AHD3.1 Advanced Rules
AHD3.1 Advanced Rules
AHD3.1 Advanced Rules
(Continued from Basic Game Rules Booklet)
A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition
A.2 The Playing Pieces When Supply is Traced: At the beginning of each
Player Turn, the player whose turn it is must
The Advanced Game of A House Divided includes:
determine which of his units are in or out of supply.
• 3 Confederate Border State Militia Infantry units Which Units Need Supply: A unit that is alone in a
(one each for Missouri, Kentucky, and Maryland) box is automatically in supply. If two or more units
• 3 Leaders with stand bases (Grant, Sherman, and are in a box, they must trace a Supply Line.
Lee) B.1 Supply Sources
• 4 Foreign Intervention units (2 Veteran Infantry, 1 Units that are in ‘Aligned’ Recruitment Cities (i.e.,
Crack Infantry, and 1 Crack Cavalry) ones containing a shield of their own color) are in
supply if they can trace a Supply Line to any other
friendly-owned Aligned Recruitment City.
Units that are not in an Aligned Recruitment City are
in supply if they can trace a Supply Line to any
friendly-owned Aligned Recruitment City box that
can, itself, trace a Supply Line to any other friendly-
owned Aligned Recruitment City.
B.2 How to Trace a Supply Line
A Supply Line may be of any length; it is traced
through consecutive, connected (i.e., there is no
Supply Line Jump Move) friendly-controlled boxes.
Exception: It is traced from the units needing supply
to an above-listed source as indicated below:
Normal Supply: It may be freely traced through
friendly-controlled boxes along rails and/or rivers.
Road Supply: It may also be traced through boxes
along roads, but only if the boxes on both ends of
each length of the road transportation line being
traced through are occupied by at least one friendly
unit. These units in the rear are, in effect, performing
logistical support duties.
Sea Supply: Union and Foreign Intervention units in
port boxes, or that are able to trace a Supply Line to a
friendly port box, are automatically in supply by sea
(even if the Foreign Navy is 'off,' F.4). Exception:
When using Optional Rule 4.71 (Fortress Monroe),
the Union may not trace supply to either Yorktown or
Norfolk if the Confederates control Fort Monroe.
B.3 Effects of Being Out of Supply
If a box with two or more friendly units is out of
supply (i.e., cannot trace a Supply Line) at the
beginning of your Player Turn, you must eliminate
from that box one unit of your choice. Militia units
are placed in the Recruitment Pool and other units are
B. Supply returned to your stock, as usual.
An army has to eat, and generals must take this fact into Recruitment: A player may not Recruit (7.0) in a
account or suffer from widespread disease and desertion. city that is out of supply. Note that supply does not
affect Promotions (6.0), only Recruitment.
A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition
A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition
A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition
A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition
Command Value of 6 for the third Battle Day (4 for today’s If the die roll is greater than the unit’s Morale Value
roll, plus 2 carried over from the previous day’s value). there is no effect – the unit continues to participate in
Thus, for Battle Rounds nine through twelve (i.e., the third the battle normally (as a Reduced unit).
Battle Day), the Union player could issue six orders per
Effects of Being Routed:
Battle Round that day. The Battle Line
Routed units are considered
Current Battlefield Command Value Track ‘off the battlefield’ (i.e., no Each player’s Battle
longer in that player’s Battle Line consists of those
Line). Therefore: units that are currently
• Subtract one from a defending unit’s Morale Morale Recovery: During a player’s Battle Rounds,
Value if it is entrenched. This means that an he may expend two Orders to Rally one Routed unit.
entrenched Crack unit’s Battlefield Morale will In addition, at the end of each Battle Day (i.e., at
never break! ‘Dusk’), before the Battlefield Command Value (D.1)
is determined for the next day, both sides may Rally
If the die roll is less than or equal to the unit’s one Routed unit for ‘free’ (i.e., at no cost in Orders).
Morale Value, it is Routed. Place it back on the
mapboard in the battlefield box (look for the To indicate a unit’s status changes from Routed to
Battlefield marker), Reduced-side up, to indicate its Rallied, simply return it from the battlefield box on
Routed status. the map and have it rejoin those units that are still
actively fighting on the Battle Line.
A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition
Example: It is 1862 and four Union Militia Infantry units March Since the Confederate player has completed all of his fire, the
from Washington along the Potomac River (which is only usable newly-reduced Union Militia Infantry unit must now check its
by the Union, see 4.2) to attack a lone Confederate Veteran morale. The Union player rolls a 1; since that result is less than
Infantry unit in Fredericksburg. or equal to its Morale Value, that unit also Routs back to the
Battlefield marker in Fredericksburg.
The Battlefield marker is placed in Fredericksburg and the units
there engaging in battle are placed off the board to one side The Union player uses two of his Orders this Round to fire the
where they can line up against each other and exchange shots two units left on his Battle Line He uses his remaining two Orders
(i.e., they are placed on the Battle Line). to Rally one of his Routed units back from the Fredericksburg
box and he returns it, still on its reduced side, back to the Battle
There are no reinforcements nearby and both players are
determined to fight to the bitter end.
Both Union shots miss, however, so the battle continues.
Dawn: Both sides roll on the Command Table to determine their
Battlefield Command Value (BCV). The Confederate player rolls Round 3: The Confederate Veteran Infantry unit fires at the
a 1 for a BCV of three Orders per Round this day; the Union reduced-strength Union Militia Infantry unit that just rallied (in
player rolls a 5 for BCV of four Orders per Round this day. hopes of finishing it off) and, again, gets a hit it with a die roll of 2.
Current Battlefield Command Value Track That Union Militia Infantry unit is eliminated.
The Union player, once again, uses two of his Orders this Round
to fire the two units left on his Battle Line He uses his remaining
1 2 3 4 two Orders to Rally his remaining routed unit back from the
Fredericksburg box and he returns it, still on its reduced side,
back to his Battle Line.
Again, both Union shots miss! The battle continues…
5 6 7 8 Morale Table
A newly Reduced unit fails its Morale
Round 1: The Confederate Veteran Infantry unit fires at one of Check if the die roll is less than or
the Union Militia Infantry units and hits it with a die roll of 4 – its equal the unit’s adjusted Morale Value:
chance to hit being increased by 1 during the first two Battle
Rounds because it is firing at a unit that has crossed a river. The Morale
Union Militia Infantry unit is flipped to its Reduced side. Value Unit Type
Since the Confederate player has completed all of his fire, the 1 Crack
newly-reduced Union Militia Infantry unit must now check its
morale. The Union player rolls a 3; since that result is less than
2 Veteran
or equal to its Morale Value, that unit is Routed and placed back 3 Militia after 1861
in Fredericksburg on top of the Battlefield marker there (i.e., this 4 Militia in 1861
unit is placed off the Battle Line where it can no longer fire at, or
be fired upon by, enemy units).
Morale Value Modifiers
The Union player decides to spend three Orders to fire his three
remaining Union Militia Infantry at the entrenched Confederate Morale Checks:
Veteran Infantry unit, each with a chance to hit on a 1 (because it Failure causes that unit to Rout.
is entrenched). Only one Union unit manages to score a hit. The -1 If that unit is entrenched.
Confederate Veteran Infantry unit is flipped to its Reduced side.
Desertion Checks:
Since the Union player has completed all of his fire, the newly-
Failure eliminates that unit.
reduced Confederate Veteran Infantry unit must now check its
morale. The Confederate player rolls a 2; since that result is not +1 If that unit is on the losing /
less than or equal to its modified Morale Value (its basic Morale retreating side.
Value of 2 is reduced by one because that unit is entrenched), -1 If that unit was not Routed.
that Veteran Infantry unit remains in action on the Battle Line (at -1 If there is a friendly Leader unit
its Reduced value). present at that battle.
Round 2: The Confederate Veteran Infantry unit again fires at
one of the Union Militia Infantry units and, again, hits with a die
roll of 3. The Union Militia Infantry unit is flipped to its Reduced
A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition
A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition
D.4 [Optional] Coastal Defenses that are present defending that invaded
Confederate port, in order to win the battle there.
Conducting Naval Invasions could be very difficult. The
Confederates tied up large numbers of men to garrison Recovery: A Port Garrison ‘unit’ automatically
their ports – men who were greatly needed at the front. recovers (5.7) after a battle for ‘free’ (if Optional
These port garrisons often challenged the nearby landings Rule 5.71, Resting the Army, is being used) while
of Union soldiers from their prepared positions. that port is controlled by the Confederates.
Port Garrison ‘Units’: To Promotions: A Port Garrison ‘unit’ cannot receive a
reflect the presence of coastal Promotion (6.0).
defense artillery and other
harbor defenses, each The Union player receives no Promotion for
Confederate port that is also a defeating only a Port Garrison ‘unit’ in battle. He
Recruitment City should does receive a Promotion if the battle also involved
receives an intrinsic notional fighting regular Confederate units.
Port Garrison ‘unit’ with a
Defensive Combat Value New Orleans receives a
E. [Optional] Leaders
equal to the city’s Confederate built-in, imaginary Port Great generals are a product of good
Recruitment Value. Garrison unit with a fortune. You must not only be the right
Combat Value of 2 vs.
