Exam Checklist
Exam Checklist
Exam Checklist
Edited by:
Zaid Fadhil Jawad Dr.Hussein Ali
Stager F.I.C.M.S
College of Medicine / College of Medicine /
Wasit University Wasit University
Station 1 : Thyroid ; focused examination :
1 Greet the patient , introduce yourself , establish a plan
2 Inspection
3 Asked patient to swallow
4 Asked patient to protrude tongue
5 Moist palms ,skin
6 Tremor
7 Eye sign ( lid lag , lid retraction , exophthalmos , ophalmoplagia & chemosis )
8 Palpation from the front
9 Palpation from the back (size , shape , surface consistency , mobility )
10 Tenderness
11 Position of the trachea & examined for possible retrosternal extension
12 Cervical lymphadenopathy
13 Auscultation (bruit)
14 Thanks the patient
Station 2 : This 55 y. old male had history of loss of weight .Take a focused history :
1 Greet the patient , introduce yourself
2 duration
3 How many Kg/week or month was lost
4 Loss of appetite , weakness & easy fatigability
GI symptom ( dysphagia , vomiting , diarrhea ,constipation & change of bowel
motion )
Chronic bleeding ( hematemesis , melena , hematuria , vaginal bleeding &
hemoptysis )
Thyrotoxicosis symptom (intolerance to hot weather , sweating , tachycardia ,
palpitation& nervousness )
8 Past medical history ( D.M , Chronic illness )
9 Past surgical history ( previous surgery , tumor , chemotherapy & radiotherapy )
10 Psychological status
11 Thanks the patient