Appendix - Vii
Appendix - Vii
Appendix - Vii
Department: Department of Commerce & Management. Date: - 14.03.2011 Sub. : Administrative approval for purchase of Computer. Submitted, The proposals for purchase of Computers may be sent to store section after having admiministration. The store material/equipments are required for the Department of Commerce & Management. The details of this purchase are as under :Sr. No Details of stores material equipment Qty Estimated Cost Technical Specifications The details of present stock with Dept. Qty. Value 6 The approval of the following Committees is necessary (i) Purchase (ii) Technical (iii) Furniture 7 Budget Provision for current year
1 1. 2.
3 04 01
4 108,120 42,800
8 D. 7 R.3 D. 7 R.3
Justifications for purchase of above store material/equipment Departmental use Budget Head (a) Budget provision for the current year 2010-11 (b) Cumulative expenditure incurred so far Rs.. (c) Balance provision for above purchase ` ... (iii) Whether the preliminary works i.e. civil work and electrical works for installation of equipment etc. are completed before purchase. If not, the period required for completion of such work and action taken for completion of such work. - N. A. (iv) (v) (vi) Whether the arrangement for storage of the said material/equipment is made and provision for maintenance cost after warranty period is anticipated. Yes Name of manufacturer/authorised dealers/wholesaler/Retailer and their address. The said purchase is to be effected by inviting tenders/fixing annual rate contracts or placing orders with the existing rate contract firm/directly from Shivaji University Consumer Store/ Shetkari Sahakari Sangh/ by calling sealed quotation. As per delegation of powers, administrative approval of Honble Vice-Chancellor is required for above purchase, which may be accorded for estimated expenditure of Rs.____________. Clerk/ Superintendent H.O.D. Registrar/Director-BCUD/
Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor
Form No. VII - C Shivaji University, Kolhapur MATERIAL REQUISITION NOTE (To be prepared in triplicate) Department : Department of Commerce & Management Requisition No. ______ Date :14-03-2011 To Dy. Registrar, Stores Section Kindly supply the following material for the use of our department/section Sr. No Description with size/weight and other specifications along with Company/Make etc. 2 Desktop Computers LAPTOP Quantit y require d 3 04 01 Value (`.) Existing stock with user Dept. / Section 5 Consumptio n per day/ month 6 Budget Head and Balance Provision 7 D. 7 R.3 D. 7 R.3
1 1. 2.
4 108,120 42,800
Justification for requirement Departmental requirement Encl. : Administrative sanction dated ------------ in format No. 1 is enclosed.
Signature Head / ----For use of Stores Section Requisition note received on Date Name of receiving clerk Signature -
Following equipments are necessary Cost as per Rate Qty. contract (`.) 04 ` 27,030/HCL
Sr. No. 1
Item Desktop Computer -Type II Processor Intel Core 2 Duo E7500 ( 2.93 GHz/ 3 MB L2 Cache /1066 MHz FSB ) or Better Intel G41 Chipset (OEM )Motherboard Or better 2 GB DDR3 RAM 320 GB SATA HDD SATA based Internal DVD writer Internet Ready Keyboard USB Optical Mouse On board 10/100/1000 LAN 18.5" LCD TFT/LCD Wide Monitor WIN 7 Professional Preloaded with license & ,recovery media Three yrs standard onsite comprehensive warranty Antivirus software Preloaded with license for Three Year (Quick Heal / Norton / Symantec / Net Protector )
Following equipments are necessary Cost as per Rate contract (`) ` 42,800
Qty. 01 HCL
Intel Core i5 processor 520 M(2.4 GHz,3 MB L2 Cache) or Higher Intel HM 55 Chipset, 14 wide LCD screen Integrated card Reader, Integrated Webcam Bluetooth functionality, Integrated WLAN DVD Super Multi, 4 GB DDR3 RAM 500 GB HDD Windows 7 Professional Pre Loaded license with media Three yrs standard onsite comprehensive warranty ` 42,800.00
Department: Department of Commerce & Management. Date: - 14.03.2011 Sub. : Administrative approval for purchase of UPS & LCD. Submitted, The proposals for purchase of Computers may be sent to store section after having admiministration. The store material/equipments are required for the Department of Commerce & Management. The details of this purchase are as under :Sr. No Details of stores material equipment Qty Estimated Cost Technical Specifications The details of present stock with Dept. Qty. Value The approval of the following Committees is necessary (i) Purchase (ii) Technical (iii) Furniture 7 Budget Provision for current year
1 1 2
2 UPS capacity of 10 KV(4 Hour backup) LCD (Assembly Screen with remote)
3 01 01
4 3,48,095.24 40,500.00
8 D. 7 R.3 D. 7 R.3
(i) Justifications for purchase of above store material/equipment Departmental use (iii) Budget Head (d) Budget provision for the current year 2010-11 (e) Cumulative expenditure incurred so far Rs.. (f) Balance provision for above purchase ` ... (iii) Whether the preliminary works i.e. civil work and electrical works for installation of equipment etc. are completed before purchase. If not, the period required for completion of such work and action taken for completion of such work. - N. A. (iv) (vii) (viii) Whether the arrangement for storage of the said material/equipment is made and provision for maintenance cost after warranty period is anticipated. Yes Name of manufacturer/authorised dealers/wholesaler/Retailer and their address. The said purchase is to be effected by inviting tenders/fixing annual rate contracts or placing orders with the existing rate contract firm/directly from Shivaji University Consumer Store/ Shetkari Sahakari Sangh/ by calling sealed quotation. As per delegation of powers, administrative approval of Honble Vice-Chancellor is required for above purchase, which may be accorded for estimated expenditure of Rs.____________. Clerk/ Superintendent H.O.D. Registrar/Director-BCUD/
Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor
Form No. VII - C Shivaji University, Kolhapur MATERIAL REQUISITION NOTE (To be prepared in triplicate) Department : Department of Commerce & Management Requisition No. ______ Date :14-03-2011 To Dy. Registrar, Stores Section Kindly supply the following material for the use of our department/section Sr. No Description with size/weight and other specifications along with Company/Make etc. 2 UPS capacity of 10 KV(4 hour backup) LCD (Assembly Screen with remote) Quantit y require d 3 01 01 Value (`.) Existing stock with user Dept. / Section 5 Consumptio n per day/ month 6 Budget Head and Balance Provision 7 D. 7 R.3 D. 7 R.3
1 1. 2.
4 3,48,095.24 40,500.00
Justification for requirement Departmental requirement Encl. : Administrative sanction dated ------------ in format No. 1 is enclosed.
Signature Head / ----For use of Stores Section Requisition note received on Date Name of receiving clerk Signature -
fo"k; % okf.kT; o O;oLFkkiu vf/kfoHkkxklkBh midj.ks [kjsnhlkBh rkaf=kd lferhP;k f'kQkjl feG.ksckcr egksn;] okf.kT; o O;oLFkkiu vf/kfoHkkxklkBh [kkyhy midj.ks vko';d vkgsrSr.No 1. 2. Particulars UPS capacity of 10 KV(4 hour backup) LCD (Assembly Screen with remote) Quantity Required 01 01
l/;k vf/kfoHkkxkdMs ojhy midj.ks ukghr- lnj midj.ks feGkY;kl gks.kkjh fo|kF;kZaph xSjlks; o uqdlku VkGrk ;s.ks 'kD; gksbZy- lnj 10 KV pk ;qih,l feGkY;kl R;koj 30 lax.kd 4 rkl pkyq 'kdrhy- rlsp LCD (Assembly Screen + LCD with remote) gs midj.k feGkY;kl fo|kF;kZauk v/;kiu dj.ks vf/kd lqyHk gksbZylnjps midj.k [kjsnh dj.;kckcr vko';d vlysY;k f'kQkj'khlkBh rDR;k~lac/kkrhy fo"k; lkscr tksMyk vkgs- d`Ik;k [kjsnhckcr rkaf=kd lferhph f'kQkjl dj.;kr ;koh gh foaurh lkscr 1- rkaf=kd rif'ky kxizeq[k vf/kfoHk
okf.kT; o O;oLFkkiu vf/kfoHkkx fn- 03- 03- 2011 rkaf=kd lferhlkBh fo"k;] fo"k; % okf.kT; o O;oLFkkiu vf/kfoHkkxklkBh midj.ks [kjsnhlkBh rkaf=kd lferhP;k f'kQkjl feG.ksckcr okf.kT; o O;oLFkkiu vf/kfoHkkxke/;s vko';d vl.kkjs lkscr fnysY;k rkaf=kd rif'kykizek.ks midj.ks [kjsnh djko;kps vkgsr- lnj midj.kkph ekfgrh lkscr lknj dfjr vkgksr- rsaOgk mijksDr fo"k;klanHkkZrhy midj.k [kjsnhlkBh rkaf=kd lferh f'kQkjl feGo.;kdfjrk fopkjkFkZ lknj]
Sr.No 1. 2.
