Professional Pre-Season Training

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Professional Pre-Season

Training Plan
12 Week Plan to improve
Acceleration, Balance, Control,
Endurance, Speed, Strength,
Copyright© AC Ramskill 2008
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Understanding your Players
„ The Fitness Requirements of Soccer
When setting up an effective conditioning system for football, it is important
to understand the exact requirements of the game.
A major feature of elite football performance is its dependence upon an
advanced level of highly specific fitness.

Modern football players are undoubtedly bigger, faster, and stronger than I
the past, largely due to the introduction of scientifically based conditioning

Conditioning methods are constantly evolving and players must ensure that
they are utilising the most modern, effective training methods.
Key Aspects
„ Football Specific Exercises for all aspects
„ Endurance
„ Speed
„ Agility
„ Balance / Co-ordination
„ Position Specific Training
Monitoring / Testing
„ A key aspect of developing and improving a player is to implement a
MONITORING procedure to enable the coach to see if the work the player is
doing is improving his/her fitness

„ No one test can give the coach all the information needed to evaluate a
player’s performance. Therefore a battery of tests must be used. The
battery in Figure 1.1 is designed to evaluate all aspects of football
Battery of Football Tests
Fitness Parameter Subdivision Test
Anthropometry Height
Body Fat (skinfolds)
Speed Pure acceleration 10-yard dash
Transition acceleration 40-yard dash
Maximum Speed Flying 40-yard dash
Agility T-test
505 Test
Power Functional Leg Strength Vertical Jump
Explosive strength / power Standing Long Jump
1RM hang clean
Strength Leg Strength 1RM squat
Upper-body strength 1RM bench press
Endurance Anaerobic endurance 30m sprint fatigue
Aerobic Endurance Bleep Test
Note: 1 RM = one-rep max
„ Description / Procedure : The purpose of this
test is to determine maximum running speed. It
involves running a single maximum sprint over a
set distance, with time recorded. The test is
conducted over different distances, such as 10,
20, 40 and/or 50 meters or yards, depending on
the sport and what you are trying to measure.
The starting position should be standardize,
starting from a stationary position, with no
rocking movements.

„ If you have the equipment (e.g. timing gates),

you can measure the time to run each split
distances (e.g. 5, 10, 20m) during the same run,
and then acceleration and peak velocity can also
be determined. It is usual to give the athletes an
adequate warm-up and practice first, and some
encouragement to continue running hard past the
finish line.

„ Equipment required : measuring tape or

marked track, stopwatch or timing gates,
Description / Procedure :

„ In many multi-sprint sports such basketball, hockey,

rugby, football, and so on, players often have to
reproduce sprints in quick succession. The ability to
recover between sprints and produce the same level of
power over and over is a measure of sprint fatigue.

„ For this test you require 12 cones or markers and a

stopwatch. Look at the diagram to see how to set the
cones out:

„ Sprint from A to b between the cones deviating 5m

sideways in the middle of the sprint. Have a training
partner start you off and time your sprint from A to B.
„ Jog slowly for 10 meters after point B and then back to
the start taking 30 seconds to do so.
„ As soon as you reach the start repeat the sprint.
„ Complete a total of 10 sprints and have your training
partner note down all the times. Power Maintenance
„ Subtract your fastest time from your slowest time. This Level Category % Top Speed Maintained
is your sprint fatigue. For example if your slowest
sprint was 7.8 seconds and your fastest sprint was 6.9 1 Excellent +90%

seconds your sprint fatigue is 0.9 (7.8 - 6.9). 2 Good 85-

3 Average 80-
4 Poor <79%


„ This test measures your ability to change Power Maintenance

direction quickly, or an athlete's agility You
will require 8 cones and a stop watch. Look at Classification Males Females

the diagram to see how to set the cones out : Excellent <15.9 secs <17.5 secs
1. Sprint the course from start to finish and have Good 15.9 - 16.7 secs 17.5 - 18.6 secs
your training partner record your time. Average 16.8 - 17.6 secs 18.7 - 22.4 secs
2. Rest fully and repeat the test for a total of 3
trials. Take your quickest time and compare to below Average 17.7 - 18.8 secs 22.5 - 23.4 secs

the chart Poor >18.8 secs >23.4 secs


25 yards
Objective :

„ The objective of this test is to monitor the athlete's intermediate anaerobic power
(lactate system).

Required resources to undertake this test :

„ Two cones placed 25 yard (22.8 metres) apart

„ Stop watch
„ An assistant

How to conduct the test :

„ The athlete starts at one cone

„ The assistant gives the command to 'Go'
„ The athlete performs 12 shuttle runs between the cones
„ At each turn the athlete is to touch the cone
„ The assistant records the time taken to complete the 12 shuttle runs

„ Description : This test involves continuous running between two lines 20m
apart in time to recorded beeps. For this reason the test if also often called
the 'beep' or 'bleep' test. The time between recorded beeps decrease each
minute (level). There are several versions of the test, but one commonly
used version has an initial running velocity of 8.5 km/hr, which increases by
0.5 km/hr each minute.

„ Scoring : The athletes score is the level and number of shuttles reached
before they were unable to keep up with the tape recording. This score can
be converted to a VO2max equivalent score using this calculator.

„ Equipment required : Flat, non-slip surface, marking cones, 20m

measuring tape, pre-recorded audio tape, tape recorder, recording sheets.

„ Description / Procedure : markers are set up 10 and 15 meters from a

line marked on the ground. The athlete runs from the 15 meter marker
towards the line (run in distance to build up speed) and through the 5 m
markers, turns on the line and runs back through the 5 m markers.

