5E Standard
5E Standard
5E Standard
Elves are tall people with pointy ears Excess, and 1 Elf. Note: They’re always
who live a long time and are mostly fops. called MMA Dudes but women can be
They get 0 Explosive, 0 Efficient, 1 MMA Dudes too.
Endurance, 2 Excess, 2 Elf, and -1 Dwarf.
Deer Hunters like to get up before the
Cambions are unholy hellspawned sunrise, walk quietly through the forest,
abominations walking the earth, as and shoot tasty critters. That should
popularized by the character of Merlin make them the most useful person to
from Welsh mythology. They get 1 have along if you’re on a quest that’s
Explosive, 0 Efficient, 0 Endurance, 1 mostly walking across the country,
Excess, and 3 Elf. camping in the woods, and fighting
critters. They get 2 Explosive, 2 Efficient,
The Day Jobs 2 Endurance, 0 Excess, and 1 Elf.
Pagans are just nature priests. They get 0 Harry Potters are people who went to
Explosive, 2 Efficient, 1 Endurance, 0 college and majored in Magic. Most
Excess, and 2 Elf. people with a magic degree can just get a
high-paying job granting wishes to rich
Roaming Mercenaries spend their days people, but some burnouts take up
killing people for money, but are also adventuring instead. Their magic is
surprisingly well-read and handy around pretty good at killing people and at doing
the house. They get 2 Explosive, 1 useful stuff, but they have a lot of
Efficient, 1 Endurance, 1 Excess, and 0 student debt. Harry Potters get 2
Elf. Explosive, 2 Efficient, 0 Endurance, 0
Excess, and 0 Elf.
MMA Dudes are mercenaries who can’t
afford weapons, but that’s kind of cool If anyone pays more than $5 for this
when you think about it. They get 2 game, I will email them a personally
Explosive, 1 Efficient, 1 Endurance, 0 digitally signed copy of a supplement
with two additional classes, the then shouts the total dramatically. If it’s
Handyman and the Edgelord. lower than 10, the player’s character
screws up in a humiliating way and
everyone stops to laugh at them. If it’s
The Alignments higher than 10, the GM grudgingly does
what they have to in order to keep the
There are eleven Alignments to choose game moving. If it’s 14 or higher, the GM
between: Faithful, Selfless, Joyous, makes a big deal about how cool the
Calculating, Kind, Scary, Merciful, player’s character was when they did it.
Brave, Authentic, Honest, and Light. If the die comes up 20, then whatever the
total is, everyone gasps or goes
“OOOOO” and the player who rolled a 20
gets exactly 10 seconds, timed on a
stopwatch by the GM, to narrate what
JOYOUS SELFLESS happens next, any way they want.
After everyone has made characters, Excess is how much money you can
draw straws to pick a GM. The GM throw around. Roll it to buy things and
immediately puts their character sheet in hire people. If your wealth ever goes over
a folder and never looks at it again. The 10, then there is no danged reason for
GM should probably go watch a video or you to keep adventuring for money, and
read a book about how to GM, because you’re probably just some psychopath
boy, if they screw that up, odds are getting in danger and killing people for
nobody else is having fun tonight. Once the thrill of it.
they figure out how to GM good, they can
improv an adventure entirely from their Elf is how many elven ancestors you
own creativity, or go buy one to read. I have. Elves live forever and are hopeless
recommend the one about the vampire, romantics, so most people have at least a
it’s pretty good. couple elves in their family tree. The
more elves you’re descended from, the
Whenever things get tense, the GM calls more that elves and fancy people like
on players to roll a d20 and add one of you. Roll Elf when dealing with elves and
their five stats. The player does this and elf stuff like ancient mystical prophecies.
On a character’s turn, they can move
Leveling Up about 10 meters, and they can attack
anyone they’re able to reach. If they have
Every time the GM feels like it, usually a gun or a bow or a magic staff or
every two short adventures or every one something, they can attack anyone in 20
long adventure, everyone levels up. meters without having to move. To
attack someone, roll Explosive. If you roll
Every time you level up, you can add 1 higher than your target’s Endurance+11,
point to any one stat. Every two levels, you knock them out. If you attack
the GM can raise the difficulty of someone who’s been knocked out, don’t
everything you try by 1. bother rolling, you just straight-up cold-
blooded murder them.
So at 2nd level now it takes an 11 to not
screw up, and it takes a 15 to impress Instead of attacking, if you can get in
anyone. When you get to level 5, the GM reach of a character who has been
can start complaining about it being hard Knocked Out, you can get them back on
to balance adventures. When you get to their feet. Roll Efficient, and if you
level 10, you are not allowed to complain succeed, the character is no longer
if they declare the campaign has reached Knocked Out. They’re just fine, they’re
a satisfying ending and is over, or if they ready to go when it gets to be their turn,
spontaneously switch to running a and nothing they’ve got on them has
different game. If you get to level 20 and been damaged in any way. Careful! Your
the GM hasn’t quit yet, then you and enemies can do the same to each other.
your friends have won 5e forever!
Honestly, that ain’t nothing. Not a lot of If you really want, you can attack more
people get that far. You should put it on than one person at the same time, as
your resume. long as they’re all close enough for you
to attack. If you do that, take a -2 to your
Explosive roll for every extra person you
Advanced Tactical attack.
Warfighting Rules
Here’s some special rules if you want to
make a big thing out of any old punch-up
instead of just rolling a die like any other
thing that happens.
Game design by Lyme:
5E - The Roleplaying Game © 2023 by
Lyme is licensed under Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0
5E Character Record Sheet Portrait
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