles, swim ELEMENTAL
Anathema dam a river, disrespect sincere gifts of water or drink, pollute clean bodies CHARACTERS
of water
Divine Attribute Dexterity or Constitution
Cleric Spells 1st: hydraulic push, 3rd: aqueous orb, 5th: control water
Divine Font heal METAL
Divine Sanctification can choose holy WATER
Divine Skill Survival
Drops Joining
Domains change LOGM, fate, nature, water; Alternate Domains dreams, protection, time LOGM in the Sea
Favored Weapon spear Elemental Lords
Water Spells
The waves left in the swift wake of Lysianassa are felt throughout the Plane of Water Items
Water. The Lord of Water once created—and now cultivates—the currents of Water Creatures
her home, tending the cycles of entropy and rejuvenation that keep her plane WOOD
and the cosmos beyond fresh and functioning. Like water itself, she brings life
and change as she flows through the Boundless Sea, working to revitalize that CHURN OF
which her counterpart Kelizandri kept stagnant in her long absence. ELEMENTS
Of all the good elemental lords imprisoned by their evil kin, Lysianassa took APPENDIX
her millennia inside the Gasping Pearl the hardest. Trapped in stasis, she at first
found herself unable to move past her own regret and shame; after all, she’d
contributed to the infighting over the Universe that had distracted the good
lords and left them vulnerable to attack. In time, however, she remembered her
own edicts and changed her regret into determination. Finding a way to exert
her influence beyond the bounds of her artifact prison, she sent psychic dreams
and visions to those who might find a way to free her. Together, these “pearl
seeker” champions recently succeeded in freeing Lysianassa, bringing her the
first great joy she’s felt in eons.
Now she has much to do, for the Plane of Water has changed in her absence.
Many of the empress’s old currents have fallen still, and she can feel the holes
in the plane where old friends have left it. Even the temple once erected in her
honor now enshrines another: the much-prophesied Queen of the Deep, soon
to “Awaken.” Some think Lysianassa’s return signifies that they’re one and
the same. As for the lord herself, that isn’t a name she recognizes as hers.
Lysianassa tends to the cycles of changes and offers succor to those
swept away by torrents. She guides these souls to understand the truth
that brings her solace: though things might change, so too can one
change along with them. Lysianassa herself has changed, and will
again. To avoid the quiet, incremental death of stagnation, the
Empress of the Torrent surges ever forward, racing
the currents of her own creation.
When casting the avatar spell, a worshipper of Lysianassa gains
the following additional abilities.
Lysianassa Speed 70 feet, swim Speed 70 feet, immune to
immobilized, ignore underwater difficult terrain and greater
difficult terrain; Melee [one-action] wave (reach 15 feet, shove),
Damage 6d6+6 bludgeoning (6d10+6 underwater);
Ranged [one-action] boundless torrent (range 120 feet),
Damage 6d6 bludgeoning (6d8 underwater)
Water is a versatile element that can be both gentle and severe. It can soothe wounded flesh or bite through skin and
scale; it can hide and obscure but also clarify or even enlighten. As water can take any shape, so too can its magic,
limiting its applications to only the caster’s imagination.
BRINE DRAGON BILE [reaction] SPELL 2 reaches 4, the growths spread to cover the target’s entire
ACID CONCENTRATE WATER body, and the target becomes paralyzed.
Traditions arcane, primal Critical Failure As failure, but when the target Interacts
Trigger A creature within range takes damage from a to scrape the coral growths from its body, it reduces its
slashing or piercing attack, or one that inflicts persistent clumsy condition by 1, instead of decreasing it to 0, and
bleed damage. decreasing the clumsy condition to 0 doesn’t end the spell.
Range 30 feet; Targets the creature that took damage
Defense AC DANCING FOUNTAIN [three-actions] SPELL 7
You spit a glob of caustic saltwater that stings the wounds CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE WATER
of the creature. Make a ranged spell attack against the Traditions arcane, primal
triggering creature’s AC. On a hit, salt scours its open wound, Area 30-foot burst centered on you
dealing 2d6 persistent acid damage. Duration sustained up to 1 minute
Heightened +2 The persistent damage increases by 2d6. Tapping the ground, you create a shallow pool of water that
spreads over the affected area, and majestic sprays, jets, and
BUOYANT BUBBLES [one-action] SPELL 1 mists of water erupt forth in a dazzling water show. When
CONCENTRATE WATER you Cast the Spell, and the first time each round you Sustain
Traditions arcane, primal the spell, you can command the fountain to use one of the
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature following displays, which is accompanied by a loud burst of
Duration 1 minute music. The dancing fountain is somewhat fickle in its desire
You create a thin layer of foamy bubbles that adhere to the for novelty, meaning it can’t be commanded to use the same
target, causing it to float in water and similar liquids. The display on two consecutive turns.
target doesn’t sink, even if it hasn’t succeeded at a Swim • Chasing Jets A series of vertical jets shoot up in a chase
check this round; an already-sinking target resurfaces with sequence, forcing one creature within the fountain to
the bubbles’ help over the course of 1 round. If on a plane move 15 feet in a direction of your choice unless it
where the water or liquid has a surface, the bubbles also succeeds at a Reflex save against your spell DC. The
prevent the target from diving beneath that surface unless it fountain can’t make a creature move outside its area.
succeeds at a Fortitude save against your spell DC. • Flashing Spray Diffuse fog fills the area of the
Heightened (4th) You can target up to 5 creatures. emanation. All creatures within the fountain become
concealed, and all creatures outside the fountain
CORAL SCOURGE [two-actions] SPELL 3 become concealed to creatures within it. The spray
CONCENTRATE INCAPACITATION MANIPULATE WATER persists until the beginning of your next turn.
Traditions arcane, primal • Power Rings The fountain blasts a series of rings of
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature water into the air that land with a crash in a 10-foot
Defense Reflex; Duration 1 minute burst centered on a location of your choice within the
Barnacles, coral, and other rough aquatic creatures grow fountain. The falling torrent deals 10d6 bludgeoning
on the target’s body, getting in between their joints and damage to all creatures within the burst (basic Reflex).
stiffening their movement. This impedes the target’s
movement depending on the result of its saving throw. DIVE AND BREACH [two-actions] SPELL 3
Success The target is clumsy 1. The target can Interact to Traditions arcane, primal
scrape the coral growths from its body, decreasing the Defense basic Reflex
clumsy condition to 0 and ending the spell. You make the briefest of dives through the Plane of Water.
Failure The target is clumsy 2. Each round at the beginning You Leap 10 feet, and where you would land on the ground,
of its turn, the target becomes clumsy 1 or increases its you instead disappear in a splash of water, your body
clumsy condition by 1, to a maximum of 4. The target entering the surface like a diver entering a pool. You then
can Interact to scrape the coral growths from its body, exit from an unoccupied surface within 40 feet, appearing
decreasing the clumsy condition to 0 and ending the spell. in another splash of water as you Leap out, landing 10
If the target’s clumsy condition caused by coral scourge feet away from where you exited. Each splash deals 3d10
bludgeoning damage to all creatures in a 5-foot emanation; GRASP OF THE DEEP [two-actions] SPELL 4
creatures in multiple splash zones take damage only once. CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE MENTAL WATER
Heightened (+1) The damage dealt by each splash increases Traditions arcane, primal
by 1d10. Range 60 feet; Targets 1 creature INTRODUCTION
Defense Will; Duration 1 minute ELEMENTAL
DRAW MOISTURE [two-actions] CANTRIP 1 You grip one target with the phantasmal pressure of the deep CHARACTERS
CANTRIP CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE WATER sea, disorienting and crushing its lungs and joints. The target
Traditions arcane, divine, primal takes 6d6 bludgeoning damage and other effects, depending
Range 10 feet; Targets 1 object on its Will saving throw. EARTH
You draw water out of an object, possibly to clean up spills or Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
quickly dry a soaked book or shirt. You draw up to a pint of Success The target takes half damage.
water from the object; this dries objects of less than 1 Bulk. Failure The target takes half damage, and feels as though METAL
The water collects in a globule floating in your hand, which you it’s being crushed. The target becomes grabbed and takes WATER
can direct into a nearby container as part of Casting the Spell; 6d6 bludgeoning damage; it can attempt to Escape with an
Drops Joining
otherwise, it splashes to the ground. Repeated applications Escape DC equal to your spell DC. in the Sea
of draw moisture can be used to dry larger objects, although Critical Failure As failure, but the target takes double damage. Elemental Lords
doing so might take significant time. You can use this spell in Heightened (6th) You can target up to 5 creatures. Water Spells
especially humid environments to condense drinkable water Water Items
from the air, though typically, you can’t draw more than a few HUNGRY DEPTHS [three-actions] SPELL 7 Water Creatures
cups before depleting the ambient moisture. CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE VOID WATER WOOD
Traditions arcane, primal
FREEZING RAIN [three-actions] SPELL 5 Range 120 feet; Area 5-foot burst (see text) CHURN OF
Defense basic Reflex; Duration sustained up to 1 minute ELEMENTS
Traditions arcane, primal A spiral of dark, corrupted water appears in the ground, APPENDIX
Range 120 feet; Area 20-foot burst plunging open a door to the depths that seems to descend
Defense Reflex (see text); Duration sustained up to 10 minutes for miles. Disembodied glowing eyes and gnashing teeth spin
Intense cold rain comes from nowhere, a microcosm of a within the vortex, consuming anything that crosses their path.
sudden downpour, and a magical tweak can turn the rain to All creatures in the area take 4d8 piercing damage plus
freezing sleet. The driving rain and pooling water make the 4d4 void damage (basic Reflex save). Each time you Sustain
area difficult terrain and extinguish non-magical fires. the spell, you can increase the vortex’s radius by 5 feet, to
On subsequent rounds, the first time you Sustain the spell a maximum of 15 feet, or you can move the vortex up to 10
each round, you can move the area up to 20 feet and can feet in a straight line. Each creature the vortex moves through
also freeze the rain. If you freeze the rain, each creature takes the damage with a basic Reflex save. A creature can
in the area takes 4d6 cold damage and might be slowed, take damage from hungry depths only once per round.
depending on result of its Reflex save. If cast underwater, hungry depths instead fills a 40-foot‑tall
Critical Success The creature is unaffected. cylinder with a 5-foot radius.
Success The creature takes half damage. Heightened (9th) The vortex deals 5d8 piercing damage and
Failure The creature takes full damage and is slowed 1 for 1 round. 5d4 void damage.
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and is slowed
2 for 1 round. MISTY MEMORY SPELL 4
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d6. UNCOMMON CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE WATER
Traditions arcane, divine, primal
FROST PILLAR [two-actions] SPELL 6 Cast 1 minute
COLD CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE WATER Targets 1 body of water of at least 5 square feet
Traditions arcane, primal Duration sustained up to 10 minutes
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature Some say water holds memories or impressions of the past,
Defense Reflex; Duration sustained up to 1 minute and you can raise those memories to the surface to glimpse
Ice crystallizes around a creature, imprisoning it within recent events. When you Cast the Spell, you fix your mind
an icy pillar. On a successful saving throw, the creature is on an amount of time in the past, up to 24 hours ago. A mist
pushed to an adjacent space of its choice; otherwise, it’s rises from the target body of water, filling a 30-foot burst and
frozen inside the pillar and becomes restrained as its body coalescing into a misty scene of the events that took place at
can barely move within the ice. The ice has AC 10, Hardness that time within 60 feet of the water.
10, and 60 Hit Point; it’s immune to critical hits, cold damage, Any creature who can see the area can observe the images
and precision damage, and it has weakness 15 to fire. If the produced, which are a translucent white color and detailed
ice is destroyed, the creature within is freed and the spell enough to show a silhouette, outline, or contour of creatures
immediately ends. and objects that passed through the area and the motions
Scrying Ripples
they took. Fine details, such as facial features or written counteract a fire larger than the spaces you moved through,
letters, are too precise for the mist to form, and the scene you merely push it out of the spaces along your path. If you
is silent. fail to counteract a given fire, you can’t counteract that fire for
You can Sustain the spell to cause the mist to play events the duration of the spell.
backward or forward, with each minute spent Sustaining You can Dismiss the spell.
corresponding to a minute of playback.
Strong winds from a magical source can disrupt this spell if PILLAR OF WATER [three-actions] SPELL 3
the effect succeeds at a counteract check against your spell DC. CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE WATER
Traditions arcane, primal
PERSONAL OCEAN [two-actions] SPELL 6 Range 120 feet
Traditions arcane, primal You create a large, self-contained cylinder of still, clear fresh
Duration 1 minute water. You choose the radius and height of the pillar, to
You surround yourself in a bubble-like shroud of seawater a maximum radius of 15 feet and a maximum height of 60
that fills your space completely and moves with you. You feet. Creatures inside the pillar can Swim through the water
can breathe, speak, and perceive normally while within your as normal (Athletics DC 10), or if the spell was cast on solid
personal ocean, and you gain a swim Speed equal to your land ground, walk along the bottom (which is difficult terrain). Any
Speed if you don’t have one. The rules of aquatic combat apply creature that exits the pillar falls or lands accordingly.
to you, attacks targeting you, or attacks passing through your
square. For instance, a bludgeoning or slashing melee attack ROUSING SPLASH [two-actions] CANTRIP 1
targeting you would take a –2 circumstance penalty, and you CANTRIP CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE WATER
can’t cast fire spells or use actions with the fire trait. Traditions divine, primal
Each time you move, you extinguish non-magical fires Range 60 feet; Targets 1 creature
in spaces you pass through and can attempt to counteract You cause a splash of cold water to descend on an ally’s
magical fires you move through. If you successfully head, granting some temporary vigor. The target gains 1d4
temporary Hit Points, which last for 1 minute. The target is means that creatures are constantly tossed between areas
then temporarily immune to the temporary Hit Points from of air and water, allowing both air- and water-breathing
rousing splash for 10 minutes. The target can also attempt creatures to breathe within the vortex. Any creature with
an immediate flat check to recover from a single source of a swim Speed can Swim instead of Stride to move within INTRODUCTION
persistent acid or fire damage, with the DC reduction from the whirlpool; the DC to Swim within it is equal to your ELEMENTAL
appropriate assistance. spell DC. CHARACTERS
Heightened (+1) The amount of temporary Hit Points granted All creatures in the area take 6d10 bludgeoning damage
increases by 1d4. as the waves crash into them. On subsequent rounds, the
first time you Sustain the spell each round, the waves crash EARTH
SCRYING RIPPLES SPELL 3 again with the same effect.
CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE SCRYING WATER Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Traditions arcane, divine, occult, primal Success The creature takes half damage. METAL
Cast 1 minute Failure The creature takes full damage and is drawn 10 feet WATER
Range touch; Targets 1 gallon of water or more toward the center of the whirlpool.
Drops Joining
Duration sustained up to 10 minutes Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and is in the Sea
You touch the water’s surface, and as the ripples spread drawn to the center of the whirlpool. Elemental Lords
out, so do your senses. When you Cast this Spell, you Heightened (+1) The bludgeoning damage increases by 1d10. Water Spells
automatically know the location of any unoccupied, flowing Water Items
water with a surface area of at least 1 square within 500 feet. Water Rituals Water Creatures
You can pick any one of these streams to see and hear out WOOD
of for the duration of the spell, though your field of vision is BOUNTIFUL OASIS RITUAL 5
perpendicular to the flowing surface. For example, you could UNCOMMON WATER
look normally out of a waterfall but would look straight up Cast 1 day; Cost 3 drops of fresh water taken from a ELEMENTS
from out of a river. Each time you Sustain the spell, you can naturally occurring lake within 1,000 miles of the ritual APPENDIX
change to a different water source or move elsewhere along site; Secondary Casters 1
the same one. Primary Check Nature (expert); Secondary Checks Nature or
If the water you’re scrying through ceases flowing, such Survival
as by a faucet turning off, a river damming, or a waterfall Area 10-foot burst
freezing over, this spell ends. Additionally, your face appears Duration 1 year
as a faint reflection in the water’s surface as you peek through. You redirect the flow of underground lakes and other nearby
A creature that Seeks and succeeds at their Perception check sources of water to cause a lush natural spring to emerge
against your spell DC detects your presence in the water. from the ground. The water of the spring is a clean source of
Heightened (5th) You know the location of and can scry fresh water, perfect for drinking, farming, and supporting all
through flowing water within 1 mile. forms of life. The spring purifies itself every morning at dawn,
removing toxins and contaminants unless they’re more than
WATERPROOF [two-actions] SPELL 2 double the spring’s rank.
CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE WATER The ritual creates a spring that’s geographically
Traditions arcane, primal appropriate to the terrain where the ritual is performed;
Range touch; Targets 1 object up to 10 Bulk for example, it creates a desert oasis in sandy, arid regions
Duration 1 hour and a natural hot spring in a mountain range.
You prevent the target item from taking on water or Critical Success A small pond or oasis appears, fed by a
becoming wet for the duration of the spell. The hydrophobic natural spring that discharges enough pure drinking
properties of the spell also grant resistance 10 to acid and water to sustain a small settlement. The ground in
a +2 bonus to saves and DCs against damaging effects with a 20-foot burst surrounding the spring bursts with
the water or acid traits. life, invigorated by the spring’s irrigation. A variety of
Heightened (4th) The duration is 1 day. regionally appropriate, fruit-bearing plants and other
Heightened (8th) The duration is unlimited. crops immediately take root and prosper.
Success As critical success, but the oasis is a small pool
WHIRLPOOL [three-actions] SPELL 8 that discharges enough pure drinking water to sustain
CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE WATER roughly a dozen people, without any plants growing
Traditions arcane, primal around the perimeter.
Range 500 feet; Area 25-foot radius, 20-foot tall cylinder Failure You’re unable to redirect the flow of the water.
Defense Reflex; Duration sustained up to 1 minute Critical Failure You create a small pond of fetid and
With a spin of your hand, you create a large swirling stagnant water that never dries, attracting disease-
vortex of storming waves. All squares in the whirlpool are carrying insects and sickening creatures who partake of
difficult terrain. The constant churning of the fierce waves its waters.
The needs of those sailing over the seas and those swimming below differ greatly, and the items they use follow suit.
Items from the depths take advantage of the rich bounty of plants and creatures living underwater, along with the
salvage that sinks to the seafloor. Rare shells, artifacts lost at sea, precious stones sifted from the sands—water items
glitter with the riches of a world unknown to those who tread upon only the ground.
other planes then roast the beans with local ingredients gathered
on the Plane of Water to create a brew unique to their locale. A
faydhaan’s dallah has the name of a specific faydhaan shuyookh FIGUREHEADS
engraved on the bottom and typically comes with six drinking While many ships are adorned with decorative INTRODUCTION
cups, a platter, and a selection of coffee beans. carvings, daring crews sometimes procure magical ELEMENTAL
Activate—Brew [three-actions] (concentrate, manipulate) Effect You figureheads for their vessels. Installing an item CHARACTERS
place a handful of beans in the dallah, and it immediately with the figurehead trait takes 1 hour. The item
grinds the beans, fills with water, and brews six cups’ worth then shifts slightly to match the vessel’s purpose
of coffee. Pouring a cupful of coffee into a vessel takes an or crew as determined by the attuned creature, EARTH
Interact action, as does drinking a cup. A creature that such as gaining avian features on a tengu vessel.
drinks a cup can breathe underwater and is protected from A ship can have only one figurehead attached to it
mild or severe temperatures of underwater environments at a time; attaching another one suppresses all the METAL
for 8 hours. The coffee can later be transmuted using the figureheads. WATER
dallah’s other activation, but this latent magic ends if the A figurehead can be activated only by a creature
Drops Joining
dallah is used to brew coffee again. that’s attuned to it, a process that takes 1 hour and in the Sea
Coffee poured from the dallah stays in its vessel until can be performed while the creature is installing Elemental Lords
someone drinks it or deliberately pours it out, even if the figurehead. Only one creature can be attuned Water Spells
the vessel is in an environment where the coffee would to the figurehead at a time unless otherwise noted. Water Items
normally escape, such as underwater. The attuned creature can activate the figurehead Water Creatures
Activate—Faydhaan’s Hospitality [two-actions] (concentrate) Frequency from anywhere aboard the vessel. Typically, the WOOD
once per day; Requirements You used the dallah’s activation owner or captain of the vessel attunes to their
to brew a batch of coffee today; Effect You speak the name vessel’s figurehead. CHURN OF
of the faydhaan shuyookh inscribed on the dallah. You The figureheads presented in this chapter ELEMENTS
don’t need to be holding the dallah to use this activation. assume the vehicles they attach to are sailing APPENDIX
The shuyookh transmutes the coffee within the body of ships or similar aquatic vessels, but figureheads
each creature who partook from the batch you brewed, might be modified or crafted to function on other
choosing a single common potion of 6th level or lower, vehicles instead.
which grants them all the benefits of that potion. Typically,
the shuyookh chooses a moderate healing potion, lesser
potion of resistance, or potion of swimming. If you use this activation while the tentacles are already
latched onto another ship, the tentacles instead pull that
KRAKEN FIGUREHEAD ITEM 10+ ship toward yours a distance up to half your ship’s swim
FIGUREHEAD MAGICAL WATER Speed with a success (or up to your ship’s full swim Speed
Usage attached to a ship’s bow with a critical success).
A knot of tentacles makes up the body of this figurehead. It’s The pilot of the enemy ship can attempt a DC 27 piloting
always slightly slimy and sticky to the touch. Superstitious check to break free as a single action that has the attack
sailors tend to avoid ships with this figurehead on the bow, trait. With a success, the ship frees itself from the tentacles.
claiming it’s bad luck to flaunt a kraken’s image while at sea. Type kraken figurehead; Level 10; Price 490 gp
Activate—Lash Out! [two-actions] (aura, concentrate) Frequency once Type wracking kraken figurehead; Level 14; Price 4,000 gp
per hour; Effect The effigy causes spectral tentacles to The DC to break free of the tentacles is 31. When you use
erupt from the ship’s hull. These tentacles lash out in an the figurehead’s second activation to pull an enemy ship, even
emanation with a distance equal to the ship’s length and if you didn’t pull the ship any actual distance, you can have
remain active for 10 minutes. Creatures in the aura and in the tentacles try to crack open its hull. The tentacles deal
the same body of water as the ship take a –2 circumstance 7d10 bludgeoning damage to the enemy vessel (DC 31 basic
penalty to Athletics checks to Swim as the writhing Fortitude save). Apply the ship’s Hardness as normal.
tentacles lash out in all directions.
Activate—Grab Them! [one-action] (attack, concentrate) Requirements LIONFISH SPEAR ITEM 11+
The ship’s spectral tentacles are activated; Effect The MAGICAL WATER
tentacles grab at an enemy vessel in the aura. Attempt a Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1
piloting check against the target vessel’s AC. On a success, Colorful stripes and trailing ribbons give this +2 striking
the tentacles grab hold and tether the two vessels together. underwater (page 178) wounding spear an appearance like
While tethered, the ships can’t move farther away from a poisonous lionfish. While holding the spear, you gain a +2
each other, creatures aboard the enemy vessel receive item bonus to Athletic checks to swim.
a –2 circumstance penalty to all piloting checks, and Activate—Lionfish Poison [reaction] (concentrate) Frequency
creatures attempting to Board the enemy vessel gain a +2 once per day; Trigger You successfully Strike a creature
circumstance bonus to any check required to do so. with the lionfish spear; Effect The spear injects lionfish
poison into the target; Saving Throw DC 28 Fortitude; SHELL OF EASY BREATHING ITEM 5+
Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 3d6 poison damage MAGICAL WATER
and sickened 1 (1 round); Stage 2 5d6 poison damage and Price 160 gp
sickened 2 (1 round); Stage 3 paralyzed for 2d4 hours Bulk 2
Type lionfish spear; Level 11; Price 3,000 gp This large salt-encrusted seashell is more than 2 feet across,
Type greater lionfish spear; Level 14; Price 4,000 gp with images of deep sea creatures carved around its edge.
Strikes with this +2 greater striking underwater wounding Activate—Fill the Shell [one-action] (manipulate) Effect You place the
spear deal an additional 1d6 poison damage. The poison can shell on a level surface and sprinkle a few drops of water
be activated once per hour, and its DC is 31. into its basin. The shell slowly fills with saltwater over the
course of 1 minute. The shell’s magic then becomes active,
OCTOPUS POTION ITEM 6+ indicated by a steady stream of bubbles. Moving the shell
CONSUMABLE MAGICAL MORPH POTION WATER disturbs its contents, causing the item to deactivate and the
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L water inside to evaporate; otherwise, it remains activated
Activate [one-action] (manipulate) for an unlimited duration.
Eight flailing octopus arms covered in suckers pop out from While the shell is activated, a creature can submerge
the sides of your body when you imbibe this potion. The arms its head and let water and bubbles fill its nose and mouth
share your multiple attack penalty and attempt to Grapple a (or whatever body part it uses for breathing) as a 3-action
random enemy within 15 feet of you. On a success, roll 1d4 activity. For the next hour, the creature can breathe
to determine an additional effect of the arms, which lasts underwater. The creature is then temporarily immune to
as long as the target remains grabbed or restrained by the shells of easy breathing until the next time it makes its daily
arms. On subsequent turns, you can use a single action, preparations.
which has the attack trait, to have the arms either Grapple Type shell of easy breathing; Level 5; Price 160 gp
a creature currently grappled or restrained (with no added Type greater shell of easy breathing; Level 9; Price 700 gp
effect) or release any creature they currently hold and repeat The duration of the ability to breathe underwater increases
their initial effect. After 1 minute, the arms disappear and the to 8 hours.
potion’s effects end.
1d4 Added Effect STICKY ALGAE BOMB ITEM 1+
1 The arms cover the eyes; the target is also blinded. ALCHEMICAL BOMB CONSUMABLE WATER
2 The arms cover the mouth; the target can’t speak. Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
3 The arms wrap around the limbs; the flat check for Activate [one-action] Strike
the target to use a manipulate action while grabbed These bombs have been mixed with sticky algae that glow
is DC 7 instead of DC 5. and emit poison. Attacks with this bomb don’t take the
4 The arms crush your enemy; the target takes normal penalties and restrictions for being used in water
bludgeoning damage equal to the potion’s level or underwater. A sticky algae bomb deals the listed poison
immediately and at the end of each of its turns. damage. Many types grant an item bonus to attack rolls. In
addition, the target is tagged by the bioluminescent substance
Type lesser; Level 6; Price 50 gp and leaves a highly visible trail for the next hour. The DC to
The Athletics modifier is +12 and the Escape DC is 20. Track a creature using this trail is 19, but the trail appears
Type moderate; Level 9; Price 130 gp only in water.
The Athletics modifier is +17 and the Escape DC is 25. Type lesser; Level 1; Price 4 gp
Type greater; Level 13; Price 500 gp The bomb deals 1d8 poison damage and 1 poison splash
The Athletics modifier is +22 and the Escape DC is 30. damage.
Type moderate; Level 3; Price 12 gp
SHARKSKIN ROBE ITEM 12 You gain a +1 item bonus to attack rolls. The bomb deals 2d8
INVESTED MAGICAL WATER poison damage and 2 poison splash damage.
Price 1,900 gp Type greater; Level 11; Price 280 gp
Usage worn clothing; Bulk 1 You gain a +2 item bonus to attack rolls. The bomb deals 3d8
This sandy-textured robe comes with sleeves that resemble poison damage and 3 poison splash damage.
dorsal fins. It’s believed to have been developed by frustrated Type major; Level 17; Price 2,800 gp
alchemists from the Universe for trips to the Plane of Water. You gain a +3 item bonus to attack rolls. The bomb deals 4d8
The sharkskin robe grants you a swim Speed equal to your land poison damage and 4 poison splash damage.
Speed and a +2 item bonus to Athletics checks.