• A Port Garrison ‘unit’ is person with the right skills, but you must
Union Naval Invasions. also be in the right place at the right
only employed when that
time and have the right political
port city is defending itself against a Union Naval
connections. Many generals could have
Invasion (4.7). been represented but, for the grand
• The intrinsic Port Garrison ‘unit’ is strategic scale of A House Divided, the
never destroyed. If the Confederates regain control number of Leader units for each side,
and their ratings, fit very well into the
of a captured port box, the full strength Port
combatants’ capabilities at various
Garrison ‘unit’ again becomes available. times throughout the Civil War.
• Confederate controlled Union (blue box) ports, The Leader Units: Three stand-up Leader units are
including Baltimore, never receive Port Garrison provided in the Advanced Game of A House
‘units.’ Divided: Lee, Grant, and Sherman.
Movement: A Port Garrison ‘unit’ may never move • The white numbers on each Leader unit show its
or retreat; it always stays in its city and fights to the Leadership Value.
death, even if other Confederate units retreat (5.4).
• The top date listed on a Leader unit indicates the
Battles: A Port Garrison ‘unit’ functions thus in Game Turn it enters play. When initially placed on
battles: the map during its owner’s Movement Segment of
• It is always at full strength at the start of a battle. that Game Turn, Leaders are placed by their
owner on any box that contains a friendly unit.
• It is always considered entrenched (5.31). Other
Confederate units in that port city have to • The bottom date is when its Leadership Value
entrench there normally by expending a March. changes – use the applicable current value.
• Its morale is never checked (D.2 and D.3). The status change for a Leader represents different things.
For Lee, it represents the loss of his ‘right arm,’ General
• Like an actual unit, it costs an Order for it to fire “Stonewall” Jackson. For Grant and Sherman, it
in a Battle Round and it must be hit twice during a represents their promotions to larger, more independent
battle in order to destroy it. commands.
A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition
When Marching with other units, the Leader can be • When Grant and Sherman are at the same battle,
included in their Jump Move (4.4, 4.5), Sea Move the Union player may combine their Leadership
(4.6) or Naval Invasion (4.7). Leaders move like Values and both issue Orders each Battle Round.
Cavalry (4.0), but cannot make a Cavalry Jump Move
unless actually moving with a Cavalry unit. E.3 Leaders and Desertion
A Leader unit may move together with any unit in its Units making a Desertion Check (D.3) may subtract
box when it is activated by a March. This includes one from their Morale Value if a friendly Leader was
‘riding with’ that unit’s Jump Move (4.4, 4.5), Sea present at that battle. Grant and Sherman may not
Move (4.6), or Naval Invasion (4.7). Tagging along combine to subtract two.
with another unit thus is a ‘free’ move for the Leader. E.4 Leaders Alone
Moving Independently: A Leader unit may also Leader units alone in a box do not alter its current
move independently of the other units it is stacked control status (8.0). That is, Leaders units by
with for ‘free’ (i.e., at no March cost). themselves cannot capture or recapture a box.
• A Leader unit may conduct up to two free Leader units that find themselves alone in a box with
Marches each Player Turn. (Like other units, two enemy units are not destroyed. They are simply
Marches is also a Leader’s Speed Limit per placed back on the map again (see above) at the end
Movement Segment.) their owner’s next Player Turn. There is no
• Leader units move like Cavalry units, but cannot Recruitment cost; Leaders are replaced for free.
make a Cavalry Jump Move (4.4) unless actually E.5 Leader Redeployment
moving along with a Cavalry unit.
A Leader can be removed from the map at any
Reinforcing a Battle: A Leader unit may move time and relocated to any box with a friendly unit at
together with any unit in its box when it reinforces a the end the next Player Turn.
Battle (5.5). Alternately, a Leader unit may also
reinforce a Battle by moving alone. F. Confederate Aspirations
Leaders do not affect the movement of other units. In hindsight, many people have subscribed to the ‘Lost
Cause’ theory of Southern defeat (see the films Birth of a
E.2 Leaders in Battle Nation or Gone with the Wind for examples). To the war’s
When Leaders are present at a battle, they may issue participants, however, things looked very different. These
a number of Orders each Battle Round equal to their historical expectations representing Confederate
current Leadership Value. This is in addition to their aspirations are simulated by the following rules.
side’s normal Battlefield Command Value (D.1). F.1 The Capture of Washington
Procedure: When a Leader unit is at a battle, place it It is not necessarily true that the Confederate capture of
in the box on the Current Battlefield Command Value Washington would have ended the war. Under this rule,
Track that corresponds to its Leadership Value. Do capturing Washington will often win the war unless the
not add its Leadership Value to that side’s Command South is losing badly in other areas. Even if the South
Value and increase the position of the Flag marker! doesn’t win the war, Washington’s loss will have a
This is important during multi-day battles when permanent effect on the Union’s overall morale.
adding half of the previous day’s Command Value to The Confederacy does not automatically win if
the new Command roll; Leaders don’t contribute to Washington is captured.
the Command Value – they just issue additional
Orders each Battle Round. Procedure: Instead roll one die and subtract that
amount from the Union Army Maximum Size value.