„ The time is recorded from when the athletes first runs through the 5 metre
marker, and stopped when they return through these markers (that is, the
time taken to cover the 5 m up and back distance - 10 m total). The best of
two trails is recorded. The turning ability on each leg should be tested. The
subject should be encouraged to not overstep the line by too much, as this
will increase their time.

„ Equipment required : start/stop timing gates or stopwatch, non-slip

running surface, markers
„ Purpose :
To measure speed and agility. This test is
appropriate for all players. It measures the time
taken to complete a course that includes
forward, lateral, and backward running.

„ Equipment and Area :

- Grass or indoor surface of 10 square meters
- Four cones - Stopwatch

Procedure :
„ 1. Start with one hand and the opposite foot on
the start line.
„ 2. From start cone, sprint forward to cone A and
touch the base of it with your right hand.
„ 3. Facing forward and not crossing your feet,
shuffle left to cone and touch its base with your
left hand.
„ 4. Shuffle 10 meters to cone and touch its base
with your right hand.
„ 5. Shuffle back to cone A and touch it with your
left hand.
„ 6. Run backward as quickly as possible past
start cone , the finish.
„ 7. The test score is the best time of three trials.
„ Alternative : Arrow Test – Take out Cone A and
use Cone B ( more specific to football
movement )
Goal Setting
„ It is vital that each player has a GOAL to aim for. This ensures that the
player stays motivated and focused on the training.

„ All goals should be SMARTER

„ S – Specific
„ M – Measurable
„ A – Achievable
„ R – Realistic
„ T – Target
„ E – Exciting
„ R - Recorded

Performance v’s Outcome Goals – A performance goal is one which a player

can control, whereas an outcome goal is based on a result that may or may
not be controllable
Performance v’s Outcome Goals
Performance vs. Outcome Goals – A performance goal is one which a player
can control, whereas an outcome goal is based on a result that may or may
not be controllable.

„ Example: A goalkeeper decides he is going to catch every crossed

ball within the six-yard box throughout the season.
„ This kind of goal will obviously depend on the situation, the play of
teammates, the quality of the opponents, and even the weather
factors over which the players have little control. On rainy days, for
example, the keeper would be smarter to box the ball out of danger
rather than catch it.
„ Goalkeepers would thus do better to set performance goals, such as
"make a good decision (catch, box, leave it for defenders) on every
crossed ball" - that would help them make quality decisions and
thus ensure the attainment of their goals.
Goal Setting
„ All goals at this stage should be fitness related. Athlete’s should be
tested and then goals should be set from these results.

„ Record all test results and print out copies for the players
„ Each player should write down their goals

Examples include – reaching a higher level on the bleep test, longer

jump on the standing long jump.

The goals have to be realistic or else the player(s) will lose motivation.
Dynamic Warm Up
„ Arm Roll & Jog – players cover 20 m by jogging forwards & backwards
rolling arms forwards/backwards
„ Walking on balls of feet (forwards & backwards)
„ Ankle Flicks – skipping motion where the balls of the feet plant, then flick
up towards shin
„ Small Skips, wide Skips, Long Skips
„ High Knee Lift / Knee Across Skip
„ Russian Walk – walking march with high extended step (hamstring)
„ Hurdle Walk – players walk and attempt to step over a ‘gate’
„ Hamstring Buttock Flicks
„ Walking Lunges
„ Lunges at different angles
Aerobic Running Drill (1)
„ Intensity: High
„ Duration: 10 min
„ % of Max HR: 85-
„ Work : Rest: 1 : 3
„ Total Work: 2360 m
„ Velocity: 5.2 m/s


• Perform each run at the appropriate high

intensity running speed
• Each high intensity repetition should be completed in 15”
• Each recovery run should be completed in 45”
• Perform 10 running laps. This constitutes 1 SET (10’)
• Total high intensity running distance is 780 m
• Total low intensity running distance is 1580 m (3.5 m/s)
Aerobic Running Drill (2)
„ Intensity: High
„ Duration: 4 min
„ % of Max HR: 85-
„ Work : Rest: 1 : 2
„ Total Work: 720 m
„ Velocity: 6.6 m/s


• Perform each run at the appropriate high

intensity running speed
• Each high intensity repetition should be
completed in 20”
• Each recovery run should be completed in 40”
• Perform 4 running blocks. This constitutes
1 SET (4’)
• Total high intensity running distance is 528 m
• Total low intensity running distance is 192 m
Aerobic Running Drill (3)
„ Intensity: High
„ Duration: 14 min
„ % of Max HR: 85-
85-95 %
„ Work : Rest: 1 : 1
„ Total Work: 1920 m
„ Velocity: 4.6 m/s


• Perform each run at the appropriate high

intensity running speed
• Each high intensity 320m running block
should completed in 70”

• Each recovery phase should last 70”

• Perform 6 sets
• Total high intensity running distance is 1920 m
• Total low intensity running distance is 0m
Small Sided Games
This 4 v 2 exercise is a possession game keeping the ball away from the defender in an area
approximately 15 yards long by 15 yards wide. The organization of this exercise is 3 attackers
and one defender. Two separate exercises can occur simultaneously to incorporate more

The defender tries to regain

possession either by intercepting a
pass or tackling an attacking player.
The game can be given a transition
element if a similarly sized playing
area is created adjacent to the ball,
which contains two team mates of
the player who is defending. When
the defending player wins the ball
the ball is immediately played to the
two team mates, the defender goes
to join them to form three attackers
and one of the attacking players in
the first playing area goes in to the
second playing area to become a
The key element in this exercise is that the player with the
ball must always have support on both the left and right.
As the ball is rotated around the area the support players
must anticipate where the next pass is going to go and
move into a supporting angle before the player receives
the ball.
Small Sided Games 8v2
The organization of the exercise is similar to the 4 v 2 except with slightly larger
playing areas. Two adjacent playing areas each approximately 20 yards by 20
yards are appropriate for this exercise. Four Yellow players play against two Red
defenders in one half of the playing area, while two Red players wait in the other
half. When the two Red players win the ball they play the ball into the adjacent
playing area for the two Red team mates and then go and join them. Two of the
Yellow players follow and become defenders.