Activate—Shark’s Elegance [two-actions] (concentrate, manipulate) UNDERWATER RUNE 3
Frequency once per hour; Effect For 1 minute, any time you MAGICAL WATER
make a Strike, your weapon or unarmed attack gains the Price 50 gp
benefit of the underwater weapon property rune (see below). Usage etched onto a weapon
Conch of Otherworldly Seas FIRE
Brine Dragon Scale WATER
Anglerfish Lantern Drops Joining
in the Sea
Elemental Lords
Water Spells
Water Items
Water Creatures
Faydhaan’s Dallah
This weapon works as well in water as it does on land. and wear. The figurehead itself shifts to fit the change and
Attacks with the weapon don’t take the normal penalties gains a face to match the rest of the ship. The illusion lasts
and restrictions for being used in water or underwater. If the for 6 hours or until you Dismiss this effect.
weapon is capable of dealing fire damage, its fire functions Any creature that boards the ship or uses the Seek action
underwater as well. to examine it disbelieves the illusion if it succeeds at a DC
25 Perception check.
VEILED FIGUREHEAD ITEM 7+ Type veiled figurehead; Level 7; Price 335 gp
FIGUREHEAD MAGICAL WATER Type greater veiled figurehead; Level 14; Price 4,000 gp
Usage attached to a ship’s bow The DC to disbelieve is 33, and the illusion lasts up to 24
This figurehead is carved in the shape of a humanoid, but it hours. Activating a greater veiled figurehead also extends
has no facial features whatsoever. the illusion to those on the ship. The figurehead casts a
Activate—Veil! 1 minute (concentrate, illusion, visual); veil spell upon them, except it targets everyone on board
Frequency once per day; Effect You change the appearance when activated, and it alters their clothing to a general look
of the ship in minor but noticeable ways. Its general size and that matches the new appearance of the ship. In addition, it
shape can’t be changed, but you can alter surface details to can make everyone appear as a specific ancestry, but you
your liking. Flags and sails can be recolored and given new must choose the same one for all targets. This effect ends
markings, and the overall material of the ship can appear for any target who leaves the ship and ends for all targets
a different color or quality. Wear and surface damage (like if the illusion on the ship ends. A creature that disbelieves
small holes, tears, and burns) can be masked to make the the illusion for the ship or any disguised crew member
vessel look unblemished, or you can create such damage disbelieves the entire illusion.
From walking typhoons and living tides to creatures of ice, salt, and steam, the
endless seas of the Plane of Water are filled with elementals that take on many
SECRETS OF THE SEA forms, encompassing water’s many phases. Some change depending on the
The oceans of the Plane of Water are weather or when they feel threatened, freezing over into solid ice crystals in the
endless expanses stretching forever cold or evaporating into a boiling steam under the sun’s rays. Others still can
in all directions, but for most mortals, be mistaken for ordinary puddles or lakes, luring mortals into watery graves.
even the seas of the Universe have
unfathomable depths. Mysterious DEWDROP JELLY
creatures and frightening truths wait Dewdrop jellies are small water elementals resembling jellyfish made of
just below the surface, ready to reveal gelatinous bubbles. They typically travel in small schools, floating through the
themselves to those willing to peer just air or swimming through the endless seas of their home plane. When threatened,
beyond the limits of their vision. the jellies discorporate into a thin, vaporous mist, reconstituting into their
bubble shape only after the danger has passed. Their clever elusiveness makes
them hard to find, leading some to claim that dewdrop jellies are mythical
flights of fancy told to entertain children.
Coldmire ponds are often mistaken for shallow pools of water,
but these sentient bodies of living water actually crawl along the
ground or float through other liquids. Coldmires are dangerous
ambush predators, drowning creatures that stray too close to or, even
more hazardously, stand or swim inside their waters.
Speed 20 feet, swim 50 feet
Melee [one-action] clammy pseudopod +20, Damage 2d8+9 bludgeoning and Grab (page 232)
Constrict [one-action] 1d6 bludgeoning plus 1d6 cold, DC 25
Drag Below [two-actions] Requirements The coldmire pond occupies the same space as MELTING ELEMENTALS INTRODUCTION
a target it has grabbed; Effect The coldmire pond pulls the target below the Add the following optional reaction ELEMENTAL
surface. The target must succeed at a DC 26 Reflex save or fall prone and begin to the icicle snake, blizzardborn, CHARACTERS
drowning. and icewyrm water elementals in
Flash Flood [two-actions] (primal, water) Water surges out of the coldmire pond in a Pathfinder Bestiary 2 for a water
20‑foot emanation and crashes into nearby creatures, knocking them off their elemental that changes phase in EARTH
feet. Creatures in the area, as well as any creatures currently sharing the response to players’ actions.
coldmire pond’s space, take 4d8 bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone Vent Steam [reaction] Trigger The elemental
(DC 26 basic Reflex save). Creatures standing inside the coldmire pond treat takes fire damage and is reduced to METAL
their result as one step worse. half its health or lower; Effect The WATER
elemental melts into a column of
Drops Joining
BOILING SPRING boiling steam. For 1 minute or until in the Sea
Often mistaken for air elementals due to their hazy, almost-imperceptible the elemental is dealt cold damage, Elemental Lords
forms, a boiling spring is a humanoid water elemental made of scalding whichever comes first, any Strikes or Water Spells
steam and bubbling water. When summoned to the Universe, a boiling abilities that deal cold damage instead Water Items
spring raises the ambient temperature around them, making the surrounding deal fire damage, and the elemental’s Water Creatures
climate humid and muggy. They seem to enjoy the discomfort they cause, cold immunity and fire vulnerability WOOD
though some regard it as merely a fun prank while others truly revel in the are reversed.
misery and look for ways to cause more. CHURN OF
Faydhaan shuyookhs are powerful faydhaans venerated as leaders, diplomats,
and negotiators. As representatives of faydhaan-kind, they observe strict rules
SHAZATHARED of etiquette and hospitality and hold the literary and performing arts in high
Shazathared is one of geniekind’s esteem. A faydhaan shuyookh takes delight in greeting guests, and being
greatest storytellers, and her noble greeted in return, to see how many different greetings they can demonstrate.
lineage traces back to long-deposed Guests who creatively engage in this customary greeting game will impress a
faydhaan padishahs. Recently freed faydhaan shuyookh and receive magnificent hospitality.
from a long imprisonment, “the Jewel
of the Padishah” can be found enjoying FAYDHAAN SHUYOOKH CREATURE 14
a warm welcome among faydhaans. RARE LARGE ELEMENTAL GENIE WATER
When the muse strikes, she performs Perception +23 (+25 to Sense Motive); darkvision, detect magic, wavesense
exciting moral tales from the Songs of (imprecise) 60 feet (page 233)
Shazathared to honor or enlighten her Languages Common, Muan, Petran, Pyric, Sussuran, Talican, Thalassic; telepathy
hosts and delight her audience. 100 feet (page 233), truespeech
Skills Athletics +27 (+31 to Swim), Crafting +24, Deception +26, Diplomacy +28,
Nature +25, Performance +28, Society +26, Stealth +27
Str +7, Dex +7, Con +5, Int +4, Wis +5, Cha +8
Items +2 striking jambiya (functions as a dagger)
AC 36; Fort +23, Ref +27, Will +25
HP 240; Resistances fire 15
Aura of Hospitality (aura, emotion, mental) 60 feet. The faydhaan shuyookh
dissuades those around them from hostility. Willing creatures in the emanation
gain a +2 status bonus to Society and Diplomacy checks. The shuyookh can
suppress or resume the aura as a free action. If the shuyookh acts hostile, the
aura deactivates and can’t be reactivated for 1 hour. When any other creature
in the aura acts hostile, it must attempt a DC 35 Will save. On a success, it’s
unaffected and doesn’t need to save again for 1 hour; on a failure, its current
action is disrupted, as are any other hostile actions it attempts for 1 round.
Turbulent Seas (aura, water) 60 feet. Water in the aura that is also in
the same body of water as the faydhaan is difficult terrain for Swimming
creatures. Creatures with the water trait are immune.
Speed 25 feet, swim 60 feet
Melee [one-action] jambiya +29 (agile, finesse, magical, reach 10 feet, versatile S),
Damage 2d4+13 piercing
Melee [one-action] fist +27 (agile, magical, nonlethal, reach 10 feet), Damage
3d8+13 bludgeoning
Ranged [one-action] jambiya +29 (agile, magical, thrown 20 feet, versatile S), Damage 2d4+13
Arcane Innate Spells DC 34, attack +26; 7th hydraulic torrent, magnificent mansion,
interplanar teleport (at will; to Astral Plane, Elemental Planes, or the Universe only),
summon elemental; 5th howling blizzard (at will), control water (at will), mirage,
truespeech (at will); 4th hydraulic push (at will), invisibility (×2), vapor form; 2nd
befitting attire SoM (at will), create water (at will), invisibility (at will), see the unseen,
water breathing; Cantrips (7th) detect magic; Constant (7th) truespeech
Change Shape [one-action] (arcane, concentrate, polymorph) The faydhaan transforms into a
Small or Medium water elemental, aquatic animal, or humanoid (page 232). This
doesn’t affect the faydhaan’s statistics, but it could change the damage type of
their Strikes.
Diplomatic Wish (downtime) Frequency three times per year; Effect The shuyookh
conducts a wish ritual for the benefit of a mortal, requiring no cost or secondary
casters. The shuyookh’s result is a success if they succeed at a DC 5 flat check or a
failure if not. The shuyookh interprets the wish to please the most people possible.
To the Hilt [one-action] The faydhaan shuyookh makes a melee jambiya Strike and buries
the blade deep, dealing an extra 3d6 persistent bleed damage on a hit (6d6 on a
critical hit).
Murajaus, one of many nomadic creatures of the Plane of Water, appear
humanoid from the waist up but resemble a large hermit crab from the
waist down, including a pair of strong pincers. Murajau communities are MORE THAN A MERE SHELL INTRODUCTION
often multilingual, and many individuals are willing to work as translators To murajaus, one’s shell signifies ELEMENTAL
and guides to adventurers if properly compensated. Rather than currency, homestead, status, identity, and CHARACTERS
murajaus prefer to deal in trinkets such as talismans, particularly those cultural inheritance. Community
that protect travelers. For murajaus, such items signify their sincerity and elders and leaders often wear shells
unwavering desire to protect others. They trade tales among each other passed down from a long line of EARTH
of treasure troves too dangerous to easily explore. Rather than keep this successors, which carry modifications
information solely for themselves, they’re happy to share it with trustworthy and marks that denote predecessors’
people they meet in exchange for a small share. achievements and failures. On the METAL
Faydhaans tell condescending tales of murajaus, describing their origin as occasion that their community WATER
royal servants who failed to fulfill a royal decree. Murajaus’ own creation numbers exceed the number of shells
Drops Joining
story, meanwhile, claims that the royal decree in question requested they available, a hunting season might be in the Sea
travel the lands to provide shelter and hospitality to visitors, a mission they declared. Participants who return with Elemental Lords
have since carried on for generations. They take great pride in treating guests suitable trophies are revered for their Water Spells
well, especially in providing suitable food, drink, and gifts. contribution and bravery. Water Items
Water Creatures
Perception +13; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet CHURN OF
Language Common, Thalassic
Skills Athletics +14, Diplomacy +11, Survival +13, Talisman Lore +13 APPENDIX
Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +2
Items mesmerizing opal, potency crystal, shark tooth charm, spear (3)
AC 25; Fort +15, Ref +9, Will +11
HP 60
Talisman Faithful A murajau can affix talismans to their shell as though it
were heavy armor, and they can affix up to three talismans to it at a time
instead of one.
Hefty Defense A murajau’s weight and legs make them incredibly
difficult to trip or be moved unwillingly. They can be
tripped only by creatures of their size or larger and
have a +2 circumstance bonus to all defenses
against being shoved or tripped. However, a
murajau can Stand only as a 2-action activity.
Speed 25 feet, swim 30 feet
Melee [one-action] leg +14 (versatile P), Damage 1d6+9
bludgeoning plus Grab (page 232)
Melee [one-action] spear +14, Damage 1d6+9 piercing
Ranged [one-action] spear +14 (thrown 20 feet), Damage
1d6+9 piercing
Retract [two-actions] The murajau fully retreats into their
shell, gaining greater cover; the bonus to Stealth
applies only if the murajau is undetected. While
in their shell, the murajau can’t see outside and
takes a –2 circumstance penalty to auditory Perception
checks. The only move actions the murajau can take are
to Stand or Step. The murajau can come back out as a
single action.
Swinging Spear [two-actions] The murajau makes a spear Strike.
On a hit, the murajau twists their spear to move the
target to any space adjacent to the murajau and
deals an additional 2d6 bludgeoning damage as the
target smashes into the murajau’s thick shell.
Though the Plane of Water is mostly liquid, it does contain its share of solid
material, whether in the form of free-floating aquatic plants, hunks of coral,
OLOBIGONDE TOXIN or even detritus from lost underwater cities. Flotsam and jetsam collect across
Alchemists who travel the planes have the plane, and olobigondes are just one of the many creatures that have
discovered how readily an olobigonde’s evolved to live among and consume this detritus. These flat, round fish are
toxin can decompose flesh, and some covered in a moss-like skin that makes them exceptionally difficult to spot as
have discovered ways to incorporate they hug the sides of flotsam, feeding off the waste that drifts into their wide,
it into their creations. An olobigonde’s open mouths.
corpse yields approximately 1 gp worth While olobigondes are primarily detritivores, they’ve been known to
of raw materials when harvested lie in wait within a forest of kelp or against a mossy stone to ambush
with a successful DC 16 Crafting or smaller creatures, such as water scamps or lone passing merfolk. The fish
Survival check (2 gp worth on a critical launch themselves from their hiding spot to take large bites out of their
success). This material can be used surprised prey, then grab the victim as it tries to flee. Despite their size
only to craft alchemical bombs with and ungainly shape, olobigondes can move quickly in water, though their
the poison trait. bursts of speed are usually short-lived. In addition to maintaining a firm
hold on prey, olobigondes’ mouths are filled with a unique toxin that
weakens and decomposes living flesh. The hungry fish easily gulp down
the resulting slurry.
Ancient olobigondes grow truly immense, and their outward appearance
evolves. There seems to be no limit to their size. Their skin even separates
into plates with deep channels where water can accumulate, giving them the
appearance of an entire patch of detritus rather than one piece.
Perception +7; scent (imprecise) 60 feet
Skills Athletics +10, Stealth +9 (+11 in aquatic terrain), Survival +7
Str +3, Dex +1, Con +4, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –5
Camouflage An olobigonde can Hide in aquatic environments even if it doesn’t have
cover. However, there must be plants, debris, a seabed, or other objects for it to
camouflage itself, not just open water.
AC 17; Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +5
HP 38
Ambush [reaction] Trigger A target creature passes within 20 feet of the olobigonde’s hiding
place and has not detected the olobigonde; Effect The olobigonde lunges out of
its hiding place, Swims directly toward the triggering creature, and makes a jaws
Strike against it. The target creature is off-guard to this attack.
Reactive Grab [reaction] Trigger A creature within the
olobigonde’s reach leaves a square during a move
action it’s using; Requirements The olobigonde doesn’t
have a creature grabbed; Effect The olobigonde attempts
to Grapple the triggering creature with its jaws. On a
success, the target also takes 3 piercing damage
(doubled on a critical success).
Speed 5 feet, swim 30 feet
Melee [one-action] jaws +11, Damage 1d8+3 piercing plus
decomposing toxin
Decomposing Toxin (poison) A living creature struck
by an olobigonde’s jaws Strike must succeed at a DC
15 Fortitude save or become enfeebled 1 and take
1d6 persistent poison damage (or enfeebled 2
with 2d6 persistent poison damage on a critical
failure). The enfeebled condition ends when the
persistent damage does. A creature currently affected by
decomposing toxin doesn’t need to save again.
Ore lice are six-legged insectile creatures that roost either just beneath or
above the water’s surface. They’re highly territorial toward both strangers
and each other, able to detect an intruder through the ripples in the water. ORE LOUSE BOOTS INTRODUCTION
Due to their diet, ore lice have incredibly tough chitin that’s infused with Due to their ability to walk on water, ELEMENTAL
metal. Cannibalism between ore lice is common when they’re unable to numerous attempts have been made to CHARACTERS
locate other prey. use ore louse legs to produce footwear.
Though there are far more suitable environments for ore lice bordering the Techniques tested so far include
Plane of Air, the creatures are often found where the Plane of Earth meets the hollowing out the chitin or harvesting EARTH
Plane of Water. This was a mystery that puzzled many—until the Plane of Metal and refining the fine leg spikes. None
returned between the Planes of Earth and Water. Planar researchers realized of these attempts have succeeded as
that ore lice must have hunted here before the planar schism. On the Plane of of yet. METAL
Metal, ore lice often appear in horror stories chasing down metal elementals WATER
and ferociously devouring them. Their connection to Ferrumnestra (page 140)
Drops Joining
adds to their infamy. in the Sea
Elemental Lords
Perception +14; darkvision, metal scent 30 feet, wavesense 120 feet (imprecise; Water Creatures
page 233) WOOD
Skills Athletics +12
Str +1, Dex +4, Con +2, Int –2, Wis +3, Cha +0 CHURN OF
Metal Scent An ore louse can smell metal as a precise sense.
AC 22; Fort +13, Ref +15, Will +10 APPENDIX
HP 60
Speed 35 feet, swim 60 feet; water stride
Melee [one-action] mandibles +14 (finesse), Damage 2d8+4 piercing plus rust and metal snack
Melee [one-action] leg +14 (finesse, 10 feet reach), Damage 2d8+4 bludgeoning plus
Knockdown (page 233)
Range [one-action] oxidizing spit +14 (range increment 20 feet), Damage 2d8 acid plus
Consume Living Metal [one-action] (manipulate) Requirements
The ore louse is adjacent to a creature that died
within the last hour and had the metal trait or was
another ore louse; Effect An ore louse can replenish its
health by eating the remains of its kin or a once-living metal
creature. The ore louse feasts upon the corpse, regaining 3d6 Hit
Points. The ore louse can regain Hit Points from a given corpse
only once.
Metal Snack An ore louse gains 5 temporary Hit Points each time
its mandibles Strike either damages or breaks a metal item using
its rust ability, or if it hits a creature that has the metal trait or
is made of metal.
Rust An ore louse’s Strikes causes metal to rapidly rust and
corrode. If it succeeds at a mandibles or oxidizing spit Strike,
the ore louse deals 3d6 damage (or double damage on a
critical hit) to a metal item the target is wearing or holding,
ignoring its Hardness. If the ore louse hits an unattended metal
item, the item takes this damage automatically. If a creature uses
the Shield Block reaction with a metal shield against the attacks,
the shield is automatically broken, but no other item is rusted on
that attack.
Water Stride The ore louse can stand and move on the
surface of water or other liquids without falling through.
The ore louse can go underwater if it wishes, but it must
Swim to do so.
The briny depths of the Boundless Sea sometimes twist large groups of
merfolk into swarms with vicious rows of teeth and sharp claws known as
THE RITE OF SALT AND STONE saltborn stalkers. Saltborn stalkers hunt in groups, using their drooping,
When a merfolk joins the ranks of tentacle-like appendages as bioluminescent lures, posing them as wisps or
the saltborn, they undergo a secret bubbles of planar energy to draw unsuspecting prey into clever ambushes.
rite known only to other saltborn and
the brine dragons of Kelizandrika. SALTBORN STALKERS CREATURE 13
The recruits are encased in graves of GARGANTUAN AQUATIC ELEMENTAL TROOP WATER
salt and ice and left at the floor of the Perception +24; darkvision
Boundless Sea to claw themselves Languages Thalassic
free. Those who overcome the trial are Skills Athletics +27, Intimidation +22, Nature +22, Plane of Water Lore +22,
never truly rid of the salt from their Stealth +26, Warfare Lore +22
tombs, which covers the body of every Str +6, Dex +7, Con +5, Int +3, Wis +5, Cha +3
saltborn stalker. AC 34; Fort +22, Ref +26, Will +20
HP 240 (16 squares); Thresholds 160 (12 squares), 80 (8 squares); Immunities bleed,
paralyzed, poison, sleep; Weaknesses area damage 15, splash damage 8
Saline Crust (aura, water) 20 feet; Requirements The saltborn stalkers are in a body
of water; Effect Layers of the saltborn’s salty skin flake off to foul the water around
them. A creature that ends its turn in the aura takes 2d6 acid damage with a DC
30 basic Reflex save; creatures with the amphibious or aquatic trait are immune.
Troop Defenses (page 233)
Speed 10 feet, swim 60 feet; troop movement
Form Up [one-action] (page 232)
Lightlure [one-action] (concentrate, incapacitation, mental, primal, visual) Effect The saltborn
stalkers move their luminescent lures in an entrancing light show, drawing nearby
creatures into their grasp. Each creature in a 100-foot emanation must attempt a
DC 33 Will save; regardless of the result of its save, the creature is then
temporarily immune to Lightlure for 24 hours.
Success The creature is unaffected.
Failure The creature is fascinated with the lures and must spend all
its actions on its next turn to move closer to them as expediently
as possible, avoiding obvious dangers along its path.
Critical Failure As failure, but the creature is also
dazzled for 1d4 rounds.
Salty Clutch [one-action] Frequency once per round; Effect The stalkers
reach out to Grab their foes and drag them underwater. Each
enemy in a 5-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 33
Reflex save or be grabbed by the stalkers (or restrained
on a critical success). For the rest of the current turn,
the saltborn stalkers can move toward water or in water
without ending the grab, carrying any grabbed or restrained
creatures along with them.
Scour the Bones [one-action] to [three-actions] Frequency once per round; Effect
The saltborn stalkers use their teeth and claws to vivisect each
enemy within 5 feet (DC 30 basic Reflex save). The damage
depends on the number of actions.
[one-action] 2d10 slashing damage
[two-actions] 3d10+8 slashing damage
[three-actions] 3d10+16 slashing damage
Troop Movement Whenever the saltborn stalkers
Stride or Swim, they first Form Up as a free action
to condense into a 20-foot-by-20-foot area (minus any
missing squares), then move. This works just like a Gargantuan
creature moving; for instance, if any of the stalkers’ squares enter
difficult terrain, the extra movement cost applies to the whole troop.
Wherever exquisite cuisine is consumed, amazing songs are performed, or
epic waves crest, there wait tantriogs. With a crab’s foreclaws, turtle’s shell,
and back flippers, tantriogs are among the more unique water elementals. IMPRESSING A TANTRIOG INTRODUCTION
They ply the Boundless Sea constantly seeking new experiences, whether the A tantriog loves seeing a new sight or ELEMENTAL
next big wave to ride, a tasty delicacy to sample, or a piece of art to collect. impressive exhibition of skill. Anyone CHARACTERS
They crave new sensations and often seek them out at the expense of others. who wants to stay in a tantriog’s
If one possesses rare art, lost lore, or fantastic surfing or cooking skills, a good graces needs to keep the new
tantriog can be a wonderful companion. They’re charming and friendly to experiences flowing. For this reason, EARTH
those they find interesting, but their interest can be highly precarious, dropped many tantriogs have formed unlikely
the second someone bores them. Tantriogs may even betray acquaintances if friendships with gnomes, whose need
it would give them another interesting story to tell. This makes befriending to seek out new experiences provides METAL
one a tricky proposition, as nothing can be taken for granted. common ground. WATER
It’s a mystery how tantriogs came to wear their current forms. Some say
Drops Joining
that, in the earliest days of the elemental planes, tantriogs were assassins of in the Sea
ice and mist who committed a crime so great that they’re being punished for Elemental Lords
it to this day. Others claim tantriogs assumed their shape after losing a bizarre Water Spells
cosmic bet. One of the more popular theories about the tantriog’s current Water Items
form is that in the past, they used to be able to shift shape as easily as water Water Creatures
molds to its container. In their endless boredom, they were trying out a variety WOOD
of shapes when a sudden curse (possibly cast by faydhaans) caused them to
lose their ability while transforming from a turtle to a crab, leaving them CHURN OF
stuck between the two. It’s said that any who can teach a tantriog how to ELEMENTS
relearn their morphing ability could earn the elemental’s undying friendship. APPENDIX
Whatever the case, the surest way to anger a tantriog is to ask them about
their appearance.
Conversely, the surest way to befriend a tantriog is with compliments about
their appearance or their skills. Don’t be too fawning, though. Tantriogs don’t
like being tricked or made to look a fool.
Perception +16; all-around vision (page 232)
Languages Thalassic
Skills Art Lore +15, Cooking Lore +17, Deception +16, Diplomacy +14, Performance +14
Str +3, Dex +3, Con +3, Int +4, Wis +1, Cha +5
AC 24; Fort +18, Ref +15, Will +12
HP 118; Resistances fire 8
Speed 20 feet, swim 40 feet
Melee [one-action] claw +15, Damage 5d6+5 piercing
Melee [one-action] beak +15, Damage 5d4+5 piercing plus
listless saliva
Ranged [one-action] spitball +13 (range 20 feet), Damage
4d6+5 bludgeoning plus listless saliva
Primal Innate Spells DC 25; 3rd wall of
water (×3); Cantrips (2nd) spoutSoM
Listless Saliva (emotion, mental) The
tantriog’s essence is imbued with their
endless ennui. Any creature hit by the
tantriog’s beak or spitball Strikes must
succeed at a DC 24 Will save or become
stunned 1 (stunned 2 on a critical failure).
Shell Defense [one-action] The tantriog retracts their limbs
and head into their shell and ends their turn. This increases
their AC to 26, but they can’t act except to reemerge, which they
can do as a single action.
Arts of the Ingrained
What a surprise, delight, and honor! To think that I, wood, we call “finding the grain.” Habits set the
of all masters to serve the School of Willow through foundation for your day, which in turn determines
the ages, would live to see the Plane of Wood reopen. how well you rest. To attain both a good night’s rest
It’s humbling; as much as I’ve prepared, I still feel and a good day’s work, you must practice keeping
ill-equipped for such momentous tidings. History, it to your routines, one day after another. In doing so,
seems, happens all around us! as the steps become an unassailable part of your
The reopening of the plane has brought those being, you achieve discipline.
eager to learn more about the power of elemental Discipline is the root of our elemental practice.
wood and how to harness it. Those who seek Without it, your attempts to direct energy can easily
knowledge of this plane will be first on the path go wild, like vines from the First World. That would
to mastery. Go slowly, for true understanding of be of no use to anyone, least of all yourself, would
wood as an element, as well as the Eternal Forest it? Wood may be flexible and malleable, but this is a
that embodies it, requires a steady, mindful pace. demonstration of resilience, not frivolity or fragility.
Consider this your first lesson. Before bamboo, yew, or ash can bend without
I would also be a dissatisfactory mentor if I didn’t breaking, they must first grow, healthy and true,
take my own advice, for I too am learning again! The each and every day. Like the joint and dowel that
reopening of our plane has revealed such wondrous allow a house to stand for centuries, wood is the
new lengths to stretch to and new depths to reach. unwavering core amid the swirling leaves of change.
Above all else, this is what it means to study the Though they vary on mentality and approach,
Ingraining Arts: renewing and growing yourself most schools of wood elementalism follow a core
perpetually, in body, mind, and soul. path of Grain, Rough, Chisel, Polish, and Veneer.
Our School of Willow, for example, focuses on
Essence of Discipline clarity, flow, and harnessing the water that feeds
Many wood elementalist schools encourage seeking all wood to enhance our own arts. The Blackboard
the element not just through magical study and Regiment teaches the restraint and art that, in
introspection, but also in everyday life. My first equal measure, were pivotal in defending our
master, for example, always said that channeling plane against attack by the malevolent faction of
elemental wood should feel like waking from a deep elemental lords. Blooms of a Hundred diverges from
and restful slumber to begin one’s daily routines. the other schools in their channeling of anger, but
Personally, I first felt the element respond to me one can find wisdom behind utilizing such emotion.
not during any lessons, but rather while weaving After all, there’s no better state of mind for focusing
baskets. These moments of discovery, when an on a single target. That precision, once controlled
elementalist learns how best to work to harness and sustained, can become a discipline in itself.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR they aren’t the only example! Though I’ve never seen it,
Master Yip Chi-Laan, the ardande descriptions of a place known as the Vale of Green Spears
elementalist, has served as the reads suspiciously like its creator (a wizard, allegedly)
headmistress of the School intended to replicate the area around Lady Shumunue’s
of Willow for the past two residence. Perhaps they came across knowledge carried
centuries. With an impeccably by one of our emissaries, who gave their lives to keep
detailed memory for both knowledge of our plane alive on Golarion.
events and knowledge of all
kinds, she’s often the go-to What the Blight Left
advisor for Elemental Lord As we might have visitors arriving soon, I feel the need to
Shumunue’s confidants address the plane’s current situation. We are yet recovering
when an issue arises from the ravages of Ayrzul’s Blight, which remains to be
involving the elements eradicated. We have lost entire towns, cities, and even
or the elemental biomes to the poison since it arrived. Surviving is no
planes. miracle either; whether emotionally or physically, infected
or not, we’ve all changed in its wake. Our isolation has
stretched so long that ordinary citizens often regard
A Compromised Design foreign presences and influence with fear.
