Ranger_ The Sentinel (5e 2024) _ GM Binder

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Ranger Subclass:

Celestial Strikes:
The Sentinel Starting at 3rd level when you choose this subclass, you
"I always thought he was a bit strange, just standing there in harness the radiant energy that thwarts evil and gain the
the dead of night. He never sleeps, you know? And I never ability to perform a Celestial Strike. When you hit a creature
really understood why... until that night... We were gathered with a weapon, you deal an additional 1d4 radiant damage to
around the fire, laughing, when I saw his head snap up, his the target, which can take this damage only once per turn.
eyes cutting through the darkness. In an instant, he was gone, The target also suffers disadvantage on their next attack roll,
moving faster than I could see, his figure glowing faintly like unless the creature relies on senses other than regular sight.
the auroras themselves. I never saw what he struck, but This extra damage increases to 1d6 when reach ranger
something yelped in the dark as his blade hit its mark. And level 11.
just like that... he was back at his post, silent as ever." Sentinel spells
-- A merchant, at breakfast one morning. When you reach the level specified in the Sentinel Spells
When the world is shrouded in twilight and danger stirs table, you thereafter always have the listed spells prepared.
within the shadows, a select few stand as silent watchers,
protectors who ask for no recognition and bear no banners. Sentinel spells
These are the Sentinels, divine warriors who guard the
boundary between mortal realms and the lurking perils of the Ranger level Spells

dark. Mysterious and steadfast, they are drawn to places

where night itself holds its breath. 3rd Sanctuary

Guided by the light of the heavans, the Sentinels take their 5th Moonbeam

strength from the divine. Whether they serve a deity of the

stars, sun, or moon—or are bound by a personal oath to
9th Daylight

protect the defenseless—their purpose remains the same: to 13th Fount of Moonlight

stand watch, ever-present, over those who stand, or lay,

beneath the night sky.
17th Hallow

Class Features Vigilant Overwatch:

Also at 3rd level, your celestial vigilance grants you
Level Feature
supernatural watchfulness. You no longer need to sleep, and
3rd Celestial Strikes, Sentinel spells, Vigilant Overwatch instead, you can spend 8 hours in light activity, such as
keeping watch, to gain the benefits of a long rest. You also
7th Lunar Ward
become immune to the surprised condition.
11th Omnipresence Additionally, when an enemy you can see targets an ally
within 30 feet of you with an attack roll, you can use your
15th Starlit Vanguard
reaction to make a weapon attack against the triggering
creature. This attack occurs before the enemy's action

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Lunar warden:
At 7th level, your presence radiates protective celestial Art credit
energy, granting a subtle glow that guards your allies in the
dark. While you are in dim light or darkness, you emit dim First page top: Nele Klumpe

light in a 15-foot radius. You can activate or suppress it as a

bonus action.
Second page right: Choops91

Allied creatures within the light gain the following benefits:

They have half-cover against all attacks and effects
originating from outside the aura.
They cannot be surprised.
Additionally, the effect activates automatically when you
are in direct moonlight (or its equivalent, at the DM's
Starting at 11th level, your mastery over celestial forces
allows you to cause yourself and your attacks to become like
falling stars. Depending on the weapon you wield, you gain
the following benefits:
Melee weapon: Once per turn, when you make a melee
weapon attack, you may move up to 20 feet towards a
target before the attack, without provoking opportunity
Ranged or Thrown Weapon: Once per turn, when you
make a ranged weapon attack, the attack can ignores half,
three-quarters and even full cover, provided you are aware
of the target's presence and have had line of sight of the
target since your last turn.
Starlit Vanguard:
Starting at 15th level, you gain an additional reaction each
round. This reaction can only be used for the attack granted
by your Vigilant Overwatch feature, allowing you to protect
more allies within range.
Aditionally, when a creature is hit by your Celestial Strike,
it suffers disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of its next
turn, regardless of its type of vision or senses.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
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