Vu Current Papers 2022

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[10/01, 16:39] OK: ```Assalam-o-allaikum

Today was my CS301

*The paper was easy*
Total Questions 23 (39 marks)
18 MCQ's of 1 (Mark)
1*Which structure uses FIFO?
1*Which structure uses LIFO?
1*Which linked list given below is correct after inserting a new new value?
1*A node can have maximum of _________ nodes.
2*Two MCQ's related to stack
2*Two MCQ's related to queue
1*Preorder traversal (binary tree was given)
1*In a complete binary tree the bottom level is filled from__________.
2*Two MCQ's related to heap
1* Minimum operands needed to perform a postfix expression?
2*Two MCQ's related to linear and non linear data type.
3*Three MCQ's were conceptual.

2 Questions of (3 Marks)
Write the pseudo code for the (next) operator.
Write all the cases of binary tree rotation.

3 questions of (5 Marks)
5*Write the C++ code for the function (find())
5*Write the C++ code for the addition of add(5) in the double linked list (link list was given with size 5 )
5*Consider the below given code, correct any of the mistakes you see, if there is no mistake, justify that how the code
will execute. ( the code was related to pointer and reference)

That's all i remember, apologies for any mistakes you see regarding the above mentioned paper.
[10/01, 16:39]: 28 MCQS
4 Questions
1.Define Authority (2Marks)
2.Contemporary Planning(2)
3.Benefits of decision making styles(3)
4.Planning and Organizing Functions Of Management(5)
(40 Marks Paper)
[10/01, 16:39]: Msgt503
[10/01, 16:39]: Today Sta301midterm 
All mcqs from past ppr and questions form practice questions
1. Arthematic mean uses?
2.mean deviation for ungroup data data was given?
3. Coefficient of variations?
4. First two moment?
5.P(A/B) and P(B/A)? Values was given
[10/01, 16:39]: *Mid Term Paper Fall 2021* 
*Date 10-02-2021*
*Timing 8:30a.m*
*Exam Phy101*
*Total 31 Question*
*27 Mcqs* 
*2 Short 2 Marks*
*2 Long Question 5 Mark's k*
*Mostly Mcqs From Past paper and Quiz File*

*Definitions of types of wave.( stand waves, shock waves,* *interference, beats)*

*Or ek tension sy related conceptual tha*

[10/01, 16:39] OK: 10.1.2022
Today  my  paper Cs411 

mostly mcq in waqar file and highlighted handouts

write xaml code to create a button in a canvas with attributes left=0 right =0left =0 bottom =0
different between event consumer and event procetuer 
2  Question coding di gai thi uski output btanai thi 
1 question list of options di gai thi jismasy computer program and time intrupt finde karna tha
[10/01, 16:39] OK: Today Sta301midterm 
All mcqs from past ppr and questions form practice questions
1. Arthematic mean uses?
2.mean deviation for ungroup data data was given?
3. Coefficient of variations?
4. First two moment?
5.P(A/B) and P(B/A)? Values was given
[10/01, 16:39] OK: Mgmt627 
Strategic planning ka question
Leadership ke details Baki yad nai 
28 mcqs tha or 4 questions
2 questions general tha
[10/01, 16:39] OK: *Bt101*
posmatism signal 2 marks, define fossils 2 marks, water pollution detail 5 marks,  write a note on grazes and types
detail 5 marks,  biological clocks 3 marks, aik 3 marks ka bhol gya.                 Mcqs kuch past sa thy or kuch new lakin
bht easy thy e.g layers of atmosphere (5),fossils ki defination thi, hard layer under the soil and mud called............ . Etc
[10/01, 16:39] OK: Bio 201 Timing 8:30
Importance of Dna 
Cellular Membrane difference between meiosis and mitosis 
Difference between Active transport and Passive Transport
[10/01, 16:39] OK: Today's cs408 paper
12 to 13 Mcq's from Junaid file
One question is about ATM to improve withdrawing amount system..(5 marks)
One question is about iteration (3 marks)
One is the comparison of colors background in real environment..
aik ye tha Why blue color disappear while sahi sy statement yd ni
[10/01, 16:39] OK: Today 10-01-2022
*Cs403* 08:30

Difference between Primary key and alternative key 2 points?

Which tool can be use after analyzing a problem to develop a diagram?

If organization is using file server how you can agree a higher management to use a DBMS brief with 5 points.
Falcon A mn 3 question thy or immediate register ka 1 question or n bits ka 1 question tha paper easy tha
[10/01, 16:39] OK: cs501
total 23 q
Mcqs easy thy past sy bhi thy and kuch book sy 
3marksFALCON_A mein 2 ALU instruction  btani thi 
FALCON A ki instruction k bary mein briefly btana tha
5 marksCISC features list btani thi 
5marksException program and hardware exception mein diff btana tha
SPEC ka question tha 
3 question 5 marks and 2 question 3 marks 18 mcqs.....
[10/01, 16:39] OK: CS 101 
Paper 8:30 AM
18 Mcqs from Handouts. 2 to 3 are from past papers.
5 Questions
1- The Ballpoint which is a stationary thing is of 20 rupees. Write the output in code in XML 
2- A Novel written by M.Ali "first novel of Ali" write output in Code XML.
3- these are search by Google. Write their output
 PSL cricket @twitter
* for tat
4- You have 2 Ethernet bus network and one WiFi network You have to send message through WiFi network to
Ethernet network. Write steps.
5- Change decimal value 25 into Binary notation.
[10/01, 16:39] OK: Bt50310/1/2022(8:30)
My Today paper 
MCQS  FROM PPTS (Bht hi asan agr aik dfa ppts achay say pr lay ) 
What is bioindicators?2
Q NO 2
Advantages of biotrickling fikter  over biofilter?2
Q NO 3
Three phases of submerged aeration biofilter?3
Q NO 4
How to make plants more stable and tolerate against TMV.3
Q NO 5
what qualities are important and considerable of pollutants. For bio-processing.5
Brief note on maturation ponds?5
Paper was owsome and cool.
[10/01, 16:39] OK: *Mid Term Paper Fall 2021* 
*Date 10-02-2021*
*Timing 8:30a.m*
*Exam Phy101*
*Total 31 Question*
*27 Mcqs* 
*2 Short 2 Marks*
*2 Long Question 5 Mark's k*
*Mostly Mcqs From Past paper and Quiz File*

*Definitions of types of wave.( stand waves, shock waves,* *interference, beats)*

*Or ek tension sy related conceptual tha*
[10/01, 16:39] OK: Fall 2021
Mid term paper
At 8:30 am

1). How to improve ATM machine software and easy for end user?
2) Name the applications that use function of windows in windows
3) Take opinion from stakeholders about design of product?
4) What is HCI according to CMA?

Total 5 subjective thy aik yaad ni 

18 mcqs thy 

Aik mcqs tha Kay 

2) Organizational memory Kay related tha mcqs 

Baqi virtulians ki file thi us me say mcqs thy 

I share the file

[10/01, 16:39] OK: MS Kohistan
Today my paper of C's 607
16 mcqs from past paper and  2 were conceptual 
Short:(1) human availability vs Experts System availability 
(2)a car has atumated system for break speed and turn it has senser which can atumaticly detetect any kind of hurdle.
The car has which kind of artificial intelligence give solid reason.
Long (1) proof resolution by reputation.
(2) one search tree were given write it's step find upto 3rd level DFS just write Q steps.
(3) write Genetic Algorithm steps
[10/01, 16:39] OK: Pak301
1.How many year Allama iqball stay uorp. 3year
2.Now And Never.1933.
3.embedar hindu Muslim Unaity.Quaid e Azam
4.sir syed go to england.1869
Philosophical expitation to ideology of pakistan.Allama iqball
[10/01, 16:39] OK: Mideterm paper cs (101)
5 marks question
Algorithm making a cup of tea module 85
3 marks questions
1 Artificial intelligence
2 psl cricket match
3 tit
Search on search engine and give your results
5marks question
Sounds amplitude
3marks question
Binary addition and compliment sa related th
[10/01, 16:39] OK: CS 101
Definition of hardware? 
Stocks Dell? 
AND Or XOR operation ki calculation karni thi mathematic dii hoi thi
Orr ik question ya tha ka MB , TB orr GB bhi batayny thy
[10/01, 16:39] OK: MGT 201
2 Short question 
Find Face value
Find ratio
Long question
Explain Islamic banking
Find the investing amount, (table provide tha with value)
[10/01, 16:39] OK: Soc101 paper 10:30 
16Mcqs conceptual+definition 
1. difference between deviance and crime
2. Cumulative and verifiable characteristic of scientific statement
3.any example of same status ascribed and achieved in different situations control explanation
5.any three diverse nature of society by comte
6.illegitimate opportunity provides more chances of crime or not
[10/01, 16:39] OK: #CS201
18 mcq aya tha
5 question tha
mara to sb coding k tha

graphic k sath
or integration 7 pa divide kar tha
ek graphs aya tha ose ki value de thi or print karwa na tha graph ma
[10/01, 16:39] OK: Isl201 today 8:30
Always ask Allah SWT even any small and ordinary thing??? Describe hadith in this regard???? 3 marks
Reaction of Abu bakr siddique on implention of Zakat???? 3 marks
Feature of executive authority ???5 marks
Describe holy prophet dislikes entering house without permission??? 5 marks???
[10/01, 16:39] OK: Cs101
URL ki abbreviation or examples aye thi,Floating point ky error trancation ko solve krny ky konsy 2 method hn,Or
mentisa exponent wala question aya tha, Binary ko hexadecimal mn change krna kr k jana or objective bhtt hi fazool
[10/01, 16:39] OK: Cs 101
Paper 8 30
18 mcqs from handsout...
Q1.2's complement,conversation between positive and negative representation
Q2.7+(-5) 2's complement k method sy solve krna tha
Q3.machine cycle k 3 steps likhny thy
Q4.CDN stands for and its purpose?
[10/01, 16:39] OK: Eng201
Mcqs or true false hi thy saary easy!! 
Compound&complex sentence 
Letter memorandum or inquiry letter ka difference
Correctness & courtesy related mcqs
[10/01, 16:39] OK: Mth302
1 -Find the %markup on cost (2 no)
2- Find the original price 
(2 no)
3- Find the Net Cost price 
(3 no)
4- Find the longest price  parameters aur ratio is given 
5- Find the series of discount
(5 no)
6-( Find the  Simply Interest
[10/01, 16:39] OK: Cs506(10.1.22) 
Mcqs asaan thy
2 questions theoretical 
Node stream and filter stream

Port numbers of ftp,http, telnet

Phir do questions error find krky ky reasons btani thein

Last coding ka tha

[10/01, 16:39] OK: *My today's MGT211 midterm paper
Date: 10 Jan 2022
Timing: 10:30 am
All the lectures that were excluded from syllabus were included in MCQS portion
So must prepare lecture 17, 18, 19,20 for MCQS
Total 32 questions 
2 Short questions of 3 marks 
Question 1: Replacement chart and its features
Question 2: Three fulfilments needed to obtain the certificate of commencement

2 Long Questions of 5 marks

Question 1: Mr. Ali has Rs.10,00,000 and 15 years of experience in cloth sector. He wants to do some business.
Which kind of business you will recommend to him. Write any four characteristics of that business.
Question 2: Define Marketing and write its revolution stages
[10/01, 16:39] OK: Cs508

Mcqs 11 past and grand quiz sy thy...

5 number ka question mcqs sy tha k 1964 py designers ka kya point of view tha k languages kesi honi chahye.

3 programing langauge k author k name

1 program lisp ka

Ik snobol ka

Ik colbol ka
[10/01, 16:39] OK: MCD403  paper 10:30
1.Define Long shot

2.Describe the producer

3.Describe history of pop music in Pakistan

4.Types of music

5.what is dialogue

6.Describe philosophical aesthetics of music

7.The importance of robotic camera mounts with description of its responsibilities

[10/01, 16:39] OK: #CS201
3 programs thy
Aik if else wala
Aik structure sy
Aik recursive function
Aik translator wala theory question tha
R baki mcqs
[10/01, 16:39] OK: Eng 508
18 mcqs 
5 questions
Mcqs from handouts
1. Hoponymy
2. Expressive function
3. Borderline of semantics and pragmatics
4. Coherence and relevance
5. Pragmatics and discourse analysis
[10/01, 16:39] OK: Eng 518 
 Time 10:30 
Types of hypothesis 
Characteristics of rich paradigm 
Characteristics of reflective thinking
Sub categories of inferential statistics
Characteristics of what questions ?
[10/01, 16:39] OK: 507... today's paper.
 Total questions + mcqs..26.
Out of them 20 are mcqs.
Mcqs mostly in Files.

Explain allophone.
Types of transcription.
Not ... phonetic and PHONOLOGY.
Explain plosive aspiration.
Explain auduti.... acoustic and articulation
Or yad Nahi a raha.
Paper boht asan tha.
[10/01, 16:39] OK: *Midterm exams Jan, 2022*

Total questions= 23
Objectives= 18 all from handouts/ past files
2 questions of 3 mrks
3 questions of 5 marks

Q- name only two dimensions of memory

Q- pre-listening activities (2-3 lines only)

Q- notion of misunderstanding in psycholinguistics orientation (2 -3 lines only)

Q- name any 5 logical inferences in text comprehension 

Q- two level of parse in syntactic processing 

*Best of luck*
[10/01, 16:39] OK: Eng507

Mcqs 20 files ma sa th bht easy

1.define vowel e.g short aur long vowel

2.segmental phonetics
[10/01, 16:40] OK: And 2nd, 
I've done eng101 paper so don't worry it was not much difficult. 
So here are some things regarding my today paper.
2 Marks question:
What is an adverb?
3 Marks question:
Related to time Relaters
5 Marks question was:
Making comparisons like Zee is more skilled than Aly something like that
[10/01, 16:40] OK: Mideterm paper cs (101)
5 marks question
Algorithm making a cup of tea module 85
3 marks questions
1 Artificial intelligence
2 psl cricket match
3 tit
Search on search engine and give your results
5marks question
Sounds amplitude
3marks question
Binary addition and compliment sa related th
[10/01, 16:40] OK: Eng101 
MCQ's new thy past paper Sy nhi thy.
Grammer or synonyms.
Long main:
 main idea
True / false from handouts.
Short main:
What is connectives .
What is Metaphorical language. With example.
[10/01, 16:40] OK: Isl201 today 8:30
Always ask Allah SWT even any small and ordinary thing??? Describe hadith in this regard???? 3 marks
Reaction of Abu bakr siddique on implention of Zakat???? 3 marks
Feature of executive authority ???5 marks
Describe holy prophet dislikes entering house without permission??? 5 marks???
[10/01, 16:40] OK: Eng101 
Mostly McQs repeat howy file ma Sy 
Long question :fill in the blank wala Jo k intahae bacho Wala
Short prifix waly ay
[10/01, 16:40] OK: 2022 English 101 mid term paper.. timing 2:30
Main idea for long question.

Main idea for short question.

Antonyms of *Smile, selfish, best*.

Why fact and opinion is so important?

What is the direct statement in writing essay?

And mcqs  are also totally conceptual...only 1 mcqs repeated from Grand file
[10/01, 16:41] OK: *Eng301 Timing 2 :30 
Oder letter
Long Formal and Informal writing 
Fill in the blanks
True False
Mcgs Files m sa thy
[10/01, 16:41] OK: 1)Five name of standard business letter.
2) Example of Random non verbal communication.
3) Cultural aspect communicative refers.T/F
4)Non verbal parts message tends less conspicuous.T/F
5)Rethorical theory introduce ideas sender and receiver possible.T/F
[10/01, 16:41] OK: eng 301 paper
50 percent mcq from previous quiz 
True false thy or 2 theory questions thy 
Paper easy tha
Eng 301 
20 mcq from past paper
2 true false
What is context (3 marks)
2 Components of email (2 marks)
5 true false definitions or point (5 marks)
Open punctuation ( 5 marks )
[10/01, 16:41] OK: Eng 301
[10/01, 16:44] OK: Eng 507 
today paper:
VOT definition.3 marks  Difference between Positive Aor negtiy Vote.5marks 
Totally easily tha paper McQs buhat easily thy past paper sy 5/6 aay thy Aor total 8 questions thy Aor 18 McQs thy.
Vowels feature  batany thy according to transcription. Transcription ki definition b thi.
[10/01, 16:44] OK: Cs508

Mcqs 11 past and grand quiz sy thy...

5 number ka question mcqs sy tha k 1964 py designers ka kya point of view tha k languages kesi honi chahye.

3 programing langauge k author k name

1 program lisp ka

Ik snobol ka

Ik colbol ka
[10/01, 16:44] OK: MCD403  paper 10:30
1.Define Long shot

2.Describe the producer

3.Describe history of pop music in Pakistan

4.Types of music

5.what is dialogue

6.Describe philosophical aesthetics of music

7.The importance of robotic camera mounts with description of its responsibilities
[10/01, 16:44] OK: #CS201
3 programs thy
Aik if else wala
Aik structure sy
Aik recursive function
Aik translator wala theory question tha
R baki mcqs
[10/01, 16:44] OK: Eng 518 
 Time 10:30 
Types of hypothesis 
Characteristics of rich paradigm 
Characteristics of reflective thinking
Sub categories of inferential statistics
Characteristics of what questions ?
[10/01, 16:44] OK: 507... today's paper.
 Total questions + mcqs..26.
Out of them 20 are mcqs.
Mcqs mostly in Files.

Explain allophone.
Types of transcription.
Not ... phonetic and PHONOLOGY.
Explain plosive aspiration.
Explain auduti.... acoustic and articulation
Or yad Nahi a raha.
Paper boht asan tha.
[10/01, 16:44] OK: Eng 508
18 mcqs 
5 questions
Mcqs from handouts
1. Hoponymy
2. Expressive function
3. Borderline of semantics and pragmatics
4. Coherence and relevance
5. Pragmatics and discourse analysis
[10/01, 16:44] OK: *Midterm exams Jan, 2022*


Total questions= 23
Objectives= 18 all from handouts/ past files
2 questions of 3 mrks
3 questions of 5 marks

Q- name only two dimensions of memory

Q- pre-listening activities (2-3 lines only)

Q- notion of misunderstanding in psycholinguistics orientation (2 -3 lines only)

Q- name any 5 logical inferences in text comprehension 

Q- two level of parse in syntactic processing 

*Best of luck*
[10/01, 16:44] OK: Cs201 12:00pm
Exclusive or k bary main apko kia pta ha nd aagy table tha 
bit 1    bit 2   bit1^bit2
 0          1           ?
Nd soo  on

2) array[10] is k odd numbers main value save krni thi 1,35,7,9

3) file.txt ko open krwana tha

4) baqi bhul gaye 
[10/01, 16:44] OK: Eng507

Mcqs 20 files ma sa th bht easy

1.define vowel e.g short aur long vowel

2.segmental phonetics

[10/01, 16:44] OK: [1/10, 11:21 AM] +965 6900 2641: [1/10, 10:25 AM] ....... : *Bio 201* Timing 8:30
Importance of Dna 
Cellular Membrane difference between meiosis and mitosis 
Difference between Active transport and Passive Transport

[1/10, 10:27 AM] ....... : [1/10, 10:25 AM] Rana: Today 10-01-2022
*Cs403* 08:30

Difference between Primary key and alternative key 2 points?

Which tool can be use after analyzing a problem to develop a diagram?

If organization is using file server how you can agree a higher management to use a DBMS brief with 5 points.
Falcon A mn 3 question thy or immediate register ka 1 question or n bits ka 1 question tha paper easy tha
[1/10, 10:25 AM] Rana: Bt50310/1/2022(8:30)

My Today paper 
MCQS  FROM PPTS (Bht hi asan agr aik dfa ppts achay say pr lay ) 
What is bioindicators?2
Q NO 2
Advantages of biotrickling fikter  over biofilter?2
Q NO 3
Three phases of submerged aeration biofilter?3
Q NO 4
How to make plants more stable and tolerate against TMV.3
Q NO 5
what qualities are important and considerable of pollutants. For bio-processing.5
Brief note on maturation ponds?5
Paper was owsome and cool.
[1/10, 10:26 AM]

 Rana: cs501
total 23 q
Mcqs easy thy past sy bhi thy and kuch book sy 
3marksFALCON_A mein 2 ALU instruction  btani thi 
FALCON A ki instruction k bary mein briefly btana tha
5 marksCISC features list btani thi 
5marksException program and hardware exception mein diff btana tha
SPEC ka question tha 
3 question 5 marks and 2 question 3 marks 18 mcqs.....

[1/10, 10:26 AM] Rana: *Mid Term Paper Fall 2021* 

*Date 10-02-2021*
*Timing 8:30a.m*
*Exam Phy101*
*Total 31 Question*
*27 Mcqs* 
*2 Short 2 Marks*
*2 Long Question 5 Mark's k*
*Mostly Mcqs From Past paper and Quiz File*

*Definitions of types of wave.( stand waves, shock waves,* *interference, beats)*

*Or ek tension sy related conceptual tha*

[1/10, 10:29 AM] ....... : [1/10, 10:25 AM] +92 332 1602212: And 2nd, 
I've done eng101 paper so don't worry it was not much difficult. 
So here are some things regarding my today paper.
2 Marks question:
What is an adverb?
3 Marks question:
Related to time Relaters
5 Marks question was:
Making comparisons like Zee is more skilled than Aly something like that's

[1/10, 10:26 AM] +92 332 1602212: Aoa,mine paper 8:30 cs501total 23 q
Mcqs easy thy past sy bhi thy and kuch book sy 
3marksFALCON_A mein 2 ALU instruction  btani thi 
FALCON A ki instruction k bary mein briefly btana tha
5 marksCISC features list btani thi 
5marksException program and hardware exception mein diff btana tha
SPEC ka question tha 
3 question 5 marks and 2 question 3 marks 18 mcqs.....BEST OF LUCK

[1/10, 10:26 AM] +92 332 1602212: Today's cs408 paper

12 to 13 Mcq's from Junaid file
One question is about ATM to improve withdrawing amount system..(5 marks)
One question is about iteration (3 marks)
One is the comparison of colors background in real environment..
aik ye tha Why blue color disappear while sahi sy statement yd ni
[1/10, 10:26 AM] +92 332 1602212: 10.1.2022

Today  my  paper Cs411 


mostly mcq in waqar file and highlighted handouts

write xaml code to create a button in a canvas with attributes left=0 right =0left =0 bottom =0
different between event consumer and event procetuer 
2  Question coding di gai thi uski output btanai thi 
1 question list of options di gai thi jismasy computer program and time intrupt finde karna tha

[1/10, 10:53 AM] ....... : [1/10, 10:42 AM] +92 332 1602212: Paper me mujy do ayat k tarjmy ay thy
 Ak sura akhlas ka tha
Dorsi ka koi idea nahi tha
Total 32 question thy
Or 28 mcqs thy
Long me five feature of Islamic hospital wala tha
[1/10, 10:47 AM] +92 332 1602212: Fall 2021
Mid term paper
At 8:30 am

1). How to improve ATM machine software and easy for end user?
2) Name the applications that use function of windows in windows
3) Take opinion from stakeholders about design of product?
4) What is HCI according to CMA?

Total 5 subjective thy aik yaad ni 

18 mcqs thy 

Aik mcqs tha Kay 

2) Organizational memory Kay related tha mcqs 

Baqi virtulians ki file thi us me say mcqs thy 

I share the file

[1/10, 10:47 AM] +92 323 1731413: Fall 2021
Mid term paper
At 8:30 am

1). How to improve ATM machine software and easy for end user?
2) Name the applications that use function of windows in windows
3) Take opinion from stakeholders about design of product?
4) What is HCI according to CMA?

Total 5 subjective thy aik yaad ni 

18 mcqs thy 

Aik mcqs tha Kay 

2) Organizational memory Kay related tha mcqs 

Baqi virtulians ki file thi us me say mcqs thy 

I share the file

[1/10, 10:54 AM] ....... : [1/10, 10:47 AM] +92 308 9727874: cs501
total 23 q
Mcqs easy thy past sy bhi thy and kuch book sy 
3marksFALCON_A mein 2 ALU instruction  btani thi 
FALCON A ki instruction k bary mein briefly btana tha
5 marksCISC features list btani thi 
5marksException program and hardware exception mein diff btana tha
SPEC ka question tha 
3 question 5 marks and 2 question 3 marks 18 mcqs.....
[1/10, 10:47 AM] +92 308 9727874: Today 10-01-2022
*Cs403* 08:30

Difference between Primary key and alternative key 2 points?

Which tool can be use after analyzing a problem to develop a diagram?

