Breachworld Breach Creature Folio 3

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This supplement provides expanded stat blocks, background information, and adventure hooks for 12 creatures from the Breachworld RPG core book.

The 12 creatures featured are: Allosaur, Creep, Griffin, Hardhat, Hoodlum Imp, Leecher, Mauler, Plasma Wyrm, Poison Bat, Prowler Beast, and Trapcat.

The Allosaur was a large predatory dinosaur from the Jurassic period in North America and Europe. Their presence in the modern world raises questions about dimensional travel and the flow of time.


Jason Richards Publishing Presents

Breachworld Breach Creature Folio #3

(order #12649789)
03Breach Creatures+ Breach Creature Folio

Welcome to the third Breach Creature Folio for the Breachworld RPG. This
supplement is a bit different than its two predecessors, as instead of bringing
you entirely new creatures, it updates and expands upon the 12 original
creatures from the core RPG. The additional material includes a more
extensive stat block, additional background and world information, adventure
hooks, and some new creature variants. All combine to give a richer and fuller
gaming experience every time one of these beasts comes into play at your
The 12 creatures included in this supplement are:
• Allosaur Hoodlum • Plasma Wyrm
• Creep Imp • Poison Bat
• Griffin • Leecher • Prowler Beast
• Hardhat • Mauler • Trapcat

© 2017 Jason Richards Publishing, All Rights Reserved. D6 and Mini Six
text, rules, and materials used per Open Game License (OGL).
Art by David Arenas, Amy Ashbaugh, Damon Bowie, Matthew Bryan,
Mike Mumah, and Michael Wilson.
Special thanks to friend and dinosaur expert, Ezequiel Vera, for providing
consultation and fun facts on the Allosaur.
Digital v1.0 (July 2017).

(order #12649789)
It is more than clear that we don’t understand everything about the relation-
ship between dimensional travel and the flow of time. No more evidence is
needed than the existence on Earth today of species that have been extinct for
the whole ofhuman history.
Breach Science TechnicalIntroduction (CDoc BRSC-00c-01kk)
The Cooperative
Seemingly a real-life monster from Earth’s prehistoric past, the predatory Al-
losaurus, or colloquially the Allosaur, once again stalks the planet. The ancient
dinosaur’s precise Breach of origin is unknown, but along with the presence
of other dinosaur-like creatures, the very existence of Allosaurs on post-Fall
Earth raises all types of questions about everything from mass extinctions,
the linearity of time, and the Breaches, themselves.
The average Allosaur is 25 to 30 feet (8 to 9 m) long, standing at about half
that height. Its tough hide is covered in fine feathers along its undercarriage,
with slightly longer, more decorative feathers over the top of its head, back,
and tail. The skin on its back, flanks, and neck is finely scaled, and a tapestry
of slightly iridescent purple with green accents. Its large head is full of hun-
dreds of razor-sharp teeth designed for tearing at flesh to be swallowed
whole, further facilitated by the impressive degree of motion of its jaws,
which open far wider than most of its theropod kin. The largest are capable
of taking the upper half of an average-sized human in one lightning-fast bite.

Killer from the Past

The Allosaurus of prehistoric Earth
emerged during the Jurassic era, contem-
porary with some of history’s most iconic
ancient animals, such as the Stegosaurus, Ptero-
dactylus, and Brachiosaurus. It was the most
common major predator of the era in what
would eventually become North America and
Europe, and among
the largest. Its
prey’s defenses
ranged from

(order #12649789)
Scientific Note
Recent biomechanical studies made on Allosaurus fossils have shed light on
this predator’s possible feeding habits. These studies suggest that the allo-
saur had a strong skull, but lacked powerful biting mechanics. However, giv-
en the skull and neck characteristics, it may have used its head as an axe,
increasing the bite force by striking downwards with its upper jaw. Studies
have also revealed that this Jurassic beast removed flesh from carcasses like
a modern falcon, tearing back and up, and not shaking its head, as modern
day crocodylians and some other theropods such as Tyrannosaurus.
Additional Note
Strictly speaking, terms like Allosaurus or Tyrannosaurus, being the scientific
genus of those animals, should always be capitalized and italicized, as they
are in this sidebar. Common names like "allosaur" should not. But, because
many creature names in Breachworld are descriptors like Creep or Hardhat,
capitalization is used to distinguish the name of the creature from the more
general use of the word. So, in the case of the Breach Creature, Allosaur,
the convention in the text violates the rule. Sorry for any confusion.

tough hides and armor to massive size and strength to speed and agility, so its
hunting skills were required to be varied.
The Allosaur of Breachworld finds a similarly diverse array of prey, ran-
ging from relatively easy meals in the form of cattle, horses, Vaca, and other
domesticated creatures, to tougher kills like Hardhats, Trikes, other dinosaurs,
and competing predators.
Allosaurs are lethal from a young age, but continue to grow and mature
into adulthood. With that development comes a change in hunting style. Ju-
venile Allosaurs rely on their agility to hunt, as they are very light on their feet
for a predator their size. Younger Allosaurs are also more likely to hunt with a
mate or even a small pack for mutual advantage. As they age and grow, Allo-
saurs become more likely to be solitary hunters and rely on their size,
strength, and toughness to bring down prey.
No Allosaur, young or old, is above accepting an easy meal. The predators
have been known to scare other carnivores away from fresh kills, scavenge
from old corpses, and sift through garbage for meaty scraps.
Allosaur teeth average around 4 inches (0.1 m) long and make excellent
spearheads or bladed tools. The meat is bland and stringy, but edible. Allosaur

(order #12649789)
hides make decent leather for large applications, but is difficult to work for
clothing or small articles. Its purple and green coloring, paired with its lines
of feathers, make it an interesting and attractive article when kept mostly in
one piece. To this end, Allosaur hides are sometimes used for itinerant dwell-
ings such as tipis, to roof houses, or cover wagons.
The Allosaur is a true free-roaming predator and can be found virtually any-
where it can successfully hunt.
Also Known As
Little Rex
Related Creatures
Juvenile Allosaurs are only two-thirds the size of adults, and thus lack some
raw power, but are lighter on their feet and more agile. They are more likely
to be found hunting with a mate or small pack than their elders.
Similar to the Allosaur is its younger cousin from the Cretaceous period,
the Tyrannosaurus rex, which is considerably larger and more powerful, but
slower and less agile. It is almost always a solitary hunter.

