StudyQs 17b

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Why did young farm women lead the exodus from rural areas to cities?

Farm work was performed increasingly by males.

Farm work was increasingly becoming male work because of mechanization.

Who were the "new immigrants" who poured into the United States between 1890 and 1920?

Southern and eastern Europeans


In 1890, approximately what portion of the population of greater New York had been born abroad or were children
of foreign parents?
4 out of 5


Who was known as the king of ragtime?


What were the main reasons to form The Young Men's Christian Association and the Young Women's Christian

assist rural young men and women who migrated to the city


What was the main purpose of The Salvation Army?


Which of the following statements accurately describes urban growth in the late 19th century?

Urban populations grew dramatically, with cities such as Chicago growing by over
400 percent.

How did the settlement-house movement distinguish itself from other urban social-welfare organizations?

It insisted that charity workers live in slum neighborhoods to better understand the living conditions
of the poor.

Why was the development of the flush toilet and indoor plumbing so significant?

-Cities usually has inadequate or no piped water. When it was installed, sanitation helped out a whole
-It helped fight the many diseases that flourish in polluted waters.
10. What was the importance of "culture" for American Victorians?
11. During the 1880s and 1890s, which new obligation was added to the traditional middle-class woman's role as
director of the household?

She had to nurture her family's cultural improvement by fostering an artistic environment of
ornamentation, knickknacks, and well-arranged furniture.
12. What impact did the department store have on the culture?

-? overcome middle and upper class reluctance to spend, make shopping an adventure, function as a
kind of social club and home away from home for comfortably fixed women, and spotlight the high
quality and low cost of the items from sale

13. Why did leisure-time activities become increasingly important to the working class during the late nineteenth

factory labor was growing more routine and impersonal, and social interactions at the workplace were
increasingly inhibited
14. What did you learn about the late-nineteenth-century saloon?

a meeting place for husbands and wives.

15. How were the new research universities of the late 19th century different from earlier colleges?

They offered courses in a wide variety of subject areas.

They offered courses in a wide variety of subject areas and encouraged faculty members to pursue basic research
16. What form of theatrical entertainment drew the largest audiences in late-nineteenth-century America?

17. What did Josephine Shaw Lowell and the New York Charity Organization Society want?

-? They wanted immigrants to adapted the white American way of life including child raising and

18. For a late-nineteenth-century unmarried working-class woman, why did amusement parks exert a powerful lure?

Were places to meet friends, get away from parental supervision, and try out the latest dance steps

19. Where was baseball the most popular?

in urban areas with large working-class populations

20. What did Modernist architects like Frank Lloyd Wright believe in?

-? Architects like Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier used reinforced concrete in an almost
sculptural fashion to create buildings with fascinating organic qualities.
21. What did the work of Frances Willard of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union show about many women in
the late nineteenth century?

Challenge the cult of domesticity and expand women's sphere while at the same time remaining
committed to women's nurturing and supportive role within the family
22. How did John L. Sullivan appeal to late-nineteenth-century Americans?
23. How did women's relationship with men change during the last decades of the nineteenth century?
Which of the following is not an indicator of women's changing relationship to men during the last decades of the
19th century?

The growing popularity of catalog and department stores.


Which two issues dominated national politics in the 1870s and 1880s?

the money supply and civil service reform


Where was the Democratic party strongest in the late 19th century?

Upper Midwest

Why was the 1892 election significant to U.S. history?

The Populist party showed it was a potential threat to the Republican and Democratic parties.

How did William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer change the newspaper industry?

They competed for readers by writing sensationalized stories that captured the reader's attention.

How would you accurately describe voter participation during the late-nineteenth-century?

It was generally very high--usually from 80% up to 95%.


Why did the federal government during the late nineteenth century tend to ignore the social consequences of

Most American leaders, regardless of party, believed in the laissez-faire doctrine and did not support a
large governmental role in the economy.

Who became famous for the "Cross of Gold" speech in the 1896 presidential election?

William Jennings Bryan


What did the Pendleton Act do?

also realized a bipartisan Civil Service Commission to make appointments based on the merit system

What happened to James Garfield's presidency?

What happened to President James A. Garfield?

The President's most demanding job was to dispense political patronage. Under the spoils system,
government jobs were treated as rewards for those who had served the winning party. Reform of this
system became urgent after President Garfield was shot July 2. 1881 as he was leaving for a vacation
in New England. Charles J. Guiteau, a deranged lawyer and disappointed office seeker, shot Garfield
in the back. Suffering through the summer, Garfield died o September 19. 1881 and was succeeded
by Vice President, Chester A. Arthur.
10. What was the Grange (the Patrons of Husbandry)?
11. Why did Grover Cleveland propose a reduction of the tariff rates?

the tariff was feeding a large and growing federal budget surplus)
12. What were the goals of the Greenback Party?

An expanded money supply

13. Which of the following was not a goal of the Populist and Farmer's Alliance movements?

A higher protective tariff

14. In the 1892 election, what happened to the Populist party?
15. What was the main importance of the government's establishment of the Interstate Commerce Commission?
16. Why did American confidence in the gold standard weaken in the 1890s?

British investors sold millions of stocks,, congress lavish veterans to reduce gov't resource, tarrif
revenues, gov't paying off silver purchases and, such/
17. What event triggered the Panic of 1893?

Began due to bankruptcy of 2 railroad companies which caused a collapse of the stock market
The Stock Market Crash.

What was the main issue in the 1896 presidential election?

Why is the Currency Act of 1900 significant?
What did the Teller Amendment assert?
What did Spain cede to the U.S. as a result of the Spanish-American War?
What was Machine Politics?
What were the typical functions of political bosses and precinct captains?

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