I know that in the Universe, wood isn’t often considered Thus, travel to and from the plane remains heavily
an element. On Golarion specifically, elemental wood is restricted. Only a handful of entry points have been
often considered to be part of druidism, when they’re quite reactivated, and each allows only a limited number
literally worlds apart. Druids conjure forth plants from the through per day. No doubt some will force their way
natural world of the Universe or the wild template of the onto the plane—we’ve never been documented in mortal
First World. These are evolutions of the magic of wood, memory, after all, and mortals are curious creatures. I
altered and adapted over millennia in absence of the Plane must admit that such curiosity encourages me, though I
of Wood’s direct influence—certainly worth study, but the still worry. Bluegrass hares can flee at the slightest ripple of
undiluted element of wood directly from my home plane foreign energies, easily triggering stampedes of larger herd
appeals most to me. Powerful magic of plants and wood animals. Stronger territorial beasts, such as round-grained
can draw from all of these sources. While contemporaries leopards, splintered sabertooths, or canopy bears, are
have challenged me to duels over the topic, my opponents inclined to attack foreign presences on sight. While patrols
and I agree that a journey to the Universe, or knowledge know to save any intruders from trouble, it’s difficult to
from an elementalist there, would provide untold insight say whether interlopers, in the heat of the moment, would
into these uncertainties. consider such an offer to be friendly.
If only the elemental lords would permit us to travel Now, I don’t wish to paint my home as a place of hostility!
freely! Alas, Elemental Lord Verilorn still has his If we had truly lost faith in the other planes, we could’ve
reservations, so I’ve relied on books to piece together what chosen to keep the pathways closed, even with our presence
I know. Among tomes I recently received from a diplomat in the cosmic balance restored. Indeed, Lady Shumunue
serving Hei Feng, the Duke of Thunder, I found signs of thinks that we can benefit from outside assistance and has
the presence of planar wood on the planet. Though nature worked to establish basic trade agreements with the Planes
on Golarion grows chaotically on the macroscopic scale, of Fire, Air, and Water. Diplomacy further beyond our plane
close inspection of leaves, branches, and buds reveals that has also begun, though I’m told that our young diplomats
all plants follow a specific pattern of growth—a pattern are in for quite a culture shock. May our Elemental Lords
that matches those found on the Plane of Wood! That grant them patience! I myself look forward to the day the
this pattern fails at scale in the Universe (and doesn’t denizens of the Plane of Wood overcome their fear of those
appear at all in flora from the unruly First World) also beyond our boughs.
makes sense. All living things grow in conversation with
their surroundings—in the presence and abundance of Flora-made World
the other elements, it’s no wonder that elemental wood’s Beyond the tense atmosphere of our settlements, the
grand designs for the plane have been “bent out of shape,” Plane of Wood is ceaselessly alive. Even as you want to
so to speak. slow your pace to admire the scenery, each step brings
In theory, if an area of the Universe were to be carefully so much more. For new visitors, I imagine there will be
pruned and barricaded against the flux of other elements an overwhelming array of beauty and wonder to behold.
and their metaphysical energies, elemental wood as we From the illustrations I’ve seen in my books, it seems as
know it should be able to appear on the plane. The beings though our plane resembles what those on Golarion might
born of aeon fragments called conrasus might be using consider logical for nature... but more so. Sometimes this
such a method already to grow their exoskeletons—and quality manifests in how plants here coexist or the scale at
which they grow, individually or in numbers. And all of it
fractal, with roots growing up out of the boughs of those
that grew before. MUAN
Everything on our plane follows our plants. Day and Muan, the language of wood elementals and INTRODUCTION
night adhere to the glow cycles of a region’s local flora, the Plane of Wood’s denizens, is made up of ELEMENTAL
and world-sized trees serve as the ground for a new forest percussive and verbal sounds, occupying a similar CHARACTERS
with webbing like moss on tree bark. We import no metal sonic space as a blend of marimbas and pan flutes.
for our knives, but rather process great nectarines for their It’s a melodic and expressive language, perhaps
pits, as hard as diamonds. Rivers, where they do flow, are softening the stoic preconception many have of EARTH
mostly sap; though these waters generally have no effect creatures of wood.
on us, they can intoxicate mortal visitors easily, from Written Muan reads much like musical notation,
what I’ve read about your constitutions. I recommend placing as much emphasis on tone and pace as METAL
against partaking, as our detoxification processes are both syllabic content. Most are recorded upon pages WATER
thorough and unpleasant. of papyrus or similarly fibrous plants, while
Many improperly depict our plane as perpetually in important records are engraved into hardwood for WOOD
spring. While it’s perhaps true for regions such as the preservation. Arts of the
Evergreen Plains, many environments have extreme
Elemental Lords
temperatures due to the metabolisms of their indigenous
Wood Spells
flora. Igneous sequoias, for example, spurt sap as hot as year to breathe life into a creation of her choice. Many of
Wood Items
magma. Pollen season in frost-oak forests can build up her exhalations have gone on to become a new species of
Wood Creatures
layers of freezing granules that bury entire communities the plane.
overnight—though come morning, the location becomes CHURN OF
incredible for skiing. On top of precipitation, we also CRYPTS OF THE TUBER LORDS ELEMENTS
experience floral weather, which can be quite the shock Six Tuber Lords used to rule over this interconnected APPENDIX
for newcomers when storm clouds release their contents. maze of caverns, which are actually the hollow spaces in
I would also give a word of caution regarding the size of an incredibly dense root system. Unfortunately, though the
plants on the Plane of Wood. Mortals often expect many Tuber Lords collapsed the cavern entrances in desperation,
things to be on a larger scale, but micro-growth bears its Ayrzul’s Blight still ultimately reached their realms and
own peculiarities. Just as there are lily pads that take days citizens. The Tuber Lords are—or perhaps were—greedy
to traverse, so too are there poisonous nettles no wider and gluttonous in life. No doubt their massive wealth yet
than a blade of grass. I’ve also heard of visitors who have remains below, provided one can get past the blighted
trouble noticing our living forests of arboreal nomads, residents who jealously guard the tunnels for their
which are quite common. Neither we nor the nomads departed rulers.
understand why, though; perhaps mortals lack the ability
to differentiate inanimate plants from sentient ones? THE FOREST OF FACES
Finally, I must caution again that many places yet This forest is home to some of the oldest cypress trees on
suffer from the curse that is Ayrzul’s Blight. Mortals are the Plane of Wood. The further in you travel, however,
susceptible to its poison as well, though perhaps—with the more the bark on these trees resembles grimacing,
the right tools and protection—contaminated areas can moaning, or smiling humanoid faces. Some cypresses have
be safely traversed, at least for a time. Otherwise, I highly a single large face, while others might have thousands
advise avoiding these places at all costs. carved into their trunk. Though not animated, the faces
move through the bark around the trunks, as though
Notable Growth following interlopers with their ceaseless gazes.
Due to Ayrzul’s Blight, civilization has become more Many creatures who approach the forest feel compelled
centralized than in ages past. Our penchant for schedule to enter. As they approach its heart, however, their dread
turns these dense settlements into places of order. and terror rises with each face they pass. None have ever
reached the heart of the forest and returned unscathed.
THE ANIMATED GARDEN Those who do become something so inexplicable that no
The only part of her abode that the Carved Lady has written text can describe their transformation.
opened to the public, the Animated Garden is a place
many aspiring sculptors and mimicry artists dream of KOLOBO RAINFOREST
entering. Every year, a worthy candidate is selected from All denizens of the Plane of Wood are sustained by water,
among those who have lived on the plane for a decade air, and light, with only an herbivorous few needing to
or more; this candidate gains access to the plane’s best ingest other plants for energy. Most farms instead produce
materials and tools for carpentry and its associated arts. non-food resources, and much of this agriculture is
Lady Shumunue visits the garden on her birthday each concentrated in the region of Kolobo, the largest source of
a thick sap we call kolobo oil. Among other trace benefits, one of the library’s scribes will earn a person knowledge of
this oil is prized primarily for its ability to protect against equal measure in exchange. Of course, as this exchange is
and stave off Ayrzul’s Blight. While not a cure, it offers one of equivalence, the greater a secret, the more forbidden
a welcome relief from the affliction, however temporary. the topic you can seek from within.
close off the plane together? Did one act alone? Or did
the plane itself withdraw? I have my suspicions that the
answer is essential to getting Lady Shumunue and Lord WOOD ADJUSTMENTS
Verilorn to reconcile, as neither has spoken to the other To quickly give a creature a magical connection to INTRODUCTION
for several millennia. If, in fact, they don’t agree on how the element of wood, you can use the following ELEMENTAL
open the plane should be, our political landscape may adjustments. CHARACTERS
soon become even more complicated! • Add the wood trait. If the creature is a growing
Asim bint Attaar is one of Shumunue’s confidants, and plant, you can also add the plant trait.
a good friend of mine. She’s the plane’s foremost expert on • If it has any languages, add Muan. EARTH
treating Ayrzul’s Blight, with a dozen formulas for pastes, • Increase the creature’s HP based on its level.
waxes, and polishing oils that can lessen the pain of the • Add weaknesses to fire and to damage from axes
poison. Her voice grew loud in support of opening up depending on its level. METAL
the plane, as she hopes there might be a cure for Lady • If the creature can cast spells, you can replace WATER
Shumunue’s advanced affliction among the cosmos. Of spells with wood spells of the same rank, such
course, despite her search, Asim is permanently rooted as: Cantrip timber (page 198), 1st protector WOOD
in her clinic near our lady’s abode. Ever since the portals tree SoM, 2nd oaken resilience, 3rd wall of thorns, Arts of the
activated, she has sought reliable heads and hands to help 4th life-draining roots (page 196), 5th nature’s
Elemental Lords
conduct her business—particularly among her fellow pathway, 6th lignify (page 197), 7th pollen pods
Wood Spells
kizidhars—but few have come. (page 197), 8th burning blossoms SoM, 9th one
Wood Items
Faaiz ibn Waseem, who runs one of the largest kolobo with the land SoM.
Wood Creatures
oil production facilities, is the largest financier behind Weaknesses to
our current efforts at interplanar trade. However, his Level HP Increase Fire and Axes CHURN OF
enthusiasm has dampened lately as rumors spread of how 3 or lower 10 3 ELEMENTS
he exploits those in his employ; the kizidhar merchant 4–8 20 5 APPENDIX
characterizes these claims as 9–13 40 10
insidious and false, yet many 14+ 60 15
have still cut ties. Though he has
been cleared of wrongdoing, no one
has yet determined the exact origin PLANE OF WOOD PLANE
(or reasons behind) these rumors. WOOD
They’re believed to have started Category Inner Plane
somewhere in the Reeds of Nodollin, a Divinities elemental lords of wood
sector known for its artisan weavers. Native Inhabitants ardande, forest dragons,
Yumna and Zahir al-Shamsi are kizidhars, kodama, shades (wood pneuma),
perhaps the most famous living performers wood elementals
on the plane. The conjoined ardande The Plane of Wood recently returned to the
twins have a gift for music: Yumna planar cosmology after an absence of eons.
plays marimba and Zahir the ney, Still rebuilding to its ancient splendor, it
a type of flute. Though they never grows between the Plane of Water and
lack an audience, the twins now seek kite bird Plane of Air. Fractal tree growth, eternally tended
to travel and perform on other planes. Their protective and shaped by the plane’s inhabitants, stretches across the
mother, Nasreen al-Shamsi, has been reluctant to agree, plane with dizzying symmetry. Creatures either enforce and
believing it too dangerous yet to travel beyond. Of course, augment this ordered growth or exist as a byproduct thereof.
that’s also just Nasreen, who instructs at the Dance of Some drop from the trees as discarded seeds given fresh life,
Crawling Ivy, an elementalist school specializing in while others chisel or cultivate creatures’ natural beauty to suit
subterfuge. Once she overcomes her hesitation, I’m sure their aesthetic tastes. The genies of the plane, kizidhars, are
a lucrative opportunity suited to her and her daughters’ artisans in this field.
talents will present itself instantly, no matter the plane The elemental lords of wood embody the often paradoxical
they wish to visit. rigidity and pliancy of their element. When other planes of the
Among our numerous diplomats, I have particularly Inner Sphere came under threat, the lords acted swiftly to seal
high expectations for one Voch Caron. An ardande student off their home, protecting the plane and its residents—yet even
of mine before changing paths, Voch suffers if forced to in this act, they’re said to have disagreed, and the two haven’t
adhere to repetitive tasks. Though they might take a while spoken in millennia. Shumunue, the Carved Lady of Mimicry,
to notice, Voch can adapt to any situation or environment desperately searches for a cure for her great ailment, while
with uncanny speed—a trait I hope will serve them well as Verilorn, Custodian of Oak and Ash, worries that ending the
they grow into their ambassadorship. plane’s long isolation will lead to its ruin.
The Carved Lady of Mimicry
Areas of Concern wood, camouflage, carpentry, life, mimicry
Edicts celebrate births, make time for nature, recreate life in your works
Anathema permanently damage a plant or wood creature, polymorph another without
Divine Attribute Constitution or Charisma
Cleric Spells 1st: weave wood (page 199), 2nd: summon elemental (wood only), 6th:
plant form
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill Deception
Domains creation, passion, swarm LOGM, wood (page 199); Alternate Domains perfection,
repose LOGM
Favored Weapon club
Shumunue, Lord of Wood, is one of the few elemental lords not native to
their plane of rule. Before the Carved Lady of Mimicry arrived on the Plane
of Wood, it was a diverse and cultivated forest that stretched as far as the eye
could see, yet it was eerily still. Animated creatures were rare, and beyond the
wind through the boughs, little moved. Then Shumunue came to establish the
Court of Transcendence. In her grotto, she taught the flowers and leaves to
mimic praying mantises, bees, and moths. Then came herds of wooden deer,
cranes, bats, and more, all delicately carved and polished. Within their minds,
Shumunue imparted to these creatures the blueprints for their species and the
instinct to carve their own descendants. Thus the Plane of Wood began to fill
with life that resembled creatures from beyond its borders.
Some legends claim Shumunue is a construct who gained sentience for being
universally perfect, but the Lady of Mimicry disputes this, stating that she’s
the product of a union between a kodama and a kizidhar
wizard who traveled to her plane. She rules over no land
or organization, for she sees no need to exert her personal
opinions on anybody else. She instead dedicates herself to the
act of creation. Rather than having subjects, the Carved Lady
keeps a close group of confidants, who put in requests for her
immense powers on behalf of others in need.
Shumunue maintains a sophisticated esca, or lure, of
golden-hued wood. She regularly shaves this lure into the
shape of a female humanoid with a head of ginkgo leaves.
Some mistake this esca for Shumunue’s physical form, but
in actuality, the Carved Lady closely resembles an enormous
forest dragon with scales like the bark of ancient trees. Her
left flank bears a large blighted patch where Ayrzul’s poison
left its mark. While she’s in no immediate danger, many on
the Plane of Wood wait breathlessly to see whether their
reconnection with the cosmos can cure her affliction.
When casting the avatar spell, a worshipper of
Shumunue gains the following additional abilities.
Shumunue Speed 70 feet, fly Speed 70 feet; Melee
[one-action] hand of wood (reach 15 feet), Damage 6d6+6
bludgeoning damage; Ranged [one-action] splinter shot
(range 120 feet), Damage 6d6+3 piercing
Custodian of Oak and Ash
Areas of Concern wood, cultivation, forestry, gardening, security
Edicts patiently plant your seeds, plan for orderly beauty, watch over your sproutlings INTRODUCTION
Anathema abandon your post, neglect your crops, purposely pervert nature ELEMENTAL
Divine Attribute Constitution or Wisdom CHARACTERS
Cleric Spells 1st: protector tree SoM, 2nd: oaken resilience, 6th: nature’s reprisal SoM EARTH
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification none
Divine Skill Nature METAL
Domains creation, nature, protection, wood (page 199); Alternate Domains duty LOGM, WATER
Favored Weapon sickle WOOD
Arts of the
Verilorn, Lord of Wood, Custodian of Oak and Ash, is a gardener. While
Elemental Lords
some might consider gardening to be a free-flowing form of creation, Verilorn
Wood Spells
believes his gardens should be orderly and exact above all else. The towering
Wood Items
trees that fill his arboretums are precise in their positioning and meticulous in
Wood Creatures
their size and shade. Verilorn knows when a sprout will form into wood with
such nicety that even the deities who govern time take inspiration. CHURN OF
Quiet and taciturn in person, Verilorn has few confidants and fewer ELEMENTS
friends. From within the boughs of his titanic tree cities, he stays APPENDIX
constantly vigilant, listening through endless networks
of bamboo tubes that hear all whispers and watching
through ashen masks that see all threats. His creations
are idyllically beautiful, but rigid and cold.
He wasn’t always this way. In eons past, when the
planes began their eternal cycle, Verilorn cultivated life
with as free a spirit as his counterpart, Shumunue. It was
only after his plane became severed from the elemental
cycle, the aftershocks killing many of his people, that
Verilorn changed. Never again, he vowed, would his
wild and chaotic gardens bring harm to his people or
himself. Alone in his twisting tree tower, he wishes
to ask Shumunue if they might again shape wood
in the wilds together. But he can’t bend as he
used to. He’s afraid that if he does, he will
ultimately break.
At present, Verilorn has more pressing concerns.
Power suffuses the Plane of Wood as it reconnects to
the other planes, like a field finding the sun after a long
winter. This change yields more growth than Verilorn
can track and more paths than he can patrol. The Lord
of Wood remains content to monitor the situation for
now, but should any of his subjects come to harm, he
won’t hesitate to don his role of Reaper and Pruner once more.
When casting the avatar spell, a worshipper of Verilorn gains the following
additional abilities.
Verilorn Speed 50 feet, burrow Speed 30 feet, ignore difficult terrain and
greater difficult terrain; Melee [one-action] reaping sickle (agile, finesse, reach 15
feet, trip), Damage 6d4+6 slashing; Ranged [one-action] leaf swarm (range 120 feet),
Damage 6d6+3 slashing
As the turmoil within the elemental planes allows the magic of elemental wood to spread throughout the planes, spells
formerly rare or forgotten have begun to flourish.
ARROW SALVO [two-actions] SPELL 6 Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d4, and the
CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE WOOD persistent bleed damage from cacti increases by 1.
Traditions arcane, primal
Range 100 feet; Area 30-foot burst HELPFUL WOOD SPIRITS [two-actions] SPELL 2
You conjure an immense wooden bow that launches a salvo Traditions arcane, primal
of massive arrows at all nearby enemies. All creatures in the Range 30 feet; Area 5-foot burst
affected area take 8d10 piercing damage, with a basic Reflex Duration sustained up to 1 minute
save. On a critical failure, the target is knocked prone from Upon casting this spell, a cluster of little wood spirits tumbles
the force of the impact. into the area. They perform a simple task each round. These
Heightened (+1) Increase the damage by 1d10. spirits are a magical echo of the true spirits that live on the
Plane of Wood and can’t be attacked, damaged, or otherwise
ENTWINED ROOTS SPELL 5 interfered with. These spirits often look like kodama but can
CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE WOOD appear in any of the countless varieties of wood spirits that
Traditions arcane, primal inhabit the Plane of Wood.
Cast 1 minute Choose the kind of aid your wood spirits supply from the
Area 20-foot burst; Targets Up to 5 willing living creatures list below when you Cast the Spell. The first time each round
Duration 10 minutes you Sustain the spell, you can move the area occupied by the
Slithering roots gird you and your allies in layers of flexible apparitions up to 10 feet and you can choose the kind of aid
wooden protection. Each affected creature gains resistance they provide this round.
5 to bludgeoning and piercing damage. Whenever a creature • Chores The wood spirits perform a minor manual task
protected by these roots is targeted by a ranged weapon of your choice, such as cleaning, opening a door, picking
attack but takes no damage (such as if the attack missed up an unattended object, or carrying an object from one
or the damage was reduced to 0 by resistance), the roots location to another. The spirits can’t pick up or carry an
snatch up the ammunition or thrown weapon and hold it. object of greater than 2 Bulk.
The protected creature can retrieve the thrown weapon or • Distract The wood spirits distract your foes, clambering
ammunition as an Interact action. all over their feet and bodies and being a nuisance.
Heightened (7th) The resistances increase to 10. Creatures in the area are off-guard unless they succeed
Heightened (9th) The resistances increase to 15. at a Reflex save.
• Obstacle The wood spirits fill the area as a chaotic,
FLOURISHING FLORA [two-actions] SPELL 1 bouncing mass. The area they occupy is difficult
Traditions arcane, primal • Search The wood spirits Seek in the area they occupy,
Range 30 feet; Targets 5-foot burst using your Perception check as their own. You learn
Defense basic Reflex anything they do from Seeking in this way.
Plants rapidly grow up from the ground. All creatures in the
target area take 2d4 damage. The type of damage depends LIFE-DRAINING ROOTS [two-actions] SPELL 4
on the type of plant you choose to grow. On a critical failure, CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE PLANT WOOD
targets experience additional effects, also depending on Traditions arcane, primal
what you choose to grow. The type of plant and its effects Area 30-foot line
are chosen when you Cast the Spell. Defense basic Reflex
• Cacti Piercing damage, and 1 persistent bleed damage Thorny roots erupt from your hands in a tangled cascade,
on a critical failure. puncturing creatures in the way of their growth and
• Flowers Poison damage, and dazzled for 2 rounds on a revitalizing you. You deal 8d6 piercing damage to creatures
critical failure. in the line (basic Reflex save). You gain 1d4 temporary Hit
• Fruits Bludgeoning damage, and clumsy 1 for 2 rounds Points for every living creature in the line, as the roots
on a critical failure. transfer nutrients from those damaged into you. The
• Roots Bludgeoning damage, and the affected creatures temporary Hit Points last for 1 minute.
fall prone on a critical failure. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6.
LIGNIFY [two-actions] SPELL 6 potent floral scent surrounds you in a 15-foot emanation.
CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE PLANT WOOD Creatures in the aura can’t benefit from the scent ability
Traditions arcane, primal and are sickened 1 as long as they remain in the aura. The
Range 120 feet; Targets 1 creature made of flesh sickness is a disease effect. INTRODUCTION
Defense Fortitude; Duration varies • Towering Trunk You grow to a considerable height. ELEMENTAL
You turn the target’s flesh slowly into wood. The target must Increase your size to Large. You’re clumsy 1. Your reach CHARACTERS
attempt a Fortitude save. Creatures with the plant trait have increases by 5 feet (or by 10 feet if you started out
a +2 circumstance bonus to saves against this spell. Tiny), and you gain a grasping branch unarmed attack;
Critical Success The target is unaffected. this attack is in the brawling weapon group and deals EARTH
Success The target is slowed 1 for 1 round. 2d8 bludgeoning damage plus Grab.
Failure The target is slowed 1 and must attempt a Fortitude • Unyielding Will Your mind becomes incredibly resilient
save at the end of each of its turns; this ongoing save to change. You’re immune to being fascinated, and METAL
has the incapacitation trait. On a failed save, the slowed you get a +1 bonus to saves and DCs against mental WATER
condition increases by 1 (or 2 on a critical failure). A effects.
successful save reduces the slowed condition by 1. When a WOOD
creature is unable to act due to the slowed condition from POLLEN PODS [two-actions] SPELL 7 Arts of the
lignify, the creature is permanently non-magically petrified, CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE PLANT WOOD
Elemental Lords
though it’s turned to wood instead of stone. The spell ends Traditions arcane, primal
Wood Spells
if the creature is magically petrified or the slowed condition Range 100 feet; Area four unoccupied 5-foot squares, each
Wood Items
is removed. of which is at least 20 feet apart
Wood Creatures
Critical Failure As failure, but the target is initially slowed 2. Duration 12 hours
You cultivate four wooden bulbs, each filled with toxic pollen CHURN OF
LOTUS WALK [two-actions] SPELL 3 and sensitive to motion. When a creature enters a space ELEMENTS
CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE PLANT WOOD adjacent to a bulb, or when a bulb is touched or damaged APPENDIX
Traditions arcane, divine, primal (each bulb has AC 5), the bulb blossoms and releases pollen
Duration 1 minute in a 15-foot emanation. Creatures in the area take 8d8
Lotuses, water lilies, and other watery plants bloom at poison damage and must attempt a Fortitude save with the
your feet, allowing you to walk on the surface of water following results.
and other liquids. You can go underwater if you wish, but Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
in that case, you must Swim normally. As you Stride or Success The creature takes half damage and becomes
Step on water, you leave a trail of oversized lily pads, lotus dazzled for 1 round.
leaves, or spatterdock that fill the squares’ surfaces in your Failure The creature takes full damage, becomes dazzled for
wake. Each square of this trail can withstand the weight of 1 round, and becomes stupefied 1 for 1 minute.
1 Medium creature and lasts until the end of your next turn. Critical Failure The creature takes double damage, is dazzled
You can Dismiss this spell early. for 1 round, and becomes stupefied 2 for 1 minute.
Heightened (4th) The duration of this spell increases to 10 Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d8.
minutes. The trail lasts until the spell ends or you Dismiss
the spell on you, whichever comes first. RIGID FORM [one-action] SPELL 4
Heightened (6th) The duration increases to 1 hour. Your trail CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE WOOD
is permanent even if you Dismiss the spell on you, although Traditions arcane, primal
if the water can’t support such plants, they’ll die in a week. Duration 1 minute
The trail can be removed by dispel magic or a similar spell. You utilize wood’s rigidity to prevent harmful shapechanging
effects. For the duration of this spell, whenever you’re
MANTLE OF THE UNWAVERING HEART [two-actions] SPELL 5 targeted by a harmful polymorph effect, you can use your
CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE MORPH PLANT WOOD reaction to attempt to counteract the effect.
Traditions arcane, primal Heightened (6th) The duration increases to 10 minutes.
Duration 1 minute
Vines and branches envelop you in an instant, growing a wild ROOT READING [two-actions] CANTRIP 1
bloom of colors that open to reveal your new form. Upon CANTRIP CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE WOOD
Casting this Spell, pick two of the options below. As a single Traditions arcane, primal
action, which has the concentrate trait, you can change one Area 30-foot emanation
of your chosen abilities to a different option from the list. You gain general insights into the immediate vicinity by
• Evergreen Vitality You gain fast healing 3 and a +2 sending your sense through the root systems of trees
bonus to saves against poison and disease. This effect and bushes. If there are any unnoticed Medium or larger
has the healing and vitality traits. creatures in the area, you learn of their presence and they’re
• Overwhelming Perfume (aura, olfactory) A cloud of undetected to you. You can immediately attempt to Seek an
Helpful Wood Spirits
undetected creature, and you gain a +1 status bonus to this TAKE ROOT [one-action] CANTRIP 1
attempt and any of your other attempts to Seek hidden or CANTRIP MANIPULATE PLANT WOOD
undetected creatures until the end of your next turn. You Traditions arcane, primal
also learn if any such creatures passed through this area Range 30 feet; Targets 1 willing creature
in the last hour, although you get only the vaguest sense Duration 1 round
of direction from the spell. If you begin to Track a creature Roots sprout from the flesh of the target and coil across the floor
detected in this way, you gain a +1 status bonus to the or around objects, reinforcing their stance or grip. The targeted
initial check. creature gains a +1 circumstance bonus to their Fortitude DC
against attempts to Shove them and a +1 circumstance bonus
SPLINTER VOLLEY [two-actions] SPELL 2 to their Reflex DC against attempts to Disarm or Trip them. This
CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE WOOD bonus also applies to saving throws against spells or effects
Traditions arcane, primal that would attempt to remove a held item from their grasp.
Range 60 feet; Targets 1 or 2 creatures
Defense AC TIMBER [two-actions] CANTRIP 1
You launch a volley of splinters at your foes. Make a spell CANTRIP CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE WOOD
attack roll against a single creature. On a hit, the splinters Traditions arcane, primal
deal 4d6 piercing damage. The splinters deal double damage Area 15-foot line
on a critical hit and 1 persistent bleed damage. You can spend Defense basic Reflex
a third action while casting this spell to fire splinters at two You create a small dead tree in your space that falls over
different targets instead of one. These attacks each increase on anyone in its path, then immediately decomposes. Any
your multiple attack penalty, but you don’t increase your creature in the area takes 2d4 bludgeoning damage, with a
multiple attack penalty until after you make both spell attack basic Reflex saving throw. A creature that critically fails its
rolls for splinter volley. save is knocked for a loop, making it dazzled until the end of
Heightened (+2) Increase the damage dealt to each target by its next turn.
4d6 and the persistent bleed damage by 1. Heightened (+1) The initial damage increases by 1d4.
