Final Ba General 2022 05 Nov v5

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Bachelor of Arts

Qualification code: 99311 NQF Exit level: 7 Total credits: 360 APS: 20 SAQA ID: 14352
This qualification will be presented using both online and distance learning modes.
Admission A National Senior Certificate (NSC) (Degree endorsement) with at least 50% in the language of teaching and learning, or a Senior Certificate (SC)
requirements: with matriculation exemption or qualify for the exemption from the Matriculation Board with at least a D symbol on HG or a C symbol on SG in the
language of teaching and learning. Applicants who do not comply with the above requirements, should consider applying for a lower level
qualification for which they meet the statutory and additional requirements.
Rules on Qualification: Each BA curriculum consists of:

1. THIRTY MODULES (12 credits each)

2. The BA Degree cannot be completed in less than THREE YEARS.

FIRST LEVEL (8 modules)

1. Two Fundamental modules to be selected from Group A

2. Four Compulsory modules to be selected from any of the following CHS major groups: B – AH
2.1. TWO compulsory modules to be selected from groups B – AH and TWO from AI
3. Two elective modules to be selected from Group AJ

SECOND LEVEL (12 Modules)

1. THREE fundamental modules to be selected from Group A

2. SIX Compulsory modules to be selected from any of the following CHS major groups: B – AH

2.1 THREE compulsory modules to be selected from B – AH and FOUR from AI

3. THREE elective modules to be selected from Group AJ

THIRD LEVEL (10 modules)

4. TEN compulsory modules to be selected from Group A – AH
5. FIVE compulsory modules from A-AH and FIVE from AI

Purpose statement: To familiarise learners with the content and basic theories of a number of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, at
the basic and intermediate level, and to provide them with a deeper grasp of one or more of these disciplines taken at exit level
(level 6), as well as to enable them to place new knowledge in context and to use appropriate methods for seeking resolution of
problems; To provide learners with a variety of basic scholarly and intellectual competencies, including the ability to question
critically the assumptions of a limited range of theories and authorities, and to develop an understanding of elementary research
methods used within one or more disciplines; To equip learners with the ability to give an accurate account of scholarly
positions and the competence to express their own opinions clearly and coherently, both in written and oral communication; To
prepare learners for post learner study; To provide learners with a well-rounded and broad education across a number of
disciplines, thus preparing them for a wide range of professions crucial to the welfare of society; To produce learners who are
able to think laterally, critically and creatively; To produce learners who are prepared for life-long learning; To produce learners
who understand the principles of, and are capable of critical citizenship.

Hand Action 2022

SUBJECTS: 1. The letter 'M' before the name of a subject under Group B - AI below indicates that it may be
selected as a major subject.
2. You are also referred to the MyModules Brochure regarding the prescribed modules for a major subject

Group B - AH

M African Languages: Northern Sotho (Sesotho sa Leboa), Swati (Siswati), M English

Venda (Tshivenda), Tsonga (Xitsonga), Xhosa (IsiXhosa), Southern Sotho
(Sesotho), Tswana (Setswana), Zulu (IsiZulu) and Ndebele (IsiNdebele).
M African Politics M French
M Afrikaans M History
M Ancient History M Information Science
M Anthropology M International Politics
M Archives and Records Management M Islamic Studies
M Arabic M Theology
M Archaeology M Linguistics
M Art History M Mandarin Chinese
M Biblical Archaeology (Available for pipeline students only until 2022) M Music in History and Society
M Ministry M Philosophy
M Classical Culture M Politics
M Communication Science M Portuguese
M Development Studies M Psychology
M Theory of Literature M Religious Studies
M Scripture M Sociology

Group AI

M Criminology M Geography
M Economics M Public Administration
M Industrial and Organisational Psychology M Private Law

Group AJ

Elective Modules

Hand Action 2022

Rules on First level: Fundamental Modules on First level

AFC1501 - Isandulelo kwizifundo ngezindlela zokucwaninga ulwazi lwaseThebes/ Afrika

AFL1501 - Language Through an African Lens
ENG1503 - Academic Language and Literacy in English

First level
Module Pre/Co-requisite
Group A. Fundamental: Choose ANY two modules from the following: African Languages major students must consider doing all THREE modules
AFC1501 - Isandulelo kwizifundo ngezindlela zokucwaninga ulwazi lwaseThebes/ Afrika
AFL1501 - Language Through an African Lens
ENG1503 - Academic Language and Literacy in English
Group B. Compulsory modules for major in Afrikaans (select AFK1501 and (AFK1502 OR AFK1503)
AFK1501 - Voetspore: Op reis deur die Afrikaanse Letterkunde
AFK1502 - Inleiding tot teksontwerp in Afrikaans
AFK1503 - Contemporary Afrikaans: Language Studies and Written Communication
Group C. Compulsory modules to major in African Languages (African Languages major students must select ALL fundamental modules)
AFL1502 - African Language and Culture in Practice
AFL1501 - Language Through an African Lens

Group D. Archaeology
AGE1501 - Introduction to Archaeology
AGE1502 - The Archaeology of Southern Africa
Group E. Compulsory modules to major in Applied Information Science
AIS1501 - Introducing Applied Information Science
AIS1503 - Introducing Information Records and Sources
Group F. Compulsory modules to major in African Politics
APC1501 - Political Evolution of the African State
APC1502 - The Politics of Contemporary Africa
Group G. Compulsory modules to major in Anthropology
APY1501 - Anthropology in a Diverse World
APY1502 - The Anthropology of Love and Sex
Group H. Compulsory modules to major in Arabic
ARB1501 - Elementary Arabic
ICS1501 - An Introduction to Islam
Group I. Compulsory modules to major in Art History
ARH1501 - Visual Literacy
ARH1502 - Introduction to Art History
Group J. Compulsory modules to major in Archives and Records Management

