CDC 118387 DS1
CDC 118387 DS1
CDC 118387 DS1
Evidence to Recommendations Framework
Evidence to Recommendations (EtR) Framework
Comparison No vaccine
EtR Domain
Public Health Problem
Data for young children overall
will be presented
Benefits and Harms
Resource Use
Evidence to Recommendations (EtR) Framework
EtR Domain
Public Health Problem
EtR Domain
Public Health Problem
Acceptability will be presented
Resource Use
EtR Domain: Public Health Problem
Trends in number of COVID-19 cases in the United States
among persons of all ages
Hospitalization rate per 100,000 population
5 6 months-4 years
5-11 years
12-17 years
3/21/20 6/21/20 9/21/20 12/21/20 3/21/21 6/21/21 9/21/21 12/21/21 3/21/22
Week End Date
6 months-4 years
60 5-11 years
12-17 years
3/21/20 6/21/20 9/21/20 12/21/20 3/21/21 6/21/21 9/21/21 12/21/21 3/21/22
Week Ending Date
1.7% of all deaths in this age group
0-5 months 6-11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Age in years
The provisional counts for COVID-19 deaths are based on a current flow of mortality data in the National Vital Statistics System. National provisional counts include deaths
occurring within the 50 states and the District of Columbia that have been received and coded as of the date specified. It can take several weeks for death records to be
submitted to National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), processed, coded, and tabulated. Therefore, the data may be incomplete, and will likely not include all deaths that
occurred during a given time period, especially for the more recent time periods.
Source: Accessed 5/14/22
COVID-19 was a leading cause of death among children ages
0 – 4 years
March 1, 2020 – April 30, 2022
Age group Rank of COVID-19 among causes
of death
<1 year 4
1 – 4 years 5
5 – 9 years 5
10 – 14 years 4
15 – 19 years 4
Based on death certificate data from the National Center for Health Statistics. COVID-19 based on cumulative total incidence of COVID-19 deaths from March 1, 2020-April 30,
Source: Preprint: Flaxman S, Whittaker C, Semenova E et al. Covid-19 is a leading cause of death in children and young people ages 0-19 years in the United States. medRxiv
2022.05.23.22275458; doi:
COVID-19 is a leading cause of death among infants age
<1 year
March 1, 2020–April 30, 2022
Crude rate per
Causes of Death Death (n)
Based on death certificate data from the National Center for Health Statistics. COVID-19 based on cumulative total incidence of COVID-19 deaths from March 1, 2020-April 30,
Source: Flaxman S, Whittaker C, Semenova E et al. Covid-19 is a leading cause of death in children and young people ages 0-19 years in the United States. medRxiv
2022.05.23.22275458; doi:
COVID-19 is a leading cause of death among children
ages 1–4 years
March 1, 2020–April 30, 2022
Crude rate
Causes of Death per Death (n)
1. Accidents (unintentional injuries) 7.3 1149
2. Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal
2.6 416
3. Malignant neoplasms 1.8 285
4. Assault (homicide) 1.8 284
5. Covid-19 (cumulative) 0.9 134
Based on death certificate data from the National Center for Health Statistics. COVID-19 based on cumulative total incidence of COVID-19 deaths from March 1, 2020-April 30,
Source: Flaxman S, Whittaker C, Semenova E et al. Covid-19 is a leading cause of death in children and young people ages 0-19 years in the United States. medRxiv
2022.05.23.22275458; doi:
Pediatric vaccine preventable diseases: Deaths per year in
the United States prior to recommended vaccines
1Vogt TM , Wise ME, Bell BP, Finelli L. Declining hepatitis A mortality in the United States during the era of hepatitis A vaccination. J Infect Dis2008; 197:1282–8.
2National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System with additional serogroup and outcome data from Enhanced Meningococcal Disease Surveillance for 2015-2019.
3Meyer PA, Seward JF, Jumaan AO, Wharton M. Varicella mortality: trends before vaccine licensure in the United States, 1970-1994. J Infect Dis. 2000;182(2):383-390.
4Roush SW , Murphy TV; Historical comparisons of morbidity and mortality for vaccine-preventable diseases in the United States. JAMA 2007; 298:2155–63.