The main purpose of this

exercise is for the eight
attackers to try and split
the two defenders with a
penetrating pass. The ball
is rotated between the
four attackers until a clear
space develops between
the two defenders and that
is when the penetrating
pass occurs.

It is important to play the 3v1 before the 4v2 because frequently the player with the
ball cannot play a penetrating pass and needs the kind of side support developed in
the 3v1 exercise. The exercise can also be used to teach defenders cover and
balance and of course both exercises are excellent for teaching transition.
Practice : A Moderate Intensity Aerobic Session






Dribble Additional Information:
The course of the dribbling circuit can be based upon the width of
Cones a full sized playing pitch, or through the use of the above
measurements. This type of session can be conducted with both
Poles groups & individuals.
Players should perform the circuit twice a week for 4 minutes @
Forward Dribble
90% and 3 minutes @ 70% X 4.
4 Mins Work - 4 Mins Rest X 6 Reps

Player 1 starts on the right touchline and sprints towards
the initial red cone.
Player 2 passes the ball to player 1.
Player 1 must dribble through the red cones.
Player 1 must then dribble through both yellow gates.
Player 1 then dribbles around the blue cones.
Player 1 then takes a shot at goal.
Players should work maximally throughout.
The work to rest ratio should be 1:1, therefore a player
working for 4 minute should be allowed 4 minutes rest.
During a session players should complete between 6 and 10
repetitions and repeat the session 2-3 times per week.
To further develop the fitness capacity of the players
involved, rest time could be reduced between repetitions.
A defender could replace the blue cones and apply
appropriate pressure to the player working.
4 Mins Work at 95% MHR- 3 Mins Rest
X 6 Reps

Player 1 starts on the left touchline and runs/dribbles

ball through the yellow gates towards the initial red

Player 1 runs/dribbles in between each red cone

Player 1 then hurdles 4 white hurdles/ cones.
Player 1 must then run ball around blue cones.
Player 1 then runs/dribbles ball backwards through
yellow gates.
Player 1 repeats the circuit.


Players should work maximally throughout.

The work to rest ratio should be 1:1, therefore a player
working for 4 minutes should be allowed 4 minutes rest.
During a session players should complete between 6 and
10 repetitions.
To further develop the fitness capacity of the players
involved, rest time could be reduced between
It is vital that players reach and maintain 90-95% of
heart rate max, and recover at 70% of heart rate max.
Possession game – three teams of 4 players are organized in a 25x15 yard grid as
shown in Diagram (d) below. The white team is positioned around the perimeter of
the playing area; the red team acts as defenders and the yellow team are in
possession of the ball. The setup is repeated to accommodate the entire team.

Progression :

Limit touches

Coaches hints :

Are players constantly active ?

Is the area big enough ?
Are players concentrating on the
quality of 1st touch and pass ?
Are the players utilising the wall
players to create an overloaded
8 v 4 situation ?

The white team attempts to maintain possession of the ball while utilizing the perimeter players as support
players – this create an 8v4 situation. If the defenders win the ball they
they must quickly return it to the attacking
Rotate defensive team after 1.5 minutes.

Activity 1: Explosive movements specific to position (top

right) Player sprints to 1st cone (10m), recovers quickly
back to 2nd cone (5m), sprints to 3rd cone (3m), back to
2nd cone (3m) and sprints to end cone (5m) and jogs

Activity 2: Weight & accuracy of pass followed by

support (bottom right). Player passes to any of the 4
cones and sprints to retrieve ball. Ideally player and ball
arrive at cone at same time. Player dribbles ball back and
passes to next cone. Cone distances, 15m, 5m, 20m &
Activity 3: Dribbling with ball under control
Player dribbles in and out of cones using one foot (inside
and out) on way to end cone, and other foot on way back
as quickly as possible. Player then dribbles ball to next
cone. (10m long, 1m apart)
Activity 4: Running with the ball at speed
Player runs with the ball to end cone (20m), turns and
runs back in as little amount of touches possible, then
keeps the ball up to the next cone.

Progression :
Players perform activities in random order.

Coaches hints : Position : All

Component : Aerobic Power
Are players constantly active ? Intensity : 85 - 95% of maximum heart rate
Do players pay attention to the quality of ball work Duration : 70 seconds
Repetitions : 6
whilst in an overloaded situation ? Sets : 1-
1- 3
Work to rest ratio : 1:1
Equipment : 17 Cones, 3 Balls
Players : 8 (4 work 4 rest)
Possession Drill 1

6 v. 3 + 1 in a 25 x 20 yard area playing two


in a larger area with more players and more

options of play and more pressure. The outside
players are in their playing positions. The wRmd
and wRdef are positioned on one line and the left
sided players on the opposite line. The target
attacker and central defender along with the
midfielder in the centre form the possession group.
The middle 3 defenders play 3 v. 1 in the middle
with limited touches
Possession Drill 2

3 v. 1 to 5 v. 3 in a 20 x 15 yard area
and a 10 x 10 yard area

Start inside with 3 v. 1 playing 1 or 2 touch.

