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300+ Current Papers Midterm Spring 2024 by Ali Khan

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Today 300+ Current Midterm papers 2024

File Created by Ali Khan

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First semester group

Cs101 today's exam

1. When the single sender but multi receiver unicasts, what it is

2. Primary purpose of computer programs designed?
3. When a whole cluster of -------- computers are connected to work
together for computing.
4. An HTML code like <ref>==infer" </ref> was given, and the
question was what the attribute in it is?
5. CPU consists of?
6. JPEG abbreviation?
7. NNTP was used for?
8. Which one cannot be transferred? The answer was a protocol.
9. Which protocol is used to send and receive mails from server to
10. Which is used to convert the text to an audible product?

Time 2:30
All mcqs from handouts
Short questions
1: inline style sheet with eg
2:output of html code
3: write a html code for three given outputs
Long questions
1: write a CSS code of the given statement 2-years of degree
2: What is the main difference between inline and code block
3: write html code of the given outputs chicken corn soup
Thai soup
Thai and hot soup

Mcqs kinza bilal ki midterm preparation wali video or files mese thy
kafi. Baki integeral wale mcqs thy 1 2, maximum or minimum points
pata krne thy,

subjective mix tha, integral wala ek question tha, ek ka critical point

find krna tha, ek absolute min or max value find krni thi, ek spherical
coordinates ke points ko rectangular points me convert krna tha.
overall ppr sae tha jinki achi tyari hai unke liye easy ta
Ha or jinki normal tyari hai unke liye normal sa papaer tha.

Lekin mcqs files or kinza bilal ki video mese lazmi krlen taqreeban
half mcqs hojyngy.

Eng- 516
Time: 11:00

Almost 12 file ki thi
5 to 7 mcqs files Sy ay baqi handouts Sy 🙃

📝 Short Questions:

👉🏻 Write Acronym of
- CEF.....
- ACTFL.....
👉🏻 Write Basic model of learning
👉🏻3 techniques for teaching writing skills

📝 Long Question:

👉🏻 Teaching and training...... Topic 93

👉🏻 Write 5 to 6 lines about TBL
Eng- 516
Time: 11:00

Almost 12 file ki thi
5 to 7 mcqs files Sy ay baqi handouts Sy 🙃

📝 Short Questions:

👉🏻 Write Acronym of
- CEF.....
- ACTFL.....
👉🏻 Write Basic model of learning
👉🏻3 techniques for teaching writing skills

📝 Long Question:

👉🏻 Teaching and training...... Topic 93

👉🏻 Write 5 to 6 lines about TBL

Mth 301 ( calculus 2)

••Partial derivative se 2 short the just simple derivative

••Parametric and symmetry form mn question solve krna tha short

••Second partial derivative test Ki theory explain krne the short

••Double integral ka 2 long the

••Mcqs about 22 23 /27 quiz files se ae the repeated mcqs the Jo
almost Har file mn mojoud Han

Paper to bhtttt easy Tha pr math ko software pr krna ................it's

end of patience.. acha khsaa paper ata hota ha or software pr proper
time mn solve Ni ho pata 🫠🫠

Regards (Aqsa)

Follow for more Helping material 👆


1) _______ buys a company from franchiser

2) Franchiser provides______ to the frenchisee.
3) A company Y buys produstcs from other countries and use it for it's
ownstore .What type of trading is he performing ?
4) If a group of students wants to provide affordable textbooks.What
type of coperational society strategy will be long lasting?
5) ABC pharm provides loan , subsides food and medical services to
their employee . What type of strategy they are applying ?
6) What chart will the company XYZ use for developmental
experiences for employee that are professionals in Crucial
Managerial Strategy ?
7) Which are the following is included in components of business ?
8) _____ is a short time earning income
9) Which is now a days modern type of business ?
10) Years ago " Lays " was banned due to contaminants of pig .
Which key factor among Muslims invoke them to restrict from it ?
11) Which type of key factor of business involves the individuals of
the society ?
12) Which is wrong about cooperation societies ?
13) Suppose a entrepreneur is heading to learning a new skill . What
type of ethical behavior is he showing ?
14) The Term " Partnership at will " , when it is used ?
15) In which stage , the nature of business is mentioned ?
16) In which stage , list if members , directors plans and name of
business is mentioned ?
17)What is the benefit of exporting ?
18) In which type , one company owns the other company as a
whole ?
19) In which type , the profit share should be considered ?
20) In which type , full own profits are enjoyed ?
21) If a company has sound financial problems . how they will wind
up the business ?
22) if the company takes off , which objective will be beneficial for the
ownership ?
23) Which is the most favourable business for ownership and profits ?
24) If a new partner joins the company on behalf of the other partners
, what is he called ? ( Answer : Incoming Partner )
25) To whom is the certificate of Commencement submitted /
provided ?

Baki Mcqs bhi han but I think itna kafi Hain .

Bye muje tu lgrha tha ma Business nai Physics ka exam dene Aya
hun😅 uper sy light na hona ki wjah sy Mera APNA
demagh shot hogya tha ...😁 Khair .....

Edu516 Today
Mcq from handouts Short question
1. Write elements of impressive CV?
2. Mention any three ways of making heading?
3. Difference between word stress, intonation, and collocation?
Long questions
1. Difference between formal and informal writing?
2. Write five points about disscusion?
3. What is interpretation and how teachers taught his students?

Long question
Define systematic and its aim
Define traumatic variations
Explain cluster systematic
Today paper zoo511 ...time 11:00
🌸🌸short 🌸🌸1 define systematics
2 .note genetic variations
3 leg parts name of arthropods
Long ...
1 .. details non genetic variations and it's type with example .
2 ..genic sterility factors
3 ..

1. Protein available for us for the 1st time.....?
2. Monotype ki definition mcq m thi.
3. How much percent of alcohol is used in preservation.
4. Wolf spider is belong to family:
5. Allopatric wali definition b thi mcq m.
7 ya 8 mcq zaman file sy thy. M wo highlight kr k bhejti hun
1. Number of eyes in different species of spider
2. What is sympatric speciation
3. Define isotype, neotype and monotype
1. High weight attributes, wala long tha.
2. What do u know about fish preservation
3. Traumatic variations

1. Protein available for us for the 1st time.....?
2. Monotype ki definition mcq m thi.
3. How much percent of alcohol is used in preservation.
4. Wolf spider is belong to family:
5. Allopatric wali definition b thi mcq m.
7 ya 8 mcq zaman file sy thy. M wo highlight kr k bhejti hun
1. Number of eyes in different species of spider
2. What is sympatric speciation
3. Define isotype, neotype and monotype
1. High weight attributes, wala long tha.
2. What do u know about fish preservation
3. Traumatic variations

Today paper zoo511 ...time 11:00

🌸🌸short 🌸🌸1 define systematics
2 .note genetic variations
3 leg parts name of arthropods
Long ...
1 .. details non genetic variations and it's type with example .
2 ..genic sterility factors
3 ..

1. Protein available for us for the 1st time.....?
2. Monotype ki definition mcq m thi.
3. How much percent of alcohol is used in preservation.
4. Wolf spider is belong to family:
5. Allopatric wali definition b thi mcq m.
7 ya 8 mcq zaman file sy thy. M wo highlight kr k bhejti hun
1. Number of eyes in different species of spider
2. What is sympatric speciation
3. Define isotype, neotype and monotype
1. High weight attributes, wala long tha.
2. What do u know about fish preservation
3. Traumatic variations

Assalam o alaikum
Yeh qs aaye thy ppr mein aur mcqs easy thy overall
•Voice Accentuation
•Difference between newspaper and magazines
•Role of newspaper in the independence period
•How media transforms assumptions into realities, give one example
•How feedback is important in communication
•Limitations of communication model

Today ACC501 paper well prepared

Interest rate Wala Aya tha Kafi mcqs or shorts me compound interest
he Aya tha short me or mcqs me or long me bond Wala Aya tha or
profit margin find krna tha mcqs sary mathematical ty

C's 502

Midterm paper

12:30 PM

2-dimension maxima ko define krna tha .

Array di hovi thi ....pivot ko arrange krna tha

Sorting Algorithm k at least two functions likhny thy

2-dimension maxima ko graph ki help k Sath likhna tha ..ye long aya

O log...n logn...etc

Inko tarteeb k Sath likhna tha ...first kn hai second kn ...

Mcqs k liyae mn ny handouts hi prepare kiyae thy almost wohi se aye

...itu se 🫠 mushkil thy ...but overall easy tha paper .

Heredity factors.
Pavolv theory
Jean piget ki cognitv devlopm

Mcqs from tanveer file

ENG 524 8:00 AM paper 30-05-2024

Mcqs all from handouts
Except 3-5 which are from Recent Quiz 1-2 files.
1- Name 3 approaches of discourse analysis
2- name 3 SFL tools for text analysis
3- fill in the blanks 5
Of metaphor schema
4- 5 statements write true /false
Eng509 midterm
Paper 8:00am

80% objective from past files

Subjective was also easy
Overall paper was sp easy
=> Topics to be remembered for mcq and short:
1. Inflection sy 1 mcq tha or 2 short thay
2. endocentric k words pick krnay thay or is mn sy mcq b tha ek
3. Stir-fry compound
4. Complex-compound sentence
5. Suffix prefix affix
6. 4mcq suffix sy related thay
7. Overall grammar including past tense
8. French name "pizza"
9. Who is Father of modern linguistics (Noam Chomsky)
10. Lexemes, morphemes
11. Find Complement in (Stay with me)
12. Heads and complement (Fond of fast food)
13. Function words
14. Predicate
15. Syntax and morphology
16. Swallowed it( right option verb)

=> Short questions:

1. Define inflection and explain one characteristic
2. Pick the word's of endocentric compound
3. Define descriptive grammar
4. Suppletion in term of inflection
5. Add suffix and make it plural verb (sing, announce, child)
6. Three kind of bracketing paradox

Eng509 midterm
Paper 8:00am
80% objective from past files
Subjective was also easy
Overall paper was sp easy
=> Topics to be remembered for mcq and short:
1. Inflection sy 1 mcq tha or 2 short thay
2. endocentric k words pick krnay thay or is mn sy mcq b tha ek
3. Stir-fry compound
4. Complex-compound sentence
5. Suffix prefix affix
6. 4mcq suffix sy related thay
7. Overall grammar including past tense
8. French name "pizza"
9. Who is Father of modern linguistics (Noam Chomsky)
10. Lexemes, morphemes
11. Find Complement in (Stay with me)
12. Heads and complement (Fond of fast food)
13. Function words
14. Predicate
15. Syntax and morphology
16. Swallowed it( right option verb)

=> Short questions:

1. Define inflection and explain one characteristic
2. Pick the word's of endocentric compound
3. Define descriptive grammar
4. Suppletion in term of inflection
5. Add suffix and make it plural verb (sing, announce, child)
6. Three kind of bracketing paradox

Today paper zoo504 Timing 8:00.

1)Category VI (Protected
area with sustainable use
of natural resources).
2)Category V (Protected
3) kanjrab national park located in......
4) hingol national park located in .......
5) periwinkle Rosy act as .....
6) Madras elephant wild act......
7) which is not primary pollutant.....
8) introduction of ..... Species posing major threat to wetland.
9) The SSC is governed by a Steering Committee, which is headed
10) Threates to wetland………………. Unmanaged Activities
11) wildlife definition......
12) National park definition........
13) .The primary objective of habitat specie management area is to
maintain, conserve and restore specie
and------------------ Habitat
14) Cholistan Wildlife sanctuary is part of Cholistan ------------ Desert

15) Honorary officials hold office for a period of ------------ years where
appointment is
revoked earlier Three years.
16) WWF official symbol.......
17) slaughter act .......

Eng509 midterm
Paper 8:00am

80% objective from past files

Subjective was also easy
Overall paper was sp easy
=> Topics to be remembered for mcq and short:
1. Inflection sy 1 mcq tha or 2 short thay
2. endocentric k words pick krnay thay or is mn sy mcq b tha ek
3. Stir-fry compound
4. Complex-compound sentence
5. Suffix prefix affix
6. 4mcq suffix sy related thay
7. Overall grammar including past tense
8. French name "pizza"
9. Who is Father of modern linguistics (Noam Chomsky)
10. Lexemes, morphemes
11. Find Complement in (Stay with me)
12. Heads and complement (Fond of fast food)
13. Function words
14. Predicate
15. Syntax and morphology
16. Swallowed it( right option verb)

=> Short questions:

1. Define inflection and explain one characteristic
2. Pick the word's of endocentric compound
3. Define descriptive grammar
4. Suppletion in term of inflection
5. Add suffix and make it plural verb (sing, announce, child)
6. Three kind of bracketing paradox

My Eng 512 paper

Objective: conceptual ( handouts plus lectures and other sources)

Short questions
1. How external functions of Bilingualism are determined
2. How the valuation of linguistic capital works in schools
3. Why the domains and measurements of Bilingualism are
Long Questions
1. Difference between balanced and dominant bilingualism
2. Discuss 5 domains of language behavior
3. Describe how oral communication is a two way process

*Edu 705 paper at 8:00 from handouts

1-Research niche cap
2-Methodology explain
3-Purpose of thesis
4-Endnotes and footnotes
5-What is hedge in reporting results???
6-Feature of abstract

Today 8 Am edu516
Mcq files sy thy zyda
5 marks question
Skimming or scanning
Gap fill how to teach as a teacher
Student feel hesitation how to treat this type of student
3 marks
Application details
Student response by text linking


11. Which one of them has only 254 colors and is not used in the
photography industry?
12. Adaptive dictionary encoding is also called? The answer was
dynamic dictionary encoding.
13. Binary notation of 7 bits can be? The answer was 128.
14. How to find weather using location?
15. Which is the most important SP? The answer is tier 1 SP.
16. IBM introduced the first --------- in 1981.
17. If both inputs are 0, flip-flop will --------- it.
18. Rotation problems are solved by using------
19. Which one is used to access any file from the data? RAM, ROM
were the options.
20. 1 gigabyte consists of -------- megabytes.
21. allinurl is used to show pages that consist of all those pages
which have the title in URL.
22. "Virtual University" - this term contains how much of bits?
23. CPU and the data in the computer memory are connected
24. Each text symbol is represented with a unique bit pattern.

Agr kse ko apne subject ka current paper chahye to wo

comment Karen me send krdoga
Assalam o alaikum
Yeh qs aaye thy ppr mein aur mcqs easy thy overall
•Voice Accentuation
•Difference between newspaper and magazines
•Role of newspaper in the independence period
•How media transforms assumptions into realities, give one example
•How feedback is important in communication
•Limitations of communication model

Cs 101
paper Done: Files se kuch b ni Aya zyada mcqs conceptual thy...
Short lectures liye thy unka hi faida hua...
Mcqs networking se...
Searching Google se...
Html se thy...
Aur binary waly se mcqs aye thy over all paper conceptual hi tha
meri advice hai short lectures lein 3,to 4 hours mn cover ho jaen gay
handouts aur usse tyari b achii ho g

30 may
Time: 8:00

Msqs kafi easy thy

Subjective long ma do/don't wla
tha akk Or aak true/false

Slides must read kijiya ga..whn sy hi aya tha Sara.. lectures bht boring
Hain just slides read kr Len paper acha ho jaye ga
Best of luck🫠

CS609 Spring 2024 Paper Time 8:00 done mostly MCqs and subjective
from Junaid file and some from handouts

Psy404 paper time 8:00

Mcqs file say they zyada tar schizopenia k bary Mai thy.. short
question Mai types of clinical therapy tha aik aor long Mai stereotype
movement disorder wala tha..

Jean piget ki cognitv devlopm

Today paper zoo504 Timing 8:00. 1)Category VI

(Protected area with sustainable use
of natural resources). 2)Category V (Protected
Landscape/\Seascape). 3) kanjrab national park located in......
4) hingolnational park located in ....... 5)
periwinkle Rosy act as .....
6) Madras elephant wild act...... 7) which is not primary
8) introduction of ..... Species posing major threat to wetland. 9)
The SSC is governed by a Steering Committee, which is headed
by――Chair. 10) Threates
to wetland………………. Unmanaged Activities 11) wildlife
12) National park definition........ 13) .The primary objective of
habitat specie management area is to maintain, conserve and restore
and------------------ Habitat 14) Cholistan Wildlife sanctuary is part of
Cholistan -----
------- Desert
15) Honorary officials hold office for a period of years
where appointment is
revoked earlier Three years. 16) WWF official symbol.......
17) slaughter act .......
Today my paper eng301
all McQ is very easy sary handout sabhi they or ek ada files sa they.
Short questions.
Physical barriers for speaking.
Formal and informal Ko seperate karn tha. True false batna tha.
Seven C ma sa correct batny tha ya but important ha. Fill in the
blanks fill Karni this paper but hi easy tha achy sa handout ready kar

cs508 lhr 30-05-24

sary mcqs junaid wali file sy thy.
5 marks = 5 imperative languages with their
architecture 5 marks = star bny thy uska code
likhna tha
3 marks= 3 names od string manipulation languages

Cs604 paper
Quiz almost past paper
sa thhyShort questions
1. AK scenario diya hova tha or btna tha kn sa scheduling algorithm
best suited hai iss scenario k Liye
2. AK tha k parent process child process ko terminate kar skhta k ni
3. AK code tha btna tha k ya valid hai ya ni
reasons btani thi Long
1. Micro kernel sa related tha
2. Unnamed pipe or simple pipe sa related tha

CS609 Spring 2024

Paper Time 8:00

Done mostly MCqs and subjective from Junaid file and some from handouts

Soc 401 8:00 AM paper 30-05-2024

Define Diglossia
Differentiate between lineage and clan
Differentiate between Anthropology and
Archeology Differentiate between pure and
Applied Anthropology
How societies grow food collection to food production ye tha paper


80% objective from

past files Subjective
was also easy Overall
paper was sp easy
=> Topics to be remembered for mcq and short:
1. Inflection sy 1 mcq tha or 2 short thay
2. endocentric k words pick krnay thay or is mn sy mcq b tha ek
3. Stir-fry compound
4. Complex-compound sentence
5. Suffix prefix affix
6. 4mcq suffix sy related thay
7. Overall grammar including past tense
8. French name "pizza"
9. Who is Father of modern linguistics (Noam Chomsky)
10. Lexemes, morphemes
11. Find Complement in (Stay with me)
12. Heads and complement (Fond of fast food)
13. Function words
14. Predicate
15. Syntax and morphology
16. Swallowed it( right option verb)

=> Short questions:

1. Define inflection and explain one characteristic
2. Pick the word's of endocentric compound
3. Define descriptive grammar
4. Suppletion in term of inflection
5. Add suffix and make it plural verb (sing, announce, child)
6. Three kind of bracketing paradox

My Eng 512 paper

Objective: conceptual ( handouts plus lectures and other sources)

Short questions
1. How external functions of Bilingualism are determined
2. How the valuation of linguistic capital works in schools
3. Why the domains and measurements of Bilingualism are
interrelated. Long Questions
1. Difference between balanced and dominant bilingualism
2. Discuss 5 domains of language behavior
3. Describe how oral communication is a two way process

*Edu 705 paper at 8:00 from

handouts 1-Research niche cap
explain 3-Purpose
of thesis
4- Endnotes and footnotes
5- What is hedge in reporting
results??? 6-Feature of abstract
Cs 101
paper Done: Files se kuch b ni Aya zyada mcqs
conceptual thy... Short lectures liye thy unka hi faida hua...
Mcqs networking
se... Searching
Google se... Html
se thy...
Aur binary waly se mcqs aye thy over all paper conceptual hi tha meri
advice hai short lectures lein 3,to 4 hours mn cover ho jaen gay handouts aur
usse tyari b achii ho g

Cs101 8:00 AM
paper 30/5/2024
paper Done:
Files se kuch b ni Aya zyada mcqs
conceptual thy... Short lectures liye thy unka hi
faida hua...
Mcqs networking
se... Searching
Google se... Html
se thy...
Aur binary waly se mcqs aye thy over all paper conceptual hi tha meri
advice hai short lectures lein 3,to 4 hours mn cover ho jaen gay handouts
aur usse tyari b achii ho g

Today 8 Am
edu516 Mcq files
sy thy zyda 5
marks question
Skimming or
Gap fill how to teach as a teacher
Student feel hesitation how to treat this type
of student 3 marks
Application details
Student response by text linking

Today paper EDU201

,8am Short Q
1-Classical and operant conditioning describe in
three point 2-Learning profession model
Long Q
1- Thorndike Law of effect

Jen students ko ye currents papers wala files chahye wo

whatsapp par msg kren ya group join kren link pin comment
me hoga
2- How affiliation affect teacher student relationship in education

Describe second stage of Piaget theory
(reoperantional) Paivain works on which
individual animal (rat)
Situated theory kis bary me h ye btana
mcqz tha Zaida mcqz learning style r
situated me s aye thy

Heredity factors.
Pavolv theory
Jean piget ki cognitv devlopm

Today paper EDU201 ,8am

Short Q
1-Classical and operant conditioning describe in three point
2-Learning profession model

Thorndike Law of effect

How affiliation affect teacher student relationship in education

Describe second stage of Piaget theory (reoperantional)
Paivain works on which individual animal (rat)
Situated theory kis bary me h ye btana mcqz tha
Zaida mcqz learning style r situated me s aye thy

Eng509 midterm
Paper 8:00am

80% objective from

past files Subjective
was also easy Overall
paper was sp easy
=> Topics to be remembered for mcq and short:
1. Inflection sy 1 mcq tha or 2 short thay
2. endocentric k words pick krnay thay or is mn sy mcq b tha ek
3. Stir-fry compound
4. Complex-compound sentence
5. Suffix prefix affix
6. 4mcq suffix sy related thay
7. Overall grammar including past tense
8. French name "pizza"
9. Who is Father of modern linguistics (Noam Chomsky)
10. Lexemes, morphemes
11. Find Complement in (Stay with me)
12. Heads and complement (Fond of fast food)
13. Function words
14. Predicate
15. Syntax and morphology
16. Swallowed it( right option verb)

=> Short questions:

1. Define inflection and explain one characteristic
2. Pick the word's of endocentric compound
3. Define descriptive grammar
4. Suppletion in term of inflection
5. Add suffix and make it plural verb (sing, announce, child)
6. Three kind of bracketing paradox

Name: DarkAura
Timing: 8:00
- What is not the term of harmony in painting.
- how many types of balance?
- how many types of performing arts?
- which color is not use in mural?
- ak Einstein ki arts ki tareef ayi thi mujy wo yad nahin ab 🫠🫠(mcq myn)
- baki mcq yad nahin
🫠😵 Short questions
1. Difference between random and flowing rhythm?
2. Enlist categories of performing arts
3. What is the concept of "art is imitation of
real world" ? Long Question
1. Write the brief concept of drawing
2. Write 5 points on what art serve as? ( Esa kch question tha jo myn ny kuhd
sy chora
3. Write 5 points on
photography. Bas overall
paper easy tha 😵🫠

4 8:00
Mcqs some from files majority from handouts
Questions from handouts majorly.. conceptual
questions theyNegative evidence
ACT model
Importance of negative evidence in
linguistics Krashen model
2 approaches of connectivists in SLA

Soc 401
Define Diglossia
Differentiate between lineage and clan
Differentiate between Anthropology and
Archeology Differentiate between pure and
Applied Anthropology
How societies grow food collection to food production ye tha paper

ENG 524 8:00 AM paper 30-05-2024

Mcqs all from handouts
Except 3-5 which are from Recent Quiz
1-2 files. Questions:
1- Name 3 approaches of discourse
analysis 2- name 3 SFL tools for
text analysis
3- fill in the
blanks 5 Of
4- 5 statements write true /false

Soc 401
Define Diglossia
Differentiate between lineage and clan
Differentiate between Anthropology and
Archeology Differentiate between pure and
Applied Anthropology
How societies grow food collection to food production ye tha paper
Today my paper eng301 all McQ is very easy sary
handout sabhi they or ek ada files sa they. Short questions.
Physical barriers for speaking.
Formal and informal Ko seperate karn tha. True false batna tha.
Seven C ma sa correct batny tha ya but important ha. Fill in the
blanks fill Karni this paper but hi easy tha achy sa handout ready kar


MCQs 30% files say thay.... remaining handsout say...