5 Glass RI, Kilgore PE, Holman RC, et al. The epidemiology of rotavirus diarrhea in the United States: surveillance and estimates of disease burden. J Infect Dis. 1996 Sep;174
Suppl 1:S5-11.
6 Accessed 5/14/22
Seroprevalence of infection-induced SARS-CoV-2 antibodies
among children ages 6 months–17 years — National
Commercial Lab Seroprevalence Study
September 2021– April 2022
Carazo S, Skowronski DM, Brisson M, et al. “Protection against Omicron re-infection conferred by prior heterologous SARS-CoV-2 infection, with and without mRNA vaccination” medRxiv, May
2022. Protection against Omicron re-infection conferred by prior heterologous SARS-CoV-2 infection, with and without mRNA vaccination | medRxiv
Data on hospitalizations: Plumb ID, Feldstein LR, Barkley E, et al. Effectiveness of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination in Preventing COVID-19–Associated Hospitalization Among Adults with Previous
SARS-CoV-2 Infection — United States, June 2021–February 2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022;71:549-555. DOI:
Improved antibody response after vaccination
Among children, COVID-19 vaccine induces a broader neutralizing antibody
response compared with infection induced immunity:
– From a U.S. multicenter cohort, antibody profiles of unvaccinated pediatric patients
hospitalized for COVID-19 were compared to profiles of vaccinated children.
– In contrast to those with SARS-CoV-2 infection, children vaccinated with two doses
demonstrated higher titers against Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Omicron.
– The findings suggest that antibodies produced by prior SARS-CoV-2 infection (pre-
Omicron) may not neutralize the currently circulating Omicron variant.
– This builds on evidence among adults that previous infection provides poor protection
from infection with Omicron.
Highlights the importance of vaccinating children with prior infection to prevent
both severe disease and future infections.
Tang J, Novak T, Hecker J, et al. “Cross-reactive immunity against the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant is low in pediatrics patients with prior COVID-19 or MIS-C.” Nature Communications. (2022)
U.S. COVID-19 epidemiology in children 6 months–4 years
COVID-19 has caused >2 million cases among children ages 6 months – 4 years
Children 6 months–4 years of age are at risk of severe illness from COVID-19
– More than half of hospitalized children ages 6 months–4 years had no underlying conditions
– COVID-19 associated hospitalizations among children ages 6 months–4 years have similar or
increased severity compared to older children and adolescents
– Burden of COVID-19 associated death is similar to or exceeds that of other pediatric vaccine
preventable diseases
Prior infection may not provide broad protection against newer SARS-CoV-2
COVID-19 pandemic continues to have significant impact on families
Public Health Problem
Work Group Interpretation
Other considerations
Number needed to vaccinate assessment
Moderna COVID-19 vaccine: Children ages 6 months–5 years
Moderna phase 2/3 randomized controlled trial in United States
Randomized 3:1 vaccine to saline placebo
Analyses performed separately for 6–23 months and 2–5 years, results pooled for a combined
estimate for 6 months–5 years
Data evaluated: all eligible randomized participants who received all vaccinations as randomized
within the predefined window and no other important protocol deviations
– Data cut off: Feb 21, 2022
Per protocol, the two co-primary endpoints for immunobridging were geometric mean ratios
(GMR) & serologic response
– Efficacy data also provided for symptomatic infection. Relative risks (RR) were calculated
from cases in the study population. Vaccine efficacy estimates were defined as 100% x (1-RR)
• Sensitivity analyses of VE were performed to include COVID-19 cases that were
identified using home testing lacking RT-PCR confirmation
Outcome: Symptomatic Lab-confirmed COVID-19
Moderna COVID-19 vaccine: Children ages 6 months–5 years
Population Events/Vaccine Events/Placebo Vaccine efficacya
(n/N) (n/N) (95% confidence interval)
Per protocol population
CDC case definitionb, no evidence of 170/4105 95/1371 40.3% (23.9% , 53.3%)
prior infection, ≥14 d post dose 2
CDC case definitionb, seropositivec or 181/4791 97/1597 37.8% (20.9%, 51.1%)
seronegative, ≥14 d post dose 2
CDC case definitionb, sensitivity analysis 253/4105 133/1371 36.6% (22.4%, 48.1%)