When the 1 defender wins the ball, he plays
out to the 4 outside players who play
possession, now making it a 5 v. 3 game in
the larger area. When the 1 defender in the
middle wins the ball, he must quickly
transition the ball to the outside players. The
3 in the middle must remain compact on
defence and deny the through ball.
Possession Drill 3

4 v. 2 + 2 in two teams in a 30 x 20 yard


Play 4 groups of 2, each in a different colour. Start

with 4 v. 2 in 1 area with 2 waiting players in the
other area. Establishing the proper shape for the
possession team. Defenders, upon winning the
ball, play into the other area and join, making 4
possession players. The colour that turned the ball
over becomes the defenders and moves into the
other area as well. The remaining 2 players wait in
the first area for the ball to transition back to
Endurance (S. Korea 2004)
„ The endurance aspect of this programme will enable your team to maintain
high intensity performance throughout the game. Following the programme
will improve your team’s fitness and will prevent your team from ‘slowing
down’ in the second half of the game.

‘Quick recovery’ and ‘explosiveness’

„ Making more running actions within 90 minutes means less time between
these actions. Consequently, a player should have the ability to recover
more quickly between actions (ie fast restoration of the phosphate system)

„ To cover distances more quickly in an attempt to create or close down

spaces, players require more explosiveness (ie starting speed).

„ Training is divided up into sets and reps – basically if it says 5 reps of 2 sets
it means every 2 reps = 1 set
Maintain Pace of the Game (1) ENDURANCE S. KOREA

„ To maintain the pace of the game, players should still be able to make
frequent actions and explosive actions in the second half of the game

„ Training methods to maintain ‘quick recovery’

Extensive Endurance Training

3 – 9 games of 10 minutes 11 v 11 (8 v 8 – or whatever number permits,
the higher the number of players the better)
2 minutes rest between games

Intensive Endurance Training

5 – 9 games of 8 minutes 7 v 7
2 minutes rest between games
Maintain Pace of the Game (2) ENDURANCE S. KOREA

„ Training Methods to maintain ‘explosiveness’

Repeated Short Sprinting

2-4 series of 6 – 10 sprints of 15 m with an opponent + finishing on goal
10 seconds rest between sprints
4 minutes rest between sets

Extensive Interval Training

2 series of 6-10 games of 3 minutes 3 v 3
3 – 1 minutes rest between games
4 minutes rest between series
Maintain Pace of the Game (3) ENDURANCE S. KOREA

„ Training Methods for higher maximum ‘explosiveness’

Sprinting Speed
2 – 4 sets of 8 – 10 sprints of 5m with opponent + finishing on goal
30 seconds rest between sprints
4 minutes rest between sets
Periodisation ENDURANCE S. KOREA

„ It is not the training method but the way it is applied that makes the
difference. In this next few pages I will show how to apply the previous
mentioned training methods.

All training methods contain elements like:

duration of work
number of repetitions
number of sets
rest between repetitions
rest between sets

These elements within a training method can be used to develop overload

during training
Periodisation ENDURANCE S. KOREA

Extensive Endurance Training

3 – 9 games of 10 minutes 11 v 11
2 minutes rest between games

11 v 11 Games Rest
step 1. 10 min 3 2 min
step 2. 10 min 4 2 min
step 3. 10 min 5 2 min
step 4. 10 min 6 2 min
step 5. 10 min 7 2 min
step 6. 10 min 8 2 min
step 7. 10 min 9 2 min
Periodisation ENDURANCE S. KOREA

Intensive Endurance Training

5 – 9 games of 8 minutes 7 v 7
2 minutes rest between games

7v7 Games Rest

step 1. 8 min 5 2 min
step 2. 8 min 6 2 min
step 3. 8 min 7 2 min
step 4. 8 min 8 2 min
step 5. 8 min 9 2 min
Periodisation ENDURANCE S. KOREA

Extensive Interval Training

2 sets of 6 – 10 games of 3 minutes 3 v 3
3 – 1 min rest between games
4 minutes rest between sets
Rest Rest
3v3 Games Games Sets Sets
step 1. 3 min 6 3 min 2 4 min
step 2. 3 min 6 2.5 min 2 4 min
step 3. 3 min 6 2 min 2 4 min
step 4. 3 min 6 1.5 min 2 4 min
step 5. 3 min 6 1 min 2 4 min
step 6. 3 min 7 1 min 2 4 min
step 7. 3 min 8 1 min 2 4 min
step 8. 3 min 9 1 min 2 4 min
step 9. 3 min 10 1 min 2 4 min
Periodisation ENDURANCE S. KOREA

Repeated Short Sprinting

2 – 4 sets of 6 – 10 sprints of 15 metres with opponent + finishing on goal
10 seconds rest between sprints
4 minutes recovery between sets
Rest Rest
Sprints Reps Sets Reps Sets
step 1. 15m 6 2 10 sec 4 min
step 2. 15m 7 2 10 sec 4 min
step 3. 15m 8 2 10 sec 4 min
step 4. 15m 9 2 10 sec 4 min
step 5. 15m 10 2 10 sec 4 min
step 6. 15m 10 3 10 sec 4 min
step 7. 15m 10 4 10 sec 4 min
Periodisation ENDURANCE S. KOREA

Sprinting Speed
2 – 4 sets of 8 – 10 sprints of 5 metres with opponents + finishing on goal
30 seconds rest between sprints
4 minutes between series
Rest Rest
Sprints Reps Series Reps Sets
step 1. 5m 8 2 30 sec 4 min
step 2. 5m 9 2 30 sec 4 min
step 3. 5m 10 2 30 sec 4 min
step 4. 5m 8 3 30 sec 4 min
step 5. 5m 9 3 30 sec 4 min
step 6. 5m 10 3 30 sec 4 min
step 7. 5m 8 4 30 sec 4 min
Step 8. 5m 9 4 30 sec 4 min
step 9. 5m 10 4 30 sec 4 min
„ Blinding speed, rapid acceleration changes, explosive lateral movement, lightning fast
response. These are the qualities professional football players possess; it is what
separates the best from the rest.

The Mechanics of Speed are:

„ Stride Length
„ Stride Frequency
„ Angles
„ Hip height
„ Hip forward positioning are critical variables
Muscle Groups used for Sprinting
„ Proposed Relative Importance of Muscle Groups
to Sprint Performance
Body Position (Sprinting)

„ Body positions indicating one leg

at the instants of touchdown and

„ The vertical “lift” produced by the

arm drive has a horizontal
propulsive component when the
body has a significant forward
lean. Solid arrow indicates “lift”
from arm drive; dotted arrow
indicates horizontal component of
the arm drive.
Exercises for Sprinting (weeks 1 – 3)

„ Exercises to improve short

sprint speed and maximum
sprint speed

„ Increase Muscle Size – 3 – 5

sets of 10 repetitions on each
Exercises for Sprinting (weeks 4 – 6)

„ Medium Specificity Exercises for

„ Strength Building – 3 – 5 sets of
4-6 repetitions
Exercises for Sprinting (weeks 7 – 10)

„ High and Very High Specificity Exercises for


Structure :
A full back, wide forward and midfielder are positioned just
over half way line. A coach is positioned 30m from full back
through a set of cones.

Activity 1 & 2: high intensity pass and spin.

Midfield player passes ball to wide forward, spins off and
runs towards penalty box

Activity 3: high intensity pass and move

Wide forward passes ball back to full back and runs in field
towards penalty box

Activity 4 & 5: Sprint to cross ball

Full back makes low driven pass into coach and sprints to
cross ball to players in penalty box

Activity 6, 7 & 8: Sprints to attack cross

As full back reaches ball, midfielder and wide forward sprint
to near or far post to attack cross.

Progression : SPEED / AGILITY

Start on opposite side of the pitch to ensure players move Position : Wide forward, Midfielder, Forward
and pass using both feet. Component : Explosive speed
Coaches hints : Intensity : 100%
Do the attacking players time runs to meet the ball at full Duration : 5 seconds
speed ? Repetitions : 12 - 16
Does the full back produce a quality pass at the end of a Sets : 1 - 2
Work to rest ratio : 1:5 / 1:6
maximum sprint ?

Structure :

A wide forward is positioned between penalty box and

centre circle level with six yard line with a ball. 3 forwards
are positioned on centre circle without a ball.

Activity 1: High intensity movement wide

Wide player moves ball forward out of feet from start cone
to cone on edge of penalty box. As wide player moves ball
out of feet forwards move to from their first cone to second

Activity 2, 3, 4 & 5: High intensity run followed by sprint to

attack cross
Wide player crosses ball first time beyond second cone.
Forwards attack areas marked out at maximum speed (near
post, middle and far post)

Progression :

Start on opposite side of the pitch to ensure players move

and pass using both feet. SPEED / AGILITY
Position : Wide forward, Centre Forward
Coaches hint : Component : Explosive speed
Intensity : 100%
Does the wide player cross into an area as opposed to Duration : 5 seconds
aiming for players runs? Repetitions : 12 - 16
Do the attacking players time runs to get through cones as Sets : 1 - 2
ball arrives ? Work to rest ratio : 1:5 / 1:6
Speed Endurance
Structure :
Midfield player is positioned centrally midway in own half
with a ball.
A coach is positioned in centre circle, an attacker midway in
opposite half, and a goalkeeper in opposite goal.
A goal is set up on sidelines with a goalkeeper in and
another attacker is positioned in six yard box.

Activity 1 & 2: high intensity one two pass

Midfield player makes a one two pass with the coach.
Activity 3: high intensity pass and move
Midfield player passes firmly into attacker and overlaps.
Activity 4, 5, 6: Lay off and forward pass
Attacker lays ball off to coach who passes ball into the path
of the on running midfield player.
Activity 7 & 8: Shot & high intensity recovery run. Midfield
player shoots inside box then recovers back to wide
position over half way line as if to prevent counter attack

On return to half way line midfielder crosses ball to attacker
who sprints from position in six yard box.
After laying ball off to coach attacker/attacking midfield
player runs to six yard box and then attacks cross from SPEED ENDURANCE
midfield player. Position : Midfielder
Component : Anaerobic Power
Coaches hints: Intensity : 95 - 100% of maximum heart rate
Does the midfield player pay attention to the quality of pass, Duration : 20 seconds
shot and cross performing at high intensity ? Repetitions : 8
Do the attackers time runs to ensure maximum speed is Sets : 1- 2
reached at same time as ball arrives ? Work to rest ratio : 1:2 / 1:3
Speed Endurance

Structure :
A 15m inner square is marked out inside a 30m outer square with goals
at each end.
A coach is positioned at bottom left of outer square with a server at top
right of inner square.
Centre forward starts at bottom left of inner square.

Activity 1 & 2: high intensity one two pass, spin off and shot at goal.
Centre forward plays a one two pass with the coach, spins outside
square and sprints onto a ball passed by server to shoot at goal
Activity 3, 4 & 5: high intensity counter movement and shot at goal
Centre forward turns in direction of opposite goal, sprints towards near
post then checks run towards far post to attack pass from coach.
Activity 6 & 7: high intensity diagonal run and shot at goal. Attacker
turns in direction of opposite goal, sprints diagonally across square
onto straight pass from coach to shoot at goal.

