Professional Pre-Season Training
Professional Pre-Season Training
Professional Pre-Season Training
Training Plan
12 Week Plan to improve
Acceleration, Balance, Control,
Endurance, Speed, Strength,
Copyright© AC Ramskill 2008
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Understanding your Players
The Fitness Requirements of Soccer
When setting up an effective conditioning system for football, it is important
to understand the exact requirements of the game.
A major feature of elite football performance is its dependence upon an
advanced level of highly specific fitness.
Modern football players are undoubtedly bigger, faster, and stronger than I
the past, largely due to the introduction of scientifically based conditioning
Conditioning methods are constantly evolving and players must ensure that
they are utilising the most modern, effective training methods.
Key Aspects
Football Specific Exercises for all aspects
Balance / Co-ordination
Position Specific Training
Monitoring / Testing
A key aspect of developing and improving a player is to implement a
MONITORING procedure to enable the coach to see if the work the player is
doing is improving his/her fitness
No one test can give the coach all the information needed to evaluate a
player’s performance. Therefore a battery of tests must be used. The
battery in Figure 1.1 is designed to evaluate all aspects of football
Battery of Football Tests
Fitness Parameter Subdivision Test
Anthropometry Height
Body Fat (skinfolds)
Speed Pure acceleration 10-yard dash
Transition acceleration 40-yard dash
Maximum Speed Flying 40-yard dash
Agility T-test
505 Test
Power Functional Leg Strength Vertical Jump
Explosive strength / power Standing Long Jump
1RM hang clean
Strength Leg Strength 1RM squat
Upper-body strength 1RM bench press
Endurance Anaerobic endurance 30m sprint fatigue
Aerobic Endurance Bleep Test
Note: 1 RM = one-rep max
Description / Procedure : The purpose of this
test is to determine maximum running speed. It
involves running a single maximum sprint over a
set distance, with time recorded. The test is
conducted over different distances, such as 10,
20, 40 and/or 50 meters or yards, depending on
the sport and what you are trying to measure.
The starting position should be standardize,
starting from a stationary position, with no
rocking movements.
the diagram to see how to set the cones out : Excellent <15.9 secs <17.5 secs
1. Sprint the course from start to finish and have Good 15.9 - 16.7 secs 17.5 - 18.6 secs
your training partner record your time. Average 16.8 - 17.6 secs 18.7 - 22.4 secs
2. Rest fully and repeat the test for a total of 3
trials. Take your quickest time and compare to below Average 17.7 - 18.8 secs 22.5 - 23.4 secs
25 yards
Objective :
The objective of this test is to monitor the athlete's intermediate anaerobic power
(lactate system).
Description : This test involves continuous running between two lines 20m
apart in time to recorded beeps. For this reason the test if also often called
the 'beep' or 'bleep' test. The time between recorded beeps decrease each
minute (level). There are several versions of the test, but one commonly
used version has an initial running velocity of 8.5 km/hr, which increases by
0.5 km/hr each minute.
Scoring : The athletes score is the level and number of shuttles reached
before they were unable to keep up with the tape recording. This score can
be converted to a VO2max equivalent score using this calculator.
The time is recorded from when the athletes first runs through the 5 metre
marker, and stopped when they return through these markers (that is, the
time taken to cover the 5 m up and back distance - 10 m total). The best of
two trails is recorded. The turning ability on each leg should be tested. The
subject should be encouraged to not overstep the line by too much, as this
will increase their time.
Procedure :
1. Start with one hand and the opposite foot on
the start line.
2. From start cone, sprint forward to cone A and
touch the base of it with your right hand.
3. Facing forward and not crossing your feet,
shuffle left to cone and touch its base with your
left hand.
4. Shuffle 10 meters to cone and touch its base
with your right hand.
5. Shuffle back to cone A and touch it with your
left hand.
6. Run backward as quickly as possible past
start cone , the finish.
7. The test score is the best time of three trials.
Alternative : Arrow Test – Take out Cone A and
use Cone B ( more specific to football
movement )
Goal Setting
It is vital that each player has a GOAL to aim for. This ensures that the
player stays motivated and focused on the training.
Record all test results and print out copies for the players
Each player should write down their goals
The goals have to be realistic or else the player(s) will lose motivation.
Dynamic Warm Up
Arm Roll & Jog – players cover 20 m by jogging forwards & backwards
rolling arms forwards/backwards
Walking on balls of feet (forwards & backwards)
Ankle Flicks – skipping motion where the balls of the feet plant, then flick
up towards shin
Small Skips, wide Skips, Long Skips
High Knee Lift / Knee Across Skip
Russian Walk – walking march with high extended step (hamstring)
Hurdle Walk – players walk and attempt to step over a ‘gate’
Hamstring Buttock Flicks
Walking Lunges
Lunges at different angles
Aerobic Running Drill (1)
Intensity: High
Duration: 10 min
% of Max HR: 85-
Work : Rest: 1 : 3
Total Work: 2360 m
Velocity: 5.2 m/s
It is important to play the 3v1 before the 4v2 because frequently the player with the
ball cannot play a penetrating pass and needs the kind of side support developed in
the 3v1 exercise. The exercise can also be used to teach defenders cover and
balance and of course both exercises are excellent for teaching transition.
