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International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 6 (2023) 165e188

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International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture

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A review on flexibility of free bending forming technology for

manufacturing thin-walled complex-shaped metallic tubes
Ali Abd El-Aty a, c, *, Xunzhong Guo b, **, Myoung-Gyu Lee a, Jie Tao b, Yong Hou a,
Shenghan Hu b, Tao Li b, Cong Wu b, Qiucheng Yang b
Department of Materials Science and Engineering & RIAM, Seoul National University, 1-Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, 08826 Seoul, Republic of Korea
College of Material Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province 211106, PR China
Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering-Helwan, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Free bending forming (FBF) is a flexible forming technology that gained significant attention recently
Received 16 June 2022 because of its broad applications in critical industries such as the automotive, aerospace, and nuclear
Received in revised form industries. Thus, this paper aims to present a comprehensive review of FBF technology and its flexibility
19 September 2022
in manufacturing thin-walled complex-shaped metallic tubes with variable curvatures. First, the his-
Accepted 20 September 2022
Available online 24 September 2022
torical development and state of the art of FBF technology were reviewed and discussed its importance in
tube forming recently. Then, the fundamental principles, theoretical modelling, deformation mecha-
nisms during complex bending, critical process parameters, and forming defects with a discussion of the
Free bending forming
recent research and technological developments of FBF technology under three-, five- and six-axis
Tube bending processes were explained. After that, the system dies and tools design of the FBF machines and the
Flexible forming trajectory control of the bending die were presented. Afterwards, the mechanisms of manufacturing
Industrial revolution 4.0 spiral and involute hollow metallic tubes and outstanding solutions for critical issues during tube
Design flexibility manufacturing, such as springback, cross-section deformation, over-thinning (even cracking), and
wrinkling instability were introduced. Finally, the paper is concluded by providing the discussions on the
system, die and tool design methodology, and outlook of the FBF technology.
© 2022 The Authors. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This
is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/

1. Introduction However, there is a large gap between the demand for mass per-
sonalised customisation and the flexible forming capacity, which
A drastic change in the manufacturing sector has occurred in has become the main barrier to the development of industrial in-
recent years because of the new industrial revolution, called In- telligence [4,5].
dustry 4.0 or the fourth industrial revolution. The crucial factor of Although flexibility is inherent in conventional forming pro-
this Industry 4.0 is enhancing the interaction between humans, cesses such as stamping and bending, there are challenges to meet
equipment and products, as depicted in Figs. 1 and 2 [1e3]. One of the personalised needs of products and small batch production [6].
the vital elements of Industry 4.0 is flexibility in metal forming Customised processing needs can be partially met by reforming the
processes due to the rapidly changing customers' demands. traditional forming processes [7]. Nevertheless, components'
forming speed and forming quality are often controlled by the
workers' skills and the capabilities of existing machines, which
* Corresponding author. Department of Materials Science and Engineering & increase the difficulty of achieving the customer's needs with
RIAM, Colleague of Engineering, Seoul National University, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak- minimum manufacturing costs [8e12]. In addition, with the
gu, 08826 Seoul, Republic of Korea. continuous development of product shapes, functions, and mate-
** Corresponding author. College of Materials Science and Technology, Nanjing rials, conventional forming technologies cannot use existing ma-
University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211106, PR China.
E-mail addresses: aliabdelaty@snu.ac.kr (A. Abd El-Aty), guoxunzhong@nuaa.
chines and methods to respond immediately to users' individual
edu.cn (X. Guo). needs for mass production [13e17]. To address the aforementioned
Peer review under responsibility of Editorial Board of International Journal of issues, researchers have proposed the concept of flexible forming
Lightweight Materials and Manufacture.

2588-8404/© 2022 The Authors. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
A. Abd El-Aty, X. Guo, M.-G. Lee et al. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 6 (2023) 165e188

Fig. 1. A schematic description of the chronology of Industrial Revolutions and the habilitating elements and technologies of Industry 4.0 [2].

A. Abd El-Aty, X. Guo, M.-G. Lee et al. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 6 (2023) 165e188

Fig. 2. The interconnection in industry 4.0 [3].

(FF) to achieve the integral forming of metal components with metallic materials such as high-strength lightweight aluminium
different material properties, structures, and functions via chang- alloys, copper alloys, high-strength titanium alloys, nickel-based
ing the control data of the forming machines and also the motion superalloys and ultra-high-strength steels and carbon steel
trajectory of the forming tool [18e25]. [47e51]. Furthermore, FBF technology is a flexible bending forming
FF technologies can achieve high-precision and high-quality technology based on die trajectory control as depicted in Fig. 4. It
components with complicated structures and diverse material has unparalleled technical advantages in forming essential com-
systems as depicted in Fig. 3 [25]. In FF technologies, the flow be- ponents such as complex 3D axes and continuous bending without
haviors of metallic materials under the action of FF tools are straight sections. It can realise the tube's continuous integral
different from those of the conventional forming process [26e30]. forming under variable curvature [52]. As a flexible forming process
From the perspective of the deformation mechanism, only the with obvious competitive advantages for the efficient and accurate
material's local area is plastically deformed simultaneously and manufacturing of bending parts with complex-shaped cross-sec-
flows in a specific direction [31]. The complex-shaped components tions, it will be widely considered and applied for aerospace and
are finally formed by continuously transferring or accumulating the aircraft applications in the future [48e53].
local micro deformation in the FF [32]. The main advantages and innovations of manufacturing 3D
Thus, it is recognised in some vital FF technologies such as free complex-shaped tubes by FBF technology over the other conven-
bending forming (FBF) and incremental sheet metal forming (ISF) tional forming technologies are summarised as follows [54e70]:
technologies, that deformation behavior is often under uncon-
strained or less constrained conditions [33e46]. Therefore, the  The FBF technology completely abandons the traditional reverse
formation of the component's final size and shape does not depend control method. In addition, it also unifies the hot forming fac-
on the forming tools' inherent contour profile but only on the tors and force factors affecting springback in theoretical models.
forming tool's movement trajectory and the accumulation of local Additionally, it introduces the correction factor to achieve ac-
deformation in a particular direction. curate forming of each bending radius, which completely solves
For this review, tube FBF technology was selected from the the problem of multistage springback and nonlinear super-
aforementioned FF technologies because of its board applications in position of complex-shaped three-dimensional components
critical industries, such as the automobile, aerospace, and nuclear [54e60].
industries. Tube FBF technology has had a remarkable technical  The FBF technology completely changes the forming method
impact in metal forming in recent years due to its ability to and overall structure of the conventional series manufacturing
manufacture thin-walled complex shaped tubes from different equipment of 3D complex-shaped hollow components. In
A. Abd El-Aty, X. Guo, M.-G. Lee et al. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 6 (2023) 165e188

Fig. 3. The future development of FF technologies [25].

impact on manufacturing thin-walled complex-shaped tubes

through FBF technology. Fig. 5 presents the outline and the
structure of this review. Section 2 reviews the historical devel-
opment and state of the art of FBF technology and discusses its
importance in tube forming. Then, the fundamental principles,
theoretical modelling, deformation mechanisms during complex
bending, critical process parameters, and forming defects in FBF
technology under three-, five- and six-axis processes are
explained in section 3. Afterwards, the system, dies and tools
design of the FBF machines and the trajectory control of bending
die are reviewed in sections 4 and 5. Subsequently, the mecha-
nisms of manufacturing spiral, involute hollow tubes, and other
complex-shaped components are discussed and clarified in detail
Fig. 4. A simple description of 3D tube free bending forming (3D-FBF) technology. in section 6. Finally, the paper is concluded by providing the
discussions on the system, die and tool design methodology, and
outlook of the FBF machines.
addition, it is also considered the first inverse effective method
that avoids the singularity under multi-axis cooperation and
effectively expands the three-dimensional attitude adjustment 2. Historical development of tube FBF technology
space of the forming system [61e68].
 The FBF technology and machines organically integrate the Japanese scientists originally invented FBF technology. It was
hexapod robot with the 3D forming method for the first time first proposed by Makoto Murata, Shinji Ohashi, and Hideo
and achieve efficient and accurate forming through attitude Suzuki, and its name was composed of the initials of the three
adjustment in the 3D space of the forming system. In addition, surnames, so it was called MOS Bending [71]. Due to the gradual
the critical technical parameters are addressed automatically improvement of the relevant deformation mechanism and the
and accurately, and adaptive optimisation is realised. Moreover, key technologies, enterprises, universities, and scientific research
the geometric repetition accuracy of the components is signifi- institutes in Japan, Germany, China, and other countries launched
cantly improved [69,70]. FBF systems with various configurations [71e90]. As a result, FBF
technology has been greatly enriched and developed. Germany
Thus, a review of the current literature on the flexibility of FBF has three entities to conduct the system research, development,
technology is extraordinarily valuable for unveiling the different and application of 3D-FBF technology and equipment for com-
mechanisms of manufacturing thin-walled convolute tubes from plex components. These entities are J. NEU, Thyssenkrupp, and
different metallic materials. The current comprehensive review Fraunhofer IWU [71,73]. The 3-axis, 5-axis, and 6-axis free
offers outstanding solutions for critical issues during tube bending systems developed by J. NEU are depicted in Fig. 6 [75].
manufacturing, such as springback, cross-section deformation, The 6-axis bending system can even realise axis twisting and
over-thinning (even cracking), and wrinkling instability. We hope bending in the bending process. The latest generation of products
this critical review presents a definitive explanation of the current are 7-axis products, but no actual equipment was reported until
progress and future trends of machines’ design flexibility and its July 2016 [73,76].
A. Abd El-Aty, X. Guo, M.-G. Lee et al. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 6 (2023) 165e188

Fig. 5. The structure and the outline of the context of this paper.

Fig. 6. Typical structure of the 3D-FBFT equipment: (a) 3-axis configuration, (b) 5-axis configuration, and (c) 6-axis configuration [75].

Germany's Thyssenkrupp (ThyssenKrupp) Steel Co., Ltd. applied the parallel mechanism is mainly used to realise the bending die's
for a patent in 2006 because it proposed a new FBF system, as translation and rotation in space. Besides, the flexible mandrel is
depicted in Fig. 7 [77]. This system comprises three parts: the often used to reduce the cross-section distortion and excessive wall
propulsion mechanism, the guide mechanism, and the bending die. thickness in the bending location [78].
Nevertheless, unlike the free-bending forming equipment devel- Japanese institutions, such as the Japan Institute of Technology
oped by J. NEU, the guide mechanism can realise axial independent and the Association for the Promotion of Machine tool Industry,
movement in this equipment [73]. Fraunhofer IWU has developed a have developed free bending test equipment in recent years. This
free bending forming system, as shown in Fig. 8 [78]. In this system, developed equipment was proposed according to the basic

A. Abd El-Aty, X. Guo, M.-G. Lee et al. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 6 (2023) 165e188

equipment with the control mechanism of the bending trajectory of

the complex components [89]. This eliminates the transition sec-
tion between the adjacent process sections of the multi-bet com-
ponents and ensures the accurate and high-quality forming of the
complex three-dimensional components of different materials [90].
The thin-walled complex-shaped components obtained by our
experiments are presented in Fig. 12 [91]. Therefore, in the
following sections, it is vital to introduce the principles of FBF
technology, the deformation mechanism during bending, the crit-
ical process parameters, and the forming defects of the 3-axis, 5-
axis, 6-axis and FBF systems based on the parallel mechanism
[90]. In addition, the research progress of FBF technology and
equipment should also be discussed.

3. The fundamental of tube FBF technology

Fig. 7. The principle of the FBF system proposed by ThyssenKrupp Steel Co., Ltd [77].
3.1. The fundamental of the 3-axis FBF system

principle of the 3D-FBF of complex parts, which can be regarded as A schematic diagram of the 3-axis free bending system is
a derivative of 3D-FBF technology. The appropriate test equipment depicted in Fig. 13 [91]. The system's core components include the
and bending components are presented in Fig. 9 [79]. tube, bending die, spherical bearing, guider, and feeding mecha-
Another form of FBF system was developed by the Department of nism. Among them, the bending die's outer spherical surface and
Mechanical Science and Engineering of the Tokyo Institute of the spherical bearing's inner spherical surface are spherically
Technology in Japan, as depicted in Fig. 10 [80]. The system is matched, and the tail of the bending die and the guider cooperate
essentially a multi-axis bending system. This research team through a unique mechanical design [90]. When the system is at
currently focuses on applying technology in the medical industry the zero position, the center of the spherical bearing, bending die,
[80,81]. guider, and feeding mechanism are on the same axis [91]. When
In the past few years, the Flexible Metal Forming Technologies the system is in forming stage, the bending die is in a follow-up
(FMFT) research group at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and state, and the tube is in dynamic contact with the bending die.
Astronautics (NUAA) used the principles of the above-mentioned On the one hand, the spherical center of the bending die moves
3D-FBF technologies with our research results to develop, design correspondingly with the movement of the spherical bearing in
and manufacture the first Chinese three-axis FBF engineering the XY plane. On the other hand, the bending die rotates around
prototype, as shown in Fig. 11 [82e91]. After that, further de- the guider while moving with the spherical bearing. Therefore, the
velopments were accomplished on the first design of free bending bending die posture is simultaneously controlled by the move-
equipment and produced the six-axis free bending equipment ment in the XY plane and the rotating compound movement
[86]. It can fully meet free bending tests' requirements under around the guider [92].
different deformation conditions (formable tube outer diameter During bending, the distance of the center of the bending die
6e40 mm) [87]. In addition, the FBF equipment based on a parallel from the origin of the coordinate driven by the spherical bearing is
mechanism, multi roller free bending forming equipment, and NC called the eccentricity U. The horizontal distance between the
bending/free bending compound forming equipment have been spherical center of the bending die and the leading end of the
independently designed [88]. guider in the Z direction is A. The value of A and eccentricity U
Based on the above discussion, the forming path of the involute jointly determine the bending moment applied by the bending die
components is optimised by combing self-developed free bending to the tube. The larger value of U and the smaller value of A lead to

Fig. 8. The Hexa-Bend free bending system developed by Fraunhofer IWU, Germany, in 2013 [78].

A. Abd El-Aty, X. Guo, M.-G. Lee et al. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 6 (2023) 165e188

Fig. 9. FBF equipment and bending members manufactured by Japanese institutions [79].

Fig. 10. 4-axis FBF system and auxiliary bending components developed by the Tokyo Institute of Technology [80,81].

the higher bending moment applied by the bending die to the tube 3.2. The fundamental of the 5-axis and 6-axis FBF systems
and the lower bending radius of the tube that can be formed. In the
forming stage, the tube is subjected to the force PL applied by the The forming principle of the 5-axis and 6-axis FBF systems is the
bending die perpendicular to the axis direction of the tube and the same as that of the 3-axis system, where the bending moment is
effect Pu exerted by the feeding mechanism in the Z direction deviated from the tube axis in the XY plane by the bending die
[91,92]. [88e93]. The tube is axially (Z-direction) fed into the deformation

A. Abd El-Aty, X. Guo, M.-G. Lee et al. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 6 (2023) 165e188

Fig. 11. The FBF equipment designed by the FMFT research group at NUAA: (a) 3-axis and (b) 6-axis FBF equipment, (c) FBF equipment based on a parallel mechanism, (d) multi
roller FBF equipment, (e) NC bending/free bending compound forming equipment [89].

Fig. 12. The 3D thin-walled convolute tubes manufactured by the equipment developed by the FMFT research group at NUAA [91].

Fig. 13. A schematic description of the principle of 3-axis FBF technology [91].

A. Abd El-Aty, X. Guo, M.-G. Lee et al. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 6 (2023) 165e188

zone between the bending die and the guider for bending defor- bending die is set to be active [96]. By actively adjusting the rotation
mation. The configuration diagram of the 5-axis and 6-axis FBF angle of the bending die to keep it perpendicular to the bending
systems is depicted in Fig. 14 [90]. axis of the tube in real-time, the degree of the cross-section of the
The 5-axis FBF system can realise the movement of the tube bending section can be reduced. Compared with the 3-axis FBF
bending die in the X and Y directions and the propulsion mech- system, the 5-axis and 6-axis FBF systems are more flexible. The
anism in the Z direction [94]. It can also recognise the rotation of form of the bending die can be changed according to the different
the bending die around the angle a of its axis and the angle b tubes and can meet the bending and forming of various hollow
around the axis of the tube. The 5-axis configuration has two components, such as tubes, bars, wires, profiles, and other complex
forms. The b direction in Fig. 14 (b) is the axis direction of the or irregular cross-sections [97e99].
tube itself, and the b direction in Fig. 14 (a) is the direction
passing through the center of the bending die and perpendicular
3.3. The fundamental of FBF system based-parallel mechanism
to the tube axis. The actual application of the 5-axis FBF equip-
ment is mainly in the form of Fig. 14 (a). Because the bending die
The principle of the FBF technology based-parallel mechanism
depicted in Fig. 14 (b) needs to rotate around the vertical tube
is depicted in Fig. 15 [104]. In terms of essential forming princi-
direction (the b direction in Fig. 14 (a)), it needs to go through two
ples, the FBF system based-parallel mechanism is similar to the
steps (after first rotating a certain angle around the b direction in
abovementioned FBF systems (i.e., 3-axis, 5-axis, and 6-axis
Fig. 14 (b) and then rotating around the a direction) [94e96].
configurations) [100]. Both control the eccentricity and the mo-
Thus, the 5-axis FBF equipment in the form of Fig. 14 (b) cannot
tion curve of the bending die in the XY plane to achieve the
complete the space bending of square tubes, wires, profiles, and
processing of the complex target bending members. Notwith-
other non-circular cross-section tubes because the bending die
standing, in the FBF system based on the parallel mechanism, the
cannot rotate around the b direction under non-circular cross-
bending die is fixed on the moving platform of the parallel
sections. The 6-axis FBF system can simultaneously realise the
mechanism [101e103]. The length of the telescopic rod is
rotation degrees of freedom in the three directions of a, b, and g
controlled in parallel by the hydraulic servo system. It can control
as depicted in Fig. 14 (c). Due to the 6-degree freedom movement
the moving platform's spatial posture and drive the bending die
feature, the 6-axis FBF system can realise the twisting of complex
to perform complex motions with full freedom in the 3D space
cross-section hollow members [90,92,96].
[104]. The process of FBF based-parallel mechanism is depicted in
The 5-axis and 6-axis FBF systems release and actively control
Fig. 16.
the freedom of rotation of the bending die based on the 3-axis FBF
A schematic description of the structure of the Stewart-Gough
system. The specific performance is to cancel the connection design
platform mechanism is shown in Fig. 17 [105]. The six telescopic
of the bending die, the spherical bearing, and the guide. By
links are connected in parallel between the static and dynamic
increasing the servo motors, the rotation degree of freedom of the
platforms through ball joints or a hook. The position and posture of

Fig. 14. 3D-FBF system: (a) 1st generation of 5-axis configuration, (b) 2nd generation of 5-axis configuration, (c) 6-axis configuration [90].

A. Abd El-Aty, X. Guo, M.-G. Lee et al. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 6 (2023) 165e188

Fig. 15. Schematic representation of the parallel mechanism and forming principle [104].

Fig. 16. The FBF system based on the parallel mechanism [104].

Fig. 17. The Stewart-Gough platform parallel mechanism (a) schematic diagram of structural parameters, (b) schematic diagram of motion principle [105].

the dynamic platform are changed by changing the rod length. The 3.4. The fundamental of FBF system based-multi-roller structure
position analysis of the parallel mechanism includes forward po-
sition analysis and reverse position analysis. The FBF process is The FBF system based-multi-roller structure to manufacture
mainly an inverse solution analysis of the moving platform; given hollow components includes (1) three pairs of guide rollers
the position and attitude of the moving platform, the rod's length is installed at the front of the component, (2) three pairs of guide
determined [105e109]. rollers on the same horizontal line to ensure that the axis of the
The FBF system based-parallel mechanism can obtain good hollow components is always in a straight line during the feeding
forming quality and accuracy when forming tubes with large process, and (3) a forming roller installed before the guide roller as
hardness and large-size walls thick because of the parallel mech- depicted in Fig. 18 [110e113]. When the forming platform rotates in
anism's high precision, rigidity, and large load-bearing capacity the XY plane, it will drive the rotary shaft connected to it to move
compared with the traditional configuration of the FBF system. On synchronously [112]. The rotating shaft transmits power to the
the other hand, the working space required by the parallel mech- rocker arm and the rocker's head to perform a plane movement in
anism is small. For the same tube size, the FBF system based- the XY plane. The forming roller mounting base and forming roller
parallel mechanism has a lower space volume and more compact connected with the rocker's arm realise movement and rotation in
device structure than the traditional configuration of the FBF sys- the XY plane. When the feeding mechanism pushes the hollow
tem [109].

A. Abd El-Aty, X. Guo, M.-G. Lee et al. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 6 (2023) 165e188

Fig. 18. The structure and forming principle of FBF system based-multi-roller [113].

Fig. 19. The (a) 3-axis, (b) 6-axis FBF systems, and (c) FBF system based-parallel mechanism [114].

components to the forming roller, it applies a bending force to the Compared with the matching form of the bending die and the guide
hollow components to complete the bending process [113]. used in the 3-axis equipment, the spherical connection can make
the bending die more controllable and stable, improving the ac-
4. Dies and tools design of the FBF machines curacy of the tube forming quality. In the form of spherical con-
nections, the movement of the bending die has three basic
The 3-axis and 6-axis FBF systems and the FBF system based on restrictions [84,90,115]:
the parallel mechanism are depicted in Fig. 19 [114]. Each system
is based on the 3-axis configuration of FBF equipment. By con- (1) The bending die does not disengage from the front end of the
trolling the movement of the bending die in the XY plane and guider sleeve;
combining the feeding of the tube in the Z direction, various 3D- (2) The bending die does not hit the rear end of the guider
shaped tubes can be formed. The numerical control program of sleeve;
the system is created by the input bending parameters as pre-
sented in Fig. 20 [82], where v is the tube feeding speed; Ln is the
straight-line length; Rn is the bending radius; qn is the bending
angle; and jn is the bending direction angle (characterising the
relative position of each bending plane). After inputting the
bending parameters, the geometry software calculates the offset
of the bending die of each bending section and the axial feeding
length of the tube to obtain the corresponding bending program

4.1. Bending die and tool design of the tube FBF system

The 3D-FBF machines are divided into 3-axis, 5-axis, and 6-axis
configurations based on the degrees of freedom of the bending die.
The rotation of the bending die in the 3-axis configuration is a
passive motion (where according to different generation modes of
the rotational motion, tube FBF is classified into FBF-based passive
motion and FBF-based active as depicted in Fig. 21 [115]).
This makes the bending die design of the 3-axis FBF equipment
more complicated; notably, the design of the spherical connection
between the tail of the bending die and the guider is related to the
theoretical maximum working stroke of the bending die [115,116]. Fig. 20. Entering bending parameters for the 3-axis FBF systems [82].

A. Abd El-Aty, X. Guo, M.-G. Lee et al. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 6 (2023) 165e188

Fig. 21. Different types of FBF: (a) FBF-based passive motion, (b) FBF-based active motion [115].

(3) After the tube is pushed out of the inner hole of the bending bending die design for the spherical connection, the new tool
die, it will not contact and collide with the inner wall of the setup is created, as shown in Fig. 23 [117]. Compared with the
bending die; traditional form, if the bending die and the guider are spherically
(4) After the bending die rotates, the upper left point cannot connected and matched, the movement of the bending die during
cross the endpoint where the starting position contacts the the tube forming process becomes more stable. In addition, the
spherical bearing. deflection angle q can be accurately controlled, and the minimum
relative bending radius of the three-axis free bending equipment
A schematic diagram of the spherical connection is depicted in (R/D0) drops to 2.5 [117e120].
Fig. 22 [114]. Due to the spherical symmetry, when the bending Based on the requirements of the forming quality and the ser-
die moves in the XY plane, the envelope curve is formed by the red vice life of the equipment, the bending dies can be designed in
curve rotating 360 around the axis OO0 to ensure that it is always different friction forms [121e126]. The most typical friction forms
tangent to the outer spherical surface of the guider [114]. The are sliding friction and rolling friction contact. The bending die-
tangent point of the bending die to the guider is not the midpoint based sliding friction type is often called normal bending dies, as
of the arc of the bending die, and the connection of two sym- mentioned in the previous section, while the bending die-based
metrical points does not pass through the center of the guider rolling friction type includes the bending die-based roller type
[116]. The closed curve of the bending die tangent to the guider is and bending die-based ball type in the structure [125]. According to
no longer a circle through the center of the sphere of the guider the bending die-based sliding friction type, bending die-based
but the circle whose radius is smaller than the sphere's radius to rolling friction types were added with the rolling friction assem-
realise the stable movement of the bending die [116]. With the bly and the fixed clamping assembly. The bending die-based ball-
spherical connection, the bending die remains more perpendic- type components are presented in Fig. 24 [125]. The bending die-
ular to the tube's cross-section, reducing the tube's cross- based ball type is mainly composed of a bending die, an inner
sectional distortion as depicted in Fig. 22 [114]. According to the ball bushing, an outer ball bushing, and a plurality of balls [126].

Fig. 22. The spherical contact design of the bending die and guider [114].

A. Abd El-Aty, X. Guo, M.-G. Lee et al. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 6 (2023) 165e188

Fig. 23. New tool setup for a small bending radius [117].

Fig. 24. Schematic description of the bending die-based ball type and the ball distributions [125].

The inner and outer bushings jointly hold the balls in contact with envelope had a circular cross-section with an angle up to 360
the tube. The distance from the center of all balls to the center of the [125,128].
tube is Rball center ¼ Rtube outer wall þ Dball =2 þ Dc, where Dc is the The critical components of these two dies are shown in Figs. 26
value of the gap between the tube and the balls [125]. and 27 [125]. The outer spherical bearing structure of the two
The bending die-based roller-type components are presented in bending dies is universal. Only the inner rolling components and
Fig. 25. The bending die-based roller type mainly includes a the inner and outer bushings were replaced to hold the rolling
bending die, four rollers, an inner roller bushing, an outer roller components. During the rotation of the bending die, the rolling
bushing, and connecting bolts [125e128]. The inner and outer friction assembly was passively rotated by contact with the tube,
bushings jointly hold the rollers in contact with the tube. In thereby changing the contact form from sliding friction to rolling
contrast, the inner and outer bushings and rollers were connected friction [125e128].
by bolts to prevent the nondirectional sliding of the rollers in the For the FBF of some components with complex cross-sectional
bending die. As depicted in Fig. 25, the rollers were designed as two shapes, mold processing is complicated if the traditional integral
pairs of mutually perpendicular structures [125]. The two pairs of bending die and guiding mechanism are used. Second, because
mutually vertical rollers were in line contact with the tube, and the the profile section has many features, such as edges and fins, the

Fig. 25. Schematic description of the bending die-based roller type and roller distribution [125].

A. Abd El-Aty, X. Guo, M.-G. Lee et al. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 6 (2023) 165e188

Fig. 26. Critical components of the bending die-based roller type [125].

Fig. 27. The critical components of the bending die-based ball type [125].

wear between the component and the mold during bending is must consider some defects that are easy to produce during the
more profound [129]. It is easy to cause serious distortion of the forming of the blank through the rollers, such as the occurrence of
cross-section of the component and scratches on the surface. blanks: lateral movement, difficulty in biting, indentation, and se-
Therefore, an active free bending mold with a multi-roller vere wear of the roller [132]. Fig. 29 shows the indentation caused
structure based on the cross-sectional shape of the member is by the improper setting of the gap between the upper and lower
designed to convert the sliding friction force received during the rollers and the left and right rollers [133]. Therefore, dealing with
forming of the member into rolling friction [130]. This reduces the roller part in the design stage is necessary to prevent defects.
friction during forming the profile member and increases the Fig. 30 is the design schematic diagram and a physical drawing of
service life of the mold. The fluidity of the material is improved, several cross-sections of the multi-roller structure bending die for
as shown in Fig. 28 [131]. The main part of this mold structure is profile members [134].
four rollers located on the left and right sides and the upper and The structure of the guiding mechanism is mainly based on the
lower sides of the profile, respectively. This roller arrangement concept of a multi-roller structure bending mold. Four sets of rol-
can realise guidance during the plane bending process and the lers are on a plane, and each roller is on the profile's upper, lower,
active torsion of the profile during the space bending process left and right sides. This design fixes the cross-sectional shape of
because the rollers are also arranged on both sides [129e131]. the profile in the X and Y directions [133]. At the same time, to assist
the profile's feeding in the Z direction and prevent the profile from
4.2. Bending die and guider design of the profile 6-axis FBF losing stability in the guide area, it is necessary to position the
equipment second pair behind the first pair of rollers [133e135]. As shown in
Fig. 31, the pressing mechanism only prevents defects such as the
The rollers of the bending die and the guide mechanism usually warpage and instability of the rear end during the advancement of
use four sets of rollers to cover the blank according to the cross- the blank [136]. Thus, it is only necessary to design the upper and
sectional shape of the blank. At the same time, the design process lower two-part molds according to the cross-sectional profile shape
A. Abd El-Aty, X. Guo, M.-G. Lee et al. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 6 (2023) 165e188

Fig. 28. Multi-roller structure active FBF mold: (a) overall schematic diagram of the mold, (b) multi-roller structure bending die, (c) multi-roller structure guide mechanism, and (d)
pressing mechanism [131].

Fig. 29. The indentation defects during multi-roll mold forming: (a) roller gap, and (b) indentation on the component surface [133].

Fig. 30. The design and processing of multi-roll molds for different cross-section profiles: (a) digital models of 4 kinds of cross-section profile forming molds, (b) actual bending
mold for asymmetrical hexagonal section profiles, and (c) actual bending mold for a square tube [134].

A. Abd El-Aty, X. Guo, M.-G. Lee et al. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 6 (2023) 165e188

Fig. 31. Schematic diagram of the guide mechanism arrangement based on the multi-roller structure: (a) roller distribution, (b) pressing mechanism [136].

Fig. 32. The schematic representation of bending trajectory control [137].

to wrap the blank completely. At the same time, polyurethane aerospace, automotive, chemical, metallurgy, petroleum, con-
material is used during manufacturing to prevent the pressing struction, urban central heating, air conditioning, and hot water
mechanism from damaging the blank surface during pressing as supply systems. Compared with the traditional bending method for
shown in Fig. 31(b) [136]. forming spiral tubes, FBF technology possesses the advantages of
The trajectory and spatial position of the bending die determine real-time spiral pipe bending radius changes, high forming quality,
the dimensional accuracy of the formed tube. Therefore, it is vitally and easy control [142].
important to study the moving trail of the bending die. An example The tightness of the spiral tube is mainly determined by the
of a single bending process is depicted in Fig. 32 [137]. The original spiral diameter D and pitch S simultaneously. The schematic
resting position of the bending die center is O1. When a single description of the spiral tube is shown in Fig. 33 [143]. It can be
bending section begins to form, servo motors in the X and Y di-
rections drive the spherical bearing to move along the direction J
with the distance of U [138]. After movement, the center of the
bending die reaches position O2. The magnitude of U determines
the bending radius, while the magnitude of J determines the
bending direction. U and J ultimately determine the final size and
shape of the formed tubes. In the FBF system, J ranges from 0 to
360 , while U ranges from 0 to Umax (minimum bending radius).
Numerous points of On (Un, Jn) made up the motion diagram of the
bending die [139e141].

5. Manufacturing mechanisms of tube FBF technology

5.1. Manufacturing mechanism of hollow spiral tubes

As a unique product of the ring, the spiral tube has a large

scanning area in the same volume space as the heat transfer and
heat dissipation tube, the heat exchange area is large, and the heat
exchange efficiency is high. The spiral tubes are widely used in Fig. 33. The schematic analysis of spiral tube [143].

A. Abd El-Aty, X. Guo, M.-G. Lee et al. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 6 (2023) 165e188

observed from the figure that the spiral diameter D and pitch S diameter D. The pitch S, the deflection time ts, tk, and the residence
change the tightness of the spiral into pieces by affecting the spiral time tss, tkk of the bending die are determined every time according
angle [143]. When the spiral diameter D and the pitch S are smaller, to the spiral length, and the deflection angular velocity u of the
the spiral structural component will be more compact. In the FBF bending die and the speed v of the uniform feeding of the tube.
technology, various complex components are formed by changing When the bending die moves to the eccentric distance Ux in the X
the eccentricity U, A values, and other parameters. Combined with a direction, it does not stay and immediately returns to the initial
spiral tube with a spiral diameter of D, a pitch of S, and several spiral position O [143,144].
turns of n, the process analysis of forming the spiral tube by FBF
technology is obtained [89,90,143].
5.2. Manufacturing mechanism of involute hollow tubes
The analytical schematic description of the spiral tube FBF
technology is depicted in Fig. 34 [144]. The bending radius R is
The common metallic hollow-shaped components can be
determined according to the diameter D of the cylinder. The ec-
divided into four types according to their geometric dimensions
centricity Uy in the Y direction, the movement time t1, and the
and spatial shape: planar constant curvature bending compo-
residence time t2 are determined by the bending radius R and the
nents, planar variable curvature bending components, spatial
distance A between the center of the bending die and the front end
constant curvature bending components, and spatial variable
of the guide mechanism. The number N of deflections of the
curvature bending components [145]. The forming process of the
bending die and the deflection angle qn during the movement of the
plane and spatial constant curvature bending components is
bending die from the Uy position to the Ux position are determined
relatively mature. Relying on traditional bending processes, such
according to the number of spirals turns n. The single-turn spiral
as computational numerical control (CNC) bending, push
length L and half-turn spiral length L/2 are determined by the
bending, roll bending, stretch bending, and other conventional
bending technologies, bending components can be successfully
formed [146]. Nevertheless, hollow bending components with a
plane or a spatially variable curvature are more common. For
instance, most of the involute hollow bending components used
in aerospace engines, automobile fuel pipelines, and environ-
mental control pipeline systems have irregular curvatures and
configurations [145e147]. The traditional bending forming pro-
cess is challenging for such components to meet the dual re-
quirements of high dimensional accuracy and excellent
mechanical properties, producing such parts with considerable
limitations [146]. In addition, traditional bending technology
cannot adequately address the issue of springback, excessive
cross-sectional distortion, and irregular wall thickness distribu-
tion [147].
The FBF technology can address the aforementioned issues in
traditional bending forming processes. The plane and spatial
involute components are selected as the representative of the plane
or spatial variable curvature components, and their configurations
are depicted in Fig. 35 [90,146].
Based on the basic principle of the FBF technology, we put
forward the process analysis method of plane and space involute
components and solve the forming problem of plane and space
complex bending components with variable curvature. To realise
the transition of the bending die from the equilibrium position
Fig. 34. Analytical schematic diagram of the spiral tube FBF process [144]. U0 to the offset position U1 , it was necessary to add a transition

Fig. 35. Plane and spatial involute components [90,146].

A. Abd El-Aty, X. Guo, M.-G. Lee et al. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 6 (2023) 165e188

Fig. 36. Analysis of the position of the bending die during the forming process of the plane involute component [150].

segment L1 in front of the component during the FBF process

[147e149]. The velocity of the spherical bearing was calculated
using m1 ¼ U1 =tt1 as presented in Fig. 36 [150]. After the transi-
tion section L1 was formed, the bending die started to move in
the negative direction of the Y-axis and rotated counter-
clockwise around the X-axis. After moving to the corresponding
position of U2 , transition segment L2 was formed. The relative
offset distance of the spherical bearing on the Y-axis is DU2 ¼
U2  U1 , while its motion velocity is m2 ¼ DU2 =tt2 . After that,
during forming the circular segment, the bending die remained
still within the time tc2 . During the forming process of the sub-
sequent arc segment, the bending die continued to execute the
same motion, with a varying eccentricity U, until the end of the
form [148e150].
Compared with the constant curvature continuous bending
component and the plane continuous variable curvature bending
component, forming the spatial continuous variable curvature
component is more complicated [151]. In the FBF process, it is
necessary to coordinate the relationship between the offset dis-
tance U and the bending direction of the bending die to plan the
coordinate position and accurate movement trajectory in real-
time. This leads to realising the continuous FBF of the complex
component with continuous variable curvature in space [152]. Fig. 37. Analysis of the bending die position and U-R relationship during the forming
As depicted in Fig. 37 [91], the first step in the FBF process of the process of spatial involute component [91].

spatial involute component also needs to set a transition segment

L1. In the following forming process, the trajectory of the bending
5.3. Manufacturing mechanism of profile components using 6-axis
die was a space arc segment. The eccentricity Ui; projected to the X-
FBF technology
and Y-axes produced displacements Uxi and Uyi, respectively. The
sizes of Uxi and Uyi were calculated by Eq. (1), and (2). The arc
The demand for structural parts in the industry, especially in
segment between the adjacent bending radii was divided into a the automotive field, is not only for elbow members with circular
transition section and an arc segment [91,153].
cross-sections but also for section-bending members with rect-
angular or asymmetrical cross-sections [154]. However, for the
" FBF of the profile bending member with a complex axis shape and
i  # the change in the axis shape of the member, it is also necessary to
Uxi ¼ Ui  sin arctan (1) pay attention to whether the position of the profile section is
2  pRn
twisted during the bending process [155]. Therefore, the degree
of freedom of traditional 3-axis free bending equipment can no
longer meet the forming requirements of some complex profile
"  # bending components. 6-axis free bending equipment can realise
Uyi ¼ Ui  cos arctan (2) the rotation of the bending die around the X, Y, and Z axes by
2  pRn designing an active bending die, which significantly improves the

A. Abd El-Aty, X. Guo, M.-G. Lee et al. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 6 (2023) 165e188

free bending process's application scope and forming ability 0 1

[154,156]. cos g sin u
! B C
Due to the introduction of three new degrees of freedom, when ni ¼ B C
@ sin g sin u A (6)
calculating the bending parameters of the geometric shape of the
component on different planes, it is necessary to separately calcu- cos u
late the rotation angles around the X, Y, and Z axes. Therefore, it is !
Projecting the normal vector n1 on the YZ and XZ planes, we can
necessary to introduce the variable g that characterises the bending
direction and the rotation angle u of the bending die as a whole to
8 0 1
define the position of each bending section of the component in the > 0
global coordinate system of the equipment and the spatial pose of >
> ! B C
> B C
the bending die during the forming of each bending section, as > n iYZ ¼ @ sin g sin u A
shown in Fig. 38 [157]. < cos u
The rotation angle ux around the X-axis and the rotation >
0 1 (7)
angle uy around the Y-axis can be calculated by the variables u
> cos g sin u
> B C
> !
and the angle g. The rotation matrix R is established as follows >
> n iXZ ¼ B
[157]: :
cos u

0 1
B cosu þ ð1  cosuÞ,a12 ð1  cosuÞ,a1 a2  a3 sinu ð1  cosuÞ,a1 a3 þ a2 sinu C
B ð1  cosuÞ,a1 a2 þ a3 sinu cosu þ ð1  cosuÞ,a22 ð1  cosuÞ,a2 a3  a1 sinu C
C (3)
@ A
ð1  cosuÞ,a1 a3  a2 sinu ð1  cosuÞ,a2 a3 þ a1 sinu cosu þ ð1  cosuÞ,a32

The bending direction g rotating around the Z-axis can be

expressed as:

0 1
cos g sin g 0
RðgÞ ¼ B
@ sin g cos g 0C
A (4)
0 0 1
The rotation vector of the bending die can be defined as:

0 1 0 1
sin g a1
B cos g C ¼ B a2 C (5)
@ A @ A
0 a3
Combining the rotation matrix R and multiplying it with the
normal vector of the curved plane, the normal vector ni can be
calculated: Fig. 39. The principles for selecting the sign of the bending direction [157].

Fig. 38. A schematic diagram of the position of each axis in six-axis free bending forming: (a) the spatial pose of the bending die when each bending section is formed, (b) the
bending parameters [157].

A. Abd El-Aty, X. Guo, M.-G. Lee et al. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 6 (2023) 165e188

Fig. 40. Single bending result of the 6-axis FBF of the square tube: (a) bend only around the X-axis, (b) twist around the Z-axis when bending around the X-axis [159].

Fig. 41. A schematic description of our novel 6-DOF ReFBF system.

A. Abd El-Aty, X. Guo, M.-G. Lee et al. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 6 (2023) 165e188

Therefore, the rotation angles ux and uy around the X-axis and Y- opening and closing motion. In addition, a cylinder C is installed
axis can be expressed by Eq. (8): on the auxiliary clamp to ensure the automatic reset of the
8 auxiliary clamp at the end of bending. The tube is clamped and
> cos u unclamped by the collet chuck operated by cylinder D on the
> ux ¼ cos1 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
> clamper device, and the servo motor controls its rotation angle.
< ðsin gÞ ðsin uÞ2 þ ðcos uÞ2

(8) Electromagnetic valves regulate the opening and closing of all the
> cos u cylinders.
> uy ¼ cos1 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
: ðcos gÞ ðsin uÞ2 þ ðcos uÞ2

Conflicts of interest
At the same time, counter-clockwise rotation around the axis of
rotation is defined as the positive direction, and the sign selection The authors declare that there is no conflicts of interest.
of ux and uy is shown in Fig. 39 [157,158]. When an additional
torsion force around the Z direction is applied to the component Acknowledgements
during the bending process, the component's cross-sectional po-
sition and axis direction will change [159e161]. As shown in Fig. 40, The authors greatly acknowledge the financial support by Brain
the square tube bends only around the X-axis. The simulation re- Pool program funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT through
sults of the 6-axis FBF process with twisting around the Z-axis the National Research Foundation of Korea (grant number: NRF-
[159]. 2021H1D3A2A01100036), National Natural Science Foundation of
China - International (Regional) Cooperation and Exchange Pro-
gram (No. 5201101342), Jiangsu Province Science and Technology
6. Conclusions and outlook
Project (No. BK20200453), and National Natural Science Founda-
tion of China (Grant No. 51875548). In addition, this work is sup-
This comprehensive review discussed and summarised the past
ported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
and current studies as well as the future trends of FBF technology
(U1937206, 52175328, 52105362) and the Nanjing University of
and its flexibility in manufacturing thin-walled complex-shaped
Aeronautics and Astronautics Innovation Experiment Competition
metallic tubes via the use of books, conference proceedings, aca-
Cultivation (016001). Finally, MG Lee appreciates the partial sup-
demic papers, patents, and communication with industrial experts.
port from the KEIT (No. 20010717).
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