AHD3.1 Advanced Rules

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A House Divided

The American Civil War: 1861 to 1865

Special Living Edition Advanced Game Rules © 2006 by Alan Emrich

Table of Contents Border States), you are in fact playing Advanced

A. Introduction ....................................................... 21 Game; those are the ‘core’ Advanced Game rules.
A.1 The Rules ..............................................................21
A.2 The Playing Pieces ................................................22 A.1 The Rules
B. Supply ................................................................ 22
B.1 Supply Sources......................................................22 This booklet contains the A House Divided
B.2 How to Trace a Supply Line...................................22 Advanced Game Rules along with its numerous
B.3 Effects of Being Out of Supply...............................22 Optional Rules (highlighted in yellow thus).
C. Movement .......................................................... 23
C.1 Marches & The Command Table...........................23 • Charts, tables, and additional player aids are
C.2 [Optional] Containment..........................................24 provided in separate files.
D. Combat............................................................... 25
D.1 Battles & The Command Table..............................25 Game Terms: There is no glossary. When a new
D.2 [Optional] Battlefield Morale ..................................26 game term is introduced in these rules, you will find
D.3 [Optional] Desertion...............................................28 it underlined and explained nearby. To refresh your
D.4 [Optional] Coastal Defenses ..................................29
E. [Optional] Leaders ............................................ 29
memory about a certain game term, scan through the
E.1 Leader Movement..................................................29 rules booklet looking for underlined words.
E.2 Leaders in Battle....................................................30
E.3 Leaders and Desertion ..........................................30
• The following Advanced Game Optional Rule has
E.4 Leaders Alone........................................................30 a pro-Union effect on play balance:
F. Confederate Aspirations .................................. 30
F.1 The Capture of Washington ...................................30
E. Leaders
F.2 More Support from the Border States ....................30 • The following Advanced Game Optional Rules
F.3 [Optional] Foreign Intervention...............................31
F.4 [Optional] The Confederate Navy...........................32 have a pro-Confederate effect on play balance:
G. Detailed Sequence of Play............................... 32 C.2 Containment
H. Credits................................................................ 33
D.4 Coastal Defenses
I. Version 3.1 Designer’s Notes............................ 33
I.1 Thoughts Concerning a 4th Edition .........................34 F.3 Foreign Intervention
F.4 The Confederate Navy

A. Introduction • The following Optional Rules are neutral and have

little effect on play balance:
These Advanced Game Rules add new systems and
considerations to the play of A House Divided. While D.2 Battlefield Morale
these rules enhance the simulation value of the game D.3 Desertion & Stragglers
(making it more realistic), they also add a degree of Also note that these are “Living Rules” in that they
complexity that should not be undertaken by novice have been reformatted, reorganized, and include the
players. game’s latest clarifications, notes and innovations.
Like the Optional Rules in the Basic Game, players These Living Rules have been written and edited by
may freely pick and choose exactly which Advanced Alan Emrich (who has been laboring over A House
Game Rules to use – they may be employed Divided as both a designer and developer since its
separately or in any combination as if there were second edition in 1988). They are updated from time
simply additional Basic Game Optional Rules. to time and made available for free at his web site:
When playing with all of the Advanced Game rules http://www.alanemrich.com/Games_Archive_pages/
that are not designated as Optional (i.e., Supply, AHD_pages/ahd.htm
Marches/Battles and the Command Table, The
Capture of Washington, and More Support from the

(Continued from Basic Game Rules Booklet)
A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition

A.2 The Playing Pieces When Supply is Traced: At the beginning of each
Player Turn, the player whose turn it is must
The Advanced Game of A House Divided includes:
determine which of his units are in or out of supply.
• 3 Confederate Border State Militia Infantry units Which Units Need Supply: A unit that is alone in a
(one each for Missouri, Kentucky, and Maryland) box is automatically in supply. If two or more units
• 3 Leaders with stand bases (Grant, Sherman, and are in a box, they must trace a Supply Line.
Lee) B.1 Supply Sources
• 4 Foreign Intervention units (2 Veteran Infantry, 1 Units that are in ‘Aligned’ Recruitment Cities (i.e.,
Crack Infantry, and 1 Crack Cavalry) ones containing a shield of their own color) are in
supply if they can trace a Supply Line to any other
friendly-owned Aligned Recruitment City.
Units that are not in an Aligned Recruitment City are
in supply if they can trace a Supply Line to any
friendly-owned Aligned Recruitment City box that
can, itself, trace a Supply Line to any other friendly-
owned Aligned Recruitment City.
B.2 How to Trace a Supply Line
A Supply Line may be of any length; it is traced
through consecutive, connected (i.e., there is no
Supply Line Jump Move) friendly-controlled boxes.
Exception: It is traced from the units needing supply
to an above-listed source as indicated below:
Normal Supply: It may be freely traced through
friendly-controlled boxes along rails and/or rivers.
Road Supply: It may also be traced through boxes
along roads, but only if the boxes on both ends of
each length of the road transportation line being
traced through are occupied by at least one friendly
unit. These units in the rear are, in effect, performing
logistical support duties.
Sea Supply: Union and Foreign Intervention units in
port boxes, or that are able to trace a Supply Line to a
friendly port box, are automatically in supply by sea
(even if the Foreign Navy is 'off,' F.4). Exception:
When using Optional Rule 4.71 (Fortress Monroe),
the Union may not trace supply to either Yorktown or
Norfolk if the Confederates control Fort Monroe.
B.3 Effects of Being Out of Supply
If a box with two or more friendly units is out of
supply (i.e., cannot trace a Supply Line) at the
beginning of your Player Turn, you must eliminate
from that box one unit of your choice. Militia units
are placed in the Recruitment Pool and other units are
B. Supply returned to your stock, as usual.
An army has to eat, and generals must take this fact into Recruitment: A player may not Recruit (7.0) in a
account or suffer from widespread disease and desertion. city that is out of supply. Note that supply does not
affect Promotions (6.0), only Recruitment.