including home tests, ≥14 d post dose 2
Adult trial case definitiond ,no evidence 108/4105 61/1371 40.9% (19.6%, 56.8%)
of prior infection, ≥14 d post dose 2
a Manufacturer vaccine efficacy estimates calculated using incidence rates. For GRADE, vaccine efficacy calculated from the relative risk
b Requires at least 1 prespecified clinical symptom and a positive RT-PCR
c Approximately 10% of participants were seropositive at baseline
d Requires at least 2 prespecified systemic symptoms or at least 1 respiratory symptom and a positive RT-PCR
Outcome: Symptomatic Lab-confirmed COVID-19
Moderna COVID-19 vaccine: Children ages 6 months–5 years
Immunobridging: Summary of Geometric Mean Ratio (GMR)
GMR (model Met
GMT (model based) c GMT (model based) c
Outcome Nb Nb based) c Noninferiority
(95% CI) (95% CI)
(95% CI) Objectived
6-23 Months 18-25 Years
Pseudovirus neutralizing
1780.7 1390.8
antibody level by pseudovirus 230 291 1.28 (1.12, 1.47) Yes
(1606.4, 1973.8) (1269.1, 1524.2)
neutralizing assay (ID50)a
2-5 Years 18-25 Years
Pseudovirus neutralizing
1410.0 1390.8
antibody level by pseudovirus 264 291 1.01 (0.88, 1.17) Yes
(1273.8, 1560.8) (1262.5, 1532.1)
neutralizing assay (ID50)a
Abbreviations: ID50 = 50% inhibitory dose; GLSM = geometric least squares mean; GMR = geometric mean ratio; CI=confidence interval
aSampling time point was at 28 days after the second dose (day 57).
bSubjects with a negative serology test at baseline and completion of the 2-dose series on schedule.
cThe log-transformed antibody levels are analyzed using an ANCOVA model with the group variable (children in P204 and young adults in P301) as fixed effect. The resulted LS means,
difference of LS means, and 95% CI are back transformed to the original scale for presentation.
dNoninferiority is declared if the lower bound of the 2-sided 95% CI for the GMR is greater than 0.67. 29
GRADE: Symptomatic Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19
Moderna COVID-19 vaccine: Children ages 6 months–5 years
Assessed Using Direct Efficacy
a Serious adverse event (SAE) is defined as death, life-threatening event, inpatient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization, persistent or
significant incapacity or substantial disruption of the ability to conduct normal life functions, medically important event, or congenital anomaly/birth defect
b No deaths were reported in any trial participants
c Follow up through Feb 21, 2022
d Included all randomized participants who received at least 1 dose of vaccine
E Number of participants experiencing SAEs (participants may experience more than one SAE)
F One participant experienced two SAEs of fever and febrile seizure that were considered possibly related to the study intervention by FDA
RCT= randomized controlled trials
GRADE: Serious Adverse Events
Moderna COVID-19 vaccine: Children ages 6 months–5 years
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine: Children ages 6 months–4 years
Pfizer-BioNTech phase 2/3 RCT conducted in United States, Finland, Poland, and Spain
Randomized 2:1 vaccine to saline placebo
Analyses performed separately for 6-23 months and 2-4 years, results pooled for a combined estimate
for 6 months-4 years
Interval between Dose 1 and Dose 2 of 21 days
Interval between Dose 2 and Dose 3 varied
– Ages 6–23 months: Median interval of 16 weeks
– Ages 2–4 years: Median interval of 11 weeks
Data evaluated: direct efficacy and immunobridging (per protocol co-primary endpoint) on all eligible
randomized participants who received all vaccinations as randomized and no other important protocol
– Data cut-off: April 29, 2022 median follow-up after dose 3: 1.3 months
– Relative risks (RR) were calculated from cases in the study population. Vaccine efficacy estimates
were defined as 100% x (1-RR)
RCT= randomized controlled trial
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine: Children ages 6 months–4 years
Outcome: Symptomatic Lab-confirmed COVID-19
Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine: Children ages 6 months–4 years
Population Events/Vaccine Events/Placebo Vaccine efficacya
(n/N) (n/N) (95% confidence interval)
Evaluable efficacyb
With or withoutc evidence of prior 1/386 2/184 76.2 (-161.2, 97.8)
infection (≥7 d post Dose 3),
ages 6–23 months
With or withoutc evidence of prior 2/606 5/280 81.5 (5.3, 96.4)
infection (≥7 d post Dose 3),
ages 2–4 years
With or withoutcevidence of prior 3/992 7/464 80.0 (22.8, 94.8)
infection (≥7 d post Dose 3),
