Thaumaturgy in v5
Thaumaturgy in v5
Thaumaturgy in v5
For example, if you have your primary path being the Lure of Flames at 3 dots, if you increase your
Thaumaturgy skill to 4 then the Lure of Flames matches it. However, you may also pay exp to buy the first level
of a discipline, choosing Thaumaturgy even though you already own it. This lets you learn a new path,
choosing the Path of Mercury in addition to your dots in Lure of Flames.
Thaumaturgical Paths
Paths define the types of magic a vampire can perform. A vampire typically learns his primary path from his
sire, though it is not unknown for some vampires to study under many different tutors. As mentioned before,
the first path a character learns is considered her primary path and increases automatically as the character
advances in the Discipline itself. Secondary paths may be learned once the character has acquired two or
more dots in her primary path, and they must be raised separately with experience points. Furthermore, a
character’s rating in her primary path must always be at least one dot higher than any of her secondary paths
until she has mastered her primary path. Once the character has achieved the fifth level of her primary path,
secondary paths may be increased to that level. Each time the character invokes one of the powers of a
Thaumaturgical path, the thaumaturge’s player must roll Resolve + Thaumaturgy. The difficulty is either listed
in the power, or determined by your Storyteller. Failure to get any successes on this roll indicates that the
magic simply does not work. A bestial failure causes some kind of loss or catastrophic backfire, such as losing
a Willpower point, spontaneous combustion, or accidentally letting a living statue run rampant. Thaumaturgy is
an unforgiving art.
■ Type: Sorcery
■ Masquerade Threat: Low-High. The individual appearance of the powers and Rituals in Blood Sorcery varies
as widely as their effects.
■ Blood Resonance: Sanguine. Although not inherent in the Blood itself, Blood Sorcery responds eagerly to
blood from human occultists, sorcerers, and cult leaders, as well as hemophiles and bibliophiles.
The Path of Curses
Early in the history of Blood Sorcery, the Path of Curses was developed and refined. It is still known by its early
names in certain circles: Maleficium, Hexen-Kraft, the Evil Eye. Victims of this path are subject to extreme
treatment and psychological feelings of inadequacy, often to the point of becoming social outcasts. Friends
tend to distance themselves from the victim, creating a social schism and driving the accursed toward
All curses use the following Ingredients, Process and overall System.
■ Ingredients: Hair, blood, flesh, or any other part of the victim (which depending on the age of the vampire
decay pretty quickly), as well as clay or another malleable material. Additional ingredients may be required, as
detailed in the curse
■ Process: The thaumaturge creates an effigy using the clay and the parts from the victim. When directly
seeing the target she then proceeds to curse them in whispers. The curse must be chanted for 30 seconds per
level and often consists of dead, esoteric languages. You then roll Difficulty using the system explained above.
Any interruption during the process automatically forces you to restart, though you may not make another
rouse check if required.
■ System: Even if the ritual is successful, the target may cancel its effect. Once she knows which specific
curse has been inflicted upon her, usually requiring an Intelligence + Occult (or Fortitude) roll against a
Difficulty equal to the level of the Ritual + 2, or contacting a specialist on the matter, she then can spend a
number of Willpower per level of the Curse to negate the effect. This is the victim asserting his own strength of
will and personality to throw off the yoke of anathema. The thaumaturge can lift the curses that she brings
down at any time she wishes, which makes an excellent bargaining chip
■ Type: Sorcery
■ Masquerade Threat: Mid-High
■ Blood Resonance: Sanguine. Occultists, Paranormal Investigators and Gypsies
• Stigma
The most basic of curses, the victim is stricken with an invisible stigma that manifests only in the eyes of those
around them. Few can describe its actual form. People shy away from interacting with the marked victim and
will have a hard time taking him seriously. Social interaction becomes difficult, and frustration quickly follows for
the accursed.
■ System: The stigma lasts until the next sunset or for a week with a Critical Win. The victim is doomed to
frustration when performing any Social actions. All of the victim's Manipulation and Charisma rolls are at +1
Difficulty or add 1 dice to the opposing roll during this curse.