Might 4D Scale +2D
Brawl 6D
Stamina 5D Move 18
Agility 2D+2 Perks
Athletics 4D +4 Armor (included in Soak)
Run 4D+2 +2D Teeth
Dodge 4D+2 Combat Stats
Stealth 3D+2
Dodge 14
Wit 0D Soak 16
Search 4D+2
Track 4D
Charm 1D
Courage 3D
Intimidate 5D

(order #12649789)
Allosaur (Juvenile)
Might 3D+1 Scale +2D
Brawl 5D
Stamina 4D Move 16
Agility 3D+1 Perks
Athletics 4D+2 +3 Armor (included in Soak)
Run 5D+1 +2D Teeth
Dodge 5D+2 Combat Stats
Stealth 4D+2
Dodge 17
Wit 0D Soak 13
Search 4D
Track 4D+2
Charm 1D
Courage 3D
Intimidate 4D

Might 5D Scale +2D
Brawl 7D
Stamina 5D Move 15
Agility 2D Perks
Athletics 2D+1 +6 Armor (included in Soak)
Run 3D +3D Teeth
Dodge 4D Combat Stats
Wit 0D Dodge 12
Search 5D+1 Soak 21
Track 4D
Charm 1D
Courage 4D+2
Intimidate 6D

(order #12649789)
[Many] otherworldly predators, such as Creeps... seem to be amalgams of
some ofour worst childhood nightmares.
Foreign Predators in Earth’s Changing Ecosystem
Harris Ross
Creeps are giant insectoid creatures with a refined skill for moving so slowly
as not to be detectable with normal vision. They stand on incredibly long,
stilt-like legs to give them a high vantage from which to strike.
A full-grown Creep has a
skinny, vaguely cyl-
indrical segmented body
roughly six feet (1.8 m)
long and 18 inches (0.5
m) wide, covered in a
green carapace, which
is suspended up to
eight feet (2.4 m)
off the ground
by its long,
spider-like legs.
Its complex
jaws feature a
clamping bite as well as scissor-like mandibles that allow it to hold
and sever limbs from its prey, causing severe wounds and blood
loss that can incapacitate even large animals.
Patient Hunter
The method to a Creep’s hunting style is one of extreme patience. They ex-
tend their long legs to hold their bodies at heights great enough that prey can
walk beneath them. This is particularly effective at night, and in forested areas
or in fields of high grass or tall crops to provide concealment.
When a Creep must move to intercept its prey, it can stalk incredibly
slowly to avoid detection by skittish animals or even modern electronic de-
tection equipment. The creature stands with its body completely motionless
atop as few as three legs while repositioning the others to take its next step. It
can move at a constant, but molasses-slow speed until it gets into position to
strike prey that is often sleeping, eating, or watering.

(order #12649789)
Whether lying in wait or slowly stalking its victims, the creature attacks
with lightning quickness that belies its normally slow movements. Its biting,
piercing, and slicing jaws target soft flesh, limbs, and vital arteries to make its
first strike count.
As dangerous as a single Creep can be, they are even more effective when
congregating in numbers up to ten or twelve. They gather close to each other,
concealed by tall foliage and darkness, or move into an unsuspecting herd of
animals or camp of wandering adventurers, then strike in unison and capital-
ize on the element of surprise and the resulting panic.
Virtually none. What little meat there is within their exoskeleton is inedible,
and their hard carapace is too brittle to make decent tools or armor.
Creeps are most often found in areas they can camouflage themselves by
standing at full height, such as in forests, fields of tall grass or crops, or places
perpetually shrouded in darkness.
Also Known As
Green Stalkers or Stilted Snappers.

Might 2D Scale +0D
Brawl 3D+2
Move 15
Agility 4D+2 5 when stealthy
Dodge 5D+2
Stealth 7D+2 Perks
Stealthy (reflected in skills)
Wit 0D 4D Fangs (Range: 10 ft/3m)
Search 3D+1
Combat Stats
Charm 1D Dodge 17
Courage 1D+1 Soak 6
Intimidate 1D+1

(order #12649789)
Related Creatures
Tree Creeps are a similar creature that has substantially shorter legs and
brown coloring. To achieve the height needed for its attack, it climbs trees
and stands on low branches, putting its prey within reach.
Creep Pods are the soft-shelled egg sacs of a Creep, each roughly the size
of a basketball. They are left concealed on the ground under a thin layer of
dirt and leaves, making it a hazard to those who might step on it and break it
open, releasing a biting swarm of larval Creeps.

Tree Creep
Might 2D Scale +0D
Brawl 3D
Move 15
Agility 4D+2 5 when stealthy
Climb 8D
Dodge 5D+2 Perks
Stealth 6D Stealthy (reflected in skills)
4D Fangs (Range: 15 ft/5m)
Wit 0D
Combat Stats
Charm 1D Dodge 17
Courage 1D+1 Soak 6
Intimidate 1D+1

Creep Pod
Check: Varies; a single pod in the open requires only an Easy
Search check to avoid, while a field of concealed pods may require
a Very Difficult check.
Damage: Stepping on a Creep Pod inflicts 3D of +0D scale
damage to the character as larval Creeps swarm and bite. Damage
is applied each round for up to four rounds.

(order #12649789)
We increasingly observe that old legends may be more than fairy tales, after all.
Wildlife Codex #1
The Cooperative
The Griffin is one of many animals from human mythology that is found on
Breachworld. Despite some surviving stories from Earth’s ancient history
that Griffins are magical beings, perhaps even a sentient race, the Griffin of
Breachworld is merely a fantastic animal, though very intelligent and unusu-
ally perceptive.
This beast appears as the creature described in the legends from Earth’s past,
with its body, hindquarters, and tail of a lion, and the head, wings, and front
legs of an eagle. An adult Griffin’s lionesque body is proportional to that of a
fully grown big cat, with its eagle-like features large enough to match.
A Griffin can weigh up to 450 lbs (200 kg). Males stand about 4 feet (1.2
m) tall at the shoulder, while females stand about 3.5 feet (1.1 m). Its wing-
span is an impressive 60 feet (18 m).


(order #12649789)
Myth Versus Fact
Even through the Lost Age, many of Earth’s ancient stories survive or are
rediscovered. Among these are myths from many sources and nations about
the fantastical Griffin. These stories typically revolve around riddles and
mysteries and quests and treasures beyond comprehension, and so are a great
draw to all sorts of adventurers and opportunists on post-Fall Earth.
A typical component of myths involving Griffins is their intelligence and
ability to speak. In fact, a Griffin is simply an animal, but is incredibly intelli-
gent for a simple beast. They do not possess human intelligence, but do have
limited problem-solving abilities and advanced perception that comes with
simple intelligence, similar to that of Earth’s most intelligent animals such as
dolphins, apes, and elephants.
The most important, and appealing, aspect of Griffin mythology that en-
dures is their relationship with treasure. The most common story is that
Griffin eggs are full of gold nuggets, or have golden shells. In fact, Griffins
don’t lay eggs at all, but give live birth. Other stories suggest that Griffins
build their nests out of gold dug from the ground or stolen from men. Still
others say that Griffins demand tribute in the form of riches to grant wishes,
tell the future, or perform other miracles. Unfortunately for the treasure
hunters of Breachworld, none of this applies to actual, live Griffins, though
that doesn’t stop many from listening to the tales and deciding to take their
The head, wings, or claws of a Griffin are sometimes sought out by religious
or mystical practitioners as elements of potions or as protective amulets.
Beyond that, its body has only limited use similar to that of its lionesque and
exaggerated avian components.
A point of most legendary stories about Griffins is their penchant for roost-
ing in high, remote locations, which is true of these animals. Solitary
creatures except when mating, Griffins are most commonly found in high,
sheltered places. Ruined apartment buildings and mid- to high-rise buildings
are ideally fit for the purpose, though they sometimes set up temporarily in
hilltop hollows or abandoned homes in order to keep close to humanoid
populations and their livestock, which are a Griffin's favorite prey.
Also Known As
Winged Lion or Beast King.

