Purposive Communication 101

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Korean: grammar errors have no clear correspondence with
Varieties of English Language those in English.
Korean EFL students use a non where English would have
INTRODUCTION an adjective. I cannot come to school today because I am illness.
English language is not a pure language untouched by others
but its importance being the lingua franca made it influence Semantics​(word meanings)
from all over the world. Some words and expressions may have a different
World Englishes - uses of more and more varieties of English interpretation in another language.
throughout the world. Example:
Language have classified and describe the differences in the Salvage is to Save; Filipino: salvage means “to kill”
language is used in different country
Kirkpatrick (2007) - distinguished and presented the Englishes Some ideas are expressed with a single word in one language
between English as a Native Language (ENL/L1), English as and may need an entire sentence in another.
Second Language (ESL/L2), and English as Foreign Language Example:
(EFL/L3). Hawaiian ‘aloha’ is goodbye/hello
Kachru (2003) - represented the growth and spread of English into Filipino: ‘kumusta’ and ‘mauna na ako’
different circles; inner circle as native language, other circle as
second language and large community expanding circles as an Standard and Nonstandard English
international language
“Proficiency in English Language is the key to academic
​Phonology​(speech sound) success” - San Diego State University
Sounds that are in the speech inventory of one language but Grammar operates in phrases, in clauses, and in sentences,
not in another language. and a phrase or sentence needs a series of items called words.
Japanese that do not have /l/ sound and use sound /r/ as Be familiar with levels of usage because it affects certain
substitutes. considerations; your target audience, purpose, and occasion.
Filipinos do not have long sound in English language: /i/ The standard English
for eagle, /o/ pole, and /u/ chew, /​ӕ​/ cat being ket. The substandard (nonstandard English)
Korean do not have consonant sounds /f/ and /v/, and /Ө/ Standard English
and /ɉ/ which are pronounced as /p/, /b/, /t/, and /d/
It is the highly polished form of spoken and written English
Orthography​(spelling) used by people.
The ESL and EFL suffer in English writing more than native It has prestige and status and is considered to be the most
speakers because of the absence of some English vowels and desirable form of language.
consonant sound in the local language; also due to their mother You need to know the standard English to keep abreast with
language. this “age of information”, or you’ll be left behind.
Errors of non native Language specialists maintain that Standard English has the following identifying characteristics:
Omission - leaving letters out (grammar)
1. The working language in the academe, in the government, in
Substitution - replacing letters with incorrect ones
business, and in media.
saksopon (saxophone)
2. A variety of English held by many to be “correct” in the sense
Transportation - reversing the letter position beleive
that its hows none of the regional or other variations that are
considered by some to be ungrammatical or nonstandard
Insertion or addition - adding extra letters fourty
3. The language most widely used, understood, accepted, and
valued in any English speaking country.
Syntax​(arrangement of words) 4. The language that is especially important in written English .It
contains uniform spelling, standard usage, conventional
English, Taiwan, French, and other languages use subject-verb-
sentence and paragraph structure, and consistent
object (SVO) patter
Japanese, Korean, Indian use subject-object-verb (SOV)
5. The language is easiest to recognize in print because written
Filipino use verb-subject-object (VSO)
conventions are common world-wide.
6. It is used by educated people whose language conventions are
respected and who carry on the important affairs in the world.
English: That snake killed the dog.
S - V -O
Japanese: Sono habiga inu o korosita.
My part-time job limits my study time. Liza failed her grammar
S - O -V
test yesterday.
Filipino: Pinatay ng ahas ang aso.
Cats and dogs are sometimes the best of friends. He is the taller
V - S - O
of the two.
Informal Language "colloquial" - means 'conversations'
Nonstandard (or substandard)English more relaxed and friendly tone
Variety of English that is ‘incorrect’ as it does not follow rules Comfortable level of English and makes it popular for
and guidelines of Standard English. educated people to ordinary use it in everyday
Uses of nonstandard English in formal and school activities can conversations but avoid it in formal written English
damage your credibility, your message, and alienate your Analysis
Most academic writings demand a degree of formality
Language specialists maintain that Nonstandard English has the following identifying characteristics: As language experts and communication ethicists posit, "The
voice of the language is words, and the best words are found on
1. The language of the uneducated. It It is loaded with
paper. They are assumed to be the most common world-wide."
grammatical errors, misspellings, misused punctuations, slang
and clichés. Common features of formal language
2. A variety of English characterized by grammatical features and
1. It uses appropriate capitalization, punctuations, mechanical
vocabulary which are typical of a particular geographical area.
devices, and abbreviations.
3. A language that uses expressions and grammatical
2 It avoids shortcuts (contractions such as I'll, it's, shan't, and the
constructions not normally used by educated people.
like and abbreviations such as: prof, exam, lab, and the like)
4. A variety of English that differs greatly from the standard.
3. It avoids common colloquial expressions such as gonna, ain’t,
5. A language that contains expressions usually taken as a sign of
wanna, and the like
inferior social and academic background.
4. It uses denotative than connotative tone
5. It is impersonal. It avoids the use of first and second persons (I,
Me and my friend drink milk.
You done it, did you? Common uses of formal language
Double dead meat are sold in small markets. 1. Research papers, theses, dissertations
Principal types of nonstandard usage: 2. Formal reports and memoranda
3. Literary criticisms and serious essays
Errors in agreement, case, and tense 4. Legal documents and news stories
I doesn’t understand the lesson. 5. Official speeches and public notices
Me and my classmates were late. 6. Graduation speeches
Double or multiple negatives. 7. Sermons and scholarly addresses
I can’t hardly understand the letter. 8. Polite conversations with elder or important people
We ain’t done nothing.
Double comparatives or superlatives Common features of Informal language
Mother is the most kindest woman I know. 1. It contains short words and simple sentences often in fragments
Athletes walk more faster than the students. 2. It is heavily loaded with contractions and colloquial expressions
Errors in the formation of reflexive pronouns 3. It is marked by popular words (such as okay, yeah, stuff, and the
He hisself did it. like) and idioms and occasional slang expressions
They submit the letter theirselves.
Cliches or overused expressions. Common uses of Informal language
She is head over heels in love with you. 1. Light, chatty writing for general readers
Every dark cloud has a silver lining. 2. Conversation of education people when they are at ease with each
Redundancy other (such as with colleagues or intimate friend)
Don’t repeat it again. 3. Novels and short stories
This is unexpected surprise. 4. E-mail addresses
5. Club meetings
Substandard which are frequently heard in the speech and seen 6. Classroom discussions
in the writings of educated people are off of, irregardless, not 7. Showbiz and comic strips
unless, can't hardly, attached herewith, kind consideration,
entering into. Slang
Substandard English (mostly spoken) - used in playful common informal spoken and written language
conversations of people in their work or personal affairs, cheesy (cheap)
dialogues in plays, stories, skits, and comic strips. dude (person
nuts (crazy)
Varieties and Registers of Spoken and Written Language edress (e-mail address)
"Language is the dress of thought" - Samuel Johnson
Standard English ​can be described in terms of styles --- Formal also called as "Gobbledygook"
and Informal English. language used by groups that have similar interest like
Formal Language (Literese) - influenced by reading and often professions, trades, and sports.
used than speaking. Jargon saves time and space but it is inappropriate situation if
Academic style and more objective in expression of ideas it is wrong audience who are unfamiliar with the words
overused and worn out expressions
consist of once well-loved idioms and phrases because they
2. Academic and Professional titles
have been used so often and so carelessly that they become Used a style in the grammatical third person and as a form of
meaningless address in the second person.
suggest mental laziness, uncertainty, and lack of originality English language ethicists and language purists maintain the
Ex: apple of my eye, by hook or by crook, once upon a time, following respect and honorifics in using academic and
last but not the least, better late than never professional titles:
Dr. is for some who have a doctoral degree (PhD and EdD),
Sexist Language and for medical allied professionals even if they do not
language that discriminates women normally hold doctoral degrees). Dr + name is
Refers to the use of masculine noun or pronoun to be generic, conversational form and also use both officially and
meaning it applies to both masculine and feminine genders socially.
Professor is for the person who holds academic rank in a
Sexist language includes the following university or other institutions - used with instructors and
• Use of exclusive pronoun “he” to refer to male and female around campus.
genders Retired Professor or Professor Emerita/Emeritus is used
Use of gender specific job titles for someone who retired with an honorary title from an
Use of “man” to refer to all people office or position in a university
Graded ranks of professor (or professor Nanquil in
Increasingly, dictionaries, book companies, and people in legal, conversation) such as Associate Professor, Assistant
business, and academic setting are phasing out the use of Professor, (as a courtesy)
mankind, man, sir, he, and other sexist terms to refer to both PhD and EdD are post nominal abbreviations used in
sexes. writing to a person with professional pursuits
It is best for practical and legal reasons to avoid sex-linked they can be used on official name plate only at!
titles, use references that gender-inclusive or nonsexist that is, Language purists claim that using the honored
not biased to either sex but include both. dignitary is considered very rude and egotistical
Do not use "PhD" title to someone who has earned the
Respect and Honorifics in Academics and degree.
Professional Titles Other professional levels such as Engineer, Architect,
"The accused will probably be more successful when he/she Doctor, Attorney.)
includes the honorific "Your Honor" when specifically may be addressed orally as (title + surname)
addressing the judge than when he/she systematically and
ostentatiously omits it" - Marcus Galdia Following considerations in using respect and honorifics

Honorifics Use either something before the name or something after, but
courtesy titles that are used in spoken and written language to NOT BOTH. The most common academic titles in colleges or
communicate honor or respect for position or rank when universities are Professor and Dr. for those who have PhD,
addressing or referring to a person EdD, and MD.
The uses differs from person to person, offices, institutions USE: Professor Velasco or Dr. Velasco (in the classroom)
(college or university), and cultures NOT: Professor Velasco, PhD or Dr. Susana Velasco (on
The US and British form are the most common models used for Choose one that is relevant or is the preference of the bearer
address in English Mayor Jessie De Jesus is an DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery)
describe respect and honorifics in the following levels of usage and a Municipal Mayor. When doing his job as a mayor, he
(depending on one's relation) was called as "Mayor De Jesus", but never Mayor Dr. De
1. Courtesy titles Jesus.
When talking to someone or stranger who is older than you or Such as multiple postnominals are non-native English
have a high position of authority - show respect during Speaker error (Hickey, 2019)
conversation: Miss, Mrs., Ms., Madam/Ma'am, Mr., or Sir
Madam - office to address a women who is the office Many style books recommend not using periods with courtesy
holder: Madam President, Madam Chair, Madam Senator) titles (such as Ms, Mr, and Mrs) and academic titles (such as
Ma'am (abbreviation for madam) - to address a teacher or BSEd, BSEE, MD, PhD, EdD, MAE, and etc)
as polite respond to an older women, can be used without a other reference manuals recommend using periods, so use
name. your own judgement on this issue and be consistent.
Used young man or young lady - in a place of a name where
you are speaking directly to him/her DO NOT use Mr, Mrs. Ms. Dr. with any abbreviated title or
what's your name, young man? with an abbreviation denoting an academic title or honor
how are you, young lady? USE: Dr. Noelito Bueno or Noelito Bueno, MD
Mx: is a gender-neutral honorific used as a title for those who NOT: Mr. Noelito Bueno, MD
simply do not want to be identified
Abbreviate professional titles only when they are used with both Interpersonal Communication
first and last names, or initials and last names happens in a formal set up and mostly occurs between two
Prof. D.S. Reyes or Professor Reyes people ( it may include more than two)
There should be spaces between each period and the Uses all the elements of the communication process and
following initial or name. communication skills
In formal academic prose, it is considered bad form to This type occurs in a common and usual setting making the
abbreviate names of people, academic titles, and many participants feel comfortable to interact.
other words simply to save space and time.
In a conversation between friends, for example, each brings his
Determine the type of Doctor (Doctor of Philosophy, Medical or her background and experience to the conversation
Doctor, Psychologist, Dentist, or Veterinarian). The talk is between the two parties where messages consist
In written form, the title Dr. and PhD are not of both verbal and non-verbal symbols.
interchangeable - as someone who has earned a Doctor of Sight and sound are the most common channels use each
Philosophy degree should be addressed as PhD. has a better chance to give their individual response.
There is less opportunity for psychological noise since there
Call the office of the dignitary and ask her/his preference. is physical evidence whether each is disturbed.
"How do you like to be addressed? or ask her/his staff" Those interacting will be able to notice if the message is
If they insist to be called with both academic and understood and assess whether the discussion was effective
professional titles, then choose courtesy over or not.
Small-Group Communication
Types of Communication communication occurs when few people meet.
The members of this group take chances and turn to conveying
Communication is diverse and a powerful activity that comes their ideas.
naturally as breathing. usually meet in a more formal setting than people involved in
Communication process is a compelling tool in the exchange of interpersonal communication.
messages, information, ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotions
through speech, signals, writing, or behavior. Since a small group has a minimal number of participants'
In the communication process, a sender encodes a message there are several senders-receivers taking turns in
using a channel, sends it to the receiver who decodes the conversing making the process more complex than with
message and later processes information, ultimately becoming only two people.
feedback. The ins and outs of the ideas in discussion has a pattern
and is more structured.
"Communication begins with listening” (Mehrabian, 2006) and In addition, there are bigger chances of misunderstanding,
being a good listener will help one grasp what the audience but there is a great chance of getting more responses and
wants to hear from the speaker. There is a need for the message better opportunities to solve problems.
sender to make his communication for the audience become
receptive to the message shared. When both listen to each
Public Communication
the information sent in a public communication as well as the
other, they are engaged in the best form of communication.
sending process is highly structured.
audience are interpersonal type, the channels used are more
Communication is collaborative and interactive.
Communication happens when information is shared between
verbal feedback in the wide audience is limited only when the
two people.
listeners (audience) are given a chance to ask questions at the
Both speaker and listener perform roles in the process and in a
end of the speech and not during the speech.
reciprocal manner.
At times, miscommunication has often been the cause of
The speaker sends the message through a speech to an
misunderstandings and conflicts. However, with the right set
audience then receives the message back when the listeners
of skills, a communicator can learn to communicate clearly and
ask questions.
The voice is louder and the gestures are wider because of
TYPES OF COMMUNICATION the audience’ size.
There is also a need to use slides, flip charts among other
Intrapersonal Communication visual aids.
Occurs within us - involve thoughts, feelings, and the way one
looks at her/himself In most public communication, the setting is formal.
Centered in the self, made up of personal thoughts and feelings However, the speaker may get feedback during the speech
In process, the brain is the channel which enables feedback with their nonverbal expressions. When they agree with
Occurs when people and the experiences one has determined the speaker’s message, they may interrupt the speech with
how one talks to her/himself applause
Each can never look at self without being influenced by the On the contrary, they show disagreement by moving
relationships with others. around a lot to call the speaker’s attention.
It is suggested that one has to be ready to practice before
Types of Communication Strategies conversing and persuading his audience.
Communication strategies vary in use and manner. active discussion by:
The strategy that learners will use depends largely on the asking questions
concept or idea being communicated about. getting their opinion
The strategies may be done online, video, audio, visual and encouraging expression of new ideas
written. Required to become an active listener in order to have a
Six different types of communication strategies are discussed productive communication process.
in this lesson:
D. Oral (Distance) Type
non-verbal, verbal (face-to-face)
verbal (distance) Made the world a smaller and more accessible place
written modern expansions of distance communication,
formal Mobile phones
informal VOIP
A. Formal Type 2-way webinars
Referred as "official communication" and covers the gamut of The speaker's tone of voice and pace of delivery take priority
verbal expressions that address a formal need over other expressions
Conducted through a predetermined channel
Ex: Large number of interactions one makes within one's For effective oral communication over distance, one must give
profession and legal expressions are examples of formal higher priority to the speaker’s listening. When he fails to listen to
communication - follows communication protocol his audience, he finds that people in the discussion attempt to
Written forms are based on the oral conversation in minutes of speak at the same time, undermining the value of this form of
a meeting a seminar that record transcription communication. What signals an effective oral (distance) type is
Considered as reliable source of information when the speaker slightly talks slower than what he does in a face-
Forms the core of one's professional life to-face communication. This makes sure that the speaker remains
Ex: As a writer - it is important to learn formal writing to aware of the subtle nuances of his tone, and the receiver has time to
succeed and advance. grasp what he tries to convey.
To excel in communication - clarifying the purpose of
communication; follows a well-defined structure; Requires careful listening skill and attention in missed and
keeps his tone open; professional and friendly; when he non verbal signals
ends by reiterating what he expects to happen in one would receive in face to face communication:
communication; thanks his audience anger, friendliness, receptivity, sarcasm, and other
subtle expressions
B. Informal Type
The speaker must consider the tone of voice which has to
It is popular and "user-friendly"; it is often use word-of-mouth convey openness and receptivity to the other person.
transfer of information Must be backed-up with written communication where
Unofficial yet provocative information, spontaneous, and free- possible.
flowing Oral communication; (public speech, telephone, mobile convo)
Not restricted by any formal structure and standards word of mouth
Less reliable and accuracy spoken words
No formal rules to follow to considered informal conversations
Mostly oral, with no documentation evidence is informal any messages or information which are shared or exchange
considered as "hearsay" between one another through speech or word of mount
Serves the one that wants to control or encourage positive Written communication is a nonverbal that happens through
opinions, ideas, and expressions, without making them "thrust any word written or often written sign which refers to the
upon" with ideas. languages used in any medium
C. Oral (Face-to-face) Type any handwritten
Most common and most powerful type of communication typed
Direct sending of messages can be formal or informal printed word
formal meeting or seminar (formal) documents
family and friends (informal) letters
The more control of oral expression by using awareness VERBAL VERSUS NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION
Does not offer one opportunity to tune, revise, revoke, and fix The springboard of any personal business relation is effective
The lister can speak-back to his audience and enable two-way communication. The ability to understand and use nonverbal
communication channel communication or body language, is a powerful tool that can help
For superior face-to-face communication one to connect with others, express the intended information, and
meet the eyes of audience with confidence, conviction, and build better relationships (Doyle, 2018).
should practice before a mirror to perfect tone and expressions
to convey a message.
When one interacts with others, there is continuous giving and Touch
receiving of wordless signals. These are through nonverbal One communicates a great deal through touch such as a weak
behaviour, movements, the intensity of the voice, the pitch, and eye handshake, a timid tap on the shoulder, a warm bear hug, a
contact send strong messages. When one stops speaking, and in reassuring slap on the back, a patronizing tap on the shoulder
silence, sending messages does not stop, one still communicates or a pinch in the neck.
nonverbally. Touch is the simplest type of communication and a
fundamental aspect of life.
What comes out of the mouth and what body movement shows are Hands are used to send varied messages:
two totally different things. When faced with these mixed signals, to pat
the listener has to choose whether to believe verbal or nonverbal to slap
messages. When nonverbal signals match up with the words one is to pinch
saying, they increase trust, clarity, and rapport and decrease to strike
tension, mistrust, and confusion. Nonverbal communication cues to hold
are observable through to embrace
NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION Usually, one uses these and other touching behaviours for a
Emotional awareness variety of reasons, from impersonal and random to very
Enables communicator to: intimate and purposeful.
accurately read other people, including the emotions they One does shake hands to be social and polite, pat a person
are feeling and the unspoken messages they are sending on the back for encouragement, and hug a person to show
create trust in relationships by sending nonverbal signals love.
that match up with one's words Body movements and posture
respond in ways that show others understanding and care Consider how people’s perceptions are affected by the way they
know if the relationship is meeting one's emotional needs sit, walk, stand, or hold their head. Body movements send
giving the option to repair or move one different messages.
One requires reading body language. Managing stress and Nonverbal communication includes
recognizing emotions lead one to better read non-verbal posture
signals sent by others. bearing
Facial expression stance
Man’s face can express many emotions without uttering a simple gestures.
word. Action speaks louder than words. It communicates meaning.
Unlike bodily gestures, facial expressions are universal across It is also a type of communication for a purpose.
cultures to show: People interpret the meaning of someone’s actions although at
happiness times difficult to do.
sadness Interpretations may vary especially when the
anger communicator and audience come from different cultures.
surprise Appearance
fear Looking best give psychological boost and give audience a
disgust. positive impression of the speaker
The amount of eye contact The look of the person can be changed and this can
Similar to facial expression, eye contact is also an important intentionally be done to communicate meaning.
nonverbal form. Space
The way one looks at someone can communicate many things, Everyone needs physical space, although that need differs
including: depending on the culture, the situation, and the closeness of
interest the relationship.
affection S/he can use physical space to communicate many different
hostility nonverbal messages, including signals of intimacy and
attraction. affection, aggression or dominance.
Eye contact is also important in maintaining the flow of Nonverbal communication is a rapidly flowing back-and-forth
conversation and for gauging the other person’s interest and process that requires full focus on the moment-to-moment
response. experience (Mehrabian, 2006). One needs to improve one’s skill
Gestures to detect non-verbal miscues. To improve nonverbal
Gestures are woven into the fabric of one’s daily life. communication, one should learn to manage stress.
One waves, points, beckons, and uses hands when arguing Stress compromises ability to communicate. When one is
or speaking. stressed, s/he is more likely to misread other people, send
Expressing oneself with gestures is often without thinking. confusing or off-putting nonverbal signals, and lapse into
To avoid miscommunication, one needs to be careful because unhealthy knee-jerk patterns of behaviour. Emotions are
gestures and their meanings vary across cultures and regions. contagious and one’s being upset is very likely to make others
upset, thus making a bad situation worse. When stressed, itis
best to take a time out. The speaker has to take a moment to
calm down before jumping back into the conversation.
Once emotional equilibrium is regained, s/he better equipped WRITTEN TYPE
her/himself to deal with the situation in a positive way. In order Written communication before was dependent on the trusty
to send accurate nonverbal cues, s/he needs to be aware of old mailman as we wrote to people who were far away. On rare
emotions and how thisinfluencesthe speaker. S/he also needs to occasions, this also included the formal note or legal notice
be able to recognize the emotions of others and the true feelings from the bank, landlord, and business client among other note
behind the cues they are sending. This is where emotional receivers. Old process of sending written messages takes time
awareness comes in(Witts, 2015). and engagements were slow
sending of messages over fancy mobile, Facebook and
VERBAL COMMUNICATION Twitter updates, personal and professional emails in just
Uses sounds and words to express self in contrast to using for seconds. One can get into blogging and have the verbal
gestures or mannerisms in non verbal communication exchange of messages enjoyable.
"Yes" and "No" - is a type of oral communication in transmitting ORAL VERSUS THE WRITTEN TYPE
spoken words or when the sender gives words to his feelings, The nonverbal type of communication is more subtle, yet far
thoughts, ideas, and opinions, more powerful.
Expresses in the form: speeches, discussions, It includes the entire gamut of physical postures and gestures,
presentations, and conversations tone and pace of voice, and the attitude with which one
Effectiveness of the verbal communication depends on the: communicates.
tone of the speaker non-verbal communication is most effective when these 3
clarity of speech facets are consistent in your communication:
volume (1) what he says with words,
speed (2) what he shares with his postures and gestures (which
quality of words can be learned to express the right message), and
This simple process is immediate where the encoding and (3) what he feels inside him (which can impact the subtle
decoding of message is simultaneous between the sender and message he feels compelled to share outside of him).
receiver respectively (Mckay, 2018).
Applicable in both formal and informal kind of situations Cultural Diversity in the Workplace
Oral communication with words that you or others speak out
VOCAL COMMUNICATION Society consists of individuals with culture different in
plays a vital role in the regulation of social interactions in social customs, morals, traits, traditions and values. But common
groups heritage and joint experiences link these people to learn.
For dyadic interactions, one needs a signaler, receiver and Culture sexist on scales both the large and small, extending
cues. Vocal cues have the power to strengthen or weaken the from countries and regions, such as the American culture or
verbal message. Vocal cues are sometimes confused with verbal Middle Eastern culture, to such small and distinct cultures (e.g.
communication from Amish communities in Pennsylvania to the Basque culture
They are limited to sounds, expressions, tone and style of in Southern France.
the voice without the use of words. A vocal cue is an Moreover, cultures provide people with a sense of self-identity
inflection used to deliver a certain message. Vocal is the and community, and they greatly influence actions within the
voice of the speaker, his or her vocal variety, quality, rate, workplace (Hall, 2018).
volume, and vocalized pauses. The word “culture” is derived from the French term, which in
In social groups, it is likely that additional individuals attend to turn derives from the Latin word “colere”, which means to
dyadic communication and that they use this information for cultivate, nurture or to tend to the earth and grow.
their own benefit, sometimes at a cost to the signaler. To Culture encompasses religion, food, language, marriage,
enhance the present frameworks, benefits and costs of vocal music, beliefs, clothes and how they are being worn, the way a
communication caused by bystanders must also be considered certain group of people sit, the way everyone greets and
to identify the effects of additional individuals on signaling accepts visitors, behavior and a million things.
interactions, concentrating on audience effects, Cultures are defined by these learned behaviors and schemata
eavesdropping and group coordination (experiences)
four main vocal elements are: cultures share a number of traits, such as a shared
Pitch (low or high) language or linguistic marker, definition of proper and
volume (soft or loud) improper behavior, a notion of kinship and social
rate (fast or slow) relationship, ornamentation and art, and a notion of
quality (rough or smooth leadership or decision making process.
Vocal interferences are sometimes difficult to eliminate from Societies at their simplest can be defined as groups of
the speech, but they can be reduced through a program of interacting individuals
awareness and practice. Strategies to Penetrate Co-Cultural WorlD
To facilitate the maintenance of group cohesion and decision-making Assimilation
processes, communicative networks were provided. Analyses on cost- These people converse about subjects that mem bers of the
benefits at the level of dyadic interactions reveal differences with
communication networks and repeated interactions with multiple
dominant group talk about (e.g.cars,sports,or how they
partners are considered. dress)as assume the modes of behavior of the dominant
on the other hand, is used when co-culture members
attempt to maintain their cultural identity even while they
strive to establish relationships with members of the
dominant culture.
When co-culture members employ the strategy of
separation, they tend to resist interacting with the other
members they consider outsiders. Rather than have a
contact with ‘strangers’ they tend to keep to themselves.
is the tendency to see own culture as superior to all
others.This is also the key factor why most intercultural
communication efforts fail. People who are ethnocentric
experience great anxiety in the interaction with different
Cultural relativism
is the opposite of ethnocentrism. It is the ability to
understand a culture on its own terms and not to make
judgments using the standards of one ‘sown culture.The
goal of this is promote understanding of cultural practices
that are not typically part of one’s own culture. E-mail Writing
Cultural pluralism Email appears the best way to deliver information through
advocates respect for cultural uniqueness, tolerance for technology. The moment you have a gmail or yahoo account,
differences, and adherence to the principle of cultural the person can send and receive emails through the internet.
diversity.It is a term used when smaller groups within a This module you are going to explore how writing emails and
larger society maintain their unique cultural identities, writing letters are similar, as well as different.
whereby their values and practices are accepted by the
dominant culture, provided such are consistent with the Email
laws and values of the wider society. Email​ writing is the easiest and cheapest way of
High-Context Cultures - communication. It is used in formal,semi-formal as well as in
Cultures considered high-context are regarded for using informal way of expression or writing.
nonverbal and indirect forms of communication. To Informal email
understand the information conveyed, communicators Interpersonal language
must have a Great deal of schemata. People with high- Formal email
context cultures are the Asians, Africans, Arabs, central Standard language
Europeans and Latin Americans. Informal Emails
A low-context culture
an email written for friends, family members, or relatives. Use
relies on explicit communication. Hence, more
of polite,friendly and casual words along with proper greetings
information is not understood if not are deleted. United
and closings are some of the rules of the informal email.
States, Australia and some parts of Western Europe are
Example: Suppose you have to write an email to your friend
examples of countries with low-context cultures. Low-
inviting him or her to your birthday party.
context cultures often display the following tendencies.
Differences between high-context and low-context cultures Semi formal Emails
are easy to observe. In American culture which is low an email written for any teammates or colleagues. You can use
context for example, communication within family friendly language but have to maintain the limit and the
members seems high-context. “Family members openly decency, the length, proper greetings,closing and clarity are
share experiences requiring few words due to common some of the rules of the semi-formal emails.
understanding.” Whereas, communication in workplaces is Example: writing a letter to inform your classmates
considered low-context because each needs to be more regarding intra-college quiz competition.
specific and direct to what one tries to say rather than their Formal Emails
relationships. In China or Japan, words receive less
Formal emails – an email written for business communication
attention than relationships, mutual understandings and
or professional use.
nonverbal body language
Example: resignation letter
Attachments: Attached Files with e-mails.
Advantages of E-Mail Signature line: sender’s name, signature, and other detail of
It reaches the target reader fast. contact.
It confirms an acceptance or rejection
It is less costly than letters and memos. Cover letter writing
It can easily reach the farthest parts of the globe. Introduces you to an employer
It is environment-friendly. Essential part in application envelop
It is easier to document.
Disadvantages of E-Mail
1. When writing a cover letter and you are applying for a job,
It is prone to hacking and technical glitches.
you should follow all the guidelines for writing other business
It can cause information overload.
It can be used to transmit computer virus.
Remember that you are trying to sell yourself to your
Tips for writing an E-mail prospective employer and that you are competing against other
Make the subject line informative or descriptive of the memo candidates and that your letter and resume are all the employer
content. Avoid vague subject lines such as follow-up, additional has to judge you on.
information and request If you are responding to an advertisement, read it critically.
Keep the subject line simple and short Ideally, you should have all the required qualifications for any
Use same subject line in answering an email. job you are applying for, but if you lack one, try to find
The “TO” line should contain the names of the primary readers. something in your background that compensates, something
Secondary readers must be placed in the cc line. Primary that gives you similar experience in a different form.
readers are those who are directly involved in the message of In your letter, you want to catch your readers’ attention,
the e-mail. convince them that you are qualified and attractive candidate
Ensure the correctness of the e-mail address of the recipients. ,and motivate them to grant you an interview.
Make the file name of the attached document meaningful. Whenever possible, address your letter to the person
.Instead of using “letter”,“use”, “request letter barrot” responsible for screening applicants and setting up interviews.
Never use “all caps” in the main text. This is unacceptable. You may need to call the company to find out this person’s
State your purpose in the first sentence of the memo. name.
If the message is sensitive, compose it, first using the word In the first paragraph, you should identify the job, indicate how
processor. you heard about it,and summarize your qualifications.
Avoid emoticons and informal jargons like LOL and BRB in In the second paragraph, you should expand on your
formal memos. qualifications, highlighting key information on your resume
and supplementing it with additional details
Presentation of Models In the third paragraph, you should restate your interest in the
Formal email: job, ask for an interview,and let your prospective employer
The meeting is scheduled for September 14, 2020 at 9:30 know how you can be reached.
a.m. All students must attend. Your project updates are Every time you write a cover letter, you will want to draft it,
needed. ponder it, cut out unnecessary words, rephrase it, correct
Informal email: spelling, and check grammar and punctuation.
Required meeting = September 14, 2020, 9:30 a.m. Updates If you have time, set it aside for a day before printing out the
needed.See you there: final version. If you sound qualified, eager and interesting,
chances are that the prospective employer wil lbe interested in
Subject Line = it can entice people to open the message as well
as set expectations about what’s enclosed. COVER LETTER GUIDE
Opener = quick greeting to acknowledge the reader before Parts of a cover letter - Sample letter
diving into your main message or request. HEADING:
Body = meat of your message Your mailing address
Closing = writing a friendly sign-off City, Town Zip code
Letterhead = is a part of the memo that indicates the name of Today’s Date ( 4 spaces )
the company. INSIDE ADDRESS
Transmittal memo = introduces a document to the reader. Employer’s Name
From: Sender’s email id Job title
To: Recipient’s email id Business Name .
CC: Other individuals receiving the same mail with visible ids. City, Town Code
Bcc: Other individuals receiving the same mail with invisible SALUTATION
ids. Dear(Mr./Mrs./Ms.) use the name of the person that
Subject: Title of the reason of writing mail. will read the letter
Main body: the main content of the email. 1​st​MAIN PARAGRAPH
1.) introduction 2.) Matter in detail 3.)Conclusion You should identify the job, indicate how you heard
Closing: Ending statement about it, and summarize your qualifications.
2​nd​MAIN PARAGRAPH Types of Academic Writing
You should expand on your qualifications, highlighting According to Richards (2010)
key information on your resume and supplementing it writing is an expertise that is seen mostly in some contexts
with additional details. If necessary, at this point, you i life
need to establish superiority, show your readers that Academic writing performs many things that personal writing
you’re a better candidate than the other people does not
applying. Gives its own rules and application
3​rd​PARAGRAPH Better way to write and express ideas accurately
You should restate your interest in the job, ask for an Does not use slangs or argots of any kind
interview, and let your prospective employer know how Essential writing you have to do for university courses
you can be reached Essay paper
Sincerely, term paper
SIGNATURE( 4 spaces ) argumentative paper/essay
GLOSSARY analysis paper/essay
Conventional Heading- includes the address of the writer and informative essay
the date when the letter is written. position paper
Modern heading- uses the company‘s stationery which bears A. Common types of academic writing
the company’s logo,address, telephone number, and other
information. Academic writing helps the students analyze the important
Heading – it is followed by the inside address. kinds of academic papers usually assigned to college learners.
Inside address – it indicates the name of the recipient of the Read this to learn and enhance your style in writing.
letter, his/her designation/position in a company or Exposition Papers
organization and the company’s address. The aim is to give the readers the important concerns or help
Body of the letter – it has three paragraphs, the first of which them analyze something. Some common examples are:
provides the reason for writing. Compare and Contrast ​is a common form of academic
memorandum – it is written to serve as a reminder to one’s writing. To note what issimilar and different about (two or
constituents who need to do or act upon something. more things).
Salutation – refers to the name of the person whom the writer Technical Paper u ​ sually consists of the following important
writes or addressed to. features; abstract,Introduction,discussion, results and
Complimentary close – greetings of the writer with full respect conclusion.
at the end. Research Paper​ is an expanded essay that presents your
Signature – refers to the sign of the writer placed above his full own interpretation or evaluation or argument.
name. Reaction Paper​ is a type of work which requires personal
Date – the exact date of writing the letter spelled out. opinion and conclusions on a given article .
Process essay​ is constructed around the goal of providing
the reader with directions or guidance.
Narrative Papers
The objective of this paper is to tell the readers of the past
incident. Narrative paper deals with these kinds:
Novel​ is relatively long work of narrative fiction,
particulary written in prose form.
Poem​ is written in verse , especially one that is
characterized by a highly developed artistic form.
Short story​ is a piece of prose fiction which is usually read
in one sitting.
Personal essay​ is a short work of autobiographical
nonfiction. Also known as personal statement.
Descriptive Papers
to offer a description of things by using vivid words
The readers will see clearly the person, things, place that have
been described in the paper
Usually surround poems and fiction
Persuasive Paper
to convince the readers regarding the accuracy of an idea
You establish the accuracy of your points by citing facts and
B. Writing about Texts
A summary is fine in words and exhibits that you have learned
the writer's important idea
You required to read the entire piece or text many times to
digest the ideas/thoughts
Annotate a text (with what your queries and examinations
Outline a text (important points)
Summarize a given text
Annotate the text
highlight points
Pointers to remember for reading actively /carefully
1. Equip yourself with basic points and style of a text.
2. Keep details that fascinate, amaze and intrigue you.
3. Read and reread to discover meaning
4. Apply critical thinking strategies to visual texts
Do a little illustrating a short outline of the text.
observe how the writer constructed a text can give you points to
comprehend it
Observe the text's thesis (key idea) and main sentence
Summarize to show your comprehension
mention the paper’s main ideas and important points,
accurately, concisely and naturally.
Guidelines for writing a summary
1.You may mention the name of the writer and thesis and
central point in the first part of your paper.
2.Maintain a neutral tone.
3.You may use present tense of verb and the third person
point of view.
4.Keep your focus on the text.
5.Use your own words in summarizing the paper.
6.Just present the paper’s important points.
7.Be concise, make every word count.

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