Short Questions:
1- Important aspects of genere
2- three modes of communication
3- quantity of maxim.explain in 2-3 lines

Long Questions:
1- True and False related to tenets
of CDA 2- how to select text from
2- Fill the blanks

MTH601 at 8AM Date: 30-05-2024

Paper easy tha Alhumdolilah bht Acha hua ha meri tayari bs
17-Lec tak thi. Junaid files main se kuch mcqs aye thy main bs
wohi read kr k gya tha.
Linear programming k related zayada
mcqs thy. Short Questions:
1st PERT/CPM Models main tha aik ka table bana kr relationship or
predecessors btana tha.
2nd Network Diagram given thi EST OR ESF find krna tha.
3rd ABS Analysis ke Annual Cumulative find krni thi or kis category se
belong krty woh btana tha.
Long Questions:
1st Diagram given thi critical path find
krna tha. 2nd manufacturing model with
no shortage’s ka tha
3rd Table bana kr activities k relations and predecessors btany thy.

Date: 30 May
2024 Time:
Objective kinza Bilal ki preparation videos sy aye howy thy mostly
Question shorts m arithmetic sequence Aya tha or circuit draw tha us ki
output likhni thi orsymmetric k about ik short question tha
Long Questions 1 set builder wala Aya tha set diye howy thy is ko set
builder ki form m Likhna tha 2 prove wala tha R or R-¹ k or 3 wala Yaad Nahi
kue k wo attempt
hi Nahi Kiya m ny
Mth501 today paper

Mcqs form file and

handouts ong
inverse find krna
tha Inversion
Equations di hui thi find linear equation exist or not
Find inverse
Equations di hui us ma btana tha diagonally dominant or not

EDU302 Timing 8:00AM

Piaget Jean stages of cognitive development

Main points of John Watson theory

Factors affecting Human development

How Biological influence effect human growth and behavior

"Perspective of learning" Development of language

Application of Watsons’ theory in real life: -

Cs101..... Files waghera important ni..... Conceptual based tha.... Binary se related 3 to 4
questions thy...... Abbreviation 2 thi....... Baaki saara paper concept pe tha .... Quiz ki videos
kaam agayi ... Yh mera paper tha aj ka

Al humdulillah♥

Oral and written

Extempore ..
Conventional resume ..
To establish a relationship(implicit
purpose).. Thank and please are
used in courtesy...
Direct approach..
Types of
Minutes ...
Elements of
letter End

Or short or long mein just true false thy paper bht easy tha relax hu kr chill
hu kr jyein bina prhi bi pass kr joi gy 🫠🫠

Allah ap sab ko kamyab farmeye♥

* Paper
Date 30-05-
Time 9:30
* All mcqs from handouts,
* mcqs from files 2%

Current Mid term
paper 30-05-2024
All from past objective
files Subjective
1. Check the continuity X&Y sets with their topologies are given
2. Proof that Intersections of closed sets is closed
3. Proof that Ā =AuA'
4. Show that ext(A')=int(A)
5. Write a topology for which open sets are identical to closed sets

Here are some MCQs for ENG201 ¹:

Question 1: Which of the following is generally organized by a direct

approach and receives a favorable reaction?
- Business message
- Bad news message
- Good news message
- Routine message
Question 2: Which of the following are real but unnamed readers?
- Phantom Readers
- Future Readers
- Complex Readers
- Technical Readers

Question 3: Choose the correct sentence.

- You may not enter Mr. Harris office without his permission.
- You may not enter Mr. Harrises office without his permission.
- You may not enter Mr. Harrises' office without his permission.
- You may not enter Mr. Harris's office without his permission.

Question 4: Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

- The American flag has three colors: namely, red, white, and blue.
- The American flag has three colors, namely; red, white, and blue.
- The American flag has three colors; namely, red, white, and blue.
- The American flag has three colors namely, red, white, and blue.

Question 5: Choose the correct

option. Feasibility reports are
- To control problems, sell products and services.
- To monitor and control production, sales, shipping, etc.
- To solve problems and supply facts.
- To analyze problems and predict practical alternatives.

1. Aik 5 marks ka question Aya "Find the length and width of the
rectangle, prompt theit values from user. And then calculate the
perimeter of the rectangle.
(Hint: perimeter of the rectangle= 2*(length+ width)
2. Aik 3 ya 5 ka marks ka question tha exact nhi yad. Write a string that
prompts from user "This is my Pakistan". Then if the user enters "my" for
search then it will display "String
And if this is not true then it will display "String not found".
3. Aik aur question hai 3 or 5 marks ka. Ke aik code likhy Jo integer data
ho and array se bana ho aur aur phir us ke first element display krna hai.
And Jo print krny Hain values wo Hain 1,2,3,4,5,6.

Thursday-30-May at
8Am. Mgt602
From themes

1) How many types franchise cost involved? Also difference between
franchise fee and royalty payments.
2) five issues which faced in family business.


1) What is Co-entrepreneurship? Give example. Is there any restrictions

like age, race etc to become an co-entrepreneur.
2) write details about

Market-Based Valuation Approach.

My cs205 Mid term Spring 2024

Paper Time 8AM:
All mcqs from Qasim file and subjective conceptual from handouts .
Subjective questions:
Multi function authorization
Security hardening steps name
Find mistakes in lines
Long :
True false autoplay
Matching with correct option .
Layers security framework

Paper Psy 611

Timming 8 o clock
3 types of credentials
why psychologist take informed consent in therapy
3- when it is appropriate to take oral informed consent
.Cultural competence in detail
. Define rights and virtues
Yaad nhi

Cs 101
paper Done: Files se kuch b ni Aya zyada mcqs
conceptual thy... Short lectures liye thy unka hi faida hua...
Mcqs networking
se... Searching
Google se... Html
se thy...
Aur binary waly se mcqs aye thy over all paper conceptual hi tha meri
advice hai short lectures lein 3,to 4 hours mn cover ho jaen gay handouts
aur usse tyari b achii ho g

Today paper EDU201

,8am Short Q
1-Classical and operant conditioning describe in
three point 2-Learning profession model
Long Q
1- Thorndike Law of effect

2- How affiliation affect teacher student relationship in education

Describe second stage of Piaget theory
(reoperantional) Paivain works on which
individual animal (rat)
Situated theory kis bary me h ye btana
mcqz tha Zaida mcqz learning style r
situated me s aye thy

Today paper EDU201

,8am Short Q
1-Classical and operant conditioning describe in
three point 2-Learning profession model
Long Q
1- Thorndike Law of effect

2- How affiliation affect teacher student relationship

in education Mcqz
Describe second stage of Piaget theory (reoperantional)
Paivain works on which individual
animal (rat) Yvgotsky
Situated theory kis bary me h ye btana
mcqz tha Zaida mcqz learning style r
situated me s aye thy

Today paper zoo504 Timing 8:00. 1)Category VI

(Protected area with sustainable use
of natural resources). 2)Category V (Protected
Landscape/\Seascape). 3) kanjrab national park located in......
4) hingolnational park located in ....... 5)
periwinkle Rosy act as .....
6) Madras elephant wild act...... 7) which is not primary
8) introduction of ..... Species posing major threat to wetland. 9)
The SSC is governed by a Steering Committee, which is headed
by――Chair. 10) Threates
to wetland………………. Unmanaged Activities 11) wildlife
12) National park definition........ 13) .The primary objective of
habitat specie management area is to maintain, conserve and restore
and------------------ Habitat 14) Cholistan Wildlife sanctuary is part of
Cholistan -----
------- Desert
15) Honorary officials hold office for a period of years
where appointment is
revoked earlier Three years. 16) WWF official symbol.......
17) slaughter act .......

Jean piget ki cognitv
devlopm Sublimation
Soc 401
Define Diglossia
Differentiate between lineage and clan
Differentiate between Anthropology and
Archeology Differentiate between pure and
Applied Anthropology
How societies grow food collection to food production ye tha paper

Mth501 today
paper 30-05-
Mcqs form file and
handouts ong
inverse find krna
tha Inversion
Equations di hui thi find linear equation exist or not
Find inverse
Equations di hui us ma btana tha diagonally dominant or not

Chapter-Wise Summary and Key Concepts from Lectures 1 to 18

#### Lecture 1: Introduction, Definition & Value of Research

*Definition of Research*: Research is a systematic process of finding
solutions to problems through thorough study and analysis. It involves
gathering information to answer questions and solve problems.

*Value of Research*:
1. *Developing Methodologies*: Research helps in developing
methodologies for data collection, processing, and analysis.
2. *Decision-Making*: It reduces uncertainty and improves decision-
making for policymakers, planners, and managers.
3. *Problem Identification and Solution*: Applied research helps in
identifying and solving problems in various fields.

#### Lecture 2: Scientific Method of Research & Its Special Features

*Scientific Method*:
1. *Empirical*: Based on observation and experimentation.
2. *Systematic*: Follows a structured approach to inquiry.
3. *Controlled*: Variables are controlled to determine cause-effect
4. *Critical*: Involves rigorous evaluation and scrutiny of findings.

*Special Features*:
- Replicability: The ability to repeat experiments and obtain similar results.
- Precision: Clear and exact measurements and definitions.

#### Lecture 3: Classification of Research

*Types of Research*:
1. *Exploratory/Formulative*: Seeks to explore a problem or situation to
provide insights.
2. *Descriptive*: Describes characteristics of a population or phenomenon.
3. *Explanatory*: Explains the causes and effects of phenomena.

*Uses of Research*:
- *Basic Research*: Aims to increase knowledge without immediate
- *Applied Research*: Seeks to solve practical problems.

#### Lecture 4: Theory and Research

*Role of Theory*:
- Provides a framework for understanding and interpreting findings.
- Guides the development of hypotheses and research design.
*Role of Facts*:
- Empirical data collected through research validate or refute theories.

#### Lecture 5: Concepts

- *Concept*: An abstraction representing an object, a property, or a
- *Operational Definition*: Specifies the procedures to measure a concept.

#### Lecture 6: Variables and Types of Variables

*Types of Variables*:
1. *Continuous*: Can take any value within a range.
2. *Discrete*: Takes specific values.
3. *Dependent*: The outcome variable affected by other variables.
4. *Independent*: The predictor variable that influences the dependent
5. *Moderating*: Influences the strength of the relationship between variables.
6. *Intervening*: Mediates the relationship between the independent
and dependent variables.
7. *Extraneous*: Uncontrolled variables that can affect the outcome.

#### Lecture 7: Hypothesis Testing & Characteristics

*Hypothesis*: A testable statement about the relationship between variables.

- Must be clear and precise.
- Should be testable and falsifiable.
- Should state the relationship between variables.

#### Lecture 8: Review of Literature

- To summarize existing research.
- To identify gaps in knowledge.
- To provide a framework for the new study.

*Types of Reviews*:
- *Narrative Review*: Summarizes existing knowledge.
- *Systematic Review*: Uses a structured method to analyze and synthesize

#### Lecture 9: Conducting a Systematic Literature Review

1. Define and refine the research topic.
2. Design a search strategy.
3. Locate research reports.
4. Write the review by synthesizing findings.

#### Lecture 10: Theoretical Framework

- *Concepts*: Building blocks of the framework.
- *Propositions*: Statements about the relationships between concepts.

#### Lecture 11: Problem Definition and Research Proposal

*Problem Definition*:
- Clearly stating the research problem.
- Justifying the importance of the research.

*Research Proposal*:
- A document outlining the research objectives, methodology, and

#### Lecture 12: The Research Process

1. Identifying the broad problem area.
2. Conducting preliminary data collection.
3. Defining the problem.
4. Developing a theoretical framework.
5. Generating hypotheses.
6. Designing the research.
7. Data collection, processing, and analysis.
8. Testing hypotheses and answering research questions.
9. Writing the report.

#### Lecture 13-14: Ethical Issues in Research

*Key Concepts*:
- *Informed Consent*: Participants must be informed about the
study and agree to participate.
- *Deception*: Should be avoided unless justified and followed by debriefing.
- *Confidentiality*: Participants' information must be protected.

#### Lecture 15-17: Measurement of Concepts

*Measurement Process*:
1. *Conceptualization*: Defining the concept.
2. *Operationalization*: Defining how to measure the concept.
3. *Scales*: Tools to measure concepts (e.g., Likert scale).

#### Lecture 18: Criteria for Good Measurement

*Validity*: The extent to which an instrument measures what it is intended to
- *Types of Validity*: Content, construct, criterion-related.

*Reliability*: The consistency of the measurement.

- *Types of Reliability*: Test-retest, inter-rater, internal consistency.
This summary includes the main concepts, definitions, and
methodologies covered in the lectures. For more detailed information,
refer to the respective lecture notes.

ENG 524 8:00 AM paper 30-05-2024

Mcqs all from handouts
Except 3-5 which are from Recent Quiz 1-2 files.
1- Name 3 approaches of discourse
analysis 2- name 3 SFL tools for
text analysis
3- fill in the
blanks 5 Of
4- 5 statements write true /false

MTH601 at 8AM Date: 30-05-2024

Paper easy tha Alhumdolilah bht Acha hua ha meri tayari bs
17-Lec tak thi. Junaid files main se kuch mcqs aye thy main bs
wohi read kr k gya tha.
Linear programming k related zayada
mcqs thy. Short Questions:
1st PERT/CPM Models main tha aik ka table bana kr relationship or
predecessors btana tha.
2nd Network Diagram given thi EST OR ESF find krna tha.
3rd ABS Analysis ke Annual Cumulative find krni thi or kis category se
belong krty woh btana tha.
Long Questions:
1st Diagram given thi critical path find
krna tha. 2nd manufacturing model with
no shortage’s ka tha
3rd Table bana kr activities k relations and predecessors btany thy.

Pak 301
Mcqs kuchh Haalim Study Insights channel k quiz videos sy thy or jo
unhn ny lectures mn btaya
Mostly dates
Pakistan national
moment First step of
Act of 1932
Quaid left congress dates

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