DENR GAD Agenda Framework and Strategic Plan 2021-2025
DENR GAD Agenda Framework and Strategic Plan 2021-2025
DENR GAD Agenda Framework and Strategic Plan 2021-2025
The Gender and Development (GAD) program of the Department of the Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) subscribes to and actively carries out
its mandate according to at least three development plans: The Philippine Development Plan (2017-2022), the Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive
Development (1995-2025), and Agenda 2030 of the United Nations.
As a program of DENR, GAD contributes to the implementation of DENR’s mandate in the Philippine Development Plan (2017-2022), which are to lead in
ensuring ecological integrity and a clean and healthy environment for Filipinos, and to work towards improvements in the socio-economic conditions of
resource-based communities.
In accordance with the Philippine Plan for Gender-responsive Development (PPGD), 1995-2025, DENR’s GAD program seeks to ensure “full participation of
women in the promotion of sustainable development and that women equally enjoy and benefit from the fruits of ENR development and management.”
The Philippines, being a signatory of the United Nation’s Agenda 2030, the GAD program of DENR also works to realize the country’s international
commitments through contributing to the attainment of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by 2030, most especially SDG 5 which calls for gender
equality and empowerment of women and girls. The GAD program of DENR sees SDG 5 as cutting across all other SDGs and has the potential to help
accelerate progress in multiple sustainable development goals.
In all these pursuits, the DENR GAD program for 2021-2025 goes beyond the strategy of mainstreaming gender in DENR policies and programs. It also
seeks to integrate understanding of and solutions to the emergent and urgent concerns of climate change, and health and disaster risks and hazards that are
now besetting the country, in DENR’s policies and programs including in GAD programming.
(For a fuller discussion of DENR’s GAD framework and strategic directions for 2021-2025, see “Beyond Gender Mainstreaming: Linking Environment and
Natural Resources, Climate Change, Health, Disasters and Gender”)
A resilient nation with ecological integrity enjoying its natural resources through partnership of women and men sustainably managing the country’s
environment and natural resources
Women and men are mobilized in protecting, conserving and managing the environment and natural resources for the present and future generations
1. Improved participation of women in consultation processes, in community organizations and in decision-making bodies towards the
sustainable management of the country’s environment and natural resources;
2. Ensured equal access of women and men to environment and natural resource goods and services;
3. Enhanced resiliency of women and men in natural resource-based communities.
4. Enhanced gender mainstreaming in policies, plans and programs of DENR services, bureaus, attached agencies, and regional offices;
5. Enhanced the knowledge management system of GAD; and
6. Institutionalized GAD mechanisms in DENR services, bureaus, attached agencies, and regional offices that can serve as model to other
STRATEGIC PLAN (2021-2025)
GOAL 1: Improved participation of women in consultation processes, in community organizations and in decision-making bodies, towards the
sustainable management of the country’s environment and natural resources
Gender issue/s Strategic Strategic Outcome Output Key activities that Responsible Estimated
to address in outcome/s to Indicators indicators in will deliver outputs Office/Unit budget for 5
the deliver by 2025 annual plans years
period 2021 to 2025
GOAL 2: Ensured equal access of women and men to environmental and natural resources and its benefits
Gender issue/s Strategic Strategic Output indicators Key activities that Responsible Estimated
to address in outcome/s to Outcome in annual plans will deliver outputs office/unit budget for 5
the deliver by 2025 Indicators years
period 2021 to 2025
Women have Improved access 1. Number/percentage 2021-2025 2021-2025 Regions, 219,991,000 (a)
of women who: Specify activity and bureaus,
less access to of women to
∙ Have access to beneficiary or client in attached
natural natural domestic water agencies and
annual plans
resources and its resources and its supply in client central offices
benefits benefits communities that work with
1)Number of activities
∙ Awarded land titles that made access DENR clients
1) Conduct of activities that
