PERDEV Curriculum-Map
PERDEV Curriculum-Map
PERDEV Curriculum-Map
one’s system
5.3 demonstrate
personal ways of
coping with stress
healthful living
Q3 – W6 6. The Powers the whole brain identify ways to 6.1 discuss that Self- Online quiz Personal Competence
Feb. 20 – 24, of the Mind theory, or improve understanding the Assessment Development
2023 two hemispheres of learning using left and right brain Journal writing pages 58-67 *Responsiveness
the both the left may help in Reflective *Creativity
brain: artistic (right- and right brain improving one’s writing *Self-discipline
brain learning
dominant) and 6.2 explore two Group task
linear types of mind-
(left-brain mapping
dominant) techniques, each
suited to right
brain- or left brain-
dominant thinking
6.3 make a plan to
improve learning
using left and right
brain through
Q3 – W7 7. Mental Health the concepts about identify his/her 7.1 interpret the Self- Interview Personal Christ-
Feb. 27 – Mar. and Well-being mental health and own vulnerabilities concepts of mental Assessment Development centeredness
3, 2022 in well-being in and make a plan health and Sharing and pages 68-84
Middle and Late middle and late on how to stay psychological well- Reflective discussion *Respect and
adolescence adolescence mentally being in everyday writing appreciate one’s
healthy observations about uniqueness as
mental health well as the
problems during diversity of
adolescence people
7.2 identify his/her
own vulnerabilities
S.Y: 2022 – 2023
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