Final Ba General 2022 05 Nov v5
Final Ba General 2022 05 Nov v5
Final Ba General 2022 05 Nov v5
Qualification code: 99311 NQF Exit level: 7 Total credits: 360 APS: 20 SAQA ID: 14352
This qualification will be presented using both online and distance learning modes.
Admission A National Senior Certificate (NSC) (Degree endorsement) with at least 50% in the language of teaching and learning, or a Senior Certificate (SC)
requirements: with matriculation exemption or qualify for the exemption from the Matriculation Board with at least a D symbol on HG or a C symbol on SG in the
language of teaching and learning. Applicants who do not comply with the above requirements, should consider applying for a lower level
qualification for which they meet the statutory and additional requirements.
Rules on Qualification: Each BA curriculum consists of:
Purpose statement: To familiarise learners with the content and basic theories of a number of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, at
the basic and intermediate level, and to provide them with a deeper grasp of one or more of these disciplines taken at exit level
(level 6), as well as to enable them to place new knowledge in context and to use appropriate methods for seeking resolution of
problems; To provide learners with a variety of basic scholarly and intellectual competencies, including the ability to question
critically the assumptions of a limited range of theories and authorities, and to develop an understanding of elementary research
methods used within one or more disciplines; To equip learners with the ability to give an accurate account of scholarly
positions and the competence to express their own opinions clearly and coherently, both in written and oral communication; To
prepare learners for post learner study; To provide learners with a well-rounded and broad education across a number of
disciplines, thus preparing them for a wide range of professions crucial to the welfare of society; To produce learners who are
able to think laterally, critically and creatively; To produce learners who are prepared for life-long learning; To produce learners
who understand the principles of, and are capable of critical citizenship.
Group B - AH
Group AI
M Criminology M Geography
M Economics M Public Administration
M Industrial and Organisational Psychology M Private Law
Group AJ
Elective Modules
First level
Module Pre/Co-requisite
Group A. Fundamental: Choose ANY two modules from the following: African Languages major students must consider doing all THREE modules
AFC1501 - Isandulelo kwizifundo ngezindlela zokucwaninga ulwazi lwaseThebes/ Afrika
AFL1501 - Language Through an African Lens
ENG1503 - Academic Language and Literacy in English
Group B. Compulsory modules for major in Afrikaans (select AFK1501 and (AFK1502 OR AFK1503)
AFK1501 - Voetspore: Op reis deur die Afrikaanse Letterkunde
AFK1502 - Inleiding tot teksontwerp in Afrikaans
AFK1503 - Contemporary Afrikaans: Language Studies and Written Communication
Group C. Compulsory modules to major in African Languages (African Languages major students must select ALL fundamental modules)
AFL1502 - African Language and Culture in Practice
AFL1501 - Language Through an African Lens
Group D. Archaeology
AGE1501 - Introduction to Archaeology
AGE1502 - The Archaeology of Southern Africa
Group E. Compulsory modules to major in Applied Information Science
AIS1501 - Introducing Applied Information Science
AIS1503 - Introducing Information Records and Sources
Group F. Compulsory modules to major in African Politics
APC1501 - Political Evolution of the African State
APC1502 - The Politics of Contemporary Africa
Group G. Compulsory modules to major in Anthropology
APY1501 - Anthropology in a Diverse World
APY1502 - The Anthropology of Love and Sex
Group H. Compulsory modules to major in Arabic
ARB1501 - Elementary Arabic
ICS1501 - An Introduction to Islam
Group I. Compulsory modules to major in Art History
ARH1501 - Visual Literacy
ARH1502 - Introduction to Art History
Group J. Compulsory modules to major in Archives and Records Management
SCR1503 - The Formation of New Testament Identities: Martyrs, Apologists, and Early Church Fathers Co-requisite: BTH1501Recommendation: It is
recommended that students register SCR1501 when
attempting this module
SCR1501 - Christian Origins and Early Christian Contexts. Introduction to Early Christian Literature and History Co-requisite: BTH1501
SCR1502 - Introduction to Ancient Israelite Literature, Theology, History and Archaeology Co-requisite: BTH1501
ECH1501 - Introduction to Early Christian Literature, Theology, History and Archaeology Co-requisite: CGM1501
OTS1501 - Introduction to Ancient Israelite Literature Co-requisite: CGM1501
Group AE. Compulsory modules to major in Sociology
SOC1501 - Community, Society and Inequality in a Globalised World: Introduction to Sociology
SOC1502 - Understanding South Africa: Families, Education, Identities and Inequality
Group AF. Compulsory modules to major in Theory of Literature
THL1501 - Introduction to Theory of Literature
THL1502 - Introduction to Literary Genres
Group AG. Compulsory modules to major in Theology
TIC1501 - Reflections of Faith Co-requisite: CGM1501
TIC1502 - Introduction to the Study of Church History Co-requisite: CGM1501
Second level
Module Pre/Co-requisite
ECH2601 - Text Interpretation, Theory and Method Pre-requisite: ECH1501 & OTS1501
SCR2601 - The Foundation of New Testament Identities: From Letters to the Gospels Pre-requisite: SCR1501
SCR2602 - Life Orientation and Biblical Interpretation
SCR2603 - Christianity changed the World Pre-requisite: THE1503
OTS2603 - Life Orientation: Biblical Perspectives
Group AJ. Electives on second level for all Majors (Choose ONLY three modules)
CGM2601 - Ethics and Spirituality Pre-requisite: CGM1501 & CGM1502
CGM2602 - Preaching in a Context of Poverty
CGM2603 - Exploring Celebration and Worship
MGG2601 - Marriage Guidance and Counselling
MGG2602 - Sexual Trauma
MHS2613 - Music Business Recommendation: Should be taken together with or
follow on MNB1501
PVL2601 - Family Law Pre-requisite: ILW1501 & PVL1501 (PVL1501 not
applicable to 98681)
PVL2602 - Law of Succession Pre-requisite: ILW1501 & PVL1501
ADL2601 - Administrative Law Pre-requisite: ILW1501 & SJD1501 (Not applicable to
02291, 99303, 99304 & 99311)
AIS2604 - Utilising Electronic Library Systems and Services Pre-requisite: AIS1503 or AIS103F
AIS2605 - Developing and Managing Information Collections Pre-requisite: AIS1501 & AIS1503 or AIS101D &
CLA2601 - Commercial Law IIA
CLA2602 - Commercial Law IIB
CSL2601 - Constitutional Law Pre-requisite: ILW1501 & PLS1502 (Not applicable to
02291, 99303 & 99304 however, JUST PLS1502 is not
applicable to 98681 & 90002)
ENG2604 - Creative Writing for Public Relations
FUR2601 - Fundamental Rights Pre-requisite: ILW1501 & PLS1502 (Not applicable to
02291, 99301, 99302, 99303, 99304 and BTPLC.
However JUST PLS1502 is not applicable to 98218,
98220, 98681, 98683 & 90002]
HRD2601 - Education,Training And Development Practices Pre-requisite: HRD1501
HRD2602 - Training and Development Practices
HRM2601 - Human Resource Provisioning Pre-requisite: HRM1501 or MNB1601
HRM2602 - Human Resource Maintenance and Retention Co-requisite: HRM2601
HRM2603 - Compensation Practices Pre-requisite: HRM1501
HRM2604 - Performance Management Practices Pre-requisite: MNB1501 or BSM1501
HRM2605 - Human Resource Management for Line Managers
ICT2621 - Structured Systems Analysis and Design Pre-requisite: ICT1521& ICT1541or INF1505 or
ICT2622 - Object-Oriented Analysis Pre-requisite: ICT1521& ICT1541or INF1505 or
IND2601 - African Customary Law Pre-requisite: ILW1501 & PLS1502 (PLS1502 - not
applicable to 98750)
INF2603 - Databases I Pre-requisite: INF1505
INF2611 - Visual Programming II Pre-requisite: INF1511
KSK1601 - Introduction to Creative Writing: A Practical Course Pre-requisite: THL1501 & THL1502 or THL801U &
LEG2601 - Legal Aspects of Environmental Management
LLW2601 - Individual Labour Law
LLW2602 - Collective Labour Law
MNG2601 - General Management
MNL2601 - Leadership Pre-requisite: MNB1601
MNM2604 - Business-to-Business Marketing Pre-requisite: MNM1501 or MNM1502 or MNM1503 or
MNM1504 or MNM1505 or MNM1506 or MNM1507 or
MNM2605 - Consumer Behaviour Pre-requisite: MNM1601 or MNM1502 or MNM1501 or
MNM1502 or MNM1503 or MNM1504 or MNM1505 or
MNM1506 or MNM1507 or MNB1501
MNM2606 - Advertising and Sales Promotion Pre-requisite: MNM1501 or MNM1502 or MNM1503 or
MNM1504 or MNM1505 or MNM1506 or MNM1507 or
MNB1501 or MNM1601
MNM2607 - Public Relations Pre-requisite: MNM1601 or MNM1502 or MNM1503 or
MNM1507 or MNB1501
MNM2611 - Integrated Marketing Communication Pre-requisite: MNM1501 or MNM1502 or MNM1503 or
MNM1504 or MNM1505 or MNM1506 or MNM1507 or
Third level
Module Pre/Co-requisite
Group B. Compulsory modules to major in Afrikaans
AFK3701 - Communicative Scenario's
AFK3702 - Comparatism: Intertextual Dialogues
AFK3703 - Language Variation and Language Politics Pre-requisite: AFK2601, AFK2602 & TEX2601 or
AFK202U, AFK203V & TEX8216
AFK3704 - Afrikaans Beyond Boundaries: an Interdisciplinary Perspective
TEX3701 - Persuasive Texts
Group C. Compulsory modules to major in African Languages (Select AFL3701, AFL3702, AFL3703 and any language you wish to major in from _04 & _05, AFL3704
available for students who have attempted the module before.)
AFL3701 - African Languages: The Science of Language in Context
AFL3702 - Indigenous Knowledge Systems and African Languages
AFL3703 - An Introduction to Language Policy and Planning in South Africa: the Case of African Languages
AFL3704 - Language Technology, Terminography and Lexicography
APY3702 - Applied Anthropology: Contemporary Human Issues and the Practice of Anthropology
APY3703 - Themes in Anthropology: The Relevance of Ritual
APY3704 - Themes in Anthropology: Tourism and Pilgrimage
APY3705 - Sociocultural Solutions to Problems of Human Adaptation
Group F. Compulsory modules to major in Applied Information Science
AIS3702 - Subject Organisation Pre-requisite: AIS2601 or AIS202H
AIS3703 - Serving the user in Library and Information Practice
AIS3704 - Applying Research Methodology in Information Science
AIS3705 - Practical Portfolio Pre-requisite: AIS2601, AIS2602, AIS2603, AIS2604,
AIS2605, INS2601, INS2602 & INS2603
Co-requisite: INS2701 or INS2089
AIS3711 - Recording Information Resources Pre-requisite: AIS2601 or AIS202H
AIS3717 - Information and Knowledge Entrepreneurship
Group G. Compulsory modules to major in African Politics
APC3701 - The Politics of Southern Africa
APC3702 - The Politics of East Africa
APC3703 - The Politics of West and North Africa
PSC3702 - Political Conflict and Conflict Resolution
PSC3703 - Political Knowledge
Group H. Compulsory modules to major in Arabic
ARB3704 - Advanced Arabic Pre-requisite: ARB1501, ARB2602 & ARB2603 or
ARB101, ARB1602 & ARB201N
ARB3705 - Basic Arabic Literary texts Pre-requisite: ARB1501, ARB2602 and ARB2603
ARB3706 - Specialist Arabic Literary Texts Pre-requisite: ARB1501, ARB2602 and ARB2603
ARB3707 - Advanced Arabic Literary Texts Pre-requisite: ARB1501, ARB2602 & ARB2603
ICS3707 - Islamic Law and Jurisprudence Pre-requisite: ICS1501 or ICS101X
Group I. Compulsory modules to major in Art History
ARH3701 - Art and Ideology II Recommendation: To have passed any two NQF level
6 modules in Art History
ARH3702 - The Arts in Africa Recommendation: To have passed any two NQF Level
6 modules in Art History
ARH3703 - Visual Culture II Recommendation: To have passed any two NQF level
6 modules in Art History
ARH3704 - Modernism and Postmodernism
OTS3701 - Politics, Power and Prophecy in Ancient Israel Pre-requisite: 2 of OTS2601, OTS2602, OTS2603,
OTS2604, ECH2601, ECH2602 & ECH2603
CLS3705 - The Fall of Rome/Greco-Roman Drama Pre-requisite: AHS2611 or CLS2601 and CLS2602
CLS3701 - Classical Historical Writings Pre-requisite: AHS2611 or CLS2601 and CLS2602
ATC3703 - Ancient Near East and its "Outside" World Pre-requisite: ATC1502 & ATC1601 or ATC1013 &
ATC3704 - Detailed Study of one of the Major Cultures in Ancient Near East Pre-requisite: ATC1502 & ATC1601 or ATC1013 &
ATC3705 - Essay and Seminar
ATC3701 - Archaeology of the Ancient Near East Pre-requisite: ATC1502 & ATC1601 or ATC1013 &
ECH3704 - Construction of Bodies, Gender and Sexuality in Early Christianity
ECH3701 - Death, Tombs and Burials in the Early Christian World
RST3709 - Analysing the Social Functions of Religion (in Politics and Gender) Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register and pass RST1501 & RST1502 before
enrolling for this module.
RST3711 - Problematising Africa's Religious Heritage and World Religions Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register and pass RST1501 & RST1502 before
enrolling for this module.
RST3712 - Analysing Religion and the Spiritual Self Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register and pass RST1501 & RST1502 before
enrolling for this module.
RST3713 - Analysing Religion in Literary Writings, Audio and Visual Media Forms in Africa Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register and pass RST1501 and RST1502 before
enrolling for this module.
RST3709 - Analysing the Social Functions of Religion (in Politics and Gender) Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register and pass RST1501 & RST1502 before
enrolling for this module.
Group AD Compulsory modules to major in Scripture (ECH3703, ECH3704, ECH3705, OTS3701 available for pipeline student ONLY, new students must select the
SCR modules)
SCR3701 - Legacy of New Testament Identities: The Establishment of Christendom (Offered from 2023) Pre-requisite: SCR1501, SCR1503 & SCR2601
SCR3702 - New Testament Identities Today: Christian Discourses in the Public Spheres of Contemporary Pre-requisite: SCR1501, SCR1503 & SCR2601
Culture (offered from 2023)
SCR3703 - Bible, Gender, and Ecology (Offered from 2023) Pre-requisite: SCR1502
SCR3704 - Bible, Power, Politics, and Poverty (Offered from 2023) Pre-requisite: SCR1502
SCR3705 - Reading the Old Testament to create new religious texts (Offered from 2023) Pre-requisite: SCR1502
ECH3703 - The Bible and Human Development in Post-Colonial Africa
ECH3704 - Construction of Bodies, Gender and Sexuality in Early Christianity
ECH3705 - Early Christian Spirituality
OTS3701 - Politics, Power and Prophecy in Ancient Israel Pre-requisite: 2 of OTS2601, OTS2602, OTS2603,
OTS2604, ECH2601, ECH2602 & ECH2603
Group AE. Compulsory modules to major in Sociology
SOC3701 - Thinking Sociologically: Research Methodology Pre-requisite: RSC2601
SOC3702 - Industrial Sociology
SOC3703 - Sociology of Education
SOC3704 - Group Dynamics
SOC3705 - Theorising Modernity: Classical and Contemporary Social Theory
Group AF. Compulsory modules to major in Theory of Literature
THL3701 - Advanced Narrative Theory (Theory of Literature 821) Pre-requisite: THL2602
THL3702 - Advanced Theory of Drama (Theory of Literature) Pre-requisite: THL2602
THL3703 - Advanced Theory of Poetry (Theory of Literature) Pre-requisite: THL2602
TIC3701 - Faith, the Spirit and the Future Pre-requisite: 2 of TIC2601,TIC2602,TIC2603 &
TIC3702 - Faith, Philosophy and Science
TIC3703 - Church and Society Across the Ages
TIC3704 - Christianity in Africa
TIC3705 - Christian Foundations: the Early Centuries
Group AH Compulsory modules to major in Islamic. Choose ICS3701, ICS3706, ICS3707 and any TWO of the following Religious Studies modules: RST3708,
RST3709, RST3711, RST3712 and RST3713
RST3709 - Analysing the Social Functions of Religion (in Politics and Gender) Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register and pass RST1501 & RST1502 before
enrolling for this module.
RST3711 - Problematising Africa's Religious Heritage and World Religions Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register and pass RST1501 & RST1502 before
enrolling for this module.
RST3712 - Analysing Religion and the Spiritual Self Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register and pass RST1501 & RST1502 before
enrolling for this module.
RST3713 - Analysing Religion in Literary Writings, Audio and Visual Media Forms in Africa Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register and pass RST1501 and RST1502 before
enrolling for this module.
ICS3706 - Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Mysticism Pre-requisite: ICS1501 or ICS101X
Group AI. Second major from other colleges. Choose ONLY five modules form the following majors: CMY or ECS or GGH or PUB or IOP OR PVL
CMY3701 - The Explanation of Crime
CMY3702 - Crime Typologies
CMY3704 - Formal Reaction to Crime
CMY3705 - Victimology
CMY3706 - Contemporary Criminological Issues
ECS3701 - Monetary Economics Pre-requisite: ECS2602
ECS3702 - International Trade Pre-requisite: ECS2601
ECS3703 - International Finance Pre-requisite: ECS2602
ECS3704 - Public Economics Pre-requisite: ECS2601
ECS3705 - History of Economic Thought Pre-requisite: ECS2601 & ECS2602
GGH3701 - State of the Environment in Southern Africa
GGH3702 - Spatial Economic Development
GGH3703 - Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
GGH3704 - Development of Urban Space
GGH3705 - Assessing Environmental Impacts