ages 6mo–4 years
aManufacturer vaccine efficacy estimates calculated using incidence rates. For GRADE, vaccine efficacy calculated from the relative risk
bAll eligible randomized participants who received all vaccinations as randomized and had no other important protocol deviations as
Abbreviations: NT50 = 50% neutralizing titer; GMT = geometric mean titer; GMR = geometric mean ratio; LLOQ = lower limit of quantitation
aAmong participants who had no serological or virological evidence (1-month post-Dose 2 [16-25 years] or 1-month post-Dose 3 [6 mo – 4 years]) of past SARS-CoV-2 infection and had negative NAAT at any unscheduled visit up to one
Student t distribution).
fNoninferiority is declared if the lower bound of the 2-sided 95% CI for the GMR is greater than 0.67.
Outcome: Symptomatic Lab-confirmed COVID-19, dose 2 efficacy
Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine: Children ages 6 months–4 years
Population Events/Vaccine Events/Placebo Vaccine efficacya
(n/N) (n/N) (95% confidence interval)
6–23 months
With or without evidence of prior 80/1178 48/598 15.4 (-19.4, 40.0)
infection, ≥7 Days after Dose 2 to
before Dose 3, ages 6–23 monthsb
2–4 years
With or without evidence of prior 100/1835 74/915 32.6 (10.0, 49.6)
infection, ≥7 Days after Dose 2 to
before Dose 3, ages 2–4 yearsc
aManufacturer vaccine efficacy estimates calculated using incidence rates. For GRADE, vaccine efficacy calculated from the relative
bMet non-inferiority criteria for immunobridging to 16–25-year-olds
cDid not meet non-inferiority criteria for immunobridging to 16–25-year-olds
GRADE: Symptomatic Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19
Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine: Children ages 6 months–4 years
Assessed Using Direct Efficacy
*Six participants in 6-23 months age group and 9 participants in 2 to 4 years age group excluded due to not receiving vaccine or placebo. 49
Outcome: Serious Adverse Eventsa,b
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine: Children ages 6 months–4 years
Events/Vaccine % SAE Events/Placebo % SAE Associated with
(nd/N) Vaccine (nd/N) Placebo vaccination
i One vaccine recipient had 2 SAEs (fever and pain in extremity requiring hospitalization) considered possibly related by the Investigator. FDA considered the events potentially consistent with
Other considerations for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in young children
COVID-19 vaccines and seropositivity
Omicron-wave surges of pediatric COVID-19 hospitalizations occurred even with high
seroprevalence, suggesting this alone is not sufficient to provide broad protection
Many seropositive individuals vaccinated without concerns
Vaccination remains the safest strategy for preventing complications from SARS-
CoV-2 infection and offers additional protection against re-infection
– Prior infection may not provide broad protection against newer SARS-CoV-2 variants
Clinical Considerations states that people who recently had SARS-CoV-2 infection
may consider delaying their COVID-19 vaccine by 3 months after infection
– An increased time between infection and vaccination may result in an improved immune
response to vaccination
– Low risk of reinfection has been observed in the weeks to months following infection
Myocarditis in young children
Background rates
1 MIS-C National Surveillance Data, provided by Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome Unit, Epidemiology & Surveillance Task Force, CDC 60
VAERS reporting rates of myocarditis (per 1 million doses administered)
after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, days 0–7 and 8–21 post-vaccination*,†
0–7 days 8–21 days 0–7 days 8–21 days
Males Males Females Females
Age (yrs) Dose 1 Dose 2 Booster Dose 1 Dose 2 Booster Dose 1 Dose 2 Booster Dose 1 Dose 2 Booster
Pfizer- 5–11 0.2 2.6 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.7 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0
12–15 5.3 46.4 15.3 1.2 1.2 0.9 0.7 4.1 0.0 0.4 0.2 0.9
16–17 7.2 75.9 24.1 1.7 3.2 1.3 0.0 7.5 0.0 0.7 0.4 0.0
18–24 4.2 38.9 9.9 1.1 2.2 0.4 0.6 4.0 0.6 0.2 0.7 0.0
25–29 1.8 15.2 4.8 0.4 1.1 0.5 0.4 3.5 2.0 0.2 0.0 0.8
30–39 1.9 7.5 1.8 0.4 0.8 0.2 0.6 0.9 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.0
40–49 0.5 3.3 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.0 0.4 1.6 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.0
50–64 0.5 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.6 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.1
65+ 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1
* As of May 26, 2022; reports verified to meet case definition by provider interview or medical record review; primary series and 1st booster doses only
†An estimated 1–10 cases of myocarditis per 100,000 person years occurs among people in the United States, regardless of vaccination status; adjusted for days 0–7 and 8–21 risk intervals, this
estimated background is 0.2 to 2.2 per 1 million person-day 0–7 risk interval and 0.4 to 3.8 per 1 million person-day 8–21 risk interval (peach shaded cells indicate that reporting rate exceeded 61
estimated background incidence for the period)
Vaccine-associated myocarditis in young children
Post-authorization vaccine effectiveness
Overcoming COVID-19 platform
2 doses of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine against hospitalization, Dec 19, 2021-Apr 27, 2022
No. vaccinated COVID-19
patients/Total COVID-19 Adjusted VE
patients (%) % (95% CI)
5–11 years* 25/325 (8) 68 (48-81)
12–18 years 109/286 (38) 51 (31-65)
2–22 weeks since vaccination 42/219 (19) 58 (34-74)
23–45 weeks since vaccination 67/244 (27) 42 (14-61)
*median time from vaccination to hospitalization is 37 days
-20 0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
Vaccine Effectiveness (%)
Methods for calculation of number needed to vaccinate
Benefits — Calculated per 1 million fully vaccinated with mRNA vaccine
Age group: 6 months – 4 years
Pandemic average age-specific incidence rates
– Hospitalization rates: COVID-NET1
– Case rates: Case based surveillance2
Assumed VE against hospitalization: 42-84%3
Assumed VE against symptomatic infection: 30%-60%4
Time Horizon: 120-day period
Assumptions: Benefits accrue over 120 days; Data Sources: COVID-Net
Number of children ages 6 months – 4 years needed to
vaccinate to prevent 1 hospitalization: COVID-19 vs. influenza
over 6 months
COVID-19 Influenza
Assumptions: Benefits accrue over 6 months; Data Sources: Influenza number needed to vaccinate: Pediatrics. 2007 Sep;120(3):467-72. doi:
10.1542/peds.2007-0167; COVID-Net hospitalization rates from 10/1/2021-4/30/2022:
Known and potential benefits
Clinical trials provide data for protection against symptomatic infection
Clinical trials were not powered to detect efficacy against severe disease in
young children, but similar patterns expected to what is seen in everyone
ages 5 years and over, with higher protection against severe disease
Emerging data in adults suggest that post-COVID conditions may be less
likely to occur in vaccinated individuals
Vaccination in this age group may also provide parents with increased
confidence to return to pre-pandemic activities, improving social
interactions in young children
Known and potential harms
Clinical trials provide safety data in nearly 8,000 vaccinated young children
Post-authorization safety data after almost 600 million doses of COVID-19
vaccines given in the United States
Post-authorization safety data for children ages 5-11 years very reassuring:
reporting rates of myocarditis in males only slightly elevated compared to
background incidence
– Likely related to both underlying epidemiology of myocarditis and dose de-escalation
Benefits and Harms: Summary of the Available Evidence
First COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials conducted exclusively during Omicron
– Post-authorization vaccine effectiveness studies with lower VE in Omicron, compared
to previous SARS-CoV-2 variants
‘Definitely’ or
‘Probably’ will
‘Definitely’ or
‘Probably’ will not
‘Definitely’ or
‘Probably’ would
‘Definitely’ or
‘Probably’ would not
No preference
Not vaccinating
– Education
• 60% ≥ Bachelor’s degree, 40% Some college/Trade school and 42% ≤ High school degree
17.2% of parents report they Unsure if will get child vaccinated Probably will NOT get child vaccinated
definitely will not get their child Definitely will NOT get child vaccinated
May: Interviews May 1-28, 2022, n=3465; April: Interviews March 27–April 30, 2022, n=4,063; March: Interviews February 27–March 26, 2022, n=3,626 ; February: Interviews January
30–February 26, 2022, n=3,231 ;January: Interviews January 2–29, 2022, n=3,221; December: Interviews November 28 – December 31, 2021, n=1,313
Survey respondents were asked, “Do you feel you have enough information about
the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine for…?
