Complications Defend
Various complications, coming from effects that Until the end of your next turn, the first time a
target you or from the nature of your creature succeeds on a roll to attack you, make a
environment, might restrict your movement. luck roll and, on a success, you turn the creature’s
success into a failure.
Being Moved
An effect that forces you to move propels you in Find
the direction and to the distance indicated unless You search your zone for a hidden creature, object,
you encounter an obstacle that prevents you from or some other feature. If it’s there and you can
continuing to move. If being moved would expose perceive it, you find it. If you can’t normally
you to peril, such as pushing you over the edge of a perceive it, the Sage might make a luck roll on
cliff or into a fire, you can make a luck roll and, on your behalf to determine if you find it.
a success, you drop prone at the edge of the
Moving Out of Reach You grant one creature in your zone 1 boon on the
If you move out of the reach of one or more next attribute roll it makes before the start of your
enemies, you trigger free attacks from those next turn. You can deliver the assistance
enemies. See "Free Attacks," below. immediately upon using this action, even if you
lose the ability to use actions before the target
makes its roll.
Use an Action
When you use an action, you strive to complete a Hide
particular task. Examples include making an If you are in a zone containing no enemies and
attack, casting a spell, or helping an ally there is a place in that zone that can conceal you,
accomplish a task. you become hidden. Once hidden, you remain so
The most common kinds of tasks that require until a creature finds you or you do something to
the use of actions are presented below. Most of reveal yourself—attacking, casting a spell, making
them are self-explanatory; detailed rules about the a loud noise.
Attack action and the Cast a Spell action can be Creatures cannot choose hidden creatures or
found in "Making Attacks" and "Casting Spells" objects as targets for attacks, spells, and other
later in this chapter. effects. If you make an attack against a target from
Often, the rules mention these tasks in a which you are hidden, you make the roll with 1
conversational way, such as I’m retreating or I’m boon.
defending. When you see or say such expressions, Hiding Places: A hiding place is a location that
the implication is that you are using an action to fully obstructs anyone else's view of you when you
retreat or you use an action to defend. occupy it, such as the space under a bed, inside a
wardrobe, or behind a curtain. You stop being
Attack hidden if your hiding place can no longer conceal
you (such as when someone crouches down to
You use a weapon or an unarmed strike to attack a
look under the bed or pulls the curtain aside).
If you’re hidden in a hiding place and move to a
different one, you can remain hidden as long as no
one is observing you while you move. A creature
that has line of sight to your current hiding place,
the destination of your move, or any space effect that can be overcome tells you what
between these two locations. If you have no attribute to use. If not, the Sage decides.
observes, you change hiding places and remain
hidden, though the Sage might determine you have
to sneak to avoid gaining your enemies’ attention.
You plan to wait for the right moment to act.
HIDING EXAMPLES Choose an action you intend to use in the near
Many talents, spells, and other effects depend on being future, such as to attack or rush, and then describe
hidden and interact with the rules for hiding, sneaking, what event must occur for you to undertake it. If
and the like. Here are some examples to help you put the event occurs before the start of your next turn,
these rules into practice. you use a reaction to perform the activity. You
Example 1: Chris’s character, Boris, sneaks down a make any roll required by the enabled activity
passageway and comes to an open door. From the with 1 boon.
opening, Boris hears several raised voices. The Sage
rules that Boris is hidden from the guards since Boris is in
another zone (the corridor) and the voices’ owners are
not aware of him (their own conversation is louder than One incapacitated creature in reach heals damage
Boris’s sneaking footsteps and they lack line of sight to equal to its level (minimum 1).
the corridor).
Example 2: Boris darts across the open door to move
to a different hiding place, one that happens to be on
the other side of the door. Since Boris is moving from If you have one hand free, you can make an Agility
one hiding place to another and no one is observing him, roll against the Agility of one creature in reach
he hopes to get to the new place without trouble. But that is carrying on its person one object you can
the Sage decides one of the guards happens to be facing see. If you are hidden from the target, you make
the open door, and so calls for Chris to make a luck roll. the roll with 1 boon. On a success, you take the
Chris gets a success and the guard looks away just as object from the target.