(order #12649789)
Related Creatures
Griffin cubs are born in pairs, one male and one female, and mature very
quickly. Within a matter of days parents fill the nest with carrion and then
abandon their offspring, leaving the young to fend for themselves. The cubs
stay together for a few months, maturing and hunting, and then go their sep-
arate ways.
Even fully mature Griffins continue to slowly grow and develop into
adulthood, rarely surviving into an elder stage of life. These very oldest are
even larger and more dangerous and resourceful than typical adults. They
stand about 5 feet (1.5 m) tall at the shoulder, have a wingspan reaching up to
80 feet (24 m), and weigh as much as 600 lbs (270 kg).

Might 3D+2 Scale +0D
Brawl 5D
Stamina 6D Move 20
Agility 3D+1 Perks
Athletics 4D Fly (60 ft/18 m per round)
Run 4D+2 +1D Talons
Fly 7D+1 Combat Stats
Dodge 5D+1
Dodge 16
Wit 1D Soak 11
Search 4D+2
Track 2D
From Air 5D
Charm 2D
Courage 5D+1
Intimidate 4D


(order #12649789)
Griffin (Cub)
Might 3D+1 Scale +0D
Brawl 4D
Move 18
Agility 3D+1
Athletics 3D+1 Perks
Run 4D Fly (50 ft/15 m per round)
Fly 4D+2 +1D Talons
Dodge 4D+1 Combat Stats
Wit 1D Dodge 13
Search 3D+2 Soak 10
Track 2D
From Air 4D
Charm 2D
Courage 3D
Intimidate 3D

Griffin (Elder)
Might 4D+1 Scale +0D
Brawl 6D
Stamina 8D Move 22
Agility 4D Perks
Athletics 5D+1 Fly (80 ft/24 m per round)
Run 6D +2D Talons
Fly 9D Combat Stats
Dodge 6D+2
Dodge 20
Wit 1 D+1 Soak 13
Search 5D+1
Track 2D
From Air 5D+2
Charm 2D+2
Courage 6D
Intimidate 4D+2

(order #12649789)
The truck is done in, so I guess we’ll be walking the rest of the way. I can’t
guess at the type of world where these animals are from, and I can’t even ima-
gine how big the predators must be to be able to fight off these hard-chargin’
giant hippo-horse-rhino things.
Cooperative fieldnotes on first encounter with a Hardhat
Author unknown
A four-legged beast the size of a compact car, Hardhats are the bane of trav-
elers throughout the Civilized Lands. The sight of any animal or moving ob-
ject larger than themselves sends them into a blind rage, compelling them to
attack large creatures, mecha, and particularly cars and wagons.
Hardhats in many ways may remind an observer of a large Earth rhinoceros,
standing on four stout legs, with thick folds of hide draping over their joints.
They stand 6 feet (1.8 m) tall at the shoulder and about 16 feet (4.9 m) long
from nose to tail. An adult male Hardhat weighs in at up to 6000 lbs (2700
They are not hard to miss in the wild, as they have brilliant orange and
yellow splashes over a deep purple hide. Thus, they stand out starkly against
the open fields and
pastures where they
prefer to graze and
easily spy approaching
predators or potential
A Hardhat grazing
alone in a field may
not look like a great
threat to any pass-
ersby, but its do-
cile facade
belies an ag-
gressive tem-
perament and
short fuse when con-

(order #12649789)
fronted by larger creatures. Hardhats are accustomed to being the largest
beasts around and cannot bear to be the smallest creature around, and so at-
tacks any larger animal to either subdue it, or run it out of the area. This is a
social behavior that pits younger bulls against their larger and more dominant
rivals, constantly encouraging tests of strength amongst males. As one Hard-
hat bull gets old or weak, it is removed through force by a younger and more
powerful male.
A byproduct of this behavior is that male Hardhats are wired to see any
larger creature as a rival to be overcome. This means that Hardhats regularly
attack large predators, other large herbivores, or passing vehicles in an effort
to assert dominance. This is very often done at the creature’s own peril, but is
such an ingrained behavior that an attacking bull will not back down unless
seriously wounded.
Fortunately for potential targets of Hardhat attacks, the same aggression
that urges them to test themselves against rivals also makes them very solitary.
Single males wander the grassy plains of the Civilized Lands alone until they
happen across a herd of Hardhat females with their sole bull protector. There
is virtually no chance of encountering or being attacked by more than one
Hardhat at a time.
Anyone capable of taking down one of these formidable monsters may find
the hides too thick and unwieldy to be used to craft clothes or a suit of ar-
mor, but it is sometimes stretched over the hulls of vehicles or even struc-
tures to add defense against everything from bullets to fire to the wind and
rain. It is often a poor trade of resources, however, because they are so diffi-
cult to bring down. Hunters often expend more ammunition or blood than
they bargained for in the exchange.
Hardhats prefer open plains and grasslands where they can survey the sur-
rounding countryside.
Also Known As
Rammers or Stumpheads.
Related Creatures
A male Hardhat calf is every bit as aggressive as one that is full-grown, but at
about half the size and weight, it lacks the bulk to do as much damage in a
ram, and has lighter armor.

(order #12649789)
The Hardhat name for a female of the species is something of a mis-
nomer, as they lack the male’s trademark battering ram appendage and beha-
vior. Females are half the size of the males, and are colored a nondescript
taupe. They tend to move around in small herds of 10 or 12 and make easy
prey for large predators if a male is not around to provide protection.

