Literasi Media
Literasi Media
Literasi Media
ISSN: 2167-8715
Reem M. Al Zou’bi
Al al Bayt University, Jordan
Editorial Board
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the final form of The validity of the tests was established by a jury of
the pre-test was distributed to the sample on March 3, five educational academics and six MIL experts, whose
2021 via the Google Forms app (see Appendix A). Four percentage of agreement reached 92%. In line with their
lectures on how to detect fake news were presented to comments, the researcher deleted two closed-ended
students on March 6, 8, 10, and 13, 2021. Each lecture questions and one open-ended question. The reliability
described one or two different methods for detecting of the tools was calculated by measuring the percentage
fake news with extensive training on each. These of agreement and disagreement between the 11
methods were suggested by Page (2019) and are as arbitrators for each tool. The reliability coefficient was
follows: then calculated using the Holistic method (Holistic =
Verify the source: Students were directed to examine M/N) where M represents the number of items agreed
the site URL for the page they are viewing. Fake upon by the jury, and (N) represents the number of all
news sites may occasionally have spelling mistakes items (see Table 1).
in their URLs or utilize unconventional domain
suffixes. Table 1. Reliability of tools
Verify the authors: Students were taught how to
investigate authors to determine whether they are Tool Agreement Disagreement Percentage
Look at other sources: Students were taught how to Pre-test 8 2 80%
check whether other reputable news or media outlets Post test 9 1 90%
are reporting the story, or if credible sources are cited
Post post- 7 3 70%
within the story. Professional global news agencies test
have editorial guidelines and extensive resources for Total 25 8 80%
fact-checking; therefore, if they are also reporting
the story, this is a good sign. Table 1 indicates that the overall reliability
Keep a critical mindset: A considerable amount of coefficient was .80, which is above .75 and therefore
false news is purposefully crafted to elicit feelings considered high.
such as fear or rage. Students were therefore taught
to adopt a critical mindset by asking themselves
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Rumors vs fake news: how to address 1146-1151.
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of media literacy education: How Lithuanian
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Associations between the dark side of social media
use and fake news sharing behavior. Journal of
Retailing and Consumer Services, 51, 72-82.
Academic year:
Academic year:
Academic year: