Overseer's Operation Handbook 2.2
Overseer's Operation Handbook 2.2
Overseer's Operation Handbook 2.2
Operation Handbook
Gulf Commonwealth
Eastern Commonwealth
Regions: Louisiana, Mississippi,
Regions: West Virginia, Delaware, Alabama, Florida
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York
The Brotherhood of Steel used a
Containing major cities such as faulty G.E.C.K. that was
New York City, Philadelphia, exposed to radiation. Instead
and Pittsburgh, the Eastern of purifying the area, it
Commonwealth was hit caused it to become horribly
particularly hard during the mutated, even by the rest of
war. Raider factions sprung up the Wasteland’s standard.
in the ruins of cities such as
Pittsburgh, which now houses a The area is largely swampland
cruel slaver camp. The rural filled with mutated alligators
areas of this region were and other horrific creatures.
washed in extreme amounts of Powerful Factions: Brotherhood of
radiation causing creatures to Steel, Mutants
mutate quickly and often.
Powerful Factions: Raiders, Mutants
The citizens of the New England The area around the ruins of
Commonwealth are manipulated by San Francisco is controlled by
secret organizations making the a group called the Shi,
conflict here over the very descendants of a Chinese
identity and humanity of the submarine crew. The Shi are
people. extremely technologically
advanced and will sometimes
Powerful factions: Brotherhood of
sell advanced tech.
Steel, The Institute, The Minutemen,
The Railroad Other minor factions such as
the Oregon Cannibals roam in
the lower regions of the
Northern Commonwealth Northwest Commonwealth.
Regions: Montana, Wyoming, North The Northwest Commonwealth
Dakota, South Dakota would be a good location for
Some ruins are in the Northern reviving Pre-War conflicts.
Commonwealth, but most of the Powerful Factions: Brotherhood of
area is composed of harsh Steel, New California Republic, The
wilderness and mutated creatures Shi
never seen by humans. This would
be a good candidate for a
wilderness exploration campaign.
Powerful Factions: Mutants
Plains Commonwealth Southwest Commonwealth
Regions: Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Regions: Southern California,
Missouri, Oklahoma Nevada, Hawaii
The economic and military prowess of the Pre-War United States was largely due to the
infrastructure of the manufacturing industry. Because of this, derelict factories litter
all areas of the Commonwealth. From the Corvega plants that manufactured beautiful
vehicles to the Nuka Cola bottling plants that provided families with their favorite
beverage, factories are an integral part of the United States’ identity and as such are a
defining feature of the Wasteland.
Factories commonly contain Feral Ghouls, possibly the employees, disfigured by the
radiation of the Great War, or maybe just searching for a meal. Factories are a useful
source for crafting materials such as aluminum and steel and may even contain finished
products left on the production line, untouched for centuries.
Every Wastelander knows the medical cross that adorns most hospitals, not because they are
still in operation, but because they are still chock full of medical supplies that are
more or less functional. In most Post-War families, if a family member becomes sick,
someone is sent to the nearest hospital to scavenge for medical supplies such as Med-X or
Scavenging in Pre-War hospitals is sometimes dangerous because robotic hospital staff such
as Miss Nannys and Protectrons still protect the cache of medical supplies and technology.
Some robot staff are still operational and may offer medical assistance to injured
individuals, but many have reverted to their factory default modes and will attack
intruders with surgical lasers and buzz saws.
In the decades before the Great War, life shifted more and more towards the urban
lifestyle. Men and Women flocked to office buildings to earn a living away from manual
labor. Office buildings may not appear to have much to offer to a Wastelander at first
glance, but many useful things can be found among the wreckage. First-Aid kits and office
machinery are common, as well as experimental prototypes of products produced by the
company. The savvy Wastelander knows that Pre-War executives are fond of safes in their
offices, filled with money, chems, and other valuable items. Information left in a
company’s files may also prove useful.
Radio Stations
Radio Stations have popped up all over the wasteland, as an important way to spread news
and other information. The radio hosts are usually well-informed so they will comment on
any notable events and can provide quests or useful information… for a price.
Red Rockets
Red Rocket garages are found most commonly on the East Coast but can be found scattered
all over the Wasteland. They have much to offer, from mechanic’s supplies, to the Nuka
Cola machines commonly found outside most stations. Red Rocket quickly realized the
importance of using nuclear power to fuel citizens’ automobiles, so Fusion Cells and
Fusion Cores can often be found here as well. On very rare occasions a partial or whole
suit of power armor could be found in the garage.
As one of the few (mostly) intact remnants of the Pre-War United States, Vaults embody
many aspects of Pre-War culture. Patriotism for the United States and the individual
Vaults is strongly encouraged. Along with this come many of the issues that led to the
Great War in the first place. Twisted experiments are commonplace in the Vaults, usually
unbeknownst to the dwellers. In some ways they are the last vestige of the twisted greed
and capitalism that tore the country and the whole world apart. Several Vaults are still
operating as shelters from the outside world, but many are abandoned or have no survivors.