Practice : A Moderate Intensity Aerobic Session
Dribble Additional Information:
The course of the dribbling circuit can be based upon the width of
Cones a full sized playing pitch, or through the use of the above
measurements. This type of session can be conducted with both
Poles groups & individuals.
Players should perform the circuit twice a week for 4 minutes @
Forward Dribble
90% and 3 minutes @ 70% X 4.
4 Mins Work - 4 Mins Rest X 6 Reps
Player 1 starts on the right touchline and sprints towards
the initial red cone.
Player 2 passes the ball to player 1.
Player 1 must dribble through the red cones.
Player 1 must then dribble through both yellow gates.
Player 1 then dribbles around the blue cones.
Player 1 then takes a shot at goal.
Players should work maximally throughout.
The work to rest ratio should be 1:1, therefore a player
working for 4 minute should be allowed 4 minutes rest.
During a session players should complete between 6 and 10
repetitions and repeat the session 2-3 times per week.
To further develop the fitness capacity of the players
involved, rest time could be reduced between repetitions.
A defender could replace the blue cones and apply
appropriate pressure to the player working.
4 Mins Work at 95% MHR- 3 Mins Rest
X 6 Reps
Progression :
Limit touches
Coaches hints :
The white team attempts to maintain possession of the ball while utilizing the perimeter players as support
players – this create an 8v4 situation. If the defenders win the ball they
they must quickly return it to the attacking
Rotate defensive team after 1.5 minutes.
Progression :
Players perform activities in random order.
3 v. 1 to 5 v. 3 in a 20 x 15 yard area
and a 10 x 10 yard area
Making more running actions within 90 minutes means less time between
these actions. Consequently, a player should have the ability to recover
more quickly between actions (ie fast restoration of the phosphate system)
Training is divided up into sets and reps – basically if it says 5 reps of 2 sets
it means every 2 reps = 1 set
Maintain Pace of the Game (1) ENDURANCE S. KOREA
To maintain the pace of the game, players should still be able to make
frequent actions and explosive actions in the second half of the game
Sprinting Speed
2 – 4 sets of 8 – 10 sprints of 5m with opponent + finishing on goal
30 seconds rest between sprints
4 minutes rest between sets
Periodisation ENDURANCE S. KOREA
It is not the training method but the way it is applied that makes the
difference. In this next few pages I will show how to apply the previous
mentioned training methods.
duration of work
number of repetitions
number of sets
rest between repetitions
rest between sets
11 v 11 Games Rest
step 1. 10 min 3 2 min
step 2. 10 min 4 2 min
step 3. 10 min 5 2 min
step 4. 10 min 6 2 min
step 5. 10 min 7 2 min
step 6. 10 min 8 2 min
step 7. 10 min 9 2 min
Periodisation ENDURANCE S. KOREA
Sprinting Speed
2 – 4 sets of 8 – 10 sprints of 5 metres with opponents + finishing on goal
30 seconds rest between sprints
4 minutes between series
Rest Rest
Sprints Reps Series Reps Sets
step 1. 5m 8 2 30 sec 4 min
step 2. 5m 9 2 30 sec 4 min
step 3. 5m 10 2 30 sec 4 min
step 4. 5m 8 3 30 sec 4 min
step 5. 5m 9 3 30 sec 4 min
step 6. 5m 10 3 30 sec 4 min
step 7. 5m 8 4 30 sec 4 min
Step 8. 5m 9 4 30 sec 4 min
step 9. 5m 10 4 30 sec 4 min
Blinding speed, rapid acceleration changes, explosive lateral movement, lightning fast
response. These are the qualities professional football players possess; it is what
separates the best from the rest.
Stride Length
Stride Frequency
Hip height
Hip forward positioning are critical variables
Muscle Groups used for Sprinting
Proposed Relative Importance of Muscle Groups
to Sprint Performance
Body Position (Sprinting)
Structure :
A full back, wide forward and midfielder are positioned just
over half way line. A coach is positioned 30m from full back
through a set of cones.
Structure :
Progression :
On return to half way line midfielder crosses ball to attacker
who sprints from position in six yard box.
