Week 2 Quiz 2
Week 2 Quiz 2
Week 2 Quiz 2
From 1880 to 1920, the number of industrial workers in the nation ...
Question 2
Which of the following best describes the goals of the American Protective Association at the turn of the
20th century?
Question 3
Based on the reading in 19.3, describe the "new middle class" that emerged during the Gilded Age
The "new middle class' consisted of professionals who had stable salaries. This emerging group
consisted of essential workers like managers, engineers, doctors, accountants and more. While the
working working class struggled and found refuge in tenement housings the new middle class chose to
escape the challenging and eisingly expensive urban life. With the rise and improvement of cheap
railway transport they middle class escaped urban life and settled in peaceful places farther from the
city. Their relief from urban life also came through education as institutions grew significantly during
that time. Women took the roles as housewives and in homemaking. Opportunities for higher education
and careers also opened for women in this age. Advancement in education also solidified their positions
in the middle class as children did not have to work and were sent to schools to pursue careers in
emerging fields.
Question 4
25,000 700,000
In the year 1913, nearly Americans lost their lives on the job, while another
workers suffered from injuries that resulted in at least one missed month of work.
Question 5
According to the reading in 19.3 on OpenStax, in what way did education play a crucial role in the
emergence of the middle class?
New opportunities rose for women of the middle class. While most women took the responsibilty
of housewives and caretakers, a few of them pursued education. A few women schools and
colleges opened during this time and a small number of men'scolleges also opened the doors for
women. Their education provided them new opportunities to work outside their home and be a
part of society although most worked as teachers and professors.
The children of the professional middle class on the other hand did not have to work to provide
for the family due to good conditions. This paved a pathway to education and advancement for
them. There was a huge rise in number of students in the schools and colleges during this time.
The federal government promoted education and offered useful professional degrees in technical
fields. The education proved a fundamental progress in the middle class and established them in
their class as well.
Question 6
How did Andrew Carnegie's Gospel of Wealth contribute to the ideas of race science and elitism during
the Gilded Age?
A He aimed to educate all classes and provide new immigrants with opportunities to improve their
. futures
B Carnegie expanded on the concept of evolution and argued humans were a changing species that
. would soon become a perfect specimen of efficiency
C He borrowed from Herbert Spencer’s theory of social Darwinism, which held that society
. developed through a process of evolution in which the most fit and capable enjoyed the greatest
D He provided unfounded research to support the use of eugenics for creating an ideal workforce
Question 7
According to the readings, which phrase referred to the process by which every citizen of the city, no
matter their ethnicity or race, was a ward resident with an alderman who spoke on their behalf at city hall?
A alderman support
B dual party system
C bicameral policies
D machine politics
Question 8
Based on the reading in 19.3, explain how the rising popularity of baseball influenced social experiences
in urban areas during at the turn of the 20th century.
Professional baseball was a hugely important form of entertainment for the working class. Baseball clubs
became professional baseball teams and numerous professional teams quickly emerged in a number of
significant American cities. Baseball games offered a cheap source of entertainment, with a
doubleheader, two hot dogs, and a beer costing less than one dollar. But more significantly, the teams
developed into a means for newly settled Americans and immigrants from various backgrounds to build
a shared social culture while rooting for the same team. After the National League ballparks started to
appear in several locations and these were places where working class American gathered to socialise,
have a great time, and support a common cause passionately and zealously along with other fellow
Question 9
Southern policies of segregation and discrimination were common in northern cities during the early
twentieth century.
Question 10
Place the following events in the correct chronological order
1895. The Biltmore Estate is completed by George Vanderbilt in North Carolina
1876 Rutherford B Hayes is elected
1886 The Haymarket Affair results in death and violence
1890 Jacob Riis publishes his photo collection book, How the Other Half Lives
1893 The city of Chicago hosts the Columbian Exposition
Question 11
Which of the following was true of Bessemer steel during the Gilded Age?
A production of the new material gave women an opportunity to work outside the home
B the new material provided increased strength and durability and was more readily available
C All answers are true
D the steel was inferior to the materials produced in England
Question 12
racism education
According to the weekly reading, " and a lack of formal relegated
these African American workers to many of the lower-paying unskilled or semi-skilled occupations."
Question 13
Identify and DESCRIBE two of the key goals for which striking workers fought in the late nineteenth
century. Explain if the efforts were successful or failed and support your argument with evidence from the
The key goals for which the striking workers fought were better wages as they were paid very less for
intense labor without the consideration of their health and safety. Secondly they fought for an eight
hour work day as many believed an eight hour workday would not only reduce the load and give them
time to develop their conditions but reduce the unemployment by spreading the work among the
During the ____________________________ a large exodus of African Americans left the South in the
early twentieth century and traveled to the Northeast and Upper Midwest.
Question 15
_____________________ is a negative term for the big businessmen who made their fortunes in the
massive railroad boom of the late nineteenth century
A nativists
B scalawags
C robber barons
D carpetbaggers
Question 16
What was the primary goal of protesters at the Haymarket Rally of 1886?