Vaults are the most reliable source for undamaged goods and technology. They are also
easily defensible, so many Wastelanders envy the chance to live in a vault and may even
try to take one from its current occupants by force. Entering a Vault is challenging but
the true horrors don’t begin until you make it inside.
Traps are a common problem that Wastelanders must be prepared for. A trap may require a
trigger to activate or be self-contained. To notice a trigger or a trap you must succeed
on a Perception Check. The DC for this check is shown on the following tables. To disarm a
trigger or a trap you must make a Repair check which may have a difficulty modifier shown
on the following tables.
Type Description Detection Disarm
Laser Tripwire Activates when a creature moves into its space 12 +20
Scale Activates when a creature moves into its space 10 0
Activates when the door or container it is
Spring Trap 14 +20
attached to opens
Tripwire Activates when a creature moves into its space 16 -20
Type Effect Trigger Detection Disarm
2d10 damage when a creature enters its
Bear Trap space, and that creature cannot move No 10 -10
until they succeed on a DC 14 STR save
1d4 damage when a creature enters its
Caltrops space. Its space is also considered No 12
difficult terrain
After 2 round the monkey explodes,
dealing 4d6 damage. If the monkey takes
Cymbal Monkey No 10
any damage during those rounds it is
Flamethrower Deals 2d8 to creatures in a 15ft cone Yes 10 0
Grenade Bouquet Deals 6d6 to creatures within 5ft Yes 14 0
Makeshift Bomb Deals 2d10 to creatures within 5ft Yes 16 -10
Makes one attack with the attached
Mounted Weapon Yes 10 0
Radiation Deals 100 Rads per round to creatures
Yes 12 +10
Emitter within 10ft
Deals 4d4 energy damage to up to 3
Tesla Arc Yes 12 +10
creatures within 15ft
When a creature moves into its space,
they must make a Sneak Check with
Tin Can Chimes No 10 0
disadvantage to avoid being detected by
hostile creatures in the area
Legendary Enemies
In the wasteland some enemies are stronger than their normal counterparts.
They are more resilient, do more damage, and should be handled with extreme
Once a legendary enemy has been reduced to less than half of their maximum HP
they will “mutate”. They then regain all their HP, gain +2 DR and ER, and
receive an additional effect as determined by the Legendary Mutations table.
This effect is visible due to an aura that radiates from them.
Legendary Mutations
d6 Name Effect Aura
Legendary Enemies are usually the strongest enemy in their group and make for
good “Boss” enemies. Legendary Enemies usually possess a Legendary Item that
they might use if able. Defeating them allows the players to take the
Legendary Item. See Chapter 4 for Legendary Item tables.
“Everyone liked that”
Companions are NPC allies that travel and fight alongside the players. Giving the party a
companion may be advised if the party consists of only a few characters or if there is a
common role that they are missing, such as someone with a high medicine skill. Companions
will often provide their opinion on important decisions but defer to the players to make
the final decision.
A Companion’s skills start at a base value of 20 and their Tag skills are increased by 20 points.
Determine their Tag skills as normal for their race and background. Each level a companion gains
10 Skill Points that can be put into a single skill.
Players’ actions may cause a companion to gain or lose Affinity. If a companion’s Affinity drops
too low, they might refuse to travel with the party, or even become hostile towards them if they
reach minimum affinity or witness something that is especially objectionable to them.
If the players reach maximum affinity with a companion, they each gain the benefits of their
Companion Perk. A Companion Perk is a unique ability that the Overseer creates as they see fit but
should represent something about the companion that it comes from. For example, a sharpshooter
companion might have a Companion Perk related to accuracy or critical hits.
Affinity can be tracked simply by Relationship level, or by the exact affinity value. If tracking
by value you gain/lose 25 points for decisions they like/dislike, or 100 points for a decision
they love/hate. If tracking by level, simply move up or down when a decision, or series of
decisions is significant enough to warrant a change.
Affinity Relationship
-1000 Hatred
-999 to -500 Disdain
-499 to 249 Neutral
250 to 499 Friend
500 to 749 Admiration
750 to 999 Confidant
1000 Infatuation
Chapter 3: Hard Work is Happy Work
Living in the Outside World
Adventures in the Wasteland are often driven by tasks or missions,
commonly referred to as “quests”. A quest is most often the result
of someone asking the players to do something for them, although
quests can be started for other reasons.
Terminals and Safes
RobCo Industries' Terminals have many functions that are valuable to Wastelanders. They can store
information, play holotapes, or even control connected devices. Connected devices include defense
systems such as lights or turrets which can be activated or deactivated, doors which can be opened
or closed, and safes which can be locked or unlocked. To access a terminal, you must know its
password or succeed in hacking it (See Science in WSG Ch 3.2 for Hacking rules).
Holotapes can store various media including notes, passwords, voice messages, songs, or even games
(See The House Always Wins for Holotape Games). To access a holotape, it must be inserted into a
Pip-Boy, Terminal, or a Holotape Player (For audio only).
Holotapes are very useful for passing information discretely or leaving clues for players to
discover in quests. Finding a way to access the information on a holotape could be a quest in
itself for parties that do not already have the equipment to do so.
Safes are commonly used in the Wasteland to keep valuable possessions… safe. To open a safe, you
must have its key, use a connected terminal, or succeed in lockpicking it (See Lockpick in WSG Ch
3.2 for Lockpicking rules). If you have the key to a safe you may create a duplicate of it by
making a Repair Check and spending 20 caps.
“For when the fighting has stopped, and the fallout has settled, you must rebuild. Not just walls,
not just buildings, but hearts and minds. And ultimately America itself.”
Some denizens of the Wasteland have chosen to band together and rebuild, forming small communities
or even entire cities. These settlements are hubs of trade and activity so they will likely be
heavily involved in any major quests in the Wasteland.
If players are looking for a specific item, roll 1d100 and consult the table below based on the
number of inhabitants. The Complex property decreases the chances of finding an item by 20%.(This
is already factored into Power Armor since all models are Complex)
Item Type Outpost (1-50) Settlement (51-500) City (501-2000) Large City (2000+)
If players are seeking someone to repair items for them, they can roll to determine the highest
repair skill available. Roll 1d100 and add 20 for each size category above outpost. (Maximum 100)
Between Quests
Some Wastelanders prefer to take some time between expeditions into the Wasteland to live
a relatively peaceful life. They will often find a settlement to become a part of for a
time. The following table shows the cost of maintaining certain lifestyles.
Lifestyle Caps
Poor 10 Caps per day
Wastelanders might use their skills to find work within a settlement that will help pay
for the cost of their lifestyle. For example, a high Medicine skill would allow a
Wastelander to find a job as a doctor, and a high Small Guns skill might get them a job as
a guard or caravaneer.
Expected Wealth
Level Wealth per level per person Cumulative Wealth per person
1-4 200 caps 800 caps
Caravans and Traveling
“Too many miles on the road. At least the pay is terrible.”
Safely traveling between points of interest is a major challenge of surviving the Wasteland. To
generate a random encounter while traveling, roll a d12. If traveling with a caravan or other
guards add a d4 to the result (Maximum 12).
* Hostile factions are enemies, but do not attack on sight. For example, Raiders demanding a toll. Neutral factions are
a group that does not yet have a relationship to the players but will defend themselves if provoked, such as a caravan
or a Brotherhood of Steel patrol. Friendly factions are those that are already allied with the players or would be
friendly upon first meeting them.
** Determine Traveling Merchant’s inventory according to the Settlement Trading Table as if they were an Outpost.
The card game Caravan is especially popular with Caravaneers (hence the name), so players who show
interest or proficiency in the game will gain a significant amount of respect. (see The House
Always Wins for Caravan Game Rules)
Caravans need a minimum of one pack Brahmin and one Caravaneer, as well as the cost of the trade
goods. A Storage Harness or additional Brahmin and Caravaneers can be added to increase profit and
safety. Player characters can act as a Caravaneer or they can hire outside help.
To determine the success of a Caravan Run you make a series of checks. Any member of the Caravan
can make as many of the required checks as they want, although it is advantageous to hire
specialists to handle different tasks.
- One Survival Check to determine how the Caravan makes it to its destination. The trip takes
a normal amount of time on a success or 1.5 times as long on a failure. The Caravan can
choose to take a +25 penalty before rolling. If they do this and succeed the trip takes
half of the normal amount of time, or twice as long on a failure.
- One Weapons Skill Check per Brahmin in the Caravan. Each guard chooses which weapon skill
they use. If a single guard makes more than one of these checks, they have disadvantage on
all of them. The Caravan loses half of one Brahmin’s trade goods for each failure.
- Three Barter Checks to sell the trade goods on arrival. The caravan receives 75% of the
trade goods’ value, plus another 25% for each success.
Weather can have a major impact on traveling. Roll every 6 hours to determine the weather.
Nuclear Launch Sites
The wasteland contains some nuclear launch sites that are still operational.
Nuclear launch sites require an 8-digit launch code and a keycard which are
usually found in military bases, with deceased or ghoulified military
officers, or in similar locations. There may be additional obstacles before
launching a nuke such as automated security or necessary repairs. After
obtaining the launch code and keycard and dealing with all obstacles, you can
launch a Nuke at a location within 1000 miles.
The nuke has a blast radius of 1 mile and deals 200d6 damage and 2000 Rads to
anything in its area. The area becomes a Blast Zone for 24 hours after
Blast Zone
Any creature in the Blast Zone takes 20 rads per round, or 200 rads per
minute. Creatures in the area become their Glowing variety if they have one
and plant-life in the area will often mutate causing them to glow and even
gain useful properties.
Chapter 4: Arms Race
Gear of the Wasteland
The following table is for randomly generating rewards. This could be for loot found in an
abandoned building, quest rewards, or any other time loot is found by the players.
For a minor loot pool roll a d6, for a moderate loot pool roll a d8, for a large loot pool roll a
d10, and for a major loot pool roll a d12. You can roll once or more for each player’s share.
Common refers to the standard equipment in the Wasteland Survival Guide, unless the item has the
Complex property, which is then considered Uncommon.
Loot Table
dX Level 1-5 Level 6-10 Level 11-15 Level 16-20
9 1 Skill Book Uncommon Unique Rare/Very Rare Unique Very Rare Unique
Legendary Items
Legendary items are among the most valuable commodities in the Wasteland. Most scavvers
never have one… for long at least. Some weapon effects can only occur on certain weapon
types, for example a legendary effect that triggers on reloading, like Resilient, wouldn’t
be of much use on a Combat Knife. Legendary items are most often found in the possession
of Legendary Enemies (See Chapter 1, Legendary Enemies) but can also be found in loot
chests or given as quest rewards.
A: All, B: Big Guns, E: Energy Weapons, M: Melee, O: Bows, S: Small Guns, U: Unarmed
Incendiary Rare B, O, S +1d4 fire damage
Resilient Rare B, E, S +1 DR/ER until your next turn when you reload
B, E,
Stalker’s Rare When not in combat: +3 to hit, +3 AP cost.
O, S
Once per turn when you hit a creature they must make a DC 16
Staggering Rare A
END Save or be staggered until the end of their next turn
B, E, +2 DR until the start of your next turn when you take the Aim
Steadfast Rare
O, S action
When you hit an enemy, they have -2 damage until the end of
Suppressor’s Very Rare M, U
their next turn (Max: -2)
+2 to hit and damage against robots, machines, and gen 2
Troubleshooter’s Uncommon A
B, E,
Two Shot Very Rare -2 to hit, add one additional damage dice
O, S
Vampire’s Rare A The first time you hit an enemy each turn you regain 1d4 HP
VATS Enhanced Very Rare A Advantage on your first attack each turn
Wounding Uncommon A The target takes 1d4 damage at the start of their next turn
Legendary Armor Effects
Name Rarity Effect
Acrobat’s Rare Reduce falling damage by 50%
Auto-stim Rare Uses a stimpak when under 1/4 HP. Can occur once every minute
Cavalier’s Rare +1 DR and ER if you moved at least half your movement speed this turn
Chameleon Rare Invisible condition if you did not move this round.
Invisible condition if you are hit with a melee or unarmed attack. Can occur
Cloaking Rare
once every minute
Cunning Rare +1 AGI and PER
Duelist’s Rare On a hit, the target makes a DC 10 STR save or drops their weapon, if any.
Punishing Very Rare When hit with a melee attack, the attacker takes 1d4 damage
Sentinel’s Rare +1 DR and ER if you moved less than half your movement speed this turn
Unique Items Atom’s Judgement Rare Super Sledge
Anti-Materiel Rifle Small Gun Rare
360ft, Complex, Scoped, Two-Handed
Blade of the East Melee Weapon
Two-Handed. You must have 9 STR to wield
Dice: 2d12 Magazine: 5
this weapon. creatures hit by this weapon
AP Cost: 5 Ammo per fire: 1 take an additional 1d6 damage at the
start of their next turn. When you score
Weight: 20 Reload Cost: 3 a critical hit with this weapon the
target is pushed 15ft if they are Large
or smaller.
Atom’s Bulwark – Rare Armor Dice: 1d12 AP Cost: 4
16+AGI (Max 2) DR, 16+AGI (Max 2) ER, +1
DR/ER per 200 Rads you currently have (Round Weight: 12
Bobbleheads – Rare Cosmic Cannon Rare Energy Weapon
Official Vault-Tec bobbleheads. Finding one
grants one person a permanent benefit. 90ft, Complex, Two-Handed. When you
Strength +1 STR reload this weapon, you can choose one of
Perception +1 PER the following effects:
Endurance +1 END
Charisma +1 CHA
- +3 Energy Damage
Intelligence +1 INT
- Gains 10ft Cone property, all damage
Agility +1 AGI
becomes Cryo damage, and Ammo Per Fire
Luck +1 LCK becomes 11
Barter +10 Barter
Big Guns +10 Big Guns - +1 AP Cost, a target hit by this weapon
Energy Weapons +10 Energy Weapons must make a DC 14 STR save or have the
Explosives +10 Explosives Staggered condition until the end of
Lockpick +10 Lockpick their next turn.
Medicine +10 Medicine Dice: 1d8 E Magazine: 33
Repair +10 Repair
AP Cost: 3 Ammo per fire: 1
Science +10 Science
Small Guns +10 Small Guns Weight: 5 Reload Cost: 3
Sneak +10 Sneak
Speech +10 Speech
Survival +10 Survival
Cryolator Rare Big Gun
Unarmed +10 Unarmed
Cone 15ft, Complex, Two Handed
Dice: 2d4 Magazine: 25
Broadsider Rare Big Gun
AP Cost: 3 Ammo per fire: 5
The Broadsider is a portable naval cannon
repurposed to be wielded by a person. Reload Cost: 3 Weight: 8
December’s Child
Rare Father’s Lab Coat – Uncommon
Combat Rifle Clothing
60ft, Two-handed. This weapon uses 5.56 +2 INT, +20 RR
Dice: 1d6 Magazine: 20
Fire Ant Nectar – Uncommon Chem
AP Cost: 2 Ammo per fire: 1
+3 AGI, -2 INT, +50 Fire Resist, 10
Weight: 6 Reload Cost: 3 minutes.
Eugene Minigun
25ft, Spin Up, Two-Handed. When you G.E.C.K. – Very Rare
critically fail an attack, roll a d10. On The Garden of Eden Creation Kit is a
a 6 or higher this weapon’s condition powerful item created by talented Vault-Tec
does not degrade. engineers. Using the G.E.C.K. terraforms an
Dice: 1d6 Magazine: 500 area, making it a suitable place to live
and removing all RADS.
AP Cost: 2 Ammo per fire: 25
Weight: 25 Reload Cost: 4
Gehenna Rare Shishkebab Hellfire Power Armor – Rare Armor
20 DR, 21 ER, STR +2, 50 RR, +50 Fire Resist,
The first target you hit each turn is set Sneak -20, Complex, Powered.
on fire until the end of their next turn.
While on fire they take 1d6 fire damage
at the end of their turn. Inquisitor’s Cowl – Uncommon
Dice: 1d10 F AP Cost: 4 +1 INT per 200 Rads you currently have (Round
Weight: 3
Rare Chinese
Jingwei’s Shocksword Officer Sword
Ghoul Mask - Uncommon
Wearing the ghoul mask might convince feral +1d4 Energy Damage
ghouls that you are one of them, causing them
to leave you alone. When a feral ghoul Dice: 1d8 AP Cost: 3
notices you, they must make a DC 16 Weight: 3
Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save,
they will not attack you unless you or one of
your allies attacks first.
Justice Rare Combat Shotgun
Cone 10ft, Two-handed. The first target
Gold Bar – Very Rare you hit each turn has the Staggered
Weight: 35, Value: 10,547 condition until the end of their next
Golden Gloves Rare Boxing Glove Dice: 2d4 Magazine: 8
The first organic target you hit each AP Cost: 3 Ammo per fire: 1
turn gains the Fatigue property on any
weapon they use until the end of their Weight: 10 Reload Cost: 3
next turn.
Dice: 1d4 AP Cost: 3
Weight: 1
Kellogg’s Outfit – Uncommon Armor
14+AGI DR, 14+AGI ER, +1 PER.
Legend of Vault 88 – Rare Clothing Minutemen General’s Uniform –
+5 Speech, 50 RR. Reduce all damage taken Uncommon Armor
from Feral Ghouls by 3. 14+AGI (Max 2), 16+AGI (Max 2), +1 CHR
Multiplas Rifle Plasma Rifle
Louisville Slugger Uncommon Swatter
Cone 25ft, Complex, Plasma, Two-Handed
Two Handed. On a critical hit the target
must make a DC 14 STR save or be pushed Dice: 2d6 Magazine: 12
AP Cost: 4 Ammo per fire: 3
Dice: 1d10 AP Cost: 4
Weight: 8 Reload Cost: 4
Weight: 3
Overdrive – Uncommon Chem
Nuka-Girl Rocketsuit – Rare Armor +3 damage, Increase critical range by 1, 1
10+AGI DR, 13+AGI ER, 30 RR, +1 CHR. You can minute.
breathe underwater.
Pip-Boy 2000 mk. VI - Uncommon Protectron’s Gaze
The original 2000 model was a handheld Laser Pistol
device, but the mk. VI returns to the iconic Cone 15ft
wrist-mounted design.
- Open vaults Dice: 1d6 E Magazine: 20
- Play Holotapes
AP Cost: 3 Ammo per fire: 1
- Map areas
- Geiger Counter Weight: 3 Reload Cost: 3
- +1 to hit for all attacks
Tesla Rifle Rare Energy Weapon The Striker Uncommon Fat Man
30ft, Complex, Two Handed 180ft, Complex, Two Handed. If a target
When you hit a target, lightning will fails their Save by 5 or more their legs
jump to up to 2 other enemies within 10ft become crippled.
of the original target if the attack roll Dice: 4d8 Magazine: 1
would also hit their ER.
Dice: 1d8 E Magazine: 15 AP Cost: 3 Ammo per fire: 1
The Dragon Rare Black Powder Rifle Two-Step Goodbye Power Fist
180ft, Charging, Two-Handed When you score a critical hit with this
weapon all creatures within 5ft of the
Dice: 2Xd12 Magazine: 4 target except you must make a DC 16 AGI
save or take 4d6 explosive damage.
AP Cost: 3 Ammo per fire: X
Dice: 1d10 AP Cost: 4
Weight: 12 Reload Cost: 6X
Weight: 4
Uncommon 45ft, Holdout
Victory Rifle Hunting Rifle
360ft, Complex, Scoped, Two-Handed. When Dice: 1d6 Magazine: 5
you score a critical hit the target must AP Cost: 2 Ammo per fire: 1
make a DC 18 STR Save or be knocked
prone. Weight: 2 Reload Cost: 3
Dice: 1d12 Magazine: 5
AP Cost: 4 Ammo per fire: 1 Winterized T-51b – Very Rare Armor
18 DR, 17 ER, STR +1, CHR +1, Sneak -20, 30
Weight: 14 Reload Cost: 3 RR, Complex, Powered. This armor does not
degrade in condition.
Vim! Refresh Power Armor – Uncommon X-02 Power Armor – Rare Armor
Armor 20 DR, 22 ER, STR +2, INT +1, Sneak -20, 50
18 DR, 17 ER, STR +1, CHR +1, Sneak -20, 30 RR, Complex, Powered.
RR, Complex, Powered.
+1 AGI. The effects of Vim! are doubled for
you. Uncommon
X-2 Antenna Melee Weapon
Two-handed. +2d8 energy damage vs.
Robots, +1d8 energy damage vs. enemies
Vim! Power Armor – Uncommon Armor
wearing Power Armor.
18 DR, 17 ER, STR +1, CHR +1, Sneak -20, 30
RR, Complex, Powered. Dice: 1d8 AP Cost: 4
+1 STR. The effects of Vim! are doubled for
Weight: 15
Wild Bill’s Sidearm .32 Pistol
Are you tired of spending days marching down dilapidated highways? Do you yearn for the elegant
power of Pre-War machinery? Now you can experience the rush of a brand-new top of the line Corvega
for only $199,999.99! Corvega... for those who want more.
Working Vehicles are rare in the Wasteland but can be extremely useful if one is found. The Driver
and Pilot roles allow characters to perform special actions if they succeed on a Drive check. A
Drive Check is 1d20 + your INT or AGI (your choice) and the DC varies by vehicle type.
HP 90 HP 70
Roles Roles
Driver. The Driver can move the Driver. The Driver can move the
Corvega Atomic V-8 up to its speed Corvega Cherry Bomb up to its speed
each turn. The Driver can attempt a each turn. The Driver can attempt a
DC 8 Drive check to Dash or DC 10 drive check to Dash or
Disengage. Disengage.
Corvega Motorcycle Vertibird
Medium Vehicle Huge Vehicle
DR 14 ER 15 DR 17 ER 16
HP 45 HP 120
Chapter 5: Safety First
Optional Rules
The following rules are optional additions to the game if your players are looking for
more engaging mechanics or in some cases, a more difficult challenge. Overseer discretion
is advised.
Instead of simply tracking your alignment on the Very Evil to Very Good scale you can use
a numerical “karma” value. The player can choose any starting Karma score during character
creation and The Overseer may award positive or negative karma for any action as they see
Karma Alignment
Ghoul Feralization
When a Ghoul player takes a total of 200 Rads they must make a DC 5 INT Saving Throw or
suffer one level of Feralization. Each additional time you take 200 Rads in the same day
you add 1 to the DC of the Saving Throw. You can remove one level of Feralization by not
taking any Rads in a day followed by becoming Well Rested.
Level Effects
1 -1 INT
Gun Jams
A weapon that is not a Melee or Unarmed weapon may become jammed when it is in poor
condition. When a player reloads a weapon that is at 1 condition, the gun becomes jammed
and takes 2 AP to clear before it can be fired.
If your players would like to use their own skill instead of the skill of their characters
you can instead use the following minigame in place of lockpicking checks.
Roll a d20 to determine the target number. The player makes one lockpicking attempt by
guessing a number between 1 and 20. The Overseer then responds based on their distance
from the correct answer according to the following table. If they do not succeed within 3
guesses you reroll the target number and start over.
Distance Response
1 Radioactive
2-3 Hot
4-5 Warm
6-7 Cold
8+ Nuclear Winter
Ex: T-45d Helmet and arms, T-60d Chest and legs = 18DR, 17ER, +2 STR, 40 RR.
When a player moves up to a new level of radiation there is a chance that they will mutate. The
player rolls an END Save and subtracts their new radiation level (200-399 Rads = -1, 400-599 Rads
= -2, etc.) If the result is 7 or less the player mutates and rolls on the Random Mutation table.
When a mutated player moves down a radiation level by any means, they roll an END save and
subtract their new radiation level. If the result is 10 or higher, they recover from 1 mutation.
Random Mutation
d20 Mutation Effect
You lose a number of HP equal to 2 times your level and gain 2 fewer HP
1 Adrenal Reaction every time you level up. When your HP is below 25%, you gain +2 damage and
you heal twice as much from any source.
2 Bird Bones You take half damage from falling, AGI +2, STR -2.
You heal twice as much from consuming meat, but no healing from plant
3 Carnivore
If you are not wearing any armor and have not moved more than 5ft this
4 Chameleon
turn, you are invisible.
You add an additional dice of the same type on a critical hit. PER +2, STR
5 Eagle Eyes
6 Egg Head INT +3, STR -2, END -2.
When a melee attacker hits you, you can use your reaction to roll a d4. If
7 Electrically Charged
the result is a 4 you deal 2d8 energy damage to the attacker.
All attacks against you do +3 damage, attacks against allies within 15ft
8 Empath
of you do -1 damage.
9 Grounded +2 ER, -2 damage with all energy weapons.
Double the amount of healing you receive from rests. All chems have their
10 Healing Factor
duration halved and you receive -1d6 healing from Stimpaks (minimum 1d6).
11 Heavy Build +1 DR, -1 ER, -5 movement speed, you cannot wear power armor.
You heal twice as much from plant sources, but no healing from consuming
12 Heribvore
+1 to all S.P.E.C.I.A.L. when within 10 feet of an ally, -1 to all
13 Herd Mentality
+20 carry weight, double the maximum height and distance you can jump, -2
14 Marsupial
You can spend 2 AP to deal an amount of poison damage equal to 3 times the
15 Plague Walker
number of diseases you have to all creatures within 5 feet of you.
16 Scaly Skin DR +1, ER +1, -1 Max AP.
+10 movement speed, you heal half as much from all food items and require
17 Speed Demon
double the amount of food and water per day.
You gain a natural unarmed weapon which costs 3 AP and deals 2d4 damage. -
18 Talons
2 AGI.
+1 damage with all melee and unarmed weapons, -2 to hit with all ranged
19 Twisted Muscles
On a critical hit add a number of rads to the attack equal to 20 times
20 Unstable Isotope
your level.
Perk Sharing
A character can share the benefits of one of their perks to allies within 30 feet as long
as that perk’s level requirement is less than or equal to the character’s Charisma score.
Instead of the normal radiation levels, your maximum HP is reduced by 1% for every 10 Rads
(round down). You roll on the 1000 Rad tables as normal.
Survival Mode
For each 10 creatures you and your allies defeat, you each gain +1 to hit and damage. This benefit
can stack up to +3. This bonus ends when you sleep for any amount of time.
Aid Items
Aid items do not restore HP if you have any levels of hunger or thirst. Stimpaks heal half the
normal amount on the turn they are used, and the same amount again at the end of your next turn.
If a player exceeds their carrying capacity, they take 1d4 damage per minute.
During character creation players can choose to take one trait. Most traits have benefits
and drawbacks.
Name Prerequisites Effect
1 Additional Tag Skill. You are incapacitated for 1 turn when an
Beta Software Robot
enemy scores a critical hit against you.
Bruiser +2 damage with melee and unarmed weapons. -4 Initiative.
Increase critical range by 1. Weapons degrade by 2 levels on a
Built to Destroy
critical failure.
+10 movement speed when under the effects of chems. You have
Chem Reliant
disadvantage on Addiction saves.
Clean Living Advantage on Addiction saves, chems last half as long for you.
Fast Metabolism Regain +2 HP per hit dice used during a Short Rest, -20 RR.
Once per turn you can make two attacks with disadvantage in place of
Fast Shot
one normal attack.
-1 HP per level. You gain additional skill points each level equal to
Fear the Reaper Ghoul
your LCK modifier.
Four Eyes +2 PER when wearing glasses, -1 if not wearing glasses.
+1 to all SPECIAL stats. -5 starting Skill Points and Skill Points
per level.
+5 Barter, Medicine, Repair, Science, Speech. -5 Big Guns, Energy
Good Natured
Weapons, Explosives, Small Guns, Melee Weapons, and Unarmed.
Ham Fisted Super Mutant Tag Unarmed. -10 Lockpick, Medicine, Repair.
Jinxed You and anyone within 10ft critically fails on a roll of 1 or 2.
Kamikaze +5 Initiative, -1 DR and ER.
Loose Cannon -1 AP cost for Thrown weapons, reduce range by half.
One Hander +2 damage with one-handed weapons, -4 damage with two-handed weapons.
When you score a critical hit, you can choose to roll a d12. If the
result is less than or equal to your Luck score you add another
One in a Million
critical dice to the original attack. If it is not, then the original
attack becomes a regular hit instead of a critical hit.
Red Scare You have +10 to detecting sneaking creatures, -2 Initiative
+1 Agility, -25 Carry Weight, Disadvantage on saves against the
Small Frame
Crippled condition.
Targeting You can add up to 3 to the AP cost of an attack. You add the same
Computer number as a bonus to hit for that attack.
Tech Wizard +5 Science, Repair, and Lockpick, -1 Perception.
+2 to hit and +1 AP cost with Energy Weapons and Small Guns.