Name of Instruments
UPS capacity of 10 KV(4 hour backup) LCD (Assembly Screen with remote)
Sr. No.
Name of Instruments
okf.kT; o O;oLFkkiu vf/kfoHkkx fn- 14- 022011 va- dk- % ys[kk ih- th- fcYl foHkkxkl fo"k; % 5 KV. pk UPS ?ks.;kl ekU;rk feG.ksckcregksn;] okf.kT; o O;oLFkkiu vf/kfoHkkxke/;s ,e- lh- ,
dkWelZP;k yWc djhrk 5 KV. pk UPS vko';d vkgs- lnjpk UPS gk M/S AZ Electronics, Mumbai ;kapdsMwu 'kkldh; njdjkjkizek.ks miyC/k vlysyk 5 K.V. pk UPS HkkaMkj foHkkxkdMqu ?ks.;kl ekU;rk feGkoh gh fouarh-
okf.kT; o O;oLFkkiu vf/kfoHkkx fnukad % @ Ikzfr] Ekk] lapkyd] ch- lh- ;q- Mhf'kokth fo|kihB] dksYgkiwj@ 2011
fo"k; % Scheme For Providing additional assistance to universities during XI plan ;k ;kstus varxZr lqfo/kkckcregksn;] mijksDr fo"k;kuqlkj lnj ;kstusrwu R;k midj.kkaph [kjsnh gks.kkj vkgs o T;k lqfo/kk Teaching & Learning Improvement dfjrk miyC/k gks.kkj vkgsr- R;kiSdh [kkyhy ckch vkeP;k vf/kfoHkkxkl vko';d vkgsr- &
Sr. No Description with size/weight and other specifications along with Company/Make etc. 2 Rate contract Laptop Without rate contract D.L.P.(Epson) Visual Studio 2008 Oracle 10G Quantity required Value (.) Existing stock with user Dept. / Section 5 Consumptio n per day/ month 6 Budget Head and Balance Provision 7 D.7 P.3 D.7 P.3 D.7 P.3 D.7 P.3
1 1. 2. 3. 4.
3 01 01 30 user 10 user
Lknj midj.kkaph vR;ar vko';drk vlY;kus vkeP;k vf/kfoHkkxkl ojhyizek.ks midj.ks lnj ( D.7.P.3);kstusrwu feGkohr gh foaurhP.T.O.
Qty. 01 HCL
Intel Core i5 processor 520 M(2.4 GHz,3 MB L2 Cache) or Higher Intel HM 55 Chipset, 14 wide LCD screen Integrated card Reader, Integrated Webcam Bluetooth functionality, Integrated WLAN DVD Super Multi, 4 GB DDR3 RAM 500 GB HDD Windows 7 Professional Pre Loaded license with media Three yrs standard onsite comprehensive warranty ` 42,800.00