2. Fertility- define, Factors responsible for high fertility in India. What is Net
Reproduction rate //
1. MMR -Definition, causes, Preventive and Social measures
2. IMR- Definition, Medical causes,Causes, P&C ///
3. Perinatal Mortality: Defn + Social and biological factors ass with it + prevention
4. Common health problems of Geriatric age group. Lifestyle and Healthy ageing
5. LBW- epid, P n C
6. Health problems of a school child. Objectives, Aspects of school health services
in India
1. List major nutritional problems in India. Describe any 1 in detail. Describe all ///
Vitamin A deficiency: magnitude of problem + factors associated + prevention /
2. Milk borne diseases - epidemiology, prevention n control
3. Disorders associated with Iodine deficiency. Activities under National Iodine
Deficiency Disorders Control Programme. (700, 681, 475)
4. PEM? Classifications of PEM. Prevention. Causes //
5. Steps in Assessment of Nutritional status of Community
6. Nutritional Anemia- Defn, Epidemiology, Prevention
Tribal Health In India
New chapter
Occupational Health
1. Pneumoconiosis
2. Occupational Hazards of Agricultural workers ///
3. Sickness absenteeism ///// //
4. The ESI Act 1948
5. Benefits under ES Act // (separately to employers too)
6. Radiation hazards (870, 804)
7. Bagassosis
1. Describe Occupational Environment. Enumerate Measures of health protection of
workers. Role of Factor Medical Officer in prevention of occupational diseases
2. Pneumoconiosis- Classify. Asbestosis -Epidemiology, Preventive measures.
Silicosis ///
3. ESI Act 1948- Scope, administration, benefits
4. ESIS Act- Provisions. Enumerate legal provisions for working people
5. Occupational Health: defn. Medical and Engineering measures for prevention of
occupational diseases
6. Occupational Health: defn. Various approaches to promote occupational health
7. Ergonomics- define. Enumerate Occupational Lung diseases. Engineering
measures to prevent Occupational diseases
8. Measures for prevention of Occupational diseases
Mental Health
1. Drug addiction. (-Approaches for Management and prevention) //
2. Drug Abuse
3. Warning signs of poor mental health ///
4. Causes of mental ill health ///
5. Adverse health effects of smoking (897)
6. Characteristics of mentally ill person
7. Characteristics of mentally healthy person
1. Mental illnesses- Types, causes, Prevention
International Health
1. Work of WHO
2. WHO (-functions) ////
3. UNICEF // (activities in India)
4. FAO ///
5. Rockefeller foundation: Activities in India //
6. Ford Foundation
Disaster management
1. Precautions to reduce effects of earthquakes
2. Triage ///
1. Operational research
2. Antimicrobial resistance //
3. Health Insurance in India
4. Disaster cycle
5. Role of cooperative for Assistance and Relief everywhere in India
6. Sex Ratio: Factors affecting + prevention strategies to maintain it
7. Village Health Sanitation Committee
8. Nevirapine
9. Health problems due to industrialisation
10. Care of dependent adults
11. Family health awareness campaign
1. Health problems of adolescents. Measures to minimise these problems.
2. Handicapped children- Define, extent of problem, Classification, Causes,