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MCQ on ms- office 1. Which of the following companies developed MS Office 2000? A. Microsoft B. Corel C. Novell D.

Lotus Answer: A 2. Which of the following is not a part of a standard office suite? A. Word Processor B. Data base C. Image Editor D. File Manager Answer: D 3. Which of the following is the Word Processor in MS Office? A. Word Star B. Word Pad C. Word D. Word Perfect Answer: C 4. Which of the following is not a special program in MS Office? A. Office Art B. Clip Art C. Word Art D. Paint Art Answer: D 5. Which is an animated character that gives help in MSOffice? A. Office Worker B. Office Assistant C. Comic Assistant D. None of these Answer: B 6. In which way does MS Office provide help? A. Whats This B. Office Assistant C. Help Menu D. All of the above

Answer: D 7. Which input device cannot be used to work in MSOffice? A. Scanner B. Light Pen C. Mouse D. Joy Stick Answer: D 8. Which of the following is not a standard MSOffice Edition? A. CE B. Advanced C. Standard D. Professional Answer: B 9. MSOffice 2000 included a full-fledged Web designing software called ___ A. MS Word B. Front Page Express C. FrontPage 2000 D. None of these Answer: C 10. Which of the following are valid Minimum and Maximum zoom sizes in MSOffice? A. 10, 100 B. 20, 250 C. 10, 500 D. 10, 1000 Answer: C 11. Which type of files cannot be navigated using ClipArt browser? A. AVI B. BMP C. WAV D. MP3 Answer: D 12. Which of the following is not a valid version of MS Office? A. Office 4 B. Office 97 C. Office 98 D. Office 2000

Answer: C
1. Which of the following companies developed MS Office 2000? Microsoft Novell Corel Lotus

2. Which of the following is not a part of a standard office suite? Word Processor Data base Image Editor File Manager

3. Which of the following is the Word Processor in MS Office? Word Star Word Pad Word Word Perfect

4. MS Word allows creation of ___ type of documents by default? .DOC .WPF .TXT .DOT

5. Which of the following is not a special program in MS Office? Office Art Clip Art Word Art Paint Art

6. Outlook Express is a ___ E-Mail Client Scheduler Address Book All of the above

7. ____ is an animated character that gives help in MSOffice? Office Worker Comic Assistant Office Assistant None of these

8. MS Office provides help in many ways. Which of these are more closer to the answer? Whats This Office Assistant Help Menu All of the above

9. Which input device cannot be used to work in MSOffice? Scanner Light Pen Mouse Joy Stick

10. Which menu in MSWord can be used to change page size & typeface? View Tools Format Data

11. Which of the following is not a standard MSOffice Edition? CE Advanced Standard Professional

12. MSOffice 2000 included a full-fledged Web designing software called ___ MS Word Front Page Express FrontPage 2000 None of these

13. Which key should be pressed to start a new paragraph in MSWord? Down Cursor Key Enter Key Shift + Enter Control + Enter

14. Which of these toolbars allows changing of Fonts and their sizes? Standard Formatting Print Preview None of these

15. Which bar is usually located below that Title Bar that provides categorized options? Menu bar Status Bar Tool bar Scroll bar