Start on opposite side to ensure movements and shots incorporate both

Coaches hints:
Does the attacker identify where the movements apply in a game SPEED ENDURANCE
situation: Position : Centre forward
Run 1: fast spin off to receive a ball that has gone past him Component : Anaerobic Power
Run 2: fast counter movement to lose defender and attack cross
Intensity : 95 - 100% of maximum heart rate
Run 3: Arched run between defenders to stay onside from a reverse
pass Duration : 20 seconds
Do the attackers time runs to ensure maximum speed is reached at same Repetitions : 8
time as ball arrives ? Sets : 1-2
Work to rest ratio : 1:2 / 1:3
Improve Reaction Time OBJECTIVE: Improve reaction time,
speed and acceleration

ORGANISATION: Coach throws up ball

to 2 players who challenge each other
in the air. If ball ends up on the side of
the B players, they will chase the
players on the A side

INSTRUCTIONS: B players will try to tag

the A players before they pass the line
between the 2 cones



Improve Reaction Time OBJECTIVE: Improving reaction speed

ORGANISATION: Coach plays ball in

front of 2 players. Both players sprint
to ball. They will try to win ball and
score in one of 3 goals

INSTRUCTIONS: Be competitive, Strong

& Score as quickly as possible


Agility / Speed
•Player 1 sprints from the start red cone to the first red gate.
•Player 1 then changes direction to run through the second red
•Player 1 then sprints to the final red cone.
•Upon player 1 completing the run, player 2 then begins.
•Having completed a full set on the red cones, players should
repeat the session using the blue cones so as to work on a
different change in direction.
•Players should work maximally for between 5 and 9 seconds. 2 yards

•The work to rest ratio should be 1:4/5, therefore a player

20 yards
working for 6 seconds should be allowed at least 24 seconds
•During a session players should complete between 4 and 6
repetitions on each colour without a break in between and
repeat the session 2-3 times per week.
•With smooth changeovers and appropriate numbers
participating, the work to rest ratio should not need to be timed,
as 1 player will rest while 4/5 other players complete the sprint.
Speed Endurance
A fullback is positioned on edge of box in a position to defend a cross
from wide player on opposite side of the pitch. Wide player travels with
the ball from midway inside half to edge of box to cross the ball.

Activity 1: Explosive movements specific to position

Full back sprints to defend cross getting in front of cone inside box
Activity 3: High intensity movement to start an attack / counter attack.
Activity 4: Running with the ball at speed
Full back takes first touch out of feet, and builds up maximum speed to
half way line creating an attacking / counter attacking move.
Activity 5: Diagonal pass. Full back looks up and makes long diagonal
pass into box marked out (attacker) to enhance attacking move.
Activity 6: Moderate intensity recovery run. Full back jogs towards poles
in centre of field
Activity 8: High intensity lateral movement. Full back moves through
poles at speed and receives a pass from coach.
Activity 9 & 10: Pass, high intensity overlapping run and cross. Full back
passes ball back to coach makes overlapping run and crosses ball into
penalty box.
Full back performs recovery run across to start position and repeats. AEROBIC ENDURANCE
Progression: Position : Full back
Organise same set up on opposite side for full back to perform same
series of activities on opposite side after crossing ball into box.
Component : Aerobic Power
Coaches hints: Intensity : 85 - 95% of maximum heart rate
Is full back able to maintain explosive activities ? Duration : 70 seconds
Does full back recover quickly between explosive activities ? Repetitions : 6
Do players pay attention to the quality of ball work whilst in an Sets : 1-
overloaded situation ?
Work to rest ratio : 1:1
Speed Circuit
Place cones around pitch or similar sized
area, each station represents an area
where the player works hard, then jogs to
next station. It is important that the player
works hard at each station, there should be
distinct differences in effort between work
done at a station and the jog recovery. Do
not run too hard on the jog recovery as it
will take away your ability to work hard at
the next station.

At early part of speed endurance phase,

(pre-season, or early season), aim for 5
mins continuous run with 3 mins walk
recovery, repeat 3 times. During later
stages of speed endurance phase, during
season for example, aim for 3-4 mins
circuits, with 3 mins recovery.

•Start with a backwards run (red), sprint forwards

(white) at the 1st cone, at 2nd cone step side to side to
left (alternate to right) across to the other cone around
and back around the first cone, then sprint to the final

Place cones 2 to 5 metres apart, with 10 metres to the

last cone. 6 runs (2 x 50%, 2 x 75%, 2 x 100%) with a
walk recovery back to start. 2 sets of 6 runs.

Sprint to the cone on left, go round and run backwards

to starting cone, sprint to cone on right, go round and
run backwards to starting cone, now sprint forwards to
last cone.

Place left and right cones 2 to 3 metres away from start

cone and last cone 5 to 10 metres from start cone.
Place cones 2 to 5 metres apart, with 10 metres to the
last cone. 6 runs (2 x 50%, 2 x 75%, 2 x 100%) with a
walk recovery back to start. 2 sets of 6 runs.
Speed Endurance (1)
„ Session: Repeated Sprint Drill (1)

„ Intensity: High
„ Duration: 14 min
„ % of Max HR: 85-
„ Work : Rest: 1 : 5
„ Total Work: 800 m
„ Velocity: 5 m/s


• Perform each run at the appropriate high

intensity running speed
• Each high intensity 20m running block
should start every 30” (1Rep)

• Each recovery phase should last the

remainder of the 30”
• Perform 10 reps. This constitutes 1 set.
• Perform 2 sets with 4 min rest in between.
• Total high intensity running distance is 400m
„ Total low intensity recovery distance is 400m
Speed Endurance (2)
„ Session: Repeated Sprint Drill (2)
„ Intensity: High
„ Duration: 14 min
„ % of Max HR: 85-
„ Work : Rest: 1 : 5
„ Total Work: 2400 m
„ Velocity: 5 m/s


• Perform each run at the appropriate high

intensity running speed
• Each high intensity 20m running block
should start every 30” (1Rep)