A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition

Supply Example: On the left, the two Confederate Militia Infantry

units at Evansville are in supply. That is because they are in an
C. Movement
Aligned Recruitment City (it has a red shield) that can trace along The Advanced Game of A House Divided uses a
rivers and rails back to another friendly Aligned Recruitment City Command Table to more realistically demonstrate
(Nashville). Note that if the Confederate Control marker was not each side’s ability to maneuver throughout the course
in Paducah, these units would be out of supply. That is because of the war.
supply can only be traced along friendly-controlled boxes.
On the right, the Confederate player burst out of Nashville during
C.1 Marches & The Command Table
his Movement Segment with his main army and was very Although both sides got off to a slow start, the South
concious about supply considerations. With his first March, he managed to seize the initiative by 1862 due largely to the
moved the two Veteran Infantry, one Militia Cavalry, and one of fact that a majority of the best Generals joined the
his two Milita Infantry units from Nashville to Sparta – and Confederate cause. To complicate matters for the North,
entrenched his remaining Militia Infantry unit (which he plans to Lincoln had to appoint many political ‘hack’ Generals to
Promote this turn during his Promotion Segment) in Nashville. command his troops; most of these turned out to be
With his second March, he activated Sparta and moved his disasters that had to be frequently be replaced.
Veteran Infantry and Militia Cavalry units as illustrated above.
Note that the Militia Infantry unit in Sparta cannot entrench, as As the war progressed, however, the North’s overall
that would require two Marches in that box (since it is not a leadership situation improved. By the time the war was
Recruitment City). winding down, the South’s transportation infrastructure
was becoming a shambles due to a lack of maintenance
As things currently stand, the Confederate Militia Cavalry unit is and sheer destruction by Union cavalry raids.
automatically in supply since it’s a lone unit. The two Confederate
Veteran Infantry units in Glasgow can trace supply by road since When using this rule, the procedure for Movement
the boxes at both ends of each length of the road are (4.0) is changed to the following:
physically occupied by a friendly unit back to Nashville, which Procedure: In order to move, the player rolls one
in turn can trace to Evansville.
six-sided die and consults the Command Table. The
The entrenched Union units in Bowling Green, however, will number rolled is cross-indexed with the current Game
begin the Union Player Turn out of supply. Therefore, the Union Year (e.g., 1861), and the number of Marches for that
player will have to eliminate one of them at that time. side is located. (See the Command Table.)

A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition

Union Movement: Before Union units may move

along a transportation line out of a port box where
they are being contained (i.e., not by Sea Movement;
4.6), they must first remove the Confederate units
containing them in battle. They may leave that port
box by Sea Movement without penalty.
Entrenchment: Both sides in a containment situation
may entrench (4.3) in that port box. Each side must
spend the appropriate number of Marches to entrench
its own units.
If one side attacks the other in a containment
situation, they become unentrenched (remove their
marker) and must retrench normally on a later turn.
Retreating: Units that lose a ‘containment battle’
Example: It is the 05 (May) 1862 Confederate Player Turn. The must retreat normally, thus automatically ending that
Confederate player rolls a ‘3’ and cross-indexes that die roll with containment situation.
the year 1862. Using the second number of the result (i.e., the
Confederate value), he has 4 Marches to spend this turn. Supply: Both sides may also trace a supply line out
of a containment situation, (B.2) but not into or
C.2 [Optional] Containment through such a box to other units.
There were many static ‘containment situations’ involving Control: The Union controls a contained port (re:
Confederate troops keeping Union forces ‘bottled up’ after
Army Maximum Size, Confederate Recruitment).
they captured a Confederate port – most lasting until the
end of the war. The Union’s ‘Anaconda Plan,’ was to Example: Pictured above is a typical containment situation.
strangle the Confederate economy by an aggressive Charleston is Union controlled (as indicated by the presence of
blockade of (i.e., capturing) Confederate ports. Union units there). The Confederate player quickly moved in a
Crack Infantry unit, declared a containment situation, and then
Instead of attempting to recapture a Confederate port entrenched it.
box under Union control, the Confederate player may
attempt to contain the Union units there. This situation appears
to be a stalemate.
Procedure: Confederate units may move into any Either side could
Confederate port box (plus Fort Monroe and reinforce Charleston
Pensacola) that is currently under Union control and, and try to win a battle
instead of fighting a battle there, the Confederate there. Alternately, they
player may designate that he is merely containing could leave without a
those enemy units. fight (the Union by Sea
Movement) or just let
Coexistence: Although stacked together, neither side the stalemate continue
is obligated to fight a battle. Initiating a ‘containment indefinitely (a more
battle’ by either side is strictly voluntary and must be likely event).
announced during that player’s Combat Segment.

Use the second Battlefield

marker as a Battle Turn marker.
Slide it up and down the Battle
Round boxes to indicate whether
it’s the Attacker’s or Defender’s
part of that Battle Round.
If you like, you can think of this
as the way time is kept track of
in a baseball game. Here you
see the Battle Turn marker is at
the top of the first inning...

A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition

• A maximum Battlefield Command Value of eight

D. Combat is ever allowed in a given Battle Day. Beyond that
As with movement, the Advanced Game of A House value, Battlefield Command simply breaks down.
Divided uses the Command Table to more Battlefield Reinforcements: In the Advanced Game,
realistically demonstrate each side’s ability to Rule 5.5 (Reinforcing a Battle), is changed in one
maneuver on the field of battle. way: Reinforcements moving to a battle no longer
D.1 Battles & The Command Table automatically arrive ‘for free.’ Instead, a player must
spend an Order to activate the Battlefield box as a
Without modern radio communications, 19th Century
Reinforcement Location. When so activated, apply
armies seldom just charged at each other en masse.
Particularly during the first half of the war, the Union rule 5.5 normally.
armies often outnumbered the Confederate armies they Example: In a battle fought in 1862, the Union player rolls
faced, but lacked the leadership to effectively employ their a 4 for on the Command Table; his Battlefield Command
advantage in numbers.
Value for that day is 3 as shown on the following Current
Measuring Time in Battle: Battles are measured in Battlefield Command Value Track illustration. Thus, he may
days. Four Battle Rounds equals one Battle Day. (See only issue three Orders per Battle Round that day.
the Battle Day Turn Track.) Current Battlefield Command Value Track
Procedure: Each player’s Battlefield Command
Value is determined at the start of each Battle Day,
before the first Battle Round of that day begins (i.e.,
‘at Dawn’). Both sides separately roll one die and
1 2 3 4
consult the Command Table.
The resulting Battlefield Command Value is denoted
on the Current Battlefield Command Value Track by
placing a Control marker for the appropriate side in
5 6 7 8
the box of the same value. This value is the number
of Orders that player may issue during each of his If the battle goes into a fifth Battle Round, a new day
Battle Rounds that day. begins. The Union player would again roll on the Command
Table and add the resulting Battlefield Command Value to
• Spending one Order allows a player to attack with half (rounded up) of his previous day’s value. If he rolled a
one friendly unit during a Battle Round. 1 this time, he would have a total Battlefield Command
• Spending one Order allows a player to receive Value of 4 for this second Battle Day (2 for today’s roll, plus
Battlefield Reinforcements (5.5) during that 2 carried over from the previous day’s value) as shown on
Round (that is, one eligible Reinforcement unit the track below. Thus, for Battle Rounds five through eight
from each adjacent, connected box). Note that (i.e., the second Battle Day), the Union player could issue
these units must each receive an additional Order four Orders per Battle Round that day.
to also fire in that same Round. Current Battlefield Command Value Track
• Spending two Orders allows a player to Rally one
Routed unit when using Optional Rule D.2
(Battlefield Morale). Like Reinforcements, these
units must each receive an additional Order to
1 2 3 4
also fire in that same Round.
• Unspent Orders are wasted; they cannot be saved
up from Round to Round. 5 6 7 8
Second and Subsequent Battle Days: At the start of
each subsequent Battle Day (should it last more than If the battle was fought into a ninth Battle Round (i.e., a
one day), another die is rolled by both sides on the third Battle Day), then the Union player would make yet
Command Table. This value is added to one-half another roll on the Command Table and obtain a new
(rounded up) of the previous day’s Battlefield Battlefield Command Value for that day. If the Union player
Command Value. rolled a 5 this time, he would have a total Battlefield

A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition

Command Value of 6 for the third Battle Day (4 for today’s If the die roll is greater than the unit’s Morale Value
roll, plus 2 carried over from the previous day’s value). there is no effect – the unit continues to participate in
Thus, for Battle Rounds nine through twelve (i.e., the third the battle normally (as a Reduced unit).
Battle Day), the Union player could issue six orders per
Effects of Being Routed:
Battle Round that day. The Battle Line
Routed units are considered
Current Battlefield Command Value Track ‘off the battlefield’ (i.e., no Each player’s Battle
longer in that player’s Battle Line consists of those
Line). Therefore: units that are currently

1 2 3 4 • While Routed, a unit may

engaged in battle – i.e.,
those units that can fire
neither fire nor be fired at. (if ordered) and be fired
upon. Units that rout
• While Routed, a unit is (D.2) are not
5 6 7 8 considered eliminated for
purposes of winning or
considered on the
Battle Line.
losing the battle (5.0). Every time it is his turn
So, Routed units, although alive to fire during a Battle
D.2 [Optional] Battlefield Morale but relocated to the battlefield box Round, the firing player
chooses from among all
The quality of troops not only affected their ability to on the map, are considered the units present on
inflict damage on enemy units in battle – it also affected eliminated for the purposes of both sides’ Battle Lines
their ability to stay on the battlefield and see the fighting determining a battle victory. (that is, both his firing
through. The object of a 19th Century battle was to make
In other words, if you Rout the units as well as the
the other side’s army leave the battlefield. This was
defender's target units).
accomplished by making it as inhospitable for the other last unit in my Battle Line, you
Which units are doing
side as possible (primarily by shooting at them). win the battle. You didn't the shooting and which
Winning a battle was often a matter of endurance. If you eliminate all my units in that battle units they're firing at is
could get your troops to stay when all they wanted to do (yet... there's still Desertion to be completely fluid – it can
was run away, you could win. Unfortunately, troops, rolled for), but the fact that you change freely with
especially poor quality troops, have a mind of their own; Routed the last of my units off the every player's Battle
their morale can break and they might flee the battlefield Battle Line – and I suddenly have Round.
precipitously. no more units left that can fire or There is no battlefield
When Morale is Tested: After the enemy player has be fired at – means that you "reserve" in A House
instantly win the battle. Divided. No units on
fired during a Battle Round, all newly-Reduced units
the Battle Line can be
must make a Morale Check. • Routed units in a defeated "screened" from enemy
• Full strength units, eliminated units, and units that army that cannot retreat are fire. If a unit is present
were Reduced prior to the current Battle Round eliminated. in the Battle Line, it can
be chosen as a target
never make Morale Checks! • Routed units automatically by the firing player.
Procedure: A unit makes a Morale Check by rolling become unentrenched and
a die and comparing the result to that unit’s Morale remain so even if rallied (see below) and at the
Value. (See the Morale Table.) conclusion of the battle.