Might 5D Scale +2D
Brawl 5D
Ram 6D+1 Move 1 0 (first action)
20 (next actions)
Agility 2D+2
Athletics 3D Perks
Run 4D+1 +6 Armor (included in Soak)
Dodge 3D+2 7D Ram Attack (at full speed will knock
down the target on a Wounded effect or
Wit 0D better, in addition to the normal results)
Search 3D+2
Combat Stats
Charm 1D Dodge 11
Courage 5D+2 Soak 21
Intimidate 4D

Hardhat (Male Calf)

Might 4D Scale +2D
Brawl 4D
Ram 5D Move 1 0 (first action)
20 (next actions)
Agility 2D+1
Athletics 2D+2 Perks
Run 3D+1 +3 Armor (included in Soak)
Dodge 2D+2 5D Ram Attack (at full speed will knock
down the target on a Wounded effect or
Wit 0D better, in addition to the normal results)
Search 3D
Combat Stats
Charm 1D Dodge 8
Courage 4D Soak 15
Intimidate 2D

(order #12649789)
Hoodlums are not overly violent in nature, but are unquestionably destruct-
ive. Lacking the sort of malevolence of many of the animalistic creatures that
we encounter, Hoodlums typify a broad class of “monster” found on Earth
that are certainly not evil or malicious, but are incompatible with civilized so-
ciety just the same.
Wildlife Codex #4
The Cooperative

Hoodlums are savage, hulking animals best known for the destructive beha-
viors exhibited by males when attempting to attract a mate. They broadcast
their amorous intent by using whatever tools are at hand to noisily create vi-
brations in the air and through the ground, which can be sensed by prospect-
ive partners.
Hoodlums average 9 feet (3 m) tall, and are massive, semi-bipedal creatures
covered in a thick fur of incredibly fine rust-red hair that doubles as a recept-
ive network for vibrations through the air and ground. They have a hunched
posture and huge heads, with overly-broad upper bodies compared to their
lower halves. Males are much broader in the upper body than females.

(order #12649789)
Violent Mating Call
The Hoodlums' mating display is what gives the creatures their colloquial
name. To court a female, a male Hoodlum uses tree limbs, metal pipes, or
whatever else they can grab to loudly destroy anything they can find and
make as much noise as possible. The visual of the massive creature savagely
and vigorously smashing everything in sight can be terrifying.
They can be found banging away on trees, boulders, old buildings, or
vehicle wreckage to try and attract attention. The banging of metal is partic-
ularly prevalent wherever it can be found.
Females can sense the vibrations from long distances, even miles in the
right conditions, and are lured to the source to evaluate their aspiring com-
panion. Likewise, males can detect competitors and either seek different ter-
ritory, or move in to fight for the right to the mating grounds; they are
extremely territorial and aggressive when trying to woo a mate.
Hardhat hides are not easily workable, and their meat is tough and sour. Their
fine fur and downy undercoat is sometimes used as insulation in cold-weather
Hoodlums find shelter in caves, ruins, and other enclosed areas, typically with
access to fishing grounds. They seek out open spaces when performing their
noisy mating calls. They are most often encountered in ruins, conducting
their mating displays, or fishing knee-deep in the waters of rivers and lakes.
Also Known As
Bangers, Homewreckers, or Urban Apes.
Related Creatures
Males and females have considerable differences in physiology.
Male Hoodlums’ instinctive drive for destruction as a mating display and
their need to seek out and challenge rivals have made them very strong and
resilient. They need physical strength to effectively wield their primitive blunt
weapons in both ritual and confrontation, and so also need tough hides to
resist bludgeoning by other males. Their upper bodies are far thicker and
broader than their female counterparts.
Without as much need for brawn, females are slighter and lack some of
the physical strength of the males, but are far more agile.

(order #12649789)
Hoodlum (Male)
Might 4D Scale +2D
Blunt 6D
Brawl 5D Move 12
Stamina 5D+1 Perks
Agility 1 D+2 +2 Armor (included in Soak)
Athletics 3D+1 Extra Sense (sense vibrations; equal to a
Swim 4D+1 Search skill of 4D where applicable)
Dodge 2D+2 Combat Stats
Wit 0D Block 15
Search 4D+1 Dodge 8
Parry (Blunt) 18
Charm 1D Soak 14
Courage 3D+2
Intimidate 5D+1

Hoodlum (Female)
Might 3D+1 Scale +2D
Brawl 5D
Stamina 4D+1 Move 15
Agility 3D Perks
Athletics 5D+1 Extra Sense (sense vibrations; equal to a
Swim 6D+1 Search skill of 5D where applicable)
Dodge 5D+2 Combat Stats
Wit 0D Block 15
Search 4D Dodge 17
Soak 10
Charm 1D
Courage 2D+1
Intimidate 2D+1


(order #12649789)
Imps, in their many colorful varieties, tend to appear at just the right moment
when their negative impact will be most keenly felt. Expect them to arrive,
unannounced, whenever a new well has been dug, salvaged equipment re-
paired, crops gathered, or homes erected.
Wildlife Codex #13
The Cooperative
Imps are Breach demons, mischievous creatures that seem to have spawned
from some hellish dimension to wreak havoc and sow misery for mankind.
They lack full human reasoning abilities, but are clever enough to be incred-
ibly efficient in making trouble for intelligent beings throughout the Civilized
Lands and beyond.
There are a wide variety of types of Imps that have been observed, each cre-
ating its own particular brand of trouble for residents of the Civilized Lands.
They seem to serve no greater purpose or have any goals or needs other than
to be a thorn in the collective side of society. They vary slightly in appear-
ance, each conveniently identifiable to the type
of mayhem that it likes to pursue. All are
small, roughly a foot (0.3 m) in height.
All types of Imps have four eyes
placed around their head and some
type of horns, exact location and de-
scription depending on the specific
breed. They have a hunched posture
with a tail and long feet for balance.
They communicate through a chattering
language, with a great deal of what
sounds like maniacal laughter.
Green Imps
Green Imps' particular brand of mis-
chief involves the consumption of elec-
tricity and the destruction that comes
along with it. They subsist on the electrical
energy found most commonly in cells, but
also grids where power generation is
used, such as in factories or com-
munities surrounding pre-Fall

(order #12649789)
power plants. They chew on power lines, rip apart electrical components, and
generally destroy any sort of modern technology. They are immune to harm
by electrocution and also happen to be immune to ion weapons that stun.
A Green Imp's eyes are on the side of its head, one pair large and one
small. Its horns protrude backwards off its skull above a pair of long ears.
Yellow Imps
Yellow Imps are nourished by flames, and therefore delight in setting fires so
that they may gorge on the energies that are produced; as such, they are im-
mune to fire and heat. They are perhaps the most common type of Imp.
A yellow Imp's head is spherical, with its four eyes clustered together all in
the front of its face above its grinning, toothy mouth, while a dozen tiny
horns protrude from all over its head.
Black Imps
Black Imps live solely on fresh water, which they consume in massive quant-
ities while also putrefying the source. Water that has been in contact with a
Black Imp becomes murky and full of sulphur, and impossible to drink. The
beasts can breathe air or scrub oxygen from the water using a secondary res-
piratory system.
This type of Imp has a human-like head, except with four black eyes
evenly spaced across the brow, and has no teeth in its small mouth. It has no
visible ears, but a pair of long, thin horns protruding from each side of its
head. Its fingers and toes are webbed to assist it in moving through the water.
Orange Imps
Orange Imps are tree-dwellers that endlessly chatter from the canopy. They
mockingly imitate intelligent beings and animals like arrogant, sarcastic
parrots. They frustrate hunters by frightening away game, and are notorious
cowards that flee at the first sign of actual conflict.
These Imps have elongated skulls with a sloping forehead that houses
four beady eyes aligned vertically. On each side of its head, it has just a long
horn that hooks upward, with short, downturned ears.
Imps of all varieties can be found wherever their particular penchants for de-
struction can achieve the greatest impact. Green Imps invariably crop up
wherever a community begins to modernize or accumulate a lot of techno-
logy. Yellow Imps seem to be the most common in cultivated areas during
droughts when fields and homes are most vulnerable. Black Imps can be

(order #12649789)
counted on to show up in wells, springs, and rivers being used to help estab-
lish a new homestead or village. Orange Imps spoil the best hunting grounds.
Absolutely none. No redeeming value, at all.
Also Known As
Cell Sucks (Green), Sparks (Yellow), Foulers (Black), and Chatters (Orange).

Might 2D Scale +0D
Brawl 3D
Move 11
Agility 5D
Athletics 6D Perks
Dodge 7D Varies, see below
Wit 1 D+2 Combat Stats
Search 4D Block 9
Dodge 21
Charm 1D Soak 6
Courage 2D
Intimidate 2D
Additional Stats
Each type of Imp has a number of special skills and Perks, according to
their individual natures.
Green Imp: Has the skill of Repair (Electronics) at 4D, but
only for the purpose of finding and accessing power sources. Can-
not be stunned by ion weapons, and is immune to electricity.
Yellow Imp: May perform the Aether Feat of Spontaneous
Combustion once per hour as a natural ability. Is immune to dam-
age by fire and heat.
Black Imp: Has the Perks of Swimming, Minor and Special
Breathing (underwater).
Orange Imp: Has the Perk of Climbing. Courage skill is 1D.

(order #12649789)
It is for this reason that I recommend caution when traveling on foot or
mounted through forests with good overhead cover, and to keep yourselves
and your animals covered ifforced to camp there overnight.
Explorer’s FieldManual
Jake Houston
A Leecher is a small mammal that is commonly found in the oak and piney
forests of the Civilized Lands and beyond. While it appears very unthreaten-
ing, and may even be indistinguishable from native Earth species at a dis-
tance, its hunting method is remarkably savage and violent.

This warm-blooded rodent resembles a large flying squirrel, complete with
flaps of skin between its legs that allow it to glide from tree to tree as it
moves about in search of food. They are exceptionally good climbers, with
opposable thumbs on all four of its feet, allowing them to easily scurry up
and down trees, and even climb upside-down from limbs, rocky outcrop-
pings, and other overhangs that serve as good vantage points for watching
the world below.

(order #12649789)
Ursusis’s Miracle Leecher Repellant
The Hook
An ugly alien merchant with yellow skin, four pointed ears, and horns
around the crown of his head is selling bonafide Leecher repellent. The
herbal salve is applied to exposed areas of the skin and the smell, which has
a very pleasant spicy odor, discourages Leechers from attacking.
The Line
Not content to sell only on promises and testimonials of satisfied custom-
ers, Ursusis demonstrates on three caged Leechers. He opens a small door
and inserts his bare, salved arm, from which the Leechers recoil. When he
instead tosses in a fresh slab of bloody meat, all three vigorously feed on it.
The Sinker
In reality, the salve contains a chemical that Leechers in the woods along the
road to the village have been trained to attack. The caged Leechers have
been conditioned to avoid it.
When buyers depart with their wares, Ursusis alerts his bushwhacking com-
panions, who watch from off the road and wait for Leechers to attack en
masse. In the confusion, the bandits spring their trap.

Blood Sucker
What sets this small mammal apart from similar rodentia is its vampiric feed-
ing method. First and foremost, its mouth unhinges wide into a split jaw with
many rows of jagged teeth, allowing it to grasp tightly onto its prey and de-
liver a brutal bite attack that draws massive amounts of blood from the
wound. The creature even has a second mouth located directly in its stomach,
which attaches like the sucker of a leech to both ensure its grip on its victim
as well as to more quickly drain blood from its body.
Leechers glide from tree tops with their arms outstretched and direct
themselves to fall on unsuspecting victims, where they wrap their legs around
and hold on tight, using its mouths to pull blood from any unprotected area
to feed. The leech attack is penetrating enough to punch through thick fur,
scaly hides, or normal layers of clothing, namely any clothing or skin without
an Armor Value.
Leechers are relentless hunters, and are on the prowl for an easy meal
both night and day. They tend to feed on larger, warm-blooded animals with

(order #12649789)
enough blood to make their efforts worthwhile, such as livestock, deer, and
unsuspecting humans. Once one has attached and begun to feed, others tend
to join in the frenzy, amplifying the danger to the victim by compounding the
damage. They are drawn to the smell of blood and so are often seen watch-
ing violence from the treetops, waiting their chance to take on any survivors.
In some cases, mobs of Leechers have been observed to follow around rob-
bers and bushwhackers that are prone to leaving a few wounded bodies
around, passing up on or even protecting the bandits so long as a steady food
supply is provided.
Has the same utility as squirrels and other Earth rodents.
Leechers live throughout the forests of the Civilized Lands and elsewhere in
Breachworld. While they spend the vast majority of their lives in the treetops,
they nest on the ground, usually at the bases of trees.
Also Known As
Vampire Squirrels

Might 1D Scale +0D
Brawl 1D
Grapple 4D Move 8
Agility 4D Perks
Athletics 4D Glide (travel airborne 5 ft/1.5 m laterally for
Climb 6D every 1 ft/0.3 m of fall)
Dodge 5D 3D Leech Attack (successful grappling at-
Stealth 6D+2 tack does damage against exposed or
thinly covered skin/hide)
Wit 0D
Search 3D Combat Stats
Dodge 15
Charm 1 D+1 Soak 3
Courage 2D+1
Intimidate 1D+1

(order #12649789)
Our knowledge of the wide world is very limited. We have no evidence, or
even a rumor, of any Breach so large that it could usher such a monster into
our dimensional plane. We don’t have nearly enough data to even theorize
about their origin, only to guess.
Wildlife Codex #2
The Cooperative
Long believed to be a myth, confirmed sightings of two different Maulers
within the known territory in recent years have placed these massive mon-
sters firmly in the world of fact. It is fortunate that they remain rare, as the
leave destruction in their wake.

A Mauler stands over 20 feet (6 m) tall, atop two massive legs and a dragging
tail, with two relatively small arms sprouting from its midsection. It is the
beast’s two massive primary arms, however, that give this monster its name.
One ends in a huge, clawed hand, and the other in a giant, bone-encrusted
fist, permanently clutched tight to be used as a massive bludgeon.