∙ Have access, use possible and improve or support women’s
and tenure over participants or access to natural resources
vulnerable coastal beneficiaries by sex (e.g. land titling application,
and marine wildlife permits, use of
ecosystems coastal
∙ Participates in resources, etc), or that
wildlife-based address barriers to
industry, or women’s access to natural
involved in wildlife resources
law enforcement
∙ Have tenure, 2) Number of activities 2) Conduct of activities to Regions,
ownership, access to increase women’s increase women’s bureaus,
participation in participation in BDFEs and attached
BDFEs, other social enterprises agencies and
participation by sex central offices
that work with
DENR clients on
Gender issue/s Strategic Strategic Output indicators Key activities that Responsible Estimated
to address in outcome/s to Outcome in annual plans will deliver outputs office/unit budget for 5
the deliver by 2025 Indicators years
period 2021 to 2025
Women in ENR Men and women Number of 2021-2023 2021-2023 FMB, BMB, 5,550,000 (b)
researches/ studies 1) Number of 1) Conduct of PCSD, LMB,
communities are in
on gender research reports per researches/studies/data MGB, EMB,
most vulnerable resource-based differentiated impacts PMDC, LLDA,
ENR sector; number gathering on gender
to climate communities are and effects of climate of participants differentiated impacts and NWRB,
change equally change and natural clients and/or staff effects of climate change ERDB, CCS
disasters in involved and their SDD and natural disasters in
related, and informed ENR-dependent ENR
natural disaster about risks and communities, as well dependent communities,
risks and hazards from as as well as
hazards climate change, gender-differentiated gender-differentiated
impact/effect of impact/effect of climate
and health and climate and and disaster-relevant
natural disasters disaster-relevant DENR
DENR policies and policies and programs
2) Number of 2) Conduct of CCS
researches/data research/collection of
collection activities, adaptation and coping
number of men and practices/stories of women
women clients and and men to climate
staff involved change-related risks and
Limited access Women and men Number/percentage 2021-2025 2021-2025 Bureaus, 121,818,000 (c)
of women: regions,
of women to in
∙ With knowledge/ 4) Type and number 4) Produce and attached
knowledge/ resource-based information on agencies
of IECs, distribution disseminate
information on communities are importance of forests by sex gender-sensitized IECs for
climate change, equally informed to climate change clients on climate change
health and or capacitated ∙ Involved in and preparedness for
adaptation or health & disaster risks
disaster risks for mitigation practices,
and hazards adaptation and or in integrated fire 5) Number of 5) Conduct of campaign CCS in
mitigation management in campaign activities, activities to promote coordination
forested lands, or SDD of gender sensitive with bureaus,
measures, health
participated in participants behavioral change regions
emergencies and training for them solutions to climate and attached
for disaster ∙ With health-related change agencies
preparedness indigenous
knowledge and
practice them in 6) Number of 6) Conduct of Bureaus,
forest management orientation or training gender-sensitive basic regions,
∙ With access to activities held, orientation for clients on attached
information for number of participants climate change and health agencies
minimizing health by sex and
hazards from air disaster risks, and/or training
pollution and solid for adaptation and mitigation
waste measures, for responding to
∙ With training on health emergencies and for
solid and toxic waste disaster preparedness in
management various sectors and priority
programs (specify focus of
∙ With training on activity in annual plan)
minimizing health
hazards due to
Limited access of Improved access ∙ Additional resources 2021-2025 2021-2025 CCS in 250,000 (d)
accessed by Specify activities and coordination
women to of women in
women beneficiaries/clients in with bureaus,
resources for resource based clients from national regions,
annual plans
addressing communities to climate change and attached
climate change, funding support resiliency programs 7) Number of times 7) Provide assistance for agencies
health and and other clients accessed women clients to access
priority priority investment
disaster risks resources for investment interventions of the
and hazards adaptation and interventions, and Philippine Risk Resiliency
assisted clients by sex Program
measures, disaster 8) Number of 8) Provide assistance to
preparedness, activities and type women clients in
and for of support geographic priorities of the
provided, participation Philippine Risk
responding to Resiliency Program to
by sex, how much
health resources was access resources for
emergencies accessed adaptation,
mitigation and disaster
o Participated in
on mining
including in
FPIC decisions
GOAL 4: Enhanced gender mainstreaming in policies and programs of DENR and attached agencies
Gender issue/s or Strategic Strategic Output indicators Key activities that Responsible Estimated
mandate to address outcome/s to Outcome in annual plans will deliver outputs office/unit budget for 5
in the period 2021 deliver by 2025 Indicators years
to 2025
Section 3.2 of DENR is ∙ DENR GPBs and 2021-2022 2021-2022 NGADFPS 4,843,000 (a)
consistently ARs are 1) Defined procedure 1) Prepare procedures for
compliant with prepared for consolidation of consolidated GPBs and ARs
NEDA-DBM-PC preparation and and submitted on GPBs and ARs
W Joint Circular timely submission of time
2012- 01 GPBs and ARs 2) Number of 2) Conduct of training on NGADFPS
mandates annual orientation activities, preparation of GPBs and ARs
number of for GFPS and planning
GAD planning training participants officers
and by sex
budgeting while
3) Number of 3) Conduct of NGADFPS
Section 3.5 tasks participants in training/orientation of GFPS
GFPS to prepare orientation/training and members on using Strategic
annual their SDD Plan for annual planning
Inconsistent ∙ GAD budget ∙ GAD budget of 2021-2025 2021-2025 Bureaus, 7,370,000 (a)
allocation is 5% or DENR is regions,
allocation for
more of DENR’s consistently 5% or 5) Number of meetings 5) Conduct of meetings to attached
GAD of 5% or GAA budget more of DENR’s agencies and
to learn and/or apply learn and/or apply HGDG for
more of ∙ At least 90% of budget HGDG and prepare national priority programs offices/units
DENR budget, GAD budget ∙ National priority MOVs, and prepare MOV documents managing
allocation is utilized programs are number of priority and national
and low budget ∙ Improved gender priority
regularly subjected programs with computation for submission
utilization for responsiveness to HGDG HGDG, number of programs
GAD activities of participants and
national priority their SDD
Gender concerns, DENR’s VMG and 1. Integration of 2021-2025 2021-2025 NGADFPS 2,750,000 (e)
ENR key sectoral gender equality and
and also disaster,
policies are updated women’s 6) Number of meeting 6) Conduct of meetings to
health and climate towards empowerment in to review and review and update DENR’s
change integrating DENR’s VMG propose VMG
considerations, not aspirations and 2. Number of policies changes in DENR’s
measures towards and programs VMG, number of
explicitly gender equality and reviewed and participants, their
integrated in some women’s updated per sector positions in DENR
DENR and ENR empowerment, and to integrate gender and SDD
sectoral policies considerations of concerns and
climate change, considerations of 7) Number/type of 7) Communicate importance NGADFPS
and programs health and disaster climate change, communication of DAO on GAD
risks and hazards health and disaster mainstreaming in national
risks and hazards: priority programs, upon
∙ Biodiversity DAO approval
policies and
programs 8) Number of 8) Conduct of meetings to NGADFPS
(including species meetings and review gender-fair policy
participants and their towards clearer
SDD enforcement measures
and mechanisms
Section 4.3 of the Identified progress Impact evaluation 2021-2023 2021-2023 NGADFPS 2,592,000 (a)
report; GMEF report 11) Number of 11) Conduct of DENR
NEDA-DBM-PCW and challenges of
of DENR meetings for GMEF GMEF evaluation for the
Joint memorandum GAD
application for period 2021- 2023
circular 2012-01 mainstreaming in 2021-2023, number of
calls for regular DENR policies, participants and their
gender audits of people, projects SDD and positions in
programs/ projects and programs,
and 12) Number of 12) Conduct training for NGADFPS,
organization; and meetings to provide GMEF and/or apply GMEF regions,
in terms of training and/or evaluation of GAD work bureaus,
conduct of GMEF regions, bureaus and attached
impact on DENR evaluation; number attached agencies agencies
clientele of participants and
13) Number of 13) Conduct baseline data National 4,000,000 (f)
activities to gathering for impact evaluation Working
implement baseline Group for
data gathering, number GAD Baseline
of client and DENR data
staff participation in gathering
baseline data (ERDB, other
gathering Bureaus,
attached agencies)
Limited awareness Constant ∙ Feedback of clients 2021-2025 2021-2025 Bureaus, 13,691,000 (a)
and staff on Specify IEC products and attached
of internal and awareness
GAD number to produce in agencies,
external clients of raising on gender IECs, on GAD regions,
annual plans
current issues, GAD corners and FB and 16) Number of IECs 16) Production and Central office
gender issues, activities and webpages produced, distribution distribution of GAD IECs; c/o SCIS,
∙ Frequency of to men and women, and regular update and GAD
GAD activities events Office
updating GAD number of GAD maintenance of GAD
and events corners, FB and corners, FB and Corners, and GAD FB and
webpages webpages updated webpages
and maintained
Proclamation 1172 Raised DENR employees 19) Number of types 19) Conduct of various Bureaus, 8,025,000 (a)
and client of activities held, activities to raise awareness attached
s. 2006 Declaring awareness and
feedback, and number of client and of violence against women, agencies,
25 November to support of participation over employee and to support actions to end regions
12 DENR employees time, disaggregated participants and their VAW
December as the and clients by sex SDD (activities to be specified
in annual plans)
18 Day towards ending
Campaign to gender-based 20) Number of types 20) Produce and disseminate NGADFPS,
End Violence violence of IEC materials, appropriate IEC materials bureaus,
Against Women number of IEC (IEC material to be attached
materials distributed specified in agencies,
(VAW) among women and annual plans) regions
Gender issue/s or Strategic Strategic Output indicators Key activities that Responsible Estimated
mandate to address in outcome/s to Outcome in annual plans will deliver outputs office/unit budget for 5
deliver by 2025 Indicators
Dearth of materials Provide guidance DENR employees, 2021-2022 2021 – 2022 BMB/PCSDS, 2,800,000 (g)
other ENR 5) Number of 5) Conduct of research, FMB, ERDB,
that provide to gender
stakeholders, and meetings and other meetings to develop a Gender LMB, EMB,
guidance in gender mainstreaming client feedback on NWRB,
activities (to be Mainstreaming toolkit in
mainstreaming in in different toolkits and gender specified in annual forestry, biodiversity, coastal LLDA,
different ENR sectors ENR mainstreaming plans) for research and marine resources, land MGB/PMDC
curriculum for clients and management, water
development of resources, air quality, solid
toolkit; number of waste, mineral resources
employees and client management, and
participants and their development, etc
6) Number of priority 6) Conduct writeshop for NGADFPS,
programs with documentation of gender offices/units
documented gender analysis in national managing
analysis; number of priority programs national
writeshop participants and priority
their SDD
Limited All DENR Number of 2021-2025 2021-2025 HRD and 28,117,000 (a)
orientation, 10) Number of GST, 10) Conduct GST and GFPS teams
appreciation, employees have
seminars held and GAD orientation GAD orientation for new of central
awareness, basic orientation number of office,
course runs, number employees
knowledge and on gender and participants and of bureaus,
understanding of GAD, awareness their SDD for 2021- participants and their SDD regions,
2025 attached
GAD issues and of gender issues agencies
concerns by in workplace, and
employees in are familiar with 11) Number of 11) Conduct GFPS teams of
DENR Offices gender-related seminars or seminars/discussions on bureaus,
discussions, number of gender issues in workplace regions,
laws and national participants and their attached
policies SDD agencies
GOAL 6. Institutionalized GAD mechanisms in DENR and attached agencies that can serve as model to other organizations
Gender issue/s or Strategic Strategic Output indicators Key activities that Responsible Estimated
mandate to address outcome/s to Outcome in annual plans will deliver outputs office/unit budget for 5
in the period 2021 deliver by 2025 Indicators years
to 2025
PCW MC 2011-01 ∙ GFPS members ∙ Number of GFSP 2021-2025 2021-2025 NGADFPS 9,715,000 (a)
members and
on Guidelines for have the
SDD 1) 1) Develop standards/
Creation, minimum with standard Standards/checklist checklist of minimum
Strengthening and training and training for skills developed, number training and skills of GFPS
Institutionalization skills needed to and knowledge in of meetings to members
checklist develop
of GAD Focal perform their
checklist, number and
Point roles and ∙ Developed roster sex of participants
System responsibilities of identified
GAD 2) 1 Report/analysis 2) Conduct analysis of NGADFPS
faculty for various
∙ GFPS members GAD courses
of training needs of training needs of GFPS
GFPS members
3) Number/type of 3) Participation of GFPS NGADFPS,
and enabled as training participated, members in relevant bureaus,
teams in SDD of GFPS training programs of regions,
spearheading participants PCW, and other service attached
providers; including agencies
GAD trainors’ training courses
4) Number of training 4) Conduct of training and NGADFPS,
∙ Functional and other capacity other capacity building bureaus,
building activities (to activities (to be specified in regions,
NGADFPS be specified in annual annual plans) for GFPS on attached
committees plans) identified needs not provided agencies
conducted, number by other service
of GFPS providers/ institutions
participants and
their SDD
∙ Identified GAD 5) Number of 5) Review of functionality NGADFPS 50,000
meetings for the of GFPS committees
faculty from
GFPS members participation and SDD
for standard
GAD courses 6) Number of 6) Conduct of regular Bureaus, 9,652,000 (a)
meetings, number of meeting of GFPS teams regions,
participants and for planning, attached
their SDD implementation and agencies
tracking progress of GAD
PCW MC 2011-01 Enhanced Reviewed and re 2021 2021 NGADFPS 500,000 (h)
energized GAD
on Guidelines for incentives for
Awards and other
Creation, gender 8) Report on review of 8) Review of GAD Awards
GAD Awards, number
Strengthening and mainstreaming of meetings, number
Institutionalization work of
of GAD Focal participants and their
Point SDD
2022 2022
9) Established review 9) Review of possibility of
committee, number of full time regular GAD staff
members, composition positions
by GAD role and
10) Established study 10) Study of GAD work of NGADFPS
team, composition GFPS members for inclusion
and SDD of in performance evaluation
members points
Low level exercise ∙ DENR ∙ Gender is 2021-2023 2021-2023 NGADFPS 500,000 (h)
mainstreamed in 12) Number of 12) Conduct of orientation
of GAD leadership and
managerial and orientation activity for senior managers and
mainstreaming management are supervisory held, participation by key
responsibilities of enabled to lead courses, and other sex and position in personnel on GAD
managers and key and support courses in the ENR DENR Framework and Strategic
Academy Plan
personnel in DENR gender
mainstreaming ∙ Regular update 13) Number of 13) Discussion of GMEF NGADFPS
efforts of GFPS and review GMEF discussions 2018- 2020 evaluation with
∙ Integrate gender of held, senior managers
GAD work for participation by
managers and key DENR positions,
in personnel and sex
the standard
ENR courses for 14) Number of 14) Conduct orientation on NGADFPS,
managers and orientation meetings HGDG use and submission bureaus,
held, number of requirements for managers regions,
key personnel participants and their and key personnel attached
SDD agencies
15) Number of 15) Collaboration with HRD/ENR
enhanced managerial PCW to enhance gender Academy,
and mainstreaming in NGADFPS
supervisory modules managerial and supervisory
courses of DENR/ENR
Academy of HRD
DENR DAO ∙ Sexual ∙ Minimized cases 2021-2022: 2021-2022 NGADFPS, 500,000 (h)
of sexual 18) Number of 18) Review of functionality bureaus,
25-2002 or IRR of harassment
harassment meetings for review, of CODIs regions,
Republic Act No. prevented in the ∙ Sexual harassment attached
number of
7877 Section 4b. workplace cases are participants and their agencies
calls for creating a ∙ Incidents of promptly SDD; Report on review
processed and
committee on sexual
decorum and harassment are
investigation of speedily and
cases on sexual fairly processed
harassment with gender 2022-2025 2022-2025 NGADFPS,
19) Type/number of 19) Conduct activities (to bureaus,
activities to cascade be specified in annual regions,
Civil Service attached
information, plans). to establish and
Commission implement operationalize CODI in agencies
Memorandum recommendations, and majority of DENR offices
Circular 11, series number of participants
and their SDD; number
2021 of operational CODIs
Disciplianry Rules
on Sexual
Harassment Cases
(Amendment to the
Provisions in the
2017 Revised
Rules on
Cases in the Civil
Service) Pursuant
to Republic Act
No. 11313
Joint ∙ DENR ∙ Day care services 2021-2025 2021-2025 HRD-CO/GAD 5,953,000 (a)
are available to 20) Number and sex 20) Provide day care services Office,
Memorandum employees are
majority if not all of children provided in DENR offices where bureaus,
Circular No. 1 supported employees with regions,
day care services, employees have children
series of 2020 of institutionally in children aged 5 their ages, number of aged 5 and below attached
the Civil their parenting/ years and below employee agencies
Service parents served and their
Goal 2 219,991,000
Goal 3 143,250,000
Goal 4 75,398,000
Goal 5 50,198,000
Goal 6 62,781,000
Total 868,719,000