Hand Action 2022

ARM1502 - Managing Records
ARM1503 - Managing Archives
Group K. Compulsory modules to major in Ancient History
AHS1511 - Ancient Mythology in Context
ANH1502 - Roman Ancient History
Group L. Compulsory modules to major in Biblical Archaeology (major available for Pipeline students ONLY)
ECH1501 - Introduction to Early Christian Literature, Theology, History and Archaeology Co-requisite: CGM1501
OTS1501 - Introduction to Ancient Israelite Literature Co-requisite: CGM1501
Group M. Compulsory modules to major in Classical Culture
AHS1511 - Ancient Mythology in Context
CLS1502 - Ancient Rome: Society, Myth and Literature
Group N. Compulsory modules to major in Communication Science
COM1502 - Communication Contexts and Applications
COM1501 - Fundamentals of Communication
Group O. Compulsory modules to major in Development Studies
DVA1501 - Introduction to Development Studies
DVA1502 - Development Problems and Institutions
Group P. Compulsory modules to major in English Studies
ENG1501 - Foundations in English Literary Studies
ENG1502 - Foundations in English Language Studies
Group Q. Compulsory modules to major in French
FRC1501 - French Language and Culture: Beginners
FRC1502 - French Language and Culture: Lower Intermediate Pre-requisite: FRC1501
Group R. Compulsory modules to major in History
HSY1511 - Africa in the World: Historical Perspectives
HSY1512 - Southern Africa Until the Early 1800s: Encounters and Transformations
Group S. Compulsory modules to major in Information Science
INS1501 - Introduction to Information Science
INS1502 - Developing Information Skills for Lifelong Learning
Group T. Compulsory modules to major in International Politics
IPC1501 - Fundamentals of International Politics
IPC1502 - South Africa in International Politics
Group U. Compulsory modules to major in Linguistics
LIN1501 - Grammatical Patterns and Concepts
LIN1502 - Multilingualism: the Role of Language in the South African Context
Group V. Compulsory modules to major in Mandarin Chinese
MAN1501 - Mandarin Chinese: Beginners
MAN1502 - Mandarin Chinese: Elementary Level Pre-requisite: MAN1501
Group W. Compulsory modules to major in Music History and Society
MHS1511 - Early Music to Baroque
MHS1512 - Introduction to African Music
Group X. Compulsory modules to major in Ministry
CMM1501 - Ethics and Life Co-requisite: CGM1501
CMM1502 - The Dynamics of Mission Co-requisite: CGM1501
Group Y. Compulsory modules to major in Philosophy
PLS1501 - Introduction to Western Philosophy
PLS1502 - Introduction to African Philosophy
Group Z. Compulsory modules to major in Politics
PLC1501 - Politics as Social Activity

Hand Action 2022

PLC1502 - Understanding the State
Group AA. Compulsory modules to major in Portuguese
PTU1501 - Portuguese Language and Culture: Beginners
PTU1502 - Portuguese Language and Culture: Lower Intermediate Pre-requisite: PTU1501
Group AB. Compulsory modules to major in Psychology
PYC1501 - Basic Psychology
PYC1502 - Psychology in Society
Group AC. Compulsory modules to major in Religious Studies
RST1501 - Introducing Religions of the World
RST1502 - Introducing Theories of Religion
Group AD. Compulsory modules to major in Scripture (SCR1501 , SCR1502 & SCR1503 available for new students enrolling for the Scripture major from 2022).
(ECH1501 & OTS1501 available for pipeline students ONLY)

SCR1503 - The Formation of New Testament Identities: Martyrs, Apologists, and Early Church Fathers Co-requisite: BTH1501Recommendation: It is
recommended that students register SCR1501 when
attempting this module

SCR1501 - Christian Origins and Early Christian Contexts. Introduction to Early Christian Literature and History Co-requisite: BTH1501
SCR1502 - Introduction to Ancient Israelite Literature, Theology, History and Archaeology Co-requisite: BTH1501
ECH1501 - Introduction to Early Christian Literature, Theology, History and Archaeology Co-requisite: CGM1501
OTS1501 - Introduction to Ancient Israelite Literature Co-requisite: CGM1501
Group AE. Compulsory modules to major in Sociology
SOC1501 - Community, Society and Inequality in a Globalised World: Introduction to Sociology
SOC1502 - Understanding South Africa: Families, Education, Identities and Inequality
Group AF. Compulsory modules to major in Theory of Literature
THL1501 - Introduction to Theory of Literature
THL1502 - Introduction to Literary Genres
Group AG. Compulsory modules to major in Theology
TIC1501 - Reflections of Faith Co-requisite: CGM1501
TIC1502 - Introduction to the Study of Church History Co-requisite: CGM1501

Group AH. Compulsory modules to major in Islamic

ARB1501 - Elementary Arabic
ICS1501 - An Introduction to Islam
Group AI. Second major from other colleges. Choose ONLY two modules form the following majors: CMY or ECS or GGH or PUB or IOP or PVL
CMY1501 - Introduction to Criminology: Crime, Offenders and Criminal Behaviour
CMY1502 - Introduction to Criminology: Victims and Reduction of Crime
ECS1501 - Economics IA
ECS1601 - Economics IB (Macroeconomics I) Pre-requisite: ECS1501
GGH1501 - Know Your World: Introduction to Geography
GGH1502 - World Issues: A Geographical Perspective
GGH1503 - Our Living Earth
IOP1501 - Psychological Processes in Work Context
IOP1502 - Customer Service in Tourism
PVL1501 - Law of Persons
PUB1501 - The Nature, Content and Scope of Public Administration
PUB1502 - Local Government Finance I
PUB1601 - The Structuring and Functioning of Public Services Co-requisite: PUB1501

Hand Action 2022

Group AJ. Electives on first level for all Majors (Choose ONLY two modules)
AIS1601 - Using the Internet as a Reference Tool
BLG1502 - Animal and Plant Diversity
BLG1603 - Biology Practical Co-requisite: BLG1501 & BLG1502
BSM1602 - Business Management IB
CLA1501 - Commercial Law IA
CLA1502 - Commercial Law IB
CML1501 - Communication Law
COS1521 - Computer Systems: Fundamental Concepts
ENG1511 - English Proficiency for University Studies
ENG1512 - English for Economic and Management Science
ENG1513 - Foundations in English for University Study
EUP1501 - Ethical Information and Communication Technologies for Development Solutions
HFL1501 - Historical Foundations of South African Law
HRD1501 - Introduction to Human Resource Development
HRM1501 - Introduction to Human Resource Management
ILW1501 - Introduction to Law
INF1505 - Introduction to Business Information Systems
INF1511 - Visual Programming I
INF1520 - Human-Computer Interaction I
IOP1503 - Environmental Psychology
IOP1504 - Workforce Diversity
IRM1501 - Introduction to Research Methodology for Law and Criminal Justice
LRM1501 - Introduction to Labour Relations Management
MNB1501 - Business Management IA
MNB1601 - Business Management IB Pre-requisite: MNB1501 (except for qualification code
MNM1501 - Personal Selling
MNM1502 - Customer Service
MNM1503 - Introduction to Marketing
MNM1504 - Introduction to Retailing
MNM1505 - Introduction to Consumer Behaviour
MNM1506 - Introduction to Merchandising
MNM1507 - Introduction to Marketing Communication
MNM1520 - Fundamentals of Public Relations
MNM1522 - Fundamentals of Branding
MNM1601 - Principles of Marketing Management
NDE1505 - Applied African languages Grammar for Home Language Foundation and Intermediate Phase
NDE1506 - Applied African Languages Literature for Home Language, Foundation phase
NDE1507 - Applied African Language Communicative Competence for Second Additional Language
NDE1508 - Applied African Languages Grammar for First Additional Language
NDE1509 - Applied African Languages Literature for First Additional Language
SCL1501 - Skills Course for Law Students
SPE1505 - Applied African languages Grammar for Home Language Foundation and Intermediate Phase
SPE1506 - Applied African Languages Literature for Home Language, Foundation phase
SPE1507 - Applied African Language Communicative Competence for Second Additional Language
SPE1508 - Applied African Languages Grammar for First Additional Language

Hand Action 2022

SPE1509 - Applied African Languages Literature for First Additional Language
SSO1505 - Applied African languages Grammar for Home Language Foundation and Intermediate Phase
SSO1506 - Applied African Languages Literature for Home Language, Foundation phase
SSO1507 - Applied African Language Communicative Competence for Second Additional Language
SSO1508 - Applied African Languages Grammar for First Additional Language
SSO1509 - Applied African Languages Literature for First Additional Language
SWA1505 - Applied African languages Grammar for Home Language Foundation and Intermediate Phase
SWA1506 - Applied African Languages Literature for Home Language, Foundation phase
SWA1507 - Applied African Language Communicative Competence for Second Additional Language
SWA1508 - Applied African Languages Grammar for First Additional Language
SWA1509 - Applied African Languages Literature for First Additional Language
TSO1505 - Applied African Languages Grammar for Home Language Foundation and Intermediate Phase
TSO1506 - Applied African Languages Literature for Home Language, Foundation phase
TSO1507 - Applied African Language Communicative Competence for Second Additional Language
TSO1508 - Applied African Languages Grammar for First Additional Language
TSO1509 - Applied African Languages Literature for First Additional Language
TSW1505 - Applied African languages Grammar for Home Language Foundation and Intermediate Phase
TSW1506 - Applied African Languages Literature for Home Language, Foundation phase
TSW1507 - Applied African Language Communicative Competence for Second Additional Language
TSW1508 - Applied African Languages Grammar for First Additional Language
TSW1509 - Applied African Languages Literature for First Additional Language
VEN1505 - Applied African languages Grammar for Home Language Foundation and Intermediate Phase
VEN1506 - Applied African Languages Literature for Home Language, Foundation phase
VEN1507 - Applied African Language Communicative Competence for Second Additional Language
VEN1508 - Applied African Languages Grammar for First Additional Language
VEN1509 - Applied African Languages Literature for First Additional Language
XHO1505 - Applied African Languages Grammar for Home Language Foundation and Intermediate Phase
XHO1506 - Applied African Languages Literature for Home Language, foundation phase
XHO1507 - Applied African Language Communicative Competence for Second Additional Language
XHO1508 - Applied African Languages Grammar for First Additional Language
XHO1509 - Applied African Languages Literature for First Additional Language
ZUL1505 - Applied African languages Grammar for Home Language Foundation and Intermediate Phase
ZUL1506 - Applied African Languages Literature for Home Language, Foundation phase
ZUL1507 - Applied African Language Communicative Competence for Second Additional Language
ZUL1508 - Applied African Languages Grammar for First Additional Language
ZUL1509 - Applied African Languages Literature for First Additional Language

Rules on Second level: Fundamental Modules on second level

.PLS2601 Critical Reasoning

.PYC2605 HIV/Aids care & counselling
.EWS2601 Engaging with society: meeting the challenges of a changing world
.HRV1601 Human Rights, Values and Social Transformation (Human Rights)

Second level
Module Pre/Co-requisite

Hand Action 2022

Group A. Fundamental modules. Choose THREE modules from the following
EWS2601 - Engaging with Society: Meeting the Challenges of a Changing World
HRV1601 - Human Rights, Values and Social Transformation
PLS2601 - Critical Reasoning
PYC2605 - HIV/AIDS Care and Counselling
Group B. Compulsory modules to major in Afrikaans
AFK2601 - Genre and Theme
AFK2602 - Afrikaans Grammar Recommendation: It is recommended that students
enroll for AFK1502 or AFK1503 before attempting this
TEX2601 - Writing Skills for the Communication Industry Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register with or pass AFK1502 before attempting this
Group C. Compulsory modules to major in African Languages
AFL2601 - Communication Dynamics in African Languages
AFL2602 - Understanding African Management Practices as Reflected in African Languages Literature and
AFL2603 - Literature and Society: a Perspective on African Languages
Group D. Compulsory modules to major in Archaeology
AGE2601 - Archaeological Fieldwork Techniques and Analytical Methods Recommendation: AGE1501

AGE2602 - African Archaeology

APY2601 - Anthropological Theory in Practice
Group E. Compulsory modules to major in Applied Information Science
AIS2601 - Bibliographic Control, Basic Descriptive Cataloguing and Classification Pre-requisite: AIS1503 or AIS103F
Pre-requisite: AIS1503 or AIS103F
AIS2603 - Describing Library user Group and Meeting their Needs
AIS2602 - Learning How to Provide Reference Services Pre-requisite: AIS1503 or AIS103F
Group F - Compulsory modules to major in African Politics
APC2601 - Political Change in Contemporary Africa
APC2602 - Political Economy of Africa
PSC2601 - South African Politics

Group G. Compulsory modules to major in Anthropology

APY2602 - Anthropology and Health Care
APY2613 - Anthropology in an African Context
APY2601 - Anthropological Theory in Practice
Group H. Compulsory modules to major in Arabic
ARB2602 - Pre-Intermediate Arabic Pre-requisite: ARB1501
ARB2603 - Intermediate Arabic Pre-requisite: ARB1501 & ARB2602 & ARB1602
ICS2602 - History of Islam Co-requisite: ICS1501 or ICS101X
Group I. Compulsory modules to major in Art History
ARH2601 - The Arts and Ideology I Recommendation: To have passed ONE first level in
Art History
ARH2602 - Introduction to Art History in Africa Recommendation: To have passed any ONE first level
module in Art History
ARH2603 - Visual Culture I Recommendation: To have passed any ONE first level
module in Art History
Group J. Compulsory modules to major in Archives and Records Management
ARM2601 - Audio-Visual Archiving

Hand Action 2022

ARM2602 - Organising Records: Classification Systems
ARM2603 - Appraisal and Disposal of Records
Group K. Compulsory modules to major in Ancient History
AHS2611 - Perspectives on North Africa in Antiquity Recommendation: AHS1511 & AHS1502 (Old codes:
CLS1502, CLS1502; ANH1501, ANH1502)
CLS2602 - Material Testimonies to the Classical World
CLS2603 - Ancient Empires
Group L. Compulsory modules to major in Biblical Archaeology
CLS2602 - Material Testimonies to the Classical World
CLS2603 - Ancient Empires

ECH2602 - Daily Life in Early Christianity

Group M. Compulsory modules to major in Classical Culture
AHS2611 - Perspectives on North Africa in Antiquity Recommendation: AHS1511 & AHS1502 (Old codes:
CLS1502, CLS1502; ANH1501, ANH1502)
CLS2602 - Material Testimonies to the Classical World
CLS2603 - Ancient Empires
Group N. Compulsory modules to major in Communication Science
COM2601 - Organisational Communication
COM2602 - Integrated Organisational Communication
COM2603 - Intercultural, Development and Health Communication
COM2604 - Media Studies: Mass Communication and Media Theory
RSC2601 - Research in Social Sciences
TEX2601 - Writing Skills for the Communication Industry Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register with or pass AFK1502 before attempting this
Group O. Compulsory modules to major in Development Studies
DVA2601 - Projects and Programmes as Instruments of Development
DVA2602 - Community Development and the Basic Needs Approach
DVA2603 - Urban Development
Group P. Compulsory modules to major in English Studies
ENG2601 - Applied English Language Studies: Further Explorations Pre-requisite: ENG1501 and ENG1502
ENG2602 - Genres in Literature and Language: Theory, Style and Poetics Pre-requisite: ENG1501 & ENG1502
ENG2603 - Colonial and Postcolonial African Literatures Pre-requisite: ENG1501 & ENG1502
Group Q. Compulsory modules to major in French
FRC2601 - French Language and Culture: Intermediate Pre-requisite: FRC1502
FRC2602 - French for Professional Purposes: Introduction Pre-requisite: FRC1502
FRC2603 - French Literature: Introduction Pre-requisite: FRC1502
Group R. Compulsory modules to major in History
HSY2601 - Themes in the 19th Century History: Power and the Western World Pre-requisite: (HSY1501 & HSY1502) or (HSY101D &
HSY102E) or (HSY1511 & HSY1512)
HSY2602 - Early State Formation, Slavery and Colonial Conquest in Africa Pre-requisite: HSY1501 & HSY1502 or HSY101D &
HSY102E or HSY1511 & HSY1512
HSY2603 - Transformation in Southern Africa in the 19th Century: Colonisation, Migration, Mining and War Pre-requisite: HSY1501 & HSY1502 or HSY1511 &
Group S. Compulsory modules to major in Information Science
INS2601 - Exploring Information user Studies Pre-requisite: INS1501 or INS101U (Not applicable to
02305 -MV1)
INS2602 - Investigating Information Ethics in the Information Era

Hand Action 2022

INS2603 - Introducing Information Management
Group T. Compulsory modules to major in International Politics
IPC2601 - International Organisations
IPC2602 - International Political Dynamics
Group U. Compulsory modules to major in Linguistics
LIN2601 - Language Acquisition in a Natural Environment
LIN2602 - Language in a Changing World
LIN2603 - Sound and Sound Structure
Group V. Compulsory modules to major in Mandarin Chinese
MAN2601 - Mandarin Chinese: Intermediate Level I Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register with or pass MAN1502 before attempting this
MAN2602 - Mandarin Chinese: Intermediate Level II Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register with or pass MAN2601 before attempting this
Group W. Compulsory modules to major in Music History and Society
MHS2611 - Classic and Romantic Music Pre-requisite: MHS1511 or MHS1501
MHS2612 - Music in Postcolonial Africa Recommendation: Should be taken together with or
follow on MHS1512 or MHS1502
MHS2614 - Jazz Studies
Group X. Compulsory modules to major in Ministry
CMM2601 - Women in Society and Church Pre-requisite: CMM1501 & CMM1502
CMM2602 - Youth Ministry in Communities
CMM2603 - Intercultural Christian Communication
Group Y. Compulsory modules to major in Philosophy
PLS2602 - African Ethics and Politics
PLS2601 - Critical Reasoning
PLS2607 - Philosophy of Science
Group Z. Compulsory modules to major in Politics
PLC2601 - Understanding Political Behaviour and Participation

PSC2601 - South African Politics

PLC2602 - Politics and Public Policy

Group AA. Compulsory modules to major in Portuguese
PTU2601 - Portuguese Language and Culture: Intermediate Level Pre-requisite: PTU1502
PTU2602 - Modern Portuguese Literature and Society Pre-requisite: PTU1502
Co-requisite: PTU2601
PTU2603 - Portuguese Language and Culture: upper Intermediate Level Pre-requisite: PTU2601 & PTU2602
Group AB. Compulsory modules to major in Psychology [Choose PYC2601, RSC2601 and either ONE of PYC2603 or PYC2602)
PYC2601 - Personality Theories

RSC2601 - Research in Social Sciences

- Child and Adolescent Development
PYC2603 - Adulthood and Maturity
Group AC. Compulsory modules to major in Religious Studies (Choose RST2601, RST2603 and either ONE of APY2601 or HSY2602)
RST2601 - Understanding Religion through objects, the senses and technology Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register and pass RST1501 and RST1502 before
taking this module.

Hand Action 2022

HSY2602 - Early State Formation, Slavery and Colonial Conquest in Africa Pre-requisite: HSY1501 & HSY1502 or HSY101D &
HSY102E or HSY1511 & HSY1512
APY2601 - Anthropological Theory in Practice
RST2603 - Understanding Contemporary Religious Movements and Developments Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register and pass RST1501 and RST1502 before this
Group AD. Compulsory modules to major in Scripture (Choose SCR2601, SCR2602, SCR2603 available for new students ONLY, pipeline Scripture major students
must select OTS2603 &ECH2601.ECH2602

ECH2602 - Daily Life in Early Christianity

ECH2601 - Text Interpretation, Theory and Method Pre-requisite: ECH1501 & OTS1501

SCR2601 - The Foundation of New Testament Identities: From Letters to the Gospels Pre-requisite: SCR1501
SCR2602 - Life Orientation and Biblical Interpretation
SCR2603 - Christianity changed the World Pre-requisite: THE1503
OTS2603 - Life Orientation: Biblical Perspectives

Group AE. Compulsory modules to major in Sociology

SOC2601 - Theories of Social Change Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register with or pass SOC1501 and/or SOC1502
before attempting this module
SOC2602 - Globalisation and Social Change in South Africa Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register with or pass SOC1501 and/or SOC1502
before attempting this module

RSC2601 - Research in Social Sciences

SOC2604 - Sociology of Families and Social Problems
Group AF. Compulsory modules to major in Theory of Literature
THL2601 - Theory of the Sign in Literature and Culture Pre-requisite: THL1501 or THL801U
THL2602 - Structuralist and Semiotic Theories of Genre Pre-requisite: THL1502 or THL802V
THL2603 - Theories in Context - Ideology and Discourse
Group AG. Compulsory modules to major in Theology
TIC2601 - Faith, Church and Culture Pre-requisite: TIC1501 OR TIC1502
TIC2602 - Christianity and a Changing South Africa
TIC2603 - Faith, Jesus and Social Change
TIC2604 - World Christianity and Ecumenism

Group AH Compulsory modules to major in Islamic

ICS2603 - Foundation Sources of Islam Pre-requisite: ICS1501 or ICS101X
ICS2602 - History of Islam Co-requisite: ICS1501 or ICS101X
ICS2601 - Lived Islam in Africa
Group AI. Choose FOUR modules from the following majors: CMY or ECS or GGH or PUB or IOP OR PVL
CMY2601 - Crime Risk Perspectives
CMY2602 - Principles of Crime Prevention, Reduction and Control
CMY2603 - Child and Youth Misbehaviour
CMY2604 - Dealing with Young Offenders
ECS2601 - Intermediate Microeconomics Pre-requisite: ECS1501

Hand Action 2022

ECS2602 - Macroeconomics Pre-requisite: ECS1601
ECS2603 - South African Economic Indicators Pre-requisite: ECS1601
ECS2604 - Labour Economics Pre-requisite: ECS1601
ECS2605 - South African Financial System Pre-requisite: ECS1601
ECS2606 - Environmental Economics
ECS2608 - Economic History of the World Pre-requisite: ECS1601
ECS2609 - Economic History of South Africa Pre-requisite: ECS1601
GGH2601 - The African Challenge: People and Environment
GGH2603 - The Interpretation of Maps, Aerial Photographs and Satellite Images
GGH2602 - The Geography of Services Provision
GGH2604 - People and the Environment
GGH2606 - Geography of Tourism

IOP2601 - Organisational Research Methodology

IOP2602 - Organisational Psychology Pre-requisite: IOP1601
IOP2603 - Ergonomics Pre-requisite: IOP1601
IOP2604 - Psychological Adjustment in the Work Context Pre-requisite: IOP1601
IOP2605 - Human Capacity Development Pre-requisite: IOP1601
IOP2606 - Individual Differences and Work Performance Pre-requisite: IOP2602
IOP2607 - Workgroup Dynamics and Diversity Pre-requisite: IOP1601
PVL2601 - Family Law Pre-requisite: ILW1501 & PVL1501 (PVL1501 not
applicable to 98681)
PVL2602 - Law of Succession Pre-requisite: ILW1501 & PVL1501
PUB2601 - Foundations of Public Administration Pre-requisite: PUB1501 & PUB1601
PUB2602 - Protection Services Pre-requisite: PUB1501 & PUB1601
PUB2603 - Creation of Wealth Pre-requisite: PUB1501 & PUB1601
PUB2604 - Welfare and Social Services Pre-requisite: PUB1501 & PUB1601
PUB2605 - Culture and Education Pre-requisite: PUB1501 & PUB1601
PUB2606 - Environmental Affairs Pre-requisite: PUB1501 & PUB1601 (NOT applicable
to 98052-ECH, 98052-XEC and 98055)

Group AJ. Electives on second level for all Majors (Choose ONLY three modules)
CGM2601 - Ethics and Spirituality Pre-requisite: CGM1501 & CGM1502
CGM2602 - Preaching in a Context of Poverty
CGM2603 - Exploring Celebration and Worship
MGG2601 - Marriage Guidance and Counselling
MGG2602 - Sexual Trauma
MHS2613 - Music Business Recommendation: Should be taken together with or
follow on MNB1501
PVL2601 - Family Law Pre-requisite: ILW1501 & PVL1501 (PVL1501 not
applicable to 98681)
PVL2602 - Law of Succession Pre-requisite: ILW1501 & PVL1501
ADL2601 - Administrative Law Pre-requisite: ILW1501 & SJD1501 (Not applicable to
02291, 99303, 99304 & 99311)

AIS2604 - Utilising Electronic Library Systems and Services Pre-requisite: AIS1503 or AIS103F

Hand Action 2022

Co-requisite: AIS1601 or AIS104G

AIS2605 - Developing and Managing Information Collections Pre-requisite: AIS1501 & AIS1503 or AIS101D &
CLA2601 - Commercial Law IIA
CLA2602 - Commercial Law IIB
CSL2601 - Constitutional Law Pre-requisite: ILW1501 & PLS1502 (Not applicable to
02291, 99303 & 99304 however, JUST PLS1502 is not
applicable to 98681 & 90002)
ENG2604 - Creative Writing for Public Relations
FUR2601 - Fundamental Rights Pre-requisite: ILW1501 & PLS1502 (Not applicable to
02291, 99301, 99302, 99303, 99304 and BTPLC.
However JUST PLS1502 is not applicable to 98218,
98220, 98681, 98683 & 90002]
HRD2601 - Education,Training And Development Practices Pre-requisite: HRD1501
HRD2602 - Training and Development Practices
HRM2601 - Human Resource Provisioning Pre-requisite: HRM1501 or MNB1601
HRM2602 - Human Resource Maintenance and Retention Co-requisite: HRM2601
HRM2603 - Compensation Practices Pre-requisite: HRM1501
HRM2604 - Performance Management Practices Pre-requisite: MNB1501 or BSM1501
HRM2605 - Human Resource Management for Line Managers
ICT2621 - Structured Systems Analysis and Design Pre-requisite: ICT1521& ICT1541or INF1505 or
ICT2622 - Object-Oriented Analysis Pre-requisite: ICT1521& ICT1541or INF1505 or
IND2601 - African Customary Law Pre-requisite: ILW1501 & PLS1502 (PLS1502 - not
applicable to 98750)
INF2603 - Databases I Pre-requisite: INF1505
INF2611 - Visual Programming II Pre-requisite: INF1511
KSK1601 - Introduction to Creative Writing: A Practical Course Pre-requisite: THL1501 & THL1502 or THL801U &
LEG2601 - Legal Aspects of Environmental Management
LLW2601 - Individual Labour Law
LLW2602 - Collective Labour Law
MNG2601 - General Management
MNL2601 - Leadership Pre-requisite: MNB1601
MNM2604 - Business-to-Business Marketing Pre-requisite: MNM1501 or MNM1502 or MNM1503 or
MNM1504 or MNM1505 or MNM1506 or MNM1507 or
MNM2605 - Consumer Behaviour Pre-requisite: MNM1601 or MNM1502 or MNM1501 or
MNM1502 or MNM1503 or MNM1504 or MNM1505 or
MNM1506 or MNM1507 or MNB1501
MNM2606 - Advertising and Sales Promotion Pre-requisite: MNM1501 or MNM1502 or MNM1503 or
MNM1504 or MNM1505 or MNM1506 or MNM1507 or
MNB1501 or MNM1601
MNM2607 - Public Relations Pre-requisite: MNM1601 or MNM1502 or MNM1503 or
MNM1507 or MNB1501
MNM2611 - Integrated Marketing Communication Pre-requisite: MNM1501 or MNM1502 or MNM1503 or
MNM1504 or MNM1505 or MNM1506 or MNM1507 or

Hand Action 2022

MNM2612 - E-Commerce in Business Pre-requisite: MNM1501 or MNM1502 or MNM1503 or
MNM1504 or MNM1505 or MNM1506 or MNM1507 or
MNB1601 or MNM1601 or MNB102E or MAR111Y or
MNM2613 - Value Chain Marketing Pre-requisite: MNM1502 or MNM1601
MNM2614 - Product and Price Management Pre-requisite: MNM1501 or MNM1502 or MNM1503 or
MNM1504 or MNM1505 or MNM1506 or MNM1507
MNM2615 - Marketing in Africa Pre-requisite: MNM1601 or MNM1502 or MNM1501 or
MNM1504 or MNM1505 or MNM1506 or MNM1507 or
MRL2601 - Entrepreneurial Law Pre-requisite: ILW1501
SCW2601 - Introduction to Law for Social Work IIA
SCW2602 - Introduction to Law for Social Work IIB
PYC2606 - Basic Measurement and Questionnaire Design

Third level
Module Pre/Co-requisite
Group B. Compulsory modules to major in Afrikaans
AFK3701 - Communicative Scenario's
AFK3702 - Comparatism: Intertextual Dialogues
AFK3703 - Language Variation and Language Politics Pre-requisite: AFK2601, AFK2602 & TEX2601 or
AFK202U, AFK203V & TEX8216
AFK3704 - Afrikaans Beyond Boundaries: an Interdisciplinary Perspective
TEX3701 - Persuasive Texts
Group C. Compulsory modules to major in African Languages (Select AFL3701, AFL3702, AFL3703 and any language you wish to major in from _04 & _05, AFL3704
available for students who have attempted the module before.)
AFL3701 - African Languages: The Science of Language in Context
AFL3702 - Indigenous Knowledge Systems and African Languages
AFL3703 - An Introduction to Language Policy and Planning in South Africa: the Case of African Languages
AFL3704 - Language Technology, Terminography and Lexicography

NDE3705 - Creative Writing and Translation – IsiNdebele

SPE3705 - Creative Writing and Translation - Sepedi
SSO3705 - Creative Writing and Translation – Sesotho
TSO3705 - Creative Writing and Translation - Xitsonga
TSW3705 - Creative Writing and Translation - Setswana
VEN3705 - Creative Writing and Translation - Tshivenda
XHO3705 - Creative Writing and Translation - IsiXhosa
ZUL3705 - Creative Writing and Translation – IsiZULU

SPE3704 - Language Technology, Terminography and Lexicography – Sepedi

NDE3704 - Language Technology, Terminography and Lexicography – IsiNdebele

SSO704 - Language Technology, Terminography and Lexicography – Sesotho

TSO3704 - Language Technology, Terminography and Lexicography – Xitsonga

TSW3704 - Language Technology, Terminography and Lexicography – Setswana

Hand Action 2022

VEN3704 - Language Technology, Terminography and Lexicography – Tshivenda

XHO3704 - Language Technology, Terminography and Lexicography – IsiXhosa

ZUL3704 - Language Technology, Terminography and Lexicography – IsiZulu

Group D. Compulsory modules to major in Archaeology

AGE3701 - The Interpretation of Archaeological Data

AGE3703 - World Archaeology

AGE3704 - Prehistoric Rock Art
AGE3702 - Applied Archaeology: Heritage Conservation, Cultural Resource Management and Archaeotourism
AGE3705 - Archaeology and Fossils: The Study of Human Evolution
Group E. Compulsory modules to major in Anthropology
APY3701 - Qualitative Research Methodology: the Anthropological Strategy

APY3702 - Applied Anthropology: Contemporary Human Issues and the Practice of Anthropology
APY3703 - Themes in Anthropology: The Relevance of Ritual
APY3704 - Themes in Anthropology: Tourism and Pilgrimage
APY3705 - Sociocultural Solutions to Problems of Human Adaptation
Group F. Compulsory modules to major in Applied Information Science
AIS3702 - Subject Organisation Pre-requisite: AIS2601 or AIS202H
AIS3703 - Serving the user in Library and Information Practice
AIS3704 - Applying Research Methodology in Information Science
AIS3705 - Practical Portfolio Pre-requisite: AIS2601, AIS2602, AIS2603, AIS2604,
AIS2605, INS2601, INS2602 & INS2603
Co-requisite: INS2701 or INS2089
AIS3711 - Recording Information Resources Pre-requisite: AIS2601 or AIS202H
AIS3717 - Information and Knowledge Entrepreneurship
Group G. Compulsory modules to major in African Politics
APC3701 - The Politics of Southern Africa
APC3702 - The Politics of East Africa
APC3703 - The Politics of West and North Africa
PSC3702 - Political Conflict and Conflict Resolution
PSC3703 - Political Knowledge
Group H. Compulsory modules to major in Arabic
ARB3704 - Advanced Arabic Pre-requisite: ARB1501, ARB2602 & ARB2603 or
ARB101, ARB1602 & ARB201N
ARB3705 - Basic Arabic Literary texts Pre-requisite: ARB1501, ARB2602 and ARB2603
ARB3706 - Specialist Arabic Literary Texts Pre-requisite: ARB1501, ARB2602 and ARB2603
ARB3707 - Advanced Arabic Literary Texts Pre-requisite: ARB1501, ARB2602 & ARB2603
ICS3707 - Islamic Law and Jurisprudence Pre-requisite: ICS1501 or ICS101X
Group I. Compulsory modules to major in Art History
ARH3701 - Art and Ideology II Recommendation: To have passed any two NQF level
6 modules in Art History
ARH3702 - The Arts in Africa Recommendation: To have passed any two NQF Level
6 modules in Art History
ARH3703 - Visual Culture II Recommendation: To have passed any two NQF level
6 modules in Art History
ARH3704 - Modernism and Postmodernism

Hand Action 2022

ARH3705 - The Arts and the (Post)Colonial Recommendation: To have passed any two NQF level
6 modules in Art History
Group J. Compulsory modules to major in Archives and Records Management
ARM3701 - Legislation and Standards in Archives and Records Management
ARM3702 - ICT Applications in Archives and Records Management
ARM3703 - Organising Archives: Arrangement and Description
ARM3704 - Preservation Management of Archives and Records
ARM3705 - Archival Programming and Advocacy
Group K Compulsory modules to major in Ancient History
AHS3712 - Ancient Democracy Pre-requisite: CLS2602 and CLS2603
CLS3701 - Classical Historical Writings Pre-requisite: AHS2611 or CLS2601 and CLS2602
CLS3704 - Classical Heroes in Fact and Fiction Pre-requisite: CLS2602 and CLS2603
CLS3705 - The Fall of Rome/Greco-Roman Drama Pre-requisite: AHS2611 or CLS2601 and CLS2602
CLS3706 - Conquerors and Conquests in the Ancient World: from Text to Screen Pre-requisite: CLS2602 and CLS2603
Group L Compulsory modules to major in Biblical Archaeology ECH3701, and any four of ECH3704, ATC3701,ATC3703,ATC3704,CLS3701,CLS3705 and OTS3701
(This Major is available for pipeline students ONLY. Pipeline students have until 2022 to complete this major)

OTS3701 - Politics, Power and Prophecy in Ancient Israel Pre-requisite: 2 of OTS2601, OTS2602, OTS2603,
OTS2604, ECH2601, ECH2602 & ECH2603
CLS3705 - The Fall of Rome/Greco-Roman Drama Pre-requisite: AHS2611 or CLS2601 and CLS2602
CLS3701 - Classical Historical Writings Pre-requisite: AHS2611 or CLS2601 and CLS2602
ATC3703 - Ancient Near East and its "Outside" World Pre-requisite: ATC1502 & ATC1601 or ATC1013 &
ATC3704 - Detailed Study of one of the Major Cultures in Ancient Near East Pre-requisite: ATC1502 & ATC1601 or ATC1013 &
ATC3705 - Essay and Seminar
ATC3701 - Archaeology of the Ancient Near East Pre-requisite: ATC1502 & ATC1601 or ATC1013 &
ECH3704 - Construction of Bodies, Gender and Sexuality in Early Christianity
ECH3701 - Death, Tombs and Burials in the Early Christian World