(order #12649789)
Easy Pickings
Its massive size and aggressive nature might lead one to assume that the
Mauler is a purely proactive hunter, but it actually primarily subsists by taking
whatever small, easy prey it can find. Its normal method of hunting involves
intimidating people or animals into seeking shelter in buildings, vehicles, and
other confined spaces, which it then tears and smashes open with its claws
and club-fist, respectively, picking out dead or wounded prey with its smaller,
more dexterous arms to feed. With its massive strength and such punishing
tools at its disposal, a Mauler can destroy even a sturdy building to rubble in a
matter of minutes, and peel open an armored personnel carrier like a tin can.
Maulers are extremely aggressive, made more so by the fact that they don’t
keep a regular hunting ground, but roam aimlessly in pursuit of their next
meal, constantly bringing new settlements into danger. Savvy hunters, they
have learned to look for signs of civilization to guide their search for food,
such as campfires, the sounds of daily labors, and cleared roads. Quick-
tempered, they attack at the slightest provocation.
A Mauler’s utility is unknown, as there are no reliable documented cases of
one being hunted, killed, and processed. In theory, the hide, teeth, bones, etc.
of such a large creature could be useful.
The few Maulers known to exist in the Civilized Lands roam freely from one
place to the next and may be encountered anywhere.
Also Known As
Club Fists or Smashers.
Related Creatures
The existence of a larger and even more powerful Mauler is a persistent ru-
mor. These are generally referred to as Elder Maulers, suggesting that the
documented Maulers found in the Civilized Lands are only juveniles. It’s also
possible that a larger Mauler could be a different gender, a separate species, or
even an alternate creature from a separate dimension or time.
It is difficult to lend credence to rumors of an Elder Mauler because ac-
counts of the monsters are so sparse and unreliable. It is more likely that ac-
counts of Elder Maulers are just exaggerations of encounters with the
documented "smaller" version.


(order #12649789)
Might 5D Scale +4D
Brawl 7D
Stamina 6D Move 17
Agility 2D Perks
Athletics 2D +2 Armor (included in Soak)
Run 4D +1D Claw Arm
Dodge 3D+1 +2D Club Arm
Wit 0D Combat Stats
Search 4D Block 21
Dodge 10
Charm 1D Soak 17
Courage 6D+2
Intimidate 6D+1 Complications
-1D on Might checks using smaller set of
secondary arms

Mauler (Elder)
Might 6D Scale +4D
Brawl 8D
Stamina 7D+1 Move 17
Agility 2D Perks
Athletics 2D+1 +4 Armor (included in Soak)
Run 4D+1 +1D+1 Claw Arm
Dodge 4D +2D+2 Club Arm
Wit 0D
Search 4D Combat Stats
Block 24
Charm 1D Dodge 12
Intimidate 7D Soak 22
-1D on Might checks using smaller set of
secondary arms

(order #12649789)
Plasma Wyrm
We have seen all manner of creatures emerge from Breaches across our lands,
many more bizarre or terrifying than the last. So far, we have learned to cope
with the realities that such things exist. We must entertain, however, the pos-
sibility that one day will walk through one of these portals a true civilization-
killer, an extinction-level event that is capable of extinguishing the light of all
life from our world.
Our ExistentialCrisis
Rt. Rev. Desmond Trouca
The Plasma Wyrm is a true Breach
monster, a massive and terrifying
beast brought to Earth from
across unknown planes of exist-
ence. Fortunately, they are ex-
tremely rare, but they make up
for their scarcity with incompar-
able lethality and nigh-invincibil-
ity. Little, if anything, in the
Civilized Lands can match it. It
arguably is the most powerful,
godlike creature to have been
brought to Earth by a Breach.
There is no good news for
anyone who finds him or
herself confronted with
this monster. A Plasma
Wyrm towers over the av-
erage 4-story building, well
over 50 feet (15 m) tall.
That measure doesn't in-
clude its tail, which is
roughly as long as the rest of
its body, and ends in a bony set
of piercing blades capable of
leveling buildings. Its weight is im-
measurable, exceeding hundreds of
tons. Its mouth is a terror of jagged teeth
designed to rend the flesh of some giant prey

(order #12649789)
from its homeworld, and it is both tall and strong enough to simply trample
whole villages underfoot.
Massive Prey
Such a large predator requires large prey. Aside from other Plasma Wyrms,
these monsters hunt other huge Breach creatures. Favorite meals include
large dinosaurs such as Allosaurs, T-Rex, Spinos, and Longnecks, or other
Breach monsters such as Maulers and Furred Dragons.
Plasma Projection
Its size, strength, and ferocity would be sufficient to crown the Plasma Wyrm
the apex predator of the Civilized Lands, but its most horrifying talent in-
volves generating plasma within its huge head and spraying it over its helpless
foes. This fiery liquid, as hot as the surface of the sun, is presumed to be
generated through some sort of natural ability to manipulate Aether, but ob-
viously no actual scientific study has been conducted on one of these hellish
creatures to test this hypothesis.
In order to unleash its hellish breath of destruction, the Plasma Wyrm
must momentarily gather its strength. During this short period, its gaping
mouth and its deep-socketed eyes burn brightly blue-white. The actual exhal-
ation of death projects for hundreds of feet and is practically unstoppable,
melting skin and steel and even the landscape into slag, down to the bedrock.
In there is any mercy in the creature, it is that its plasma projection is re-
served for the severest of threats and is not its first recourse when engaged in
a fight. It is most often used against other super-predators such as Spinos,
Maulers, and other Plasma Wyrms, or in the rare case that it is confronted
with military-grade hardware that might threaten it.
Origin Point
It is at least possible to avoid the primary hunting grounds of the Plasma
Wyrms, as the Breach of their origin is widely known and published. They
enter Earth's plane of existence through a massive Breach just outside what
was once Austin, in the former town of Buda. The Breach fills the greater
part of a massive, high-bay automated storage warehouse, where an advanced
robotics system housed and sorted goods for a global shipping organization.
Before the Fall, this facility utilized the world's largest single Gate as part of
its operation. Linked to a sister facility in China, it was to be the next step in
the progress of international commerce. As it is, it's the only Gate known to
have been large enough to create a Breach capable of transporting a Plasma


(order #12649789)
Unknown, as a Plasma Wyrm carcass has never been available for processing.
Of greatest interest would be understanding how the creature generates
plasma, and to decipher if it is truly a manipulation of Aether, or some bio-
logical process.
Only known to exist in the area around what was once Austin.
Also Known As
Terror Worms or City Slayers.