After laying ball off to coach attacker/attacking midfield
player runs to six yard box and then attacks cross from SPEED ENDURANCE
midfield player. Position : Midfielder
Component : Anaerobic Power
Coaches hints: Intensity : 95 - 100% of maximum heart rate
Does the midfield player pay attention to the quality of pass, Duration : 20 seconds
shot and cross performing at high intensity ? Repetitions : 8
Do the attackers time runs to ensure maximum speed is Sets : 1- 2
reached at same time as ball arrives ? Work to rest ratio : 1:2 / 1:3
Speed Endurance
Structure :
A 15m inner square is marked out inside a 30m outer square with goals
at each end.
A coach is positioned at bottom left of outer square with a server at top
right of inner square.
Centre forward starts at bottom left of inner square.
Activity 1 & 2: high intensity one two pass, spin off and shot at goal.
Centre forward plays a one two pass with the coach, spins outside
square and sprints onto a ball passed by server to shoot at goal
Activity 3, 4 & 5: high intensity counter movement and shot at goal
Centre forward turns in direction of opposite goal, sprints towards near
post then checks run towards far post to attack pass from coach.
Activity 6 & 7: high intensity diagonal run and shot at goal. Attacker
turns in direction of opposite goal, sprints diagonally across square
onto straight pass from coach to shoot at goal.
Start on opposite side to ensure movements and shots incorporate both
Coaches hints:
Does the attacker identify where the movements apply in a game SPEED ENDURANCE
situation: Position : Centre forward
Run 1: fast spin off to receive a ball that has gone past him Component : Anaerobic Power
Run 2: fast counter movement to lose defender and attack cross
Intensity : 95 - 100% of maximum heart rate
Run 3: Arched run between defenders to stay onside from a reverse
pass Duration : 20 seconds
Do the attackers time runs to ensure maximum speed is reached at same Repetitions : 8
time as ball arrives ? Sets : 1-2
Work to rest ratio : 1:2 / 1:3
Improve Reaction Time OBJECTIVE: Improve reaction time,
speed and acceleration
20 yards
working for 6 seconds should be allowed at least 24 seconds
•During a session players should complete between 4 and 6
repetitions on each colour without a break in between and
repeat the session 2-3 times per week.
•With smooth changeovers and appropriate numbers
participating, the work to rest ratio should not need to be timed,
as 1 player will rest while 4/5 other players complete the sprint.
Speed Endurance
A fullback is positioned on edge of box in a position to defend a cross
from wide player on opposite side of the pitch. Wide player travels with
the ball from midway inside half to edge of box to cross the ball.
Intensity: High
Duration: 14 min
% of Max HR: 85-
Work : Rest: 1 : 5
Total Work: 800 m
Velocity: 5 m/s
• Perform each run at appropriate high
intensity running speed
• Each high intensity 120m running block
should be completed in 20”
• Each recovery phase should last 60”
• Perform 8 sets
• Total high intensity running distance is 960 m
• Total low intensity running distance is 0m
Speed Endurance
Shuttle runs through first set of cones
(place approx. 10 metres apart). Then side
to side round cones, jog to cone, sprint to
last cone, then sharp turn and sprint to final
The following pages outline a full 12 week program involving all the
previous information/sessions.
This is a Professional Program where players train/play every day.
However, this can easily be adapted to suit a typical amateur team
who train twice a week.
Week 1 (Testing)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic
Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up
Testing Testing Testing Testing
Sprint Test, Sprint Bleep Test Agility
Fatigue Test Testing
Rest &
Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down Recovery
PM Testing
Cool Down
Week 2
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Monday Tuesday
Week 3
Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch /
Recovery Recovery Rest & Recovery Recovery
Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down
Recovery Recovery Recovery Recovery Recovery
Monday Tuesday
Week 4
Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Lower Body
Lunch / Lunch / Workout Lunch / Lunch /
Rest &
Recovery Recovery Recovery Recovery
PM Speed Speed Speed Speed 11 v 11
Endurance Endurance Swimming Endurance Endurance Game (75
(1) (1) (2) (3) mins)
Rest &
Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down
Recovery Recovery Recovery Recovery Recovery
Week 5 (re-test)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
AM Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic
Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up
AM Extensive Extensive
4 v 2 SSG Possession Extensive
Drill 3 Endurance Endurance Endurance
8 v 2 SSG training (11 v training (11 v training (11 v
Rest &
11) 6 x 10 min 11) 7 x 10 min 11) 7 x 10 min Recovery
Game with 2 Game with 2 Game with 2
min rest min rest min rest
Day Off between games between games between
AM Extensive Extensive
Possession 4 v 2 SSG Extensive
Drill 1 Interval training Interval Training Interval
8 v 2 SSG training
(3 v 3) 6 x 3 (3 v 3) 6 x 3
min games with min games with (3 v 3) 7 x 3
3 min rest, 2 2.5 min rest, 2 min games
Day Off sets sets with 2 min
rest, 2 sets Rest &