IFRS Practice Statement 2
IFRS Practice Statement 2
IFRS Practice Statement 2
from paragraph
IFRS Practice Statement 2 Making Materiality Judgements (Practice Statement) is set out in
paragraphs 1–89. This Practice Statement should be read in the context of its objective
and Basis for Conclusions, as well as in the context of the Preface to International Financial
Reporting Standards, the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting and IFRS Standards.
IN2 The aim of this IFRS Practice Statement 2 Making Materiality Judgements (Practice
Statement) is to provide reporting entities with guidance on making materiality
judgements when preparing general purpose financial statements in accordance
with IFRS Standards. While some of the guidance in this Practice Statement may
be useful to entities applying the IFRS for SMEs® Standard, the Practice Statement
is not intended for those entities.
IN3 The need for materiality judgements is pervasive in the preparation of financial
statements. An entity makes materiality judgements when making decisions
about recognition and measurement as well as presentation and disclosure.
Requirements in IFRS Standards only need to be applied if their effect is material
to the complete set of financial statements.
IN7 This Practice Statement includes examples illustrating how an entity might
apply some of the guidance in the Practice Statement based on the limited facts
presented. The analysis in each example is not intended to represent the only
manner in which the guidance could be applied.
2 The guidance may also help other parties involved in financial reporting to
understand how an entity makes materiality judgements when preparing such
financial statements.
Definition of material
5 The Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting (Conceptual Framework) provides the
following definition of material information (IAS 1 Presentation of Financial
Statements and IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors
provide similar definitions1):
6 When making materiality judgements, an entity needs to take into account how
information could reasonably be expected to influence the primary users of its
1 See paragraph 7 of IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements and paragraph 5 of IAS 8 Accounting Policies,
Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors.
2 Paragraph QC11 of the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting (Conceptual Framework). However,
the Exposure Draft ED/2017/6 Definition of Material (Proposed amendments to IAS 1 and IAS 8) (Definition
of Material ED) proposes to refine the definition of material to ‘[i]nformation is material if omitting,
misstating or obscuring it could reasonably be expected to influence decisions that the primary
users of a specific reporting entity’s general purpose financial statements make on the basis of those
financial statements’. The Definition of Material ED also identifies consequential amendments to
other IFRS Standards, including amendments to the definitions of material in the Conceptual
Framework, IAS 1 and IAS 8.
IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment requires that the cost of an item of PP&E
is recognised as an asset when the criteria in paragraph 7 of IAS 16 are met.
3 Throughout this Practice Statement, the term ‘decisions’ refers to decisions about providing
resources to the entity, unless specifically indicated otherwise.
4 See paragraph 7 of IAS 1.
5 See paragraph OB2 of the Conceptual Framework.
6 In this Practice Statement the phrases ‘complete set of financial statements’ and ‘financial
statements as a whole’ are used interchangeably.
7 For the purposes of this Practice Statement, the primary financial statements comprise the
statement of financial position, statement(s) of financial performance, statement of changes in
equity and statement of cash flows.
8 See paragraph 8 of IAS 8.
Provided that such a policy does not have a material effect on the financial
statements and was not set to intentionally achieve a particular presentation
of the entity’s financial position, financial performance or cash flows, the
entity’s financial statements comply with IAS 16. Such a policy is
nevertheless reassessed each reporting period to ensure that its effect on the
entity’s financial statements remains immaterial.
IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment sets out specific disclosure requirements
for PP&E, including the disclosure of the amount of contractual
commitments for the acquisition of PP&E (paragraph 74(c) of IAS 16).
The entity owns a coal-fired power station in that country. During the
reporting period, the entity recorded an impairment loss on its coal-fired
power station, reducing the carrying amount of the power station to its
recoverable amount. No goodwill or intangible assets with an indefinite
useful life were included in the cash-generating unit.
Nevertheless, the entity has concluded that the assumptions about the
likelihood of national enactment of regulations to reduce the use of
carbon-based energy, as well as about the enactment plan, it considered in
measuring the recoverable amount of its coal-fired power station could
reasonably be expected to influence decisions primary users make on the
basis of the entity’s financial statements. Hence, information about those
assumptions is necessary for primary users to understand the impact of the
impairment on the entity’s financial position, financial performance and
cash flows. Therefore, even though not specifically required by IAS 36, the
entity concludes that its assumptions about the likelihood of national
enactment of regulations to reduce the use of carbon-based energy, as well as
about the enactment plan, constitute material information and discloses
those assumptions in its financial statements.
11 When assessing whether information is material to the financial statements, an
entity applies judgement to decide whether the information could reasonably be
expected to influence decisions that primary users make on the basis of those
financial statements. When applying such judgement, the entity considers both
its specific circumstances and how the information provided in the financial
statements responds to the information needs of primary users.
financial statements. Those primary users are existing and potential investors,
lenders and other creditors—those users who cannot require entities to provide
information directly to them and must rely on general purpose financial
statements for much of the financial information they need.10 In addition to
those primary users, other parties, such as the entity’s management, regulators
and members of the public, may be interested in financial information about
the entity and may find the financial statements useful. However, the financial
statements are not primarily directed at these other parties.11
14 Because primary users include potential investors, lenders and other creditors, it
would be inappropriate for an entity to narrow the information provided in its
financial statements by focusing only on the information needs of existing
investors, lenders and other creditors.
An entity is 100 per cent owned by its parent. Its parent provides the entity
with semi-finished products that the entity assembles and sells back to the
parent. The entity is entirely financed by its parent. The current users of the
entity’s financial statements include the parent and the entity’s creditors
(mainly local suppliers).
The entity refers to the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting to identify
the primary users of its financial statements—existing and potential
investors, lenders and other creditors who cannot require the entity to
provide information directly to them and must rely on general purpose
financial statements. When making materiality judgements in the
preparation of its financial statements, the entity does not reduce its
disclosures to only those of interest to its parent or its existing creditors. The
entity also considers the information needs of potential investors, lenders
and other creditors when making those judgements.
holding equity and debt instruments, providing or settling loans and other
forms of credit,13 and exercising rights while holding investments (such as the
right to vote on or otherwise influence management’s actions that affect the use
of the entity’s economic resources).14 Such decisions depend on the returns that
primary users expect from an investment in those instruments.
18 The expectations existing and potential investors, lenders and other creditors
have about returns, in turn, depend on their assessment of the amount, timing
and uncertainty of the future net cash inflows to an entity,15 together with their
assessment of management’s stewardship of the entity’s resources.16
(b) how efficiently and effectively the entity’s management and governing
board have discharged their responsibility to use the entity’s resources.17
Twenty investors each hold 5 per cent of an entity’s voting rights. One of
these investors is particularly interested in information about the entity’s
expenditure in a specific location because that investor operates another
business in that location. Such information could not reasonably be
expected to influence decisions that other primary users make on the basis
of the entity’s financial statements.
In making its materiality judgements, the entity does not need to consider
the specific information needs of that single investor. The entity concludes
that information about its expenditure in the specific location is immaterial
information for its primary users as a group and therefore decides not to
provide it in its financial statements.
22 To meet the common information needs of its primary users, an entity first
separately identifies the information needs that are shared by users within one
of the three categories of primary users defined in the Conceptual Framework—for
example investors (existing and potential)—then repeats the assessment for the
two remaining categories—namely lenders (existing and potential) and other
creditors (existing and potential). The total of the information needs identified
is the set of common information needs the entity aims to meet.
23 In other words, the assessment of common information needs does not require
identifying information needs shared across all existing and potential investors,
lenders and other creditors. Some of the identified information needs will be
common to all three categories, but others may be specific to only one or two of
those categories. If an entity were to focus only on those information needs that
are common to all categories of primary users, it might exclude information
that meets the needs of only one category.
28 Nevertheless, local laws and regulations may specify requirements that affect
what information is provided in the financial statements. In such
circumstances, providing information to meet local legal or regulatory
requirements is permitted by IFRS Standards, even if that information is not
material according to the materiality requirements in the Standards. However,
such information must not obscure information that is material according to
IFRS Standards.20
20 See paragraph 30A of IAS 1 and paragraph BC30F of the Basis for Conclusions on IAS 1.
When preparing its financial statements, the entity assessed the disclosure of
information about R&D expenditure incurred during the period as
immaterial, for IFRS purposes.
In the current reporting period, the entity disposed of PP&E below the
threshold specified in the local regulation. This transaction was with a
related party, which paid the entity less than the fair value of the item
When preparing its financial statements, the entity applied judgement and
concluded that information about the details of the disposal was material,
mainly because of the terms of the transaction and the fact it was with a
related party.
To comply with IFRS Standards, the entity discloses details of that disposal
even though local regulations require disclosure of PP&E disposals only if
their carrying amount exceeds a specified percentage of total assets.
Step 1—identify
35 An entity identifies information about its transactions, other events and
conditions that primary users might need to understand to make decisions
about providing resources to the entity.
37 When the Board develops a Standard, it also considers the balance between the
benefits of providing information and the costs of complying with the
requirements in that Standard. However, the cost of applying the requirements
in the Standards is not a factor for an entity to consider when making
38 An entity also considers its primary users’ common information needs (as
explained in paragraphs 21–23) to identify any information—in addition to that
specified in IFRS Standards—necessary to enable primary users to understand the
impact of the entity’s transactions, other events and conditions on the entity’s
financial position, financial performance and cash flows (see paragraph 10).
Existing and potential investors, lenders and other creditors need information
about the resources of the entity (assets), claims against the entity (liabilities and
equity) and changes in those resources and claims (income and expenses), and
information that will help them assess how efficiently and effectively the
entity’s management and governing board have discharged their responsibility
to use the entity’s resources.22
Step 2—assess
40 An entity assesses whether the potentially material information identified in
Step 1 is, in fact, material. In making this assessment, the entity needs to
consider whether its primary users could reasonably be expected to be
influenced by the information when making decisions about providing
resources to the entity on the basis of the financial statements. The entity
performs this assessment in the context of the financial statements as a whole.
Quantitative factors
44 An entity ordinarily assesses whether information is quantitatively material by
considering the size of the impact of the transaction, other event or condition
against measures of the entity’s financial position, financial performance and
cash flows. The entity makes this assessment by considering not only the size of
the impact it recognises in its primary financial statements but also any
unrecognised items that could ultimately affect primary users’ overall
perception of the entity’s financial position, financial performance and cash
flows (eg contingent liabilities or contingent assets). The entity needs to assess
whether the impact is of such a size that information about the transaction,
other event or condition could reasonably be expected to influence its primary
users’ decisions about providing resources to the entity.
Qualitative factors
46 For the purposes of this Practice Statement, qualitative factors are
characteristics of an entity’s transactions, other events or conditions, or of their
context, that, if present, make information more likely to influence the
decisions of the primary users of the entity’s financial statements. The mere
presence of a qualitative factor will not necessarily make the information
material, but is likely to increase primary users’ interest in that information.
are not limited to, the entity’s geographical location, its industry sector, or the
state of the economy or economies in which the entity operates.
50 Due to the nature of external qualitative factors, entities operating in the same
context might share a number of external qualitative factors. Moreover,
external qualitative factors could remain constant over time or could vary.
54 The presence of a qualitative factor lowers the thresholds for the quantitative
assessment. The more significant the qualitative factors, the lower those
quantitative thresholds will be. However, in some cases an entity might decide
that, despite the presence of qualitative factors, an item of information is not
material because its effect on the financial statements is so small that it could
not reasonably be expected to influence primary users’ decisions.
IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures requires an entity to disclose, for each related
party transaction that occurred during the period, the nature of the related
party relationship as well as information about the transaction and
outstanding balances, including commitments, necessary for users to
understand the potential effect of the relationship on the financial
As the Board noted in developing IAS 24, related parties may enter into
transactions that unrelated parties would not enter into, and the
transactions may be priced at amounts that differ from the price for
transactions between unrelated parties.
The entity identified the fact that the maintenance agreement was concluded
with a related party as a characteristic that makes information about that
transaction more likely to influence the decisions of its primary users.
The entity transferred the vehicle for a total consideration consistent with its
market value and its carrying amount. However, the entity identified the
fact that the vehicle was sold to a related party as a characteristic that makes
information about that transaction more likely to influence the decisions of
its primary users.
When preparing its financial statements, the bank assessed whether the fact
that it holds a very small amount of debt originating from that country was
material information.
In these circumstances, the fact that the bank is holding a very small amount
of debt (or even no debt at all) originating from that country, while other
international banks operating in the same sector have significant holdings,
provides the entity’s primary users with useful information about how
effective management has been at protecting the bank’s resources from
unfavourable effects of the economic conditions in that country.
The bank assessed the information about the lack of exposure to that
particular debt as material and disclosed that information in its financial
Step 3—organise
56 Classifying, characterising and presenting information clearly and concisely
makes it understandable.25 An entity exercises judgement when deciding how to
communicate information clearly and concisely. For example, the entity is more
likely to clearly and concisely communicate the material information identified
in Step 2 by organising it to:
(a) emphasise material matters;
Step 4—review
60 An entity needs to assess whether information is material both individually and
in combination with other information27 in the context of its financial
statements as a whole. Even if information is judged not to be material on its
own, it might be material when considered in combination with other
information in the complete set of financial statements.
61 When reviewing its draft financial statements, an entity draws on its knowledge
and experience of its transactions, other events and conditions to identify
whether all material information has been provided in the financial statements,
and with appropriate prominence.
62 This review gives an entity the opportunity to ‘step back’ and consider the
information provided from a wider perspective and in aggregate. This enables
the entity to consider the overall picture of its financial position, financial
performance and cash flows. In performing this review, the entity also considers
64 The review in Step 4 may also lead an entity to question the assessment
performed in Step 2 and decide to re-perform that assessment. As a result of
re-performing its assessment in Step 2, the entity might conclude that
information previously identified as material is, in fact, immaterial, and remove
it from the financial statements.
Specific topics
Prior-period information
66 An entity makes materiality judgements on the complete set of financial
statements, including prior-period29 information provided in the financial
29 For this Practice Statement, ‘prior-period’ should be read as ‘prior-periods’ if financial statements
include amounts and disclosures for more than one prior period.
30 Except when IFRS Standards permit or require otherwise. See paragraph 38 of IAS 1.
31 See paragraph 38 of IAS 1.
32 See paragraph 38A of IAS 1.
33 Paragraph 10(f) of IAS 1 also requires an entity to provide a statement of financial position as at the
beginning of the preceding period when the entity applies an accounting policy retrospectively or
makes a retrospective restatement of items in its financial statements, or when it reclassifies items
in its financial statements in accordance with paragraphs 40A–40D of IAS 1.
69 An entity also needs to consider any local laws or regulations, in respect of the
prior-period information to be provided in financial statements, when making
decisions on what prior-period information to provide in the current-period
financial statements. Those local laws or regulations might require the entity to
provide in the financial statements prior-period information in addition to the
minimum comparative information required by the Standards. The Standards
permit the inclusion of such additional information, but require that it is
prepared in accordance with the Standards34 and does not obscure material
information.35 However, an entity that wishes to state compliance with IFRS
Standards cannot provide less information than required by the Standards, even
if local laws and regulations permit otherwise.
In the prior period, an entity had a very small amount of debt outstanding.
Information about this debt was appropriately assessed as immaterial in the
prior period, and so the entity did not disclose any maturity analysis
showing the remaining contractual maturities or other information that
would otherwise be required by paragraph 39(a) of IFRS 7 Financial Instruments:
In the current period, the entity issued a large amount of debt. The entity
concluded that information about debt maturity was material information
and disclosed it, in the form of a table, in the current-period financial
Most of the uncertainties have been resolved in the current period, and, even
though the liability has not been settled, a court pronouncement confirmed
the amount already recognised in the financial statements by the entity.
The entity considered the relevant local laws, regulations and other reporting
requirements and concluded that there were no locally prescribed
obligations relating to the inclusion of prior-period information in the
current-period financial statements.
72 Errors are omissions from and/or misstatements in an entity’s financial
statements arising from a failure to use, or misuse of, reliable information that
is available, or could reasonably be expected to be obtained.37 Material errors are
errors that individually or collectively could reasonably be expected to influence
decisions that primary users make on the basis of those financial statements.
73 An entity must correct all material errors, as well as any immaterial errors made
intentionally to achieve a particular presentation of its financial position,
financial performance or cash flows, to ensure compliance with IFRS
Standards.38 The entity should refer to IAS 8 for guidance on how to correct an
In assessing whether these errors are material to its financial statements, the
entity did not identify the presence of any qualitative factors and thus made
its materiality judgement solely from a quantitative perspective. The entity
concluded that both errors were individually material because of their
impact on its profit.
Cumulative errors
77 An entity may, over a number of reporting periods, accumulate errors that were
immaterial, both in individual prior periods and cumulatively over all prior
periods. Uncorrected errors that have accumulated over more than one period
are sometimes called ‘cumulative errors’.
(a) was available when financial statements for those periods were
authorised for issue; and
(b) could reasonably be expected to have been obtained and taken into
account in the preparation of those financial statements.39
80 An entity must correct cumulative errors if they have become material to the
current-period financial statements.
An entity, three years ago, purchased a plant. The plant has a useful life of
50 years and a residual value amounting to 20 per cent of the plant cost.
The entity started to use the plant three years ago, but has not recognised
any depreciation for it (cumulative error). In each prior period, the entity
assessed the error of not depreciating its plant as being individually and
cumulatively immaterial to the financial statements for that period. There is
no indication that the materiality judgements of prior periods were wrong.
In this scenario, the entity does not need to revisit the materiality
assessments it made in prior periods. However, because in the current
period the cumulative error has become material to the current-period
financial statements, the entity must apply the requirements in IAS 8 to
correct it.
(b) the likelihood of a covenant breach occurring. The more likely it is that
a covenant breach would occur, the more likely it is that information
about the existence and terms of the covenant would be material.
An entity has rapidly grown over the past five years and recently suffered
some liquidity problems. A long-term loan was granted to the entity in the
current reporting period. The loan agreement includes a clause that requires
the entity to maintain a ratio of debt to equity below a specified threshold,
to be measured at each reporting date (the covenant). According to the loan
agreement, the debt-to-equity ratio has to be calculated on the basis of debt
and equity figures as presented in the entity’s IFRS financial statements. If
the entity breaches the covenant, the entire loan becomes payable on
demand. The disclosure of covenant terms in an entity’s financial statements
is not required by any local laws or regulations.
In this scenario, even though the entity has historically met its past business
plans, it assessed the likelihood of a breach occurring as higher than remote.
Therefore, information about the existence of the covenant and its terms was
assessed as material and disclosed in the entity’s financial statements.
Scenario 2—the lender defined the covenant threshold on the basis of
the three-year business plan prepared by the entity, adding a 200 per
cent tolerance to the forecast figures
The entity did not identify any qualitative factors that made the amount of
revenues from Product Y material to the interim period.
An entity has identified measures of its profitability and cash flows as the
measures of great interest to the primary users of its financial statements.
During the interim period, the entity constructed a new chemical handling
process to enable it to comply with environmental requirements for the
production and storage of dangerous chemicals. Such an item of property,
plant and equipment (PP&E) qualifies for recognition as an asset in
accordance with paragraph 11 of IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment.
In the preparation of the interim financial report, the entity assessed, both
from a quantitative and qualitative perspective, the information about
expenditure recognised in the carrying amount of the chemical handling
process, concluded that information was material to the interim financial
report and disclosed it.
Application date
89 This Practice Statement does not change any requirements in IFRS Standards or
introduce any new requirements. An entity that chooses to apply the guidance
in the Practice Statement is permitted to apply it to financial statements
prepared from 14 September 2017.
References to the Conceptual Framework for Financial
Reporting and IFRS Standards
Paragraph OB2
Paragraph OB3
Paragraph OB4
To assess an entity’s prospects for future net cash inflows, existing and potential
investors, lenders and other creditors need information about the resources of
the entity, claims against the entity, and how efficiently and effectively the
entity’s management and governing board have discharged their responsibilities
to use the entity’s resources. Examples of such responsibilities include
protecting the entity’s resources from unfavourable effects of economic factors
such as price and technological changes and ensuring that the entity complies
with applicable laws, regulations and contractual provisions. Information about
management’s discharge of its responsibilities is also useful for decisions by
existing investors, lenders and other creditors who have the right to vote on or
otherwise influence management’s actions.
45 References to the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting in this Practice Statement will be
updated once the revised Conceptual Framework is issued.
Paragraph OB5
Many existing and potential investors, lenders and other creditors cannot
require reporting entities to provide information directly to them and must rely
on general purpose financial reports for much of the financial information they
need. Consequently, they are the primary users to whom general purpose
financial reports are directed.
Paragraph OB6
However, general purpose financial reports do not and cannot provide all of the
information that existing and potential investors, lenders and other creditors
need. Those users need to consider pertinent information from other sources,
for example, general economic conditions and expectations, political events and
political climate, and industry and company outlooks.
Paragraph OB8
Paragraph OB9
Paragraph OB10
Other parties, such as regulators and members of the public other than
investors, lenders and other creditors, may also find general purpose financial
reports useful. However, those reports are not primarily directed to these other
Paragraph QC7
Paragraph QC11
Paragraph QC30
Paragraph QC32
Financial reports are prepared for users who have a reasonable knowledge of
business and economic activities and who review and analyse the information
diligently. At times, even well-informed and diligent users may need to seek the
aid of an adviser to understand information about complex economic
Paragraph 7
Paragraph 15
Paragraph 17
Paragraph 29
Paragraph 30A
When applying this and other IFRSs an entity shall decide, taking into
consideration all relevant facts and circumstances, how it aggregates
information in the financial statements, which include the notes. An entity
shall not reduce the understandability of its financial statements by obscuring
material information with immaterial information or by aggregating material
items that have different natures or functions.
Paragraph 31
Paragraph 38
Paragraph 38A
Paragraph 38C
Paragraph 30A was added to IAS 1 to highlight that when an entity decides how
it aggregates information in the financial statements, it should take into
consideration all relevant facts and circumstances. Paragraph 30A emphasises
that an entity should not reduce the understandability of its financial
statements by providing immaterial information that obscures the material
information in financial statements or by aggregating material items that have
different natures or functions. Obscuring material information with immaterial
information in financial statements makes the material information less visible
and therefore makes the financial statements less understandable.
The amendments do not actually prohibit entities from disclosing immaterial
information, because the Board thinks that such a requirement would not be
operational; however, the amendments emphasise that disclosure should not
result in material information being obscured.
Paragraph 5
Prior period errors are omissions from, and misstatements in, the entity’s
financial statements for one or more prior periods arising from a failure
to use, or misuse of, reliable information that:
(a) was available when financial statements for those periods were
authorised for issue; and
Paragraph 8
IFRSs set out accounting policies that the IASB has concluded result in financial
statements containing relevant and reliable information about the transactions,
other events and conditions to which they apply. Those policies need not be
applied when the effect of applying them is immaterial. However, it is
inappropriate to make, or leave uncorrected, immaterial departures from IFRSs
to achieve a particular presentation of an entity’s financial position, financial
performance or cash flows.
Paragraph 41
until a subsequent period, and these prior period errors are corrected in the
comparative information presented in the financial statements for that
subsequent period (see paragraphs 42–47).
Paragraph 6
Paragraph 15
Paragraph 15A
A user of an entity’s interim financial report will have access to the most recent
annual financial report of that entity. Therefore, it is unnecessary for the notes
to an interim financial report to provide relatively insignificant updates to the
information that was reported in the notes in the most recent annual financial
Paragraph 20
Paragraph 23
Paragraph 25
Paragraph 41
The IFRS Practice Statement 2 Making Materiality Judgements was approved for issue by 12 of
12 members of the International Accounting Standards Board.46
Hans Hoogervorst Chairman
Suzanne Lloyd Vice-Chair
Stephen Cooper
Martin Edelmann
Françoise Flores
Amaro Luiz De Oliveira Gomes
Gary Kabureck
Takatsugu Ochi
Darrel Scott
Thomas Scott
Chungwoo Suh
Mary Tokar
46 Stephen Cooper was a member of the Board when the IFRS Practice Statement 2 Making Materiality
Judgements was balloted.