VERDANT SPROUT [three-actions] SPELL 1 20 Hit Points. If the wooden block is destroyed, you take
CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE PLANT WOOD any excess damage that the block didn’t absorb. After taking
Traditions primal the blow, the wooden block collapses into a pile of splinters
Range 30 feet and dust. INTRODUCTION
You create a single plant seed imbued with primal energy Heightened (+1) The block’s Hit Points increase by 10. ELEMENTAL
and throw it onto a surface, where it gradually sprouts into CHARACTERS
a Medium plant. After 10 minutes, the plant is sturdy enough WOODEN FISTS [two-actions] SPELL 1
to provide standard cover, and its space is difficult terrain. CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE MORPH WOOD
The plant is laden with nutritious nuts or fruit sufficient to Traditions arcane, primal EARTH
feed one Medium creature for a day. The plant has AC 10, Duration 1 minute
Hardness 5, and 20 Hit Points. Your arms and hands swell with new growth, transforming
Heightened (+1) You create and throw an additional seed, into tree trunks twice as big as their current size. Your fists METAL
which grows into an additional plant within range. deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage, lose the nonlethal trait, and WATER
have reach.
WALL OF SHRUBS [three-actions] SPELL 1 Heightened (3rd) Your fists gain the magical trait and WOOD
CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE PLANT WOOD become a striking weapon, increasing the damage your Arts of the
Traditions arcane, primal fists deal to 2d6 bludgeoning.
Elemental Lords
Range 120 feet Heightened (7th) Your fists gain the magical trait and become
Wood Spells
Duration 1 minute a greater striking weapon, increasing the damage your
Wood Items
You call forth a line of bushes native to the region to spring fists deal to 3d6 bludgeoning. The duration is 10 minutes.
Wood Creatures
from the ground. The wall of shrubs stands in a line 60 feet Heightened (9th) Your fists gain the magical trait and
long, is less than 5 feet tall, and is a foot thick, providing become a major striking weapon, increasing the damage CHURN OF
lesser cover. your fists deal to 4d6 bludgeoning. The duration is 1 hour. ELEMENTS
Heightened (3rd) The shrubs are now 10 feet tall and 5 feet APPENDIX
thick and provide standard cover. The duration of the spell Wood Domain GLOSSARY
increases to 10 minutes. You command the indomitable power of wood.
Heightened (5th) Instead of a line, the shrubs can be made
in a ring with a diameter of up to 30 feet that’s 10 feet tall ARMS OF NATURE [two-actions] FOCUS 1
and 5 feet thick. The shrubs provide greater cover. The UNCOMMON CONCENTRATE FOCUS MANIPULATE WOOD
duration of the spell increases to 1 hour. Range touch; Targets 1 wooden object or plant of at least 4
WEAVE WOOD SPELL 1 Duration 1 minute
CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE WOOD All wood, dead or alive, is your armory. When you cast this
Traditions arcane, primal spell, you draw forth a +1 weapon of your choice from the
Cast 1 minute target. The weapon must be 2 Bulk or less. This weapon is of
Range touch; Targets 1 piece of unprocessed wood, reeds, or the same material as the target.
plant fiber of 1 Bulk or less Heightened (3rd) The weapon is a +1 striking weapon.
With a touch, you cause the target to break into fibrous Heightened (5th) The weapon is a +2 striking weapon.
strands that then weave themselves into a woven mundane Heightened (7th) The weapon is a +3 greater striking weapon.
object of the same Bulk or less, such as a basket, hat, shield,
or mat. You can create up to 4 objects with one casting of WOOD WALK [two-actions] FOCUS 4
this spell, providing their total Bulk doesn’t exceed the Bulk UNCOMMON FOCUS CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE WOOD
of your target. The objects have Hardness 2 and 8 Hit Points. Duration sustained up to 1 minute
Heightened (+1) Increase the maximum Bulk that you can Wood shapes itself according to your will readily, making
target by 1 and the maximum number of objects you can staircases appear as you climb up the side of a tree,
create by 2. automatically weaving vines into ladders, or lowering
branches to lift you up to the top. Move up to your Speed in
WOODEN DOUBLE [reaction] SPELL 3 any direction or along any surface, so long as there are living
MANIPULATE WOOD plants or trees of size Large or larger within 15 feet of you.
Traditions arcane, occult, primal The wood allows you to move but doesn’t protect you from
Trigger You’re critically hit by a damage-dealing effect or a hazardous terrain or other dangers.
Strike. Each time you Sustain this spell, you can move again in
A wooden double appears out of nowhere and takes the the same way.
blow in your place. Take a Step action. A wooden block of Heightened (8th) The duration of this spell becomes 10
your size and roughly shaped like you appears in the space minutes. You no longer need to Sustain the spell to extend
you left and absorbs the hit. This block has Hardness 5 and its duration, but you can Sustain it to move as described.
As a ubiquitous and versatile material, wood shows up in all sorts of items. Items tuned to the magic within wood
epitomize its greatest qualities—growth, durability, and beauty. Magic seeps throughout the Plane of Wood, with many
of the trees being magical. This power especially concentrates in seed pods, making them simple to turn into magic items.
ANIMAL NIP ITEM 4 Though it resembles an enormous leaf freshly plucked from a
ALCHEMICAL CONSUMABLE OLFACTORY PLANT WOOD tree, a broadleaf shield is extremely durable. It also regrows
Price 15 gp rapidly, fully repairing itself when broken if it’s left in sunlight
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk — for 10 consecutive minutes.
Activate [one-action] (manipulate) At each dawn, the leaf transforms to an appearance
Animal nip contains a mix of herbaceous, fragrant plants, ground appropriate for the season. While you’re wielding the shield,
into a coarse powder with a strong scent that attracts a broad you gain resistance to a damage type depending on the
spectrum of animals. You activate animal nip by sprinkling it on shield’s color. This resistance doubles while you have the
the ground or a target of your choice. For the next minute, all shield raised.
creatures within 30 feet that have the animal trait must attempt • Pink (void resistance) In spring, the leaf is a delicate
a Will save or become fascinated by the smell of the animal blossom-like pink and exudes the energy of life.
nip for 1 round. On a critical failure, they also fall prone and roll • Green (fire resistance) In summer, the leaf is a deep, rich
about on the ground. If the target is subject to a hostile act, the green with a waxy coating.
fascination ends immediately. Regardless of the result of the • Orange (poison resistance) In autumn, the leaf turns
creature’s save, it’s then immune to animal nip for 1 hour. orange, red, or yellow and dehydrates slightly.
Type lesser animal nip; Level 4; Price 15 gp • Brown (cold resistance) In winter, the leaf turns dead,
The DC is 18. dry, and brown.
Type moderate animal nip; Level 8; Price 75 gp Activate—Change Season [one-action] (concentrate) Frequency once
The DC is 24. per day; Effect The shield transforms as though living
Type major animal nip; Level 12; Price 350 gp through seasons in a moment, becoming the color of your
The DC is 30. choice for 5 minutes.
Type broadleaf shield; Level 6; Price 225 gp
BLOOMING LOTUS SEED POD ITEM 7 The shield has Hardness 4, HP 16, and BT 8. The resistances
Price 68 gp Type greater broadleaf shield; Level 9; Price 675 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L The shield has Hardness 6, HP 24, and BT 12. The resistances
The seeds of this lotus seed pod scatter with incredible ease are 4 (8 when raised).
and accuracy, quickly growing into temporary plants. Type major broadleaf shield; Level 13; Price 2,750 gp
Activate—Floating Pads [one-action] (manipulate) Effect You scatter The shield has Hardness 8, HP 32, and BT 16. The resistances
the blooming lotus seed pod’s seeds across a non-damaging are 5 (10 when raised).
liquid surface within 40 feet of you, where they form Type true broadleaf shield; Level 17; Price 13,750 gp
into 5 lotus pads that each float in place in a separate The shield has Hardness 10, HP 40, and BT 20. The resistances
square within range for 1 minute. Each lotus pad has a 10- are 6 (12 when raised).
foot radius and can support 1 Large creature, 2 Medium
creatures, or 4 Small creatures. CAPTIVATING ROSEBUD ITEM 3
Activate—Blooming Flower 10 minutes (manipulate); Effect UNCOMMON CONSUMABLE EMOTION MAGICAL WOOD
You plant the blooming lotus seed pod in the ground and Price 10 gp
a giant lotus flower blooms in that square. Over the next 8 Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk —
hours, creatures who sleep for at least 6 hours within 30 Named because of its popularity among thieves to distract any
feet of the lotus flower gain the benefits of long-term rest authorities in pursuit, a captivating rosebud has a near-irresistible
as though they’d spent an entire day and night resting, and fragrance.
all creatures within the affected area are immune to the Activate—Scent of Roses [one-action] (manipulate, mental, olfactory);
effects of the nightmare spell and other magical effects that Effect You throw the captivating rosebud in a square
affect only sleeping creatures. adjacent to you. The rosebud quickly sprouts into a little
rosebush that lasts for 1 hour. Any creature that passes
BROADLEAF SHIELD ITEM 6+ within 15 feet of the rose bush, other than yourself, must
MAGICAL PLANT WOOD attempt a DC 18 Will save.
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes a –1 status penalty to Perception
checks for 10 minutes.
Failure As success, but a –2 penalty. ELEMENTAL PODS
Critical Failure As success, but a –2 penalty and the Inhabitants of the Plane of Wood only rarely grow INTRODUCTION
creature is fascinated by the rosebush. vegetables and fruit for consumption, but they ELEMENTAL
Activate—Rose Vines 10 minutes (manipulate); Effect You do cultivate a wide variety of plants that provide CHARACTERS
plant the captivating rosebud into a square adjacent to a convenience and utility. Cultivating a species to
building or other structure. It grows into a rosebush that produce a particular effect can take generations.
stretches up to 30 feet tall. You and your allies can use Sometimes, an elemental plant pod becomes magical, EARTH
the rosebush as a ladder to Climb easily up and down the the work of meticulous selective pollination and
side of the adjacent structure, but all other creatures must fruiting, while other times, the product is a result
succeed at a DC 17 Will saving throw or fail to notice the of an unexpected mutation. Plant pods always have METAL
rosebush’s presence. two activations, and using either consumes the plant WATER
pod after generating the described effect. Typically,
CARVER-CUTTER ITEM 11+ these activations include an “immediate” option, WOOD
MAGICAL WOOD where they can be utilized in 1 to 3 actions, and a Arts of the
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1 planted option that requires them to be planted in
Elemental Lords
Many of the experienced woodcarvers of the Plane of Wood the ground, usually as a 10-minute activity.
Wood Spells
learn to fight as well, the better to travel into hazardous areas
Wood Items
in search of rare and beautiful types of wood for their craft.
Wood Creatures
A carver-cutter serves a dual role as a weapon and a tool for light for the next 60 feet) for 8 hours. While the light is
felling trees and engraving wood. The +2 striking battle axe shining, you can Interact with the glowing lantern fruit to CHURN OF
looks like an exquisitely made woodcutting axe. open or close some of its reflective leaves, making the light ELEMENTS
Activate—Carving Chisel [one-action] (concentrate, manipulate) Effect directional like a bull’s-eye lantern or a hooded lantern. APPENDIX
You pull free a woodworking chisel stored in the knob of the Activate—Fire Fruit 10 minutes (manipulate); Effect You plant
axe. It can have any standard chisel shape you imagine as you the glowing lantern fruit in the ground upside down. The
activate this ability. You get a +2 item bonus to Crafting checks petals of the lantern peel away, while the fruit inside glows
for woodworking if you use chisels from the carver-cutter. The hotter. For the next 8 hours, the glowing lantern fruit emits
chisel also functions as a main-gauche. All runes on the axe are as much light and heat as a bonfire, giving all creatures
replicated on the chisel, but only while both items are on the within 15 feet immunity to the effects of mild and severe
same person. You can Interact to reinsert the chisel. cold temperatures for as long as they’re within the area.
Activate—Chop Down [two-actions] Frequency once per hour; Effect
Make a Strike with the axe against a plant creature or a KIZIDHAR’S SHIELD ITEM 11
creature made primarily of wood. This Strike deals an MAGICAL WOOD
additional 2d6 precision damage, and on a hit, the creature Price 1,250 gp
is clumsy 1 for 1 minute. Usage held in one hand; Bulk L
Type carver-cutter; Level 11; Price 1,400 gp This standard-grade duskwood shield is perfectly symmetrical
Type greater carver-cutter; Level 13; Price 3,000 gp and incredibly sturdy despite its elaborate construction.
The axe is a +2 greater striking battle axe, and the precision These shields are typically given to the chosen emissaries of
damage is 3d6. a kizidhar shuyookh, and the shuyookh’s name and title are
Type major carver-cutter; Level 15 (uncommon); Price 5,500 gp engraved in Muan behind the shield’s handle.
The axe is a +2 keen greater striking battle axe, and the Activate—Repair [one-action] (concentrate) Frequency once per day;
precision damage is 3d6. Effect You command the shield to repair itself, awakening
Type true carver-cutter; Level 18 (uncommon); Price 24,000 gp the restorative magic within. For the next minute, the shield
The axe is a +3 keen greater striking battle axe, the Crafting heals 3 Hit Points each round at the start of your turn.
bonus is +3, and the precision damage is 4d6. Activate—Secure Site 10 minutes (manipulate); Frequency once
per day; Effect You place the kizidhar’s shield into the ground
GLOWING LANTERN FRUIT ITEM 1 at the edge of your campsite, which can’t be more than 30
UNCOMMON CONSUMABLE MAGICAL WOOD feet on a side, then speak the name of the kizidhar shuyookh
Price 4 gp carved into its handle. The shuyookh briefly appears just
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L long enough to make a sweeping gesture, causing sprawling
The flesh of this fruit pod resembles a stylized paper lantern, thorns to grow in an unnaturally symmetrical formation
with a woody, geometric structure and thin layers of flesh, around the campsite, protecting it for the next 8 hours with
complete with a glow coming from the interior. an effect that’s otherwise identical to wall of thorns. All
Activate—Lantern Light [one-action] (manipulate) Effect The glowing creatures within the campsite are then immediately affected
lantern fruit sheds bright light in a 60-foot radius (and dim by a three-action heal spell cast at 4th rank by the shield.
After 8 hours, the wall rots away, and the shield can be Activate—Cloud of Leaves [two-actions] (manipulate) Frequency once
retrieved as an Interact action. per day; Effect You summon leaves that protect your allies
and identify enemies. All allies and indifferent creatures
PURIFYING SPOON ITEM 1+ within 30 feet of you gain lesser cover for 1 round, while
MAGICAL WOOD enemies come under the effect of revealing light for 1 minute.
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk —
A phrase of luck is carved into the handle of this wooden SPLINTERING SPEAR ITEM 13+
teaspoon. While a variety of other cutlery with similar MAGICAL WOOD
properties exists, a spoon is often the most convenient and Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
inconspicuous to carry. The entirety of this +2 duskwood greater striking spear is made
Activate—Purify [two-actions] (manipulate) Frequency once per day; of worn, cracked, splintered wood, including the spearhead.
Effect You stir the spoon in food or drink, casting cleanse These splinters never harm you when you hold the weapon, but
cuisine on the substance as you stir. This small spoon can when you hit with the spear, splinters break off in the target,
purify up to 1 gallon of food or drink. dealing 1d6 persistent bleed damage.
Type purifying teaspoon; Level 1; Price 10 gp Activate—Shatter [two-actions] Frequency once per day; Effect You
Type purifying tablespoon; Level 1; Price 20 gp smash the spear into the ground or another nearby surface,
This larger spoon can purify up to 8 gallons of food or drink. shattering it into thousands of duskwood splinters in your
Type purifying ladle; Level 2; Price 32 gp choice of a 30-foot cone or a 10-foot emanation. Each creature
This spoon is perfect for pouring heartwarming meals into in the area takes 12d6 piercing damage with a DC 30 basic
bowls. It can purify up to 16 gallons of food or drink. Reflex save. A creature that fails also takes the same amount
of persistent bleed damage as the spear deals on a hit. The
ROOTING RUNE 7+ spear regrows into its full form at the end of this turn.
MAGICAL PLANT WOOD Type splintering spear; Level 13; Price 2,700 gp
Usage etched onto a melee weapon Type greater splintering spear; Level 17; Price 15,000 gp
Small roots grow along the surface of the weapon, clinging The spear is a +3 high-grade duskwood greater striking spear,
tightly to its contours. On a critical hit with the weapon, roots and the activation’s damage is 16d6 (DC 37).
grow from the target. It’s immobilized for 1 round (Escape Type major splintering spear; Level 20; Price 60,000 gp
DC 23) and clumsy 1 for as long as the immobilization lasts. The spear is a +3 high-grade duskwood superior striking spear,
Type rooting; Level 7; Price 360 gp and the activation’s damage is 18d6 (DC 43).
Type greater rooting; Level 11; Price 1,400 gp
The Escape DC is 28. TAILOR’S BOLL ITEM 3
Type major rooting; Level 15; Price 6,500 gp CONSUMABLE MAGICAL PLANT WOOD
The Escape DC is 34. Price 12 gp
Type true rooting; Level 19; Price 40,000 gp Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk —
The Escape DC is 41. Activate [two-actions] (concentrate, manipulate)
Harvested from one of the rainbow fields of the Plane of
SANDALWOOD FAN ITEM 12 Wood, this cotton boll is filled with multicolored fibers. When
UNCOMMON MAGICAL WOOD you Activate the boll, you make a request for a bespoke set
Price 2,000 gp of non-magical explorer’s clothing or fine clothing. The hard
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L fibers and seeds leap from your hand to spin and weave,
This ornate fan’s carving depicts a particular tableau from the cotton flying through the air at incredible speed to make
Plane of Wood, often of the site where the fan was created. cloth and thread. The clothing is ready at the start of your
Fanning it through the air creates a sandalwood-scented breeze next turn, in the most convenient spot nearby for hanging the
and a crackling of magic. A sandalwood fan is a planar key for clothing or laying it flat.
interplanar teleport and similar magic. The sandalwood fan makes If you hold clothing in your other hand when you activate
it more likely for you to arrive where you intended, appearing the boll, the boll instead reweaves that item to match the style
1d6×25 miles from your intended destination instead of the usual you specified. This can’t change the type of item; you couldn’t
error range. This distance is further reduced to 1d4×25 miles if turn fine clothing into explorer’s clothing or winter clothing,
your destination is the scenery depicted on the fan. for example.
Activate—Plant Speech 1 minute (manipulate); Frequency
once per day; Effect The sandalwood fan casts speak with TALES IN TIMBER ITEM 10+
plants and translate for Fey and Muan on you. In addition to INVESTED MAGICAL WOOD
conversing with nearby plants, you can also communicate Usage worn armor; Bulk 2
with any living plants you’ve spoken with in the past using Dozens of pictorial stories—told in wood carvings, painting,
this fan. These plants must either be on the same plane as or pyrography—adorn every outer surface of this +1 resilient
you or on the Plane of Wood. wooden breastplate (Treasure Vault 9). All are old, and many
Kizidhar’s Shield Sandalwood Fan Tales in Timber
truly ancient, depicting tales set eons ago on the Plane of immediately heals 30 Hit Points and can attempt a new METAL
Wood. You gain a +2 item bonus to Nature checks to Recall saving throw against one poison or disease afflicting them. WATER
Knowledge. If you know the collective memories ritual, you can
use Nature instead of Occultism if you’re the primary caster. THORN TRIAD ITEM 4+ WOOD
Activate—Statue Disguise [two-actions] Frequency once per day; Effect MAGICAL SPELLHEART WOOD Arts of the
The armor makes you look like a wooden statue version of Usage affixed to non-metal armor or a weapon; Bulk —
Elemental Lords
one of the creatures depicted on the armor for 1 hour. This From each corner of this carved, triangular badge extends a
Wood Spells
is a 3rd-rank illusory disguise, but it can make you look like long, sharp thorn. The spell DC of any spell cast by activating
Wood Items
any creature depicted on the armor. This doesn’t change this item is 18.
Wood Creatures
your size or the capabilities of your body, and it scales • Armor After you cast a plant spell by activating the
the appearance of the creature to match yours. You can triad, you gain resistance 2 to bludgeoning and piercing CHURN OF
Dismiss the activation. This disguise is just real enough to damage and weakness 3 to fire until the end of your next ELEMENTS
make you somewhat closer to a creature of wood. You’re turn, or double the resistance for a non-cantrip spell. APPENDIX
affected by two spells while it lasts: oaken resilience and • Weapon After you cast a plant spell by activating the
speak with plants. If you stand still, you gain a +2 item bonus triad, thorns erupt from the weapon. Your Strikes with
to Deception checks and DCs to appear as an inanimate the weapon deal an additional 1d4 persistent bleed
wooden statue, in addition to the status bonus to Deception damage until the end of your next turn.
from illusory disguise. Activate Cast a Spell; Effect You cast timber (page 198).
Type tales in timber; Level 10; Price 1,000 gp Type thorn triad; Level 4; Price 90 gp
Type greater tales in timber; Level 13; Price 2,800 gp Type greater thorn triad; Level 8; Price 450 gp
The armor is +2 resilient wooden breastplate, and the oaken Resistance when affixed to armor is 4, extra damage affixed to
resilience is 4th rank. a weapon is 1d6, and spell DC is 24.
Type major tales in timber; Level 18; Price 22,000 gp Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day; Effect You cast
The armor is +2 greater resilient wooden breastplate, the item wall of thorns.
bonus to Nature checks is +3, and the oaken resilience is 6th rank. Type major thorn triad; Level 12; Price 1,800 gp
Resistance when affixed to armor is 6, extra damage affixed to
THERAPEUTIC SNAP PEAS ITEM 8 a weapon is 1d8, and spell DC is 29.
UNCOMMON CONSUMABLE MAGICAL PLANT WOOD Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day; Effect You cast
Price 85 gp 4th-rank wall of thorns.
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk — Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day; Effect You cast
Affectionately called “the healer’s kit of the Plane of Wood,” petal storm SoM.
therapeutic snap peas are specially cultivated snap pea pods
overflowing with restorative magic. VERSATILE TINDERBOX ITEM 1
Activate—Healing Pod [two-actions] (concentrate, manipulate) MAGICAL WOOD
Effect You break the snap pea pod in half, unleashing its Price 20 gp
restorative healing energy. Up to 5 creatures of your choice Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk —
within 30 feet regain 4d8+10 Hit Points and gain a +2 item A fine case carved from elegant wood, this tinderbox holds
bonus to all saves against poisons or diseases for 1 minute. twigs and strips of wood in a selection of six colors. In a typical
Activate—Beanstalk 10 minutes (manipulate); Effect You plant versatile tinderbox, these colors are black, blue, green, magenta,
the therapeutic snap peas in a square of open ground, after yellow, and violet. When used in lighting a fire, colored tinder
which they rapidly grow into a 10-foot-tall beanstalk that alters the flames’ color and smoke to match. The box is perfectly
remains in place for 8 hours. The beanstalk’s enormous pea carved and constructed to hold tinder, keeping it completely
pods provide a full day’s food for up to 8 living creatures dry, but is incapable of closing if used to hold anything else.
of size Large or smaller, which must be eaten before the The tinderbox replenishes itself; it’s never out of tinder when its
beanstalk expires. Any creature that eats the pea pods also owner is in need, but it never produces a surplus of tinder either.
At first glance, wood elementals might not seem to have the same destructive
potential as their cousins from the Planes of Fire, Water, or Air, but don’t be
UNITERS OF THE SCAMPS fooled. The woods can be a dangerous place.
Wood scamps’ unusual inclination Though some resemble animals, the elemental beasts presented here are still
toward teamwork can make them plants, and their life cycles reflect it. Vegetable lambs grow on rooted stalks,
invaluable additions to any troupe from which they can’t be removed until they’ve matured (or perhaps ripened),
of elemental scamps. They’re known leaving them dependent on their immediate surroundings for food. Moss sloths
to work well with one another, as are little more than lumps of green fluff for the first century of their existence,
well as with air, earth, water, mud, only gaining limited mobility once they can grow their defensive wooden claws.
and even dust and ice scamps. They
also make good mediators during the WOOD WISP
all-too‑common chaotic conflicts that Like other wisps, wood wisps roam their plane and attune to other wisps,
result. The only scamps they can’t wandering with them in symphonies. Because of their willingness to bond,
tolerate are those of fire and metal, wood wisps appear outside their home plane more than other wood
who are notorious for teaming up to elementals, though they’re still relatively rare compared to other wisps.
bully wood scamps incessantly. Wood wisps resemble coconuts trailed by thick nests of branches that
cover and conceal even deeper webs of thorny vines. They are, unfortunately,
both unaware of the pain these thorns can cause fleshy creatures and very
physically affectionate in their eagerness to offer assistance.
Vegetable lambs are gaining popularity as the first elemental to be
summoned by spellcasters in training, as they’re docile until provoked and
easy to control. Casters must take care, however, to not let them germinate
in the Universe; they’re a highly invasive species that can devour an entire
forest within a decade.
The healing and nourishing food that grows from vegetable lambs is
appealing for adventurers and sedentary magical scholars alike. The taste is WILD BUT UNWILD INTRODUCTION
similar to the plants of the same kind that grow on Golarion, but not entirely. Many wood elementals are created ELEMENTAL
Many have noted that there’s a slight similarity to meat—a bit of umami one by kizidhars (page 212) and other CHARACTERS
wouldn’t find in an ordinary flower. powerful creatures on the Plane
of Wood and placed in rote roles.
VEGETABLE LAMB CREATURE 1 Populating nature preserves and EARTH
SMALL ELEMENTAL PLANT WOOD sprawling estates, they can be unsure
Perception +4 how to behave if released into the wild.
Skills Athletics +5, Nature +6 They’re essentially born domesticated METAL
Str +3, Dex +1, Con +2, Int –4, Wis +0, Cha +3 and will likely act far differently WATER
Nature’s Bounty (healing, plant, primal, vitality) Each day, a vegetable lamb grows 1d4 than the wild creatures they mimic,
edible flowers (such as artichoke, broccoli, or dandelion) among the green cotton even in natural environments. Their WOOD
covering its body. These vegetables can be picked without hurting the lamb. A living natural predators are few, putting Arts of the
creature can eat the vegetable with an Interact action to regain 1d6+4 Hit Points. the elementals at less risk, although
Elemental Lords
AC 14; Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +8 they’re still sometimes eaten by giant
Wood Spells
HP 28; Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep; Weaknesses fire 3, slashing 2 termites or captured by some as pets.
Wood Items
Speed 20 feet
Wood Creatures
Melee [one-action] headbutt +8, Damage 1d6+2 bludgeoning
Melee [one-action] hoof +6, Damage 1d6 bludgeoning CHURN OF
Cottonseed Burst [two-actions] The vegetable lamb releases a cloud of cottony green pollen ELEMENTS
in a 10-foot burst centered on itself. All creatures caught in the burst that need APPENDIX
to breathe, apart from the lamb, must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save or be
slowed 1 by coughing (slowed 2 on a critical failure).
A wood scamp’s veiny, bat-like wings mimic the lamina and venules of a leaf.
This, along with their stout green torsos and limbs, enables them to easily blend
into the branches of a living tree. They’re unusually social
for scamps and prefer to work in groups when possible. By
their nature, they find their home plane rather boring, and
many of them are abuzz with excitement as the plane reopens.
They’re eager to travel to new places where they can cause mischief.
These moss colonies coalesce over a century into the rough facsimile of a
large sloth, right down to mimicking the unique structure of the animal’s fur
A BRAIN BY ANY OTHER NAME that attracts additional fungi and pollinating insects. Unless summoned or
Even if Lady Shumunue (page 194) attacked, they rarely leave the trees upon which they first formed.
taught the wood elementals’ ancestors
to mimic animals, a wood elemental’s MOSS SLOTH CREATURE 2
consciousness is contained not in a SMALL ELEMENTAL PLANT WOOD
brain but in its root system. Entities Perception +8
like nursery crawlers, living groves, Skills Nature +7, Survival +8
and carved beasts use this to their Str +3, Dex +0, Con +4, Int –4, Wis +2, Cha +1
advantage. That an elemental’s wooden AC 18; Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +11
body can be carved and crafted, HP 40, regeneration 5 (deactivated by fire); Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison,
apparently without lasting harm, sleep; Resistances bludgeoning 5; Weaknesses fire 4, slashing 3
implies that they might not feel pain so Insect Swarm The first time each day that the moss sloth takes damage from a
long as their roots remain undamaged. bludgeoning melee attack, a patch of moss collapses inward, releasing insects that
swarm the attacking creature and deal 2d4 piercing damage (DC 15 basic Reflex save).