Chris sneaks past the open door.
Example 3: Later, Boris’s companions get into a fight
with the guards. At the beginning of combat, Boris is
hidden from the enemies and so, when he takes his turn, If you are holding something in one or both of
he springs out of hiding and attacks. The next round, the your hands, you throw it at one creature, object, or
surviving guards are aware of Boris, so Boris cannot hide space in your zone or an adjacent zone. If you
from them until he moves somewhere that they cannot throw a weapon, resolve the activity as if you were
see him. making a ranged attack. Otherwise, make a
Strength or Agility roll against the target’s Agility
Hinder and, on a success, the object hits the target, with
the effects determined by the object thrown. On a
You impose 1 bane on the next attribute roll one
failure, the object misses and lands 1d6 feet away
creature in your zone makes before the start of
from the target—behind it if you rolled an even
your next turn. You create the hindrance
number, or in front of the target if you rolled an
immediately upon using this action, even if you
odd number.
lose the ability to use actions before the target
makes its roll.
Gain a Move
Interact You swap your action out for an additional move.
You interact with an object you can reach—you
pick something off the ground, kick in a locked Gain a Minor Action
door, lift the lid on a chest, pull a lever, or do You gain one minor action.
something else. The Sage or the rules determine if
an attribute roll is required. Use a Talent or Trait
You perform an activity granted by one of your
Overcome talents or traits. Note that some traits and talents
If you have an affliction or suffer from some other have effects produced by using a reaction, a minor
persistent effect that does not have a permanent action, or even a move.
duration, you can make an attribute roll to rid
yourself of it. The source of the affliction or the
Use an Item Take the Initiative
You use an item that you wield such as a gadget, If you’re aware of the enemies when a new round
trinket, or piece of gear. The item tells you what starts, you can use a reaction to take the initiative.
happens as a result. Some items can be used Before your enemies take their turns, you can
without having to use an action—a use might either use an action or a move, and then your turn
count as a minor action, for example. ends. If you and other allies all take the initiative,
you decide among yourself who goes first as
Do Something Else normal, or the Sage does if no one can decide.
The activities described above represent the most
common performed in combat, but they are not Cover Ally
exhaustive. You might, for example, attempt to When an enemy attacks a target within your reach,
taunt an enemy into attacking you or issue a nasty you can use a reaction to switch the enemy’s
threat to demoralize your foes or yank down a target from the one chosen to you.
tapestry to cover your opponents. It falls to the
Sage to interpret how to resolve these activities,
but they involve, typically, making an attribute roll
When a creature would make a roll against your
or enabling targets to make an attribute or luck
Defense or Agility or you would make an Agility
roll to avoid an effect or mitigate a harmful effect,
you can use a reaction to either impose 1 bane on
Minor Actions the roll or make your roll with 1 boon.
Activities that use an action require significant
effort and attention, which is why they take up Free Attack
most of your turn. Some activities you perform When an enemy willingly moves out of your reach,
take a mere fraction of the effort. You can use one you can use a reaction to attack that creature with
minor action at any point during your turn. a melee weapon you are wielding or an unarmed
Common activities that require the use of a minor attack if you have a hand free.
action include the following:
• Drop something you hold in your hands. Withstand
• Draw a weapon from its scabbard. When a creature would make a roll against your
• Open an unlocked door, chest, or some other Strength or you would make a Strength roll to
container in your zone. avoid an effect or mitigate a harmful effect, you
• Retrieve an item from your backpack or some can use a reaction before the dice are rolled to
other container you carry. either impose 1 bane on the roll or make your roll
• You drop prone. with 1 boon.
• You drop to a surface below you and you might
fall prone fall prone (see Falling).