Plasma Wyrm
Might 5D Scale +6D
Brawl 7D+1
Stamina 6D Move 30
Agility 3D Perks
Athletics 4D+1 +6 Armor (included in Soak)
Run 5D +2D Tail Spike Stab
Dodge 4D +3D Teeth
Project Plasma 5D 6D Trample Attack
Wit 0D
Search 4D Combat Stats
Dodge 12
Charm 1D Soak 21
Intimidate 8D
Plasma Breath
Aether is converted into white-hot plasma energy and shot from the mouth
of the Plasma Wyrm. This requires an action on three successive rounds for
the monster, two to prepare and one to attack. These are the only actions
that may be taken during these respective turns, or the attack fails.
Skill: Project Plasma (special, see skills)
Damage: 9D
Range: 50/100/300 feet (15/30/90 m)

(order #12649789)
Poison Bat
Difficult challenge to team. One horse and two men lost on hunt. Achieved
objective. Collected three venom sacks, routed to J. Reevaluating risk.
DecodedResistance message collectedfrom deaddrop in Crossroads
Giant, horrific versions of Earth animals are not uncommon from beyond
the Breaches. Whether a testament to the common development of species
between worlds or an indication of some inherent link between Earth's di-
mension and others, it's a fact of life in the transformed world. One such an-
imal is the Poison Bat, a massive Breach creature or demon that bears a
striking resemblance to the familiar nocturnal flying mammals of our world.
Size is definitely the most readily recognizable trait of a Poison Bat that
makes it stand out from its native cousins. These monsters have a wingspan
of over 10 feet (3 m) and a body about half as large as the average humanoid
adult. Their screech can be deafening, but is used for echolocation like a nor-
mal bat. It has six eyes which perceive carbon dioxide and other respiratory
byproducts, but only at short ranges. It uses this unique
vision to identify respiratory outlets such as the
mouth and nose, so that it may put its most
alien feature to work.
Venomous Marksman
The Poison Bat earns its name from its
long, retractable tongue, which con-


(order #12649789)
tains a tube down to a special sack in the back of its throat. Via this append-
age it spits a powerful poison into exposed areas of its potential victims, par-
ticularly the mouth and nose, allowing for rapid infiltration of its debilitating
toxin. It can hit a target within a matter of inches from up to 50 feet (15 m)
away, like an expert hunter with a blowgun. To get this close, it relies on its
near-silent flight and the cover of darkness during its active hours in the
The poison can kill outright, but even a partial impact can harm a victim
enough to give the creature its chance to finish its work. Its effects, even par-
tial, are so painful that victims are incapable of putting up a fight.
Should the prey fall unconscious or be physically overcome, the Poison
Bat can finish off its meal by rending it into pieces to be carried away and
eaten in the relative safety of its nest, or some other perch away from com-
peting predators.
The venom of a Poison Bat can be collected and used by would-be assassins.
Its potency is reduced when not freshly projected from the creature, and is
more easily resisted, but can still prove effective if administered in food.
Poison Bats can range for as much as 50 miles (80 km) to hunt, but keep
permanent nests. They are most common in the southern reaches of the
Civilized Lands.
Also Known As
Spitfliers or Megabats.

Bite ofthe Bat

Bite of the Bat is a poison made from the venom of a Poison Bat. It is well
known for creating gut-splitting abdominal pains when ingested.
Effects: 3D of poison damage, resisted with Stamina instead of
Soak. In addition to normal Wound Levels, the victim
must make a moderate Stamina check against pain. If the
check fails, the victim suffers -2D on all actions, in
addition to any wounds.
Cost: $$$

(order #12649789)
Poison Bat
Might 3D+1 Scale +0D
Brawl 4D
Lift 3D+1 Move 6
In Flight 5D Perks
Stamina 3D+1
In Flight 6D+2 +1 Armor (included in Soak)
+1D+1 Teeth
Agility 4D +2 Claws
Dodge 4D Fly (50 ft/15 m per round)
In Flight 6D Combat Stats
Poison Spit 6D+1
Stealth 4D Dodge 12
In Flight 6D+1 In Flight 18
Soak 10
Wit 0D
Search 2D
From Air 5D
Charm 1D
Courage 2D
Intimidate 2D+2

Poison Spit
A projectile of poisonous fluid is shot from a tube in the creature's tongue.
A successful strike hits the victim in the eyes, mouth, nose, or other exposed
area. If all vulnerable areas are covered, the attack is automatically defeated.
Skill: Poison Spit (special, see skills)
Damage: 6D poison damage; resist with Stamina instead of
Soak. Victims take damage per typical Wound Levels.
A successful strike by the poison also requires a
moderate Stamina check against searing pain, which
results in a penalty of -2D on all actions, in addition
to any wounds.
Range: 10/20/50 feet (3/6/15 m)


(order #12649789)
Prowler Beast
And out ofnowhere... BAM! This shadow tackled Murphy.
After Action Report on encounter with a Prowler Beast
Bastion Archives
It’s hard to describe the creature known as a Prowler Beast, simply because so
few people have managed to get a good look at one, due to its natural ability
to cloak itself in darkness. This otherworldly hunter innately manipulates the
light around it, converting light into free Aether, and thus shrouding itself in
a shadowy haze. While not effective in the direct light of day, it makes the
predator almost completely invisible in shadow and darkness.

Those that have seen a live Prowler Beast describe a huge creature with very
little distinct shape that moves silently and gracefully like a big cat, but is
more than twice the size. To manage to kill one is to reveal the Prowler
Beast's form, which is very much like a gigantic panther with jet-black fur,
massive paws, a wide, smiling mouth, and a spiky ridge of mane down its
back. They average around 14 feet (4.3 m) long with another 6 feet (1.8 m) in

(order #12649789)
tail length, and are 5 feet (1.5) tall at the shoulder. They weigh as much as 350
lbs (160 kg). Males are typically 30 percent larger than females.
Hunting from the Darkness
Prowler Beasts are nocturnal hunters that utilize stealth and their natural
abilities to ambush their prey. Nearly completely invisible in the dark, they can
stalk in virtually any terrain or environment, often without any respect to
cover or concealment. It is not unusual for one or a pair of Prowler Beasts to
approach livestock in the middle of an open field, or a person out walking in
the middle of a street after dark, and make a kill completely out in the open.
The attack comes in the form of a pounce and the baring of massive jaws
full of razor-sharp teeth. The beast's broad paws and weight are sufficient to
hold down most any victim long enough for a killing bite.
Family Business
Prowler Beasts are often encountered in mated pairs, which they establish at a
young age and keep for life. They establish a few different dens in caves,
abandoned buildings, or other quiet and enclosed areas across their hunting
area, where they sleep away the daylight hours. They rarely stay in the same
den on consecutive days, preferring instead to vary their sleeping place at
Prowler Beasts are born in twos or threes, and stay with their parents for
several years. Within months, the parents begin teaching the cubs to hunt,
starting first with easy prey such as lambs, calves, chicken, pigs, and small or
young dinosaurs or other Breach creatures. The older Prowlers teach their
cubs to hunt through experience and example, often taking the first pounce
at selected prey while the cubs watch, only to let the victim go so that the
cubs can try it for themselves. The adult Prowler Beasts keep careful watch so
that they may step in if assistance is required.

