Third Year AETCOM

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Third year AETCOM

Module 3.1: The foundations of communication - 3

Demonstrate ability to communicate to patients in a patient, respectful, non-

threatening, non-judgmental and empathetic manner

Module 3.2: Case studies in bioethics
- Disclosure of medical errors

Demonstrate an understanding of the implications and the appropriate procedure and response
to be followed in the event of medical errors

Points for discussion:

1. Medical errors in clinical care.
2. The correct approach to disclosure of medical errors.
3. Consequence of failure to disclosure of medical errors including medico-legal,
social and loss of trust.

Module 3.3: The foundations of communication - 4

1. Demonstrate ability to communicate to patients in a patient, respectful, non-threatening, non-

judgmental and empathetic manner
2. Identify, discuss and defend, medico-legal, socio-cultural and ethical issues as they pertain to
consent for surgical procedures
3. Administer informed consent and appropriately address patient queries to a patient
undergoing a surgical procedure in a simulated environment

Module 3.4: Case studies in bioethics - Confidentiality
Identify, discuss and defend medico-legal, socio-cultural and ethical issues as it KH pertains to
confidentiality in patient care

Points for discussion:

1. The primacy of confidentiality in patient care.
2. What does confidentiality entail?
3. When can confidence be breached with whom and how?
4. Confidentiality and diseases that may engender patients and society.

Module 3.5: Case studies in bioethics - Fiduciary duty

1. Identify, discuss and defend medico-legal, socio-cultural, professional and ethical issues as it
pertains to the physician - patient relationship (including fiduciary duty)
2. Identify and discuss physician’s role and responsibility to society and the community that she/
he serves

Points for discussion:

1. Duty of a doctor.
2. The concept of fiduciary duty.
3. Balancing personal and professional life.
4. Where to draw the line!

Learning modules for Professional Year IV

Module 4.1: The foundations of communication - 5

1. Demonstrate ability to communicate to patients in a patient, respectful, non-threatening, non-

judgmental and empathetic manner
2. Communicate diagnostic and therapeutic options to patient and family in a simulated

OBGYn and Medicine

Module 4.2: Case studies in medico-legal and ethical situations
Identify, discuss and defend medico-legal, socioeconomic and ethical issues as it pertains to
abortion / Medical Termination of Pregnancy and reproductive

Points for discussion:

1. Who makes health care decisions for adolescents?
2. What are the medical implication of the MTP act?
3. Are there provisions for emancipated minors?
4. Should adolescents be included in the decision making process?

Module 4.3: Case studies in medico-legal and ethical situations

Identify and discuss medico-legal, socio-economic and ethical issues as it pertains to organ

Points for discussion

1. Can a kidney be bought?
2. What are the health economic outcomes of selling a kidney?
3. What are the medico-legal and ethical implications of the Human Organ
Transplantation Act?

Module 4.4: Case studies in ethics empathy and the doctor-patient relationship

1. Demonstrate empathy in patient encounters

2. Communicate care options to patient and family with a terminal illness in a simulated

Points for discussion:

1. The role of a doctor as a healer.
2. Failure of treatment and its implications for the doctor-patient relationship.
3. Empathy and patient care.
4. Can the doctor-patient relationship be terminated?
5. Hospice care.
Module 4.5: Case studies in ethics: the doctor-industry relationship

Identify and discuss and defend medico-legal, socio-cultural, professional and ethical issues in
physician - industry relationships

Points for discussion:

1. The influence of pharmaceutical industry on doctor’s prescription behavior.
2. The limits of doctor - industry engagement.

Module 4.6: Case studies in ethics and the doctor - industry relationship

Identify conflicts of interest in patient care and professional relationships and describe the
correct response to these conflicts

Points for discussion:

1. Fee splitting and other practices.
2. Can doctors become entrepreneurs?
3. Can doctors own pharmacies or hold stock in pharmaceutical companies?
4. What comprises professional conflict of interest?

OBGYn and Pediatrics

Module 4.7: Case studies in ethics and patient autonomy

Identify conflicts of interest in patient care and professional relationships and describe the
correct response to these conflicts

Points for discussion:

1. Who has the right to decide for children?
2. Can parents refuse treatment even in life threatening situations?
3. What if there is a conflict?

Module 4.8: Dealing with death
Module 4.8: Dealing with death

1. Identify conflicts of interest in patient care and professional relationships and describe the
correct response to these conflicts.
2. Demonstrate empathy to patient and family with a terminal illness in a simulated environment.

Points for discussion:

1. How should doctors deal with the emotions of patients and family facing death?
2. What does the patient experience when he/she is dying? Can physicians make the
process of death comfortable?
3. What are the emotions faced by doctors when confronting death in patients? Is death a
defeat for the doctor? Should the doctor be emotionally detached from a dying patient?
4. What are the cultural aspects of dying?

Points for discussion:

1. Can patients choose to die? Is there a role for doctors in the death of patients? Can doctors
assist death?
2. How should doctors deal with the emotions of patients and family facing death?
3. What does the patient experience when he/she is dying? Can physicians make the
process of death comfortable?
4. What are the emotions faced by doctors when confronting death in patients? Is death a
defeat for the doctor? Should the doctor be emotionally detached from a dying patient?
5. What are the cultural aspects of dying?

Module 4.9: Medical Negligence

1. Identify, discuss and defend medico-legal, socio-cultural, professional and ethical issues
pertaining to medical negligence
2. Identify, discuss and defend medico-legal, socio-cultural, professional and ethical issues
pertaining to malpractice
. The MCI &AMA Code of Medical Ethics.
. Makoul G. Essential elements of communication in medical encounters

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