16. Which of the following are valid Min. & Max. zoom sizes in MSOffice 10, 100 20, 250 10, 500 10, 1000

17. Which type of files cannot be navigated using ClipArt browser? AVI BMP WAV MP3

18. Which of the following is the latest version of Microsoft Word? Word 97 Word 98 Word ME Word XP

19. Which of the following is not a valid version of MS Office? Office 4 Office 97 Office 98 Office 2000

20. Which option in File pull-down menu is used to close a file in MSWord?





1. The Word Count option is in ------ menu (Tools) 2. The shortcut for slide show is ----------- (F5) 3. Search is in --------------------- (Start menu) 4. The Shortcut key for print is ---------------- (Ctrl + P) 5. A collection of worksheet is called --------- (Work book) 6. Merge cell is in ------------------------ menu (Table) 7. The Extension of a PowerPoint show is ----------- (.PPT) 8. Predefined Shapes are called ----- (Auto Shapes) 9. Setting can be done through -------------- (control Panel) 10. Insertion of a clip art depends on --------- ( slide notes) 11. For e mailing a work sheet select ------- from file menu (send to) 12. For spell check use the key ------------- (F7) 13. Auto correct is in --------------- menu (Tools) 14. using ---------- we can change the color of the text (Font color) 15. Undo button is on ----------- tool bar (Standard) 16. the extension of a workbook is ------------------ (.Xls) 17. --------------unit performs the mathematical calculations (ALU) 18. ----------- we can be inserted in an excel sheet for pictures (Bitmap) 19. The maximum zoom percentage in Microsoft Power Point is ----------- (500) 20. Mouse is a ------------------ device (Input) 21. In windows, deleted files are present in ---------------- (Recycle bin) 22. Change case option is in ----------- menu of MS Word (format) 23. In Windows short cut key for cut option is --------------------- (Ctrl + X) 24. In MS Excel ------------- icon on the toolbar is used to find sum of numbers of selected cells automatically (Auto sum) 25. In Windows ---------------- function key is used to get help (F1) 26. To delete a worksheet document select --------- from the file menu (delete) 27. In MS Word Drop cap is in ---------------- menu (format) 28. The extension of excel file is ------------------ (.Xls) 29. In MS Excel ----------- function returns the number of entries in the selected range of cells ( count) 30. The extension of word file is ------------------- (.Doc) 31. The shortcut for italics is ---------------------------- (Ctrl + I) 32. In windows ---------------- icon displays all the computers in the network (Network neighborhood) 33. ------------------- is the storage area for items that have been cut or copied. (Recyle bin) 34. ---------------- is the shortcut key for paste operation (Ctrl + V) 35. In Word style option is in --------- menu (format) 36. In MS Word -------------- view shows the documents as it will look when it is printed (Print layout) 37. Macro option is in ---------------- menu (tools) 38. In windows--------------- function key is used to invoke help utility (F1) 39. In MS Word change case option is in -------------------- menu (format) 40. In Excel ------ is defined as the space where a specified row and column is intersect ( cell)

41. In Excel -------------- function returns smallest value in a selected range of cells (min) 42. -------------------- option is used to undo the previous key action (undo) 43. --------------- option used to save the document with a new file (save as) 44. --------------- enables you to move up and down in a document ( scrollbar) 45. ----------- feature helps to you to avoid typing mistake and helps you to speed up your typing (Auto correct) 46. Page break is in ------------- menu (insert) 47. Short cut key for slide show is -------------- (F5) 48. --------------------- feature in MS Word saves the document automatically (Auto save) 49. The picture option in Word is in ------------------- menu (insert) 50. In Excel using --------------- we can find the sum of a group of numbers (Auto sum) 51. In excel the numbers are usually --------------- aligned ( right) 52. The number of columns in a work sheet is -------------------------- (256) 53. Extension file of MS Access is --------- (.mdb) 54. An individual page in a Power Point presentation is called -------(Slide) 55. A-------- is used to set the page margins, change paragraph alignment and spacing (Indent) 56. -------- is an example for Data base Management system (MS Access) 57. -------- displays the location of the active cell and the value or formula used in the active cell (fx) 58. -------- function will return the largest value in the selected range of cells (MAX) 59. A set of programming statements is called ------ (Macro) 60. Go to option is in --------- menu (Edit)
MS Excel 1. Which of the following is not an option in the spelling dialog box? a. Edit b. Ignore c. Ignore all d. Change Correct Answer: a 2. You can quickly change the appearance of your work by choosing Auto Format from the . Menu a. Edit b. View c. Format d. Tools Correct Answer: c 3. To protect a worksheet, you can choose Protection and the Protect Sheet from the .. menu a. Edit b. Format c. Tools

d. Data Correct Answer: c 4. You can open the Highlight Changes dialog box by choosing Track C hanges from the . Menu. a. Edit b. Insert c. Format d. Tools Correct Answer: d 5. Which of the following is not a worksheet design criterion? a. Efficiency b. Auditability c. Description d. Clarity Correct Answer: c 6. To copy cell contents using drag and drop, press the a. End key b. Shift key c. Esc key d. None of above Correct Answer: d 7. If you press ., the cell accepts your typing as its contents. a. Enter b. Ctrl + Enter c. TAB d. Insert Correct Answer: a 8. The autofill feature a. Extends a sequential series of data b. Automatically adds a range of cell values c. Applies a boarder around selected cells d. None of above Correct Answer: a 9. What is the keyboard shortcut (button or buttons to be pressed) for creating a chart from the selected cells? a. F3 b. F5 c. F7 d. F11 Correct Answer: D

10. you can use the formula palette to a. format cells containing numbers b. create and edit formulas containing functions c. entered assumptions data d. copy a range of cells Correct Answer: b 11. What Pivot Table toolbar button updates the data in a Pivot Table or Pivot Chart report if the source data chas changed a. Format Report b. Pivot Table c. Refresh Data d. Show Detail Correct Answer: c 12. What is an expression that tells how the numbers in a determined set of cells are to be calculated? a. Formula b. Field c. Data d. Query Correct Answer: Correct Answer: A 13. Qtr 1, Qtr 2, Qtr 3 is an example of a a. Formula b. Function c. Series d. Syntax Correct Answer: c 14. You can edit existing Excel data by pressing the a. F1 key b. F2 key c. F3 key d. F4 key Correct Answer: b 15. The cell reference for a range of cells that starts in cell B1 and goes over to column G and down to row 10 is . a. G1-G10 b. B1.G10 c. B1;G10 d. B1:G10 Correct Answer: d 16. A user wishes to remove a spreadsheet from a workbook. Which is the correct sequence of events that will do this? a. Go to File-Save As Save As Type Excel worksheet