Prowler Cloak
The pelt of a Prowler Beast can be fashioned into a cloak, suit of clothing,
or a cover for a suit of armor. In addition to being sought-after as an exotic
and stylish accessory, the innate properties of the matte black hide offers
hunters, bushwhackers, and anyone else who may have cause to sneak
around in the dark a considerable advantage by way of concealment.
Bonus: +2 to Stealth when concealed in shadow or darkness
Cost: $$$$

(order #12649789)
Successfully hunting a Prowler Beast can be a worthwhile exercise, as their
pelts maintain limited powers of concealment. The seemingly supernatural
ability to cloak in shadow is eliminated upon the creature's death, but the fur,
itself, is a matte black with no sheen at all, making it useful as camouflage
when used in armor or clothing.
Prowler Beasts can be found anywhere in the Civilized Lands, though they
particularly thrive in settled areas.
Also Known As
Shadow Cats or Night Lions.
Related Creatures
Young Prowler Beasts are considerably smaller and less dangerous in every
way than their parents, but are still large and deadly relative to many animals
of Breachworld.

Prowler Beast Introductory Encounters

Below are a few suggestions for introducing Prowler Beasts to your game:
Scavenging in an abandoned building or cave uncovers a lair full of chewed
bones and carcasses. Tracks are that of a mountain lion, but twice the size.
Late on a moonless night, someone spots movement beyond the limits of
the light cast by the campfire. Neither torch, flashlight, nor Aether Feat is
able to reveal what everyone is certain is just outside the camp.
Wandering too far from camp on a moonlit night, a child gets knocked to
the ground by a shapeless, shadowy form. The kid gets up to flee, but gets
knocked down again and again, only just making it back to safety within the
perimeter before it stops. Whatever was toying with him is still out there.
A cart is found overturned, but none of the wares it carried seem to be
missing. The horse has been dragged away by something very large, and the
driver is nowhere to be found.


(order #12649789)
Prowler Beast
Might 4D Scale +2D
Brawl 5D
Pounce 6D Move 21
Stamina 4D+2 Perks
Agility 3D+2 +2 Armor (included in Soak)
Athletics 5D +2D Teeth
Dodge 5D+1 Dark Meld (+3D to Stealth when in dark-
Stealth 5D ness or shadow)
Wit 0D Combat Stats
Search 4D+1 Dodge 16
Track 6D Soak 14
Charm 1D
Courage 2D+2
Intimidate 3D+1

Prowler Beast (Cub)

Might 3D Scale +2D
Brawl 3D+2
Pounce 4D Move 16
Stamina 4D Perks
Agility 3D+2 +1 Armor (included in Soak)
Athletics 4D+1 +1D+1 Teeth
Dodge 4D+1 Dark Meld (+3D to Stealth when in dark-
Stealth 4D ness or shadow)
Wit 0D Combat Stats
Search 3D Dodge 13
Track 4D Soak 10
Charm 1D
Courage 2D
Intimidate 2D+1


(order #12649789)
If you find yourself being pursued by a Trapcat, you face an unfortunate
choice. You can turn to face your attacker, or else flee into the jaws of the three
that are lying in wait.
Wildlife Codex #1
The Cooperative
The infamous mounts and pets of the Reptilian Raiders are known as Trap-
cats, both for their feline appearance and for the sophisticated tactics they use
when in pursuit of prey.
The cats are honey-and-white, with long hair, black eyes, and
notably fierce teeth that protrude and grin like menacing
bear traps. They are 8 feet (2.4 m) long from nose to
rump, roughly the size of a small horse, though they
stand lower to the ground thanks to their flexible,
catlike hips.
Trapcats are structured, and move like the large
predatory felines of Earth. They bound forward off
powerful rear legs in an efficient, smooth motion that
results in great speed across the open ground. They
are capable, but not excellent climbers, and prefer
open pursuit after a short stalk like a cheetah over
stalking ending in sudden ambush like a panther.
Clever Cats
Trapcats are also far superior co-
operative hunters than native
Earth species, using a
level of strategy that
verges on a limited in-
telligence. They do not
have a particularly
sharp sense of smell,
but hunt with their
keen eyesight. Using
their tails, which end
in a bright white tip,
they communicate ba-
sic signals to each

(order #12649789)
other across fields or open areas within line-of-sight to coordinate their at-
For example, when a group of Trapcats is stalking prey from different
sides, one of the pride will “call the ball” with an indication of its tail that it
will lead the attack, which signals the others to be ready to pursue after the
target attempts to flee.
Trapcats use these advanced hunting methods to many different effects
worthy of their name. They feint attack from one side to flush prey into the
waiting jaws to the other side. They chase victims into dead ends. In areas of
uneven ground, one Trapcat will often chase a target into an area where oth-
ers await, unseen at a higher elevation, from which they can pounce. Trapcats
have even been known to feign retreat to lure a potential victim into pursuing
while others in the pride lie in wait to turn the tables.
Trapcat hides are prized by hunters and collectors, and make beautiful cloaks
and jackets. Anyone seen wearing articles of Trapcat fur can be assumed to
be a great hunter or very wealthy, or both.
As the Reptilian Raiders have shown, Trapcats possess the capacity for at
least limited domestication. A number of different individuals, communities,
and networks offer bounties on the capture of live newborn Trapcat cubs so
that they can try to replicate the success seen by the Raiders in turning them
into loyal guard animals or mounts.
Wild Trapcats are found throughout the Civilized Lands in packs of three to
six, particularly in very dense forests or ruins where they can run prey into
dead ends or set up ambushes. They can also be found accompanying Rep-
tilian Raiders across the territory.
Also Known As
Crafty Cats or Raidercats.
Related Creatures
The hunting insticts exhibited by all Trapcats are natural behaviors, but those
that have been bred and raised as war mounts by the Reptilian Raiders are
particularly deadly and even more sophisticated. Selective breeding has pro-
duced stock that are tougher, with training to make them better runners and


(order #12649789)
Trapcat (Wild)
Might 4D Scale +0D
Brawl 5D
Stamina 5D+1 Move 25
Agility 4D Perks
Athletics 5D+1 +1D Claws
Dodge 5D +2D Teeth
Stealth 5D Pack Intelligence (+1D bonus to Brawl,
Intimidate, and Stealth when hunting in a
Wit 1D group of 3+)
Charm 1 D+2 Combat Stats
Courage 3D+1 Dodge 15
Intimidate 3D+2 Soak 12

Trapcat (Trained Combat Mount)

Might 4D+1 Scale +0D
Brawl 6D
Stamina 6D Move 25
Agility 4D Perks
Athletics 6D +1D Claws
Run 7D +2D Teeth
Dodge 5D+2 Pack Intelligence (+1D bonus to Brawl,
Stealth 5D Intimidate, and Stealth when hunting in a
group of 3+)
Wit 1D
Combat Stats
Charm 1 D+2 Dodge 17
Courage 3D+1 Soak 13
Intimidate 4D+1


(order #12649789)
(order #12649789)
(order #12649789)

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