If organization is using file server how you can agree a higher management to use a DBMS brief with 5 points.
Falcon A mn 3 question thy or immediate register ka 1 question or n bits ka 1 question tha paper easy tha
[1/10, 10:47 AM] +92 308 9727874: Done my cs610 exam today at 8:30am

All mcq from moaz waqar and riz mughal grand quiz file. All subjective from waqar file. For files please contact
[1/10, 10:47 AM] +92 308 9727874: Today's cs408 paper
12 to 13 Mcq's from Junaid file
One question is about ATM to improve withdrawing amount system..(5 marks)
One question is about iteration (3 marks)
One is the comparison of colors background in real environment..
aik ye tha Why blue color disappear while sahi sy statement yd ni
[1/10, 10:50 AM] +92 308 9727874: *Bt101*
posmatism signal 2 marks, define fossils 2 marks, water pollution detail 5 marks,  write a note on grazes and types
detail 5 marks,  biological clocks 3 marks, aik 3 marks ka bhol gya.                 Mcqs kuch past sa thy or kuch new lakin
bht easy thy e.g layers of atmosphere (5),fossils ki defination thi, hard layer under the soil and mud called............ . Etc
[1/10, 11:22 AM] +965 6900 2641: Bio 201 Timing 8:30
Importance of Dna 
Cellular Membrane difference between meiosis and mitosis 
Difference between Active transport and Passive Transport
[1/10, 11:25 AM] +965 6900 2641: *Eng301* 
*Time - 10:30*
 Mcqs easy thy 
Files m sy thy kuch new thy 
Questions saray true false and fill in the blanks walay thy 
*Ik question  tha discuss space as individual culture*

Or fill in the blanks thy 

*Persuasive request ko zehan m rkhty huye fill krny thy 5 nmbr k*
[1/10, 11:25 AM] +965 6900 2641: ENG101

Grammatical MCQS (same as quizzes)

Correct forms of verb
Correct spellings
True false from comprehension
Sentence correction
[1/10, 11:33 AM] +965 6900 2641: Mgmt611 
Today paper 
McQ 9 , 10 past file
2 question 5 number ky 
2 question 3 number ky 
5 number question 
Work and family demand
2nd question conflict resolution Sy Tha
[1/10, 11:44 AM] +965 6900 2641: *Cs615*
 moderate or recorder 5 marks 

Task or myth k differentiates btana tha statement di hwi thi  5 marks 

Scenario thy if ur r software manager in highly development  software company then write 5 phase to write analysis
requirements phase 

Mcqs sonu ki file sy aye 6 sy 7 baqi handouts

[1/10, 11:58 AM] 411 Assignment: Mth603
8.30 AM

5 marks question
1.Regula Falsi method 
2. Eigen value and eigen vector of greatest module.

3 marks question
Matrix was given you have to find the digonal matrix

First approximation using secant method values was given to start.

More questions was from secan method, method of iteration and eigen vector a d values.
[1/10, 11:59 AM] +965 6900 2641: *ECO401*

1. Table were given of derived satisfaction units from three choices and asked is Mr. Ali will take this decision or not
on the basis of satisfaction units (3 marks)
2. When the optimal combination of factors of production obtain. (3 marks)
3. Explain sunk cost with example (5 marks)
4. Calculate the point elasticity. (5 marks)
[1/10, 12:06 PM] +965 6900 2641: *MCM304 - FALL2021 - overseas student* 
*8:30am GMT*

Repeated MCQs from PastPapers

 *Short Questions*
1) Write down the main segments of newspapers
2) Abbreviation of
3) What was the wrong impact of policies on media in Ayub Khan era
4) Ek question tha related to Afghan Crisis it was smthng like Why there was a need to Americans to support
Mujahideen or afghan
Detail mai ek tha
British reaction to media after war of independence

And Ayub khan era se related hi scnd detail question tha

[1/10, 12:38 PM] +965 6900 2641: Eng 508
18 mcqs 
5 questions
Mcqs from handouts
1. Hoponymy
2. Expressive function
3. Borderline of semantics and pragmatics
4. Coherence and relevance
5. Pragmatics and discourse analysis
[1/10, 12:38 PM] +965 6900 2641: Eng 518 
 Time 10:30 
Types of hypothesis 
Characteristics of rich paradigm 
Characteristics of reflective thinking
Sub categories of inferential statistics
Characteristics of what questions ?
[1/10, 12:38 PM] +965 6900 2641: Eng507

Mcqs 20 files ma sa th bht easy

1.define vowel e.g short aur long vowel

2.segmental phonetics
[1/10, 12:38 PM] +965 6900 2641: 507... today's paper.
 Total questions + mcqs..26.
Out of them 20 are mcqs.
Mcqs mostly in Files.

Explain allophone.
Types of transcription.
Not ... phonetic and PHONOLOGY.
Explain plosive aspiration.
Explain auduti.... acoustic and articulation
Or yad Nahi a raha.
Paper boht asan tha.
[1/10, 12:38 PM] +965 6900 2641: *Midterm exams Jan, 2022*


Total questions= 23
Objectives= 18 all from handouts/ past files
2 questions of 3 mrks
3 questions of 5 marks

Q- name only two dimensions of memory

Q- pre-listening activities (2-3 lines only)

Q- notion of misunderstanding in psycholinguistics orientation (2 -3 lines only)

Q- name any 5 logical inferences in text comprehension 

Q- two level of parse in syntactic processing 

*Best of luck*
[1/10, 12:42 PM] +218 92-7614184: CS604 exam today
Most of the MCQs were conceptional,
3 5 marks question & 2 questions were 3 marks
One of the 5 mark question were scenario and need to identify whether it is trap, signal or interrupt 
And other question was differentiate between response time and turnover time
That’s all I remember
[1/10, 12:43 PM] +965 6900 2641: Mgt201 today paper 10:30
Mcqs module m sy hi thy zyada Jo examples hein wo thi mcqs m ur ik long correct ur incorrect btana tha ky Kon sa
correct h ur Kon si statement incorrect h ur ik long current ratio wla tha bhot si cheezein di hoi thi
[1/10, 12:43 PM] +965 6900 2641: Mth302
1 -Find the %markup on cost (2 no)
2- Find the original price 
(2 no)
3- Find the Net Cost price 
(3 no)
4- Find the longest price  parameters aur ratio is given 
5- Find the series of discount
(5 no)
6-( Find the  Simply Interest
[1/10, 12:43 PM] +965 6900 2641: Cs506(10.1.22) 
Mcqs asaan thy
2 questions theoretical 
Node stream and filter stream

Port numbers of ftp,http, telnet

Phir do questions error find krky ky reasons btani thein

Last coding ka tha

[1/10, 12:43 PM] +965 6900 2641: Mgt 211 today paper
Two factor theory of Hygiene theory ....3
Stationary meeting....3
5 Marks waly 2 question conceptual thy 
Mcqs bi conceptual thy 
Overall paper bakwas
Inho nay Jo lecture exclude kiye thy un Mai say bi paper day rahy hai mujy 12 marks kaa Aya hai paper excluded

lecture Mai say this is not fair yaa to phir excluded kehty hi naa 
[1/10, 12:43 PM] +965 6900 2641: *My today's MGT211 midterm paper
Date: 10 Jan 2022
Timing: 10:30 am
All the lectures that were excluded from syllabus were included in MCQS portion
So must prepare lecture 17, 18, 19,20 for MCQS
Total 32 questions 
2 Short questions of 3 marks 
Question 1: Replacement chart and its features
Question 2: Three fulfilments needed to obtain the certificate of commencement

2 Long Questions of 5 marks

Question 1: Mr. Ali has Rs.10,00,000 and 15 years of experience in cloth sector. He wants to do some business.
Which kind of business you will recommend to him. Write any four characteristics of that business.
Question 2: Define Marketing and write its revolution stages
[1/10, 12:43 PM] +965 6900 2641: MCD403  paper 10:30
1.Define Long shot

2.Describe the producer

3.Describe history of pop music in Pakistan

4.Types of music

5.what is dialogue

6.Describe philosophical aesthetics of music

7.The importance of robotic camera mounts with description of its responsibilities

[1/10, 12:43 PM] +965 6900 2641: *My today's MGT211 midterm paper
Date: 10 Jan 2022
Timing: 10:30 am
All the lectures that were excluded from syllabus were included in MCQS portion
So must prepare lecture 17, 18, 19,20 for MCQS
Total 32 questions 
2 Short questions of 3 marks 
Question 1: Replacement chart and its features
Question 2: Three fulfilments needed to obtain the certificate of commencement

2 Long Questions of 5 marks

Question 1: Mr. Ali has Rs.10,00,000 and 15 years of experience in cloth sector. He wants to do some business.
Which kind of business you will recommend to him. Write any four characteristics of that business.
Question 2: Define Marketing and write its revolution stages
[1/10, 12:43 PM] +965 6900 2641: Cs508

Mcqs 11 past and grand quiz sy thy...