Speed 10 feet, climb 15 feet; hold fast
Melee [one-action] wooden claw +9, Damage 1d8+2 bludgeoning
Ranged [one-action] fruit +6 (range increment 15 feet), Damage 1d6+2 bludgeoning
Hold Fast A moss sloth can climb on ceilings and other inverted surfaces, though it
treats such surfaces as difficult terrain.
The vibrant elemental energy of the Plane of Wood imbues even the most
rotten of fallen trees, empowering their remains to travel in search of the
best locations for the next generation to put down roots. This mono-eyed,
rotten stump launches seeds that begin to sprout the moment they’re buried,
whether in the ground or in a living creature’s skin.
These tall, thin figures are too treelike to be dryads, yet too humanoid
to be arboreals. Their blank faces and thin trunks bear only the slightest
suggestion of humanoid features. Rather than hands, their long, branchlike
arms eventually split into equally proportioned branchlike digits, which the
willows use both to fight and swing through their native plane.
WHIPPING WILLOW CREATURE 4 Long before mortal civilization, living ELEMENTAL
MEDIUM ELEMENTAL PLANT WOOD groves made their way to the Universe, CHARACTERS
Perception +11 buried their roots deep for safety,
Languages Arboreal, Muan and fell dormant. A handful of these
Skills Athletics +12 (+15 to Trip or Grapple) ancient elementals survive to this EARTH
Str +2, Dex +5, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +2 day, numbering among the oldest
Grounded When saving against an effect attempting to knock them prone, non-immortal entities yet living on
a whipping willow achieves one degree of success better than what they the plane. Their long separation from METAL
rolled. Additionally, the willow doesn’t fall prone on a critical failure to Trip an the Plane of Wood has sent most into WATER
opponent. a deep hibernation, but an infusion
AC 20; Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +14 of planar energy or powerful primal WOOD
HP 75; Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep; Weaknesses axes 5, fire 5 magic could potentially wake them up. Arts of the
Speed 30 feet, climb 40 feet
Elemental Lords
Melee [one-action] whip +11 (finesse, reach 15 feet, trip), Damage 2d8+5 bludgeoning plus
Wood Spells
strangling vines
Wood Items
Constrict [one-action] 2d4+5 bludgeoning, DC 21 (page 232)
Wood Creatures
Strangling Vines When a whipping willow hits a creature with their whip
Strike, they can choose to Grab and begin strangling the creature. The CHURN OF
target is suffocating and can’t speak as long as it’s strangled. ELEMENTS
Unseating Sweep [two-actions] The whipping willow attempts to Trip all APPENDIX
creatures within a 15-foot cone, making a single Athletics check
against all targets’ Reflex DCs.
A living grove is a singular connected entity, with dozens of
genetically identical trunks united within the same root system.
At rest, a living grove resembles nothing so much as a small
arboretum of birch and aspen trees, though oak and redwood
varieties that are significantly larger and tougher exist as well.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature is stunned 1.
Failure The creature is stunned 2.
CARVED TREASURES Critical Failure The creature is stunned 4.
If an adventurer is careful while
defeating a carved beast, the statue CARVED BEAST
may be recovered intact from its An untold number of stumps carved into roughly hewn animal shapes roam
defeated body and sold as a lesser art the Plane of Wood. The statue portion of these carved beasts is incapable
object. With a level-appropriate skill of articulated movement, though the living wood at their base is fully
check, a character trained in Crafting animate. When left to their own devices, carved beasts prefer to roughly
can potentially increase the statue’s mimic the behaviors of the animals they resemble, like children playing with
quality to moderate or repurpose it inarticulate toys.
into something else entirely, such as
whittling a small bird shape into a CARVED BEAST CREATURE 6
Perception +16
Skills Nature +15, Stealth +16 (+19 when posing as a mundane wooden statue)
Str +2, Dex +4, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +2
Top-Heavy While the carved beast is not Dug In (see below), its unwieldy design leaves
it vulnerable to falling over. The DC of any attempt to knock the carved beast prone
is reduced by 5, and the beast takes a –5 status penalty to any check or save it
attempts to resist being knocked prone. Additionally, whenever the beast fails to Trip
opponents with its roots Strike, it critically fails instead. If successfully Shoved by an
opponent, the beast must succeed at a DC 20 Reflex save or fall prone.
AC 22 (24 while Dug In); Fort +13 (+15 while Dug In), Ref +9, Will +17
HP 92; Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep; Weaknesses axes 5, fire 10
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] statue +15 (shove), Damage 2d8+5 (3d8+5 while Dug In) bludgeoning plus
Knockdown (page 233)
Melee [one-action] roots +17 (finesse, trip), Damage 2d8+5 bludgeoning
Dig In [one-action] The carved beast digs its roots into the ground for better protection
and purchase. While Dug In, the carved beast can’t Stride nor use its roots
Strike; however, this also negates the effects of top-heavy, grants the beast a
+2 status bonus to its AC and Fortitude saves, and increases the damage of
its statue Strike by 1d8. The carved beast can spend an action on its turn
to end the effect; alternatively, the effect ends when the carved beast is
moved by force, such as via a successful Shove attack.
These creatures sleep while hanging upside down by their partially
curled tails and rely on their thick wooden scales to protect them
from danger. One such danger the scales negate is the falling damage from
deliberately rolling up and dropping onto the head of an unsuspecting
opponent, which is one of their favorite combat strategies. Beneath their
scales, pine pangolin bodies secrete a thick, sticky tar that serves as a
secondary line of defense.
Melee [one-action] claw +17 (agile), Damage 2d12+3 piercing
Melee [one-action] tongue +17, Damage 2d8+3 bludgeoning plus Grab (page 232)
Roll Up [one-action] (move) The pine pangolin falls prone, closes up its scales, and rolls into
a ball. While Rolled Up, the pangolin gains resistance 10 to physical damage and MORE WOODED ORIGINS INTRODUCTION
total immunity to falling damage from heights of 50 feet or less. The only action Pine pangolins grow in clusters of ELEMENTAL
the pine pangolin can take is to Stand, and the effects of Roll Up end once the two to five individuals on giant trees, CHARACTERS
pangolin Stands. protected by a cozy layer of tar until
Secrete Tar [one-action] (plant) The pine pangolin secretes a brown, sticky tar within a their scales harden enough for their first
5-foot emanation, making those squares difficult terrain for 1 minute. Each drop. Snapdrakes are handcrafted for EARTH
creature that enters or starts its turn in a tarred square must succeed at a DC kizidhar nobility, often serving as loyal
25 Fortitude save or become immobilized until it Escapes. On a critical failure, guards. Nobody knows where painted
the creature falls prone; prone creatures take a –2 circumstance penalty to stags come from, as all who have tried METAL
their checks to Escape the tar. The pine pangolin is immune to the effects of to investigate have been eaten. WATER
its own tar.
SNAPDRAKE Arts of the
Skilled kizidhar mages and gardeners handcraft these lovely creatures as
Elemental Lords
much for their shuyookhs’ aesthetic pleasure as for their protection. Creating
Wood Spells
a snapdrake requires first painstakingly constructing a frame of living wood
Wood Items
in the shape of a drake before weaving thousands of colorful snapdragon
Wood Creatures
flowers into intricate patterns to form its body and scales. Once complete,
snapdrakes often serve kizidhars as a combination of guards, pets, and CHURN OF
decorations for as long as they are well fed. ELEMENTS
Perception +16
Languages Arboreal, Common, Muan (can’t speak any languages)
Skills Acrobatics +15, Performance +16
Str +4, Dex +6, Con +3, Int –2, Wis +3, Cha +4
AC 26; Fort +16, Ref +11, Will +19
HP 144; Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep;
Weaknesses axes 10, fire 10
Alluring Scent (aura, olfactory, plant, primal) 30 feet. A
creature that enters the emanation must attempt a DC 25
Will save. On a failure, the target is fascinated by the
snapdrake and must use at least 1 action on its next
turn to Stride closer to the snapdrake. On a success,
the target is immune to the snapdrake’s alluring scent
for 1 hour.
Reactive Strike [reaction] Tail scythe only (page 233)
Speed 20 feet, fly 50 feet; greater forest passage
Melee [one-action] fangs +14, Damage 2d12+4 piercing plus
Grab and snapdrake pollen
Melee [one-action] tail scythe +16 (deadly d10, finesse, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d10+6
Greater Forest Passage The snapdrake ignores difficult terrain and greater
difficult terrain from plants and fungi.
Snapdrake Pollen (plant, poison) Saving Throw DC 25 Fortitude; Maximum
Duration 8 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 poison damage plus dazzled 1 (1 round); Stage 2
1d6 poison damage plus dazzled 1 and sickened 1 (2 rounds); Stage 3 2d6 poison
damage plus confused and sickened 1 (2 rounds)
Speed Surge [one-action] (move) Frequency 3 times per day; Effect The snapdrake moves up
to twice its Speed.
Spray Pollen [two-actions] (arcane, plant, poison) The snapdrake breathes a Snapdrake
blast of pollen in a 40-foot cone. Creatures caught in the blast
must succeed at a DC 25 basic Reflex save or be exposed to snapdrake pollen. The
snapdrake can’t use Spray Pollen again for 1d6 rounds.
In the Universe, plant growth proceeds on a scale of days, weeks, years,
and decades. Conversely, an elemental thicket grows constantly and
in seconds. These writhing masses of living wood are the elemental
embodiment of growth itself, swelling up when least expected to
consume all in their path.
surrounding the elemental thicket, making the area greater difficult terrain out
to 5 feet and difficult terrain out to 30 feet. This ability requires soil and has no
effect on terrain without it, such as worked stone, solid rock, open water, etc.
Speed 25 feet, burrow 25 feet, climb 25 feet SCIONS OF LIFE INTRODUCTION
Melee [one-action] gnarled branch +24 (reach 20 feet), Damage 2d12+7 bludgeoning plus Grab Rowan trees have a long association ELEMENTAL
Constrict [one-action] 1d12+7 bludgeoning, DC 30 (page 232). with protection; Shumunue accordingly CHARACTERS
Engulf [two-actions] DC 30, 8d10 bludgeoning, Escape DC 27, Rupture 20 (page 232). chose rowan as the base for the
powerful guardian twins. Their weapons
TWINS OF ROWAN and protective masks are grown EARTH
Twins of rowan are among the most powerful elementals on the Plane of separately from younger saplings fed
Wood, specially crafted to patrol a wide range of wilderness and maintain with mineral-rich magic that makes
the plane’s carefully constructed order. Despite having two heads and torsos, their wood as strong and sharp as steel. METAL
each twins of rowan is a singular creature; like all wood elementals, their true WATER
consciousness is not in their heads but in the roots, and their true body is the
trunk of the tree, not the extended limbs. WOOD
Arts of the
Elemental Lords
Wood Spells
Perception +26; tremorsense (imprecise) 30 feet
Wood Items
Languages Arboreal, Common, Fey, Muan
Wood Creatures
Skills Athletics +24, Intimidation +26, Nature +21
Str +5, Dex +4, Con +8, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +4 CHURN OF
Shielded Eyes A twins of rowan’s protective mask ELEMENTS
shields them from blinding and dazzling effects. APPENDIX
AC 34; Fort +24, Ref +17, Will +27
HP 273; Immunities bleed, blindness, dazzled,
paralyzed, poison, sleep; Weaknesses axes 15, fire 15
Beacon of the Rowan Guard (aura, plant, primal, wood)
40 feet. The lantern carried by the twins of rowan
contains pure elemental life energy that resonates with
and empowers all wood elementals. While within the emanation, a
creature with the elemental trait and either the plant trait or wood
trait gains fast healing 10 and a +2 circumstance bonus to all
attack and damage rolls. The aura can be counteracted with a
DC 30 check to dispel magic; doing so deactivates the aura for
1d6 rounds.
Speed 35 feet, climb 25 feet
Melee [one-action] rapier +26 (deadly d8, disarm, finesse, reach 15 feet), Damage
4d8+5 piercing
Melee [one-action] fist +25 (agile, reach 15 feet), Damage 3d10+5 bludgeoning
Ranged [one-action] stump +26 (brutal, range increment 120 feet), Damage 2d10+15
Follow-Up Combo [two-actions] The twins of rowan makes a rapier Strike, followed by two
fist Strikes, all against the same target. These attacks all count toward the twins’
multiple attack penalty, but the penalty doesn’t increase until after the twins
make their attacks.
Lifespring Burst [three-actions] (plant, primal, vitality) Once per day, the
twins of rowan can strike the ground with their sword,
releasing a 30-foot burst of life energy centered on the
twins that deals 14d6 vitality damage (DC 30 basic
Fortitude save); the twins of rowan is immune. The
area affected by this burst then becomes greater Twins of Rowan
difficult terrain as vibrant new plant life ruptures
through it.
Throw Stump [one-action] As Throw Rock (page 233) but
can also be used to throw stumps and logs.
The genies of the Plane of Wood, known as the kizidhars, are overbearing
lords of their element. These master crafters of wood specialize in carpentry
PATRONS OF ART and all kinds of woodcarving, and they take a particular delight in reshaping
Kizidhars are great patrons and the world in their own image—either through creating wooden statues of
beings to introduce into a campaign themselves or by manipulating and controlling the living things around
using nature crafting rules (Treasure them. Though they’re able to carve themselves similarly, they usually regard
Vault 164). They are proud, vain, and their own forms as perfect.
happy to show off their superiority by Shunning the company of other genies, they prefer to avoid those equal
creating wooden weapons and armor in power and instead surround themselves with circles of sycophants and
for those who perform a service for flatterers. With the pathways to the Universe open again for the first time
them. Kizidhars always seek to gain in ages, kizidhars roam the multiverse to find mortals they can tempt into
the upper hand in such deals, however, joining their palace retinues as servants, entertainers, and valuable sources
and PCs exchanging services for of new information.
kizidhar goods should do so with the
knowledge that a kizidhar rarely makes KIZIDHAR
a deal if they don’t believe they’re Kizidhars look like walking trees, averaging 10 to 12 feet tall with branches
getting the better side of the bargain. twisting to form their arms, faces, and other features. A kizidhar can reshape
their body to create any wooden object.
Perception +14; darkvision
Languages Common, Muan; speak with plants,
Skills Acrobatics +11, Arcana +11, Athletics +15, Crafting
+15, Deception +13, Intimidation +15, Nature +16, Stealth +13 (+15 in forests)
Str +4, Dex +3, Con +5, Int +3, Wis +4, Cha +3
Items staff, wooden shield (Hardness 3, HP 12, BT 6)
AC 22 (24 with shield raised); Fort +17, Ref +13,
Will +12
HP 110; Weaknesses axes 5, fire 5
Shield Block [reaction] (page 233)
Speed 25 feet, climb 15 feet; parting the trees
Melee [one-action] staff +16 (two-hand d8), Damage 2d4+10
Arcane Innate Spells DC 22; 7th interplanar teleport
(at will; to Astral Plane, Elemental Planes, or the
Universe only); 5th nature’s pathway (at will); 2nd
entangling flora (×2), invisibility (×2), one with plants;
Cantrips (3rd) detect magic; Constant (6th) speak with plants, truespeech
Change Shape [one-action] (arcane, concentrate, polymorph) The kizidhar transforms into a
Small or Medium wood elemental or plant creature (page 232). This doesn’t affect
the kizidhar’s statistics, but it could change the damage type of their Strikes.
Parting the Trees The genie ignores difficult terrain from plants, and can share
their space with larger plants, such as trees.
Sculpt Wood [one-action] The kizidhar creates a wooden item out of their body that appears
in their hand and remains attached. The item can be a one-handed simple
weapon, shield, or object of light Bulk. A kizidhar can instead use this ability to
transform an item it’s already holding or to remove an object to free its hand.
Any item created with Sculpt Wood crumbles to splinters if removed from the
kizidhar’s possession.
Take Root [one-action] (arcane, plant, wood) The genie thrusts their weapon into the
ground. Plants sprout and grow out of the ground in a 20-foot burst centered
on one corner of the kizidhar’s square. All squares on the ground in that area
are difficult terrain until the kizidhar uses this ability again.
Kizidhar shuyookhs are the powerful rulers of the Glowing Infinity on
the Plane of Wood. They view other genies, including other kizidhars, as
subservient to their own greatness, manipulating them as though they were WISHCRAFTERS INTRODUCTION
outsiders whenever it helps achieve their goals. Kizidhar shuyookh diplomats Kizidhar shuyookhs consider themselves ELEMENTAL
are sent as emissaries from the Plane of Wood to the Universe, representing artists of wish-crafting, planting, and CHARACTERS
the metropolis of Nodollin and Grand Sultana Eshal Muazzam Rayadii of the nurturing the seeds of an idea and
Glowing Infinity, Lady of All that Grows and Decays. guiding its growth into the wish they
ultimately bring to life. Shuyookhs take EARTH
KIZIDHAR SHUYOOKH CREATURE 11 great pride in improving a wish as they
RARE LARGE ELEMENTAL GENIE PLANT WOOD conduct the wish ritual, often adding
Perception +22; darkvision their own unique signature elements to METAL
Languages Common, Muan; speak with plants, truespeech wishes, akin to a maker’s mark. WATER
Skills Acrobatics +20, Arcana +19, Athletics +22, Crafting +23, Deception +21,
Intimidation +21, Nature +24, Stealth +22 (+24 in forests) WOOD
Str +5, Dex +5, Con +7, Int +4, Wis +4, Cha +4 Arts of the
Items spear, duskwood shield (Hardness 5, HP 20,
Elemental Lords
BT 10)
Wood Spells
AC 30 (32 with shield raised); Fort +24, Ref +20,
Wood Items
Will +20
Wood Creatures
HP 220; Weaknesses axes 10, fire 10
Shield Block [reaction] (page 233) CHURN OF
Sprout Shield [reaction] Trigger An enemy hits the kizidhar ELEMENTS
shuyookh with a melee Strike; Requirements The APPENDIX
kizidhar shuyookh doesn’t have a shield raised; Effect
The shuyookh can use Sculpt Wood to create a duskwood
shield if they don’t already have one. The shuyookh then
Raises their Shield. The circumstance bonus from the shield
applies to their AC against the triggering attack.
Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feet; parting the trees
Melee [one-action] spear +23, Damage 3d6+11 piercing
Ranged [one-action] spear +23 (thrown 20 feet), Damage 3d6+11 piercing
Arcane Innate Spells DC 30; 7th interplanar teleport (at will;
to Astral Plane, Elemental Planes, or the Universe only); 6th
invisibility (×2), lignify (page 197), nature’s pathway (at will); 3rd
wooden double (page 199); 2nd entangling flora (at will), one with
plants; Cantrips (6th) detect magic; Constant (6th) speak with plants,
Change Shape [one-action] (arcane, concentrate, polymorph) As kizidhar.
Manipulative Wish (downtime) Frequency three times per year; Effect The
shuyookh conducts a wish ritual for the benefit of a mortal, requiring no
cost or secondary casters. The shuyookh’s result is a success if they succeed
at a DC 5 flat check or a failure if not. The shuyookh attempts to advance
their own interests along with those of any beneficiaries from the wish.
Parting the Trees As kizidhar.
Sculpt Wood [one-action] As kizidhar.
Seed of Ambition [one-action] (auditory, emotion, mental) Frequency once per round;
Effect The kizidhar plants a desire for greatness in the mind of a creature within
50 feet. The target must attempt a DC 30 Will save. On a failure, until the end
of its next turn, the target can’t Delay, Ready, or use reactions. Instead, it must
use all its actions to Strike or cast the highest rank of spell available to it using
spell slots or Focus Points, or take actions to facilitate doing so, such as drawing a
weapon or moving toward an enemy. The target must focus its attacks either on
the kizidhar or on the opponent it perceives to be the biggest threat.
This effect ends if the kizidhar uses Seed of Ambition again.
Take Root [one-action] (arcane, plant, wood) As kizidhar.
Great fruiting trees grow in massive orderly rows in a region of the Plane
of Wood called Armory Grove. Over the course of decades, a regiment
OUT OF SEASON tree’s branches grow heavy, laden with fruits uncannily shaped like
The harvest regiment stat block people. They’re cultivated by retired warriors whose tireless work ensures
represents the troop when it’s harvested that these fruits grow into a form suitable for battle. Their efforts instill
at exactly the right time. A “green,” or tactical knowledge in these fruit warriors so they’re prepared to fight as
unripe, regiment might be pressed into soon as they fall from the tree—which they do simultaneously, forming
service before it’s ready, and an overripe one battle-ready unit. Each soldier is equal in skill and similar in form,
version could fall off the tree partially with a wooden outer shell that splits into portions as the flesh of the
rotten. Both of these use the weak fruit inside ripens. A slain warrior contains seeds within its body that
adjustments (Pathfinder Bestiary 1 6) can slowly germinate in rich soil with enough water—or blood. Every
and have 126 HP with thresholds of battlefield can become a new garden.
84 and 42 HP. A green regiment loses
juice shower and weakness to fire, HARVEST REGIMENT CREATURE 8
and a rotten regiment’s juice shower GARGANTUAN ELEMENTAL PLANT TROOP WOOD
makes the creature sickened 1 if it fails Perception +17; low-light vision
a DC 25 Fortitude save instead of the Languages Fey, Muan
normal effect. Skills Athletics +18, Survival +17
Str +6, Dex +1, Con +3, Int –1, Wis +3, Cha –2
AC 26; Fort +16, Ref +14, Will +16
HP 135 (16 squares); Thresholds 90 (12 squares), 45 (8 squares); Weaknesses area
damage 10, fire 10, splash damage 5
Juice Shower When a harvest regiment is critically hit or critically fails a save
against a damaging effect, sticky fruit juices splash out. This affects all creatures
in a 5-foot emanation. A splashed creature takes a –10-foot status penalty to its
Speeds and everything is concealed to it. A creature can Interact to clear
off the juice.
Troop Defenses (page 233)
Speed 25 feet; troop movement
Form Up [one-action] (page 232)
Raise Shells [one-action] The troop raises fragments of
their shells shaped like shields to gain a +2
circumstance bonus to AC until the start of their
next turn.
Seed Volley [two-actions] The harvest regiment spits an
orderly volley of hard seeds drawn from within their
bodies. This volley is a 10-foot burst within 120
feet that deals 3d10 bludgeoning damage (DC 23
basic Reflex save). When the harvest regiment is
reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this area decreases
to a 5-foot burst.
Shell Smash [one-action] to [three-actions] Frequency once per round;
Effect The harvest regiment engages in a coordinated
melee attack against each enemy within 5 feet, with a DC
23 basic Reflex save. The damage depends on the number
of actions.
[one-action] 1d8+3 bludgeoning damage
[two-actions] 2d8+9 bludgeoning damage
[three-actions] 2d8+12 bludgeoning damage
Troop Movement Whenever the harvest regiment
Strides, they first Form Up as a free action to
condense into a 20-foot-by-20-foot area
(minus any missing squares), then move
up to their Speed. This works just like a
Gargantuan creature moving.
Lomori sprouts are passionate gardeners who closely tend new growth on the
Plane of Wood. Incredibly industrious, they lovingly guide young plants into
elaborate constructions and patterns, forming tree tunnels, spiraling fields of GET OFF MY LAWN! INTRODUCTION
flowers, complex hedge mazes, towering tapestries of interwoven bamboo, and Lomori sprouts are industrious yet ELEMENTAL
other dizzying creations. Lomori sprouts meticulously collect the trimmings, skittish, halting their work only to hide CHARACTERS
seeds, and debris from the flora in their care. They plant the seeds to yield new from intruders—if they can be bothered
growth and frenetically weave the rest into nests, spheres, and other simple to stop at all. They’re ceaseless in
objects. They’re shy and skittish, often losing themselves in their labors, but their efforts, often working together EARTH
they’re always friendly to those who treat their gardens with respect. in large groups to tend vast swaths of
Lomoris are aeon spirits dispatched to the elemental planes long ago to land. Nothing rouses a lomori sprout
pursue the act of creation. While most of the aeons dispatched to the other to violence faster than damaging their METAL
elemental planes performed their duties and rejoined their aeon brethren, garden or other creations. WATER
those on the Plane of Wood lingered, becoming trapped as the plane receded.
Over the ages, they adapted and evolved into lomoris. Today, lomoris have WOOD
more in common with the other denizens of the Plane of Wood than they do Arts of the
with their aeon ancestors.
Elemental Lords
Lomori sprouts, much like conrasus, have a central black sphere, known
Wood Spells
as a lomori’s core, that functions as their primary body and consciousness.
Wood Items
Where conrasus forge a sturdy exoskeleton, lomoris cultivate a tall mound of
Wood Creatures
prairie grass surrounding their core, which easily grows to be 2–3 times the
core’s height. The lomori shapes the mound as it grows, creating protective CHURN OF
layers to guard their core and forming other useful appendages. Most lomoris ELEMENTS
have six intricately detailed, crab-like legs of wood that emerge from the APPENDIX
lower half of their core, allowing them to rapidly scuttle across the ground
or climb trees.
The nightwoods are parts of the Plane of Wood permanently bathed
in darkness due to an absence of fluorescent plants. Here, the flora and
RARE GENTLENESS fauna require darkness, not light, to thrive. Troll-like creatures known as
Though most encounters with nightwood guardians patrol these woods to ensure they remain in perpetual
nightwood guardians end in violence, shadow. Considering themselves righteous gardens, they care little for the
the Plane of Wood has many folktales excuses of anyone else—intruders or residents. The guardians absolutely
about these giant creatures escorting loathe the light, though it doesn’t harm them as it does some varieties of
youngsters lost in the nightwoods creatures. Though wary of both light and any interloping lifeforms in their
safely out of the darkness. Whether natural habitat, a nightwood guardian’s fear turns easily to wrath, making
these stories are true or wishful the guardian a force of fury who seeks to drive out intruders.
thinking is debated, with some
arguing that a nightwood guardian NIGHTWOOD GUARDIAN CREATURE 9
would only perform such a kindness UNCOMMON LARGE GIANT TROLL WOOD
on the orders of another creature. Perception +17; darkvision
Languages Fey, Jotun, Muan
Skills Athletics +23, Intimidation +21, Nightwood Lore +15
Str +6, Dex +3, Con +6, Int +0, Wis +2,
Cha +2
Items club, elemental wooden shield
(Hardness 8, Hit Points 64, BT 32)
Light Blindness (page 233)
AC 26 (28 with shield raised); Fort +21,
Ref +16, Will +17
HP 200, flesh of wood; Weaknesses
axes 10, fire 10
Fire-fueled Rage When a nightwood
guardian takes fire damage, they become
enraged. The guardian gains 15 temporary
Hit Points, deals 2 additional damage with
melee Strikes, and has a –1 penalty to AC.
They can’t Raise their Shield or use actions
with the concentrate trait except for Seek.
This effect ends when the nightwood guardian
no longer observes any fire for 1 round or when
they fall unconscious, whichever comes first.
Flesh of Wood (primal, wood) Wounds
inflicted on a nightwood guardian turn their flesh
to wood. When the guardian is reduced to 40 HP
or fewer, their body becomes solid wood. They are
stunned, have resistance 10 to all damage, and have
regeneration 40 (deactivated by fire). This ends once the
guardian has 100 HP or more, though they can choose to
stay in this form indefinitely.
Shield Eyes When a nightwood guardian has their shield raised,
they protect their eyes, losing the blinded and dazzled conditions
from light blindness and other light effects.
Reactive Strike [reaction] (page 233)
Shield Block [reaction] (page 233)
Speed 30 feet
Melee [one-action] club +21 (reach 10 feet), Damage 3d8+6 bludgeoning
Melee [one-action] jaws +21 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d12+6 piercing
Nightwood Roar [two-actions] (concentrate, darkness, primal) Frequency once per hour;
Effect The guardian roars, snuffing out lights in a 30-foot cone. Ordinary flames
and lights are extinguished, and the guardian attempts to counteract any magical
light with a +21 counteract modifier and a counteract rank of 5.
Ardandes are geniekin whose elemental birthright ties them to the Plane
of Wood. Their elemental connection can take many different forms, all
expressions of the different types and permutations of elemental wood. FIRST WORLD ARDANDE INTRODUCTION
They might embody the life and vibrancy of a seedling, full of potential and Some ardandes are born in the First ELEMENTAL
ready to grow. Or, they could be strong and flexible, like the branches and World, the children of dryads who take CHARACTERS
roots of ancient trees, interconnected and all growing together. They could mortal lovers. These ardandes have
also possess power over death and decay, like decomposing logs ready to little contact with other mortals and
fertilize and feed the next generation. think of themselves as elemental fey EARTH
Common on the Plane of Wood, uncommon in the First World, and rather than planar scions, a reasonable
only on the cusp of a resurgence into the Universe, the ardandes often feel perspective when life in the First
misplaced in the multiverse, born into the wrong place or the wrong time. World means severance from the River METAL
Many spend their lives searching the planes for answers about themselves of Souls. WATER
and their heritage.
Ardandes are found in all major cities and civilizations on the Plane of WOOD
Wood, though most live in Nodollin, the Glowing Infinity, a metropolis Arts of the
controlled by the powerful kizidhars. Some ardandes say life in Nodollin
Elemental Lords
is filled with infantilization and belittlement from the kizidhars, the wood
Wood Spells
genies who rule the land and much of the plane. The kizidhars largely view
Wood Items
ardandes as genies like them, but a lesser form of genie that ranks below
Wood Creatures
kizidhar commoners in the same way they are lesser to the shuyookhs.
Though a few ardandes rebel against this social order, the weight of CHURN OF
culture tells them hierarchies are natural to the element of wood, and ELEMENTS
they should accept their place even if they chafe. APPENDIX
Many planar ardandes moved to Shodokar when the new city was founded,
hoping the influx of portals leading out of the Plane of Wood would let them
visit the rest of the multiverse and learn about their lost mortal heritage.
They delight in meeting visitors and showing off the beauty and wonders
of their home plane. Some have even moved to the Universe, and they
make invaluable mentors for the new ardandes only just discovering
their elemental potential across Golarion.
Churn of Elements
In all my travels across the planes, those places across various experts, we came to the conclusion that the
the cosmos where the planes and their elements interact style usually practiced in the Universe could be best
have always held my curiosity. On the universal level, described as discrete elementalism. That is, the caster
we know that each element feeds into the next in retains the elements as individual components: fire
the cycle, but these exchanges are rarely observable. remains fire, water remains water, and so on.
The fact that the elemental planes have peripheries A spell might call upon all elements, or push two
at all raises several questions: Why were the elements together to create a specific effect. Discrete elementalists
divided as they are? What rules dictate that elements then tweak the amount of each element applied.
should attract those like them, but repel all others? And This manipulation allows them to combine the same
do those rules account for the other places across the elements but yield different outcomes; fire and water,
cosmos where the elements mix, whether together but for example, can be mixed in different amounts to create
separate like oil and water or fully melded like metallic steam, mist, or clouds. The effects of these combinations
alloys, in the occurrence we call elemental churn? are likely endless so long as a caster dedicates time to
The churn—our name for both the phenomenon perfecting their control over how much of an element
and the regions in which it occurs—is truly a marvel to they call forth.
behold. Imagine blazing spheres of fire boring through Because discrete elementalism keeps the elements
solid rock or a field of icebergs stacked as far as the separate, it’s a great boon for elementalists pursuing
eye can see, some submerged in water and others lifting only one or a few elements, as it means their specialty
into the Plane of Air. My fellow travelers and I are often rarely impedes their studies.
speechless when we come across these sights. Partly, Churn elementalism, sometimes called indiscrete
this comes from a sense of awe, but it’s also due to the elementalism, is practiced by not keeping the elements
inability of our senses to fully process the miraculous intact and separate during casting. Originating on
and illogical events transpiring before us. the Outer Planes, this form of elementalism draws on
Sometimes, too, that silence comes from fear. Churn churn regions to manipulate elemental energy while
regions can be quite perilous to cross, whether due to it transitions or transforms between elements. Most
their sheer elemental hazard or the tangled politics of churn elementalists follow the change of elements along
their associated planar interests. For me, however, these the feeding cycle, but I’ve met several who follow the
risks have been worth it. Those interested in expanding countering cycle instead! Contrary to popular belief,
their understanding of elemental magic, discovering this doesn’t make learning how to manipulate churn
new species, or participating in high-stakes diplomacy more difficult; rather, it’s more akin to following which
should certainly consider a trip to the churn. hand you’re naturally inclined to use.
Elemental Methods
It’s difficult to say which form is simpler to learn and
master. Discrete elementalism is easier in the beginning,
Long after I learned how elementalists from the especially for those specializing in one element, but it
Universe mix elements together for their spells, I demands substantial trial and error later as the caster
discovered that there are, in fact, two very different experiments with how to produce a broader array
methods of wielding mixed elemental magic. After of results. Churn elementalism, meanwhile, is much
comparing notes and discussing my observations with harder at the start. Being able to hold the homogeneous
mixture of energy in its proto-elemental state can take
months, even years. However, once an elementalist
stabilizes their hold on this energy, they can simply
shape and push it in whatever direction they require.
IN CONCLUSION of Air and Water. Others, like the Miner’s Trove in the
As promised, I return Plane of Earth, vanished, though exactly when these
to the page, your disappearances occurred is unknown, as many weren’t
humble curator Aziza discovered until later. As a result, scholars have rushed
Amani al-Fasih. I dearly hope to document as many of the known churn regions as
you have, in equal measure, enjoyed possible, hoping to catch what might be a last glimpse
the writings of my colleagues and of these planar phenomena. While we know for certain
lamented my absence. This marks the that elemental churn has been affected, we’re less certain
end of this overview of the planes. on whether regions infused with energy from other
Should this volume find success, non-elemental planes, such as the Void, are undergoing
I look forward to digging—and similar transformations.
diving and flying—into the deeper As always, planar politics remain an issue for
mysteries and odder places. And if travelers to deal with. The return of the Planes of Wood
you follow this guide in your own journeys, please write and Metal has heightened old tensions; the armies of
to me about anything you find. the Plane of Wood and Plane of Fire have already made
moves to secure churn regions on their planes, out of
fear that they may become breach points. While this
The Churn, Up Close usually means such areas are off-limits, that certainly
Many mistakenly believe that churn phenomena occur doesn’t stop spies nor the very, very curious academics.
only at the boundaries where the elemental planes meet. Missing-persons reports and requests for diplomatic
In truth, pockets, pseudo-demiplanes, or fragments of extraction abound, and need investigating!
other elements can manifest anywhere—even in the Additionally, though churn elementalism has
middle of a plane where you’d least expect to see them. remained somewhat exclusive to the Outer Planes
How they got there is a mystery for the ages, which until now, the recent return elemental wood and metal
frankly makes investigating them all the more fun! suggest to me that Golarion may become a new hub
“Spiking” is a known phenomenon in which a spot on of learning for churn elementalism. The Universe
a plane suddenly—in a sequence of events that occurs contains all elements, after all, and now each is as easily
far too quickly to analyze—collapses. This collapse channeled as the rest. No doubt there are busy days
stretches past any neighboring planes to somewhere ahead for those who work to facilitate communication
beyond, reaching into an elemental plane or any other and scholarship between the planes, and many, many
plane of existence. The rush of cosmic energy often invitations to be extended.
brings catastrophe to the surrounding region, so places
with high spiking activity are usually barren, save for a Notable Churn Regions
few hardy species. Though my places-to-investigate list somehow continues
If you asked me to summarize churn regions using a to grow, here are some of the most intriguing entries.
single word, I would pick “unbelievable,” both in terms Even my best understanding may not be complete—
of “I can’t believe what I’m seeing,” and also “I can’t rumors swirl about these places, as is to be expected.
believe we survived that.” It’s not just the environment For this chapter, I have consulted the other authors
itself that evokes awe, but the creatures, weather, found in this volume, along with transplanar explorers
events, and people you meet there. Of course, all these of my acquaintance. As the elemental planes are
features can still carry the same familiar dangers, such immeasurably vast, their border zones are smaller, yet
as unexpected planar properties, hostile residents or still filled with phenomena beyond our ability to fully
native creatures, and sudden environmental changes. measure!
Most travelers through the depths of the Plane of
Water, for example, would likely be unprepared to BURNING FOREST
deal with elemental fire—but a churn location large The Burning Forest of the Plane of Fire is a notable
enough to constitute its own demiplane could render “spike.” The terrain is a mix of blistering metallic grains
any protective spells you cast on yourself wholly as fine as sand, where shrubs and trees burn forever,
ineffective. I know from personal experience that it fueling the flames with their sap and branches. Many of
certainly doesn’t hurt to have extra scrolls at the ready the plants that thrive here have adapted by curling into
for such situations! a ball and preparing to roll whenever a spiking event
shoots them unceremoniously into the air.
Recent Developments An eerie stronghold built of ever-burning wood stands
The return of the Planes of Wood and Metal has been somewhere within the forest, a constant moaning song
interesting for churn regions. Some places remained as emanating from within. Wayward travelers who have
they were, such as the eternal flames found in the Planes survived coming close to this fortress describe being
hunted by well-armed fire forces, not unlike those who HOT SPRING GEODE
serve Ymeri. Though unconfirmed, this suggests that If you’re in search of great scenery complete with hot
the fortress may be a part of one of the Queen of the springs in which to relax and appreciate the view, look
Inferno’s many nefarious plots. no further than this large rock that travels through the INTRODUCTION
elemental planes on an orbit of its own. The entrance ELEMENTAL
THE ETERNAL STORM CLOUDS into the crystalline interior shimmers in a rainbow of CHARACTERS
After the Plane of Wood’s disappearance, a grand field colors before unfolding to reveal air pockets within—
of storms, lightning, and waterspouts appeared in the each housing an entire thriving biome! Given the
Plane of Air, believed to be an aftereffect of the sudden magical light sources that sustain these plants, someone EARTH
influx of elemental water. When the Plane of Wood first must have populated the geode’s interior, though we
returned, the storm initially showed signs of fading don’t know who or why.
before roaring back even stronger than before. The Aside from its very existence, the hot spring geode has METAL
energy in the area has been so powerful that we believe another mystery: the deeper you travel inward, the hotter WATER
there may be a permanent hole or tunnel connecting the it gets. No one has discovered why, but it’s rumored that
Planes of Air and Water within the mass, such that the some artifact hidden inside may be responsible. WOOD
Plane of Wood may never form its full shell. CHURN OF
Recently, observers have spotted a plenitude of roots THE TIN REEF ELEMENTS
extending out of the bottom of the storm’s roiling clouds. Along the border between the Plane of Metal and Churn of
Lightning occasionally outlines some sort of structure Plane of Water, the two elements intertwine in a large Elements
hidden within, and a rumor circulating in Armun Kelisk knot, not unlike a coral reef made of metal fragments. Hybrid
Element Spells
claims that a powerful giant, possibly a traveler from Here, the waters run red with rust and floats of liquid Hybrid
the Universe, has established an estate within the clouds. metal are so infused with elemental water that they Element Items
Stranger still are the various elementals who have been can float along the currents between crimson waves. Genie
leaving the Verglas Processional in droves to approach The area also experiences extreme tidal waves with APPENDIX
this mass of storms. We don’t know yet if they come in great frequency, possibly because of water currents
peace or hostility, but allies of Ranginori dread it might and magnetic fields come into conflict and compound
be the latter. their inherent forces.
Aquatic creatures living in these border zones have
THE EXPOSED COLONY evolved quickly. Fish scales are now inlaid with metal,
These giant metal harvester ants found on the Plane and their teeth have become plated. Even simple urchins
of Earth are thought to have originated on the Plane now feature metal spines. Even more extraordinary are
of Metal. Once they burrowed across the planar the elementals. Water elementals have grown strong from
boundaries, the ants quickly adapted, mining metallic feeding off the metals in the reef and are now dangerously
veins a beneath the surface to form the sturdy walls acidic. Metal elementals have a harder time of it. Many
of their immense nest. As the Plane of Metal faded have become shells of themselves as they rust away, left
over time and the ants expanded their home, the nest with little choice but to attach to other creatures and
eventually grew so large that it breached the Plane of become a sort of living armor.
Water. From this breach, the energy generated within
the nest’s metallic walls is dispersed in hot chemical TREETOP CROSSROADS
fumes, much like underwater thermal vents. Before, nothing touched the Plane of Air but the surface
Recently, the top portion of the metallic nest became of the water and vast plains of ice. But now, towering
exposed after a large air pocket manifested near its trees reach out, intruding into the broad skies. The natural
entrance. Those who’ve investigated the breach have creatures of the two planes seem content. Great birds and
reported that some kind of powerful air elemental or simple air elementals flit across the borders, nesting on one
genie created the air pocket to erode the nest’s walls. plane but happily hunting or gathering from both. The
This invader still occupies the exposed portions of the civilizations of the two planes, on the other hand, look
nest, along with their minions. However, the ants can’t upon the change with unease. The jaathooms and kizidhars
devote their attention to these intruders, as the Plane have both posted genie soldiers along the borders, but
of Metal’s return has severed the colony in two. Ants neither has initiated hostilities. Rather, they established
on both sides work tirelessly to reconnect their home, a buffer zone, and both sides have respected the division
but once they do, we don’t know what mix of elements so far. It didn’t take long for them to send small envoys
the connection will yield. At best, the massive nest for diplomacy and trade, and they quickly found more
might, after all its upheavals, simply reach a state of common ground than expected. Neither group received
equilibrium. At worst, such churn could theoretically permission from their superiors to communicate across
create an explosion massive enough to traverse three the border, and even such minor acts could bring down
elemental planes. wrath from above if word got out.
Some multi-elemental spells have a singular effect but can pull from any elemental combination of the caster’s choice.
Others call upon multiple elements at once. These can either draw power from an area of elemental churn, or the
caster combines both elements during the casting—either path is equal in power.
ELEMENTAL BREATH [two-actions] TO [three-actions] SPELL 5 to counter water, a water spell to counter fire, a fire spell
CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE to counter metal, or a metal spell to counter plant or wood.
Traditions arcane, primal
Range 30 feet; Area 60-foot cone ELEMENTAL SENSE [two-actions] SPELL 4
You open a miniature portal to an elemental plane within Traditions arcane, primal
your mouth, then exhale a powerful explosion of the plane’s Duration 10 minutes
element. Roll 1d6 to determine the element. If you used The elements grant you sensory enhancements. Choose one
3 actions to Cast this Spell, you can choose the element of the options below. The spell gains the listed trait or traits.
instead. This spell gains the trait matching the element. • Aquatic Echolocation (water) You use your hearing as a
Each creature in the cone must attempt a basic Reflex save. precise sense when underwater.
• Air Strong winds and lightning strikes buffet creatures • Heatsense (fire) You can sense creatures with a
in the cone, dealing 6d10 electricity damage. A creature temperature of 90º Fahrenheit or higher within 30 feet
that fails its save is also pushed 10 feet. as an imprecise sense.
• Earth A cone of mud deals 5d10 bludgeoning damage • Magnetoreception (metal) You can sense creatures
to creatures in the area. A creature on the ground that carrying metal items with a total of 1 Bulk or greater;
fails its save slips and falls prone. this is an imprecise sense with a range of 30 feet. If a
• Fire A surging cone of fire deals 7d10 fire damage. creature is made of metal or has the metal trait, you can
• Metal A cone of rust slices flesh and damages metal. detect it as though magnetoreception were a precise
Each creature in the area takes 5d10 slashing damage. sense. In addition, you continuously know which
A creature made of metal gets a result one degree of direction is north.
success worse than it rolled, and an unattended metal • Mechanoreception (air) You can see invisible creatures
object gets a critical failure. and objects. They appear to you as translucent shapes,
• Water A torrent of chilled water deals 3d10 cold and they are concealed to you.
damage and 3d10 bludgeoning damage. • Tremorsense (earth) You gain tremorsense (imprecise)
• Wood Branches rip through creatures, dealing 3d10 with a range of 30 feet.
piercing damage and 3d10 slashing damage. Ground in • Woodsense (plant, wood) You can sense creatures
the area becomes difficult terrain for 1 minute. carrying wood items with a total of 1 Bulk or greater;
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d10. For water this is an imprecise sense with a range of 30 feet. If a
and wood, you can choose which damage type increases creature is made of wood or has the plant or wood trait,
for each rank the spell is heightened. you can detect it as though woodsense were a precise
ELEMENTAL COUNTER [reaction] CANTRIP 1 Heightened (6th) The duration increases to 8 hours, and you
UNCOMMON CANTRIP CONCENTRATE can take 1 minute to recalibrate the sense, switching from
Traditions arcane, primal your current elemental sense to a different one.
Trigger You or a creature within 60 feet rolls a saving throw
against a spell with the earth, fire, metal, plant, water, or SUMMON ELEMENTAL HERALD [three-actions] SPELL 8
wood trait, or are targeted by a spell attack with such a trait. CONCENTRATE INCARNATE MANIPULATE
Requirements You have a spell slot from which you could Traditions arcane, divine, primal
Cast a Spell of the triggering spell’s countering element; Range 100 feet
see text. Duration until the end of your next turn
Each element in the elemental cycle counters another (as Your meditation into the different elemental planes connects
described on pages 8–9), and you can use your elemental you to them deeply, and this connection allows you to summon
spells to protect against elements they counter. You lose a herald of an elemental lord. The herald arrives in the form
your spell slot as if you had cast the triggering spell. You of a natural disaster centralized on your enemies. The herald
then attempt to counteract the triggering spell, using the occupies the space of a Huge creature. When you Cast this
rank of the spell you lost for the counteract rank. You can Spell, choose one of the elemental heralds below to summon;
lose a plant or wood spell to counter earth, an earth spell if you’re a divine spellcaster who worships an elemental lord,
you must choose the option matching your deity’s element. • Wood Speed 50 feet, burrow 30 feet; Arrive (plant,
This spell gains the trait (air, earth, fire, metal, water, or wood) wood) Advantageous Roots The herald of wood bursts
matching your choice. forth from the ground as a complex root system. Each
• Air Speed fly 60 feet; Arrive (air) Supercell Front The enemy in a 50-foot emanation takes 6d10 piercing INTRODUCTION
herald of air arrives in the form of a twisting tornado, damage with a basic Reflex save as the roots skewer ELEMENTAL
with high-speed winds slamming into your enemies. Each its limbs and body. Each enemy that fails its save takes CHARACTERS
enemy in a 100-foot emanation takes 10d8 bludgeoning a –10-foot status penalty to its Speeds until the herald
damage with a basic Fortitude save; Depart (air) Twister departs; Depart (plant, wood) Retreat to Soil The roots
Downdraft Each enemy in a 60-foot line must attempt retreat into the ground, dealing 6d10 piercing damage EARTH
a Fortitude save. A creature that fails is knocked prone to each enemy in a 50-foot emanation with a basic
if it’s on the ground or descends 40 feet if it’s in the air. Reflex save. Any creature with a penalty to Speeds from
A creature that descends takes falling damage if this its initial save automatically takes 2d6 persistent bleed METAL
forced movement brings it to the ground. damage. The ground in the emanation is difficult terrain WATER
• Earth Speed 50 feet, burrow 30 feet; Arrive (earth) after the roots retreat.
Tectonic Rise The herald of earth erupts from the WOOD
ground, splitting it open in a 50-foot emanation. Hybrid Element Rituals CHURN OF
Each enemy in the emanation takes 10d6 slashing ELEMENTS
damage from the flying debris with a basic Reflex ELEMENTAL SERVITOR RITUAL 5 Churn of
save. Enemies who critically fail fall 30 feet into Elements
the crevasse, taking falling damage (the sides of the Cast 1 day; Cost rare items and offerings worth a total value of Hybrid
Element Spells
fissure require successful DC 15 Athletics checks 2 gp × the spell rank × the target’s level, see text for more Hybrid
to Climb); Depart (sonic) Plate Crash The herald of details; Secondary Casters 2 Element Items
earth sinks back into the ground, and the sides of the Primary Check Arcana or Nature (expert); Secondary Checks Genie
crevasse slam together with a deafening blow, dealing Diplomacy APPENDIX
5d10 sonic damage with a basic Fortitude save to Duration see text
all enemies in a 30-foot emanation. An enemy that You implore an elemental lord to send an elemental servitor
critically fails is deafened for 10 minutes. of the lord’s choice, with a level no greater than double the
• Fire Speed 60 feet, fly 40 feet; Arrive (fire) Magma Flow ritual’s spell rank. The secondary casters explain what sort
The herald of fire flows into the area as living magma, of assistance you need and why you need it; if the task is
dealing 10d6 fire damage and 3d6 persistent fire damage incredibly fitting to the elemental lord, the GM can grant a
to all enemies in a 60-foot emanation with a basic Reflex circumstance bonus to the secondary Diplomacy check or rule
save; Depart (fire) Flame Vortex Each enemy in a 60‑foot that the check is automatically a critical success. If you use
line takes 6d6 fire damage and 3d6 persistent fire the ritual without good reason, the result is automatically a
damage with a basic Reflex save as the fire herald whips critical failure.
into a fire pillar before vanishing. If the ritual succeeds, you must offer the servitor payment
• Metal Speed 50 feet, fly 50 feet; Arrive (metal) Shard depending on factors such as the duration and danger of the
Cloud The herald of metal arrives as a cloud of metal task. Payment always costs at least as much as a consumable
shards and static electricity, dealing 4d8 slashing item of the creature’s level, and often costs as much as a
damage and 4d12 electricity damage to all enemies in permanent magic item of the creature’s level to persuade a
a 50-foot emanation with a basic Reflex save; Depart creature to fight alongside you. Your offerings should either
(metal) Rust Mist The shards in the cloud rapidly rust align with the personal tastes of the elemental lord, or with
and cling to enemies in the 50-foot emanation, dealing the element—such as fresh flowers and bonsai plants for
10d6 damage to metal creatures and objects in the area wood, or gemstones for earth.
with a basic Reflex save, ignoring Hardness. Unattended You can alternatively name a being native to an elemental
objects automatically critically fail this save. plane that you know personally, with the same level restriction.
• Water Speed 40 feet, swim 60 feet; Arrive (cold, Such a creature might request something they personally want
water) Hurricane Formation The herald of water forms as payment, such as a favor or a game of chance.
as a miniature hurricane. Each enemy in a 60-foot Critical Success Your elemental lord sends a servitor, and the
emanation takes 4d10 bludgeoning damage from the servitor’s payment costs only half as much as normal. If
slamming rains and 4d10 cold damage from the falling you ask for a particular elemental creature by name, your
hail with a basic Fortitude save; Depart (cold, water) lord is likely to send them unless the creature is busy.
Cataclysmic Deluge The hurricane collapses into a Success Your elemental lord sends a servitor.
rushing flood, dealing 6d8 bludgeoning damage to all Failure Your elemental lord does not send a servitor.
enemies in a 120-foot cone with a basic Fortitude save. Critical Failure Your elemental lord is offended and sends a
A creature that fails its save is pushed 20 feet away sign of displeasure or possibly even an elemental creature
from the herald (or 40 feet on a critical failure). to scold or attack you, depending on your lord’s nature.
Some magical items allow the user to tap into the power of multiple elemental planes or interact with the planes
themselves. These items have the ability to call upon multiple elements at once and sometimes have the ability to
choose between the power of several planes. The following hybrid elemental items are a few of such items.
CIPHER OF THE ELEMENTAL PLANES ITEM 16 shaped like portals or passageways, making literal the elemental
RARE MAGICAL gates kineticists possess within their bodies. The appearance
Price 9,000 gp can vary from a simple disk with a hole in the middle to a
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L design matching a city gate of a particular settlement. If you’re
This device is made from two metal discs, one slightly smaller a kineticist, the attenuator grants you a +1 item bonus to your
than the other, each bearing a variety of runes and symbols impulse attack modifier (but not to your impulse DC). When you
along their outer edges. The center ring typically shows a rune invest a gate attenuator, attune it to one element of your choice.
for each elemental plane, and many older ciphers include only Designs on the attenuator’s surface transform to match that
the planes of air, earth, fire, and water. A thick, golden pin in the element, and the attenuator gains the element’s trait until it’s no
center of both discs holds them together. longer invested or is attuned to a different element.
Activate—Align to Plane [one-action] (manipulate, scrying, visual) Effect Activate—Elemental Spell [two-actions] (concentrate) Frequency once
You turn the discs to align symbols, creating a minute planar per day; Effect The gate attenuator casts a 1st-rank spell,
gateway as large as a keyhole. You can look through it to with a spell attack modifier of +7 and spell DC of 17. If you’re
view a location in an elemental plane. Each cipher connects a kineticist and the spell’s element matches one of your
to 12 locations on each elemental plane—typically large kinetic elements, you can use your impulse attack modifier
settlements. Anyone holding the cipher can understand the instead of the spell attack modifier or your impulse DC
primary language of the plane the cipher is aligned to. A instead of the spell DC. The spell corresponds to the element
cipher of the planes can be used in place of a planar key for the item is attuned to, and it gains that element’s trait if it
interplanar teleport and similar magic for travel to the plane doesn’t already have it: air gust of wind, earth pummeling
it’s aligned to. When it’s used this way, you arrive unerringly rubble, fire dehydrate (page 118), metal thunderstrike, water
at the location the cipher is aligned to. snowball LOWG, or wood flourishing fauna (page 196).
Type gate attenuator; Level 3; Price 60 gp
ELEMENTAL FRAGMENT ITEM 10+ Type greater gate attenuator; Level 11; Price 1,400 gp
UNCOMMON CONSUMABLE MAGICAL The item bonus to your impulse attack modifier is +2. The
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk — activation casts a 5th-rank spell, with a spell attack modifier
Activate [two-actions] (concentrate, manipulate) of +18 and a spell DC of 28: air pressure zone (page 71),
This chunk of solidified planar energy is as large as a walnut earth sand form (page 96), fire flames of ego (page 119),
and comes in six different varieties: a clear piece of crystal metal impaling spike, water freezing rain (page 173), or wood
for the Plane of Air, a rough piece of rock for the Plane of entwined roots (page 196).
Earth, a solidified piece of cooled lava for the Plane of Fire, a Type major gate attenuator; Level 17; Price 15,000 gp
compact piece of iron for the Plane of Metal, a solid piece of A major gate attenuator has the apex trait. When you invest it,
ice for the Plane of Water, or a compact mass of plant matter you either increase your Constitution modifier by 1 or increase it
for the Plane of Wood. You crack the fragment as you activate to +4, whichever would give you a higher score. The item bonus
it, unleashing the planar energy within. This energy casts a to your impulse attack modifier is +2. The activation casts an
spell of your choice: a 5th-rank elemental form spell affecting 8th‑rank spell, with a spell attack modifier of +27 and a spell DC
you or a 5th‑rank summon elemental spell; if you summon an of 37: air whirlwind SoM, earth earthquake, fire boil blood SoM, metal
elemental, you can Sustain the activation to keep control of the rust cloud (8th rank, page 145), water whirlpool (page 175), or
elemental. The spell’s element matches that of the fragment. wood pollen pods (8th rank, page 197).
Type elemental fragment; Level 10; Price 200 gp
Type greater elemental fragment; Level 12; Price 300 gp JANN’S PRISM ITEM 9
The spell is 6th rank. MAGICAL
Type major elemental fragment; Level 14; Price 500 gp Price 700 gp
The spell is 7th rank. Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk —
Light always seems to be refracting through this simple prism,
GATE ATTENUATOR ITEM 3+ creating a hazy multicolor aura that surrounds the glass. When
INVESTED MAGICAL exposed to direct sunlight, the prism radiates a beam of light
Usage worn; Bulk — that shifts in color. This beam spells out the name of the jann
Gate attenuators are typically worn near the body’s core and are shuyookh for whom the prism was designed. While holding
Jann’s Prism Gate Attenuator
Churn of
Cipher of the Elemental Planes Elemental Fragments Hybrid
Element Spells
Element Items
the prism to your eye, your vision becomes overwhelmed with Piloting Check Arcana (DC 36), Nature (DC 36), Occultism (DC APPENDIX
colors that guide your eye, granting you a +2 item bonus to visual 36), Religion (DC 36), or Sailing Lore (DC 34)
Perception checks. If you look through the prism while you Seek, AC 34; Fort +26
you can scan or search an area twice as large as normal (a 60‑foot Hardness 20; HP 230 (BT 115); Immunities object immunities;
cone, 30-foot burst, or 20-foot square) as the varying colors help Resistances acid 15, cold 15, electricity 15, fire 15, sonic 15
you distinguish between your surroundings. Speed fly 50 feet (magical)
Activate—Jann’s Light [two-actions] (concentrate) Frequency once per Collision 9d10 (DC 32)
day; Effect You raise the prism above your head and call Adaptation Aura (aura) 10 feet. The vehicle has a warding aura
upon the jann shuyookh to come to your aid. The shuyookh’s that protects its passengers. Creatures and objects in the aura
face becomes visible in a reflection in the prism and light gain resistance 10 to acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, sonic,
shines out from the prism, surrounding you in a multitude vitality, and void damage. They are also protected from severe
of colors. For 1 minute, you shed bright light in a 20-foot cold, severe heat, extreme cold, and extreme heat. The aura
emanation (and dim light for the next 20 feet). The light also provides breathable air for all passengers, though this air
coruscates with two colors chosen by the jann, and you can still become filled with smoke and similar substances.
gain resistance 5 to two damage types based on the colors Journey the Planes (10 minutes) The pilot locks onto a plane,
chosen: red fire, orange acid, yellow electricity, green poison, using one of the vehicle’s planar keys as a focus. A canal
blue sonic, indigo mental, or violet force. of planar energy from the destination plane appears ahead
of the ship. The pilot spends 10 minutes navigating the
PLANAR SKIFF VEHICLE 15 passage, then attempts a piloting check (typically DC 34). On
RARE MAGICAL a success, the vehicle casts interplanar teleport, transporting
Price 19,500 gp itself and all passengers and cargo to the destination plane
A planar skiff is a flat-bottomed ship designed to travel the as it reaches the terminus of the canal. The pilot is considered
Great Beyond. A wide variety of skiffs course the planes, with the target of the spell for the purposes of determining the
designs incorporating their home planes’ fashions and materials. location at which the vehicle arrives on the plane. The skiff
Their magical sails allow them to catch planar currents, and their can’t interplanar teleport again for 8 hours.
wards protect travelers as they move across planar boundaries. Planar Evacuation [three-actions] (move, reckless) The pilot overcharges
To allow travel to multiple planes, a planar skiff can have one of the vehicle’s planar keys, forcing an emergency
multiple planar keys installed (including items like a cipher of the transport of the ship. The pilot attempts a DC 44 piloting
elemental planes). Installing or removing one takes 10 minutes. A check. On a success, the vehicle casts interplanar teleport
planar skiff is typically built with one planar key from its plane of as noted in Journey the Planes. (The pilot can’t succeed on
manufacture and a second for a destination plane. the check if the vessel is unable to interplanar teleport.) This
Space 30 feet long, 15 feet wide, 20 feet high process severely taxes the vehicle, and it can’t interplanar
Crew 1 pilot, 3 crew; Passengers 6 teleport again for 1d4 days.
Some genies are linked to multiple elements rather than one elemental plane.
Regarded as the progenitors of geniekind, janns hold a position of esteem
above the genies tied to specific planes. They possess an inborn ability to grant
wishes, which the other branches of geniekind lack and greatly envy. Nomadic EVOLVING ESSENCE INTRODUCTION
jann shuyookhs rarely hold court, preferring to gather only when the need With the return of the metal and ELEMENTAL
arises to perform great deeds. Lesser janns respect and venerate these leaders wood elemental planes, janns found CHARACTERS
for their wisdom and total dedication to preserving the honor and reputation new elemental magic surging within
of their people. A jann shuyookh reads portents and omens when dealing with their beings. This has caused rapid
duplicitous mortals. physical changes, and janns anticipate EARTH
that it could eventually even change
JANN SHUYOOKH CREATURE 9 their moods and thoughts. Though
Perception +18; darkvision of elemental power, some still find WATER
Languages Common, Muan, Petran, Pyric, Sussuran, Talican, Thalassic; truespeech themselves limited to just the elements
Skills Acrobatics +17, Athletics +19, Arcana +18, Crafting +16, Deception +17, of air, earth, fire, and water, or have WOOD
Diplomacy +19, Survival +18 diminished influence over metal and CHURN OF
Str +6, Dex +4, Con +4, Int +3, Wis +5, Cha +4 wood compared to the other four ELEMENTS
Items +1 striking scimitar, +1 striking composite longbow elements. Churn of
AC 27; Fort +19, Ref +17, Will +18 Elements
HP 155; Resistances elemental resistance 10 Hybrid
Element Spells
Commanding Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 20 feet. A creature that enters Hybrid
the aura must succeed at a DC 19 Will save or be frightened 2 (frightened 3 on Element Items
a critical failure), and is then temporarily immune for 1 minute. A genie (with Genie
the exception of another jann) takes a –4 circumstance penalty to their save. APPENDIX
Elemental Resistance The jann shuyookh’s elemental resistance applies to cold,
electricity, and fire damage, as well as all damage from elemental sources
(including environmental damage from the elemental planes and damage from
anything with the air, earth, fire, metal, water, or wood trait).
Speed 25 feet, fly 20 feet
Melee [one-action] scimitar +20 (forceful, magical, sweep), Damage 2d6+12
slashing and All Made One
Melee [one-action] fist +19 (agile, magical, nonlethal), Damage 1d8+9 bludgeoning
and All Made One
Ranged [one-action] composite longbow +18 (deadly d10, magical, propulsive,
volley 30 feet), Damage 2d8+9 piercing and all made one
Arcane Innate Spells DC 28; 7th interplanar teleport (to Astral Plane,
Elemental Planes, or the Universe only); 4th invisibility (×2); read
omens; Cantrips (4th) detect magic, know the way; Constant
(5th) truespeech
All Made One [one-action] The jann shuyookh calls upon all the elements
that make up their being and chooses one. They gain an
additional arcane spell they can cast at will and empower
their Strikes with the element, dealing an extra 1d6 damage
of the listed type. These benefits last until the shuyookh
uses this ability again. Air lightning bolt, 1d6 electricity;
earth one with stone, 1d6 bludgeoning; fire fireball, 1d6 fire;
metal noxious metals (page 145), 1d6 electricity; water wall of
water, 1d6 bludgeoning; wood wall of thorns, 1d6 piercing.
Change Shape [one-action] (arcane, concentrate, polymorph) As gennayn, but
any Small or Medium elemental or animal (page 232).
Wanderer’s Wish [three-actions] Frequency three times per year; Effect The
jann instantly grants the benefits of a critical success with the wish
ritual to a mortal creature. This has no cost. That creature specifies
what they wish for, but the interpretation is up to the jann. A jann
typically attempts to grant wishes in a way that encourages growth
and exploration. A summoned jann can’t use this ability.
A superscript “H” indicates a spell has extra effects when heightened, and a spell with a rarity greater than common
has a superscript with the first letter of that rarity. Each spell is followed by the page number where it appears.
Arcane Spell List Clad in Metal H Coat an item in a metal of your choice. 142
Cleanse Air H Make air safe. 70
ARCANE CANTRIPS Exploding Earth H Throw an exploding ball of earth. 94
Deep Breath H Take an incredibly deep breath. 70 Falsify Heat H Make a creature’s body heat seem different.
Detect Metal H Sense whether metal is nearby. 142 119
Draw Moisture Dry out an object and collect the water. 173 Fireproof H Protect an object against catching fire. 119
Eat Fire H React to eat flame then belch the smoke out. 119 Helpful Wood Spirits Make a gaggle of wood spirits carry
Elemental Counter U Use a countering element to protect out a small task. 196
against a spell. 222 Pave Ground H Even out the ground in a line. 95
Glass Shield H Protect yourself with a glass shield. 94 Propulsive Breeze React to extend a Stride or Leap. 71
Illuminate H Kindle all light sources around you. 120 Rubble Step H Have an ally leave rubble as it moves. 96
Needle Darts H Turn a piece of metal into needles and shoot Splinter Volley H Fling sharp splinters at one or more
them at a foe. 144 enemies. 198
Root Reading Learn about an area using root systems. 197 Thermal Remedy H Adjust ingredients in food and drink for
Slashing Gust H Cut creatures with ripples of air. 71 health benefits. 121
Take Root Reinforce a creature’s stance or grip with roots. Tremorsense H Sense vibrations in the ground. 97
198 Voice on the Breeze H Whisper a message far away. 73
Timber H Drop a tree on someone. 198 Waterproof H Protect an object against becoming wet. 175
Tremor Signs H Send a sentence through stone. 97
ARCANE 1ST-RANK SPELLS Blastback H React to emit a shockwave when you land after
Buoyant Bubbles Create bubbles that make a creature
a fall. 70
buoyant. 172 Cave Fangs H Make flowstone spikes bite creatures and
Conductive Weapon Charge a metal weapon with electricity. impede movement. 94
142 Cloud Dragon’s Cloak React to hide a creature in mist. 70
Dehydrate H Make creatures parched, damaging and Coral Scourge Fill a creature’s joints with stiffening coral
enfeebling them. 118 growths. 172
Flourishing Flora H Grow a patch of cacti, flowers, fruits, or Dive and Breach H Teleport with splashes of water. 172
roots to hurt your enemies. 196 Heatvision H, U Let a creature see heat. 120
Fold Metal H Bend a metal object into a ball. 143 Lotus Walk H Bloom water plants that let you and others
Instant Pottery H Create earthenware objects. 95 walk on water. 197
Interposing Earth H React to make a barrier of earth. 95 Noxious Metals H Coat creatures in toxic metal. 145
Shielded Arm H Reinforce a creature’s arm with metal that Pillar of Water Create a column of water creatures can swim
lets it use its arm as a shield. 145 through. 174
Signal Skyrocket H Send an exploding firework straight up Sand Form H Turn a creature’s body and gear into sand. 96
into the sky. 121 Scrying Ripples H Scry through one body of water into
Wall of Shrubs H Create a wall of shrubs that provide cover. another. 175
199 Tempest Cloak Protect a creature with swirling winds. 72
Weaken Earth H Reduce the durability of something made of Wooden Double H React to leave a wooden double of yourself
earth. 97 to take a hit for you. 199
Weave Wood H Break plant fiber into strands and magically
weave them. 199 ARCANE 4TH-RANK SPELLS
Wooden Fists H Turn your hands into tree trunks. 199 Airlift H Fly creatures, and items to a new location. 70
Cinder Swarm H Create insects made of fire. 118
ARCANE 2ND-RANK SPELLS Elemental Sense H Gain a sense related to an element you
Blazing Armory H Create a weapon made of fire. 118 choose. 222
Brine Dragon Bile H React to spit saltwater into a cut. 172 Glass Form H Turn a creature’s body into living glass. 94
Burrow Ward H Prevent burrowing in earth near you. 94 Grasp of the Deep H Make a creature feel like it’s being
Cauterize Wounds Seal bleeding wounds with flame. 118 crushed underwater. 173
Grasping Earth H Create hands of rock from the ground to the way and explodes when it reaches a target. 95
grab creatures. 95 Hungry Depths H Open a door to corrupted water that
Life-draining Roots H Roots hurt creatures in a line and damages and consumes. 173
transfer their vitality to you. 196 Pollen Pods H Cultivate trap-like pollen bulbs that explode. 197 INTRODUCTION
Mercurial Stride H Turn to quicksilver and move through Vacuum Inhale to steal breath from creatures around you. 72 ELEMENTAL
creatures. 144 CHARACTERS
Misty Memory U Replay a scene from the past through the ARCANE 8TH-RANK SPELLS
medium of water. 173 Ferrous Form H Turn your body into iron. 142
Rigid Form H Protect against polymorph effects. 197 Rainbow Fumarole Vent multicolored gases to burn and EARTH
Rust Cloud H Make a cloud of rusty flecks that cuts creatures debilitate. 121
and rusts metal. 145 Summon Elemental Herald Summon an incarnate elemental
Sliding Blocks H Make cubes of stone and repeatedly move to create a natural disaster. 222 METAL
them around. 96 Whirlpool H Create a vortex of waves. 175 WATER
Stifling Stillness H Make air hard to breathe and traverse. 71
Ymeri’s Mark H Curse a creature with the Queen of the ARCANE 9TH-RANK SPELLS WOOD
Inferno’s mark to track it or make it explode. 121 Magnetic Dominion Reposition metal creatures and CHURN OF
Zephyr Slip H React to fly away from a creature. 73 creatures in metal armor. 143 ELEMENTS
Elemental Breath H Breathe out elemental energy. 222 GLOSSARY
Engrave Memory U Store memories in a stone. 94 DIVINE CANTRIPS & INDEX
Entwined Roots H Protect creatures with durable roots that Detect Metal H Sense whether metal is nearby. 142
can catch ranged weapons. 196 Draw Moisture Dry out an object and collect the water. 173
Fire’s Pathway H, U Teleport from fire to fire. 119 Illuminate H Kindle all light sources around you. 120
Flame Dancer H Encircle a creature in flames to inflame its Needle Darts H Turn a piece of metal into needles and shoot
strikes and give it an intimidating dance. 119 them at a foe. 144
Flames of Ego Light up a creature and make it fascinated Rousing Splash H Splash a creature to invigorate it and wash
with itself. 119 away acid and fire. 174
Freezing Rain H Chill and slow creatures with cold rain. 173 Tremor Signs H Send a sentence through stone. 97
Mantle of the Melting Heart Morph your body with metal,
which you can change during the spell. 143 DIVINE 1ST-RANK SPELLS
Mantle of the Unwavering Heart Morph your body with wood, Shielded Arm H Reinforce a creature’s arm with metal that
which you can change during the spell. 197 lets it use its arm as a shield. 145
Pressure Zone Reduce air pressure to deafen and debilitate.
Wisdom of the Winds U Ask air spirits for guidance. 73 Blazing Armory H Create a weapon made of fire. 118
Cauterize Wounds Seal bleeding wounds with flame. 118
ARCANE 6TH-RANK SPELLS Clad in Metal H Coat an item in a metal of your choice. 142
Arrow Salvo H Fling massive arrows that can damage and Cleanse Air H Make air safe. 70
knock down foes. 196 Fireproof H Protect an object against catching fire. 119
Field of Razors H Fill an area with a tangle of razor wire. 143 Gentle Breeze H Create a soothing wind that heals and
Frost Pillar Freeze a creature in a pillar of ice. 173 reduces heat. 70
Lignify Turn a creature to wood. 197 Thermal Remedy H Adjust ingredients in food and drink for
Personal Ocean Surround yourself in a bubble of water. 174 health benefits. 121
Phantom Orchestra H An invisible orchestra damages with
bursts of sound. 71 DIVINE 3RD-RANK SPELLS
Vitrifying Blast H Glass shards cut creatures and turn them Heatvision H, U Let a creature see heat. 120
glass-like. 97 Lotus Walk H Bloom water plants that let you and others
Wall of Metal H Shape a wall made of a particular metal. 145 walk on water. 197
Scrying Ripples H Scry through one body of water into
Beheading Buzz Saw H Lop heads off with a flying buzz saw.
Dancing Fountain Tap a splendid fountain with majestic Misty Memory U Replay a scene from the past through the
displays you command. 172 medium of water. 173
Heaving Earth H Make a shockwave that pushes creatures in Phoenix Ward H Protect yourself from dying from fire. 120
Ymeri’s Mark H Curse a creature with the Queen of the Primal Spell List
Inferno’s mark to track it or make it explode. 121
DIVINE 5TH-RANK SPELLS Deep Breath H Take an incredibly deep breath. 70
Wisdom of the Winds Ask air spirits for guidance. 73
Detect Metal H Sense whether metal is nearby. 142
Draw Moisture Dry out an object and collect the water. 173
DIVINE 7TH-RANK SPELLS Eat Fire H React to eat flame then belch the smoke out. 119
Shock to the System H Lightning revives and revitalizes. 71 Elemental Counter U Use a countering element to protect
against a spell. 222
DIVINE 8TH-RANK SPELLS Glass Shield H Protect yourself with a glass shield. 94
Summon Elemental Herald Summon an incarnate elemental Illuminate H Kindle all light sources around you. 120
to create a natural disaster. 222 Needle Darts H Turn a piece of metal into needles and shoot
them at a foe. 144
Occult Spell List Root Reading Learn about an area using root systems. 197
Rousing Splash H Splash a creature to invigorate it and wash
OCCULT CANTRIPS away acid and fire. 174
Detect Metal H Sense whether metal is nearby. 142 Slashing Gust H Cut creatures with ripples of air. 71
Eat Fire H React to eat flame then belch the smoke out. 119 Take Root Reinforce a creature’s stance or grip with roots. 198
Illuminate H Kindle all light sources around you. 120 Timber H Drop a tree on someone. 198
Needle Darts H Turn a piece of metal into needles and shoot Tremor Signs H Send a sentence through stone. 97
them at a foe. 144
Tremor Signs H Send a sentence through stone. 97 PRIMAL 1ST-RANK SPELLS
Buoyant Bubbles H
Create bubbles that make a creature
Signal Skyrocket H Send an exploding firework straight up into Conductive Weapon Charge a metal weapon with electricity. 142
the sky. 121 Dehydrate H Make creatures parched, damaging and
enfeebling them. 118
OCCULT 2ND-RANK SPELLS Flourishing Flora H Grow a patch of cacti, flowers, fruits, or
Gentle Breeze H Create a soothing wind that heals and reduces roots to hurt your enemies. 196
heat. 70 Instant Pottery H Create earthenware objects. 95
Tremorsense H Sense vibrations in the ground. 97 Interposing Earth H React to make a barrier of earth. 95
Voice on the Breeze H Whisper a message far away. 73 Shielded Arm H Reinforce a creature’s arm with metal that lets
it use its arm as a shield. 145
OCCULT 3RD-RANK SPELLS Signal Skyrocket H Send an exploding firework straight up into
Heatvision H, U Let a creature see heat. 120 the sky. 121
Scrying Ripples H Scry from one body of water into another. 175 Verdant Sprout H Make a plant seed grow rapidly. 199
Wooden Double H React to leave a wooden double of yourself Wall of Shrubs H Create a wall of shrubs that provide cover.
to take a hit for you. 199 199
Weaken Earth H Reduce the durability of something made of
Mercurial Stride H Turn to quicksilver and move through Weave Wood H Break plant fiber into strands and magically
creatures. 144 weave them. 199
Wooden Fists H Turn your hands into tree trunks. 199
Flame Dancer H Encircle a creature in flames to inflame its PRIMAL 2ND-RANK SPELLS
strikes and give it an intimidating dance. 119 Blazing Armory H Create a weapon made of fire. 118
Flames of Ego Light up a creature and make it fascinated with Brine Dragon Bile H React to spit saltwater into a cut. 172
itself. 119 Burrow Ward H Prevent burrowing in earth near you. 94
Wisdom of the Winds U Ask air spirits for guidance. 73 Cauterize Wounds Seal bleeding wounds with flame. 118
Clad in Metal H Coat an item in a metal of your choice. 142
OCCULT 6TH-RANK SPELLS Cleanse Air H Make air safe. 70
Phantom Orchestra H An invisible orchestra damages with Exploding Earth H Throw an exploding ball of earth. 94
bursts of sound. 71 Falsify Heat H Make a creature’s body heat seem different. 119
Fireproof H Protect an object against catching fire. 119
OCCULT 7TH-RANK SPELLS Gentle Breeze H Create a soothing wind that heals and reduces
Shock to the System H Lightning revives and revitalizes. 71 heat. 70
Helpful Wood Spirits Make a gaggle of wood spirits carry out mark to track it or make it explode. 121
a small task. 196 Zephyr Slip H React to fly away from a creature. 73
Pave Ground H Even out the ground in a line. 95
Propulsive Breeze React to extend a Stride or Leap. 71 PRIMAL 5TH-RANK SPELLS INTRODUCTION
Rubble Step H Have an ally leave rubble as it moves. 96 Elemental Breath Breathe out elemental energy. 222
Splinter Volley H Fling sharp splinters at one or more Engrave Memory U Store memories in a stone. 94 CHARACTERS
enemies. 198 Entwined Roots H Protect creatures with durable roots that
Thermal Remedy H Adjust ingredients in food and drink for can catch ranged weapons. 196
health benefits. 121 Fire’s Pathway H, U Teleport from fire to fire. 119 EARTH
Tremorsense H Sense vibrations in the ground. 97 Flame Dancer H Encircle a creature in flames to inflame its
Voice on the Breeze H Whisper a message far away. 73 strikes and give it an intimidating dance. 119
Waterproof H Protect an object against becoming wet. 175 Flames of Ego Light up a creature and make it fascinated with METAL
itself. 119 WATER
PRIMAL 3RD-RANK SPELLS Freezing Rain H Chill and slow creatures with cold rain. 173
Blastback H React to emit a shockwave when you land after Mantle of the Melting Heart Morph your body with metal, WOOD
a fall. 70 which you can change during the spell. 143 CHURN OF
Cave Fangs H Make flowstone spikes bite creatures and impede Mantle of the Unwavering Heart Morph your body with wood, ELEMENTS
movement. 94 which you can change during the spell. 197
Cloud Dragon’s Cloak React to hide a creature in mist. 70 Pressure Zone Reduce air pressure to deafen and debilitate. 71
Coral Scourge Fill a creature’s joints with stiffening coral Wisdom of the Winds U Ask air spirits for guidance. 73 GLOSSARY
growths. 172 & INDEX
Dive and Breach H Teleport with splashes of water. 172 PRIMAL 6TH-RANK SPELLS
Heatvision H, U Let a creature see heat. 120 Arrow Salvo H Fling massive arrows that can damage and
Lotus Walk H Bloom water plants that let you and others walk knock down foes. 196
on water. 197 Field of Razors H Fill an area with a tangle of razor wire. 143
Pillar of Water Create a column of water creatures can swim Frost Pillar Freeze a creature in a pillar of ice. 173
through. 174 Lignify Turn a creature to wood. 197
Sand Form H Turn a creature’s body and gear into sand. 96 Personal Ocean Surround yourself in a bubble of water. 174
Scrying Ripples H Scry through one body of water into another. Phantom Orchestra H An invisible orchestra damages with
175 bursts of sound. 71
Tempest Cloak Protect a creature with swirling winds. 72 Vitrifying Blast H Glass shards cut creatures and turn them
Wooden Double H Leave a wooden double of yourself to take glass-like. 97
a hit for you. 199 Wall of Metal H Shape a wall made of a particular metal. 145
The following creature abilities are listed here because they are shared by many creatures or are highly complex. The
statistics for individual creatures might alter the traits, the number of actions, or other rules of these abilities. Anything noted
in a specific creature’s stat block overrides the general rules for the ability below. In these abilities, “monster” is used for the
creature that has the ability, to differentiate it from any other creatures the ability might affect.
All-Around Vision This monster can see in all directions Engulf [two-actions] The monster Strides up to double its Speed and can
simultaneously, and therefore can’t be flanked. move through the spaces of any creatures in its path. Any
At-Will Spells The monster can cast its at-will spells any creature of the monster’s size or smaller whose space the
number of times without using up spell slots. monster moves through can attempt a Reflex save with the
Aura A monster’s aura automatically affects everything within listed DC to avoid being engulfed. A creature unable to act
a specified emanation around that monster. The monster automatically critically fails this save. If a creature succeeds
doesn’t need to spend actions on the aura; rather, the aura’s at its save, it can choose to be either pushed aside (out of the
effects are applied at specific times, such as when a creature monster’s path) or pushed in front of the monster to the end of
ends its turn in the aura or when creatures enter the aura. the monster’s movement. The monster can attempt to Engulf
If an aura does nothing but deal damage, its entry lists only the same creature only once in a single use of Engulf. The
the radius, damage, and saving throw. Such auras deal this monster can contain as many creatures as can fit in its space.
damage to a creature when the creature enters the aura A creature that fails its save is pulled into the monster’s
and when a creature starts its turn in the aura. A creature body. It’s grabbed, slowed 1, and has to hold its breath or start
can take damage from the aura only once per round. The suffocating. The creature takes the listed amount of damage
GM might determine that a monster’s aura doesn’t affect its when first engulfed and at the end of each of its turns while
own allies. For example, a creature might be immune to a it’s engulfed. An engulfed creature can get free by Escaping
monster’s frightful presence if they have been around each against the listed Escape DC. An engulfed creature can attack
other for a long time. the monster engulfing it, but only with unarmed attacks or
Change Shape [one-action] (concentrate, magical tradition, polymorph) with weapons of light Bulk or less. The engulfing creature is
The monster changes its shape indefinitely. It can use this off-guard against the attack. If the monster takes piercing or
action again to return to its natural shape or adopt a new slashing damage equaling or exceeding the listed Rupture
shape. Unless otherwise noted, a monster cannot use Change value from a single attack or spell, the engulfed creature cuts
Shape to appear as a specific individual. Using Change Shape itself free. A creature that gets free by either method can
counts as creating a disguise for the Impersonate use of immediately breathe and exits the engulfing monster’s space.
Deception. The monster’s transformation automatically If the monster dies, all creatures it has engulfed are
defeats Perception DCs to determine whether the creature automatically released as the monster’s form loses cohesion.
is a member of the ancestry or creature type into which it Fast Healing A monster with this ability regains the given
transformed, and it gains a +4 status bonus to its Deception number of Hit Points each round at the beginning of its turn.
DC to prevent others from seeing through its disguise. Form Up [one-action] The troop chooses one of the squares it currently
Change Shape abilities specify what shapes the monster occupies and redistributes its squares to any configuration
can adopt. The monster doesn’t gain any special abilities of in which all squares are contiguous and within 15 feet of the
the new shape, only its physical form. For example, in each chosen square. The troop can’t share its space with other
shape, it replaces its normal Speeds and Strikes, and might creatures.
potentially change its senses or size. Any changes are listed Grab [one-action] Requirements The monster’s last action was a successful
in its stat block. Strike that lists Grab in its damage entry, or the monster has
Constant Spells A constant spell affects the monster without the a creature grabbed or restrained; Effect If used after a Strike,
monster needing to cast it, and its duration is unlimited. If a the monster attempts to Grapple the creature using the body
constant spell gets counteracted, the monster can reactivate it part it attacked with. This attempt neither applies nor counts
by spending the normal spellcasting actions the spell requires. toward the creature’s multiple attack penalty.
Constrict [one-action] The monster deals the listed amount of damage The monster can instead use Grab and choose one
to any number of creatures grabbed or restrained by it. creature it’s grabbing or restraining with an appendage that
Each of those creatures can attempt a basic Fortitude save has Grab to automatically extend that condition to the end of
with the listed DC. the monster’s next turn.
Disease When a creature is exposed to a monster’s disease, it Improved Grab [free-action] The monster can use Grab as a free action
attempts a Fortitude save or succumbs to the disease. The triggered by a hit with its initial attack. A monster with
level of a disease is the level of the monster inflicting the Improved Grab still needs to spend an action to extend the
disease. The disease follows the rules for afflictions. duration for creatures it already has grabbed or restrained.
Knockdown [one-action] Requirements The monster’s last action was Trample [three-actions] The monster Strides up to double its Speed and
a successful Strike that lists Knockdown in its damage can move through the spaces of creatures of the listed size,
entry; Effect The monster attempts to Trip the creature. This Trampling each creature whose space it enters. The monster
attempt neither applies nor counts toward the monster’s can attempt to Trample the same creature only once in INTRODUCTION
multiple attack penalty. a single use of Trample. The monster deals the damage of ELEMENTAL
Light Blindness When first exposed to bright light, the the listed Strike, but trampled creatures can attempt a basic CHARACTERS
monster is blinded until the end of its next turn. After this Reflex save at the listed DC (no damage on a critical success,
exposure, light doesn’t blind the monster again until after it half damage on a success, double damage on a critical failure).
spends 1 hour in darkness. However, as long as the monster Troop Defenses Troops are composed of many individuals, and EARTH
is in an area of bright light, it’s dazzled. over the course of enough attacks and downed comrades,
Poison When a creature is exposed to a monster’s poison, it troops shrink in size. Most troops start with 16 squares (4 by
attempts a Fortitude save to avoid becoming poisoned. The 4), and their Hit Points have two listed thresholds, typically METAL
level of a poison is the level of the monster inflicting the the first is at 2/3 their maximum Hit Points and the second is WATER
poison. The poison follows the rules for afflictions. at 1/3 their maximum Hit Points. Once the troop drops below
Push [one-action] Requirements The monster’s last action was a the first threshold, it loses 4 squares, leaving 12 squares WOOD
successful Strike that lists Push in its damage entry; Effect remaining, and the first threshold becomes the troop’s new CHURN OF
The monster attempts to Shove the creature. This attempt maximum Hit Points. Once the troop falls below the second ELEMENTS
neither applies nor counts toward the monster’s multiple threshold, it loses another 4 squares, leaving 8 squares
attack penalty. If Push lists a distance, change the distance remaining, and the second threshold becomes the troop’s new
the creature is pushed on a success to that distance. maximum Hit Points. In order to restore its size and maximum GLOSSARY
Reactive Strike [reaction] Trigger A creature within the monster’s Hit Points, a troop needs to spend downtime to use long‑term & INDEX
reach uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a treatment on casualties or recruit new members to replace
ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move action it’s the fallen. At 0 Hit Points, the troop is reduced down to 4
using; Effect The monster attempts a melee Strike against squares, which is too few to sustain the troop, so it disperses
the triggering creature. If the attack is a critical hit and entirely, with the few remaining members surrendering,
the trigger was a manipulate action, the monster disrupts fleeing, or easily dispatched, depending on their nature.
that action. This Strike doesn’t count toward the monster’s A damaging single-target effect, such as a Strike, can’t
multiple attack penalty, and its multiple attack penalty force a troop to pass through more than one threshold
doesn’t apply to this Strike. at once. For instance, if a troop had 60 Hit Points, with
Regeneration This monster regains the listed number of Hit thresholds at 40 and 20, a Strike for 50 damage would leave
Points each round at the beginning of its turn. Its dying the troop at 21 Hit Points, just above the second threshold.
condition never increases beyond dying 3 as long as its A damaging area effect or multi‑target effect can cross
regeneration is active. However, if it takes damage of a type multiple thresholds at once and could potentially destroy
listed in the regeneration entry, its regeneration deactivates the entire troop in one shot. Non‑damaging effects with an
until the end of its next turn. Deactivate the regeneration area or that target all creatures in a certain proximity affect
before applying any damage of a listed type, since that a troop normally if they affect the entire area occupied by
damage might kill the monster by bringing it to dying 4. the troop. If an effect has a smaller area or numbers of
Shield Block [reaction] Trigger The monster has its shield raised and targets, it typically has no effect on the troop. However,
takes damage from a physical attack; Effect The monster snaps if the effect can target at least four creatures or cover at
its shield into place to deflect a blow. The shield prevents the least four squares in the troop, and if it would prevent its
monster from taking an amount of damage up to the shield’s targets from acting, cause them to flee, or otherwise make
Hardness. The monster and the shield each take any remaining them unable to function as part of the troop for a round
damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield. or more, the troop loses a number of Hit Points equal to
Swarm Mind This monster doesn’t have a single mind the amount required to bring it to the next threshold,
(typically because it’s a swarm of smaller creatures), and removing 4 squares. If an effect would both deal damage
is immune to mental effects that target only a specific and automatically cross a threshold due to incapacitating
number of creatures. It is still subject to mental effects that some of the creatures in the troop, apply the damage first.
affect all creatures in an area. If the damage wasn’t enough to cross a threshold on its
Telepathy (aura, magical, mental) A monster with telepathy can own, then reduce the Hit Points to cross the threshold for
communicate mentally with any creatures within the listed the incapacitating effect.
radius, as long as they share a language. This doesn’t give Wavesense This sense allows a monster to feel vibrations
any special access to their thoughts, and communicates no caused by movement through a liquid. It’s usually an
more information than normal speech would. imprecise sense with a limited range (listed in the ability).
Throw Rock [one-action] The monster interacts to pick up a rock within Wavesense functions only if the monster and the subject are
reach or retrieve a stowed rock and throws it, making a in the same body of liquid, and only if the subject is moving
ranged Strike. through the liquid.
The following tables present every single stat block in Rage of Elements, organized by level and listing the page
number where it appears. A superscript “U” indicates uncommon rarity, and an “R” indicates rare.
ability glossary 232–233 Intelligence modifier of –3 or higher is usually a beast. Unlike CHARACTERS
acid (trait) Effects with this trait deal acid damage. Creatures an animal, a beast might be able to speak and reason.
with this trait have a connection to magical acid. bomb (trait) Player Core
adjustments 67 (air), 91 (earth), 115 (fire), 139 (metal), 169 bottled breath (trait) 75 EARTH
(water), 193 (wood) brutal (weapon trait) A ranged attack with this trait uses its
aeon (trait) These monitors are the self-styled defenders of Strength modifier instead of Dexterity on the attack roll.
reality. Traditional aeons have dualistic natures and forms, bulwark (armor trait) Player Core METAL
and they hold a dichotomy of interests, though axiomites cantrip (trait) A spell you can cast at will that is automatically WATER
and inevitables do not. Aeons other than axiomites and heightened to half your level rounded up.
inevitables communicate via a strange telepathic hodgepodge censer (trait) 123 WOOD
of sensory sending called envisioning. class (trait) 56 CHURN OF
aether 7 cold (trait) Effects with this trait deal cold damage. Creatures ELEMENTS
agile (weapon trait) Player Core with this trait have a connection to magical cold.
air (trait) Effects with the air trait either manipulate or conjure common (trait) Player Core
air. Those that manipulate air have no effect in a vacuum or companions elemental companions 39–42 GLOSSARY
an area without air. Creatures with this trait consist primarily composite (trait) 15 & INDEX
of air or have a connection to magical air. concealable (weapon trait) This weapon is designed to be
alchemical (trait) Player Core inconspicuous or easily concealed. You gain a +2 circumstance
amphibious (trait) An amphibious creature can breathe in water bonus to Stealth checks and DCs to hide or conceal a weapon
and in air, even outside of its preferred environment, usually with this trait.
indefinitely but at least for hours. These creatures often concentrate (trait) Player Core
have a swim Speed. Their bludgeoning and slashing unarmed Concordance of Elements 6, 7
Strikes don’t take the usual –2 penalty for being underwater. concussive (weapon trait) These weapons smash as much
animal (trait) An animal is a creature with a relatively low as puncture. When determining a creature’s resistance or
intelligence. It typically doesn’t have an Intelligence attribute immunity to damage from this weapon, use the weaker
modifier over –4, can’t speak languages, and can’t be trained of the target’s resistance or immunity to piercing or to
in Intelligence-based skills. bludgeoning. For instance, if the creature were immune
aquatic (trait) Aquatic creatures are at home underwater. Their to piercing damage and had no resistance or immunity
bludgeoning and slashing unarmed Strikes don’t take the to bludgeoning damage, it would take full damage from a
usual –2 penalty for being underwater. Aquatic creatures can concussive weapon. Resistance or immunity to all physical
breathe water but not air. damage, or all damage, would apply as normal.
arcane (trait) This magic comes from the arcane tradition, construct (trait) A construct is an artificial creature empowered
which is built on logic and rationality. Anything with this by a force other than vitality or void. Constructs are often
trait is magical. mindless; they are immune to bleed damage, death effects,
archetype (trait) This feat belongs to an archetype. 56–61 disease, healing, nonlethal attacks, poison, vitality, void,
ardande (trait) Ardandes are planar scions descended from and the doomed, drained, fatigued, paralyzed, sickened,
kizidhars and other beings of elemental wood. 46–49, 217 and unconscious conditions; and they may have Hardness
Atreia Elemental lord of fire, purification, and radiance. Known based on the materials used to construct their bodies.
as the Lambent King. 5, 115, 116, 133 Constructs are not living creatures, nor are they undead.
attack (trait) Player Core When reduced to 0 Hit Points, a construct creature is
auditory (trait) Player Core destroyed.
aura (trait) An aura is an emanation that continually ebbs out consumable (trait) Player Core
from you, affecting creatures within a certain radius. Aura creatures by level 234
can also refer to the magical signature of an item. curse (trait) A curse is an effect that places some long-term
Ayrzul Elemental lord of bone, buried secrets, earth, and affliction on a creature. Curses are always magical and are
radiation. Known as the Fossilized King. 87, 88, 91, 92, 108 typically the result of a spell or trap. Effects with this trait
background 44–45 can be removed only by effects that specifically target curses.
backswing (weapon trait) Player Core darkness (trait) Player Core
barbarian (trait) This indicates abilities from the barbarian class. dawnsilver (material) A light, durable form of silver.
elemental instinct 54 deadly (weapon trait) Player Core
beast (trait) A creature similar to an animal but with an death (trait) Player Core
dedication (trait) 56 focus (trait) A spell you can cast by spending a Focus Point, and
detection (trait) Effects with this trait attempt to determine the that is automatically heightened to half your level rounded up.
presence or location of a person, object, or aura. forceful (weapon trait) Player Core
disarm (weapon trait) Player Core fortune (trait) Player Core
disease (trait) An effect with this trait applies one or more free-hand (weapon trait) Player Core
diseases. A disease is typically an affliction. fungus (trait) Fungal creatures have the fungus trait. They are
divine (trait) This magic comes from the divine tradition, distinct from normal fungi.
drawing power from deities or similar sources. Anything genie (trait) The diverse families of genies hold positions of
with this trait is magical. prominence on the elemental planes. They have powerful
domains 97 (toil), 145 (metal), 199 (wood) magical abilities. 43, 84, 106, 130, 160–161, 182, 212–213,
downtime (trait) An activity with this trait takes a day or more, 226–227
and can be used only during downtime. geniekin An umbrella term for planar scions descended from the
duskwood (material) A dark, lightweight wood with a purple tint. elemental planes. Lost Omens Ancestry Guide 98
earth (trait) Effects with the earth trait either manipulate or ardande (wood geniekin) 46–49, 217
conjure earth. Those that manipulate earth have no effect talos (metal geniekin) 50–53, 163
in an area without earth. Creatures with this trait consist giant (trait) Giants are massive humanoid creatures.
primarily of earth or have a connection to magical earth. healing (trait) A healing effect restores a creature’s body,
eidolon (trait) A creature with this trait is a summoner’s eidolon. typically by restoring Hit Points, but sometimes by removing
An item with this trait can be worn by an eidolon. An eidolon diseases or other debilitating effects.
can have up to two items invested. elemental eidolon 38–39 Hshurha Elemental lord of air, last breaths, and windstorms.
electricity (trait) Effects with this trait deal electricity damage. Known as the Duchess of All Winds. 67, 68, 83
A creature with this trait has a connection to magical human (trait) A creature with this trait is a member of the
electricity. human ancestry. Humans are a diverse array of people
elemental (trait) Elementals are creatures directly tied to an known for their adaptability. An ability with this trait can be
element and native to the elemental planes. Elementals don’t used or selected only by humans.
need to breathe. humanoid (trait) Humanoid creatures reason and act much like
elemental cycle 8–9, 59 humans. They typically stand upright and have two arms and
elemental lords 5–6, 68–69 (air), 92–93 (earth), 116–117 (fire), two legs.
140–141 (metal), 170–171 (water), 194–195 (wood) ifrit A genie of fire. (Geniekin of fire are now called naari.) 111,
elemental philosophies 9 112, 114, 115, 124, 130
elemental planes A set planes located within the Inner Sphere illusion (trait) Effects and magic items with this trait involve
that surround the Universe. These include the planes of air, false sensory stimuli.
water, earth, and fire. 5–8 impulse A kineticist’s magical elemental actions are called
elementalist (archetype) 58–61 impulses. 15
emotion (trait) This effect alters a creature’s emotions. Effects impulse attack modifier 16
with this trait always have the mental trait as well. Creatures impulse feats 24–37
with special training or that have mechanical or artificial impulse (trait) 15
intelligence are immune to emotion effects. incapacitation (trait) Player Core
energy (damage type) An umbrella category including acid, cold, incarnate (trait) Secrets of Magic 132
electricity, fire, force, sonic, vitality, and void damage. incorporeal (trait) An incorporeal creature or object has no
exploration (trait) An activity with this trait takes more than a physical form. It can pass through solid objects, including
turn to use, and can usually be used only during exploration walls. When inside an object, an incorporeal creature can’t
mode. perceive, attack, or interact with anything outside the object,
familiars 42–43 and if it starts its turn in an object, it is slowed 1 until the end
fatal (weapon trait) Player Core of its turn. A corporeal and an incorporeal creature can pass
faydhaan A genie of water. 169, 176–177, 182, 183 through one another, but they can’t end their movement in
fear (trait) Fear effects evoke the emotion of fear. Effects with each other’s space.
this trait always have the mental and emotion traits as well. An incorporeal creature can’t attempt Strength-based
Ferrumnestra Elemental lord of metal, decline, inevitability, and checks against physical creatures or objects—only against
mourning. Known as the Lady of Rust. 138, 139, 140, 185 incorporeal ones—unless those objects have the ghost touch
figurehead (trait) 177 property rune. Likewise, a corporeal creature can’t attempt
finesse (weapon trait) Player Core Strength-based checks against incorporeal creatures
fire (trait) Effects with the fire trait deal fire damage or either or objects.
conjure or manipulate fire. Those that manipulate fire have Incorporeal creatures usually have immunity to effects
no effect in an area without fire. Creatures with this trait or conditions that require a physical body, like disease,
consist primarily of fire or have a connection to magical fire. poison, and precision damage. They usually have resistance
against all damage except force damage and damage from mindless (trait) A mindless creature has either programmed or
Strikes with the ghost touch property rune, with double the rudimentary mental attributes. Most, if not all, of their mental
resistance against non-magical damage. ability modifiers are –5. They are immune to all mental effects.
infusion (trait) 15 minion (trait) Player Core INTRODUCTION
infusion (trait) Actions with the infusion trait tweak your misfortune (trait) Player Core ELEMENTAL
kineticist impulses. You must use an infusion action modular (weapon trait) The weapon has multiple configurations CHARACTERS
directly before the impulse action you want to alter. If you that you can switch between using an Interact action.
use any action (including free actions and reactions) other Typically, switching between configurations of a modular
than an infusion directly after, you waste the benefits of weapon allows it to deal different types of damage (listed EARTH
the infusion action. Any additional effects added by an in the trait, such as “modular B, P, or S”), though it’s possible
infusion action are part of the impulse’s effect, not of the for a modular weapon’s description to list more complicated
infusion action itself. configurations. METAL
injury (trait) This poison is delivered by damaging the recipient. morph (trait) Player Core WATER
Inner Sea elementalism 9, 59 move (trait) An action with this trait involves moving from one
Inner Sphere The center of the Great Beyond. It consists of space to another. WOOD
the Astral Plane, elemental planes, energy planes, Ethereal Muan A language used by wood elementals. 191 CHURN OF
Plane, the First World, the Netherworld, and the Universe. noisy (armor trait) Player Core ELEMENTS
intelligent (trait) An item with its own mental abilities and nonlethal (trait) Player Core
personality. GM Core occult (trait) This magic comes from the occult tradition, calling
invested (trait) Player Core upon bizarre and ephemeral mysteries. Anything with this GLOSSARY
items 74–77 (air), 98–101 (earth), 122–125 (fire), 146–149 (metal), trait is magical. & INDEX
176–179 (water), 200–203 (wood), 224–225 (hybrid) olfactory (trait) Player Core
jaathoom A genie of air. 66–67, 75, 84, 221 Outer Sphere 6
jabali A genie of earth. 88, 89, 90–91, 99, 106 overflow (trait) 15
jann A genie of multiple elements, tied to no individual plane. Petran A language used by earth elementals. 89
The other lines of genies are believed to originate from them. physical (damage type) A grouping of bludgeoning, piercing,
4, 6, 224–225, 227 and slashing damage.
Kelizandri Elemental lord of drowning, water, and waves. Plane of Air An elemental plane filled with vast skies, churning
Known as the Brackish Emperor. 168, 169, 170 storms, and massive clouds. 7, 62–67
kineticist (class) 12–37 Plane of Earth An elemental plane permeated with solid stone,
multiclass archetype 57 endless caverns, and rich mineral veins. 7, 86–91
kineticist (trait) This indicates abilities from the kineticist class. Plane of Fire An elemental plane covered in dancing flames,
kizidhar A genie of wood. 65, 193, 201–202, 205, 209, 212– seas of magma, and clouds of ash. 7, 110–115
213, 217 Plane of Metal An elemental plane of fluid and chaotic metal,
Laudinmio Elemental lord of metal, alchemy, discovery, lightning fields, and radiation. 7, 134–139
experiments, and regret. Known as the Sovereign of Alchemy. Plane of Water An elemental plane saturated with endless
138–139, 141 oceans, bogs of mud and silt, and clouds of steam. 7, 164–169
light (trait) Player Core Plane of Wood An elemental plane of vast, geometric forests
linguistic (trait) Player Core and wooden creatures. 7, 188–193
Lysianassa Elemental lord of currents, flow, oceans, tides, and planes 6–8
water. Known as Empress of the Torrent. 5, 69, 166, 167, 168, plant (trait) Vegetable creatures have the plant trait. They are
169, 170, 171 distinct from normal plants. Magical effects with this trait
magical (trait) Something with the magical trait is imbued manipulate or conjure plants or plant matter in some way.
with magical energies not tied to a specific tradition of Effects that manipulate plants have no effect in an area with
magic. Some items or effects are closely tied to a particular no plants.
tradition of magic. In these cases, the item has the arcane, poison (trait) An effect with this trait delivers a poison or deals
divine, occult, or primal trait instead of the magical trait. poison damage. An item with this trait is poisonous and
Any of these traits indicate that the item is magical. might cause an affliction.
manipulate (trait) Player Core polymorph (trait) Player Core
mental (trait) A mental effect can alter the target’s mind. It has potion (trait) A potion is a magical liquid activated when you
no effect on an object or a mindless creature. drink it.
metal (trait) Effects with the metal trait conjure or manipulate prediction (trait) Effects with this trait determine what is likely
metal. Those that manipulate metal have no effect in an area to happen in the near future. Most predictions are divinations.
without metal. Creatures with this trait consist primarily of primal (trait) This magic comes from the primal tradition,
metal or have a connection to magical metal. connecting to the natural world and instinct. Anything with
metal domain 145 this trait is magical.
propulsive (weapon trait) Player Core sweep (weapon trait) Player Core
Pyric A language used by fire elementals. 113 Talican A language used by metal elementals. 137
radiation (trait) A dangerous, typically poisonous emission talisman (trait) GM Core
typically originating from radioactive minerals. talos (trait) Taloses are planar scions descended from zuhras.
rage (trait) You must be raging to use abilities with the rage 50–53, 163
trait, and they end automatically when you stop raging. teleportation (trait) Player Core
Ranginori Elemental lord of air, thunderstorms, and welcome Thalassic A language used by water elementals and aquatic
breezes. Known as the Zephyrous Prince. 63, 65, 67, 69 creatures. 167
rare (trait) Player Core thrown (weapon trait) Player Core
reach (weapon trait) Player Core toil domain 97
reckless (trait) A vehicle action with this trait requires the pilot trip (weapon trait) Player Core
to make a check to keep control. GM Core troll (trait) Trolls are giant, brutish creatures and are well known
relic gifts (metal) 148 for transforming into inanimate materials.
revelation (trait) Effects with this trait see things as they truly are. troop (trait) A troop is an organized collection of component
Sairazul Elemental lord of caves, gems, fertility, and the creatures, typically Small or Medium in size, working as
bounties of the earth. Known as the Crystalline Queen. 87, a cohesive whole. A troop is 16 squares in size and has
91, 93, 97, 100, 108–109 two Hit Point thresholds in their HP entry, under which it
scrying (trait) A scrying effect lets you see, hear, or otherwise reduces in size to 12 squares and then 8 squares. A troop
get sensory information from a distance using a sensor or has the Troop Defenses, Form Up, and Troop Movement
apparatus, rather than your own eyes and ears. abilities. Most troops have a weakness to area damage.
shove (weapon trait) Player Core Because they consist of multiple discrete creatures, they
Shumunue Elemental lord of wood, camouflage, carpentry, life, can’t be summoned.
and mimicry. Known as the Carved Lady of Mimicry. 192– uncommon (trait) Player Core
193, 194 Universe The plane that encompasses the known universe,
shuyookh A title given to wise and powerful genies. Typically including Golarion and its solar system. Located within the
rendered “sheikha” for female shuyookhs and “sheikh” for Inner Sphere.
male shuyookhs. Verilorn Elemental lord of wood, cultivation, forestry,
skill (trait) Player Core gardening, and security. Known as Custodian of Oak and
sonic (trait) An effect with the sonic trait functions only if it Ash. 190, 192–193, 195
makes sound, meaning it has no effect in an area of silence versatile (weapon trait) Player Core
or in a vacuum. This is different from an auditory spell, which visual (trait) Player Core
is effective only if the target can hear it. A sonic effect might vitality (trait) Effects with this trait heal living creatures with
deal sonic damage. energy from the Forge of Creation, deal vitality energy
spellheart (trait) Secrets of Magic 170–171 damage to undead, or manipulate vitality energy.
spells 70–73 (air), 94–97 (earth), 118–121 (fire), 142–145 (metal), vitality (damage type) Energy damage drawn from Creation’s
172–175 (water), 196–199 (wood), 222–223 (hybrid) Forge, which damages only creatures with void healing (such
Secrets of Magic spell updates 55 as undead).
spell lists 228–231 void (trait) Effects with this trait heal undead creatures
universal elemental spells 55 with void energy, deal void damage to living creatures, or
spellshape (trait) Actions with the spellshape trait tweak the manipulate void energy.
properties of your spells. You must use a spellshape action void (damage type) Energy damage drawn from the Void, which
directly before casting the spell you want to alter. If you damages only living creatures.
use any action (including free actions and reactions) other void in Minkaian elementalism 7
than casting a spell directly after, you waste the benefits volley (weapon trait) Player Core
of the spellshape action. Any additional effects added by water (trait) Effects with the water trait either manipulate or
a spellshape action are part of the spell’s effect, not of the conjure water. Those that manipulate water have no effect
spellshape action itself. in an area without water. Creatures with this trait consist
spirit (trait) Spirits are ephemeral creatures defined by their primarily of water or have a connection to magical water.
spiritual essence. They often lack a material form. wood (trait) Effects with the metal trait conjure or manipulate
splash (trait) Player Core wood. Those that manipulate wood have no effect in an area
staff (trait) GM Core without wood. Creatures with this trait consist primarily of
stance (trait) 15 wood or have a connection to magical wood.
structure (trait) GM Core wood domain 199
subjective gravity (trait) GM Core Ymeri Elemental lord of fire, heat, and smoke. Known as Queen
Sussuran (65) A language used by air elementals and flying of the Inferno. 115, 117
creatures. zuhra A genie of metal. 65, 137, 138, 139, 148, 160–161
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The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright PAIZO INC.
2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. Creative Directors • James Jacobs and Luis Loza
1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners Director of Game Design • Jason Bulmahn
who have contributed Open Game Content; (b) “Derivative Material” means
copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into Director of Visual Design • Sonja Morris INTRODUCTION
other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, Director of Game Development • Adam Daigle
upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing Development Manager • Linda Zayas-Palmer
Managing Creative Director (Starfinder) • Thurston Hillman ELEMENTAL
work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce,
license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise Senior Developers • John Compton, Eleanor Ferron, and Jenny Jarzabski CHARACTERS
distribute; (d) “Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes the Developers • Vanessa Hoskins, Dustin Knight, and Landon Winkler
methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not Lead Designer (Games) • Joe Pasini AIR
embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any Organized Play Line Developers • Jessica Catalan, Josh Foster,
additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and Shay Snow
and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative EARTH
works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) Design Manager • Michael Sayre
Pathfinder Lead Designer • Logan Bonner
“Product Identity” means product and product line names, logos and identifying
Senior Designer • James Case FIRE
marks including trade dress; artifacts, creatures, characters, stories, storylines,
plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, Managing Editor • Patrick Hurley
designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, Lead Editor • Avi Kool METAL
photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions Senior Editors • Ianara Natividad and Simone D. Sallé
of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and Editor • Solomon St. John WATER
special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical Art Directors • Kent Hamilton, Kyle Hunter, and Adam Vick
or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any
other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity
Senior Graphic Designer • Emily Crowell WOOD
Graphic Designer • Adriana Gasperi
by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open
Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs Production Designer • Danika Wirch CHURN OF
that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated Director of Brand Strategy • Mark Moreland
products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, ELEMENTS
Paizo CEO • Lisa Stevens
“Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate President • Jim Butler
and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or APPENDIX
“Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement. Chief Creative Officer • Erik Mona
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains Vice President of People & Culture • Maggie Gallagher
Vice President of Sales & Operations • Mike Webb GLOSSARY
a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in
terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that Vice President of Technology • Rei Ko & INDEX
you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as Controller • William Jorenby
described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Bookkeeper • Emma Swan
Open Game Content distributed using this License. Sales Manager • Cosmo Eisele
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your Sales & E-Commerce Assistant • Mika Hawkins
acceptance of the terms of this License. Director of Licensing • John Feil
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License,
the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive Marketing and Media Manager • Aaron Shanks
license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. Marketing and Licensing Coordinator • Raychael Allor
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original Community and Social Media Specialist • Jonathan Morgantini
material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your Organized Play Coordinator • Alex Speidel
original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by Director of Project Management • Glenn Elliott
this License. Project Manager • Lee Aula
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE Finance Operations Specialist • B. Scott Keim
portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any
Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add Front End Engineering Lead • Andrew White
the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT Senior Software Developer • Gary Teter
NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you distribute. Software Architect • Brian Bauman
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including Software Developer • Robert Brandenburg
as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, Software Test Engineer • Erik Keith
independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. System Administrators II • Whitney Chatterjee and Josh Thornton
You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or
Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content Web Content Manager • Maryssa Mari
except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of Webstore Coordinator • Katina Davis
such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Customer Service Lead • Austin Phillips
Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Customer Service Team • James Oakes and Jackson Wood
Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall
retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity. Warehouse Manager • Jeff Strand
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate Logistics Coordinator • Kevin Underwood
which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content. Warehouse Distribution Lead • Heather Payne
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated Warehouse Team • Alexander Crain, Summer Foerch, James Mafi,
versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to
copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under Zac Moran, Evan Panek, and Jesus Reynoso Ortiz
any version of this License.
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every
copy of the Open Game Content You distribute. This product is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Pathfinder Roleplaying Game (Second Edition).
Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined
from the Contributor to do so.
in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Game Content: All
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the
trademarks, registered trademarks, proper nouns (characters, deities, locations, etc., as well
terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to
as all adjectives, names, titles, and descriptive terms derived from proper nouns), artworks,
statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open
characters, dialogue, locations, organizations, plots, storylines, and trade dress. (Elements
Game Material so affected.
that have previously been designated as Open Game Content, or are exclusively derived
13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply
from previous Open Game Content, or that are in the public domain are not included in this
with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming
aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such Open Game Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game
provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. mechanics of this Paizo game product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Game
15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE License version 1.0a, Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material designated
Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without written permission.
System Reference Document © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors:
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Pathfinder Rage of Elements © 2023, Paizo Inc. All Rights Reserved. Paizo, the Paizo golem
Gygax and Dave Arneson. logo, Pathfinder, the Pathfinder logo, Pathfinder Society, Starfinder, and the Starfinder
Pathfinder Core Rulebook (Second Edition) © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan logo are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc.; the Pathfinder P logo, Pathfinder Accessories,
Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, and Mark Seifter. Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, Pathfinder Adventure Card Society, Pathfinder Adventure
Pathfinder Rage of Elements © 2023, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan Bonner, Path, Pathfinder Adventures, Pathfinder Battles, Pathfinder Combat Pad, Pathfinder Flip-
Jason Bulmahn, James Case, Jessica Catalan, Andrew D. Geels, Sen H.H.S., Patrick Mat, Pathfinder Flip-Tiles, Pathfinder Legends, Pathfinder Lost Omens, Pathfinder Pawns,
Hurley, Jason Keeley, Luis Loza, Mark Moreland, Jonathan Morgantini, AJ Neuro, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Pathfinder Tales, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Combat
Jessica Redekop, Solomon St. John, Michael Sayre, Mark Seifter, Shahreena Pad, Starfinder Flip-Mat, Starfinder Flip-Tiles, Starfinder Pawns, Starfinder Roleplaying Game,
Shahrani, Shay Snow, Levi Steadman, Mari Tokuda, Ruvaid Virk, Andrew White, and Starfinder Society are trademarks of Paizo Inc.
and Linda Zayas-Palmer. Printed in China.
Harness the
Power of the
Fall 2023
* box not final
© 2023, Paizo Inc. Paizo, and the Paizo golem logo are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc.
Brave the Elements!
Blaze like the sun! Crash like the waves! Rumble like a rockslide! Rage of
Elements introduces the kineticist class, gifted with an amazing command over
the elements. New spells and items within also provide elemental magic options
for all character classes. Explore the majestic Elemental Planes, including
two new ones: the wondrous, decaying Plane of Metal and the vast, orderly
forests of the Plane of Wood! On top of all this comes a horde of new monsters
from all six Elemental Planes, ready to battle adventurers or be summoned by
them. Step through a portal to adventure and harness the primordial power
of nature with Rage of Elements!