• Subtract one from a defending unit’s Morale Morale Recovery: During a player’s Battle Rounds,
Value if it is entrenched. This means that an he may expend two Orders to Rally one Routed unit.
entrenched Crack unit’s Battlefield Morale will In addition, at the end of each Battle Day (i.e., at
never break! ‘Dusk’), before the Battlefield Command Value (D.1)
is determined for the next day, both sides may Rally
If the die roll is less than or equal to the unit’s one Routed unit for ‘free’ (i.e., at no cost in Orders).
Morale Value, it is Routed. Place it back on the
mapboard in the battlefield box (look for the To indicate a unit’s status changes from Routed to
Battlefield marker), Reduced-side up, to indicate its Rallied, simply return it from the battlefield box on
Routed status. the map and have it rejoin those units that are still
actively fighting on the Battle Line.

A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition

Example: It is 1862 and four Union Militia Infantry units March Since the Confederate player has completed all of his fire, the
from Washington along the Potomac River (which is only usable newly-reduced Union Militia Infantry unit must now check its
by the Union, see 4.2) to attack a lone Confederate Veteran morale. The Union player rolls a 1; since that result is less than
Infantry unit in Fredericksburg. or equal to its Morale Value, that unit also Routs back to the
Battlefield marker in Fredericksburg.
The Battlefield marker is placed in Fredericksburg and the units
there engaging in battle are placed off the board to one side The Union player uses two of his Orders this Round to fire the
where they can line up against each other and exchange shots two units left on his Battle Line He uses his remaining two Orders
(i.e., they are placed on the Battle Line). to Rally one of his Routed units back from the Fredericksburg
box and he returns it, still on its reduced side, back to the Battle
There are no reinforcements nearby and both players are
determined to fight to the bitter end.
Both Union shots miss, however, so the battle continues.
Dawn: Both sides roll on the Command Table to determine their
Battlefield Command Value (BCV). The Confederate player rolls Round 3: The Confederate Veteran Infantry unit fires at the
a 1 for a BCV of three Orders per Round this day; the Union reduced-strength Union Militia Infantry unit that just rallied (in
player rolls a 5 for BCV of four Orders per Round this day. hopes of finishing it off) and, again, gets a hit it with a die roll of 2.
Current Battlefield Command Value Track That Union Militia Infantry unit is eliminated.
The Union player, once again, uses two of his Orders this Round
to fire the two units left on his Battle Line He uses his remaining

1 2 3 4 two Orders to Rally his remaining routed unit back from the
Fredericksburg box and he returns it, still on its reduced side,
back to his Battle Line.
Again, both Union shots miss! The battle continues…

5 6 7 8 Morale Table
A newly Reduced unit fails its Morale
Round 1: The Confederate Veteran Infantry unit fires at one of Check if the die roll is less than or
the Union Militia Infantry units and hits it with a die roll of 4 – its equal the unit’s adjusted Morale Value:
chance to hit being increased by 1 during the first two Battle
Rounds because it is firing at a unit that has crossed a river. The Morale
Union Militia Infantry unit is flipped to its Reduced side. Value Unit Type
Since the Confederate player has completed all of his fire, the 1 Crack
newly-reduced Union Militia Infantry unit must now check its
morale. The Union player rolls a 3; since that result is less than
2 Veteran
or equal to its Morale Value, that unit is Routed and placed back 3 Militia after 1861
in Fredericksburg on top of the Battlefield marker there (i.e., this 4 Militia in 1861
unit is placed off the Battle Line where it can no longer fire at, or
be fired upon by, enemy units).
Morale Value Modifiers
The Union player decides to spend three Orders to fire his three
remaining Union Militia Infantry at the entrenched Confederate Morale Checks:
Veteran Infantry unit, each with a chance to hit on a 1 (because it Failure causes that unit to Rout.
is entrenched). Only one Union unit manages to score a hit. The -1 If that unit is entrenched.
Confederate Veteran Infantry unit is flipped to its Reduced side.
Desertion Checks:
Since the Union player has completed all of his fire, the newly-
Failure eliminates that unit.
reduced Confederate Veteran Infantry unit must now check its
morale. The Confederate player rolls a 2; since that result is not +1 If that unit is on the losing /
less than or equal to its modified Morale Value (its basic Morale retreating side.
Value of 2 is reduced by one because that unit is entrenched), -1 If that unit was not Routed.
that Veteran Infantry unit remains in action on the Battle Line (at -1 If there is a friendly Leader unit
its Reduced value). present at that battle.
Round 2: The Confederate Veteran Infantry unit again fires at
one of the Union Militia Infantry units and, again, hits with a die
roll of 3. The Union Militia Infantry unit is flipped to its Reduced