5 number ka question mcqs sy tha k 1964 py designers ka kya point of view tha k languages kesi honi chahye.
3 programing langauge k author k name

1 program lisp ka

Ik snobol ka

Ik colbol ka
[1/10, 12:43 PM] +965 6900 2641: Cs508

Mcqs 11 past and grand quiz sy thy...

5 number ka question mcqs sy tha k 1964 py designers ka kya point of view tha k languages kesi honi chahye.

3 programing langauge k author k name

1 program lisp ka

Ik snobol ka

Ik colbol ka
[1/10, 12:43 PM] +965 6900 2641: #CS201
3 programs thy
Aik if else wala
Aik structure sy
Aik recursive function
Aik translator wala theory question tha
R baki mcqs
[1/10, 12:43 PM] +965 6900 2641: MCD403  paper 10:30
1.Define Long shot

2.Describe the producer

3.Describe history of pop music in Pakistan
4.Types of music

5.what is dialogue

6.Describe philosophical aesthetics of music

7.The importance of robotic camera mounts with description of its responsibilities

[1/10, 12:43 PM] +965 6900 2641: Cs607
5 mcqs past paper s 
13 mcqs new aae mostly searching s related but kafi easy thy
1.Artificial intelligence ki application (5)
2. Convert equation (3)
3. Conflicts resolution pe note (5)
4. Mouse searching technique (3)
5. Eight problem Queen (5)
[1/10, 12:43 PM] +965 6900 2641: Eng 518 
 Time 10:30 
Types of hypothesis 
Characteristics of rich paradigm 
Characteristics of reflective thinking
Sub categories of inferential statistics
Characteristics of what questions ?
[1/10, 12:46 PM] +965 6900 2641: Mgt411 today papr
28 mcqs numerical waly aik do e thy baki last chpters mai se zaida thy na zaida mushkil thy na asaan 
Short question aik zero coupon bond wala tha
Or aik stored value card wala 
Baki long taxable income yeild ka kuch find krna tha mushkil e tha or aik long question double interest rate se related
[1/10, 12:49 PM] +965 6900 2641: Eco403 paper:
Mcq’s from past papers
Questions from topic: consumption, money, nominal rate
[1/10, 12:49 PM] +965 6900 2641: Edu401:
Mcq from almost all topics 
Question from topic:
Peace education, madrass, free and accessible education
[1/10, 12:49 PM] +965 6900 2641: CS604 My exam today
Most of the MCQs were conceptional,
3 5 marks question & 2 questions were 3 marks
One of the 5 mark question were scenario and need to identify whether it is trap, signal or interrupt 
And other question was differentiate between response time and turnover time
That’s all I remember
[10/01, 16:44] OK: cs501
total 23 q
Mcqs easy thy past sy bhi thy and kuch book sy 
3marksFALCON_A mein 2 ALU instruction  btani thi 
FALCON A ki instruction k bary mein briefly btana tha
5 marksCISC features list btani thi 
5marksException program and hardware exception mein diff btana tha
SPEC ka question tha 
3 question 5 marks and 2 question 3 marks 18 mcqs.....
[10/01, 16:44] OK: Soc 101 12:00 pm

Total 22 questions
16 mcqs
Why education is important  tell being a sociologist (5)
Why isolated people cant handle society?(5)
Role of belief in society(3)
Limitations of social conflict theory(3)
[10/01, 16:44] OK: Isl201 today 8:30
Always ask Allah SWT even any small and ordinary thing??? Describe hadith in this regard???? 3 marks
Reaction of Abu bakr siddique on implention of Zakat???? 3 marks
Feature of executive authority ???5 marks
Describe holy prophet dislikes entering house without permission??? 5 marks???
[10/01, 16:44] OK: Pak301
1.How many year Allama iqball stay uorp. 3year
2.Now And Never.1933.
3.embedar hindu Muslim Unaity.Quaid e Azam
4.sir syed go to england.1869
Philosophical expitation to ideology of pakistan.Allama iqball
[10/01, 16:44] OK: Eng201
Mcqs or true false hi thy saary easy!! 
Compound&complex sentence 
Letter memorandum or inquiry letter ka difference
Correctness & courtesy related mcqs
[10/01, 16:44] OK: Edu 301 (12pm)
1-What is short term planning 
2- how short term memory is created 
3- hierarchy to students success 
4- what is informal education 

1- selective perceptions 
2- difference bw formal and informal education

[10/01, 16:44] OK: *ENG* *101*           *Today* *Paper*

Aik 5 number ka paragraph tha uska main idea likhna tha?
Aik 5 number ka paragraph tha usme kch words missing thy jinki form di Gai then unki correct forms likhni then?
Aik 2 number ka question tha usme forms di Gai then 2 sentences me un forms ko correct kr ke likhna tha?
Aik 2 number ka question tha usme word " Facilitate" ka poocha Gia tha ye Skim hai ya Scan?
Aik 3 number ka question tha usme Computer ke topic pe 3 statements di Gai then unka true false btana tha?
Aik 3 number ka question tha usme ye poocha Gia tha kh Dictionary kon c general information di hoti hain?
Baki 20 number ke 20 MCQ's thy. 
Kch words ke meaning btany thy.
Kch words ki verb forms correct krni then.
Kch handouts se definitions ai hoin then.
Kch words ki noun forms likhin then. 
Kch prepositions di Gai then.
Aur kch general MCQ's thy handouts se.
[10/01, 16:44] OK: Cs201 12:00pm
Exclusive or k bary main apko kia pta ha nd aagy table tha 
bit 1    bit 2   bit1^bit2
 0          1           ?
Nd soo  on

2) array[10] is k odd numbers main value save krni thi 1,35,7,9

3) file.txt ko open krwana tha

4) baqi bhul gaye 

[10/01, 16:44] OK: Today cs101 paper basic functions of kernel 3 marks
Write query and out put of sibi weather and 1000 divided by 30 5 marks
Abbreviation of URL and its 3 examples 5 marks
Working of program and progress in algorithm 3 marks
[10/01, 16:45] OK: Soc 101 12:00 pm

Total 22 questions
16 mcqs
Why education is important  tell being a sociologist (5)
Why isolated people cant handle society?(5)
Role of belief in society(3)
Limitations of social conflict theory(3)
[10/01, 16:45] OK: Eng201 paper..
Types of readers. 3 marks
Types of biases  5 marks
Direct plan  2 mrks.
Or is k ilawa sb fill in the blanks ai hain.. jis main a/an/the main se ik lgna tha
[10/01, 16:45] OK: Eng101 
MCQ's new thy past paper Sy nhi thy.
Grammer or synonyms.
Long main:
 main idea
True / false from handouts.
Short main:
What is connectives .
What is Metaphorical language. With example.
[10/01, 16:45] OK: Paper fall 2022:
CS 101:
1. We have different operating systems.Write three types of operating system?
2.Binary Addition.
3.Types Full Form of URL.Also write three examples of URL.
4.Convert bit pattern to Hexadecimal.
[10/01, 16:45] OK: Soc 101 12:00 pm

Total 22 questions
16 mcqs
Why education is important  tell being a sociologist (5)
Why isolated people cant handle society?(5)
Role of belief in society(3)
Limitations of social conflict theory(3)
[10/01, 16:45] OK: Today current paper :CS601
11mcqs orange money ki file se the.
(1):PCM ke three types 3 marks
(2):Synchronous ki subtype identify krni thi 5 marks
(3):Transport layer se ek Q tha 5 marks
(4): switching se tha 3 marks
(5): TDM  se hi 3 marks ka ek or tha yad nhi
[10/01, 16:45] OK: *MASS MEDIA IN PAKISTAN (MCM304)*

Today's paper:
Total questions: 22
Objective: 18
Subjective: 6
Duration: 60 minutes

*Objective part*
1. PPO full form?
2. NPA full form?
3. Gen Zia put forward how many demands during Afghan war?
4. Quaid addressed openong seesion of Pakistan Constituent Assembly on?
5. Universal Declartion on Human Rights date of?
6. Bengali written from?
7. Ayun govt reformem press laws in?
8. First time word Magzine was used in?

*Subjective part*
1. What was Militant Journalism in the subcontinent? (2 marks)
2. Why did America support the Jihadis during Afghan war? (2 marks)
3. Name three newspaper editors who were detained when Ayub came to power? (3 marks)
4. Why did Nawaz Sharif asked a number of journalists to be removed from a newspaper organization? (3 mark)
5. What does PFUJ represent Journalist of Pakistan? (5marks)
6. What Ayub govt. did to pressurize the media? (5 Marks)
[10/01, 16:45] OK: Mgt 501 MIDS Paper.
 *Time* : 12pm.
 *Date* : 10-01-2022

Total 28 MCQ's.
Mostly from lecture 18 to 22
 *Short Questions:*
Marks: 3 each.
 *Q1.*  Explain Briefly the term Virtual Organisation with example.

 *Q2.*  What is the importance of Human Resource Planning Process.

*Long Questions:*
Marks: 5 each.

 *Q1.* What is difference between Position Analysis Questionnaires PAQ and Department Of Labour DOL.?

 *Q2* Write down the Personal and Environmental Factors that Influence on an individual?
[10/01, 16:45] OK: Today paper of zoo103 at 12:00
1. DNA hybridization 
2. Methods of taxonomic keys 
3. Which field theoretical biology include 
4. Reproduction in spiders 
5. Component field of systematics 
6. Courtship behaviour in Lynx spiders
[10/01, 16:45] OK: #cs301. 10:30am
Paper kafi mushkil tha mcqs b mushkil thy or subject b sara programing k related he tha.. Total 23 questions thy.. 3 3
marks k or 2 5 marks k baqi mcqs..
[10/01, 16:45] OK: Cs 301

Link list queue bst avl ur postifix main sy paper tha... 23 question thy total....18 mcqus....Or 5 short question
[10/01, 16:45] OK: *CS301 Current Paper (10-01-2022)*

The paper was easy

Total Questions 23 (39 marks)
18 MCQ's of 1 (Mark)
1*Which structure uses FIFO?
1*Which structure uses LIFO?
1*Which linked list given below is correct after inserting a new new value?
1*A node can have maximum of _________ nodes.
2*Two MCQ's related to stack
2*Two MCQ's related to queue
1*Preorder traversal (binary tree was given)
1*In a complete binary tree the bottom level is filled from__________.
2*Two MCQ's related to heap
1* Minimum operands needed to perform a postfix expression?
2*Two MCQ's related to linear and non linear data type.
3*Three MCQ's were conceptual.

2 Questions of (3 Marks)
Write the pseudo code for the (next) operator.
Write all the cases of binary tree rotation.

3 questions of (5 Marks)
5*Write the C++ code for the function (find())
5*Write the C++ code for the addition of add(5) in the double linked list (link list was given with size 5 )
5*Consider the below given code, correct any of the mistakes you see, if there is no mistake, justify that how the code
will execute. ( the code was related to pointer and reference)
[10/01, 16:45] OK: Cs 301 
 Aik tha linklist wala binary tree bnanh tha and aik avl tree complete krna tha
Aik tha ka pop() code.likhna tha
Avl ka 3 operation
[10/01, 16:45] OK: Mcqs past papers mai se thy
Symbols of and or xor gates(3marks)
Two floating numbers ko add krna tha(3marks)
Simplify the boolean expression(3marks)
Function table of bcd number detector(5marks)
Aik value thi usy 32bit floating mai simplify krna tha(5marks)
[10/01, 16:45] OK: *SOC101 Current Paper (10-01-2022)*

16Mcqs conceptual+definition 
1. difference between deviance and crime
2. Cumulative and verifiable characteristic of scientific statement
3.any example of same status ascribed and achieved in different situations control explanation
5.any three diverse nature of society by comte
6.illegitimate opportunity provides more chances of crime or not
[10/01, 16:45] OK: *SOC101 Current Paper (10-01-2022)*

Total 22 questions
16 mcqs
Why education is important  tell being a sociologist (5)
Why isolated people cant handle society?(5)
Role of belief in society(3)
Limitations of social conflict theory(3)
[10/01, 16:45] OK: *ISL201 Current Paper (10-01-2022)*

Always ask Allah SWT even any small and ordinary thing??? Describe hadith in this regard???? 3 marks
Reaction of Abu bakr siddique on implention of Zakat???? 3 marks
Feature of executive authority ???5 marks
Describe holy prophet dislikes entering house without permission??? 5 marks???
[10/01, 16:45] OK: *PAK301 Current Paper (10-01-2022)*

1.How many year Allama iqball stay uorp. 3year

2.Now And Never.1933.
3.embedar hindu Muslim Unaity.Quaid e Azam
4.sir syed go to england.1869
Philosophical expitation to ideology of pakistan.Allama iqball
[10/01, 16:45] OK: *ENG508 Current Paper (10-01-2022)*
23 questions 18 mcqs and 5 quiz
Mostly mcqs come from file not all
Q: collocation
Q: what is relevance between cognitively ordinated (human psychology) and pragmatic?
Long question 5 marks
Evidentiality and it's types?
Pragmatic current state and recent history.
Linguistics competence and it's level
[10/01, 16:45] OK: *CS501 Current Paper (10-01-2022)*

18 mcqs the easy the 

Long question me 
Parameters of ISA
MBR or uski diagram
Behavioural structural RTL kastructure likhna tha or data implementation bhi 
Or short me down approach 
2.relation between data path and  circuit unit process Jo past paper me tha
[10/01, 16:45] OK: *ENG101 Current Paper (10-01-2022)*

Grammatical MCQS (same as quizzes)

Correct forms of verb
Correct spellings
True false from comprehension
Sentence correction
[10/01, 16:45] OK: *ECO401 Current Paper (10-01-2022)*

Discuss the importance of Elastic in firm's decision making ?

Differentiate between total utilities & marginal utilities?
Calculate the equilibrium price & equilibrium quantity 
Qs = 100 - 10s
Qd = 
Derive the equation Budget line briefly?
[10/01, 16:45] OK: *PHY101 Current Paper (10-01-2022)*

Total 31 Question
27 Mcqs 
2 Short 2 Marks
2 Long Question 5 Mark's k
Mostly Mcqs From Past paper and Quiz File

Definitions of types of wave.( stand waves, shock waves, interference, beats)

Or ek tension sy related conceptual tha
[10/01, 16:45] OK: *CS101 Current Paper (10-01-2022)*

Definition of hardware? 
Stocks Dell? 
AND Or XOR operation ki calculation karni thi mathematic dii hoi thi
Orr ik question ya tha ka MB , TB orr GB bhi batayny thy
[10/01, 16:45] OK: *BT503 Current Paper (10-01-2022)*

MCQS  FROM PPTS (Bht hi asan agr aik dfa ppts achay say pr lay ) 
What is bioindicators?2
Q NO 2
Advantages of biotrickling fikter  over biofilter?2
Q NO 3
Three phases of submerged aeration biofilter?3
Q NO 4
How to make plants more stable and tolerate against TMV.3
Q NO 5
what qualities are important and considerable of pollutants. For bio-processing.5
Brief note on maturation ponds?5
Paper was owsome and cool.
[10/01, 16:45] OK: *CS101 Current Paper (10-01-2022)*

5 marks question
Algorithm making a cup of tea module 85
3 marks questions
1 Artificial intelligence
2 psl cricket match
3 tit
Search on search engine and give your results
5marks question
Sounds amplitude
3marks question
Binary addition and compliment sa related tha
[10/01, 16:45] OK: *ENG101 Current Paper (10-01-2022)*

Aik 5 number ka paragraph tha uska main idea likhna tha?

Aik 5 number ka paragraph tha usme kch words missing thy jinki form di Gai then unki correct forms likhni then?
Aik 2 number ka question tha usme forms di Gai then 2 sentences me un forms ko correct kr ke likhna tha?
Aik 2 number ka question tha usme word " Facilitate" ka poocha Gia tha ye Skim hai ya Scan?
Aik 3 number ka question tha usme Computer ke topic pe 3 statements di Gai then unka true false btana tha?
Aik 3 number ka question tha usme ye poocha Gia tha kh Dictionary kon c general information di hoti hain?

Baki 20 number ke 20 MCQ's thy. 
Kch words ke meaning btany thy.
Kch words ki verb forms correct krni then.
Kch handouts se definitions ai hoin then.
Kch words ki noun forms likhin then. 
Kch prepositions di Gai then.
Aur kch general MCQ's thy handouts se.
[10/01, 16:45] OK: *CS403 Current Paper (10-01-2022)*
Difference between Primary key and alternative key 2 points?

Which tool can be use after analyzing a problem to develop a diagram?

If organization is using file server how you can agree a higher management to use a DBMS brief with 5 points.
Falcon A mn 3 question thy or immediate register ka 1 question or n bits ka 1 question tha paper easy tha
[10/01, 16:45] OK: Cs402 today paper
Mcqs handouts m sy th 18 Mcqs thy  ik palindrome m sy tha,ik equal, even, odd or factorial m sy tha, 2 sy 3 mcq  ka
RE nikalna tha, Kleene star closure kiss y denote kia jata hy,
Q 2: 2 FA draw ki  hui thi FA1 and FA2 un m union nikalna tha
Q3: the language, defined over Σ ={a, b} of words containing double aa is fa bnana bhi tha r regular expression bhi
likhna tha

Diagram di hui thi r table bnana tha long question tha (5 marks)
[10/01, 16:45] OK: *Cs101*
18 Mcqs from Handouts. 2 to 3 are from past papers.
5 Questions
1- The Ballpoint which is a stationary thing is of 20 rupees. Write the output in code in XML 
2- A Novel written by M.Ali "first novel of Ali" write output in Code XML.
3- these are search by Google. Write their output
* for tat
4- You have 2 Ethernet bus network and one WiFi network You have to send message through WiFi network to
Ethernet network. Write steps.
5- Change decimal value 25 into Binary notation.
[10/01, 16:45] OK: Eng101 
MCQ's new thy past paper Sy nhi thy.
Grammer or synonyms.
Long main:
 main idea
True / false from handouts.
Short main:
What is connectives .
What is Metaphorical language. With example.
[10/01, 16:45] OK: Cs508
My today's paper 
Mcqs 11 past and grand quiz sy thy...

5 number ka question mcqs sy tha k 1964 py designers ka kya point of view tha k languages kesi honi chahye.

3 programing langauge k author k name

1 program lisp ka

Ik snobol ka

Ik colbol ka

Note: grand quiz files sir rizwan ki tyar krain, in k answet correct hain main ny youtube channel sy dekhi thi in ki grand
quiz files.. or past paper junaid k ..
[10/01, 16:45] OK: Mcqs past papers mai se thy
Symbols of and or xor gates(3marks)
Two floating numbers ko add krna tha(3marks)
Simplify the boolean expression(3marks)
Function table of bcd number detector(5marks)
Aik value thi usy 32bit floating mai simplify krna tha(5marks)
[10/01, 16:45] OK: Cs101 (10 January)(10:30AM)
18 mcqs
19. three steps of machine cycle (3)
20. Identify peripheral devices from given devices (3)
21. XML code (5)
22. Operation_Optical devices (5)
23. Five devices that use are embedded opperatiory system (5)

[10/01, 16:46] OK: Aoa.zoo504,time 8:30
Exotic species,  WWF,  how many sanctuaries  in  Pakistan,  ayubia national  park,  negative  impacts  of  predation, 
sources  of  pouutants
[10/01, 16:46] OK: Zoo 504 
1) Habitat-Species Management 
2) Khunjerab National Park note 
3) State causes of Wildlife depletion 
4) Small Grants Programme 
5) Primary objective of Astor Sanctuary
[10/01, 16:46] OK: Today my paper zoo504 
What are scavenger
Purpose of National parks
Importants of CITES
Mcqs mostly from past files
[10/01, 16:46] OK: Iucn stand for2
Two dams 2
Importance of wildlife5
National parks 5 
Bushmeat 3 20 mcqs  
[10/01, 16:46] OK: Myy paper zoo504 

Iucn stand for

Two dams 
National parks
Importants of CITES

15 Mcqs from paste files 

[10/01, 16:46] OK: Today paper (zoo504) 12:00.       Q 1. Explain baltistan sanctuary (5)   Q 2. Define scavengers (2)
Q. Tooshi game reserve (2)  Q. What activities which impair the wetland vegetation (3)  Q.  Which species are
conserved in SGP (5)   Mcqs very easy and all from past files.
[10/01, 16:46] OK: Hydrolytic alterations of wetlands
Species secured by SPG
Mammals of hazar ganji national park
Why kirthar Park is made..
Causes of depletion of wetlands
Role of birds and animals in maintaining ecological balance
[10/01, 16:48] OK: Mgt301 10:30 am
28 mcqs
°Institutional market and governmental market difference
°Business market, business buyer behavior, business buying process
°Value proposition 
°Market development from principal of marketing
[10/01, 16:48] OK: Today Sta301midterm 
All mcqs from past ppr and questions form practice questions
1. Arthematic mean uses?
2.mean deviation for ungroup data data was given?
3. Coefficient of variations?
4. First two moment?
5.P(A/B) and P(B/A)? Values was given
[10/01, 16:48] OK: Mid Term Paper Fall 2021
Date 10-02-2021
Timing 8:30a.m
Exam Phy101
Total 31 Question
27 Mcqs* 
2 Short 2 Marks*
2 Long Question 5 Mark's k
Mostly Mcqs From Past paper and Quiz File

Definitions of types of wave.( stand waves, shock waves,* *interference, beats)*

Or ek tension sy related conceptual tha
[10/01, 16:48] OK: 10.1.2022
Today  my  paper Cs411 
mostly mcq in waqar file and highlighted handouts

write xaml code to create a button in a canvas with attributes left=0 right =0left =0 bottom =0
different between event consumer and event procetuer 
2  Question coding di gai thi uski output btanai thi 
1 question list of options di gai thi jismasy computer program and time intrupt finde karna tha
[10/01, 16:48] OK: *Bt101*
posmatism signal 2 marks, define fossils 2 marks, water pollution detail 5 marks,  write a note on grazes and types
detail 5 marks,  biological clocks 3 marks, aik 3 marks ka bhol gya.                 Mcqs kuch past sa thy or kuch new lakin
bht easy thy e.g layers of atmosphere (5),fossils ki defination thi, hard layer under the soil and mud called............ . Etc
[10/01, 16:49] OK: Mgmt627 
Strategic planning ka question
Leadership ke details Baki yad nai 
28 mcqs tha or 4 questions
2 questions general tha
[10/01, 16:49] OK: Bio 201 Timing 8:30
Importance of Dna 
Cellular Membrane difference between meiosis and mitosis 
Difference between Active transport and Passive Transport
[10/01, 16:49] OK: cs501
total 23 q
Mcqs easy thy past sy bhi thy and kuch book sy 
3marksFALCON_A mein 2 ALU instruction  btani thi 
FALCON A ki instruction k bary mein briefly btana tha
5 marksCISC features list btani thi 
5marksException program and hardware exception mein diff btana tha
SPEC ka question tha 
3 question 5 marks and 2 question 3 marks 18 mcqs.....
[10/01, 16:49] OK: CS 101 
Paper 8:30 AM
18 Mcqs from Handouts. 2 to 3 are from past papers.
5 Questions
1- The Ballpoint which is a stationary thing is of 20 rupees. Write the output in code in XML 
2- A Novel written by M.Ali "first novel of Ali" write output in Code XML.
3- these are search by Google. Write their output
 PSL cricket @twitter
* for tat
4- You have 2 Ethernet bus network and one WiFi network You have to send message through WiFi network to
Ethernet network. Write steps.
5- Change decimal value 25 into Binary notation.
[10/01, 16:49] OK: CS 101 
Paper 8:30 AM
18 Mcqs from Handouts. 2 to 3 are from past papers.
5 Questions
1- The Ballpoint which is a stationary thing is of 20 rupees. Write the output in code in XML 
2- A Novel written by M.Ali "first novel of Ali" write output in Code XML.
3- these are search by Google. Write their output
 PSL cricket @twitter
* for tat
4- You have 2 Ethernet bus network and one WiFi network You have to send message through WiFi network to
Ethernet network. Write steps.
5- Change decimal value 25 into Binary notation.
[10/01, 16:49] OK: ENG 101 
Today Subjective paper
Aik 5 number ka paragraph tha uska main idea likhna tha?
Aik 5 number ka paragraph tha usme kch words missing thy jinki form di Gai then unki correct forms likhni then?
Aik 2 number ka question tha usme forms di Gai then 2 sentences me un forms ko correct kr ke likhna tha?
Aik 2 number ka question tha usme word " Facilitate" ka poocha Gia tha ye Skim hai ya Scan?
Aik 3 number ka question tha usme Computer ke topic pe 3 statements di Gai then unka true false btana tha?
Aik 3 number ka question tha usme ye poocha Gia tha kh Dictionary kon c general information di hoti hain?
[10/01, 16:49] OK: [10/01, 15:18] +92 306 1003600: CS 101 
Paper 8:30 AM
18 Mcqs from Handouts. 2 to 3 are from past papers.
5 Questions
1- The Ballpoint which is a stationary thing is of 20 rupees. Write the output in code in XML 
2- A Novel written by M.Ali "first novel of Ali" write output in Code XML.
3- these are search by Google. Write their output
 PSL cricket @twitter
* for tat
4- You have 2 Ethernet bus network and one WiFi network You have to send message through WiFi network to
Ethernet network. Write steps.
5- Change decimal value 25 into Binary notation.
[10/01, 15:18] +92 306 1003600: CS 101 
Paper 8:30 AM
18 Mcqs from Handouts. 2 to 3 are from past papers.
5 Questions
1- The Ballpoint which is a stationary thing is of 20 rupees. Write the output in code in XML 
2- A Novel written by M.Ali "first novel of Ali" write output in Code XML.
3- these are search by Google. Write their output
 PSL cricket @twitter
* for tat
4- You have 2 Ethernet bus network and one WiFi network You have to send message through WiFi network to
Ethernet network. Write steps.
5- Change decimal value 25 into Binary notation.
[10/01, 16:49] OK: Pak301
1.How many year Allama iqball stay uorp. 3year
2.Now And Never.1933.
3.embedar hindu Muslim Unaity.Quaid e Azam
4.sir syed go to england.1869
Philosophical expitation to ideology of pakistan.Allama iqball
[10/01, 16:49] OK: CS 101
Definition of hardware? 
Stocks Dell? 
AND Or XOR operation ki calculation karni thi mathematic dii hoi thi
Orr ik question ya tha ka MB , TB orr GB bhi batayny thy
[10/01, 16:49] OK: Mideterm paper cs (101)
5 marks question
Algorithm making a cup of tea module 85
3 marks questions
1 Artificial intelligence
2 psl cricket match
3 tit
Search on search engine and give your results
5marks question
Sounds amplitude
3marks question
Binary addition and compliment sa related th
[10/01, 16:49] OK: #CS201
18 mcq aya tha
5 question tha
mara to sb coding k tha

graphic k sath
or integration 7 pa divide kar tha
ek graphs aya tha ose ki value de thi or print karwa na tha graph ma
[10/01, 16:49] OK: Isl201 today 8:30
Always ask Allah SWT even any small and ordinary thing??? Describe hadith in this regard???? 3 marks
Reaction of Abu bakr siddique on implention of Zakat???? 3 marks
Feature of executive authority ???5 marks
Describe holy prophet dislikes entering house without permission??? 5 marks???
[10/01, 16:49] OK: Cs 101
Paper 8 30
18 mcqs from handsout...
Q1.2's complement,conversation between positive and negative representation
Q2.7+(-5) 2's complement k method sy solve krna tha
Q3.machine cycle k 3 steps likhny thy
Q4.CDN stands for and its purpose?
[10/01, 16:50] OK: Eng201
Mcqs or true false hi thy saary easy!! 
Compound&complex sentence 
Letter memorandum or inquiry letter ka difference
Correctness & courtesy related mcqs
[10/01, 16:50] OK: CS 101 
Paper 8:30 AM
18 Mcqs from Handouts. 2 to 3 are from past papers.
5 Questions
1- The Ballpoint which is a stationary thing is of 20 rupees. Write the output in code in XML 
2- A Novel written by M.Ali "first novel of Ali" write output in Code XML.
3- these are search by Google. Write their output
 PSL cricket @twitter
* for tat
4- You have 2 Ethernet bus network and one WiFi network You have to send message through WiFi network to
Ethernet network. Write steps.
5- Change decimal value 25 into Binary notation.
[10/01, 16:50] OK: ENG101

Grammatical MCQS (same as quizzes)

Correct forms of verb
Correct spellings
True false from comprehension
Sentence correction
[10/01, 16:50] OK: Cs101
URL ki abbreviation or examples aye thi,Floating point ky error trancation ko solve krny ky konsy 2 method hn,Or
mentisa exponent wala question aya tha, Binary ko hexadecimal mn change krna kr k jana or objective bhtt hi fazool
[10/01, 16:50] OK: Mideterm paper cs (101)
5 marks question
Algorithm making a cup of tea module 85
3 marks questions
1 Artificial intelligence
2 psl cricket match
3 tit
Search on search engine and give your results
5marks question
Sounds amplitude
3marks question
Binary addition and compliment sa related th
[10/01, 16:50] OK: Pak301
1.How many year Allama iqball stay uorp. 3year
2.Now And Never.1933.
3.embedar hindu Muslim Unaity.Quaid e Azam
4.sir syed go to england.1869
Philosophical expitation to ideology of pakistan.Allama iqball
[10/01, 16:50] OK: Isl201 today 8:30
Always ask Allah SWT even any small and ordinary thing??? Describe hadith in this regard???? 3 marks
Reaction of Abu bakr siddique on implention of Zakat???? 3 marks
Feature of executive authority ???5 marks
Describe holy prophet dislikes entering house without permission??? 5 marks???
[10/01, 16:50] OK: Soc101 paper 10:30 
16Mcqs conceptual+definition 
1. difference between deviance and crime
2. Cumulative and verifiable characteristic of scientific statement
3.any example of same status ascribed and achieved in different situations control explanation
5.any three diverse nature of society by comte
6.illegitimate opportunity provides more chances of crime or not
[10/01, 16:50] OK: #CS201
18 mcq aya tha
5 question tha
mara to sb coding k tha

graphic k sath
or integration 7 pa divide kar tha
ek graphs aya tha ose ki value de thi or print karwa na tha graph ma
[10/01, 16:50] OK: CS 101
Definition of hardware? 
Stocks Dell? 
AND Or XOR operation ki calculation karni thi mathematic dii hoi thi
Orr ik question ya tha ka MB , TB orr GB bhi batayny thy
[10/01, 16:50] OK: Cs101
URL ki abbreviation or examples aye thi,Floating point ky error trancation ko solve krny ky konsy 2 method hn,Or
mentisa exponent wala question aya tha, Binary ko hexadecimal mn change krna kr k jana or objective bhtt hi fazool
[10/01, 16:50] OK: Asslam o Alikum! 
Today my cs301 paper
Paper easy hi tha agr ap ka concept har chez ma clear ho gy tu paper easy ho jay ga 
23 total questions
*19 mcqs* 
*3 questions 3 marks ka* 
And *2 questions 5 marks ka*
*Linked list ,Stack,Array ,Queue ,Binary search tree ,Avl tree ,,Complete binary tree ,Pre-order ,,Post- order* 
Ya bs topic ma hi pura paper Mcqs bi short bi or long bi 
Aak long ma 
*ma AVL tree ko balance karna tha* 
Dosra ma
*tree given tha us ko pre-oreder or post-order batny tha*
[10/01, 16:50] OK: Cs 101
Paper 8 30
18 mcqs from handsout...
Q1.2's complement,conversation between positive and negative representation
Q2.7+(-5) 2's complement k method sy solve krna tha
Q3.machine cycle k 3 steps likhny thy
Q4.CDN stands for and its purpose?
[10/01, 18:48] OK: Mcqs past papers mai se thy
Symbols of and or xor gates(3marks)
Two floating numbers ko add krna tha(3marks)
Simplify the boolean expression(3marks)
Function table of bcd number detector(5marks)
Aik value thi usy 32bit floating mai simplify krna tha(5marks)
[10/01, 18:48] OK: Mth101. 4pm paper
Paper was so easy mcqs mostly past papers se aye
Function ka stationary point chk krna tha
Triangle k koi se b 2 slope finf krny thyi.eA(2,4) B(1,2) C(4,6) 5 marks ka tha ek 2 marks ka simole limit apply krni thi
baki ek quest left hand r right hand limit ka tha
[10/01, 18:48] OK: Cs101 (10 January)(10:30AM)
18 mcqs
19. three steps of machine cycle (3)
20. Identify peripheral devices from given devices (3)
21. XML code (5)
22. Operation_Optical devices (5)
23. Five devices that use are embedded opperatiory system (5)

[10/01, 18:50] OK: *Mgt211 Taday paper* 
Time 12:00
Quiz handout mai sy thy.  . files sy km hi thy....
*Short question* 
1 ;Cooperative society and it's features
2 ; General requirements for importing some thing
*Long question* 
1 ; Organizations adopt to fulfill the safety and physical needs of employee
2; Advantage and disadvantage of sole trade business

~By Saim~
[10/01, 18:50] OK: eng 301 paper
50 percent mcq from previous qui

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