Some talents and traits allow you to produce
other effects by using a minor action as noted in
Making Attacks
You make an attack whenever you would
their descriptions. physically harm a creature or object. Normally, you
use a weapon to attack, but you might also use a
Reactions natural weapon if you have one, an unarmed
attack, or an object you hold in your hands. Your
You can use a reaction once each round to perform attack in a round represents the best chance you
one of the following special activities. Each activity have to land a telling blow against the target you
describes the event that has to occur in order to choose. You resolve the attack as follows.
use the reaction. In addition to the options
presented below, you might use talents and cast
spells using reactions as noted in their Choose a Target
descriptions. You can target any creature, or object, within the
Unless the circumstance enabling the use of the range of the weapon you use to make the attack,
reaction says otherwise, you resolve the use of the provided you are aware of the creature or object. If
reaction before any dice are rolled. you wield a melee weapon, you choose your
targets from among those in reach. If you wield a
ranged weapon, you choose your target from Invisible Targets
among those outside of your reach to within the If you can’t see the target, but have a general idea
weapon’s range. about the target’s location, you make the roll with
3 banes.
Attribute Rolls
If you make an attack with a melee weapon, you Partial Cover and Total Cover
make a Strength roll. If you make an attack with a A target positioned behind an obstacle (which can
ranged weapon, you make an Agility roll. You be a creature or an object) has partial cover from
make these rolls against your target’s Defense. enemies that can see any part of its body, but not
all of it, and imposes 1 bane on rolls against its
Defense and Agility, and makes Agility rolls to
Success or Failure avoid harmful effects with 1 boon. You can also
If you succeed on the roll, you determine damage attack the obstacle and remove it if you destroy it.
by rolling one or more d6s and applying the total A target has total cover from enemies if there is
to the target. Some weapons have additional no line of sight to it because the target is behind an
effects as noted in their descriptions. Normally, obstacle and cannot be seen by an enemy. Such a
nothing happens when you fail a roll to attack. target cannot be directly attacked or affected by an
ECHO SWINGS A SWORD effect unless the rules say otherwise. Instead,
Justin plays Echo, a human mage armed with a sword. attacks against the target strike the obstacle. If the
There’s a bandit in reach, so Justin decides to attack the obstacle is destroyed as a result, any additional
bandit. Justin makes a Strength roll against the bandit’s damage dealt by that attack or effect is applied to
Defense. Justin rolls a 13 and adds 1 to the roll from his 11 whatever was behind the obstacle.
Strength for a result of 14. The bandit’s Defense is 11, so Note that these rules apply in situations when
Echo succeeds. A successful sword attack deals 1d6 an attacker cannot position itself to get a clear
damage, so Justin rolls a d6 and gets a 4. The bandit shot against a target. A enemy attacking a target in
takes 4 damage. its zone can typically thwart cover granted by
allies and obstacles through simple positioning.
Many weapons have properties that can affect how Bobbi rightly suspects an enemy hides behind a curtain
you use them. Weapon properties are described in and so she shoots the curtain where she expects the
the Equipment chapter enemy to be hiding. Bobbi hits the curtain and deals 10
damage. The Sage decides the curtain has Health 5, so
Attack Modifiers Bobby shoots through the curtain and deals 5 damage to
whatever happens to be behind it. In this case, an
Attack modifiers reflect the various circumstances
assassin had been waiting to spring out of hiding to kill
that make attacking harder or easier. The Sage her. Lucky Bobbi.
might also grant boons and impose banes
depending on other circumstances. Friendly Fire
When you make a ranged attack against a target in
Surrounded Target a zone containing of one or more of your allies,
When you make a close attack against a target that you risk striking an unintended target. You make
has been attacked by an ally using a melee weapon the roll with 1 bane. If you get a failure and the
in the same round, you make the roll with 1 boon. result of your roll is 0 or lower, you strike an ally of
the Sage’s choice instead of the target.
High Ground
You make a roll to attack an enemy with a weapon Called Shots
with 1 boon when you attack from above, such as When you attack, you can aim for a certain part of
from the back of a steed or on a higher step of a the target’s body. Doing so imposes 1 bane on your
staircase. roll, but if you succeed, the target becomes
impaired until you take your next turn. The
Poor Visual Conditions attribute impaired depends on the strike. If you
Falling rain and snow, smoke, and other aim for a vital organ, the target might become
atmospheric conditions impose 1 or more banes Strength impaired. If you aim for a wing or limb,
on rolls against targets you can see. the target might become Agility impaired. If you
aim for the head, the target could be Intellect Strength. You make the roll with 1 boon if you
impaired. used your move on your current turn to run. On a
success, you push the target into an adjacent zone
Attacking with Two Weapons or both you and the target fall prone. If the result
If you wield two weapons, one in each hand, you of your roll is 20 or higher, the target also falls
can attack with both weapons at the same time. prone and without you having to fall prone as well.
When you do so, only the properties from the
weapon you wield in your main hand apply. On a Grab
success, add the damage from the weapon you You try to grab a creature in reach. Make a
wield in your off-hand as extra damage for the Strength roll against the target's Agility. You
attack. succeed automatically against an immobilized
creature. On a success, the target becomes
Thrown Weapons immobilized until the end of your next turn. The
Some weapons have the thrown property, which affliction ends early if you release the target,
lets you throw them at targets beyond your reach which you can do freely. The effect also ends if you
but within the number of zones listed for the move away from the target without dragging it
thrown property. Once you throw a weapon, it (see Drag) or you become controlled, dazed,
either sticks in the target’s body or bounces off the stunned, or unconscious.
target and falls to the ground—the Sage decides. If you have a target grabbed, you can use an
In any case, you must retrieve the weapon before action extend the duration until the end of your
you attack with it again. next turn.
A grabbed target can overcome the effects of
Natural Weapons being grabbed by making a successful Strength roll
or Agility roll.
Some creatures have natural weapons, such as
claws or teeth. A natural weapon is part of the
creature’s body and as such the creature is
You attempt to move while you have a creature
considered to be always wielding a melee weapon.
grabbed and bring the creature with you. Make a
Sometimes a natural weapon is called such, but
Strength roll against the Strength of grabbed
often a natural weapon is implied by its name—
creature. On a success, you move as normal and
tail, claw, teeth, and so on.
the creature moves with you.
UNARMED ATTACKS AGAINST OBJECTS Agility roll with 1 bane against the target’s
Some objects might be immune to unarmed attacks at Defense. On a success, the target drops one object
the Sage’s discretion. Shoving a secured column likely it holds in its hands. If the result of your roll is 20
has no effect and punching an iron wall is not going to or higher, and you have a hand free, you can snatch
do anything more than hurt yourself. The Sage might the dropped object out of the air. If you fail the roll,
disallow unarmed attacks against objects and animated though, you grant the target 1 boon on rolls it
objects or impose 1 bane or more on rolls against them. makes against you until the start of your next turn.
Furthermore, such attacks could have harmful
consequences for the attacker. Driving Attack
Spend 2 combat tokens when you use an action to
Spell Tiers: A spell belongs to a particular tier, Such durations follow the normal rules concerning
which describes the earliest point you can learn durations.
the spell as well as its overall potency. Spells
described in this book are either minor, novice,
expert, or master spells. Combat
Requirement Any circumstances, situations, or items you
Although many combats take place in stable
must have in order to cast the spell. If the spell lacks
requirements, this entry is absent. environments between you and your foes,
Casting You can cast any spell you have learned at least once. situations might arise that can tip the scales one
You regain expended castings after a full night’s rest. This way or the other.
entry offers a description of any rules that pertain to the
casting of the spell, such as an increased number of castings,
the ability to cast the spell as a minor action or using a Zone Features
reaction, or if you have to do anything else to cast the spell. If
the spell lacks such rules, this entry is absent.
Many zones include features with which you can
Target A description of what the spell targets. If the spell interact. Doors can be opened and closed, tables
targets you and you alone, this entry is absent. flipped to provide cover, and curtains can be
Effect A description of what happens when you cast the spell. pulled down to briefly tangle up enemies. Using
zone features in creative ways can give you and
Targeting your friends an edge against difficult opponents.
