Intro To Towing - User Guide

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•Adding a seat
•Adding multiple seats

•Files & Training
•Taking the course
•Registration Codes
•Assigning Codes
•User Completion Report
•Tracking progress
•Downloading certificate

•Your orders
•Your invoices


•User profile
•Billing Information
T hank you for purchasing the Intro to Towing
course! Students who go through the videos and
quizzes in this course will be more prepared for in-
depth training, which will give them the confidence
needed to thrive in a tough, fast-paced, and
dangerous job.
It is the hope of the California Tow Truck
Association and the United Coalition for Motor Club
Safety that this course will help your business with
the hiring and retaining of excellent drivers. For your
beginners and new hires, this will be just the first
step in a long journey of tow operator training. Not
only does a continuous education make your drivers
safer when performing roadside duties, it makes
them more efficient and professional, which boosts
your bottom line. This course is not intended to give
drivers every skill needed to be a tow operator, but
will give them a confident start. Please visit ctta.
com/training for information on our Light & Heavy
Duty certification courses, which offer in-depth,
hands-on training.

sponsored by
To get started, visit or At ctta.
com, look under the education tab
for “Online Training from CTTA/
UCMCS” and click it. From there, add
the number of seats you would like to
purchase. Price breaks come at 3 and
10 seats. Now click “Add”. Next, you’ll
see your shopping cart; confirm your
products and click “Next”. You’ll be
asked to register for a new account.
When signing up for your account, only
the primary email on file with CTTA
and/or UCMCS can be used. If you do
not remember your email, please call
(916) 617-2882.

Fill out the “User Information” and the

“Billing Information” and click “Submit”.
Confirm your cart one more time and
click “Next”.

Now, fill out your payment info. When

you’re done, click “Submit”. Once the
payment is processed, you will see
an Order Confirmation screen. This
screen gives you several options for the
seats you just purchased, along with a
printable invoice:
A: Instructions on how to view your registration codes in the future.
B: Ability to view registration codes now.
C: Option to apply one code to your own account, so you can take the course.

Once you’ve completed the steps detailed in section 2 of this document, you’ll
be taken to the “My Account” page. NOTE: If you have not applied a code to
your own account, you will not see the “Files & Training” box.

Files & Training

Clicking this box gives you access to the course. This is what your drivers will
see when they login (after you’ve emailed them a code). If you’ve assigned
a code to yourself, you will also have this in your account. Once clicked, you
are presented with the course modules. The modules consist of videos and
quizzes, with study materials at the end. Each module must be completed
in order, and the student must score 100% on each quiz too move on. To get
started, just click “View Video” or “Launch Quiz”!
3) MY ACCOUNT (cont)
Once a module is finished, you will see
the word “Completed” in the Status
column. Modules with this status
can be revisited at any time. Once all
modules are complete, you will be able
to download a study guide and your
certificate of completion!

Registration Codes

This is where you will manage the class seats that you have purchased. Click
the box to get started. Once there, you’ll see a list of all your registration codes:

As you can see in the example above, the first registration code has been
assigned to This is reflected in the “Registrations” section
of this page. To assign a code, click “Email Registration Code” and enter the
driver’s email address. An example of the “Email Registration Code”, as well as
what the driver receives can be found on the next page.
3) MY ACCOUNT (cont)

This is what you’ll see when you click “Email Registration Code”. Just enter your
intended student’s email in the top box labeled “Email Address:”. If you’d like to
send a personal message along with the default text, enter it in the bottom box
labeled “Additional Email Text:”. For example, you may want to give them a due
date or other information: “Hi Joe! Please finish this course by the end of the
month. Thanks! -John”. The driver will then receive an email with the code link
and instructions on how to register. NOTE: registration codes expire 12 months
from purchase date. An example of this resulting email is shown below:
3) MY ACCOUNT (cont)
User Completion

The Intro to Towing course allows the person who has purchased seats in the
course to track those taking it. In “My Account”, just click the “User Completion
Report” box and you’ll see a list of all the people who are currently taking, or
have taken the course. Clicking “Details” in the far right column will brink you to
this transcription screen:

If a student has completed all the modules successfully, they will be able to
download their own certificate of completion from their own account. In the
user transcript, you are also able to do so for them. Just click the link at the
bottom of the page:

Order History

In the “Order History” section of your account, you’ll be able to access invoices
for any purchases made for Intro to Towing. Click “View Full Invoice” to see
each order’s details.


Edit Your

This section simply allows you to edit your User Information and Billing
Information. NOTE: do not change your email address! Only the primary email
address on file for CTTA and/or UCMCS can be used!

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