•• Malady
The thaumaturge causes the victim to suffer intense illness and discomfort, not unlike the plagues and
pestilences of history. During the Dark Ages, this power was used to strike down rivals and force them into
subservience to the thaumaturge. Cainites likewise feel the pain and suffering from the sickness instilled by this
curse. For elder Kindred, this is one of the worst curses - to be stricken down with illness as if a common
mortal! For roleplaying purposes, the intensity of this sickness worsens the better this ritual is cast, varying
from a headache to a strong flu.
■ System: If this power is successfully invoked, the accursed suffers the effects of severe illness for a week, a
month in a Critical Win. It reduces the victim’s Physical attributes by one.
••• Pariah
This curse touches upon one of the most feared elements of society, that of becoming an outcast. This power
goes beyond cursing the victim with simple social ostracism. While under the effects of Pariah, the accursed
appears to be the most hated of enemies to everyone they encounter. This alteration of perception is only in
body and form, the victim still acts and speaks as normal. But then again, few are willing to listen to the ranting
and ravings of a despised foe.
■ Ingredients: Blood from an Obfuscate user on top of the regular ingredients. Two rouse checks are required
to cast this power.
■ System: Upon a successful roll the subject suffers the curse for a period of one week, a month on a Critical
Win. Similar to the power Mask of a Thousand Faces, this power influences the perceptions of those around
the accursed, leading observers to believe that the subject is a dire rival. This will not necessarily result in
attack indeed, in most cases, it shouldn't - but will cause antagonism in whatever way is most appropriate to
the onlooker. Most people will just leave the accursed's presence with a look of disdain, but some may snub
her, insult her or even throw the first punch. Sense the Unseen can see through this involuntary disguise for
the duration. This ritual does not work on people that already know the accursed.
Guns and knives melt into pools of metal, wood petrifies and becomes brittle, and common boundaries such as
walls and doors transmute to vapour. The laws of chemistry do not bind Warlocks employing the powers of
transmutation, as materials shift their state regardless of their temperature. This path is looked upon somewhat
unfavourably among the Tremere, as it reflects a "quick and dirty" effect rather than true mastery of alchemical
■ Type: Sorcery
■ Masquerade Threat: Mid-High
■ Blood Resonance: Sanguine. Scientists, engineers, technicians.
Praapti is the power of instantaneous travel. The Indian Sadhana practitioners developed this Path to match
their mysterious Asian rivals, who have the power to travel instantly along lines of mystical force. Later,
turncoat sadhus sold the secret of this Path to the Tremere, who reverse-engineered it into what they call the
Path of Mercury. A handful of New Age Anarchs have also stumbled onto the secret of this path, which they
simply call Teleportation.
■ Type: Sorcery
■ Masquerade Threat: High. It's difficult to explain why a strange person disappears instantly.
■ Blood Resonance: Sanguine. Thieves, Circus Workers, the Demented
Individual levels of this Path do not have distinct effects. Instead, a higher mastery simply indicates a farther
distance that can be travelled. Ideally, the sorcerer must be able to see the target location or know it intimately.
Failure on a roll to activate this path means that nothing happens at all, but bestial failures are more
problematic. If the target location is within sight or is very near (the other side of a wall, for example), such a
failure causes the character the usual catastrophic problems for blood magic. If the sorcerer attempts a blind
teleport, however, they are much more dangerous. Typically, the sorcerer finds himself merged with a solid
object, suffering one aggravated damage per “1” rolled, even on non-hunger dice. Three or more levels of
damage also means that the sorcerer is stuck inside a large object such as a wall or the ground, and may need
help to break free.
Rather than having individual powers, the Path of Mercury allows characters to teleport further the more dots
they have in the path, as seen in the table below.
• Up to 10 metres.
•• Up to 50 metres.