Unarmed Moves
The following are optional special Unarmed Moves. You can only use one Unarmed Move per round. You
may learn a new Unarmed Move when you reach an even-numbered level. A tutor may be required to
learn certain moves (Overseer’s Discretion). Any DC is equal to 8 + your Bonus to hit.
Unarmed Move
Name Prerequisites Effect
The target must make a STR or AGI save. On a failure they take your normal
Body Slam 5 STR
Unarmed damage and have the Prone condition.
Counter Punch 60 Unarmed When you take the Block action your next Unarmed attack has Advantage.
Deathclaw Gore Deathclaw Gauntlet Make an attack with disadvantage. On a hit the attack does +1d6 damage
You can spend 1 additional AP when you use an Unarmed Power Attack to
Deathclaw Slash Deathclaw Gauntlet
attack with Advantage.
Double Leg The target must make a STR or AGI save with Disadvantage. On a failure
40 Unarmed
Takedown they have the Prone condition.
Float Like a
6 AGI When you take the Dodge action your next Unarmed attack has Advantage.
Spend 2x your normal AP cost. The target must make a STR save and an END
80 Unarmed, Sneak save. If they fail the STR save they have the Prone condition. If they
German Supplex
Attack fail the END save they have the Crippled (Head) condition. The target
takes 1x your normal Unarmed attack damage per failure.
Neutral, Evil, or Make an Unarmed attack with Disadvantage. On a hit the target has -3 AP or
Groin Kick
Very Evil Karma 1 fewer attack on their next turn. The target must have a groin.
Spend 4 AP to attempt force the target to make an AGI save. On a failure
they cannot move and have disadvantage on Melee/Unarmed attacks. At the
Headlock 40 Unarmed
start of each of their turns they can make a STR or AGI save to escape.
You must have one free hand to maintain the Headlock.
Neutral, Evil, or Spend 3 AP. The target must make an END save. On a failure they have the
Khan Trick
Very Evil Karma Blinded condition until the end of their next turn.
Make on Unarmed attack with Disadvantage. On a hit the target must make a
Knee Strike 40 Unarmed
STR save or be pushed 10ft away from you
Evil or Very Evil If you move 10ft in a straight line before making an Unarmed Power Attack,
Legion Assault
Karma that attack has Advantage.
Make one Unarmed attack with Advantage. If the target’s current HP is less
80 Unarmed, Sneak
Neck Snap than or equal to 2x your level, they have the Dead condition. Otherwise,
the attack does no damage.
If you hit with two Unarmed attacks in a row your next Unarmed Power
One Two Three 60 Unarmed
Attack does not cost extra AP.
Paladin’s Good or Very Good The first target you hit on your turn has Disadvantage on attacks against
Challenge Karma, 5 CHR targets other than you until the end of their next turn.
Push Comes to Spend 2 AP to force a target to make a STR save or be pushed 5ft away from
Shove you
Spend 2x your normal AP cost to make Unarmed attacks against targets in up
60 Unarmed, 60
Ranger Takedown to 3 different contiguous spaces within 5 ft of you. Each target hit must
make a STR save with Advantage or have the Prone condition.
The first time an Unarmed or Melee attack misses you after you took the
Scribe Counter 60 Unarmed, 6 INT Block action on your previous turn, you can use your reaction to make one
Unarmed Power Attack against the attacker.
When you are hit with an Unarmed attack you can use your reaction to force
the attacker to make a STR save. On a failure they move to an open space
Shoulder Throw 5 STR, 5 AGI
on the other side of you, they have the Prone condition, and you take no
damage from the triggering attack.
When you take the Dodge action your next Unarmed Power Attack does extra
Sting like a Bee 6 AGI
damage equal to your Unarmed damage modifier.
After you hit a target with an Unarmed attack you can automatically hit
Unlimited Power Power Fist
with another Unarmed attack, spending AP as normal.
You can spend up to 3 additional AP when you use an Unarmed Power Attack.
Wasteland Uppercut 75 Unarmed
Add +2 damage per AP spent.
Wild Wasteland
To play with Wild Wasteland replace the 7 and 8 results on the Random Encounter Table with
an outlandish encounter such as talking cows, a crashed Zetan ship, or a thinly veiled pop
culture reference.
Alignment 34
Between Quests 14
Caravans and Traveling 15
Companions 10
Corvega Cherry Bomb 32
Corvega Motorcycle 33
Corvege Atomic V-8 32
Expected Wealth 14
Forced Evolutionary Virus 17
Ghoul Feralization 34
Gun Jams 35
Holotapes 12
Legendary Armor 21
Legendary Enemies 9
Legendary Weapons 19
Lockpicking 35
Loot Table 18
Mixing Power Armor 35
Mutations 36
Nukes 17
Perk Sharing 37
Radiation 37
Safes 12
Settlements 13
Survival Mode 37
Terminals 12
Traits 38
Traps 8
Unarmed Moves 39
Unique 22
Vertibird 33
Weather 16
Wild Wasteland 40