*Survey conducted prior to safety and efficacy information available on COVID-19 vaccines in young children
KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor: April 2022. Accessed May 25, 2022
Values: Summary of the Available Evidence
Half of parents of children ages 6 months through 4 years definitely or
probably would vaccinate their child, once eligible
– However, nearly a third of parents of children ages 6 months through 4 years definitely or
probably would not vaccinate their child, once eligible
One in five parents of children under 5 (18%) are eager to vaccinate their child
and plan to do so right away once a COVID-19 vaccine is authorized for their
child’s age group, but many others remain more cautious
In a survey conducted prior to available data on COVID-19 vaccines in young
children, many parents of children under five say they don’t have
enough information about the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines
for children in this age group (56%)
Criteria 1:
Does the target population feel that the desirable effects are large relative to
undesirable effects?
• How does the target population view the balance of desirable versus undesirable
• Would parents/caregivers feel that the benefits outweigh the harms and burden?
• Does the population appreciate and value the Pfizer-BioNTech & Moderna COVID-19
o Minimal o Small o Moderate o Large o Varies o Don’t know
Criteria 2:
Is there important uncertainty about, or variability in, how much people value
the main outcomes?
• How much do individuals value each outcome in relation to the other outcomes?
• Is there evidence to support those value judgements?
• Is there evidence that the variability is large enough to lead to different decisions?
KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor: Winter Update on Parents’ Views (November 8-23, 2021).
monitor-vaccine-attitudes-rural-suburban-urban/ Accessed March 7, 2022
Vaccines for Children (VFC) program and COVID-19
CDC. Updated Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccination Operational Planning Guide – Information for the COVID-19 Vaccine for Children 6 Months through 4 years old and/or COVID-19
Vaccine for Children 6 Months through 5 Years Old. Accessed June 1, 2022
Additional jurisdiction coordination for COVID-19
vaccination among children
CDC. Updated Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccination Operational Planning Guide – Information for the COVID-19 Vaccine for Children 6 Months through 4 years old and/or COVID-19
Vaccine for Children 6 Months through 5 Years Old. Accessed June 1, 2022
Possible Network of Providers for Children ages <5 years
~4,000 pharmacies
~18,000 non- that have ~85% of children <5
pharmacy expressed interest years live within 5
providers that in administering miles of a vaccine
have administered vaccine to children provider
the 5-11 vaccine <5 years
Acceptability: Summary of the Available Evidence
A child’s health care provider is the top trusted source of child vaccine
information for parents across community types
As of early May 2022, more than two-thirds of Vaccines For Children
(VFC) program providers were enrolled as COVID-19 vaccine providers
Continued coordination through jurisdictions and identifying priority
locations to vaccinate young children will facilitate efficient rollout
resulting in equitable vaccine access for this age group
Nearly all young children will live within 5 miles of a vaccine provider for
COVID-19 vaccines
Are mRNA COVID-19 vaccines acceptable to key stakeholders?
• Are there key stakeholders that would not accept the distribution of benefits
and harms?
• Are there key stakeholders that would not accept the undesirable effects in
the short term for the desirable effects (benefits) in the future?
– Ships at -20°C
Vial Cap Color Dark Blue Dark Blue Dark Blue Red
Vial Label Border
– Different color border (magenta)
CDC. Updated Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccination Operational Planning Guide – Information for the COVID-19 Vaccine for Children 6 Months through 4 Years Old and/or COVID-19
Vaccine for Children 6 Months through 5 Years Old. Accessed June 1, 2022
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine product for children ages
6 months – 4 years
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Products2
1. CDC. Updated Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccination Operational Planning Guide – Information for the COVID-19 Vaccine for Children 6 Months through 4 Years Old and/or
COVID-19 Vaccine for Children 6 Months through 5 Years Old. Accessed June 1, 2022
2. CDC. Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Products. Accessed June 16, 2022
Packaging configuration and ancillary supplies for Pfizer-
BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines for children
CDC. Updated Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccination Operational Planning Guide – Information for the COVID-19 Vaccine for Children 6 Months through 4 Years Old and/or COVID-19
Vaccine for Children 6 Months through 5 Years Old. Accessed June 1, 2022
Feasibility: Summary of the Available Evidence
6 Di Fusco et al Full article: Public health impact of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine (BNT162b2) in the first year of rollout in the United States (
Resource Use
Are mRNA COVID-19 vaccines among children ages 6 months – 5
years a reasonable and efficient allocation of resources?
• What is the cost-effectiveness of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines?
• How does the cost-effectiveness of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines change in
response to changes in context, assumptions, etc.?
Mar April May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May
20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 21' 21' 21' 21' 21' 21' 21' 21' 21' 21' 21' 21' 22' 22' 22' 22' 22'
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
By Household Income/Poverty Level
By Receipt of Influenza Vaccination since July 1
>= $75k/year 45.9 31.7 22.3
< $75k/year 25.5 46.3 28.2 No Flu Vax 17.7 34.0 48.3
Not reported 27.1 41.9 30.7 Received Flu Vax 41.8 41.1 16.9
0 20 40 60 80 100
May: Interviews May 1-28, 2022, n=3465 0 20 40 60 80 100
NIS-CCM estimates (5-17 years) available on COVIDVaxView at:
Vaccination intentions of parents of children under 5
HHS/ASPA Focus Groups, COVID-19 Public Education Campaign
– COVID-19 Context, Attitudes, and Behaviors
• Participants share thoughts and opinions about the COVID-19 pandemic regarding their child
– Vaccination intent
• Participants share thoughts and opinions about getting their child a COVID-19 vaccine when
it is authorized and available
CDC/NCIRD, VTF Research Team, HHS/ASPA COVID-19 Public Education Campaign, Unpublished data
Parents of children ages 6 months – under 2 years
Black parents
• Noted that child’s pediatrician did not have a strong stance on receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, despite having a strong
stance on vaccines in general – making them second guess whether the COVID vaccine is necessary for kids
• Young children can’t talk/say what’s going on or how they feel, contributing to concerns about vaccinating kids
• The only thing that will make them trust is time
•Hispanic/Latino parents
• Want to wait a couple of months perhaps; but want the pediatrician to specifically advise it
• Some parents have talked to their doctor about the options and didn’t get a strong recommendation
• If things get worse, that will motivate them to vaccinate their child – like higher cases, worse scenario
Overall population
• Clinical trial data – how many children didn’t get COVID after being vaccinated, how many didn’t get symptoms
• Complication rate – how many complications per set amount of children
• Lots of mixed information on COVID vaccines for children under 5 – they don’t know who to believe
CDC/NCIRD, VTF Research Team, HHS/ASPA COVID-19 Public Education Campaign, Unpublished data
Parents of children ages 2 years – 4 years
Black parents
• COVID is such a new virus, they are still learning about it
• Long term side effects are the big concern –child will be living a long time, want to know that they are safe
• One person admits that they make an intentional choice to NOT pay attention to the news/get information on
COVID because it will make them worry too much
Hispanic/Latino parents
• One parent feels like COVID is so new that the information medical professionals have might not be totally right
• One parent would get their young child vaccinated right away based on the experience from themselves and other
child – a smaller dose makes them more comfortable
• One parent would rather not get for their child unless they had to – questions need based on case counts
Overall population
• Want to know about the efficacy – to see if it’s worth it or not
• Waiting until there is a requirement and mandate
• Parents know the vaccines made them feel bad (short-term side effects) – so they don’t want their kids to suffer the
same side effects
CDC/NCIRD, VTF Research Team, HHS/ASPA COVID-19 Public Education Campaign, Unpublished data
Major themes of vaccination intentions among parents of
children under 5 years
Parents personal experience with COVID (for themselves and for their children)
informs how they view the importance of the vaccine
– If their children already had COVID, and it was mild, they aren’t worried about immediately
– If they or their child had severe COVID, they are more amenable to getting vaccinated to avoid that
experience from recurring
Pervasive idea that kids are not at high risk of getting COVID or having severe
outcomes from COVID
Time is a major barrier for most parents
– Time the vaccines have been in production
– Myth of the vaccines being rushed
– Others mention wanting time for their children to grow and develop
– Many parents mention taking time after approval to see how things go for other people before
making a final decision
CDC/NCIRD, VTF Research Team, HHS/ASPA COVID-19 Public Education Campaign, Unpublished data
What can be done to improve vaccination intention among
parents of children under 5 years
CDC, doctors are trusted sources for providing information regarding vaccination and
– Some participants have been told mixed information by providers about whether to vaccinate their
children under 5 years of age
Parents want to discuss both pros and cons of vaccination and avoid messages that are
overly simplistic or positive
– Incorporate more information into communications that provide reassurance about possible side effects
Ads need to include imagery that is representative of the specific age group
– Include diversity in racial and ethnic groups, gender, parents (moms and dads should be shown)
Public health and clinical trial research must be inclusive of historically marginalized
populations, from before research initiation through completion and dissemination
CDC/NCIRD, VTF Research Team, HHS/ASPA COVID-19 Public Education Campaign, Unpublished data
What communities can do to improve equity in childhood
Pediatricians are often the providers who vaccinate children, and many do this
through the federally funded Vaccines for Children (VFC) program
– However, pediatricians are not the only providers who can vaccinate children
In many areas, pharmacies and community clinics – such as Federally Qualified
Health Centers, rural health clinics, and community health centers also administer
vaccines for children, and some of these are also VFC providers
Many schools and school districts partner with health departments, pharmacies,
other healthcare providers and trusted community representatives to hold vaccine
clinics in schools to vaccinate children who may not otherwise have access
Community organizations, including faith-based organizations, can serve as
vaccination sites or as informational resources to help families find community-based
vaccination sites
CDC Vaccines and Immunizations. Equity in Childhood COVID-19 Vaccination. Accessed June 1, 2022
What would be the impact of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in young
children on health equity?
• Are there groups or settings that might be disadvantaged in relation to COVID-
19 disease burden or receipt of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines?
• Are there considerations that should be made when implementing the mRNA
COVID-19 vaccine program to ensure that inequities are reduced whenever
possible, and that they are not increased?
We recommend the
Type of We do not recommend intervention for individuals We recommend the
recommendation the intervention based on shared clinical intervention
We recommend the
Type of We do not recommend intervention for individuals We recommend the
recommendation the intervention based on shared clinical intervention
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, among U.S. children ages
6 months – 4 years of age, there have been
Over 2 million cases
Over 20,000 hospitalizations
Over 200 deaths
COVID-19 can cause severe disease and death among children, including
children without underlying medical conditions
Future surges will continue to impact children, with unvaccinated children
remaining at higher risk of severe outcomes
4-8 weeks
(6 months–5 years) Dose 1 Dose 2
(primary) (primary)
Moderna At least
(6 months–5 years) 4 weeks 4 weeks
Dose 1 Dose 2 Dose 3
(primary) (primary) (primary)
v-safe uses text messages and web surveys to check in
• Direct patients to
– Ideally this should occur before vaccination
• Provide v-safe information sheet to patients
• Display posters about v-safe
Questions to ACIP
The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the
official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.