Chapter 6
Warehousing and storage is an act of storing and assorting the finished goods
so as to create maximum time utility at minimum cost. Need for storage arises
both for raw material as well as finished products. STORAGE involves proper
management for preserving goods from the time of their production or
purchase till actual use. When this storage is done on a large scale and in a
specified manner it is called WAREHOUSING. Now-a-days, many private
firms are turning to distribution centers rather than constructing the
According to Robert Hughes- :"Warehousing is the set of activities that are
involved in receiving and storing of goods and preparing them for reshipment”
Warehousing Functionality
1. Receiving of goods:-
2. Preparations of records:-
• Helps in proper protections of goods e.g. food crops , fruits, vegetable etc.
5. Packing:-
• Warehouse keeper checks and informs about the goods to the concerned department
7. Breaking of bulks:-
• If owner wants in small quantity, keepers packs according to the requirements of customer
8. Search the goods:-
• Warehouse keeper searches efficiently and provides the goods to the owner, whenever he
9. Delivery of goods:-
- Manufacturing plants can use warehouse as a forward stock location or as sorting and
assembly facility.
- Combines the logistical flow of small shipments to a specific market area.
- A single firm may use consolidation warehousing or a number of firms may join together
and hire the consolidation service.
3. Break bulk
• Break-bulk operations receive combined orders from manufactures and ships them to
individual customers.
• Break-bulk warehouse splits individual orders and arranges for local delivery.
• In transit-mixing and release as well as manufacturing support are also included in cross
dock facility.
3. Cross Dock
- The full trailer loads of product arrive from multiple manufacturers and as the product is
received it is sorted and allocated to customers.
- The product is then moved across the dock to be loaded onto the trucks destined for
appropriate customer.
- The trucks are then transported to retail outlets once the same have been filled with the
mixed product from multiple manufacturer.
4. Processing/ postponement
Useful for seasonal storage such as: Blankets and Knitting wool are produced year
round and primarily sold during a very short marketing period. Agricultural products
are harvested at specific times with subsequent consumption throughout the year. In
both the above situations, stockpiling becomes necessary to support the marketing
efforts. Stockpiling provides for a buffer inventory allowing for a balance between the
availability of materials and the market demand.
B) Service benefits
1. Spot stocking
Used often in physical distribution particularly in case of seasonal products. Selected amount
of firm’s product line is placed or spot stocked in a warehouse to fill customer orders during
a critical market period. Spot stocking allows inventories to be placed in a variety of markets
adjacent to key customers just prior to a peak selling period of season. For examples,
suppliers of agricultural products to farmers often use spot stocking to position their
products closer to market during growing season and once the sales season is over, the
remaining inventory is withdrawn to central warehouse.
Several shipments from different manufacturers are involved. Truckloads of products are shipped from
manufacturing plants to warehouses and each large shipment enjoys lowest possible transportation cost.
Upon arrival at the mixing warehouse, factory shipments are unloaded and desired combination of each
product for each customer is selected. An effective service benefit because inventory is sorted to precise
customer specification.
4.Production support
Production support warehouses provides a steady supply of components and materials to assembly
plants. The safety stocks of items purchased from outside vendors are justified because of long lead time
or variation in usage. Production support warehousing is used to supply processed materials,
components, and subassemblies into assembly plant in an economic and timely manner.
5.Market presence
Perceived by marketing managers as an advantage of local warehouses. Local warehouses and hence
local inventory can be more responsive to customer needs and offer quicker delivery than more distant
warehouses. Local warehouse may enhance market share and potentially increase the profitability.
Warehousing Operating Principle
1. Design criteria
• Movement continuity
• Reducing runs
• Characteristics of product
• Hazardous items
1. Private Warehouses
✓ Owned or leased by the product owner
✓ Changes can be made to integrate the warehouse with rest of the logistical system
• Chances of errors and mistakes are less as products are handled by its own employees
who have full knowledge
Contract warehouse operators take over logistics responsibility from manufacturing company
✓ Expertise of management
1) Less Investments : Smaller businesses especially do not always have the capital and resources to
adequately expand operations and build an entire warehouse to store product. This is where contract
warehousing can take place of building an operation of your own and thus leading to a reduced financial
2. ) Risk Elimination - When you are building your own warehouse, this is
especially risky considering the amount of commitment that is needed. As
long-term commitments and a risky outcome become less desirable, contract
warehousing can fulfill this obligation and spare an organization from the
hardships of a failing distribution center.
3) Efficiency Enhancement - Contract warehousing is also able to lower
operation and distribution costs significantly, considering that the warehouse
specializes in only warehousing and distribution - as opposed to every other
area of the business. Warehousing is only one part of an entire business,
which allows them to continuously improve and streamlines process,
ultimately leading to lower operational costs.
1) Control Loss - A loss of control of a portion of your operation is a component to
consider and the main argument for businesses that are seeking to conduct warehousing
operations themselves. There is a degree of control that is lost, simply because it
includes trusting your product to be held and distributed from another company’s
distribution center. Having said that, contract warehousing and 3PL yields much better
results than customers that may be struggling to get started alone.
2) Challenges With Locating a Good Match - Finding the most appropriate 3PL and
contract warehousing facility can be rather challenging. Depending on your specific
needs and requirements, the search and selection process can take some time and the
result may not be as beneficial as it could be if not conducted adequately. Finding the
best match for you will take time, but could be worth it in the long run.
Warehousing Strategy
1) Presence synergies: Inventory located nearby in a building that is clearly affiliated
with the enterprise. In Simple words it refers to marketing benefits of having stocks
located nearby the market.
2) Industry synergies: Refer to the operating benefits of collocating with other firms
serving the same industry. For eg. Firm in grocery business receive benefits when they
share public warehouses with other suppliers serving the same industry.
3) Operating flexibility: Refers to the ability to adjust internal policies and procedures
to meet product and customer needs. Private warehouses have more operational
flexibility as owned by enterprise whereas public warehouse have standard polies and
procedures to be followed by all the clients.
4) Location flexibility: Refers to the ability to quickly adjust warehouse location
and number in accordance with seasonal or permanent demand changes.
1. Size of Warehouse
2. Type of Product
3. Transportation
4. Inventory
5. Customer Service Level
6. Degree of Automation & Types of equipment used in
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