FS 1 Le 8
FS 1 Le 8
FS 1 Le 8
As you move around the campus, observations forms are provided for you to document
your observations. It is advised that you read the entire worksheet before proceeding to the
school site. A good understanding of the activities and tasks to be accomplished on the
activity sheets will yield better learning results.
Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check the column to
indicate their availability. Give a brief description of those that are available, and say how
each will contribute to the students’ learning and development.
Counselling Room
Medical/ Clinic
Audio Visual/ Learning
Resource Center
Science Laboratory
Outdoor/ Garden
Industrial Workshop
PTA Office
Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the
space provided.
1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the walls? What An
heroes, religious figures, lessons, visual aids, announcements, do you see
2. Examine how the pieces of furniture are arranged, where is the teacher’s
table located? How are the tables and chairs/ desks arranged?
3. What learning materials/ equipment are present?
4. Observe the students. How many are occupying one room?
5. Is the room well-lit and well-ventilated
Classroom Facilities (location, number, arrangement, condition)
1. Wall Displays
2. Teacher’s Tale
3. Learner’s Desks
4. Blackboard
5. Learning Materials/
Visual Aids
How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the
students going to school? What are your conclusions?
How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development/ how does this
relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?
1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? Why not?
2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?
3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?
4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?
5. Write your additional learnings and insights here.
As you look around and examine board displays, use the observation guide and forms
provided for you to document your observations.
Observation REPORT
( you may paste pictures of the Boar displays here.)
From among the board displays that you saw, pick the one that you got most
interested in.
Evaluate it using the evaluation form below.
It is free from grammar errors,
misspelled words, and ambiguity.
It is well-constructed, items are
securely attached.
Evaluation of educational
content. And other aspects
Based on you suggestions, make your board display lay-out. You may present your
output through any of these:
What do you think was the purpose of the board display?
Did the board display reflect the likes-interests of its target audience? Why? Why not?
Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand? Why? Why
Was the board display effective? Why? Why not?
What suggestions can you make?
Based on your suggestions, propose an enhanced version of the display board. Use the form
My Proposed Board Display
Board title:
Content resources (Name each needed resource and give each a brief description):
Materials for aesthetic enhancement:
1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with
effective board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.
2. Which of the skills you named in # 1 do you already have? Recall your past
experiences in making board displays. How do you practice these skills?
3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on how
you can improve on or acquire these skills.
Name:___________________________________ Date Submitted: _____________________
Accomplished All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) Four (4) or more
Observation questions/task observation observation observation
sheet s completely questions/ tasks questions/ tasks questions/ tasks
answered/ not answered/ not answered not answered/
accomplished. accomplished accomplished. accomplished.
Analysis All questions All questions were Questions were Four (4) or more
were answered answered not answered observation
completely; completely; completely; questions were
answers are answers are clearly answers are not not answered;
with depth and connected to clearly connected answers not
are thoroughly theories; grammar to theories; one connected to
grounded on and spelling are (1) to three (3) theories; more
theories; free from errors. grammatical/ than four (4)
grammar and spelling errors. grammatical/
spelling are spelling errors.
free from error.
Reflection Profound and Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and
clear; depth; supported shallow; shallow; rarely
supported by by what were somewhat supported by
what were observed and supported by what were
observed and analyzed what were observed and
analyzed observed and analysed.
Learning artifacts Portfolio is Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is Portfolio is
reflected on in on in the context of reflected on in reflected on in
the context of the learning the context of the the context of the
the learning outcomes; learning learning
outcomes; complete, well- outcomes; outcomes; not
complete, well- organized, very complete, not complete, not
organized, relevant to the organized, not organized, not
highly relevant learning outcome. relevant to the relevant to the
to the learning learning learning
outcome. outcome. outcome.
___________________________________________ ___________________________