Unless the spell says otherwise, you must be able
to see a target and be able to draw a line between Hidden Features
yourself and it. In other words, you need an As mentioned previously, many zones have hidden
unobstructed path between you and the target. features that must be discovered by searching or
Spells tend not to move around corners and other stumbling across them. A hidden door could
obstacles unless the effect says otherwise provide you with an escape route from an
Creatures and/or Objects: The spell targets unwinnable fight, while stepping on a pressure
up to the listed number of creatures, objects, or plate might send a barrage of arrows through the
creatures and objects. You can always choose room, a pit to open under you, or an alarm to
fewer targets than the spell allows. Also, if a spell sound that alerts other nearby foes. Hidden
would target a creature and you are a creature, features that rely on being triggered take effect
you can target yourself with the spell. immediately when triggered and their ongoing
A spell might specify allies or enemies, in which effects, if any, resolve at the round’s end when the
case the spell can affect only your allies or your Sage resolves end of round effects.
enemies. You count as your own ally.
Zones: The spell targets one or more zones. If
the target line instructs you to choose contiguous Changing Circumstances
zones, each target zone must share a border with A fiery blast might dispatch a band of goblins, but
at least one other target zone. it could also set fire to everything in the room.
Booming thunder might cause an unstable ceiling
to start falling in and shattering a wall with
Rolls tremendous force could cause it to crumble and
Some spells require you to make an attribute roll release the waters it held back. Sometimes your
to produce the desired effect or to improve its activities can have unexpected consequences that
effect, while other spells might allow targets to might aid you or make things worse.
mitigate the spell’s effects with a successful rolls.
If a spell has multiple targets and calls for a roll,
you make the roll for each target separately. Reinforcements
Cover: Cover applies when an obstacle partly The sounds of combat might draw reinforcements
blocks the path between the source of the spell or other enemies into the battle, causing more foes
effect and the target and only if you are rolling to appear at the round’s end. The Sage places new
against a target’s Defense or Agility. combatants on the revealed zone from the greatest
Nested Durations: Sometimes, an effect created concentration of combatants in the direction from
by a success or failure lasts for a period of time. which they come.
Extended Chases
Chases If a chase goes on for 1 minute or longer, each
You or your enemies might try to run away. participant must make a Strength roll at the end of
Assuming no one follows, the fleeing party each round. On a failure, a participant becomes
escapes. If one or more creatures take off after Agility impaired until the chase ends.
them, a chase begins between the pursued and
their pursuers. Ending the Chase
When a chase begins, the Sage decides how The chase ends when the lead drops to 0, in which
much of a lead the pursued have on the pursuers. case the pursuers catch up with the pursued, or
The lead is measured in zones, and each round the the pursuers lose track of the pursued, give up, or
pursued spent fleeing adds 1 to the lead. If the do something else.
pursued fled 2 rounds before the pursuers follow,
the lead becomes 2, for example. The pursued,
then, try to increase the lead, while the pursuers
work to lessen it. The pursuers can abandon the
chase at any time, at which point the chase ends.
Like combat, the chase takes place over a series
of rounds. Unlike combat, the pursued take their
turns and then the pursuers take their turns. The
round ends and a new round begins until the
chase ends.
Pursued Turns
Every creature in the group being chased makes
an Agility roll. If half or more succeed, the lead
increases by 1. If fewer than half succeed, the lead
is unchanged. A pursued creature can do
something else such as cast a spell or hide, but
that creature leaves the group of pursued. In
addition, creatures in this group might split up
into smaller groups or as individuals. Those not
pursued get away.
Pursuers Turn
Each group chasing the fleeing creature makes an
Agility roll. If half or more succeed, the lead
decreases by 1 and nothing happens if more than
half fail. During the chase, individual pursuers
might split off to chase creatures that have gone
off in a different direction, in which case the Sage
treats these as separate chases. Finally, the
pursuers can also take other actions—attacking,
casting a spell, or something else, but this usually
means the creature falls behind.
Chase Complications
The chase takes the pursued and the pursuers
through zones, which might introduce
complications as the fleeing creatures might
scramble over rubble, leap over pits, or lead the
pursuers into dangerous places. Some challenges
might require an attribute or a luck roll to
continue to give chase at the Sage’s discretion.