Group M. Compulsory modules to major in Classical Culture

AHS3712 - Ancient Democracy Pre-requisite: CLS2602 and CLS2603
CLS3701 - Classical Historical Writings Pre-requisite: AHS2611 or CLS2601 and CLS2602
CLS3704 - Classical Heroes in Fact and Fiction Pre-requisite: CLS2602 and CLS2603
CLS3705 - The Fall of Rome/Greco-Roman Drama Pre-requisite: AHS2611 or CLS2601 and CLS2602
CLS3706 - Conquerors and Conquests in the Ancient World: from Text to Screen Pre-requisite: CLS2602 and CLS2603
Group N Compulsory modules to major in Communication Science (Choose COM3701, COM3702, COM3703, COM3706 and ONE of COM3704, COM3705, COM3708,
COM3701 - Marketing Communication
COM3702 - Media Studies: Institutions, Theories and Issues
COM3703 - Media Studies: Content, Audiences and Production
COM3704 - New Media Technology
COM3705 - International Communication
COM3706 - Communication Research Pre-requisite: RSC2601 or RSC201H

COM3708 - Advertising and Public Relations

COM3707 - Political and Government Communication and Media Ethics
Group O. Compulsory modules to major in Development Studies
DVA3701 - Development Theories

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DVA3703 - Development Policy and Strategies
DVA3704 - Development Planning
DVA3706 - Rural Development
DVA3705 - Empowerment and Popular Initiatives
Group P. Compulsory modules to major in English Studies
ENG3701 - The History and Spread of English Pre-requisite: ENG2601, ENG2602 & ENG2603
ENG3702 - The English Language: Context and Purpose Pre-requisite: ENG2601, ENG2602 & ENG2603
ENG3703 - Theoretical Approaches to English Language and Literature Pre-requisite: ENG2601, ENG2602 & ENG2603
ENG3704 - Shakespeare's Dramatic Art Pre-requisite: ENG2601, ENG2602 & ENG2603
ENG3705 - Modern and Postmodern Literature in English Pre-requisite: ENG2601, ENG2602 & ENG2603
Group Q. Compulsory modules to major in French
FRC3701 - French Language and Culture: Advanced Oral Pre-requisite: FRC2601
FRC3702 - French for Professional Purposes: Hotel and Tourism Pre-requisite: FRC2601
FRC3703 - French Literature: France (Advanced) Pre-requisite: FRC2601
FRC3704 - French Literature: Francophone Countries (Advanced) Pre-requisite: FRC2601
FRC3705 - Practical Translation from and Into French Pre-requisite: FRC2601
Group R Compulsory modules to major in History
HSY3701 - Decolonisation, Independence and Social Change in Modern Africa
HSY3702 - Themes in 20th Century World History: Towards Globalisation
HSY3703 - Globalisation
HSY3704 - Modern South Africa: Afrikaner Power, the Politics of Race and Resistance, 1902 to the 1970's
HSY3705 - Modern South Africa: From Soweto to Democracy
Group S Compulsory modules to major in Information Science
INS2701 - Information and Communication Technology for Information Science Pre-requisite: INS1501
Co-requisite: EUP1501
INS3702 - The Political Economy of Information
INS3703 - Using Information: the Role of Information Behaviour
INS3705 - Information and Knowledge Management
INS3707 - Information Organisation and Retrieval
Group T. Compulsory modules to major in International Politics
PSC3703 - Political Knowledge
IPC3701 - International Political Theory
IPC3702 - International Political Economy
IPC3703 - Diplomacy
PSC3702 - Political Conflict and Conflict Resolution
Group U. Compulsory modules to major in Linguistics
LIN3701 - Approaches in Linguistics
LIN3702 - Translation and Editing Techniques
LIN3703 - Learning and Teaching an additional Language
LIN3704 - Language Planning and Linguistic Description
LIN3705 - Text Structure and Function
Group V. Compulsory modules to major in Mandarin Chinese
MAN3701 - Mandarin Chinese: Upper-intermediate level Pre-requisite: MAN2602
MAN3702 - Mandarin Chinese: Advanced Level I Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register with or pass MAN3701 before attempting this

Hand Action 2022

MAN3703 - Mandarin Chinese: Advanced Level II Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register with or pass MAN3702 before attempting this
MAN3704 - Mandarin Chinese: Proficient Level I Pre-requisite: MAN3703
MAN3705 - Mandarin Chinese: Proficient Level II Pre-requisite: MAN3703
Group W Compulsory modules to major in Music History and Society(MHS3701, MHS3702,MHS3703,MHS3704 &MHS3705 available for pipeline students who have
attempted the module(s) before, new students must register for MHS3711,MHS3712,MHS3713,MHS3714 &MHS3715
MHS3701 - Music in Religion
MHS3702 - Opera
MHS3703 - Music and Gender

MHS3711 - Modernism and Twentieth Century Music Pre-requisite: MHS2611 or MHS2604

MHS3712 - Theory of African Music Pre-requisite: MHS2612
MHS3713 - Psychology of Music Pre-requisite: PYC1501 (Not Applicable to 02305 MA1)
Recommendation: CST1511 or UNISA Grade 5 in
Music theory.

MHS3715 - Popular Music

MHS3714 - Opera and Choral Music Pre-requisite: MHS2611
MHS3704 - Music in South Africa
Group X Compulsory modules to major in Ministry
BTH3720 - Integrated Theological Praxis
CMM3701 - Christian Action for Anti-Racism and Reconciliation Pre-requisite: 2 of CMM2601, CMM2602 & CMM2603
CMM3702 - God, Creation and Environment
CMM3703 - Christian Social Ethics
CMM3704 - The Dynamics of Interreligious Encounter
CMM3705 - Christian Moral Decision-Making
Group Y Compulsory modules to major in Philosophy
PLS3701 - Theoretical and Applied Ethics
PLS3702 - Modern Philosophy
PLS3703 - Advanced African Philosophy
PLS3705 - Political Philosophy
PLS3709 - Advanced Western Philosophy
Group Z. Compulsory modules to major in Politics. At least FIVE (5) modules should be taken at third level (NQF level 7). Students are advised to give preference to
PLC modules

PSC3702 - Political Conflict and Conflict Resolution

PSC3701 - Contemporary issues in Politics: Capita Selecta
PSC3703 - Political Knowledge
PLC3701 - Political Ideas
PLC3702 - Democracy and Other Forms of Regime
PLC3703 - Political Development and Political Economy
Group AA. Compulsory modules to major in Portuguese
PTU3701 - Portuguese Language for Specific Purposes: Advanced Pre-requisite: PTU2601
PTU3702 - Portuguese Translation Practice Pre-requisite: PTU3701
PTU3703 - Advanced Language Skills in Portuguese (Oral and Written) Pre-requisite: PTU3701
PTU3704 - Modern Brazilian Literature and Society Pre-requisite: PTU2601 & PTU2602
PTU3705 - Lusophone African Literature Pre-requisite: PTU2601 & PTU2602
Group AB. Compulsory modules to major in Psychology
PYC3701 - Social Psychology

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PYC3702 - Abnormal Behaviour and Mental Health
PYC3703 - Cognition: Thinking, Memory and Problem Solving
PYC3704 - Psychological Research Pre-requisite: RSC2601 (not applicable to 98053 -
PPG and 98053 - XPG)
PYC3705 - Transformative Counselling Encounters
Group AC Compulsory modules to major in Religious Studies
RST3708 - Analysing Philosophy of Religion Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register and pass RST1501 & RST1502 before
enrolling for this module.

RST3709 - Analysing the Social Functions of Religion (in Politics and Gender) Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register and pass RST1501 & RST1502 before
enrolling for this module.
RST3711 - Problematising Africa's Religious Heritage and World Religions Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register and pass RST1501 & RST1502 before
enrolling for this module.
RST3712 - Analysing Religion and the Spiritual Self Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register and pass RST1501 & RST1502 before
enrolling for this module.
RST3713 - Analysing Religion in Literary Writings, Audio and Visual Media Forms in Africa Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register and pass RST1501 and RST1502 before
enrolling for this module.
RST3709 - Analysing the Social Functions of Religion (in Politics and Gender) Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register and pass RST1501 & RST1502 before
enrolling for this module.
Group AD Compulsory modules to major in Scripture (ECH3703, ECH3704, ECH3705, OTS3701 available for pipeline student ONLY, new students must select the
SCR modules)

SCR3701 - Legacy of New Testament Identities: The Establishment of Christendom (Offered from 2023) Pre-requisite: SCR1501, SCR1503 & SCR2601
SCR3702 - New Testament Identities Today: Christian Discourses in the Public Spheres of Contemporary Pre-requisite: SCR1501, SCR1503 & SCR2601
Culture (offered from 2023)
SCR3703 - Bible, Gender, and Ecology (Offered from 2023) Pre-requisite: SCR1502

SCR3704 - Bible, Power, Politics, and Poverty (Offered from 2023) Pre-requisite: SCR1502

SCR3705 - Reading the Old Testament to create new religious texts (Offered from 2023) Pre-requisite: SCR1502
ECH3703 - The Bible and Human Development in Post-Colonial Africa
ECH3704 - Construction of Bodies, Gender and Sexuality in Early Christianity
ECH3705 - Early Christian Spirituality
OTS3701 - Politics, Power and Prophecy in Ancient Israel Pre-requisite: 2 of OTS2601, OTS2602, OTS2603,
OTS2604, ECH2601, ECH2602 & ECH2603
Group AE. Compulsory modules to major in Sociology
SOC3701 - Thinking Sociologically: Research Methodology Pre-requisite: RSC2601
SOC3702 - Industrial Sociology
SOC3703 - Sociology of Education
SOC3704 - Group Dynamics
SOC3705 - Theorising Modernity: Classical and Contemporary Social Theory
Group AF. Compulsory modules to major in Theory of Literature
THL3701 - Advanced Narrative Theory (Theory of Literature 821) Pre-requisite: THL2602
THL3702 - Advanced Theory of Drama (Theory of Literature) Pre-requisite: THL2602
THL3703 - Advanced Theory of Poetry (Theory of Literature) Pre-requisite: THL2602

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THL3704 - Theory and Practice of South African Literary Studies Pre-requisite: THL2602
THL3705 - Literary Theory in Context Pre-requisite: THL2601
Group AG. Compulsory modules to major in Theology

TIC3701 - Faith, the Spirit and the Future Pre-requisite: 2 of TIC2601,TIC2602,TIC2603 &
TIC3702 - Faith, Philosophy and Science
TIC3703 - Church and Society Across the Ages
TIC3704 - Christianity in Africa
TIC3705 - Christian Foundations: the Early Centuries
Group AH Compulsory modules to major in Islamic. Choose ICS3701, ICS3706, ICS3707 and any TWO of the following Religious Studies modules: RST3708,
RST3709, RST3711, RST3712 and RST3713

ICS3705 - Islamic Politics and Economics Pre-requisite: ICS1501

ICS3701 - Islam, colonialism and decoloniality

RST3708 - Analysing Philosophy of Religion Recommendation: It is recommended that students

register and pass RST1501 & RST1502 before
enrolling for this module.

RST3709 - Analysing the Social Functions of Religion (in Politics and Gender) Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register and pass RST1501 & RST1502 before
enrolling for this module.
RST3711 - Problematising Africa's Religious Heritage and World Religions Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register and pass RST1501 & RST1502 before
enrolling for this module.
RST3712 - Analysing Religion and the Spiritual Self Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register and pass RST1501 & RST1502 before
enrolling for this module.
RST3713 - Analysing Religion in Literary Writings, Audio and Visual Media Forms in Africa Recommendation: It is recommended that students
register and pass RST1501 and RST1502 before
enrolling for this module.
ICS3706 - Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Mysticism Pre-requisite: ICS1501 or ICS101X

Group AI. Second major from other colleges. Choose ONLY five modules form the following majors: CMY or ECS or GGH or PUB or IOP OR PVL
CMY3701 - The Explanation of Crime
CMY3702 - Crime Typologies
CMY3704 - Formal Reaction to Crime
CMY3705 - Victimology
CMY3706 - Contemporary Criminological Issues
ECS3701 - Monetary Economics Pre-requisite: ECS2602
ECS3702 - International Trade Pre-requisite: ECS2601
ECS3703 - International Finance Pre-requisite: ECS2602
ECS3704 - Public Economics Pre-requisite: ECS2601
ECS3705 - History of Economic Thought Pre-requisite: ECS2601 & ECS2602
GGH3701 - State of the Environment in Southern Africa
GGH3702 - Spatial Economic Development
GGH3703 - Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
GGH3704 - Development of Urban Space
GGH3705 - Assessing Environmental Impacts

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GGH3707 - Ecotourism
GGH3708 - Environmental Awareness and Responsibility
IOP3701 - Industrial Psychological Testing and Assessment Pre-requisite: IOP2601 & IOP2602
IOP3702 - Personnel Psychology: Organisational Entry Pre-requisite: IOP2601 & IOP2602
IOP3703 - Career Psychology
IOP3704 - Employment Relations Pre-requisite: IOP2601 & IOP2602
IOP3705 - Organisational Development and Change Pre-requisite: IOP2601 & IOP2602
IOP3706 - Personnel Psychology: Employee Retention Pre-requisite: IOP2601 & IOP2602

PVL3701 - Law of Property Pre-requisite: PVL2601 & PVL2602

PVL3702 - Law of Contract Pre-requisite: PVL2601 & PVL2602
PVL3703 - Law of Delict Pre-requisite: PVL2601 & PVL2602
PVL3704 - Enrichment Liability and Estoppel Pre-requisite: PVL2601 & PVL2602
PUB3701 - Public Management Skills Pre-requisite: PUB1501 & PUB1601 (NOT applicable
to 98052-EBO, XEB, 98052-ECH, XEC, 98052-EZO,
XEZ and 98055)
PUB3702 - Public Human Resource Management Pre-requisite: PUB1501 & PUB1601
PUB3703 - Public Policy Pre-requisite: PUB1501 & PUB1601
PUB3704 - Organisational Studies in the Public Sector Pre-requisite: PUB1501 & PUB1601
PUB3705 - Public Financial Administration and Management Pre-requisite: PUB1501 & PUB1601
PUB3706 - Reflective Public Administration Pre-requisite: PUB1501 & PUB1601
PUB3707 - Ethics in Public Administration and Administrative Justice Pre-requisite: PUB1501 & PUB1601

Hand Action 2022

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