A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition

D.3 [Optional] Desertion

Battle Day Sequence
While both armies suffered greatly from desertion, When using all of the Advanced and Optional Rules, these
particularly after a battle lost, it was always worse among are the steps you must follow when conducting a battle:
the newly formed Militia units. Seeing the carnage from
this, the world’s first modern industrial war, was quite
A. Dawn: Begin Battle Day
shocking to this generation. Each player rolls on the Command Table and adds the
result to 1/2 of the previous day’s Battlefield Command
At the end of every battle, both sides must roll for the Value (if this is the second or subsequent Battle Day),
Desertion of units that participated in it. rounded up. The result is that player’s current Battlefield
Command Value (i.e., the number of Orders he can issue
Who Can Desert: All reduced (red-numbered) units per Round) for this Battle Day.
must make a Desertion Check (regardless of how or Adjust the Flag markers on the Current Battlefield
when they became reduced). Full-strength (white- Command Value Track accordingly.
numbered) units never suffer desertion. Place Leaders on this Track in the numbered box that
corresponds to their Leadership Value. They can issue
Procedure: A unit makes a Desertion Check by
that many additional Orders each Battle Round (E.2).
rolling a die and comparing the result to that unit’s
Morale Value. (See the Morale Table.) B. Combat Rounds (4 per Battle Day)
1. Defender May Retreat: He may retreat and
• Add one to a unit’s Morale Value if it is on the immediately lose the battle (beginning with the second
losing / retreating side in that battle. Round on the first Battle Day and every Battle Round
• Subtract one from a unit’s Morale Value if it was 2. Defender Reinforces: He may spend an Order to add
not Routed (D.2). Thus, a reduced unit receives reinforcements from all available adjacent boxes
this morale benefit if it was still among those on (beginning with the second Round on the first Battle
the Battle Line when the battle ended, and not on Day and every Battle Round thereafter).
the map routing in the battlefield box. 3. Defender Rallies: He may spend two Orders per
friendly unit routed at this battle to return it from the
• Subtract one if a friendly Leader was present at battlefield box on the map to his Battle Line.
that battle (if Optional Rule E. is being used). 4. Defender Fires: He may spend one Order per friendly
If the die roll is less than or equal to the unit’s unit in his Battle Line to enable it to fire at an enemy unit
Morale Value, it is eliminated through desertion. this Battle Round. Designate a (Like, 5.2) target for
each firing unit before rolling any dice.
If the die roll is greater than the unit’s Morale Value Roll a separate die for each firing unit and apply the
there is no effect – the unit remains in play normally effects of any hit results.
– retreating with any other survivors, if necessary – 5. Attacker Checks Morale: After all enemy fire that
and awaiting Recovery (5.7). Battle Round, newly-reduced units must check their
morale to see if they rout off the battlefield (D.2).
Example: The Confederate player went on to win the battle in 6. Attacking Player: Repeat steps 1-5 but with the roles
the preceding example because the Union player retreated at the reversed – the Attacker gets to retreat or spend Orders
beginning of one of his Battle Rounds. The surviving Union units to reinforce, rally, and fire, while newly-reduced
were one full-strength Militia Infantry unit and one Routed, defending units must check their morale.
reduced-strength Militia Infantry unit. The Confederates 7. Advance the Battle Turn marker one round and
concluded the battle with one entrenched, reduced-strength repeat these steps for each of the four Rounds of a
Veteran Infantry unit. Battle Day.
The full-strength unit does not check for Desertion. C. Dusk: End Battle Day
The Routed reduced-strength Union Militia unit has a modified Each side may rally one routed unit (D.2). Begin a new
Morale Value of 4 (3 for its base value, plus 1 for being on the Battle Day at Dawn and continue fighting Battle Rounds.
losing side). The Union player rolls a 4, which is greater than or D. Victory, Desertion & Promotion
equal to the unit’s modified Morale Value and that unit is Once the victor of the battle is decided, all reduced-
eliminated (‘deserts’) and returned to the Recruitment Pool. strength units (regardless of when or how they became
The reduced-strength Confederate Veteran unit has a modified reduced-strength) that participated in that battle must
Morale Value of 1 (2 for its base value, minus 1 for not being check their morale to see if they desert (D.3). Surviving
routed – i.e., for being on the Battle Line and not back on the units return to the map, either holding the battlefield box
map in Fredericksburg where the Battlefield marker was). The and receiving a battlefield promotion (for the winner) or
Confederate player rolls a 3 and that unit does not desert; it conducting a retreat (for the loser).
remains in play – entrenched and reduced in Fredericksburg.