• The maximum number of Orders that either side
can give during a single Battle Round is still eight • If a 1 is rolled, subtract two.
(although you will reach that value faster and • If the Union recaptures Washington, add only its
more often with a Leader present on your side). Recruitment Value (of one) to the Union Army
• Leaders who reinforce a battle (5.5) may not add Maximum Size.
their Leadership Value on the Round of their
arrival, but may do so on all subsequent Rounds.
A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition
If the die roll is less than or equal to that State’s 9 The Confederate Army Maximum Size is within 3
modified Support Value, it remains uncommitted and of the Union Army Maximum Size.
can be rolled for again on qualifying future turns. 9 The Confederates control at least one Union
Recruitment City with a Recruitment Value of 2
or more, plus Washington DC.
9 Either no Confederate Recruitment City (i.e., one
with a red shield in it) with a Recruitment Value
of 2 or more is Union controlled or, for each one
that is, another Union Recruitment City with a
value of 2 or more is Confederate controlled.
Effects of Foreign Intervention: If Foreign
Intervention is triggered, it has the following effects:
• The Confederate player may also perform Sea
Movement (4.6), just like the Union. The
A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition
Confederate player may not perform River Jump Coastal Ironclads: All Confederate Coastal
Moves (4.5), use the Potomac River (4.2), or Defense (D.4) values are increased by one.
conduct Naval Invasions (4.7). (E.g., Charleston’s notional Port Garrison unit
• The Confederate player receives would have a value of 3). This also means that
the four Foreign Intervention a Confederate port which is not a Recruitment
units. They are placed ‘in Europe’ City (e.g., Norfolk) is considered to have an
(i.e., off to the side of the intrinsic notional Port Garrison unit with a
mapboard in an imaginary Defensive Combat Value of 1.
friendly port box). Foreign Navy: This Box functions differently
Foreign Intervention Units: Foreign Intervention than the above-listed ‘domestic’ Confederate
units function under the following rules: Navy boxes. When Foreign Intervention is
triggered, place a Confederate Flag marker in
• They do not count against the Confederate Army this Box to remind players that its effect is
Maximum Size. ‘on’ and that the Confederate player may
• They must be brought over to the United States conduct Sea Movement (4.6) just like the
from Europe by using Confederate Sea Movement Union Player. He may not perform River Jump
(at the usual rate of one March per unit). Moves (4.5), use the Potomac River (4.2), or
conduct Naval Invasions (4.7).
• They cannot receive Promotions (6.0).
Union Naval Response: During any Union
• If destroyed, they can be replaced during the Movement Segment, the USA player may counter a
Confederate Recruitment Segment. However, each Confederate Naval Resource. This is indicated by
Foreign Intervention unit costs two Recruitment flipping the Confederate Flag marker in any one CSA
Points to replace. These units are recruited back Naval Resource box (including the Foreign Navy
‘in Europe’ and, once again, require Confederate box) over to its Union Flag side.
Sea Movement to get back onto the game board on
• It costs the Union player two Marches to counter a
a future Confederate Player Turn.
Confederate Naval Resource.
F.4 [Optional] The Confederate Navy Effect: A Union Flag marker in a Confederate Naval
Just as the Union player may make Naval Invasions when Resource box indicates that its corresponding special
he rolls a ‘6’ for Marches that game turn (4.7), now the rule is no longer in effect.
Confederate player may similarly make a naval decision.
In the three Domestic Confederate Naval Resource
If, during the Confederate Movement Segment, the boxes (Ocean Raiders, Riverine Ironclads, and
Confederate player rolls a ‘6’ for Marches that turn, Coastal Ironclads), a Union Flag marker also
he may ‘commit’ one of his three Naval Resources. indicates that the Confederate player may no longer
• It costs the Confederate player four Marches to employ that Naval Resource. That is, the Confederate
commit a Naval Resource. commitment of each of their three domestic Naval
Resources is a once-per-game event.
To indicate Confederate commitment of that Naval
Resource, place a Confederate Control (Flag) marker The War at Sea: Unlike the three domestic
in the corresponding box on the Confederate Naval Confederate Navy boxes, the Confederate player can
Display. flip the Flag marker in the Foreign Navy Box back to
its Confederate side. He does this at a cost of one
Effects: While the Confederate Flag marker resides Recruitment Point during his Recruitment Segment.
in that box, its corresponding special rule is in effect:
Confederate ‘Domestic’ Naval Resources
Ocean Raiders: One is added to the Confederate
Maximum Army Size.
Riverine Ironclads: The Union player is
prohibited from making River Jump Moves
A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition
A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition