Cesc (Week 5)

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CVE Colleges, Inc.

T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon

Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: cvecolleges.official@gmail.com


Week 5

School CVE Colleges, Inc. Grade Level 12

Teaching Dates October 11 - 15 , 2021 Quarter 1ST
Teaching Time 2:00 – 3:00 Strand HUMSS


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of: the integration of social science perspective and community action initiatives.
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to: synthesize the integrative experience of implementing community-action initiatives applying social sciences’ ideas and methods.

C. Learning Competencies/ Recognize the value of undertaking community action Recognize the value of undertaking
objectives. modalities. HUMSS_CSC12-IIIdg-7 community action modalities.
Write the LC code for each HUMSS_CSC12-IIIdg-7
Acknowledge interrelationship of self and community
in undertaking community action. HUMSS_CSC12-II- Acknowledge interrelationship of self and
d-g-8 community in undertaking community
action. HUMSS_CSC12-II-d-g-8
D. CONTENT Lesson 5: The Value of Undertaking Community Action Modalities
A. Reference
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages Community Engagement Solidarity and Community Engagement Solidarity and
Citizenship Module Citizenship Module
Page 16 - 18 Page 16 - 18
3. Textbook Pages Community Engagement Solidarity and Community Engagement Solidarity and
Citizenship Textbook Citizenship Textbook
Page 84 - 95 Page 84-95
4. Additional Materials form
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: cvecolleges.official@gmail.com

A. Review previews lesson or Write your answer on yellow pad.
presenting a new lesson Write the difference of the following:
1. Rural – Urban
2. Local- Global
3. Physical Space - Social Space
Recognize the value of undertaking community action modalities. HUMSS_CSC12-IIIdg-7
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Acknowledge interrelationship of self and community in undertaking community action. HUMSS_CSC12-II-d-g-8
C. Presenting examples/ instances of Discussion
new lesson  Community Action
 The Importance of Community Action
 The four General Phases of Community

D. Discussing new concepts and  To facilitate a process of appreciating

practicing new skills #1 community dynamics, community change
agents must be aware of the following:
1. Know the community
2. Analyze the issue from different perspectives.
3. Identify and get to know the relevant
community structures and systems.
4. Identify and get to know the players.
5. Identify community power actors.
6. Trace connections.
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: cvecolleges.official@gmail.com

E. Discussing new concepts and Discussion

practicing new skills #2
McMillan and Chavis (1976) expounded
on their theory by providing us with four
contributory factors. As you read them,
think about your community that you
are a part of:
 Membership
 Influence
 Integration and fulfillment of
 Shared emotional connection
F. Developing mastery Write one sentence summary about the
(Leads to formative assessment) following using the WH question:
A. The important ingredients of
community action.
B. Four general phases of community
organization process.
C. Four contributory factors of
In the past activities, you identified
G. Finding practical applications of situations or events that happened in
concepts and skills in daily living your community. Now write a brief
reflection essay on how you responded
to those events. Discuss how the changes
affected in your life in terms of you
personally, your family, and your
community. Explain whether these
changes were positive or negative.
H. Making generalizations and Under the first column are
abstractions about the lesson statements/concepts about the topic. Put
a check mark in the cell beside a
statement or under the column agree if
you AGREE with and a cross mark under
the column disagree if you DISAGREE.
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: cvecolleges.official@gmail.com

I. Choose the letter of the best answer

I. Evaluating learning among the given choices. Write the
chosen letter on yellow pad.
II. Choose the best answer from the box.
J. Additional activities for application
or remediation
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: cvecolleges.official@gmail.com

Prepared by:

Ms. Ara C. De Castro

Subject Teacher

Noted by:

IBED Principal

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