A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition

D.4 [Optional] Coastal Defenses that are present defending that invaded
Confederate port, in order to win the battle there.
Conducting Naval Invasions could be very difficult. The
Confederates tied up large numbers of men to garrison Recovery: A Port Garrison ‘unit’ automatically
their ports – men who were greatly needed at the front. recovers (5.7) after a battle for ‘free’ (if Optional
These port garrisons often challenged the nearby landings Rule 5.71, Resting the Army, is being used) while
of Union soldiers from their prepared positions. that port is controlled by the Confederates.
Port Garrison ‘Units’: To Promotions: A Port Garrison ‘unit’ cannot receive a
reflect the presence of coastal Promotion (6.0).
defense artillery and other
harbor defenses, each The Union player receives no Promotion for
Confederate port that is also a defeating only a Port Garrison ‘unit’ in battle. He
Recruitment City should does receive a Promotion if the battle also involved
receives an intrinsic notional fighting regular Confederate units.
Port Garrison ‘unit’ with a
Defensive Combat Value New Orleans receives a
E. [Optional] Leaders
equal to the city’s Confederate built-in, imaginary Port Great generals are a product of good
Recruitment Value. Garrison unit with a fortune. You must not only be the right
Combat Value of 2 vs.
• A Port Garrison ‘unit’ is person with the right skills, but you must
Union Naval Invasions. also be in the right place at the right
only employed when that
time and have the right political
port city is defending itself against a Union Naval
connections. Many generals could have
Invasion (4.7). been represented but, for the grand
• The intrinsic Port Garrison ‘unit’ is strategic scale of A House Divided, the
never destroyed. If the Confederates regain control number of Leader units for each side,
and their ratings, fit very well into the
of a captured port box, the full strength Port
combatants’ capabilities at various
Garrison ‘unit’ again becomes available. times throughout the Civil War.
• Confederate controlled Union (blue box) ports, The Leader Units: Three stand-up Leader units are
including Baltimore, never receive Port Garrison provided in the Advanced Game of A House
‘units.’ Divided: Lee, Grant, and Sherman.
Movement: A Port Garrison ‘unit’ may never move • The white numbers on each Leader unit show its
or retreat; it always stays in its city and fights to the Leadership Value.
death, even if other Confederate units retreat (5.4).
• The top date listed on a Leader unit indicates the
Battles: A Port Garrison ‘unit’ functions thus in Game Turn it enters play. When initially placed on
battles: the map during its owner’s Movement Segment of
• It is always at full strength at the start of a battle. that Game Turn, Leaders are placed by their
owner on any box that contains a friendly unit.
• It is always considered entrenched (5.31). Other
Confederate units in that port city have to • The bottom date is when its Leadership Value
entrench there normally by expending a March. changes – use the applicable current value.
• Its morale is never checked (D.2 and D.3). The status change for a Leader represents different things.
For Lee, it represents the loss of his ‘right arm,’ General
• Like an actual unit, it costs an Order for it to fire “Stonewall” Jackson. For Grant and Sherman, it
in a Battle Round and it must be hit twice during a represents their promotions to larger, more independent
battle in order to destroy it. commands.

• A Battle initiated against a Port Garrison ‘unit’ E.1 Leader Movement

can be reinforced (5.5). A Leader, like other units, can make a maximum of
• Any Union units attempting a Naval Invasion two Marches.
must destroy the intrinsic Port Garrison ‘unit,’ in These Marches can be independent of other units, at
addition to dealing with any other enemy units no March cost, or with other units.

A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition

When Marching with other units, the Leader can be • When Grant and Sherman are at the same battle,
included in their Jump Move (4.4, 4.5), Sea Move the Union player may combine their Leadership
(4.6) or Naval Invasion (4.7). Leaders move like Values and both issue Orders each Battle Round.
Cavalry (4.0), but cannot make a Cavalry Jump Move
unless actually moving with a Cavalry unit. E.3 Leaders and Desertion
A Leader unit may move together with any unit in its Units making a Desertion Check (D.3) may subtract
box when it is activated by a March. This includes one from their Morale Value if a friendly Leader was
‘riding with’ that unit’s Jump Move (4.4, 4.5), Sea present at that battle. Grant and Sherman may not
Move (4.6), or Naval Invasion (4.7). Tagging along combine to subtract two.
with another unit thus is a ‘free’ move for the Leader. E.4 Leaders Alone
Moving Independently: A Leader unit may also Leader units alone in a box do not alter its current
move independently of the other units it is stacked control status (8.0). That is, Leaders units by
with for ‘free’ (i.e., at no March cost). themselves cannot capture or recapture a box.
• A Leader unit may conduct up to two free Leader units that find themselves alone in a box with
Marches each Player Turn. (Like other units, two enemy units are not destroyed. They are simply
Marches is also a Leader’s Speed Limit per placed back on the map again (see above) at the end
Movement Segment.) their owner’s next Player Turn. There is no
• Leader units move like Cavalry units, but cannot Recruitment cost; Leaders are replaced for free.
make a Cavalry Jump Move (4.4) unless actually E.5 Leader Redeployment
moving along with a Cavalry unit.
A Leader can be removed from the map at any
Reinforcing a Battle: A Leader unit may move time and relocated to any box with a friendly unit at
together with any unit in its box when it reinforces a the end the next Player Turn.
Battle (5.5). Alternately, a Leader unit may also
reinforce a Battle by moving alone. F. Confederate Aspirations
Leaders do not affect the movement of other units. In hindsight, many people have subscribed to the ‘Lost
Cause’ theory of Southern defeat (see the films Birth of a
E.2 Leaders in Battle Nation or Gone with the Wind for examples). To the war’s
When Leaders are present at a battle, they may issue participants, however, things looked very different. These
a number of Orders each Battle Round equal to their historical expectations representing Confederate
current Leadership Value. This is in addition to their aspirations are simulated by the following rules.
side’s normal Battlefield Command Value (D.1). F.1 The Capture of Washington
Procedure: When a Leader unit is at a battle, place it It is not necessarily true that the Confederate capture of
in the box on the Current Battlefield Command Value Washington would have ended the war. Under this rule,
Track that corresponds to its Leadership Value. Do capturing Washington will often win the war unless the
not add its Leadership Value to that side’s Command South is losing badly in other areas. Even if the South
Value and increase the position of the Flag marker! doesn’t win the war, Washington’s loss will have a
This is important during multi-day battles when permanent effect on the Union’s overall morale.
adding half of the previous day’s Command Value to The Confederacy does not automatically win if
the new Command roll; Leaders don’t contribute to Washington is captured.
the Command Value – they just issue additional
Orders each Battle Round. Procedure: Instead roll one die and subtract that
amount from the Union Army Maximum Size value.
• The maximum number of Orders that either side
can give during a single Battle Round is still eight • If a 1 is rolled, subtract two.
(although you will reach that value faster and • If the Union recaptures Washington, add only its
more often with a Leader present on your side). Recruitment Value (of one) to the Union Army
• Leaders who reinforce a battle (5.5) may not add Maximum Size.
their Leadership Value on the Round of their
arrival, but may do so on all subsequent Rounds.

A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition

F.2 More Support from the Border States

Border States Support Table
Both sides anticipated more support for Roll for each Border State if every Recruitment
the Confederacy from the Border States City in it is Confederate controlled. If the result is
(Missouri, Kentucky, and Maryland) than greater than that State’s modified Support Value,
were provided historically. Confederate add its Militia Infantry unit to the Recruitment Pool.
incursions into these States were
principally aimed at rallying them to the Support Border
Confederate banner and enlisting their complete support Value State
for the Southern war effort. 4 Maryland
3 Kentucky
The Confederate player checks for Border State 2 Missouri
Support at the beginning of each Confederate Player
Turn in which the Confederates control every Support Value Modifiers:
Recruitment City in either Missouri (St. Joseph, Pro Confederate:
Springfield, and St. Louis), Kentucky (Bowling -1 if the Confederate Maximum Army Size is
Green and Louisville), or Maryland (Baltimore). within 5 of the Union Maximum Army Size.
-1 if it is 1861.
Procedure: Roll a die for each of the above-
controlled Border States on the Border States Support -2 if Washington is Confederate controlled.
Table; use every Support Value modifier that applies. Pro Union:
+1 If it is 1864 or 1865.
Result: If the die roll is greater than that State’s
modified Support Value, it moves politically closer to +1 if the Union Maximum Army Size is 10 or
more greater than the Confederate Maximum
the Confederacy with this sole game effect: That
Army Size.
State’s Confederate Militia Infantry unit is added to
+1 if Richmond is Union controlled.
the Recruitment Pool and functions thus:
• It remains in play for the rest of the game. F.3 [Optional] Foreign Intervention
• It functions exactly like the other Confederate The South was pinning its hopes (and the Union its fears)
Militia Infantry units. on a long shot – hoping for foreign recognition and
intervention from a European great power (Great Britain
• It can be recruited in any friendly Confederate in particular). The South never achieved the impressive
Recruitment City, not just those in its own State. military victories that would have triggered this event.
That State’s boxes do not magically change color nor With this rule, you can recreate this historical possibility.
are there any other effects. Triggering Foreign Intervention: Foreign
No further Border State Support checks are made for Intervention is triggered by the South only if all of
this State. This event can only occur once per Border the following conditions exist at the beginning of any
State per game. Confederate Player Turn:

If the die roll is less than or equal to that State’s 9 The Confederate Army Maximum Size is within 3
modified Support Value, it remains uncommitted and of the Union Army Maximum Size.
can be rolled for again on qualifying future turns. 9 The Confederates control at least one Union
Recruitment City with a Recruitment Value of 2
or more, plus Washington DC.
9 Either no Confederate Recruitment City (i.e., one
with a red shield in it) with a Recruitment Value
of 2 or more is Union controlled or, for each one
that is, another Union Recruitment City with a
value of 2 or more is Confederate controlled.
Effects of Foreign Intervention: If Foreign
Intervention is triggered, it has the following effects:
• The Confederate player may also perform Sea
Movement (4.6), just like the Union. The

A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition

Confederate player may not perform River Jump Coastal Ironclads: All Confederate Coastal
Moves (4.5), use the Potomac River (4.2), or Defense (D.4) values are increased by one.
conduct Naval Invasions (4.7). (E.g., Charleston’s notional Port Garrison unit
• The Confederate player receives would have a value of 3). This also means that
the four Foreign Intervention a Confederate port which is not a Recruitment
units. They are placed ‘in Europe’ City (e.g., Norfolk) is considered to have an
(i.e., off to the side of the intrinsic notional Port Garrison unit with a
mapboard in an imaginary Defensive Combat Value of 1.
friendly port box). Foreign Navy: This Box functions differently
Foreign Intervention Units: Foreign Intervention than the above-listed ‘domestic’ Confederate
units function under the following rules: Navy boxes. When Foreign Intervention is
triggered, place a Confederate Flag marker in
• They do not count against the Confederate Army this Box to remind players that its effect is
Maximum Size. ‘on’ and that the Confederate player may
• They must be brought over to the United States conduct Sea Movement (4.6) just like the
from Europe by using Confederate Sea Movement Union Player. He may not perform River Jump
(at the usual rate of one March per unit). Moves (4.5), use the Potomac River (4.2), or
conduct Naval Invasions (4.7).
• They cannot receive Promotions (6.0).
Union Naval Response: During any Union
• If destroyed, they can be replaced during the Movement Segment, the USA player may counter a
Confederate Recruitment Segment. However, each Confederate Naval Resource. This is indicated by
Foreign Intervention unit costs two Recruitment flipping the Confederate Flag marker in any one CSA
Points to replace. These units are recruited back Naval Resource box (including the Foreign Navy
‘in Europe’ and, once again, require Confederate box) over to its Union Flag side.
Sea Movement to get back onto the game board on
• It costs the Union player two Marches to counter a
a future Confederate Player Turn.
Confederate Naval Resource.
F.4 [Optional] The Confederate Navy Effect: A Union Flag marker in a Confederate Naval
Just as the Union player may make Naval Invasions when Resource box indicates that its corresponding special
he rolls a ‘6’ for Marches that game turn (4.7), now the rule is no longer in effect.
Confederate player may similarly make a naval decision.
In the three Domestic Confederate Naval Resource
If, during the Confederate Movement Segment, the boxes (Ocean Raiders, Riverine Ironclads, and
Confederate player rolls a ‘6’ for Marches that turn, Coastal Ironclads), a Union Flag marker also
he may ‘commit’ one of his three Naval Resources. indicates that the Confederate player may no longer
• It costs the Confederate player four Marches to employ that Naval Resource. That is, the Confederate
commit a Naval Resource. commitment of each of their three domestic Naval
Resources is a once-per-game event.
To indicate Confederate commitment of that Naval
Resource, place a Confederate Control (Flag) marker The War at Sea: Unlike the three domestic
in the corresponding box on the Confederate Naval Confederate Navy boxes, the Confederate player can
Display. flip the Flag marker in the Foreign Navy Box back to
its Confederate side. He does this at a cost of one
Effects: While the Confederate Flag marker resides Recruitment Point during his Recruitment Segment.
in that box, its corresponding special rule is in effect:
Confederate ‘Domestic’ Naval Resources
Ocean Raiders: One is added to the Confederate
Maximum Army Size.
Riverine Ironclads: The Union player is
prohibited from making River Jump Moves

A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition

G. Detailed Sequence of H. Credits

Play Game Design (1st Edition: 1981):
Frank Chadwick
The A House Divided Advanced Game extends the Redesign (2nd Edition: 1989; 3rd Edition: 2004):
Sequence of Play a bit. Here is what the Segments of Alan Emrich
each Player Turn would look like with every Developers:
Advanced and Optional Rule included: John Harshman, Alan Emrich, and Marc W. Miller
1. Preparation Tim Brown, John Astell, Dave Emigh, Tom Harris, Greg
Supply (B.) Novak, Ben Knight, David MacDonald, Kathy Zeidenstein,
Confederate Border State Support (F.2) Keith Poulter, Gary E. Smith, and Vince DeNardo.
Foreign Intervention (F.3) Graphics:
Franz Vohwinkel
2. Movement (C.) Production:
‘6’ = Union Invasions / Confederate Navy Michael Bruinsma, Ulrich Blennemann
Marches can refit reduced-strength units Proofreading and Additional Suggestions (v3.1):
Steve Best, Joe Schweninger, William Woodhill
3. Combat (D.)
Dawn: Establish BCV (# of Orders / Round)
Also Leader’s Orders (can’t exceed 8 total)
I. Version 3.1 Designer’s
4 Battle Rounds per Battle Day Notes
1 Order to fire
1 Order to reinforce When Phalanx Games reprinted A House Divided,
2 Orders to rally although it was dubbed a 3rd Edition, the rules where
Dusk: Rally one routed unit essentially unchanged from the 2nd Edition I wrote
Withdraw / Reinforce beginning 2nd Round back in the late 1980s. Over the years, however, I had
Morale Checks for newly-reduced units (D.2) managed to accumulate a bit of errata, plus some
Post Battle Desertions (D.3) corrections and variants for the game that I had
Control marker adjustments longed to incorporate in it. After continuously
receiving emails over the years from dedicated
4. Promotions players, I have finally decided to make a thorough
One among victorious survivors at each Battle job of it and have created what I call these Version
One additional from anywhere 3.1 rules booklets.
Confederate Replacement Training roll
There are only two booklets now, and each has its
5. Recruitment Optional Rules built in with a shaded background.
Recruitment can refit reduced-strength units Matters of phrasing, timing, and examples have
Replacing Foreign Intervention units costs two greatly improved the game’s clarity (admittedly, at a
(F.3) cost in weight, going from 20 pages to over 30).
Confederate Reactivation of Foreign Navy (F.4) Some matters have been made more historically
6. Leader Replacement accurate across both rules booklets, such as the 1861
Leaders lost on the previous Game Turn are and 1864 Scenario setups, Kentucky Neutrality,
returned to play at this time (E.4) Refitting the Army, spending an Order to ‘call in’
Reinforcements or two Orders to Rally units during a
battle, and committing Confederate Naval Resources.
Many little things have been subtly simplified, and
Leaders in battle are much easier to employ now.
In addition to the rules, I’ve created player aids to
flank the game board which should help keep
everything organized.

A House Divided version 3.1 Advanced Game Living Rules May 2006 edition

I.1 Thoughts Concerning a 4th Edition Map Corrections

Should a 4th Edition of A House Divided be There are four discrepancies between the 3rd Edition
published, I would create the following units and map and the earlier versions. I believe that the earlier
make the map corrections suggested below: versions should stand as correct.These are:
A complete sheet of these proposed additional pieces
is included in a separate file for those who want to
make their own set and start using them.
Below are some samples:

Front Back Type

Union Petersburg: the river to Yorktown should flow out of
BCV / the top of this box.
marker Selma: the railroad to Jacksonville should run
through the top of this box.


Louisville: the river to Evansville should flow out of

Rebel the bottom of this box.
Naval Nashville: the river to Fts. Henry & Donelson should
Resource flow out of the top of this box.





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