• Each recovery phase should last the

remainder of the 30” = cover 100m
• Perform 10 reps. This constitutes 1 set.
Perform 2 sets with 4 min rest
• Perform 2 sets with 4 min rest in between.
• Total high intensity running distance is 400m
„ Total low intensity recovery distance is 2000m
Speed Endurance (3)
„ Session: Run with Speed Variation Drill
„ Intensity: High
„ Duration: 14 min
„ % of Max HR: 85-
„ Work : Rest: 1 : 5
„ Total Work: 2400 m
„ Velocity: 5 m/s


• Perform each run at the appropriate high

intensity running speed
• Each high intensity 20m running block
should start every 30”
• Each recovery phase should last the
remainder of the 30” and cover 100m
• Perform 10 reps. This is 1 set. Perform 2
sets with 4 min rest in between
• Total high intensity running distance is 400m
• Total low intensity recovery distance is 2000m
Anaerobic Interval Running Drill (1)

„ Session: Anaerobic Interval Running Drill (1)

„ Intensity: High
„ Duration: 11 min
„ % of Max HR: 85-
„ Work : Rest: 1 : 3
„ Total Work: 960 m
„ Velocity: 6 m/s

• Perform each run at appropriate high
intensity running speed
• Each high intensity 120m running block
should be completed in 20”
• Each recovery phase should last 60”
• Perform 8 sets
• Total high intensity running distance is 960 m
• Total low intensity running distance is 0m
Speed Endurance
Shuttle runs through first set of cones
(place approx. 10 metres apart). Then side
to side round cones, jog to cone, sprint to
last cone, then sharp turn and sprint to final

6 repetitions with cones 10m apart with

jog recovery
2 x 50%, 2 x 75%, 2 x 100%
9 repetitions with cones 5m apart with jog
3 x 50%, 3 x 75%, 3 x 100%
„ Recovery is often the most overlooked aspect of a training program.
According to the fitness fatigue theory, any training bout will result in an
increase in fitness, but also a certain degree of fatigue. Only after a period
of recovery will preparedness rise, and recovery is therefore crucial to
consistent gains in performance.

„ Maximizing recovery needs to be an integral part of any training program.

Given the complex nature of stress, an effective recovery and regeneration
program needs to work on the following levels:

„ Physical – physiological, neural and tissue damage

„ Psychological - feel like they aren’t playing well
„ Emotional – travel, work, relationships all create stress
„ Physical Recovery Strategies Hydrotherapy Guidelines

„ Hydroptherapy Contrast shower • Use anytime

•Alternate one minute
of hot with 30 seconds
Hydroptherapy can be a very useful cold
passive-recovery tool and can be used •Repeat three times
at any time.

Hot tub/ice plunge •Use at end of training

„ Active Recovery •Alternate 2 mins in
hot tub with 30
seconds cold plunge
swimming, jogging, stretching •Repeat ¾ times
Putting the Program Together
„ The previous slides have outlined how to develop key fitness
attributes required for high-level football performance.
Understanding the various training methods is fundamental to
setting up effective workout sessions.
However, with the wide range of fitness parameters requiring
attention, effective planning of the training program is vital if the
players are to achieve optimal returns.

‰ The following pages outline a full 12 week program involving all the
previous information/sessions.
‰ This is a Professional Program where players train/play every day.
However, this can easily be adapted to suit a typical amateur team
who train twice a week.
Week 1 (Testing)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic
Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up

Testing Testing Testing Testing
Sprint Test, Sprint Bleep Test Agility
Fatigue Test Testing
Rest &
Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down Recovery

Day Off Dynamic

Warm Up

PM Testing

Cool Down
Week 2
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

AM Dynamic Dynamic Day Off Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Rest &

Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Recovery

Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing

Sprint Test, Sprint Bleep Test MHR Agility
Fatigue Assessment Testing

Monday Tuesday
Week 3
Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

AM Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic

Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up
SSG’s – 4 v Aerobic Aerobic
2 then intervals intervals
progress to (85%) Gym Session (85%)
Anaerobic Lower Body 3v3
intervals Workout sessions Rest &
6 x 4 mins Recovery
Flexibility games

Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch /
Recovery Recovery Rest & Recovery Recovery

PM Aerobic Aerobic Aerobic Aerobic 11 v 11

Running Running Running Drill Running Game (75
Drill (1) Drill (1) (2) Drill (2) mins)

Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down
Recovery Recovery Recovery Recovery Recovery
Monday Tuesday
Week 4
Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

AM Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic

Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up
SSG’s – 4 v Speed & Speed &
2 then Agility Agility
progress to Gym Session

Lower Body
Lunch / Lunch / Workout Lunch / Lunch /
Rest &
Recovery Recovery Recovery Recovery
PM Speed Speed Speed Speed 11 v 11
Endurance Endurance Swimming Endurance Endurance Game (75
(1) (1) (2) (3) mins)
Rest &
Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down
Recovery Recovery Recovery Recovery Recovery
Week 5 (re-test)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
AM Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic
Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up

Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing

Sprint Test, Sprint Bleep Test MHR Agility
Fatigue Test Assessment Testing
Rest &
Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down
Day Off Recovery

PM Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch /

Recovery Recovery Recovery Recovery Recovery

Speed & Speed & Speed &

Agility Agility Agility
Session Session Session
Week 6
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic
Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up

4 v 2 SSG Intensive Extensive Extensive Extensive

Endurance Endurance Endurance Endurance
AM 8 v 2 SSG Training – (7 v training (11 v training (11 v training (11 v
7) 5 x 8 min 11) 3 x 10 min 11) 4 x 10 min 11) 5 x 10 min
games with 2 Game with 2 Game with 2 Game with 2 Rest &
min rest min rest min rest min rest Recovery
between between games between games between
games games
Day Off

Lunch Cool Down Lunch Lunch Lunch

Extensive Sprinting 4 v 2 SSG Possession Possession

Endurance Speed – 8 Drill 1 drill 2
training (11 v reps x 2 sets 8 v 2 SSG
11) 3 x 10 min
Game with 2
min rest
PM between games

Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down

Week 7
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic
Warm Up – Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up
Speed / Speed / Speed /
Agility Agility Agility

AM Extensive Extensive
4 v 2 SSG Possession Extensive
Drill 3 Endurance Endurance Endurance
8 v 2 SSG training (11 v training (11 v training (11 v
Rest &
11) 6 x 10 min 11) 7 x 10 min 11) 7 x 10 min Recovery
Game with 2 Game with 2 Game with 2
min rest min rest min rest
Day Off between games between games between

Lunch Cool Down

Extensive 4 v 2 SSG Sprinting Speed 4 v 2 SSG

Endurance – 9 reps x 2 sets
training (11 v 8 v 2 SSG 8 v 2 SSG
11) 6 x 10 min
Game with 2
min rest
PM between games
Week 8
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic
Warm Up – Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up
Speed / Sprinting Speed / Sprinting
Agility Speed – 8 Agility Speed – 10
reps x 3 sets reps x 2 sets
4 v 2 SSG Possession Extensive Extensive Extensive
Endurance Endurance Endurance Rest &
8 v 2 SSG Drill 3
training (11 v training (11 v training (11 v Recovery
11) 8 x 10 min 11) 9 x 10 min 11) 9 x 10 min
Game with 2 Game with 2 Game with 2
Day Off min rest min rest min rest
between games between games between

Lunch Cool Down Lunch Lunch Lunch

Extensive Possession 4 v 2 SSG

Endurance Drill 1
training (11 v 8 v 2 SSG
11) 8 x 10 min
Game with 2
min rest
PM between games

Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down

Week 9
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Sprinting Speed Dynamic
Warm Up – Warm Up Warm Up – 10 reps x 2 Warm Up
Speed / Sprinting Speed / Speed /
Agility Speed – 9 Agility Agility
reps x 3 sets
Endurance Endurance Endurance Rest &
8 v 2 SSG Drill 3
training (7 v 7) training (7 v 7) training (7 v Recovery
6 x 8 min Game 7 x 8 min Game 7) 8 x 8 min
with 2 min rest with 2 min rest Game with 2
Day Off between games between games min rest

Lunch Cool Down Lunch Lunch Lunch

INTENSIVE 4 v 2 SSG Possession

Endurance Drill 1
training (7 v 7) 8 v 2 SSG
6 x 8 min Game
with 2 min rest
between games
Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down
Week 10
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Sprinting Speed Dynamic
Warm Up – Warm Up Warm Up – 8 reps x 4 sets Warm Up
Speed / Speed / Speed /
Agility Agility Agility

AM Extensive Extensive
Possession 4 v 2 SSG Extensive
Drill 1 Interval training Interval Training Interval
8 v 2 SSG training
(3 v 3) 6 x 3 (3 v 3) 6 x 3
min games with min games with (3 v 3) 7 x 3
3 min rest, 2 2.5 min rest, 2 min games
Day Off sets sets with 2 min
rest, 2 sets Rest &

Lunch Cool Down Lunch Lunch Lunch

INTENSIVE 4 v 2 SSG Possession

Endurance Drill 1
training (7 v 7) 8 v 2 SSG
9 x 8 min Game
with 2 min rest
between games
Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down
Week 10
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic
Warm Up – Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up
Speed / Speed / Sprinting Speed Speed /
Agility Agility – 9 reps x 4 sets Agility

AM Extensive 4 v 2 SSG 4 v 2 SSG Extensive Possession

Interval training Interval Training Drill 2
8 v 2 SSG 8 v 2 SSG
(3 v 3) 6 x 3 (3 v 3) 7 x 3
min games with min games with
1.5 min rest, 2 1 min rest, 2
sets Day Off sets
Rest &

Lunch Cool Down Lunch Lunch Lunch

Possession Extensive Cool Down Extensive

Drill 1 Interval training Interval
(3 v 3) 6 x 3 training
min games with (3 v 3) 8 x 3
1 min rest, 2 min games
sets with 1 min
PM rest, 2 sets

Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down

Week 11
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic
Warm Up – Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up
Speed / Speed / Sprinting Speed Speed /
Agility Agility – 10 reps x 4 Agility
Extensive 4 v 2 SSG 4 v 2 SSG Repeated Short Possession
Interval training Sprinting – 8 Drill 2
8 v 2 SSG 8 v 2 SSG reps x 2 sets (4
(3 v 3) 10 x 3
min games with min rest
1 min rest, 2 between sets)
Day Off
Rest &

Lunch Cool Down Lunch Lunch Lunch

Possession Repeated Short Repeated Short Cool Down Repeated

Drill 1 Sprinting – 6 Sprinting – 7 Short
reps x 2 sets (4 reps x 2 sets (4 Sprinting – 9
min rest min rest reps x 2 sets
between sets) between sets) (4 min rest
between sets)

Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down

Week 12
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic
Warm Up – Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up Warm Up
Speed / Speed / Speed /
Agility Agility Agility

AM Repeated Short 4 v 2 SSG 4 v 2 SSG Repeated Short Possession

Sprinting – 10 Sprinting – 8 Drill 2
reps x 2 sets (4 8 v 2 SSG 8 v 2 SSG reps x 2 sets (4
min rest min rest
between sets) between sets)
Day Off
Rest &
Lunch Cool Down Lunch Lunch Lunch

Possession Repeated Short Repeated Short Cool Down Repeated

Drill 1 Sprinting – 10 Sprinting – 10 Short
reps x 2 sets (4 reps x 3 sets (4 Sprinting – 10
min rest min rest reps x 4 sets
between sets) between sets) (4 min rest
between sets)

Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down Cool Down

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