b. Right click on the spreadsheet tab and select DELETE c. Right click on the spreadsheet and select Insert Entire Column d. None of above Correct Answer: b 17. What feature enables you to adjust or back solve the value in a cell to reach a desired outcome in a formula? a. Goal Seek b. Scenario Summary report c. Forecasting d. Trend line Correct Answer: d 18. what term describes a background that appears as a grainy, non smooth surface a. gradient b. pattern c. solid d. texture Correct Answer: a 19. Excel is a a. Graphic program b. None of these c. Word processor d. A spreadsheet Correct Answer: d 20. To create an interactive Pivot Table for the web, you use a Microsoft Office Web component called a. HTML b. Pivot Table Field List c. Pivot Table List d. Pivot Table Report Correct Answer: d MS WORD 1. Which of the following command lets you set the vertical alignment? 1. Page Setup command from File menu 2. Page Setup command from Format menu 3. Paragraph command from Format menu 4. Font command from Format menu Correct Answer: ans1 2. Minimum zoom percentage suppported by MS Word is 1. 10% 2. 15% 3. 25% 4. 4%

Correct Answer: ans1 3. You can break the column by 1. Pressing Ctrl + Shift + Enter 2. Pressing Ctrl + Enter 3. Pressing Shift + Enter 4. Pressing Alt + Enter Correct Answer: ans1 4. In MS Word you can insert hyperlink by 1. Pressing Ctrl+K or by choosing Hyperlink from Insert menu. 2. Pressing Ctrl+Shift+K or by choosing Hyperlink from Insert menu 3. Pressing Ctrl+K or by choosing Hyperlink from Format menu 4. Pressing Ctrl+Shift+K or by choosing Hyperlink from Format menu Correct Answer: ans1 5. The default lines to drop for drop cap is 1. 3 lines 2. 2 lines 3. 4 lines 4. 8 lines Correct Answer: ans1 6. The red wave underline in MS Word document indicates 1. Spelling errors 2. Grammar errors 3. Address block 4. None of these Correct Answer: ans1 See the example below 7. In word-processing the task of changing the appearance of a document is 1. Formatting 2. Editing 3. Proofing 4. Inserting Correct Answer: ans1 8. Which bar is usually located below the title bar that provides categorized options 1. Menu Bar 2. Tool Bar 3. Status Bar 4. Scroll Bar Correct Answer: ans1

9. Which of the following option is not in Insert menu? 1. Header and Footer 2. Footnote 3. Bookmark 4. Hyperlink Correct Answer: ans1

10. Text boundary can be turned on and off from 1. Autotext from Insert menu 2. View tab on Options dialogue box 3. Text Boundary option from Tools menu 4. None of these Correct Answer: ans2

11. Which input device is not suitable to work with MS Word? 1. Keyboard 2. Mouse 3. Light Pen 4. Joystick Correct Answer: ans4

12. The insertion point in a table can be moved by using 1. Tab key 2. Shift + Tab key 3. Arrow keys 4. All of above Correct Answer: ans4 13. The four types of mail merge main document in MS Word are 1. Form letters, directories, catalogues and envelopes 2. Form letters, envelops and mailing labels, directories, and lists 3. Basic letters, envelopes, labels and lists 4. Form letters, envelopes, mailing labels, and directory. Correct Answer: ans4

14. The word wrap features 1. automatically move text to the next line when necessary 2. appears at the bottom of the document 3. allows you to type over text

4. is the short horizontal line indicating the end of document Correct Answer: ans1 15. Which page orientation you will select if you wish to print in wide format? 1. Landscape 2. Portrait 3. Horizontal 4. Vertical Correct Answer: ans1

16. You can use different page format within the same document by separating the differently formatted area with a 1. Section break 2. Document break 3. Line break 4. Format break Correct Answer: ans1

17. To repeat the table heading in every page 1. From Table menu choose Row Height and Column Width 2. From Table menu choose Properties 3. From Table menu choose the Sort 4. From Table menu choose Heading Rows Repeat Correct Answer: ans4

18. Which shortcut keys you will use to select all the text after current cursor position? 1. Shift + End 2. Ctrl + Shift + End 3. Ctrl + End 4. Ctrl + Shift + PageDown Correct Answer: ans2

19. Which of the following is not a type of tab stop? 1. Bar 2. Decimal 3. Point 4. Left Correct Answer: ans3

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