Familiarity with the target location of a teleport location you cannot see affects the difficulty of the roll as
Teleportation is rarely exact. Every “1” rolled on a successful roll throws the sorcerer off by 10% of the total
destination. The sorcerer may only bring himself and the clothes on his back by default. Each additional person
or 100 pounds of mass they want to take with them costs a rouse check. For example, if Chris wants to teleport
himself, 3 members of his coterie, and a 50 pound computer, he must make 4 rouse checks to bring them all
along, and if the roll is a bestial faliure…they’re all screwed.
The Path of the Levinbolt
Lightning has long been considered the dominion of the gods but has traditionally been out of reach of
thaumaturges due to a lack of understanding of the principles of electricity. As a result, this Path remained
relatively obscure until the birth of modern science and the efforts of John Blackwood. The ample supply of
electricity in the late 19th century meant that thaumaturges no longer had to wait until a convenient storm to
charge their powers but could gather the required electricity in mere seconds to direct as they chose.
Practitioners of Levinbolt learn to generate electricity with their vitae, use the flow of electrons as a means to
influence the world around them or power up their undead nerves and brain as auxiliary “meat computers”.
■ Type: Sorcery
■ Masquerade Threat: High Harnessing the power of the electricity with bare hands is a clear Masquerade
■ Blood Resonance: Sanguine. Scientists, engineers, technicians.
• Flicker
The vampire draws in ambient charge from around her; static electricity and ambient electricity in the air, or
actual electricity from nearby outlets and devices. The effect is not obvious, only visible in the snap of static
electricity from her fingertips. This charge can be used to cause glitches in machinery and other devices or to
directly fry it.
■ Cost: Free
■ System: No additional test is needed to create the glitches after the initial roll. Any use of a device or
machinery within a 10 metre radius of the vampire removes dice equal to half the Thaumaturgy rating rounded
up, as the electricity causes things like systems slowdown, glitches etc. The vampire can attempt to 'discharge'
the electricity into a machine, frying it. This requires a roll of Intelligence + Levinbolt vs a Difficulty determined
by the Storyteller based on the machine's size, surge protection and other factors, 2 being a regular laptop and
6 being a government drone. If successful, the electricity arcs from the caster's fingertips, frying the machine.
■ Duration: One scene or until deactivation.
•• Electroception
The vampire detects the electric fields generated by living beings and modern technology or machinery. This
allows them to “see” these fields even through walls, effectively adding a new sense to her arsenal.
■ Cost: Free
■ System: The user senses electrical fields related to electronic devices and living beings as part of their
standard perception tests. This power also allows the vampire to perceive objects, animals and people
otherwise hidden from the naked eye (such as behind a wall or in supernatural darkness) as long as they have
electricity. Anything that has a perceptible electrical charge may be found with this power, at Storyteller’s
discretion, including radio waves and other electrical signals. In the modern nights, radio and similar signals
saturate the city. Discerning between the multiple signals requires a Resolve + Levinbolt test, vs a Difficulty
decided by the specific signal. Deciphering walkie talkie or radio signals is usually rolled vs Difficulty 2, while
cell phone communication is rolled at 3. Landline or more encrypted methods involve higher Difficulties at
Storyteller discretion.
■ Duration: Passive.
••• Discharge
Rather than drawing in ambient charge from around the area; this time the effect is much more pronounced, as
their body takes on a deep blue hue as energy arcs across them, making this an obvious breach of the
Masquerade. The vampire immediately discharges this as a burst of electricity from their hands, either in the
form of an arc of blue lightning from their fingertips, or a full-body discharge of deep blue electricity. Upon
impact, the muscles of the target stiffen up, making it hard to move.
■ Cost: Free
■ System: Channelling the raw energy of electricity involves an Intelligence + Thaumaturgy attack roll (which
can be dodged like any ranged attack) with +2 to damage bonus. This causes the crippling injury stunned for a
turn and causes Aggravated Health damage to mortals and un-halved Superficial to Kindred. Alternatively, if
the character is being touched by the target (such as in a Grapple) this becomes a full-body discharge, resisted
by the target's Strength + Stamina. A mortal who takes even one point of damage collapses unconscious. It is
possible to use this power on humans in a non-lethal way, removing the damage but not the unconsciousness.
■ Duration: One use